COM 383 | Assignments | DAVIS ________________________________________________________ Overview PARTICIPATION This is credit for submitting drafts on time and completing in-class activities and participation. OVERVIEW OF PROJECTS Assignment Type: Ad #1 Draft: Descriptive (Vacation Destination) Group Ethnographic Research Group Ad #2 Draft: Target Audience Shift Group Ad #3 Draft: Creative Ad Group Ad #4 Draft: Produced Ad Individual Portfolio (the above ads, revised) Group / Individual Campaign – Thumbnails / Ideas Group Final Campaign / Presentation Group MIDTERM TEST This test includes: 1) multiple choice, 2) short answer, 3) headline writing, 4) body-copy editing, and 5) ad-concept development. Items 1 and 2 are on the in-class portion of the test, whereas the writing, editing, and creative work is the take-home portion. FINAL EXAM The format of the exam will be explained in class. Projects PRINT AD PORFOLIO Collect your statement and ads #1-#4 below with a Jumbo Clamp paper clip (portfolios with regular paper clips will not be accepted). Collect the final drafts (to be graded) in the front, and collect the participation drafts (which you submitted for feedback) in the back (please do not intersperse). Create a cover sheet using the convenient template in this document and include the individual grade sheet and group report. Set realistic goals for improvement (e.g., one letter grade) between first and final drafts. See copy platform worksheet and print ad checklist if helpful. Do not mimic other ads you have seen before, and make sure to provide enough copy and conceptual originality for me to grade you fairly (writing one sentence in a body copy assignment or submitting a wholly derivative concept is not advised). Ad #1) Descriptive Ad: Vacation Destination Use the print ad template in this document to write copy for a print ad (8.5” x 11”) that includes headline, description of visual, and body copy persuades viewers to take a vacation to the destination of your choice (select one with which you are familiar). Demonstrate the writing principles you have learned in your textbook and in class. Target an audience of choice, include a unique selling proposition, and use descriptive language in the body copy that is specific enough to make this destination unique to its competition. Include at least one metaphor or simile. Feature a “call to action.” Ad #2) Target Audience Shift Use the print ad template in this document to create copy for a print ad (8.5” x 11”) that includes headline, description of visual, and body copy that builds desire and persuades an adult target audience that is significantly different than you (e.g., different age, ethnicity, gender, and/or income bracket, etc.) and which expands an existing product’s target audience to a new audience. An example of “older” might be 35 to 54 or seniors 65-plus. Etc. if you are unfamiliar with the product/service, do some research. Interview at least one person in your target audience to find out how to appeal to this audience, get attention, and build desire (include notes about your interview stapled to your ad). Think about the questions in Chapter 5 regarding your product and audience. Ad #3) Creative Ad: Your Choice Use the print ad template in this document to create copy for a print ad (8.5” x 11”), including headline, description of visual, and body copy (you might not need much body copy in this one), that features highly creative work to sell a product/service and target audience of your choice. Even though the ad will be creative, it must still indicate a benefit (either directly or indirectly). The creative work should be unusual/unexpected (something we haven’t seen before) and “sticky” (it will get attention and “stick” in our minds long after we’ve seen it). Ad #4) Produced Ad (indiv. Consultations for feedback) Completed individually (not in groups). Using your choice of technologies (graphics software, MS Word, cut-and-paste collaging, photography, drawing, or combinations), “lay out” a magazine ad (8.5” x 11”) for the product/service and target audience of your choice (do not use an ad you’ve already written). See layout tips in the power point presentation, and see MS Word production tips at the end of this sheet. Apply all of the lessons you have learned about creating an effective ad. You are advised to make sketches first and discuss them in consultation with your instructor. I’m looking for original ideas, not rehashes of existing ads. Your ad will be submitted in hard copy with your midterm portfolio and uploaded to if possible (not required). Statement (w/portfolio) Write a statement (approximately one page) discussing your experience in the class so far. What do you believe you have learned, how do you see your work developing, and how will your knowledge might support your career goals (if applicable)? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the class, and how could they improve to serve you better? Please explain. CAMPAIGN In a group, complete the following items (stapled or clamped) with the cover sheet template, group report, and typed explanation of the campaign and strategy (see templates). Please keep work in 8.5” x 11” format. You will submit all items to by uploading them into ONE DOCUMENT. - 2 Produced Print Ads - 1 TV Storyboard and Script (see templates) - 1 Description of a viral marketing concept For the TV storyboard, use 6-12 frames. Under each frame, write one line of camera direction (e.g., CU: Grampa’s face) and any dialogue you might have (e.g., ANNCR: Fred is a dancing King). The campaign should rely on an original creative concept. You have no budget (sky’s the limit). ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCTION TIPS - Find Photos and Clip Art Feel free to use stock photography from the Internet, such as those at (these are speculative “spec” ads, and this is industry practice). - Copy a photo from the Internet into MS Word: 1) right mouse click and select “copy”, and then 2) move to your document, right mouse click and select “paste”. - Move images freely around on a page, click on the image and go to FORMAT>TEXT WRAPPING >BEHIND TEXT (or IN FRONT OF TEXT). - Create borders for ads and coupons, create a box by going to INSERT>TEXT BOX. Click and drag to create box. Then, click on one edge of the box and go to FORMAT>COLORS & LINES to set solid or broken borders. Select LAYOUT>BEHIND TEXT, to be able to drag and drop freely. - Create movable text (drag and drop). Follow the same directions above for creating text box, but type text inside. You may have a border or no border if you choose. - Create columns of text, use a table with three columns (the middle column provides space between columns). To make the table border invisible, highlight it and go to FORMAT>BORDERS & SHADING>BORDER None - Brochure Template: In MS Word, NEW>TEMPLATES>PUBLICATIONS>BROCHURE Print Ad Template: Use this for your print ads. Write copy only. YOUR NAME(S): ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ASSIGNMENT: ________________________________________________ TARGET AUDIENCE: ____________________________________________ PUBLICATION: ________________________________________________ HEADLINE: _________________________________________________________ VISUAL(S) (Describe in words and/or insert image(s)): ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ BODY COPY: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ CALL TO ACTION: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ PRINT AD PORTFOLIO | COM 383 You must submit these forms on top of your submission in order to receive a grade. [COVER SHEET TEMPLATE] Submission Date: ___________ Course Day/Time: _______________ CHECKLIST: Compile your portfolio in this order: cover sheet template (this form) individual project grade sheets (form on next page) group work report 1 statement per student receipt (All documents are copied and pasted into one document upload) print-outs of final drafts print-outs of first drafts with my comments, if any (submit in the back) stapler or binder clip (clamp), NO paperclips, no ring binders, no plastic sleeves, no fancy-schmancy stuff like that. Assignment # Name of The Ad (Write it Here) Score (leave blank) #1 Descriptive #2 Target Audience Shift #3 Creative Ad #4 Produced Ad Student #1: ___________________ Ad Name: _____________________________ Student #2: ___________________ Ad Name: _____________________________ Student #3: ___________________ Ad Name: _____________________________ Student #4: ___________________ Ad Name: _____________________________ Statements COMMENTS FOR THE GROUP: included Individual Project Grade Sheets Write each group member’s name in a box below. Student Name Grp Portf (75%) + Indiv (25%) = Total Portfolio Grade Participation Grp Portf (75%) + Indiv (25%) = Total Portfolio Grade Participation Grp Portf (75%) + Indiv (25%) = Total Portfolio Grade Participation Grp Portf (75%) + Indiv (25%) = Total Portfolio Grade Participation GRADING COMMENTS: Student Name GRADING COMMENTS: Student Name GRADING COMMENTS: Student Name GRADING COMMENTS: Group Work Report Name ____________________________________________________________ Describe the work this group member contributed. Did this member contribute equally to meetings, and to the production of the pieces, in time, effort, and skill? Yes No Explain. Name Percentage of time, effort, and skill devoted % ____________________________________________________________ Describe the work this group member contributed. Did this member contribute equally to meetings, and to the production of the pieces, in time, effort, and skill? Yes No Explain. Name Percentage of time, effort, and skill devoted % ____________________________________________________________ Describe the work this group member contributed. Did this member contribute equally to meetings, and to the production of the pieces, in time, effort, and skill? Yes No Explain. Name Percentage of time, effort, and skill devoted % ____________________________________________________________ Describe the work this group member contributed. Did this member contribute equally to meetings, and to the production of the pieces, in time, effort, and skill? Yes No Explain. Percentage of time, effort, and skill devoted % TV Storyboard Template (Use this template or your own storyboard) [TELEVISION SCRIPT TEMPLATE] From: _____________________________________________ Client: _____________________________________________ Commercial Title: ____________________________________ Contact: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________ TV COMMERCIAL (:30 seconds) VIDEO AUDIO CAMPAIGN | COM 383 [COVER SHEET TEMPLATE] Name: Group Member #1 ____________________________________ Name: Group Member #2 ____________________________________ Name: Group Member #3 ____________________________________ Name: Group Member #4 ____________________________________ Course day/time: ___________________________________________ Submission Date: ___________________________________________ CLIENT: __________________________________________________ CHECKLIST: Compile your portfolio in this order: cover sheet template (this form) group work report campaign explanation (1 per group—see template) receipt (All documents are copied and pasted into one document upload) print-outs of final drafts original thumbnail sketches and ideas (in back) stapler or binder clip (clamp), NO paperclips, no ring binders, no plastic sleeves, no fancy-schmancy stuff like that. Remember to back up all of your files before you submit, including a scan of your storyboard, if needed. Campaign Items Notes / Grades 2 Print Ads 1 TV Storyboard TV Script (with the storyboard) Viral Marketing Idea Campaign Explanation Group Work Report Name ____________________________________________________________ Describe the work this group member contributed. Did this member contribute equally to meetings, and to the production of the pieces, in time, effort, and skill? Yes No Explain. Name Percentage of time, effort, and skill devoted % ____________________________________________________________ Describe the work this group member contributed. Did this member contribute equally to meetings, and to the production of the pieces, in time, effort, and skill? Yes No Explain. Name Percentage of time, effort, and skill devoted % ____________________________________________________________ Describe the work this group member contributed. Did this member contribute equally to meetings, and to the production of the pieces, in time, effort, and skill? Yes No Explain. Name Percentage of time, effort, and skill devoted % ____________________________________________________________ Describe the work this group member contributed. Did this member contribute equally to meetings, and to the production of the pieces, in time, effort, and skill? Yes No Explain. Percentage of time, effort, and skill devoted % Campaign Explanation (write this professionally) YOUR NAMES: _______________________________________________________ CLIENT: ____________________________________________________________ PRODUCT/SERVICE: __________________________________________________ 1) Explain the big picture: What is going on in the market? What are the benefits of this product over the competition? 2) What is the objective, the purpose of the ad?This is a concise statement of the effect the ad should have on consumers. It is typically expressed as an action and focuses on what the ad should make them think, feel, or do. Example: We want people to download the free application and use it within 10 days to buy the special offer, a $1 family size pizza from Papa John's. 3) Target audience: who are we talking to? The more precise and detailed the better. Go beyond age and sex to describe demographics and psychographics. Explain how the audience currently thinks, feels and behaves in relation to the product category, the client's brand, and the client's specific product or service. Example: This campaign will be aimed exclusively at existing Citibank customers in three test markets: Sacramento, CA, Houston, TX, and Washington DC. The primary target will be segments of our customer database: male and female, 20 to 35 YO, with at least one Citibank credit card. The target will be approximately 70% married, with combined HH incomes of $85k on average. This audience is comfortable with new technology, and quick to test new widgets that leverage their time. They like to be among the first to have the latest and greatest electronics. They make multiple online purchases monthly. We will call our representative persona "Joe.” DEMOGRAPHICS CHECKLIST (to help you brainstorm): Age: 18-24 25-34 35-54 55-64 65+ Other: ________ Gender: Male Female Other: __________________________________ Ethnicity: ___________________________________________________________ Income: ____________________________________________________________ Education: __________________________________________________________ Location (if important): ________________________________________________ Other specifications: ___________________________________________________ 4) What's the single most important thing to say? What's the single most persuasive or most compelling statement we can make to achieve the objective? This should be a simple sentence. No more than a few sentences if absolutely necessary. Avoid generalities. Example: "Joe - CitiClick will simplify and speed all of your online purchases, while providing increased security." 5) What are the supporting rational and emotional 'reasons to believe and buy?' Explain why the consumer should believe what we say, and why they should buy. Include all the major copy points, in order of relative importance to the consumer. In other words, 'What else can we say and show to achieve the objective?' Example: It's free, from Citibank - your trusted financial partner. 2) Get a PJ pizza for $1. 3) Backed with a 100% purchase protection guarantee. 4) It has earned rave reviews from real users. (See attached quotes.) 5) Takes just 3 seconds to download the pre-personalized widget from your online account ... etc. 6) Where will this campaign appear? Print Ads (Publications) ________________________________________________ TV (networks/dayparts/programming):____________________________________