AP Calculus AB Summer Assignment Welcome to AP Calculus! I am very excited that you have selected this course and I look forward to working with each of you this upcoming year. #1 The Unit Circle is due September 8, 2015 Please complete the blank unit circle that will be emailed to you. #2 The following Written Assignments are due September 11, 2015 Please email me at kvanikiotis@saugus.k12.ma.us so I can provide the necessary documents for the summer assignment Please read the document How to Study Math by Paul Dawkins and answer the following questions: How do you typically study for math class? Do you study before quizzes, tests, and/or finals? If so, how much time typically do you spend? How much time per school night do you spend studying for math, not including doing homework? Same question but including doing homework? Which of these tips do you already follow when you take a mathematics course? How are they helpful? Are there any of these tips that you have not used before that might help you in AP Calculus? Why do you think so? Are there any tips that are not mentioned that you believe are helpful? How are they helpful? Please read the document Algebra and Trigonometry Review by Paul Dawkins and answer the following questions. It is important to try to answer at least one question in each of the labeled sections in the algebra/trig review on your own and then look at the solution. These are concepts that we will constantly encounter throughout the year. Which concept(s) in algebra, if any, are easiest for you? Why? are most challenging for you? Why? do you think you need to re-learn? Why? Which concept(s) in trigonometry, if any, are easiest for you? Why? are most challenging for you? Why? do you think you need to re-learn? Why?