9 CHAPTER SUMMARY The endocrine system is arguably the most elegant and mysterious of all the body systems. Considered to be the second great homeostatic system of the body (after the faster-acting nervous system), the endocrine system controls reproduction, growth and development, body defenses, metabolic processes, and blood chemistry. Through the use of hormones, the endocrine system maintains balance within the body in a relatively leisurely and profound way. Hormones circulate in the blood until reaching the target organs upon which they are designed to act, bind with the awaiting cells, and immediately begin to influence the internal machinery of those cells. In this chapter, the mechanisms of hormone action are discussed first, differentiating between the actions of steroidal and nonsteroidal hormones. Next, the negative feedback mechanisms that control hormone release are presented. Hormonal, humoral, and neural stimuli are all explained through the use of selected examples. Endocrine glands are then explained as ductless glands that release their hormones into blood or lymphatic fluid, to be distinguished from exocrine glands, which release their products directly into ducts on the epithelial surface. In the final sections of this chapter, the major endocrine organs and their hormones’ main actions and regulatory functions are presented. The hypothalamus, which also plays an important role in nervous system functioning, is noted for its role in endocrine control based upon its relationship with the pituitary gland. The complexity of the pituitary, with its six prominent anterior hormones and two posterior hormones, is then described. The thyroid is presented next for its role in both metabolism and blood calcium levels, followed by a discussion of the counterbalancing action of the parathyroid glands in blood calcium regulation. The cortical and medullar hormones of the adrenal glands are outlined and clarified for their roles in long- and short-term stress-response, and the islet cells of the pancreas are then discussed, along with the homeostatic imbalance of diabetes mellitus. The lesser-understood roles of the pineal and thymus hormones precede the section on the hormones of the ovaries and testes, and finally, the hormones produced by other tissues pocketed throughout the body, as well as the hormones produced by the placenta, are discussed. The major developmental aspects of the endocrine system, including its role in menopause, conclude the chapter. SUGGESTED LECTURE OUTLINE I. THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM AND HORMONE FUNCTION—AN OVERVIEW (pp. 300– 303) A. The Chemistry of Hormones (pp. 300–301) 1. Assists faster-acting nervous system in the homeostatic control of long-term processes a. Growth and development b. Metabolism c. Reproduction d. Body defense 2. Amino acid-based molecules a. Proteins b. Peptides c. Amines 3. Steroid-based hormones—directly influence target tissue DNA a. Ovaries b. Testes B. C. II. 4. Prostaglandins Mechanisms of Hormone Action (pp. 301–303) 1. Non-steroidal amino-acid based hormones act through second messengers a. Cyclic AMP 2. Ability of hormones to bind determined by receptors on target cells Control of Hormone Release (p. 303) 1. Negative feedback loops—metabolism regulation 2. Stimuli for blood-hormone release a. Hormonal b. Humeral c. Neural THE MAJOR ENDOCRINE ORGANS (pp. 303–320; Table 9.1) A. Pituitary Gland (pp. 304–307) 1. Enclosed by bone at base of brain 2. Glandular (anterior) and neural (posterior) portions a. Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary i. Growth Hormone (GH) ii. Prolactin (PRL)—breast milk production iii. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)—hormone release by adrenal cortex iv. Thyrotropic Hormone (TH)—thyroid release of thyroid hormone v. Gonadotropic Hormones – begin at puberty Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)—follicle development and estrogen production by female ovaries, and sperm production by male testes Luteinizing Hormone (LH)—female ovulation and corpus luteum production of progesterone, and male testosterone production by testes Interstitial Cell-Stimulating Hormone (ICSH) b. Pituitary-Hypothalamus Relationship i. Releasing and inhibiting hormones made by hypothalamus regulate hormone release by anterior pituitary c. Hormones of the Posterior Pituitary i. Oxytocin stimulates uterine contraction and milk ejection in nursing females ii. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)—kidney tubule cells reabsorb and conserve body water and increase blood pressure by vasoconstriction, with hyposecretion leading to diabetes insipidus B. Thyroid Gland (pp. 307–310) 1. Thyroid hormones T4 and T3 released when TSH blood levels rise to regulate metabolic rate at which cells oxidize glucose a. Goiters—iodine lack b. Hyposecretion—cretinism in children and myxedema in adults c. Hypersecretion—Graves’ disease 2. Calcitonin—released in response to high blood calcium to enhance bone calcium deposition C. Parathyroid Glands (pp. 310–311) 1. Four small glands on posterior thyroid gland 2. Parathyroid hormone (PTH)—released in response to low blood calcium to enhance bone calcium liberation into blood D. E. F. G. H. a. PTH hyposecretion – tetany b. PTH hyposecretion—bone wasting and fractures Adrenal Glands (pp. 311–314) 1. Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex a. Mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone regulate kidney reabsorption of sodium and potassium ions b. Glucocorticoids resist long-term stress by increasing blood glucose and depressing inflammation c. Sex hormones in males are produced in small amounts throughout life d. General hyposecretion by adrenal cortex results in Addison’s disease, e. Hypersecretion results in hyperaldosteronism, Cushing’s disease, or inappropriate masculinization 2. Hormones of the Adrenal Medulla a. Epinephrine—nervous system stimulation b. Norepinephrine Pancreatic Islets (pp. 314–316) 1. Insulin 2. Glucagon Pineal Gland (p. 316) Thymus Gland (p. 316) Gonads (pp. 316–320) 1. Hormones of the Ovaries a. Estrogens b. Progesterone 2. Hormones of the Testes a. Androgens III. OTHER HORMONE-PRODUCING TISSUES AND ORGANS (p. 320; Table 9.2) A. Placenta (p. 320) 1. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) IV. DEVELOPMENTAL ASPECTS OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM (p. 323) A. Aging (p. 323) B. Menopause (p. 323)