13.1 ABNORMAL START Monitor ITT during normal start. If the ITT rate of increase appears likely to exceed 925C or no rise in ITT is evident within 10 seconds after selecting LOW IDLE with the condition lever, proceed as follows: *1. *2. Condition lever – FUEL CUTOFF (note ITT decrease to below 790C ). Starter – OFF. CAUTION Starter use is limited to 40 seconds on, 60 seconds off, 40 seconds on, 60 seconds off, 40 seconds on, then 30 minutes off. Note If starting attempt is discontinued and another start is attempted, allow 60 seconds delay to drain fuel and cool starter, then motor the starter for 15 seconds minimum. Allow the engine to come to a complete stop before another start is attempted 2 13.2 EMERGENCY ENGINE SHUTDOWN ON THE DECK If an emergency situation dictates immediate discontinuation of engine operation such as fire, fire warning light, chip light, etc., stop aircraft if moving, request assistance as necessary and proceed as follows: 3 *1. *2. *3. *4. Condition levers – FUEL CUTOFF. Firewall valves – CLOSED. Boost pumps – OFF. Fire extinguisher- As required. NOTE The engine fire extinguisher is a single-shot system with one cylinder for each engine. Do not attempt engine restart until the cause of the fire is determined and corrected. *5. *6. Gang bar – OFF. Evacuate aircraft. 4 13.3 LOSS OF BRAKES 5 In the event of wheelbrake failure, maintain directional control with rudder, nosewheel steering, or differential power. Use propeller reversing or beta range as required to assist in deceleration. If possible maneuver into an open area and allow the aircraft to stop. Do not attempt to taxi the aircraft. A brake shuttle valve sticks occasionally, which results in loss of brakes for either the Pilot or Copilot, or both. After the aircraft is stopped, the shuttle valve can sometimes be reseated and brakes restored by pulling aft on the top of the brake pedals. 6 13.4 HOT BRAKES 7 Hot brakes usually are caused by excessive or heavy braking action. If hot brakes are suspected, stop the aircraft utilizing reverse thrust and minimum braking, request assistance if necessary, and allow the brakes to cool utilizing propwash. Allow the brakes to cool and ensure the brakes are inspected prior to further operation.. CAUTION The high energy absorbing capacity of the Wheelbrakes is capable of locking the wheels during Maximum braking, which may result in blown tires. 8 13.5 BRAKE FIRE 9 *1. Firefighting assistance – Request. *2. Stop aircraft. *3. Emergency Engine Shutdown on Deck Checklist – Execute. WARNING All crewmembers are to stay a safe distance away from the aircraft. It is preferable to stay well behind the aircraft. If a wheel explodes because of rapid cooling, the fragments tend to fly out sideways from the heat of the fire. Do not attempt to fight the fire. 10 13.6 JAMMED CONTROLS ON DECK 11 In the event that any jamming or binding of flight or engine controls is experienced on the ground, check yaw damp and autopilot OFF, maintain the controls in the jammed or binding condition and call for immediate inspection. 12 14.1 ABORTING TAKEOFF The decision to abort or continue the takeoff is dependent on length of remaining runway, airspeed, gross weight and density When aborting a takeoff, proceed as follows: WARNING Mechanical stops incorporated in the throttle quadrant prevent rapid movement of the power levers from the beta range to the flight range. Downward pressure must be applied to the power levers to permit movement into the flight range and allow power to be added. A misrigged linkage between a power lever and corresponding propeller could cause directional problems while reversing during an aborted takeoff or landing rollout. If directional control problems are encountered while reversing, advance both power levers toward FLIGHT IDLE to minimize the effects or asymmetric propeller reversal. Maintain directional control with rudder, nosewheel steering, and brakes. Single-engine reversing, may be applied if required. Use extreme caution if takeoff surface is not hard and dry. Part XI accelerate-stop distances are increased by approximately 900 feet with the condition levers at HIGH IDLE and no reverse is utilized (see figure 26-7). 13 *1. *2. *3. *4. Announce “Abort.” Power levers – IDLE. Reverse – As required. Brakes – As required. Immediately prior to departing the prepared surface: *5. Condition levers – FUEL CUTOFF. As soon as practicable: *6. Firewall valves – CLOSED. *7. Boost pumps – OFF. *8. Fire extinguisher(s) – As required. *9. Gang bar – OFF. *10. Evacuate aircraft. 14 14.2 ENGINE FAILURE DURING TAKEOFF 15 If an engine fails during takeoff roll before the aircraft becomes airborne, use the ABORTING TAKEOFF procedure in paragraph 14.1. 16 14.3 ENGINE FAILURE AFTER TAKEOFF If an engine fails after takeoff and sufficient runway remains, land and bring the aircraft to a stop. If an engine failure occurs after takeoff and insufficient runway remains to make a safe landing, proceed as follows: 17 *1. Power – As required. *2. Gear – UP. *3. Airspeed – As required (VXSE or VYSE). WARNING If the autofeather system is being used, retarding either power lever before the feathering sequence is completed will deactivate the autofeather circuit and prevent automatic feathering. *4. Emergency Shutdown Checklist – Execute. WARNING A positive single-engine rate of climb will not be obtained in any configuration with the inoperative engine propeller windmilling. 18 14.4 TIRE FAILURE 19 If tire failure occurs during takeoff roll, use the ABORTING TAKEOFF procedure in paragraph 14.1. Maintain directional control with rudder, nosewheel steering, and brakes as necessary. 20 14.5 ABNORMAL TAKEOFFS 21 14.5.1 Obstruction clearance takeoff 14.5.2 Soft-field takeoff 14.5.3 Short-field takeoff 22 VMC MINIMUM CONTROL SPEED 23 86 KIAS CONFIGURATION: GEAR UP FLAPS UP PROPELLER WINDMILLING (DEAD ENG.) LIVE ENGINE TAKEOFF POWER 5 ANGLE INTO LIVE ENGINE 24 VSSE MINIMUM SAFE ONE-ENGINE INOPERATIVE SPEED 25 91 KIAS CONFIGURATION: GEAR UP FLAPS UP PROPELLER WINDMILLING (DEAD ENG.) NOTE ENGINES SHOULD NOT BE INTENTIONALLY RENDERED INOPERATIVE BELOW THIS SPEED. 26 VXSE BEST SINGLE-ENGINE ANGLE OF CLIMB SPEED 27 102 KIAS CONFIGURATION: GEAR UP FLAPS UP PROPELLER FEATHERED (DEAD ENG.) LIVE ENGINE MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS POWER 28 VYSE BEST SINGLE-ENGINE RATE OF CLIMB SPEED 29 110 KIAS CONFIGURATION: GEAR UP FLAPS UP PROPELLER FEATHERED (DEAD ENG.) LIVE ENGINE MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS POWER 30 15.1 ENGINE FAILURE The T-44 exhibits no unusual handling characteristics at speeds above Vmc. Refer to Part XI for the climb or cruise performance that can be expected in an engine-out situation. Directional control (figure 14-1) is a function of airspeed and power, varying directly with airspeed and inversely with power. An increase in asymmetrical power at any given airspeed results in mild yaw, accompanied by a more pronounced proverse roll into the dead engine. The rate of roll and yaw varies directly with the rate of power increase on the operative engine. These can easily be controlled with aileron and rudder. Rudder trim is sufficient to maintain balanced flight at airspeeds above approximately 100 KIAS. At speeds below 100 KIAS, full rudder trim must be supplemented by constant rudder pressure. At full rudder trim only a few inches of rudder travel will remain. The use of flaps will not significantly affect directional control, but will adversely affect performance. Figure 27-5 shows that a positive climb rate cannot be obtained with full flaps (100%) and gear down at any gross weight . 31 WARNING If full flaps are used during a single engine approach, the waveoff procedure described in paragraph 7.18 will result in a loss of approximately 200 feet before a positive rate of climb can be established. An indication of impending engine failure or flameout usually is preceded by unstable engine operation. One or a combination of symptoms may prevail, such as fluctuating turbine rpm, torque and ITT; illumination of fuel system warning lights; dropping oil pressure; and loss of thrust. In the event engine failure or unexpected flameout occurs, an emergency shutdown should be performed. An airstart may be performed if the engine failure cannot be attributed to : Mech, 0verheat, Vibration, Explosion, 0 N1, Fuel fumes, Fire A flameout condition is indicated by a drop in ITT, torque, and turbine rpm. 32 15.2 EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN CHECKLIST 33 *1. Power Lever – IDLE. WARNING If the autofeather system is being used, do not retard the failed engine power lever until the feathering sequence is completed. To do so will deactivate the autofeather circuit and prevent automatic feathering. *2. *3. Propeller – FEATHER. Condition Lever – FUEL CUTOFF. In case of confirmed/suspected fire or fuel leak, continue checklist. If not proceed to DEAD ENGINE CHECKLIST in paragraph 15.3. 4. 5. Firewall valve – CLOSED. Bleed air – CLOSED. WARNING If the bleed air valve is left open, smoke or fumes may enter through the pressurization system. 6. Fire extinguisher – As required. 34 7. Dead Engine Checklist – As Required. 15.3 DEAD ENGINE CHECKLIST 35 1. Cabin temperature mode – OFF (CP). 2. Vent blower – As required (CP). 3. Crossfeed – CLOSED (P). 4. Boost pump (failed engine) – OFF (P). 5. Transfer pump (failed engine) – OFF (P). 6. Fuel control Heat (failed engine) – OFF (P). 7. Autofeather – OFF (P). 8. Propeller Sync – OFF (P). 9. Autoignition (failed engine) – OFF (CP). 10. Generator (failed engine) – OFF (CP). 11. Electrical load – Monitor (P). WARNING The landing gear warning system will not function if the power lever for the failed engine is placed forward of a position corresponding to 79 +/-2 percent N1 rpm. 36 15.4 JAMMED POWER LEVER There have been occasions when power levers have jammed in the T-44 in flight, leaving the pilot with no capability to change the corresponding engine power setting. Should this occur, check all engine instruments and the nacelle for abnormal indications. If no abnormal secondary indications are detected, consideration should be given to keeping the engine running unless controllability becomes a factor. Land as soon as practicable. 37 Prior to landing, the engine should be secured as follows: *1. *2. Condition lever (failed engine) – FUEL CUT OFF. Emergency shutdown checklist – Execute (P). WARNING The landing gear warning system will not function if the power lever for the failed engine is placed forward of a position corresponding to 79 +/-2 percent N1 rpm. 38 15.5 AIRSTARTS Airstarts accomplished with the assistance of an operating generator (cross generator start) or with the battery only should be successful at all altitudes and airspeeds. A started assisted airstart should normally be attempted regardless of generator availability unless conditions warrant a windmilling airstart. 39 CAUTION Unless a greater emergency exists, the cause for engine failure should be determined before attempting an airstart. Above 20,000 feet, starts tend to be hotter. During engine acceleration to idle speed, it may be necessary to periodically cycle the condition lever to FUEL CUTOFF to avoid an over temperature. Electrical loads not consistent with the flight conditions should be reduced. 40 15.5.1 STARTER-ASSISTED AIRSTART Started assisted airstarts may be attempted at all altitudes and airspeeds, precluding mechanical malfunctions. 1. Power lever (failed Eng) – IDLE. 2. Prop lever (failed Eng)– FEATHER. 3.Cond lever(fail Eng)–FUEL CUTOFF. 4. Cabin temp mode – OFF (CP). 5. Vent Blower – AUTO (CP). 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Radar – OFF/STANDBY (CP). Anti–ice/deice – As required (P). Firewall Valve – OPEN (P). Transfer Pump – AUTO (P). Boost Pump – ON (P). Crossfeed – AUTO (P). Generator (failed eng) – OFF (CP). 41 13. Battery charger – OFF (CP). 14. Starter (failed engine) – IGN & ENG START (check ignition indicator light on). WARNING If the engine was shutdown by closing the firewall shutoff valve, time to light off may exceed 10 seconds. CAUTION Operating engine ITT may increase approximately 50 C because of generator loading. If conditions permit, retard operating engine to reduce the possibility of exceeding ITT limits. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Condition lever – LOW IDLE. Starter (N1 above 50%) – OFF (P). Propeller – Unfeather (P). Power – As required (P). Generator – Reset/ON (CP). Battery Charger – ON (CP). Fuel control heat – ON (P). Bleed air – OPEN (CP). Electrical equip– As required (CP). Condition lever – HIGH IDLE (P). Instruments/Nacelles – checked (P, CP). 42 15.5.2 WINDMILLING AIRSTART 43 *1. Power lever (failed Eng) – IDLE. *2. Propeller lever (failed Eng)– Full Forward. *3. Condition lever (failed Eng)–FUEL CUTOFF. *4. Firewall valve – OPEN. *5. Autoignition – ARM. CAUTION Windmilling airstarts above 20,000 feet or below 2,200 prop rpm may exceed ITT limits. *6. Condition lever – LOW IDLE. WARNING If the engine was shutdown by closing the firewall shutoff valve, time to light off may exceed 10 seconds. Power – As required. 8. Generator – Reset/ON (CP). 9. Autoignition – OFF (CP). *7. 44 10. Condition – HIGH IDLE (P). 15.5.3 ENGINE FAILURE (Second Engine) In the event of dual-engine failure, proceed to the appropriate Airstart checklist. Do not feather both propellers if a windmilling airstart is intended. Should all attempts to restart either engine fail, transition to the maximum glide range airspeed (130 KIAS, gear up, flaps up, and 45 propellers feathered) or maximum glide endurance airspeed (102 KIAS, gear up, flaps up, and propellers feathered) as necessary. WARNING In the event of dual failure at low altitude and airspeed, there may be insufficient airflow to maintain propeller and engine N1 speeds to drive the engine for light-off. In this case consideration should be given to engaging both starter switches vice utilizing the autoignitions for the attempted light-off. With electric heat or air conditioning motor operating, battery power to the starter motors is significantly reduced. The fact that neither propeller is feathered will significantly reduce glide range and endurance during the relight attempt. NOTE No wind glide range is approximately 2 nm/1,000 feet. Subtract .2nm per 10 knots of headwind. With a dual-engine failure, only battery power is available. Should battery conservation be a consideration, refer to dual generator failure procedure. 46 If all electrical power is lost following a dual-engine failure, placing the battery charger switch off may restore electrical power to the aircraft. 15.6 SINGLE-ENGINE CROSSFEED 47 1. 2. 3. 4. Boost pumps – ON. Transfer pumps – AUTO. Crossfeed – OPEN (check crossfeed light on) Boost pump – OFF (nonfeeding tank) (check respective FUEL PRESSURE light out). 48 15.6.1 TO DISCONTINUE SINGLE-ENGINE CROSSFEED 49 1. Boost pumps – ON. 2. Crossfeed – CLOSED. 3. Boost pump – OFF (failed engine). 50 15.7 IN-FLIGHT FIRE 51 Fire in flight is a critical emergency requiring the pilot to assess, diagnose, and take prompt corrective action. 52 15.8 SMOKE/FIRE OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN The smoke/fire of unknown origin checklist is intended to be utilized when smoke, fumes, or fire is discovered within the aircraft and the source of the malfunctioning unit is cannot be readily identified and isolated. The checklist attempts to provide an organized means of eliminating as many sources of fire or smoke as can be controlled from the cockpit. The last five items of the checklist serve to (1) assist in the continuing attempt to isolate the problem source and (2) restore power essential for sustained safety of flight. Pausing between the last five steps 53 of the checklist may help to isolate the fire should the problem be electrical in nature. 1. Alert the crew – (P). 2. Cabin temperature mode – OFF (CP). 3. Vent blower – AUTO (CP). WARNING Repeated or prolonged exposure to and/or inhalation of high concentrations of bromotriflouromethane or its decomposition products should be avoided. The liquid may cause frostbite if allowed to contact the skin. NOTE If the source of the fire is known, immediately turn off all affected electrical circuits and fight the fire with the handheld fire extinguishers. If fire source cannot be isolated, continue the checklist. 54 4. Oxygen masks/mic switch (100%) – As required (P, OBS, CP). WARNING Avoid the use of 100% oxygen near an open flame. NOTE While utilizing oxygen, if the interphones are selected to establish internal communications, the speaker function of the speaker/phone mixer switches will deactivate the interphones. A headset will be required to receive/monitor external communications while simultaneously utilizing the interphones. 5. Bleed air – CLOSED (CP). 6. Emergency descent – As required (P). NOTE Good judgement should be exercised before deciding on an emergency descent in the case of a fuselage fire. When oxygen is provided for the entire crew, staying at high altitude and depressurizing may help to control fuselage fires. 55 7. Pressurization – DUMP (CP). 8. Emergency transmission – As required (CP). 9. Gang bar – OFF (P). NOTE After securing all electrical power, the following instruments are still available: copilot turn and slip, pitot static instruments, N1 ITT, propeller rpm, clocks and standby compass. 10. All electrical switches – OFF (P). WARNING If fire cannot be controlled, land or ditch immediately. 11. Battery – ON (P). 12. Generators (one at a time) – ON (P). 56 13. Battery Charger – ON (P). 14. Inverters (one at a time) – ON (P). 15. Essential equipment – ON (individually until fire source located) (P). 15.8.1 ENGINE FIRE 57 Illumination of the FIRE warning light is usually the first indication of engine compartment fire. Confirm if possible that fire actually exists by checking engine instruments and nacelles. Sunlight can cause illumination of a warning light. Even if no secondary indications are observed, consideration should be given to shutdown of the affected engine. If fire is confirmed or secondary indications are noted, perform EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN CHECKLIST in paragraph 15.2 58 15.8.2 WING FIRE 59 There is little that can be done to control awing fire except to shut off fuel and electrical systems that may be contributing to the fire or which could aggravate it. Slipping the aircraft away from the burning wing may help. Outboard wing electrical items in each wing that may be individually secured from the cockpit are the Navigation and Strobe lights and the fuel vent heaters. In addition, the left wing contains the AOA sensor and sensor heating circuits. Inboard wing systems should be secured using the gang bar. WARNING Consideration should be given to landing or ditching the aircraft immediately, depending on circumstances and seriousness of the fire. 60 Severe wing fires have been known to destroy wing spar integrity in a very short time. Some cases have been documented as low as 90 seconds. 15.9 SMOKE AND FUME ELIMINATION Attempt to locate, isolate and extinguish the fire or source of smoke or fumes prior to initiating the smoke removal procedures. If the source of smoke/fumes cannot be readily determined and eliminated, proceed with the smoke/fire of unknown origin checklist. Attention must be given to the engine as a possible source by closing the bleed air valves. 61 Prior to depressurizing, consider minimum safe enroute altitude and crew oxygen requirements. If immediate smoke removal is thought necessary, proceed as follows: *1. Oxygen masks/MIC – switches (100%) As required. *2. Pressurization – DUMP. After the aircraft is depressurized, both the pilot or copilot storm windows may be opened. However, this could draw smoke into the flight station. Consideration should be given to an emergency descent and immediate landing. NOTE Nauseating fumes from residual desalination solution can enter the cockpit via bleed air for air-conditioning/pressurization and are often detected immediately after takeoff. 62 Provided no secondary indications exist, closing the bleed air valves will significantly reduce the intensity of the nauseating fumes. 15.10 OIL SYSTEM FAILURE 63 An oil pressure indication below 85 psi is undesirable and should be tolerated only for the completion of the flight. Closely monitor the engine instruments and engine nacelle for secondary indications. Consideration should be given to shutting down the engine and landing as soon as possible; otherwise, reduce power on the engine and land as soon as practicable. Oil pressure below 40 psi and/or temperature that exceeds 99C is unsafe and requires that either the engine be shut down or a landing be made as soon as 64 possible using minimum power to sustain flight. In either case, the discrepancy must be noted on the appropriate maintenance form for correction prior to the next flight. 15.10.1 CHIP DETECTOR LIGHT ILLUMINATED 65 Illumination (or flicker) of the CHIP DETECT light indicates that metal particles may be present in the propeller reduction gearbox. In the event of a CHIP DETECT light illumination on the affected engine and unless a greater emergency exists, 66 perform EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN CHECKLIST in paragraph 15.2. 15.11.1 ENGINE-DRIVEN FUEL PUMP FAILURE 67 The engine-driven fuel pump will sustain engine operation after failure of the electric boost pump; however, failure of the engine-driven pump will result in flameout. 68 Perform the EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN CHECKLIST in paragraph 15.2. 69 15.11.2 TRANSFER PUMP FAILURE Illumination of the LH or RH NO FUEL TRANSFER light indicates a possible failure of the corresponding transfer pump. 1. Check total and nacelle fuel quantity. If no fuel remains in the wing tanks: 2. Transfer pump – OFF. If fuel remains in the wing tanks: 70 3. Transfer pump – OVERRIDE. If light remains on: 4. Transfer pump – OFF. NOTE Consider alteration of the flight plan because of unavailable fuel trapped in the wing (approximately 28 gallons). 5. Land as soon as practicable. 71 15.11.1 BOOST PUMP FAILURE A boost pump failure with crossfeed in AUTO will be noted by illumination of the FUEL CROSSFEED annunciator light. The failed boost pump is identified by momentarily placing the crossfeed switch in the closed position. The red LH or RH FUEL PRESSURE light will illuminate indicating the failed boost pump. 1. Failed boost pump – OFF. 2. Crossfeed – OPEN. NOTE Determination of range range without resorting to suction lift is dependent upon fuel load remaining on the side opposite the failed boost pump. 72 3. Land as soon as practicable. NOTE If range because of crossfeed operation is critical, suction lift may be utilized at all cruise altitudes but should be discontinued in favor of crossfeed (boosted pressure) when initiating descent for landing in the event of a missed approach. CAUTION Engine driven fuel pump operation without boost pump fuel pressure is limited to 10 hours. This time shall be recorded 73 15.12 FUEL LEAKS A fuel leak may be evidenced by the smell of fuel in the cockpit, a rapid drop in fuel quantity, or sighted visually. The first concern of the crew must be to guard against the outbreak of engine fire. Consideration should be given to securing electrical systems that may contribute to the outbreak of a wing fire. Outboard wing electrical items in each wing that may be individually secured from the cockpits are the navigation and strobe lights 74 and the fuel vent heaters. In addition, the left wing contains the AOA sensor and the sensor heating circuits. Inboard wing systems may be secured using the gang bar. If a wing or nacelle fuel leak is evidenced and power is not necessary to sustain flight or reach a safe destination, consideration should be given to securing the engine as follows: *1. Condition lever – FUEL CUTOFF. *2. Emergency Shutdown checklist – Execute. 75 15.13 FUEL SIPHONING If fuel cap siphoning occurs, proceed as follows: 1. Airspeed – 140 KIAS. 2. Land as soon as practicable. 76 NOTE Extreme nose low attitudes will aggravate the fuel siphoning condition. 15.14.1 GENERATOR FAILURE 77 If a generator fails (indicated by illumination of the respective RH or LH GEN OUT annunciator), all nonessential electrical equipment should be used with caution to avoid overloading the remaining generator. Loads in excess of single-generator output will drain the battery. When generator failure is indicated, proceed as follows: *1. Generator – OFF, reset momentarily, then ON. NOTE Release the generator switch slowly from the spring-loaded reset position to the ON position to prevent tripping the opposite generator off. Normal voltage in the reset position indicates a failure of the generator control rather than the generator. If the generator will not reset: 2. Generator - OFF. 78 Operating generator – Do Not Exceed 1.0 Load. Land as soon as practicable. WARNING Should smoke and/or fumes be detected immediately following a generator failure, the origin could be in the generator control or an internal generator malfunction. Intermittent utilization of the corresponding engine bleed air valve may help confirm an internal malfunction. If smoke and fumes persist for an internal malfunction, consideration should be given to securing the corresponding engine to stop generator rotation and eliminate the hazard. 3. 4. 15.14.2 DUAL-GENERATOR FAILURE NOTE If all electrical power is lost following a dual-generator 79 failure, placing the battery charger switch off may restore electrical power to the aircraft. 1. Cabin Temp mode, Electric Heater, Anti ice/deice, Lights – OFF. 2. Emergency Voice Report – Completed. 3. Gang Bar – OFF Unless Instrument Meteor Conditions (see below). WARNING With a total loss of electrical power, the cabin will depressurize as the bleed air valves are spring-loaded closed. If the cabin altitude exceeds 10,000 feet, supplemental oxygen for all occupants of the aircraft should be considered. 4. Boost pumps – OFF. 5. Both inverters – OFF Unless IMC (see below). 6. Pull the following circuit breakers: a. b. c. d. Left and Right feeder bus CB for No. 2 subpanel bus. Left and Right fuel panel bus CB. No. 1 Avionics CB (Unless IMC; see below). RMI No. 1, Radar, CP Flt Dir IND, No.2 FLT DIR CBs. 80 e. f. LH fuel flow, LH oil Temp CBs. RH bleed air control, Prop Sync, Annunciator PWR, flap motor and flap indicator CBs. 7. Turn Copilot SPK/Phone to SPK (so Pilot can hear Copilot Audio). 8. Identification friend or foe – MANUAL. 9. Turn on battery. The pilot turn/slip, UHF, IFF and Gear indicators will be powered to ensure gear down and locked after manual extension. NOTE With dual-generator failure, a no flap landing and manual gear extension should be anticipated in all cases. 81 15.14.3 EXCESSIVE LOADMETER INDICATIONS (OVER 1.0) Excessive loadmeter indications are generally caused by an excessive battery charge rate or an electrical system ground fault. 1. Battery/ammeter – Note. If a charge rate in excess of 30 amps is indicated: 2. Battery switch – OFF. 82 3. Battery Charger – OFF. If loadmeter still indicates over 1.0: 4. Nonessential loads – OFF. NOTE Loadmeter splits of greater than 0.1 are indicative of abnormal generator paralleling. With the air-conditioner or electric heater activated, an excessive loadmeter indication for the left generator may be indicative of a current limiter failure. 15.14.4 ILLUMINATED BATTERY CHARGE LIGHT 83 Illumination of the battery charge light may indicate one or more of the following malfunctions: hot battery, temperature sensor failure, cell imbalance, battery charger system failure, or bus overvoltage. If this light illuminates, proceed as follows: *1. Battery volt/ammeter – checked (P). *2. Generator loadmeters – checked (P). If battery charge and generator load is less then 7 amps/ 0.7 load: *3. Land as soon as practicable. If battery charge and/or generator load is greater then 7 amps/ 0.7 load: *4. Battery – OFF (P). *5. Charger – OFF (P). *6. Land as soon as possible. WARNING Operation with the battery charger switch off and the battery switch on (following and illuminated battery charger light) could cause thermal runaway, resulting in a fire and/or battery explosion. NOTE 84 Thermal runaway is a self-destruct mode involving two primary factors: high battery temperatures and constant potential overcharging. This phenomenon is a result of the breakdown of the cellophane has barrier between plates in the cell. High battery temperatures physically weaken the cellophane by the scrubbing action of the rapidly rising gas bubbles. The combination of these actions can deteriorate the cellophane gas barrier to the point where oxygen gas will reach the cadmium plates. The resulting chemical reaction produces large amounts of heat, accelerating degeneration of the cellophane gas barrier until the plates are finally shorted and the cell destroyed. A shorted cell results in increased battery current and an even higher over-charging and gassing of other cells, rapidly leading to complete battery destruction. The heat produced in thermal runaway can result in fire or explosion. 85 15.14.5 INVERTER FAILURE 1. Fail inverter – OFF. 2. Check for ac bus switchover. 3. Land as soon as practicable. 86 NOTE After a total as power failure, only the following items are available: fuel flow, oil pressure, oil temperature, pilot and copilot turn and bank indicators, pitot static instruments, N1, ITT, propeller rpm, clocks, NCS-31A, AOA indexers, radio altimeter, standby compass. With a dual-inverter failure, the only equipment available is DME, radar, VOR (audio only), ADF-LF (audio only), transponder (mode C), and marker beacons. For communication purposes, both UHF and VHF will be available. 87 15.14.6 INSTRUMENT INVERTER FAILURE 88 Illumination of the INST INV annunciator light indicates loss of the 26-VAC step-down transformer. Torquemeter indications will be erroneous. 89 15.14.7 CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPPED 1. Nonessential circuit – Do Not reset in Flight. 90 2. Essential circuit a. Circuit breaker – Push to Reset. b. If circuit breaker trips again – Do Not Reset. 91 15.14.8 SUBPANEL FEEDER CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPPED 92 A short is indicated: DO NOT RESET IN FLIGHT 93 15.15.1 PRIMARY GOVERNER FAILURE/MALFUNCTION *1. Attempt to adjust propeller rpm to normal operating range by manipulating the propeller lever. If normal rpm limits are restored, continue operation. If normal governing range cannot be maintained: 94 *2. Power lever – IDLE. *3. Propeller lever – FEATHER. WARNING Propeller rpm exceeding 2,420 may result in Reduction gearbox failure and/or N2 turbine damage. NOTE The engine with the disabled propeller may be operated to provide electrical power. The right propeller may not fully feather with the propeller sync on. 4. Emergency Shutdown Checklist – As required. 95 15.15.2 PROPELLER LINKAGE FAILURE If the propeller governor control linkage fails, the affected propeller will go to 2,200 rpm or maintain the last rpm setting. If a propeller linkage failure is suspected, proceed as follows: 1. Manipulate the propeller lever to positively determine if the cockpitpropeller control is lost. 96 2. If cockpit propeller control is lost and rpm remains within safe limits, match the opposite propeller’s speed with the uncontrolled one and land as soon as practicable. CAUTION Reversing without the propellers being in high rpm may damage the reversing linkage. 97 15.15.3 ALTERNATE PROPELLER FEATHERING If the Propeller linkage or governor fails and when the propeller has not feathered by itself or the normal feathering procedures are ineffective, the propeller can be feathered utilizing the autofeather system. In this situation, should a need for feathering arise, proceed as follows. 1. Power lever – IDLE (failed propeller). 98 2. Condition lever – FUEL CUTOFF. 3. Autofeather – ARM (P). 4. Power levers – Above 90-percent N1 position (P). NOTE Do not pull the power lever to idle during the autofeathering sequence as the autofeather system would be disarmed while feathering. 5. Emergency Shutdown Checklist – Execute (P). 99 15.17 ELECTROTHERMAL PROPELLER DEICE Abnormal readings on the propeller deice ammeter (normal: 14 to 18 amps) 1. Zero amps a. Propeller deice switch – Check position. 100 b. If OFF, reposition to ON. c. If on, system is inoperative. Switch – OFF. 2. Zero to 14 amps a. Continue operation. b. If propeller imbalance occurs, increase rpm briefly to aid in ice removal. 3. Eighteen to 23 amps a. Continue operation. b. If propeller imbalance occurs, increase rpm briefly to aid in ice removal. 4. More than 23 amps a. Do not operate the system. 101 15.18 SURFACE DEICE 102 If boots fail to inflate: Operate Manually. If boots fail to deflate: Pull SUR DE-ICE circuit breaker and reset as necessary to operate boots. WARNING Stall speeds will significantly increase with the wing deice boots inflated. 103 15.19 LOSS OF PRESSURIZATION If gradual pressurization loss is experienced: 1. Cabin altitude – Checked (P). 2. Pressurization controller – Checked (P). 104 3. Bleed air – Checked (CP). 4. Press dump test switch – TEST (CP) (hold 15 seconds). NOTE If activating the test switch restores pressurization, it may be necessary to hold the switch in test until the cabin altitude profile is adjusted to 10,000 feet or less. If pressurization is regained through the test switch, pulling the PRESS CONTROL CB will remove electric power from the system, thereby maintaining pressurization. If unable to restore pressurization: 5. Oxygen mask/Microphone switch (100 %) – As required (P,CP, OBS). 6. Descend – As required (P). CAUTION On Descent when cabin altitude matches pressure altitude, ensure the PRESS CONTROL CB is reset to preclude landing pressurized. 105 15.20 EXPLOSIVE DECOMPRESSION If explosive decompression occurs, the cabin pressure changes to the outside pressure in less than 1 second. 106 *1. Oxygen mask/MIC switches (100%) – As required. *2. Descend – As required. 107 15.21 EMERGENCY DESCENT PROCEDURE The emergency descent procedure is a maximum effort descent intended to be used for a sustained descent. Aircraft damage and meteorological conditions should be considered. 108 *1. *2. *3. *4. *5. *6. Power levers – IDLE. Propellers – Full forward. Flaps – As required. Landing gear – As required. Airspeed – As required. Windshield heat – As required. CAUTION DO not exceed airframe limitations. 109 15.22 CABIN DOOR OPEN LIGHT ILLUMINATED 110 If the CABIN DOOR OPEN warning light illuminates, indicating the airstair door may not be secure, ensure all passengers and crewmembers are seated with seatbelts fastened and depressurize cabin. WARNING Do not attempt to check the airstair door for security until the cabin is depressurized and the aircraft is on the ground. If the cabin is pressurized and the door is not completely latched, any movement of the handle toward the locked position may cause a rapid and complete unlatching and opening of the door. 111 15.23 AUTOPILOT DISENGAGEMENT The following conditions will cause the autopilot to disengage automatically: Any interruption or failure of power, vertical gyro failure, activation of vertical gyro fast erect, a flight control system power or circuit failure, activation of electric elevator trim, or an autopilot trim failure. The autopilot may be intentionally disengaged by any of the following methods. 112 1. Actuation of AP/YD disconnect switch (either control wheel). 2. Movement of autopilot engage lever to DIS position. 3. Actuation of go-around button (left power lever) (yaw damper remains on). 4. Pulling flight director/autopilot circuit breaker. 5. Turning off BATT/GENS (gang bar) or avionics master switch. If an engine fails disengage the autopilot, retrim aircraft, and reengage autopilot if desired. If autopilot is used in conjunction with an instrument approach, maintain 120 KIAS for single engine approach speed until landing is assured. 113 15.23.1 AUTOPILOT TRIM FAIL LIGHT If the AUTOPILOT TRIM FAIL light illuminates: 114 1. AP/YD disconnect – Depress. 2. Retrim aircraft. 3. Reengage autopilot. 115 15.24 IN-FLIGHT DAMAGE If the aircraft should sustain damage because of a midair collision, bird strike, or overstress, the single most important concern is maintaining or regaining aircraft control. Monitor engine and flight instruments for unusual indications. 1. Check controls for freedom and correct response. 2. Prior to landing, a landing configuration check should be conducted above 5,000 feet. The aircraft should be checked for controllability in 116 the landing configuration by slowly decreasing airspeed in 10 knot increments to determine the minimum airspeed at which the aircraft can be safely controlled for landing. 3. Land as soon as possible with minimum control movement. WARNING Careful consideration should be given before making any configuration changes Airframe deformation may significantly increase stall speed. Fly approach a minimum of 10 knots above minimum controllable speed to provide a safe margin for landing and possible waveoff. 117 15.24.1 CRACKED WIDSHIELD 1. If positively determined that the crack is on the external panel, no immediate action is required. 118 CAUTION Windshield wipers may be damaged if used on a cracked outer panel. NOTE Heating elements may be inoperative in area of crack. 2. If the crack is on the inner panel of windshield or cannot be determined, gradually descend and slowly depressurize the aircraft to 2.5 psi or less differential pressure within 10 minutes. Visibility through the windshield may be significantly impaired. 119 15.24.2 CRACKED CABIN WINDOW 120 If a crack appears in a cabin window, depressurize the aircraft and/or descend to a lower altitude. 121 16.1 SINGLE-ENGINE LANDING Fly a normal pattern and perform the landing checklist as appropriate. Extend full flaps only if required, and then only after there is no possibility of a waveoff. If altitude cannot be maintained while maneuvering for 122 landing, the landing gear and flaps should be retracted, then lowered and checked down when landing is assured. Do not extend full flaps until gear is down and locked. Make a normal touchdown, reducing power during the flare. Avoid excessive or abrupt changes in power. A feathered propeller will result in less drag and may cause the aircraft to “float” during landing. After touchdown, apply the brakes and reversing as required. WARNING The landing gear warning horn shall not be overridden in the traffic pattern or during the final segment of an instrument pattern/approach where intent or potential for landing exists. Single engine reversing may be applied if required. Use extreme caution if landing surface is not hard and dry. 123 16.2 SINGLE-ENGINE WAVEOFF/MISSED APPROACH The decision to wave off must be made as early as possible. For single – engine climb performance, refer to chapter 27. *1. Power – As required, Establish Positive Rate of Climb (Vx minimum) *2. Flaps – APPROACH (unless already UP). 124 WARNING A single-engine full-flap waveoff is left to the discretion of the pilot, but is not recommended because of the poor waveoff capability of the aircraft in this configuration. *3. Gear – UP. WARNING The landing gear is raised when the rate of descent has stopped or there is no possibility of a touchdown. *4. Flaps – UP. *5. Propeller _ 1900 Rpm. NOTE Reducing propeller rpm to 1900 reduces drag, enhancing climb performance. 125 16.3 FLAP SYSTEM FAILURE 126 There are no provisions for emergency flap operation. If wing flaps are inoperative and function cannot be restored, land the aircraft in the existing flap configuration. Refer to figure 31-1 for landing distance. If a split-flap condition is encountered, return the flaps to the previously selected position. The aircraft has been flight-tested under all possible asymmetric flap configurations and found to be fully controllable within the normal operating envelope. NOTE The wing flap motor circuit breaker may be pulled to prevent inadvertent flap movement. 127 16.4.1 LANDING GEAR UNSAFE UP INDICATION 1. Gear handle – DN. 2. Gear position – Check. 128 3. If a safe down indication is obtained and is confirmed visually, land as soon as practicable. NOTE Prior to landing, obtain a visual gear position check by utilizing the air-toair (from another aircraft) or the tower fly by method. It is possible to have a safe gear indication and not have three complete tire or wheel assemblies remaining on the aircraft. 4. If a safe gear down and locked indication is not obtained or visual check indicates unsafe conditions, proceed to the Landing Gear Unsafe Down Indications procedures. 129 16.4.2 LANDING GEAR UNSAFE DOWN INDICATION 1. 2. 3. 4. Landing gear relay circuit – Check. Landing gear indicator circuit breaker – Check. Landing gear motor circuit breaker – Check. Cockpit gear position indicators – Check. a. Conduct press-to test for faulty bulbs in position light indicators. b. If an unsafe green (for down) light is accompanied by a red light in the landing gear handle, momentarily retard both power levers below the position corresponding to 79 +=-2 % N1. Check for presence or absence of flashing wheels up lights and gear up 130 warning horn. If no wheels up lights or him is detected, all three gears are most probably in a safe down position. c. AOA indexer lights – Check if illuminated. Absence of illuminated AOA indexers could indicate premature landing gear motor cutoff, which is indicative of an electrical problem. In this case if all gears are indicating unsafe, manual gear extension to a safe down should be considered. d. For a right main unsafe, activate propeller sync and check for a prop sync light. If on, the right main has dropped from its uplock. e. For a nosegear unsafe, activate the landing/taxi lights and note the presence or absence of generator load increase. If a load increase is noted the nosegear is not in its uplock. 131 NOTE The windshield heat, propeller deice, and engine lip boot heat incorporate a lockout mechanism that overrides the operation of the electric heater. Ensure these systems are secured prior to performing check of the left main landing gear. f. For a left main unsafe, select manual heat and position the electric heat switch to NORMAL. Note generator load. Then hold the electric heat switch in the GRD MAX position and look for a significant generator load increase. If a significant load increase is noted, the left main is not in its uplock. 5. Gear position (visual) – Check. 6. If a visual check indicates a gear down condition land as soon as practicable. 7. If the visual check confirms that the gear is not down and locked, determine if the malfunction is electrical or mechanical by comparing visual indications with cockpit gear indications and gear CB positions. 132 If the problem appears to be electrical, raise the gear handle attempt a manual gear extension, and obtain a visual check prior to landing. NOTE Attempt gear emergency extension only if electrical malfunction. If the problem appears to be mechanical, proceed as follows: 8. Landing gear handle – Select UP. 9. Gear position (visual) – Check. 10. If the visual check confirms the landing gear are retracted, a gear up landing is recommended (refer to gear up landing in paragraph 16.4.7). If the gear are not retracted, refer to the procedures concerning landing with gear up or unsafe. Time permitting, consult the home squadron through direct communications if possible or through an ATC/FSS relay. CAUTION Do not taxi with an unsafe gear indication. 133 16.4.3 LANDING GEAR EMERGENCY EXTENSION 134 Airspeed – 120 KIAS recommended (155 KIAS MAX). Autopilot – As required. Landing gear relay circuit breaker (LDG GEAR) – Pull. Landing Gear handle – DN. Clutch disengage lever – Lift and Turn Clockwise. Manual Extension handle – PUMP until 3 green indicator lights illuminate. Approx. 50 strokes are required to fully extend the gear. CAUTION Reduce stroke length when nosegear indicates safe. Do not pump handle after all 3 gear down position lights are on. Further movement of the handle could damage the drive mechanism, precluding normal retraction. Do not stow handle or move any landing gear controls, reset any landing gear switches or circuit breakers until the aircraft is on the ground and the cause of the malfunction has been determined and corrected. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 135 16.4.4 LANDING GEAR RETRACTION AFTER PRACTICE MANUAL EXTENSION 136 1. 2. 3. 4. Emergency engage handle – Rotate counterclockwise and push down. Extension lever – STOW. Landing gear relay circuit breaker (CP subpanel) – Push in. Landing gear handle – UP. 137 16.4.5 AIBORNE LANDING GEAR INSPECTIONS 138 1. Conduct sufficient cockpit-to-cockpit communications to coordinate a controlled join up, inspection and separation. WARNING Abrupt changes in airspeed, attitude and altitude shall be avoided. 2. Inspecting aircraft should check the general condition of the landing gear, tire inflation, mechanical downlock and j-hook in extended position, landing gear doors, and any indication of a hydraulic leak. 139 16.4.6 LANDING WITH ONE MAIN GEAR UP OR UNSAFE CAUTION Field arresting cable should be removed from the runway to minimize structural damage to the aircraft. 140 NOTE Night emergency egress may be facilitated by pre-positioning the threshold and spar lighting switch to on and turning on the aft compartment lighting. Before touchdown: 1. Crew/passenger emergency briefing – Completed. 2. Seat belts/harnesses – Secure (passengers assume braced position). 3. Landing checklist – Completed. After touchdown: 4. Power levers – IDLE. 5. Condition levers – FUEL CUTOFF. 6. Use aileron and rudder to maintain direction control, keep wings level 7. Brake – As required. 8. Firewall valves – CLOSED. 9. Boost pumps – OFF. 10. Fire extinguisher – As required. 11. Gang Bar – OFF. 12. Evacuate aircraft. 141 16.4.7 LANDING WITH NOSE GEAR UP OR UNSAFE If all attempts to lock the nosegear fail, retract the main gear, complete the gear up landing procedure and execute a gear up landing. If the main gear cannot be retracted, make a normal approach with power using minimum of wing flap to hold nose up as log as possible after touchdown. Lower nose gently to the deck. DO NOT USE BRAKES. WARNING Safe and expeditious egress from the aircraft may be difficult because of the nose low/tail high attitude after landing. CAUTION Field arresting cable should be removed from the runway to minimize structural damage to the aircraft. 142 NOTE Night emergency egress may be facilitated by pre-positioning the threshold and spar lighting switch to on and turning on the aft compartment lighting. Before touchdown: 1. Crew/passenger emergency briefing – Completed. 2. Seat belts/harnesses – Secure (passengers assume braced position). 3. Landing checklist – Completed. After touchdown: 4. Power levers – IDLE. 5. Condition levers – FUEL CUTOFF. 6. Firewall valves – CLOSED. 7. Boost pumps – OFF. 8. Fire extinguisher – As required. 9. Gang Bar – OFF. 10. Evacuate aircraft. 143 16.4.8 GEAR UP LANDING Touch down at 85 KIAS NOTE Night emergency egress may be facilitated by pre-positioning the threshold and spar lighting switch to on and turning on the aft compartment lighting. Before touchdown: 1. Crew/passenger emergency briefing – Completed. 2. Seat belts/harnesses – Secure (passengers assume braced position). 3. Clutch disengage handle – Lift and Turn Counterclockwise. 4. Manual extension handle – Stowed. 5. Landing gear relay circuit breaker (LDG GR) – PULLED. 6. Flaps – APPROACH. 144 NOTE Because of decreased drag with gear up, tendency will be to overshoot the approach. If conditions permit, place the gang bar off prior to touchdown. Immediately prior to touchdown: 7. Condition levers – FUEL CUTOFF. After touchdown: 8. Power levers – IDLE. 9. Condition levers – FUEL CUTOFF (only if power was utilized to touchdown.) 10. Brake – As required. NOTE In previous T-44 gear up landings, directional control was maintained utilizing brakes and rudder control 11. Firewall valves – CLOSED. 12. Boost pumps – OFF. 13. Fire extinguisher – As required. 14. Gang Bar – OFF (if not cut off while still airborne). 15. Evacuate aircraft. 145 MAIN TIRE FLAT 146 1. Land on runway side favoring good tire. 2. Opposite brake – As required. 147 NOSEWHEEL TIRE FLAT 148 If the nosewheel tire is flat, nosewheel stability will be reduced. Maximum aerodynamic braking should be utilized. Light wheelbraking should be applied only as required to maintain directional control. 149 16.4.10 BRAKE FAILURE 150 1. Maintain directional control with rudder and asymmetrical power. 2. Stop aircraft using propeller reversing to aid in deceleration. 3. Do not attempt to taxi with a brake failure. 151 16.5.1 SOFT FIELD LANDING If a landing is to be made on a soft unprepared surface such as mud, tall grass or snow, plan a normal full flap power approach until entering the flare. Decelerate to the slowest possible airspeed just prior to touchdown, using power to control the final rate of descent to as slow as possible. Make a full stall touchdown with power on. Do not stall prior to touchdown as the nose attitude and rate of descent will be unacceptable. On touchdown, apply full back (up) elevator and leave power on. Reduce power slowly. Do not use brakes unless absolutely necessary every 152 precaution must be taken to prevent the nosewheel from digging into the surface. The nose tire should be deflated to 35 psi prior to this type of landing. CAUTION DO not reverse with nosewheel off ground Use of reverse in surface areas containing loose sod or small stones may cause propeller blade erosion NOTE Extending the ice vanes will reduce the amount of loose particles ingested by the engine when landing on an unprepared surface. 153 16.5.2 SHORT FIELD LANDING If a landing must be made on a runway where the usable surface is equal to or less than 150 percent of the minimum run required based on figure 31-1, the following procedure should be used: Make full flap approach, slowing to 1.2 Vso, but not less than 91 knots on short final. Plan to touch as near the end of the runway as is commensurate with safety. Crossing the end of the runway, retard the power levers and land the aircraft. After touchdown, apply maximum reverse, retract the flaps, then apply the brakes gradually, increasing brake pressure to the maximum possible without sliding the tires or locking a brake. If no obstacle is to be considered, plan a slightly shallower approach than for a normal landing. If an obstacle dictates the use of a steeper descent, plan the descent to clear the obstacle and continue the approach. A partial power reduction over the obstacle will allow a steeper angle of descent to the flare. 154 1. Landing checklist – Completed. 2. Condition levers - HIGH IDLE. NOTE Additional float may be expected 3. Props – Full Forward. 4. Power levers – Lift and MAX REVERSE upon touchdown. 5. Flaps – UP. 6. Brakes – As required. CAUTION Application of hard braking prior to raising the flaps may result in skidding tires and/or locked wheelbrakes, resulting in blown tires. NOTE Reverse thrust is most effective at higher rollout speed, while wheelbraking is most effective at lower speeds. 7. Condition levers – LOW IDLE. 155 16.6 FORCED LANDING NO POWER NOTE Night emergency egress may be facilitated by pre-positioning the threshold and spar lighting switch to on and turning on the aft compartment lighting. 156 1. Configuration a. Do not extend full flaps until landing is assured. b. A gear up landing should be considered based on the type of touchdown surface. 2. Selecting a landing area a. Select landing area of adequate size to accommodate the aircraft, preferably free of obstacles and smooth. Cultivated fields are most desirable. Swamps, boggy ground, shallow lakes, and forest should be avoided if possible. b. Land aircraft into the wind as near as possible. 3. Landing the aircraft a. Th landing should be made at the slowest speed commensurate with complete control. b. If landing into trees, fly into them. Do not attempt to land on the tops. 157 16.9 DITCHING CHECKLIST 158 Announce intention to ditch and time to impact – Completed (P). Mayday report – Completed (CP). Transponder – As required (CP). Pressurization – DUMP (CP). Lifevests – On and adjusted (P, OBS, CP). Seatbelts – Fastened (P, OBS, CP). Gear – UP (P). Flaps - As required (P). Passengers assume braced position. WARNING Do not unstrap from the seat until all motion stops. The possibility of injury and disorientation requires that evacuation not be attempted until the aircraft comes to a complete stop. Evacuate through emergency exit or airstair door. Take liferaft and first aid kit. WARNING Do not remove the raft from its carrying case inside the aircraft. Do not inflate raft before launching. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 159 16.10.1 DITCHING POWER AVAILABLE (BOTH ENGINES) 160 1. 2. 3. 4. Gear – UP. Flaps – APPROACH. Rate of Descent, 100 feet per minute(fpm) during final stages of approach (last 300 feet utilizing radar altimeter); approximately 21 units AOA. 90 KIAS NOTE If a no-flap ditch is required, increase airspeed to 100 knots. 161 16.10.2 DITCHING POWER AVAILABLE (SINGLE ENGINE) 162 1. Gear – UP. 2. Flaps – APPROACH. WARNING In the event of single-engine full-flap ditchings, abnormally high power requirements resulting from the use of full flaps will result in marginal controllability at all but minimum gross weights. Reconfiguration from full flaps to APPROACH flaps may result in settling and/or stall. The use of APPROACH flaps is strongly recommended in single engine ditchings. 3. Rate of Descent, 100 feet per minute (fpm) during final stages of approach (last 300 feet utilizing radar altimeter); approximately 19 to 21 units AOA. 4. 90 KIAS NOTE If a no-flap ditch is required, increase airspeed to 100 knots. 163 16.10.3 DITCHING NO POWER AVAILABLE 1. 2. 3. Gear – UP. Flaps – UP. Rate of Descent should be such that airspeed be maintained at 130 knots (maximum glide KIAS) until approximately 200 feet AGL. At this time, transition should be made to approach flaps allowing airspeed to bleed off with a slight noseup attitude prior to impact by using radar altimeter or any visual reference to the water surface. Water entry should be at approximately 90 knots, 21 units AOA, with a maximum rate of descent of 500 fpm. 164 NOTE Flaps and/or radar altimeter may be inoperative because of no generator and low battery voltage. If no-flap ditch is performed, adjust airspeed to enter the water at approximately 100 KIAS with a maximum rate of descent of 500 fpm. It is essential that an attempt be made to control the attitude of the aircraft throughout the ditching until all motion stops. WARNING Do not unstrap from the seat until all motion stops. The possibility of injury and disorientation requires that evacuation not be attempted until the aircraft comes to a complete stop. Evacuate through emergency exit or airstair door. Take liferaft and first aid kit. WARNING Do not remove the raft from its carrying case inside the aircraft. Do not inflate raft before launching. CAUTION Keep liferaft away from any damaged surfaces which might tear it 165 16.11.1 EMERGENCY EXIT HATCH 166 1. Open cover. 2. Push release button. NOTE If the aircraft is still pressurized and the release button will not push, pull hooks to overcome residual pressure and then push release button. 3. Pull handle and push out hatch. 167 16.12 RAFT INFLATION CAUTION Keep liferaft away from any damaged surfaces that might tear it. 1. Locate liferaft. WARNING Do not remove the raft from its carrying case inside the aircraft. Do not inflate raft before launching. NOTE In order to avoid loss of raft; retain control of the raft retention lanyard after deployment. 168 a. Grasp raft and remove to emergency exit hatch or main exit door. b. Locate raft retention lanyard. c. Push raft out emergency exit hatch. d. Inflate raft by pulling sharply on inflation handle (continuation of retention lanyard). 2. Locate and retain first aid kit. NOTE The first aid kit is stored on the forward side of the stub partition in the aft cabin. The first aid kit should be tied down in the center of the raft to prevent it from being lost in case the raft capsizes. 3. Exit aircraft. 169 16.13 LIFE PRESERVER INFLATION 170 After exiting the aircraft: 1. Pull downward on the inflation toggle to inflate life preserver. WARNING Do not inflate life preserver inside the aircraft. 171 16.14 RAFT BOARDING 172 1. Link arms forming a human chain and swim toward the raft. 2. Upon reaching the raft, form the human chain around the perimeter with individuals grasping raft-boarding lanyard. 3. Begin boarding one at a time at the designated area 4. The first survivor to board the raft shall assist the remaining survivors and ensure raft loading is balanced to protect against overturning in rough seas. 5. Locate and deploy the sea anchor. 6. Erect canopy for protection against the elements 7. When all survivors have boarded the raft, senior member shall assume command and ensure that the following is accomplished: a. b. c. The necessary emergency aid has been rendered. An inventory of survival equipment, food, and water is available. Assign areas of responsibility to those on board (i.e., SAR watch, water-bailing duties, organizing inventory). 173