6th Grading Period Primary Source Texts Unit 14: EverChanging America AMERICAN HISTORY: AMERICAN HISTORY: Media & Data (Images, Maps, Video, Sound Clips, Stats, etc.) AMERICAN HISTORY: William McKinley: War Message Creation of the US Empire US Imperialism (Visual) SpanishAmerican War SpanishAmerican War SpanishAmerican War treaty Sinking of the Maine Wreck of the USS Maine (Image) Yellow Journalism and Imperialism American Imperialism SpanishAmerican War Construction of the Panama Canal (Image) Prohibition WW1 Through Images and Quotes William Randolph Hearst: Quote on the SpanishAmerican War Theodore Roosevelt: Gentlemen’s Agreement Monroe Doctrine Corollary Speech Theodore Roosevelt: Quote on Foreign Policy Woodrow Wilson: Declaration of Neutrality Secondary Source Texts Rough Riders Construction of the Panama Canal Theodore Roosevelt Progressive Party Progressive Movement Foreign Policy for a World Power (Overview) Foreign Policy for a World Power (Visual) Europe Erupts and America Watches (Visual) African-American Figures of the Harlem Renaissance (Facts & Figures) Anti-Evolution League book sale (Image) "Analyze" Segments (if applicable) Support Center Resources AMERICAN HISTORY: RESEARCH LISTS: Dropping the Atomic Bombs Zoot Suit Riots Military-Industrial Complex Truman and Korea Sputnik Escalates the Cold War Defining Moments of the Civil Rights Movement Europe Erupts and America Watches The Process of Peace Harlem Renaissance Through Primary Sources Harlem Renaissance Stock Market Crash World War I Wilson: First Lusitania note to Germany Wilson: War Message to Congress 18th Amendment Woodrow Wilson Flapper (Image) Jazz Age Harlem Renaissance: Cotton Club (Image) Harlem Renaissance Woman Suffrage Movement Langston Hughes: Quote on Harlem Progressive Era Carrie Chapman Catt: “Do You Know?” Farmer-Labor Party Platform (1928) F. Scott Fitzgerald Lindbergh’s Transatlantic Flight Attack on Pearl Harbor (Image) FDR: War Message (Audio) Babe Ruth Great Depression FDR: Fireside Chat on the New Deal (1933) Stock Market FDR: War Message to Congress (1941) Charles Lindbergh (Image) Opposition to the Vietnam War Feminist Goals Distrust of Government Capital Punishment Healthcare Reform Farmers: Depressed Since the 20s FDR’s First 100 Days Movers & Shakers of the Age of Gatsby Images of the Great Depression American Battles and Warriors of WW2 Gathering Information WW2 at Home POP CULTURE UNIVERSE: Japanese Internment Literature Connections: The Great Gatsby and the 1920s Cold War at Home and Abroad D-Day (Image) Herbert Hoover: Quote on the Great Depression Herbert Hoover: Anti-New Deal speech (1932) The Moon Landing Dust Bowl Stock Market Crash of 1929 Hooverville First Hundred Days New Deal War in the Pacific (Video) Rationing Poster (Image) Women’s Air Force Service Pilots (Image) Japanese Internment (Visual) FDR: An ongoing war effort (Video) WORLD AT WAR: US Isolationism Presidential Power Proxy Wars Cold War Personalities Civil Rights Images of the Civil Rights Movement A Changing Movement Atlantic Charter (1941) Winston Churchill: Iron Curtain Speech (1946) George Kennan: Containment (1947) Marshall Plan (1947) National Recovery Administration Japanese Relocation (Image) Opposing the New Deal (Overview) VJ Day Celebration (Video) World War II Enemies to Allies: Origins of the Cold War (Visual) Pearl Harbor Attack Isolationism Joseph McCarthy: Spread of Communism in the United States speech (1950) Army-McCarthy Hearings Testimony (1954) Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan (Video) Battle of Midway Battle of the Bulge The War at Home (Overview) Betty Friedan: The Feminine Mystique (1963) National Organization for Women: A Bill of Rights for Modern Women (1967) Japanese Internment (Overview) JapaneseAmericans in WW2 Fair Employment Practices Committee Vietnam and a Decade of Unrest Turning Points of the War Limiting the Presidency Who Started the Cold War? The New Conservatives Reagan and the Cold War America in the Late 20th Century USA PATRIOT Act 9/11 The Economy Booms (Visual) 1950s Era Family Watches Television (Image) Fred Korematsu Federal Highway Act (1956) Unconditional Surrender America in the Early 21st Century LESSON PLANS: Boomtime for Babies and Houses (Visual) Marshall Plan and the Need for European Recovery Levittown Street Scene (Image) Marshall Plan: Results Summer of Love: Hippies in San Francisco (Image) Civil Rights, Now! Analyzing MLK’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech Richard Nixon: Vietnam War speech (1969) Relocation Camps Zoot Suit Riots Richard Nixon: Quote on the Watergate Scandal Barbara Jordan: Impeachment of Richard Nixon speech (1974) Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (1972) Richard Nixon: Presidential resignation speech (1974) Malcolm X: God’s Judgment of White America speech (1963) Cold War Impeachment and Resignation (Visual) Richard Nixon leaves the White House after resigning (Image) Berlin Airlift NATO Hiss Trials McCarthy Hearings Anticommunism Suburbanization Communication Revolution of the 20th Century The Sky is the Limit (Overview) Martin Luther King, Jr.: I Have a Dream speech (1963) Rock and Roll Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II (1979) New Journalism Hunter S. Thompson Richard Nixon comments on releasing the Watergate tapes (Audio) Rosa Parks at the front of the bus (Image) Sit-down Demonstration (Video) The End of the Cold War (Visual) German Reunification Celebration (Image) Gloria Steinem’s speech about a new humanism (Audio) Vietnam War: Extension Writing Martin Luther King, Jr.: I have seen the promised land sermon (1968) National Organization for Women Feminist Movement Black Panther Party: Platform and Program (1966) Stonewall Riots Treaty (1972) Vietnam War Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty I (1991) Tet Offensive Persian Gulf War Resolution (1991) Gloria Steinem: Scholars, Witches, and Other Freedom Fighters speech (1993) Equal Rights Amendment Antiwar Movement Free Speech Movement Woodstock University of Wisconsin Bombing Ronald Reagan: Inaugural Address Weathermen (1981) Democratic The Ten National Commandments Convention of 1968 Bush v. Gore (2000) Watergate Scandal Women’s liberation protest in New Jersey (Image) Gay Rights Demonstration (Image) Ronald Reagan: Star Wars Speech (Video) Abortion and Antiabortion rights protestors (Image) Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act (1988) Ronald Reagan (Image) Election map of 2008 (Map) Newspaper headlines about Lewinsky scandal (Image) Bill Clinton, Inaugural Ball (Image) North American Free Trade Agreement Preamble and Objectives (1993) Bill Clinton: Articles of Impeachment (1998) George W. Bush: State of the Union address (2002) Osama Bin Laden: Press Briefing on his death WORLD AT WAR: Harry Truman: Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Announcement Civil Rights Movement Ground Zero in African Americans New York City in US History (Image) Jim Crow Movement The Great Migration National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Harlem Renaissance Southern Christian Leadership Conference Martin Luther King, Jr. Hirohito: Quote on Japan’s Black Power Surrender Movement Ronald Reagan: Evil Empire speech (1982) Al Qaeda (Image) 9/11 (Video) George W. Bush: Statement of Resolve against Iraq (Audio) George W. Bush: Announcement of Bombing Campaign in Iraq (Audio) WORLD AT WAR: Estimated Casualties of the SpanishAmerican War Estimated Casualties – WW1 Reykjavik Summit Timeline of WW1 Arms Race Country Facts: USA Detente Modern Communism Energy Crisis Iran Hostage Crisis Persian Gulf War Gay Rights Movement Estimated Casualties of WW2 American Output of War Materiel – WW2 Pacific Theater (Map) European and North African Theaters (Map) Abortion Native American Rights Movement Normandy Invasion 1944 (Map) Feminist Movement Rosie the Riveter (Image) Reagan Revolution Poster for US War Stamps and Bonds (Image) The New Conservatives (Overview) Iran-Contra Scandal Ronald Reagan George HW Bush Moral Majority Estimated Nuclear Arsenals during the Cold War Balance of Power: 1945-1980 (Map) Cold War Europe: 1955 (Map) Supply-Side Economics Sandra Day O’Connor Religion in the United States Nuclear Arms Race (Graphic) JFK: Speech on the Cuban Missile Crisis (Audio) Ronald Reagan’s Berlin Wall Speech (Audio) Christian Coalition Right-to-Life Movement Election of 1988 Clinton Impeachment Bosnian Intervention Election of 2000 Hillary Rodham Clinton Computer Revolution World Wide Web Oklahoma City Bombing Apollo 11 Mission (Video) Nuclear Submarine Nautilus (Image) National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States George W. Bush Regime Change in Iraq World Trade Center and Pentagon Attacks Legacies of September 11 The Obama Presidency (Overview) WORLD AT WAR: US Homefront General John Pershing Zimmermann Telegram Wilson’s Fourteen Points Legacy of WW1 WW2: Causes The US in WW2 (Overview) WW2: Western Front D-Day Manhattan Project Consequences of WW2 Legacy of WW2 Space Race Causes of the Cold War Cuban Missile Crisis Domino Theory Warsaw Pact Ronald Reagan