NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION 1. Programme or Pathway Title, and Award BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management [renamed from BSc (Hons) Construction Management] 2. UCAS or Other Admissions Code K251 3. Northumbria Programme Code 21SBEU-CON1 4. Mode of Delivery On Site YES Distance Learning 5. Mode of Attendance Full Time YES Sandwich 6. Location of Delivery Northumbria YES Distance Delivery YES Part Time YES Other UK please specify Overseas please specify 7. Collaborative Provision if applicable Franchised Validated Joint Dual Partner Institution 8. Date(s) of Approval/ Review Reviewed May 2014, July 2014 9. QAA Subject Benchmark Group Building and Surveying. 10. PSRB accreditation if applicable Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) CONTEXT: This amended Programme Specification is part of the proposal to dismantle the Construction Related Programmes by transferring the BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology to another department and phasing out the BSc (Hons) Design Management and BSc (Hons) Building Project Management leaving only the BSc (Hons) Construction Management which will be altered and renamed. Thus the changes to the Programme Specification are tracked against the old BSc (Hons) Construction Management version and its update which was provided for the validation of year 1 of this programme in 2012. 11. Educational Aims of the Programme Specified in terms of the general intentions of the programme and its distinctive characteristics; these should be consistent with any relevant benchmark and with the Mission of the University. The BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management programme is a development from the BSc (Hons) Construction Management which was part of a suite of 4 closely related under-graduate degree programmes (Building Design Management, Building Project Management and Architectural Technology). The Construction Project Management degree aims to produce graduates who Are able to provide effective control of construction projects with studies in Management, Technology (as process as well as product), Building Information Modelling, Economics and Design. Can organise, direct and manage the on-site construction processes and work in the front line of the construction industry as part of the team of built environment professionals who create, adapt, construct and regenerate our built environment. Will have the managerial, technical and personal skills together with the knowledge needed to manage not only the on-site building process but also to Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management Page 1 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION manage people and effectively co-ordinate the whole site construction process. Will work in a variety of roles within the construction industry to ensure that buildings are constructed to quality, to time and within specific financial controls with clear, authoritative, effective and dynamic management procedures. This programme is also studied in the wider context of the natural and built environments and is informed by current and prospective professional practice as well as research and academic debate. There is a vocational focus which aims to equip graduates with those personal and professional skills that are necessary for employment; whilst broadening understanding of the changing needs of society, the concept of sustainable development of the built environment, the maintenance of appropriate ethical standards and the regulatory framework within which work is conducted. The programme aims to develop a range of student abilities to enable them to: 1. Work collaboratively within an interdisciplinary environment. 2. Be independent thinkers and learners. 3. Challenge routine and influence change. 4. Manage information. 5. Evaluate and apply acquisition methodologies. 6. Demonstrate the appropriate use of IT and computer modelling. 7. Evaluate data and solve problems. 8. Communicate effectively. The BSc (Hon) Construction Project Management programme specific educational aims are: 1. To provide a programme of vocational, professionally relevant education which relates to the role and function of the Construction Project Manager within the current, and developing, business and commercial environment of the Construction Industry. 2. To provide the knowledge, skills and understanding to provide authoritative and effective control of the on-site construction process of the production of buildings with underpinning studies in management, technology, design, computer applications and modelling, building law and contractual procedures to ensure that buildings can be completed safely, to time, to quality and within specific financial controls. 3. To provide a learning in context environment with an understanding of theoretical principles linked to application to the work place. 4. To recognise, understand and work within the diverse, multi-disciplinary interactive and interdependent nature of the Construction Industry. 5. To draw on knowledge, concepts and paradigms from a wide range of academic sources.. 6. To reflect cultural and social values and their effect upon the lives of individuals and society and to appreciate the impact of changing social, economic, legal, cultural, environmental, technological and political frameworks on the built and natural environment. 7. To develop an awareness of health, safety and ethical responsibilities recognising the many needs and requirements of all stakeholders (BMS). 8. To provide an academic environment of challenging and innovative teaching and learning culture which empowers, through a variety of adaptable modes and media, the active learner. 9. To provide educational opportunities and flexible access to students from a wide range of ambitions and circumstances (NUMS). Curriculum Development: This occurs through the University system of Annual Programme Monitoring, Module and Programme review and student feedback. Curriculum is also influenced and directed by a number of factors including staff involvement in subject specific research, links and involvement with Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management Page 2 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION employers and industry. 12. How Students are Supported in their Learning/Employability/Career Development e.g. curriculum design, personal development plans, placements, fieldwork, practical projects. All students are supported in their learning, employability and career development by: Induction Week: Students are introduced to the programme team, meet with their guidance tutor and welcomed to the University at programme and School level. Student Programme Handbooks will be available electronically and will include information about programme structures, module content and timetables. University student support services are outlined and there is an introduction to the University facilities such as a guide to IT including open-access laboratories, 24 hour electronic library catalogues and data bases, etc. The School resources centres such as the Hub and Project Space offer dedicated support and facilities to students on Built Environment programmes. Personal development is used informally as an agenda-setting tool for meetings with Tutors and to facilitate guidance, personal learning and career planning. Programme of Study: Level Four: Seeks to provide an underpinning knowledge to how the industry operates and how it functions with an insight to the roles and responsibilities of those involved along with the knowledge and skills required. Students are introduced to the structure of the industry and the role of those involved in the industry and its’ professions. Level Five: Seeks to provide specific career advice with support and guidance for Placement Year and ongoing employment. Students are given guidance and support for CV writing. Development of inter-personal skills and life-long learning ability becomes more embedded within the curriculum. Modules use local industry to extend activity into the study of a range of current projects facilitated by a number of Regional Contractors and Developers, again gaining valuable insight into how the industry operates for the student. The Constructionarium field trip develops real life skills. Level Six: Ongoing career guidance and advice is given by Personal Tutors and employment opportunities are “flagged” through the Placement Year Tutor and the Final Year Tutor. Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management Page 3 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Assessments: Assessment is developed by level with earlier work concentrating on knowledge development and the beginnings of linking theory to practice. As the students develop through the programme the emphasis moves through application to a more analytical approach. The context of assessment is generally the workplace with simulation and links to real projects. At level 6 most assessment with the exception of the dissertation is specifically linked to the students own professional practice project work. Professional Institute connections: The curriculum is designed to meet the academic requirements of the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB). Students are encouraged to become members and regional events are publicised within the School. Links are further developed with a programme of regular presentations to students by CIOB members. Links with Industry: Encouraged and maintained with regular use of case study material, Constructionarium and site visits and other forum. Sandwich Degree students: Have the added advantage of a year-long work placement to enhance their employability. All students are visited twice by a Tutor. The Placement Year Tutor conducts a preparation programme with workshop sessions during the Programme of Study at Level Five and who will provide a link between employers and students, co-ordinate preparation of CV’s and circulation to employers, and organise interviews on Campus between employers and students. Assessment is used to assist with a process of reflection with regard to employment experiences and future career prospects. The Placement Year will allow the student to: 1. Learn how to find work in the industry and profession. 2. Engage with the workplace. 3. Build confidence in their abilities and knowledge. 4. Reflect on their future learning needs. 5. Understand the world of employment and the roles of employer and employee. 6. Enhance their employability. 7. Establish relationships with the company in which they are placed. Part Time students. A Part Time tutor is provided to specifically deal with the pastoral needs of these students. Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management Page 4 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION 13. Learning Outcomes of Programme Specified in terms of performance capabilities to be shown on completion of the programme/pathway. Please identify numerically to correspond to the map of learning outcomes in section 18. a) Knowledge and Understanding [Considered relative to the programme and to section 16 of the QAA Building & Surveying Benchmark Statement]. On completion of this programme, the Construction Project Management student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the: 1. The performance needs of buildings and the many and varied interfaces between the technologies of buildings during the design, specification, manufacture and production of buildings and be able to address the need to harness the actions of many who are involved in the production of buildings including health and safety issues. 2. The principles, practices and skills needed to successfully manage projects and people within the ongoing dynamic of the Construction Industry. 3. Construction management practices, including planning, control and co-ordination of resources, quality and cost management. 4. The principles and practices required to integrate design, technology, management, and finance to create the successful building project from inception to completion. 5. The principles and procedures associated with Building Law, Contract Law and Procurement practices used in the Construction Industry. 6. Research and academic enquiry practices of use in the Construction Industry and of relevance to the Construction Project Manager. 7. Professional practice roles, ethical dimensions, and responsibilities and skills required of a Construction Project Manager. 8. The practice and use of site surveying equipment and the processes associated with the measurement and physical representation of buildings. 9. The technologies being employed to support BIM and promote collaborative working and the means for exchanging data, standards and protocols and the impact of BIM in terms of life cycle and whole life cost on projects. b) Intellectual Skills [Considered relative to the programme and to section 17 & 18 of the QAA Building & Surveying Benchmark Statement]. On completion of this programme, the Construction Project Management student will be able to demonstrate the following intellectual skills of: 1. Interpret, examine, apply and critically reflect on principles and processes, practices and solutions, involved in the construction of buildings. 2. Interpret, examine, apply and critically reflect on principles, practices and solutions, and skills to manage projects and people. 3. Interpret, examine, apply and critically reflect on principles and practices required to manage the on-site construction project. 4. Interpret, examine, apply and critically reflect on principles and procedures associated with Building Law, Contract Law and Procurement practices used in the Construction Industry. 5. Identify and evaluate construction management processes. 6. Collection, organisation, examination and critical evaluation of complex data involved in research and academic enquiry practices of use in the Construction Industry and of relevance to the Construction Project Manager. 7. Investigate and articulate the value proposition for BIM and its benefits including awareness and appreciation of the cultural and organisational impacts of change necessary for the adoption of BIM [people as well as practical issues]. Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management Page 5 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION c) Practical Skills [Considered relative to the programme and to section 17 & 18 of the QAA Building & Surveying Benchmark Statement]. On completion of this programme, the Construction Project Management student will be able to demonstrate the following practical skills of 1. Interpretation, specification and graphical representation of building technologies. 2. Technical report writing and presentation. 3. Analysis and presentation of business data and construction finance information. 4. Effective verbal and visual communication within the varied workplace that is the Construction Industry. 5. Surveying and recording buildings and construction site setting out practices including the physical representation of information to suitable scales using a range of media. 6. Practical measures necessary for BIM implementation. d) Transferable/Key Skills On completion of this programme, the Construction Project Management student will be able to demonstrate the following transferable key skills of 1. Management and application of intellect involved with the collection of information, critical reflection, analysis and evaluation of data including summarisation of legal and other complex documents. 2. Self-management including the setting of work priorities, independent working, self-reflection and the formulation of personal development strategies. 3. Team working ability, including management and leadership, within a project team and within the wider professional activities of the Construction Industry. 4. Discussion and debate within a professional workplace environment and an ability to question standard practice seeking to improve practice. 5. Communicating effectively using a wide range of styles and methods, including – writing, use of computer technology including modelling and graphics, visual displays and verbal presentations to a range of audience. 6. Reflection on and in practice with the capacity to manage themselves as independent life-long learners. 7. Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management Page 6 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION 14. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy Specified to enable learners to achieve and demonstrate the above learning outcomes. Learning, teaching and assessment strategies seek to promote effective learning styles and to create an environment of student participation. A central ethos of learning by doing exists throughout the School and this is mirrored in this degree programme to facilitate the learning process and to reflect the vocational and professional orientation of the programme. The extensive use of project-based work develops vocational practitioner knowledge and skill and assists with the academic cohesion and integration of the different curriculum strands in the programme. Traditional teaching practices remain a cornerstone of activity to introduce and explain theoretical principles and concepts. For example, lectures are used for students to receive and acquire knowledge with seminars used to progress and apply academic and inter-personal transferable skills. Both are supported by student independent and directed learning activity. Level Aims: Level Four modules introduce the student to a range of formation studies to ensure a basic knowledge and understanding of the subject areas to underpin future development within the academic programme along with an insight into the structure of the industry and the professions operating within the Built Environment. Professional Practice activity aims to provide links between the modules.Level Five modules extend the factual knowledge and understanding in each of the curriculum areas and are intended to increase a student’s ability to take responsibility for their own learning. Level Six modules consolidate Levels Four and Five and provides the final academic challenge for the student as demonstrated by an ability to deal with decision making at strategic levels; identification and analysis of problems; to synthesise solutions. A major focus will be the Project Based Assessment process based around a student journey which bridges and links between all discrete subject areas to confirm the holistic dimension of the building process from inception to completion which is the essential special flavour of this particular degree route. A wide range of assessment methods are used to reflect the variety of learning and teaching practices and the level and type of knowledge and skills being developed in the programme. Assessment methods are used to reflect the learning outcomes of each module with a balance between diagnostic and formative assessment preceding summative assessment to enable students to learn from and within a module study programme. Summative assessment, as well as being formative, is also used to determine progression. The timing and scope of assessment activity is designed to promote and judge student learning with the level of student independence becoming progressively greater, culminating in the final year when a cohesive assessment strategy will link all the assessments, apart from the dissertation, to projects. Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management Page 7 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION 15. Programme Structure Programme Structure Level 4 Level 5 Progression for Honours Programme Sandwich, Full Time and Part Time Degrees 1) BE1250 Construction Technology 1 2) BE1252 Technical and Graphical Communication 3) BE1253 Academic Skills and Professional Practice Studies (CM) 1 4) BE1255 Land Surveying 5) BE1257 Environmental Design 6) BE1258 Constructing Architecture Progression point at level 4: 120 credits. 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points Sandwich, Full Time and Part Time Degrees BE1280 Construction Technology 2 BE1281 Materials, Structures and Structural Design BE1282 Commercial Management BE1283 Construction Project Management & BIM BE1284 People and Safety in construction BE1285 Academic skills and Professional Practice Studies Certificate in Higher Education awarded for 120 credits. Progression point at level 5: 120 credits at level 5. 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points Diploma in Higher Education awarded for 240 credits. Sandwich Degrees only EE0500 Engineering & Environment Placement Level 6 40 points Sandwich, Full Time and Part Time Degrees BE1286 Construction Technology 3 BE1287 Refurbishment and Maintenance of Buildings BE1288 Dissertation BE1289 Construction Engineering Law and Procurement BE1290 Construction Project Management and BIM 2 BE1291 Project Evaluation and Development BE1292 Dissertation Preparation Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management 20 points 10 points 30 points 20 points 20 points 0 points* Honours Degree awarded for total of 360 credits, including a minimum of 120 at level 5 and 120 at level 4. Pass Degree awarded for total of 300 credits including 60 credits at level 6, 120 at level 4 and 120 at level 5. To improve the Part Time student learning experience we planned to extend the 30 point Dissertation module over 3 semesters but the HESA financial rules will not allow this. In order to make this work we have introduced a non-credit bearing module BE1292 – see the module grids for further clarification. Page 8 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION 16. Interim Awards Credit Structure and Programme Learning Outcomes for Interim Awards. Please delete or add rows as appropriate, with reference to section 8 of the Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards and specify learning outcomes for each of the interim awards. Award Credit Structure Programme Learning Outcomes May be completed with reference to section 13. Certificate in Higher Education 120 credits at level 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management Identify, describe and illustrate basic constructional, environmental and structural and material technology principles and practices related to the performance of buildings. Identify, describe and explain the construction and property professions and industries and their business background. Identify, describe and illustrate, and appraise the cause and effect of basic key influences on the history of building and the evolution of modern architecture. Use and apply CAD tools in the design and specification of a simple building. Use and apply computer software to communicate, produce reports and to make presentations. Access, use and analyse information from the internet / world wide web. Measure, survey, sketch and draw buildings and sites and interpret detail drawings, annotations and specifications used in the construction of a building. Identify, describe and illustrate, and evaluate the process of construction, the roles and practices of those involved and the key resources of materials and skills used to construct buildings. Page 9 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Diploma in Higher Education 240 credits. 120 at level 4; 120 at level 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 17. Analyse and practice the procedures to manage and control the construction process efficiently and safely. Define, analyse, specify and illustrate performance requirements and appropriate technology solutions of key building elements for multistorey buildings. Describe, discuss, specify and illustrate building technology practices to improve, convert and adapt existing load-bearing and framed buildings. Define, explain and identify theories and applications of project appraisal, commercial objectives and financial procedures within the construction industry. Identify the influences of design on production processes.. Analyse basic spatial, structural and environmental design processes and their relationship to technology and material performance. Identify, assess and apply management skills and management styles in the workplace to ensure safe and effective delivery. Engage with personal and career development. Recognise and apply building control practices and procedures. Evaluate and analyse the role and development of building control legislation. Use, comprehend and apply site surveying equipment, practices and procedures. Appraise and analyse organisational structure and determine client need, procurement and technology influences on practices and procedures. Variation From Assessment Regulations Provide details of any approved variations from the standard University regulations. None. Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management Page 10 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION 18. Mapping of Learning Outcomes MODULE a) Knowledge & Understanding All BE 1 Level 4 1 1250 2 1252 3 1253 4 1255 5 1257 6 1258 Level 5 BE1280 BE1281 BE1282 BE1283 BE1284 BE1285 EE0500 Level 6 BE1286 BE1287 BE1288 BE1292 BE1289 BE1290 BE1291 C C C C C C 2 3 X 4 5 6 7 9 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management 5 6 7 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 X X X 4 d) Transferable Key Skills 5 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2 X X X 1 X X X X 4 X X X X 2 X X X 2 c) Practical Skills 1 X X X X X X 1 X X X 8 X X X X X X b) Intellectual Skills X X X X 5 X X X X X X X X X X X 6 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Page 11 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION 19. Admission Requirements The ability to benefit from Northumbria University programmes is assessed on a combination of academic and personal qualities which can be demonstrated in a number of ways. Successful completion of a GCE or VCE Advanced level course of study (or some other equivalent qualification) is just one way. Students who can in other ways demonstrate their ability to benefit from a Northumbria University programme, in particular mature students without formal qualifications will always be considered and are invited to contact the admissions tutor to discuss their application. Applicants should use the personal statement on their application to illustrate their abilities, aptitudes, skills, qualifications and experiences which might be taken into account as well as or instead of any of the formal qualifications listed below. It is University policy to recognise a wide variety of evidence, and potential applicants may wish to discuss this aspect of their application with the admission tutor. Following approval by the University Student Learning and Experience Committee of the revised Guidelines on English Language Qualifications in December 2011, the following scores apply to cover only international students from outside the EU. The changes in the English language policy incorporating the scores required by UKBA in IELTS, TOEFL and Pearson relate to international students applying for a Tier 4 visa to study at Northumbria. Undergraduate Year 1 & 2 entry Final Year entry Postgraduate Research IELTS Minimum score in each component of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking 6.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 PEARSON ACADEMIC** Minimum score in each component of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking TOEFL (IBT)* Minimum score in each component of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking 54 62 62 69 51 51 51 51 87 89 89 100 R18, W17, L17, S20 R18, W17, L17, S20 R18, W17, L17, S20 R18, W17, L17, S20 The following are the standard entry requirements for BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management. GCSE GCE and VCE Advanced Level Scottish Highers Irish Highers HEFC Access Other Other Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management GCSE grade C or above in English Language and Mathematics, plus one of the following: 300 UCAS tariff points BBBBC ABBBB Two distinctions and four merits, plus Toolbox IB Diploma 26 points Successful completion of the Built Environment Extended Degree Foundation Year Page 12 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Interviews Interviews will be held where: • the suitability of a candidate is in doubt and further evidence is sought • candidates present an unusual set of qualifications taken or pending, and an appropriate conditional offer needs to be determined • candidates may need advice on the appropriateness of a course, or on the appropriateness of a proposed preparatory course of study Applicants invited for an interview will always be told its purpose. 20. Application Procedure Amend as appropriate Applications are processed by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management Page 13 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Programme Structures Full-time/Sandwich Year 1 Sem 1 BE1250 Construction Technology 1 BE1252 Technical & Graphical Communication BE1253 Academic Skills & Professional Practice (CM) 1 BE1255 Land Surveying BE 1282 Commercial Management BE1283 Construction Project Management and BIM 1 BE1257 Environment Design BE1258 Constructing Architecture Sem 2 Full Time/Sandwich Year 2 Sem 1 BE1280 Construction Technology 2 Sem 2 BE1281 Materials, Structures and Structural Design BE 1284 People and Safety in Construction BE 1285 Academic Skills and Professional Practice studies 2 Sandwich Year 3 Sem 1 EE0500 Engineering & Environment Placement Sem 2 Full Time Year 3 Sandwich Year Sem 1 Sem 2 BE1286 Construction Technology 3 BE1287 Residential Refurbishment and Retrofit BE1292 for PT BE1288 Dissertation Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Programme Management BE 1289 Construction Engineering Law and Contract Procurement BE 1290 Construction Project Management and BIM 2 BE 1291 Project Evaluation and Development Page 14 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Part-time Year 1 (all L4) Sem 1 BE1250 Construction Technology 1 Sem 2 BE1252 Technical & Graphical Communication BE1253 Academic Skills & Professional Practice (CM) 1 BE1257 Environment Design BE1258 Constructing Architecture Year 2 (all L4) Sem 1 BE1255 Land Surveying Sem 2 Year 3 (all L5) Sem 1 BE1280 Construction Technology 2 Sem 2 BE1281 Materials, Structures and Structural Design BE 1282 Commercial Management BE1283 Construction Project Management and BIM 1 BE 1285 Academic Skills and Professional Practice studies 2 BE1286 Construction Technology 3 BE1287 Residential Refurbishment and Retrofit BE1292 for PT BE 1289 Construction Engineering Law and Contract Procurement BE 1290 Construction Project Management and BIM 2 BE 1284 People and Safety in Construction BE 1285 Academic Skills and Professional Practice studies 2 Year 4 (L4 & L6) Sem 1 BE 1284 People and Safety in Construction Sem 2 Year 5 (all L6) Sem 1 Sem 2 BE1288 Dissertation Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Programme Management BE 1291 Project Evaluation and Development Page 15 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION LOG OF CHANGES Any changes made to an approved Programme Specification (other than typographical corrections) should be logged below and the sheet appended to the Programme Specification. Subsequent changes can then be added. Where it is not practicable to change an existing Programme Specification, a new version is required. 1. 2. 21SBEU/ATC1 21SBEU/BDM1 21SBEU/BPM1 21SBEU/CNM1 21PBEU/ATC1 21PBEU/BDM1 21PBEU/BPM1 21PBEU/CNM1 BSC (Hons) Construction Related Programmes 26 Jun 06 21SBEU/ATC1 21SBEU/BDM1 21SBEU/BPM1 21SBEU/CNM1 BSc(Hons) Construction Related Programmes 25 Apr 07 Y Y Semester/ academic year eg S2;05/06 Module BE195 is a Building Surveying module. After 3 years of delivery we find that the module has more emphasis on the legal rather than the technical aspects of the Building Regulations which no longer meets our requirements. We are also aware that there is a need for more tendering, estimating and cost control at level 5. We therefore propose to introduce a 10 point module to replace BE195 which will include these issues. Changes to modules and introduction of several new modules throughout the programmes 4 strands based on feedback from students, employers, professional body (CIOB) which covers advances in the professions, knowledge level of placement students and continuous improvement Level 4 Replace Business, Management and Economics with a new Site Surveying & Engineering module to include the existing BE0829 [Measurement Surveying & Drawing of Buildings] and the Materials/Structures part of BE0830 with some increased content. Change takes effect of programme eg Year 3 Programme title(s) Admin change1 Y/N Stage/year Programme code(s) affected by change Date of approval / amendment Brief summary of change to Programme Specification (including section number) SW, FT and PT progs. Level 5 06/07 Level 4,5&6 SW,FT,P T 2007-08 21FBEU/ATC1 21FBEU/BDM1 21FBEU/BPM1 21FBEU/CNM1 21PBEU/ATC1 21PBEU/BDM1 21PBEU/BPM1 21PBEU/CNM1 (continued) 1 Administrative changes are defined in section of Approval Processes for Taught Programmes and Modules Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Programme Management Page 16 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION 2. Replace BE0823 Construction Environment Structures and Technology with a new Technology Module to overcome deficiencies in student performance on the programme. Replace BE0829 with a new Building Services Systems module Alter BE0830 Professional Practice to become an integrated project as originally intended. Replace the existing BE0940 Sustainability module by joining the other existing level 4 Sustainability module provided by the Estate Management group [BE0966]. Level 5 Merge the new Construction Economics module [which replaced BE0195 in semester 2 of the 20062007 year] with BE833 Construction Business [20pt] into a new 20 point module which every named programme takes. Develop a new suite of 4 - degree specific 10 point options based around advanced computing – AT gets a reduced version of the existing BE0879, BPM gets VR for Project Appraisal, BDM gets VR for Design Management, CM gets VR for Planning. Review BE0832 Technology to link more with the new level 4 Technology module. Amend project modules BE0621 & BE0880 to remove part time students and replace them with a Distance, Work based learning module Level 6 As well as the specific module issues given below the programme team want to move to a model of delivery which concentrates more module teaching into semester 1 and the early part of semester 2 to free up blocks of time for projects. (continued) Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Programme Management Page 17 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. To achieve this it is proposed: To amend existing project modules to become Integrated Projects carried out in blocks in the two weeks after the Christmas holidays & just before the examination period. There are few formal exams in the programme and those that remain will occur in the semester 2 exam period. The part time students will have a separate work based learning Professional Practice module in line with the School’s requirements to reduce contact time. Move Dissertation from 2+1 to 1+2 to allow better engagement of students with the dissertation. Split BE0859 into its two component parts [Technology and Health and Safety] as two 10 point modules to support project work. To amend the assessments in the other modules [mainly in terms of timing] . English language requirements added Sections 14, 15 and 18: Extensive changes to Level 4 modules Amended/removed references to School of the Built and Natural Environment Section 15 & 16: Deleted row of table relating to Pass/Ordinary Degree and amended wording. Section 19: Updated entry requirements for 2013 Change of programme name from ‘Construction Management’ to ‘Construction Project Management’: Changed course name and other references where appropriate. Updated grid, removing references to CM, BDM and BPM. Appended HEAR Supplement Amended 13-2-13 to suit introduction of level 5 and 6 changes to the programme. Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Programme Management All 24.04.12 Y CNM1 CNM1 CNM1 CNM1 BSc(Hons) Construction Related Programmes BSc (Hons) Construction Management BSc (Hons) Construction Management 12/7/12 N Oct 2012 Y 21FBEU CON1 21PBEU CON1 BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management 6/11/12 N 21FBEU 21PBEU 21FBEU 21PBEU BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management 19/12/12 N Jan 2013 Y 21FBEU 21PBEU 21FBEU 21PBEU CON1 CON1 CON1 CON1 21SBEU-CON1, 21PBEU-CON1 2012/13 Stage 4 2012/13 2013 BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management Page 18 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION 1. Amended 2-4-14 TO INCLUDE NEW Faculty wide Placement module and add missing references to Sandwich route. Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Programme Management 21SBEU-CON1, 21PBEU-CON1 BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management Page 19 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION HEAR SUPPLEMENT BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management HEAR SUPPLEMENT The HEAR Supplement should be completed for all new and existing undergraduate honours degrees. Information in sections 7, 8 and 9 should apply to students gaining awards in the current academic year (with the possibility that this could differ from related information in the main programme specification). Once approved, it will be entered by Faculty support staff onto SITS and will be reviewed annually. 1. Academic Year 2012/13 2. Northumbria Programme Title and Route Code BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management: 21SBEU-CON1, 21PBEU-CON1 3. Mode/s of Attendance Full Time YES Other please specify Sandwich YES Part Time YES N/A 4. Partner Institution/s N/A 5. Date of Approval tbc 6. Programme Entry Requirements (150 words maximum) This section should indicate any subject specific requirements, a statement regarding advanced entry to the programme and English language entry requirements (in line with the English language policy, IELTS component requirements should be specified in the Supplement and in section 19 of the programme specification). UCAS entry tariffs should not be specified. Applicants who are able to demonstrate their ability to benefit from a Northumbria University programme, including mature students without formal qualifications, will always be considered. Additional English language requirements apply for international students from outside the European Union. More detailed information is available in the programme specification and the on-line prospectus. 7. Programme Statement (250 words maximum) This should be written primarily for an external audience (eg employers) clarifying the aims of the programme, pathways, professional body implications (including where an alternative award title indicates that professional requirements have not been met) and opportunities for work experience/placements or study abroad. Please note that further information on professional status is required in section 10 below. The programme is about the Professional delivery of buildings. This involves the management of the processes, people and other resources required to transform a customer’s need into a physical entity which allows them to carry out their business better. The Construction Project Manager needs a wide range of professional skills to supervise the execution of design and construction activities and direct on-site project teams by implementing project controls. This requires the use of up to date technical, personal and communication skills to ensure Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Programme Management Page 20 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION HEAR SUPPLEMENT BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management ability to plan, co-ordinate and monitor on-site construction activities in order to provide the safe and cost effective design and production of a building project. Key competencies for Construction Project Managers include construction planning and organisation, on-site safety and quality management as well as a high degree of verbal, written and electronic communication. The Construction Project Management programme is structured around these areas and aims to develop students from a range of professional and industrial backgrounds to develop careers in a management role. 8. Learning Outcomes applicable to students gaining awards in the current academic year. If these are the same as the main programme specification, please indicate ‘see section 13 of the main specification’ below. See Section 13 of the Main specification Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Programme Management Page 21 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION HEAR SUPPLEMENT BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management d) Knowledge and Understanding [Considered relative to the programme and to section 16 of the QAA Building & Surveying Benchmark Statement]. On completion of this programme, the Construction Project Management student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the: 10. The performance needs of buildings and the many and varied interfaces between the technologies of buildings during the design, specification, manufacture and production of buildings and be able to address the need to harness the actions of many who are involved in the production of buildings including health and safety issues. 11. The principles, practices and skills needed to successfully manage projects and people within the ongoing dynamic of the Construction Industry. 12. Construction management practices, including planning, control and co-ordination of resources, quality and cost management. 13. The principles and practices required to integrate design, technology, management, and finance to create the successful building project from inception to completion. 14. The principles and procedures associated with Building Law, Contract Law and Procurement practices used in the Construction Industry. 15. Research and academic enquiry practices of use in the Construction Industry and of relevance to the Construction Project Manager. 16. Professional practice roles, ethical dimensions, and responsibilities and skills required of a Construction Project Manager. 17. The practice and use of site surveying equipment and the processes associated with the measurement and physical representation of buildings. 18. The practice and use of IT software relevant to the Construction Project Manager, in particular aspects of Building Information modelling and its practice. e) Intellectual Skills [Considered relative to the programme and to section 17 & 18 of the QAA Building & Surveying Benchmark Statement]. On completion of this programme, the Construction Project Management student will be able to demonstrate the following intellectual skills of: 8. Interpret, examine, apply and critically reflect on principles and processes, practices and solutions, involved in the construction of buildings. 9. Interpret, examine, apply and critically reflect on principles, practices and solutions, and skills to manage projects and people. 10. Interpret, examine, apply and critically reflect on principles and practices required to manage the on-site construction project. 11. Interpret, examine, apply and critically reflect on principles and procedures associated with Building Law, Contract Law and Procurement practices used in the Construction Industry. 12. Identify and evaluate construction management processes. 13. Collection, organisation, examination and critical evaluation of complex data involved in research and academic enquiry practices of use in the Construction Industry and of relevance to the Construction Project Manager. 14. Review the use of, and apply IT and modelling to the Construction Industry and the role of the Construction Project Manager. f) Practical Skills [Considered relative to the programme and to section 17 & 18 of the QAA Building & Surveying Benchmark Statement]. On completion of this programme, the Construction Project Management student will be able to demonstrate the following practical skills of 7. Interpretation, specification and graphical representation of building technologies. 8. Technical report writing and presentation. 9. Analysis and presentation of business data and construction finance information. 10. Effective verbal and visual communication within the varied workplace that is the Construction Industry. 11. Surveying and recording buildings and construction site setting out practices including the physical representation of information to suitable scales Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Programme Management Page 22 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION HEAR SUPPLEMENT BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management 12. using a range of media. Use of Information Technology including a range of computer software and relevant modelling programmes. d) Transferable/Key Skills On completion of this programme, the Construction Project Management student will be able to demonstrate the following transferable key skills of 8. Management and application of intellect involved with the collection of information, critical reflection, analysis and evaluation of data including summarisation of legal and other complex documents. 9. Self-management including the setting of work priorities, independent working, self-reflection and the formulation of personal development strategies. 10. Team working ability, including management and leadership, within a project team and within the wider professional activities of the Construction Industry. 11. Discussion and debate within a professional workplace environment and an ability to question standard practice seeking to improve practice. 12. Communicating effectively using a wide range of styles and methods, including – writing, use of computer technology including modelling and graphics, visual displays and verbal presentations to a range of audience. 13. Reflection on and in practice with the capacity to manage themselves as independent life-long learners. Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Programme Management Page 23 of 24 NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION HEAR SUPPLEMENT BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management 9. Professional status (100 words maximum) Please provide a statement on the professional status of the programme for students graduating in the current academic year, noting the following extract from guidance from the Higher Education Better Regulation Group (HEBRG)1 for the collection of data for the KIS: The outcome of a successful programme accreditation by a PSRB may include one or more of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. graduates are able to practise as a professional in a specific field, and in some cases receive a license to practise that is required by law; graduates are granted chartered status; graduates are granted exemption from all or part of professional exams; graduates are eligible for entry to membership of a professional association or learned society; the programme is confirmed as meeting externally designated standards and quality. If not applicable, this section should be left blank and a default statement will appear on the HEAR. All students who have achieved BSc (Hons) Construction Project Management will have met the academic requirements for membership of the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB). 1,com_studrec/task,show_file/Itemid,233/mnl,12061/href,accreditation_guidance.html/ Programme Specification, BSc (Hons) Construction Programme Management Page 24 of 24