MAASE Finance and Legislation Minutes Tuesday, February 7, 2012 Committee Members: Wayne Abbott Angela Telfer Kathy Barker John Bretschneider Menhem Aouad Michael Ghareeb John Cloft Daris Delsi Jan Weckstein Kathy Fortino Paul Dymowski Rachel Fuerer Diane Heinzelman Laurie VanderPloeg Laurie Jefsen Paul Zimmer Mark King Tom Koepke Greg LaMore Laura LaMore Jay Raycraft Jennifer Scott-Burton Elaine Smiley Carolyn Smith-Gerdes Tony Thaxton Abby Cypher-Kitchen Concetta Lewis Nadine Harris Deborah Koepke Scott Hubble Shari Lidgard-Pullins Beth Alberti David Mason Eric Hoppstock Shari Lidgard-Pullins Christine Jeter Carol Carignam Dawn Weeks Megan Decker Scott Green Neal Elyakin Andy Claus Stephanie Peters Christy Callahan Jennifer Caiaud Michelle Brahaney Cherie Wagner MDE Representatives: John Andrejack, Sheryl Diamond, Diane Easterling, Teri Johnson, Joanne Winkleman, Nancy Rotarius, Joni Jay, Agenda Items: 1. Update from MDE on State and Federal Finance (Andrejack, Easterling) a) State Update (Easterling) - Sec. 52 states should be for most if not in March; Sec. 53 in March; Sec. 24 in March b) Federal Update – Expenditure Reports & Communications to districts/ISDs (Andrejack) Beginning of March – MOE Reports MOE Planning tool available on the MDE website -Testing to be updated Reduction in insurance/benefits may affect MOE in the future – currently this does not meet MOE exception rules Districts should follow the guidelines to allowable cuts 2. Update from MDE OES-EIS Program Accountability Unit (Oczepek) Revised side-by-side coming very soon – MARSE/IDEA New rules will be ready for review within next month ESEA waivers on line for comment There was a meeting Dec. 9 for guidance on Part 10 rules changes – more information upcoming 3. CASE Update (Jefsen) (10 minutes) MAASE continuing working with CASE re. Restraint and Seclusion Need to increase CASE membership. Currently 215 members are members of CASE – 1/3 of MAASE With CASE soon to be president Laurie VanderPloeg Lindsay Jones @ MCEC on Wed. February 29, 2012; followed by CASE night 4. Other items: a) 22-26 Update (G. LaMore, Barker and Fortino) Compliment to MAASE leadership on communication to membership on issue Legislator from Kent/Ottawa – Rep. Agema o original intent to eliminate 22-26 o now looking at how to gain input and make decisions based on needs of community Draft bill language was released by Rep. Agema’s office. It is not an actual bill. Given it is an election year, there is likely no movement for the draft language becoming a proposed bill. MAASE does not have official position statement for 22-26. Once bill is developed, MAASE can take a position. (Fortino) Rule changes would need to occur which would lead to months of decision making. b) Input on Harkins “Keeping All Students Safe Act” (Fortino and VanderPloeg) Conference call with MAASE to provide input to CASE. Copy of recommendation letter from CASE has been sent to U.S. Senator Harkin’s office. Proposed language on debriefing & proximity concerns – CASE recommends that this should be left to state policy. Proposed language on if law not followed, results in denial of FAPE – CASE recommends the removal of this language and that this should be left to IDEA and Due Process. CASE recommends federal government should monitors the states, the states monitor the system of application. Serious Bodily Injury language –CASE recommends language similar to IDEA - identifies a high threshold which may/would need to be redefined as it would not allow restraint. Next steps would be for MAASE input goes to the Executive Board for approval. CASE letter has been sent to U.S. Senator Harkin. Transitioning to a more streamline approach to provide legislative input (Jefsen) c) Michigan Cyber School Conversation (Lamore) Meeting with ISD, state, cyber reps, superintendents, business directors – hosted by Sally Vaughn Key question that needs to be answered: Who is responsible for students with IEPs? The School Code (operating) & The State Aid Act (residing) are contradicting each other Lots of unanswered questions Follow-up forthcoming from Sally Vaughn Governor may be vacillating in regards to a letter that said something to the effect of “we wanted to provide on-line learning opportunities” d) Part 10 Update (T. Koepke and K. Callahan) 30 people on initial review group – implications: o Data, eligibility, recommendation group o Forms group o 1755 subgroup o Proceed – safe group o Transitions group Meeting coming to Ingham ISD to work in subgroups Sharon LaPointe involved with the procedural safeguards groups Sub groups to provide guidance to MDE e) MASA- MAISA Legislative Committee Update (Thaxton) MASA- MAISA Legislative Committee Goals are available on MASA website. MAASE now invited to the monthly Legislative Committee meetings for MAISA @ 8:30 and MASA @ 9:30 Big issue 22-26 – Legislative priorities on MASA website f) February 29th with CEC, Lindsey Jones – What’s happening in DC? MAASE is co-sponsoring Lindsey on Wednesday at CEC in Grand Rapids Wants input from MAASE – please email Greg LaMore with any questions/input What’s happening in DC? is main topic CASE reception immediately following g) Other? State has posted Early On application for input prior to federal application