Personal Statement - Educational Leadership Studies

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Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
October 10, 1946
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Doctor of Philosophy
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Educational Administration and Supervision
Educational Psychology
Professor and Dean Emeritus
Alvin D. Loving, Sr.
Master of Science
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Behavioral Sciences in Education
Educational Administration and Supervision
Bachelor of Science
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan
General Science, English, Social Studies,
and Elementary Education,
Associate in Arts
Highland Park College
Highland Park, Michigan
Arts and Sciences
High School Diploma
Altoona High School
Altoona, Pennsylvania
College Preparatory
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The University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
1995 - present
Professor: Department of Educational Leadership Studies, College of
Education, and Full Member of the University Graduate School Faculty.
Scholar: African American Studies and Research Program, The
College of Arts and Sciences.
2002 - 2005
Acting Chair/Vice Chair: President's Commission on Diversity
1996 - 2001
Faculty Member and Liaison: Masters with Initial Certification (MIC)
teacher education program.
1997 - 1998
Co-Director: Internship Program for Scholars from the Northern Cape
Province of South Africa.
1990 - 1995
Dean: Was responsible to the Lexington Campus chancellor for
providing administrative leadership for research and scholarship,
academic programs, and service programs to schools and the larger
Commonwealth education community, as well as College fundraising.
Leadership was further focused on the continuous development of
collaborative relationships between the College and school districts in
Kentucky that led to nationally recognized and innovative education
programs. One hundred two (FTE) diverse faculty, 40 adjunct or parttime faculty, and 50 support staff comprised the college's personnel,
who participated in seven departments and a series of 16 centers,
institutes, clinics, laboratories, and offices.
The College budget
exceeded $7 million plus annual external gifts, grants, and contracts.
Additionally, numerous development initiatives and activities were
carried out on behalf of the College and University.
Professor: Department of Administration and Supervision, and Full
member of the Graduate College Faculty.
Carter G. Woodson Distinguished Lecturer: African American Studies
and Research Program, College of Arts and Sciences.
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio
1987 - 1990
Dean: Provided academic and administrative leadership for the College
of Education, directly responsible to the Provost and Vice President for
Academic and Student Affairs. Responsible also included fundraising
and resource procurement. A doctoral program in Urban Educational
Leadership, i.e., educational administration, educational policy studies,
counseling, and individual differences was implemented. The College
was comprised of 52 faculty, and 23 support staff, with a budget
exceeding $4 million.
Department of Educational Specialists, College of
Education, and full member of the University Graduate College faculty.
Co-Director: "I Have A Dream" project which mentored seventy-two
(72) Cleveland Public School District students aspiring to pursue higher
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Indiana University, Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana
December 1984-1987
Chairman: Provided academic and administrative leadership August for
the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the
Bloomington-Indianapolis core campus.
The department was
comprised of four program areas, School Administration, Higher
Education, College Student Personnel Administration, and History
and Comparative Education. A policy studies center and several special
education administration initiatives operated under the aegis of the
department. The unit had 26 faculty and 7 support staff. The budget
was approximately $2 million.
July 1983
August 1987
Professor: School of Education, Department of Educational
Leadership and Policy Studies.
August 1976June 1983
Associate Professor: School of Education, Division of Administration
and Administrative Studies, Department of School Administration.
Responsibilities included: Teaching various graduate level courses in
educational administration, namely, School Law--A508, A608, A615,
and A710; Administration of Elementary Schools--A625; Problems in
School Administration--A600; Research in School Administration--A590;
Urban School Administration and Policy Making--F500; Topical Seminar
in School Administration--A670; Internship and Practicum in School
Administration--A785 and A695; and Doctoral Dissertation--A799.
Counseled graduate students at the master's, specialist, and doctoral
levels, and for administrative certification. Served on various thesis
committees. Provided leadership in the development of a school
administration graduate internship and practicum program. University
and School committee membership.
Member: Graduate School faculty.
Associate Director: The University's Office of School Programs.
Responsible for providing leadership in the coordination and
administration of University service efforts to school corporations within
the State of Indiana.
Special Assistant to the Dean: School of Education. Primarily
responsible for the planning and development of a new research and
development mission via an urban institute at the medical center
campus in Indianapolis. This mission was designed to pull the
resources of the medical center, Bloomington campus, and the
metropolitan area in concert, so as to provide exemplary educational
resources for research, teaching, and service through the School of
Education. Also responsible for other academic administrative duties
which evolved out of the Dean's Office.
1981 – 1986
Director: Center for Urban and Multicultural Education (CUME).
Responsible for providing the administrative and fiscal leadership for the
University's efforts in the area of desegregation in a two state (Indiana
and Illinois) region, in conjunction with the public schools and
community. Additionally, under the aegis of CUME, served as the
project director of the Illinois/Indiana Desegregation Association
Assistance Center, operational in Indiana and Illinois respectively,
U.S.D.E. grant management (approximately $1,000,000 per year),
quality control and research, Women's Educational Equity Act Project
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(WEEAP), and the Marion County Schools Research Study.
October 1979December 1980
Co-Director/Co-Principal Investigator: Center for Urban and
Multicultural Education Project for the Equitable Administration of
Student Discipline. Directly responsible for ensuring that the research
and training project operated within Title VII guidelines; U.S.O.E. grant
fiscal management ($194,000.00) and quality control; monitored project
activities and staff; facilitated intervention training; and designed,
implemented, and evaluated the program's research focus.
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
March 1973September 1976
Assistant Professor: Departments of Youth Extension and
Education. Lectured both graduates and undergraduates in adult and
youth curriculum methodology, as well as planned, implemented, and
evaluated youth education programs; Children's literature; Cultural
Foundations of Education (Comparative Education); and team taught
Educational Administration (Principalship). Engaged in research related
to measuring the effectiveness of various approaches to extension
education in urban and rapidly urbanizing areas.
Member: Graduate Faculty
State Urban Curriculum Specialist: Provided professional leadership for
urban youth programs, with emphasis on youth in low-income and
minority families.
Provided direction in identifying, establishing,
maintaining, and evaluating urban youth programmatic goals,
objectives, and priorities.
Developed professional improvement
opportunities for urban field staff, including teaching methods, individual
and group processes, and audio-visual materials. Carried out an
effective extension personnel management program, resource
procurement, i.e., proposal writing for the securing of local, state, and
federal funds. Provided leadership for research and evaluation of urban
and rural youth programs, and interviewed prospective urban program
coordinators and support personnel.
Program Coordinator: Provided leadership in the state program
coordination of field and resident staff resources for maximum
effectiveness and efficiency in relation to urban programs. Provided
leadership for the development of a viable youth extension program.
Supervised and advised graduate assistants in the areas of urban
research and their graduate program. Served on doctoral and master's
committees. Established and offered experimental internships in the
Cooperative Extension Service.
Liaison between the Department of Agricultural Education and the
Pennsylvania Cooperative Extension Service.
Highland Park Public Schools, Highland Park, Michigan
December 1972March 1973
Consulting Project Director: Directed a "needs assessment"
project designed to build the high school curriculum around the
identified needs of the students.
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Detroit Public Schools, Detroit, Michigan
January, 1968January 1973
Assistant Principal: Served as acting administrator at the Bellevue
Elementary School, located in a low socioeconomic community. There
were approximately 28 staff members and 650 students under
supervision. Primary responsibilities included general administration,
curriculum development, and school community (public) relations.
Mathematics Coordinator: Developed and implemented a mathematics
learning and resource center at Bellevue Elementary School.
Coordinated and integrated the mathematics program with the school
Guidance Counselor: Served as elementary school guidance counselor
at the Harris School. Emphasis was on intervening in youth problems
before they reached a crisis stage. Also worked in the counseling
center as a counselor.
Teacher: Taught subjects of mathematics, science, social studies,
physical education, language arts, kindergarten, and special education
in various elementary and junior high schools (K-10).
Instructor: Remedial and special abilities classes in mathematics, and
Afro-American history.
Special federal project entitled "Operation Go".
emphasis placed on utilizing innovative and individualized strategies in
the school curriculum, specifically designed to assist and supplement
disadvantaged students in overcoming difficulties in reading and
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Child Development Consultant: In cooperation with the University of
Michigan and the Detroit Public Schools, trained experienced and
inexperienced teachers and administrators in the implementation of an
"Open Classroom" (humanistic education).
Advised local
administrators, community, and project staff in order to improve the
implementation and continuation of the Urban Education and Child
Development Consultant Project. Consulted administration and staff on
methods of facilitating the processes of "Integration", "Normalization",
and "Mainstreaming" as a "means" to equalize educational opportunity
for special education students.
Using mathematics, conducted
in-service training for the utilization of alternative student motivational
techniques for low achievers. Consulted school personnel and project
staff in the area of alternative approaches to the use of punitive
measures of disciplining students.
Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Honolulu, Hawaii.
Hawaii International Conference on
Hawaii International Conference on Education,
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Chair/Discussant: Educational Law Association’s session on Brown at
50, Tucson, Arizona.
Humanities Consultant: Heritage Project, funded through the Kentucky
and National Endowment for the Humanities, Lexington, Kentucky.
Evaluator: Bowling Green State University, Masters and Doctoral
programs in Higher Education, College Student Personnel, and
Leadership Studies, Bowling Green, OH.
California School of Professional Psychology, San
Francisco, CA.
Consultant: Delta Rural Systemic Initiative, Jackson, Mississippi.
Proposal Evaluator:
Jackson, MS.
Louisianna State Department of Education,
Project Evaluator: Educational Leadership Council and Foundation,
program on Technology Infusion in Historically Black Colleges and
Universities, Washington, D.C.
Proposal Reviewer: American Educational Research Association annual
Presider/Chair: American Education Research Association symposium
entitled "Educating 'at-risk' urban learners", New Orleans, LA.
Southern University,
Administration, Baton Rouge, LA.
Presider/Chair: Education Law Association 45th Annual Conference,
"Race and Desegregation Issues", Chicago, Illinois.
Respondent: UK Symposium entitled "The Long-Term Consequences
of Race, Diversity and Inclusion for Graduate Programs.
Consultant: Florida Public Schools, Gifted Education Program, West
Palm Beach, FL.
Presider/Chair: Kentucky American Civil Liberties Union symposium
titled "Desegregation, Neighborhood Schools, and Magnet Schools.
Consultant: Hardin County, KY Public Schools, "Multiculturalism, Equity
and Reform,"
Presider: University Council for Education Administration symposium
titled "Kentucky's School-Based Decision-Making Councils: Power,
Politics, Production”.
Presider/Discussant: King Cultural Center Film Symposium titled
"Voices From the Village" (Akbar/Hilliard).
Expert Witness: United States District Court for Northern Illinois, re:
People Who Care v. Rockford Board of Education.
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Consultant: Rockford Public Schools court-ordered desegregation
program, Rockford, Illinois.
Consultant: Eastern Connecticut State University, Office of the Vice
President, Willimantic, Connecticut.
Proposal Evaluator:
annual meeting.
American Educational Research Association
1993, 1994
Member: National Organization on Legal Problems in Education
conference program committee.
1991, 1992, 1993
Proposal Evaluator: American Association of Colleges of Teacher
Education annual meetings.
1993, 1994
Proposal Evaluator: National Organization on Legal Problems in
Education annual meeting.
Proposal Evaluator: University Council for Educational Administration
annual meeting.
Office of the President, Eastern Connecticut State
University, Willimantic, Connecticut.
1991, 1994
Proposal Reviewer and Discussant: University Council for Educational
Administration symposium titled "Minority Leadership and Educational
Chairman: University Council for Educational Administration symposium
titled "Administrative and Organizational Practices for Multicultural
Educational Environments."
Chairman: American Educational Research Association symposium
titled "Assessing and Affecting Educators' Attitudes and Knowledge
Relative to Multicultural Education".
Presider: National Organization on Legal Problems of Education
symposium titled "Expanded Coverage of Post-Civil War Laws to
Include Non-Black Minorities".
Chairman and Discussant:
University Council on Educational
Administration symposium titled "Equity Issues and Research in
Educational Administration".
Discussant: American Educational Research Association symposium
titled "Instructional Grouping: Policy, Practice, and Impact."
Evaluator: University of North Carolina, School of Education Joint
Doctoral Program, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Presenter: Phi Delta Kappa Anderson, Indiana Chapter on School Law
and Administration, Anderson, Indiana.
Chairman: American Educational Research Association Division A,
Nominating Committee for the Secretariat.
Delegate: National Commission on Excellence
Administration Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
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Indiana Needs Analysis Project Advisory Committee,
Bloomington, Indiana.
Technical Advisor: Women's Educational Equity Act Project Proposal,
1986-87 grant for the Center for Urban & Multicultural Education.
1985, 1986
Consultant: University of North Carolina, School of Education, Chapel
Hill, North Carolina.
Organizer and Chairman: National Organization on Legal Problems in
Education symposium titled "The Laws, Desegregation and Urban
School Excellence", Chicago, Illinois.
Northeastern Illinois University, Gifted and Talented
Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Organizer and Chairman: American Educational Research Association
symposium titled "Educational Excellence, Malpractice and
Psychological Maltreatment: Issues for Administrators, Teachers, and
Parents", Chicago, Illinois.
Organizer and Chairman: American Educational Research Association
symposium titled "Research on School Desegregation: Towards Urban
Excellence", Chicago, Illinois.
Facilitator: Indiana University-Purdue University Learning Resources
Conference symposium on "Listening to What is Not Being Said",
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Moderator: Indiana University-Purdue University Metropolitan Affairs
Conference symposium on "Computer Education and the Role of the
University", Indianapolis, Indiana.
State Director: The National Organization on Legal Problems in
Education (NOLPE) membership committee.
Member: National School Law Convention planning committee (1985).
Consultant: University of North Carolina, School of Education, Chapel
Hill, North Carolina.
Organizer and Chairman: American Educational Research Association
symposium titled "Beyond School Desegregation", New Orleans,
Organizer and Chairman: American Educational Research Association
symposium titled "Educational Malpractice and Psychological Abuse:
Dilemmas for Administrators, Teachers, and Parents", New Orleans,
Educational Administration Abstracts, Journal of Negro
Contributing Editor: Black Aging Journal.
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Consultant: University of North Carolina, Department of Organizational
Development and Policy Analysis, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Discussant: American Educational Research Association symposium
titled "The Bureaucratic Socialization of Women in Academe".
Faculty Advisor: Member of the Dean's Advisory Committee for the
Board of Visitation, Bloomington, Indiana.
Consultant: North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics,
Durham, North Carolina.
Participant: Seventh Annual Henry Lester Smith Conference on
Educational Research, Bloomington, Indiana.
Consultant: Indianapolis Public Schools Workshop on School Discipline
and the Law, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Consultant: Eli Lilly Endowment Leadership Conference, session on
"The Law, Rights, Students and School Boards", Indianapolis, Indiana.
Member: Appointed to the Nomination Committee for Division A
(Administration) of the American Educational Research Association.
Consulting Specialist: Indiana-Illinois Desegregation Assistance Center,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Consultant: Eli Lilly Endowment Leadership Training Conference,
session on legal aspects of "Students' Rights and Responsibilities",
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Association
Convention, Bloomington, Indiana.
Delegate: Governor's White House Conference on Children and Youth,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Consultant: Southeast Delco School District Title I Program. Served as
consultant, evaluator and collaborator for the program's public and
parochial schools, Folcraft, Pennsylvania.
Consultant: Indiana University Sex Equity Training Institute conference,
session on "Strategies for Administrators in Segregation Programs",
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Indiana-Illinois Desegregation Assistance Center
conference on "Equity in Education Through Desegregation", Chicago,
Consultant: Indiana University Race Desegregation Training Institute
conference, session on "Student Learners, Educators, and Parent
Legal Focus on Accountability and Educational
Malpractice", Indianapolis, Indiana.
Presenter: Indiana Chapter of the Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development annual conference, "Educational Malpractice
and Competency Testing", Indianapolis, Indiana.
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Consultant: Indiana State Department of Public Instruction "Community
Involvement in the Schools" conference, Gary, Indiana.
Consultant: Indianapolis Public School "Gifted Student" conference,
Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Consultant: Strayer College Department of Sociology, "Education and
the Sociology of Urban Schools", Washington, D.C.
Consultant: Indiana University-Purdue University General Assistance
Center Program Planning, Development, and Research Inquiry Project,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Panelist: National Alliance of Black School Educators conference,
Miami, Florida.
Contributor/Reactor: National Conference on Teacher Education,
"Research and Multicultural Education", Indianapolis, Indiana.
Evaluator: Two primary assignments were performed. First, assessed
the quality of various local school evaluation designs and procedures
and verified their outcome; second, motivated improvement in the
evaluation and advised local administrators and project staffs in order to
effect improvement related to the implementation and continuation of
Title I and Vocational-Technical Education Programs, The Pennsylvania
Department of Education, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
On a more specific assignment, was requested, under court order, by
the Department of Education to participate on an eleven-person
evaluation team to ascertain whether Title I funds were being
supplanted within the Philadelphia School System.
Presenter: Pennsylvania State Leadership Congress, The Pennsylvania
State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.
Consultant: Central United States Urban Youth Program Conference,
National Cooperative Extension Service, Cleveland, Ohio.
Director: State Urban Training, The Pennsylvania State University,
Cooperative Extension Service, University Park, Pennsylvania.
Presenter: Pennsylvania Annual Youth Conference, The Pennsylvania
State University, Cooperative Extension Service (Youth Division),
Brookville and Hazelton, Pennsylvania.
Director: Conference on Programming for Low-Income and Minority
Clientele, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
Presenter: Annual Agricultural Education Teachers Conference, The
Pennsylvania State University, Department of Agricultural Education,
University Park, Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania State Extension Youth Days, The
Pennsylvania State University, College of Agriculture, University Park,
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Mathematics Concept Workshop, The University of
Michigan, Urban Program in Education (Teachers, Child Development
Consultants and Coordinators), Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Consultant: Learning aids to implement mathematics in K-3, The
University of Michigan, Urban Program in Education, New Careerist
Component, Detroit, Michigan.
Co-Chair, Search Committee for the UK Vice-President for Institutional
Member, UK Taskforce on Racial Equality
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Cross-Cultural Transformation in
Member, Editorial Board, Education and Urban Society
Member, Graduate Student Enrichment Award Committee
Participant, White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and
Universities and the Hispanic Association of College and Universities
Member, UK Medical Center Reorganization Task Force
Member, Board of Directors,
Development Corporation
Vice-Chair, President's Commission on Diversity, University of
Acting Chair, President’s Commission on Diversity, University of
Member, Editorial Board, Multicultural Review.
Member and Chair, Wesley Scholarship Initiative, UK African American
Studies and Research Program.
Member, Advisory Board, UK African American Studies and Research
Member, Planning Committee, UK African American Studies and
Research Program
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Negro Education
Associate Editor, Education Administration Quarterly
Member, National Education Law Association, Membership Committee
Legal/Legislative Editor, Association for the Education of Gifted
Underachieving Students
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Guest Co-Editor, Education and Urban Society, February, 1997, 27(2).
1997 - 2006
Advisory Committee, University of Kentucky Academic Multicultural
1997 - 2003
Book Manuscript Reviewer, Columbia University-Teachers College
Board of Directors, Kids Ideas and Talents in Education (KITE)
Board of Directors, Association
Underachieving Students (AEGUS)
Long-Range Planning Committee, Education Law Association
Member, Task Force on Unity, Harmony, and Equity, National Association for Gifted Children
National Conference Planning Committee, Education Law Association
1996 - 2006
Advisory Council, University of Dayton, School of Education
1996 - 2003
Board of Directors, American Civil Liberties Union (Kentucky Chapter)
Advisory Council, SES, Stress and Cardio-vascular Health in African
American Youth Project
Manuscript Reviewer, The Journal of Negro Education.
Co-Director, South African Scholar Delegation (Northern Cape
Province) to the University of Kentucky.
Advisory Board, Project for Reform in Science & Mathematics (PRISM).
Guest Co-Editor, The Journal of Negro Education, Summer 1994
Yearbook, Volume 63, Number 4.
Manuscript Reviewer, Exceptional Children, Journal of Social and
Behavioral Sciences and Urban Education.
National Program Committee, National Organization on Legal Problems
in Education
Chair, Member Survey Committee, National Organization on Legal
Problems in Education
Chair, Division A (Administration) Affirmative Action Committee,
American Educational Research Association
Board of Directors, Holmes Group Schools
Advanced Standards Committee, National Council for the Accreditation
of Teacher Education
Editorial Advisory Board, Sage Publications-Corwin Press, Educational
Excellence, Equity, and Diversity Book Series
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Guest Editor, New Directions for Education Reform, Vol. 1, No.1.
Advisory Board, Kentucky Leadership Academy
Board of Directors, Lexington Arts and Cultural Council, Inc.
Chairman, American Education Research Association's Law and
Education Special Interest Group.
Board of Directors, National Conference of Christians and Jews
(Bluegrass Chapter).
Editorial Board, Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Executive Board, Kentucky Association of College of Teacher
Board of Directors, Virginia Place (One-Parent Family Facility).
Board of Directors, National Public Radio Affiliate (WUKY).
Program Chair, American Education Research Association's Law and
Education Special Interest Group.
Advisory Board, National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.
Editorial Board, CSU Magazine
Board of Trustees, Greater Cleveland Literacy Coalition.
Board of Trustees, National Public Radio Affiliate (WIAN).
Board of Directors, Marotta Montessori Schools of Cleveland.
Board of Directors, National Organization for Legal Problems in
Education (NOLPE).
Board of Governors, Center for Urban and Multicultural Education,
Indiana University.
Board of Trustees, Cleveland Scholarship-In-Escrow Program.
Advisory Board, Indiana Needs Analysis Project.
Board of Governors, Institute for Humanities Research.
Advisory Board, radio station WXTZ.
Delegate, National Forum on Excellence in Education.
Coordinated testimonies and testified before the United States Senate
Appropriations Subcommittee on behalf of legislation concerning Title IV
of the Civil Rights Act (1964), Women's Educational Equity Act, and
Bilingual Education initiatives.
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Member (ex-officio), School of Education Distinguished Lecture Series
Task Force Committee.
Founding member,
Delegate, Governors' White House Conference on Youth.
Member, National Youth Curriculum Development Committee for
Extension Youth Programs.
Representative, Bellevue School, for the Wayne State University Alumni
Representative, Child Development Consultant Project at The University
of Michigan for the Council for Exceptional Children Convention, Miami,
Assistant Union Representative, Bellevue Elementary School.
Bellevue Elementary School Teacher representative, Miller District
Advisory Council.
Vice-President, People's Community Church Ethereal Choir.
Member, Kentucky Technical and Community College System Doctoral
Planning Committee
Member, African American Studies and Research Program Strategic
Planning Committee
Member, African American Studies and Research Program Marketing
Member, UK Taskforce on Racial Equality and Equity Committee
Chair, College of Education Inclusiveness Committee
Member of the College of Education Social Committee
Chair/Member of the Charles Wesley Outstanding Graduate and
Undergraduate Research Paper Committee
Chair of the Faculty Search and Screen Committee for the Department
of Administration and Supervision
Member of the Faculty Search and Screen Committee for the
Department of Educational Policy and Evaluation
Member of the College of Arts and Sciences African American Studies
and Research Program Steering Committee
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Member of the College of Arts and Sciences African American Studies
and Research Program Center for the Study of African American
Studies and Research Planning Committee
Member of the College of Education Exceptional Achievement Award
Member of the UK Office of Minority Affairs Review Committee
Member of the UK Graduate School Minority Recruitment and Retention
Review Committee
Member of the UK Office of Research and Graduate Studies Summer
Faculty Research Fellowship Committee
Member of the Teacher Education Program (Art Education) admissions
Member of the University Teaching and Learning Center Director
Search and Screen Committee
Member of the University Minority Affairs 50th Anniversary Committee.
Member of the College of Education 75th Anniversary Program
Member of the Education Administration department 75th Anniversary
Planning Committee.
Co-Chair of the UK College of Education Conference on Re-examining
and Renewing Parent and Family Involvement in the Education of Our
Member of the Education Administration department sub-committee on
Member of the Commonwealth Distinguished Visiting Scholar Awards
and Extramural Faculty-Team Grant Program.
1997 - 2003
Member of the University Press of Kentucky Committee.
1997 - present
Member of the University Black Women's Annual Conference Planning
Member of the African American Studies and Research Program
Advisory Committee.
Member of the College of Education Annual Parent Involvement
Conference Committee.
Member of the University Nonmedical Institutional Review Board.
Member of the University Equal Employment Opportunity Panel.
Member of the College Undergraduate Admission Committee.
Member of the College Research Task Force.
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Member of the College Safety Committee.
Co-chair of the University Female and Minority Equity Task Force.
Member of the Task Force on Assistance to IBM Employees.
Member of the University Standards Committee.
Member of the President's Cabinet.
Member of Provost's Administrative Cabinet.
Member of the Search and Screen Committee for faculty recruitment in
Educational and Counseling Psychology.
Delegate to the National Commission on Excellence in Educational
Administration Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Member of the Search and Screen Committee for the associate director
of the Policy Studies Consortium.
Member of the School of Education Retreat Research Committee.
Member of the University Task Force on Students' Rights and
Member of the University Affirmative Action Advisory Committee.
Member of Distinguished Lecture Series Committee.
Member of Graduate School Faculty.
Member of the University Learning Resource Committee.
Member of the School of Education Policy Council.
Member of the School of Education Promotion, Tenure and Contracts
Appointed to the University Learning Resource Committee.
Member of the School of Education Alumni Committee.
Elected to the School of Education, Education Council.
Review panelist for the University Office of Research and Sponsored
Member of the School of Education Faculty Advisory Committee for the
Fund for Excellence in Education.
Member of the Dean Search and Screen Committee for the School of
Social Work.
Volunteer and contributor for the National Public Radio Affiliate WIAN
fund raiser.
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Organizer and Chairman of H.L. Smith Research conference, session
on "Academic Excellence and Afro-Americans".
Member of the Indianapolis Public School Educational Survey Research
Advisory Committee.
Coordinator/Representative (School of Education) for the 200th
Anniversary Celebration of the Treaty of Paris Conference, Indianapolis,
Coordinator of the International Conference on the Psychological Abuse
of the Child, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Member of Indiana University-Purdue University Vice- President's
Athletic Advisory Committee.
Member of conference planning committee for the International
Conference on the Psychological Rights of the Child.
Participated in Administrative Council and Associate Dean's staff
Member of the School of Education Promotion, Tenure and Contracts
Member (Alternate) of School of Education Policy Council.
Member of Centers Directors, Research and Development Dean's
Advisory Committee.
Member of School Administration Department Doctoral Qualifying
Examination Committee.
Member (ex-officio) of the School of Education Policy Council.
Chairman of the School of Education Building dedication conference
Chairman/Moderator of the Indiana Black Heritage Public Conference,
session on "Public School Curriculum Development on Black History
and Culture".
Member of the School of Education Search Committee for Project
Director: Regional Planning Project in Vocational Technical Education.
Member of Review Committee for School Administration Department
Member of School Administration Department Admission Committee.
Member of the Center for Applied Research in Education Task Force.
Chairman of the National Organization on Legal Problems of Education,
session on school crime prevention by Robert J. Rubel, San Francisco,
Chairman of doctoral qualifying examination subcommittee in School
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Member of the University Search Committee for the School of
Education Deanship.
Member of Spencer Research Grant Award Committee.
Co-chairman of Senator Birch Bayh's Educational Advisory Committee,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Member of School of Education Research and Development
Member of the Maris M. and Mary H. Proffitt Research Grant
Member of the School of Education Merit Review Committee.
Member of the School of Education Policy Council.
Member of the School of Education Multi-Cultural Committee,
Bloomington, Indiana.
Faculty sponsor and advisor to the Indiana Student Education
Co-chairman of the Indiana University-Purdue University Nursery
School Curriculum Development, Planning and Resource Procurement
Member of the NAACP Education Committee, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Member (Alternate) of the School of Education Policy Council.
Member of the Indiana University Graduate School Ph.D. requirement
Grand Juror for the Marion County Grand Jury, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Member of School Administration Department Program Committee.
Member of the School of Education Policy Council Nomination/Election
Member of the Review Committee for Education Services.
Member of the School Administration Certification Committee.
Member of the Maris M. and Mary H. Proffitt Research Grant
Co-sponsor of the Student
University-Purdue University.
Chairman of the Forum on Equity Affairs Research Committee which
addressed itself to affirmative action policies and practices at The
Pennsylvania State University.
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Member of Urban Ad Hoc Policy Committee, The Pennsylvania State
University College of Agriculture.
Member of Program Development Committee, Cooperative Extension
Service, The Pennsylvania State University.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Association for Higher Education
American Association of Political and Social Science
American Educational Research Association
Subdivision memberships in:
1. Division: A (Administration)
2. Organizational Theory (SIG)
3. Researchers for Action (SIG)
4. School Law (SIG)
5. Urban and Minority Education (SIG)
Lexington Area Association of Black Psychologists (Charter Member)
Association for Teacher Education
Council for Exceptional Children
Institute for Advanced Studies
Institute for Humanities Research
Kentucky Association for Gifted Education
National Organization on Legal Problems in Education
National Society for the Study of Education
Sociedade Interamerica de Administracao da Educacao (Founding Member)
International Association for Children's Social and Economic Education (Charter Member)
The University of Michigan Alumni Association (Life)
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (Life)
The University of Kentucky Fellow
Alpha Tau Alpha (National Agricultural Education Honor Society)
Delta Tau Kappa (International Social Science Honor Society)
Pi Lambda Theta (National Honor and Professional Association in Education)
Omicron Delta Kappa (National Leadership Honor Society)
Phi Delta Kappa
1970-1971 Participated in the development of curriculum materials for primary student expectations, at the
elementary level, Region 8 of the Detroit Public Schools.
1968-1970 Participated on the Detroit Board of Education city-wide, remedial mathematics coordinating
committee established for remedial mathematics research and curriculum development.
State Urban Youth Project
$ 54,000.00
Project for the Equitable
Administration of Student
Page 20
Assistance Center
Desegregation Training Institute
Assistance Center
Illinois-Indiana Desegregation
Assistance Center
Women's Educational Equity
Act Program
A Model Program to Retrain
Engineers and Scientists as
Mathematics & Science Teachers
Eli Lilly
Marion County Student Needs
Assessment Study
Eli Lilly
Summer Youth Employment
Program - Summer Trips Result
in Valuable Education
(STRIVE) Evaluation Study
Summer Youth Employment
Program - Summer Trips Achieve
Results (STAR) Evaluation Study
Marion County Student Needs
Eli Lilly Endowment 1983
and the State
of Indiana
Illinois-Indiana Desegregation
Assistance Center
Women's Educational Equity
Act Program
Illinois-Indiana Desegregation
Assistance Center
Women's Educational Equity
Act Program
Illinois-Indiana Desegregation
Assistance Center
Women's Educational Equity
Act Program
Project Equity In Vocational Education
Indiana Teacher Quality
Evaluation Project
of Education
Page 21
I Have A Dream Project
Project LEGACY
Program in Urban Education
Perceptions of first-year
African-American Students
Concerning Environmental
Issues at a Predominately
White University
University of
Kentucky Office of
Minority Affairs
South African Scholar Delegation
Kellogg Foundation 1996
South African Internship Program
Kellogg Foundation 1998
Page 22
Educational Law
Carter, D.G., Harris III, J.J., & Brown, F. (1976). Privacy in education: Legal implications for educational
researchers. Journal of Law and Education, 6, 465-478.
Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1976). Minimum competency requirements: The courts and the educator.
Emergent Leadership, 1, 27-32.
Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1976) Student and parent rights: What are their constitutional guarantees?
NOLPE School Law Journal, 6, 45-61.
Harris III, J.J., & Fields, R.E. (1977). Corporal punishment: The legality of the issue. NOLPE School Law
Journal, 7, 88-103.
Fields, R.E., & Harris III, J.J. (1978). Educational malpractice and the public demand for teacher
accountability. Planning and Changing, 8, 3-16.
Brown, F., Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1978).
Education and Urban Society, 10, 295-305.
Bilingual-bicultural education: A legal perspective.
Harris III, J.J. (1979). Affirmative action litigation:
Leadership, 10, 14-23.
A legal and educational examination.
Harris III, J.J. (1979). Historical and legal antecedents of public school desegregation. Planning and
Changing, 10, 20-36.
Harris III, J.J., & Fields, R.E. (1979). Busing and the evolving socio-legal concept of the neighborhood
school, NOLPE School Law Journal, 8, 154-165.
Harris III, J.J. (1982). The outlaw generation:
Educational Horizons, 61, 26-31, 50, 51.
A legal analysis of the home instruction movement.
Harris III, J.J. (1982). Education, society, and the Brown decision: Historical principles v. legal mandates.
Journal of Black Studies, 13, 141-154.
Russo, C.J., Stefkovich, J.A., & Harris III, J.J. (1992). Multicultural education and the legal system: An
evolving perspective. New Directions for Education Reform, 1(1), 47-54. [Reprinted in and translated
into Bosnian, The proceedings of the Bosnian roundtable (pp. 61-68), and Education in Bosnia and
Herzegovina (December, 1997), sponsored by the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman of the
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Russo, C., Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1993). The educational rights of gifted students: Lost in the legal
shuffle? Roeper Review, 16(1), 67-71.
Dardaine-Ragguet, P., Russo, C., & Harris III, J.J. (1994). Female administrators in urban settings: Legal
implications for policy and practice. Urban Education, 28(4), 398-411.
Russo, C., Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1994). The Kentucky Education Reform Act and gifted education:
Overlooked or ignored? Kentucky Children's Rights Journal, 3(2), 1-8.
Russo, C.J., Harris III, J.J., & Sandidge, R.F. (1994). Brown v. Board of Education at 40: A legal history of
equal educational opportunities in American public education. Journal of Negro Education, 63(3), 297-309.
[Reprinted in and translated into Bosnian, The proceedings of the Bosnian roundtable (pp. 69-83), and
Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (December, 1997), sponsored by the Office of the Human Rights
Ombudsman of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Page 23
Harris III, J.J., & Russo, C.J. (1994). Brown v. Board of Education at 40: Introduction and overview. The
Journal of Negro Education, 63(3), 274-277.
Russo, C.J., Sandidge, R.F., Shapiro, R., & Harris III, J.J. (1995). Legal issues in contracting-out public
education services. Education and Urban Society, 27(2), 127-135.
Ford, D.Y., Russo, C.J., & Harris III, J.J. (1995). Meeting the educational needs of the gifted: A legal
imperative. Roeper Review, 17(4), 224-228.
Russo, C.J., Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1996). Gifted education and the law: Right, priviledge, or
superfluous? Roeper Review, 18(3), 179-182.
Russo, C.J., & Harris III, J.J. (1997). Legal and policy hot spots in urban schools: An introduction.
Education and Urban Society, 27(2), 131-135.
Russo, C.J., Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1997). Giving the gifted their fair share. School Business Affairs,
63(5), 21-24.
Harris III, J.J., Russo, C.J., & Brown, F. (1997). The curious case of Missouri v. Jenkins: The end of
the road for court-ordered desegregation? Journal of Negro Education, 66(1), 43-55.
Harris III, J.J., & Russo, C.J. (1997). Plessy v. Ferguson at one hundred and one: Bigotry's relic or the neoconservative touchstone. The Negro Education Review, 48(3/4), 121-129.
Russo, C.J., Ford, H., Harris III, J.J., & Sandidge, R.F. (2002). School-based decision making, the law, and
urban education: Back to the future. Interchange, 27(3), 313-333.
Richardson, J.W., & Harris III, J.J. (2004). Brown and historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs):
A paradox of desegregation policy. The Journal of Negro Education, 73(3), 365-378. [noted in its
classified bibliography, as one of the most scholarly articles in the field of southern history published in
periodical in 2004 by the Journal of Southern History (2005) (71(2), 357-410)]
Educational Policy, Administration, and Higher Education
Harris III, J.J., Figgures, C., & Carter, D.G. (1975). A historical perspective on the emergence of higher
education in Black colleges. Journal of Black Studies, 6. 58-68.
Harris III, J.J., & Johnson, L. (1975). A theoretical rationale: General education through an urban public
community college can promote community development. High School Journal, 58, 348-360.
Lindsay, B.J., & Harris III, J.J. (1976). Contemporary philosophical directions on Black-American higher
education. Urban League Review Policy Research Journal, 2, 10-18.
Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1976). The socio-political system of the school: Revisited. Planning and
Changing, 6, 112-119.
Carter, D.G., Harris III, J.J., & McGuire, W.G. (1976). Caution: Cult of solution seekers. The Clearing
House, 49, 373-375.
Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1976).
Communique, 2, 11-12.
Management techniques:
Administrative illusion or reality?
Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1976).
Communique, 3, 3-4.
Practical aspects of management techniques in education.
Harris III, J.J., Figgures, C., & Carter, D.G. (1976). The role of educational administrators in facilitating
gerontological curricula. Black Aging, 1, 10-13.
Page 24
Harris III, J.J., Ogle, T., Harshman, H.W., & Brown, F. (1977). An analysis of educational policy:
Implications for minority community concerns. Planning and Changing, 8, 75-92.
Brown, F., Harris III, J.J., & Carter, D.G. (1977). Difficulties associated with the application of social science
research data in policy development. Emergent Leadership, 1, 35-54.
Lindsay, B.J., & Harris III, J.J. (1977). Progressive education and the Black college. Journal of Black
Studies, 7, 341-359.
Harris III, J.J., & Davis, B.J. (1979). Minimum competency and teacher preparation: Are educators ready?
Education and Urban Society, 12, 99-108.
Bennett, C., & Harris III, J.J. (1982). Suspensions and expulsions of male and Black students. Urban
Education, 16, 399-423.
Heid, C.A., & Harris III, J.J. (1989). Parent involvement: A link between schools and minority community.
Community Education Journal, 16(4), 26-28.
Harris III, J.J. (1989). Public school-university collaboration: Perspectives of a dean. Community Education
Journal, 16(2), 20-21.
Harris III, J.J., Ford, D.Y., Wilson, P., & Sandidge, R. (1991). School choice: What should our public
choose? Education and Urban Society, 23(2), 159-175.
Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1991). Dissonance in the educational ecology. Metropolitan Universities, 2(3),
Contreras, A.R., Heid, C.A., Donelan, R.W., & Harris III, J.J. (1992). Educational change and site-based
management: Implications for cultural diversity at the school administrator level. New Directions for
Educational Reform, 1(1), 35-45.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1995). University counselors perceptions of factors incident to achievement
among gifted Black and gifted white students. Journal of Counseling and Development, 73(4), 443-450.
Sandidge, R.F., Thomas, D.G., Russo, C.J., & Harris III, J.J. (1995). Preparing school leaders for the 21st
Century: A mandate to develop educational administration programs that are multicultural. Review
Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, 22(2), 101-115.
Russo, C.J., & Harris III, J.J. (1995). A brave new world: School councils and boards do battle.
Business Affairs, 61(5), 53-55.
Ford, D.Y., Feist, S., Jones, D.L., Wright, L.B., Strutchens, M., Stephens, J.E., & Harris III, J.J. (1996).
Family diversity: Perceptions of university students relative to gender and college major. Urban
Education, 31(1), 91-106. [Reprinted in L. Stone (ed.) (1998). Selected readings on marriage and
family. New York: Sage]
Russo, C.J., & Harris III, J.J. (1996). State control over the privatization of public education: Let the buyer
beware. School Business Affairs, 62(5), 7-9.
Sandidge, R.F., Russo, C.J., Harris III, J.J., & Ford, H.H. (1996). School-based decision making, American
style: Perspectives and practices throughout the United States. Interchange, Quarterly Review of
Education, 27(3/4), 313-329.
Carter, D.G., Johnson, A., Harris III, J.J., & Brown, F. (1997). A retrospective look at affirmative action.
Education and Urban Society, 27(2), 232-240.
Page 25
Stephens, J.E., Sandidge, R.F., Harris III, J.J., & Donelan, R.C. (1997). From minority to majority: The
students and faculty of tomorrow. School Business Affairs, 63(4), 13-18.
Stephens, J.E., & Harris III, J.J. (2000). Teacher shortage: Implications for educators of color. School
Business Affairs, 66(6), 44-47, 53.
Richardson, J.W., & Harris III, J.J. (2002). Computer-based distance education in higher education: The
merging of power and policy. Education Planning, 14(2), 3-20.
Stephens, J.E., Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (in review). Factors affecting the persistence of first-year
African-American students at a predominantly white university: A study of gender differences. Urban
Brown, F., Hunter, R., & Harris III, J.J. (in review). School-based management: How minorities should
participate to be effective. Urban Education.
Multicultural Education and Educational Equity
Harris III, J.J., & Perkins, S.E. (1975). Psychosocial environmental influences operating on programs for
low-income urban youth. Agricultural Education, 47, 256-263.
Harris III, J.J., & Figgures, C. (1976). A perspective on creativity: The Black experience. Journal of
Thought, 10, 309-316.
Harris III, J.J., Pyles, M.H., & Carter, D.G. (1976). The culturally different: An analysis of factors influencing
educational success. The Clearing House, 50, 39-43.
Harris III, J.J., & Bentzen, W.R. (1977). A theoretical framework for analyzing poverty as a subculture. The
Clearing House, 50, 209-211.
Harris III, J.J., Lindsay, B.J., & Carter, D.G. (1977). Desegregation since Brown v. Board of Education: A
critical assessment. Journal of Thought, 12, 217-227.
Harris III, J.J., & Bentzen, W.R. (1977). Aspects of institutional discrimination. The Clearing House, 51,
Lindsay, B.J., Milner, M., & Harris III, J.J. (1977). Women and national development in Africa: A critical
assessment. Western Journal of Black Studies, 1, 53-58.
Brown, F., Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1978). Counseling minority students, ability grouping and career
development. Journal of Black Studies, 8, 477-488.
Harris III, J.J., & Lindsay, B. (1978). Desegregation--the judicial system--social science research:
Educational strategies for black child development. The Negro Educational Review, 29, 68-79.
Jump, T.L. , Heid, C.A., & Harris III, J.J. (1985). Science and math careers for women. Feminist Teacher,
1, 18-20.
Jump, T.L., Heid, C.A., & Harris III, J.J. (1987). Project TEAMS: A model program that encourages women
and minority students in mathematics and the sciences. Feminist Teacher, 2.
Ingersoll, G.M., Pugh, R.C., Harris III, J.J., & Heid, C.A. (1990). Inter-racial attitudes among elementary and
secondary students. International Journal of Group Conflict, 20(3), 267-277.
Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1990). The coloring of IQ testing: A new name for an old phenomenon. The
Urban League Review Policy Research Journal, 13(1/2), 99-111.
Page 26
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., & Turner, W.L. (1991). The extended Black family: A pragmatic strategy to blunt
the blades of injustice. The Urban League Review Policy Research Journal, 14(2), 1-13.
Ford, D.Y., Grantham, T.C., & Harris III, J.J. (1997). Multicultural gifted education: A wakeup call to the
profession, Roeper Review, 19(2), 72-78.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1997). A study of racial identity and achievement of Black males and females.
Roeper Review, 20(2), 105-110.
Harris III, J.J. (1998). The cardiac test: Everyone has one. NAGC Special Populations Newsletter, 7(3),
Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1999). Hope deferred again: Minority students underrepresented in gifted
education. Education and Urban Society, 31(2), 225-237.
Ford, D.Y., Howard, T., & Harris III, J.J. (1999). Using multicultural literture in gifted education classrooms.
Gifted Child Today, 22(4), 14-21.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (2000). Creating culturally responsive classrooms for the gited. Journal for
the Education of the Gifted, 23(4), 397-427.
Ford, D.Y., Tyson, C.A., Howard, T., & Harris III, J.J. (2000). Multicultural literature and gifted Black
students: Promoting self-understanding, awareness, and pride. Roeper Review, 22(4), 235-241.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1999). Infusing multicultural curriculum into gifted education: A framework.
ERIC Clearinghouse.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (2002). Beyond deficit thinking: Providing access for gifted African American
students. Roeper Review(2), 52-58.
Harris III, J.J., Brown, E., Ford, D.Y., & Richardson, J.W. (2004). African Americans and multicultural
education: A proposed remedy for disproportionate special education placement and under-inclusion in
gifted education. Education and Urban Society, 36(3), 304-341.
Ford, D.Y., Tyson, C., Howard, T., & Harris III, J.J. (in review). The canary and the cat: Confronting race
and racism for children's sake. Urban Education.
Gifted Education
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., & Winborne, D. (1989). Determinants of underachievement among gifted Black
students: Learning to underachieve. Journal of Social and Behavioral Science, 35(3), 145-162.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1990). Identifying diamonds in the rough: Gifted and talented Black children.
The Gifted Child Today, 13(3), 17-21.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1990). On discovering the hidden treasure of gifted and talented AfricanAmerican children. Roeper Review, 13(1), 27-32.
Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1990). Black students: At promise not "at risk" for giftedness. Journal of
Human Behavior and Learning, 7(2), 21-30.
Ford, D.Y., Schuerger, J.M., & Harris III, J.J. (1991). Meeting the psychological needs of gifted Black
students. Journal of Counseling and Development, 69(6), 577-580.
Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1991). Identifying and nurturing the promise of gifted Black-American children.
Journal of Negro Education, 60(1), 3-18. [Reprinted in Mensa Research Journal, 36(Summer, 1995),
Page 27
Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1991). An educational imperative: Meeting the needs of young, gifted, and
Black students. Early Education, 11, 8-14.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1992). The American achievement ideology and achievement differentials
among gifted and non-gifted African-American male and female students. Journal of Negro Education,
61(1), 45-65.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1992). Educational reform: Implications for the education of gifted Black
students. New Directions in Education Reform, 1(1), 6-10.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1992). Creative African-American students: An anomaly in gifted programs.
The Journal of Creative Behavior, 26(3), 186-198.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J., & Schuerger, J.M. (1993). Racial identity development among gifted Black
students: Counseling issues and concerns. Journal of Counseling and Development, 71(4), 409-417.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1993). Educational reform and the focus on gifted African-American students.
Roeper Review, 15(4), 200-204.
Ford, D.Y., Russo, C.J. & Harris III, J.J. (1993). The quest for equity in gifted education. Gifted Child Today,
16(6), 8-11.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1994). Reform and gifted Black students: Promising practices in Kentucky.
Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 17(3), 225-251.
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., Webb, K.S., & Jones, D.L. (1994). Rejection or confirmation of racial identity: A
dilemma for high-achieving Blacks? The Journal of Educational Thought, 28(1), 7-33. (translated into
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1994). Promoting achievement among gifted Black students: The efficacy of
new definitions and identification practices. Urban Education 29(2), 202-229.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1995). Underachievement among gifted African-American students:
Implications for school counselors. The School Counselor, 42(5), 196-203.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1996). Recruitment and retention of African-American students into gifted
education. Tempo, 16(2), 1, 8-12.
Ford, D.Y., Grantham, T.C., & Harris III, J.J. (1997). The recruitment and retention of minority teachers:
Implications for gifted education. Roeper Review, 19(4), 213-219.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (2000). A framework for infusing multicultural curriculum into gifted education.
Roeper Review, 23(1), 4-10.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J., & Wright, L.B. (accepted). Beyond identification: Assessing need, ability,
and potential. Roeper Review.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (in review). Ethics, equity and diversity in assessment: Some considerations
for schools and gifted programs. Roeper Review.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (in review). Professional standards and guiding principles in the assessment
of linguistically diverse students: Implications for gifted education. Journal for the Education of the
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J., (in review). Correlates of underachievement among gifted and non-gifted
Black students. American Educational Research Journal.
Page 28
Child Development and Early Childhood Education
Harris III, J.J., Ford, D.Y., Sandidge, R.R., & Turner, W.L. (1989). The rediscovery of play in cognitive
development. Capstone Journal of Education, 9(2), 22-39.
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., & Clark, S.B. (1989, Spring). The silent partner in cognitive development: Play
revisited. Journal of Human Behavior and Learning, 7(1), 82-90.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1990, March). Play: The educational partner in cognitive development. Early
Education, 10, 13-18.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1990/1991). Head Start: Beyond a dose of cognitive medicine for "at-risk"
children. Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 36(1), 41-56.
Winborne, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1990/1991). The risk and promise of early intervention: Assessing needs
and selecting strategies. Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 36(1), 9-18.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1995). Nurturing resilience among gifted Black students. Roeper Review,
17(2), 80-85.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1996). Perceptions and attitudes of Black students toward school,
achievement, and other educational variables. Child Development, 67(3), 1141-1152.
Ford, D.Y., Wright, L.B., Grantham, T.C., & Harris III, J.J. (1998). Achievement levels, outcomes and
orientations of Black students in single- and two-parent families. Urban Education, 33(3), 360-384.
Encyclopedia Entries/Articles (Refereed)
Russo, C.J., & Harris III, J.J. (1996). Arthur v. Nyquist. In F.C. Jones-Wilson et al. (Eds.), The
encyclopedia of African-American education (pp. 31-33). Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Russo, C.J., & Harris III, J.J. (1996). Thurgood Marshall. In F.C. Jones-Wilson et al. (Eds.), The
encyclopedia of African-American education (pp. 273-275). Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Russo, C.J., & Harris III, J.J. (1996). United States v. Yonkers. In F.C. Jones-Wilson et al. (Eds.), The
encyclopedia of African-American education (pp. 490-491). Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Books, Monographs and Manuals
Allen, R.P., & Harris III, J.J. (1974). Programming for youth in Pennsylvania's nutrition program. University
Park: The Pennsylvania State University, 16 pp.
Harris III, J.J., & Allen, R.P. (1975). Urban youth work: Planned impact programming guidelines. University
Park: The Pennsylvania State University, 31 pp.
Harris III, J.J., Perkins, S.E., & Puskar, H.T. (1975). A curriculum manual for adult-youth programs.
University Park: The Pennsylvania State University, 40 pp.
Harris III, J.J., & Lewis, R.B. (1975). Youth program planning: An exemplary model. University Park: The
Pennsylvania State University, 62 pp.
Harris III, J.J., Bennett, C., & Associates (Eds.) (1982). Student discipline: Theoretical, legal, empirical and
educational perspectives. Bloomington: Indiana University, 240 pp.
Harris III, J.J. et al. (Eds.) (1991). Readings on the state of education in pluralistic America. Bloomington:
Indiana University, 306 pp.
Page 29
Harris III, J.J., & Russo, C.J. (Eds.) (1994). Brown versus Board of Education at 40: A commemorative
issue dedicated to the late Thurgood Marshall. Washington, D.C.: Howard University Press.
Ford, D.Y., Grantham, T.C., Stephens, J.E., & Harris III, J.J. (1997). Achieving excellence and equity:
Gifted education that is multicultural. Storrs, CT: National Center on Gifted and Talented Students.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1999). Multicultural gifted education: Theory and Practice. New York:
Teachers College Press.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III. J.J. (2001). Test bias: Controversies, cautions, and considerations. Storrs, CT:
Research-Based Decision Making Series, The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented.
Book Chapters
Harris III, J.J. (1978). Can affirmative action plans be justified under the compelling interest clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment? In M. A. McGhehey (Ed.), School law update--1977. Topeka, KS: National
Organization on Legal Problems of Education.
Harris III, J.J. (1978). The impact of desegregation: A historical and legal analysis. In F.D. Aquila (Ed.),
School desegregation: A model at work. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.
Harris III, J.J. (1979). Educational malpractice: A contemporary view with an eye towards the future. In M.
A. McGhehey (Ed.), Contemporary legal issues in education. Topeka, KS: National Organization on
Legal Problems of Education.
Harris III, J.J., & Carter, D.G. (1980). Educational malpractice: The concept, the public, the schools and the
courts. In M.A. McGhehey (Ed.), School law in the decade of the 70s. Topeka, KS: National
Organization on Legal Problems of Education.
Harris III, J.J. (1980). Desegregation and Black child development. In A. Vandi & M. Asante (Eds.), The
province of sociology: New explorations in behavioral and social thoughts. Berkeley, CA: Sage
Harris III, J.J., & Fields, R.E. (1981). Employment discrimination: Race. In M.A. McGhehey (Ed.), School
law for a new decade. Topeka, KS: National Organization on Legal Problems of Education.
Harris III, J.J., Fields, R.E., & Contreras, A.R. (1982). A legal-historical examination of student discipline:
Alternative trends for educational policy. In J.J. Harris & C. Bennett (Eds.), Student discipline:
Theoretical, legal, empirical, and educational perspectives. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.
Bennett, C., & Harris III, J.J. (1982). A study of the causes of disproportionality in suspensions and
expulsions of male and Black students: Part One: Characteristics of disruptive and non-disruptive
students. In J.J. Harris & C. Bennett (Eds.), Student discipline: Theoretical, legal, empirical, and,
educational perspectives. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.
Harris III, J.J., & Carter, D.G. (1983). Desegregation litigation in the aftermath of Brown. In S.B. Thomas, N.
Cambron-McCabe & M.M. McCarthy (Eds.), Educators and the law: Current trends and issues. Valley
Stream, NY: Kyle Publishing House.
Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1983). The use of statistics in the courtroom. In T. Jones & D. Semler (Eds.),
School law update-1982. Topeka, KS: National Organization on Legal Problems of Education.
Carter, D.G., Harris III, J.J., & Fields, R.E. (1983). Determining causality by inference: Use of statistics in
the courtroom. In T. Jones & D. Semler (Eds.), School law update-1982 (pp. 36-47). Topeka, KS:
National Organization on Legal Problems in Education.
Page 30
Harris III, J.J., & Harper, E.T. (1986). A model for priming the science pipeline. In W.T. Ridgeway (Ed.),
Strategies for enhancing the status of Blacks in post-secondary education. Charleston, IL: Eastern
Illinois University.
Carter, D.G., Harris III, J.J., & Brown, F. (1986). Dynamic gradualism: Much motion but little progress. In T.
Jones & D. Semlers (Eds.), School law update-1986. Topeka, KS: National Organization on Legal
Problems of Education.
Heid, C.A., Harris III, J.J., & Pugh, R.C. (1988). Teacher perceptions on factors related to student discipline
in urban school districts. In C.A. Heid (Ed.), Multicultural education: Knowledge and perceptions,
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.
Harris III, J.J., Carter, D.G., & Brown, F. (1989). Partnerships in the collection of research data in urban
schools. In D.G. Carter (Ed.), Collaboration between school districts and institutions of higher education:
Implications for research and practice. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.
Harris III, J.J. (1989). Implications of changing demographics for the preparation of teachers and
administration. In D.G. Carter (Ed.), Collaboration between school districts and institutions of higher
education: Implications for research and practice. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.
Harris III, J.J. (1989). University public school collaboration revisited: From courtship to marriage. In D.G.
Carter (Ed.), Collaboration between school districts and institutions of higher education: Implications for
research and practice. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.
Harris III, J.J. (1989). Minority teachers and educational reforms of the 1970s and 1980s. In D.G. Carter
(Ed.), Equity and excellence in education: A reassessment. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.
Harris III, J.J. (1989). Implementing effective desegregated schools. In D.G. Carter (Ed.), Equity and
excellence in education: A reassessment. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.
Harris III, J.J., Ford, D.Y., Brown, F., & Carter, D.G. (1989). The effects of ability groups and tests on
student vocational counseling and placement. In S.S. Goldberg (Ed.), Readings on equal education:
Critical issues for a new administration and Congress. Volume 10, (pp. 153-168). New York, NY: AMS
Press, Inc.
Harris III, J.J., & Clark, S.B. (1989). Cleveland Public Schools--University partnerships: Futuristic
considerations for public educational institutions. (pp. 135-138). In W.M. Hemmons (Ed.), The State of
Black Cleveland. Cleveland, OH: Orange Blossom Press.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1990). Gifted black students: On finding the hidden treasure. In J.J. Harris III,
C.A. Heid, D.G. Carter, & F. Brown (Eds.), The state of education in pluralistic America. Bloomington,
IN: Indiana University Publications.
Harris III, J.J., & Fields, R.E. (1990). Changing roles of gender and race in science and mathematics
pedagogy. In C.A. Heid & J.J. Harris (Eds.), Contemporary thought on gender equity and schooling.
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., & Winborne, D.G. (1991). The coloring of IQ testing: A new name for an old
phenomenon. In D.J. Jones (Ed.), Prescriptions and policies: The social well-being of African
Americans in the 1990s (pp. 99-112). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. (reprint).
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J.
Identifying giftedness among African American males:
Recommendations for effective recruitment and retention. In J. Davis & V.C. Polite (Eds.), Shackled
by a heavy burden: Policies, procedures, and practices for the effective education of African American
males (pp. ). New York: Teachers College Press.
Page 31
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (in press). Desegregating gifted education: Seeking equity for minority
In J. Borland & L. Wright (Eds.), Rethinking gifted education: Contemporary approaches to
meeting the needs of gifted students (Ch. 3). New York: Teachers College Press.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (in press). Factors affecting African American family involvement in their
children's education: Realities and recommendations. In S. Denbow (Ed.), Continuous school
improvement: Focus on African American students. New York: Teachers College.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (in press). The recruitment and retention of African American students in
gifted education: Beyond deficit idealogies. In S. Denbow (Ed.), Continuous school improvement:
Focus on African American students. New York: Teachers College Press.
Book and Essay Reviews
Harris III, J.J. (1975). Review of In spite of the system: The individual and education reform by B.C.
Watson. Educational Leadership Journal, 33, 158-159.
Harris III, J.J. (1975). Review of Urban growth by P. Wilhelm & R. Torrone. Educational Leadership
Journal, 33, 159.
Harris III, J.J., & Hagey, J. (1976). Review of Accountability: A state, a process, or product by W.J.
Gephart. Educational Leadership Journal, 33, 319.
Harris III, J.J., Smith, R.M., & Lindsay, B.J. (1976). Review of The testing of black students: A symposium
by L.P. Miller. Educational Leadership Journal, 33, 392.
Harris III, J.J., & Bentzen, W.R. (1976). Review of The predecision-making process in educational
administration by E. Joseph. Educational Leadership Journal, 33, 478.
Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1976). Review of Analytical models of planning and administration by H.
Correa. Educational Leadership Journal, 34, 236.
Jones, R.T., & Harris III, J.J. (1977). Review of The use of statistics in the classroom by R.B. Townsend.
Educational Leadership Journal, 34, 474-475.
Harris III, J.J. (1979). Review of The many faces of educational consumerism by J.S. Stark. Journal of Law
and Education, 8, 286-288.
Harris III, J.J., & Fields, R.E. (1983). Review of I respectfully disagree with the judge's order by J.M. Ross &
W.M. Berg. Review of Schools on trial by R.A. Dentler & M.B. Scott; and Review of School
desegregation and defended neighborhoods by E.H. Buell, Jr. Journal of Education, 165: 224-229.
Harris III, J.J. (1990). Review of Public school law: Student and teacher rights by M. M. McCarthy and N.
Cambron-McCabe. Journal of Staff Development and Training.
Stephens, J.E., & Harris III, J.J. (1998). Review of Fifty years of segregation: Black higher
education in Kentucky, 1904-1954 by J.A. Hardin. Journal of Negro Education, 66(2), 189-190.
Harris III, J.J. (2000). Review of The quest to define Collegiate desegregation: Black colleges,
compliance, and post-Adams litigation by M.C. Brown. Journal of Negro Educatio, 67, .
Article Critiques
Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1976). Critique of Brown revisited. Phi Delta Kappan, 57, 49.
Title VI
Page 32
Research and Evaluation Reports
Harris III, J.J., & Bentzen, W.R. (1975). An evaluation of the Pennsylvania urban youth program: Some
preliminary findings. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University, 78 pp.
Stephenson, P.L., & Harris III, J.J. (1975). An experiment to transform the orientation of urban youth
services: A case study (extension studies 59). University Park: The Pennsylvania State University, 23
Carter, D.G., Lynch, P.J., & Harris III, J.J. (1980). An evaluation of the Southeast Delco School District's
Title I program. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 49 pp.
Bennett, C., & Harris III, J.J. (1981). A study of male and Black disproportionality in student suspension.
Bloomington/Indianapolis: Indiana University, 102 pp.
Harris III, J.J., Pugh, R.C., & Heid, C.A. (1983). Beyond school desegregation: A study of student
perceptions and needs in six suburban township school districts in Marion County, Indiana--year two.
Bloomington: Indiana University, 230 pp.
Harris III, J.J., et al. (1983). Summer youth employment program -- summer trips result in valuable education
(STRIVE): An evaluative study. Bloomington/Indianapolis: Indiana University, 71 pp.
Harris III, J.J., et al. (1983). Summer youth employment program -- summer trips achieve results (STAR):
An evaluative study. Bloomington/Indianapolis: Indiana University, 63 pp.
Harris III, J.J., et al. (1985). Brown to Buckley: A study of student perceptions in Marion County, Indiana
(Volume I - aggregated). Bloomington: Indiana University, 382 pp.
Harris III, J.J., et al. (1985). Brown to Buckley: A study of student perceptions in the Franklin Community
School Corporation (Volume 2). Bloomington: Indiana University, 172 pp.
Harris III, J.J., et al. (1985). Brown to Buckley: A study of student perceptions in the Indianapolis Public
Schools (Volume 3). Bloomington: Indiana University, 531 pp.
Harris III, J.J., et al. (1985). Brown to Buckley: A study of student perceptions in the Metropolitan School
District of Decatur Township (Volume 4). Bloomington: Indiana University, 180 pp.
Harris III, J.J., et al. (1985). Brown to Buckley: A study of student perceptions in the Metropolitan School
District of Lawrence Township (Volume 5). Bloomington: Indiana University, 534 pp.
Harris III, J.J., et al. (1985). Brown to Buckley: A study of student perceptions in the Metropolitan School
District of Perry Township (Volume 6). Bloomington: Indiana University, 182 pp.
Harris III, J.J., et al. (1985). Brown to Buckley: A study of student perceptions in the Metropolitan School
District of Warren Township (Volume 7). Bloomington: Indiana University, 173 pp.
Harris III, J.J., et al. (1985). Brown to Buckley: A study of student perceptions in the Metropolitan School
District of Wayne Township (Volume 8). Bloomington: Indiana University, 181 pp.
Heid, C.A., Harris III, J.J., & Glass, Z.G. (1985). A study of selected curricular factors in the Garden Hills
Elementary School. Bloomington: Indiana University, 83 pp.
Heid, C.A., Harris III, J.J., Pugh, R.C., Wong, S.Y., & Henry, M.A. (1986). School climate as perceived by
students, certificated and classified staff in the Edwardsville Community School District, Bloomington,
Indiana: Indiana University, 98 pp.
Page 33
Heid, C.A., Harris III, J.J., Pugh, R.C., Contreras, C.D., Wong, S.Y., & Henry, M.A. (1986). School
environment indices as perceived by school professionals in the East St. Louis Schools, Bloomington,
Indiana: Indiana University, 105 pp.
Harris III, J.J. (1987). An evaluation of the University of North Carolina joint doctoral program in educational
administration, Chapel Hill: School of Education, 69 pp.
Stephens, J.E., Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1995). Perceptions of first-year African-American students
concerning environmental factors at a predominately White university. Lexington, KY: The University of
Kentucky, Office of Minority Affairs, 13 pp.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1995). Correlates of underachievement among gifted and non-gifted Black
youth in the Virginia Beach public schools. Charlottesville, VA: National Research Center on the Gifted
and Talented, 38 pp.
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., Grantham, T.C. (1996). Achieving excellence and equity: Gifted education that is
multicultural. Storrs, CT: The University of Connecticut, National Research Center on the Gifted and
Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (2001). An evaluation of the Technology Transfer Project.
DC: The Executive Leadership Council and Foundation.
Harris III, J.J., & Richardson, J.W. (2002/2003). An evaluation of Project Success. Alameda, CA: The
California School of Professional Psychology.
Selected Professional Papers, Invited Addresses, Speeches Presented, or Workshops Held
Harris III, J.J. (1973). The urban youth expansion program in Pennsylvania. Paper presented at State Days,
University Park, Pennsylvania, June.
Harris III, J.J., & Bentzen, W.R. (1975). "Image": An aspect of institutional discrimination. Paper presented
at the 30th Annual Convention of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, New
Orleans, March (EJ 169 084).
Lindsay, B.J., & Harris III, J.J. (1976). Contemporary philosophies of Black-American higher education.
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the African Heritage Studies Association, Atlanta,
November (EJ 157 825).
Harris III, J.J. (1976). An analysis of desegregation research findings since Brown v. Board of Education.
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National Council for Black Child Development, San
Francisco, June (EJ 167 082).
Harris III, J.J., & Carter, D.G. (1976). A structural analysis of institutional discrimination in higher education.
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National Alliance of Black School Educators, Miami,
Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1976). Desegregation and the Black educator: A question of Black survival.
Paper presented at the Third Annual Conference of the Buffalo Education Association Conference on
Inner-City Schools, Buffalo, November.
Harris III, J.J. (1977). The analysis of educational policy: Implications for minority concerns. Paper
presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, New York,
Harris III, J.J. (1977). Desegregation--social science research--the judicial system and educational policy:
Stratagems for black child development. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National
Council for Black Child Development, Philadelphia, June.
Page 34
Harris III, J.J. (1977). Can affirmative action plans be justified under the compelling interest clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment? Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National Organization on
Legal Problems of Education, San Francisco, November (ED 169 646).
Harris III, J.J. (1978). Malpractice and accountability: Twin nostrums in education. Paper presented at the
33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, San
Francisco, March.
Harris III, J.J. (1978). Impact of desegregation: A historical and legal analysis. Paper presented at the
Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, March (ED 154 088).
Harris III, J.J. (1978). Humanistic approaches to quality daycare: An administrative analysis. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, New
York, August.
Harris III, J.J. (1978). Quality daycare programs: Historical, legal and administrative perspectives. Paper
presented at the Annual Conference of the Indiana Association for the Education of Young Children,
Indianapolis, November.
Harris III, J.J. (1978). An analysis of the PUSH program for excellence in inner-city schools. Paper
presented at the Fifth Annual Conference on Inner-City Schools, of the Buffalo Education Association,
Buffalo, November.
Harris III, J.J. (1978). The aftermath of Peter Doe v. San Francisco Unified School Districts: Educational
malpractice since 1976. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National Organization on
Legal Problems of Education, New Orleans, December.
Harris III, J.J. (1979). Some legal concerns for quality daycare programs. Paper presented at the Annual
Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International, St. Louis, March.
Harris III, J.J. (1979). Educational malpractice and intentional student misrepresentation. Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April (ED 170
Harris III, J.J. (1979). The EXCEL program for excellence in education: An assessment. Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April (ED 170
Harris III, J.J. (1979). Educational malpractice revisited. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the
National Organization on Legal Problems of Education, Las Vegas, November.
Harris III, J.J. (1980). Blacks in white institutions: Policy research issues. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Boston, April.
Harris III, J.J. (1980). Employment discrimination and law: Nineteenth century focus on a twentieth century
problem. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National Organization on Legal Problems of
Education, Boston, November.
Harris III, J.J., Fields, R.E., & Contreras, A.R. (1981). A legal-historical examination of student discipline:
Alternative trends for educational policy. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Los Angeles, April (ED 203 507).
Bennett, C., & Harris III, J.J. (1981). A study of the causes of disproportionality in suspensions and
expulsion of male and black students in desegregated high schools. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Los Angeles, April (ED 208 454).
Page 35
Harris III, J.J., & Carter, D.G. (1982). Curriculum and student matching without the negative effects of
testing. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New
York, March (ED 215 945).
Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1982). The use of statistics in judicial reasoning. Paper presented at the
Annual Conference of the National Organization on Legal Problems of Education, San Francisco,
Harris III, J.J., & Heid, C.A. (1983). Student discipline and instructionally effective schools. Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, April (UD 023 097).
Harris III, J.J., & Carter, D.G. (1983). A legal and historical perspective on suspension and its effect on
inequality in education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Montreal, April (UD 023 098).
Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1983). Instructionally effective schools and teacher competency. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, April.
Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1983). Staff development for the North Carolina School of Science and
Mathematics. Paper presented at the Research Advisory Assembly of the North Carolina School of
Science and mathematics, Durham, North Carolina, September.
Harris III, J.J., & Carter, D.G. (1983). Effective desegregated schools and academic excellence: Focus on
diverse populations. Invited paper presented at the National Institute of Education, Washington,
Harris III, J.J., & Carter, D.G. (1984). Field-based research on school integration and quality education in the
midwest. Paper presented of the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
New Orleans, Louisiana, April.
Harris III, J.J. (1985). Spreading the word: Strategies for dissemination. Paper presented at the National
Conference for the Women's Educational Equity Act Program, Washington, March.
Carter, D.G., Brown, F., & Harris III, J.J. (1985). The educator and professional malpractice: A deterrent to
excellence. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
Chicago, March/April.
Brown, F., Carter, D.G., & Harris III, J.J. (1985). Contemporary issues in school desegregation: The courts
and the schools. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Chicago, March/April.
Pugh, R.C., Ingersoll, G.M., Harris III, J.J., & Heid, C.A. (1985). Critical constructs related to positive student
perceptions of desegregated schools. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Chicago, March/April.
Ingersoll, G.M., Pugh, R.C., Harris III, J.J. and Heid, C.A. (1985). Racial attitudes among students in
desegregated schools: Perspectives from psychology. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, Chicago, March/April.
Carter, D.G., Brown, F., & Harris III, J.J. (1985). The educator, professional malpractice and psychological
abuse: Some historical, legal, and equity considerations. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, Chicago, March/April.
Harris III, J.J., & Carter, D.G. (1985). Cooperative data collection and research among local schools: The
Indianapolis experience. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Chicago, March/April.
Page 36
Jump, T.L., Harris III, J.J., & Heid, C.A. (1985). Training for equitable attributes in mathematics and the
sciences: A university-public school paradigm. Paper presented at the National Science Teachers'
Association Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, April.
Harris III, J.J., & Harper, E.T. (1985). A model for priming the science pipeline: Teaming for excellence.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Illinois Committee on Black Concerns in Higher Education,
University Park, Illinois, May.
Harris III, J.J. (1985). Developing basic skills. Paper presented to the conference on Skills Development,
held at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, June.
Harris III, J.J. (1985). Education and the black family. Paper presented at the second annual conference on
the Black Family and Education, Bowie, Maryland, June.
Carter, D.G., Harris III, J.J., & Brown, F. (1985). The laws, desegregation and urban school excellence.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Organization on Legal Problems in Education
(NOLPE), Chicago, November.
Jump, T.L., Harris III, J.J., & Heid, C.A. (1986). Project TEAMS: Encouraging girls into mathematics and
the sciences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
(AERA), San Francisco, California, April.
Ingersoll, G.M., Pugh, R.C., Harris III, J.J., & Heid, C.A. (1986). Predictors of prejudice among Black and
white early adolescents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association (AERA), San Francisco, California, April.
Harris III, J.J. (1986). Research issues in urban and multicultural education for school administrators.
Invited talk given to the School Administrator preparation program at Butler University, Indianapolis,
Indiana, April.
Harris III, J.J. (1986). Higher education and compensatory programs. Invited talk and critique given to the
University of North Carolina School of Education and Upward Bound Program Administrators, Chapel
Hill, North Carolina, June.
Harris III, J.J. (1986). School law: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Paper presented at the annual
conference of the Indiana Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals, Indianapolis, Indiana,
Harris III, J.J. (1986). A critique of the Lidsell research study. Invited speech given at the Indiana Coalition
of Blacks in Higher Education conference, Marian College, Indianapolis, Indiana, September.
Harris III, J.J. (1986). The law and educational change during the eighties. Invited address for the Anderson
Indiana Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, Anderson, Indiana, November.
Harris III, J.J. (1986). Higher education in Indiana for minorities. Invited presentation for the Indiana
Coalition of One Hundred Black Women conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, December.
Harris III, J.J. (1987). The law and schooling viewed through contemporary lenses. Keynote speech given
to the Fort Wayne Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, Fort Wayne, Indiana, February.
Harris III, J.J. (1987). History revisited: Change still necessary. Invited address presented to the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development -- Region V Black History Month Conference,
Indianapolis, Indiana, February.
Heid, C.A., Harris III, J.J., Pugh, R.C., & Contreras, C.D. (1987). Teachers' perceptions on factors related to
student discipline. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Washington, DC, April.
Page 37
Jump, T.L., Heid, C.A., & Harris III, J.J. (1987). PROJECT TEAMS: Training for equitable attributes in
mathematics and the sciences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Washington, DC, April.
Harris III, J.J. (1988). University public school collaboration: Implications for inquiry. Invited address
presented to the Pennsylvania State University Center for the Study of Equity in Education, State
College, Pennsylvania, November.
Ingersoll, G.M., Pugh, R.C., Harris III, J.J., & Heid, C.A. (1988). Interracial attitudes among elementary and
secondary students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Organization for the
Study of Group Tensions, held at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, June.
Harris III, J.J. (1991). Cultural diversity perspectives on the deanship. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Atlanta, Georgia, February.
Harris III, J.J. (1991). Old roots, new directions. Invited address presented to the Pennsylvania State
University Martin Luther King conference, Altoona, Pennsylvania, January.
Harris III, J.J. (1991). Institutions of higher education and minority educational excellence. Invited address
presented to the Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, April.
Harris III, J.J., & Jones, D.L. (1992). Considerations for cultural diversity in educational reform: elements of
positive change. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, San Francisco, California, April.
Harris III, J.J. (1992). Statewide collaborative effort for cultural diversity in teacher preparation programs.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education,
San Antonio, Texas, February.
Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1992). Contemporary theories of intelligence: Implications for authentic
assessment in a multicultural school setting. Paper presented at the Kentucky Department of Education
Primary Institute III Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, June.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1992). Meeting the educational and psychological needs of gifted Black
students: Implications for Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA). Paper presented at the Kentucky
Department of Education Primary Institute III Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, June.
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., & Neal, G. (1992). Involving Black parents in the educational process:
Implications for Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA). Paper presented at the Kentucky Department
of Education Primary Institute III Conference, Lexington, Kentucky. (multiple presentations), June.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1992). Determinants of underachievement among gifted and non-gifted Black
students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, November.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1992). The influence of parental achievement orientation on Black students'
achievement motivation: The significance of children's perceptions. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Orlando, Florida, November.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1992). Self-perceptions of underachievement among gifted Black students.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Gifted Children, Los Angeles,
California, November.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1992). Family achievement orientation and achievement among gifted Black
students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Gifted Children, Los
Angeles, California, November.
Page 38
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1992). Gender differences in the achievement ideology among gifted Black
students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Gifted Children, Los
Angeles, California, November.
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., & Feist, S. (1992). Black families and children's achievement. Paper presented at
the Fayette County Extension Office, Childcare Enrichment Training, Lexington, Kentucky, October.
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., & Russo, C. (1993). The law and education: A clarion call for the desegregation
of gifted programs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Social and Behavioral
Sciences, Cleveland, Ohio, March.
Harris III, J.J., Donelan, R.W., & Cyrus, K.D. (1993). School-Based decision making, family resources and
youth service centers and students and families loosely connected to schools. Paper presented at the
annual conference of the University Council for Education Administration, Houston, Texas, October.
Ford, D.Y., Russo, C.J., & Harris III, J.J. (1993). Gifted children: The orphans of education reform? Paper
presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children, Atlanta, Georgia,
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., & Russo, C.J. (1993). Gifted children: Are their legal rights being met? Paper
presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children, Atlanta, Georgia,
Ford, D.Y., Sandidge, R., & Harris III, J.J. (1993). University students' definitions and perceptions of diverse
family structures. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Council on Family Relations,
Baltimore, Maryland, November.
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., & Jones, D.L. (1994). Recruiting gifted African-Americans into the teaching
profession: Fundamental issues and contemporary challenges. Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the Association for Teacher Educators, Atlanta, February.
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., Sandidge, R.F. (1994). Education students' perceptions of diverse family
structures: Implications for teacher educators. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Association of Teacher Educators, Atlanta, February.
Harris III, J.J. (1994). Educational administration and affirmative action in AERA. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April.
Harris III, J.J. (1994). Empowerment for success: Meeting the needs of minority and economically
challenged students. Invited address presented to the Kentucky Department of Education, Advancement
Via Individual Determination (AVID), Louisville, July.
Harris III, J.J. (1994). Civil rights and the affirmation of community: The burden of Brown Forty Years
AfterPaper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration,
Philadelphia, October.
Harris III, J.J. (1994). Turning research into writing: Publishing research related to a multitude of
conceptions on community. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for
Educational Administration, Philadelphia, October.
Harris III, J.J. (1994). Brown v. Board of Education at 40: Promises filled or unfilled. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, Philadelphia, October.
Harris III, J.J. (1994). Creating harmony for minority students in the classroom. Paper presented at the 41st
annual convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Salt Lake City, November.
Page 39
Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1994). The underrepresentation of minority students in gifted programs: A
problem in search of solutions. Paper presented at the 41st annual convention of the National
Association for Gifted Children, Salt Lake City, November.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1994). A study of university counselors perceptions of the needs of gifted Black
and gifted white students. Paper presented at the 41st annual convention of the National Association for
Gifted Children, Salt Lake City, November.
Harris III, J.J. (1994). Sports and the law: Balancing the scales. Paper presented at the 40th annual
convention of the National Organization on Legal Problems of Education, San Diego, November.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1995). Reversing underachievement among gifted minority students. Paper
presented at the annual conference of the Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving
Students, Birmingham, March.
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., & Thomas, A. (1995). Counseling gifted Black students through their preferred
learning styles. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Counseling Association,
Denver, April.
Harris III, J.J. (1995). Historical Memory and the future: Stepping up and moving forward. Invited address
presented to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Scott County, Ky, April.
Harris III, J.J. (1995). Preparing minority and economically challenged youth for the twenty-first century.
Invited address presented to the Western Kentucky University Institute for Economic Development and
the Kentucky Department of Education, Bowling Green, May.
Harris III, J.J. (1995). Viewing the present through historical lenses: Reflections on affirmative action.
Invited address presented to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People,
Lexington, July.
Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1995). The recruitment and retention of minority students in gifted education:
Pitfalls and promises. Invited presentation to the Esther Katz Rosen Symposium, Lawrence, Kansas,
Harris III, J.J. (1995). Using minority parents to identify gifted students. Paper presented at the annual
conference of the National Association for Gifted Children, Tampa, November.
Harris III, J.J., Ford, D.Y., & Harmon, D. (1995). Increasing minority parent involvement in gifted education.
Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children, Tampa,
Harris III, J.J. (1995). Alternatives to tenure in higher education. Paper presented an the annual meeting of
the National Organization on Legal Problems in Education, Kansas City, November.
Stephens, J.E., & Harris III, J.J. (1995). Factors affecting the recruitment and retention of African-American
students: Implications for public school educators. Workshop conducted for the Central Kentucky
Education Cooperative, Lexington, November.
Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1996). Strategies for meeting the affective and academic needs of gifted
minority students. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for the Education of
Gifted Underachieving Students, Denver, February.
Harris III, J.J. (1996). Reflections on education: Historical thoughts on the African-American experience.
Invited address presented to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People,
Lexington, July.
Harris III, J.J. (1996). Strategies for teaching African-American students in community colleges. Speech
presented to the Lexington Community College faculty, Lexington, KY, February.
Page 40
Harris III, J.J., & Grantham, T.C. (1996). Defining a research agenda for urban education. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, New York, April.
Harris III, J.J. (1996). The case of Missouri v. Jenkins. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Education Research Association, New York, April.
Harris III, J.J. (1996). Writing for publication: Some strategies for minority scholars. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, New York, April.
Harris III, J.J. (1996). Affirmative action: A legal history. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Education Research Association, New York, April.
Russo, C.J., Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1996). Legal issues in gifted education: The Broadley case.
Paper to be presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children,
Indianapolis, November.
Stephens, J.E., & Harris III, J.J. (1996, Fall). Student perceptions concerning higher education. Workshop
conducted at the First Kentucky Department of Education Tapestry Conference, Louisville, September.
Harris III, J.J. (1996). Education, culture, and Afrocentricity. Workshop facilitated at the King Cultural
Center, Lexington, September.
Harris III, J.J. (1996). Cultural images. Workshop presented for the Office of Minority Affairs at the
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Spring.
Harris III, J.J. (1996). Building cultural bridges in higher education. Paper presented at the First Bethune
Institute on Education, Lexington, July.
Harris III, J.J. (1996). Strategies for teaching students of color. Paper presented to the Spring faculty
colloquim at the Lexington Community College, March.
Harris III, J.J. (1996). Inequities in higher education. Presentation to the Office of Minority Affairs at the
University of Kentucky, April.
Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1996). Why gifted education must be multicultural. Paper to be presented
at the annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children, Indianapolis, November.
Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1996). Romondo: A gifted underachieving Black male. Paper to be presented
at the annual conference of the National Association for Gifted Children, Indianapolis, November.
Harris III, J.J. (1996). Minority students under-represented in gifted education. Featured speaker on WUKY
Radio Station (National Public Radio Affiliate), Lexington, March.
Russo, C.J., Harris III, J.J., Contreras, A.R., Brown, F., & Stefkovich, J.A. (1996). Plessy v. Ferguson at
one hundred: The more things change, the more they remain the same. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the University Council for Education Administration, Louisville, October.
Harris III, J.J., Ford, D.Y., & Grantham, T.C. (1996). Ramondo: A gifted underachieving Black male. Paper
presented at the annual convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Indianapolis,
Russo, C.J., Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1996). Legal issues in gifted education. Paper presented at the
annual convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Indianapolis, November.
Harris III, J.J. (1996). A study of underachievement among gifted and potentially gifted Black students.
Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Indianapolis,
Page 41
Harris III, J.J. & Ford, D.Y. (1996). Why gifted education must be multicultural. Paper presented at the
annual convention of the National Association for Gifted Children, Indianapolis, November.
Harris III, J.J. (1997). The Council for Exceptional Children organization and multiculturalism. Session
presented at the CEC/DDEL Multicultural Summit, New Orleans, January.
Harris III, J.J. (1997). Reversing underachievement among gifted Black students. Invited speech
presented at the Spring conference of the Mid-Atlantic Consortium on Equity and the Pennsylvania
Human Relations Commission, Harrisburg, PA, March.
Harris III, J.J. (1997). Negotiating the politics of graduate studies and enhancing timely program
completion. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
Chicago, March.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1997). A study of underachievement among gifted Black students. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, March.
Harris III, J.J. (1997). Defining and defending student achievement issues in school desegregation cases.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago,
Harris III, J.J. (1997). The law, desegregation, and student achievement. Speech presented at the Norfolk
State University annual conference on Educating the Black Child, Norfolk, VA, April.
Harris III, J.J. (1997). The student, responsibility, and self-esteem. Workshop presented for the University
of Kentucky Office of Minority Affairs, Lexington, Kentucky, September.
Perkins, F., Thomas, D., & Harris III, J.J. (1997). Equity and excellence: Competing paradigms or common
sense? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Multicultural Education,
Alberquerque, New Mexico, October.
Harris III, J.J. (1997). The equitable identification of minority students for gifted education. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the National Association for Gifted Children, Little Rock, Arkansas, November.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1997). The recruitment and retention of gifted minority students. Paper
presented at the annual meeting the National Association for Gifted Children, Little Rock, Arkansas,
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., & Harmon, D. (1998). Assessment of Black children's ability and potential.
Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Education of Gifted
Underachieving Students, Columbia, Missouri, February.
Ford, D.Y., Harris III, J.J., & Harmon, D. (1998). Counseling and Nurturing Black gifted children. Workshop
presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving Students,
Columbia, Missouri, February.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1998). Underachievement among minority students: Strategies for parents
and teachers. Two workshops presented at the 75th Anniversary Conference of the University of
Kentucky College of Education, Lexington, February.
Harris III, J.J. (1998). Parent involvement in the schools. Invited keynote luncheon address presented
at the annual Parent Involvement in the Schools conference, Lexington, February.
Harris III, J.J. (1998). What lessons did the Kansas City desegregation case teach us? Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, March.
Page 42
Harris III, J.J. (1998). The status of judicial oversight of desegregation. Presentation at the annual meeting
of the University Council for Educational Administration, St. Louis, October.
Harris III, J.J. (1998). Identification and assessment of gifted minority students. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the National Association for Gifted Children, Louisville, November.
Harris III, J.J. (1999). A case study of Tre. Member of panel presentation at the annual meeting of the
Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving Students, Denver, February.
Ford, D.Y., Harmon, D., & Harris III, J.J. (1999). Recruitment and retention of minority students gifted
education. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for the Education of Gifted
Underachieving Students, Denver, February.
Ford, D.Y., Harmon, D., & Harris III, J.J. (1999). Testing and gifted minority students. Paper presented at
the annual conference of the Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving Students, Denver,
Ford, D.Y., Harmon, D., & Harris III, J.J. (1999). Multicultural gifted education: Teaching gifted minority
students. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for the Education of Gifted
Underachieving Students, Denver, February.
Ford, D.Y., Harmon, D., & Harris III, J.J. (1999). Learning styles and gifted minority students. Paper
presented at the annual conference of the Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving
Students, Denver, February.
Ford, D.Y., & Harris III, J.J. (1999). Gifted education in segregated urban schools. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Harris III, J.J. (1999). Multicultural education, reform and schooling. Workshop presented to the Hardin
County, Kentucky Schools, Elizabethtown, KY, July.
Harris III, J.J., & Ford, D.Y. (1999). Recruitment and retention of minority students in gifted education:
Rationale and recommendations. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association
for Gifted Children, Alberquerque, N.M., November.
Harris III, J.J. (2000). African American graduate students in academe. Panelist for the sixth annual
graduate student association conference, Lexington, KY, April.
Jones, D.L., & Harris III, J.J. (2000). Mentoring minority graduate students in psychology. Presentation
to the University of Kentucky Department of Psychology faculty, Lexington, KY, April.
Harris III, J.J. (2000). Research and gifted African Americans. Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, April.
Harris III, J.J. (2000). Contemporary legal issues in education. Panelist at the annual meeting of the
University Council for Educational Administration, Alberquerque, N.M., November.
Harris III, J.J. (2000). Multicultural gifted education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National
Association for Gifted Children, Atlanta, GA, November.
Harris III, J.J. (2001). Desegregation, integration, and the law. Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the University Council for Educational Administration, Alberquerque, N.M., October.
Harris III, J.J. (2001). Choosing high quality multicultural literature for gifted children. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the National Association for Gifted Children, Cincinnati, November.
Page 43
Harris III, J.J., & Brown, F. (2002). With a return to racially segregated schools: Do we need new models of
leadership? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association,
New Orleans, April.
Harris III, J.J. (2002). Curriculum transformation and diversity in higher education. Presentation for the
Curriculum Transformation Institute at the University of Kentucky, May.
Harris III, J.J. (2003) School Desegregation Under Brown v. Board of Education Ends. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April.
Harris III, J.J. (2003) Educational Law and Educational Leadership: Partners in Creating Learning
Environments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational
Administration, Portland, November.
Harris III, J.J. (2003). State Regulation of Programs for the Inclusion of Social Justice and Educational
Equity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Educational Law Association, Charleston,
Harris III, J.J. (2004) The Future in a Post-Brown Era. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April.
Harris III, J.J. & Richardson J. (2004) The Law and the Brown Decision. Paper presented at the Howard
University 50th Year Commemoration of Brown v. Board of Education, Washington, D.C., May.
Richardson, J. & Harris III, JJ (2004) Brown and HBCUs: Policy Implication. Paper presented at the
Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute, Washington, D.C., September.
Harris III, J.J. (2004) Brown v. Board of Education at 50: UCEA at the Crossroads. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, Kansas City, November.
Harris II, J.J. (2004) Multicultural Education and Leadership.
University, Petersburg, October.
Invited speech given at Virginia State
Richardson, J.W. & Harris III, J.J. (2005). Faculty as educational change agents. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Educational Management Association of South Africa, Johannesburg, S.A., July.
Richardson, J.W. & Harris III, J.J. (2006). Managing change in higher education: Access and opportunity in
21st century. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Hawaii International Conference on
Education, Honolulu, HI, January.
Harris III, J.J. (2006). Desegregation and Brown. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
University Council for Educational Administration, San Antonio, October.
Richardson, J.W. & Harris III, J.J. (2007). Miles to go before we sleep: Expanding policy and educational
opportunities in a global society. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Hawaii International
Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, January.
Richardson, J.W. & Harris III, J.J. (2007). Access and opportunity in 21st century higher education. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI,
Richardson, J.W., Jones, E.B., Harris III, J.J., & Brooks-Buck, J. (2007). Equitable educational policy and
its implications for learning environments. Paper to be presented at the 14th International Conference on
Learning, Johannesburg, South Africa, June.
Page 44
Honors and Awards
Awarded a master level graduate fellowship from the National Institute of Mental Health to train as a child
development consultant in urban education, 1970.
Received the Outstanding Teacher Award in the elementary schools of Detroit, Michigan, 1970.
Awarded a doctoral fellowship from the University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School to complete
studies toward the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Educational Administration and Supervision, 1971.
Nominated to Who's Who Among Outstanding Young Men in America, 1978, 1979.
Outstanding service award as a sponsor to the Indiana University Teaching Office, 1979.
Appointed as special advisor to the White House Conference on Aging, 1980-1981.
Selected as a Who's Who Among Outstanding Young Men of America, 1982.
Honoree and recipient of a distinguished leadership award in recognition of outstanding performance in
business, industry, or the professions by the Center for Leadership Development, Inc., 1984.
Recipient of a recognition award for outstanding dedication and service to the Indiana Association for
Bilingual Education, 1984.
Selected for Who's Who Among Indiana Scholars, 1984.
Outstanding service award presented by the United States Army, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, 1985.
Recipient of the National Science Teachers Association--American Gas Association Science Teaching
Achievement Recognition (STAR) award, 1986.
Recipient of the State Opportunity Award from the Indiana Coalition on Blacks in Higher Education, 1986.
Awarded the Distinguished Leadership Award from the Indiana University Center for Urban and Multicultural
Education, 1986.
Outstanding service award presented by the Cleveland State University Black Faculty and Staff Association,
Recipient of the Educational Equity Award from the Commonwealth of Kentucky and Indiana University
Southeast, 1994-95.
Recipient of the Evelyn A. Black Leadership Award from the University of Kentucky, 1995.
Recipient of the Association of Colleges and Schools of Education in State Universities and Land Grant
Colleges and Affiliated Private Universities Service Award, 1995.
Recipient of the Lyman T. Johnson Service Award from the University of Kentucky, 1996.
Recipient of a University of Kentucky College of Education "Teacher Who Made a Difference" Honor/Award,
Recipient of a University of Kentucky Graduate School/Lyman T. Johnson Alumni Society "Torch of
Excellence" Award, 2001.
Recipient of an Outstanding Service to the College and University Award from the University of Kentucky
College of Education, 2002.
Page 45
Cited in 2005 in the Journal of Southern History’s classified bibliography, as one of the most scholarly articles
in the field of southern history for the year 2004.
President’s Certificate of Appreciation for service to the UK President’s Commission on Diversity, 2005.
Recipient of the University of Kentucky Carter G. Woodson Outstanding Service Award, 2006.
Recipient of a YMCA Black Achievers Award, 2006.
Personal Statement
My interest lies in a faculty and/or administrative position within an organization that not only offers flexibility
and the opportunity to assume increasingly important responsibilities, but also provides learning situations
with exposure to the many facets of that organization. My skills include academic preparation and practical
experiences which result in a breadth of knowledge regarding learning and development, instructional
strategies, as well as educational law, administration, policy studies, higher education, and multicultural
education. Administrative experiences have afforded me the opportunity to demonstrate leadership skills
through the administration of academic and professional units, procuring and managing small and large
grants, in addition to the management of a research- development-training center. My high regard for inquiry
has resulted in many publications.
I am most comfortable in an academic environment in which students are considered central to the
educational organization. The institution's goals, moreover, must include helping all students to recognize
and utilize their positive attributes, thereby directing them toward goal attainment and academic achievement.
March 02, 2007