Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario Fédération des enseignantes et des enseignants de l’élémentaire de l’Ontario 136 Isabella Street, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 0B5 Telephone: 416-962-3836 Toll free: 1-888-838-3836 Fax: 416-642-2424 Website: www.etfo.ca MEMORANDUM TO: ETFO Stewards Local Presidents Executive Members (For Information) FROM: Victoria Réaume, General Secretary DATE: January 4, 2016 RE: APPLICATIONS FOR ASSISTANT OR POLL CLERK The following positions to assist with the operation of the Annual Meeting in August 2016 are available: Assistant Poll Clerk The Federation requests your assistance to ensure that members are made aware of these positions and to encourage those members at the local level who have the interest and appropriate skills to apply. Please find attached the role description for each position and an application form that must reach the provincial office by March 1, 2016. TO CONFIRM RECEIPT OF YOUR APPLICATION OR TO SEEK ADDITIONAL CLARIFICATION OF THE GUIDELINES: RETURN COMPLETED FORM VIA EMAIL TO: YOU CAN FIND ANNUAL MEETING INFORMATION AND FORMS AT: www.etfo.ca > About ETFO > Annual Meeting 2016 Documents VR:LL:JA:NR ATTACHMENT November 2, 2015 Page 1 of 3 Lorna Larmour Executive Assistant Professional Relations Services Ext. 2212 llarmour@etfo.org DEADLINE: MARCH 1, 2016 ETFO 2015 ANNUAL MEETING AUGUST 15-18, 2016 APPENDIX A APPLICATION FORM PLEASE PRINT Assistants, Poll Clerks Successful applicants will be required to be in attendance from Sunday, August 14, 2016 to Thursday, August 20, 2015 inclusive. I am seeking appointment to the following position(s) at the ETFO Annual Meeting. Please check appropriate boxes. POLL CLERK Position ASSISTANT (see over for terms of reference) ACTIVE Membership RETIRED DURING 2016-2017- APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME LOCAL CIRCLE ONE DECE ESP PSP OT TEACHER MEMBERSHIP # NOT COLLEGE OF TEACHERS MEMBERSHIP NUMBER HOME ADDRESS SUMMER ADDRESS HOME PHONE EMAIL SCHOOL PHONE CELL SUMMER PHONE FAX SIGNATURE DATE APPLICABLE EXPERIENCE TOTAL YEARS: Teaching Working in Education Other Experience Additional Space on Back RETURN TO: LORNA LARMOUR EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT PROFESSIONAL RELATIONS SERVICES DEADLINE: MARCH 1, 2015 136 Isabella Street Toronto, Ontario M4Y 0B5 416-962-3836 ext. 2212 1-888-838-3836 Fax 416-642-2424 llarmour@etfo.org SELF-IDENTIFICATION Member self-identification allows ETFO to achieve a critical goal, supporting, and encouraging the participation of all members in ETFO programs, services, and events. By completing this section, ETFO will be able to undertake the necessary statistical analysis to achieve this goal. All information collected and the reporting of statistical data will ensure full confidentiality of all members. Although the completion of this section is voluntary, ETFO encourages members to self-identify. Self-identification: Aboriginal disabled lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning racialized group woman Page 2 of 3 OTHER EXPERIENCE CONTINUED TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR INFORMATION 6. Assistants . 7. 1 To assist the chair of the steering, resolutions, or credentials committee in carrying out the responsibilities assigned to the committee. . To assist the Annual Meeting Committee in carrying out its responsibilities in the 2 operation of the Annual Meeting. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1 12. To assist the chair of the credentials committee. 2 14. To assist in the counting of recorded votes. . 13. . 15. . 16. 3 To assist the returning officer in the distribution, collection, and counting of election ballots during years in which elections are held. . 18. 4 To monitor participants attending the Annual Meeting to ensure that the proper credentials are appropriately displayed. . 20. 5 To assist in the counting of delegates to ensure that a quorum is in place prior to the start of each session. 17. Poll Clerks 19. 21. 22. 23. 6 24. To assist in the distribution and collection of materials to/from delegates. 7 26. To assist the chair in maintaining a speakers’ list. . 25. . 27. 8 assist the chair in timing speakers. To . THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE FOUND AT: www.etfo.ca > About ETFO > Annual Meeting 2016 Documents TO CONFIRM RECEIPT OF YOUR APPLICATION FORM CONTACT: LORNA LARMOUR EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT PROFESSIONAL RELATIONS SERVICES DEADLINE: MARCH 1, 2016 LL:JA:NR January 14, 2015 Page 3 of 3 136 Isabella Street Toronto, Ontario M4Y 0B5 416-962-3836 ext. 2212 1-888-838-3836 Fax 416-642-2424 llarmour@etfo.org