Original submitted: 4/14/06 Revised by SE/MM: 5/18/06 Final revision by SE/MM: 6/4/06 Input from DM: Acceptance: OUTPUTS NETWORK Foster networks between aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned business owners Match successful business-owner mentors with mentees Organize business owners to review business plans Facilitate development of business owner “creativity teams” focused on meaningful idea sharing and productive problem-solving Establish an avenue for local businesses to market to each other Local cadre of trained business-owners who mentor aspiring entrepreneurs Aspiring entrepreneur, business-owner pairs A formal youth-business-plan review process Peer-to-peer creativity teams among business owners Mutual purchases and customer referrals among local business owners EDUCATION Develop and incorporate additional e-ship courses into school curriculums and after-school programs (includes business plan development, marketing, etc) Advocate for E-ship courses among HS teachers Explore creation of a scholarship program with a time and place repayment stipulation Explore development of a trade apprenticeship assistance program for potential entrepreneurs Youth exposure to business principles during career-shaping years Youth who consider/actually develop an afterschool business Teachers/administrators who understand and appreciate the value of early e-ship exposure Financial assistance for youth entrepreneurs who want to further their business education Create an inventory of good business ideas gleaned from both successful and serial entrepreneurs Based on needs, host local entrepreneurial trainings in: o Business planning o Workforce quality and commitment o Business mentorship Create a business succession/transition program Link soon-to-retire business owners with prospective entrepreneurs who will assume their businesses Fund and arrange for local SBDC coaching Innovative, community-responsive entrepreneurs Business owners skilled in workforce management and quality improvement Fewer business closings due to owner retirement New knowledge and skill development for fledging, emergent, and business entrepreneurs CULTURE POLICY ACCESS TO CAPITAL/ MARKETS ACTIVITIES TA TRAINING CORE LOGIC MODEL Lake County Research available financial resources for start-up entrepreneurs and coordinate their delivery Market Lake County as a desirable business destination Linkages between budding entrepreneurs and available financial resources Inquiries from non-local business owners about the possibility of relocating their business to Lake County A local foundation with a funding component dedicated to promotion of entrepreneurship A formal community-specific e-ship campaign A revitalization plan Alumni visits Continue support of Lake County Community Foundation Plan an economic growth and revitalization summit Spread community slogan: “It’s Our Business” Promote entrepreneurship through local media Start an alumni re-attraction campaign SHORT-TERM OUTCOMES Youth perceive selfemployment as a viable option Aspiring entrepreneurs experience business role models Mentorship is an integral part of doing business among business owners Networking among business owners is meaningful and productive E-ship courses are incorporated into school curriculums Students energized by mentorships or e-ship programs pursue college Budding entrepreneurs are well-prepared to design/implement their local business ideas Entrepreneurs proceed thoughtfully and confidently into new business ventures Developing entrepreneurs feel supported and resource-rich Retiring business owners transition their businesses to new entrepreneurs Non-local businesses move into town Financing is accessible to new starts Local wealth stays in the community The main downtown blocks are revitalized Alumni explore local business opportunities INTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES Business mentorship is evident as part of the local business culture Local entrepreneurial networks selfsustain A seamless and responsive Entrepreneurial Development system (EDS) exists Young people and others who outmigrated return to their community to start businesses Businesses do not retire when their owners do Collaborative economic development is the norm The community embraces a common perspective and value regarding local entrepreneurship LONGTERM OUTCOME A regional economy characterized by an environment and culture that inspires individuals to create and grow and sustain successful businesses