CONTENTS Nr 7-8 POLISH MINING REVIEW 2011 UDC 622.333(438-13): 622.273.23: 005.591.452: 338.45: 657.471.1: 331.101.6:005.57 Lisowski A. „POLEMICS-DISCUSSIONS”. Concentration of production in the Upper Silesian hard coal mining – a constantly topical problem. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 5÷10 Hard coal mining. Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Production indices of mines. In the introduction the author has emphasised the indispensability of wider engagement of mining circles in the discussion regarding the current situation of the mining sector and ways of improvement of its technical efficiency and economic effectiveness. He called to mind the outline of the way of development of production concentration in Polish hard coal mines. Using the average values of indices characterising Polish hard coal mines in 2010 – he characterized some relationships between the achieved concentration of production in longwall workings and costs and labour consumption as well as several “operational indices”. On the basis of data about the concentration of production achieved in longwall workings conducted in individual months of the fourth quarter of 2010 – the author has characterised the frequency of occurrence of longwalls in distinguished concentration classes ( t/day). Summarising the analysis results the author indicated – efficient in his opinion – ways of production concentration increase at extraction faces. UDC 622.333-043.7(438): 005.591.4(438): 338.24.021.8(438): 658.16 Karbownik A., Turek M. Changes in hard coal mining – genesis, course, effects. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 11÷18, 11 Figs, 9 Refs. Hard coal mining restructuring. Technical restructuring of mines. Mining sector organisational restructuring. Employment restructuring in mines. Mining sector financial restructuring. Within the period of the last twenty years in the hard coal mining sector deep organisational, technical, personnel, and financial transformations took place, through the implementation of subsequent restructuring programmes. As a result of organisational transformations the mines were transformed into state enterprises, which next were grouped in coal companies. The hard coal mining sector comprised in 2010 30 operating mines acting in coal company structures, what constitutes about 40% of the initial state from 1990. Parallel with organisational changes technical changes were introduced. They give positive effects, which translate into the increase of the general productivity and underground productivity with respect to output. In the framework of employment restructuring the employment was reduced reaching proportions determined by the decreased production and sale level. The production decreased during the analysed period by half from the level of about 147 million tons in 1990 to the level of 72 million tons in 2010. In the analogical period the average employment decreased from about 390,000 persons in 1990 to about 110,000 persons in 2010. At the same time the employment underground decreased from about 260,000 to about 87,000 persons, whereas on the surface it decreased from 125,000 to 22,000 persons. Against this background also the financial restructuring was performed. The systematic worsening of financial effects of mines since 1990 has been stopped, and in 2001 the hard coal mining sector has noted the first from transformation beginning positive financial effect. In 2010 the net profit amounted to 1,185 million zlotys. UDC 622.333(438-13): 622.7.017: 622.022.22(438-13): 622.75/.77(438-13): 662.66:553.94(438-13): Łój R., Kurczabiński L. Quality of coals from mines of the Katowice Holding JSC. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 19÷25, 2 Figs, 6 Tables. Hard coal mines. Coal quality parameters. Hard coal beneficiation. The article presents information on the quality policy of coals produced in mines of the Katowice Holding JSC – production capacities and beneficiation scope, with special regard to the technical and technological characteristics of operating preparation plants. Moreover, information on the obtained quality parameters of commercial products were presented. UDC 622.333(438-13): 622.7-043.86(438-13): 622.75/.77(438-13): 553.94(438-13): Paprotny Z., Wróbel Z., Sitko M. Coal Company JSC – coal beneficiation and production quality. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 26÷36, 2 Figs, 10 Tables. Hard coal mines. Mechanical preparation plants. Hard coal quality parameters. Hard coal beneficiation. The article presents the raw material basis of Branches of the Coal Company JSC, production capacities of preparation plants, state of the coal beneficiation technology, as well as the technical equipment of preparation plants of mines of this company. The main quality indices of hard coal production in 2010 and the production structure according to types and coal sizing groups were presented. Finally the directions of modernisation of preparation plants were described. UDC 622.333(438.13): 553.945: 622.7-9 Ziomber S., Strzelec G. Coal Preparation Plants of the Jastrzębska Coal Company JSC. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 37÷41, 1 Fig., 3 Tables. Coal mechanical preparation. Preparation plants. Polish hard coal mining. The structure, level and quality of production of orthocoking and gas-coking coals of mines of the Jastrzębska Coal Company JSC have been presented. Moreover, the most important intentions with respect to the technological and machine modernisation in Coal Preparation Plants of mines of the Jastrzębska Coal Company JSC were discussed. UDC 622.333: 553.943: 622.013.34: 620.91: 338.45 Olkuski T. Hard coal resources – the most reliable energy source. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 42÷45, 8 Figs, 5 Tables, 12 Refs. Hard coal. Resources. Energy safety. The article presents world coal resources occurring on all continents and in individual countries. It has been shown that coal is the most reliable energy raw material on account of big resources and also – just enough steady – distribution on the whole globe. Hard coal, on account of its structure, can be easily transported, it can be in a simple manner stored and preserved. It should, in the opinion of the author, still constitute the basic energy source in the world. UDC 005.336.3: 621.31(438): 622.7-044.325: 620.91: 622.333-044.325 Dubiński J., Pyka I., Wierzchowski K. Current state and some aspects of quality improvement of coal used in the power industry. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 46÷52, 4 Figs, 3 Tables, 24 Refs. Hard coal. Electrical power engineering sector. Coal beneficiation. Coal quality improvement. The share of hard coal as primary energy carrier in the Polish electrical power engineering sector amounts to about 55%. It results from the analysis of the problem’s literature that in the nearest 10-20 years the electrical power engineering sector has no possibilities to withdraw from hard coal. The quality parameters of coal burned in the electrical power engineering sector are considerably worse than those related to coal combusted in highly developed countries. This results from the fact that the currently exploited boilers built in the seventies of the past century were adapted to the combustion of low-quality raw coal fines. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of hard coal produced in Poland was given, with special regard to power coal fines. It has been ascertained that in the period of the last 10÷15 years practically the quality parameters of power coal fines have not changed. In connection with the necessary reproduction of production powers in the electrical power engineering sector, the authors propose to return to the commonly known postulate of quality improvement of burned coal. The article contains a rough assessment of quality improvement of power coal fines directed to the electrical power engineering sector. The assessment was carried out the basis of analysis of the quantitative and qualitative structure of coal fines produced in 2008. Moreover, the most important barriers and challenges arising with respect to the mining and power industry sectors have been discussed. UDC 622.333(438): 622.7-047.22: 622.75/.77(438) Osoba M. Technologies of hard coal gravity beneficiation in Poland. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 53÷58, 3 Figs, 1 Table, 14 Refs. Hard coal. Power coal. Coking coal. Gravity beneficiation. De-stoning. Pulsator water jig. DISA separator. In the article the currently used in Poland hard coal gravity beneficiation technologies are discussed. One referred to the realised in the last years projects of “foresight type”, with special regard to conclusions related to the project concerning the hard coal extractive industry in the perspective of the year 2020 [13]. The rightness and advisability of application of coking and power coal beneficiation technologies within the full graining scope on the basis of pulsator water jigs and heavy-liquid separators were emphasised. The benefits were indicated, resulting from the use of raw output de-stoning processes underground. As the main tasks in the Polish mining industry the decrease of its harmful impact on the natural environment, suitable management of wastes produced by this industry and working out of hazard elimination programmes with respect to industrial safety in hard coal preparation plants were mentioned. It has been also stated that the realisation degree of determined directions of research and development works, which should guarantee the development of technologies worked out and promotion of their implementation is not satisfactory at the present moment, what is connected with factors related to financial outlays and location conditions of the given technology, i.e. permanent problems of the Polish mining sector. Simultaneous it has been stated that the wastes arising in the course of production should be treated as a product for further management in various underground and surface technologies, what finds confirmation in the currently realised project [14], concerning the management of hard coal mining wastes. UDC 622.333(438): 622.7-047.28(438): 622.734 Błaszczyński S., Szpyrka J. Industrial verification of fine-grained coal beneficiation by means of the vibro-fluid method. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 59÷64, 4 Figs, 5 Tables, 8 Refs. Beneficiation. Fluidization. Separators. Vibration. Fine-grained coals. Low ash concentrates. The article presents two examples of industrial implementation of the vibro-fluid method used for winning coal concentrates applied in the power industry and low ash concentrates for special purposes. It should be stressed that the presented schemes and results of work of industrial installations illustrate the application of this method on the basis of constructions of separators of the primary – less perfect version than this one, which arose in the later period. UDC 622.333(438): 622.7.012 Nowak A., Surowiak A. Analysis of the effects of beneficiation and desulfurization of fine fractions of fine coals in spiral separators. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 65÷71, 8 Figs, 4 Tables, 7 Refs, Desulfurization of coal fines. Spiral separator. Distribution curves. Distribution accuracy. Technological beneficiation indices. The preparation plants of coal fines at mines, in which low calorific – geologically young power coals with a high sulfurization degree are mined, have been equipped with spiral separators designed for desulfurization (beneficiation) of finest < 2 mm grain fractions. The complicated, dependent on the character of translocation of suspension streams on spiral trajectories, course of the distribution process in these installations enables to obtain concentrates with low ash content and considerably decreased sulfur content. The article presents the results of investigations of the beneficiation processes of fine grain fractions of fine coals in spiral separators installed in two coal preparation plants. On the basis of results of densimetric and chemical analyses of distribution products and suitable calculations, the distribution curves approximated by the Weinbull distribution were drawn up (also for separated narrow grain fractions). The calculated values of the probable distribution Ep and imperfection I allowed to assess the accuracy of the process course. The specified in tables technological beneficiation indices – among others the recoveries of combustible parts in concentrates, sulfur recoveries in wastes, beneficiation and desulfurization coefficients – allowed to draw conclusions regarding the desulfurization efficiency of coal fines with differentiated input parameters upgraded in different technological systems. UDC 662.66: 622.333(438): 622.75/.77: 622.7.012.5 Blaschke Z., Blaschke S. Assessment of beneficiation and desulfurization efficiency of coal slurries in coil concentrators. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 73÷78, 4 Figs, 5 Tables, 13 Refs. Coal slurry beneficiation. Coil concentrators. Hard coal preparation plants. In the last years in several hard coal preparation plants work coil concentrators (spirals). They are designed for the separation of pyrite and stone from fine size grades. The article presents the results of investigations of beneficiation of feed originating from the outflow of water hydrocyclones. The assessment of distribution of narrow size grades, into which the feed, concentrate, intermediate product and wastes were divided, has been carried out. Size grades were separated, in which the ash and sulphur content were determined, and next density fractions were separated and the ash content in them was determined. The beneficiation process assessment was based on the determination of the index of probable dispersion. It has been ascertained that the use of spirals allows efficient beneficiation and desulfurization of fine coal size grades. UDC 622.7-047.37: 63.067.4.: 622.794-037.47: 622.333: 628.336.42 Blaschke J. Industrial application of tangential air-blow for the removal of sediment in continuous vacuum filters. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 79÷83, 3 Figs, 1 Table, 9 Refs. Coal mechanical preparation. Industrial tests. Continuous vacuum filters. Sediment removal methods. The article presents the faults of currently applied methods of sediment removal in continuous vacuum filters. On this basis a new, original method of filter cake removal using compressed air, developed at the University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow, named tangential air-blow method, is described. The article presents laboratory tests comparing two methods of sediment removal – the traditional method and the tangential air-blow method. The advantages of the new method of sediment removal are pointed out. In the further part of the article industrial tests of the efficiency of filter cake removal by means of the tangential air-blow, carried out in two coal preparation plants, are presented. The construction of a tangential air blower, designed for a six-disc continuous vacuum filter, is described, and the results of industrial tests of efficiency of filter cake removal using the traditional and tangential air-blow method are shown. The tests were carried out using very difficult coal slurries, with filter cake thickness of about 4 mm. Finally conclusions resulting from the investigations, indicating a higher by 30% efficiency of sediment removal by means of tangential air-blow, are presented. UDC 622.74: 622.734 Wodziński P. Screening of raw and finely divided minerals. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 84÷93, 20 Figs, 3 Tables, 5 Refs. Screen. Granular material (loose). Screen. Screen pulsating motion. Screened layer. The work discusses the fine-grain screening process on three screens: membrane, circling-and-revolving and two-frequency ones. All these screening machines are designed for screening of fine-grained and very fine-grained materials. They can find application for example in rock raw materials mining, where such small division boundaries (from several millimetres to several dozen micrometers) are used. Granular mixtures of fossil bodies are classified on these smallest screens, most often after repeated disintegration. Thus the screens designed for classification of these materials are constructionally different from commonly known and widespread screens. The second essential difference is the way of screening process conducting, which proceeds in thick layers. Not large is in the case of so fine-grained feeds the conducting of a thin-layered process, what takes place for example in hard coal mining. The screens discussed in the present work constitute a different group of screening machines. UDC 622.333: 622.7.012.5: 622.765.3: 553.945 Sablik J., Lenartowicz M. The use of film flotation for the assessment of coal flotation technology. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 94÷98, 7 Figs, 1 Table, 11 Refs. Film flotation. Coal flotation. Technology assessment. The theoretical bases of actions enabling the performance of a deepened assessment of the coal flotation technology have been presented. They comprise the use of film flotation for coal slime sample testing, use of the value of surface wetting tension, zero wetting angle and analysis of distribution curves of surface wetting tension of samples enabling the determination in them of grains with hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces. The investigations of the orthocoking coal flotation process were conducted using the IZ12 machine. In order to assess the results of industrial flotation, also samples obtained through the disintegration of a lump of high purity (ash content 3.16%) were tested. It has been stated that in the initial rotor sections flotate grains with low surface wetting tensions as grains obtained from the disintegrated lump, and in the final sections grains with higher tensions, and into the concentrate in these last ones penetrates also a greater quantity of hydrophilic grains. The ash content in wastes (63.02%) is too low, what is caused through the penetration into this product of a too great number of grains with hydrophobic surfaces (26.5%). Thus this technology requires improvement. UDC 622.333(438): 622.765.06(438)-043.86 Tora B., Kurzac M. Evolution of flotation reagents for hard coal flotation. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 99÷103, 1 Fig., 3 Tables, 7 Refs. Froth flotation. Hard coal. Flotation reagents. The article presents the division of flotation reagents used for hard coal flotation according to their chemical composition and production method. The most modern reagents used for coal flotation in Polish preparation plants were presented – the RF reagents and Bio reagents. UDC 547.917: 547.458.68: 622.343: 622.765.061 Drzymała J. Dextrins as a flotation reagent segregating Polish industrial copper concentrates into two products with differentiated organic carbon content. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 104÷107, 5 Figs, 1 Table, 24 Refs. Flotation. Organic carbon. Sulfides. Carbohydrates. Segregating flotation. Copper concentrates. The work describes the possibility to use carbohydrates, and particularly dextrins, to flotational generation of two industrial copper concentrates, of which the foam product has higher copper content and lower organic carbon content, while the second concentrate, a chamber product, has higher carbon content and lower copper content. On account of the differentiated organic carbon content these concentrates have another energy level, therefore they can be directed, according to the requirements, to the shaft furnace or fluidized-bed furnace. In the foam concentrate, apart from the increased Cu content, there exists also higher Ag content, and in the case of the Lubin concentrate also decreased Pb content. The use of dextrins for the segregating flotation has been already described in the report for 2002 through a team directed by the author of this article, but in the face of quality change of present concentrates and increase of requirements of the fluidized-bed furnace, this conception becomes topical once more. It has been indicated in the work that necessary are further investigations leading to the decrease of dextrin consumption, as well as use of dextrins obtained from cellulose. UDC 622.765: 622.343 Marciniak-Kowalska J. Investigations into the copper ore flotation process using different collecting reagents. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 108÷112, 8 Tables, 8 Refs. Flotation. Copper oil flotation. The article presents the results of laboratory investigations of the flotation process aiming at the obtainment of differentiated organic carbon and lead content in relation to copper. The subject of investigations constituted two Cu flotation concentrates originating from the Rudna Ore Beneficiation Plant taken directly from the technological line. In experimental flotation processes carried out the following process parameters were changed: quantity, type and form of the added flotation reagent. As the collecting reagent have been used: MAGNAFLOC: 342, 336; starch and aqueous solution of the 2-mercaptoacetic acid. The flotation processes were conducted by means of a laboratory flotation machine in a chamber of 1.4 dm3 volume, the fractional flotation time in experiments was constant and amounted to 15 minutes, and the concentrate was obtained for example after 1’; 2’; 3’; 6’; and 15’. The results of exemplary flotation processes have been presented in eight tables. In conformity with the assumed objective differentiated copper flotation concentrates were obtained, i.e. containing increased Cu content and decreased organic carbon content. Encouraging for further investigations results have been obtained using as collector the aqueous solution of starch and 2-mercaptoacetic acid. UDC 622.743: 622.333(438): 622.765.06 Małysa E., Iwańska A. Determination of flotation reagent concentrations in circulating waters of the preparation plant using a simple pchysicochemical method. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 113÷116, 1 Fig., 6 Tables, 10 Refs. Bubble velocity. Adsorption. Flotation reagent. Water-slurry circulation. The work presents the velocity measurement results of air bubbles flowing out in waters originating from various points of water-slurry circulations from two coal preparation plants: Jankowice and Knurów collieries. The measurements were carried out for decanted samples originating from circulating water, feed for flotation and flotation concentrate filtrate. It has been ascertained that the velocities of air bubble flowing out were lower for the preparation plant of the Jankowice colliery, what argues for higher contamination of these waters in relation to waters from the preparation plant of the Knurów colliery. By way of example it is necessary to dilute the water originating from concentrate filtration from the Jankowice colliery about 50 times in order to obtain comparable values of bubble velocities with velocities in the circulating water from the Knurów colliery. On the basis of determined values of bubble velocity the concentrations equivalent to flotation reagents regarding Montanol and Flotanol were calculated. UDC 541.18.04: 54-148: 622.765: 061.63: 622.795: 622.766.4: 622.333: 66.063.62 Ślączka A., Wasilczyk A. The effect of chemical additions on the sedimentation of highly concentrated coal-water slurries (CWS). Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 117÷121, 5 Figs, 2 Tables, 9 Refs. Coal-water slurries sedimentation stability. Surfactants. Chemical additions. The influence of selected chemical additions on the sedimentation stability of coalwater slurries with density 60 % was investigated. For slurry preparation coals of the type 31, 33, and 35 were used. As chemical additions non-ionic surfactants were applied: Rokwinol 60, Rokanol ŁO 18, Rokamin SR8 produced by the Chemical Works “ROKITA” in Brzeg Dolny and anionic sodium lignosulfonate LSB, a by-product of cellulose production. The sedimentation degree was determined measuring the height of the sediment layer arising with the passage of time in relation to the boundary thickness of sediment layer. It has been stated that slurries with the addition of Rokamin SR8 and sodium lignosulfonate LSP obtained on the basis of coal A of type 31 sediment considerably more slowly than the slurries with the remaining additions. Also the connection between the coal type in the slurry and its sedimentation stability has been stated. The doses in the amount of 1% in relation to the coal mass are sufficient in order to obtain slurries pointing out properties corresponding with coal-water slurry fuels. UDC 622.7.012.5: 622.75/.77 Drzymała J., Łuszczkiewicz A. Advantages of using the recovery-recovery (Fuerstenau’s) curve for technological analysis and beneficiation of raw materials. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 122÷128, 7 Figs, 17 Refs. Separation. Beneficiation. Distribution processes. Distribution. Beneficiation curves. Analysis of separation results. Beneficiation balance. Fuerstenau’s curve. Henry’s curve. Mayer’s curve. Stępiński’s curve. Łuszczkiewicz’s curve. In the work the recovery-recovery beneficiation curves, called also the Fuerstenau’s plot, have been described. This plot, presenting the relationship of recoveries of feed components in separation products is a very useful tool for the analysis, assessment and comparison of results of distribution processes treated as beneficiation. The Fuerstenau’s curve allows the mathematical description of beneficiation results and determination of process selectivity, and after criterion adopting it enables also to determine the optimum beneficiation point. This is also a very useful plot for comparing the separation results under changeable feed quality, because it is the socalled alpha-insensitive beneficiation curve. Moreover, owing to the hardly perceptible similarity of plot axis parameters, the Fuerstenau’s curve is suitable for the statistical assessment of separation results on the basis of the determination coefficient R2. UDC 662.7-9: 622.7.01: 622.333(438): 662.664-047.37 Róg L. Possibilities of use of beneficiation capacity curve sets for the assessment of coking properties of hard coal concentrates. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 129÷134, 4 Figs, 3 Tables, 41 Refs. Physicochemical analysis of coking coal raw fines. Coking coal beneficiation. Beneficiation capacity curves. The investigations carried out aimed at the determination of possibilities of use of traditional methods of coal beneficiation process assessment, which constitute beneficiation capacity curves, for a broader analysis of physicochemical properties of coking coals. This assessment apart from the content of ash and total sulphur comprises: volatile matter content, chlorine, phosphorus, some oxide components of ash – Na2O and K2O, content of selected petrographic components and parameters characterising coke-forming properties: caking property, swelling index and dilatation. The knowledge regarding this subject can be helpful with respect to the optimisation of the process of coal selection for the coking process. UDC 622.7-043.86(438): 622.343(438): 622.344.(438): Wieniewski A., Cichy K., Reguła C. Non-ferrous metal ore dressing in Poland. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol.67, No 7-8, pp. 135÷142, 6 Figs, 3 Tables, 15 Refs. Ore dressing. Copper ores. Zn-Pb ores. Ore beneficiation technologies. Dressing development directions. In the article the characteristics and state of dressing technologies of main nonferrous metal raw materials in Poland – Cu and Zn-Pb ores – were presented. The problems of new solutions in the represented technologies were described. The direction of development was indicated and intentions aiming at the effectiveness increase of applied technologies and improvement of economic effects of dressing plants were indicated. UDC 622.343(438): 622.7.051-047.43: 622.7.017: 620.93: 657.471.1: 622.7.012 Bobińska M., Malewski J. Energy-consumption of ore preparation operations for beneficiation in mines of the Legnica-Głogów Copper Region (LGOM). Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 143÷147, 6 Tables, 19 Refs. Copper ores. Beneficiation. Energy. Disintegration capacity. The article is a short introduction into the problem of energy-consumption of mined out ore preparation operations for beneficiation in the KGHM Mining and Metallurgy Combine Polish Copper JSC. Against the background of the disintegration theory and exemplary calculations the reasons of high energyconsumption of ore disintegration of LGOM ores were given and initial results of investigations regarding this subject were presented. Assessing this problem in the context of concentrate production effectiveness the opinion was expressed that the decrease of energy-consumption and costs is possible by means of advanced analyses of the production system, which are not possible without appropriate research programmes with respect to the modelling of operations of disintegration, classification and beneficiation. UDC 622.012.22: 622.834: 622.838: 622.272 Popiołek E. Conditions of mining exploitation conducting with regard to surface protection. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 148÷152, 2 Figs, 1 Table, 8 Refs. Influence of mining exploitation on the surface. Protection of mining areas. Exploitation methods in underground mines. The publication comprises the description of fundamental principles of mining exploitation conducting in conditions of building development and management of ground surface. The principles of mining ground determination and resulting from this restrictions in deposit exploitation conducting and requirements for surface building development and management were given. The conditions and procedures of mining exploitation admission with regard to negative mining influences have been described. UDC 622.333(438-11): 553.343(438-11): 622.013.34 Zdanowski A. Hard coal resources in the Lublin Coal Basin. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 153÷159, 4 Figs, 2 Tables, 11 Refs. Carboniferous system. Coal. Resources. Lublin Coal Basin. In the article the spatial arrangement of balance coal seams has been presented. Moreover, the estimation of the quantity of coal resources according to the geological recognition of the Lublin Coal Basin, which is recognised since the beginning of the sixties of the 20th century, has bee carried out. The first deposit, documented in 1972, was the “Łęczna” deposit located in the central part of the Lublin Coal Basin. The next deposits were documented southwards, northwards and eastwards from the “Łęczna” deposit. The surface of documented deposits amounts to 1184.35 km2, and the resources are estimated for 9.28 billion tons. Outside the documented areas in the categories A – C2 were determined prognostic and perspective areas with balance coal seams of the Carboniferous, Limnic formation from Lublin. On account of the geological structure these areas have been divided into three parts: northern, central, and southern. The boundaries between them determine the Hanna’s fault in the north and the Udal fault in the south. The surface of prognostic and perspective areas amounts to 4729.9 km2, and the quantity of geological resources is estimated for 16.74 billion tons. UDC 330.13: 553-021.4: 622.3: 622.012-021.4 Wirth H. The value of mineral deposit resources versus the value of a mine – valuation methods. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 160÷165, 16 Refs. Mineral deposits. Mine. Value and valuation. There is a lack of standardised parameters used in mineral deposit valuation methods, therefore in the article their review has been performed giving characteristic features and application. This is essential because these methods can be also the basis for the valuation of the value of the entire mine. Moreover, in conformity with the elaborated by the Polish Association of Valuation of Mineral Deposit Resources POLVAL “ Code of Mineral Deposit Valuation” the principles and recommendations were indicated, which should be applied in the case of such valuation aiming at the maintenance of high requirements with respect to the ethics and quality of services. UDC 553.945-044.3(438-13): 622.333(438-13): 553.945-047.44(438-13):622.013.34-021.4 Probierz K., Marcisz M. The rightness of hard coal quality estimation on the example of selected seams of the Pniówek deposit. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 166÷170, 2 Figs, 3 Tables, 17 Refs. Coking coal deposits. Coal seam quality. Underground mines. Hard coal deposit quality. The results of rightness assessment of coking coal quality estimation in six seams of the Pniówek deposit, located in the south-western part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, were presented. The investigations were carried out using digital isoline maps, constructed for each of the seams and quality parameters. The quality parameters were obtained on the basis of analyses performed mainly for furrow samples of each seam. The isolines of value of each of the parameters were plotted using the method of Radial Basis Functions – RBF. The correctness verification of plotted maps was based on furrow control samples taken from each of the seams. The investigation results were presented in the form of estimation rightness ranking of values of individual quality parameter in the deposit. UDC 662.741.3(438)-044.315: 553.945(438): 339.564: 669.162.16(438)-044.315:622.333(438) Karcz A. Recovery and preparation of coal raw material in conditions of the Polish coke engineering sector. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 171÷175, 2 Figs, 1 Table, 10 Refs. Blast-furnace coke. Coking coals. Coking coal production. Coking coal export. Poland is currently the greatest world exporter of blast-furnace coke. The very high quality requirements issued to this product through foreign and domestic customers caused that in our coking coal mixtures dominate orthocoking coals originating from mines of the Jastrzębska Coal Company JSC and growing import. The quality requirements and methods of usefulness assessment of coking coals for the production of blast-furnace coke of high quality were presented. The potential possibilities of coke quality improvement through the use of suitable technological operations of mechanical, thermal and chemical character during the preparation of coking coal mixtures were presented. Examples of their application in the world and national coke engineering sector were given. UDC 622.333: 662.75/.76: 662.761.4: 553.943(438) Ściążko M., Dreszer K. Production of liquid and gas fuels from hard coal. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 176÷182, 6 Figs, 5 Tables, 6 Refs. Coal. Gasification. Synthesis. Liquid fuel. Gas. In the publication the technologies of production of engine fuels as well as hydrogen and methanol from synthesis gas from coal gasification were discussed. The solution of production technologies of engine fuels, hydrogen and methanol, adopted for Polish conditions, including the selection of coal gasification technologies, coal parameters adopted for calculations and coal processing products were presented. The outlines of technological conceptions of production of liquid fuels at the scale of processing amounting to about 6 million tons/year of coal as well as hydrogen and methanol at the scale of processing equal to about 1 million tons/year of coal for national conditions were presented. UDC 622.333: 662.761.4-027.332: 66.082-027.332: 539.3 Pomykała R., Mazurkiewicz M. The coal gasification process in the light of properties of arising wastes. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp.183÷189, 6 Figs, 3 Tables, 17 Refs. Gasification. Ash. Slag. Waste properties. Rheology. As a result of coal gasification processes in surface installations apart from the main product in the form of gas with suitable composition arise also solid byproducts. According to the type and variety of the applied reactor they can occur as fly ashes, agglomerated ashes or slags. The properties of these wastes depend not only exactly on the type of fuel or characteristics of the process itself, but they influence very essentially the possibilities, effectiveness or work safety of the gasifying installations. The article draws attention to the most important stages of the process of solid phase conversions, leading to the origination of wastes, as well as to their properties. UDC 622.332(438)-047.72: 553.96: 622.013.3: 620.91 Tajduś A., Kaczorowski J., Kasztelewicz Z. Development scenarios of brown coal mining in the first half of the 21st century in Poland. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 190÷195, 7 Figs, 3 Tables, 9 Refs. Polish Hard Coal Mining. Brown coal resources. Energy economy. Hard coal exploitation development. The article presents the current state of brown coal mines, including the achieved basic production parameters from the beginning of activity till the year 2010. The authors – on the basis of chief assets of the brown coal sector, including the possessed brown coal resources, experience and scientific-designing and technical base – discuss the scenarios for the strategy of brown coal production in Poland in the first half of the 21st century. The strategy comprises coal production in operating mines together with perspective deposits and plans concerning the management of perspective deposits in new regions. The possible quantities of coal production, power of power plants and production of electric energy in operating and new power plants as well as chemical processing of brown coal into liquid and gas fuels are presented. UDC 556.53-049.65: 622’17: 622.333(438)-027.332: 622.841: 502.51: 504.5/.6:622.586.4 Suponik T. Possibilities of protection of the Przemsza river and the Murcki Trough against contaminations from coal mining waste dumping sites. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 196÷200, 5 Tables, 21 Refs. Mining waste dumping sites. Surface water protection. Surface water remediation. PRB technology. Metals and non-metals. The article presents the influence of selected hard coal mining waste dumping sites on surface waters and the way of their protection by help of the PRB technology. For this purpose hard coal mining wastes arising in the Silesian Voivodeship (Province) were characterised. The quantity of generated and hitherto disposed wastes in this region within the period 1983÷2009 was presented; moreover, the possibility of leaching of metals and non-metals from waste dumping sites was described. Next on the basis of the works [9, 10] hard coal mining waste dumping sites located in the Katowice-Mysłowice region were characterised as probable contamination foci (with metals and non-metals) of the Przemsza river basin and Murcki Trough drainage area. Finally briefly the PRB technology for underground water remediation was characterised, processes and active materials designed for the removal of metals and non-metals from wastes in this technology were presented and suitable materials and processes for the protection of surface waters analysed in the article were selected. UDC 622’17: 622.362-043.86(438): 502.131.14: 622.271(438): 625.74-043.86(438) Kabziński A. Prediction of needs and production of aggregates in Poland in 2012-2020 (+2). Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 201÷206, 1 Fig., 7 Tables. Aggregates. Programme of road construction. National and local roads. Sustainable development. Social aims. Deposit protection. Mineral mining. Mineral use. Extractive wastes. The economic growth in Poland cannot be continued without the realisation of the programme of road construction. It issues challenges to all its contractors, including the producers of road materials. It is necessary to ensure an appropriate quantity of aggregates of suitable quality. In Poland in the years 2012÷2020 for the construction of national and local roads as well as railway lines will be necessary about 230 million tons of aggregates and more than 250 million tons of earth and rock masses and other materials for embankments, accesses, approach roads, included in them. Just in the demand for a huge quantity of masses for the construction of road objects one should search for full use of mined minerals. With respect to the management of extractive wastes connected with hard coal mining necessary are changes in the mentality of people and its organisation. A condition is also the change of the legal approach to the property of grounds intended for road construction and mineral mining, real use of the principle of sustainable development and new settlement of logistics rules of the entire process. UDC 502.5: 622.271.63: 622.271.5(438): 622.362(438) Kozioł W., Machniak Ł., Ciepliński A. Exploitation technologies of gravel and sand aggregates from under the water. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 207÷214, 9 Figs, 4 Tables, 11 Refs. Aggregate exploitation. Environmental protection. Aggregate exploitation. Deposit exploitation techniques (aggregates and sands). Gravel and sand aggregates (former name: natural aggregates) constitute about 75% of natural aggregates produced in Poland. The decided majority is exploited from under the water, what results from geological conditions of occurrence of clastic rock deposits. The article presents the development of aggregate production in Poland with special regard to the applied techniques and technologies of exploitation from under the water. Next a trial of comparison of basic exploitation technologies with respect to their application in differentiated geological and mining conditionings was carried out. Attention was drawn to the necessity to take into consideration environmental aspects of aggregate exploitation from under the water. UDC 622.271.1(438)-043.95: 556.55: 622.228-049.7 Pietrzyk-Sokulska E. Water reservoirs in post-mining excavations – Possibilities of their management. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 215÷221, 5 Figs, 11 Photographs, 8 Refs. Post-mining excavations. Water reservoirs. Reclamation. Adaptation. The exploitation of minerals is connected first of all with the transformation of the landscape. In the landscape appear a new anthropogenic form, the proportions of which increase together with the exploitation advance, and the changes in the landscape become irreversible. After exploitation termination remains an excavation, which can be filled with water creating a water reservoir. In the work several reservoirs arisen in abandoned excavations after the exploitation of aggregates and carbonate formations in the area of the Cracow and Chrzanów districts were analysed. They were located most often in areas of strong industry pressure. Some of the investigated reservoirs are located in areas of high natural advantages. With the passage of time the processes of natural plant succession and good water quality have decided about the attractiveness of reservoirs as recreation and rest sites for the neighbouring inhabitants. Full utilisation of these advantages owing to suitable reclamation and adaptation endeavours will cause that they can constitute areas of standard value, fulfilling determined functions, which decide about their considerable attractiveness. UDC 556.38: 622.537: 622.847: 622.228-043.58 Szczepański A. Changes of the character and scale of water hazard in conditions of hard coal mine flooding. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 222÷224, 19 Refs. Hard coal mining. Water hazards. Mine flooding. Underground water reservoirs. Every exploitation of mineral deposits, including hard coal, below the underground water level, creates water hazard for the mine. At the stage of development and during the conducted exploitation the mine must be drained, usually through systems of stationary pumping stations located, according to mining-and-geological conditionings, on one or several exploitation levels in the area of shafts. In conditions of partial or entire closure of mines follows the gradual flooding of mine workings through the disconnection of pumping stations located on various levels or by means of controlled flooding using the well system (in the shaft deep-well pumps are installed with the possibility of water height regulation). In flooded post-extraction workings arise underground water reservoirs, which together with the inflows of natural waters constitute a new water hazard for operating mines or other exploitation levels. UDS 622.271(437.3): 66.067: 622.332(437.3): 622.563(437.3): 661.2: 628.162 Vidlař J., Slivka V., Thomas J. Mine waters in brown coal mines in the Czech Republic – current situation and development tendencies of the process of their purification. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 225÷229, 3 Figs, 1 Table, 14 Refs. Mine waters. Removal of sulfates. Opencast mine. Sulfates. Desalination. Membrane technologies. Mine waters constitute an exceptional type of waters and are defined in clause 40 of the Directive No 254/2001 (Directive concerning water) and clause 40 of the Directive No 44/1988 (Directive concerning mines). The waters pumped out from opencast or underground mines contain increased quantities of iron ions, manganese, sulfate anions, hydrogen carbonates and have an acid reaction. Typical for them is exceeding of permissible values of dissolved substances. The concentrations of discussed mine water contaminations from determined mines do not allow their direct discharge into surface waters or even their use without previous subjecting to suitable interventions or purification. The technologies of mine water purification in individual localities can be characterised as mechanicaland- chemical processes comprising the sedimentation of solid particles and processes of further neutralisation etc. This procedure ensures suitable quality of treated waters with respect to almost all boundary contamination parameters, allowing their discharge into surface waters. An exception constitutes here the exceeding of concentration of dissolved substances (more than 1000 mg/l) and exceeding of the permissible sulfate concentration (more than 300 mg/l). Chemical desulfurisation processes, which represents precipitation, are advantageous with respect to the possibilities of their realisation and low costs. Chemical precipitation corresponds conceptionally with the requirements of efficient sulfate removal. Therefore in the Department of Mining and Geology of VŠB TU Ostrava [ Higher Mining School – Technical University Ostrava] the greatest attention was drawn to the application of methods connecting natural, friendly for the environment calcium and aluminium ions, which ensure reliable sulfate removal. As currently most suitable mine water purification processes seem to be the methods of third level purification using physical and electrochemical processes, especially membrane technologies, which are applied after very efficient initial purification removing solid particles. Membrane techniques can be used in processes of final treatment as an advanced technology, which supplies both mineralised water (filtrate) and salt concentrate. Both products are designed for further economic use. UDS 504.7(4): 551.51(4): 552.513-043.72: 588.7: 546.264-31 Barchański B. Carbon dioxide sequestration on the example of the CO2 SINK project – FRG. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 230÷238, 11 Figs, 1 Table, 13 Refs. Greenhouse effect. CO2 sequestration into the geological formation. In the article the definition of the greenhouse effect has been given. The notion of CO2 sequestration was defined. Basic assumptions of the project of carbon dioxide (CO2) injection into porous sandstone saturated with salt water (a pioneer project on the European continent) was presented. Faults and advantages of CCS were presented. UDS 553.98: 553.691: 622.692.24: 552.578: 546.264-31: 504.7 Lutyński M. A. Potential possibilities of CO2 storage in gas-bearing shales in Poland. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 239÷241, 4 Figs, 12 Refs. Gas-bearing shales. Underground CO2 storage. CO2 sorption. Non-conventional gas deposits. The article presents the division of non-conventional gas deposits, i.e. confined natural gas, shale gas and coal-bed methane, as well as perspective gas sources arisen from conversion or processing from another phase. The basic characteristics of shale gas deposits was given and an analogy to coal-bed methane deposits was presented. A short literature review concerning the exploitation of shale gas and CO2 sorption on coal shales was carried out and the thesis was stated that possible is the storage of CO2 , i.e. a greenhouse gas, in gas-bearing shale seams. UDS 622.815-047.72: 622.817.4: 622.333(438-13) Tor A., Jakubów A. Methods of methane and rock outburst prevention in mines of the Jastrzębska Coal Company. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 242÷249, 6 Figs, 1 Table, 10 Refs. Gasogeodynamic phenomena. Prediction of gas and rock outbursts. Outburst prevention. In the work factors influencing the occurrence of gasogeodynamic phenomena and symptoms indicating the possibility of occurrence of such phenomena in coal mines were presented. On the basis of acquired experiences during the drilling of workings in mines of the Jastrzębska Coal Company attention was drawn to the fact that gasogeodynamic phenomena can occur also in conditions which do not indicate a high outburst hazard state. Competent recognition of this hazard, its reasons and mechanism of origination is the basis of effective prediction and efficient prophylaxis preventing outbursts, and in consequence of the creation of safe work conditions. The conducted efficient outburst prophylaxis, including rigorous compliance with binding regulations and additional internal settlements of the Company with respect to the recognition and control of the methane and rock outburst hazard confirm the appropriate direction of actions, owing to which in several cases methane and rock outbursts were avoided. UDS 620.91(438-13): 622.228-047.37(438): 622.333(4): 62-044.257: 622.411.33:622.817.47(4+438): Czaja P. Mine closure and the methane problem. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 250÷259, 8 Figs, 2 Tables, 19 Refs. CONTENTS Nr 7-8 PRZEGLĄD GÓRNICZY 2011 Shaft liquidation. Coal-bed methane. Methane is a very essential raw material for the contemporary world. On the other hand closed mines are its great reservoir, especially in the case of gassy mines. The economic use of these considerable quantities of energy raw material is currently the subject of numerous investigations. The closure of a gassy mine is the cause of many problems for the closure process itself and generates determined hazards for the surroundings of backfilled shafts. The article presents selected problems concerning hazards during the closure operations and the way of hazard elimination for the period after mine closure. The work takes into consideration the experiences of other countries, where the closure of big extractive complexes took place. Particularly valuable are Polish experiences, collected in the period of most intensive mine closure activities, including the entire closure of strongly gassy mines of the Wałbrzych Coal Basin and the “1 Maja” mine, especially threatened by methane. UDS 622.333: 622.272.6-045.43: 622.45-045.43: 622.4-047.82: 004.89 Sułkowski J. System approach when designing and controlling ventilation of a mine district in a hard coal mine. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 260÷264, 2 Figs, 8 Refs. Mine ventilation system. Underground mining ventilation management. Ventilation project. Hard coal mines. The article discusses the notion of the ventilation system based on the conception “input-output” and characterises the so-called system approach as a way of reduction of complicated situations in order to obtain more simple forms. This leads to the separation in the system environment of the so-called nearer environment essentially connected with the inputs and outputs of the system. The practical discussion of the system approach was presented on the example of ventilation design and control with respect to a mining district. The way of selection of the nearer environment as well as the inputs and outputs for the ventilation system created in the mining district were indicated. UDS 622.45-048.63: 622.333(438): 622.273.23-047.36: 622.41/.46-047.36: 622.81- 047.36: 622.86(438) Dziurzyński W., Wasilewski S., Krach A., Pałka T. Prediction of the atmosphere state in the area of a longwall and its gobs on the basis of data from the mine monitoring system. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 265÷271, 5 Figs, 15 Refs. Ventilation process simulation. Computer programme validation. Methane hazard. Safety. In the article have been shown new possibilities of practical use of the computer programme VentZroby for investigations of ventilation states on the example of the ventilation area of longwall 4 and 5, seam 409 of the Śląsk mine, in which a tragical event in September 2009 took place. An attempt was undertaken to reconstruct the ventilation state before the event, taking into consideration the methane hazard. In order to validate model solutions with respect to the determination of the air and methane flow in the longwall area, data from the mine monitoring system regarding air velocity and methane concentration in mine workings after the stoppage of the ventilation main fan were used. The lack of measuring data about air flow parameters (velocity, pressure etc.) for the longwall area before the event hindered the settlement of initial data for simulation. Therefore repeated calculations by means of the VentZroby programme were conducted changing the model parameters in order to obtain the best adaptation of calculation results to data registered in the mine automatic gasometry system. The results of investigations have shown many difficulties regarding the use of data obtained from sensors of the mine automatic gasometry system, for the determination of parameters of the numerical model, what among others results from the point measurement method and random disturbances of measuring signals of air parameters registered in these systems. It has been ascertained that in order to obtain reliable data from the monitoring system for simulation purposes, necessary is their verification by means of comparative measurements in places of installation of the system’s sensors in workings of the mine ventilation network. UDS 622’17: 622.333: 622’112: 622.272: 622’16: 657.471.1: 622.7: Kryj K., Szafarczyk J., Baic I. Necessity or need of development of a model regarding the costs of mining apart from the seam. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 272÷277, 3 Figs, 2 Tables, 5 Refs. Mining apart from the seam. Coal beneficiation. Contamination. Production cost. Coal contamination apart from the seam occurs during the exploitation of layers under and above the seam. A part of contamination cannot be avoided. However, there exists the possibility of its considerable reduction. The influences of contamination costs have not been deeply investigated and they are not properly understood by coal producers. At the present time it is considered that if in the beneficiation process of coal its contamination is disregarded, then it has no influence on coal quality. However, investigations carried out through workers of the Southern Illinois University in thirteen mechanised longwall workings in five mines in the state Illinois deny this opinion. They have proved that mining apart from the seam has considerable influence on the quality of pure coal, because it causes the increase of the quantity of ash, sulphur, mercury and remaining trace elements in the final product, i.e. pure coal. They have counted that the total cost connected with mining apart from the seam for an average coal mine in Illinois amounts to 4.10 USD per ton of pure coal. If possible will be the control over 50 % of the share of mining apart from the seam, savings exceeding 2.00 USD per ton of pure coal can be achieved, what can increase the competitiveness of coal as an alternative energy source. The authors of the present article are convinced that similar investigations should be performed in conditions of Polish mines. The lack of similar investigations and analyses causes that the managements of mines are not fully aware of real costs and thus possible to gain measurable economic effects, connected with the even lowest reduction of contaminations apart from the seam. Therefore in the opinion of the authors it is necessary to undertake such investigations and analyses for Polish mines, grouping them in a manner that takes into consideration similar deposit specificity as well as mining-andgeological conditions. UDS 662.66: 662.612.11-047.37: 622.7: 622.333: 330.13 Michaliková F., Škvarla J. The influence of morphological properties of ashes on the possibilities of their use. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 278÷283, 10 Figs, 1 Table, 16 Refs. Hard coal combustion. Combustion wastes. Useful components from wastes. Coal ash properties. The ashes – solid wastes from coal combustion – are used mainly in building engineering, and to a lower degree, in other industry sectors. The ashes comprise useful components, possible for separation by means of processing methods. The morphological properties influence their usefulness. UDS 622.333(438): 622.647.2: 622.647.05: 62-83: 536.5: 622.016.4 Lutyński A. Analysis of working temperature of selected bearing nodes of an ascending conveyor in the haulage and transport incline at the Marcel colliery. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 284÷291, 9 Figs, 3 Tables, 4 Refs. Working temperatures of drum and engine bearings. Belt conveyors. Mine transport. Polish hard coal mines. The work presents problems connected with working temperatures of bearings and drums as well as engines of the drive of an ascending belt conveyor exploited in the haulage and transport incline at the Marcel colliery. This conveyor, which constitutes an extremely interesting innovatory solution of output haulage from underground excavations of the mine to the surface was put in motion in February 2008. Its length amounts to 1960 m, the height to which it transports the mined out coal amounts to 384 m, and three drives have engines of 860 kW each. In the work the conveyor was described, giving its technical data, work conditions, applied diagnostics and steering systems. Moreover, the analysis of working temperatures of bearings of conveyor drums and drive engines from the beginning of conveyor exploitation was performed. UDS 622.625.5.06-047.37: 621.85.052: 539.43: 539.383: 519.8: 004.42 Dolipski M., Remiorz E., Sobota P., Osadnik J. Determination of the load of chain links and seat bottom of the chain drum under the contact with the front torus of a link. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 292÷299, 11 Figs, 4 Refs. Load calculation model. Chain links. Mine transport. Computer tests. The article presents the calculation model enabling the calculation of load of chain links and load of seat bottom of the chain drum in the place of its contact with the front torus of the link and enabling the determination of the boundary and final value of the angle of rotation of the horizontal link in relation to the preceding it vertical link. The results of computer investigations of extension influence of link scale and angle of inclination of the tooth flank and coefficient of friction μp on the final value of the link, angle of rotation of the horizontal link on the value of the angle of deviation of the vertical link were shown. The course of reaction between the front torus of the horizontal link and the seat bottom as well as the courses of the force between the horizontal link and preceding it vertical link were presented. UDS 622.1: 528.48: 622.834.53: 621.874 Gorczyca J. Geodesic control of radial overhead cranes in mining areas. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 300÷301, 3 Figs. Geodesic measurements. Space measurements. Circular overhead cranes. Mining areas. Mining exploitation influence. In the work the technology of geodesic measurement, the results of which constitute the basis to perform regulation of the trajectory of the internal and external rail ensuring failure-free functioning of the circular overhead crane was presented. On the basis of the accuracy analysis carried out formulae were given defining at which intervals the determined unknowns on the probability level P=0.95 are contained. UDS 621.039.8/.9: 539.1: 622.33/.34: 550.832.59 Charbuciński J. Nuclear techniques in coal and metal ore mining. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 97, No 7-8, pp. 302÷305, 1 Table, 22 Refs. Nuclear geophysics methods. Solid mineral mining. Borehole prospecting. At different stages preceding the exploitation of deposits, the solid mineral mining industry requires quick, but accurate analyses of these deposits. Prospecting of boreholes based on nuclear geophysics methods generally offer the best way to achieve this aim. The comprised in the article review of nuclear methods and equipment used in the mining industry is based on strategies and applied investigations conducted through CSIRO in the last thirty years. Examples of applications and implementations in coal mining as well as Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn-Pb ore mining have been presented. UDS 622.333: 622.323: 622.324.5: 338.516.22(100) Grudziński Z., Szurlej A. Coal, crude oil, natural gas – analyses of prices in the years 2006÷2011. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol.67, No 7-8, pp. 306÷313, 6 Figs, 5 Tables, 34 Refs. Coal prices. Crude oil prices. Natural gas prices. Price indices. The article presents the analysis of price changes of power coal, crude oil and natural gas on international markets. The two main coal markets are the region of the Pacific Ocean and the region of the Atlantic Ocean. The decided majority of turnovers is concentrated on the Pacific market. The current coal prices are about 40 % lower than the maximum prices in 2008. Currently under the import of hard coal to Poland amounting to about 10 million tons per year the influence of international prices becomes an essential factor influencing the changes of prices on the domestic market. The crude oil prices till the half of 2008 increased nearly in an exponential way. After the impetuous drop of prices in the second half of 2008 and maintenance of prices on a relatively low level in 2009, from the second half of 2010 their increase is observed, and the current price level is only by about 20 % lower from the record of 2008, and the prices indicate an increasing trend. A similar situation is observed on the natural gas market. In the last period regionalisation of prices of energy raw materials is observed. The price levels on individual customer markets begin to shape differently under similar change tendencies. This concerns particularly such raw materials as: crude oil, coal and natural gas. UDS 622.333(438): 662.66(438): 338.516.22(438)-043.86: 338.24.021.8: 620.91 Lorenz U. Evolution of the approach to power coal prices in Poland in the years 1989÷2010. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 314÷321, 9 Figs, 2 Tables, 31 Refs. Power coal. Coal prices. Mining sector reforms. The article is devoted to changes of the approach to power coal prices in Poland in the last twenty years. The ways of formation of these prices and factors, which determined these changes in subsequent years, were remembered. The background of national and international events, which accompanied the process of hard coal mining, was outlined. UDS 553.945: 622.333: 661.664: 338.516.22(100)-043.86 Ozga-Blaschke U. Evolution of coking coal prices on the international market. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 322÷328, 5 Figs, 2 Tables, 22 Refs. Coking coal. Prices. Contracts. Spot market. Price indices. The article presents the changes of metallurgical coal prices in the international trade against the background of phenomena occurring on the coal market at a long time horizon. The relations between prices of coking coals differing in quality and technological usability, i.e. coals of hard and semi-soft types, were shown. Price fluctuations on the market are the result of complicated relations of supply and demand, however, the dynamics of these changes for coking coal in the last years is surprisingly high. The effect of events that took place on the metallurgical coal market is the evolution of the price system – transition from annual contract prices (benchmarks) to quarterly prices and to the creation of an indexation system, following the example of indices functioning since a long time on the power coal market. UDS 622.330(470): 339.564(470): 622.66: 005.51: 656.615(470) Stala-Szlugaj K. Logistic conditionings of Russian coal export from ports of North-Western Europe. Polish Mining Review 2011, Vol. 67, No 7-8, pp. 329÷334, 6 Figs, 3 Tables, 20 Refs. Coal. Ports. Export. Russia. Owing to its geographical situation and location of coal deposits, Russia has the possibility of direct shipment of this raw material on two essential international markets: the Pacific and Atlantic. More than half of the sea export takes place through Baltic and northern ports; in connection with the above in the article attention was concentrated on these shipment directions. The main European importers of the Russian raw material are such states as: Great Britain (on the average 24 % of share in export by sea transport), Germany (10 %), Turkey (8 %), Finland (6 %)), and Poland (5 %). In the article the main export ports, coal terminals and directions of individual port development were characterised. The characteristics is concentrated on the discussion related to the following ports: Riga (Latvia), Murmansk (Russia), Ventspils (Latvia) and Ust-Luga (Russia); their average share in coal export from this region of Russia amounts to: 28 %, 26 %, 11 %, and 9 %, respectively.