MIOSHA Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) DOCUMENT IDENTIFIER: MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 SUBJECT: Document Management System (DMS) AGENCY INSTRUCTION DATE: July 8, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose............................................................................................................................................ 3 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Distribution ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Cancellations ................................................................................................................................... 3 History............................................................................................................................................. 3 Approved by.................................................................................................................................... 3 Actions Required ............................................................................................................................ 3 Significant Changes ........................................................................................................................ 3 Chapter I: Document Management System .................................................................................... 6 Definitions....................................................................................................................................... 6 Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................... 6 Originator .................................................................................................................................... 6 Document Writer ........................................................................................................................ 6 Division Document Advisor ....................................................................................................... 7 Agency Document Advisor......................................................................................................... 7 Chapter II: Preparation, Publication and Distribution .................................................................... 9 Purpose........................................................................................................................................ 9 Writing Style ............................................................................................................................... 9 Format ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Masthead ............................................................................................................................... 10 User Designation ................................................................................................................... 10 Document Identifier .............................................................................................................. 10 Agency/Division Abbreviations........................................................................................ 10 Classification Code ........................................................................................................... 10 Calendar Year and Consecutive Number Code ................................................................ 10 Revision Codes ................................................................................................................. 10 Date ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Subject................................................................................................................................... 11 Document Paragraphs ............................................................................................................... 11 Purpose.................................................................................................................................. 11 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 11 Reference .............................................................................................................................. 11 Distribution ........................................................................................................................... 12 Cancellation .......................................................................................................................... 12 History................................................................................................................................... 12 Contact .................................................................................................................................. 12 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) Originator .............................................................................................................................. 12 Other Document Paragraphs ................................................................................................. 13 Significant Changes .............................................................................................................. 13 Definitions............................................................................................................................. 13 Electronic Drafting........................................................................................................................ 13 Paragraph Numbering ............................................................................................................... 13 Table of Contents and Index ..................................................................................................... 14 Appendices ................................................................................................................................ 14 Hypertext (Web) Links ............................................................................................................. 14 Track Changes .......................................................................................................................... 15 Distribution and Publication ......................................................................................................... 15 MIOSHA Staff .......................................................................................................................... 15 Distribution to Others ............................................................................................................... 15 Web Access ............................................................................................................................... 15 Cancellation .................................................................................................................................. 16 Instruction Database...................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 2-1: Agency Instruction Masthead ................................................................................... 17 Figure 2-2: Division Instruction Masthead .................................................................................. 18 Table 2-1: Classification Codes ................................................................................................... 19 Appendix A – Agency Instructions Checklist .............................................................................. 20 Appendix B – Flowchart for Agency Instructions ........................................................................ 21 Appendix C – Flowchart for Division Instructions....................................................................... 22 Appendix D - Citing References ................................................................................................... 23 Appendix E - Creating a Manual Table of Contents (TOC) ........................................................ 25 2 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) I. Purpose. It is the policy of the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration that the agency establishes a uniform document management system. This instruction is provided to help the agency and each division collect, maintain, and update important policy and procedural documents. This instruction describes and provides guidance for establishing a document management system (DMS) designed to publish any new or revised instruction that: A. Establishes policy or procedure, or B. Modifies or cancels another policy or procedure. Agency and division instructions issued prior to the effective date of the DMS are not required to be reissued until they are updated. The DMS may not be used to issue: C. Publications issued primarily for the public, D. News releases, E. Routine correspondence, or F. Policies and procedures that are outside the agency and division control. II. Scope. This instruction applies agency-wide. III. Distribution. MIOSHA Staff; OSHA Lansing Area Office; General; S-drive Accessible; MIOSHA Weekly; and Internet Accessible. IV. Cancellations. This agency instruction cancels Agency Memorandum MIOSHAMEMO-ADM-11-9 Process for Handling MIOSHA Instructions, as amended. V. History. History of previous versions include: MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R5, January 28, 2011 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R4, May 18, 2010 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R3, October 19, 2005 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R2, March 7, 2005 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R1, December 19, 2003 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1, October 1, 2003 VI. Approved by: Martha B. Yoder VII. Actions Required. The agency and divisions will implement the policy and procedures contained in this instruction using the instruction formatting rules described in Chapter II. VIII. Significant Changes. A. Incorporated Agency Memorandum MIOSHA-MEMO-ADM-11-9, Process for Handling MIOSHA Instructions, as amended, into this instruction. B. Eliminated the use of the Abstract page from instructions. The Abstract page no longer needs to be included in an instruction. C. Eliminated the use of Memorandums. Memorandums may no longer be issued. 3 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) D. Eliminated the signature line of the originator. The originator will initial their name by the typed name on the original hard copy. E. Updated the Definitions. See Chapter I, I. F. Updated the responsibilities of the Originator. See Chapter I, II. A. G. Updated the responsibilities of the document writers. See Chapter I, II. B. H. Added an agency document advisor and division document advisor and divided the document advisor responsibilities between the agency and division document advisors. See Chapter I, II. C. and D. I. Added duties from the Process for Handling New or Revised Agency and Division flowcharts to the agency and division document advisor responsibilities. See Chapter I, II. C. and D. J. Added additional guidance for writing style for the document writers. See Chapter II, II. Writing Style, D. – F. K. Provided good and unacceptable examples of Subject paragraphs. See Chapter II, III. A. 4. Subject. L. Added four (4) new Document Paragraphs: Distribution, Contact, Originator, and Significant Changes due to the elimination of the Abstract page. See Chapter II, III. B. Document Paragraphs. M. Updated the standard Cancellation language for revised instructions. See Chapter II, III. B. 5. Cancellation. N. Provided clarification to the Style Guidance language in the History. See Chapter II, III. B. 6. History. O. Deleted formatting requirements of the Document Paragraph Headings. No longer required to underline the headings. P. Added language that generating indexes are optional. See Chapter II, IV. F. Table of Contents and Index. Q. Provided exceptions for formatting requirements of the Appendices. See Chapter II. IV. G. Appendices. R. Updated directions for turning off track changes feature. See Chapter II, IV. I. Track Changes. S. Updated language for Distribution to Others. See Chapter II, V. B. Distribution to Others. T. Changed the numbers of days the web team contact has to post an instruction on the website from three (3) to ten (10) days. See Chapter II, V. C. Web Access. U. Revised the procedure for cancelling an instruction without a successor. See Chapter II, VI. Cancellation. V. Deleted reference to an Instruction Index. 4 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) W. Added Instruction Database and location of the database. See Chapter II, VII. Instruction Database. X. Updated Figures 2-1 and 2-2. Y. Deleted Figures 2-3 Agency Memorandum and 2-4 Division Memorandum templates. Z. Updated Table 2-1 Classification Codes to include a new Classification Code, Cooperative Programs (COO) and additional examples of types of instructions assigned to specific classification codes. AA. Deleted Appendix C, Creating a PDF File. BB. Renumbered the appendices: 1. Appendix A - Instruction Checklist (Revised) 2. Appendix B - Flow chart Process for Handling New or Revised Agency Instructions to reflect the change in processes for handling instructions (Revised) 3. Appendix C - Flow chart Process for Handling New or Revised Division Instructions to reflect the change in processes for handling instructions (Revised) 4. Appendix D - Citing References in Agency and Division Instructions 5. Appendix E - Creating a Manual Table of Contents (Revised) 5 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) CHAPTER I: DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM I. Definitions. CONTACT: The name of the agency, division, or committee person who should be contacted for further information about the instruction. AGENCY DOCUMENT ADVISOR: The agency official responsible for providing assistance to the division document advisors. DIVISION DOCUMENT ADVISOR: The division official responsible for providing assistance to the users of the agency or division's DMS for the proper formatting and distribution of the instruction. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: Includes records and information management activities that deal with drafting, maintaining, and updating of policy and procedure instructions within the agency and the divisions. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: The internal system that assures that the agency and division policies, procedures, and instructions are communicated in an effective and timely manner to personnel and other affected parties. INSTRUCTION: An instruction is a written statement of long-term policy or procedure that has continuing reference value issued by the agency or division. It remains in effect until canceled. If the instruction has a definite lifetime, (for example, a one-year pilot) an expiration date must be included. MASTHEAD: Consistent heading for all instructions. See Figure 2-1 and 2-2. ORIGINATOR: The person responsible for issuing and canceling an instruction. Typically the originator is the agency director, deputy director, or the division director. II. Responsibilities. A. B. Originator. 1. Provides general oversight of the DMS. 2. Approves, initials, and cancels instructions. 3. Division originators will ensure that staff will read and understand the content of new or revised instructions. 4. Coordinates with MIOSHA divisions whenever the policy or procedures have potential for multi-divisional application. Document Writer. 1. Assigns the appropriate classification code. 2. Determines and designates instructions that will be Internet accessible. Instructions or portions of instructions intended for internal distribution only, must be identified as such. 3. Creates the significant changes section of an instruction. 6 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) C. D. 4. Coordinates review of the Agency Instructions Checklist with the division document advisor to ensure common mistakes are corrected prior to submitting a new or revised instruction for approval. See Appendix A. 5. Ensures the process for handling new or revised instructions is followed. See Appendices B and C. Division Document Advisor. 1. Administers DMS for the division. 2. Formats new and revised instructions to meet the current formatting requirements. 3. Ensures links to other Internet documents are correctly generated. 4. Provides agency or division template and instructions to the document writers on how to use the DMS template. 5. Creates hyperlink to the contact's email address. 6. Inserts the word "draft" next to the Date on page 1 and in the header in subsequent pages until instruction is approved. 7. Coordinates review of the Agency Instructions Checklist (Appendix A) with the document writer to ensure common mistakes are corrected prior to submitting a new or revised instruction for approval. 8. Ensures the flowchart for agency and division instructions is followed. See Appendices B and C. 9. Generates table of contents and indexes. 10. Ensures track changes are accepted and the track changes option is turned off prior to issuance. 11. Forwards draft instructions to agency document advisor for final review. If significant edits are made by agency director or deputy director, the division document advisor is required to resubmit instruction for review. 12. Notifies MIOSHA web team contact when a division instruction should be added to the website and when a cancelled division instruction should be removed from the website. 13. Assures compliance with these instructions for document writers within their division. 14. Provides agency document advisor with an electronic and initialed hard copy of all division instructions. Agency Document Advisor. 1. Administers DMS for the agency. 2. Assigns calendar year and consecutive number code for agency and division instructions after review by agency director and deputy director. 7 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) 3. Maintains electronic and initialed original instructions issued by the agency and divisions. 4. Modifies and maintains DMS master templates. 5. Reviews the Agency Instructions Checklist (Appendix A) to ensure common mistakes are corrected prior to submitting instruction to Administration for approval. 6. Ensures the flowchart for agency and division instructions is followed. See Appendices B and C. 7. Notifies MIOSHA web team contact when an agency instruction should be added to the website and when a cancelled agency instruction should be removed from the website. 8. Ensures that in-force instructions are reviewed at least every three years for currency, revising, and notifying the originator if revisions are needed. 9. Forwards instructions due for review to the division director and division document advisor. 10. Tracks the status of instructions in the Instructions Database. 11. Provides electronic copy of draft agency instructions to division directors, deputy director, and director for review and comment prior to issuance. 12. Ensures significant changes to instructions are made. 13. Provides OSHA Area Director an electronic copy of all instructions. 14. Updates the Instructions Database with newly issued and cancelled instructions. 15. Adds a watermark to all cancelled instructions. The watermark will say "Cancelled." 16. Maintains and archives all newly issued and cancelled instructions in hard copy and electronic version. 8 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) CHAPTER II: PREPARATION, PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION I. Purpose. This chapter provides guidelines and procedures for the coordinated effort to prepare, publish and distribute instructions. It provides information for DMS document writers in organizing and presenting information. It also provides information on the different masthead blocks and the document paragraphs. Each DMS instruction must incorporate a masthead and may include the document paragraphs. The information below focuses on the questions each masthead block and document paragraph must answer. II. Writing Style. Document writers should follow this general guidance throughout: A. Use active voice. In most cases, the active verb form creates sentences that are shorter, easier-to-read, and more direct. The passive voice of the verb is appropriate when you want to emphasize the receiver of the action (by making it the subject) or the action itself. Passive voice is also appropriate when the doer of the action is obvious or when the passive voice is more tactful. For example, "The GISHD cited the employer." The active voice clearly states who is doing what. In the passive voice, something is done to the subject, "The employer was cited by the GISHD." Additional references regarding active voice are listed below. 1. The Gregg Reference Manual, Tenth Edition, William A. Sabin, page 190. 2. http://www.townson.edu/ows/activepass.htm 3. http://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/CCS_activevoice.html 4. http://www.kentlaw.edu/academics/lrw/grinker/LwtaPassive_Voice.htm B. Keep sentences concise and language simple. Long, complex sentences are difficult for the audience to follow and understand. Short sentences have more power and impact. Be brief whenever accuracy would not be impaired. However, a document made entirely of short sentences can become tedious. Use longer sentences periodically to add variety, but make sure the audience can easily follow them. C. Don't use jargon. Avoid specialized words generally found only in certain professions unless you are specifically writing to people in those professions. Keep in mind that many of our instructions will end up on our website for public use. D. Keep the instruction as brief as possible. Cover the main points with enough detail to provide sufficient directions for staff to do their work. E. Use language to distinguish between exact directions that must be followed precisely and more general policies that may need flexibility by using qualifiers such as "typically" or a less emphatic word like "should." F. Writers looking for review or more guidance on English grammar may refer to the English Grammar 101 website. 9 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) III. Format. A. Masthead. All instructions must begin with the appropriate masthead for the first page. DMS master templates are maintained by the Agency Document Advisor. All of the information and blocks in the masthead are required and may not be eliminated. Figures 2-1 and 2-2 are examples of the agency and division instruction masthead. 1. User Designation. This identifies the agency or the division that originates the instruction and identifies the agency or the division that receives the instruction. (See Figure 2-1, Block A and B) 2. Document Identifier. This consists of five parts: the Agency/Division abbreviation, the classification code for the instruction, the document's calendar year, a consecutive number for the calendar year code, and a revision code. (See Figure 2-1, Block C) 3. a) Agency/Division Abbreviations. These are the abbreviations for the Agency and the divisions: MIOSHA, APPEALS, CETD, CSHD, GISHD, and TSD. b) Classification Code. Use these instructions and the following classification codes to classify an instruction. The classification code will be the principal thrust of the instruction, (See Table 2-1). When in-force instructions are reviewed, and if it is determined that a classification code was improperly assigned, the instruction shall be issued with the correct classification code. When issued with the new classification code, the calendar year and consecutive number code will also need to be updated. c) Calendar Year and Consecutive Number Code. The consecutive number will follow the calendar year of issuance of the instruction. The calendar year and consecutive numbers are separated by a dash, (i.e., 02-1). The calendar year and consecutive number code is not a single running number but a separate number series for each Classification Code. There can be more than one DMS instruction with a calendar year and consecutive number code of 02-1, but only one DMS instruction with a specific user designation code, a specific classification code, a calendar year code, and consecutive number code (i.e., CETD-ADM-02-1). d) Revision Codes. Revised Instructions will retain the original document identifier followed by the letter 'R' and a revision number. For example, ADM-02-1R3 is the third revision of the instruction ADM-02-1. Date. Block D contains the date on which the instruction goes into effect. This date is the date the instruction is approved. (Figure 2-1, Block D). 10 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) 4. B. Subject. Block E contains the subject of the instruction. A brief and concise title should be created by the writer (Figure 2-1, Block E). The title should begin with one or two key words. For example, Exit Interviews. Titles that begin with MIOSHA, Guidelines, or Procedures should be avoided. For example, Procedures for OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Courses held in Michigan. Document Paragraphs. The paragraphs below are to be included in the instruction if they provide information. If they do not provide information (i.e., References: None), they should not be included in the instruction. Refer to the "Use" subparagraph of each type of document paragraphs to determine applicability. 1. 2. 3. Purpose. The paragraph should summarize, as briefly as possible, the reason for and intent of the instruction. This statement serves to provide an immediate reference for the information included in the instruction and should not exceed three sentences. a) Use. Use for all instructions. Tell why the instruction is being issued. Tell what types of information it contains, such as policy, procedures, guidelines, etc. b) Style Guidance. Keep the paragraph(s) short, limited to three sentences. Use complete sentences. Use active voice when writing. Briefly describe why the instruction is being issued (such as policy, procedures, guidelines, etc.). Scope. a) Use. Use for all instructions. Tell who the users of the instruction are, using specific job titles if appropriate. b) Style Guidance. The paragraph should be short and address either the entire potential target audience (ex. Agency-wide) or specify a narrower segment of the audience (ex. CET Division support staff) using the instruction. Reference. a) Use. Use for instructions, which reference other instructions, standards, regulations, publications, or other external documents (i.e., non-division documents such as ANSI standards). List alphabetically all external documents cited in the instruction. See Appendix D. b) Style Guidance. This paragraph should identify clearly each document that is referenced by the instruction including the instruction's number, if any, title or subject, date, and a brief explanation if necessary. Additional information on locating or obtaining referenced documents may be included at the originator's discretion. Follow the outline numbering system if more than one document is referenced. 11 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) 4. Distribution. This paragraph indicates whether the instruction is intended for general distribution and is Internet accessible. Typically, all instructions that establish policies and procedures for the enforcement and interpretation of MIOSHA standards or for performing job actions (ex. promoting and evaluating SHMSs) should have general distribution. See Appendix D. Also note if the instruction is intended only for internal distribution and Sdrive accessible. Typically, all instructions that establish policies and procedures for administering MIOSHA (ex. work schedules) should have internal distribution. 5. 6. 7. 8. Cancellation. a) Use. Use for instructions that cancel another instruction. b) Style Guidance. This paragraph should identify clearly each instruction that is canceled by the instruction. Follow the outline numbering system if more than one instruction is canceled. If unknown, general statements such as "All previous versions of this agency/division instruction" are acceptable. c) Revised Instructions. Previous cancellation paragraphs may be removed in subsequent revisions. History. a) Use. Use for instructions when previous versions exist. b) Style Guidance. This paragraph should identify clearly each version of this instruction by including the instruction's document identifier and date. In reverse chronological order, list by document identifier and date of all previous versions of the instruction. Contact. Name the appropriate contact for further information about the instruction. For web access purposes, the division document advisor should create a hyperlink to the contact's email address. a) All instructions shall list the contact division/person. b) Style Guidance. If a workgroup is listed as the Contact and not an individual, refer to the MIOSHA Work Groups list maintained on the S:drive\Public\Workgroups\Minutes folder to identify the appropriate contact person. Originator. a) Use. All instructions shall name the person authorizing the distribution of the instruction. b) Style Guidance. Type the name of the originator. The original instruction will be initialed and dated by the originator. 12 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) IV. 9. Other Document Paragraphs. Other paragraphs such as Background, Action Required, Documents Affected, etc., may be added as needed. 10. Significant Changes. This paragraph provides information on the major changes in the instruction from the previous immediate version. Document writers should take care to include complete explanations of all significant changes. 11. Definitions. a) Use. Use for instructions where technical or non-standard English is used. b) Style Guidance. This paragraph should contain definitions of all terms that are new or used in unique ways in the instruction, or that the originator desires to call to the special attention of the document audience. For manuals, the definition section may be long enough to warrant a separate chapter. Electronic Drafting. All instructions shall be created as Microsoft Word documents using an outline function. Templates for the Agency Instruction are located at S:drive\Public\Agency Instructions and Memos. All document advisors and originators shall use the correct template prior to drafting their first instruction. A. The outline function formatting shall follow the masthead. The designated font is Times New Roman 12 pt. or the printer equivalent. Instructions must be singlespaced. B. All instructions will contain a header beginning on the second page of the instruction. The header text will be Times New Roman 12 pt. The first line of the header will be the document identifier. The second line of the header will be the date. The third line of the header will be the subject. After the third line there will be blank line to separate the header and the body of the instruction. See the header of this instruction as an example. C. All instructions will contain a footer at the bottom of the page. Create the footer after the instruction is complete. The footer will begin on page 2 of the instruction. The footer text will be Times New Roman 12 pt. See footer in this instruction as an example. D. Figures or graphic materials must either follow the paragraph where first mentioned or hyperlinked. E. Paragraph Numbering. 1. The outline function to be used is Roman numeral, capital letter, and Arabic numeral descending levels. Figure 2-1 shows how the outline of an instruction should look. 2. This instruction contains text in the most commonly used levels of the outline and should be used as an example. 13 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) F. Table of Contents and Index. Instructions 20 pages or longer, excluding appendices, must have a formal table of contents. Indexes are optional. The Table of Contents functions as a document structure and guide for the reader. Include all chapter and document paragraph headings at the beginning of the instruction, which are important for the reader to see and will guide the reader in reviewing the instruction. A Table of Contents also allows the user the ability while on the web to move through the instruction using hypertext links. Table of Contents shall be prepared using the Microsoft Word Table of Contents function with hyperlinks. See Appendix E for more details. Linked items will include chapter headings (for manuals), the first paragraph level, figures, graphics, appendices, and indexes. Refer to the Table of Contents of this instruction as an example. The purpose of an index is to identify key words, phrases, or entities that would be of interest to the reader and how to locate them in the instruction. The index is generally more comprehensive than the Table of Contents as a reference, but should not be made overly burdensome. Writers are encouraged to generate a table of contents and index for all instructions regardless of length. G. Appendices. Appendices serve as explanations in greater depth than the document allows, further expositions of information, or provide additional information such as voluntary standards. Appendices may be either mandatory or guidelines. Appendices are the last items in an instruction except for the index. Exceptions to formatting requirements of appendices may include: 1. 2. H. Omission of a header in an appendix if the appendix: a) Is a form or document that will be pulled from the instruction and used as a stand-alone document; b) Is properly identified or titled; and c) Is less than three (3) pages in length. If the appendix is directed at a specific group and contains language in a format that specific group is accustomed to working with, the formatting requirements of agency instructions do not apply in appendices, example 6’ versus six feet (6’). Hypertext (Web) Links. These are electronic notations within an instruction that allow users directly to access other parts of the instruction, or other documents. For web publishing purposes, in addition to links created for the table of contents and index, document writers must indicate, even in short instructions, any words and sections, and their location in the instruction, that are to be linked. For example, an instruction on enforcement procedures for a specific standard will likely make reference to the standard. All references to the standard in such an instruction will be a hypertext link to the standard. 14 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) I. Track Changes. Prior to issuing the instruction, the division document advisor shall ensure the track changes option is turned off before an electronic copy of the instruction is distributed. 1. Open the document, click on the Review Tab to see if Track changes is highlighted. If so, single click to turn it off. a) b) 2. V. Click the down arrow next to Show Markup, (1) Make sure these four items are checked: Comments, Ink, Insertions and Deletions, and Formatting. (2) Make sure all Reviewers are checked. Click the down arrow under Accept and click on Accept All Changes in Document. Save the file. Distribution and Publication. For links to other Internet documents, the writer must create the hyperlink for that document to guarantee that the correct link is generated. A. MIOSHA Staff. Once the originator has approved a final instruction, the originator or agency document advisor will notify the affected MIOSHA staff (see scope of instruction). The notification may be an e-mail message or notification in the MIOSHA Weekly about the new or revised instruction. Staff is encouraged to maintain hard copies and/or download and manage electronic files of final instructions. B. Distribution to Others. C. 1. Each division is responsible for sending the original of all division instructions to the Agency Document Advisor for maintaining a complete file of all instructions issued by this agency. 2. Agency Document Advisor will provide an electronic copy of each instruction to the Lansing Area OSHA Office Director. 3. A link and notification of new or revised instructions that are web accessible will be announced in the monthly MIOSHA eNews. Web Access. Once a final instruction has been approved and designated for Internet access by the originator, the document advisor will provide the electronic file to the appropriate MIOSHA web team contact. The web team contact shall post the instruction to the web within ten (10) business days. The instruction provided to the MIOSHA web team should be web-ready. The division document advisor shall use the word processor's capabilities to mark terms and generate the table of contents and index. All instruction bookmarks and hypertext links to other specified points in the instruction or to other on-line documents should be done by the document writer or division document advisor as part of the creation of the instruction. 15 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) VI. Cancellation. A. Instructions may be cancelled by reference in the cancellation paragraph of a new or revised instruction. Instructions that are cancelled without a successor instruction will be cancelled by the issuance of a notice to all Agency staff from the originator. The following language is suggested for the MIOSHA Weekly Cancellation Notice: On (month) (date), (year), (agency or division) instruction (Classification Code-Year-Consecutive Number Code-Revision Code), (title) was cancelled without a successor instruction. (Sentence explaining why the instruction was cancelled). This cancelled instruction has been removed from the website and is archived at S:drive\Public\Agency Info\Instructions and Memos\Cancelled Agency and Division Instructions. The following language shall be added on the cancelled instruction following the Subject in red text and bolded: CANCELLED: This agency instruction was cancelled on (date). As a result of (Sentence explaining why the instruction was cancelled.) VII. B. The agency or division document advisor will notify the MIOSHA web team when a cancelled instruction needs to be removed from the website. C. The agency document advisor will archive all cancelled instructions to the S:drive\Public\Agency Instructions and Memos\ Cancelled - Rescinded Archived Agency and Division Instructions. D. The agency document advisor will add a watermark to all cancelled instructions. The watermark will say "Cancelled." Instruction Database. The Access database is maintained by the agency document advisor of all in-force and cancelled MIOSHA instructions. The database is located at S:drive\Public\Agency Instructions and Memos folder and contains all in-force and cancelled instructions. 16 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) FIGURE 2-1: Agency Instruction Masthead MIOSHA (Block A) Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) DOCUMENT IDENTIFIER: (Block C) MIOSHA-Classification Code-Year-Consecutive Number CodeRevision Code SUBJECT: Topic (Block E) AGENCY INSTRUCTION (Block B) DATE: XXXXX XX, XXXX (Block D) I. Purpose. Begin typing here using View Outline Format II. Scope. III. References. IV. Distribution. MIOSHA Staff; OSHA Lansing Area Office; General; S-drive Accessible; MIOSHA Weekly; and Internet Accessible. OR MIOSHA Staff; OSHA Lansing Area Office; General; S-drive Accessible; and MIOSHA Weekly. V. Cancellations. This agency instruction cancels {list each instruction canceled by this instruction}. OR All previous versions of this agency instruction. VI. History. History of previous versions includes: Document Identifier, Date. (List in reverse chronological order) VII. Originator: Type Name VIII. Begin typing here using View Outline Format at Heading 1 A. Heading 2 1. Heading 3 a) Heading 4 (1) Heading 5 (a) Heading 6 17 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) FIGURE 2-2: Division Instruction Masthead MIOSHA X Division Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) DOCUMENT IDENTIFIER: X DIV-Classification Code-Year-Consecutive Number Code-Revision Code SUBJECT: Topic DIVISION INSTRUCTION DATE: XXXX XX, XXXX I. Purpose. Begin typing here using View Outline Format II. Scope. III. References. IV. Distribution. MIOSHA Staff; OSHA Lansing Area Office; General; S-drive Accessible; MIOSHA Weekly; and Internet Accessible OR MIOSHA Staff; OSHA Lansing Area Office; General; S-drive Accessible; and MIOSHA Weekly. V. Cancellations. This agency instruction cancels {list each instruction canceled by this instruction}. OR All previous versions of this agency instruction. VI. History. History of previous versions includes: Document Identifier, Date. (List in reverse chronological order) VII. Originator: Type Name VIII. Begin typing here using View Outline Format at Heading 1 A. Heading 2 1. Heading 3 a) Heading 4 (1) Heading 5 (a) Heading 6 18 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) Table 2-1: Classification Codes Classification Code Principal Thrust of Instruction ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES (ADM) COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS (COO) Procedures or instructions on how to perform job actions, other than compliance procedures. Policies and procedures on administering MIOSHA’s cooperative programs. COMPLIANCE (COM) Compliance procedures, instructions, or information other than documents where the principle thrust is toward a particular standard or forms. FORMS (FRM) Completion instructions for all forms. GENERAL (GEN) Not able to be classified into other classifications. PERSONNEL (PER) Documents concerning Personnel procedures. Documents concerning MIOSHA’s Safety and Health Management System. SAFETY AND HEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SHMS) Examples of type of instructions that have this classification code Program budget management Program analysis and evaluation Alliances Partnerships MVPP Michigan Challenge Program Procedures for approval of LEPs. Abatement verification Multi-employer citation policies. Fiscal Year Site Specific Targeting. Hearings Litigation Employee complaints Notice of Potential Hazard Form and Safety/Health Recommendation MIOSHA Media Communications Policy Assistance with Technical Problems with Computer Equipment Work Schedules Vacancy Procedures Checklists STANDARDS (STD) Documents concerning a specific single standard. Hearing Conservation, Fall Protection, and PPE for MIOSHA Personnel Vehicle Safety Hazard Communication, Personal Protective Equipment, and Injury and Illness TRAINING (TRG) Documents relating to Agency or Division training. Staff Training MIOSHA Leadership Institute TRAVEL (TRV) Travel procedures, instructions. Travel Time on Consecutive Days Travel for OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Training 19 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) Appendix A Agency Instructions Checklist Is Department name correct? Is the Subject clear and concise? Is the Contact name current and hyperlinked? Are all of the headers the same? Is the page numbering correct in the footer? Are all of the References cited in the instruction listed under the References Paragraph? Are the References still current and up-to-date? Are hyperlinks to Agency Instructions properly created? Are hyperlinks to MIOSHA Standards properly created? Are Significant Changes included in revised instructions? Are bookmarks to Appendices properly created? Are appendices listed in alphabetical order as they are mentioned in the instruction? Are acronyms spelled out at the first point of reference? Is the formatting consistent throughout the instruction? Are fonts and font sizes consistent throughout the instruction? Is punctuation consistent throughout the instruction? Is the Distribution language correct? If this instruction creates a cancellation, is the cancellation paragraph correct? If this instruction is a revision, does the history paragraph list revised instructions in reverse chronological order: History of previous versions include: MIOSHA-STD-07-1R1, January 4, 2008. MIOSHA-STD-07-1, November 14, 2007. 20 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) Appendix B - Flowchart for Agency Instructions Revised Instruction Agency Document Advisor (ADA) forwards instruction ready for review to Division Director and Division Document Advisor (DDA). DDA will format instruction, if necessary, to meet current formatting requirements. DDA forwards instruction to document writer for review/changes. New Instruction Document writer/secretary submits draft hard copy and electronic copy of the instruction to the ADA. ADA logs instruction on the tracking log. ADA forwards an electronic copy of the instruction to division directors for review and input (with a minimum of one week allowed for review). If changes are requested, ADA will have changes made. Document may be returned to document writer/secretary to make changes. If no changes are requested, ADA assigns the document identifier, if needed, and submits a hard copy of the corrected instruction for circulation to Deputy Director and Director for review. (with minimum one week allowed for review). Director or Deputy Director initials the instruction. If no corrections are made, If corrections are made, ADA forwards a copy of the instruction to the OSHA Area Director with a cc: to the Deputy Director. The ADA will have changes made. ADA adds instruction to the S drive; if internet accessible, provides a copy to the webmaster; includes a copy in the MIOSHA Weekly; updates the Instruction Database; adds “Cancelled” watermark to cancelled instruction; archives cancelled instruction on the S drive; and files the original instruction. ADA submits instruction to Director or Deputy Director for approval. 21 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) Appendix C - Flowchart for Division Instructions Revised Instruction Agency Document Advisor (ADA) forwards instruction ready for review to Division Director and Division Document Advisor (DDA). DDA will format instruction, if necessary, to meet current formatting requirements. DDA forwards instruction to document writer for review/changes. Division secretary submits draft hard copy and electronic copy of instruction to the ADA. New Instruction ADA logs instruction on the tracking log. ADA assigns the document identifier, if needed, and provides a hard copy of the instruction to the Deputy Director and Director for review. If no changes are made, If changes are needed, Division Director signs the instruction. ADA returns instruction to the DDA for changes and signature. DDA provides original initialed instruction and electronic version to ADA. ADA forwards a copy of the instruction to the OSHA Area Director. DDA provides electronic version to the division web contact for posting on the web, if internet accessible. If instruction is revised, DDA requests division web contact to remove old instruction from the web. ADA adds instruction to the S drive; includes a copy in the MIOSHA Weekly; updates the Instruction Database; adds “Cancelled” watermark to cancelled instruction; archives cancelled instruction on the S-drive; and files the original instruction. 22 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) APPENDIX D CITING REFERENCES IN AGENCY AND DIVISION INSTRUCTIONS Citing Administrative Rules Construction Safety Standard Part 42. /R408.44201 et seq., Hazard Communication. General Industry Safety Standard Part 24. /R408.12413 et seq., Mechanical Power Presses. Occupational Health Standard Part 301. /R325.51101 et seq., Air Contaminants. Citing Agency Instructions Agency Instruction MIOSHA-ADM-04-5, MIOSHA Safety and Health Management System, as amended. Citing ANSI American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z87.1-1968 Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection. Citing Commonly Used External References Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (BLS-9300N06). Bureau of Workers’ Disability Compensation (BWDC) Form 100, Employer’s Basic Report of Injury. Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Manual, 2002. Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual, 1987. Citing Distribution - General MIOSHA Staff; OSHA Lansing Area Office; General; S-drive Accessible; MIOSHA Weekly; and Internet Accessible. Citing Distribution - Internal MIOSHA Staff; OSHA Lansing Area Office; S-drive Public Folder Accessible; and MIOSHA Weekly. 23 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) Citing MIOSH Act Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act, R408.1001 et seq., P.A. 154 of 1974, as amended. Citing MIOSHA FOM MIOSHA Field Operations Manual (FOM), as amended. Citing OSHA Instruction Occupational Safety and Health Administration Instruction CPL 2.100, May 5, 1995, Application of the Permit-Required Confined Spaces Standard. Citing OSHA Standards 29 CFR 1910.146, Permit-Required Confined Spaces, Technical Amendment to Preamble; November 4, 1994, Federal Register Vol. 59, No. 213, p. 55209. 24 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) Appendix E Creating a Manual Table of Contents (TOC) 1. The Table of Contents will follow the Masthead in an instruction. 2. Begin marking the TOC entries in the instruction by highlighting the text in the instruction that will appear in the TOC. On your keyboard, press ALT, Shift, and “O” to open the Mark TOC entry window. The highlighted text will appear in the entry box. The table identifier should be “C” and the Level should be “1.” Click “Mark.” If the highlighted text is bolded or underline, these formatting features will appear in the TOC. 3. 4. 25 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) 5. Word will insert a new line of coding that will follow the marked text. Do not delete this code. You can remove any bold or underline within this code so it does not appear in the TOC. 6. Continue marking the TOC entries and changing the levels, as necessary, throughout the instruction. Once all of the TOC entries are marked, close the mark TOC entry box. Go to the TOC page previously created and place your cursor at the point where you want to insert the TOC. 7. 26 MIOSHA-ADM-03-1R6 July 8, 2014 Document Management System (DMS) 8. 9. 10. On the Ribbon, click References, Table of Contents, and Insert Table of Contents. Depending on the number of levels marked throughout the instruction, click on the Show Levels and indicate the correct number. Click “Options.” 11. This will open a Table of Contents Options window. Check the “Table entry fields” box. Make sure to uncheck the “Styles” box. Also, uncheck the “Outline Levels” box if that displays on your screen. Click OK in this window and the Index and Tables window. 12. Your TOC will be inserted. Each entry is bookmarked or anchored to its place in the instruction. When you click on the text in the TOC, you will be taken to that spot in the instruction. 27