11. UC/14/BSc(Hons)/4 UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha Template 3: UC Regulation Changes Proposal Description R Purpose of the proposal The BSc (Hons) is a 12-month degree course which is designed to include a research component so that able students may be able to progress directly to the PhD. The current requirements note that the programme of study must have a minimum of 1.25 EFTS. Of that 1.25 EFTS, at least 30 points must be a research project. Although there is variation in how the BSc (Hons) is structured across Departments, Computer Science (COSC) has traditionally had students complete 120 points of taught courses and a 30-point research course. The purpose of this proposal is to have students take 90 points (six courses)of course work and a 60 point research project. The increase by 30 points to the research project is to allow a lecture component to be included. The lecture component is directly related to the research project. For instance, the revised course consists of a) a series of lectures to teach basic tools as well as research and writing skills required to successfully perform high-quality and advanced computer science research, and b) a substantive individual research project that requires considerable creative thinking and independent work from students. This change is consistent with the current regulations of the UC BSc (Hons). The regulation change applied for is specific to the major currently outlined by the Department but does not change the overall structure of the BSc (Hons) (as per 4.(a) i. and ii, p 406 UC Calendar 2014). Justification The change of the course of study pathway is as follows: The research project course (COSC460) is a whole-year course and forms the capstone and research component of the BSc (Hons) Computer Science degree programme in the CSSE department. It utilises all skills and knowledge that students have developed. Similar courses are also offered by other leading computer science departments in New Zealand (e.g., COMPSCI789 at the University of Auckland, COMP489 at Victoria University). The research project builds on, applies and extends material introduced in advanced computer science courses. The focus is on acquiring and developing individual research skills and demonstrating them in individual contexts. By exposing students to state-ofthe-art research problems and research approaches to complete a comprehensive computer science research project, COSC460 bridges the gap between theories learned in advanced computer science courses at the 400-level and their application to solving a concrete research problem. The course provides students with a first opportunity to undertake a sizeable piece of research work that spans over a long period of time and therefore exposes complexities of a research project in a controlled fashion. After graduating with an BSc (Hons) Computer Science degree, students need to be able to evaluate an ever-expanding array of tools, methodologies and applications and to critically appraise them to apply them to increasingly complex problems. Therefore, COSC460 lays the foundation for either further studies towards an MSc / PhD degree, or an advanced position in industry. COSC460 provides excellent preparation for students intending to enrol in further postgraduate research. In detail, the increase from 30 points to 60 points is justified as follows: - Student feedback indicated that completing the research project takes more time than anticipated in the original course proposal. Thus, the weight of the research project in relation to other courses required for the BSc (Hons) Computer Science must be adjusted. - The new version of the course includes a lecture component to teach basic tools as well as research and writing skills required to successfully perform high-quality and advanced computer science research. Other BSc (Hons) programmes at UC, such as Physics, require a separate mandatory course on research tools (PHYS407; 0.1250 EFTS) in addition to a physics research project (PHYS480; 0.2500EFTS). Also, in addition to a research project (CHEM480; 0.2500 EFTS) BSc (Hons) students in chemistry are required to enrol in CHEM421 – CHEM424, a 1 11. UC/14/BSc(Hons)/4 series of four mandatory courses of advanced study in contemporary research methodology in chemical sciences (0.2500 EFTS per course). We integrate these contents into COSC460. - As a consequence of this proposal, the number of required courses for BSc (Hons) Computer Science students will reduce from 120 points to 90 points. Thus, throughout their course of study, students have now more time to work on their Honours research project. This must be reflected in a more significant weight of the course and higher requirements on the research project completed as part of this course. Calendar Form New Regulations The BSc(Hons) regulations, Schedule A, Section for Computer Science (see 2013 Calendar, page 388) is to be modified as follows: Before: COSC460 and eight half-courses to be selected (with the approval of the Head of Department) from COSC401-439, 461-475. Replace by: COSC460 and a further 90 points (0.75EFTS) to be selected (with the approval of the Head of Department) from COSC401-439, 461-474 and all SENG 400-level courses with the exception of SENG402. COSC460 Research Project 60 points (0.5000 EFTS) This course gives students in-depth research experience by completing a comprehensive computer science research project. A research topic will be chosen in discussion with a possible staff supervisor, a proposal developed and approved, and a written research report completed. In addition to working on their project, students will attend a series of lectures on research and writing skills required to successfully perform high-quality computer science research. Various milestones are included through the year including proposal development, written and oral progress reports, and final project presentations. At the end of the course, students will have studied and practiced essential techniques and skills required to successfully complete a computer science research project. P: Subject to approval of the Head of Department COSC460-14W(C) Whole Year, COSC460-14CY(C) Cross Year 2