
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual
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Computer Concepts
Chapter Ten: Information Systems Analysis and Design
A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual:
We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching
experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary.
This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in blue that you see in the
textbook. Under each heading you will find (in order): Lecture Notes that summarize the
section, Figures and Boxes found in the section (if any), Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and
Lab Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared towards quizzing
your students, enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within
the software.
In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources CD also contains PowerPoint
Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience.
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sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your
students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or
close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast.
Table of Contents
Chapter Objectives
Section A: Information Systems
Section B: Systems Analysis
Section C: System Design
Section D: Implementation and Maintenance
Section E: Corporate Data Security
Glossary of Key Terms
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Chapter Objectives
Students will have mastered the material in Chapter Ten when they can:
 Describe how information systems
 List the activities that take place in
help organizations fulfill their
each phase of the system development
missions, deal with threats, and take
life cycle
advantage of opportunities
 Describe alternative hardware and
 Contrast and compare the
software solutions that a project team
characteristics of transaction
might consider
processing systems, management
 Explain the differences between unit
information systems, decision support
testing, integration testing, system
systems, and expert systems
testing, and acceptance testing
 Apply the PIECES framework to
 Describe the advantages and
classify problems that reduce the
disadvantages of direct, parallel,
effectiveness of an information system
phased, and pilot conversion
 Describe various models for the system
development life cycle (SDLC), and
 List he major threats to data stored on
identify system development
corporate information systems
 List five guidelines for mitigating the
effects of corporate identity theft
Information Systems in Organizations (556)
 Review the basic concepts about organizations as described on page 556.
 Use Figure 10-2 to explain that organizational personnel are typically depicted by a pyramid-shaped
organizational chart.
 Compare and contrast strategic and tactical planning. Point out that strategic planning is deciding
“what” an organization will do; tactical planning emphasizes “how” a goal will be achieved.
Strategic usually refers to long term where tactically is based on a day to day basis.
 Explain that while it is tempting to try to assign a specific type of information system to each level
of management, e.g., executive managers use decision support systems, whereas middle managers
use MIS systems, this is not true in practice.
 Review structured, semi-structured, and unstructured problems. Unstructured problems often
require human intuition and are not supported by information systems, though decision support
and MIS systems might provide some relevant information. Semi-structured problems are best
supported by a DSS which can be queried “on the fly” for data relevant to the decision. Structured
problems are usually supported by a well-designed MIS.
You might illustrate the concepts in this section using a well-known business such as Ben & Jerry’s or
WalMart. Most management textbooks include cases about real organizations such as these, so this
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information is easy to find. Show your students how you can quickly gain an understanding of a business by
finding the answers to the questions in the above bulleted list.
 Figure 10-1, Figure 10-2, Figure 10-3
1. Assign a Project: Have students write a paragraph comparing and contrasting structured, semistructured, and unstructured problems.
2. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) ___________ describes an organization’s goals and the way in which those goals will be
accomplished. (Answer: mission statement.)
 A(n) ____________ depicts the hierarchy of employees in an organization. (Answer:
organizational chart.)
 True/False: An unstructured problem is an everyday, run-of-the-mill, routine problem.
(Answer: False.)
Transaction Processing Systems (559)
 Emphasize that one business may use multiple methods of transaction processing.
 Use Figure 10-5 to review the basic functions of a transaction processing system.
To make your explanation of a transaction processing system more concrete, you might trace a sample
transaction through the system. For example, you could use the payment of a telephone bill; the customer
writes a check and sends it, along with the statement stub, back to the phone company. At the phone
company, the check is received and entered into the transaction processing system. The payment data is
stored on disk. A phone company employee can display the payment data if, for example, you call and want
to know if the payment was received. Each day, the company can print a list of payments received from all
 Figure 10-4, Figure 10-5
1. Assign a Project: Ask students to draw a diagram illustrating a transaction processing system.
2. Quick Quiz:
 In an information system context, a(n) _________ is an exchange between two parties that is
recorded and stored in a computer system. (Answer: transaction.)
 What does TPS stand for? (Answer: Transaction processing system.)
 True/False: Most modern transaction processing systems use batch processing. (Answer: False.)
Management Information Systems (561)
 Explain that the major function of an MIS is to produce detail, summary, and exception reports for
routine and structured decisions.
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Use Figure 10-6 to review the goals of an MIS.
Explain the difference between management information systems and transaction processing
You might want to provide examples of the use of each type of report listed on page 561. For example, name
a type of business and determine what kinds of reports would be generated.
 Figure 10-6, Figure 10-7, Figure 10-8
1. Class Discussion: Ask students to compare and contrast an MIS and a TPS. What are the
characteristics of each? How is each used in a business setting? Have any students worked with either
2. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) ______ report is a customized report, generated to supply specific information not
available in scheduled reports. (Answer: ad hoc.)
 What type of report contains information that is outside normal or acceptable ranges? (Answer:
 True/False: An MIS is the same thing as a TPS. (Answer: False.)
Decision Support Systems (562)
 Explain that the main purpose of a DSS is to help decision makers with non-routine decisions.
 Use Figure 10-9 in your discussion of the process.
 Emphasize that a DSS does not actually make a decision—it only provides data that a manager can
use to reach a decision.
You might want to provide some examples of non-routine decisions:
Deciding on a location for a new retail outlet
Deciding whether to add a new product line
Deciding if it is necessary to lay off employees during a recession
 Figure 10-9
1. Class Discussion: Ask students to brainstorm scenarios in which a DSS would be useful. Do any
students have experience using one?
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2. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) ______________ helps people make decisions by directly manipulating data, analyzing
data from external sources, generating statistical projections, and creating data models of various
scenarios. (Answer: decision support system.)
 What does EIS stand for? (Answer: Executive information system.)
 True/False: A decision model is a numerical representation of a realistic situation. (Answer:
Expert Systems and Neural Networks (564)
 Use Figure 10-11 to review the characteristics of an expert system.
 Explain that an expert system captures the knowledge of a human expert as a series of rules called a
knowledge base. Using an inference engine, which is part of the expert system software, the expert
system evaluates the rules in the knowledge base and makes a decision or recommendation.
 Point out that although expert systems are sometimes used by managers, these systems are often
used by workers and function as manager-surrogates.
 Distinguish between an expert system and an expert system shell. An expert system includes the
rules necessary to make a decision. An expert system shell is a software package used to create an
expert system. It is called a “shell” because it is empty, so to speak, until the rules for the knowledge
base are entered.
 Explain that expert systems have become increasingly “intelligent” through the use of fuzzy logic
and neural networks. Fuzzy logic allows expert systems to provide solutions to imprecise data with a
level of confidence, and a neural network simulates the processing of a human brain and allows an
expert system to establish its own rules.
 Figure 10-10, Figure 10-11
1. Assign a Project: Have students find a mission statement, organizational chart, and goals of the
company they work for. If the students do not work, then use the college’s structure. Have them
document their findings in a Word document and submit their assignment.
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2. Quick Quiz:
 Any organization that seeks profit by providing goods and services is called a(n) ________.
(Answer: business.)
 True/False: Transaction processing collects and holds a group of transactions for processing.
(Answer: True.)
 ________ plan an organization’s long-range goals for profitability, market share, and
membership levels.
a. Tactical planners
b. Executive managers
c. Operational planners
d. Organizational planners
(Answer: B.)
System Development Life Cycle (566)
 Explain that the SDLC is an outline of a process that helps develop successful systems, and is divided
into five phases: planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance.
 Contrast the modified waterfall SDLC to the iterative SDLC.
 Figure 10-13
1. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) _____________ accounts for overlap between SDLC phases. (Answer: modified waterfall
 What does SDLC stand for? (Answer: System development life cycle.)
 True/False: An iterative SDLC depicts phases as repeating as necessary. (Answer: True.)
Planning Phase (567)
 Use Figure 10-14 to illustrate the activities a project team performs during the planning phase of an
information system project.
 Explain that the PIECES acronym, described in Figure 10-17, is a useful tool in identifying specific
problems within an information system.
Consider using the following examples to classify the portion of PIECES under which the problem falls:
When employees submit reimbursement for travel expenses, they must send a form to the
department head for approval, then the form is forwarded to accounts payable, and finally to payroll
where it is entered into the computer for payment in the next pay period. Employees sometimes
wait for two months while the form goes to each office. (Performance—processing takes too long)
During registration week, a list of full courses is printed only every other day so students have
difficulty planning their schedules. (Information—not up-to-date)
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When a credit card holder charges less than $20, the credit card company loses money because it
earns 60 cents, but it costs the credit card company 90 cents in phone charges and employee time.
(Economics—costs too much to process a transaction)
When students register late for a class they first must go to the scheduling office to find out if there
is space in the class. If space is available, the student must get the instructor’s signature, and then
return to the scheduling office to officially add the class. (Control—the employees in the scheduling
office do not have authority to add students)
People applying for driver’s licenses in some U.S. territories are frustrated because they have to wait
in line to purchase the form, then they must fill out the form and take it to another line to get it
stamped and make an appointment to take the driver’s test. (Efficiency—too many lines, people,
and time required to process a driver’s license application)
 Figure 10-14, Figure 10-15, Figure 10-16, Figure 10-17, Figure 10-18, Figure 10-19, Figure 10-20
1. Group Activity: Divide the class into two groups and assign each group a fictional organization for
whom they will be creating an information system. Have them determine what type of information
system would be useful to their organization and work through the planning phase activities, as listed in
Figure 10-14.
2. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) __________ uses bars to show the timing of development tasks as they occur over time.
(Answer: Gantt chart.)
 Each letter of PIECES, as in the PIECES framework, stands for what? (Answer: A potential
problem or Performance, Information, Economics, Control, Efficiency, Service.)
 True/False: Structured methodology focuses on the processes that take place within an
information system. (Answer: True.)
Refer students to the New Perspectives Web site for a Student Edition Lab called “Project
Analysis Phase (571)
 Use Figure 10-21 to discuss the steps in the analysis phase.
 Explain the purpose and importance of system requirements if it is explained that they can serve as
a checklist for success.
 Emphasize that to be successful, the new system should meet or exceed all the requirements.
 Explain that at the end of the Analysis phase, a System Requirements Report is produced. Figure 1022 provides an overview of a typical report.
 Figure 10-21, Figure 10-22
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1. Group Activity: Divide the class into the same two groups as in the previous group activity and have
them work through the analysis phase activities as listed in Figure 10-21. Since this is a fictitious
scenario, students will have to make up information to base decisions upon. Make sure their choices are
appropriate for the organizations they’re creating the information system for.
2. Quick Quiz:
 __________ are the criteria for successfully solving problems identified in an information
system. (Answer: System requirements.)
 System requirements are incorporated into what type of documents? (Answer: System
Requirements Report.)
 True/False: The goal of the analysis phase is to produce a list of requirements for a new or
revised information system. (Answer: True.)
Documentation Tools (572)
 Explain that data flow diagrams (DFDs) are structured documentation tools that sketch what
happens to data in an information system.
 Emphasize that end users who understand DFDs can much more easily communicate with analysts
to discuss their information system needs.
 Be sure students understand that DFDs are NOT flow charts. Several of your students are likely to
have worked with flow charts and will assume that DFDs are the same. Point out that DFDs focus
on data, whereas flow charts focus on processes.
 Show an example, such as the DFD in Figure 10-24, and point out that this type of diagram shows
what happens to data in an information system.
 Explain the symbols used on DFDs as shown in Figure 10-23.
 Walk through a DFD to show what it tells us about an information system.
 Explain that in contrast to structured documentation tools like DFDs, object-oriented design tools
provide blueprints for creating data objects and the routines that allow people to interact with those
 Explain the symbols used in UML diagrams as shown in Figures 10-26 and 10-27.
 Walk through a UML diagram to show what it tells us about an information system.
Consider having students diagram how the current system for your sample project works. If students have
already worked through the Working with DFDs Lab, they can create a data flow diagram, using Figure 1024 as a model.
 Figure 10-23, Figure 10-24, Figure 10-25, Figure 10-26, Figure 10-27, Figure 10-28
The New Perspectives Lab “Working with DFDs” deals with issues that relate to this section of the
textbook. You might want to go through the lab during class time if you have a computer with a
projection device. Or, assign this lab for students to do on their own.
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1. Class Discussion: Have the students select a small business in their area and list the steps in the
business operation. How can it be automated? Document the current system and determine the
PIECES framework to classify problems.
2. Quick Quiz:
 An outline of a process that helps develop successful information systems is known as a/an
________. (Answer: System Development Life Cycle, SDLC)
 True/False: System requirements are the criteria for successfully solving the problem or
problems identified in an information system. (Answer: True.)
 The goal of the ________ phase is to produce a list of requirements for a new or revised
information system.
a. design
b. planning
c. implementation
d. analysis
(Answer: D.)
Design Phase (576)
 Explain that in the design phase of the SDLC, the project team identifies potential solutions, and
then selects the best of those solutions.
 Emphasize that the selection process takes into consideration the costs and benefits of each
potential solution.
 Figure 10-29, Figure 10-30, Figure 10-31
You might also want to talk about one of the major decisions that must be made in the design phase:
whether to build custom software or buy commercial software.
1. Group Activity: Divide the class into the same two groups as in the previous group activities and have
them work through the design phase activities as listed in Figure 10-29.
2. Quick Quiz:
 In __________ processing, data is processed on a centrally located computer. (Answer:
 True/False: An application development tool is essentially a type of software construction kit
containing building blocks that can be assembled into a software product. (Answer: True.)
Evaluation and Selection (579)
 Refer to Figure 10-32 to explain how you can use a spreadsheet to create a decision table that
compares potential solutions.
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Refer to Figures 10-33 and 10-34 for examples of an RFP and an RFQ.
Consider using the following analogy to help students understand this section: When an architect designs a
house, she finds out what the family needs (i.e., play space for young children, a home office, etc.). This is
analogous to the system requirements—if these requirements are met, the family should be happy with
their new home. These requirements, however, are not an appropriate plan for the construction workers
who build the home, so the architect must also create detailed blueprints showing dimensions, electrical
and plumbing plans, exterior elevations, etc. These detailed blueprints are analogous to application
 Figure 10-32, Figure 10-33, Figure 10-34
1. Group Activity: Divide the class into the same two groups as in the previous group activities and have
them create decision support worksheets using Microsoft Excel. Direct them to use Figure 10-32 as a
guide in creating their worksheets.
2. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) __________ is a document that describes the information system problem and the
requirements for the solution. (Answer: request for proposal or RFP.)
 A(n) __________ is a request for a formal price quotations on a list of hardware and software.
(Answer: request for quotation or RFQ.)
 True/False: A spreadsheet can be used to produce a decision support worksheet. (Answer: True.)
 Refer students to the New Perspectives Web site for a Student Edition Lab called “Advanced
Application Specifications (581)
 Explain that application specifications are often very detailed, as shown in Figure 10-35.
 Discuss why application specifications are critical in ensuring that the development process is
 Figure 10-35
1. Class Discussion: Ask your students if they can come up with another analogy for the system Design
phase of a project, other than the blueprint analogy provided at the beginning of Section C. How
about the process of convincing your parents to buy you a car, and choosing the correct car? Can
students compare that process to a typical system design process?
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2. Quick Quiz:
 In the _____ phase, the project team must figure out HOW the new system will fulfill the
requirements specified in the Systems Requirements Report. (Answer: Design.)
 True/False: An information system can be designed for distributed processing in which data is
processed on a centrally located computer. (Answer: False.)
 A type of software construction kit containing building blocks that can be assembled into a
software product is called a(n) _________.
a. commercial software
b. turnkey software
c. application development tool
d. application software
(Answer: C.)
Implementation Phase (583)
 Refer to Figure 10-36 to discuss the activities in the implementation phase.
 Note that users are formally introduced to the project when the team tests applications, but are
often involved from the start because they help to define the initial problem.
 Figure 10-36
1. Quick Quiz:
 During the __________ of the SDLC, the project team supervises the tasks necessary to
construct the new information system. (Answer: implementation phase.)
 True/False: During the implementation phase, new hardware is purchased, installed, and tested
to ensure that it operates correctly. (Answer: True.)
Development and Testing (583)
 Point out that creating the software for an information system might involve creating new software
using a programming language or software development tool.
 Explain that software customization involves modifying a commercial application to meet the needs
of your system.
 Discuss the pros and cons of each approach.
 Explain that application testing is an umbrella term that encompasses three other types of testing:
unit, integration, and system.
 Compare and contrast unit testing, which checks a single module, and integration testing, which
ensures that modules interact correctly.
 Discuss system testing, which ensures that all hardware and software components (and perhaps
procedures and data) work correctly.
 Point out that unit, integration, and system testing all occur in the construction phase.
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Be sure students understand this testing process, which checks the integrity of the program
components, functionality, and hardware.
Make sure students understand that this testing does not find all “bugs” in the use of the program.
 Figure 10-37
1. Class Discussion: Ask the two groups to describe the type of testing that would be required on the
information systems they’re designing.
2. Quick Quiz:
 __________ is the process of modifying a commercial application to reflect an organization’s
needs. (Answer: Software customization.)
 True/False: A rigorous testing phase is not the only way to determine whether a new
information system works. (Answer: False.)
 Which of the following is a type of testing that occurs during the implementation phase?
a. Application
b. Unit
c. Integration
d. All of the above
(Answer: D.)
Documentation and Training (585)
 Explain that system documentation is for programmers, designers, and analysts who must maintain
and update the information system.
 Explain that user documentation is for users who will work with the system to perform tasks.
 Discuss the procedure handbook, a reference guide to system functions. If you have examples of
procedure handbooks, allow your students to view them. Discuss the different sections, and the
information covered. Have students evaluate the layout of the manual. Which sections are most
helpful to a first-time user? Which layouts are most user-friendly? Are there any design alterations
that would make the handbook more helpful to users?
If possible, bring samples of system and user documentation to class in both printed and electronic forms for
students to examine and compare.
If you have examples of procedure handbooks, allow your students to view them. Discuss the different
sections, and the information covered. Have students evaluate the layout of the manual. Which sections are
most helpful to a first-time user? Which layouts are most user-friendly? Are there any design alterations
that would make the handbook more helpful to users?
 Figure 10-38
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Conversion and Cutover (585)
 Discuss the different methods of conversion, and the pros and cons of each.
 Emphasize the amount of planning and risk that accompanies a system conversion. You may wish to
recount your experiences with large system conversions to convey the enormity of the task to your
 Figure 10-39
1. Assign a Project: Have students write a paragraph describing and comparing system, direct, parallel,
phased, and pilot conversion.
2. Quick Quiz:
 __________ refers to the process of deactivating an old information system and activating a new
one. (Answer: System conversion.)
 A new or upgraded information system undergoes a final test called __________. (Answer:
acceptance testing.)
 True/False: There are several strategies for converting to a new system. (Answer: True.)
Maintenance Phase (587)
 Make sure students understand that once a new system is in place, system maintenance is ongoing.
 Students may be surprised to learn that 70% of an information system department budget is spent
on costs related to system maintenance.
 Explain that in most IS departments, entry level positions are usually assigned maintenance duties:
modifying code to add features, fixing bugs, and optimizing modules that require enhanced
 Emphasize that 90 percent of programming jobs available today require the ability to maintain
programs and systems. Advise students that this is a very lucrative field.
If your school has one or more staff members assigned to technical support, consider having someone speak
to the class about the specifics of his or her job. If not, you may wish to ask a system operator from a local
business to speak to the class.
 Figure 10-40, Figure 10-41, Figure 10-42, Figure 10-43
1. Assign a Project: Have the students select an application that they are familiar with and write a oneto-two page documentation manual that will instruct others in how to use the application.
2. Quick Quiz
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After unit and integration testing are completed, ______ testing ensures that all hardware and
software components work together correctly. (Answer: system.)
True/False: User documentation describes how to interact with the system to accomplish
specific tasks. (Answer: True.)
Which conversion method avoids some of the risk of direct conversion, because the old system
remains in service while some or all of the new system is activated:
a. direct conversion
b. pilot conversion
c. parallel conversion
d. phased conversion
(Answer: C.)
Information System Data Vulnerabilities (590)
 Review the threats to information systems listed on pages 590-591.
Ask students to recall memorable examples of the threats listed in the text. Students may recall particularly
virulent viruses like the Melissa or Michelangelo viruses or the various security breaches experienced by
corporations and universities in 2005.
 Figure 10-44
1. Assign a Project: Ask students to make a list of the most common threats to data stored on corporate
information systems.
Information System Data Security (592)
 Review the four categories of countermeasures detailed in this section.
 Explain the role of a data center in minimizing risks to information systems.
 Emphasize the importance of having a disaster recovery plan.
As a possible exercise, present students with a series of items (e.g., antispyware) and ask students to classify
the items.
 Figure 10-45, Figure 10-46
1. Class Discussion: Arizona has become a popular location for data centers. Ask students to think of
reasons why this is.
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2. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) __________ is a specialized facility designed to hold and protect computer systems and
data. (Answer: data center.)
 A(n) __________ is a step-by-step plan that describes the methods used to secure data against
disaster and explains how an organization will recover lost data if and when a disaster occurs.
(Answer: disaster recovery plan.)
 True/False: Disaster recovery plans should only take into account catastrophic occurrences, not
day-to-day events. (Answer: False.)
Corporate Identity Theft (594)
 Explain corporate identity theft.
 Discuss how corporate identity theft affects consumers.
 Review the guidelines for dealing with corporate identity theft listed on page 595.
If possible, show an example of a phishing e-mail, to demonstrate the negative impact of such a message on
the legitimate corporate brand. Of the negative repercussions from corporate identity theft (undermined
customer confidence, overwhelmed customer service, bad publicity, and lost revenue), how many of these
outcomes can students anticipate from the e-mail you display for discussion?
 Figure 10-47
1. Assign a Project: Ask your students if they can find two corporate disaster recovery plans online. Ask
them to compare the two plans. What are the similarities and differences? Which one seems more
comprehensive? Why? To what degree does the nature of the business impact the content of the
2. Quick Quiz:
 A(n) _____ is a specialized facility designed to hold and protect computer systems and data.
(Answer: data center.)
 True/False: The biggest North American blackout in history was the result of a security breach.
(Answer: False.)
 All of the following are categories of proactive measures to protect an information system from
threats EXCEPT _________.
a. deterrent
b. turnkey solution
c. detection activity
d. corrective procedure
(Answer: B.)
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New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual
Glossary of Key Terms
 acceptance testing (586)
 actors (573)
 ad hoc report (561)
 analysis phase (571)
 application development tool (578)
 application specifications (581)
 application testing (584)
 batch processing (560)
 business (556)
 CASE tool (computer-aided software
engineering tool) (574)
 centralized processing (577)
 change requests (582)
 class diagram (573)
 commit (560)
 data center (592)
 data flow (572)
 data flow diagram (DFD) (572)
 data store (572)
 decision model (562)
 decision query (562)
 decision support system (DSS) (562)
 decision support worksheet (579)
 design phase (576)
 detail reports (560)
 Direct conversion (586)
 disaster recovery plan (593)
 distributed processing (577)
 enterprise computer system (559)
 exception report (561)
 executive information system (EIS) (562)
 expert system (564)
 expert system shell (564)
 external entity (572)
 external information (559)
 feature creep (582)
 fuzzy logic (564)
 Gantt chart (570)
 help desk (588)
 implementation phase (583)
 inference engine (564)
 information engineering methodology (570)
 information system (556)
 integration testing (584)
 internal information (559)
17 of 18
iterative SDLC (566)
joint application design (JAD) (567)
knowledge base (564)
knowledge engineering (564)
maintenance phase (587)
management information system (561)
managers (557)
mission statement (556)
modified waterfall SDLC (566)
neural network (565)
nonprofit organization (556)
object-oriented methodology (570)
OLTP system (online transaction processing
system) (560)
online processing (560)
operational planning (557)
organization (556)
organizational chart (557)
parallel conversion (586)
PERT (Program Evaluation and Review
Technique) (570)
phased conversion (586)
PIECES framework (569)
pilot conversion (586)
planning phase (567)
procedure handbook (585)
process (572)
Project Development Plan (567)
project management software (571)
quality of service (Qos) (587)
quality of service metric (587)
request for proposal (RFP) (580
request for quotation (RFQ) (580)
rollback (560)
scheduled reports (561)
semi-structured problem (558)
sequence diagram (574)
software customization (583)
strategic planning (557)
structured methodology (570)
structured problem (558)
success factors (571)
summary report (561)
System conversion (586)
system development life cycle (SDLC) (566)
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts (11th Edition) Instructor’s Manual
system documentation (585)
system operator (588)
system requirements (571)
System Requirements Report (572)
system testing (584)
systems analysis and design (566)
systems programmer (588)
tactical planning (557)
test area (584)
transaction (559)
transaction processing system (TPS) (559)
Top of Document
18 of 18
turnkey system (578)
UML (Unified Modeling Language) (573)
unit testing (584)
unstructured problem (558)
use case diagram (573)
user documentation (585)
waterfall SDLC (566)
WBS (work breakdown structure) (570)
workers (557)