Karyotyping Activity

AP Biology
Karyotyping Activity
“The Biology Project”
Name ____________________
Date _____________________
1. What is a karyotype?
2. How many times a year is this type of analysis performed? ____________
3. How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have? ____________
4. During mitosis, cells are blocked (stopped) and the condensed
chromosomes are stained with what dye? ___________________________
5. The dye stains regions that are rich in ____________ and ___________.
6. The thinnest band, or dark regions contains _________________ base pairs
and probably __________________ of genes.
Patient Case Histories: Briefly describe the each patient’s immediate situation.
Patient #1 –
Patient #2 –
Patient #3 –
Do the karyotype activity for each patient and record the diagnosis in
the chart below.
Karyotype Interpretation
(ex: 47, XX +18)
Diagnosis of Disorder or
Each of these disorders includes the process of nondisjunction. During meiosis,
chromosomes fail to separate and the person either gets too many or not enough
Now, do an Internet search on each of the disorders or syndromes. Write at least
one paragraph that describes the physical characteristics of each. Include at least
one picture for each. Attach this to the back of this paper.
New Methods of Karyotyping
Go back to The Biology Project HOME, select Human Biology, select New
Methods in Karyotyping in green column to the left.
The Spectral Karyotype:
1. This process involves using _________________dyes that bond with
__________ regions of chromosomes.
2. The varying amount of dyes are called ______________ and have unique
____________ characteristics.
3. What device is used to differentiate between the colors emitted?
4. A computer is program assigns distinguishable colors to each chromosome
and a _______________ image is produced.
5. _____________________ pairs of chromosomes are the same color.
6. ______________ and ______________ are easily recognizable.
1. Dyes are added to the chromosome sample.
2. The interferometer ________________ emitted light and produces an image.
3. As long as the spectral values differ by at least _______nm, chromosomes
can be distinguished from one another.
4. The computer assigns different _____________ to the chromosome pairs.
These colors are called _____________________________.
What possible ways can this type of karyotype be used in the future?