Spring of 2011: R685 Topical Seminar , 3 Credits

Spring of 2011: R685 Topical Seminar, 3 Credits
"The World is Open with Web Technology" (i.e., the Web 2.0)
Indiana University, School of Education
IU-Bloomington (Section 17594)
Optional Synchronous Weekly Meetings in Breeze (as arranged)
Instructor: Curt Bonk, Professor, Instructional Systems Technology Dept.
See online syllabus at http://php.indiana.edu/~cjbonk/Syllabus_R685_Spring_of_2011.htm
Wikibook; http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Web_2.0_and_Emerging_Learning_Technologies
Breeze Meetings (tentative): http://breeze.iu.edu/worldisopensping2011/
Curtis J. Bonk, Ph.D., CPA
Office: 2238 W. W. Wright Education Bldg.
Phone: 812-856-8353 (W) (cell phone
preferred and available upon request)
E-mail: CJBonk@indiana.edu
Office Hours: As arranged
Instructional Assistants:
Abdullah Altuwaijri: aaltuwai@indiana.edu
Miguel Lara: milara@indiana.edu
Cynthia Svilar: casvilar@indiana.edu
Table of Contents
2011: R685 Topical Seminar, The World Is Open with Web Technology, 3 Credits
"The World is Open with Web Technology"
Course Description and Rationale:
Course Goals and Objectives
Required Texts
Tentative Tasks and Grading
Projected Seminar Weekly Topics
Class Tasks
A. Weekly Participation in Oncourse or Webinars and Tidbits (90 points)
B. Weekly Personal Web 2.0 Reflections (90 pts: Due April 25th)
C. Midterm Assignment Reality Check (MARC) (50 pts—Due March 7th)
D. Web 2.0 Final Project (70 points--April 18th)
Final Class Project Sharing: (20 Points or 5 pts for each dimension for all options above)
Final Project Examples:
Note: Alternative Readings Option:
Weekly Reading Requirements
Projected Seminar Weekly Topics:
Week 1. (January 10) Intro to the World Is Open and Neo Millennial/Web 2.0 Learners
Week 2 (January 17) Digital Literacy Skills
Week 3. (January 24) The Sudden Explosion of E-Books and E-Book Readers
Week 4. (January 31) The Continued Expansion of Blended and Fully Online Learning
Week 5. (February 7) The Movement toward Free and Open Source Software
Week 6. (February14) Open Educational Resources (OER) and OpenCourseWare (OCW)
Week 7. (February 21) Connectivism, Social Knowledge, and Participatory Learning
Week 8. (February 28) Wikis, Wikipedia, Wikibooks, and Collaborative Writing
Week 9. (March 7) YouTube, TeacherTube, and the Future of Shared Online Video
Week 10. (March 21) Interactive and Collaborative Learning
Week 11. (March 28) Alter Reality Learning: Massive Gaming, Virtual Reality, & Simulations
Week 12. (April 4) Mobile, Wireless, and Ubiquitous Learning
Week 13. (April11) Educational Blogging
Week 14. (April 18) Podcasting, Webcasting, and Coursecasting
Week 15. (April 25) Networks of Personalized Learning (e.g., language learning, tutoring)
Some Extra Resources:
Some recent technology books that might interest students—no need to buy any:
Twenty free online journals and magazines:
Institutions and Organizations with Web Technology Interests and Reports:
Need Additional Resources?: More Bonk:
Course Description and Rationale:
When it comes to perspectives on teaching and learning, the Web 2.0 has changed everything! Don’t
believe it? Back in December 2006, Time Magazine named “you” as the person of the year. The Web 2.0
(also called the Read-Write Web) empowers learners to generate ideas and comments online, rather than
simply read or browse someone else’s. In effect, instead of passive consumption-based learning, we are
living in a participatory age where learners have a voice and potentially some degree of ownership over
their own learning. Here at the start of the twenty-first century, emerging technologies – such as online
photo albums, blogs, wikis, podcasts, ebooks, YouTube videos, massive multiplayer online games,
simulations, virtual worlds, and wireless and mobile computing – are generating waves of new
opportunities in higher education, K-12 schools, corporate training, and other learning environments.
And today’s millennial learner, immersed in an increasingly digital world is seeking richer and more
engaging learning experiences. Amid this rising tide of expectations, instructors across educational
sectors are exploring and sharing innovative ways to use technology to foster interaction, collaboration,
and increased excitement for learning. Unfortunately, as any high school student will tell you, this is far
less common than most would hope. In response, it is time to take advantage of the new participatory
learning culture where learners build, tinker with, explore, share, and collaborate with others online. It is
also time to exploit free and open educational resources, opencourseware, learning portals, and open
source software across educational sectors and income levels. This course, therefore, will be a journey
into the learning technologies (i.e., nature), pedagogical opportunities (i.e., nurture), and the people,
societies, and cultures where this is happening now! Some of you will create and publish a cross-cultural
Wikibook on Web 2.0 technology; others will create video blogs, and still others will design YouTubelike videos. We will explore the motivational and educational value of YouTube and other online videos
and create a few of our own. Of course, we will also blog on our experiences.
In an age when eyeball-to-eyeball learning is no longer necessary, effective online instructors do not
simply teach, but moderate, coach, and assist in the learning process. Today a teacher, trainer, professor,
or instructional designer often assumes the role of concierge with a wealth of freely available tools and
resources to guide her learners. The mantra in this class is that today, “WE-ALL-LEARN” with Web
technology. But designated “instructors” or “teachers” are not always today. In this more open twentyfirst century learning world, anyone can learn anything from anyone else at any time. Importantly,
strategies discussed and modeled will address learning in all formats—K-12, higher education, corporate,
university, military settings, etc. You too can participate.
Course Goals and Objectives
After the course, students should be able to:
1. Define and use different Web 2.0 technologies;
2. Explain and demonstrate the educational benefits of podcasts, wikis, blogs, virtual worlds,
simulations, social networking software, etc.
3. Critique articles related to emerging learning technologies and associated pedagogy with
4. Use, recommend, or create online resources and portals in a variety of educational settings.
5. Design an innovative research or evaluation project related to online learning;
6. Successfully submit research, grant, or other proposals related to learning technologies, the
Web 2.0, e-learning, or systemic change in education to conferences, foundations, summits,
or institutes.
7. Recognize and potentially contact many of the key players and scholars in the field of online
learning and Web 2.0 learning technologies.
8. Consult with organizations to evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning courses, programs, and
events as well as Web 2.0 technologies.
9. Make recommendations regarding online learning initiatives, programs, and strategies.
10. Obtain a model, guide, or framework for thinking about new technology tools and resources
in education. Use this framework for strategic planning reports, retreats, consulting, and other
places or situations where a macro lens on learning technology and educational reform is
Required Texts
None!!! The world of learning should be FREE!
(Note: see optional “World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education” (2009)
book and Website (http://worldisopen.com/) below under “Alternative Syllabus”)
Tentative Tasks and Grading
90 pts
90 pts
50 pts
70 pts
A. Weekly Readings, Attendance, Discussion, and Any Online Participation (Due: Each Week)
B. Weekly Personal Web 2.0 Reflections (Due: April 25)
C. Midterm Assignment Reality Check (MARC) (Due: March 7)
D. Web 2.0 Final: Wikibook, YouTube Video, Second Life, or Podcasts (Due: April 18)
Total Points
Total points will determine your final grade. I will use the following grading scale:
A+ = high score
B- = 240-249 points
A = 280-300 points
C+ = 230-239 points
A- = 270-279 points
C = 220-229 points
B+ = 260-269 points
C - = 210-219 points
B = 250-259 points
F/FN = no work rec'd or signif. inadequate/impaired
Projected Seminar Weekly Topics
Week 1. (January 10) Intro to Open World and Neo Millennial/Web 2.0 Learners
Week 2. (January 17) Digital Literacy Skills
Week 3. (January 24) The Sudden Explosion of E-Books and E-Book Readers
Week 4. (January 31) The Continued Expansion of Blended and Fully Online Learning
Week 5. (February 7) The Movement toward Free and Open Source Software
Week 6. (February 14) Open Educational Resources (OER) and OpenCourseWare (OCW)
Week 7. (February 21) Connectivism, Social Knowledge, and Participatory Learning
Week 8. (February 28) Wikis, Wikipedia, Wikibooks, and Collaborative Writing
Week 9. (March 7) YouTube, TeacherTube, and the Future of Shared Online Video
Week 10. (March 21) Interactive and Collaborative Learning
Week 11. (March 28) Alternate Reality Learning: Massive Gaming, Virtual Reality, and Simulations
Week 12. (April 4) Mobile, Wireless, and Ubiquitous Learning
Week 13. (April 11) Educational Blogging
Week 14. (April 18) Podcasting, Webcasting, and Coursecasting
Week 15. (April 25) Networks of Personalized Learning (including online language learning)
Class Tasks
A. Weekly Readings (including tidbits), Class Participation, and Online
(Oncourse) Activities (90 points) (90 points = 30 pts for your tidbit list; 40 pts for Oncourse
participation; 20 points for being a cool resource provider and moderator. Participation in the
optional synchronous sessions will factor in when and where necessary.)
Tidbits: Besides reading 3-4 assigned articles each week, during the semester I want you to read at least
30 tidbits from the list of readings below (preferably more than 40) and watch at least 5 videos (typically
these are very short online news or magazine articles). On April 25th, you will turn in a 1-3 page summary
of the tidbits that you read and indicate what you read from worse to best in order and briefly state why
the top 10-20 were your favorites. Post it to your Oncourse dropbox. This is due April 25th.
Discussions and Small Group Activities Related to the Readings: Each week, we will have discussions
or the readings using different types of instructional activities (debates, role play, best 3 questions, article
quotes, etc.). You will also lead and moderate such activities at least once during the semester. You may
be asked to bring a set of questions based on one or more articles to class. Perhaps a few times during the
semester this discussion will extend to Oncourse. Starter discussion posts have been made for each week
(Note: posting to Oncourse forums is required each week unless specifically referred to by the instructor
for a particular week that it is optional).
Cool Resource Provider: One or two times week during the semester, you must bring one educational
YouTube video or other online learning resource related to the topic of that week to show in class for 510 minutes in your role as the “cool resource provider.” The moderator will also post these resources to
Oncourse in the appropriate discussion thread called “Cool Resources.” Such resources might come from
YouTube, TeacherTube, CNN News and Videos, BBC News and Video, Fora TV, Academic Earth, or
some similar video sharing site (see my portal of shared online video sites:
http://www.trainingshare.com/resources/Summary_of_Ways_to_Use_Shared_Online_Video.htm). Your
cool resources might also include animations, simulations, technical reports, white papers, e-books, Web
portals, or other technology tools. Discussion in this thread is voluntary or optional unless directed by the
instructor as required for a particular week.
Synchronous Session: We will have weekly (if possible) synchronous class session in Adobe Connect
Pro (formerly known as “Breeze”). These synchronous sessions will be scheduled at different times
(mostly at night) so as to give you options in attending them. They will involve instructor lectures on the
content, guest experts from around the world, class discussions and questions, and various course-related
administrative matters.
Participation Grading Recap: In terms of class attendance, it is your responsibility to do the readings
and experience the unique activities that will be incorporated into each week. A combination of article
readings, verbal and written reactions to ideas, observing demonstration tools or videos, cool resources
discussions, tidbit rankings, synchronous session attendance, and other weekly participation in Oncourse
will determine your participation grade. Some of it will be quantitative and some of it will be qualitative.
Keep in mind that I want to hear from you! Participation is encouraged at all times.
B. Weekly Personal Web 2.0 Reflections (90 pts: Due April 25th)
Option 1: Blogging
Instead of a large class discussion forum, in this option, you would create a Weblog (i.e., a blog)
to reflect on your personal article readings and ideas related to class. A minimum of 15 posts (30
points). You might create a Blog using Pitas.com, Blogger.com, Movable Type, LiveJournal,
Diaryland, Free-Conversant, WordPress, or some other blogging tool. A 2-4 page single-spaced
reflection paper on this activity is due April 25th with your blog postings attached (40 points).
Post it to your Oncourse dropbox.
Blog Examples:
Christy Wessel-Powell (Read Aloud blog and podcasts): teacherchristy.tumblr.com
Elke Morgan: http://olive0912.blogspot.com/
Cesur Dagli: http://webtechlearnteach.blogspot.com/
Yue Ma: http://mayue998.blogspot.com/
Shuya Xu: http://xushuya.blogspot.com
Julie Rust: http://newmediapower.blogspot.com/
Link to Class of 2007 blog postings: http://mypage.iu.edu/~cjbonk/Blogs-R685-Fall-2007.htm
Link to Class of 2008 blog postings: http://mypage.iu.edu/~cjbonk/friends.htm
Link to Class of 2010 blog postings: http://mypage.iu.edu/~cjbonk/Student-Reflection-Optionsand-Critical-Friends.htm
Option 2. Weekly YouTube Video
Instead of blogging, you could create a weekly 4-8 minute reflection in YouTube of your learning
in this class. In that reflection, you would detail what you learned and concepts, research, or ideas
that interested you. A 2-4 page single-spaced reflection paper on this activity is due April 25 with
a summary page of links to your videos (40 points). Post it to your Oncourse dropbox.
YouTube Video Reflection Example:
Abdullah Altuwaijri: http://www.youtube.com/user/allusersaregone?feature=mhum
Justin Whiting: http://www.youtube.com/juswhiti#p/a/u/0/TtVYRnQ77I4
Option 3. Weekly Podcast
Instead of blogging or video reflections, you could create a weekly 5-10 minute podcast reflection
of your learning in this class. In that reflection, you would detail what you learned and concepts,
research, or ideas that interested you. A 2-4 page single-spaced reflection paper on this activity is
due April 25 along with a summary page of links to your videos (40 points). Post it to your
Oncourse dropbox.
Podcast Examples:
Elliot Jordan ((see IST projects: R685): http://mypage.iu.edu/~ellijord/
Hesham Alsarhan: http://halsarhan.podbean.com/
Jia-Sheng Lin: http://jl941013.blogspot.com/ (this one is a blog that became a podcast)
Carrie Donovan (Oify your life—future of HE libraries): http://2point0ify.blogspot.com/
Option 4. Student suggested equivalent
Critical Friends: You will be assigned a critical friend to give feedback to on their postings each week.
You are asked to give a minimum of 15 feedback posts (30 points or 2 points per post). Keep in mind that
students should avoid doing all their blog posting or video or podcast productions at the end of the
semester. If you do that, your critical friend partner cannot give you any feedback. Students tend to get
frustrated and complain when this happens so please be considerate of your partner.
Sample Grading Criteria (30%--60 Points; 10 points each):
1. Relevancy to class: meaningful examples, relationships drawn, interlinkages, connecting weekly ideas.
2. Insightful/reflective: interesting reflections, self-awareness & learning displayed, coherent, informative.
3. Creative/Design: cool blog, podcast or video created, originality, design, uniqueness, interesting.
4. Completeness: thorough comments, detailed reflection, fulfills assignment (or quality video).
5. Learning Depth/Growth: takes thoughts along to new heights, exploration, breadth & depth, growth.
6. Diversity: some variety in ideas, some breadth to exploration, can see other perspectives, flexible.
C. Midterm Assignment Reality Check (MARC) (50 pts—Due March 7th)
Option 1: Article Search and Summary
In this option, you are to find 15-30 articles related to your area of interest and summarize them
into mini1-2 paragraph abstracts and notes. Turn in a 3-4 page single-spaced reflection paper on
the direction of your project and your learning to date. Why is the topic important and
interesting? You might use this work in your final project. Post it to your Oncourse dropbox.
Option 2: Web 2.0 or E-Learning Interviews
In this option, I want you to interview at least one instructor who is teaching or has taught online
courses, workshops, or events as well as a student who has taken such a course. Or, interview an
instructor who has used Web 2.0 technologies in teaching and a student who has used Web 2.0
technologies in learning. Interviewees might come from corporate, K-12, military, government, or
higher education settings. Interviews can be live (face-to-face), via phone or videoconferencing,
or conducted through email. You might also perform case studies, focus group sessions, or pilot
observations of instructors or learners using online learning tools in a school, workplace, or
informal learning setting. You are to document their life as a Web 2.0 user or online participant
(timeframe up to you). In effect, I want you to gather their life histories as a technology learner or
instructor and compare these to their online experiences. Then I want you to create a visual
representation that compares or relates your stories from both the online instructors and students.
Please include interview questions in an appendix. In your report, I want you to reflect on what
you learned about e-learning from this assignment. How might you put some of their ideas to use
in training programs or in your own teaching? Have these interviews opened your eyes? What
might you have done differently? Your reflection paper should be 5-7 single-spaced pages (plus
any visuals including tables, charts, figures, models, etc.). Post it to your Oncourse dropbox.
Option 1 and 2 Grading (10 pts for each of the following dimensions)
1. Relevance (clarity, content related to class, organized, facts, data, relevant, style)
2. Resources, Effort, & Digging (citations/refs, linkages to class concepts, extensive)
3. Completeness & Coherence (depth, clear, complete, practical, detailed, important, logical)
4. Creativity and Richness of Ideas (richness of information, elaboration, originality, unique)
5. Knowledge of Topic (learning breadth & depth, growth, displays understanding of topic)
Option 3: Visual Representation
Sometime people struggle to make sense of all the changes in learning technologies. They need
models and frameworks that simplify and explain things. In this option, I want you to create a
visual that summarizes some key aspect of your learning in this course or that uniquely organizes
some of the information. This visual representation might be in the form of a timeline, model,
framework, acronym, figure, diagram, a comparative flowchart, taxonomy, a Venn diagram, or a
comparison and contrast table or matrix. Include a 4-5 page single-spaced reflection paper with
this visual.
Option 3 Grading (10 pts for each of the following dimensions)
1. Relevance (clarity, content related to class, organized, facts, data, relevant, style)
2. Resources, Effort, & Digging (citations/refs, linkages to class concepts, extensive)
3. Completeness & Coherence (depth, clear, complete, practical, detailed, important, logical)
4. Creativity and Richness of Ideas (richness of information, elaboration, originality, unique
5. Visual Display (creative design, integrative, learning breadth & depth, growth, displays
understanding of topic)
Option 4: Strategic Plan Critique and Extension
Find and evaluate a strategic plan of a company, university, non-profit organization, school, state,
province, country, or region related to the Web 2.0 or e-learning and critique it. For instance, you
might pick the state or country where you were born or perhaps where you plan to live after
graduation. You might find the strategic plan online or request a hardcopy version. I want you to
not simply read and critique the report but to also interview someone who created it or is/was
affected by that report. You might discuss and critique the online learning technologies
highlighted, proposed pedagogical plans, intended training methods, targeted skills or
competencies, or evaluation methods detailed. You might visit the institution or organization or
write someone an email. What might this organization do differently in planning for e-learning or
using the Web 2.0? What are its competitors doing, for instance? Has there been an update? You
are encouraged to work in teams on this report. When done, you will present an overview of the
report to the class. Testimonials, graphs and trends of indicated growth, comparisons, and other
data or handouts are welcome. You are also encouraged to directly contact the organization that
developed the report or plan and receive additional product information (e.g., CDs, brochures,
white papers, technical reports, product comparison sheets, videotapes, company annual report,
customer testimonies, data sheets, Web site information, etc.). Your critique should be 4-6 singlespaced pages (excluding appendices). Post it to your Oncourse dropbox.
Option 4 Grading (10 pts for each of the following dimensions)
1. Review of Plan or Document (clarity, related to class, organized, facts, data, relevant, style)
2. Relevant Resources and Digging (citations/refs, linkages to class concepts, extensive)
3. Soundness of Critique (depth, clear, complete, practical, detailed, important, coherence)
4. Creativity and Richness of Ideas (richness of information, elaboration, originality, unique)
5. Knowledge of Topic (learning breadth & depth, growth, displays understanding of topic)
D. Web 2.0 Final Project (70 points)
Option 1. Wikibook Online Work (WOW) (70 points—Due April 18th)
In this option, you help with a Wikibook related to emerging technologies. Two years ago,
students from five universities designed a wikibook on “The Web 2.0 and Emerging Learning
Technologies” (The WELT); see
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Web_2.0_and_Emerging_Learning_Technologies. If you write a
unique chapter for the WELT, it should be a minimum of 2,000 words. A 2-3 page reflection
paper on what you learned from this wikibook activity is due April 18th (70 points). Attached to
your reflection paper will be documentation of what you contributed to the wikibook, including
your chapter (with highlights or special notations of your contribution), highlights to the chapters
worked on, and perhaps even print outs of the wikibook chapter editing history.
Sample Fall of 2010 Wikibook chapter additions:
1. Jia-Sheng (Jason) Lin: The Open Source and the Open Education Movement:
2. Hesham Alsarhan: Web 2.0 and Collaborative Learning:
(Prezi presentation related to chapter:
https://prezi.com/secure/3771064d8c53e36fca75de3bfb9b979da5bb522a/ )
Wikibook Grading (50 Total Points or 10 pts each dimension):
1. Chapter and reflection paper relevance: Contribution is meaningful to class, we learn from it
2. Chapter and reflection paper coherence: flow, well organized, good layout, enjoyable to read
3. Chapter and reflection paper completeness: Sufficient coverage of info, extends topic and class
4. Overall chapter creativity: Original and distinctive ideas, insightful points, something unique in
it such as a figure, model, graph, timeline, comparison chart, acronym, quote or set of quotes, etc.
5. Overall reflection paper insightfulness, depth of thought, flow, informational content, etc.
Option 2. Cool YouTube Video Creation
So you want to be cool? You want to be creative? In this option, you are to create a shared online
video (e.g., YouTube) related to this class. You cannot be the only person in it. What does the
Web 2.0 and participatory learning mean to you? Alternatively, you can design a YouTube video
for someone else. You should post this video of at least 5 minutes in length by April 18th. You
will turn in a 2-3 page single-spaced summary reflection of your design. Your video and paper
will be graded for: (1) insightfulness, creativity, and originality; (2) design and visual effects; (3)
coherence and logical sequence; (4) completeness; (5) relevance of content. Post it to your
Oncourse dropbox.
YouTube Video Final Project Examples (from R685 Spring and fall of 2010):
1. Diane Siemen (Web 2.0 Overview): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUcNW_wJbuI
2. Mag Webber (Virtual Learning - Is it for You?): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiwSIryPzsQ
3. Lisa Yoder (eLearning a Walk in the Park): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paot_zzG_wU
4. Miguel Lara (Web 2.0 FREEDOM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cmCFWi9lW8
5. Shuya Xu and Yue Ma (Blog my online lrng): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im7GQM9fzhc
6. Julie Rust (Participatory Learning): hhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHx_SbRWV0M
7. Cesur Dagli (Animal perspectives on course): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDeTEIdO5lc
8. Elke Morgan (Personalized Learning): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2UTQb7HjOw
9. Olgun Sadik (R685 overview): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unaBQIqVo8Y
Option 3. Video Blogging
I like options and challenges and I bet you do too! Instead of a regular old blog, in this option,
you might experiment with a video blog. When done, I want you to write a paper wherein you
reflect on why you selected your particular blog topic and associated videos. You might discuss
the benefits of video plus text. Also comment on any feedback you have received. You might
mention what you might do differently and where your efforts might be headed. Do you think that
your topic was effective? Why or why not? You will turn in a 2-3 page single-spaced summary
reflection of your design by April 18th. Your blogging activities and associated reflection paper
will be graded for: (1) insightfulness, creativity, and originality; (2) design and organization; (3)
coherence and logical sequence; (4) completeness; (5) relevance of content. Post it to your
Oncourse dropbox.
Video Blogging Example:
Justin Whiting (video blogging): http://www.youtube.com/juswhiti#p/a/u/0/TtVYRnQ77I4
Option 4. Second Life (or some other virtual world)
In this option, you are to create an educational application, activity, or use within Second Life or
some other virtual or 3D world. Why did you create this activity? What is the purpose and
potential? Who is the audience? How does it relate to this class? You will turn in a 2-3 page
single-spaced summary reflection of your design by April 18th. Your Second Life design and
paper will be graded for: (1) insightfulness, creativity, and originality; (2) design and visual
effects; (3) coherence and logical sequence; (4) completeness; (5) relevance of content. Post it to
your Oncourse dropbox.
Option 5. Podcast Series
In this option, you are to create at least 2 podcasts related to topics from this class of at least 8
minutes in length. I prefer that you create a series of podcasts on a theme or a podcast show. In
addition, you cannot be the only person in the podcasts. The topic or theme only needs to be
related to this class. Be creative and unique. When done, I want you to write a paper wherein you
reflect on why you selected that topic. Also comment on any feedback you have received. You
might mention what you might do differently and where your efforts might be headed. Do you
think that your topic was effective? Why or why not? What might you do differently if you were
to do it over? You will turn in a 1-2 page single-spaced summary reflection of your design by
April 18th. Your podcast show and paper will be graded for: (1) insightfulness, creativity, and
originality; (2) design and visual effects; (3) coherence and logical sequence; (4) completeness;
(5) relevance of content. Post it to your Oncourse dropbox.
Podcast Series Example:
Christy Wessel-Powell (Read Aloud blog and podcasts): teacherchristy.tumblr.com
Option 6. Student Selection Option:
You might design your own final project or combine some of these together into something truly
unique (i.e., a mash-up). Or you might volunteer to create a usable class product (e.g., an online
glossary, a Web site for the class, a database of articles on different class themes, organize a class
mini-conference or real conference symposium, review a key journal in the field for major themes
or trends and share that research with the class, etc.) or you might demonstrate a Web 2.0 or elearning tool to the class. Such a tool may have relevance in K-12, military, corporate, or higher
education settings or perhaps in more informal settings such as a museum, zoo, or computer club.
See the instructor about the possibilities of demonstrating a particularly interesting e-learning tool
you have found. You might have other task option preferences. Or you might trade a task for a
major problem-based learning project related to this class with a company, organization, or
institution. You make the contact and find out what needs to be resolved and then get it approved
by the instructor. It might be a Web 2.0 or distance learning evaluation project. It might involve
the design of e-learning tools and resources. It might entail the creation of a strategic plan, white
paper, or vision statement. Whatever the problem or task, it must be an authentic activity and
turned in by April 18th. You will present the final project at the end of the semester. The grading
scheme will be project specific. Post it to your Oncourse dropbox.
Student Selected Option Example:
Abdullah Altuwaijri (Prezi on class): http://prezi.com/8h7grxlyaymv/the-world-is-open/
Class Sharing of Final Projects: Our April 18th synchronous session will include a display of final
projects for the class. In addition, we will discuss these final projects in Oncourse during the week of
April 18th. In a word, we will share. There are 20 points allocated for this week of final project sharing
and celebration.
Final Project Sharing and Discussion Points: (20 Points or 5 pts for each
dimension for all options above)
Timely Posting: post final project on time for discussion.
Peer Feedback: give peers in class feedback on their final projects.
Informative: includes handouts explaining project, makes connections to course content.
Interactive and Active Participant: joins discussion in interactive manner.
Note: Alternative Readings Option:
You can skip all the above readings and, instead, read one chapter per week from both volumes
of my most recent book, “The World is Open” and “The World is More Open” as well as the
book prequel and postscript (see the World is Open book website: http://worldisopen.com/). If
interested, just ask me for a copy. If you want to alternate between the book and the weekly
articles, that is fine too; just let me know.
Bonk, C. J. (July 2009). The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, a Wiley imprint. See: http://worldisopen.com/
Bonk, C. J. (in preparation). The World Is More Open: Extension of “The World is Open: How
Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education.” Available soon at: http://worldisopen.com/
Weekly Reading Requirements
We will read 3-4 main articles and 2-3 tidbits per week—it is your choice what to read.
Projected Seminar Weekly Topics:
Week 1. (January 10th) Intro to Open World and Neo Millennial/Web 2.0 Learners
1. Louis Soares (2009, June). Working Learners: Educating Our Entire Workforce for Success in the
21st Century. Center for American Progress.
2. Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology. (2010, March 5). Draft:
National Educational Technology Plan 2010. Office of Educational Technology, U.S. Department
of Education. http://www.ed.gov/sites/default/files/NETP-2010-final-report.pdf (see also Ed.gov
U.S. Department of Education, Focus on Grand Challenge Problems (4 of them):
3. The Millennium Development Goals Report (2009). New York: United Nations,
4. Dieterle, E., Dede, C., & Schrier, K. (2007). “Neomillennial” learning styles propagated by
wireless handheld devices. In M. Lytras & A. Naeve (Eds.), Ubiquitous and pervasive knowledge
and learning management: Semantics, social networking and new media to their full potential.
Hershey, PA: Idea Group, Inc. Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
a. Dede, C. (2005). Planning for neomillennial learning styles. Educause Quarterly, 28(1),
5. Oblinger, D. G. (2008). Growing up with Google: What it means to education. Becta: Emerging
technologies for learning, 3, 10-29. Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
6. Unleashing the Future: Educators Speak Up about the Use of Emerging Technologies for
Learning.” (May 2010). Speak Up 2009: National Findings. Teachers, Aspiring Teachers, and
Administrators. Project Tomorrow.
Week 1 Tidbits:
a. Special Issue of Scientific American on the Web Turning 20 Years Old (Note: Each
article counts as a tidbit)
i. Sir Tim Berners Lee (2010, November 22). Long Live the Web: A Call for
Continued Open Standards and Neutrality, Scientific American.
ii. Mark Fischetti (2010, November 23). The Web Turns 20: Linked Data Gives
People Power, Part 1 of 4.
iii. Mark Fischetti (2010, November 24). The Web Turns 20: Social Machines
Redesign Democracy, Part 2 of 4.
iv. Mark Fischetti (2010, November 25). The Web Turns 20: Free Bandwidth
Connects the Masses, Part 3 of 4.
v. Mark Fischetti (2010, November 26). The Web Turns 20: Web Science Reveals
Human Interactions, Part 4 of 4.
Special Issue of the New York Times on Technology in Education (2010, September).
i. Timeline of Technology for Teaching (2010, September 15). NY Times,
ii. Sara Corbett (2010, September 15). Learning by Playing: Video Games in the
Classroom. NY Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/19/magazine/19videot.html?_r=1&src=me&ref=magazine
iii. Jaron Lanier (2010, September 16). Does the Digital Classroom Enfeeble the
Mind? NY Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/19/magazine/19fob-essayt.html?src=me&ref=magazine
iv. Kevin Kelly (2010, September 16). Achieving Techno-Literacy
By Kevin Kelly, NY Times.
v. Clive Thompson (2010, September 16). The Pen That Never Forgets, NY Times.
Jeffrey Young (2010, July 24). Reaching the Last Technology Holdouts at the Front of
the Classroom. Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/Reachingthe-Last-Technology/123659/
Dennis Pierce, Editor, eSchool News (2010, May 5). Survey reveals gaps in school
technology perceptions
District administrators more likely to support certain technologies than teachers; preservice teacher education lagging in 21st-century instructional methods.
Addy Dugdale (2010, March 22). Tim Berners-Lee to Head Up Institute of Web Science
in U.K. as Britain Goes for Broke on the Web. Fast Company.
BBC (2010, March 22). Oxford and Southampton web research institute announced.
BBC. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/8580424.stm (with video from
Gordon Brown, UK Prime Minister)
Becta (2007). Learning in the 21st Century: The case for harnessing technology.
Coventry, UK.
Bowen, J. A. (2006). Teaching naked: Why removing technology from your classroom
will improve student learning, The National Teaching & Learning FORUM, 16(1),
Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from http://www.ntlf.com/html/ti/naked.htm
Jeffrey Young (2009, September 14). What Traditional Academics Can Learn From a
Futurist's University. Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/WhatTraditional-Scholars-Can/48369/
Vannevar Bush (1945, July). As We May Think. The Atlantic Monthly; Volume 176, No.
1; pages 101-108. http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/flashbks/computer/bushf.htm
k. Richard Florida (2008. March). “In Praise of Spikes,” Fast Company. Retrieved on June
24, 2010, from
l. Richard Straub (2008, April). “Is the World Open?” Global Focus 2, no. 10,
http://www.elig.org/files/repository/web_content/elig_contents/5-Resources/2Articles%20&%20Presentations/GF_4trichardstraub-Open.pdf .
m. Chris Anderson (2008, February 25). “Free! Why $0.00 is the Future of Business,”
Wired, http://www.wired.com/print/techbiz/it/magazine/16-03/ff_free (Note: play video
in article!)
n. Infed on Ivan Illich: Deschooling, conviviality and the possibilities for informal
education and lifelong learning. http://www.infed.org/thinkers/et-illic.htm (Ivan Illich.
Deschooling Society (New York: Marion Boyars. 1970).
Week 2 (January 17th) Digital Literacy Skills
1. Cassner-Lotto, Jill, & Wright Benner, Mary (2006). Report: Are they really ready to work?:
Employers perspectives on the basic knowledge and applied skills of new entrants to the 21st
century U.S. workforce. The Partnership for 21st Century; Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
2. Learning for the 21st Century (A Report and MILE Guide for 21st Century Skills) (no date).
3. Centre for Information Behaviour and the Evaluation of Research (CIBER) at the University
College London (2008). Information Behavior of the Researcher of the Future (Sponsored by the
British Library and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), Retrieved on June 24, 2010,
from http://www.bl.uk/news/pdf/googlegen.pdf
4. Pew Internet & American Life Project (options):
a. Lenhart, Amanda, & Madden, Mary (2005). Teens content creators and consumers.
Washington, DC: Pew Internet & American Life Report. Retrieved on June 24, 2010,
b. Amanda Lenhart, Mary Madden, Alexandra Rankin Macgill and Aaron Smith. (2007,
December 19). Teens and Social Media: The Use of Social Media Gains a Greater
Foothold in Teen Life as They Embrace the Conversational Nature of Interactive Online
Media,” report. Pew Internet & American Life Project.
http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2007/Teens-and-Social-Media.aspx and
c. Janna Anderson and Lee Rainie (2010, July 9). Millennials will make online sharing in
networks a lifelong habit. Pew Internet & American Life Project.
(see report quotes from famous people)
d. Janna Anderson and Lee Rainie (2010, July 2). The Future of Social Relations. Pew
Internet & American Life Project.
10_social_relations.pdf (see report quotes from famous people)
5. Barbara R. Jones-Kavalier and Suzanne L. Flannigan (2006). Connecting the Digital Dots:
Literacy of the 21st Century. Educause Quarterly, 29(2), Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
6. Eric Gordon and David Bogen (2009). Designing Choreographies for the "New Economy of
Attention." Digital Humanities (DHQ), Spring 2009 3(2).
Week 2 Tidbits:
a. Ann Blair (2010, November 28). Information Overload, Then and Now, November 28,
2010, Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/Information-OverloadThen-and/125479/
b. Jaron Lanier (2010, August 9). The First Church of Robotics. The New York Times.
c. Joshua Kim (1010, August 9). Highlights of President Obama’s Speech on Higher
Education. Inside Higher Education.
d. Marco R. delia Cava (2010, August 3). Attention spans get rewired: Are we adapting or
losing our focus with always-on technology? USA Today.
e. Jennifer Howard (2010, August 2). Blended Librarian Talks Information Literacy.
Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/blogPost/A-Blended-LibrarianTalks/25938/?sid=pm&utm_source=pm&utm_medium=en (the Blended Librarian portal:
f. Caitlin Roper (2010, June 27). Book reviews: 'Cognitive Surplus' by Clay Shirky and
'The Shallows' by Nicholas Carr. How is the Internet affecting us, socially and
individually? And is it helping? Two authors survey the situation. La Times.
g. Steve Weinberg (2010, June 21). 'The Shallows' by Nicholas Carr: The Internet warps
you. USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/money/books/reviews/2010-06-21shallows21_ST_N.htm
a. Jeffrey Young (2010, June 13). The Souls of the Machine: Clay Shirky says the Internet
revolution has only just begun. Chronicle of Higher Education.
b. John Hudson (2010, June 6). Clay Shirky: What I Read. The Atlantic Wire.
c. NPR (2010, June 2). 'The Shallows': This Is Your Brain Online.
d. Maya T. Prabhu (2010, April 2). New test measures students’ digital literacy. eCampus
e. Author Nicholas Carr (2010, May 24). The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains. Wired.
f. Foster, Andrea (2007, March 9). Information Navigation 101. New programs teach
undergraduates how to use the Internet and the online card catalog in search of the best
sources. Chronicle of Higher Education, 53.27
http://chronicle.com/free/v53/i27/27a03801.htm (subscribers only)
g. Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy (by Andrew Churches):
Week 3. (January 24th) The Sudden Explosion of E-Books and E-Book Readers
(Note: only one listed main reading this week + AERA 2011 proposal)
1. K. T. Anuradha and H. S. Usha (2006). Use of e-books in an academic and research environment:
A case study from the Indian Institute of Science. http://eprints.iisc.ernet.in/5890/1/ebook1final.pdf
Class Note: Curt Bonk to share with students AERA symposium proposal on E-textbook research
for April 2011, New Orleans, LA.
Week 3 Tidbits:
a. Jefferson Graham (2010, December 7). Could Google eBooks rob Kindle of a happy
ending? USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/products/2010-12-07googlebooks07_CV_N.htm
b. Edward C. Baig (2010, November 18). New Nook Color is a page-turner with novel
features, USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/edwardbaig/2010-11-18baig18_ST_N.htm
c. Jeffrey R. Young (2010, November 14). As Textbooks Go Digital, Campus Bookstores
May Go Bookless. Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/College20-As-Textbooks-Go/125363/
d. Jenna Wortham (2010, November 11). Social Books Hopes to Make E-Reading
Communal, New York Times.
e. David Pogue (2010, November 4). The Trouble with E-Readers. Scientific American.
http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=the-trouble-with-e-readers (Note:
browse through the comments if you read this one).
f. Jeffrey Young (2010, October 24). To Save Students Money, Colleges May Force a
Switch to E-Textbooks, Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/TheEnd-of-the-Textbook-as-We/125044/
g. AFP (2010, September 25). Japan to pilot digital textbooks in classrooms, The
Independent, UK. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/japan-to-pilot-digitaltextbooks-in-classrooms-2089488.html
h. Jeffrey Young (2010, September 21). What South Korean Schoolchildren Can Teach
Colleges About E-Textbooks. Chronicle of Higher Education.
i. Dian Schaffhauser (2010, September 14). U Texas San Antonio Opens Bookless Library.
Campus Technology. http://campustechnology.com/articles/2010/09/14/u-texas-sanantonio-opens-bookless-library.aspx
j. Beth Marklein (2010, August 10). Can college students learn as well on iPads, e-books?,
USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2010-08-10ebooklearning10_CV_N.htm?csp=hf
k. Jefferson Graham (2010, August 10). Flipboard pretties up social-media updates
Facebook statuses and tweets feed into magazinelike format in free app for iPad.
l. Edward Baig (2010, July 29). Amazon unveils 3rd-generation Kindle e-book reader.
USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2010-07-29-amazon29_ST_N.htm
m. Edward Baig (2010, July 29). Volume of Kindle book sales stuns Amazon's Jeff Bezos;
USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2010-07-29-amazon29_VA_N.htm
n. Chronicle of Higher Education (2010, June 13). Do you like your e-reader? Six takes
from academics. http://chronicle.com/article/Do-You-Like-Your-E-Reader-/65840/
o. Marco R. della Cava (2010, June 7). Does iPad have the magic to bring people together?
USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/life/lifestyle/2010-06-07ipadculture07_CV_N.htm
p. Jennifer Demski (2010, May). The device versus the book. Campus Technology.
q. San Antonio Business Journal (2010, April 5). Texas educational software company
seeks to break into iPad market.
r. Emily Peters (2010, May 1). Technology in schools: Districts want an app for that.
Abiline Reporter News. http://www.reporternews.com/news/2010/may/01/districts-wantan-app-for-that/
s. Jeffrey Young (2010, April 7). A Test for the iPad: Will It Bring the Internet to the
Beanbag Chair? Chronicle of Higher Education.
t. Brandon Griggs and John D. Sutter (2010, April 5). First iPad buyers excited, curious.
CNN Tech. http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/ptech/04/03/apple.ipad.sale/index.html
u. John D. Sutter (2010, April 2). Before you buy: 12 things to know about the iPad.
CNN Tech.
v. Calvin Azuri (2010, March 31). More students looking to learn using their iPhones:
Study. TMCnet. http://www.tmcnet.com/voip/ip-communications/articles/80399-morestudents-looking-learn-using-their-iphones-study.htm
w. Dennis Sellers (2010, March 30). Study: College iPhone integration increases motivation,
learning. Macsimum News.
x. Jill Laster (2010, March 30). Seton Hill to Offer iPads to Fulltime Students. Chronicle of
Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/blogPost/Seton-Hill-to-Offer-iPads-to/22153/
y. Jill Laster (2010, January 28). Elsevier Introduces New Features for Online HealthScience Textbooks, Chronicle of Higher Education.
z. Ji-eun Seo (2010, January 13). Korea Digital Books. JoongAng Daily.
aa. Andrew Nusca (November 10, 2009). Gartner: 2010 will be the year e-book readers take
off. ZDNet. http://www.zdnet.com/blog/btl/gartner-2010-will-be-the-year-e-bookreaders-take-off/27113
bb. Lewin, T. (2009, August 9). In a digital future, textbooks are history. The New York
cc. David Lieberman (2009, December 11). Tension mounts in e-reader saga: Publishers
aren’t happy with Amazon’s pricing, USA Today.
dd. Edward Baig (2009, December 10), Wrinkles mar the arrival of Barnes and Noble’s
Nook, USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/edwardbaig/2009-12-10baig10_ST_N.htm
ee. E-book News: http://www.e-book.com.au/news.htm (extensive and current!)
ff. Office of the Governor (2009, May 6). Gov. Schwarzenegger Launches First-in-Nation
Initiative to Develop Free Digital Textbooks for High School Students. Press Release,
Sacramento, California. http://gov.ca.gov/press-release/12225/
gg. Dana Hull (2009, June 16). “Gov. Schwarzenegger wants California's schools to adopt
digital textbooks,” Mercury News.
hh. Maya T. Prabhu, “California Considers Open Digital Textbooks,” eSchool News (May 21,
2009), http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/top-news/index.cfm?i=58861.
ii. Small, Flat, and Crowded, Campus Technology (e-books),
jj. Steve Ember. (2009, August 26). Going Digital: The California Digital Textbook Project.
VOA News. http://www1.voanews.com/learningenglish/home/a-23-2009-08-26-voa483141077.html
kk. California Schoolbooks Going Digital (2010, June 9).
ll. Free Textbook Plan Costly: http://www.sfgate.com/cgibin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/06/03/MNPP17VN0R.DTL
California Open Source Digital Textbook Plan Faces Barriers (2010, June 3).
nn. Terminating Text Books. Teach Hub.
oo. Dave Rosenberg (2009, March 26). Maker of 'open,' free textbooks raises $8 million.
Cnet News. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13846_3-10205734-62.html
E-Book Resources and Companies (mobile ones too):
1. Beyond Textbooks: http://beyondtextbooks.org/
2. Bookyards: http://www.bookyards.com/
3. CK-12 Foundation: http://about.ck12.org/
4. Flat World Knowledge: http://www.flatworldknowledge.com/
5. GetYa Learn On: http://www.getyalearnon.com/
6. The Global Text Project (creating books for underdeveloped countries):
7. GoKnow: http://www.goknow.com/
8. Google Books: http://books.google.com/books
9. International Children’s Digital Library. http://en.childrenslibrary.org/ (Note: The ICDL
collection includes 4452 books in 54 languages; users come from 228 different
10. The Internet Archive: http://www.archive.org/index.php
11. Korean Digital Textbook Project: http://www.dtbook.kr/eng/
12. LibiVox: http://librivox.org/
13. ManyBooks.net: http://manybooks.net/
14. NetLibrary: http://www.netlibrary.com/
15. NY Public Library Portal to Children’s e-books:
16. OCLC (Online Computer Library Center): http://www.oclc.org/us/en/global/default.htm
17. Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page
Questia: http://www.questia.com/Index.jsp
Rethink Books: http://rethinkbooks.com/
Rosetta Books: http://www.childrensbooksonline.org/ABC_Bicycle_Book/index.htm
Seeds of Empowerment (Paul Kim, creating tools for the underdeveloped world; e.g.,
iPhone applications for storytelling and social entrepreneurship)
22. Tumblebooks: http://www.tumblebooks.com/
23. World Public Library: http://worldlibrary.net/
Week 4. (January 31st) The Continued Expansion of Blended and Fully Online
1. Sloan Reports (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010). http://www.sloan-c.org/ and
http://sloanconsortium.org/publications/freedownloads (free report downloads)
a. Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2005). Growing by degrees: Online education in the United
States, 2005. Needham, MA: Sloan-C. Retrieved on June 24, 2010,, from
b. Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2006). Making the grade: Online education in the United
States. The Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C). Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
c. Allen, I. E., Seaman, J., & Garrett, R. (2007). Blending in: The extent and promise of
blended education in the United States. The Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C). Retrieved on
June 24, 2010, from http://sloanconsortium.org/publications/survey/pdf/Blending_In.pdf
d. Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2007). Online nation: Five years of growth in online learning.
Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
e. Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2008). Staying The Course - Online Education in the United
States. http://www.sloanconsortium.org/sites/default/files/staying_the_course-2.pdf
f. Anthony G. Picciano & Jeff Seaman (2008). K–12 Online Learning: A 2008 Follow-Up
of the Survey of U.S. School District Administrators. http://www.sloanc.org/publications/survey/pdf/k-12_online_learning_2008.pdf
g. Association of Public and Land Grant Universities. (2009, August). Online Learning as a
Strategic Asset. Volume 1: A Resource for Campus Leaders.
http://www.sloanconsortium.org/sites/default/files/APLU_online_strategic_asset_vol11_1.pdf and Volume 2: The Paradox of Faculty Voices: Views and Experiences with
Online Learning.
http://www.sloanconsortium.org/sites/default/files/APLU_online_strategic_asset_vol21.pdf (summary page: http://www.sloan-c.org/publications/survey/APLU_Reports)
h. Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2010, January). Learning On Demand: Online Education in
the United States, 2009. http://www.sloanc.org/publications/survey/pdf/learningondemand.pdf (summary is here:
i. Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2010, November). Class Differences: Online Education in the
United States, 2010, The Sloan Consortium.
2. Barbara Means, Yukie Toyama, Robert Murphy, Marianne Bakia, & Karla Jones (2009).
Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of
Online Learning Studies. U. S. Department of Education.
Revised September 2010: http://www2.ed.gov/rschstat/eval/tech/evidence-basedpractices/finalreport.pdf
3. David N. Figlio, Mark Rush, & Lu Yin (2010, June). Is it Live or is it Internet? Experimental
Estimates of the Effects of Online Instruction on Student Learning. National Bureau of Economic
Research. http://www.nber.org/papers/w16089.pdf?new_window=1 (Note: you need a
government or education email account to download this one for free).
4. Trends in Instructional Tool Usage in Online Education Programs, Research Brief,
Eduventures, February 2010 (study of 96 universities)
5. Project Tomorrow and Blackboard Inc (2009, June 30). Learning in the 21st Century: 2009
Trends Update. http://www.tomorrow.org/speakup/learning21Report_2009_Update.html
6. K-12 Online Learning:
a. John F. Watson (2007, April). A National Primer on K-12 Online Learning. NACOL.
Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from http://www.nacol.org/docs/national_report.pdf
b. John Watson, Amy Murin, Lauren Vashaw, Butch Gemin, and Chris Rapp and colleagues
at Evergreen Education Group (2010, November). Keeping Pace with K-12 Online
Learning: An Annual Review of Policy and Practice.
Week 4 Tidbits:
a. Marc Parry (2010, December 12). Colleges Lock Out Blind Students Online. Chronicle
of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/Blind-Students-DemandAccess/125695/?sid=pm&utm_source=pm&utm_medium=en
b. Susan Sawyers, The Hechinger Report (2010, November 26). Students can make up
credits online (i.e., credit recovery for high school students), USA Today.
c. Eric Kelderman (2010, November 21). Technology Gives Blind Students a Better View
of Music. Chronicle of Higher Education.
d. Travis Kaya, (2010, November 16). Enrollment in Online Courses Increases at the
Highest Rate Ever. Chronicle of Higher Education.
e. Staff Report (2010, November 16). Growth of online instruction continues, though
unevenly. eSchool News, Staff Report. http://www.eschoolnews.com/2010/11/16/growthof-online-instruction-continues-though-unevenly/
f. Trip Gabriel (2010, November 5). Live vs. Distance Learning: Measuring the
Differences. New York Times.
g. Special Report from the Chronicle of Higher Education, Online Learning 2010.
Virtual Learning Goes Mainstream (2010, October).
http://chronicle.com/section/Online-Learning/491/?inl, Special issue includes:
a. Faculty Views About Online Learning (2010, October 31). This set of charts
shows results of a survey in 2008-9 of 10,720 faculty members at 69 colleges and
universities, Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/FacultyViews-About-Online/125200/
b. Salmon Khan (2010, October 31). YouTube U. Beats YouSnooze U., Chronicle
of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/YouTube-U-BeatsYouSnooze/125105/
c. Mark David Milliron (2010, October 31). Online Education vs. Traditional
Learning: Time to End the Family Feud. Chronicle of Higher Education.
d. Julie Meloni (2010, October 31). Technologies for Teaching: Strategies and
Pitfalls. http://chronicle.com/article/Technologies-for-Teaching/125109/
e. Marc Parry (2010, October 31). Such a Deal? Maybe Not. Online learning can
cost more than traditional education, Chronicle of Higher Education.
f. Ben Gose (2010, October 31). Learning the Art of Virtual Instruction: Traditional
colleges offer training, along with incentives, for wary professors, Chronicle of
HE, http://chronicle.com/article/Learning-the-Art-of-Virtual/125108/
g. Dalton Conley (2010, October 31). Steal This Education: Abbie Hoffman said a
revolutionary's first duty was to get away with it. Now you can. Chronicle of
HE. http://chronicle.com/article/Getting-Away-With-Free/125118
h. Katherine Mangan (2010, October 31). At the U. of Phoenix, Instructors Learn
(Online) to Teach Online, Chronicle of HE,
i. Marc Parry (2010, October 31). Tomorrow's College: The classroom of the future
features face-to-face, online, and hybrid learning. And the future is here,
Chronicle of HE. http://chronicle.com/article/Tomorrows-College/125120/
h. Special Report from Education Week. E-Learning 2010: E-Educators Evolving
(2010, September). http://www.edweek.org/ew/collections/e-learning2010_fall/index.html?Intc=EL102AP (many articles, including those below)
a. Ian Quillen (2010, September). Ed. Schools Lag Behind in Virtual-Teacher
Training. Education Week.
i. Steven Overly (2010, September 27). Online education evolves as advances in
technology make major impact, The Washington Post.
j. Jeffrey Young (2010, September 24). Amid Cows And Cacophony, an Online University
Expands Its Global Reach, Chronicle of Higher Education.
k. Jeff Young (2010, September 21). S. Korean Colleges Aim to Prosper in Worldwide
Online Education. Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/S-KoreanColleges-Aim-to/124558/?sid=at&utm_source=at&utm_medium=en
l. Jeff Young (2010, August 9). Bill Gates Predicts Technology Will Make 'Place-Based'
Colleges Less Important in 5 Years. Chronicle of Higher Education, See embedded
video of Bill Gates. http://chronicle.com/blogPost/Bill-Gates-PredictsTechnology/26092/?sid=at&utm_source=at&utm_medium=en
m. Jamal Eric Watson (2010, August 9). Indiana Launches Western Governors University
Program. Diverse: Issues in Higher Education.
n. Larry Dignan (2010, August 3). Can the Internet lower college costs. SmartPlanet.
http://www.smartplanet.com/business/blog/smart-takes/can-the-internet-lower-collegecosts/9511/ (includes TED video by Chris Lehmann, principal of the Science
Leadership Academy (SLA) in Philadelphia; see: TEDxNYED - Chris Lehmann 03/06/10http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FEMCyHYTyQ ).
o. Jennifer Demski (2010, July 1). A Better Blend. Campus Technology.
p. Cushing Anderson (2010, June 27). The Medium is the Message. Chief Learning Officer.
q. Paul Basken (2010, June 22). New grilling of For-Profits Could Turn Up the Heat for All
of Higher Education. Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/NewGrilling-of-For-Profits/66020/
r. Kelly Field and Jennifer Gonzalez (2010, June 15). Education Dept. Will Release Stricter
Rules for For-Profits but Delays One on ‘Gainful Employment.” Chronicle of Higher
Education. http://chronicle.com/article/Education-Dept-Will-Release/65958/
s. Marion Lloyd (2010, June 16). Mexico's Monterrey Tech Pushes E-Learning, as Some
Worry It Won't Solve Region's Burgeoning Need. Chronicle of Higher Education.
t. Josh Keller and Marc Parry (2010, May 9). U. of California Considers Online Classes, or
Even Degrees: Proposal for virtual courses challenges beliefs about what an elite
university is—and isn't. Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/InCrisis-U-of-California/65445/
u. Robin Wilson (2010, February 7). For-Profit Colleges Change Higher Education's
Landscape: Nimble companies gain a fast-growing share of enrollments. Chronicle of
Higher Education. http://www.chroniclecareers.com/article/For-Profit-CollegesChange/64012/
v. Bill Gates (2010, January). 2010 Annual Letter from Bill Gates: Online Learning
w. Curtis J. Bonk (2010, January 11). Overcoming the Technology Resistance Movement,
Inside the School (http://www.insidetheschool.com/), Magna Publications, Madison, WI.
Available: http://www.insidetheschool.com/articles/overcoming-the-technologyresistance-movement/
x. Curtis J. Bonk (2009, December 11). R2D2: A Model for Using Technology in Education,
eCampus News. Available: http://www.ecampusnews.com/top-news/r2d2-a-model-forusing-technology-in-education/ or http://www.ecampusnews.com/top-news/r2d2-amodel-for-using-technology-in-education/print/
y. Curtis J. Bonk (2009, November 23). Benefits and Audiences of Online Learning in K-12
Environments, Inside the School (http://www.insidetheschool.com/), Magna Publications,
Madison, WI. Available: http://www.insidetheschool.com/articles/benefits-andaudiences-of-online-learning-in-k-12-environments/
z. Curtis J. Bonk (2009, October 19). The Wide Open Learning World: Sea, Land, and Ice
Views. Association for Learning Technology (ALT) Online Newsletter, Issue 17,
Available: http://newsletter.alt.ac.uk/g57hhv01ses15pbvrjm4bf
aa. Charles R. Graham (2006). Chapter 1: Blended learning systems: Definition, current
trends, future directions. In C. J. Bonk & C. R. Graham (Eds.). Handbook of blended
learning: Global Perspectives, local designs. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer Publishing.
bb. Obama Urges Investment in High-Tech Education, CNN Money, September 21, 2009:
cc. Thomas Benton (September 14, 2009). Online Learning: Reaching Out to the Skeptics,
Chronicle of HE, http://chronicle.com/article/Online-Learning-Reaching-Out/48375/
Week 5. (February 7th) The Movement Toward Free and Open Source Software
1. Raymond, E. S. (2000). The cathedral and the bazaar. Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
a. Bezroukov, N. (2005a). Open source software development as a special type of academic
research (Crique of Vulgar Raymond). First Monday. Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
b. Fighting Raymondism: Software Realism vs Software Idealism:
c. Bezroukov, N. (2005b). A second look at the cathedral and the Bazaar. First Monday.
Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
2. Wheeler, B. (2004). Open source 2007: How did this happen? EDUCAUSE Review, 39(4), 12-27.
Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from http://www.educause.edu/pub/er/erm04/erm0440.asp or
3. Kapor, M. (2005). How is open source special? EDUCAUSE Review, 40(2), 72-73. Retrieved on
June 24, 2010, from http://www.educause.edu/er/erm05/erm05210.asp and
4. Pan and Bonk Open Source Articles (3 choices):
a. Pan, G., & Bonk, C. J. (2007, March). The Emergence of Open-Source Software, Part II:
China. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 8(1). See
http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/331/762; special issue on the
“Changing Faces of Open and Distance Learning in Asia” is found at
b. Pan, G., & Bonk, C. J. (2007, September). The Emergence of Open-Source Software,
Part I: North America. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning.
8(3). See http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/496/938
c. Pan, G., & Bonk, C. J. (2007). A socio-cultural perspective on free and open source
software. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. See
5. Innovate Special Issue on Open Source:
a. Stephenson, R. (2006). Open source/Open course learning: Lessons for educators from
free and open source software. Innovate, 3 (1). Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
b. Hepburn, G., & Buley, J. (2006). Getting open source software into schools: Strategies
and challenges. Innovate 3 (1). Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
c. Iiyoshi, T., Richardson, C., & McGrath, O. (2006). Harnessing open technologies to
promote open educational knowledge sharing. Innovate 3 (1). Retrieved on June 24,
Week 5 Tidbits:
a. FM (1998). FM Interviews with Linus Torvalds: What motivates free software
developers? First Monday, Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
b. Jane Hart (2008, April) 25 Tools every learning professional should have in their
toolbox—and all for free! E.Learning Age Magazine.
c. Lessig, Lawrence (2006, September). Free, as in beer. Wired Magazine, Retrieved on
June 25, 2010, from http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/14.09/posts.html?pg=6
d. Free Software Foundation. (2006). The free software definition. Retrieved on June 24,
2010, from http://www.fsf.org/licensing/essays/free-sw.html
e. GNU Bulletin. (1987). What is Free Software Foundation? GNU Bulletin 1(3). Retrieved
on June 24, 2010, from http://www.gnu.org/bulletins/bull3.html#SEC1.
f. Hilton, J. L. (2005). In praise of sharing. EDUCAUSE Review, 40(3), 72-73. Also
available at: http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ERM05310.pdf
g. Stallman, R. (1983). Initial announcement. Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
h. Stallman, R. (1985). The GNU project. Retrieved on June 24, 2010, from
Open Source Initiatives:
1. Open Source Initiative. (2007). Open Source Initiative (OSI).
2. Moodle Web site. http://moodle.org/; and Moodle Demo. http://demo.moodle.net/
3. Sakai Web site: http://sakaiproject.org/
4. List of Open Source Tools: http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/tools.htm
Week 6. (February 14th)
OpenCourseWare (OCW)
1. Nancy L. Maron, K. Kirby Smith, and Matthew Loy (2009, July). Sustaining Digital Resources:
An On-the-Ground View of Projects Today. JISC, UK. http://www.ithaka.org/ithaka-sr/strategy/ithaka-case-studies-insustainability/report/SCA_Ithaka_SustainingDigitalResources_Report.pdf
2. Geser, Guntram (ed.). (2007, January). Open Educational Practices and Resources: OLCOS
Roadmap 2012 (149 pages). http://www.olcos.org/cms/upload/docs/olcos_roadmap.pdf (more
info here: http://www.olcos.org/english/roadmap/)
3. Downes, Stephen (2007). Models for sustainable open educational resources. Interdisciplinary
Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects. 3, Retrieved on June 25, 2010,, from
4. Atkins, Dan, Brown, John Seely, & Hammond, Allen (2007, February). A review of the open
educational resources (OER) movement: Achievements, challenges, new opportunities. William
and Flora Hewlett Foundation. (84 pages). Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
http://www.oerderves.org/?p=23 and http://www.oerderves.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/areview-of-the-open-educational-resources-oer-movement_final.pdf
5. Lee, M., Lin, M.-F., & Bonk, C. J. (2007, November). OOPS, turning MIT OpenCourseWare into
Chinese: An analysis of a community of practice of global translators. International Review of
Research in Open and Distance Learning, 8(3). Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/463/980 (HTML)
http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/463/982 (PDF)
http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/463/966 (audio file)
6. Giving knowledge for free: The emergence of open educational resources. OECD Publishing:
Centre for Educational Research and Innovation. (2007). (153 pages).
3F9X and
Week 6 Tidbits:
a. Kevin Carey (2010, December 10). Scitable and the Course of Open Courses, Kevin
Carey, Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/blogs/brainstorm/scitableand-the-course-of-open-courses/29837?sid=at&utm_source=at&utm_medium=en
b. eCampus News (2010, June 28). Oceanographer touts deep sea web surfing
Nautilus Live allows people to not only learn about the expeditions but watch them live
and listen to the scientists in the control rooms as discoveries are made
From staff and wire reports. http://www.ecampusnews.com/technologies/oceanographertouts-deep-sea-web-surfing/
c. Jennifer Howard (2010, June 13). Digital Repositories Foment a Quiet Revolution in
Scholarship. Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/DigitalRepositories-Foment-a/65894/?sid=at&utm_source=at&utm_medium=en
d. Mary Grush (2010, March). Open Education: A Learning Conversation. Campus
Technology. http://campustechnology.com/articles/2010/03/01/open-education-alearning-conversation.aspx
e. Peter Schmidt. (2010, February 14). New Journals, Free Online, Let Scholars Speak Out,
Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/Open-Access-JournalsBreak/64143/?sid=at
f. Ben Terris (February 7, 2010). A New Motion Picture of the Universe, With Free
Admission for Colleges Large and Small, Chronicle of Higher Education.
g. Anya Kamenetz (2009, September 1). How Web-Savvy Edupunks Are Transforming
American Higher Education. Fast Company.
h. Kevin Maney (2009, September 2009). Next: An Internet Revolution in Higher
Education, Business Week.
i. Mary Helen Miller (2010, Feb 25). Key Letter by Descartes, Lost for 170 Years, Turns
Up at Haverford, Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/Key-Letterby-Descartes-Lost/64369/?sid=pm&utm_source=pm&utm_medium=en
j. MIT (2001, April 4). MIT to make nearly all course materials available free on the World
Wide Web. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
k. MIT. (2006, June 5). 2005 program evaluation findings report. Retrieved on June 25,
2010, from
OpenCourseWare (OCW), Open Access Contents, and Open Educational Resources (OER)
1. OER Handbook, WikiEducator: http://wikieducator.org/OER_Handbook
2. A Vision for Global (online) Education: http://youtube.com/watch?v=RRymi-lFHpE;
Richard Baraniuk Rice University
3. Hewlett Foundation OER Resources and Grants:
4. Hewlett OER Blog called OERderves: http://www.oerderves.org
5. Educational Resources Center for California: http://grou.ps/oercenter/
6. WikiEducator: http://www.wikieducator.org/Main_Page
8. The Open Knowledge Foundation: http://www.okfn.org/
9. MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Project: http://ocw.mit.edu/index.html
10. OpenCourseWare Consortium: http://www.ocwconsortium.org/
11. Intute (to find best resources for study and research): http://www.intute.ac.uk/
12. OER Commons: http://oercommons.org/
13. Free Rice: http://www.freerice.com/
14. Global Text Project: http://globaltext.org/
15. David Wiley, Utah State University, fall 2007 class about OER - syllabus online
16. David Wiley’s blog: http://opencontent.org/blog/
17. MERLOT: http://www.merlot.org/merlot/index.htm
18. Connexions from Rice University: http://cnx.org/
19. Jorum: http://www.jorum.ac.uk/
20. IIEP-UNESCO (wiki of repositories and resources): http://oerwiki.iiepunesco.org/index.php?title=Repositories
21. WolframAlpha: http://www.wolframalpha.com/
22. EveryStockPhoto.com: http://everystockphoto.com/photo.php?imageId=571578
23. Open Course in Education Futures: http://www.edfutures.com/
24. OCW Search: http://www.ocwsearch.com/
25. OCW Finder: http://www.ocwfinder.org/
26. iBerry (Open Courseware (OCW) Directory): http://iberry.com/
27. Open Knowledge Initiative: http://www.okiproject.org/
28. Opensource Opencourseware Prototype System (2005). OOPS website. Retrieved on
June 25, 2010, from: http://oops.editme.com/
29. The China Open Resources for Education project: http://www.core.org.cn/en/ and
30. Japan OCW Consortium: http://www.jocw.jp/index.htm
31. The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s OCW: http://ocw.jhsph.edu/
32. Tufts University’s OCW: http://ocw.tufts.edu/
33. Vietnam Fulbright Economics OCW: http://ocw.fetp.edu.vn/home.cfm
34. The Rai Foundation Colleges OCW project in India:
http://www.raifoundation.org/aspirations.html (Note: Google and Firefox look at this as
badware and so may not work)
35. Teacher lesson plan sites: (see http://www.lessonplanspage.com/ and
36. Federal Resources for Educational Excellent project (see http://free.ed.gov/).
37. Free-Reading.net: http://free-reading.net/index.php?title=Main_Page
38. NASA Learning Technology site (see http://learn.arc.nasa.gov/)
39. The Museum of Online Museums: http://www.coudal.com/moom/
Nautilus Live: http://www.nautiluslive.org/
Ontario Educational Resource Bank: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/elearning/
Squidoo: http://www.squidoo.com/
Public Library of Science: http://www.plos.org/
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: http://plato.stanford.edu/
Yahoo! Education: http://education.yahoo.com/
Online Dictionaries: YourDictionary: http://www.yourdictionary.com/; MerriamWebster’s Online Dictionary: http://www.m-w.com/; Dictionary.com:
http://dictionary.reference.com/; MSN Encarta Dictionary:
Encyclopedia of Life, Reuters, August 23, 2009:
Jeffrey Young (2010, July 12). Microsoft Research Unveils Online Observatory of
NASA Images of Mars. Chronicle of Higher Education.
i. http://chronicle.com/blogPost/Microsoft-Research-Unveils/25458/
http://marsprogram.jpl.nasa.gov/mro/ (NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter )
ii. http://www.worldwidetelescope.org/Home.aspx (computer as a virtual
Timeless Hemmingway: http://www.timelesshemingway.com/
Jane Austen: http://www.janeausten.org/
The Jane Goodall Institute: http://www.janegoodall.org/
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence: http://www.free.ed.gov/
BBC (2009, November 30). The Royal Society 350th anniversary celebrations puts
historic papers online (Captain Cook, Sir Isaac Newton and Benjamin Frankin).
Complete Works of Charles Darwin Online: http://darwin-online.org.uk/
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: http://shakespeare.mit.edu/
Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore: http://www.eapoe.org/
Einstein Archives Online: http://www.alberteinstein.info/
Brian Stelter (2010, March15). C-Span Puts Full Archives on the Web, New York Times.
C-Span: http://www.c-spanvideo.org/videoLibrary/
Book-TV Archive: http://www.c-spanvideo.org/browse?browse=series&id=5
Book-TV: http://www.booktv.org/
Scitable: http://www.nature.com/scitable (from Nature magazine)
Foldit: http://fold.it/portal/ (protein unfolding)
Free and Low Cost Higher Education:
1. Free Learning (list from Stephen Downes): http://www.downes.ca/freelearning.htm
2. University of the People: http://www.uopeople.org/
New York Times, On the Internet: A University Without a Campus, February 5, 2009,
Donald Clark blog post, University of the People, September 21, 2009,
Marc Parry, Chronicle of HE, August 26, 2009, New Tuition-Free University of the
People Tries to Democratize HE, http://chronicle.com/blogPost/New-Tuition-FreeUniversity/7831/
3. Peer 2 Peer University: http://p2pu.org/
Back to School: Peer 2 Peer University and the Future of Education (an interview);
September 1, 2009 interview: http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/17323
University of Manitoba (?), August 12, 2009: http://openedconference.org/archives/414
P2PU., An Experiment in Free Online Education, Opens for Business, Chronicle of HE,
August 19, 2009, http://chronicle.com/blogPost/P2P-U-an-Experiment-in-Free/7739/
4. Straightline: http://www.straighterline.com/
5. Dennis Carter (2010, September 21). Free online school coming to some in Haiti
Earthquake that killed more than 200,000 also ravaged universities, leaving few educational
options. eCampus News, By Dennis Carter, Assistant Editor.
4. Nixty: http://nixty.com/
a. Sophia Li (2010, July 23). Online Course Construction Gets a 'Do-It-Yourself' Web Site.
Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/blogPost/Online-CourseConstruction/25732/?sid=pm&utm_source=pm&utm_medium=en
Week 7. (February 21) Connectivism, Social Knowledge, and Participatory
1. Brown, J. S., & Adler, R. P. (2008, January/February). Minds on fire: Open education, the long
tail, and learning 2.0. EDUCAUSE Review, 43(1), 16-32. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
a. Mimi Ito (2010, June). Opening Plenary at the New Media Consortium 2010 in Anaheim,
CA. Learning with Social Media: The Positive Potential of Peer Pressure and Messing
Around Online; Gardner Campbell reflective blog on keynote:
http://www.gardnercampbell.net/blog1/?p=1258; Video of keynote:
b. John Seely Brown (2010, June). Closing Keynote at the New Media Consortium 2010 in
Anaheim, CA. A Culture of Learning. Gardner Campbell’s reflective blog post:
http://www.gardnercampbell.net/blog1/?p=1278; Video of keynote:
c. Brown, J. S. (2006, December 1). Relearning learning—Applying the long tail to
learning. Presentation at MIT iCampus, Video available from MITWorld:
2. George Siemens (2006, November 12). Connectivism: Learning theory of pastime for the selfamused? Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
http://www.elearnspace.org/Articles/connectivism_self-amused.htm or
a. Knowing Knowledge, George Siemens, Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
3. Nicholas Carr (2008, July/August). Is Google Making Us Stupid? Atlantic Monthly. Retrieved on
June 25, 2010, from http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200807/google
4. Henry Jenkins (2006). Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for
the 21st Century (Part One and Part Two). Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
http://www.henryjenkins.org/2006/10/confronting_the_challenges_of.html and
5. Henry Jenkins, Katie Clinton, Ravi Purushotma, Alice J. Robison and Margaret Weigel. (2008).
Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century
Chicago: The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
6. Catherine McLoughlin & Mark Lee (2008, June/July). Future learning landscapes: Transforming
pedagogy through social software. Innovate. 4(5).
Week 7 Tidbits:
a. Lev Grossman (2010, December 15). Person of the Year 2010, Mark Zuckerberg.
Time (magazine).
b. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Tim O'Reilly (O'Reilly Media, Inc.), John Battelle (Federated
Media Publishing), Web 2.0 Summit 2010: Mark Zuckerberg, "A Conversation with Mark
Zuckerberg." (2010, November 17). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzwdtTP6oU&feature=player_embedded
c. Grossman, L. (2006, December 13).Time’s Person of the Year: You. Time Magazine Person
of the Year, 168(26), pp. 38-41.
d. Marc Parry (August 5, 2010). The Open, Social, Participatory Future of Online Learning.
Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/blogPost/The-Open-Social/26000/
e. Jon Swartz (2010, August 2). Time spent on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube grows, USA
Today. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2010-08-02-networking02_ST_N.htm
f. Marc Parry (2010, May 4). Most Professors Use Social Media. Chronicle of Higher
Education. http://chronicle.com/blogPost/Most-Professors-UseSocial/23716/?sid=at&utm_source=at&utm_medium=en
i. Summary of findings from Pearson study:
ii. Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/PearsonLearningSolutions/pearsonsocialmediasurvey2010
g. Mark Vernon (2010, July 27). Is true friendship dying away? USA Today.
h. Jeanie Meister and Karie Wilyerd (2010, April). Social Learning Unleashed. Chief Learning
Officer. http://www.cedmaeurope.org/newsletter%20articles/Clomedia/Social%20Learning%20Unleashed%20(Apr%20
i. George Siemens, Articles, Retrieved on June 25, 2010, eLearningspace: Everything Elearning, from http://www.elearnspace.org/Articles/index.htm
j. Jutta Pauschenwein and Anastasia Sfiri, Graz, Austria (2010, 5(1)). Adult Learner’s
Motivation for the Use of Micro-Blogging During Online Training Courses. International
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (JET). http://online-journals.org/ijet/article/view/1041/1291
a. George Siemens (2008). Connectivism & Connected Knowledge: Open Online Course,
b. Benson, Heidi (2005, November 22). A man’s vision: World Library Online. San Francisco
Chronicle, A-1. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from http://www.sfgate.com/cgibin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/11/22/MNGQ0FSCCT1.DTL
c. Scholarship in the Age of Participation, George Siemens, Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
d. Connectivism, Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from http://www.connectivism.ca/about.html
f. George Siemens, The Changing Nature of Knowledge (4 short videos):
i. The Conflict of Learning Theories with Human Nature:
ii. The Changing Nature of Knowledge:
iii. The Impact of Social Software on Learning:
iv. The Network is the Learning:
Sample Web 2.0 tools and companies:
1. Dotsub: http://www.dotsub.com/ (create subtitling text in online videos and
2. Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/
3. Mailbigfule: http://www.mailbigfile.com/
4. Scrapblog: http://scrapblog.com/(create a scrapbook of pics.)
5. VoiceThread: http://voicethread.com/ (add audio to pics--I tried it and it worked
6. Voxopop (formerly Chinswing): http://www.voxopop.com/ (constructive
communication is the goal of this tool; converse with other people about different
7. YackPack: http://www.yackpack.com/ (email an audio file)
8. Meg Lloyd (2010, May). 18 Web 2.0 Tools for Instruction. Campus Technology.
9. Tools for creating videos of animated characters and creating cartoonish videos:
1. Bitstrips: http://www.bitstrips.com/landing;
2. Digital Films: http://www.digitalfilms.com/
3. GoAnimate: http://goanimate.com/
4. Xtranormal: http://www.xtranormal.com
10. Link to Various Web 2.0 tools: http://www.go2web20.net/
11. ***Curt Bonk’s list of “Popular Web 2.0 and related Technology Tools (useful
for K-12 schools and teachers)”
Week 8. (February 28th) Wikis, Wikipedia, Wikibooks, and Collaborative Writing
1. Pfeil, U., Zaphiris, P., & Ang, C. S. (2006). Cultural differences in collaborative authoring of
Wikipedia. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(1), article 5. Retrieved on June
25, 2010, from http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol12/issue1/pfeil.html
2. Rosenzweig, R. (2006, June). Can history be open source?: Wikipedia and the future of the past.
The Journal of American History, 93(1), 117-146. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
3. Bryant, S. L., Forte, A., & Bruckman, A. (2005). Becoming Wikipedian: Transformation of
participation in a collaborative online encyclopedia. In M. Pendergast, K. Schmidt, G. Mark, and
M. Acherman (Eds.); Proceedings of the 2005 International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on
Supporting Group Work, GROUP 2005, Sanibel Island, FL, November 6-9, pp. 1-10.
4. Sajjapanroj, S., Bonk, C. J., Lee, M, & Lin M.-F. (2008, Spring). A window on Wikibookians:
Surveying their statuses, successes, satisfactions, and sociocultural experiences. Journal of
Interactive Online Learning, 7(1), 36-58. Available:
http://ncolr.org/jiol/issues/viewarticle.cfm?volID=7&IssueID=22&ArticleID=114 and
5. Alison J. Head and Michael B. Eisenberg (2010, March). How Today’s College Students Use
Wikipedia for Course-related Research, First Monday, Volume 15, Number 3 - 1.
6. Patrick O’Shea, Peter Baker, Dwight Allen, Daniel E. Curry-Corcoran, & Douglas Allen, (2007,
Winter), New Levels of Student Participatory Learning: A WikiText for the Introductory Course
in Education, Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 6(3),
http://www.ncolr.org/jiol/issues/viewarticle.cfm?volID=6&IssueID=21&ArticleID=110 and
a. Wikibook from Dwight Allen class (Old Dominion University) on Social and Cultural
Foundations of Education:
b. Wikimania Conference 2009 presentation (worth watching for 10-20 minutes):
Week 8 Tidbits:
a. Jeffrey Young (2010, May 28). Crowd Science Reaches New Heights. Chronicle of
Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/The-Rise-of-Crowd-Science/65707/
b. Stewart Mader (2009, January). Your wiki isn’t Wikipedia: How to use it for technical
communication. Intercom. http://www.ikiw.org/wpcontent/uploads/2009/01/stc_intercom.pdf
c. Giles, J. (2005). Internet encyclopedias go head to head [Electronic Version]. Nature,
438, 900-901. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
http://www.u.arizona.edu/~trevors/nature_15dec2005_wikipedia.pdf or
http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v438/n7070/full/438900a.html (Note: this may
cost money to acquire).
i. Encyclopedia Britannica (2006, March). Fatally flawed: Refuting the recent
study on encyclopedic accuracy by the journal Nature. Retrieved on June 25,
2010, from
d. Seven things you should know about Wikipedia (2007, June). Educause, Retrieved on
June 25, 2010, from http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7026.pdf or
a. Seven Things You Should Know About (Wikipedia, Podcasts, Facebook, etc.) (from
Educause): http://www.educause.edu/content.asp?page_id=7495&bhcp=1
e. Piotr Konieczny (2007, January). Wikis and Wikipedia as a teaching tool. International
Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Education, 4(1), 15-34. Retrieved on
June 25, 2010, from http://itdl.org/Journal/Jan_07/article02.htm
f. A Web of Connections: Why the read/write Web changes everything:
http://willrichardson.wikispaces.com/ (Wikispaces of Will Richardson)
g. Wikibooks (2007c). Wikibooks: Wikijunior. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Wikijunior or Wikibooks:
Week 9. (March7th) YouTube, TeacherTube, and the Future of Shared Online
1. Peter B. Kaughman and Jen Mohan (2009, June). Video Use and Higher Education: Options for
the Future. http://library.nyu.edu/about/Video_Use_in_Higher_Education.pdf
2. Pew Internet and American Life Project.
a. Mary Madden (2009, July). The Audience for Online Video- Sharing Sites Shoots Up.
Pew Internet and American Life Project.
b. Mary Madden (2009, July 25). Online Video. Pew Internet & American Life Project. Pew
Internet & American Life Project.
c. Lee Rainie (2008, January 9). “Pew Internet Project Data Memo: Video Sharing
Websites,” report (Pew Internet and American Life Project.
3. Kristen Purcell (2010, June 3). The State of Online Video. Pew Internet & American Life Project.
Pew Internet & American Life Project.
4. Stephen Downes (2008). “Places to Go: YouTube,” Innovate: Journal of Online Education,
5. Alexandra Juhasz blog posts:
a. “I Proclaim the Stuff on YouTube to be Leprous,” Media Praxis (February 29, 2008),
b. “Teaching on YouTube,” OpenCulture (April 22, 2008),
6. Bonk, C. J. (2008, March). YouTube anchors and enders: The use of shared online video content
as a macrocontext for learning. Paper presented at the American Educational Research
Association (AERA) 2008 Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
Week 9 Tidbits:
a. Verne G. Kopytoff, (2010, December 20), Skype Adds Video Calling to iPhone App, NY
Times blog, http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/30/skype-adds-video-calling-toiphone-app/ or Jon Swartz (December 20, 2010). USA Today.
b. Jefferson Graham (2010, December 17). Free music video site Vevo eyes iPad, other
mobile possibilities, USA TODAY.
c. Melanie Swan (2010, December 3). US teenage teacher inspires future educators
The National. http://www.thenational.ae/news/uae-news/education/us-teenage-teacherinspires-future-educators (note: This article is about a TED conference for kids;
TEDxRedmond is a TEDx event organized by kids, for kids, Sept 18, 2010
http://tedxredmond.com/; see for example: TEDxRedmond: Interview with Rethinking
Education Speaker Priya Ganesan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BVZRNAYlA&feature=channel or TEDxRedmond: 10-year-old Perry Chen Film Critic
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sgdnp5Xr0FU&feature=channel or TEDxRedmond:
Priya Ganesan Interviews Her Sister Maya
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnAkaQakPQQ&feature=channel or TEDxRedmond:
Lessons From Children - Celebrating Our Youngest Teachers
November 24, 2010; Ardith Davis Cole, teacher, author, literacy consultant
Dian Schaffhauser (2010, September 15). College Students on Streaming Video: Get Me
Outta Class! Campus Technology.
Marc Parry (2010, August 8). Mass Video Courses May Free Up Professors for More
Personalized Teaching. Chronicle of Higher Education.
Jeffrey Young (2010, June 6). College 2.0: A Self-Appointed Teacher Runs a One-Man
'Academy' on YouTube: Are his 10-minute lectures the future? Chronicle of Higher
Education. http://chronicle.com/article/A-Self-Appointed-Teacher-Runs/65793/
Olivia Barker (2010, March 31). It's not the Jetsons' video chat anymore, thanks to
technology, Olivia Barker, USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/life/lifestyle/2010-0331-videochat31_CV_N.htm?loc=interstitialskip
Michael Wesch, Anti-Teaching: Confronting the Crisis of Significance." Education
Canada 48(2):4-7. Jan 2008. http://www.scribd.com/doc/6358393/AntiTeachingConfronting-the-Crisis-of-Significance
Michael Wesch, From Knowledgable to Knowledge-Able: Learning in New Media
Environments, Academic Commons,
September 7, 2009.
Henry Jenkins. “Learning from YouTube: An Interview with Alex Juhasz,” Confessions
of an Aca-fan. Weblog of Henry Jenkins (February 20, 2008),
Guaranteach (short 1-2 minute math videos): http://www.guaranteach.com/
Livestream: http://www.livestream.com
Maangchi (Korean food recipe site): http://www.maangchi.com/
Charles McGrath. “A Private Dance? Four Million Web Fans Say No,” New York Times
(July 8, 2008), http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/08/technology/08iht08dancer.14321276.html?pagewanted=all
Laura Devaney. “‘Coursecasting’ Now a Higher-education Staple: Universities
Increasingly Turning Lectures into Podcasts,” eSchool News (December 19, 2007),
Jeffrey R. Young. “Thanks to YouTube, Professors are Finding New Audiences,”
Chronicle of Higher Education (January 9, 2008), http://chronicle.com/article/Thanks-toYouTube-Professo/381/
Jeffrey R. Young. “‘Big Think’ Video Site not Attracting Much Reedback?” Wired
Campus: Chronicle of Higher Education (February 8, 2008),
Yi-Wyn Yen. “YouTube Looks for the Money Clip,” Fortune (2008),
m. Brock Read. “Scientists Get a YouTube of Their Own,” Chronicle.com (2007),
n. Jeffrey R. Young. “Professors on YouTube, Take 2?” Wired Campus: Chronicle of
Higher Education (January 29, 2008),
o. John Battelle. “A Brief Interview with Michael Wesch (The Creator of that Wonderful
Video),” John Battelle’s Searchblog (February 18, 2007),
Same YouTube videos related to education:
1. Khan Academy: http://www.khanacademy.org/
2. LearningTalks - a series of short, free, video interviews on learning. The
MASIE Center (mainly from corporate training world)
3. EduTube (best educational videos on the Web): http://www.edutube.org/
4. YouTube (Michael L. Wesch) Web 2.0…The machine is us/ing us. YouTube.
Retri Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
5. A Vision of Today’s Students
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGCJ46vyR9o; (3.7 million views)
6. Michael Wesch, A Vision of Today’s Students, Encyclopedia Britannica Blog:
7. World Simulation Project: http://mediatedcultures.net/worldsim.htm
8. An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube (presentation at the Library of
Congress; 1.1 million views): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPAOlZ4_hU&feature=channel
9. A Portal to Media Literacy (University of Manitoba, 88,000
views): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4yApagnr0s
10. Prometeus: The Media Revolution:
11. An Anthropologist Explores the Culture of Video blogging:
http://chronicle.com/article/An-Anthropologist-Explores-the/11951 (from the
Chronicle of Higher Education)-- Michael L. Wesch (Note: this article can be
found free at: http://www.connexxcreen.com/pb/wp_2649bae4.html?0.5)
12. Did you know; Shift Happens; globalization; information age:
13. Did You Know 2.0:
14. Did You Know 4.0:
15. Voices from the New American Schoolhouse:
16. Introducing the book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFAWR6hzZek (also
called medieval help desk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQHXSjgQvQ&mode=related&search= ; clearer to see
17. Fair(y) Use Tale: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJn_jC4FNDo (Eric
18. My Kind of High School (Project-based learning; Project Foundry):
19. Pay Attention: http://youtube.com/watch?v=aEFKfXiCbLw
20. RSS in plain English: http://youtube.com/watch?v=0klgLsSxGsU
21. Wikis in plain English: http://youtube.com/watch?v=-dnL00TdmLY
22. Second life from Ohio University:
23. RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms, Sir Ken Robinson (2010,
October 14). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4U&sns=em
24. Sugata Mitra (2010, September 26). Can computers take the place of teachers?
Special to CNN (a TED talk).
ml?hpt=C2 or
***Video Resources and Portals (56 shared online video portals):
eo.htm (e.g., YouTube EDU, TeacherTube, Link TV, Book TV, Clip Chef, Big Think, Google
Video, TV Lesson, Wonder How To, National Geographic videos, CNN videos, BBC News,
Video, and Audio, Academic Earth, EduTube, iHealthTube, CurrentTV, SchoolTube, Viddler,
MasterChef, etc.)
Week 10. (March 21st) Interactive and Collaborative Learning
1. Chen, P., R. Gonyea, and G. Kuh (2008). Learning at a distance: Engaged or not?. Innovate 4 (3).
Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
2. Synchronous Collaboration in Breeze (Adobe Connect Pro):
a. Park, Y. J., & Bonk, C. J. (2007). Is life a Breeze?: A case study for promoting
synchronous learning in a blended graduate course. Journal of Online Learning and
Teaching (JOLT), 3(3), 307-323; Available: http://jolt.merlot.org/vol3no3/park.pdf or
b. Park, Y. J., & Bonk, C. J. (2007, Winter). Synchronous learning experiences: Distance
and residential learners’ perspectives in a blended graduate course. Journal of Interactive
Online Learning, 6(3) 245-264. Available:
3. Naxin Zhao & Douglas McDougall (2008). Cultural influences on Chinese students’
asynchronous online learning in a Canadian university. Journal of Distance Learning, 22(2). 5980. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from http://www.jofde.ca/index.php/jde/article/view/37 or
4. Lee, S. H., Magjuka, R. J., Liu, X., Bonk, C. J. (2006, June). Interactive technologies for effective
collaborative learning. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning.
See http://www.itdl.org/Journal/Jun_06/article02.htm
5. Su, B., Bonk, C. J., Magjuka, R., Liu, X., Lee, S. H. (2005, summer). The importance of
interaction in web-based education: A program-level case study of online MBA courses. Journal
of Interactive Online Learning, 4(1). http://www.ncolr.org/jiol/issues/pdf/4.1.1.pdf and
6. Caroline Haythornthwaite (1998, July). A social network study of the growth of community
among distance learners, Information Research, Vol. 4 No. 1, http://informationr.net/ir/41/paper49.html.
Week 10 Tidbits:
a. Ursula Lindsey (2010, December 5). Online Program Connects Students Across Cultural
and National Borders. Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/AVirtual-Exchange-Program/125601/ (more on program is here:
b. Les Watson (2010, August 11). Learning Landscapes in Higher Education. Online
Newsletter of the Association for the Advancement of Learning Technologies (ALT),
Issue 20, UK. http://newsletter.alt.ac.uk/wxjt53kw6dr
c. Bridget McCrea (2010, August 5). “Remaking the College Campus.” Campus
Technology. Available: http://campustechnology.com/Articles/2010/08/05/Remaking-theCollege-Campus.aspx?Page=1 (3 pages) or full version printable at:
d. Jennifer Demeski (2010, August). Web 2.0: 3 for 3. Ed Tech Experts Choose Top Tools
Which web 2.0 tools are best suited for enabling collaboration in teaching and learning?
A trio of ed tech experts offer up their top three choices apiece, 07/28/10, THE Journal,
37(7), pp. 32-37. Available: http://thejournal.com/articles/2010/08/01/3-for-3.aspx
http://thejournal.com/Articles/2010/08/01/3-for-3.aspx?p=1 (print full article)
e. Matt Villano (2010, June). “7 Tips for Building Collaborative Learning Spaces.” Campus
Technology. http://campustechnology.com/articles/2010/06/01/7-tips-for-buildingcollaborative-learning-spaces.aspx
f. Jeremy Rifkin (2010, May 30). Empathic Education: The Transformation of Learning in
an Interconnected World, Chronicle of Higher Education.
g. Dian Schaffhauser (2010, March 30). Being there: The case for telepresence. Campus
Technology. http://campustechnology.com/articles/2010/04/01/being-there-the-case-fortelepresence.aspx
h. Maria Glod (2009, June 24). Students Without Borders. The Washington Post.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2009/06/23/AR2009062303440.html (also see associated video:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/video/2009/06/15/VI2009061502411.html?sid=ST2009062400918 and list
of schools and programs: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpsrv/education/w/GLOBETEACH_SIDE.html?sid=ST2009062400918
i. Educause (2008, April). 7 things you should know about Ning.
j. Shi, Shufang, & Morrow, Blaine Victor (2006). E-conferencing for instruction: What
works? Educause Quarterly, 29(4), pp. 22-30. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
m/EConferencingforInstructionWha/157428 and
k. Chickering, A. W., & Ehrmann, S. C. (1996). Implementing the seven principles:
Technology as lever. AAHE Bulletin, 49(2), 3-6. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
Andrew J. Milne (2007, January/February). Entering the interaction age: Implementing a
Future Vision for Campus Learning Spaces . . . Today. Educause Review. Retrieved on June
25, 2010, from
2/EnteringtheInteractionAgeImple/158107 or
m. Communities of Inquiry, University of Calgary:
n. Learning Commons at the University of Calgary: http://commons.ucalgary.ca/
o. World Vision Canada: http://www.worldvision.ca/Pages/welcome.aspx
Tools for Collaboration:
1. Adobe Connect Pro: http://www.adobe.com/products/adobeconnect.html
2. Collanos: http://www.collanos.com/
3. ConceptShare: http://www.conceptshare.com/
4. Google Groups: http://groups.google.com;
5. Google Docs: http://docs.google.com
6. Diigo: http://www.diigo.com/
7. Dimdim: http://www.dimdim.com/
8. Elluminate: http://www.elluminate.com/
9. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/
10. GoToMeeting: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/
11. GroupTweet: http://www.grouptweet.com/
12. Ning: http://www.ning.com/
13. PBworks: http://pbworks.com/
14. SlideRocket: http://www.sliderocket.com/
15. Skype: http://www.skype.com/
16. StartWright (virtual teams): http://www.startwright.com/virtual.htm
17. TwitterGroups: http://twittgroups.com/index.php
18. TypeWithMe: http://typewith.me/
19. Twibes (Twitter Groups): http://www.twibes.com/
20. Twiddla: http://www.twiddla.com/
21. Twitter: http://twitter.com/
22. Twitter Groups: http://twittgroups.com/
23. Ustream: http://www.ustream.tv/
24. Virtual Edge for Teams: http://www.virtualteams.com/
25. WebEx: http://www.webex.com/
26. Wet Paint: http://www.wetpaint.com/
27. Wikispaces: http://www.wikispaces.com/
28. Windows Live Groups: http://groups.live.com/
29. Writeboard: http://writeboard.com/
30. Yahoo! Groups: http://groups.yahoo.com;
For more tools, see:
1. MissiontoLearn: http://www.missiontolearn.com/; has lists of free
collaborative tools; see: http://www.missiontolearn.com/2009/08/freeonline-collaboration/
2. Mashable (old but extensive list of collaborative tools):
Videos and Resources of New or Remodeled Academic Buildings for Collaboration:
1. Grand Valley State University. Virtual Tour of New GVSU Library. (2009, November
11). YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbuDPopJxg0 and report at:
2. JISC - Designing Spaces: A campus for the 21st century: City Campus University of
Wolverhampton. (2008, December 8). YouTube.
3. Learning Landscapes in Higher Education. http://learninglandscapes.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/
Case Studies: http://learninglandscapes.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/case-studies/
4. Ohio State’s New Library: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ak7FEQjxqBY
5. Saltire Centre at Glasgow Caledonian (Scotland):
6. Steelcase LearnLab - Learning Outside the Box (2009, July 28).
7. Sydney Centre for Innovation in Learning. http://www.scil.nsw.edu.au/
8. tlc@bedford library - Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
9. Union Street Residence Center Learn Lab, Indiana University.
10. Yonsei Library, Seoul, Korea
i. The New Library (Seoul, Korea):
ii. Yonsei Library: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLbVIZZ5OoI
Week 11. (March 28th) Alternate Reality Learning: Massive Gaming, Virtual
Reality, and Simulations
1. Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown (2009, January). Why Virtual Worlds Matter.
International Journal of Media and Learning, Vol. 1(1).
2. Bonk, C. J., & Dennen, V. P. (2005). Massive multiplayer online gaming: A research framework
for military education and training. (Technical Report # 2005-1). Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Defense (DUSD/R): Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative. Retrieved
on June 25, 2010, from http://mypage.iu.edu/~cjbonk/GameReport_Bonk_final.pdf
3. Stuff from Kurt Squire:
a. Squire, Kurt (2005, February). Game-based learning: Present and future state of the field.
The Masie Center. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
b. Squire, Kurt. (2008). Open-Ended Video Games: A Model for Developing Learning for
the Interactive Age. The Ecology of Games: Connecting Youth, Games, and Learning.
Edited by Katie Salen. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on
Digital Media and Learning. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2008. 167–198. Retrieved
on June 25, 2010, from
http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/dmal.9780262693646.167 (other
chapters from this book: http://www.mitpressjournals.org/toc/dmal/-/3?cookieSet=1)
4. Teresa Coffman, Mary Beth Klinger (2007). Utilizing Virtual Worlds in Education: The
Implications for Practice, International Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 2 Number 1.
Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from http://www.waset.org/journals/ijss/v2/v2-1-5.pdf
5. Bonnie A. Nardi, Stella Ly, & Justin Harris (2007). Learning conversations in World of Warcraft.
forthcoming in Proc. HICSS 2007. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from http://darrouzetnardi.net/bonnie/pdf/Nardi-HICSS.pdf
6. Stuff from Sara de Freitas
a. Sara de Freitas (2007). Learning in Immersive worlds a review of game-based learning.
JISC. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
b. Sara de Freitas (2008). Emerging trends in serious games and virtual worlds. Becta:
Emerging Technologies for Learning, 3, 57-72. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
Week 11 Tidbits:
a. Jon Swartz (2010, November 18). Zynga sees new 'CityVille' building on 'FarmVille'
success, USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2010-11-18zynga18_CV_N.htm
b. Elliott Masie (2010, November 17). Gesture-Based Learning. Learning TRENDS #647 Updates on Learning, Business & Technology. 55,195 Readers - http://www.masie.com The MASIE Center. http://gesture.masie.com/;
c. Sophia Li (2010, June 20). ‘Augmented Reality' on Smartphones Brings Teaching Down
to Earth, Sophia Li, Chronicle of Higher Education.
d. Jeffrey Young (2010, February 14). After Frustrations in Second Life, Colleges Look to
New Virtual Worlds: The hype is gone, but not the interest, and professors think some
emerging projects may have instructional staying power. Chronicle of Higher Education.
e. Catherine Price (2008, July 31). Sex Ed in Second Life: Could a Virtual Island Teach
Students about Real-world Sex? Salon.com.
f. Distance in 2nd life (Nick Yee)
g. Paul Wasley (2008, August 8). U. of Phoenix lets students find answers virtually.
Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/free/v54/i48/48a00104.htm (Note:
this article can be located free at http://www.docstoc.com/docs/39482837/U-of-PhoenixLets-Students-Find-Answers-Virtually)
h. Oishi, Lindsay (2007, June 15). Surfing Second Life. From Technology and Learning
(TechLearning). Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
i. Korzeniowski, Paul (2007, March 27). Educational video games: Coming to a classroom
near you? TechNewsWorld. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
Virtual Worlds and Computer Games:
1. Active Worlds: http://www.activeworlds.com/
2. Civilization: http://www.civilization.com/
3. Kaneva: http://www.kaneva.com/
4. OpenSimulator: http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Screenshots
5. Rome Reborn: Retrieved on June 26, 2010, from http://www.romereborn.virginia.edu/
6. Scratch Website: http://scratch.mit.edu/; Watch video in “Turning programming into
Child’s Play” by Jeffrey Young, Chronicle of Higher Education (2007, July 16):
7. Second Life: http://secondlife.com/
8. SimCitySocieties: http://simcitysocieties.ea.com/
9. SmallWorlds: http://www.smallworlds.com/login.php
10. Spore: http://www.spore.com/
Week 12. (April 4th) Mobile, Wireless, and Ubiquitous Learning
1. Traxlar, John (2007, June). Defining, discussing and evaluating mobile learning: The moving
finger writes and having writ…. International Review of Research in Open and Distance
Learning. 8(1). Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/346/875 or
(More from same issue):
a. Kadirire, James (2007, June). Instant messaging for creating interactive and collaborative
m-learning environments. International Review of Research in Open and Distance
Learning. 8(1). Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
b. Peters, Kristine (2007, June). M-Learning: Positioning educators for a mobile, connected
future. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 8(1).
Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
c. Rekkedal, Torstein, & Dye, Aleksander (2007, June). Mobile distance learning with
PDAs: Development and testing of pedagogical and system solutions supporting mobile
distance learners. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 8(1).
Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
2. Measuring the Information Society: The ICT Development Index, International
Telecommunications Union, Geneva, Switzerland, (2009), http://www.itu.int/ITUD/ict/publications/idi/2009/material/IDI2009_w5.pdf (much info on mobile tech here)
3. Fozdar, Bharat Inder & Kumar, Lalita S. (2007, June). Mobile learning and student retention.
International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 8(1). (Note: article apparently
was moved from IRRODL to ERIC: http://eric.ed.gov/PDFS/EJ800952.pdf)
4. Aaron Smith (2010, July 7). Mobile Access 2010. Pew Internet & American Life Project.
5. Paul Kim (2010). Pocket School and other projects (e.g., Seeds of Empowerment:
http://seedsofempowerment.org/index.html. Note: I will post in Oncourse resources a few recent
articles on mobile learning from Dr. Paul Kim’s work at Stanford. He was the class guest in the
fall of 2010.
Week 12 Tidbits:
a. Sharon Jayson (2010, December 30). The year we stopped talking. USA Today, Dec 30,
2010. http://www.usatoday.com/printedition/news/20101230/1ayear30_cv.art.htm
b. Roger Yu (2010, November 16). Samsung cranks up creativity as it focuses on mobile
Net, USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2010-11-16samsung16_ST_N.htm
c. Marc Parry (2010, October 10). Will Technology Kill the Academic Calendar?
Online, semesters give way to students who set their own schedules, Chronicle of Higher
Education. http://chronicle.com/article/Will-Technology-Kill-the/124857/
d. Jeff Young (2010, September 9). Those wanting to learn more English…
Campus Tech in China: Impressions From 3 Campuses.
e. Stephen Shankland (2010, September 2). Samsung: Galaxy Tab has leg up on Apple iPad,
CNET. http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-20015400-264.html
f. Harmeet Shah Singh (2010, July 23). India unveils $35 computer for students. CNN
g. CNN Video. $35 iPad wanabee. CNN Is India's $35 iPad knockoff for real? CNN's
Fareed Zakaria says it could change the world.
h. Mike Prospero (2010, May 27). OLPC, Marvell Join Forces, Announce sub-$100 Tablet
by December 2010. Laptop. http://blog.laptopmag.com/olpc-marvell-join-forcesannounce-sub-100-tablet-by-december-2010
i. Eva Vasquez (2010, June 18). Adults as likely to text while driving as teens, study says.
CNN Tech.
j. Chris Cameron (2010, June 1). Museum of London's Streetmuseum App Puts Historic
Photos in Perspective. ReadWriteWeb.
k. Charisse Jones (2010, May 25). Mixed feelings greet on-the-go Net access
As jets, trains add Wi-Fi, travelers check in - or out. USA Today.
l. Anya Kamenetz (2010, April 1). A Is for App: How Smartphones, Handheld Computers
Sparked an Educational Revolution. Fast Company.
http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/144/a-is-for-app.html (and related slideshow of
kids: http://www.fastcompany.com/pics/app)
m. Zachary Wilson (2010, April 1). Log on and Learn: Devices, Sites and Apps for Kids.
Fast Company. http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/144/game-on.html
n. Marco R. della Cava (2010, March 31). It's an app world, and it could swallow all
computing. USA TODAY. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/products/2010-03-311Aappworld31_CV_N.htm?obref=obnetwork
o. Judy Brown (2010, March 11). Your Learners ARE Mobile: Is Your Learning
p. Free Response System (on mobile phones; VotApedia): http://www.urvoting.com/
q. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (2009, June). Press Release No 54/2009.
Information Note to the Press. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
Marcus, M. B. (2009, October 5). Pull yourself from that iPhone and read this story. USA
'One Laptop Per Child' program collides with reality
By GEOFFREY YORK, Toronto Globe and Mail, Oct 15, 2009, from
Thea Payome. “Making Good Use of Mobile Phone Capabilities. Interview with John
Traxler,” (E-learning Africa Conference, 2007), http://www.elearningafrica.com/newsportal/english/news70_print.php
John Traxler: http://wlv.academia.edu/JohnTraxler). Learning in a Mobile Age:
http://wlv.academia.edu/JohnTraxler/Papers/83099/Learning-in-a-Mobile-Age; Current
State of Mobile: http://wlv.academia.edu/JohnTraxler/Papers/95201/Current-State-ofMobile-Learning
Playaway: http://store.playawaydigital.com/
Handschooling, Judy Breck: http://handschooling.com/
Seeds of Empowerment (Paul Kim): http://seedsofempowerment.org/index.html
One Laptop Per Child (OLPC): http://wiki.laptop.org/
More Tidbits Videos: The Past and the Future of Mobile (including mobile music)
1. 1981 primitive Internet report on KRON:
2. Future Rolltop Computer: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=7H0K1k54t6A
3. Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry demo SixthSense (TED, March 2009; 8:45):
4. Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology (TED November 2009;
5. Lady Gaga - Poker Face by Applegirl (ver. I-Phone Apps) (2010, March 23).
6. iBand Rocks Christmas Tunes on iPads and iPhones (2010, December 10). PadGagget.
North Point's iBand - Feliz Navidad (2010, December 8).
7. Jefferson Graham (2010, November 10). Smule adds Magic Fiddle to its Ocarina and
Magic Piano apps, USA TODAY. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/products/2010-11-10Smule10_ST_N.htm
8. Music instruction goes virtual: Trend could have a huge impact on how professors teach
and students learn (2010, September 17). eSchool News.
9. Sing ALL the "Glee" Songs with Your iPhone or iPad! – AppJudgment (April 19, 2010).
10. Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir - 'Lux Aurumque' (2010, March 21).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7o7BrlbaDs (note: combines 185 voices).
Week 13. (April 11th) Educational Blogging
1. Wolfgang Reinhardt, Martin Ebner, Günter Beham, & Cristina Costa (2009, March). How People
are using Twitter during Conferences. http://lamp.tugraz.ac.at/~i203/ebner/publication/09_edumedia.pdf
2. Lenhart, Amanda, & Fox, Susannah (2006, July 19). Bloggers: Portrait of America’s new
storytellers. Washington, DC: Pew Internet & American Life Report. Retrieved on June 25, 2010,
3. Special Issue on Blogging (2007, July). Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 12(4).
http://jcmc.indiana.edu/ or http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol12/issue4/ (16 articles to choose from).
4. Downes, Stephen (2004, September/October). Educational blogging, EDUCAUSE Review, 39(5),
14–26. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
5. Eric Baumer, Mark Sueyoshi, & Bill Tomlinson (2008). Exploring the Role of the Reader in the
Activity of Blogging. CHI 2008, April 5–10, 2008, Florence, Italy.
6. Jaz Hee-jeong Choi. (2006). “Living in Cyworld: Contextualising Cy-ties in South Korea,” in
Uses of Blogs, eds. Axel Bruns & Joanne Jacobs (New York: Peter Lang. 2006), 173-186,
Week 13 Tidbits:
a. Downes, Stephen (2003, May). More than Personal: The Impact of Weblogs (includes
comprehensive listing of Blogging software, tools, and resources).
b. Richardson, W. (2004). Blogging and RSS — The "what's it?" and "how to" of powerful new
web tools for educators. MultiMedia & Internet@Schools, 11(1). Retrieved on June 25, 2010,
from http://www.infotoday.com/MMSchools/jan04/richardson.shtml.
c. Meg Sullivan (2008, June 25). “Dig In, Archaeology Fans! UCLA Blogs to Offer Front-Row
Seat at Archaeology Digs,” UCLA Newsrooms. http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/dig-inarchaeology-fans-52202.aspx
Tools for Blogging and Microblogging:
1. Blogger: http://www.blogger.com/
2. Edmondo: http://www.edmodo.com/
3. LiveJournal: http://www.livejournal.com/
4. Movable Type: http://www.movabletype.org/
5. Posterous: https://posterous.com/
6. Soup.io: http://www.soup.io/
7. Tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/
8. Twitter: http://twitter.com/
9. WordPress: http://wordpress.org/
10. Xanga: http://www.xanga.com/
Week 14. (April 18th) Podcasting, Webcasting, and Coursecasting
1. Deal, Ashley (2007, June). Podcasting. A Teaching With Technology White Paper. Educause.
Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from http://connect.educause.edu/files/CMU_Podcasting_Jun07.pdf
2. Carlson, Scott (2007, February 9). On the record, all the time: Researchers digitally capture the
daily flow of life. Should they? Chronicle of Higher Education, Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
http://chronicle.com/free/v53/i23/23a03001.htm (Note: this article can be found free at:
http://www.turbulence.org/blog/archives/003749.html as well as
3. Brittain, Sarah, Glowacki, Pietrek, Van Ittersum, Jared, & Johnson, Lynn (2006). Podcasting
lectures: Formative evaluation strategies helped identify a solution to a learning dilemma, 29(3).
Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from http://www.educause.edu/apps/eq/eqm06/eqm0634.asp
4. Lane, Cara (2006). UW podcasting: Evaluation of Year One. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
5. Mocigemba, Dennis, & Riechmann, Gerald (2007, July). International Podcastersurvey:
Podcasters - who they are. How and why they do it. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
6. Ruth Reynard (2008, June). Podcasting in Instruction: Moving beyond the Obvious. T.H.E.
Journal. http://campustechnology.com/articles/64433/
Week 14 Tidbits:
a. Jeffrey Young (2010, March 7). College 2.0: More Professors Could Share Lectures
Online. But Should They?, Chronicle of Higher Education.
b. Kathleen Kennedy Manzo (2010, January 29). Digital Tools Expand Options for
Personalized Learning, Education Week.
c. Kaliym Islam (2008). Listen up: A how-to guide to podcasting. Chief Learning Officer.
d. Catherine Rampell (2008, June 17). A professor of pediatrics uses podcasting to enliven
bacteriology. Chronicle of Higher Education.
e. http://www.poducateme.com/guide/ a rather comprehensive guide to podcasting
f. Shaw, Keith (2007, June 21). Prepare for the SAT on an iPod. Networkworld. Retrieved
on June 25, 2010, from http://www.networkworld.com/community/?q=node/16575
g. Boettcher, Judith (2007, July). iPod stands for: Absorb, engage, and matter! Campus
Technology, Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
Example of Educational Webcast and Podcast Shows:
1. Worldbridges: http://worldbridges.net/
2. EdTechTalk: http://edtechtalk.com/
Week 15. (April 25th) Networks of Personalized Learning (e.g., language learning,
tutoring, etc.)
1. Greenhow, C., Robelia, B, & Hughes, J. E. (2009). Web 2.0 and Classroom Research: What Path
Should We Take Now? Educational Researcher, 38(4), 246-259. (Note #1: this article is #1 most
read journal article in ER from Oct 2009 - April 2010).
http://edr.sagepub.com/content/38/4/246.full.pdf+html or
http://edr.sagepub.com/content/38/4/246.full (Note #2: this article can be found for free at:
eid=spedr or
2. Social Isolation and New Technology: How the Internet and Mobile Phones Impact Americans’
Social Networks, Pew Internet and American Life Project, November 2009 (89 pages)
a. Patrick May, Tech Tools May Help Pull People Together, Mercury News.com,
November 4, 2009, from http://smart-grid.tmcnet.com/news/2009/11/05/4466466.htm
b. Technology doesn't isolate people: U.S. study
(Agencies) Updated: 2009-11-06 11:05
c. Mary Madden (2010, August 27). Older Adults and Social Media
Pew Internet and American Life Project.
3. Todd Bryant. “Social Software in Academia,” EDUCAUSE Quarterly 29, no. 2 (2006),
4. Erica Naone. “Learning Language in Context: Startup Live Mocha Leverages Social Networking
to Teach Foreign Languages,” Technology Review (October 5, 2007),
5. Steve Lohr. “Hello India? I Need Help with My Math,” New York Times (October 31, 2007),
6. The Horizon Reports (i.e., technology on the horizon)
a. The Horizon Report (2006). The Horizon Report: 2006 Edition. A collaboration between
The New Media Consortium and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), an
EDUCAUSE program. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
b. The Horizon Report (2007). The Horizon Report: 2007 Edition. A collaboration between
The New Media Consortium and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), an
EDUCAUSE program. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from
c. The Horizon Report (2008). The Horizon Report: 2008 Edition. A collaboration between
The New Media Consortium and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), an
EDUCAUSE program. Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from http://www.nmc.org/pdf/2008Horizon-Report.pdf
d. The Horizon Report (2009). http://www.nmc.org/pdf/2009-Horizon-Report.pdf
e. The Horizon Report (2010). http://www.nmc.org/pdf/2010-Horizon-Report.pdf
f. The Horizon Report (2011). http://www.nmc.org/pdf/2011-Horizon-Report.pdf (Note:
This is an anticipated report and associated URL)
Week 15 Tidbits:
a. Doug Gross (2010, December 27). The top 10 tech trends of 2010, CNN Tech.
b. Pete Cashmore (2010, December 23), Tech predictions for 2011: The winners and losers,
CNN Tech. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2010-12-17-vevo17_ST_N.htm
c. Marc Parry and Jeffrey R. Young (2010, November 28). New Social Software Tries to
Make Studying Feel Like Facebook. Chronicle of Higher Education.
d. Joshua Norman (2010, November 15). Boomers Joining Social Media at Record Rate,
CBS News. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/11/15/national/main7055992.shtml
e. Brian Solis (2010, November 10). Who are All of These Tweeple?
f. Kevin Pearson (2010, September 25). HEMET: High school uses Facebook, texting to
teach. The Press-Enterprise.
(Note: includes a podcast of the article).
g. Jeff Young (2010, September 15). Another Benefit of Robot Teachers: No 'Moral
Problems.’ Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/blogPost/AnotherBenefit-of-Robot/26941/?sid=at&utm_source=at&utm_medium=en
h. Jon Swartz (2010, August 2). Time spent on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube grows. USA
Today. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2010-08-02-networking02_ST_N.htm
i. Kristin McGrath (2010, July 21). Status update: Facebook logs 500 million members.
USA TODAY, http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2010-07-21-facebook-hits-500million-users_N.htm
j. Jeanne Meister and Karie Willyerd (2010, July). Looking Ahead at Social Learning: 10
Predictions, ASTD.
k. Audrey Williams June (2010, April 4). Some Papers Are Uploaded to Bangalore to Be
Graded, Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/Outsourced-GradingWith/64954/
l. Eric A. Taub (2010, January 27). The Web Way to Learn a Language, NY Times.
m. Jeffrey Young (2009, November 22). Teaching with Twitter: Not for the Faint of Heart.
Chronicle of Higher Education. http://chronicle.com/article/Teaching-With-Twitter-Not/49230/
n. Jon Swartz (2009, October 15). For social networks, it’s game on. USA Today.
o. Harriet S. Schwartz (2009, September 29). Facebook: The New Classroom Commons,
Chronicle of Higher Education, Harriet S. Schwartz,
p. Neal Starkman “ELL Spoken Here,” T.H.E. Journal (April 2008): 32-35, & 36,
q. Anne Eisenberg. “Learning from a Native Speaker, Without Leaving Home,” New York
Times (February 17, 2008), http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/17/business/17novel.html
r. Pratima Harigunani. “Livemocha Eyes One Million Users This Year,” CIOL News
(2008), http://www.ciol.com/News/News-Reports/Livemocha-eyes-one-million-usersthis-year/1408104872/0/
s. Ken Carroll (2008, April 20). “Constructionism Works,” Ken Carroll’s Weblog: Here
Comes Everybody. http://ken-carroll.com/2008/04/20/constructionism/
t. Jeffrey, R. Young (2008, June 17). “Who Needs a Professor When There’s a Tutor
Available?” Wired Campus: The Chronicle of Higher Education,
Some Language Learning Sites:
1. About.com (from the New York Times)
a. ESL: http://esl.about.com/
b. French: http://french.about.com/
c. German: http://german.about.com/
d. Italian: http://italian.about.com/
e. Japanese: http://japanese.about.com/
f. Mandarin: http://mandarin.about.com/
g. Spanish: http://spanish.about.com/
2. BBC Languages: http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/
3. Babbel: http://www.babbel.com/
4. ChinesePod: http://chinesepod.com/
5. Coffee Break Spanish: http://radiolingua.com/shows/spanish/coffee-break-spanish/
6. EnglishPod: http://englishpod.com/
7. FrenchPod: http://frenchpod.com/
8. German Online: http://www.dw-world.de/dw/0,,2547,00.html
9. ItalianPod: http://italianpod.com/
10. iTalkie: http://www.italki.com/
11. Japanese Online http://japanese-online.com/
12. KanTalk: http://www.kantalk.com/
13. Korean Online http://learn-korean.net/
14. LanguageLab (in Second Life): http://www.languagelab.com/
15. Livemocha: http://www.livemocha.com/
16. LoMasTV (online Spanish immersion TV): http://lomastv.com/
17. Mango Languages: http://www.mangolanguages.com/
18. The Mixxer (uses Skype): http://www.language-exchanges.org/
19. Palabea: http://www.palabea.net/
20. PalTalk: http://www.paltalk.com/
21. SpanishPod: http://spanishpod.com/
22. Voxopop: http://www.voxopop.com/
Some Extra Resources:
Some recent technology books that might interest students—no need to buy any:
1. Anderson, Chris (2009). Free: The Future at a Radical Price. NY: Hyperion.
2. Anderson, Terry (Eds.). (2008). Theory and practice of online learning (2nd edition).
Retrieved on June 25, 2010, from http://cde.athabascau.ca/online_book/second_edition.html
and http://www.aupress.ca/books/Terry_Anderson.php (Note: 2004 edition here: (Free
Online Book). http://cde.athabascau.ca/online_book/)
3. Benkler, Y. (2006). The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets
and Freedom (New Haven, CN: Yale University Press. Free book:
4. Bonk, C. J., & King, K. S. (Eds.). (1998). Electronic collaborators: Learner-centered
technologies for literacy, apprenticeship, and discourse. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
5. Bonk, C. J. & Graham, C. R. (Eds.) (2006). Handbook of blended learning: Global
perspectives, local designs. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer Publishing.
6. Bonk, C. J., & Zhang, K. (2008). Empowering Online Learning: 100+ Activities for Reading,
Reflecting, Displaying, and Doing. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
7. Bonk, C. J., Lee, M. M., & Reynolds, T. H. (Eds.) (2009). A Special Passage through Asia ELearning. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
(see http://www.editlib.org/ebooks/ or http://www.editlib.org/p/32264 and http://aace.org)
8. Borgman, Christine L. (2007). Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure,
and the Internet. Cambridge: MIT Press.
9. Carr, Nicholas (2010). The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to our Brains. W. W.
Norton & Company.
10. Carr-Chellman, A. A. (2005). Global perspectives on e-learning: Rhetoric and reality.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
11. Christensen, Clayton M., Horn, Michael B., & Johnson, Curtis W. (2008). Disrupting Class:
How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns. NY: McGraw-Hill.
12. Clyde, W., & Delohery, A. (2005). Using tech in teaching. New Haven: Yale Univ Press.
13. Collins, Allan, & Halverson, Richard (2009). Rethinking Education in the Age of
Technology. NY: Teachers College Press.
14. Collison, G., Elrbaum, B., Haavind, S., & Tinker, R. (2000). Facilitating online learning:
Effective strategies for moderators. Madison, WI: Atwood Publishing.
15. Conrad, R.-M., & Donaldson, J. A. (2004). Engaging the learner: Activities and resources for
creative instruction. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.
16. Cross, J. (2007). Informal learning: Rediscovering the natural pathways that inspire
innovation and performance. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer Publishing.
17. Dabbagh, N., & Bannon-Ritland, B. (2005). Online learning: Concepts, strategies, and
applications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.
18. Edmunson, A. (Ed). (2007). Globalized e-learning: Cultural Challenges. Hershey, PA:
Information Science Publishing.
19. Florida, Richard (2008). Who’s Your City? How the Creative Economy is Making Where to
Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life. NY: Perseus.
20. Friedman, Thomas L. (2005). The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century.
NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
21. Garrison, D. Randy, & Vaughan, Norman D. (2008). Blended Learning in Higher Education:
Frameworks, Principles, and Guidelines. Jossy-Bass.
22. Hagel III, John, Brown, John Seely, & Davison, Lang (2010). The Power of Pull: How Smart
Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Things in Motion. NY: Basic Books.
23. Herrington, Jan, Reeves, Thomas, & Oliver, Ron (2010). A Guide to Authentic e-Learning.
NY: Routledge.
24. Howe, Jeff (2008). Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd is Driving the Future of
Business. NY: Crown Business.
25. Iiyoshi, Toru, & Kumar, M. S. Vijay (2008). Opening Up Education: The Collective
Advancement of Education through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge.
MIT Press. Free from http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=11309
26. Jarvis, Jeff (2009). What would Google do? HarperCollins Business.
27. Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide (New York:
New York University Press.
28. Jonassen, D. H., Howland, J. L., Moore, J. L., & Marra, R. M. (2003). Learning to solve
problems with technology: A constructivist perspective (2nd edition). Upper Saddle Rover, NJ:
Merrill Prentice Hall.
29. Jones, Glenn R. (2010). Cyberschools: An Education Renaissance (3rd edition). Centennial,
CO: Jones International University.
30. Kafai, Yasmin, Peppler, Kylie, & Chapman, Robbin (2009). The Computer Clubhouse:
Constructionism and Creativity in Youth Communities. NY: Teachers College Press.
31. Kamanetz, Anya (2010). DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneuers, and the Coming Transformation
of Higher Education. White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing.
32. Khan, B. (2005). Managing e-learning strategies: Design, delivery, implementation, and
evaluation. Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing.
33. Khan, B. H. (ed.). (2007). Flexible learning in an information society (pp. 258-269). Hershey,
PA: The Idea Group, Inc.
34. Latchem, Colin, & Jung, Insung (2010). Distance and Blended Learning in Asia. NY:
35. Mayadas, F., Bourne, J., & Moore, J. C. (2002). Elements of quality online education:
Practice and direction, Volume 4 in the Sloan-C series. The Sloan Consortium. Olin College
of Engineering—SCOLE, Needham, MA. For this and additional books, see
36. Meskill, Carla, & Anthony, Natasha (2010). Teaching Languages Online. MM Textbooks.
37. Moore M. G. (Ed.) (2007). Handbook of distance education (2nd Ed.). Mahwah, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
38. Moore, M., & Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance education: A systems view (2nd edition).
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
39. Oblinger, D., & Oblinger, J. L. (Eds.). (2005). Educating the Net Generation. Educause.
Boulder, Colorado http://www.educause.edu/educatingthenetgen or
40. Palfrey, John, & Gasser, Urs (2008). Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of
Digital Natives. NY: Perseus Books.
41. Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2005). Collaborating online: Learning together in community.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
42. Paloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2007). Building Online Learning Communities: Effective
Strategies for the Virtual Classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
43. Papert, Seymour (1980). Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas New York:
Basic Books.
44. Papert, Seymour (1993). The Children's Machine: Rethinking School in the Age of the
Computer. New York: Basic Books.
45. Peters, Laurence (2009). Global Education: Using Technology to Bring the World to Your
Students. ISTE, Eugene, Oregon.
46. Rheingold, Howard (2003). Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution. Cambridge, MA: Basic
47. Richardson, Will (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts and other powerful Web tools for classrooms
(3rd edition). Corwin: Thousands Oaks, CA.
48. Roberts, T. (Ed.). (2003). Online collab learning: Theory & practice. Hershey, PA: Idea Pub.
49. Salmon, G. (2000). E-moderating: The key to teaching and learning online. Kogan-Page or
Stylus Publishing.
50. Salmon, G. (2002). E-tivities: The key to active online learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus Pub.
51. Selinger, M. (2004). Connected schools: Thought leaders (essays from innovators). London,
UK: Premium Publishing and Cisco Systems (free book)
52. Shirky, Clay (2008). Here comes everybody: The power of organizing without organizations.
53. Shirky, Clay (2010). Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age.
Penguin Press.
54. Smick, D. M. (2008). The World Is Curved: Hidden Dangers to the Global Economy. NY:
Portfolio Books.
55. Stephenson, J. (Ed.), (2001). Teaching and Learning Online: Pedagogies for new
technologies. Kogan Page and Stylus Publishing.
56. Surowiecki, James (2004). The wisdom of crowds. Anchor.
57. Tapscott, D. (2009). Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World.
58. Tapscott, D., & Williams, A. (2008). Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes
Everything (expanded edition). New York: Penguin.
59. Veen, Wim, & Vrakking, Ben (2006). Homo Zappiens: Growing Up in a Digital Age.
London: Network Continuum Education.
60. Willinsky, J. (2005). The Access Principle: The Case for Open Access to Research and
Scholarship (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
61. Yang, Harrison Hao & Yeon, Steve Chi-Yin (2010). Collective Intelligence and E-Learning
2.0: Implications of Web-Based Communities and Networking. NY: Information Science
62. Zittrain, J. (2008). The Future of the Internet—And How to Stop It. New Haven, CN: Yale
University Press. Free book: http://futureoftheinternet.org/
63. Zucker, A., & Kozma, R. (2003). The virtual high school: Teaching Generation V. New
York: Teachers College Press.
Twenty free online journals and magazines:
See more at:
Australian Journal of Educational Technology: http://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet.html
Campus Technology: http://campustechnology.com/
Chief Learning Officer (CLO) magazine: http://www.clomedia.com/
EDUCAUSE Quarterly: http://www.educause.edu/eq
EDUCAUSE Review: http://www.educause.edu/er
e-learning and education (eleed) journal: http://eleed.campussource.de/
First Monday: http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/
Innovate: Journal of Online Education: http://www.innovateonline.info/ (final issue was
published August/September 2009)
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning: http://www.onlinejournals.org/index.php/i-jet (need to sign in).
Int’l Journal of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning: http://www.itdl.org/index.htm
The International Review of Open and Distance Learning: http://www.irrodl.org
Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks: http://www.aln.org/publications/jaln_main
J. of Computer Assisted Lrng: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0266-4909
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication:
Journal of Educators Online (JEO): http://www.thejeo.com/index.html
Journal of Interactive Online Learning: http://www.ncolr.org/jiol/
Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT): http://jolt.merlot.org/index.html
Language Learning and Technology (LLT): http://llt.msu.edu/
Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration: http://www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/
THE Journal: http://www.thejournal.com/
Institutions and Organizations with Web Technology Interests and Reports:
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD): http://www.astd.org/
Brandon Hall Research: http://www.brandon-hall.com/
Chronicle of Higher Education: http://chronicle.com/
Edutopia from the George Lucas Education Foundation (K-12): http://www.edutopia.org/
eLearning Guild: http://www.elearningguild.com/
Gartner Reports: http://www.gartner.com/technology/home.jsp
Learning Times: http://www.learningtimes.org/
MacArthur Digital Media and Learning:
Pew Internet & American Life Project: http://www.pewinternet.org/
Sloan Consortium: http://www.sloan-c.org/
The Masie Center: http://www.masie.com/ (and Learning 2010): http://www.learning2010.com/
Thiagi.com: http://thiagi.com/
Need Additional Resources?: More Bonk:
Web resources (from Bonk): http://www.trainingshare.com/resources/
Still more (from Bonk’s World is Open book): http://worldisopen.com/resources.php
PublicationShare (freely shared articles): http://www.publicationshare.com/
Archived color PDFs of talks given: http://www.trainingshare.com/workshop.php
Bonk streamed talks and podcasts: http://mypage.iu.edu/~cjbonk/streamed.html
6. Online Learning Video Primers
Produced and Hosted Online Video Series for Teaching Online, Indiana University, School
of Education
Designed and produced a series of 27 brief (7-10 minute) videos related to teaching online. This highly
popular video (or video podcast) series, “Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching and
Learning” (V-PORTAL), covers topics for both novice and more expert online instructors and educators.
Watch them and learn how to engage learners with Web 2.0 technologies, build instructor presence,
prepare highly interactive and relevant online activities, access free and open course resources, plan for
the future of e-learning, and much more.
“Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching and Learning” (V-PORTAL)
1. Watch & Find Resources (Firefox preferred): IU School of Ed Instructional Consulting
Office): http://www.indiana.edu/~icy/media/de_series.html
2. For faster access, watch in Bonk’s YouTube Channel (use any browser):
3. Read about Possible Uses: http://www.trainingshare.com/keynotes.php#tasel
Planning an Online Course
Managing an Online Course: General
Managing an Online Course: Discussion Forums
Providing Feedback
Reducing Plagiarism
Building Community
Building Instructor and Social Presence
Online Relationships: Student-Student, Student-Instructor, Student-Practitioner,
Fostering Online Collaboration/Teaming
Finding Quality Supplemental Materials
Blended Learning: General
Blended Learning: Implementation
Blended Learning: The Future
Online Writing and Reflection Activities
Online Visual Learning
Using Existing Online Video Resources
Webinars and Webcasts
Podcasting Uses and Applications
Wiki Uses and Applications
Blog Uses and Applications
Collaborative Tool Uses and Applications
Hands-On/Experiential Learning
Coordinating Online Project, Problem, and Product-Based Learning
Global Connections and Collaborations
Assessing Student Online Learning
Ending, Archiving, Updating, and Reusing an Online Course
Trends on the Horizon
Note: These 27 video primers designed during 2009-2010, finalized and announced October 2010.
Important Acknowledgment: I want to acknowledge and publicly express thanks to the School of Education
at Indiana University in Bloomington which funded this highly valuable and momentous production effort. In
particular, the IU School of Education Instructional Consulting office and the Instructional Systems
Technology (IST) Department played key roles in their planning, generation, and dissemination.
Permissions Note: You have permission to make a Web link to these videos, share information about these
contents with others, or translate the contents to another language, as long as the contents (i.e., the movies)
included here are used for non-profit educational purposes. As a courtesy to the Indiana University School of
Education and Dr. Curt Bonk, the host of the 27 video primers, please send an e-mail to Professor Bonk
(cjbonk@indiana.edu) to let him know how you are using these learning resources (i.e., the intended purpose)
as well as who is using them. Thank you.
Alternative Access Sites:
King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia; http://elc.kku.edu.sa/en; http://elc.kku.edu.sa/en/27-videosfor-teaching-online