H HH Techniques and Therapies Data Sheet The H Club TECHNIQUES AND THERAPIES Many techniques and therapy names sound alike or simply refer to variations of a base technique. This has arisen over many years due to the tendency for practitioners to wish to share their successes and show how particular individual needs can benefit greatly from one or another variation. Whilst not yet complete – we hope the following helps you to understand a little more about the differences and similarities. Treatment Accupressure Accupuncture Activity Injuries therapy Acupressure Description See Acupressure See Acupuncture See Sports Injuries Massage Acupuncture Advanced Aromatherapy Advanced Clinical Sports Therapy Advanced Massage Advanced NeuroMuscular Massage Advanced Reflexology Alexander Technique C An eastern technique which encourages the free-flowing of energy through application of pressure to particular key points on the body. Originating from China, acupuncture involves inserting small needles into various points in the body to stimulate nerve impulses. Traditional Chinese acupuncture is based on the idea of 'qi' (vital energy) which is said to travel around the body along 'meridians' which the acupuncture points affect. Western Acupuncture uses the same needling technique but is based on affecting nerve impulses and the central nervous system; acupuncture may be used in the West as an anaesthetic agent and also as an analgesic. See Aromatherapy. Advanced aromatherapy deals with specific conditions including the support of pregnant women, blending products for children If you have suffered a sports injury or have a recurring problem the Advanced Sports Therapist will be able to advise you and may offer pain-relieving electrical techniques such as TENS, Ultrasound, or Interferential treatment. (Please note that doctor’s consent may be requested before treatment begins.) See Body Works A therapy commonly utilised during Sports and remedial massage. It involves application of deep pressure to the point of pain to release muscle spasm and ease tension in the muscle, thereby relieving long term muscular pain. See reflexology Based on a theory that the way a person uses their body affects their general health. This technique encourages people to optimise their health by teaching them to stand, sit and move according to the body's 'natural design and function'. This is, in essence, a taught technique, rather than a therapy. The practitioner will help the client to re-educate their body to take up the correct posture for everyday tasks such as sitting, standing and walking. Our aim is to promote Happiness Health & Harmony Copyright Gill Kenyon 10-Jun-2001 533564694 H HH Techniques and Therapies Data Sheet The H Club Allergy Treatments Ancient Medicine Animal Healing/Therapy Anthroposophical medicine Aroma Therapy Aromatherapy Aromatherapy for Carers Assemblage Point Realignment Auricular (ear) Acupuncture Auricular Acupuncture Australian Bush Flower Remedies Autogenic Training Autohaemotherapy Ayurveda Ayurvedic Medicine Ayurvedic Technique Baby Massage Bach Flower Remedies Balinese Massage (Indonesian) Beauty and Health Treatments Biodynamic Massage Biofeedback Biomagnet Therapy Biophytoceutics C 'Anthroposophy' describes people in terms of their physicality, their soul and their spirit. Anthroposophical medicine aims to stimulate a person's natural healing forces through studying the influence of their soul and spirit on their physical body. See Aromatherapy Use of plant extract essential oils inhaled, used as a massage oil, or occasionally ingested. Common in France but practised there by medical doctors only. Can be used to alleviate specific symptoms or as a relaxant. Essential oils which are extracts from plants and herbs are used through massage to alleviate a wide variety of conditions. A specific blend of oils will be chosen which is specific to the clients individual needs. Especially effective for stress-related conditions. Advice can also be given on the use of essential oils in vaporisers, bathing, compresses, etc. Practitioners with this qualification will have expertise in using Aromatherapy techniques in the context of the caring professions such as in Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Hospices and at home with dependant relatives. See Acupuncture See Acupuncture. This treatment involves acupuncture on the ear See Flower Remedies An ancient discipline, originating in India, based upon the principle of mind- spirit-body interaction and employing natural herbs, usually mixtures, in treatment. See Ayurveda See Ayurveda Parents are taught how to increase bonding by the gentle application of body massage to their babies. The result is often less stressed babies and more confident parents. See Flower Remedies General term which encompasses both treatments and products used for beautification, cosmetic appearance improvement and support of personal Health and Wellbeing Based on Chinese Herbal medicine, the BioPhytoceutics process identifies which active ingredients in each herb are absorbable Our aim is to promote Happiness Health & Harmony Copyright Gill Kenyon 10-Jun-2001 533564694 H HH Techniques and Therapies Data Sheet The H Club through the intestine or by the skin, then ensures that each dose of the resulting product contains guaranteed amounts of these active ingredients so that it can be applied as a cream to the skin or in tablet form for ingestion. Body Alignment Body Brushing & Exfoliation Body Talk Body Work A technique used to gently exfoliate the skin. Particularly relaxing and helpful to the lymphatic and immune systems. Bodywork Bowen Technique Bowen Therapy Bowen Vibromuscular Harmonisation Boxercise Breema Exercise Buteyko Breathing Canadian Candling Candle Healing Champissage Charismatic Healing Chevutti Thai Chi Kung Chinese Cupping Chinese Face Massage Chinese Herbal Medicine Chinese Medicine Chinese Reflexology Chiron Healing Chiropody Chiropractic Chiropractic Healing Circuit Training C Therapies that use rubbing, kneading and the application of pressure to address aches, pains and musculo-skeletal problems. Often used as a relaxant. See Body Work Light and gentle touch therapy to aid self-healing. A truly holistic treatment invented by Tom Bowen of Australia in the 1950s. See Bowen Technique See Ear Candling See Indian Head Massage (Pronounced Chikung) Chinese art related to Tai Chi which seeks to relieve symptoms of excessive unnatural stresses which often contribute to other ailments. Similar to Yoga, participants learn breathing techniques and slow movements. See Traditional Chinese medicine. A tradition of medicine used for thousands of years in China, which has its own system of diagnosis. Uses combinations of herbs to address a wide range of health problems. See Traditional Chinese medicine See Reflexology Chiropractic was originally based on the idea that ‘reduced nerve flow’ led to disease. Used almost entirely to treat musculo-skeletal complaints through adjusting muscles, tendon, and joint positions especially of the spine by manipulation and massage techniques. Diagnostic procedures include case histories, conventional clinical examination, electrical impulse resistance and x-rays. See Chiropractic Uses a series of exercises carried out in rotation to achieve overall fitness or to address specific areas. Each series will be specifically designed to suit your needs. Our aim is to promote Happiness Health & Harmony Copyright Gill Kenyon 10-Jun-2001 533564694 H HH Techniques and Therapies Data Sheet The H Club Clinics Rooms where people attend for assistance with treatment of specific minor complaints through to major illness. Practitioners and not necessarily supported with any medical knowledge Cognitive Therapy Colon Hydrotherapy Colour Analysis Colour Therapy Combination Therapy Cosmetic Ray Treatments Counselling Counselling Bereavement Counselling Relationship Counselling for a Therapy Counselling Stress Therapy Cranio Sacral Therapy Craniosacral Therapy Crystal Acupuncture Crystal Therapy Crystal Therapy Dance Daoyin Tao Deep Tissue Massage Detoxification Dietetics Dowsing Find out which colours suit you best. Improve your self-esteem, mood and effectiveness through the correct use of colour. Exposure to different parts of the colour spectrum will induce physical and emotional changes in the body. Coloured water may be used and visualization of different colours can also be experienced during treatments. See Counselling. Specialises in the area of bereavement See Counselling. Specialises in the area of Relationships Specific advice relating to the match and applicability of treatments and techniques for health and wellbeing of the individual A series of psychical therapies that attempt to help patients to work through their thoughts and to reflect on their lives so as to maximise wellbeing. Discovered in the early 1900’s by Dr William Sutherland it is based upon the premise that the movement of the skull bones results in different tidal motions in the body which directly reflects the state of health of the bodily systems, mental and emotional states. The treatment will consist of the therapist placing their hands lightly on the client’s head or sacrum and ‘feeling’ for the blockages. See Cranio Sacral Therapy Based on the idea that crystals can absorb and transmit energy and that the body has a continuing fluctuating energy which the crystal helps to tune. Crystals are often placed in patterns around the patient's body to produce an energy network to adjust the patient's energy field or 'aura'. See Bodywork. Uses the more intense and deeper massage techniques See Nutritional Medicine Traditionally used as a way to identify water sources underground. Is not itself a therapy but is used by a range of other disciplines to answer questions through intuitive skills. Often used in conjunction with Radionics. Dramatherapy Dreamtherapy C Our aim is to promote Happiness Health & Harmony Copyright Gill Kenyon 10-Jun-2001 533564694 H HH Techniques and Therapies Data Sheet The H Club Ear candling Also known as Thermal-Auricular or Hopi Ear Candling. This technique was named after the Native American Tribe who are said to have used them. The candles are hollow tubes made from linen, honey and herbs. These are placed in the ear and lighted. Once removed the ear is massaged. The benefits are said to help a number of conditions affecting the head, ears and sinuses See Tibb Eastern Medicine Electronic Healing Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Energy Healing Environmental Medicine Exercise Advice Exercise and Fitness Knowledge Exercise to Music Face/Neck/Shoulder See Bodywork Massage Facial Massage See Holistic Facial Massage Facial Reflexology Feldenkrais Method Feng Sui Fitball Training Fitness Assessment Flower Essences The theory behind flower remedies is that flowers contain the life force of the plant and this is imprinted into water through sun infusion which is used to make the flower remedy. Flower remedies are often used to help patients let go of negative thoughts; usually flower remedies are ingested. Invented by Dr Edward Bach each plant and flower extract in Bach Flower Remedies is devised to address a particular emotional condition. Flower Remedies See Flower Esseences Group Exercise Gymnasium Based Exercise Hand Massage See Bodywork Hand Reflexology see 'Reflexology' Hands Free Massage See Bodywork. Massage using the arm, elbow or foot rather than the hands of the therapist to help the practitioner avoid RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) Hawaiian Massage Healing A system of spiritual healing, sometimes based on prayer and religious beliefs, that attempts to tackle illness through nonphysical means, usually by directing thoughts towards an individual. Often involves 'the laying on of hands'. Healing Circles Heat & Bath Hydrotherapy can be very effective in relieving stress and aches Treatments and pains. A range of spa treatments may be offered including Sauna, Steam Bath, Jacuzzi, etc. C Our aim is to promote Happiness Health & Harmony Copyright Gill Kenyon 10-Jun-2001 533564694 H HH Techniques and Therapies Data Sheet The H Club Hellerwork Herbal Medicine A system of medicine which uses various remedies derived from plants and plant extracts to treat disorders and maintain good health. Another term for this type of treatment is phytotherapy. See Herbal Medicine See Herbal Medicine Herbalism Herbology Holistic Face & Body Reading Holistic Facial Massage See Bodywork Homeopathy A therapy based on the theory of treating like with like. Homeopathic remedies use highly diluted substances that if given in higher doses to a healthy person would produce the symptoms that the dilutions are being given to treat. In assessing the patient homeopaths often take into account a range of physical, emotional and lifestyle factors which contribute to the diagnosis. Hopi Ear Candles See Ear Candling Hot Stone Massage See Stone Therapy Hot Stone Therapy See Stone Therapy Huna Teachings Hydrotherapy Hydrotherm A massage technique using a cushion of warm water beneath the clients and involves a pulling rather than a pushing action. Clients usually lie on their back and therefore it is particularly suitable for those who cannot lie on their stomachs to receive a massage such as pregnant women or those with back problems, etc. Hypnotherapy The use of hypnosis in treating behavioural disease and dysfunction, principally mental disorders. Indian Head Massage Also known as Champissage, this ancient technique involves the massage and rubbing of the whole head and scalp area as well as the neck and shoulders. It is amongst the best stress-relieving techniques and clients will often fall asleep during a treatment. It can be performed anywhere as no clothing need be removed. It can be combined with Chakra cleansing and essential oils. Indonesian Massage Infant Massage Tuition See Baby Massage Infra-Red Treatments Inner Child Interferential Therapy Intuitive Healing Inversion Table Iridology The study of the Iris of the eye to determine information about bodily health. A method of diagnosing problems and assessing health status that relies on studying the iris of the eye and noting marks and changes. Iris Mapping See Iridology Consultation Japanese Holistic Therapies Jin Shin Jin Shin Jyutsu See Jin Shin C Our aim is to promote Happiness Health & Harmony Copyright Gill Kenyon 10-Jun-2001 533564694 H HH Techniques and Therapies Data Sheet The H Club Jo Rei Johrei Kinesiology See Jo Rei A manipulative therapy by which a patient's physical, chemical, emotional and nutritional imbalances are assessed by a system of muscle testing. The measurement of variation in stress resistance of groups of muscles is said to identify deficiencies and imbalances, thus enabling diagnosis and treatments by techniques which usually involve strengthening the body's energy through acupressure points. The muscle testing technique is used to detect minor functional imbalances. It is gentle and painless. Kirlian Kundilini Rising LA Hot Stone Therapy LA Stone Therapy Laughter Therapy Life Coaching Lifestyle Management Light Heat Energy (LHE) Light Therapy Lomi Lomi Looyenwork Magnet Therapy Magnified Healing Maharishi Ayurvedic Medicine Manual Lymphatic Drainage Marigold Therapy Massage Massage and Pregnancy Massage with Aromatherapy Oil Blends Mechanical & Electrical Treatments Meditation Meridian Therapies C See Stone Therapy See Stone Therapy A system which promotes transcendental meditation, derived from the Vedic tradition in India. Recommends the use of herbal preparations similar to those used in Ayurvedic Medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine. Also called MLD, this massage technique focuses on the specific areas of the body where the lymph nodes are located. The massage is particularly useful in reducing puffiness or water retention that often occurs in the limbs. Conditions such as Lymphoedema (a blockage of the lymph nodes) can be particularly helped by this technique. See Bodywork See Bodywork. Applies specific and cerful consideration of the issues and practices required at different stages through pregnancy. See Bodywork and Aromatherapy. This is massage using preblended oil blends supplied commercially to a NON-aromatherapy qualified therapist. A series of techniques used to relax a patient to facilitate deep reflection and a clearing of the mind (see Maharishi Ayurvedic Medicine). The concept of Meridians is the cornerstone of Chinese therapies. Meridians are the channels through which energy flows around the body. By exerting pressure or stimulating (as in acupuncture), particular points along the Meridian lines the energies can be Our aim is to promote Happiness Health & Harmony Copyright Gill Kenyon 10-Jun-2001 533564694 H HH Techniques and Therapies Data Sheet The H Club rebalanced. Merkaba Metamorphic Technique Originated in the 1960’s with the work of Roberts St.John and was developed in the 70’s by Gaston Saint-Pierre. Metamorphic Technique is used as the catalyst to unlock the life force of each individual. By using light touch to the spinal reflex points on the hands, feet and head the practitioner helps to release blocked energy. Midwifery Moxibustion A Chinese medical treatment. Small pyramid –shaped blocks containing herbs, oils and healing plants are burnt over the clients body to aid healing. MTechnique Multidimensional Healing Naturopathy A method of treatment based on the principle that the natural laws of life apply inside the body as well as outside. Uses a range of natural approaches including diet and herbs and encourages exposure to sun and fresh air to maximise the body's natural responses. Neck & Shoulder See Bodywork Massage Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Neurostructural Integration Technique Nutrition Advice Nutritional therapists take an assessment of their client, identifying in what ways the client has problems and what help they need. Nutritional therapists will then plan diets for their clients on a progressive basis. Initially identifying the diet that can start helping the problems but continuing to monitor and adjust it as and when needed. Nutritional Coaching Nutritional therapists help to examine, analyse and change dietary habits to foster a healthy, balanced diet supporting an individual’s needs, for example in terms of weight gain, weight loss or weight maintenance. Nutritional Medicine Term used to cover the use of nutritional methods to address and prevent disease. Uses diets and nutritional supplements. Often used to address allergies and chronic digestive problems. The difference between nutritional medicine and dietetics is that nutritional therapists work independently in accordance with naturopathic principles and focus on disorders which they believe can be attributed to nutritional deficiency, food intolerance or toxic overload. They believe these three factors are involved in a wide range of health problems. Dieticians usually work under medical supervision, using diets to encourage healthy eating and tackle a narrower range of diseases. Nutritional therapists often use exclusion diets and herbal remedies to tackle patients' problems. Nutritionists See Nutrition Advice Occupational Therapy On Site Massage See Seated Acupressure Massage C Our aim is to promote Happiness Health & Harmony Copyright Gill Kenyon 10-Jun-2001 533564694 H HH Techniques and Therapies Data Sheet The H Club Osteopathy A system of diagnosis and treatment, usually by manipulation, that mainly focuses on musculo-skeletal problems, but a few schools claim benefits across a wider spectrum of disorders. Historically differs from chiropractic in its underlying theory that it is impairment of blood supply and not nerve supply that leads to problems. However in practice there is less difference than might be assumed. Mainstream osteopathy focuses on musculo-skeletal problems; but prior to osteopathy gaining statutory protection of title, other branches of this therapy purported to diagnose and treat a range of disorders. One such branch is now known as craniosacral therapy, which should be considered as a distinct therapy Osteopathy Massage See Osteopathy Paraffin Wax Treatment Therapists attend the work-place to give a relaxing massage Paraffin Wax Treatment – Not a hair removal technique, but one for warming and softening the skin. It is usually used on the hands or feet as part of a manicure or pedicure, but can be used around different joints of the body. The wax is warmed before use and has a moisturising effect on the skin. Personal Trainer The aim of a Personal Trainer is to provide a one to one service that will initially test the level of your fitness assessing your strengths and weaknesses. Once a conclusion is reached a fitness programme adapted to your specific needs will be prepared. The trainer will teach and supervise you whilst performing these exercises at regular intervals. Physiotherapy Phytotherapy See Herbal Medicine Pilates Podiatry Posture Analysis Pranic Healing Prayer Healing Psychic Surgery Psychology Psychotherapy Pulsing Qi Gong See Chi Kung QiGong See Chi Kung R.E.S.E.T. (Jaw Therapy) Radionics A type of instrument-assisted healing which attempts to detect disease before it has physically manifested itself. It is based on the belief that everyone is surrounded by an invisible energy field which the practitioner tunes into and then attempts to correct problems which have been identified. Practitioners believe it can be done over long distances. Instruments are a focus of the healer's intent and include sugar tablets which carry the healing 'idea'. Rainbow Energies Rebirthing Reflexology A system of massage of the feet based on the idea that there are invisible zones running vertically through the body, so that each C Our aim is to promote Happiness Health & Harmony Copyright Gill Kenyon 10-Jun-2001 533564694 H HH Techniques and Therapies Data Sheet The H Club organ has a corresponding location in the foot. It has also been claimed to stimulate blood supply and relieve tension. Also called Reflex Zone Therapy, it consists of pressure and massage of the reflex points found on the feet (or hands) which mirror the whole body. It unblocks the energy lines through the Chinese Meridians aiding self-healing and rebalance. It can be used as a preventative measure to maintain good health as well as a restorative treatment. Reflexology For Cancer See Reflexology. Used in the particular support of people suffering Care from Cancer. Regression Therapy Reiki Reiki aims to connect the universal energy with the individual. Energy flows from the therapist to the client to aid self-healing and reconnect with the ‘earth force’ or ‘Reiki’. Clients remain fully clothed during the session and the practitioner’s hands hover above or lightly touch the body. Reiki Master See Reiki Releasing Entities Remedial Exercise Remedial Massage See Bodywork . A deeper massage than ordinary Swedish relaxation massage to help relieve particular problem areas. It is practiced for musculo-skeletal problems. Generally concerned with Rehabilitaion of Injuries. Rolfing Seated Acupressure A specialist massage treatment performed by through clothes on a Massage specially constructed chair to de-stress the tired worker. Seated Massage See Seated Acupressure Massage Seichem This is a development of Reiki. Reiki is connected with the ‘earth’ force. Seichem incorporates the ‘earth force’ with that of the other elements of ‘fire,’ ‘water’ and ‘light.’ On a practical level the therapy works in a similar way to Reiki. Sekhem See Seichem Seven Rays Shamanic Healing Shamanism See Shamanic Healing Shiatsu A type of massage originating from Japan which aims to stimulate the body's healing ability by applying light pressure to points across the body. Relies on the meridian system of 'qi' in a similar way to traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. An ancient Japanese therapy. “Shi” means finger and “Atsu” meaning pressure. Similar to acupressure, fingers and thumbs are used to apply pressure at specific points around the body. Treatment can be given through loose clothing and often takes place a floor level. It combines acupressure with the philosophy of Chinese medicine. Skeletal Balancing Slavic Massage Sleep Therapy Soul Healing Sound Frequencies Sound Therapy Speech and Language C Our aim is to promote Happiness Health & Harmony Copyright Gill Kenyon 10-Jun-2001 533564694 H HH Techniques and Therapies Data Sheet The H Club Therapy Spinal Touch Therapy Spiritual Healing Sports Event Massage Sports Injuries Massage Sports Laser Therapy Sports Massage Sports Therapy Stone Therapy Stress Management Stress Massage Swedish Massage T.E.N.S. Tai-Chi Takionic Tantra Taping & Bandaging Taping & Strapping Techniques Thai Foot Massage Thai Hand Massage Thai Massage Therapeutic Massage C Aims to help correct the influence of poor spinal posture on the whole body. Measurements will be taken of your spinal alignment before treatment begins. A gentle massage will then take place along your back and a reassessment given at the end of the treatment. See Bodywork. Uses intense massage techniques particularly suitable for those who have been or intend to be involved with sporting activity. See Bodywork. Uses a range of different massage techniques including palpation, soft tissue release, strain-counter strain, neuromuscular technique and others. See Bodywork. This uses specific different massage techniques to promote efficient healing of injuries caused by sporting or other activities to the body's soft tissue. It is generally used in the maintenance of fitness, both pre and post event massage. The therapist will choose massage techniques according to the tissue damage present not the cause of the problem. See Bodywork. Sports Therapy is a range of manual and mechanical treatments which is used to improve sports injuries and maintain a desired level of fitness. Heated smooth lava stones and frozen marble stones are placed on the body and used during a gentle massage. The result is a deep intense massage therapy. Stress management treatments usually work on counselling clients so they are able to identify the main stress factors in their life, remove which ones they can and then how best to deal with the others. Common stress management treatments include: Individual Exercise plans, Body Massage, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Dietary advice and Holistic Facial Massage See Bodywork See Bodywork Use of tape and bandages with specialised application to aid with support and injury prevention for soft tissue and joints See Taping and Bandaging See Thai Massage See Thai Massage A particularly vigorous form of massage involving the stretching of the client into different positions. The practitioner will use their hands, arms, legs and feet to achieve this end. Usually done at floor level. See Bodywork. Our aim is to promote Happiness Health & Harmony Copyright Gill Kenyon 10-Jun-2001 533564694 H HH Techniques and Therapies Data Sheet The H Club Therapeutic Touch Thermo-Auricular Therapy (Ear candle) Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Tibb Tibetan Acupressure Head Massage Tong Ren Touch Therapy Traditional Chinese Medicine Trager Work Tui Na Massage Ultrasound Therapy Vertical Reflexology Vibrational Therapy Vision Improvement and Therapies Visualisation Weight Management Yoga Yoga Therapy Zen Body Therapy Zero Balancing See Touch Therapy See Ear Candling Tibb is a tradition which synthesises elements of health philosophy from Egypt, India, China and classical Greece. It literally means 'nature'. The concept of wholeness and balance permeates the principle of Tibb. Imbalance is thought to cause disease. It is thought to occur on four levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Tibb uses a range of treatments including massage, manipulation, dietary advice and herbal medicine, and a psychotherapeutic approach to restore imbalances which are considered the cause of disease. The theory behind Traditional Chinese medicine is that the body is a dynamic energy system. There are two types of energy - Yin qi and Yang qi - and it is thought if there is an imbalance in Yin and Yang qi then symptoms occur. Traditional Chinese medicine uses a number of treatment methods to restore the balance of Yin and Yang qi; these include acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage and the exercise technique Qigong. Chinese massage which rebalances Chi (Qi) energy. Can be done through clothing and combines massage, accupressure and manipulation techniques. Treatment using sound waves beyond the audible spectrum. Used mainly for the treatment of sports injuries. See “Advanced Clinical Sports Therapy”. Sometimes called VRT or the Booth Method it works like conventional Reflexology but on the ankle and top of the foot rather than the sole. A combination of colour, light and sound therapy. A form of meditation which can be combined with the benefits of positive thought A system of adopting postures with related exercises designed to promote spiritual and physical well-being. See Yoga Developed by Dr Fritz Smith in 1973 it is designed to promote good health and a sense of well-being. Clients begin seated and then move to a reclining position. The practitioner will concentrate on the skeletal system and particularly the joints which will receive a gentle touch. The aim is to create harmony and balance. Zone Therapy C Our aim is to promote Happiness Health & Harmony Copyright Gill Kenyon 10-Jun-2001 533564694 H HH Techniques and Therapies Data Sheet The H Club C Our aim is to promote Happiness Health & Harmony Copyright Gill Kenyon 10-Jun-2001 533564694