Opening Keynote: Technology Shootout

FETC Opening Keynote: Technology Shootout
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Hall Davidson, Leslie Fisher and John Kuglin
1. Broken Camcorder Webcam
 Plug into computer to become webcam (zoom option), don’t need walk up to laptop, buy connector
 Can’t see inputs from the past instead use this Coveritlive, create rooms- can go back to the rooms for years to
gather info (you’re the moderator)
3. Dropbox
 Free acct gets 2 GB. Have 1 file, but want it on multiple devices. When drag a file into it, it automatically syncs
with all of your devices. Has built in translators so if open word doc on ipad: they will be able to open it up. If get
others to sign up, you get 2.5 gigs up to 8 GB
4. Paper.Li
 Takes a feed (facebook or twitter) and turns it into a newspaper. Takes new feed into old feed (like a newspaper)
really cool!!
5. Rockmelt
 RockMelt web browser that embeds facebook, twitter, and rss into one service. Will list all of your friends, feeds,
etc in the left and right edge of your page action aware. Will see the websites you visit most often and offer rss
feed suggestions the best search features I have seen in a browser, currently in Beta. Need to be invited. Left
edge is FB friends and right edge: often used site icons (including rss feeds). FB chat is integrated in rockmelt: so
can be on a website
6. Pogoplug
 Cloud computing, if have hard drive device used at home, can attach Pogoplug to hard drive and access it from
any computer in the world, see all files. Your storage capacity is accessible anywhere. Plug device into computer,
it will share files and printing. Build your own Cloud. $80.00 at Amazon. Don’t need to use the cloud and buy file
storage. Can stream in videos, music, photos. All in one spot accessible from any device.
7. Vizio Flat Screen TV
 Have wifi capability. As you watch TV. Can see twitter, facebook, and Netflix acct.
8. Jamendo
 royalty free music
9. Google Voice
 Provides you with a phone number, you hand out this number and you can choose where you have it ring (home,
office, cell all 3, etc.). You can set up where it rings by phone number also check your messages online or on your
phone will also transcribe voicemail. Can control who gets to you without giving out your phone number.
10. Screencast-o-matic
 Move window over area of screen you want to record. Show tech steps, such as navigating your website. Can use
a webcam and have your image recorded for a bit and then only screen if you want to. This is all in the cloud;
there is no software to download!! Video will pop up in a web browser. Can save movie to screencast-o-matic or
download it and save it as mp4 or flash movie.
11. Epson Interactive Module
 Makes any surface into an interactive surface. Wii Wired Sensor bar + projector: from Epson (<$500) turns all
projectors into an interactive surface
12. Square Reader
 The next thing from one of the guys who brought you blogger and twitter. Uses the headphone port of your
device to attach a credit card reader uses an App to then run the card and approve the amt. fees: 2.5% with card.
3.5% without. Can get money transferred into your square account. Person can take a credit card for payment
from anyone. Great for fundraising too.
13. Google Apps Marketplace EDU
 Launched Jan 25th. Best apps for educators. Cloud is powerful, affordable, and scaleable.
14. Google Earth
 There is a level which individual companies add info/
15. Stratalogica
 Added a new interface for maps and globes and other products over the top of Google Earth. It is located in the
cloud. Available for a subscription. Has LP from TCHS using this app with Google Earth. Can geo-reference: stuff
created such as files, videos etc.
16. Glogster
 Online interactive multi-media poster board kids design and add elements: art, graphics, videos, music,
recordings of themselves, links etc.
17. LogMeIn Ignition iPad App $30
 Remote access and desktop control software for your computer/mobile device. Want full functionality of
computer on an ipad/device. Use files, to make stuff from your ipad. Can play flash on an ipad. So you can control
another computer and control. Can install on your kids computer, put ipad on an Elmo and access your desktop
to show software & files not available on ipad.
18. Weebly
 Design a website, jazz it up. AWESOME if need a lot of space it costs $5.00/month use tabs to add, elements,
design, pages, settings. It automatically does css, when add video and text. Add new pages, they automatically
become linked on homepage, add new page, resize icon of page so it is a subpage of page above: it will become a
drop-down menu.
19. Desktop Connect $14.99
 Get in apps store, client is free. Can run computer from a distance on an ipad. Interactive software from
computer can be done on ipad now. IPAD classroom
20. EyeFi
 Digital camera to computer and web, instantly via wifi. Can see what kids holding digital cameras are doing. $44
on Amazon. EyeFi card goes into, has wifi built in. Take picture or video and it goes immediately to my computer
or my flickr acct. Tell it what wifi to be on, from wifi to internet to my computer to then flickr. Can store up to 35
wifi systems. SD card that makes your camera wireless: use to wireless photo & video uploads straight from
camera to your computer and to the web (Flickr, wikis, etc.) make sure camera is on for at least 2 minutes, shut
of “sleep mode” of camera so it doesn’t power itself down, loose connection. Slow with video. Sends image dark
to flickr so play with the camera settings. Every photo you take will be uploaded.
21. Smugmug
 Photo sharing site, can geo track images, can send photos to printing services. Can track where images are from.
22. Mobile video to YouTube
 Mobile setup: YouTube gives you an address, enter this address into your phone in contacts (A YouTube acct. so
is first in list) upload videos from your phone to your YouTube acct. Kids can make a video and send it to your
YouTube video acct. Put embed code into a wiki or another page.
23. Orange Power Wellies
 Convert body heat into current. 12 hours of walking for one hour of cell phone usage.
24. Sliderocket
 Uses PowerPoint, on steroids in the cloud. Using someone else’s server, storage etc. Has analytical data, can tell
how long a student spent on a slide : ) tracking about your slides. Publish: Get public link: embed it into a wiki,
Google earth, and website.
25. Binaural Sound Recording
 Make podcasts better than anyone else’s. Listen to something in stereo: only from left and right. If you record
from two microphones attached to a big set of headphones so mics are same distance as ears set apart. The
sound recording is really cool. Brains triangulate sounds from behind you, in front of you. Record through a
stereo recorder. Makes info played back through headsets is really cool.
26. Spoon
 Oregon search: server for application. , can play Oregon trail, will launch an apple 2e , have to use the arrows,
now mouse
27. Hover Cam Kudos 3
 Document camera: plugs into USB, $249, really cool, small
28. Phone into a microscope:
 $11, Amazon, portable 45X microscope, buy a case, , superglue it on a cheap case, attach it to your phone
29. Word Lens iPhone App
 Check out YouTube video. See words in Spanish and will translate into English words. Hold up your iPhone to a
sign in Spanish…app will translate it into English text. Changes of sign into an English sign. Will be in other
languages too.
Wednesday Keynote: Critical and Creative Thinking
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Cheryl Lemke
1. 21st century learning is the sweet spot between tech innovations, research on how people learn, and 21st cent.
2. Creativity is both novel and valuable and has no set outcome
3. So what is the goal or problem? What is known? Which thinking skill will get you to your goal? Have you reached
your goal?
a. Diane Hapren - One way Halpern says teachers can accomplish this is to stop thinking of students as blank
slates with no prior knowledge. They have knowledge that may need to be edited, updated, and revised.
To do this, teachers need to understand their beliefs and design instruction to expose the errors explicitly
and make the benefits of the new information obvious. Teachers must also be flexible in their teaching
methods to accommodate different students and what they already "know".
b. If get to last ?, and answer is no, go back to ? #2.
4. Students are creating their own jobs when what they want to do is not available in the work place currently
a. – created by a teen (Youthologist)
b. Contribute to Wikipedia
5. Four Square (Shari Tisman)
6. Faulty Logic (We need critical thinkers who don’t fall for these)
a. Polyanna principle – optimism gets in the way of logic (lottery tickets)
b. Entrapment
c. Psychological Reaction
d. Reciprocity
e. Mere Exposure Effect
f. Subliminal Messaging
g. Confirmation Bias
h. Mindlessness
i. The Darwin Awards
7. How do you teach kids to think critically?
a. Mental Simulation (ex. Truck initial state on ground, target state truck on blocks) How do you go from A
to B?
b. Can we teach thinking?
i. For lower performing students
(she was able to increase IQ by 13pts, and 27% increase in processing skills)
c. Creative Controversy
d. Democracy 2 (keep a city alive)
e. Inventions Class (high tech high in San Diego)
8. Where do projects come from?
a. Quilt Math
Session 1: Playing School or Preparing for Life?
Meg Ormiston
Students today don’t know a world without technology. Every minute, 36 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube.
Cell phones are part of their body, they sleep with it and can use it without looking. Trying to keep it out of
schools is not going to work.
Video games are useful. Realize that you can’t move forward in the game without solving a problem.
Rockstar by Belkin (plug into one ipod and get five person listening station)
School is Different
a. Burn worksheets
b. Projects handwritten are not real world
c. Locking up technology is not going to work. Utilize it for instruction. Teach them how to use tech
d. Block, lock and filter do not work. Not preparing kids for the real world this way. Teachers get frustrated
when can’t access, which means they don’t use it. Social networking is our world, need to utilize, not
e. Facebook and Twitter is a way to get messages out. Need to learn how to Tweet and Facebook
f. Skype needs to be used. Great way to get professionals into classroom. Need to stop blocking these tools
g. Gary Hayes Social Media Counts
5. Tools You Need in Your Schools Today
a. Creating a Digital Rich Classroom (Meg Ormiston)
b. Twitter (her #1 source for personal, professional development) Students need to know how to do this
c. Hash tags (#edapp, # spedchat, #assistivetech)
d. Students need to be able to express themselves in video.
Anthony Loscre
1. See ppt.
Session 3: Engage Your Brain STEM! Create in Science/Technology/Engineering/Math
Nancy Kuznicki
1. Preparing for a job that doesn’t exist yet.
2. To be a STEM teacher
a. Don’t have to be certified in one of those areas.
b. It is about integrating these areas
3. Why STEM?
a. Develops thinking and problem solving
b. real world issues
c. innovations in edu.
4. – great for STEM education
5. When is learning most effective?
a. Active engagement, groups,
b. frequent interaction and feedback,
c. connections to real world concepts
Students remember the things they create, not the notes they take in class. It helps retain information.
If all students give you back the same product at the end of an assignment, you are doing it wrong.
FRAMES from tech4learning
a. bring in real world objects using pics (ethinkframes)
Share from tech4learning
a. Can create projects like newsletters similar to Harry Potter newspapers, with movies, etc.
Session 4: Science and Technology Expo in a Box – Host Your Own!
Cookie Zimmer, Michele Keltner
1. Want to have a keynote opening – someone who had something the parents would want to hear about
importance of technology.
2. Include science fair projects (announce winners at show)
3. Include parent sessions for things that would interest them
4. Don’t want parents to have to worry about kids, have sessions for kids (could include Wild Math, Weird Science
into this)
5. Have teacher sessions for teachers
6. Student digital projects presented at this time (require all teachers to include one tech project in the event)
7. Bring in local professionals to talk to kids about how they use technology in their jobs and allow them to set up
vendor tables to show off their technology
8. Get local business sponsors (local and corporate) Use this to generate money for what you want for your school
(give tax receipt)
9. Allow businesses to come in and set up booths.
10. Have an open food court where vendors and student displayed work is, but few tables to help with circulation
and exploration.
11. Have a hospitality room for presenters and exhibitors.
12. Promote the event in the news, paper, etc.
13. Incorporate demo tables for new classes and clubs (Lego league, graphics, PLTW, Etc.)
Steps in creating EXPO
1. Support from teachers, students, parents, presenters, and businesses
2. Need a timeline, etc
3. Shoot for the stars, send invitation letters to everyone. (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc.) Create a template letter and
adjust to each person. Invite important community members in your area.
4. Delegate duties to various teachers, administrators (Science Fair, people to check on presenters, student’s
sessions, adult sessions, etc.
5. Ask community restaurants for food donations
6. Offer teachers comp time
7. Send flyers, advertise, etc. early (few months) then about 1 month out more detailed, and then the week of
(actual schedule)
8. Create a website for the event, email parents
9. Money generated needs to go into a protected tech fund
10. Have giveaways (try to get donations for prizes like Wii, gift certificates, cameras, etc.)
11. Find out what vendors and presenters need. (reserve an area of parking for them)
12. Have security present
13. Plan for all areas used in school (where booths go, presentation rooms, hospitality, etc.)
Session 6: Engagement, Technology and the 21st Century Learner – Bridging the Gaps
David Khatib
Always post two objectives for your room. One for the student (YOUR) and one for the teacher (MINE).
Can’t expect to put computers in front of kids and teach the same way.
Sir Ken Robinson (Look up)
Research (Metiri Group, Siemens & Tittenberger, Horizon Report)
Prensky (Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants) Need to Read
Two types of teachers. (Superstars and mediocre) You can’t change mediocre teachers so don’t waste time trying.
Focus on the ones that are going in the direction you want to see your school go.
Be the teacher that you want your kids to have.
Coordinated Growth in School (direction and leadership comes from the top)
a. Professional dev. Growth plan
b. Lesson delivery
c. Student assessment
d. IT support
e. Professional development
The days of taking kids to lab to teach Powerpoint is over. Tech needs to be used to create end products.
Curriculum and Ed Tech are smashing into each other head to head. When they finally come together you will get
Learning and Innovation.
SCARF model: (Collaboration) minimizes danger and maximizes reward. (Dr. David Rock)
a. Status
b. Certainty
c. Autonomy
d. Relatedness
e. Fairness
If you take care of the emotional setting for students and teachers, they will be more likely to “get on board”
Technology is a plane that we are flying half built. Don’t just get the technology and not offer training.
Collaboration is key.
Thursday Keynote: Gadgets
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Leslie Fisher, (all presentations)
1. Cool Web 2.0 Sites
a. – schedule events more efficiently, can process credit card payments, accept
donations, manage recurring events, numbers caps and waitlist, prints name badges and certificates, and
b. – send travel itineraries to, will create itinerary for you.
d. – set up a school twitter page, put twitter feeds on website so that you can make
automatic updates to website. (go to goodies, choose profile widget, make settings and copy code.
e. – make calls and update calendars, social sites, etc.
f. – grab anything (web pages, pics, camera, web cam, etc.), places in a central private
location, create albums, etc.
i. – free account, allows you to create a web tv channel for recording presentations
conferences, classes for sick students, sports, etc. (Can purchase their software and have a production
quality software. Also allows live feeds.
k. – online encrypted backup, free 2gigs, $5 a month unlimited, Cisco Media Hub (buy for
l. - if computer is stolen, secretly transmits IP and router info, will take
screen shot and mail to you every 6 minutes. If that does not work, it will simulate a screen failure and
when it is taken to the apple store it recognizes it is at the store, comes on normally, and turns volume to
highest setting and plays stolen voice.
2. Digital Cameras
a. Sony Cybershot Hx1 or HX5V ($250 - $299) HD video, pics a 10 frames per second (HDR), panorama mode
b. Need to use a high quality card for cameras (ScanDisk, Extreme IV) 133x speed)
c. – set up a school account and charge more for pics to parents
3. Portable Audio/Video
a. Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro Stick – hooks to standard cable, $130
b. EyeTV Hybrid - $180
c. Sling Box – hooks to home theater and will broadcast signal to CPU, 4 models based on complexity,
iPhone app to watch shows. $199 - $299. Can use it outside the house to broadcast in classroom.
d.,, Boxee
e. Logitech Harmony One – all in one remote ($250 - $500)
f. - $20
4. Cool iPad Apps
a. NewsRack, Instapaper, StarWalk, GoodReader, SoundPaper
c. Wifi digital microscope (ProScop
d. WordLens (AWESOME)
e. TeamViewer
Session 7: No Money? No Problem! Getting Grants for Great Technology
Samantha Jeter, Richard Jeter
1. Ask yourself ?s
a. What are you lacking?
b. What items can be used over and over again?
c. What are new innovative ways to teach the same old content?
2. Have Permission
a. Admin support, district support
3. Create a Catchy Title
a. Rhyming and Alliteration, Acronyms, Puns, Action-packed verbs
b. Something that will set your grant apart.
4. Keep it student centered
a. Committees like projects that directly impact kids, let kids lead the project, hands-on, inquiry learning
5. Keep it Simple
a. Keep description concise and easy to understand
b. Most judges aren’t in education, won’t understand jargon, etc.
c. Ask someone not in education to read it to make sure they understand it
6. Be Positive
a. Don’t complain
b. Establish your need, but be positive.
7. Increase Your Odds
a. Lower cost grants more likely to be funded
b. Fill out multiple applications for completely different projects for the same items needed. If one isn’t
funded, the other may be.
8. Proofread
a. Check for errors
b. Make sure other not in education will understand your descriptions.
9. Be Punctual
a. Turn in applications on time
b. If win, fill out needed paperwork by deadline
10. Insider Tips
a. Ask company for winning grant applications
b. Know the mission and goal of the organization and incorporate buzz words from it in grant
c. Find out what projects they won’t fund
d. Make project stand out, not the technology.
e. Spread the word through newsletters, website, facebook, etc.
11. Make the Money Go Further
a. Talk to distributers for bulk discount b/c you’re a teacher
b. Ask local businesses to match grant money or become a business partner
c. Find items you can use year after year, for multiple projects, or shared with other teachers (make sure
this is included in grant)
12. Apply During the Dry Period
a. Find grants from May-July
b. Most teachers not thinking about classroom (less apps = better odds)
13. Say Thanks!
a. Contact organization for a list of donors and send personal note
b. Take pictures of students using tools and send to donors
c. Spread the word about how useful money was and the donor
14. Ask Local Organizations
a. Rotary Club, Moose Lodge, Lion’s Club, Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, search Google for Service
15. If at First You Don’t Succeed
a. Keep applying
b. Seek other funding opportunities
c. Ask for application back so you can see judges notes
16. Grants
a. - keep between $100-$400
m. – awarded 15th of each month, –
Write to the state for community service funds.
Session 8: Web Tools that Will Make Your Classroom Rock!
Adam Bellow
Session 9: iThink iNeed iPods, iPhones, and iPads in the Classroom
Steve Dembo,
1. Why the i?
a. Provides a seamless experience, not about features
2. Is the iPad ideal for education?
a. Most compelling feature (battery life)
b. With a computer, only get a few hours of life, with iPad, get at least 9 hours
c. If the typing is an issue, get the apple Bluetooth keyboard ($70) and works with all apple devices
d. Not a computer replacement, but it has something that computers don’t. A social element
e. Goes across all age groups (from babies to elderly)
3. Bill Sweeney – How I Use my iPad (video to download)
4. Iphone font to download
5. Make your own font (iFontMaker) not going to improve test scores, but can make assignment/projects more
interesting or a way for kids to practice writing
6. Don’t worry about looking for apps for science, math, etc. Instead, figure out what you want to teach and find
apps that relate to that topic. If you pigeon hole yourself into a corner looking for subjects, you will miss the
8. Frasier Speirs (The iPad Project) look up website
9. Best practices not available yet, but the best idea is one to one. They take ownership and if it is theirs.
10. Research shows that students who share an iPad don’t take ownership. Not sure if or when they can use it or if
they can download anything on it.
11. Charging and syncing is an issue. No carts are currently available, but they are on the way.
12. Can register with app store for volume licensing which gives you discounted prices on apps.
13. It is not just a consumption device as some have said. Great app (The Daily)
a. News, internet, movies, maps, books, images, and more
14. It is also great for creating, which is important for school
a. Presentations, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, video/photo editing, artwork, and more
15. Shiny Drum, Seline and others work great for music classes. Can create an all iPad band.
16. – way to post student artwork online
17. Create a presentation using Pages with videos, photos, etc., save it to computer and export it as an ePub. Then
you can read it in iBooks
18. Currently no way to project your home screen to a projector. (great idea for an app)
19. Caster – podcasting app
Session 10: Paperless Classroom – A Personal Learning Environment
Randy Hollinger, Amy Hollinger
1. Not very informative, unfortunately.
Session 11: Hands Around the World – Projects to Explore, Enrich, Engage, Empower
Howie DiBlasi (Presentation and handouts will be on Website in morning) / /
Twitter hdiblasi
1. Creating a Digital Rich Classroom – Meg Orminston
2. Creative Commons
3. Skills
a. 21st Century learning skills (ISTE)
b. So what are the skills employers want? Communication, problem solving, thinking, teamwork,
information, literacy, global citizen, presentation skills
c. 69% of students think working with people around the world is the top skill to be successful
5. Global Projects
a. (I Connect, iLearn), Educators PLN, Global Education Collaborative, The Podcast Network, Taking IT Global
b. Global Nomads
c. This I Believe – International project discussing core values that guide their lives.
d. Digital Hero Book
e. My Hero
f. The Best Part of Me
g. My Town – Our Town – Small Town
h. Global Rock Stars
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