DACNET (A Sponsored Project of the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation to usher in e-Governance in its Directorates & their Field Units located through out the Country) Project Component: Application Software Development – A Status Report July 2003 Agricultural Informatics Division National Informatics Centre Department of Information Technology Ministry of Communications & Information Technology New Delhi – 110 003 (Visit us at http://www.dacnet.nic.in) Executive Summary The Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (DAC), Ministry of Agriculture has sanctioned the DACNET Project, through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signed on 12th September 2001 to the National Informatics Centre (NIC), for strengthening of Information Technology Infrastructures in all Directorates, Regional Directorates and their Field Units, with the project cost estimate of Rs. 18.39 Crores. This Report deals with the Project Component: "Development of Web Based Application Software" for strengthening e-Governance Applications in the Directorates, Regional Directorates and their Field Units. The Web Based Application Software for DACNET includes (i) messaging and workflow applications, Portal services (Directorates and Field Units) and Decision Support Systems, which forms the part of DACNET Intranet Solution. The DACNET Intranet Solution is based on the state-of-the-art Microsoft Share Point Portal Server (Document Management), Exchange Server (Workflow), SQL Server (Decision Support), and Business Application Server. The Directorates are equipped with Database Server, Internet Security Accelerator (ISA), Visio-2000 and Office XP on Windows -2000 Platform. The Field Units are equipped with the latest MS-Windows XP and the Office XP with local language support. Software Development Strategy In Software Engineering, the common software development process models include Spiral model, Waterfall model, Incremental/iterative development, Rapid Application development, and Prototyping (Throwaway and Evolutionary). In Government Sector, the software development process normally face "high risk in user interface design" in view of "changes in leadership", "change in priority", "Improper requirements specification", and "inadequate business logic". The Requirements Analysis for information system modeling ends up using both "analytic" (bottom-up) and "synthetic" (top-down) approaches. National Informatics Centre (NIC) has been the "prime" builder of eGovernance" application for decision support in Governments at national, state and district level during the last two decades. NIC had successfully evolved its systems development strategy on the basis of "evolutionary 2 prototyping" and "Iterative development", which result in "formal system". NIC had undertaken preliminary "Systems Requirements Study" with respect to field Units as well as Directorates. Since the field units are operational with limited personnel, it was planned to develop "web based applications" to make the field unit as "e-office". On the basis of this preliminary study, discussions were held with the Directorates to identify "priority applications" for systems development. In totality, the Application Software development included the following: Development of Directorate Portal Services Development of e-governance applications in the area of G2G, G2B, G2C and G2E, which would be evolved over a period. This Report gives a synoptic view of "application software development" in various Directorates, Regional directorates and its Filed Units. The DACNET Project Team has been working in close coordination with the Directorates and its Field Units. During the months of August and September 2003, it is expected that many of the systems developed will be streamlined for operation. This status report will bring in required amount of synergy among the officials of the Directorates and its Field Units in refinement and enrichment of the Software developed for them. 3 Table of Contents Page No Introduction Software Development Strategy Application Software Development Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage Vertical Portal for the Directorate Plant Quarantine & Fumigation Sample Screen exhibit of Plant Quarantine & Fumigation Export Interception Report Import Inspection Report Export Inspection and Certification Report Fumigation Process Information System Portal Registration of Fumigation Operator Approval of Operator Operator Certificate Details Application for Registration for Fumigation Agency Approval of Agency Agency Certificate Details Monitoring of Fumigation Operations Integrated Pest Management Program for entering applications detail Regional Pesticides Testing Laboratory Web Portal Portal of CIBRC Central Insecticide Board & Registration Committee Sample Output Exhibit Directorate of Marketing & Inspection 21 CIPM Web Portal – A SOHO Model Weekly Technical Report - A DSS IPMIS Software Input Screen for reading annual target for conservation & Augmentation Input Screen for reading physical target for Farmer Field School (FFS) Input Screen for routine entry of data pertaining to weather details Input Screen for routine entry of data pertaining to Pest Surveillance Input Screen for routine entry of FFS Activity Bio-control agents release - Data entry form Sample of output reports Locust Warning and Control Central Insecticide Laboratory 7 8 9 11 11 11 Sample Screen exhibits of DMI AGMARKNET strengthening Guidelines for using State Level AGMARKNET Data Analysis System Downloading Monthly Data Generating Monthly Reports 4 28 29 34 36 Directorate of Economics & Statistics Directorate of Extension 51 Sample Screen exhibits Screen exhibit showing various schemes Screen exhibiting the implementation of a scheme by MANAGE Screen exhibit showing monitoring of scheme such as "Kisan Mela" Sample screen exhibit of a Report Generated Directorate of Wheat Development Portal Development Monitoring of Wheat/Barley Production Weekly Weather Watch information Weekly All Crop Information Yearly Target Annual Information for States Monthly Progress/Achievement Information Annual Information on Wheat/Barley in a District Screen Exhibit of the Web Portal for the Directorate Sample Screen Shots of the Web Portal on Rice Development Denotified Rice varieties in India Problems and Prospects of Rice Exports from India Basmati Rice in India: It's Export Potential Rice in India: A Status Paper An exhibit on Rice Development Scenario in North Eastern Region Exhibit showing in Hindi Language " How to Increase Rice Production in Bihar" Rice in India - A handbook of statistics Directorate of Sugarcane Development Directorate of Rice Development Directorate of Cotton Development 56 62 63 69 Sample Screen Exhibits Cotton Varieties List of Notified Varieties Package of Practices Directorate of Jute Development 47 Weekly Wholesale Price reporting System Crops Prospects Reporting System Weekly Retail Price reporting System Weekly Reporting System on Stocks, Arrivals and Outgoing Quantities 71 Web Portal Directorate of Oilseeds Development Sample Screen Exhibits on Web Portal Sample Screen Exhibits on Web Portal Exhibit showing details about Amla Exhibit showing details about Safflower Directorate of Arecanut and Spices Development Commission on Agricultural Costs & Prices 5 73 74 76 Sample Diagrams Exhibiting Information System Modeling National Bio-Fertiliser Development Centre Sample Report Central Fertiliser Quality Control & Testing Institute 82 Web Portal Development Sample Screen Exhibit Fertilizer Quality Control Information System Receipt of Samples Module Sample Registration Process with Secret Code Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Web Portal All India Soil and Land Use Survey Farm Machinery Training & Testing Institute Pay and Accounts Offices Software Packages for various standard administrative Functions (G2E and G2G) & their Screen Exhibits 79 Web Portal Development Bio-fertilizer on-line Information Data Entry Screen Report Menu 88 89 90 92 Library Management and Automation (e-Granthalaya) Inventory Information system Personnel Information System Employees Payroll Telephone Billing Monitoring System DAK Monitoring System Public Grievances Redress Monitoring System Annexure – I DACNET Project Team 6 105 DACNET Project Component: Application Software Development – A Status Report Introduction The Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (DAC), Ministry of Agriculture has sanctioned the DACNET Project, through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signed on 12th September 2001, for strengthening of Information Technology Infrastructures in all Directorates, Regional Directorates and their Field Units, to the National Informatics Centre (NIC), Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. The Project cost was estimated as Rs. 18.39 Crores. The DACNET has got the four major components: Networking of Directorates, Regional Directorates and Field Units for Internet and Intranet access with the Central Project Unit; Establishment of a LAN with a State-of-the Art Server with 5 PCs in Directorates/Regional Directorates, and PC Client System with Modem in Field Units; IT Empowerment of Employees through specialised training programmes (4 Course Modules - ) Development of Web Based Applications Software for strengthening e-Governance applications in the Directorates, Regional Directorates and their Field Units. This Report deals with the Project Component: "Development of Web Based Application Software" for strengthening e-Governance Applications in the Directorates, Regional Directorates and their Field Units. The DACNET Project Covers 52 Directorates/Regional Directorates and 120 Field Units. The Web Based Application Software for DACNET includes (i) messaging and workflow applications, Portal services (Directorates and Field Units) and Decision Support Systems, which forms the part of DACNET Intranet Solution. The DACNET Intranet Solution is based on the state-of-the-art Microsoft Share Point Portal Server (Document Management), Exchange Server (Workflow), SQL Server (Decision Support), and Business Application Server. The Directorates are equipped with Database Server, Internet Security Accelerator (ISA), Visio-2000 and 7 Office XP on Windows -2000 Platform. The Field Units are equipped with the latest MS-Windows XP and the Office XP with local language support. Software Development Strategy In Software Engineering, the common software development process models include Spiral model, Waterfall model, Incremental/iterative development, Rapid Application development, and Prototyping (Throwaway and Evolutionary). In Government Sector, the software development process normally face "high risk in user interface design" in view of "changes in leadership", "change in priority", "Improper requirements specification", and "inadequate business logic". The Requirements Analysis for information system modeling ends up using both "analytic" (bottom-up) and "synthetic" (top-down) approaches. National Informatics Centre (NIC) has been the "prime" builder of eGovernance" application for decision support in Governments at national, state and district level during the last two decades. NIC had successfully evolved its systems development strategy on the basis of "evolutionary1 prototyping" and "Iterative development", which result in "formal system". The "Evolutionary Prototyping" development strategy is described follows: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) Develop understood parts of the system Deliver system Use System Report problems Receive, prioritize, and schedule changes Report enhancements Receive , prioritize, and schedule enhancements; and Evolve system The Figure-1 describes the system in detail. During the implementation, the DACNET project has also met with the problems mentioned above. In view of this, the DACNET project team has adopted "evolutionary prototyping" and "iterative development" strategy for software development component, which has been found successful. Even though "Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)" was not addressed in the DACNET Project component, adopting the Software development strategy as mentioned above, the BPR has been finding its way in strengthening 1 Evolutionary means User requirements evolve as development proceeds. 8 the e-Governance applications. It has been found that "return on Investment" (ROI) in terms of "people", "process", and "knowledge" is emerging with respect to DACNET. Application Software Development Application Software are programmes written, using database technology, model base technology, knowledge base technology etc., to solve structure, semi-structured and ill-structured problems. NIC had undertaken preliminary "Systems Requirements Study" with respect to field Units as well as Directorates. Since the field units are operational with limited personnel, it was planned to develop "web based applications" to make the field unit as "e-office". On the basis of this preliminary study, discussions were held with the Directorates to identify "priority applications" for systems development. In totality, the Application Software development included the following: Development of Directorate Portal Services Development of e-governance applications in the area of G2G, G2B, G2C and G2E, which would be evolved over a period. 9 Problem Reports E Developer Requirements Requirements Design Design D Code and Code and Unit Test Unit Test A Integration Integration Test Test C Enhancement Requests F User Software Software System Test System Test System B G Requirements Requirements Design Design H Developer Figure-1: Evolutionary Prototyping: (A) Develop Understood parts of the System; (B) Deliver System;(C) Use System; (D) Report Problems; (E) Receive, Prioritize and Schedule Changes; (F) Report Enhancements;(G) Receive, Prioritize and Schedule Enhancements; and (H) Evolve System The following sections discuss in detail the status of Application Software development in various Directorates and its Field units. 10 Directorates of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage Under the DACNET Project, the Software Development Team has interacted with the S&T personnel of the Directorate at Hqrs level, Regional Station level and Field Unit level to understand their requirement in building application software for facilitating their delivery of services. The software development activities have been undertaken for the following categories of the Directorate:Vertical Portal for the Directorate Plant Quarantine & Fumigation The Directorates has got 26 Plant Quarantine and Fumigation Stations (1 National Station, 4 Regional Stations and 21 Field Stations) near the Major Airports, Seaports and Landports. These Stations has the following responsibilities: 11 (i) to regulate imports and exports of Agricultural Commodities for preventing entry of exotic pests into the Country and further avoiding interstate spread which may be destructive to agricultural crops; (ii) to issue Phytosanitary certificates, and (iii) to conduct post-entry quarantine and inspection. The DACNET project Team has taken note of the already developed Software "Quarantina" using SQL Version 7, through the financial assistance of FAO during 2001, and has been operational at Regional Station at Chennai. This software was envisaged to facilitate: Issue of Phytosanitary Certificate (PSC) Issue of Import Permit (IP) and Release Order (IRO) Since the Plant Quarantine & Fumigation Stations have been equipped with the latest state-of-the-art RDBMS Product SQL 2000 Server, the Software "Quarantina" had to be ported to the SQL 2000 Server for implementation in all the 26 Stations. While porting, the Software Development Team faced the following problems: No documentation on Software and User Manual were made available; Source code on "Quarantina" was made available only in March 2003, after a lot of persuasion with the Consultant; In view of this problem, the Software Development Team had to debug, using "brute-force" method for porting into the SQL 2000 server Platform. It took about 3 months to get the source code from the FAO Consultant (who is placed at Chennai) and the Development Team took about 3 months time to understand the source code, port the program into the SQL 2000 server, and incorporate the additional requirements, as given below: Import Interception Report Export Interception Report Import Inspection Export Inspection Import Permit (Propagation/Consumption) 12 These five modules were designed and developed by the DACNET Software development Team. Sample Screen Print outputs are exhibited below: - 13 14 Export Interception Report 15 Import Inspection Report Export Inspection and Certification Report 16 Fumigation Process Information System Portal 17 As desired by the Directorate, Applications software have been developed for facilitating to registration of "fumigation agencies", "fumigation operators", and also "monitoring" of fumigation operation by these agencies. Registration of Fumigation operator (1) 18 Approval of Operator (2) Operator Certificate Details (3) 19 Application for Registration for Fumigation Agency (4) Approval of Agency (5) 20 Agency Certificate Details (6) Monitoring of Fumigation Operations (7) 21 Integrated Pest Management Central Integrated Pest Management Centres (CIPMCs), which are 26 in number, are established to monitor and forewarn the likely Pest & Disease built-up on agricultural crops, to promote biological control (IPM technology), to control insect pests and weeds by parasites, predators and pathogens, and to minimise environmental pollution due to pesticides and to maintain ecological balance of natural fauna, through judicious & safe use of pesticides. CIPMCs act as “model centres” and “active catalysts” in promoting the IPM technology, and coordinate with the State Agriculture Departments. The DACNET Project Team is building up various applications software, with the user coordination at CPMC (RAIPUR) & CPMC (Srinagar, J&K) for field level requirements, and with the Directorate for directorate level requirements. Snapshots of programmes screens are exhibited below:CIPMC Web Portal - A SOHO Model 22 Weekly Technical Report - A DSS 23 Main Menu screen taken from IPMIS Software Input screen for reading annual target for Conservation & augmentation 24 Input screen for reading physical target for Farmer Field School (FFS) Input screen for routine entry of data pertaining to weather details 25 Input screen for routine entry of data pertaining to Pest Surveillance Input screen for routine entry of FFS activities 26 Bio-control agents released – Data entry form 27 Sample of Output Reports 28 Locust Warning & Control Locust Warning Organizations (LWO) Circles have been established in 5 locations with its Headquarter at Jodhpur, 23 Outposts, and one Field Station for investigation on Locust at Bikaner. These Circles keep watch on locusts and take control measures in the scheduled desert areas and maintain close liaison with FAO and Locust Prone Countries (Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, etc) and advise the State Governments on locust situation. Based on the survey of field offices, data on density of locust population are worked out and alarming situation is predicted. The situation is reported weekly and monthly to the Directorate and the States, for taking control measures. Data on migration of locust is collected in a pre-designed format and sent to FAO for its bulletin every fortnightly. Under the DACNET Project, application software have been undertaken in collaboration with the Locust Warning Orgnaisation (LWO), Jodhpur, for the following areas: Weekly Desert Locust Surveillance Report (Proforma-LC1) Weekly statement showing target & achievement of Desert Locust Surveillance (Proforma- LC2) Monthly control and potential availability of Pesticides Dust & Liquid, Wireless sets and Plant Protection equipments (Proforma-LC3) Fortnightly Report on FAO Desert Survey and Control Form (LC-6) 29 Central Insecticide Laboratory Testing of Pesticides is essential to recommend suitable composition for registration of pesticides as well as to enforce quality standards on pesticides available for Plant Protection. The Central Insecticide Laboratory (CIL) and its Regional Pesticides Testing Laboratories (RPTL) at Chandigarh and Kanpur, conduct pesticides testing, for registration of Insecticides under Insecticides Act 1968 and preparing time bound reports for testing of referral samples. Under the DACNET project, applications software were developed for pesticides testing, in consultation with the Scientists of CIL and RPTL. Following exhibits are taken from these applications Software: 30 Programme for entering applications detail 31 32 Regional Pesticides Testing Laboratory Web Portal 33 34 Central Insecticide Board and Registration Committee The DACNET project Team has already implemented a "Workflow" application using the "Lotus Notes" software tools, for processing of applications submitted by Pesticides Industries. The Secretary (A&C) inaugurated the Web Portal (http://cibrc.nic.in) on 25th October 2002. Software Modules were developed to make the "Application Status" online over Internet, so as to facilitate the Pesticides Industries (the Applicants) for viewing over Internet. Otherwise, the applicants from allover India had to visit the CIBRC Hqrs (Faridabad) or to telephone for knowing the status. Portal of CIBRC Due to this application software, the processing time for an application has been reduced from more than 1 year to less than 3 months. 35 A sample output exhibit 36 Directorate of Marketing and Inspection As part of the system study conducted for the Directorate under the DACNET project, it has emerged that there is a need to evolve an Integrated Management Information System (DMI-MIS) for the Directorate to strengthen its various functions. Various sub-systems identified for achieving this objective are: Quality / Standards Monitoring System Research Samples Monitoring System Certificate of Authorization Information System MFPO License Information System Scheme Monitoring System Inventory Management Code Directory Maintenance System Security and Administration Sub System AGMARKNET strengthening Under the present scope of DACNET, Quality / Standards Monitoring system is to be evolved and implemented as per discussions held with the Directorate. Besides, the AGMARKNET Portal evolved under the Central Sector Scheme of DMI needs to be further strengthened by including quality and standards information. The portal is to be eventually served as a single window service to facilitate market led extension for the benefit of the farming community. The Quality/Standards Monitoring Sub System will be implemented at various levels of the organization as follows: Regional Agmark Laboratory Job Allocation Sample Analysis Report Generation Compilation of monthly Progress Report Test Results Transmission to SO/RO,CAL Monthly Progress Report Transmission to SO/RO, CAL RO/SO Level Sample Collection & Dispatch to RAL Capture Test results sent by RAL Capture Monthly Progress Report sent by RAL 37 Consolidated Report Generation CAL Level Capture Test results sent by RAL Capture Monthly Progress Report sent by RAL Monitoring Report Generation HQ Level Capture Test results sent by RAL Capture Monthly Progress Report sent by RAL Monitoring Report Generation Exhibits related various applications software are shown in the following sections: - 38 39 Note: The Specific parameters displayed in the Screen of Analytical Report Part II will change automatically according to the Report type (Butter & Ghee, Pesticide Residue etc.) selected in the Analytical Report Part I. Some Screen Exhibits of DMI, Jammu & Kashmir 40 AGMARKNET Strengthening The Agricultural Marketing Advisor has desired that the national level prices and arrivals database created under the AGMARKNET project need to be effectively utilized for carrying out state level prices and arrivals trend analysis. Accordingly, all the State DMI offices have been instructed to prepare monthly bulletins using the central database. NIC has developed the necessary application module to facilitate periodical downloading of data from the central database and preparing state level trend analysis monthly bulletins by various DMI offices spread all over the country. A three-day workshop is being organized from 4th August to 6th August 2003 for Ten State DMI Offices to start with to acquaint the officers with the application module. During the Tenth Plan, the Department has sanctioned another 2000 APMCs for creating AGMARKNET facilities. Sample screen exhibits are shown below:- 41 42 43 44 Guidelines for Using State Level AGMARKNET Data Analysis System I. DOWNLOADING MONTHLY DATA 1. On the AGMARKNET site “http:\\agmarknet.nic.in” click the button ‘DMI”. A DMI page will appear with the “Download Monthly Data” option at the bottom of the page. On selection User authentication screen will appear. 2. Select the state name from the dropdown menu and enter the valid password. If the user wants to change the password he can do so by clicking the “Change Password” button. Otherwise, click the “Continue” button to proceed further. In case of invalid password, the message box will be displayed with caption ‘Invalid password for selected user’. 3. On clicking the “Change password” button , a screen will appear with state name and new password. After entering the new password click the “Continue” button , a screen will appear with caption ‘Password has been changed successfully’. Click “Go To Login” button and enter the changed password to proceed further. 4. After entering the valid user name and password a screen will appear where the user has to select the month and year and download the market arrivals and prices data by clicking “Download Arrivals Data” and “Download Prices Data” buttons respectively. 5. If data is not available for that month then you will get the message ‘No Arrivals Data Found’ or ‘No Prices Data Found’. otherwise you will get the data on the screen with delimiters. Select “File” option from the Menu Bar and click “Save As” option from the menu. A window will appear where you have to select c:\dmistate directory and txt file option in the “Save as Type” box and then save the arrivals and prices data with arr.txt and pri.txt file names respectively and wait till ‘Done’ option is displayed at the bottom of the screen. 6. To maintain the backup of the downloaded data, go through the following steps: Create a sub-directory in c:\dmistate with name ‘backup’ Copy arr.txt and pri.txt files from c:\dmistate directory and paste the files in ‘backup’ sub-directory. Rename the files in ‘backup’ sub-directory. The arr.txt file should be renamed as ‘A+month+year.txt’ e.g. the data for 45 April, 2003 the file should be renamed as A42003.txt and similarly pri.txt file should be renamed as ‘P+month+year.txt’. 7. The data of previous month has to be downloaded on 10th day of following month e.g. Data for the month of April should be downloaded on 10th May. At any point of time you can select the “Go To Login” button and get the User authentication screen. II. GENERATING MONTHLY REPORTS 1. Install the Software on your machine from CD. For installation go to “START” button and select “Run” option. Run setup.exe from CD and click “OK”. A window will appear with “AGMARKNET Data Analysis System Setup”, press “OK”. Another window will appear, click the “Change Directory” button and give the path c:\dmistate. On clicking “OK” message will be displayed ‘Destination Directory C:\dmistate does not exist, Do you want the directory to be created’ press “Yes” and then click the “Setup” button to begin the installation. Click “Continue” button. During installation a window will appear with the message ‘Do You Want to Keep This File’ for all the messages of this type click “Yes” button. 2. Make the System DSN on your machine to link the database. For this, on the “START” option click the left mouse button a menu will appear. From this, select Settings and Control Panel (always use the left mouse button for selection). In the Control Panel double click the “ODBC Data Sources (32bit)” icon. A window will be opened. Select the “System DSN” button from the menu bar on top of the window and click “Add”. Another window will appear with the caption “ Select a driver for which you want to set up a data source”. From the drivers list select, ‘Driver do Microsoft Access (*.mdb)’ and click ‘Finish’ button. ‘ODBC Microsoft AccessSetup’ window will appear. In the Data Source name type ‘dmi’ and press the “Select” button. From the window select the dmi.mdb file and click “OK”. Now select the “Advanced” button. Window will appear , in the Login Name type ‘dmi’. Click OK. Again click Ok and System DSN will be created. Close all the windows. 3. As the software uses date in dd/mm/yyyy format, entry has to be made in “date” of “regional settings” in “control panel” of “settings “in the “Start” menu 46 4. After installation , system will be added in the startup menu. Click the “START” button and “Program” option and click the heading “AGMARKNET Data Analysis System”. 5. A window will appear with Login name and Password. Enter the valid name and password (eg. For the state of Bihar user name is ‘dmibi’ and password is ‘bi123’) and click “OK”. Main menu will appear. If you want to change the password click the Change Password button on the screen. Then enter your old password and press “Change” Button. Window will appear with new password. Enter your changed password and press “OK”. 6. Main Menu will appear with the following options – Import Arrivals and Prices Data Reports MSP Updation Change Password Exit To import the data, select the first option. On selection message will be displayed “Please Wait……Importing Arrivals Data” and after completion message ‘Importing Arrivals Data Over’ will be displayed. Click OK, then it will process the prices data in the same manner. 7. For updating MSP prices of the commodity click “MSP Updation” option. 8. For generating monthly reports, select the option “Reports” and the following menu will appear on the screen : Monthly Main Menu Exit 9. Click “Monthly” option and select the desired report from the following menu : Monthly-Wholesale prices and arrivals commodity wise. Monthly-Total arrivals and no of markets reported for last three months. Monthly-Wholesale prices and arrivals market wise (Arrival) Main Menu Exit 10. On selecting the first and second report window will appear on the screen where you have to select month from the dropdown and enter year and select state. On pressing “Continue” button window will 47 appear for selecting commodities. Press “OK” to generate the respective reports. 11. On selecting the third report, a window will appear on the screen where you have to select month, state and commodity from the dropdown and enter year. In the Arrival box, enter the least arrival value above which you want to generate the report and also enter the minimum, maximum, weighted Average price and total arrivals for the previous month in the corresponding boxes. 12. In the above reports, click the “Market Selector” button, a screen will appear where you can select the markets by double clicking the left mouse button in the ‘Selection’ column (T–selected, F-deselected) and to select / deselect all the markets click “Selected” and “Deselected” buttons respectively. After selecting, close the screen by pressing “Close” button and click “Continue” button to generate the report. 13. Click “Export” button on the top of the screen after generating the report. A window will appear. In “Format” option select “Crystal Reports (RPT)” from the drop down and in “Destination” option select “Disk File”. and then press “OK” and save the file in the desired directory. 48 Directorate of Economics & Statistics The Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES) is a nodal organization for the coordination of collection, analysis and dissemination of agricultural statistics. It collects a wide range of data related to agriculture through a network of state agricultural statistical agencies (SASA), marketing intelligence units (MIU), agro-economic research centers (AERC), and Cost of Cultivation Scheme implementing agencies. As desired, the system study conducted by the DACNET Project Team for the Directorate, has focused on empowering Market Intelligence Units (14) located through out the country, by effectively utilizing the IT infrastructure established under DACNET. Market Intelligence relates to agricultural produce market prices, market arrivals, outgoing quantities, stocks, estimated production, etc. A Marketing Intelligence and Price Analysis System is being evolved, in consultation with the concerned officials of the Directorate. The following sub systems have been identified for software development: Weekly Wholesale Price Reporting System MIU Level Data Collection for Agricultural commodities on market price and reason for price variation, if any. Compilation of data for data entry Weekly Progress Report studies with other MIU Data for intelligence reporting. MTA Level Capture data sent by MIU Consolidate the data for market and trend analysis Report to related users organization Consolidated Report Generation 49 Crops Prospects Reporting System MIU Level Weekly Data collection & compilation on crops prospects aspects on season wise for area sown. Once in a Season collection of total area likely to be sown and expected yield has to be reported. To study and report reasons for the variations on reporting, if any Data entry on weekly basis Weekly Progress Report study with other MIU Data for intelligence reporting MTA Level To find current year normal area and normal yield, last three years respective data to be stored. Capture the data sent by MIU Consolidate the data for market and trend analysis Report to related users organization Consolidated Report Generation Weekly Retail Prices Reporting System MIU Level Data collection from the identified markets on weekly basis for food items Data collection from the dominated area by common people on monthly basis for non-food items Compilation of above identified food and non-food items Data entry for food items on weekly basis Data entry for non-food items on monthly basis Weekly Progress Report study with other MIU Data for intelligence reporting MTA Level Capture the data sent by MIU Consolidate the data for market and trend analysis Report to related user organization like FCI, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Industry. Consolidated Report Generation 50 Weekly Reporting System on Stocks, Arrivals and Outgoing Quantities MIU Level Data Collection for Agricultural commodity wise on Market Arrivals (from selected 600 markets), stock at beginning and outgoing quantities (for local use and outstation use) Compilation of data for data entry Weekly Progress Report studies with other MIU Data for intelligence information reporting. MTA Level Capture data sent by MIU Consolidate the data for market and trend analysis Report to related users organization for consumption purpose like M/O Food & Civil Supply etc. Consolidated Report Generation Users Granting appropriate permissions Out of these four sub systems, the Directorate has identified first two sub systems to be taken up on priority. The development work is in process. 51 52 Directorate of Extension The Directorate of Extension (DoE) plays an important role in providing guidance, technical support, and exchange of information and coordination, and also assists and encourages the State Extension Functionaries in organizing, managing and operating professional extension services. Based on the interactions and discussions with the Directorate of Extension, the following ICT applications have been identified under the DACNET project for development of application software: Portal Development for Employee’ Services, Training Calendar, Linkages with other Extension Agencies, Details of On-going Schemes under Directorate of Extension, Current Events and Announcements. Web site development and web enabled monitoring of On-going Training Programs/Events and existing Extension Services and Details of On-going Schemes under Directorate of Extension etc. planned for the current year. Information System for Monitoring of Financial and Physical performance of Schemes to meet the specific requirement of the Directorate. Sample Screens Exhibits are shown below: - 53 Screen Exhibit showing various Schemes Screen Exhibiting the implementation of a Scheme by MANAGE 54 Screen exhibit showing monitoring of scheme such as Kisan mela 55 Sample screen Exhibit of a Report Generated 56 57 Directorate of Wheat Development The Directorate of Wheat Development (DWD) is responsible for implementation of the Ministry's Policies on Wheat at the national level and also monitoring of all agricultural schemes/activities in the States of Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi and Chandigarh. In addition to this, the Directorate has the following mandate: To assist the States/UTs to plan, formulate and implement the wheat development programmes to increase production and productivity; To interact with National and State Institutions in planning Seeds production; To liaison with State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and ICAR research institutes, in organising the training courses on improved cereal production technology; To build the relevant data and records for nodal crop (database development); and To undertake field visits to monitor the implementation of wheat development programme ; Under the DACNET Project, the following applications have been identified: To develop a computerized information system for Wheat Directorate for monitoring of production of Wheat and Barley in 28 states and to enrich the Management Information System of the Ministry of Agriculture; To develop a computerized information system for monitoring of production of all major crops produced in the assigned Five States/UTs; To extend the NICNET connectivity to the crop directorate to facilitate exchange of information with state Government and district administration for effective monitoring of the physical and financial progress of crop production oriented programs at state and district levels; and To implement various e-Governance applications to improve employees productivity The DACNET Project Team has been interacting with the Directorate and was able to implement various e-Governance Applications in the Directorate. Applications Software for Personnel Management, Inventory Management, File Monitoring, Payroll, and Library Management have been installed and demonstrated. 58 Sample screens of various Applications Software are exhibited below: (a) Portal Development The Directorate has shown interests to release the Web Portal. 59 (b) Monitoring of Wheat/Barley Production Weekly Weather Watch Information Weekly All Crop Information 60 Yearly Target Annual Information for States 61 Monthly Progress/Achievement Information 62 Annual Information on Wheat/Barley in a district 63 Directorate of Sugarcane Development The Mandate of the Directorate is to assist the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, in review and overall production planning of Sugarcane development in the Country, and Area specific programs in the States of Uttar Pradesh and Uttranchal. Screen Exhibit of the Web portal for the Directorate 64 Directorate of Rice Development Vide their letter F.No.1-5/03-DRD dated: 25th July 2003, the Directorate of Rice development, Patna has recognised the efforts of NIC to implement the DACNET Scheme. To improve business functions, a web site (http://bihar.bih.nic.in /drdpat) has been designed and enriched with "hundreds of pages of information" related to different activities being performed by the Directorate. "This web-site has already begun to prove useful in fast and timely dissemination of information at the national level and has reduced the reliance on fax and postal media for sending information to our field offices or to the research scholars at different agricultural universities". As the office was under shifting to new premises, development of application software for schemes monitoring would be taken later, as per their convenience. Sample screen-shots of the web Portal on Rice Development are exhibited below:- 65 Denotified Rice Varieties in India 66 Problems and Prospects of Rice Export from India Basmati Rice in India: Its Export Potential 67 Rice in India: A Status Paper An Exhibit on Rice Development Scenario in the North Eastern Region 68 Exhibit showing in Hindi language "How to increase Rice Production in Bihar" Rice in India - A Handbook of Statistics 69 F.No.1-5/03-DRD To, Shri Shahid Ahmad, Technical Director NIC Bihar State Unit, Patna. Dated: 25th July 2003. Subject: Development of Core Application for the Directorate. Sir, The Directorate of Rice Development has been substantially enriched by the different hardware/software resources that have arrived recently. While previously, there was just one or two old computer systems to help us compile our inflow of reports and to bring out different publications and useful statistics for the State Govt., Research Institute/Agricultural Universities and persons associated with development activities, now each of our officer has easy access to fast and modern computing resources. Our skill-set has also been improved thanks to training programmes conducted with the help of NIC. I would also like to take this opportunity to extend our special gratitude towards Mr. Somesh, from NIC Bihar State Unit, who has put in a lot of efforts to design and develop our very own web-site containing hundreds of pages worth of useful material related to different activities being performed by the Directorate. This web-site has already begun to prove useful in fast and timely dissemination of information at the national level and has reduced the reliance on fax and postal media for sending information to our field offices or to the research scholars at different agricultural universities. In the next phase, once our shifting exercise has been completed, our office plans to devote some time towards development of a web-based scheme monitoring mechanism by which we would be able to upload all the important reports that constantly flow between Patna, New-Delhi and other related offices, on to our web-site so that anyone can directly view the same without having to rely on postal communication. This will also reduce wastage of our valuable time in compiling and sending the same again and again. To complete this exercise, we will fix a nodal officer from our side to co-ordinate with NIC so that development of such a mechanism can continue unhindered. Yours Faithfully, ( M.C.Diwakar ) Director Incharge 70 Directorate of Cotton Development The Directorate of Cotton Development (DCD) Mumbai, monitors the progress of Centrally Sponsored Scheme: "Intensive Cotton Development Programme (ICDP)", under Mini Mission-II of Technology Mission on Cotton in the country, and also monitoring the progress of other Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSSs) being implemented in the States of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa. Besides, it is a technical body on the Cultivation of Cotton in the country. As desired by the Directorate, the following ICT applications have been identified and development was undertaken: Portal development for Directorate Crop weather watch Information System. Scheme (ICDP) Monitoring Information System. Sample screens exhibits are given below: 71 Cotton Varieties List of Notified Varieties 72 Package of Practices The portal will be integrated with the databases of Crop Weather Watch Information System and Scheme (ICDP) Monitoring Information System for publishing following reports: Weekly weather watch report Weekly Cotton Sowing report Monthly Component wise ICDP implementation status report Annual Component wise ICDP implementation status report Directorate of Jute Development From 2000-01 onwards, the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (DAC) are undertaking development of Jute and Allied Fibres programmes under Macro Management approach. To help the jute growing farmers improve their production, the Government has implemented the Special Jute Development Programme (SJDP) in the selected districts of all jute growing States. SJDP provides farmers with essential inputs like certified seeds, essential nutrients, and pesticides, and improved farm equipment. It also organizes demonstrations and training programmes for farmers in improved agriculture practices. The objective of the Directorate is given below: 73 As desired by the Directorate, the following ICT applications have been identified and development was undertaken: Portal development for Directorate Crop weather watch Information System. Scheme Monitoring Information System. "Use Jute, Save Forest" "GeoJute - Jute for the Future" 74 Directorate of Oilseeds Development Some Exhibits related to the development of Web portal on Oilseeds development are shown below:- 75 Exhibit showing details about Safflower Directorate of Pulses Development 76 Directorate of Tobacco Development Directorate of Tobacco Development, one of the Commodity Development Directorates was re-organised in 1996. Due to campaigns against Tobacco, the Government of India discontinued all developmental schemes on tobacco. Presently responsibilities of the department include collection and maintenance of various statistical and economic data relating to Agriculture required for development and planning. The Directorate of Crops Division is responsible for collecting and maintaining a wide range of data relating to crop situation for foodgrains and commercial crops, area, production, productivity, rainfall, prices and irrigation reservoirs position. The Directorate supplies feed back pertaining to all the Agricultural Development Programmes of the State Governments in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Pondichery to Government of India The main functions of the Directorate are listed below: Weekly Weather Watch Report is brought out for Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Pondicherry. Meteorological data is collected and reported to Ministry on weekly and monthly basis. This is sent to the Ministry and to other Commodity Development Directorates. Crop Situation report is brought out for the 4 states - on crop coverage, input position etc. on weekly, fortnightly, monthly and quarterly basis. The reports are sent to the Ministry. Water Position of major reservoirs of the four States is sent to Ministry on weekly basis. Prices of various commodities are collected from the respective State Governments and sent to Ministry. Weekly wholesale prices of tobacco in various markets of the country is also sent to the Ministry. Hand Book Tobacco Statistics in India is published periodically which has useful information for Tobacco researchers, administrators and growers. Publication of Agriculture profiles of the four states. Publication and distribution of leaflets, pamphlets, booklets, periodical publications like tobacco development journal and Status papers. Monitoring and reviewing implementation of Macro Management Modea centrally sponsored scheme- which involves formulation of specific projects to increase the production and productivity of Agricultural crops. Periodic Progress reports are prepared on Macro-Management Mode Schemes in all the four states. Implementation of Cost of Production Scheme to assist the CACP(Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices) in finalising the Minimum Support Prices for Tobacco. The directorate implements the 77 field level study under the Scheme for assessing the cost of cultivation of VFC tobacco in Andhra Pradesh. Study is undertaken to assess problems relating to production and marketing of tobacco and to fix remunerative prices for tobacco. Field men are positioned in the sample villages, from where data is collected from farmers of selected holdings. This data is compiled annually. About 40 proforma are involved. The scheme forms part of the all India Comprehensive Scheme for studying the cost of cultivation of principal crops grown in the country funded by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics. Based on the interaction of the DACNET Team with the Director, Tobacco Development, the following ICT applications have been identified. Portal development for Directorate of Tobacco Development. Development of the following web based reporting systems for the Directorate of Tobacco Development: Crop Situation Report - Crop Coverage, Input Position etc. on weekly, fortnightly, monthly and quarterly basis for Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Pondicherry. Weather Watch Report - Meteorological data for Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Pondicherry. Water Position of major reservoirs – weekly report for the four States Prices of various commodities Weekly wholesale prices of tobacco Tabulation of data collected under scheme for cost of cultivation of VFC tobacco in Andhra Pradesh. Some Exhibits related to the development of Web portal on Oilseeds development are shown below:- 78 79 80 Directorate of Arecanut and Spices Development 81 Exhibit showing details about Amla 82 Commission on Agricultural Costs and Prices The DACNET Project Team has already submitted the SRS Report to CACP during 2002. Based on the requirement analysis, the following databases are identified for the development of decision support system for minimum support pricing: AREA, PRODUCTION & YIELD (State-wise, crop-wise and season-wise data) Minimum Support Prices (yearly data available with CACP) Wholesale Prices from the Directorate of Economic and Statistics INDEX NUMBER OF WHOLESALE PRICES WAGE RATES (cropwise and statewise) COST OF CULTIVATION from the Directorate of Economic and Statistics International Prices Import & Export Data from DGCI&S, Kolkata Index Number of WHOLESALE PRICES (FARM INPUTS) It has been proposed to develop applications software for the following: Design and development of Online Transaction System (OLTP) Development of query system for generating different reports. Design and development of Online Application Processing System. Sample Diagrams exhibiting Information System Modeling are given below:- 83 84 85 National Bio-Fertiliser Development Centre The main objects of National Bio-fertilizer Development Centre (NBDC) are as follows: Maintenance and Distribution of suitable strains of biofertilisers like Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, phosphate solubilising micro organisms and blue green algae for their further multiplication and propagation. To organize training courses for extension workers/ agriculture officers for increasing awareness about importance and use of biofertilizers. To organize field demonstrations/ farmers fairs for creating awareness about the use of biofertilizers among farming community. To create biofertilisers production facilities by providing central financial assistance. Quality control of biofertilisers. NBDC has six regional offices located at Bangalore, Hissar, Jabalpur, Nagpur, Imphal, and Bhuvaneshwar. The DACNET Development Team has identified the following applications, in consultation with the NBDC for implementation: NBDC Portal and its Regional centres Portal Bio-fertiliser Online Information System Screen exhibits of these applications are shown below:Portal Development 86 The Portal is ready to be launched and it will be integrated with the portal of Integrated Nutrient Management proposed by the INM Division of the Department. Biofertiliser On-line Information Data Entry Screen 87 Report Menu Sample Report 88 Central Fertiliser Quality Control & Testing Institute (Faridabad) and its Regional Laboratories (RFCLs) at Chennai, Kalyani and Mumbai Software Requirements Study (SRS) was carried out in the month of December 2002 and the SRS document was prepared in consultation with the Director, CFQCTI, Faridabad. Based on the SRS document, software applications have been designed and developed, which are under testing. The Applications Software provide solutions to the various activities like: Receipt, Registration and Analysis of Fertilizer Sample, Fertilizer Quality Control by State Governments and Central Teams of CFQCTI, Quality Control of Imported Fertilizers, and Training and various activities of Administration & Finance Division of CFQCTI and its RFCLs. The system menu and some of the data entry screens are given below. Web Portal 89 90 91 92 Fertiliser Quality Control Information System Receipt of Samples Module Sample Registration Process with Secret Code 93 Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Web Portal In view of the interest shown by NFDC and CFQC&TI, an Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) portal has been designed, to use the achievements of integrated technologies in the field of crop production, fertility and soil management, keeping the content of nutrient high and the land degradation away. It incorporates the laboratory techniques of Bio-Fertilizer, Fertilizers, Agricultural Research and Soil Testing Labs. Quality Standards of Fertilizers are explained to keep a watch on commercial production units (Industries), sales & marketing, transportation and storage. 94 All India Soil and Land Use Survey (AISLUS) All India Soil and Land Use Survey (AISLUS), among the others, is responsible for: Carrying out rapid Reconnaissance surveys in the catchments of River Valley Projects (RVPs), Non-RVPs, and Flood Prone Rivers (FRPs) for demarcating priority Watersheds yielding maximum sediment load/run-off which are in need of conservation treatment on priority basis for minimising sediment load and flood control; and Coordinating soil survey activities with States and other Central Survey Organization, participation in national level soil correlation, classification, interpretation and working out uniformity in procedures and presentation of soil survey reports. AISLUS generates a lot of spatial information, which is essential for development of proposed "Agricultural Resources Information System" of the Department. Development activities, in consultation with the AISLUS, are picking up. 95 Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute 96 Pay and Accounts Offices (PAOs) Under the DACNET Project, 12 PAOs in the Ministry of Agriculture are being covered. The Software package "PAO-2000", which is comprehensive application software, developed by NIC in collaboration with CGA, for computerising various payments and accounting functions of PAOs, as given below: Bill Processing and Payment. Compilation & Consolidation of Accounts. Maintenance of GPF accounts of subscribers, and Processing & Payment of Pension. A comprehensive implementation strategy is highly necessary for the successful operation of the software in PAOs, for which the intervention of the Chief Controller of Accounts (Agriculture) is essential: Implementation Plan Identification of two officers of the PAO office for implementation; Training of the Implementation Team and PAO staff on the software; Preparation of two month's tests data at the PAO; Parallel run for four months; and Availability of pre printed stationery for Cheque from RBI. Training Schedule 97 A 5-day training schedule for the staff of PAOs on Operation of PAO-2000 is as below: Day 1 Day 2 PAO-2000 Genesis & Masters data Highlights Preparation Budget Pre-check Module Module Day 3 Compilation Module Day 4 GPF Module Day 5 Pension Module 98 Practice Session Practice Session Practice Session Practice Session Practice Session Practice Session Practice Session Practice Session Practice Session Practice Session Software packages for various standard administrative functions (G2E and G2G) During discussion with the Directorates and its Filed Units, demands were made to provide solutions to computerise various administrative functions so as to facilitate productivity increase. Under the DACNET project, the following functions have been identified for introducing computerised application system to begin with:- 99 Screen Exhibits of Application Software Packages, either implemented or under implementation in DACNET Sites are shown below: Library Management and Automation (e-Granthalaya) 100 101 102 103 As implemented in Krishi Vistar Bhawan, Directorate of Extension Application Software packages for Inventory functions 104 105 Application Software for Personnel Information System 106 Application Software for Employees Payroll Under the DACNET project, Application Software for Payroll has been developed under SQL-2000 for the Directorate and under MS-Access for Field Units. 107 Payroll Package under MS-Access 108 Telephone Billing Monitoring System 109 110 DAK Monitoring System 111 Annexure - I DACNET Project Team Shri M.Moni, Deputy Director General 1. Shri Zail Singh, Senior Technical Director 2. Shri Y.D.Sharma, Senior Technical Director (upto October 2002) 3. Dr.M.S.Rao, Senior Technical Director 4. Dr.A.K.Choubey, Technical Director 5. Dr. S. Banerjee, Technical Director 6. Dr.Kishore Kumar, Technical Director 7. Dr.M.V.S.Sarma, Technical Director 8. Shri P.K.Suri, Technical Director 9. Shri B. Rajput, Technical Director 10. Shri Rajesh Gera, Technical Director 11. Dr. V.S.R.Krishnaiah, Technical Director 12. Smt. Alka Mishra, Principal Systems Analyst 13. Dr. A. Mohan, Principal Systems Analyst 14. Dr. Shubhag Chand, Principal Systems Analyst 15. Shri Girish Chandra, Principal Systems Analyst 16. Shri I.P.S. Sethi, Principal Systems Analyst 17. Shri Rajeev Sharma, Principal Systems Analyst 18. Dr. D.R. Shukla, Principal Systems Analyst 19. Shri Dipankar Sengupta, Principal Systems Analyst 20. Shri A.K.Gupta, Senior Systems Analyst 21. Shri G.Janardhan, Senior Systems Analyst 22. Smt. Pratibha Lokhande, Senior Systems Analyst 23. Smt. Sameena Mukhija, Senior Systems Analyst 24. Smt. Shukla Chatterjee, Senior Systems Analyst 25. Smt. Beena Menon, Systems Analyst 26. Smt. Tulika Debnath, Systems Analyst 27. Shri C.Kuppuswami, Systems Analyst 28. Shri C.P.Sekar, Systems Analyst 29. Shri D.V.Singh, Systems Analyst 30. Shri Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, Systems Analyst 31. Shri Kapil Kumar Sharma, Systems Analyst 32. Shri Shaik Mohamed, Systems Analyst 33. Shri Shahid Hasan, Systems Analyst 34. Shri Syed Usman, Systems Analyst 35. Shri V.N.V.Vijaya Kumar, Systems Analyst 36. Dr. Vandana Khullar, Systems Analyst 37. Shri Girish Kumar Tiwari, Scientific Officer 38. Shri Anil Chaurasia, Scientific Officer 112 DACNET Project Team (State Level) 1. Smt. Veena Oak, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Bangalore) 2. Shri P.S.Bhat, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Bangalore) 3. Shri Gautam Gupta, Systems Analyst, NIC (Port Blair) 4. Smt. Anitha Kurien, Scientific Officer, NIC (Port Blair) 5. Shri Sanjeev Kumar, Systems Analyst, NIC (Chandigarh) 6. Shri S.A.Khan ,Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Bhubaneswar) 7. Shri R.Sahu, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Bhubaneshwar) 8. Shri Panda, DIO, NIC-Orissa 9. Shri Pravin Surawar, NIC (Mumbai) 10. Shri Rout, Senior Systems Analyst & DIO, NIC (Nagpur) 11. Ms. Budhimala, Senior Systems Analyst, NIC (Imphal) 12. Shri L.Dhaneshwar Singh, Systems Analyst, NIC (Imphal) 13. Shri Sarbjeet Singh, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Punjab-Chandigarh) 14. Shri Kanwaljit Singh, Senior Systems Analyst , NIC (Punjab-Chandigarh) 15. Ms. Meenakshi Systems Analyst & DIO, NIC (Amritsar) 16. Shri Ranjeet Singh, Programmer, NIC (Amritsar) 17. Shri Amolak Singh, Senior Systems Analyst & DIO, NIC (Jallandhar) 18. Shri Ranjit Singh, Systems Analyst , NIC (Jallandhar) 19. Shri P.K. Patel, Systems Analyst, NIC (Ranchi) 20. Smt. Kasthuri, Senior Systems Analyst, NIC (Trivandrum) 21. Shri T. Hanumantha Rao,Technical Director, NIC (Hyderabad) 22. Shri D. Lakshmi Narayana,Pricipal Systems Analyst , NIC (Hyderabad) 23. Shri S. Soudhamini, Systems Analyst, NIC (Hyderabad) 24. Shri Jit Raj, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Srinagar) 25. Shri Sudhir Sharma, Programmer, NIC (Srinagar) 26. Shri Harbaksh Singh, Programmer, NIC (Srinagar) 27. Shri T. N. Singh, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Raipur) 28. Shri B. Manu Mohan, Scientific Assistant, NIC (Raipur) 29. Shri A.N.Siddiqui, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Bhopal) 30. Shri Dharmendra Jain, Systems Analyst (upto Jan.2003), NIC (Bhopal) 31. Shri Musharraf Sultan, Programme, NIC (Bhopal) 32. Kumari Sunita Jain, District Informatics Officer, NIC (Indore) 33. Shri K.V.Rama Murthy, District Informatics Officer, NIC (Jabalpur) 34. Dr. L.R. Yadav, Technical Director, NIC (Lucknow) 35. Shri V.K. Singh, Systems Analyst, NIC (Lucknow) 36. Shri A. Manohar, Programmer, NIC (Lucknow) 37. Shri Rashid Husain, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Lucknow) 38. Shri Vinay Kashyap, Programmer, NIC (Lucknow) 39. Smt. Rekha Gadia , Senior Systems Analyst, NIC (Gorakhpur) 40. Shri Binod Kumar Dikshit, Systems Analyst, NIC (Gorakhpur) 41. Shri S.K. Dixit, Systems Analyst, NIC (Kanpur Nagar) 42. Shri Hitendra Shankar Pandey , Programmer, NIC (Kanpur Nagar) 43. Shri Abhay Kumar Chaudhry, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Varanasi) 44. Shri Prasanna Pandey, Systems Analyst, NIC (Varanasi) 113 45. Shri Chandragupta Dutta Barua, Seniot Systems Analyst, NIC (Guwahati) 46. Shri Bibhujjal Kr. Bhattacharjya, Scientific Officer , NIC (Guwahati) 47. Shri Birendra Chhetri, Senior Systems Analyst & SIO, NIC (Gangtok) 48. Shri Shahid Ahmad, Technical Director, NIC (Patna) 49. Shri Somesh, Senior Systems Analyst, NIC (Patna) 50. Shri A K Singh, Programmer, NIC (Patna) 51. Shri Prameshwor Singh, Principal Systems Analyst & SIO, NIC (Aizwal) 52. Shi. Timothy Dkhar, Principal Systems Analyst & SIO, NIC (Shillong) 53. Shri. Pyndaplang Nongpiur, Systems Analyst, NIC (Shillong) 54. Ms. F. Lalrinliana, Senior Systems Analyst, NIC (Aizwal) 55. Shri Lidemo Patton Senior Systems Analyst, NIC (Kohima) 56. Shri Vikishe Sema, Senior Systems Analyst & DIO NIC (Dimapur) 57. Shri Sanjay Chetri, Scientific Officer & DIA, NIC (Dimapur) 58. Shri Amitava Bose, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Kolkata) 59. Smt. Arpita Datta, Systems Analyst, NIC (Kolkata) 60. Smt. S Gayatri Devi, Technical Director, NIC (Chennai) 61. Shri Manivasagan, Programmer, NIC (Chennai) 62. Shri G. Chakrapani, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Chennai) 63. Shri T. Dickson, System Analyst, NIC (Chennai) 64. Shri. K Sundar, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Trichy) 65. Shri. B V Sivaraman, Sr Systems Analyst, NIC (Trichy) 66. Shri. M Alagarsamy, Systems Analyst, NIC (Thoothukudi) 67. Shri. M. Raja, Systems Analyst, NIC (Thoothukudi) 68. Shri Ajith Brahmanandan, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Kochi) 69. Shri Suman Babu.D. Programmer, NIC (Kochi) 70. Shri G S Bansal, Technical Director & SIO, NIC (Haryana-Chandigarh) 71. Shri Deepak Bansal, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Haryana-Chandigarh) 72. Shri Alok Srivastva, Systems Analyst , NIC (Haryana-Chandigarh) 73. Shri M.P. Kulshreshtha, Senior Systems Analyst & DIO, NIC (Hissar) 74. Shri Akhilaish Kumar, Systems Analyst, NIC (Hissar) 75. Shri Tarun Goyal, Senior Systems Analyst & DIO, NIC (Karnal) 76. Shri M.P. Sikri, Systems Analyst & DIA, NIC (Karnal) 77. Shri N R Kulkarni, Systems Analyst, NIC (Panjim) 78. Shri Prashant Mittal, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Jaipur) 79. Shri Liladhar, Systems Analyst, NIC (Jaipur) 80. Shri Mukesh K Ralli, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Shimla) 81. Shri Surinder Pal Singh, Senior Systems Analyst & DIO NIC (Solan) 82. Shri Rajnish Mahajan, Technical Director & SIO, NIC (Gujarat) 83. Shri Shailesh O. Shah, Principal Systems Analyst, NIC (Gujarat) 84. Shri Ramesh Chavda, Principal Systems Analyst & DIO, NIC (Surat) 85. Shri A. K. Padhiyar, Programmer & DIA, NIC (Surat) 86. Shri Dinesh Chuhan, Principal Systems Analyst & DIO, NIC (Bhavnagar) 87. Shri B R Dhandhukiya, Principal Systems Analyst & DIO, NIC (Rajkot) 88. Shri Rajesh Joshi, Senior Systems Analyst & DIA, NIC (Rajkot) 89. Shri Mukesh Sharama, Systems Analyst & DIO, NIC (Palanpur) 90. Shri Sanjay Sharma, Systems Analyst & DIO, NIC (Vadodara) 91. Shri A. Varghese, Senior Systems Analyst & DIO, NIC (Ahmedabad) 114 92. Shri N S Raghavan Programmer & DIA, NIC (Ahmedabad) Purchase 1. Shri Shyam Sunder, Joint Director 2. Shri L.S.Viswanathan, Deputy Director 3. Shri P.C.Augusti, Section Officer Finance 1. Shri R.K..Saini, Joint Director 2. Shri N.K.Kurup, Deputy Director 3. Smt. Bhatia, Section officer 115