Air Cooled Engine Syllabi

Power & Energy
Instructor:Mr. Kroseberg
Office: 1343
Term: One semester
Credit: One half .5
Prerequisite: Survey of T.E.
Course Description
The mission of this course is to provide students with an in depth understanding of small
air cooled engine construction and operation. Students will learn in a fast paced “hands
on” environment how to disassemble, assess part/component wear, troubleshoot ,
reassemble and maintain a four stroke small engine. Students will also become familiar
with basic hydraulic and pneumatic principles involved in small engine operation.
Course Goals
 Define Compression
 Identify all of the parts in a four cycle engine
 Identify the 4 cycles of a four cycle engine
 Explain the differences in small engine lubrication systems
 Explain the major differences between a two and four cycle small engines
 Identify proper small engine tools and their respective uses
 Identify precision measuring tools and their construction
 Define Ohm’s law
 Define Watt’s law
 Define Boyle’s law
 Define Charles’s law
 Define Pneumatics
 Define Hydraulics
 Define basic electrical AC/DC components
 Define the environmental impacts of energy production
 Define the law of conservation
Course Outline
1. Discussion of air cooled engine basics 2 cycle vs. 4 cycle
2. Complete a worksheet on small engine fundamentals
3. View videotapes on small engine construction and operation
4. Small Engine toolbox discussion and inventory
5. With a partner disassemble a dry 4 cycle Briggs & Stratton small engine
6. Small engine review and final exam
7. Procure a “live” small 4 cycle small engine to teardown and rebuild (alone or with
a partner…. See details below)
8. Complete Ohm’s law worksheets and circuit theory
9. Begin small engine disassembly, measurement, replacement parts ordering,
reassembly and testing.
Workplace/Employability Skills- Students will receive 3 points per day or 15 points per
week for the following.
1- Getting to class on time
1- Coming to class with a pen/ pencil
1- Coming to class with approved safety glasses
Grading Scale
A 100-93
A- 92-90
B+ 89-87
** Students will be evaluated on their performance
B 86-83
on tests, quizzes, classroom and lab projects,
B- 82-80
worksheets/ chapter reviews and classroom
C+ 79-77
C 76-73
C- 72-70
D+ 69-67
D 66-63
D- 62-60
F 59 and below