May 8

A&P Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
The meeting was called to order at 2:08 p.m.
Members present: Regina Brown, Cedric Howard, Marcia Taylor, Meredith Nickles, Sonya
Jacobs, Christopher Akin, Sheila Holbrook, Robin Suggs, Jim Stull, Liz Kaplon, Elissa
Henderson, Greg Jordan, John Giannoni, Claire Lessinger, Pete D’Addio, Gary Howard, Karen
Frank, Yvonne Edwards, Fairfax Vickers.
2. General Council Announcements
Cedric Howard emailed Council members the criteria for the Out-of-Unit Merit increases.
If you have any questions about the increase process, you should contact Sandi Lovins.
If you did not receive the email from Cedric Howard, please let him know. It was noted
that the President’s Cabinet decided on the process for the increases (with input from
several groups, including the HR Workgroup). The process was decided upon several
years ago, and this is the third year of the program. Originally, the increases took into
consideration both performance and market equity. Over the past two years, the focus
has become more performance oriented, and the market equity component of the
equation has been eliminated.
There will be no across-the-board pay increases this year. The Legislature has proposed
a $1,000 bonus for the fall. This will not be an increase to the base rate of pay.
3. Approval of April Meeting Minutes
The minutes from the April meeting were approved.
4. Committee Overview and Reports
University Support – The committee did not meet, but there was an update on the Council
Elections. The election is being launched today and the ballots are being sent out. Every A&P
employee should have received the electronic ballot by tomorrow morning. It was also noted that
some changes had been made. Someone nominated every A&P employee from the Registrar’s
Office. Many of those individuals were not aware that they had been nominated, and most of
them declined to run once they were informed of their candidacy. One individual did, however,
decide to run for Council. All the groups are competitive. Gracie Carter’s name had been
misspelled, and will be corrected. The election will be open until 5/28/07. If you do not receive the
ballot, please email: Chris Akin is running for reelection, so he will not
monitor the election results. Please encourage your A&P peers to vote in the election.
Government & Legislative – The committee did discuss the salary increases and bonus. They
would like for someone from University Government & Relations to speak to the Council about
this matter. Cedric Howard will invite Kathy Betancourt to a future meeting.
Programs & Social – The committee did not meet, but their next big event will be the Annual
Breakfast – which will occur in November. The Golf Scramble event was great – and the putting
contest was terrific. Initial tabulations indicate that they probably raised more money this year
than in past years. One member of the Council asked whether or not the monies raised could be
allocated to a different project. For example, the USF band is in need of uniforms. The Council
discussed the matter. Because we advertised the event as raising money for golf scholarships, it
was agreed that the money should be donated to that cause. Moving forward, the Council may
consider other projects and funding opportunities. Our three “hallmark” events are the Week of
Welcome, the Golf Scramble, and the Annual Breakfast. The only event that generates money is
the Golf Scramble. Last year, we did agree to donate money to the Botanical Gardens (not from
the Golf Scramble proceeds), but they did not put together a proposal for spending the funds, so
no funds were given. The Council agreed that the Programs & Social Committee might discuss
other funding options and make recommendations for consideration to the Council.
Communications – The committee received a request from ODT pertaining to the USF Handbook.
The handbook does include an overview on the Faculty Senate, and they would like to include
some information on the Council as well. Elissa Henderson forwarded information to ODT and
we’ll be included in the next revision of the handbook. It was noted that our name has not
technically changed (due to the classification redesign project) – we are still the “A&P Council.”
Cedric Howard did discuss this matter with Sandi Lovins.
5. Budget Update – Concessions - $2,420.53; OPS/Expense - $385.96 (with one pending
expenditure of $135.00); Carry Forward - $302.77; Aramark/In-kind - $370.30. At next month’s
meeting we will have “treats.” Also, new tents will be required for the next Week of Welcome –
with an estimated cost of $100 per tent (at least one replacement is required; possibly 2). Cedric
Howard will check into the tents – as he believed the Council had already approved $250 for
6. Issues from the Floor – There were no issues for discussion.
7. Other Business – Eric Anderson and Cedric Howard are working on the Distinguished A&P
Service Award. Currently, Dr. Carlucci is reviewing the proposal. Cedric will also update the
Council on funding at next month’s meeting.
8. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 2:38 p.m. Members of the Council then toured the Athletics Facility.