Final Version Published 21st June 2005 Pathways Guide 2005/06 BA (Hons) Business Information Management (DS/BIM) & BIM Joint Degree (DJ/IM) Award Leader: Gurmak Singh Tel: 01902 323965 Email University of Wolverhampton. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, photocopied, recorded, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the copyright holder. BA (Hons) BIM & BIM Joint Pathway 2005/06 Table of Contents Welcome to the University of Wolverhampton Business School ........................................................... 3 Introduction to BA (Hons) Business Information Management Degree ................................................ 3 Programme Outcomes ............................................................................................................................... 4 Structure of the BA (Hons) Business Information Management ............................................................ 5 Level 1 Core Modules.................................................................................................................................. 6 AC1009 Introduction to Financial Management ......................................................................................... 6 EC1009 Economics for Business............................................................................................................... 7 HR1007 Learning and Development .......................................................................................................... 8 HR1009 Foundations of People Management ........................................................................................... 9 MK1004 Marketing Principles .................................................................................................................. 10 IM1006 Business Problem Solving .......................................................................................................... 11 Level 1 Elective Modules .......................................................................................................................... 12 IM1003 E-Business and Technologies .................................................................................................... 12 IM1005 Information Skills for Business .................................................................................................... 13 Level 2 Core Modules................................................................................................................................ 14 BA2006 Research Methods ..................................................................................................................... 14 BE2006 Business Planning & Decision Making ....................................................................................... 15 IM2004 Business Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 16 IM2005 Business Software Applications .................................................................................................. 17 IM2008 Systems for Management ........................................................................................................... 18 Level 3 Core Module Descriptions ........................................................................................................... 19 BE3017 Strategic Management in a Global Context................................................................................ 19 BE3021 Organisational Project ................................................................................................................ 20 IM3011 The UG Dissertation – Information Management ....................................................................... 21 IM3012 Business Decision-Making .......................................................................................................... 23 IM3013 E-Business Design ...................................................................................................................... 24 IM3014 People, Technology and Change ................................................................................................ 25 IM3015 The Information Age ................................................................................................................... 26 Introduction to the BA (Hons) BIM Joint Degree .................................................................................... 27 Programme Outcomes ............................................................................................................................. 27 Structure of the BA (Hons) BIM Joint Degree ......................................................................................... 29 Level 1 Core Modules................................................................................................................................ 30 IM1005 Information Skills for Business .................................................................................................... 30 Level 1 Elective Module ............................................................................................................................ 31 EC1006 International Business Environment........................................................................................... 31 Do You Want to be Successful? .............................................................................................................. 32 A Learning Route for Developing Your Personal Success Strategies and Creating a New Business Venture..................................................................................................................................................... 32 BE1013 Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship ......................................................................................... 32 BE2021 Becoming an Entrepreneur ........................................................................................................ 32 BE3026 Creating and Starting a New Business Venture ......................................................................... 32 BE3027 Strategies for Building Business Success .................................................................................. 33 Supervised Work Experience – Module Code BE2010 .......................................................................... 33 Academic Staff - Areas of Interest ........................................................................................................... 34 Useful Information and Other Resources ............................................................................................... 34 1 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 e:Vision.....................................................................................................................................................34 WOLF .......................................................................................................................................................34 Student Support .........................................................................................................................................35 Management Team Contact Details .........................................................................................................36 Award Leader and Personal Tutor ...........................................................................................................36 UG Portfolio Administrator and UG Student Advisor................................................................................36 UG Portfolio Assistants ............................................................................................................................36 Registry Support Staff ..............................................................................................................................36 2 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Welcome to the University of Wolverhampton Business School On behalf of all the members of the University of Wolverhampton Business School (UWBS), and in particular the Information Management subject staff; I would like to take this early opportunity to extend a warm welcome to you. Your Business Information Management (BIM) pathway is one of many run by UWBS which has itself established an excellent reputation for high academic quality, friendliness and for its supportive network of counsellors. Advice and support can be sought from a number of sources, for further guidance please refer to the UWBS Student Support diagram and the Management Team Contact Details later in this guide. We also believe it is important that you play your part in the operation and development of your chosen pathway. We are therefore keen to hear your views: and would welcome any suggestions that you may have about ways of improving any aspect of your pathways and/or the student experience here at UWBS. In practice, you will have the opportunity to do this through the process of student representation at Pathways Committee meetings during each semester. I wish you every success in your studies, and trust that your time at UWBS will prove to be enjoyable, stimulating and rewarding. Gurmak Singh, Award Leader. Introduction to BA (Hons) Business Information Management Degree Information Management deals with the relationship between business activities, individuals and information systems within an organisation. The emphasis is not on information technology per se, but on its role in business organisations in order to seek broad contextual understanding. Information management crosses disciplinary and administrative boundaries. Information management focuses on designing and developing information management systems so that the people can locate the most appropriate information associated with the organization decisionmaking. The BIM programme aims to develop: Business knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to junior management Knowledge and evaluative skills of the business organisation and functions by students taking an integrated and holistic perspective on the changing environment. Self-confidence, awareness and intellectual skills to equip them for their future career and contribution to society A flexible and enquiring intellectual stance that will enable the student to adapt to the rapidly changing environment of work. Information management skills that meet business needs of organisations An appreciation of contemporary and pervasive issues in the information management context Analytical skills in providing support to the decision making process 3 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Programme Outcomes A. Knowledge and understanding of: (i) Organisations, the changing external environment in which they operate and how they are managed. (ii) The Inter-dependence and inter-relationship between the organisation, its environment and management (iii) Concepts, theories and principles underlying business management (iv) The impact of globalisation on organisations and their management (v) Research methodologies and appropriate applications (vi) Aspects of business, operation and management which relate to planning and meeting information needs (vii) Business redesign concepts and techniques in organisational context (viii) Contemporary and pervasive IM/IS issues in ‘The Information Age.’ B. Subject-Specific Skills - able to: (i) Critically analyse given scenarios (ii) Apply appropriate qualitative and quantitative research skills (iii) Select, apply and evaluate key business tools and theories to develop solutions to a range of business issues. (iv) Demonstrate an awareness of the significant current and future business and environmental issues that will impact on the organisation. (v) Investigate information needs within organisations, and assess the impact of information on people and their environments (vi) Develop IM models to support rational decision making (vii) Select and design IS which meets information needs of the organisation C. Intellectual skills - able to: (i) Critically evaluate arguments and evidence – capacity to identify assumptions, to identify implicit values, to define adequately and to generalise appropriately. (ii) Analyse and conclude from structured or unstructured situations. (iii) Locate, extract and analyse from multiple sources. (iv) Synthesise the data and arguments from a number of sources. (v) Identify, select and evaluate solutions to problems. D. Key skills - able to: (i) Work with others (ii) Manage independent learning (iii) Apply numerical skills (iv) Effective use of communication and information technology (v) Communicate effectively 4 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Structure of the BA (Hons) Business Information Management Level 1 EC1009 Economics for Business (15) Sem 1 Core AC1009 Introduction to Financial Management (15) Sem 2 Core IM1006 Business Problem Solving (15) Sem 1 Core MK1004 Marketing Principles (15) Sem 2 Core HR1007 Learning and Development (15) Sem 1 Core HR1009 Foundations of People Management (15) Sem 2 Core IM1005 Information Skills for Business or UEP in IT or Languages (15) Sem 1 Elective IM1003 E-Business and Technologies (15) Sem 2 BA2006 Research Methods (15) Sem 1 Core Elective Level 2 IM2004 Business Analysis (15) Sem 1 Core IM2005 Business Software Applications (15) Sem 1 Core Elective 1 (15) Elective IM3012 Business Decision Making (15) Sem 1 Core BE2006 Business Planning & Decision Making (30) Sem 2 Core IM2008 Systems for Management (15) Sem 2 Core Elective 2 (15) Elective BE3017 Strategic Management in a Global Context (30) Sem 2 Core IM3011 The UG Dissertation (15) or BE3021 Organisational Project (15) Sem 2 Core Level 3 IM3013 E-Business Design (15) Sem 1 IM3015 The Information Age (15) Sem 1 Elective 1 (15) OR Elective (15) or (30) Indicates credit rating of module. 5 IM3014 People, Technology & Change (15) Sem 2 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Level 1 Core Modules AC1009 Introduction to Financial Management Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 & 2 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Main site, Compton, Telford & Online Prohibited combinations AC1005, AC1006 Module Leader Clive Grainger Telephone External 01902 323934 Internal 3934 Email Departmental Administrator Chris Smith Tel: 01902 323981 Email: Room/Campus SC037 Telford Rationale The module aims to: Provide students with a range of financial and accounting skills which will provide support for further studies in accounting and business programmes. Assessment Description 1 Three hour open book examination. 6 Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 100% Exam week BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 EC1009 Economics for Business Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 & 2 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Telford, Compton & Online Prohibited combinations EC1003, EC1004, EC1008 Module Leader Martin Holmes Telephone External 01902 323919 Internal 3919 Email Departmental Administrator Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room/Campus SB124 Telford Rationale Effective management requires an understanding of the economic influences upon businesses and markets. This module seeks to introduce the contribution economics makes to understand the behaviour of business organisations, the working of markets and the performance of the national and international economies. It will further examine the policy methods open to governments to influence economic activity. Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 1 Individual in-class test 1.5 hours. 50% Sem week 7 2 Individual essay - 1800 words. 50% Sem week 12 7 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 HR1007 Learning and Development Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Main site, Compton, Telford & Online Prohibited combinations HR1009 Module Leader Barbara Maiden Telephone External 01902 323696 Internal 3696 Email Departmental Administrators Lubna Choudhury /Louise Harman/Sue Mahon Tel: 01902 323630/3680 Email: Room/Campus CA113 Compton Rationale The module aims to: Provide students with an introduction to theoretical frameworks drawn from the discipline of Social Psychology, which are a prerequisite for an understanding of Business and HR-related modules at subsequent levels. Develop personal skills which will enable students to maximise their personal development both inside and outside employment. Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 1. Book/article review with annotated bibliography 50% Sem week 8 2. Reflective writing on a learning and teamwork experience 50% Sem week 12 8 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 HR1009 Foundations of People Management Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 & 2 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Main site, Compton, Telford & Online Prohibited combinations HR1007; HR1002 Module Leader Sue Kinsey Telephone External 01902 323757 Internal 3757 Email S. Departmental Administrators Lubna Choudhury /Louise Harman/Sue Mahon Tel: 01902 323630/3680 Email: Room/Campus CA107 Compton Rationale The module aims to: Introduce the fundamentals of people management by exploring the origins of the subject through the development of management theory. The aim is to equip students with the knowledge and understanding of power and authority, leadership and management and how these contribute to the HR Cycle. Throughout a critical perspective will be encouraged. Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 1 Group presentation – 15 mins 50% Exam week 2 Individual report - 1800 words 50% Exam week 9 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 MK1004 Marketing Principles Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 & 2 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Main Site, Telford, Compton & Online Prohibited combinations MK1007 Module Leader William Mott Telephone External 01902 323653 Internal 3653 Email Departmental Administrator Laura Firth Tel: 01902 323718 Email: Room/Campus CA108 Compton Rationale The module aims to: Provide frameworks to understand the importance of marketing within the business environment Demonstrate an understanding of the marketing tools an organisation will need to use in order to compete in today’s dynamic marketplace Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date Element 1: Multiple choice test and short essay questions - 1-½ hours. 50% Sem week 6 Element 2: Individual time constrained assessment. 50% Sem week 12 10 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 IM1006 Business Problem Solving Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Telford, Compton & Online Prohibited combinations None Module Leader Gurmak Singh Telephone External 01902 323965 Internal 3965 Email Departmental Administrator Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room/Campus Room SB222 Telford Rationale The module aims to develop the ability to: Apply appropriate quantitative and qualitative skills to analyse structured and unstructured situations. Additionally, students will be able to select, apply and evaluate key business tools and theories to develop solutions to a range of business issues. Students will be able to apply problem solving and decision making tools to complex problems and develop a project plan. Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 1 Individual business report: – 2000 words 60% Sem week 7 2 Individual project plan: - 1500 words 40% Sem week 12 11 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Level 1 Elective Modules IM1003 E-Business and Technologies Credit value 15 Availability Semester 2 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Telford & Compton Prohibited combinations None Module Leader Dr Zahid Parvez Telephone External 01902 323756 Internal 3756 Email Departmental Administrator Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room/Campus SB220 Telford Rationale The module examines the emerging ICTs and how they can, in different ways, help support as well as transform business organisations to enable them operate effectively and competitively in a global economy. In particular, the module aims to develop a deeper understanding of the essential role of the ICTs in automating business processes, networking business systems and informating (data mining) business data for management decision-making and planning. It is crucial that future mangers comprehend the information needs of business organisations and how the emerging ICTs could gather, store, process and deliver that information. The module comprises two sections. Primarily the concepts surrounding e-commerce and e-business are explored. The use of technologies to support these infrastructures is considered providing understanding of the applications of ICT in organisations. Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 1 Group report – 2500 words. 50% Sem week 7 2 Individual report – 2000 words. 50% Sem week 13 12 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 IM1005 Information Skills for Business Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Compton Prohibited combinations None Module Leader Gill Gollins Telephone External 01902 323962 Internal 3962 Email Departmental Administrator Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room/Campus SB203 Telford Rationale This module introduces students to fundamental elements of information use, communication and management within businesses and to the use of IT facilities to support them. Theoretical and practical material on information communication and presentation is supported by the opportunity to develop skills in the use of presentation packages and spreadsheets to analyse and prepare information for management application. Assessment Description 1 Individual report - 3500 words 13 Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 100% TBA BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Level 2 Core Modules BA2006 Research Methods Credit value 15 Availability Summer School; Semester 1 & 2 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Telford & Compton Room/Campus SB123 Telford Prohibited combinations None Module Leader Dr Shaukat Ali Telephone External 01902 323940 Internal 3940 Email Departmental Administrator Elaine Preece Tel: 01902 323991 Email: Rationale This level 2 module will develop the research skills of students in order to facilitate researchbased learning within their programmes of study. On completion of the module, students will possess a tool-kit of research skills which will underpin various aspects of provision including; The work-based project The undergraduate dissertation The dissertation-related level 3 taught module All modules requiring student research-based activities and independent learning Assessment Description 1 Learning Portfolio Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 100% Sem week 13 Learning Portfolio Completion of a learning portfolio which includes units of assessment covering the main areas of development within the module. Workshops will relate directly to the learning portfolio requirements and be facilitated by tutor support. A learning portfolio will allow students to develop a complete and thorough understanding of the research methods employed in research-based learning. Units of assessment will include a research critique, the development of a research proposal and workshop tasks relating to specific tools of research. 14 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 BE2006 Business Planning & Decision Making Credit value 30 Availability Semester 1 & 2 Pre-requisites Level 1 Business Module Co-requisites None Campus Telford, Compton & Online Prohibited combinations IS2001 Module Leader Martin Holmes Telephone External 01902 323919 Internal 3919 Email Departmental Administrator Elaine Preece Tel: 01902 323991 Email: Room/Campus Room SB124 Telford Rationale The module aims to: Introduce the nature of decisions and the models and processes that can be used in the decision making process. These will be used in a variety of decision-making situations from the simple to the complex, understanding the impact on and contributions from business functions. In addition to identification of information needs and sources, understand levels of decision-making and how these change over the lifetime of the business will be considered. The module will examine the constraints upon managers in meeting their objectives and look at the dynamic interplay of power involved in the business planning and decision making process. Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date Component 1: Team assignment - 8000 words 40% Sem week 6 Component 2: Individual personal development plan 2000 words 20% Sem week 9 Component 3: Individual time constrained assignment – half day 40% Sem week 13 15 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 IM2004 Business Analysis Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Telford & Compton Prohibited combinations None Module Leader Dr Zahid Parvez Telephone External 01902 323756 Internal 3756 Email Departmental Administrator Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room/Campus SB220 Telford Rationale The module introduces students to the concepts, tools and issues of information systems management. The module acknowledges that finance specialists are sometimes required to work alongside IS personnel in the design of systems. The module develops knowledge and understanding of IS development as required to take an informed and active role in IS solutions. Assessment Description 1 Three hour closed book examination 16 Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 100% Exam week BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 IM2005 Business Software Applications Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 Pre-requisites IM1006 Co-requisites None Campus Compton Prohibited combinations None Module Leader Dr Yong Wang Telephone External 01902 323964 Internal 3964 Email Departmental Administrator Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room/Campus SB121 Telford Rationale This module will concentrate upon the use of information system for the solution of a variety of business problems. Packages used include project planning, resource optimisation, decision analysis forecasting and informational analysis. Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 1 Group project with report and viva voce interview 30% Sem week 8 2 Individual case based examination 70% Exam week 17 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 IM2008 Systems for Management Credit value 15 Availability Semester 2 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Compton & Telford Prohibited combinations None Module Leader Tony Bate Telephone External 01902 323958 Internal 3958 Email Departmental Administrator Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room/Campus Room SB222 Telford Rationale Modern organisations are increasing reliance on electronic systems to support management decision-making. These systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated and based on the organisations database or warehouses of information. This module covers aspects of management decision-making, systems that support management decision-making including expert systems and artificial intelligence. Assessment Description 1 Individual report – 5000 words. 18 Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 100% TBA BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Level 3 Core Module Descriptions BE3017 Strategic Management in a Global Context Credit value 30 Availability Semester 1 & 2 Pre-requisites BE2006 Business Planning and Decision Making Co-requisites None Campus Telford, Compton & Online Prohibited combinations BE3012 Business Strategy Module Leader Ian McKeown Telephone External 01902 323949 Internal 3949 Email Departmental Administrator Elaine Preece Tel: 01902 323991 Email: Room/Campus Room SB121 Telford Rationale The module aims to: Today’s organisations are expected to perform in a rapidly changing global environment. Success in this environment requires individuals who are innovative, flexible, capable of critical thought and able to craft strategic decisions given great complexity. This module is intended to provide a holistic and integrated approach to strategic management within the global context. A variety of different strategic themes are explored throughout the module focussing particularly on contemporary and pervasive issues. The module is not intended to offer a prescriptive process for strategic management, recognising that “Strategy deals in complexity, ambiguity and fundamental issues that cannot be easily addressed” (Mintzberg). Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 1. An individual portfolio. 70% TBA 2. An individual time constrained assessment. Half day. 30% Final Week of module 19 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 BE3021 Organisational Project Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 & 2 Pre-requisites: BA2006 Co-requisites: None Campus Main site, Compton, Telford & Online Prohibited combinations: None Module Leader John Bates Telephone External 01902 321729 Internal 1729 Email Departmental Administrator Elaine Preece Tel: 01902 323991 Email: Room/Campus SB117 Telford Rationale This final year module requires the completion of an original management project. This will result from individual, independent research and will demonstrate knowledge and skills developed from formal study of the link module. It will additionally build upon other taught modules and the techniques and ideas included in the earlier Research Methods module. The focus for this module is an organisation for which the student has access (many students work whist they study and this experience can be invaluable). The student in conjunction with the employer will identify and then articulate a ‘real’ management issue or process for investigation in the context of the organisation. Areas of investigation may take the form of a competitor analysis, an investigation of procedures, a customer satisfaction survey, the computerisation of a system; a training needs analysis, the development of a policy statement, etc. Assessment Description 1. Research Proposal 2. Organisational Project 20 Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 100% Sem week 3 Sem week 13 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 IM3011 The UG Dissertation – Information Management Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 or 2 Pre-requisites BA2006 Research Methods Co-requisites A minimum of one Level 3 module in the relevant subject area Campus TBA Prohibited combinations None Dissertation Officer Tony Bate Telephone 01902 323958 Internal Ext 3958 Email Departmental Administrators Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room SB222 Telford Rationale The academic dissertation occupies a very distinct and important position in your undergraduate programme, principally because it represents an opportunity for you to demonstrate a range of both intellectual and practical skills which will prove vital for any future career in business and management. In every respect, the dissertation is your own work and it therefore represents a vehicle which will permit you to demonstrate your ability to initiate and pursue rigorous independent analysis of a business-related issue and to clearly present the findings of your piece of academic research. It could, for example, subsequently prove useful as a tangible piece of evidence in support of a job application. Nevertheless, the techniques, insights and skills gained which either underpin the work or are acquired in the course of preparing and presenting the dissertation are a significant part of the learning experience and form an integral part of your undergraduate honours award programme. The dissertation’s requirements allow you to further develop and deepen the study of a specific topic, issue or problem that is of particular interest to you and is consistent with your chosen speciality within the general business area. Given that the research is conducted on an individual basis and is therefore not part of a normal taught module, it follows that vital personal traits are your time management skills (i.e. your ability to work on your own to a given time-frame and deadlines) and your organizational skills (i.e. initiating the research programme, determining the methodology, conducting the fieldwork, accessing and analysing the literature/data and presenting the results/conclusions/policy implications). The dissertation also builds upon other taught modules that you have undertaken within your Award Programme – most notably the Level 2 Research Methods module – and you must present a thesis demonstrating a range of intellectual and other practical skills, especially: The initiation of a research project within a business and management context, The determination of an appropriate methodology, Conducting practically-oriented research, Accessing, analysing and synthesising information (both literature and raw data) and Presenting the results and conclusions and commenting upon the implications of such findings 21 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Comprehensive details of the UG Dissertation, its regulations and its requirements are contained in the Module Guide, which can be accessed on the Internet at the following website: Assessment Description Component 1: Research Proposal - 500 words Component 2: Dissertation - 10000 words 22 Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date Pass/fail Week 3 100% Week 13/14 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 IM3012 Business Decision-Making Credit value 15 Availability Semester 2 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Compton Prohibited combinations None Module Leader Dr Yong Wang Telephone External 01902 323964 Internal 3964 Email Departmental Administrator Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room/Campus Room SB121 Telford Rationale This module will enable participant to develop technical “hard” models in order to assist managers to make rational decisions. Co-equally, the importance of human factors will be studied in order to emphasise that however “elegant” the technical solution, its implementation will fail if the “soft” people issues are not properly considered. Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 1 Group project with report 30% Sem week 10 2 Individual written examination 70% Exam week 23 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 IM3013 E-Business Design Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Compton Prohibited combinations None Module Leader Dr Zahid Parvez Telephone External 01902 323756 Internal 3756 Email Departmental Administrator Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room/Campus SB220 Telford Rationale The module examines the concept and methods of business redesign. In particular, how the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be exploited by organisations to redesign business processes and systems in order to radically improves product quality and service, increase flexibility and speed, and reduce costs. The ICT-enabled Business Process ReEngineering (BPR), Value Chain Analysis and the Supply Chain analysis are just some of the recent management approaches for redesigning inter and intra business processes and systems. This module will examine these approaches and involve students in applying business redesign concepts and methods to a case organisation. The focus of the module will be on the softer issues related to business re-design; such as organisational, management and project implementation issues of business redesign. Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 1 Individual report - 2500 words 50% Sem week 10 2 Open book examination. 50% Exam week 24 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 IM3014 People, Technology and Change Credit value 15 Availability Semester 2 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Telford & Compton Prohibited combinations IM3004 Information Systems – Impact on the Organisation Module Leader Dr Yong Wang Telephone External 01902 323964 Internal 3964 Email Departmental Administrator Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room/Campus Room SB121 Telford Rationale The module has been designed for individuals who may assume the role of Change Agent associated with the introduction of new information systems. It is designed to develop skills in the management of organisational change, broaden knowledge of the approaches to systems development and increase awareness of: How people and the organisation may be affected by change How people can influence the introduction of a new system How attitudes and behaviour towards a new system may be influenced by personality, background, organisational culture and the way in which the new system is introduced. Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 1 Individual research project - 2500 words 50% TBA 2 Time constrained individual assignment - 2500 words 50% TBA 25 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 IM3015 The Information Age Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Telford, Compton & Online Prohibited combinations None Module Leader Gurmak Singh Telephone External 01902 323965 Internal 3965 Email Departmental Administrator Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room/Campus Room SB222 Telford Rationale The module aims to: Develop a strategic perspective applied to high level planning for Information Systems Management. The module further develops knowledge of the changing work and social environment within commercial enterprises. Importance will be placed on social, political and legal factors facing remote workers and management. The module will highlight the technology available to resource these initiatives. Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 1 Research tables and conceptual map 15% Sem week 7 2 Research paper 5000 words 85% Sem week 12 26 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Introduction to the BA (Hons) BIM Joint Degree The types of careers leading from the BIM award fall into two categories; Business/Information analysts and Information Managers. The award provides students with skills that would enable them to undertake these roles. The analysts are required to have good analysis skills in providing accurate and timely information for management reports. The information Manager is expected to create decision-making models using appropriate software. The aim of the award is to ensure students are equipped with the appropriate business and information management skills to pursue careers as information/business analysts and information managers. The BIM Joint Degree aims to develop: Self-confidence, awareness and intellectual skills to equip them for their future career and contribution to society A flexible and enquiring intellectual stance that will enable the student to adapt to the rapidly changing environment of work. Information management skills that meet business needs of organisations An appreciation of contemporary and pervasive issues in the information management context Analytical skills in providing support to the decision making process Programme Outcomes A. Knowledge and understanding of: (i) Organisations, the changing external environment in which they operate and how they are managed. (ii) The Inter-dependence and inter-relationship between the organisation, its environment and management (iii) Concepts, theories and principles underlying business management (iv) The impact of globalisation on organisations and their management (v) Research methodologies and appropriate applications (vi) Aspects of business, operation and management which relate to planning and meeting information needs (vii) Contemporary and pervasive IM/IS issues in ‘The Information Age.’ B. Subject-Specific Skills - able to: (i) Critically analyse given scenarios (ii) Apply appropriate qualitative and quantitative research skills (iii) Select, apply and evaluate key business tools and theories to develop solutions to a range of business issues. (iv) Demonstrate an awareness of the significant current and future business and environmental issues that will impact on the organisation. (v) Investigate information needs within organisations, and assess the impact of information on people and their environments (vi) Develop IM models to support rational decision making (vii) Select and design IS which meets information needs of the organisation 27 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 C. Intellectual skills - able to: (i) Critically evaluate arguments and evidence – capacity to identify assumptions, to identify implicit values, to define adequately and to generalise appropriately. (ii) Analyse and conclude from structured or unstructured situations. (iii) Locate, extract and analyse from multiple sources. (iv) Synthesise the data and arguments from a number of sources. (v) Identify, select and evaluate solutions to problems. D. Key skills - able to: (i) Work with others (ii) Manage independent learning (iii) Apply numerical skills (iv) Effective use of communication and information technology (v) Communicate effectively 28 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Structure of the BA (Hons) BIM Joint Degree Level 1 IM1005 Information Skills for Business (15) Sem 1 Core IM1006 Business Problem Solving (15) Sem 1 Core EC1006 International Business Environment or UEP in IT or Languages (15) Sem 1 AC1009 Introduction to Financial Management (15) Sem 2 Elective 2 (15) Elective Core Elective Level 2 45 credits from Subject B BA2006 Research Methods (15) Sem 2 Core Please select 2 Modules from following list: IM2004 Business Analysis (15) Sem 1 IM2005 Business Software Applications (15) Sem 1 IM2008 Systems for Management (15) Sem 2 Elective 1 (15) Core Option Elective 2 (15) Elective Core Elective Level 3 IM3012 Business Decision Making (15) Sem 1 Core 45 credits from Subject B Core IM3015 The Information Age (15) Sem 2 Please select 1 module from following list: IM3013 E-Business Design (15) Sem 1 IM3014 People, Technology & Change (15) Sem 2 Elective 1 (15) Elective (15) or (30) Indicates credit rating of module. 29 Core Core Option Elective 2 (15) Elective BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Level 1 Core Modules IM1005 Information Skills for Business Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 Pre-requisites None Co-requisites None Campus Compton Prohibited combinations None Module Leader Gill Gollins Telephone External 01902 323962 Internal 3962 Email Departmental Administrator Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room/Campus Room SB203 Telford Rationale This module introduces students to fundamental elements of information use, communication and management within businesses and to the use of IT facilities to support them. Theoretical and practical material on information communication and presentation is supported by the opportunity to develop skills in the use of presentation packages and spreadsheets to analyse and prepare information for management application. Assessment Description 1 Individual report - 3,500 words incorporating use of presentation and spreadsheet software. 30 Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 100% TBA BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Level 1 Elective Module EC1006 International Business Environment Credit value 15 Availability Semester 1 & 2 Pre-requisites: None Co-requisites: None Campus Telford & Compton Prohibited combinations: None Module Leader David Law Telephone External 01902 323863 Internal 3863 Email Departmental Administrator Donna Curbishley Tel: 01902 323827 Email: Room/Campus SB111 Telford Rationale This module is designed to complement the ‘Principles’ and External Environment’ core modules by providing an introduction to the key features of the international economic environment in which businesses operate. The main theories concerning how and why the business environment is becoming increasingly internationalised will be covered and the main actors in the governance of the international business environment and their roles will be identified and analysed. Assessment Description Weighting or Pass/Fail Submission Date 1 Time constrained assignment 50% Sem week 7 2 Assignment 50% Sem week 13 31 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Do You Want to be Successful? A Learning Route for Developing Your Personal Success Strategies and Creating a New Business Venture This is an integrated programme of four entrepreneurship elective modules that are available to all University of Wolverhampton Undergraduate students. Undergraduates from all Schools and from all disciplines can enrol on these electives. The programme is designed to build a broad knowledge about the subject of entrepreneurship and, importantly, to prepare students for entrepreneurship careers or creating a new business venture. The modules in the programme are linked together forming a cohesive learning route. However, students can study each elective module separately if preferred. BE1013 Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship The module aims to: Provide an introduction into the subject of entrepreneurship. It addresses the scope, role, positioning and contributions of entrepreneurs as the creators and generators of various forms of capital in modern society. The module explores the historical background of entrepreneurship, embraces contemporary models and frameworks, and draws upon current research and theory into entrepreneurship practice. The module investigates how creative and innovative entrepreneurship drives national economies and builds benefits to societies worldwide. A key aim of the module is to provide a platform from which students can begin to think about their own potential to become entrepreneurs, and to consider entrepreneurship as a possible future career choice. BE2021 Becoming an Entrepreneur The module aims to: Draw upon theories and concepts about successful entrepreneurs and use these as vehicles to demonstrate that cognate competences can be learned and applied to achieve personal success. A central learning theme of this module is the premise that most people have the innate talents and potential to become entrepreneurs – but may not realise this, or may never have had the opportunity to reveal and release their latent talent. The consequence of this is that nascent entrepreneurial potential may never emerge and eventually becomes lost. Understanding the talents, techniques and temperament employed by entrepreneurs will be the foundation for preparing a personal success career strategy. A key focus of this module is to stimulate the understanding and application of theoretical models and conceptual frameworks that distinguish why and how people become successful. In addition, this module presents the opportunity for students to identify and interpret their own sets of personal competences. This is explored through learning initiatives that challenge enterprising behaviour, creativity and innovation; and learning initiatives that build self-confidence, creating the opportunity to generate and assess ideas for a possible new business venture. The learning theme ‘have you got what it takes to become successful?’ is embraced within the design of a Personal Success Development Plan, which becomes the basis for identifying a future successful career and enhancing employability prospects. BE3026 Creating and Starting a New Business Venture The module aims to: Transfer a range of business concepts, theories and research methods into applied practices for starting a new business venture. Many people express a strong desire to own and manage their own business, and to be independent with control over their own destiny. Equally, many people have very good business ideas, which regrettably, are never pursued because of the lack of knowledge, skills and understanding of the processes and practices involved in how to start a new business. This module explores concepts of adopting a business idea and turning the idea into reality by applying tools and techniques for assessing the feasibility and market potential of the idea. This includes business research, analysis and evaluation; managing the procurement and negotiation of start-up resources and the presentation of the idea for business investment and financial support. Finally, students transfer the business idea into a pro-active Business Plan; a plan that could be used in the future to start and launch a new business. 32 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Note: Students from this module will have the opportunity of entering their Business Plan into the annual BizCom – a University wide competition that offers a substantial financial prize to the winning entrant. In addition, realistic business ideas and plans can potentially receive support from the University, facilitating the transfer of business ambitions and ideas into reality. Tutors will give further advice on these opportunities. BE3027 Strategies for Building Business Success The module aims to: Provide students with, not only a critical evaluation and understanding of the important factors that lead to business success, but the key competences and practical skills that makes business success a positive outcome. Central to the module are themes that once the business has started, prosperity and competitive advantage will only be secured if longer-term strategic action is visualised and planned. As businesses grow and develop, a different dynamic is required that changes the paradigm from entrepreneurial founder, owner and manager to that of business leader, change agent and business intrapreneur. Developing the abilities to think and behave strategically, to respond to external and internal forces, and to lead change whilst remaining competitively pro-active requires strong analytic, diagnostic and evaluation competences. These core abilities are not only essential for building and sustaining the success of any business venture, but are also the abilities in high demand from employers everywhere. As such, study of this module not only provides high-level strategic understanding in context with building business success, but also provides students with abilities that will enhance future employability and career prospects. Supervised Work Experience – Module Code BE2010 All undergraduates studying Business programmes have the opportunity to undertake a 12-month industrial placement as part of their degree. The placement is compulsory for students studying BA (Hons) Business Studies and optional but highly recommended for all other Business School students. The placement is undertaken in the third year of a four-year programme, it is for 52 weeks (including holidays) and should be in a business function related to the degree subject. A series of workshops will be held in year 2 to help students prepare for the placement search. All vacancies will be advertised on the Student Intranet. The aim of the placement is to enable students to Put theory into practice Gain an understanding of a real workplace and how needs are identified, resources allocated and used for the purpose of achieving organisational objectives Organise themselves so that they can receive, understand and carry out instructions to the satisfaction of their employer Develop the interpersonal skills required to enable them to work efficiently as a member of a team Acquire and/or further develop technical skills associated with the nature of their work Apply knowledge that will help them to plan and evaluate future study and career development. Please Note: Students planning to undertake a placement must study BE2006 Business Planning and Decision Making in year 2. For further information please contact Sandra Jennings, Employability and Placement Unit, Room SC033, Telford Campus, Telephone 01902 323887, Int Ex 3887. 33 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Academic Staff - Areas of Interest UWBS is developing the capacity to support a widening range of research activities because successful research is regarded as making a significant contribution to the academic nature of the Business School. Members of the Business Information Management Subject Area are currently active in the following research areas: The use of Information Technology in Organisations (E-commerce and E-Business) Information Systems and Project Management The Growth of Information Societies and Telematics Useful Information and Other Resources The aim of this guide is: To provide an overview of the BA (Hons) Business and Information Management Degree and Joint Degree To provide information concerning the structure of the programme To provide an accessible reference point for academic and non-academic staff on details of the programme. Along with this Pathway guide you will also receive a copy of the University’s Undergraduate Module Scheme Guide 2005/6 and a Student Diary. The information provided within these handbooks will be needed during you studies, and we recommend you retain these documents, as they will be required for future reference. e:Vision The University is constantly improving its online facilities and will be using the web and e:Vision as its principle means of communication with students. You will be able to find all of the following information and more online: Module Registration and selections Results Enrolment, induction and welcome week programmes Students should check their e:Vision accounts regularly for messages. It is important that you check your records regularly, if there is any information we are holding about you that is incorrect, please notify Student Registry. Please Note: When students register incorrect modules through e-Vision the school reserves the right to transfer the student to an appropriate alternative award. WOLF The Wolverhampton Online Learning Framework (WOLF) is a purpose-built computer-based learning environment developed by the University of Wolverhampton to enable students to access course notes, related resources and support materials quickly and easily. Further information is available via 34 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Student Support If you encounter any issues (personal or academic) the following diagram directs you to the appropriate department or staff member. Please also refer to the Useful Information and Contacts section of your Student Diary. Academic & Programme related queries: Study Issues Personal Tutor Award Leader Study Skills Advisor LRC Telford or UWBS Student Support Coordinator Gateway Career Employment Service: Ext 1414 Employability & Placement Unit: Sandra Jennings Ext 3887 General Queries: All UG Admin staff Room CA008 Compton or Room SB113 Telford Module Related queries: Who to Contact Module Leader Module Tutor or Dept. Administrator Extensions/Mitigating Circumstances/Course Transfer Personal Issues: Personal Tutor or Student Gateway Ext 2572 All UG Admin staff Room CA008 Compton or Room SB113 Telford Special Needs Tony Bate Ext 3958 35 BA (Hons) Business Information Management & Business Information Management Joint Pathway 2005/06 Management Team Contact Details Each members of the Management Team plays an important role. Please note their contact details. Role Name Room Ext Site Email Award Leader Gurmak Singh SB222 3965 TD UG Portfolio Administrator TBA SB113 3994 TD UG Student Advisor Karl Morris CA003 3712 CP UG Portfolio Assistants Ian Robb CA003 3712 CP UG Portfolio Assistants Helen Williams SB113 3858 TD Registry Support (Level 1) Terasa Willets SB002 3806 TD Registry Support (Level 2) Marie Lilley SB002 3850 TD Registry Support (Level 3) Sue Foster SB002 1655 TD Award Leader and Personal Tutor For any programme related queries your personal tutor/Award Leader should be your first port of call. They are here to advise you on aspects relating to your programme of study and progression requirements. UG Portfolio Administrator and UG Student Advisor If you have any extenuating circumstances and wish to request an extension or wish to put in a claim for mitigating circumstances, you should contact the Student Advisor. UG Portfolio Assistants If you have any general queries and are unsure of whom to contact, the UG Portfolio Assistants will be able to help. These are the members you will need to liaise with regarding the submission of your coursework. Registry Support Staff Registry Staff are based in the Campus Registry office at Telford and Compton. They have responsibility for maintaining your records and student files. If you have any queries relating to data entry of your programme or amendments to your personal details you should liaise with them. Finally, good luck to you in your studies and out best wished for an enjoyable involvement with UWBS. 36