
Handbook of the
Division of International Psychology
Division 52 of the American Psychological Association
Handbook of the Division of International Psychology
American Psychological Association Division 52
Prepared by the Task Force on Policy and Procedures
Joy K. Rice, Chair
Lynn Collins
Michael Stevens
Danny Wedding
Edited by
Joy K. Rice & Richard S. Velayo
June 2012
Article I: Name and Purposes
Article II: Membership
Article III: Officers
Article IV: Board of Directors
Article V: Executive Committee
Article VI: Committees
Article VII: Nominations and Elections
Article VIII: Publications
Article IX: Meetings
Article X: Finances
Article XI: Amendments
Purpose of the Division of International Psychology
Brief History of the Division of International Psychology
Procedures for Membership
Early Career Professional
History and Archives
International Committee for Women
Nominations and Elections
Publications and Communcations
Award – Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award
Award – Denmark-Reuder Award
Award – Mentoring
Award - Student
Standing Committees
Special Committees
Publications and Communications
Curriculum and Training
Disaster, Trauma and Violence Prevention
Immigration and Refugees
Information Clearinghouse
Liaisons – International
Long-Range Planning
Public Interest /United Nations
Webmaster/Website Technology
Federal Advocacy Coordinator
APA Governance Chair
APA Oversight Committee to International Network Committee for
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Concerns and Gender Identity Issues
In Psychology
Committee on International Relations in Psychology
David International Travel Award
Outstanding International Psychologist Award
Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award
Florence L. Denmark / Mary E. Reuder Award in Recognition of
Outstanding Contributions to the Psychology of Women and
Mentoring Award
Awards for Student International Research
Lynn Stuart Weiss Lecture
International Psychology Bulletin
International Perspectives in Psychology
Division Organizational Chart
List of Officers
List of Committee Chairs
Budget Policies
Budget Requests and Reimbursement
Travel Reimbursement Policy
Sample APA Reimbursement Form
Sample APA Travel Expense Work Form
Division Awards 1999 - present
Monitors and Liaisons
AwAAwards, Activities, and Programs
Appendix A: Division Organization
Appendix B: Officers
Appendix C: Committee Chairs
Appendix D: Financial Policies
Appendix E: Sample APA Forms
Appendix F: Division Awardees
Appendix G: Ursula Gielen Award
Appendix H: Student Committee
Contribution Form
Appendix I: EPC Committee
Policies and Procedures
Policies and Procedures
AppendJ: Motions, Policies, and Resolutions
from the Minutes
Appendix K: Member-at-Large Rotation
Appendix I: Information Form
Handbook Update Form
Created August, 1999
Revised July, 2007
Revised October, 2010
Amended July, 2011
Section 1
The name of this organization shall be the Division of International Psychology of the American
Psychological Association (APA), hereafter referred to as the Division and the APA respectively.
Section 2
The purposes of this Division are to further the development and advancement of international relations
among psychologists in the areas of sharing knowledge, encouraging visitation, and encouraging
intercultural research and development in clinical practice, and to promote the general objectives of the
Section 3
No part of the earnings of the division shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members,
officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to
pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in
furtherance of Section 501 (C) (3) purposes. No substantial part of the activities of the organization
shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the
organization shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of
statements) any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.
Section 1
There shall be five categories of membership in this Division: Member, Fellow, Associate, Affiliate and
Student Affiliate.
1) Member
a) Charter Members are the APA members who signed the petition for the establishment of the
Division as well as those who paid Division dues for the calendar year in which the Division
was established.
b) To qualify for the status of Member, an individual shall be a member of the APA and shall
have an interest in international psychology. A Member shall be entitled to the following
rights and privileges:
i) To attend and to participate in the meetings of the Division and to receive its
publications; and
ii) To hold office, to serve on Committees of the Division and to vote in its elections.
2) Fellow
To be nominated for the status of Fellow an individual shall:
a) Be a Member of APA;
b) Have been a Member of the Division for at least one year;
c) Have made an outstanding contribution to the area of international activities in research,
teaching or practice; and
d) Be endorsed by three APA Fellows, including two Fellows within the Division.
i) The Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the Fellows Committee
ii) shall adopt and maintain criteria for election to Fellow status which shall be applied to
applicants by the Committee. Nominations shall be made by the
iii) Fellows Committee, such nomination to be conducted in accordance with extant
iv) Bylaws and Association Rules of the APA.
v) Fellows of the Division shall be entitled to the same rights and privileges as a Member.
3) Associate
To qualify for the status of Associate, an individual shall be an Associate Member of the APA and
shall have an interest in international psychology. Associate Members of the Division who are
voting Associates of the APA shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges:
a) To attend and participate in the meetings of the Division and to receive its publications; and
b) To hold office, to serve on Committees of the Division, and to vote in its elections.
Associate Members of the Division who are not voting Associates of the APA shall be entitled to
the following rights and privileges:
a) To attend and participate in the meetings of the Division and to receive its publications;
b) Associate Members shall not be entitled to hold office, serve as voting members of Standing
Committees of the Division, or vote in elections.
4) Affiliate
To qualify as an Affiliate of the Division, an individual shall have an interest in international
psychology. An Affiliate shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges:
a) To attend and participate in the meetings of the Division and to receive its publications;
b) Affiliates shall not be entitled to hold office, serve as voting members of Standing
Committees of the Division, or vote in elections.
5) Student Affiliate
a) To qualify as a Student Affiliate of the Division, an individual shall be enrolled in a program or
school of recognized standing in the area of psychology. A Student Affiliate shall be entitled
to the following rights and privileges:
To attend and participate in the meetings of the Division and to receive its publications;
ii) Student Affiliates shall not be entitled to hold office, serve as voting members of
Standing Committees of the Division, or vote in elections.
Section 2
The Chair of the Membership Committee shall be responsible for communicating to each applicant
his/her membership status in a timely fashion.
Section 1
The Officers of the Division shall be a President, President-elect, Past President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2
The President shall be the Member who has just completed his/her term as President-elect. The term of
office of the President shall be one year. The President shall preside at all meetings, shall be the chair of
the Board of Directors, and shall perform all other usual duties of a presiding officer.
Section 3
The President-elect shall be a Member of the Board of Directors, and shall perform the duties
traditionally assigned to a vice- president. The term of office of the President-elect shall be one year. In
the event that the President shall not serve his/her full term for any reason, the President-elect shall
succeed to the unexpired remainder thereof and continue to serve through his/her own term.
Section 4
The Past President of the Division shall be the most recently retired President of the Division, shall serve
as a member of the Board of Directors, and shall serve as a Chair of the Committee on Nominations and
Elections. The term of the office of Past President shall be one year. If, for any reason, the Past
President shall not serve his/her full term of office, the office shall remain vacant through the balance of
the year in which the vacancy occurs.
Section 5
The Secretary shall be elected for a term of three (3) years. During his/her term, (s)he shall be a member
of the Board of Directors, shall safeguard all records of the Division, shall keep the minutes of the
meetings of the Division and of the Board of Directors, shall maintain coordination with the Division and
the Central Office of APA, shall inform the membership of action taken by the Board of Directors, shall
keep an updated membership mailing list, and shall perform all other usual duties of a Secretary.
Section 6
The Treasurer shall be elected for a term of three (3) years. During his/her term, (s)he shall be a member
of the Board of Directors, shall oversee custody of all membership funds and property of the Division,
shall oversee the receipt of all money by the Division, shall direct disbursements as provided under the
terms of these Bylaws, shall oversee the keeping of adequate accounts, shall prepare the annual budget
in consultation with the President and the Board of Directors, shall make an annual financial report to
the Division and, in general, shall perform the usual duties of a Treasurer. In the event of the incapacity
of the Treasurer, or a vacancy in that office, the President-elect is authorized to serve in his/her stead
until the next yearly election.
Section 7
The Officers shall assume their positions on January 1 of each calendar year and shall maintain them
until their successors are seated. During the period between their election and the assumption of office,
the Officers shall be given the title of Officer-designate and shall be ex-officio, non-voting, members of
the Board of Directors.
Section 8
In the case of death, incapacity, resignation or other cause of vacancy in the office of the President-elect
or Secretary, the vacant office shall be awarded to the candidate for the position who was, at the time of
the most recent past election, the runner-up for the office in question. If the runner-up declines to
serve, or is for any other reason, unavailable, the Board of Directors shall, by a majority vote, elect a
successor to serve until the next annual meeting and shall also undertake to conduct a special election
from among eligible members to secure a permanent incumbent who shall complete the unexpired
Section 9
Any Officer may be removed from office before the expiration of his/her term by a public two-thirds
(2/3) vote of those present at a meeting of the Board of Directors if it appears that the best interests of
the Division are not being served by the person in question.
Section 10
An elected officer is eligible to run for another office in the Division only during the last year of his/her
term of office or when the elected officer has retired from the position.
Section 1
There shall be a Board of Directors of the Division. Its membership shall consist of the following persons:
1) The elected officers of the Division as specified in Article III, Section 1 of these Bylaws;
2) There shall be four Members-at-large who shall be Members of the Division, elected for threeyear terms in staggered sequence. Members-at-large shall be members of the Board of
Directors with vote. The terms of the initial Members-at-large shall be set by the Board of
Directors for one, two, or three years so as to implement staggered terms. They shall assume
office on January 1 of the year following their election. One of the Members-at-Large shall be
an Early Career Member. A member-at-large initiates or works on at least one special project
that furthers the goals of the division and reports on the progress annually.
3) The Division shall elect that number of Representatives to APA Council necessary to fill
vacancies created by ending terms of current Representatives and/or vacancies created by
changes on the APA Apportionment Ballot. Representatives to Council must be Members or
Fellows of the Division and are ordinarily elected to serve a three-year term. The Division's
Representative(s) to Council shall be members of the Board of Directors with vote.
4) The Division shall elect a Student Representative who is a Member of the Division, elected for
a two year term. The Student Representative shall be a member of the Board of Directors
with vote.
5) The appointment of the newsletter editor shall be for renewable three-year periods. The
newsletter editor shall be an ex officio member of the Board of Directors without vote. The
appointment of the newsletter shall be made upon the recommendation of the President
and after the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors. The duties of the editor
include inviting submissions of articles, coordinating the peer-review process of research
articles submitted, editing all submissions accepted for publication, ensuring that the
contents of the publication adhere to the general purposes of Division 52 and presenting
periodic updates about the Bulletin to the Division 52 board.
6) The divisional journal editor shall also be an ex officio member of the Board of Directors
without vote. The editor's responsibilities are those usually associated with the preparation
and publication of an APA journal.
7) The chairs of the Division’s standing committees, ad hoc committees and special task forces,
the newsletter associate editors, webmaster and parliamentarian shall be ex officio
members of the board without vote.
Section 2
The duties of the Board of Directors shall include:
1) Exercising general supervision over the affairs of the Division, and the transaction of the
necessary business of the Division provided, however, that the actions of the Board of Directors
shall be consistent with these Bylaws. The Board of Directors shall act consistently with the
recorded vote of the membership and shall report on its actions to the members at the annual
2) Recommending matters for the consideration of the membership;
3) Filling such vacancies in an office of the Division as so empowered under the terms of Article III,
Section 8 of the Bylaws;
4) Advising the President regarding the appointment of Chairs and members of Committees of the
Division in accordance with these Bylaws;
5) Advising the Officers of the Division regarding the performance of their duties;
6) Advising the Division's APA Council Representatives(s) on issues either currently before or which
may be desirable to place before APA Council;
7) Adopting a final budget;
8) Recommending or approving the disbursement of funds of the Division in accordance with
Article IX of these Bylaws;
9) Advising the President regarding the appointment of the Editor of any of the Division's print and
media publications;
10) Setting policies for the conduct of its own affairs or for the affairs of the Division consistent with
these Bylaws;
11) Authorizing the adoption and publication of rules and procedures for the transaction of the
business of the Division provided that the same do not conflict with the Bylaws and Rules of the
Section 3
The Board of Directors shall meet at least twice each year. Additional meetings may be called by the
President with the concurrence of a majority of the voting members of the Board of Directors. One of
the two meetings may be held by conference call.
Section 4
Board of Directors meetings shall be open to all members of the Division except at such times as a
majority of the Board of Directors may declare an executive session. Any member of the Division may
place a matter on the agenda of a meeting. The President shall preside over the meetings of the Board
of Directors, and the Secretary shall act as Recording Secretary. A majority of the voting members of the
Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum, following due notice of the meeting. Each member present
shall have one vote, and no member may vote by proxy. All decisions of the Board of Directors shall
require assent by majority of those voting, except as otherwise noted in these Bylaws.
Section 1
There shall be an Executive Committee of the Board of Directors which shall be composed of the
President, President-elect, Past President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Executive Committee shall meet
on the call of the President or of any other three Officers and conduct such affairs of the Division
between meetings of the Board of Directors as may be needed to implement policy decisions adopted by
the Board of Directors.
Section 2
The duties of the Executive Committee shall be:
1) To supervise the affairs of the Division between meetings of the Board of Directors, managing
those affairs within policies set by the Board and implementing actions directed by the Board;
2) To review matters on the meeting agendas of the Board of Directors and to make
recommendations about these matters to the Board;
3) To negotiate the terms of any contract entered into by and between the Division and any
external organization hired to provide administrative or publishing services to the Division within
policies set by the Board and to supervise and evaluate the performances of such organizations;
4) Upon majority vote of the Executive Committee, to declare an emergency and to hold a mail, on
line or telephone ballot of the Board of Directors upon any proposed course of action.
Section 3
Actions of the Executive Committee shall be subject to the review of the Board of Directors at each
Board of Directors meeting. Actions of the Board of Directors shall be subject to review of the
membership at the membership's annual meeting.
Section 1
The Committees of the Division shall consist of such Standing Committees as are provided by these
Bylaws and such ad hoc Committees as shall be established by the President with the concurrence of the
Board of Directors. All Committee meetings shall be open to all members. In the conduct of Committee
business, the Chair of the Committee shall cast a vote only in the case of ties.
Section 2
Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, the Chair and all members of the Committees shall be
appointed by the President. The Chair and all members of Committees shall serve until their successors
are appointed and qualify. In the case of a vacancy on a Committee, such a vacancy shall be filled by
Presidential appointment.
Section 3
The President-elect, as soon as possible following the assumption of office, shall appoint a Chairdesignate for each Standing Committee. Such Chair-designates shall serve as members of their
respective Committees during their year as Chair-designates. Such persons shall become Chairs in the
subsequent year.
Section 4
The Standing Committees of the Division shall be:
1) The Finance Committee, which shall consist of four (4) members, the Treasurer, the President,
the President Elect and the Past President. The Finance Committee assists in the preparation of
the annual budget and reviews and updates financial policies and procedures for the division.
2) The History and Archives Committee is chaired by the Historian who maintains and updates a
record and history of the division, its list of officers and motions for later summary in the
Division Handbook. The Chair records revisions to the Division Bylaws. In addition the
committee may pursue other areas of historical and archival interest related to the division.
3) The Program Committee shall consist of the past chair, chair and co-chair who assumes the
program responsibilities the following year. Committee Members shall be appointed by the
President-elect and ratified by the Board of Directors. It shall be the duty of the Committee to
solicit, evaluate, and select scientific and professional contributions to be presented as part of
the Division's annual meeting programs.
4) The Committee on Nomination and Elections as described in Article VII, Section 1.
5) The Membership Committee, which shall consist of at least two (2) members, one of whom shall
serve for three (3) years as Chair and another who shall serve as Chair-designate in the final year
of the Chair’s term. It shall be the duty of the Committee to solicit members and recommend
applicants for membership. A representative of the International Liaisons, Outreach, Students,
and Early Career Professionals Committees is encouraged to serve on the Membership
6) The Fellows Committee, which shall consist of three (3) Fellows of the Division, one of whom
shall serve for three (3) years as Chair and another who shall serve as Chair-designate in the final
year of the Chair’s term. It shall be the duty of the Committee to evaluate and recommend
applicants to the APA Membership Committee.
7) The Awards Committee, which shall consist of the three (3) most recent Past Presidents of the
Division. The Committee shall be responsible for recommending awards of such a nature as are
consistent with the aims of the Division. The bestowing of any such award by the Board of
Directors shall require an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of Board Members present and
8) The International Committee for Women, for which the Chair will be appointed bi-annually, will
identify substantive issues affecting the welfare of women globally and will recommend action
to the Division.
9) The Student Committee which is chaired by the Student Representative Board member. The
Student Committee shall consist of a past chair, chair and co-chair who assumes the
responsibilities of chair the following year. Committee members shall be appointed by the
President-elect and the Board of Directors. It shall be the duty of the Committee to
encourage division membership and the engagement and career development of student
members in the field of international psychology.
10) The Early Career Professionals (ECP) Committee shall be chaired by the Early Career Memberat-Large who selects and assigns members to key duties of the Committee. The ECP
Committee shall promote the membership and contributions of ECP members to the Division
and engage in advancing the career development and opportunities of early career
psychologists in International Psychology.
11) The Chair of the Publications & Communications Committee shall be appointed by the
President. The Editor of the division journal, Editor of the division newsletter and
Webmaster shall be members of the Committee. The Committee provides oversight and
direction for all publication and communication outlets of the Division.
Section 5
In addition to its designated responsibilities, each Standing Committee shall have the privilege of
recommending procedures, new policy or policy changes, and/or amendments to these Bylaws to the
Board of Directors.
Section 6
It shall be the responsibility of the Chair of each Committee to submit a report on its operations and
recommendations to the Board of Directors at each of the meetings of the Board of Directors.
Section 7
The Board of Directors is empowered to authorize the formation of ad hoc committees to accomplish
the goals of the Division.
1) Each ad hoc committee shall have a specific charge for a specified period of time and shall be
subject to annual review by the Board of Directors.
2) The number of members and terms of office of ad hoc committee members shall be determined
by the Board of Directors.
3) The members and chair of each ad hoc committee shall be nominated by the President for
approval by the Board of Directors.
4) Unless reconstituted for a subsequent year or years, the existence of an ad hoc Committee shall
terminate at the close of the year in which it has been established.
Section 1
The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall consist of the Past President, who serves as ex-officio
member and as chair of the Committee, and up to three (3) other members of the Division. The
members of the Committee on Nominations and Elections shall be appointed by the President with
concurrence of the Board of Directors, and shall serve for one (1) year. In the case of the death,
resignation, or incapacity of the Past President, the President shall assume the duties of the Chair.
Section 2
The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall be responsible for implementing the policies
required for the nomination and election of Officers and Representatives to Council. All aspects of
nomination and election will be done in accordance with the provisions of the APA Bylaws, and shall be
completed by the dates specified by APA. A nominating ballot shall be distributed by the appropriate
deadline of the year prior to the calendar year requiring the election of Division officers. Only Members,
Fellows and Voting Associates of the Division shall participate in the nomination procedure.
Section 3
The nominations shall be tallied by the Committee on Nominations and Elections using the procedures
specified in the Bylaws. In the event that there is an insufficient number of nominees who have received
at least six (6) nominations, the Committee on Nominations and Elections shall use its discretion in
nominating candidates for any remaining spaces.
Section 4
The Officers of the Division shall be elected by a preferential vote of the members on a ballot. The
American Psychological Association oversees the sending of ballots, the count of the votes, the
notification of the results of the election to the President of the Division, and the notification to the
members whose names appeared on the ballot. The election results shall be reported at the annual
business meeting of the Division and in the Bulletin as well as announcement-only listserv and
website. The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall be responsible for the notification to the
Board of Directors of the results of the election, the notification to the members whose names appeared
on the ballot, and the reporting of the election results at the annual business meeting of the Division and
in the pages of its publication when that becomes available.
Section 5
Any vacancies on the Board of Directors which cannot be filled by the appointment of the next-mostpopular defeated candidate shall be appointed by the President only until the next election, at which
time the position will be filled by election for the remainder of the term of office.
Section 1
The Division shall publish a newsletter, a website, a journal and other such publications as shall be
approved by the Board of Directors.
Section 2
The inaugural appointment of the Webmaster shall be for renewable three-year periods. The
appointment of the Webmaster shall be made upon the recommendation of the President and after
the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors.
Section 3
The Editors of the journal and newsletter and the Webmaster shall be responsible for issuing reports
to the Board of Directors in the same fashion as are the committees of the Division, as described in
Article VI, Section 6 of these bylaws.
Section 4
The Editor of the Division's journal, International Perspectives in Psychology, will be selected by
representatives of the Executive Committee appointed by the President working collaboratively with
the publisher of the journal with which Division 52 has a contract. The Editor’s term will also be
determined in conjunction with the publisher.
Section 5
Should the Board of Directors approve the production of publications in addition to the newsletter,
webpage and journal, the Board of Directors shall also approve the appointment and terms and
conditions of appointment for the Editor or Editors of such additional publications.
Section 1
The Division shall hold an annual scientific and professional meeting at the time and place of the annual
convention of the APA for the presentation of scientific papers and the discussion of professional
matters in the realms of international psychology. The Division shall coordinate its program with, and
shall participate in, the programs of the APA.
Section 2
There shall be at least one Membership Business Meeting of the Division that shall be held in
conjunction with and in the locality of the annual convention of the APA. The purpose of such a meeting
shall be to provide an opportunity for a personal exchange of information and perspective about matters
of mutual concern between the general membership and the members of the Board of Directors. Any
member of the Division shall have the right to place a matter on the agenda of any business meeting of
the Division up to 24 hours before the meeting.
Section 3
Other scientific, professional, and/or business meetings of the Division may be called by the President
with the concurrence of the Board of Directors.
Section 1
The assessment of any membership dues or special fees in addition to charges for Division membership
voted by the APA Council of Representatives shall be recommend by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board
of Directors. The proposed assessment shall be presented to the membership for ratification at the
annual meeting of the Division. Ratification shall require a majority vote of those members in
attendance at the Annual Membership Business Meeting at the APA convention.
Section 2
The Division Treasurer shall present to the Division Board of Directors a proposed annual budget for the
following year and a final financial report on the prior year's budget.
Section 3
Disbursement of funds of the Division shall be made as follows:
1) The Board of Directors shall authorize disbursements within the amounts of the approved
budget for purposes which are not inconsistent with the Bylaws of the Division or the APA, nor
with the recorded actions of the membership.
2) The Treasurer, with the concurrence of the President, is authorized to reallocate unexpended
funds from one category of the approved budget to another, provided that the total expenses
for the year are not exceeded.
3) Once a budget has been approved, disbursements for items not contained in the approved
budget but for purposes harmonious with the objectives of the Division may be authorized by a
two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors, provided that the total expenses for the year are
not exceeded.
Section 4
The Treasurer is authorized to sign checks on behalf of the Division or to direct the disbursement of
Section 5
All contracts and other financial documents, other than checks, necessary to undertake programs
approved by the Board of Directors in accordance with these Bylaws shall be executed jointly by the
President and the Treasurer.
Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by a majority of the Board of Directors or by a petition
of three percent (3%) of the voting Members of the Division and presented to the Board of Directors.
The proposed amendment shall be either inserted into the next issue of the Division newsletter mailed
separately to the last-known Post Office address of each voting Member along with the statements
which specify the arguments for and against the proposed change or presented to the members online.
Online voting will be permissible if recommended and approved by the Executive Committee. Ballots
shall be counted sixty (60) days after mailing, and the voting period shall then be considered closed. An
affirmative vote by the majority of the votes cast shall be required to ratify the amendment which shall
be effective immediately.
The formal rules and regulations of the Division of International Psychology, Division 52 of the
American Psychological Association (APA), are set down in the Bylaws. The purpose of this Handbook
is to augment the formal rules with further detail about the policies, practices, and operations of the
Division. To facilitate finding of relevant policies and procedures, the descriptions in the Handbook
are ordered for consistency with the Bylaws. The handbook appendix contains motions, policies and
resolutions from the minutes of Executive meetings.
The procedures described in the Handbook are designed to implement the mandates of the Bylaws,
and as such are guides to action rather than formal rules of the Division. Revisions and updates of the
Handbook reflect the evolution of the Division. Every effort has been made to provide
comprehensive information; if there are omissions, we ask that we be informed so that future
records can be complete. Note: the above paragraph needs to be reworded when the entire
Handbook is put together so that footnotes etc are explained.
The Division of International Psychology, Division 52 of the American Psychological Association, was
established in 1997. As per its Bylaws, the purposes of this Division are to further the development
and advancement of international relations among psychologists in the areas of sharing knowledge,
encouraging visitation, and encouraging intercultural research and development in clinical practice,
and to promote the general objectives of the APA.
The Division of International Psychology (Division 52) represents the interest of all psychologists who
foster international connections among psychologists, engage in multicultural research or practice,
apply psychological principles to the development of public policy, or are otherwise concerned with
individual and group consequences of global events.
The Division encourages member participation in intercultural research, discussions of effective
assessment and treatment models in working with particular cultures, and a better understanding of
the sort of psychological problems which predominate in a given region of the world. To encourage
the development of a more international perspective in psychology, Division 52:
Sponsors programming at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association to
stimulate interest in and share information about international psychology;
Provides networking opportunities for psychologists from around the world through the
Division’s newsletter, the International Psychology Bulletin, convention programming, and
other activities;
Provides opportunities for students to meet and interact with other students and
psychologists from around the world;
Supports the activities of the APA International Affairs Office and its Committee on
International Relations in Psychology (CIRP);
Provides a welcoming “home base” for APA’s international affiliates during conventions;
Promotes the development of international consulting, training, and research opportunities
for psychologists with US based international agencies and exchange programs with
international agencies based elsewhere;
Encourages internationalization of the psychology curriculum through educational initiatives
and resources.
Written by John D. Hogan, Ph.D.
St. John’s University, New York, USA
On February 21, 1997, the APA Council of Representatives approved a petition to create a new
division: APA Division 52, the Division of International Psychology. The creation of the Division was
the result of years of planning and work by a small group of people dedicated to fostering an
international outlook within the APA. The APA had been involved in international activities at some
level for years before the approval of the Division 52 petition, particularly through its Committee on
International Relations in Psychology (CIRP). However, the new division held the promise for a
different focus and direction, and that promise was soon fulfilled.
Ernst Beier, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist with both a university and a private practice background,
was one of the prime movers in starting the division. He and Frances Culbertson, Ph.D., worked with
various APA boards and committees, gathering support. Among the other “division pioneers” were
Leonore Loeb Adler, Ph.D., Florence Denmark, Ph.D., Henry David, Ph.D., and Gloria Gottsegen, Ph.D..
Sarah Jordan and Joan Buchanan, both of APA, were also very important in offering early support for
the division. One of the first hurdles for the group was to collect the required number of signatures
for presentation to the APA Council. In the end, 788 signatures were collected. All are identified as
“charter members” of the division.)
Ernst Beier, Ph.D., Florence Denmark, Ph.D., and Frances Culbertson, Ph.D., comprised the initial
Executive Committee and recruited additional members for the Board of Directors. In all, fifteen
individuals who had been active in forming the division assumed various offices on a “pro tem” basis.
Regular elections were scheduled for May, 1998. The first formal meeting of the division took place
during the 105th annual APA Convention, held in Chicago, from August 15-19, 1997. Although there
had been no opportunity to develop a program in time to meet the customary convention deadlines,
the division was able to share some convention time with the APA Committee of International
Relations in Psychology (CIRP).
Initial dues were set at $12 per year, beginning in 1998. The Board requested donations from the
charter members to support the operation of the division during the remainder of 1997. The first
issue of the newsletter, the International Psychology Reporter, consisting of 10 pages, appeared in
June, 1997. The publication of the early issues was possible through the financial assistance of
Raymond D. Fowler, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of the APA. Ivan Kos, Ph.D. was the founding
editor of the newsletter.
Early growth and change (1997-1998)
By the fall of 1997, several initiatives were underway. A set of proposed bylaws for the Division,
developed under the leadership of Gloria Gottsegen, Ph.D., appeared in the Reporter (10/97).
Student membership in Division 52 became a reality and William G. Masten, Ph.D., was appointed
web-page chair. The official web site became available in January, 1998. Mary Reuder, Ph.D. and her
fellows committee were at work preparing criteria for fellow status in Division 52. Since APA
requirements state that no one can become a fellow of a division until they have been a member for
at least one year, no Division 52 Fellows were eligible until February, 1998. In August, 1998, 72
charter fellows of the division were approved. By early 1998, Division 52 was represented on the APA
Council of Representatives by a single seat.
Harold Takooshian, Ph.D., and Joy K. Rice, Ph.D., as Program Committee chair and co-chair
respectively, began preparing for the division’s first full APA program, to be presented during the
annual convention that was held in San Francisco, August 14-18, 1998. Harold and Joy sent e-mails to
the heads of twenty international behavior science groups to ensure that there would be
international representation on the program. They were rewarded with submissions from six
continents - the first arriving in September from Australia. In all, 39 countries were represented in the
inaugural program.
Permanent status and further initiatives: (1999)
At the APA Council of Representatives (COR) meeting, held from February 19-21, 1999, in
Washington, DC, Division 52 was granted permanent status. Two special interest groups within the
Division were approved by President Denmark - an International Committee for Women with Joy K.
Rice, Ph.D., as chair, and a Committee on Aging with Margaret M. Hastings, Ph.D., as chair. Student
membership continued to be strong. Amendments were proposed to the division bylaws and
approved by the division Board of Directors in August, 1999.
Other changes included the formal establishment of a webmaster position and a new standing
committee, the International Committee for Women. The proposed amendments appeared in the
International Psychology Reporter (fall/winter, 1999, pp. 11-13) with the request for a member vote
by January 15, 2000. At the Board of Directors meeting held on August 19, 1999, Irene Deitch, Ed.D.,
was appointed chair of the Public Relations Committee and Richard Velayo, Ph.D., was appointed
chair of the 2000 Program Committee.
The Division enters a new century: 2000-2007
The number of fellows of the Division continued to grow so that by August, 2000, the division had
126 fellows (72 charter fellows in 1998, 18 fellows in 1999, and 36 fellows in 2000). Membership
issues continued to be of concern. Between 2000 and 2001, the total paid membership decreased
from 923 to 783. During the same period, unpaid membership was up slightly, from 118 to 133. It
was noteworthy that several other divisions within the APA were adding international interest groups
to their organizational structure. It was beginning to appear as if a “new” international psychology
was coming of age.
Innovative activities continued to be introduced by the Division. With the help and expertise of APA
Division 13 (Consulting Psychology), the division began a series of “visioning sessions” at its Board
meetings to facilitate long-range planning. The Division voiced its strong support for a resolution on
cultural and gender awareness in international psychology. In 2004,“Adopt a Psychologist” was
begun, a program in which U.S. members not only pay the Division dues for psychologists from other
countries, but also try to establish an ongoing relationship with their sponsored colleagues. In a
related program, Division 52 members were asked to participate in a “mentoring program” in which
established psychologists try to help their more junior international colleagues through some of the
pitfalls of professional development.
Several new awards were created to honor important contributors to various aspects of
international psychology. The Division participated in a project with “Half the Sky
Orphanage” to sponsor several young children in China. An online newsletter, International
Psychology Bulletin, was begun with Senel Poyrazli, Ph.D., as editor, replacing the hard-copy
International Reporter. In 2005, the Division agreed to co-sponsor a new Erlbaum series on
global and cross-cultural psychology, with Uwe P. Gielen, Ph.D., and Harold Takooshian,
Ph.D., as editors. The first volume in the series, Toward a Global Psychology: Theory,
Research, Intervention, and Pedagogy; edited by Michael J. Stevens, Ph.D., and Uwe P.
Gielen, Ph.D., appeared in February, 2007.
As the 10th anniversary of the division approached (2007), the division reached its goal of
more than 1,000 members. The division also had several new initiatives in various stages of
development including the establishment of the Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book
Award, the creation of DVD on international psychology, and (with APA Divisions 1 and 2),
the initiation of a national speakers bureau. Other recent developments included efforts to
establish international psychology mid-year meetings around the country in cooperation
with various regional psychological associations.
In 2010, Grant Rich, PhD, became the editor of the International Psychology Bulletin (IPB).
Also, in 2010, the division launched a new APA journal, International Perspectives in
Psychology: Research, Practice and Consultation, with Judith Gibbons as the founding editor.
The division continued to fulfill the promises made at its creation through its vibrant and
wide-reaching activities.
Membership Categories
Division 52 has five categories of membership: Member, Fellow, Associate, Affiliate and Student
Affiliate. The categories of Member, Fellow, and Associate, are consistent with the classes of
membership within the American Psychological Association (APA) as described in the 1994
amendment to the APA Bylaws. Our categories do not exactly parallel APA with regard to
international and student affiliates, so they are discussed separately below;
Members of the Association shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of psychology
as a science and as a profession and who have met the standards described below. The designation
Member as used in these Bylaws shall be deemed to include Fellows, except where there is an
express provision to the contrary. The requirements for election as a Member may be waived by the
Membership Committee, in special cases, for persons of distinction in fields other than psychology.
The minimum standard for election to Member status shall be the receipt of the doctoral degree
based in part upon a psychological dissertation, or the doctoral degree based on other evidence of
proficiency in psychological scholarship from a program primarily psychological in content and
conferred by a graduate or professional school that is regionally accredited, or that has achieved such
accreditation within five years of the year the doctoral degree was granted, or one of equivalent
standing outside the United States. Candidates for Member status shall be engaged in study or
professional work that is primarily psychological in nature.” (p.2)
Regular and Associate Members must hold comparable status in APA, as stated in APA's Bylaws.
Regular and Associate Members may be elected to Division membership once a year, at the time of
the Division’s annual meeting. According to the APA Bylaws (Amended 1994),
Associate members shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of psychology as a
science and as a profession and who have met the standards described below. Associate members
may not vote or hold office in the Association, but shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the
Association not specifically denied them in these Bylaws.
The minimum standard for election to Associate member status shall be (a) completion of at least 2
years of graduate work in psychology in a regionally accredited graduate or professional school; or (b)
the master’s degree in psychology from a regionally accredited graduate or professional school plus a
year of acceptable experience in professional work that is psychological in nature. Candidates for
Associate member status shall be engaged in professional or graduate work that is primarily
psychological in nature.” (p. 3)
Membership becomes effective the following January, contingent upon payment of the Division
assessment and APA dues. Subscriptions to the International Psychology Reporter and participation
on the Division’s announcement-only email list are included in the membership dues. Regular and
Associate Members of the Division participate and vote in Division and APA affairs.
To qualify for the status of Member, an individual shall be a member of the APA and shall have an
interest in international psychology.
1) Charter Members are the APA members who signed the petition for the establishment of the
Division as well as those who paid Division dues for the calendar year in which the Division
was established.
2) Members shall be entitled to attend and to participate in the meetings of the Division and to
receive its publications and to hold office, to serve on Committees of the Division and to vote
in its elections.
Fellows are Members of APA who have been recommended by the Division for recognition of their
unusual and outstanding contribution or performance in psychology. Fellows must have been
Members of APA for one full year; have been a Member of the division for a least one year; have
made an outstanding contribution to the area of international activities in research, teaching or
practice; and be endorsed by three APA Fellows, including two Fellows within the Division.
1) The Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the Fellows Committee shall adopt and
maintain criteria for election to Fellow status which shall be applied to applicants by the
Committee. Nominations shall be made by the Fellows Committee, such nomination to be
conducted in accordance with extant Bylaws and Association Rules of the APA.
2) Fellows of the Division shall be entitled to the same rights and privileges as Members.
To qualify for the status of Associate, an individual shall be an Associate Member of the APA and shall
have an interest in international psychology.
1) Associate Members of the Division who are voting Associates of the APA are entitled to
attend and participate in the meetings of the Division and to receive its publications and to
hold office, to serve on Committees of the Division, and to vote in its elections.
2) Associate Members of the Division who are not voting Associates of the APA are entitled to
attend and participate in the meetings of the Division and to receive its publications, but are
not entitled to hold office, serve as voting members of the Committees of the Division, or
vote in elections.
To qualify as an Affiliate of the Division, an individual shall have an interest in international
psychology. Affiliate members include:
1) International Affiliates: Psychologists who live outside the United States and Canada may
become either Members or International Affiliates of the American Psychological Association.
Those who join Division 52 will have a parallel membership status in the division (member or
international affiliate).
2) Division affiliates: Division affiliate members are persons who do not belong to APA but have
an interest in international psychology. Such persons may or may not live outside of the
United States. Division affiliate members assume payment of Division dues for which they are
billed annually.
a. Division Affiliates are entitled to attend and participate in the meetings of the
Division and to receive its publications, but are not entitled to hold office, serve as
voting members of the committees of the Division, or vote in elections.
Student Affiliate
Graduate or undergraduate student taking courses in psychology, are eligible to become Student
Student Affiliates are entitled to attend and participate in the meetings of the Division and to receive
its publications, but are not entitled to hold office, serve as voting members of the committees of the
Division, or vote in elections.
The Division of International Psychology is particularly interested in fostering opportunities for
students interested in international psychology to network with their peers. Students are
encouraged to attend social and networking events at the APA conventions, to submit their work to
the Division’s Program Committee, and to contribute to the Student’s Page in upcoming issues of the
International Psychology Bulletin.
Nominations for Fellowship are made by members of the Division upon presentation of evidence of
unusual and outstanding contributions to international psychology. Candidates for Fellow must be
endorsed by at least one Fellow of the Division. Nominations for Fellow are reviewed by the Fellow
Selection Committee, and the names of applicants endorsed by the Committee are then sent to the
APA Membership Committee.
Member, Associate, and Affiliate
To join the Division, applicants complete the Membership Application Form, available from the
membership chair. The application information includes name, address, office and home telephone
numbers, and desired level of membership. Completed application forms are sent to the membership
with checks for dues for the current calendar year. Regular and Associate members will have the
same voting privileges as Affiliate members during the application year. Membership is for the
calendar year. After the application year, Regular and Associate members will be billed for Division
dues on the annual APA dues statement and Affiliate members will be billed each fall for renewal.
Subscriptions to the International Psychology Bulletin, the Journal, and participation on the Division’s
announcement-only email list are included in the membership dues.
Minimum membership dues for APA Members, Associates, International Affiliates, and Student
Affiliates are set by the APA Council of Representatives and paid to the Division by the Association
from Members’ and Associates’ annual dues assessments. The Division also assesses additional dues
at levels determined by vote of the Division. The assessment, billed as part of APA dues, include
subscriptions to the International Psychology Bulletin. Only after a Member or Associate becomes an
official member of the Division will the dues assessment from APA include the Division dues. Dues for
Division Affiliates are billed in October of each year and are payable before the following January.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of the President, President-elect, Past President, Secretary and
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of the Executive Committee, four Members-at-large and the Council
This Committee shall consist of the three (3) most recent Past Presidents of the Division and the most
immediate past-president will serve as Chair. The Committee shall be responsible for recommending
awards of such a nature as are consistent with the aims of the Division. The Awards Committee
recommends and/or oversees all awards given by the Division. It has direct responsibility for
nominations for the division's Outstanding Psychologist Awards. Special award committees present
their nominations to the Awards Committee. The Awards Committee submits all award
recommendations to the Executive Committee of the Division for final approval. The bestowing of any
such award by the Board of Directors shall require an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of Board
Members present and voting.
Early Career Professionals
The Early Career Professionals (ECP) Committee shall be chaired by the Early Career Member-atLarge who selects and assigns members to key duties of the Committee. The ECP Committee shall
promote the membership and contributions of ECP members to the Division, engage in advancing the
career development and opportunities of early career psychologists in international pPsychology and
promote the development of new leaders in the field of international psychology. The definition of
an Early Career Psychologist is up to ten years post graduate status. The mission of the Early Career
Professional Committee is to assist early career psychologists become involved with the international
psychology community.
This Committee reviews all nominees for Fellow status and forward endorsements to APA. Chair
seeks nominations of candidates and serves as liaison between Fellows Selection Committee and
Membership Committee of APA. The Chair is selected annually by the Division President from among
the Fellows on the Committee.
The Committee assists in the preparation of the annual budget and reviews, updates the financial
policies and procedures for the division and oversees the financial affairs of the Division. The
composition of the committee consists of four (4) members, the President, the Treasurer, the Past
President, and the President-Elect.
History and Archives
The History and Archives Committee is chaired by the Historian who maintains and updates a record
of the history of the division, its list of officers, and motions for later summary in the Division
Handbook. In addition, the Committee may pursue other areas of historical and archival interest
related to the Division.
International Committee for Women
The primary mission of the International Committee for Women (ICFW) is to identify substantive
issues that affect the welfare of women globally and to recommend action to the Division. The
committee promotes research, education, symposia, and projects that advance equality for women
internationally and encourages the awareness and infusion of gender equity issues throughout the
activities of the division. The ICFW Chair is appointed bi-annually by the President upon
recommendation of the members of the committee and the outgoing chair.
The Membership Committee is charged with actively recruiting new members and responding
personally to their requests for information and to supporting current members by providing
information specific to membership.
Nominations and Elections
This Committee secures and reviews nominations for Division offices, provides APA Central Office
with the list of final nominees for inclusion on APA election ballots and manages balloting for Division
Bylaws amendments.
This Committee plans the professional program of the Society for the annual meetings of the APA
and for the Division Hospitality Suite. It arranges CE Credit for selected symposia, solicits Posters from
other countries, and establishes joint programming with related Divisions.
Hospitality Suite Coordinators are responsible for scheduling and publicizing the suite program,
staffing the suite for two days of programming, and ensuring the smooth operation of the suite
programs and activities. This includes opening, cleaning up, and checking out of the suite. The
coordinator will work with the Student Committee and Early Career Professionals Committee to
ensure coverage of the suite. The coordinator will have first priority of staying in the suite, with the
financial arrangement to be determined at the mid-winter meeting prior to the convention.
Publications and Communications
The Chair of the Publications & Communications Committee shall be appointed by the President. The
Editor of the division journal, Editor of the division newsletter and Webmaster shall be members of
the Committee. The Committee provides oversight and direction for all publication and
communication outlets of the Division. The Committee seeks to support, integrate, and expand
systems of communication among the Division's members, and between the Division and various
organizations and individuals residing both in the USA and abroad. Important means of
communication include, but are not limited to, the divisional journal, the divisional newsletterjournal, the Information Clearinghouse, the Division's webpage and news services, and other
Internet-related activities.
In keeping with APA guidelines, review and approval of the Division 52 Executive Board is required for
the designation of divisional co-sponsorship of programs and publications or professional activities of
members. The divisional mailing list shall not be used by members to promote professional activities
without the approval of the Board. The listserv monitor will monitor the use of the announcement
only listserv for division appropriate information.
The Student Committee is chaired by the Student Representative Board member. The Student
Representative and Chair will generally be a graduate student, but a particularly outstanding
psychology undergraduate may be nominated for the position. The Student Committee shall consist
of a past chair, chair and co-chair who assumes the responsibilities of chair the following year.
Committee members shall be appointed by the President-elect and the Board of Directors. It shall be
the duty of the Committee to encourage division membership and the engagement and career
development of student members in the field of international psychology. The mission of the Student
Committee (Division 52) is to be a strong, diverse, and productive team that is dedicated to helping
students become involved with the dynamic community of international psychologists.
The goal of this committee is to foster and encourage educational, research and service activities in
the area of international aging through participation in national and international conferences,
increasing awareness of issues regarding aging throughout the division through our publications, and
collaborating in APA presidential initiatives regarding aging.
Award – Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award
The Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award is presented to the author(s) or editor(s) of a recent
book that makes the greatest contribution to psychology as an international discipline and
profession, or more specifically, the degree to which the book adds to our understanding of global
phenomena and problems from a psychological point of view. The award supports the mission of
Division 52, which is to advance psychology internationally as a science and profession, and through
education and advocacy.
Award – Denmark-Reuder Award
The Chair for the Division 52 Denmark-Reuder Award Committee coordinates nominations and
selection of candidates for the award. The award is presented annually to a psychologist who has
made outstanding scholarly contributions to women and international psychology. Description of the
award is given under the Awards, Activities and Programs section.
Award - Mentoring
The Chair for the Division 52 Mentoring Award Committee coordinates nominations and selection of
the award recipient. The award is presented annually to a member or affiliate of Division 52, who
plays an exceptional mentoring role in an international context. The quality and quantity of
international mentoring will be highly considered in determining the award recipient(s). In any given
year the outstanding contributions of nominees to the field of international mentoring may warrant
more than one award recipient. A description of the award is given under the Awards, Activities and
Programs section.
Award - Student
The Chair for the Division 52 Student Awards Committee coordinates nominations and selection of
candidates for the award. The award is presented annually to students who have contributed
outstanding research contributions to international psychology. Description of the award is given
under the Awards, Activities and Programs section.
Curriculum and Training
The Curriculum Committee was founded in 2001 and reconstituted as the Curriculum and Training
Committee in 2006. Consistent with the purpose of the Division of International Psychology, the
mission of the Committee is to foster among psychology undergraduates and graduates an
appreciation of and readiness to respond to the challenges and responsibilities of psychological
science and practice as these evolve in an increasingly interconnected world. Psychology students
must be assisted to recognize the demographic, economic, political, religious, and sociocultural
sources of variability in psychological phenomena, evaluate psychological theory, research, and
practice from contextual perspectives, and embrace psychology as it is situated and evolving
elsewhere in the world, one increasingly affected by globalization.
The primary goal of the Curriculum and Training Committee is to develop cooperative ties with the
APA’s initiatives to internationalize the psychology curriculum (which includes a recommendation to
expand the clearinghouse of materials available for course development), the Committee on
International Relations in Psychology (which is committed to internationalizing the psychology
curriculum), the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (whose Office of Teaching Resources in
Psychology offers resources to support instruction in international psychology), and the International
Committee for Women (which promotes education to advance the equality of women worldwide).
Through a coordinated effort, the Committee can lend its expertise toward preparing psychology
students to become informed and capable global citizens.
Disaster, Trauma and Violence Prevention
The Disaster, Trauma and Violence Prevention Committee promotes the advancement of knowledge
about the immediate and long-term human consequences of traumatic events and reports on
effective methods of prevention, relief and restoration to traumatized populations as well as to those
treating them. This goal is accomplished by dissemination of knowledge through discussion,
education, networking, support of professionals, and collaboration with other trauma organizations
nationally and internationally.
The Divisional Handbook is a current compilation that describes and lists the division's policies and
procedures, committees, officers, bylaws and history. The Divisional Handbook shall be periodically
updated, as least every four years by a chair and committee appointed by the President. At this time
the Divisional Bylaws which are included in the Handbook may also be reviewed.
Immigration and Refugees
The goal of the Immigration and Refugees Committee is to support and generate research, practice,
and services that are culturally responsive and sensitive to the growing national and international
population of immigrants and refugees. The goals will be met through publications, information
dissemination, presentations, participation in national and international conferences, and
collaboration with other APA Divisions to facilitate collaborative projects, conferences, publications,
and presentations.
Information Clearinghouse
The Information Clearinghouse Committee serves to identify, gather, organize, and disseminate
information to psychologists and psychology students in the U.S. and from around the world in order
to foster international collaboration, guide multicultural research and practice, influence public
policy, and apply psychological principles to the individual and group consequences of global events.
The Information Clearinghouse contains general resources, career resources, opportunities in
academic and research settings, opportunities in clinical and service settings, funding for research,
support for conferences, support for travel, awards, resources for U.S. psychology students, and
resources for foreign psychologists and psychology students. The Information Clearinghouse can be
downloaded as a pdf file from the Division 52 website
The duties of this Committee are:
1) Searching for, collecting, and disseminating information relevant to international psychology,
2) Checking the functionality of all URL addresses and uploading revised versions of the
Information Clearinghouse onto the Division 52 website twice annually,
3) Sharing information with the APA’s Office of International Affairs, and
4) Responding to domestic and foreign inquiries for information pertaining to opportunities in
international psychology.
Liaisons – International
The goal of the coordinator for international liaisons is the solicitation of liaisons from international
psychological societies and organizations and the encouragement of mutual collaboration and
exchange of information.
Long-Range Planning
The purpose of the Long Range Planning Committee is to facilitate ongoing division development and
renewal of activities and services undertaken by and for members of Division 52 in the interest of
internationalizing the profession and practice of psychology; to broaden the base of committee
members including early career psychologists; and to continue process consultation with Division 52
Board Officers/Directors and Committee Chairs as an outreach pro bono service of the APA Society of
Consulting Psychology (Division 13). The Long Range Planning Committee seeks to continually refresh
the work and vision of the Division by giving careful thought to both its present and future needs.
The purpose of the Mentoring Committee is to help develop mentoring relationships between
psychologists in different countries and to help provide information that would facilitate careers of
psychologists interested in international research, teaching, practice and outreach.
The Editor of the International Psychology Bulletin, a position recommended by the President after the
approval of a majority of the Board of Directors, may recruit a number of Associate Editors, Editorial
decisions are made by the Editorial Board, which consists of the Editor and the Associate Editors.
The mission of the Outreach Committee is to reach out to regional, state, and local psychological
organizations to build partnerships with each organization on relevant international psychology
issues. The Committee's goal is to make Division 52 a presence within regional, state, and local
psychology organizations in order for their membership to become actively involved in a variety of
international work, including teaching, research, practice, advocacy, and consulting. The Outreach
Committee will utilize technology and digital media to promote their mission.
The Parliamentarian of the Division is responsible for consultation regarding usual and appropriate
rules of order for board and business meetings of the division.
Public Interest /United Nations
The United Nations Committee promotes work done by Division 52 members at the UN. UN
representatives are motivated by a concern for human rights and social responsibility. We aim to
provide linkages between academia, practice, and policy in order to unite psychologists world-wide
and advance international partnerships based on public interest issues. Within the division the
Committee will serve as a forum for members to interact and collaborate with one another on these
concerns and will include dissemination of information from the United Nations. Important items for
consideration by the Public Interest /United Nations Committee include: human rights, concerns of
older women and men, HIV/AIDS, racism, population and development of indigenous peoples.
Webmaster/Website Technology
The Division Web Master is responsible for the maintenance of the main Division website
(, the dissemination of the monthly listserv, and posting past and
current issues of the newsletter. The International Psychology Bulletin can be accessed at
Federal Advocacy Coordinator
The divisional Federal Advocacy Coordinator (FAC) is appointed or reappointed by the Division
President on an annual basis. The job of the FAC is to encourage and organize division members to
be more active in federal advocacy on psychology in concert with the Federal Advocacy Network of
state associations. The Coordinator should be familiar with current federal issues affecting the
practice of psychology and should have a general understanding of our political system and be
committed to strengthening the involvement of the psychologists in advocating for legislation that
advances the profession of international psychology.
Division 52 is designated as a practice division by APA. Each Practice Division can appoint a Federal
Advocacy Coordinator to organize and supervise grassroots initiatives for federal issues. Division
presidents are expected to participate by monitoring grassroots activities and ensuring that
legislative requests from the Practice Organization are carried out. Notification of all federal,
legislative, requests-for-action from the APA Practice Organization come by way of ACTION ALERTS
(via email or FAX), calls from Government Relations Staff or calls from the Regional Field Staff. The
Coordinator works with the division president to respond to these calls to action upon notification
from the Practice Organization. Advocacy activity may take the form of letters or calls to Congress,
meetings with Members of Congress, attendance at town hall meetings, op-eds, or letters-to-theeditor.
FAC Responsibilities:
1) Respond to requests for grassroots action in a timely fashion. Use of division listservs is
2) Provide feedback on your grassroots efforts to the regional field staff and/or the Government
Relations Office, also in a timely fashion;
3) Maintain a grassroots network of psychologists by Congressional district;
4) Identify as many KEY contacts for Members of Congress from your division;
5) Create a contingency plan with your division should the occasion arise that you are
unavailable to take time-sensitive action;
6) Update psychologists in your division on the status of current legislative initiatives (e.g., write
a column for your division newsletter, send issue updates to volunteers via email, report at
board meetings and at conventions);
7) Attend the APA Practice Organization State Leadership Conference in Washington, DC, each
March and participate in the Congressional lobby day at the end of the conference;
8) Recruit psychologists to join the Association for the Advancement of Psychology, which
sponsors a federal political action committee;
9) Educate volunteers on the value of political giving and the importance of political action to
the legislative agenda;
10) Recognize legislators who support APA sponsored legislation (honor with award,
article/picture in the division newsletter, etc.);
11) Honor grassroots volunteers from your division who show initiative and leadership in federal
APA Governance Chair
The Council Representative to APA Council will act as the division's "governance chair," to better
coordinate the division's nominations to APA governance boards and committees.
MISSION: To add a more international voice to APA governance boards/committees. The governance
chair works with the division President and board members to coordinate division nominations to
openings in APA governance.
PROCEDURES: (a) The Governance Chair is an on-going monitor of posted openings on APA
boards/committees, (b) circulates these within the D52 board/membership, (c) collects the vitae of
suitable nominees who are interested to serve, and (d) submits these by the posted deadline, on
behalf of the division.
TIMELINE: The Governance Chair's duties are year-round, but the principal duty is during the annual
APA call for nominations in February, to compile the annual list of nominees for APA boards and
committees, to submit to the APA Elections Office by its March 15 deadline. This should be a
transparent list, circulated to all board members and others who request it.
January: The call for nominations is circulated on the D52 monthly listserv.
February: All nominees and their vitae are collected.
March: The Governance Chair consults with the President and others to submit a final list to APA by
its March 15 deadline.
APA Oversight Committee to International Network Committee for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual
Concerns and Gender Identity Issues in Psychology
The Network adopted the following mission statement: The International Network for Lesbian, Gay,
and Bisexual Concerns and Gender Identity Issues in Psychology is composed of national,
multinational, and international psychological associations that are cooperating to achieve the
following aims:
1) To increase cross-cultural collaboration among psychological researchers and practitioners
who are concerned about the mental health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender populations;
2) To increase knowledge among psychologists and other mental health practitioners about
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations;
3) To apply psychological research and mental health practice guidelines focused on lesbian,
gay, bisexual, and transgender populations to international health policy;
4) To increase the number of national, multinational, and international psychological
associations that formally reject the mental disorder conception of homosexuality and that
promote mental health practice that is affirmative of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender
Committee on International Relations in Psychology (CIRP)
The Division of International Psychology and the Division 52 Liaison to CIRP work cooperatively with
the members of CIRP to further mutual goals in international psychology. The mission of CIRP is to:
1) Encourage and support the free circulation of psychologists and psychological ideas and
2) Promote and assist attendance at international meetings and conferences.
3) Promote exposure to world psychological literature.
4) Support programs of international exchange of psychologists at all levels of academic and
professional training.
5) Promote inclusion of an international perspective in the teaching of psychology at all
educational levels.
6) Increase sensitivity to cultural and linguistic variance at all levels of academic and
professional training.
7) Encourage the advancement of psychological knowledge that is relevant to international
affairs and the application of that knowledge to the formulation of policy in international
8) Monitor within the international context and take action in cases involving infringements of
rights of psychologists or abuse of psychological knowledge and techniques wherever these
may occur and apply psychological knowledge to the alleviation of psychological suffering
attendant upon abuse of human rights.
9) Initiate and maintain communication with international and regional organizations of
psychologists in other countries and with other national and international associations o
psychologists; and
10) Assess and report on the potential effects of APA's plans, programs, and operations on
psychologists in other countries and on other national and international associations of
Henry P. David Grants for Research and International Travel in Human Reproductive Behavior and
Population Studies
The American Psychological Foundation (APF) David Grants support young professionals with a
demonstrated interest in behavioral aspects of human reproductive behavior or an area related to
population concerns.
1) Description: Each year two grants are given:
The APF David Research Grant provides up to $1,500 for support of ongoing research in
behavioral aspects of population studies or human reproductive behavior.
The APF David International Travel Grant provides up to $1,500 to support travel related to
research on human reproductive behavior and population studies or attendance at a
international or regional congress.
Applicants may apply for one or both grants.
2) Eligibility:
Applicants must be carrying out dissertation research or not have more than 5 years
postgraduate experience. The grants are open to applicants in all relevant disciplines with
preference given to those with a psychological approach or in the discipline of psychology.
The grants are open to applicants from any country. APF encourages applications from
individuals who represent diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, and sexual
3) Application:
Please download the RFP (PDF, 202KB) to apply at
Deadline is February 15.
Outstanding International Psychologist Awards
The Division presents two Outstanding International Psychologist Awards. One award is given to a
psychologist from the United States and the second award is for a psychologist outside the United
1) Criteria: Both awards give recognition to individuals who have made outstanding
contributions to international psychology either through significant research, teaching,
advocacy, and/or contributions to international organizations. Past President members of the
Awards Committee are not eligible for nomination until one year after their term of service
has expired.
2) Procedure for the Awards: Each April the Secretary of the Division and the Division
webmaster announce a call for nominations for both awards to our Division, CIRP, and the
APA office of International Affairs with a two months deadline. Nominators are asked to
provide names and brief statements concerning the nominees. The nominating committee
makes award recommendations to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may
suggest additional candidates and approves the final nominees. The nominees are presented
to the Board for final approval. Nominees will then be contacted to provide additional
background and information as needed. In any given year the Board may decide not to give
these awards.
Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award
The Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award is presented to the author(s) or editor(s) of a recent
book that makes the greatest contribution to psychology as an international discipline and
profession, or more specifically, the degree to which the book adds to our understanding of global
phenomena and problems from a psychological point of view. The award supports the mission of
Division 52, which is to advance psychology internationally as a science and profession, and through
education and advocacy. The award honors the memory of Ursula Gielen, who was vitally interested
in the well being of indigenous, persecuted, and poor people around the world.
1) Inclusions and Exclusions
Nominations may include authored or edited volumes in any language. All submissions must
be accompanied by a 2-page letter in English making a case for the book’s potential
contribution to global psychology. Copyright must be must be the year prior to which the
award is given. Nominations may not include fiction and biographies.
2) Specifics of the Award
Winners will be announced, presented with a certificate, and invited to give an address at the
at the APA Convention occurring the year the award is give. They will receive full payment of
the convention fee and a stipend of $500 to help fund their attendance at the convention.
3) Procedures
All nominations, accompanied by the 2-page letter, and three copies of the book, must
be made by October 1 and sent to the Chair of the Committee.
4) Criteria
In judging the contribution of each book, the following set of guidelines may be considered:
a. How creative and novel are the ideas expressed in the book?
b. How large and significant a contribution does the book make to psychology as a
global discipline and profession?
c. Are the book’s contents international or global in nature?
d. Is the book scientifically rigorous and logically sound? Are its theoretical bases well
supported and translatable into sound and ethical practice?
e. What is the literary quality of the work? Is it interestingly and well written? Is the
audience for whom it is written explicitly stated and does it reach that audience?
f. Does the book maintain a clear focus on psychology as a science and practice?
5) About Ursula Gielen
Ursula Gielen (1916-1997, Germany) was vitally interested in the well-being of indigenous,
persecuted, and poor people around the world, with a special emphasis on women and
children. Her legacy and commitment to international concerns and human welfare
continues through her children: Ute Seibold, a former foreign language secretary in
Switzerland; Uwe Gielen, an international psychologist in the United States; Odina Diephaus,
a former interpreter with the European Parliament in Belgium and France; and Anka Gielen, a
counseling psychologist in Germany.
Florence L. Denmark / Mary E. Reuder Award in Recognition of Outstanding Contributions to the
Psychology of Women and Gender
The award is named for two charter members of Division 52 who are known for their scholarly
contributions, international outlook, and outstanding mentoring. The award’s purpose is to recognize
and encourage other outstanding psychologists who have made similar international contributions to
further the understanding of women and/or gender. The outstanding contributions can be crosscultural studies of women and gender, the mentoring of young colleagues across borders, the
training of psychologists to do international work, or other areas deemed important by the Award
1) Criteria for Eligibility
The recipient must be a psychologist with a demonstrated interest in international or crosscultural psychology. Current membership in Division 52 is not a requirement. The Committee
will make one award per year.
2) The Award
The award shall consist of a plaque. The winner will be announced during the Division's
award ceremony and social hour at the APA convention.
3) Submission Requirements and Procedure
Submission requirements are a copy of the candidate's curriculum vitae and a letter of
nomination setting forth the most outstanding contributions of the candidate.
Mentoring Award
The Division 52 Mentoring Award is presented annually to a member or affiliate of Division 52, who
plays an exceptional mentoring role in an international context. Mentoring may be defined by any of
the following activities:
1) Mentoring students or faculty in or from other countries (e.g., helping a foreign university set
up a program in psychology)
2) Mentoring students who contribute to international research, or who go on to work in
international settings
3) Promoting projects that advance the education of psychologists with respect to international
aspects of psychology
4) Contributing to the development of psychology in foreign countries
Assisting in research and/or applications of psychology as a profession in foreign countries.
6) Innovative advances in international mentoring through the use of technology.
Nominations should consist of a curriculum vita and at least two letters, attesting to the mentoring
activities of the nominee. It is highly recommended that the entire nomination packet of information
be forwarded to the chair of the committee by the nominator. The nominations will be reviewed by
the Division 52 Mentoring Award Committee. The Committee's recommendation will be reported to
the Division Board of Directors.
Awards for Student International Research
The Board of Directors of International Psychology, Div. 52 of the American Psychological Association,
announced that awards will be given for student international research - a part of the Div. 52’s
ongoing program to encourage and recognize the global research contributions made by students in
colleges and universities around the world. Awards to be made at the APA Convention in these
1) International experimental/experiential research
2) International comparative study
3) Descriptive study of large samples of mixed nationalities/cultures
4) Study of a trans-national sample
5) Descriptive research or correlation study in a developing country
6) International theoretical/historical analysis
7) Case study of representative international or cross-cultural significance
Each research award will be given to student affiliates of APA or APA Div. 52, as principal researcher,
whose theoretical or empirical study explores psychological issues in an international context or
employs global collaboration and resources beyond the student’s own country. The paper must be
based on the student’s independent project, thesis or dissertation completed after June of the
previous year. Separate awards will be given for graduate and undergraduate submissions.
Submission Requirements
1) A paper (or summary) not exceeding ten pages including references, figures and tables in
APA publication format along with a one page abstract describing the study and its
relationship to international interests and concerns. Include a separate Cover Page with title,
student’s name, address, phone, e-mail address and academic institution.
2) Faculty endorsement attesting the student is author/principal investigator and a student
affiliate of APA or Division 52. (Student affiliate membership requirements are on the web
site below)
3) E-mail submissions as a Microsoft Word attachment. Criteria include: originality, clarity of
expression, complexity of analysis, sample difficulty (size, remoteness and complexity),
insightfulness of findings and discussion, scope and timeliness of international references,
significance and relationship to current international issues.
4) Application forms, submission requirements and student affiliate application are posted on
the APA Div. 52 web site:
5) E-mail submissions to: Committee Chair, by June 1.
Lynn Stuart Weiss Lecture: Psychology as a Means of Attaining Peace through World Law
The Lynn Stuart Weiss Lecture promotes psychology as a means of attaining peace through world
law. The lecture was established by Drs. Raymond A. and Rosalee G. Weiss, in memory of their
daughter. Lynn Weiss' interests centered on the science and art of politics, with a focus on world law.
The lecturer, who receives a $1,000 honorarium, will connect Weiss's focus with her or his range of
interests. The lecture is delivered at the annual APA convention.
1) Requirements
The recommendation of a lecturer rotates among four divisions of the APA: Divisions 9
(Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues); 41 (American Psychology-Law
Society); 48 (Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology
Division); and 52 (International Psychology).
2) Eligibility:
Scholars who have advanced international peace and the legal structures that could
support peace through contributions to research, policy or practice. Self-nominations are
permitted and encouraged.
3) Application: The application should include:
a) A letter from the nominee describing his/her contributions to the ideals described
b) A CV
c) A brief biographical sketch - approximately one paragraph in length that would be
appropriate to serve as the award winner announcement.
d) One letter of support
4) Past Lecturers
Erika F. Apfelbaum, Ph.D.
Gary B. Melton, Ph.D.
Miles R. Hewstone, Ph.D.
Raymond D. Fowler, Ph.D.
Thomas Pettigrew, Ph.D.
Scott Plous, Ph.D.
Mary Robinson
Hon. Captain George Michael Mukula
Michael G. Wessells, Ph.D.
Clarence J. Sundrum, J.D.
Jonathan Turley, J.D.
International Psychology Bulletin
International Psychology Bulletin (IPB), formerly known as International Psychology Reporter, is the
official publication of APA Division 52-International Psychology. The main goal of the publication is to
promote and exchange knowledge among psychologists in the world. Besides the president’s column
and peer-reviewed research articles, IPB includes announcements, reports, updates, book and film
reviews, and information about upcoming conferences. The IPB is published four times a year in the
Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. Deadlines for submissions can be found at the division’s website;
Procedures for submission:
A submission can be made electronically to the editor or the associate editors. However, it might be
best for the authors to check the division’s website if a section editor might be more appropriate to
contact (e.g. sections for Book Reviews, Film Reviews, or Research Articles).
International Perspectives on Psychology
International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, & Consultation is committed to
publishing conceptual models, methodologies, and research findings to help study and understand
human behavior and experiences around the globe from a psychological perspective. It publishes
intervention strategies that use psychological science to improve the lives of people around the
world. The world’s problems are imbedded in economic, environmental, political, and social contexts.
International Perspectives in Psychology (IPP) incorporates empirical findings from education,
medicine, political science, public health, psychology, sociology, gender and ethnic studies, and
related disciplines. The journal addresses international and global issues, including inter-group
relations, disaster response, societal and national development, environmental conservation,
emigration and immigration, education, social and workplace environments, policy and decision
making, leadership, health care, and the experiences and needs of disadvantaged groups. IPP is
published four times per year, beginning in January of 2012. Manuscripts can be submitted as of
January of 2011 via the APA website
Appendix A
Division Organization Chart
A printable PDF version of this chart can be downloaded here:
Appendix B
The APA Council of Representatives approved the petition for the formation of Div. 52 on February 2
1, 1997. The first Board of Directors meeting was held at the 105th Annual Convention of APA on
August 16, 1997. Ernst Beier, Florence Denmark and Fran Culbertson acted as the Executive
Committee in the interim and recruited additional members for Division 52 Board.
1997-98: Emst G. Beier (Founding President)
1999: Florence L. Denmark
2000: Frank H. Farley
2001: Gloria B. Gottsegen
2002: Charles D. Spielberger
2003: Harold Takooshian
2004: Richard S. Velayo
2005: Norman Abeles
2006: Joy K. Rice
2007: Michael J. Stevens
2008: Uwe Gielen
2009: Lynn Collins
2010: Danny Wedding
2011: John Hogan
2012: Neal Rubin
2013: Mercedes McCormick
1997 - 1998: Leonore Loeb Adler
1999 - 2001: Lenore E. Walker
2002 - 2004: Lenore E. Walker
2004 - Present: Kay C. Greene
2004 - Present: Anie Kalayjian (interim)
2005 - 2007: Ani Kalayjian
2007 - 2009: Ani Kalayjian
2009 – 2011: Michael Stevens
2012 – 2014: Susan Nolan
1997 - 1999: Sheila Joshi
1999 - 2004: William G. Masten
2005 - 2007: Sandra Foster
2008 - 2010: Neal Rubin
2010 – 2012: Ayse Ciftci
APA Council Representative
1997 - 1998: Liaison/observer to the APA Council: Frances Culbertson
2001 - 2003: Frances Culbertson
2003 - 2004: Frances Culbertson
2004 - 2006: Gloria Gottsegen
2007 - 2009: Danny Wedding
2010 – 2012: Harold Takooshian
1997 - 1998: Frances Culbertson
1997 - 1999: Henry David
1997 - 1999: Gloria B. Gottsegen
1997 - 1999: Carl N. Zimet
2000 - 2002: Harold Takooshian
2000 - 2002: Henry David
2000 - 2002: Carl N. Zimet
2001 - 2003: Joan C. Chrisler
2001 - 2003: Irene Deitch
2002 - 2004: Joy K. Rice
2002 - 2004: Danny Wedding
2003 - 2004: Gloria Gottsegen
2003 - 2005: Frances Culbertson
2003 - 2005: John Hogan
2005 - 2007: Charles D. Spielberger
2007 - 2009: Harold Takooshian
2007 - 2009: Richard Velayo
2008 - 2010: Gloria B. Gottsegen
2008 - 2010: Ann M. O’Roark
2009 – 2011: Mercedes McCormick
2009 – 2011: Wade Pickren
2010 – 2012: Joy K. Rice
2010 - 2012: Andres J. Consoli
Bulletin Editor
1997 - 2005: Ivan Kos
2005 –2006: Harold Takooshian and Richard S. Velayo (interim editors)
2006 – 2010: Senel Poyrazli
2010 - Present: Grant Rich
Associate Editors
2006 - Present: Harold Takooshian
2006 - Present: Richard Velayo
Section Editors
Jennifer Lancaster
Uwe Gielen
Appendix C
1999 - 2003: Margaret M. Hastings
2006- Present: Norman Abeles
Awards Committee
1997: Robert Morgan
2000: Florence L. Denmark
2006: Norman Abeles; Joy Rice; Michael J. Stevens
2007: Joy Rice; Norman Abeles; Richard Velayo
2008: Michael Stevens, Joy Rice, Norman Abeles
2009: Lynn Collins, Michael Stevens, Joy Rice
2010: Lynn Collins, Uwe Gielen, Nancy Russo, Gloria Gottsegen
2011: Danny Wedding, Lynn Collins, John Hogan
2012: John Hogan, Neal Rubin, Danny Wedding
Award: Mentoring
2001 - 2004: Lynn P. Rehm
2006 –2009: Thema Davis Bryant
2010 – Present: Mercedes McCormick
Award: Denmark-Reuder
2004 – Present: Joan C. Chrisler
Award: Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award
2007 - Present: Renee Goodstein
Awards: Student
2001 - 2003: John E. Lewis
2004 - 2006: Robert Ostermann
2006 –2009: Robert Ostermann; Co-Chair Chalmer Thompson
2009: Chalmer Thompson
2010 - Present: Sheila Henderson
Bylaws Committee
1997: Carl Zimet; Gloria B. Gottsegen
2010 – Present: Joy K. Rice
2002 - Present: Consultants: Harold Takooshian; Robert Morgan
2004 - Present: Uwe Gielen
Curriculum/Training Internationalizing
2001: Anthony Marsella
2004 - 2006: Richard Velayo
2006: Michael Stevens
2007 – Present: Gloria Grenwald
Disaster, Trauma and Violence Prevention
2005 - Present: Ani Kalayjian
Division Representative to CIRP
2007 –2009: Joan C. Chrisler
2010 – Present: Judy Kurlansky
Early Career Professionals
2007 – 2009: Kate Richmond, Chair; Mathilde Salmberg, Co-Chair
2010 – Present: Ayse Ciftci
2007 - 2009: Neal Rubin
Federal Advocacy Coordinator
2002 - 2006: Gloria B. Gottsegen
2007 - 2010: Joy Rice
1997 - 1999: Mary E. Reuder
1999 - 2000: Harold Takooshian
2001 - 2003: Harold Takooshian; Joan C. Chrysler
2004 –2008: Paul Lloyd
2005 - 2008: Ann O'Roark
2009 – Present: Harold Takooshian
2007: Ani Kalayjian; Michael Stevens; Uwe Gielen; Joy Rice
2008: Ani Kalayjian; Uwe Gielen; Lynn Collins; Michael Stevens
2009: Michael Stevens; Lynn Collins; Danny Wedding; Uwe Gielen
2010: Michael Stevens; Danny Wedding, John Hogan; Lynn Collins
2011: Michael Stevens, John Hogan, Neal Rubin, Susan Nolan
1997 - 1998: Richard Velayo
2005 – 2009: Gloria B. Gottsegen, Chair
2007 – 2009: Shay C. Mann, Co-Chair
2010 – Present: Joy Rice, Chair
History and Archives
2000 - Present: John D. Hogan
Immigration and Refugees
2006 -2009: Fred Bemak; Oksana Yakuska
2010 –Present: Fred Bemak
Information Clearinghouse
1998 - Present: Michael J. Stevens
International Committee for Women
2000 - 2002: Joy Rice
2002 - 2004: Lynn Collins
2004 - 2006: Nancy Sidun
2006 – 2008: Carolyn Zerbe Enns
2008 – 2010: Joan Chrisler
2010 – 2012: Susan Nolan
2012 – 2014: Sayaka Machizawa
Invitational Conference
2001: Frank Farley
Liaisons - Divisions
2004 –2009: Lynn H. Collins
Liaisons - International
1999-2005: Michael J. Stevens
2006 - Present: Rivka Bertisch Meir
Living Abroad
2001 - 2002: Berta Davis
Long-range Planning
2004 –2009: Ann M. O'Roark
2005 - 2009: Paul Lloyd, Co-Chair
2010 – Present: Senel Poyrazli, Wade Pickren, Co-Chair
Member - APA Oversight Committee on International LGBT Concerns
2005 – 2009: Gloria B. Gottsegen
2010 – Present: Mercedes McCormick
1997 - 1999: Joan C. Chrisler
2000 - Present: Dorothy Litwin
2001 - 2003: Richard Velayo
2004 - 2005: Weihua Niu, Sherri McCarthy-Tucker
2005 –2006: Sherri McCarthy-Tucker; Elaine Bow
2006 –2007: Elaine Bow; Danny Wedding
2007 - 2009 : Danny Wedding; John Lewis
2009 - Present: Janet Sigal
2006 –2007: Irene Frieze; Co-Chair Florence Denmark
2007 - Present: Ani Kalayjian
Newsletter Editor
1997 - 2005: Ivan Kos
2005 –2006: Harold Takooshian and Richard S. Velayo (interim editors)
2006 – 2010: Senel Poyrazli
2010 - Present: Grant Rich
Associate Editors
2006 - Present: Harold Takooshian
2006 - Present: Richard Velayo
Section Editors
Jennifer Lancaster
Uwe Gielen
Journal Editor
2010 – Present: Judith Gibbons
1999: Ernst Beier, Florence L. Denmark
2000: Ernst Beier, Florence L. Denmark; Frank Farley
2001 - 2004: Florence L. Denmark
2004: Harold Takooshian
2005: Norman Abeles; Joy Rice; Michael J. Stevens
2006: Norman Abeles
2007: Joy Rice; Michael Stevens; Richard Velayo
2008: Michael Stevens
2009: Lynn Collins, Joy Rice, Michael Stevens
2010: Lynn Collins
2011: John Hogan
2004 - 2005: Sandra Foster
2005 - Present: Mercedes McCormick; Harold Takooshian
2003 - 2005: Florence Denmark
2006 - 2007: William Masten
2007 - Present: John Davis
2001 -2002: Carmi Harari; Michael Wessells
Prescriptive Authority
2001 - 2004: Jack Wiggins; Danny Wedding
1997 - 1998: Harold Takooshian, Co-Chair, Joy Rice
1999 - 2000: John D. Hogan, Co-Chair, Richard Velayo
2000 - 2001: Richard Velayo, Co-Chair, Frank Farley
2001 - 2002: Susan Dutch Co-Chair, Lynn Collins, Joan C. Chrysler
2002 - 2003: Lynn Collins, Co-Chair, Anie Kalayjian
2003 - 2004: Anie Kalayjian, Co-Chair, Uwe Gielen
2004 - 2005: Uwe Gielen, Co-Chair, Michael Stevens
2006 - 2007: Neal Rubin, Co-Chair, Sharon Horne
2007 - 2008: Sharon Horne, Co-Chair, Wade Pickren, Ayse Ciftci Uruk
2008 - 2009: Wade Pickren, Co-Chair, Ayse Ciftci Uruk
2009 – 2010: Ayse Ciftci Uruk, Co-chair Janet Sigal
2010 – 2011: Janet Sigal, Co-Chair, Senel Poyrazli
2011 – 2012: Senel Poyrazli, Co-Chair Mark Terjesen
Public Interest /United Nations
2001 - Present: Florence Denmark
Public Relations
2000 - 2002: Irene Deitch
Publishing Committee
1998 - 2000: Ivan Kos
Research Methodology – Joint Division 52 and Division 5 Task Force
2007: Nancy Russo; Barbara Byrne, Division 5 Representative
Student and Early Career Psychologists
2001 - 2003: Sharon McCaslin
2001 - 2003: Evana Hsaio
2004 - 2005: Kate Richmond; Mei Jiang
2006 - 2007: Amanda Kracen; Lillian Flores Stevens
2008 - 2009: Shay C. Mann
Student Committee
2007 - 2008: Amanda Kracen; Lillian Flores Stevens
2008 - 2009: Shay C. Mann
2010 –2011: Erin Bullett; Jenna Stowell
2011-present: Jenna Stowell; Jennifer Doran
Social Psychology Network Representative
2007 –2008: Eros De Souza
Tests and Measurements
2001 - 2002: David Ackerman
2002 - 2003: Thomas Oakland
2004 –2007: Peter Merenda
Terrorism and Violence
2003 - 2005: Elizabeth Carll
Web Site Chair
1997 - 1998: William G. Masten
1999 - 2005: William Master
2006 –2008: Richard S. Velayo; Shay C. Mann
2009 – Present: Richard S. Velayo
Website Technology
2004 – 2005: Giuseppe Sottile
2005 - 2007: Richard S. Velayo
2007 - 2008: Richard S. Velayo; Shay C. Mann
2009 – Present: Richard S. Velayo
Representative to APA Task Force on Immigrant Children Youth and Families
2001 -2006: Fred Bemak
Representative to Committee on International Relations in Psychology
1997 - 1998: Robert Perloff
1998: Ivan Kos
2000: Ernst Beier
2001-2003: Ivan Kos
2004-2006: Gloria Gottsegen
2007 - 2009: Joan C. Chrisler
2010 - Present: Judy Kuriansky
Appendix D
Budget Policies
The following two budget categories have been approved:
1) Operating Expenses:
Under this category are all expenses necessary to keep the Division operational. Included are
officers' expenses; expenses of internal committees (membership, finance, bylaws, fellows,
organizational structure, governance, APA council, nominations and elections,
communications and recruitment); standard fees, travel, miscellaneous, meeting expenses,
and discretional funds.
2) Programs and Services:
Under this category are included all programs and services provided by the Division including:
APA program committee, prizes and awards, task forces, dues to other organizations, and
continuing education programs.
A goal for the annual budget is a division of income of approximately 50% for operating costs and
50% for service and program costs. This ratio is recommended to help long term planning, clarify
Divisional priorities, and improve decision-making about planning how to allocate funds.
(Approved, April, 2009, Portland).
All expenses will be monitored and controlled to stay within the annual division budget. An expense
overrun by a task force or committee will be reviewed by the President and Treasurer in consultation
with the Finance Committee and will not be automatically reimbursed. The Finance Committee will
formulate procedures and policy to allow the Division to manage its budget better.
Expenses will be tied to the Division's current priorities and projects whenever possible.
In most cases revenue for ongoing, special projects will be generated by revenue streams other than
dues. This policy pertains only to special projects, not to standing committees or to ad hoc
committees that will last for more than one year. "Revenue streams other than dues" includes
several sources of current income, such as ads, continuing education revenue, and royalties from
publications. This policy does not mean that each special project would have to find its own source
of income.
Books published by the Division will provide income for the Division. Contributing authors can be
reimbursed up to $50.00 per chapter for expenses by the Publications and Products Committee.
Royalties are for the benefit of the Division.
Budget Requests and Reimbursement
General Information
All Committee and Task Force Chairs must submit a request for funding to the President and the
Finance Committee for approval. It is important to remember that the Division budget year coincides
with the calendar year and starts in January and ends in December; consistent with APA as well as
appointments for most Committee and Task Force chairs.
All Executive Committee members must report their expenditures on a six month basis at the time
designated in order to be eligible for reimbursement. Suggested designated dates are mid-July for
the first six month of the year and mid-January for the second six months. Late requests will be
reviewed and reimbursements of late requests will occur on an individual basis based on an
evaluation of the budget and are not automatically funded.
A preliminary budget for the upcoming year is prepared by the past president, president, president
elect and treasurer in August and reviewed by the Executive Committee at the annual meeting. In
January a call for budget items is sent out along with the call for agenda. The budget is formed in
consultation with individuals who performed the same or similar tasks in the past. The budget is
submitted to the Executive Committee by the President and Treasurer of the Division during January
prior to the midyear Executive Committee meeting.
The budget is formally approved at the midyear Executive Committee meeting of the Division.
Committee and Task Force chairs are notified by the Treasurer of the amount approved for their
operating expenses. Reimbursements are then requested by the Committee or Task Force chair to
the Treasurer. A budget request should be completed on the form provided by the Treasurer (sample
attached). It is extremely important that original receipts be attached.
Final accounting should be submitted to the Treasurer as soon as the task is completed. Deadlines
have been set twice a year for reimbursement. Expenses incurred between January 1 and June 30
must be submitted by July 15. Expenses incurred between July 1 and December 31 must be
submitted by January 15. Receipts turned in late will be considered on an individual basis and may
not be reimbursed if the Division is over-budget.
Expenses Permitted
Budget categories should conform to those in the Division budget form. If the expenses to be
covered are different from those previously allotted to complete the same or similar tasks, the
budget should offer a rationale. Such discrepancies are anticipated, since there is a dramatic
difference in the resources available to individuals performing Division functions.
All officers, committee heads, editors, and task force chairs will stay within their expense budget. No
payments over budget will be paid without prior approval from the President and the Executive
Overage Procedure
When an officer, committee head, editor, or task force chair sees that further expenditures will result
in a budget overage of $200 or more, she or he will notify the President and the Treasurer.
Notification will consist of talking with and/or emailing the President and Treasurer. The request
should also be sent in writing with a copy kept by the individual making the request and should
include the deadline by which the decision must be made and relevant information to assist the
President in making the decision. The individual making the request must leave a telephone or
facsimile number where a message may be left 24 hours a day. A budget overage of more than $200
must also be submitted by email to the Finance Committee with appropriate information as detailed
above. The president in consultation with the Finance Committee will make a decision about
reimbursement of such requests.
It is requested that a minimum of 48 hours be given between notification of possible overrun and
actual commitment of the funds. If the individual is unsure of her or his funding situation or is unable
to reach the President, she or he may consult with the Treasurer or Finance Chair.
Travel Reimbursement Policy
Individuals Covered
President, Past President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Members-at-Large, APA Council
Representatives, International Psychology Bulletin Editors, and the APA Program Chair. Others
committee chairs are eligible for reimbursement subject to the President's discretion, in consultation
with the Executive Committee and budgetary limitations. Individuals are urged to use alternative
funds to cover this travel if such funds are available.
Travel Covered
All persons listed above are eligible for up to the equivalent of full travel, subject to the availability of
funds, to attend the midyear Executive Committee meeting. Officers are encouraged to share their
rooms with other officers. In cases of hardship, the President, in consultation with the Executive
Committee, will allocate a flat fee for a few committee chairs, subject to budgetary constraints.
(Approved, 4/2009, Portland)
Council Representatives are also eligible for reimbursement of expenses to cover incidentals for the
midyear meeting of Council when their term of office is active.
Expenses Covered
For those living more than 250 miles from the meeting, coach fare is reimbursed. Tickets should be
purchased well in advance to take advantage of reduced rates for early bookings. For those living
within 250 miles of a meeting, the Division will reimburse the cost of whatever form of
transportation is least expensive, whether airfare or ground transportation. Train or bus fares are
reimbursed at cost. Auto expenses are reimbursed at the current APA rate plus tolls. Local
transportation and meals are NOT reimbursed by the Division.
Request for Reimbursement
All requests should be accompanied by original receipts. In order to avoid credit card finance charges
to the individual, reimbursement can be requested at the time of purchase. This is done with the
understanding that when such tickets are not used, it is the responsibility of the individual to
immediately reimburse the Division.
All requests are to be sent to the Treasurer, using the expense reimbursement form, illustrated in
Appendix E.
Appendix E
A printable PDF version of this form can be downloaded from:
A printable PDF version of this form can be downloaded from:
Appendix F
Division Awards 1999
Career Awards for Outstanding Contributions to International Psychology
Frances M. Culbertson
Charles D. Spielberger
Distinguished International Psychologist
Florence L. Denmark
Edwin Fleishman
APA Staff Recognition for Outstanding Service to the Division
Sarah J. Jordan
Special Recognition Award
Ernst G. Beier
Certificates of Recognition for Service to Division 52
Leonore Loeb Adler
Joan C. Chrisler
Gloria Behar Gottsegen
Sheila Joshi
William Masten
Harold Takooshian
Division Awards 2000
Career Awards for Outstanding Contributions to International Psychology
Henry P. David
Peter F. Merenda
Distinguished International Psychologist Award
Raymond D. Fowler
Bernhard Wilpert
APA Staff Recognition for Outstanding Service to the Division
Joan Buchanan
Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Service to the Division
Ivan Kos
Joy K. Rice
Michael J. Stevens
Richard S. Velayo
Carl N. Zimet
Division Awards 2001
Distinguished International Psychologist Award – U.S.
Robert F. Morgan
Distinguished International Psychologist Award – non-US
Elizabeth Nair
The Past President’s Gavel Award
Frank H. Farley
Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Service to the Division
Joan C. Chrisler
Florence L. Denmark
Joy K. Rice
Harold Takooshian
Student Awards
Shannon McCaslin
Evana Hsaio
Division Awards 2002
Distinguished International Psychologist Award – U.S.
Harry C. Triandis
Distinguished International Psychologist Award –non-U.S.
Susan Pick
Past President’s Gavel Award
Gloria B. Gottsegen
APA Staff Recognition for Outstanding Service to the Division
L. Keith Cooke
Special Recognition Awards
Ruth Behar
Louise Evans
Outstanding Mentor Award
Michael J. Stevens
Outstanding Dissertation Award
Lawrence Hsin Yang, Boston University
Certificates of Recognition for Outstanding Service to the Division
Joan C. Chrisler
Henry P. David
Susan E. Dutch
Mirella Kos
Division Awards 2003
Distinguished International Psychologist Award – U.S.
John G. Adair
Distinguished International Psychologist Award –Non-U.S.
Nancy Felipe Russo
Florence L. Denmark/Mary E. Reuder Award in Recognition of Outstanding International
Contributions to the Psychology of Women and Gender
Joan C. Chrisler
APA Staff Recognition for Outstanding Service to the Division
Cathleen A. Gebe
The Past President's Gavel Award
Charles D. Spielberger
Division Awards 2004
Distinguished International Psychologist Award – U.S.
Anthony J. Marsella
Distinguished International Psychologist Award – Non-U.S.
Ruben Ardila
Florence L. Denmark/Mary E. Reuder Award in Recognition of Outstanding International
Contributions to the Psychology of Women and Gender
Anne E. Brodsky
APA Staff Recognition for Outstanding Service to the Division
Sarah P. Leverty
The Past President’s Gavel Award
Harold Takooshian
Student Awards
Katri Tala
Vaishali V. Raval
Kenneth T. Wang
Luba Leontieva
Deepa Rao
Samantha Wilson
Division Awards 2005
Distinguished International Psychologist Award – U.S.
Uwe P. Gielen
Distinguished International Psychologist Award –Non-U.S.
Fanny M. Cheung
Florence L. Denmark / Mary E. Reuder Award in Recognition of Outstanding Contributions to
the Psychology of Women and Gender
Irene Hanson Frieze
APA Staff Recognition for Outstanding Service to the Division
Candy Won
The Past President’s Gavel Award
Richard S. Velayo
Student Awards of Excellence
Suman Ambwani
William Lamb
Sylvia Xiaohua Chen
Amanda Epp
Shu-Ping Lin
Said Suliman Aldhafri
Student Awards of Merit
Darshini Shah
Ryan Quirk and Andrew Corso
Tanya Razzhavaikina
Michelle Marquez and Maria Klara
Division Awards 2006
Distinguished International Psychologist Award – U.S.
Gerard A. Jacobs
Distinguished International Psychologist Award –Non-U.S.
Michel E. Sabourin
Florence L. Denmark / Mary E. Reuder Award in Recognition of Outstanding Contributions to
the Psychology of Women and Gender
Oliva Maria Espin
International Mentoring Award
Kathleen Malley-Morrison
APA Staff Award of Recognition for Outstanding Service to the Division
Merry Bullock
The Past President’s Gavel Award
Norman Abeles
Student Awards of Excellence
Sylvia Xiaohua Chen
Yariv Hofstein
Student Awards of Merit
Darshini Shah
Ayse Ciftci Uruk
Outstanding Service Awards 2006 - Presented at Mid-Winter Meeting, San Antonio
Norman P. Abeles
Lynn Collins
Richard Velayo
Nancy Sidun
Kate Richmond
Outstanding Service Awards 2006 - Presented at APA Meetings, New Orleans
Norman P. Abeles
Michael Stevens
Gloria Gottsegen
Fran Culbertson
John Hogan
Neal Rubin
Sharon Horne
Senel Poyrazli
Anie Kalayjian
Ann O'Roark
Rivka Meir
Amanda Kracen
Lillian Stevens
Danny Wedding
Division Awards 2007
Outstanding International Psychologist Award – U.S.
Kathryn L. Norsworthy
Ronald H. Rozensky
Outstanding International Psychologist Award – Non-U.S.
Sheung-Tak Cheng
Martha E. Givaudan Moreno
Mentoring Award
Ani Kalayjian
Florence L. Denmark/ Mary E. Reuder Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Psychology
of Women and Gender
Sharon Horne
The Past President's Gavel Award
Joy K. Rice
Student Awards of Excellence
Sylvia Xiaohua Chen
Yeung Yuen Lan Danni, M.A.
Marlena Johnson Stephen Tonks
Student Awards of Merit
Sylvia Xiaohua Chen
Marius O. Dan
Sabastian Miguel Vazquez Ferrero
Lim Hui Xiang Lena,
Rose M. Metivier
Arunya Tuicomepee
APA Staff Recognition for Outstanding Service to the Division
Erika Packard
Division Awards 2008
Outstanding International Psychologist Award – U.S.
Ronald P. Rohner
Outstanding International Psychologist Award – Non-U.S.
Ramadan A. Ahmed
Mentoring Award
Puncky P. Heppner
Florence L. Denmark / Mary E. Reuder Award in Recognition of Outstanding Contributions to
the Psychology of Women and Gender
Ellyn Kaschak, PhD
The Past President's Gavel Award
Michael J. Stevens
APA Staff Recognition Award for Outstanding Service to the Division
Annie Toro
Student Awards of Excellence
Jeannie Annan
Peter Yeomans
Pizza Chow Ka-yee
Student Awards of Merit
Esmeralda Valdivieso Mora
Xin Zhang Hare
Liu Yenling
Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award
James Georgas, John W. Berry, Fons J.R. van de Vigver, Cigdem Kagitcibasi, & Ype H.
"Families Across Cultures: A 30-Nation Psychological Study"
Division Awards 2009
Outstanding International Psychologist Award – U.S.
Chris Stout
Outstanding International Psychologist Award – Non-U.S.
Marilyn P. Safir
International Mentoring Award
Helen Verdeli
Florence L. Denmark/ Mary E. Reuder Award for Outstanding Contributions to the
Psychology of Women and Gender
Kathryn Norsworthy
The Past President's Gavel Award
Uwe Gielen
Student Awards - Awards of Excellence
Lena Lim
Cecilia Sin-Sze Cheung
Student Awards – Awards of Merit
Daniel B. Hess
Jin You
Melody Wong Kai Yan
Division Awards 2010
Outstanding International Psychologist Award – U.S.
Oliva Espin
Outstanding International Psychologist Award – Non-U.S.
Maria del Pilar
International Mentoring Award
Florence Denmark
Raymond Fowler
Anthony Marsella
Florence L. Denmark/ Mary E. Reuder Award for Outstanding Contributions to the
Psychology of Women and Gender
Ramaswami Mahalingam
The Past President's Gavel Award
Lynn Collins
Student Awards - Awards of Excellence
Maria Kholodova
Daria Diakonova-Curtis
Joann Wright Mawasha
Reid Trotter
Division Awards 2011
Outstanding International Psychologist Award- U.S.
Michael Stevens
Outstanding International Psychologist Award – Non-U.S.
Narasappa Kumaraswamy
International Mentoring Award
Larry Gerstein
Tara Pir
Harold Takooshian
Florence L. Denmark/ Mary E. Reuder Award for Outstanding Contributions to the
Psychology of Women and Gender
Joy K. Rice
The Past President's Gavel Award
Danny Wedding
Student Awards - Awards of Excellence
Elena S. Yakunina
R. Eric Lewandowski
Joseph C. S. Siu
Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award
"International Handbook of Cross Cultural Counseling: Assumptions and Practices
Worldwide." Editors: L. H. Gerstein, P. P Heppner, S. Aegisdottir, S. A. Leung, & K. L.
Division Awards 2012
Outstanding International Psychologist Award - U.S.
Fathali Moghaddam
Michael Wessells
Outstanding International Psychologist Award - Non-U.S.
Kurt Pawlik
The Florence L. Denmark and Mary E. Reuder Award
for Outstanding International Contributions to the Psychology of Women and Gender
Judith L. Gibbons
Henry P. David International Mentor Award
Brent S. Mallinckrodt
The Past President's Gavel Award
John Hogan
Early Career Professional Award
Virginia Kwan
Student Awards of Excellence
Lauren C. Ng
Andrew Ogle
Mrinalini Rao
Student Award of Merit
Marc H. Bornstein
Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award
Dana C. Jack and Alisha Ali
"Silencing the Self Across Cultures: Depression and Gender in the Social World"
Appendix G
The Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award is presented to the author(s) or editor(s) of a recent
book that makes the greatest contribution to psychology as an international discipline and
profession, or more specifically, the degree to which the book adds to our understanding of global
phenomena and problems from a psychological point of view. The award supports the mission of
Division 52, which is to advance psychology internationally as a science and profession, and through
education and advocacy. The award honors the memory of Ursula Gielen, who was vitally interested
in the well being of indigenous, persecuted, and poor people around the world.
The winner will receive a stipend of $500 to help subsidize his or her participation and presentation
as part of the Division 52 program at the annual APA Convention. Your contribution, which is taxdeductible, will be added to the funds that support the annual award.
 I am enclosing a contribution: Amount _________________
____ MasterCard
Expiration Date ___________
Name: __________________
(Number) __________________
Signature __________________
e-mail: ____________________
Make your check payable to: Division 52, American Psychological Association
Send your check or credit card information to:
Treasurer, APA Division 52
Appendix H
A Student Committee member is a member of Division 52 who is a student (undergraduate or
The admission requirements for membership are that the applicant:
1) Submits to the Division a completed membership application in a form approved by the
Board of Directors;
2) Pays the annual fee for the year in which they are applying;
3) Is currently a student;
4) Agrees to conform to the APA Code of Ethics.
Subject to other provisions of these bylaws, every member has the same rights, privileges, duties,
and responsibilities within Division 52 Student Committee.
All officers of the Student Committee will be appointed by the President and/or President-Elect of
Division 52 in consultation with and upon the recommendation of the past chairs and Board of
Directors. The officers of the Student Committee are the Chair (who is the Student Representative
Board Member) and/or Co-chair, faculty advisor or mentor member, and up to two general
committee members. The Chair and/or Co-chair, or his/her appointee for the purpose, will preside
over meetings of the Student Committee and general membership. They are responsible to the
Division’s Board of Directors as well as to the Student Committee membership. The other members
will assist the Chair and/or Co-chair in performing the duties outlined below.
Term of Office
The term of office for the Chair of the Student Committee will be two years.
Position Descriptions
a) Is the chief officer of the Student Committee and the elected Board Student Representative.
b) Is responsible for the coordination of the efforts of the members of the Student Committee;
c) Is responsible for appointing, in consultation with the Board of Directors, Chairs of Student
Committee initiatives;
d) In the event of a resignation by the Chair, the Chair will recommend a replacement to be
approved by the Board for the remainder of the current term of office;
e) Is responsible, in consultation with the Board of Directors and the general membership, for
establishing the general direction of the Division’s Student Committee activities;
f) Is responsible for coordinating submissions for the student column in the International
Psychology Bulletin;
g) Is the liaison to the APA convention committee and may appoint a committee to assist
him/her in the performance of his/her duties;
h) Will coordinate distribution of convention-related materials to the Student Committee
membership in conjunction with the Convention Chair/Co-chairs;
i) Will appoint a Student Committee member to coordinate the student volunteer program at
the Division Suite;
j) Is responsible for representing the Student Committee to the Division Board of Directors and:
Will attend Board of Directors’ Meetings
Will have the authority to cast a vote on behalf of the Student Committee
membership at the Board of Directors’ meetings.
a) Serves a two year term as member of the Executive Committee.
b) Is responsible for keeping and distributing minutes of all meetings of the Student Committee;
c) Is the liaison to campus representatives in all membership-related matters, including but not
limited to, making certain that campuses have current membership applications and
d) Is the Student Committee liaison to the Division Membership Committee;
e) Will be permitted to cast a vote on behalf of the Student Committee membership at Division
52 Board of Directors’ meetings, should the Chair be unable to attend.
Past Chair:
The immediate past chair will be considered to be an ex-officio member of the Student Committee
and will serve in an advisory capacity.
The Student Committee Chair and/or Co-chair may establish, disband, and give direction to subcommittees as considered necessary, and may appoint chairs for each sub-committee.
Campus Representatives
Campus representatives will be recruited by the Student Committee in consultation with the Board of
Directors. The duties of this position will include, but are not limited to: making available
membership applications, calls for convention proposals, and newsletters to campus members.
Operating Procedures
The term of office for the Chair and/or Co-chair of the Student Committee will be two years. The
term will run from January through December.
The Student Committee will have a minimum of three meetings per year. The last meeting will be
attended by the current year’s officers as well as those in the -elect positions to provide for a smooth
transition of duties.
Annual Meeting
An annual meeting of the Student Committee will be held at the annual APA convention. This
meeting will be open to all members.
The purpose of this meeting will be for the Chair and/or Co-chair to report on the state of the
Student Committee to the membership; to solicit suggestions from the membership as to the general
policy directions the Student Committee should pursue over the next year; and to accomplish other
goals as decided upon by the Student Committee each year.
Minutes of the annual meeting will be kept by the Co-Chair or a designee and will be forwarded to all
members within one month of the annual meeting. A copy of the minutes will be posted on the
Division’s website.
The Student Committee will request an annual budget from Division 52 to support its initiatives.
Expenditures in excess of $100.00 must be approved by the President of Division 52 and/or the Board
of Directors.
Linkage to Academic Programs
The Student Committee will work with campus representatives to establish a permanent faculty
liaison at each school. Such a faculty member should preferably hold membership in the Division.
This should facilitate the smooth transition between campus representatives from year to year and
encourage faculty members to be more supportive of student efforts to participate in the Division.
Linkage to International Students
The Student Committee will work to develop relationships with students from other countries and
help facilitate their involvement in the Student Committee.
Appendix I
An ECP member is a member of Division 52 who is in the first ten years of their careers.
The admission requirements for membership are that the applicant:
1) Submits to the Division a completed membership application in a form approved by the
Board of Directors;
2) Pays the annual fee for the year in which they are applying;
3) Is within the first ten years of their careers;
4) Agrees to conform to the APA Code of Ethics.
Subject to other provisions of these bylaws, every member has the same rights, privileges, duties,
and responsibilities within Division 52: SC.
The Chair of the ECP Committee is the Early Career Member-at-Large on the Board. All other officers
of ECP will be appointed by the President and/or President-Elect of Division 52 in consultation with
and upon the recommendation of the past chairs and Board of Directors. The officers of ECP are the
Chair and/or Co-chair and up to two general committee members. The Chair and/or Co-chair, or
his/her appointee for the purpose, will preside over meetings of the ECP and general membership.
They are responsible to the Division’s Board of Directors as well as to the ECP membership. The other
members will assist the Chair and/or Co-chair in performing the duties outlined below.
Term of Office
The term of office for the Chair of the ECP will be three years.
Position Descriptions
a) Is the chief officer of the ECP;
b) Is responsible for the coordination of the efforts of the members of the ECP;
c) Is responsible for appointing, in consultation with the Board of Directors, Chairs of ECP
d) In the event of a resignation by the Chair and/or Co-chair, is responsible for appointing a
replacement for the remainder of the current term of office;
e) Is responsible, in consultation with the Board of Directors and the general membership, for
establishing the general direction of the Division’s ECP activities;
f) Is responsible for coordinating submissions of columns, that specifically focus on ECP
concerns, in the International Psychology Bulletin;
g) Is the liaison to the APA convention committee and may appoint a committee to assist
him/her in the performance of his/her duties;
h) Will coordinate distribution of convention-related materials to the ECP membership in
conjunction with the Convention Chair/Co-chairs;
i) Will attend Board of Directors’ Meetings
j) Is responsible for keeping and distributing minutes of all meetings of the ECP;
k) Is the ECP liaison to the Division Membership Committee.
The immediate past chair will be considered to be an ex-officio member of the ECP and will serve in
an advisory capacity.
The ECP Chair may establish, disband, and give direction to sub-committees as considered necessary,
and may appoint chairs for each sub-committee, subject to Board approval.
Operating Procedures
The term of office for the Chair of the ECP will be three years in correspondence with the term of the
ECP Member-at-Large. The term will run from January through December.
The ECP will have a minimum of two meetings per year. The last meeting will be attended by the
current year’s officers as well as the new Chair to provide for a smooth transition of duties.
Annual Meeting
An annual meeting of the ECP will be held at the annual APA convention. This meeting will be open to
all members.
The purpose of this meeting will be for the Chair and/or Co-chair to report on the state of the ECP to
the membership; to solicit suggestions from the membership as to the general policy directions the
ECP should pursue over the next year; and to accomplish other goals as decided upon by the ECP
each year.
Minutes of the annual meeting will be kept by the Chair or a designee and will be forwarded to all
members within one month of the annual meeting. A copy of the minutes will be posted on the
Division website.
The ECP will request an annual budget from Division 52 to support its initiatives. Expenditures in
excess of $100.00 must be approved by the President of Division 52 and/or the Board of Directors.
Appendix J
(a) Mid-winter or Spring Meeting
(b) Annual Meeting
1: Mary Reuder moved that the newsletter be kept to two issues per year for the next two years
(through the year 2000) or until our finances improve. Approved.
2: Frances Culbertson moved that we forego any additional Board meetings until the meeting at the
August Annual convention. Approved.
3: Robert Perloff moved to establish dues increases - $20 for full membership, $20 for non-APA
members, $10 for dues exempt members who want the newsletter, $10 for students. Approved.
1: Henry David suggested we accept advertising in the newsletter in a manner that conforms to
existing APA guidelines and at the discretion of the newsletter editor. Approved
2: Hagop Pambookian asked the Division to support an international humanitarian award, to be
administered by CIRP. Approved.
No minutes available
1: Frances Culbertson moved that a Finance Committee be formed with Henry David as Chair, and
Carl Zimet and Lenore Walker as members. Approved.
2: Henry David suggested we invest in either T-bonds or follow APA investing guidelines. Approved
3: William Masten suggested that the division purchase its own domain name with an "intuitive"
name that interested people might easily locate, e.g., "" Approved.
4: Revisions to the draft of the bylaws were proposed, including length of term and Board status of
the newsletter editor. Other technical revisions were also proposed. Approved.
No minutes available
1: President Gottsegen announced the formation of several ad hoc committees (Peace, Curriculum,
Public Interest, Public Relations, Living Abroad, Students, Student Awards, Mentors, Prescription
Privileges, and International Liaisons). The post of Historian was also created.
2: Proposal for a $500 donation from Div. 52 to the LGBCIC Conference approved.
3: Board is asked to reconsider the change of name for the Division to the Society for International
Psychology. The return to the original name is approved.
1: Two formal expressions of gratitude were read in appreciation of the work of Ivan and Mirella Kos
on the International Reporter.
2: The Board expressed its appreciation to Keith Cooke for his outstanding work with Div. 52.
3: The Historian-Archivist position was made a committee.
4: The Peace Committee was not reappointed.
5: The Chair of CIRP will be an ex-officio member of the Div. 52 Board. Action approved.
6: The Board proposed that the Div. 52 President is a delegate or ex officio member of CIRP.
Action approved
7: Develop a Speakers Bureau composed of psychologists who are visiting the U.S. Action approved
1: Nominations should be reviewed by a nominations committee comprised of at least three PastPresidents, and chaired by the immediate Past President. Action: Approved
2: Language should be added to the requirements for the International Research Award for Students
indicating that the work must be that of the student, and if published, the paper must include the
student as a first author. The student must also be an affiliate of the APA. Action: Approved
3: Ivan Kos to be reappointed to another 3-year term as Newsletter Editor (from August 2003 to
August 2006). Action: Approved
4: The Board commended Joy Rice and her Task Force for their work on the resolution regarding
international culture and gender awareness. Action: Approved by acclamation
5: The Board agreed that the Division will not endorse or solicit support for a presidential candidate
for APA. Action: Approved
6: The Board saluted Past President of the Division Charles Spielberger on his receiving the APA Life
Achievement Gold Medal for 2003. Action: Approved by acclamation
7: The Board supports APA'S continued leadership in the International Coalition on Lesbian, Gay, and
Bisexual Concerns. Action: Approved
1. Formally thanked EPA and Psi Chi for their support of the successful mid-winter meeting.
Action: Approved
2: No more than one e-mail will be sent to members each month. Action: Approved
No minutes available.
Board approved the following:
1. Co-sponsorship with Division 2 “Best Practices in the Teaching of Psychology” meeting
2. Change of name from International Psychology Reporter to International Psychology Bulletin
3. Policy not to use email listserv to promote professional activities without Board approval
4. 1-year extension of the International Visitor Program
5. Dr. B. Byrne appointed to head Task Force on Research Methodology
6. Endorsement letter from faculty advisor required for applicants for student awards
7. Early Career Professionals Committee changed to Student and Early Career Professionals
8. SECC Policy and Procedure Manual
9. Bylaws: History and Archives and Finance Committees elevated to standing committees
10 . Financial Policy approved.
11. President-elect to serve on the Finance Committee
12. Member-at-large duties to include special project
2006b: Board approved:
1. APA Reimbursement Form to be used for submitting expenses.
2. Handbook to be reviewed annually
3. Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award established
4. Bylaws changes including clarification of duties of Bulletin editor; specification of Committee and
Task Force chairs and voting rights; nomination procedures, election process and results reporting
revised; webmaster's term of office specified.
2007a: Board approved:
1. The minutes of the August 9, 2006 Board meeting in New Orleans
2. The 2007 Budget
3. Bylaws: Approved revised composition of standing committee; revised duties of the History and
Archives Committee; revised composition of the Membership and Fellows Committees
3. Sunset of the International Visitor Program.
4. Establishment of coordinators for the Hospitality Suite and a formalized relationship between the
Program Co-Chair and Students and Early Career Professionals Committees.
5. Substitution of current divisional liaisons to Division 52 with CIRP liaisons.
6. Separation of the Students / Early Career Committee into Students and Early Career Professionals
7. Revised terms of office for the chair of the Student Committee.
8. Support for COR new business item 25F/AO6, calling for the establishment of an ad hoc task force
to investigate the merits, needs, and outcomes lf an evidence based practice policy for applied
psychologists and the benefits of collaborating with international associations interested in
developing EBP policy for applied psychology.
2008 a
1. O’Roark’s proposed that officers and committee chairs submit budgetary needs to the Finance
Committee for the year ahead.
2. Treasurer Kalayjian’s report on the budget accepted.
3. Hogan asked that Board members provide him with relevant documents for the Division’s
4. A proposal for a Division 52 journal of broad scope expanding the initial concept of “Global Mental
Health’ accepted.
5. The Student Committee and the Early Career Committee will become separate committees.
6. A Task Force was established to explore the possible creation of a Division ‘section’ to
accommodate the International Society for Clinical Psychology (ISCP).
7. Collins proposed diversifying the location of the midwinter meeting as a way of reaching out to
new members across the country.
8. Rubin described progress on developing a relationship with the APA Office of Ethics.
9. Kalayjian’s proposal to add $500 to the website line item in the budget was approved.
2008 b
1. Collins announced that the Division 52 midwinter meeting will be held in conjunction with the
Western Psychological (WPA) in Portland, Oregon 4/23-4/26/09.
2. Kalayjian and Stevens were asked to provide clarification of policies for travel support for Board
3. The Division CODAPAR project is developing a National Speakers Network.
4. Hogan reported that the Division history has been translated into nine languages.
5. The Board voted to continue to explore the viability of the Division journal with careful attention
to finances. Approved.
6. The Board voted to have Stevens continuing to work with the ISCP toward developing a Division
section. Approved.
7. All issues of the Division newsletter are now available on the web.
8. The Board voted down support for President-Elect Dr. Bray’s proposal for a ‘convention within the
convention’ for APA 2009.
2009 a
1. Stevens’ proposal to cut officers’ allocations, convention food expense and some committees’ line
items in order to achieve a balanced budget this year was approved.
2. A budget template to facilitate financial planning of committee chairs was approved.
3. A Division financial policies document detailing travel reimbursement policies was reviewed with
the Board voting to add flexibility to the distribution of funds when dollar limits are not met.
4. Kalayjian announced that ‘Disaster and Violence Prevention” will be the new name of the
committee formerly titled “Violence, Disaster and Trauma.’
5. The Board voted unanimously to support the continued work of the Journal Task Force on the
journal publishing agreement.
6. O’Roark and Denmark are now on the national Fellows Committee.
7. Ciftci announced that there will be a Division 52 ‘Best Student Poster Award’ at the 2009 annual
8. Pickren, Sigal, Rubin and Horne are developing a program guide for future program chairs.
9. The board voted to praise Poyrazli for her outstanding work as IPB editor.
10. Rice’s proposal to sunset inactive committees was accepted.
2009 b
1. Collins reported that the proposed Division 52 journal will be titled, ‘International Perspectives in
Psychology: Research, Practice and Consultation.’ She will chair the search for a journal editor.
2. Stevens’ treasurer report was unanimously accepted.
3. The Board passed Gottsegen’s proposal to join with APA divisions refusing to hold meetings at the
Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego to protest the owner’s financial support of the California antimarriage referendum.
4. The Board approved Sigal’s proposal of a membership survey.
5. Rice has accepted responsibility for updating the Division Handbook.
6. Poyrazli received approval to select a new editor for the IPB.
7. Officers accepted in principle the proposal to hold midwinter meetings every other year at the
EPA, with other regional conferences selected for the alternate years.
2010 a
1. Stevens clarified that the convention registration waiver for the Gielen Award winner should come
from the waivers allotted to the Program Committee from the Convention Office rather than from an
expense to the Division’s bottom line.
2. Hogan reported on progress on development of the international psychology DVD.
3. Members will review an APA statement of support from the Public Interest Directorate in protest
of the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Laws.
4. Velayo was authorized to explore an open Division listserv.
5. Grenwald’s proposed ‘comment’ on APA’s "‘Principles for Quality Undergraduate Education in
Psychology Revised 2010" to include international perspectives was approved.
6. The Board decided that ISCP members would be welcomed as individual Division members, but
not as a Division ‘section.’
7. The Board unanimously accepted Stevens’ proposal for the Division to become an official sponsor
of the 2011 Multicultural Summit in Seattle.
8. The Division Council Representative will function as a ‘governance chair’ in the Division to monitor
opportunities in APA for members.
9. Gielen requested that the Membership Committee update the Division brochure.
10. Velayo announced that Survey Monkey is available for Division members.
2010 b
1. Collins announced that Dr. Judith Gibbons will be the editor of International Perspectives in
Psychology: Research, Practice and Consultation.’
2. Grant Rich will be the new editor of the IPB.
3. Rice presented Bylaws changes. Approved were the provision of electronic voting for board and
bylaws changes, APA handling the counting of votes; provision of board meeting by conference call;
clarification of program chair committee composition; and several additions to publications section
noting new journal, editor and description.
3. Nancy Sidun will lead the new Division Task Force on Human Trafficking.
4. Mark Terjesen will serve as Program Co-chair next year with Senel Poyrazli.
5. Collins will develop a system for keeping track of award winners and non-winners so that
candidates may be easily re-nominated.
6. Henderson will institute a new schedule for the submission of applications for student research
awards and will plan a new two-tiered blind review process.
7. Treasurer Stevens’ budget report was unanimously accepted.
8. Sigal announced that the Membership Committee will update the Division brochure and oversee
9. Ciftci’s proposal to create an Early Career listserv was accepted.
10.Long Range Planning has been tasked to review committees and to propose which committees
should be ‘standing’ and which ‘ad hoc.’
11. Velayo will test a Facebook page for the Division. He will also explore the cost of an open listserv
for the Division.
1. Sigal's proposal to create an ECP award unanimously approved.
2. Brochures will be published a month before the August APA and mid-winter meetings.
3. New line/income in the budget for $1,000 for office expenses for the Division journal. A division
stipend will be considered once the journal is actually published.
4. Other investment options will be pursued with a report at APA 2011 Board meeting.
5. Rubin proposal to allocate one of the member-at-large positions for an ECP and create a student
position on the board unanimously approved and membership will be polled re necessary
changes in the bylaws.
6. Rubin proposals to develop a column for students/ECPs in IPB ; to have each committee include
one student or ECP in its composition; and to start a Heritage Mentoring Project to connect
senior members with students and ECPs were all supported
7. Takooshian's motion approved: “For both principled and practical reasons, the APA Division of
International Psychology strongly supports the continuation of the 50% dues credit for our
colleagues in the Canadian Psychological Association.” This wording of the statement will be
shared at the Council meeting.
8. A name change was unanimously approved for The Henry David Award for International
9. The board agreed that the publication committee should continue exploring options with a
number of publishers.
A straw vote indicated preference for SEPA, New Orleans, February for 2012 Mid-winter meeting.
1. Rubin will invite all past-presidents to be a part 15th anniversary during APA 2012.
2. The board members voted for SCCR over WPA for the 2012 mid-winter meeting.
3. Rice presented Bylaws changes and it was unanimously approved that the ECP member-at-large
will chair the ECP Committee and the Student Board Representative will chair the Student
4. Treasurer Stevens’ budget report was unanimously accepted.
5. Re ISCP and IAAP funds ($3,100), it was recommended that Gloria Gottsegen write a check to APF
indicating that the money is for Division 52.
6. Board supported Richard Velayo to develop a webmaster committee.
7. A new award for Early Career Psychologists was unanimously approved.
8. Hogan reminded/informed that based on the Handbook, past-presidents will serve as “awardscoordinator.”
Appendix K
Member-at Large Rotation Policy
The division has four Members- at- Large serving for 3 year staggered terms. One of the Members-at
Large is an Early Career Professional. To ensure this rotation, election for two Members-at-Large are
held for two years and the third year not (when two of the MAL members are in the first year of
their terms and the other two in the second year of their terms). Every third year when there are
MAL elections, one of the two nominations will go to an ECP, ensuring that there will always be one
ECP Member-at-Large representative on the Board. See the chart below.
Year of Term
YES (Elect ECP " F")
YES (Elect ECP "J")
YES (Elect ECP "N")
YES (Elect ECP )
Appendix I
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