Monday 9:30-9:45 Read Aloud Fiction Standard 4.1a, 4.1b, 4.3a, 5.1a, 4.3c Purdy’s Problem and How She Solved It APK- Give me a thumbs up if you remember what genre we did last week? If you know turn to you partner and tell them. Does anyone what to share? TIP- This week our genre is fantasy. Does anyone know what fantasy means? Fantasy includes make believe events that could not happen in real life. Preview the story. We will do a picture walk through and predict what when think is going to Mrs. Whittaker’s 3rd Grade Lesson Plans Sept 20 – Sept 25 Tuesday Wednesday Purdy’s Problem and How She Solved It OBJ: Main Idea P. 202-209 APK- Give me a thumbs up if you remember what genre we did last week? If you know turn to you partner and tell them. Does anyone what to share? Give me a thumbs up if you remember Main Idea? TIP- We will read Purdy’s Problem stopping to identify Main Idea and ask questions. Purdy’s Problem and How She Solved It OBJ: Main Idea and Sequencing P. 210-218 APK- Give me a thumbs up if you remember the main idea of our story yesterday. Tell you partner. TIP- Read story stopping to ask questions on predicting, main idea and details, and cause and effect. SIPWe will fill out a graphic organizer with the main Thursday Friday Purdy’s Problem and How She Solved It Purdy’s Problem and How She Solved It OBJ: Main Idea and Sequencing OBJ: Main Idea and Sequencing P. 220-223 P. 202-218 (Listen on CD) APK-What is sequencing? Tell you neighbor. What is the main idea of our story? APK- What is sequencing? TIP- Sequencing will help us summarize a story. Summarizing in telling a short version of the story and only telling the important parts. Guided Practice: The students will be Read P 220- 221 given a sequencing Summarize the facts sort. After they you’ve read so far. Tell you have sorted the neighbor. cards they will be Read 222-223 asked to record they What are these pages answers of a mostly about? Tell a friend. graphic organizer. On the back the will Comprehension draw what the Quiz happen just by looking at the pictures. P. 198-199 The Stamper Collector OBJ: Main Idea APK- Does anyone remember what Main Idea mean? Tell you partner After story we will use a fill out a graphic organizer and as class. I will ask the students to pair share to fill in the organizer. idea and three visualized. supporting * some students will details and a just be asked to graphic organizer draw a picture of on sequencing. what the story was about. Centers Build Word Webs with Collection. Centers Student will play memory with the words and TIP- Main Idea is what the story is mostly about. I will read The stamp collector. SIP- We will fill out a graphic organizer with the main idea and three supporting details. 8:30-9:30 9:45-10:00 Vocabulary Centers Introduce Vocabulary P. 200-201 Centers Build Word Webs with Collection. Centers Vocabulary Basketball Vocabulary Quiz Standards 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 TIP- As a class we will build a word web with collection in the middle. Each bubble coming off of the word will be things that people can collect. definitions in their table groups. TIP- As a class we will build a word web with scattered in the middle. Each bubble coming off of the word will be things that can be scattered. With a partner students will create a word web with Enormous in the middle. p. 74 With a partner students will create a word web with Shiny in the middle. The Parade The Parade The Parade The Parade Model Read Model Read and Choral Reading Echo Read Partner Read Perform Introduce word wall words Students write word is Word Wall Spiral. Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check Read My Mind Students will write a sentence for each of the five new word wall words. Collection Enormous Realize Scattered Shiny Strain Use word rating chart 10:00-10:10 Fluency 2.1 10:10-10:20 Word Wall Read the story and use context clues and a dictionary to come up with the definition. The Parade Teacher reads the words. Students will Chant the word. Cheer and Chant 10:20-10:30 Oral Language / Grammar 3.1a Compound Words APK- Does anyone remember what a compound word is? If you do tell you neighbor. TIP- A long word like earthquake seems hard at first. But when I look more closely, I see that earthquake is a compound. Word. That means it is made up of two shorts words, earth and quake. I know earth and I think quake means to shake, so it’s easy to figure out that earthquake is a movement of the ground. SIP- I will have compound words written on the board. I will have students Singular and Plural Nouns APK: What’s a noun? What are singular and plural nouns? TIP: A singular noun names only one person, place, or thing. A plural names more than one. SIP: students will be given word cards and will have to sort them into singular and plural. Singular and Plural Nouns APK: What does the word singular mean? What does the word plural mean? Does anyone remember the rules on how to change singular to plural? TIP: I will demonstrate using my rules card on to change a singular to a plural. SIP: Students will take turns changes words from singular to plural. Compound Words P. 79 Singular and Plural Nouns APK: What’s a noun? What are singular and plural nouns? TIP: A singular noun names only one person, place, or thing. A plural names more than one. SIP: students will be given word cards and will have to sort them into singular and plural. P 28 read them and draw lines between the two smaller words. 10:35-11:20 11:30-1:00 Math Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Comparing and Ordering Part 1 Some and some more stories, Part 1 Standard 2.2 Computer Standard 2.1b 1:05-1:30 Standards 3.1 1:30-2:00 2:00-2:30 Recess/Lunch Lesson 19 Art Lesson 20 Investigation 2 Subrarcting Threedigit Numbers Some Went Away Stories Working with money Standard 2.2 M.I.R.P Standard 2.2 Higgins Or Social studies Lesson 2 Communities are Different Computer Standard 4.3 Homework p. 1 Specials Centers Monday- All Groups make spelling word sorts. Tuesday- All groups Fluency Wednesday – All groups phonic skills Computer Thursday- All groups Fluency Friday- All groups phonic skills. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Group 1 Take spelling pre-test Group 1 Teacher Model reads A party for Pedro Students Echo Read A Party for Pedro TIP: Author’s Purpose. An Author can have many reason for writing a story for explain they can write to entertain, inform, or persuade. SIP: Tell you partner why you think the author wrote this story. Group 1 CVCe Long a phonic kit Lesson 1 Group 1 APK: What is Author’s Purpose? Group 1 CVCe Long a Phonic kit Lesson 2 Teacher Model reads A party for Pedro Students Echo Read A Party for Pedro TIP: Author’s Purpose. An Author can have many reason for writing a story for explain they can write to entertain, inform, or CVC short a phonic kit Lesson 1 Make spelling sort Sort Words Group 2 Take spelling pre-test Make spelling sort Sort Words Teacher Model Reads A Party for Pedro Students Choral Read Student use sentence strips to put the story in sequence. Students answer comprehension questions on story. APK: What is Author’s Purpose? Teacher Model Reads Students Choral Read Student use sentence strips to put the story in CVC Short a Phonic kit Lesson 2 persuade. SIP: Tell you partner why you think the author wrote this story. Group 3 Take spelling pre-test APK: What is expository nonfiction? Make spelling sort TIP: We are going to work on sequencing. Sequencing means putting in order. Sort Words Teacher Model Reads Dinosaur Detectives Stopping while reading to use sentence strips to help remember what has happened in the story. Students Echo Read sequence. Students answer comprehension questions on story. Digraphs Ch phonic kit Lesson 1 APK: What is expository nonfiction? What is sequencing? Teacher Model Reads Students Choral Read Student use sentence strips to put the story in sequence. Students answer comprehension questions on story. Digraphs CH Phonic kit Lesson 2 Group 4 Take spelling pre-test APK: What does it mean to be responsible? Diphthong oy phonic kit Lesson 1 Make spelling sort Sort Words TIP: We are going to read this story for the purpose of visualizing. We are going to be drawing pictures in our minds as we read to better help us understand. APK: What is Visualizing? What is responsibility? How are you responsible? Diphthong oy Phonic kit Lesson 2 Teacher Model Reads Students Choral Read Students answer comprehension questions on story. Teacher Model Reads The Boy Who Cried Wolf Stopping while reading ask what the students are picturing. Students Choral Read Center Groups Group 1 Jazmin Trinity Jovan Galilea Hirael Cruz Antwanieke Group 2 Alejandra Khyren Kamari Jesus Greg Nick Group 3 Eduardo Jonathan Kelly William McKenzy Group 4 Jasper Maria Dasha Alexis Chykia