1. Course (4032030-1 / Food Theory - Food Preparation – תורת המזון הכנת מזון/ Faculty of Health Sciences / Nutrition Science Department) B.Sc. / 4032030-1 / semester third year / 56 annual hours 2. Schedule Thursdays / Tutorial: field trips / 8:30 – 12:30 / Milken Campus, Building 11 3. Lecturer Esther Gonen / Milken Campus, Building 11 / (08) 9412877 Ettyg@perry.co.il / Office hours: 14:30 4. / Teaching assistant/tutor Chef Rubi Cordovi 5. Course goal A comprehensive perspective of food preparation; food theory; food service management; preparing healthy versions of popular dishes; becoming familiar with various cooking methods; adapting dishes to health needs as an engine for promoting health, and to physiological and patho-physiological conditions; becoming familiar with models of institutional food delivery systems; menu planning principles; factors and considerations in the selection and/or preparation of a dish; botanical families and their physical and nutritional characteristics and food products such as meat, fish, poultry, fruit and vegetables, and optimal preservation of nutritional values during preparation 6. Prerequisites Organic Chemistry, Human Nutrition 7. Method of instruction Frontal lectures, practical demonstration and field trips to factories 8. Course plan (Class date / Lesson Plan / required reading or other requirements) Introduction, cooking methods, utensils, metals and cutting implements, fruit and vegetables, legumes, cereals, dairy products, meat, poultry, dietetic and medical food, food service management 9. Course requirements: Mandatory attendance at frontal lectures and field trips and submittal of a paper 10. Date of the examination / submission of final paper Two weeks before semester break 11. Course grading 12. Main textbook and additional textbooks Fellow P. Food Processing Technology , CRC Woodhead, 2000 Pomeranz Y. Food Analysis, Aspen Publishers, 1995 Brown, Amy Christine. Understanding Food Principles and Preparation, Wadsworth Publishing, 2010 Project Lean, Chef’s Handbook: Low-Fat Quantity Food Preparation Book and Recipe Cards, American Dietetic Assn, 1993 Patanker, M.R. et. al. Food Preparation: A Scientific Approach, Anmol Publications PVT, 2010 Paster, Tara M. The HACCP Food Safety Employee Manual, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2007 13. 14. Parker Puckett, Ruby. Food Service Manual for Health Care Institutions, American Society for Health Care Food Service Administration, 2004 Arduser, Lora & Brown, Douglas Robert. HACCP & Sanitation in Restaurants and Food Service Operations: A Practical Guide Based on the USDA Food Code with Companion CD-ROM, Atlantic Publishing Group Inc., 2005 Reynolds, Dennis E. On-Site Food Service Management: A Best Practice Approach, John Wile & Sons Inc., 2003 Reading list http://www.health.gov.il/pages/printer.asp?maincat=51&catid=326&pageid=24 41 Required material for the examination