The 2008 Edition of Communications Satellite Databases Chapter A: Prices, Schedules, Mass, Power This Report Should NOT Be Distributed Outside Of Your Organization Copyright © 2008 by Roger J. Rusch TelAstra, Inc. Roger J. Rusch, President P.O. Box 4620 Palos Verdes CA 90274 Tel:(310) 373-1925 FAX: (310) 373-5539 Page 1 *Investment Analysis *Risk Mitigation *Business Planning *Appraisals *International Coordination *Systems Engineering *Cost Modeling *Competitive Analysis *Regulatory Policy Copyright © 2008 by TelAstra, Inc. * Communications Satellite Databases Chapter A COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE DATA BASES Chapter A: Prices, Schedules, Mass, Power Table of Contents PAGE A1.0 Introduction .............. .......................................... .................... 7 A2.0 Satprice Database - 626 Satellite Programs ........ .................... 8 A 2.1 Database Explanation ................... .................... 8 Table of Data .......................................... .................... 11 A 2.2 Sources For the Data - By Program ................... 30 A 3.0 Escalation Adjustments for Inflation .................... .................... 35 A3-1Consumer Price Index .................... .................... 36 A3-2a Bureau of Economic Analysis Deflator .............. 37 A3-2b US Census Bureau of Economic Analysis Deflator A3-3 NASA Escalation Index .................. .................... 39 A3-4 Composite Estimated Index ........... .................... 40 A3-5 Price Inflation Factors .................... .................... 41 A3-6 Comparison of Several Inflation Indexes............. 42 A3-7 Growth of Engineering Salary Scales ................. 44 A3-8 US Inflation Rates Over the Past Century ........... 45 A3-9 US Cost of Living Over the Past Century ............ 46 A 4.0 Technical Databases - 143 Programs................. .................... 47 A 4.1 Mass Breakdown by Subsystem Elements Fuel 47 A 4.2 Power Breakdown by Subsystem Elements ....... 53 A 5.0 References for Satellite Databases .................... .................... 59 A 6.0 Using the Database Files on A Computer........... .................... 78 Structure for the Database Files ............. .................... 79 A 7.0 Exchange Rate History for Several Currencies .. .................... 80 A 7.1 US Dollar Currency Exchange Rates, ................ 81 A 7.2 History of Exchange Rates ............ .................... 82 Normalized Exchange Rates .................. .................... 83 Page 2 38 Copyright © 2008 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter A 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this database is to collect a comprehensive set of the pertinent programmatic and technical parameters concerning communications satellites. In most cases a breakdown of price, mass, and power is provided. We fill in the confusing and sometimes misleading partial information that is published in the open literature. For schedule dates, the contract signing date and launch date for the first flight article are provided. The intent is to provide purely factual data without making any judgments about programs or contractors. This information could be used to draw conclusions concerning to current market price of satellites for example. This document will not attempt to project any future developments other than extending the inflation indexes. The primary source for the data is publications in the open literature. When published information has not been available, verbal information has been used to make a more complete database. In a few cases data has been estimated based on very direct comparisons to similar programs. The data will be updated annually. Please note that software files contain more information than is shown in this printed report. The "Remarks" files contain expanded information on the names of customers and programs. The contents of this report are provided, based on the best available information. Engineering estimates have been made in some cases where explicit, verifiable data was not discovered. Furthermore, data incorporated into the database may reflect the reported parameter at a particular time in the course of a program. Many changes occur and no document of this type can be guaranteed to be 100% accurate in every detail. It is the best we could find or estimate. Better data to improve the accuracy or suggestions concerning the presentation style are solicited so that future editions can be upgraded. TelAstra, Inc. is a US company incorporated in California and is not associated with Societe Europeene des Satellites SA, the operators of the ASTRA satellite system. Page 3 Copyright © 2008 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter A 2.0 SATPRICE DATABASE Matra is MATRA. 2.1 DATABASE EXPLANATION. MELCO is Mitsubishi Electric Company The Satprice Database is displayed in Table 2-1. Each spacecraft program is identified in alphabetical order. Since the data is very compressed and there are many abbreviations, a little clarification is required. In sequence the columns provide the following information: MOT is Motorola N/A means data is not available. SS/L is Space Systems/ Loral formerly Ford Aerospace Program = PROGRAM NAME: INT means INTELSAT. INM means INMARSAT. In some cases Arabic and Roman numerals have been exchanged, e.g. SKYNET 2 is SKYNET II. Arabic numbers often designate models within a series of spacecraft; e.g. INT IV 4 designates INTELSAT IV flight model 4 to flight model 8. FSC F678 is FLEETSATCOM FLIGHTS 6,7,8. Customer: Most of the abbreviations are self-explanatory. ALTNAME = Alternative name for the satellite (does not appear in printed tables. DBSC is Direct Broadcast Satellite Corporation. Mfg. = Cont = CONTRACTOR: ASMB is Aerospatiale + MBB/ERNO or EUROSATELLITE. Astrium is the consortium of Matra Marconi and DASA BSS is Boeing Space Systems, formerly Hughes Space & Com Dorn is Dornier DSI is Defense Systems Inc. FAIR is Fairchild GEAS is General Electric Astro Space EURO is EUROSATELLITE. ROCK is ROCKWELL SPACE DIVISION COM GEN is COMSAT GENERAL. TSCJ is TELECOMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE CORPORATION OF JAPAN. DOC is the Department of Communications in Canada. FASSC is Ford Aerospace Satellite Services Corporation. RSI is Rainbow Satellite Incorporated. AS is Aerospatiale DASA is Deutsch Aerospace including Dornier MMS is Matra Marconi Space, now Astrium. RCA AMER is RCA AMERICOM. MOD UK is MINISTRY OF DEFENSE in the U.K. SPCC is Southern Pacific Communications Corporation. COMS.STC is COMSAT subsidiary SATELLITE TELEVISION CORPORATION. FRANCFRD is the governments of France and Federal Republic of Germany. SSC is the Swedish Space Corporation. NTO-FRAN is NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS OFFICE France IAI is Israeli Aircraft Inc. Page 4 Copyright © 2008 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter A CNESBMFT is the French space agency (CNES) + the German Bundes-Ministerium fur Forschung und Technologie INS = INSURANCE: Cost or reserve for insurance of satellite and launch vehicle WEST.UN is Western Union FIN = FINANCING: Interest payments made to banks or other institutions for financing the cost of construction of satellites and/or launch vehicles. LAUNCHER = LAUNCH VEHICLE: AC = Atlas Centaur. Del = Delta. ARIA = Ariane. STS = shuttle. Award = Award Date: Year and month of the contract signing. Launch = Launch Date: Year and month of the first flight spacecraft launched regardless of serial number. DEV= DEVELOPMENT TIME: Time in months between contract signing and first launch date. CONDAT = Contract Date: Year and month of the first flight spacecraft launch specified in the original, unammended contract. (This field is not shown in the printout.) PLAN= PLAN TIME: Time in months between contract signing and launch date specified in the original contract or press release. (This field is not shown in the printout.) Award = TOTAL AWARD PRICE: Total contract value for all items procured. TYPE = CONTRACTING TERMS: (This field is not shown in the printout.) FFP = Firm Fixed Price including the escalation due to inflation. FPI = Fixed Price Incentive fee with adjustment under runs in a government contract. FP E = Fixed Price with adjustment for Escalation due to inflation. CPAF = Cost Plus Award Fee set by the contracting agency. # = NUMBER OF SPACECRAFT ORDERED: COST = Corporation is both the customer and contractor and therefore bears the full cost in any case of profit or loss. Price = DELIVERY PRICE: Amount awarded at time of delivery. CP = Cost Plus some kind of fee arrangement. Inc = PERFORMANCE PAYMENTS: Incentives for satisfactory performance in orbit. CPIF = Cost Plus Incentive Fee. TSA = TOTAL PRICE FOR SATELLITES: Sum of the two previous entries. CNS$ = Constant Currency, contract value written based on labor hours multiplied by current labor rates; indexes are used to continuously adjust the payments to reflect escalation for inflation; nearly the same as FP ES. Each = AVERAGE PRICE: Total price divided by number of satellites ordered. Stat = OTHER PRICES: Prices for other services or hardware, e.g. TT&C Stations. LV or STA = PERIGEE STAGES and LAUNCH VEHICLES: Price for Payload assist modules when launching in STS is included in the prime spacecraft contract. Page 5 CPFF = Cost Plus Fixed Fee determined at time of award. LEAS = LEASE. All payments are made for communications services provided; no progress payments are made during construction. LOI = Letter of Intent for the many tentative agreements to proceed with a program. Copyright © 2008 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter A GTO = GTO Mass = LAUNCH MASS: The transfer orbit mass after perigee burn. For STS launches and spacecraft with integral perigee stages some estimation has been necessary. Dry Mass = SPACECRAFT DRY MASS: End of Life spacecraft mass with fuel depleted. EOL P or EOL Pow = ELECTRICAL POWER: End of Life solar array capability, summer solstice in Watts. Type payload = PAYLOAD DESCRIPTION: Number of transponders in each frequency band, e.g. 2-C means 2 transponders at C Band. Page 6 Life = SPACECRAFT LIFETIME: The design life expectancy in years as stated by the contractor. At minimum this means fuel capability. Usually it also means adequate power to support the payload. There is also a calculated probability of survival for a fixed number of transponders, which is not recorded in this database. SERIES = The designated series design number use by the contractor. (This field is not shown in the printout.) CONFIGURATION = The attitude stabilization method, 3 axis or spin stabilized. (This field is not shown in the printout.) Copyright © 2008 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter A TABLE 2.1 SCHEDULE AND PRICE BREAKDOWN BY PROGRAM Program Mfg. Customer ACTS RCA NASA Page 7 Launcher Award Launc Dev # h STS 84 93 108 1 Sep Sep Pric Inc T Sat Eac Stat LV e . h 140 140 140 70 Copyright © 2008 by TelAstra, Inc. Ins. Fin Awd . 210 GTO Dry EOL Kg p 2,767 1,330 1,418 Type Payload Life 4-Ka band 4.0 Communications Satellite Databases Chapter A 4.0 TECHNICAL DATABASES 4.1 MASS BREAKDOWN BY SUBSYSTEM ELEMENTS AND FUEL The SATMASS database is indexed by program (MASSPROG). It is presented in Table 4.1. All of the numerical entries are masses in kilograms. In sequence, the columns provide the following information: PROGRAM: Same remarks apply as for SATPRICE database files. Antennas = ANTENNA Transponder. In some cases this entry will include the mass of other payload which is not communications equipment. Payload. The sum of Antennas and Transponder Structure. This entry includes the mass of balance "weights" and attachment hard ware. It does not include solar array substrates. TT&C = TELEMETRY, TRACKING, and COMMAND. This entry includes both digital and RF electronics. Propulsion. This is the dry mass of propellant tanks and lines. Power. This is the mass of power electronics, solar array (including substrates for mounting the solar cells), batteries, and wire harness. This entry does not include Solar Array Drive Motors, Despin Motors or Motor Electronics. AOCS = ATTITUDE and ORBIT CONTROL SUBSYSTEM. This includes electronics as well as sensors, motors, motor electronics and momentum wheels. Thermal = THERMAL CONTROL. This entry consists of heaters, blankets, and whatever hardware the contractor associates with this category. AKM = APOGEE KICK MOTOR. The mass of the AKM case after expulsion of propellant and outgassing of volatile materials. Bus. The sum of Structure through AKM. Dry Mass = DRY MASS. The sum of Payload and Bus. Orbit Fuel = ORBIT CONTROL FUEL. This is the fuel for station-keeping and attitude control over the life of the mission. BOL Mass = BEGINNING OF LIFE MASS. This is the sum of Dry Mass and Orbit Fuel. AKM Fuel = APOGEE KICK MOTOR FUEL (PROPELLANT). Fuel needed for Apogee <F128M>D<F255D> V. Adapter = Expendable support structure between launch vehicle and spacecraft. Mass not always identified. Page 8 Copyright © 2008 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter A Launch Mass = TRANSFER ORBIT MASS for the launch vehicle selected. In most cases this would be for a launch from Cape Canaveral. In some cases it is for a launch from French Guiana. TABLE 4.1 MASS BREAKDOWN BY SUBSYSTEM ELEMENTS AND FUEL Program ACTS Page 9 Antenn Transp Payload Structur TT&C a onder e Propul Power sion AOCS Therm AKM Bus al 396.0 180.0 576.0 227.8 40.4 33.1 156.3 46.7 45.9 75.8 626.0 Copyright © 2008 by TelAstra, Inc. Margin Dry Mass Orbit Fuel BOL Mass AKM Fuel Adapte Launch r Mass 1202.0 249.5 1451.5 1074.6 13.6 2540.1 Communications Satellite Databases Chapter A 4.2 POWER BREAKDOWN BY SUBSYSTEM ELEMENTS, POWER COMPONENTS The SATPOWER database is indexed by program (MASSPROG). It is presented in Table 4.2. All of the entries are power in watts except where noted. The columns are described in order as follows: PROGRAM. This is the same as for SATMASS and SATPRICE. Comm = COMMUNICATIONS. This is total payload power consumption. TT&C = TELEMETRY TRACKING AND COMMAND. It includes both digital and RF items. AOCS = ATTITUDE AND ORBIT CONTROL SUBSYSTEM. Thermal = power used by the thermal subsystem. Power includes both electronics and wire harness distribution losses. Charging = BATTERY CHARGING POWER. All entries assume equinox conditions. Total Load = TOTAL LOAD. The sum of COMM. to CHARG. Margin = MARGIN. This is reserve power at equinox. EOL:Equinox = END OF LIFE AVAILABLE SOLAR ARRAY POWER AT EQUINOX. EOL:SoLstice = END OF LIFE AVAILABLE SOLAR ARRAY POWER AT SOLSTICE.(used in SATPRICE) SA Area = SOLAR ARRAY AREA in square meters. SA Mass = SOLAR ARRAY MASS in kilograms including cells and substrate. Wire Mass = Mass of the wire harness. In most cases the entire wire harness is included but in some cases the payload wire harness is included with payload. Battery Mass in kilograms. Battery CAP = BATTERY CAPACITY in watt-hours. Battery DOD = BATTERY DEPTH OF DISCHARGE expressed in percentage. Page 10 Copyright © 2008 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter A TABLE 4.2 Power Breakdown By Subsystem Element, Power Components Program ACTS Page 11 Payload Teleco AOCS Therm Propul Power Batt. mand al sion chg 963.0 42.6 28.3 95.0 Bus Load Load Total 51.4 158.0 375.3 1,338.3 Margin EOL Equin EOL Sol Area Mass SA SA Mass Mass Wires Bat Cap Bat 22.0 1,361.0 1,175.0 12.7 50.0 33.2 50.0 1,922.0 Copyright © 2008 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter A DoD Bat 7.0 EXCHANGE RATE HISTORY FOR SEVERAL CURRENCIES Estimation of dollar valued prices for programs which are denominated in non-U.S. currencies represents an additional difficulty since exchange rates constantly change. The following tables are prepared to make this problem a little easier. These tables contain an annual average of the exchange rates for nine currencies. The values were derived from analog Hoppenstedt Charts (Reference 82). These are based on 10 to 12 samples of exchange rates during the year at approximately monthly intervals and are, therefore, only good to within a few percent, more than enough for system analyses. The tables also provide average exchange rates for the 23 year period from 1967 to 1990 and the ten year period from 1981 to 1990. The following list explains the abbreviations: US $ = United States Dollars £ = United Kingdom Pounds Sterling l/£ = inverted exchange rate for United Kingdom Pounds Sterling D.M. = German Deutsche Marks F.F. = French Francs LIRE = Italian Lire KRONA = Swedish Krona ECU = European Currency Unit. Until 1999 this weighted "currency" was sometimes used by ESA.Now the EURO is used. It has been extrapolated in some cases by its relationship to the D.M. EURO = Euro Monetary Union starting in 1999 the European designated unit is the EURO and the values for the French, German, and Italian currencies are taken from the EURO. ¥ = Japanese Yen CAN$ = Canadian Dollars. Page 12 Copyright © 2008 by TelAstra, Inc. Communications Satellite Databases Chapter A