Wroclaw School of Banking Faculty of Finance and Management Academic year: 2015/2016 SYLLABUS Degree type: Bachelor (BA) Semester: 3 Code: AEF Subject status: business core Form of study: full-time Management Language: English Form of / number of hours Form of credit ECTS points Total points for subject Name of subject / module: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Full-time 20 hours Class – note [Eg] Points gained during classes with an academic teacher present 5 Points for lectures 0 ECTS points for exercises, projects, or workshops (labs) 2 ECTS points for student's own work (homework, etc) 3 Subject coordinator: dr Rafał Siedlecki Subject tutor: dr Rafał Siedlecki 1. Preliminary requirements: 1.1. regarding knowledge, skills and social competences: accounting, statistics, 2. Foundations and teaching objectives: To teach students how to read financial statements To give the knowledge on economic and financial analysis of public and private company To teach students the ability to analyze and conclude about the financial standing of a company on the basis of market and accounting data 3. Detailed teaching objective of the module/subject: Effect code Name of education effect Reference to the teaching objectives of the general study programme KNOWLEDGE AEF_W1 Student knows the methods and techniques for the construction of financial statements K_W05 AEF_W2 Student knows methods and techniques of economic and financial analysis of company K_W12, K_W13 AEF_W3 Student knows method of financial distress forecasting K_W15, K_W20 AEF_U1 Student can analyze and interpret the financial statements K_U02 AEF_U2 Student knows how to use ratio analysis to the financial situation of company K_U03 AEF_U3 Student can use in practical exercises and case studies the knowledge obtained in order to estimate and evaluate the financial standing of a company K_U05 SKILLS SOCIAL COMPETENCES AEF_K1 Student is able to build the team and developing the co-operations with other students while solving complex financial problems K_K01 AEF_K2 Student is able to analyze and conclude about the economic and financial standing of a company K_K03 4. Detailed curriculum No Contents Teaching objective of the module or subject 1 Basic Concepts In Financial Analysis – Overview Of Financial Reporting AFE_W1, AEF_U1, 2 Financial Statement Analysis- Comparative Financial Statement Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, AFE_W1, AEF_U1, AEF_K2 3 Financial Ratio Analysis- Profitability Analysis, Credit Analysis (Liquidity & Solvency), Activity Analysis 4 Financial distress forecasting AFE_W1, AFE_W2, AFE_W3, AEF_U2, AEF_U3 AEF_K2 5 Case studies in Financial Analysis – Financial Statements and Financial Ratio Analysis and Capital Employed Policy and Financing Policy AFE_W1, AFE_W2, AEF_U2, AEF_U3, AEF_K1, AEF_K2 6 Case Studies in Financial Analysis – Listed companies analysis AFE_W1, AFE_W2, AEF_U2, AEF_U3, AEF_K2, AEF_K2 7 Case Studies in Financial Analysis – Financial distress forecasting AFE_W1, AFE_W2, AFE_W3 AEF_U2, AEF_U3, AEF_K1, AEF_K2 AFE_W1, AFE_W2, AEF_U2, AEF_K2 5. Teaching methods Lecture, discussion, case studies, single and group works 6. Individual work of student required Project- financial statement analysis, presentation 7. Fundamental / obligatory literature 1. Alfredson K., Applying international financial reporting standards, John Wiley & Sons, 2007, 2. Dunkelberg J., and Sulock J., Cases in Financial Management, Wiley & Sons 1997, 3. Bednarski L., Analiza finansowa w przedsiębiorstwie PWE 2007, 8. Supplementary literature 1. Higgins, R.C.. Analysis for financial management , McGrow Hill 2012; 2. Vernimmen, P., Quiry, P., Dallocchio, M., Le Fur, Y., Salvi, A., Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice, John Willey and Sons, 2011, 3. Palepu K.,G., Healy P., M., Business Analysis and Valuation using Financial Statements, Harvard Business School Publishing Company 2012, 4. Siedlecki R., Papla D., Forecasting economic crisis using gradient measurement of development and log-logistic function Business and Economic Horizons Journal, tom 9 2013, str. 11-23, (http://academicpublishingplatforms.com/journal.php?journal=BEH) 9. Conditions of credit Class participation and assignments 30% Final case analysis and presentation - team project 70% 10. Methods of verification of reaching the desired teaching objectives (effects) Teaching objective Verification method Activity Test Project and presentation AEF_W1 x X AEF_W2 x X AEF_W3 x X AEF_U1 x X AEF_U2 x X AEF_U3 x X AEF_K1 AEF_K2 X x