Genre Bingo as Culminating Activity worksheet (Gr 3

Clues for Genre Bingo
Fiction Genre Categories and Spine Labels
1) Mystery
2) Science fiction
3) Fantasy
4) Sports
5) Adventure
6) Historical fiction
7) Counting
8) Humor
9) Holiday
10) Horror/scary
11) Newbery
12) Caldecot
13) Genre
14) detective
15) question mark
16) spaceship
17) unicorn
18) man running
19) pirate/pirate ship
20) George Washington
21) clock
22) 1,2,3
23) ghost
24) summary
25) spine
1) This genre involves a problem to solve, clues, and a detective (mystery)
2) This genre involves events that occur in the future, often in outer space, with some
form of technology (science fiction)
3) This genre involves mythical creatures, magic, talking animals and make believe
events (fantasy)
4) This genre involves athletes and athletic events (sports)
5) This genre involves a crisis or survival tale and lots of action (adventure)
6) This genre involves a story that occurs in the past but with fictional characters. It may
include real events and/or people from history (historical fiction)
7) This genre involves numbers and sequencing (counting)
8) This genre involves a funny story or one that should make you laugh (humor)
9) This genre involves special days, such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Passover, etc.
10) This genre involves monsters or other frightening characters or events (horror/scary)
11) This award is given each year for the best contribution to children’s literature. It is
given for the best writing. (Newbery)
12) This award is given each year for the best in children’s book illustrations. (Caldecott)
13) A type or category of literature (genre)
14) Either this spine label, or a question mark, indicates a mystery book (detective)
15) Either this spine label, or a detective, indicates a mystery book (question mark)
16) This spine label indicates a science fiction book (spaceship)
17) This mythical creature indicates a fantasy book (unicorn)
18) This spine label indicates a sports book (man running)
19) This spine label indicates an adventure story (pirate or pirate ship)
20) Either this spine label, or a ticking clock, indicates an historical fiction book (George
21) Either this spine label, or a picture of George Washington, indicates an historical
fiction book (clock)
22) This spine label indicates a counting book (1, 2, 3)
23) This spine label indicates a scary or horror story (ghost)
24) When you are not sure of the genre or what a book is about, you can read this short
description to help you decide (summary)
25) Where the label is located, along with the call number (spine)