Health Care_Unit Benchmarks Culminating Activity Description: Simulation – Learners are nurse assistants in a nursing center for the elderly. Learners must complete two procedures: help resident sit up and eat. Learners record care in the resident’s medical chart. Section Product: Learners will produce… 1. Personal essay on job preferences regarding health care careers Reading/Writing Skills Strategies Understand concept of preference Complete a multiple choice survey about preferences Determine own preference Write about own preference Speaking/Listening Skills Strategies Prepare and pose informational interview questions Take notes from live presentations Participate in discussions, synthesize group information into presentation 2. Demonstration of ability Understand proper Use polite language for to assist residents in sitting procedures from texts and greetings and requests up and eating demonstrations Demonstrate active listening skills Interpret verbal and nonverbal communication 3. Medical chart for resident’s health record Understand concept and use of health record and medical chart Read sample charts Write accurate and concise notes in medical chart Althea Danielski – Hubbs Center EL Civics 12/18/09 Actively listen Distinguish fact from opinion Draw conclusions (extension) Grammar: Basic Literacy: Form yes/no and informational questions Understand difference between complete sentences and notes Understand when to use complete sentences & when to use notes Numeracy: Technology: Produce printed document in Microsoft Word Use conditionals for politeness Form yes/no and informational questions Form questions Write notes Create medical chart as Microsoft Word table 1 Health Care_Unit Benchmarks Unit Theme: _Health Care____ ELL Level: _Intermediate___________ Culminating Activity Description: Simulation – Learners are nurse assistants in a nursing center for the elderly. Learners must complete two procedures: help resident sit up and eat. Learners record care in the resident’s medical chart. Timeline Section Product 1 Benchmarks Materials Activity Product 1 Activity Product 2 Activity Product 3 6 days Personal essay on See above Survey on personal interest in Results from survey Response Questions Demonstration of job preferences careers from MN Careers, 2009 of interest in sheet for nursing active listening skills regarding health careers recorded in assistants videos care careers: “Is a 3 videos on nursing assistants Career Discovery health care career (available on YouTube) Journal right for me?” Response Questions for Nursing Assistant Videos Reading: Active Listening Active Listening Practice Guide cards for active listening skills Visit from a nursing assistant – question / answer sheet Career pathways chart Activity Product 4 Activity Product 5 List of questions to Career pathways ask visiting Nursing chart filled in for 3 Assistant health care careers Activity Product 6 List of things to watch for/questions to ask during field trip to Nursing Center Activity Product 7 Personal essay: “Is a health care career right for me?” = SP1 Field trip learning guide Career Discovery Journals Althea Danielski – Hubbs Center EL Civics 12/18/09 2 Health Care_Unit Benchmarks Timeline Section Product 2 Benchmarks Materials 4 days Demonstration of See above Polite Greetings, Requests ability to assist and Offers – Info Sheet residents in sitting up and eating Practice with Modals for Requests and Offers Activity Product 1 Production of polite greetings and requests with modals & imperative Activity Product 2 Demonstration of how to help a resident sit up in bed Activity Product 3 List of strategies for communicating with residents/patients (create poster, based on discussion with pre-CNA students) Video on how to help someone sit up in bed (available on YouTube) How to Help a Resident Sit Up in Bed – Info Sheet Activity Product 4 Activity Product 5 Activity Product 6 Discussion guide for visit Demonstration of Steps filled in on Completed from Pre-CNA students helping resident eat Performance performance Evaluation Forms for evaluation for How to Help a Resident evaluating 2 CNA helping resident sit Eat – Info Sheet skills: sitting up and up or eat feeding Food & serving equipment: crackers, yogurt, canned peas, plates, spoons, large napkins, wash cloths, can opener Performance Evaluation Form Althea Danielski – Hubbs Center EL Civics 12/18/09 3 Health Care_Unit Benchmarks Timeline Section Product 3 Benchmarks Materials Activity Product 1 3 days Medical chart for See above Medical Records (modified Question sheet on resident’s health reading & chart/questions from medical chart record Basic Skills for Nursing Assistants in Long-Term Care, p. 171-172) Extension: On the Job reading & questions from Health Occupations, p. 14 Activity Product 2 Activity Product 3 Medical chart Filled in medical created in MS Word chart based on video (can use blank of feeding a resident medical chart provided, or teach Ss to use table in MS Word to create their own) Blank medical chart Complete Sentences or Notes? + Writing Notes in a Medical Chart – reading and practice sheet Activity Product 4 Activity Product 5 Activity Product 6 Fact and opinion cards placed in correct categories Video on feeding a resident (available on YouTube) Fact vs. opinion reading & questions (from Health Occupations, pp. 80-81, 83) Fact or Opinion? chart and cards Extension: Drawing conclusions reading from Health Occupations, p. 96-99 Althea Danielski – Hubbs Center EL Civics 12/18/09 4 Health Care_Unit Benchmarks Calendar (17 days) Day Plan 1 Discussion of choice in careers, survey of interest in careers, results recorded in Career Discovery Journal (AP1-1) 2 Discussion of health careers, videos on nursing assistants, response sheets for videos (AP1-2) 3 Active listening: what it is, how to do it, student practice & demonstrations (AP 1-3); homework: questions for visiting nurse assistant (AP 1-4) 4 Visit from Nurse Assistant 5 Reflection/response to Nurse Assistant visit, write thank-you note, fill in career pathways grid for nurse assistant and/or other health careers (AP 1-5) 6 Polite greetings & requests, student demonstrations (AP 2-1); learn, watch video & demo how to help a resident sit up in bed (AP 2-2) 7 Visit from Pre-CNA students – discussion: starting on a career in health care, discussion of strategies for communicating with residents. Groups make lists of strategies for communicating with residents (AP 2-3). 8 Learn and demonstrate how to feed a resident (AP 2-4) 9 Discussion of performance evaluations, fill in perform. eval. steps for 2 nursing skills: helping resident sit up & feeding resident. (AP 2-5). Teacher demo of one skill, students evaluate using filled-in performance evaluation forms (AP 2-6) 10 Read/understand medical chart, answer question sheet (AP 3-1). Create medical chart as a table in MS Word (AP 3-2). 11 Complete Sentences or Notes? Reading & practice sheet. Watch video on feeding a resident; students fill in medical chart with notes based on what they see (AP 3-3) 12 Fact or Opinion? Reading, chart & cards (AP 3-4) . Extension activity: Drawing Conclusions reading and exercises from Health Occupations. Homework: list of what to watch for/questions to ask during visit to Nursing Center (AP 1-6) 13 Visit to Nursing Center 14 Reflection on visit, write personal essay in Career Discovery Journals: Is a health care career right for me? (AP 1-7) 15 Preparation for Culminating Activity: make teams, choose roles, prepare materials, practice skills 16 Culminating Activity: Simulation – learners are nurse assistants in a nursing center for the elderly. Learners must complete 2 procedures: help residents sit up and eat. Learners record care in the resident’s medical chart. 17 Reflection on Culminating Activity. Evaluation of self and team. Celebration of end of unit. Althea Danielski – Hubbs Center EL Civics 12/18/09 5