The Data: Coverage, Periodicity, and Timeliness

Kazakhstan: SDDS Metadata
Revision date: March 2006
SDDS Data Category: External Debt
Contact person:
Aigul Buranbayeva
Balance of Payments Division
National Bank of Kazakhstan (NBK)
21, Koktem-3, Almaty, 050040
Phone: (3272) 704647
Fax: (3272) 704642
The Data: Coverage, Periodicity, and Timeliness
Coverage characteristics
Data on the gross external debt are disseminated in millions of USD
dollars and cover all sectors of economy of the Republic of
The data disseminated are broken down:
- by sectors (general government, monetary authorities, banking
sector, other sectors),
- by original maturity (short term – to the 1 year inclusive, long term
– over 1 year)
- by instruments (intercompany loans, trade credits, loans, bonds
and notes, money market instruments and other liabilities).
The data are generally compiled in accordance with the concepts and
methodology set out in the “External Debt Statistics: Guide for
compilers and users” as well as the fifth edition of the IMF's "Balance
of Payments Manual" (BPM5).
Within one quarter after the end of the reference quarter
Access by the Public
Advance dissemination of
release calendar
Simultaneous release to all
interested parties
The NBK disseminates an advance release calendar with precise
release dates for the next twelve months on the the NBK’s Website
( and the IMF’s Data Dissemination Bulletin
Board (
The data are released simultaneously to all interested parties on the
NBK's Internet website
The hard copy with analytical part and methodological note is available
in Kazakh and Russian in NBK’s quarterly bulletin “The Balance of
Payments and External Debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Dissemination of terms and
conditions under which official
statistics are produced,
including ...confidentiality of
The collection and publication of the external sector statistics
(including balance of payments, international investment position and
the external debt) are governed by:
- The Law on the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (No.
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individual responses
Identification of internal
government access to data
before release
Identification of ministerial
commentary on the occasion of
statistical releases
Provision of information about
revision and advance notice of
major changes in methodology
2155) adopted on March 30, 1995. According to the Law functions
of the National Bank of Kazakhstan (NBK) include compiling of
the report balance of payments, international investment position
and estimate of the gross external debt of the country (Article 8.
"Functions, Powers, and Rights of the National Bank of
Kazakhstan," item "r").(available on the NBK Internet website
The Government Resolution No. 71, January 29, 1999 "On
Development of the Balance of Payments of the Republic of
Kazakhstan". The resolutions determined the NBK as an official
developer of the country's payment balance, including the
responsibility for forming and disseminating balance of payments
statistics and transferred to the NBK the right to collect statistical
reports on the balance of payments from all respondents.
Law on State Statistics (Article 13), according which "individuals
and legal entities shall be guaranteed confidentiality of statistical
source data and access to lists of general government and agency
statistical reports and the statistical work plan. Statistical source
data may be disseminated only with the consent of the individuals
and legal entities supplying the information, or anonymously".
(Available on the Statictics agency Internet website:
In addition the action of the Law "On Banks and Banking in the
Republic of Kazakhstan" extends to statistical reports of banks insofar
it as concerns disclosure of information classified as bank secrets
(articles 50 and 54 of the Law). National Bank employees are
prohibited from disclosing or transferring to third parties any
information obtained while exercising their responsibilities.(Available
on the NBK Internet website
There is also an administrative sanction for releasing commercial
information to public.
No national official outside the NBK have access to the data before
No ministerial commentary is attached to the release of the data.
Data are revised twice a year in April and in October. Two years
precedent to the reference period are revised. Major changes in
methodology are announced whenever they are introduced.
Dissemination of
documentation on methodology
and sources used in preparing
The framework of the external debt is close to BPM5.
At the same time the legal definition of residency in Kazakhstan is not
in accordance with the concept of residency adopted in the BPM5 and
the world standard System of National Accounts of 1993. According the
law on currency regulation a local branch of a bank or nonfinancial
enterprise located abroad is considered as a nonresident entity. When
reviewing branches of foreign companies as residents for balance of
payments purposes, this difference in definitions complicates the
classification of the operations performed by them. Currently,
compilers of Kazakhstani external sector statistics (BOP, IIP and
External Debt) treat all branches of foreign nonfinancial enterprises as
residents except for branches providing construction and drilling
services. For consistency of the flows and stock position in the external
sector statistics banks submit data according to the legal definition and
additional data on the branches of foreign companies.
The external debt statistics includes long-term deposits of foreign SPV,
which are banks' subsidiaries, these liabilities are considered as long-
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term loans to associated banks.
Under the Kazakh laws, Ministry of Finance is held responsible for
compiling public debt statistics ,and it records sovereign eurobonds as
if all of them were held by non-residents. NBK publishes public debt as
calculated by MoF, despite some eurobonds are actually held by
Methodological notes are disseminated on the NBK website, and
details of methodology are published in The Balance of Payments and
External Debt of the Republic of Kazakhstan .
Dissemination of ... that
support statistical cross-checks
and provide assurance of
(See also summary methodology)
Since 2002 data quarterly and annual time series in the standard
presentation are disseminated in U.S. dollars on the NBK’ web-site.
For the period 1995-2001 quarterly and annual external debt data are
available as spaced out on government and government guaranteed
external debt and non-guaranteed private external debt on the NBK’
More detailed presentation of external debt statistics is published
quarterly in The Balance of Payments and External Debt of the
Republic of Kazakhstan in Kazakh and Russian. This publication also
has detailed information of data sources and collection procedures.
The external debt data also is published in Annual report of the NBK in
Kazakh, Russian and English.
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