PARADIP PORT TRUST OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER, IRON ORE HANDLING PLANT ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT PARADIP PORT TRUST TENDER DOCUMENT FOR Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection & Commissioning of one 3200 TPH slewing, luffing Bucket Wheel Reclaimer for Iron Ore Handling Plant (IOHP) VOLUME – I SALE OF TENDER DOCUMENT : 07.07.06 TO 28.07.06 DATE OF PREBID MEETING : 01.08.06 LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION OF BIDS : 08.08.06 at 13.00 Hrs PARADIP PORT TRUST ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT FILE NO.: EM/IOHP/ESTG-11/06(VOL-II) TCN NO.: EM/IOHP-24/06 1. Name of the work : Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection Commissioning of one 3200 TPH slewing, luffing Bucket Wheel Reclaimer for Iron Ore Handling Plant (IOHP) 2. Cost of Tender Paper : 3. Demand Draft Details : 4. Purchased by / Down Loaded by : Rs. 10,000.00 M/s.________________________ ________________________ ________________________ PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS TENDER DOCUMENT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE AND IS TO BE SUBMITTED ONLY BY THE BIDDER TO WHOM IT WAS SOLD or THE BIDDER WHO HAS DOWN LOADED THE DOCUMENT. Superintending Engineer, Iron Ore Handling Plant Paradip Port Trust PARADIP PORT TRUST ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT IRON ORE HANDLING PLANT File No.: EM/IOHP/ESTG-11/06 (VOL-II)/1004 Date: 30.06.06 TENDER CALL NOTICE (TCN) No.: EM/IOHP-24/06 SECTION – I TENDER CALL NOTICE 1. The Board of Trustees, Paradip Port Trust (the Purchaser) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection & commissioning of one 3200 TPH slewing luffing bucket wheel Reclaimer for Iron Ore Handling Plant (IOHP)” at Paradip. 2. Bidders with the following eligibility criteria only may participate. I. A. The Bidder must have Designed, Manufactured, Supplied, Erected and Commissioned Reclaimer/Stacker-cum-Reclaimer for handling Iron Ore or coal in the last 7 (seven) years a) At least one no. of 3200 TPH or more capacity OR b) At least two nos of 1500 TPH or more capacity each. B. The equipment must have operated satisfactorily for a period of 2 (two) years. II. The Bidders must have an average annual turnover of minimum of Rs.5.0 Crore (Rupees Five Crore) only or more during the last 3 (three) financial years. 3. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect and inquire the bidding documents at the office of the Superintending Engineer, Iron Ore Handling Plant at the following address. The Superintending Engineer, Iron ore Handling Plant, Paradip Port Trust, Dist:- Jagatsinghpur, Orissa, Pin;- 754142 India Tel:- 06722-222735 Fax:- 06722-222034 4. A complete set of bid documents may be purchased by interested eligible bidders on submission of a written application to the purchaser at the above address and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand) only payable by crossed demand draft in favour of Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts officer, Paradip Port Trust and payable at Paradip on any working day from 07.07.06 to 28.07.06. 5. Alternatively, the tender documents may be down-loaded from our web site (i.e., and from Tender Portal ( and submit along with non-refundable demand draft as mentioned above in a separate envelope subscribed as “Cost of Tender Document”. 6. All bids must be accompanied by a Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.15 Lakhs (Rupees Fifteen Lakhs) only and must be delivered to the office of the Superintending Engineer, IOHP Division on or before 1300 Hrs. dtd. 08.08.2006. 7. There will be site visit and pre-bid meeting on 01.08.2006 at Paradip. 8. The bid will be opened in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to attend at 1600 Hrs on 08.08.06 at the office of the Superintending Engineer, IOHP, Paradip Port Trust. 9. Paradip Port Trust reserves the right to reject any or all the bids without assigning any reason thereof. Superintending Engineer, Iron Ore Handling Plant Paradip Port Trust Copy forwarded to: 1. The PRO with a request to publish the TCN in the Port Gazette dt. 01.07.06. 2. The P. S. to Chairman / P. A. to Dy. Chairman / All HOD’s / Heads Of Offices / Commandant, CISF / RAO / V.O., PPT 3. The Dy. Director, EDP Cell, PPT with a request to publish the tender document in the PPT website w.e.f. 07.07.06 to 28.07.06. 4. Office Order Guard File / Notice Board. TENDER CALL NOTICE NO: EM/IOHP-24/2006 Paradip Port Trust invites sealed offers from eligible bidders for the work “Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection & commissioning of one 3200 TPH slewing luffing bucket wheel Reclaimer for Iron Ore Handling Plant (IOHP)” Sale of Tender Document : From Dt. 07.07.06 to Dt. 28.07.06. Detailed tender document is available at the web site / ( and in the office of Superintending Engineer, Iron Ore Handling Plant, E&M Department, Paradip Port Trust, Paradip – 754142 on payment of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand) only (Non-Refundable). Last date of submission of tender is Dt. 08.08.06, 1300 hrs. EMD : Rs.15,00,000.00 (Rupees Fifteen Lakhs) only INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ( ITB ) INDEX Clause No. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 16 a 16 b 16 c 16 d 16 e 16 f 16 g 16 h 16 i 16 j 16 k 16 l 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 Description Scope of Bid Eligible Bidders E M D ( Bid Security ) Bid Price & Bid Validity Contents of the Tender Document Submission of Bids Bid Opening Bid Evaluation Award of Contract Initial Security Deposit Performance Security Deposit Techno Commercial Information & Eligibility Taxes & Duties Site Conditions Equipment Operation & Maintenance Supply of Goods Goods & Services Goods Shall Confirm to Standard Supplier to Indemnify against III Party Claim Guarented Performance Packing of the Goods Delivery of Goods Insurance Transportation Incidental Services Prices to be Agreed in Advance Spare Parts Break-up of Prices Health, Safety & Environment Accomodation, Transport & Medical Facilities Port Trust Rules Bribes Bank Guarantee SECTION – II INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (I. T.B.) 1.0 SCOPE OF BID: Paradip Port Trust, the Purchaser, invites sealed offers from eligible bidders for the work as specified in the Tender Call Notice.(TCN). 2.0 ELIGIBLE BIDDERS: The bidder must satisfy all the eligibility criteria as specified in the Tender Call Notice (TCN), fill up the data sheet at Appendix – III of the tender document and enclose all supporting documents duly signed by the bidder. It may please be noted that only work order or supply order shall not be accepted unless there is documentary evidence to support the satisfactory execution of the work order or supply order. The bidders may please note that submission of forged / fraudulent / illegible copies of documents and/or wrong information may result in disqualification of the bidder to participate in any tender of Electrical & Mechanical Department and/or Paradip Port Trust for a period of six months to two years and/or forfeiture of the EMD or Security Deposit. The bidder shall not be permitted to purchase the tender paper in future if he fails to participate in tender in three (3) occasions after purchasing the Tender Document. 3.0 EMD (BID SECURITY): The bidder shall deposit an amount as specified in the Tender Call Notice in shape of Demand Draft of a nationalised bank drawn in favour of FA & CAO, Paradip Port Trust. Bids not accompanied by EMD may be rejected. The EMD of unsuccessful bidder will be returned promptly after deciding the tender for which, the bidder shall submit pre-receipted bills in duplicate duly stamped. The EMD of the successful bidder shall be returned after the bidder furnishes security deposit. The EMD may be forfeited in the following cases: a) b) c) If the bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity. In the case of successful bidder, if he fails to sign the agreement and/or fails to furnish the required Security Deposit and/or does not agree to carry out the work as per the work order. In case of submission of fraudulent documents and/or wrong information. However, EMD may not be applicable in the event of emergency works being taken up on short/spot tender basis and also in case of invitation of tenders for any rate contract unless otherwise specified. 4.0 BID PRICE & BID VALIDITY: The bid price is to be indicated in the “Bill of Quantity” and shall be firm and valid for 90 days from the last date of submission of the “Price Bid”. Conditional price offer may be rejected. The bid price must include all kinds of taxes, duties, all types of cess, insurance, transportation up to Paradip Port Trust and all other incidental costs, fees, cost of staging, cost of tools & tackles and all such requirements necessary for satisfactory execution of the work under this contract and shall be valid for the contract period till successful completion and acceptance of the works and/or services. No escalation shall be admissible during the execution of the contract except for variation in taxes and duties etc. due to change in regulation during the period starting from 15 days prior to the last date of submission of the bids and up to the original date of completion of the work. In case of changes in regulation during the extension period, no escalation shall be admissible if the extension is due to the fault of the Supplier. 5.0 CONTENTS OF THE TENDER DOCUMENT: VOL-I a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) Tender Call Notice (TCN) Instruction to Tenderers (IT) General Conditions of Contract (GCC) Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) Schedule of Requirements Bill of Quantity (BOQ) Bill entry format – Appendix - I. Techno-commercial information - Appendix-II Eligibility Information - Appendix-III. BG Format for EMD – Appendix-IV. BG Format for ISD – Appendix-V. BG Format for warranty performance deposit – Appendix-VI. BG Format for Advance Payment – Appendix – VII. Corporate Guarantee Format – Appendix –VIII. Performa Certificate of Commissioning of Goods– Appendix –IX Letter of Intent & Work Order Format– Appendix –X VOL-II TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS VOL-III SITE HEALTH AND SAFETY MANNUAL 6.0 SUBMISSION OF BIDS: All the pages of the Tender documents including the supporting documents enclosed by the bidder shall be duly signed by the bidder. Overwriting and/or erasures may result in disqualification of the offer. All the corrections must be initialed by the bidder. If the bid document has been down loaded from the web site of PPT, the bidder must enclose a Demand Draft drawn in favor of FA&CAO, Paradip Port Trust payable at Paradip towards the cost of the Tender document as mentioned in the TCN and Special Conditions of Contract (SCC). The sealed envelope must be superscripted with the name of the works and the TCN number. The completed Bid shall be submitted as per the instructions specified in the Tender Call Notice. Late receipt of bids shall not be accepted. Bids may be submitted by registered post, but PPT shall not be responsible for any postal delay. Hand delivery of the bid shall not be allowed. Bids must be put in the specified Tender Box before the box is closed. Any attempt to tamper with the Tender Box by any bidder in any manner may disqualify the bidder for participating in any tender of Electrical & Mechanical Department /PPT for a period of six months to two years and/or forfeiture of EMD, if any. The bidder shall not attempt to influence the bidding process in any manner till the completion of the bid evaluation and award of the work. Any such attempt by the bidder to influence the bidding process may result in dis-qualification of the bidder to participate in any tender of Paradip Port Trust for a period of 6 months to 2 years and/or forfeiture of the EMD. 7.0 BID OPENING: The bids shall be opened as per the schedule specified in the Tender Call Notice. Where the Price Bid is submitted in a separate envelope, the date of opening of the Price Bid shall be fixed later. The bidder shall produce the originals of the documents submitted by him in support of his eligibility for verification on the date of technical bid opening and the originals shall be returned to the bidder after verification on the same day. Failure to produce the originals for verification may result in rejection of the bid. The bidder must depute it’s authorized representative conversant with the tender requirements as well as the bidder’s offer so that the bidder’s representative can clarify the queries, if any, on his offer . The deviation statement submitted by the bidder in the prescribed format shall be read out to all the bidders present at the time of bid opening. 8.0 BID EVALUATION: (a) The price bids of only those eligible bidders who satisfy all the technical and commercial conditions as mentioned in the tender document shall be evaluated. The financial evaluation shall be made on the basis of the total price as indicated by the bidder in the “Bill of Quantity”, unless otherwise specified. Conditional offers may not be considered. In case of single cover system, the price offers of bidders who do not satisfy the eligibility criteria or do not meet the technical & commercial requirements as specified in the tender document may be declared as “invalid offer” and may not be taken into consideration. In case of “Rate Contract”, the offers submitted by the eligible bidders only shall be considered and the lowest offer for individual items shall be considered for acceptance. The bidders who accept all the item-wise lowest rates shall be permitted to enter into rate contract with PPT. In a situation where a bidder has quoted the lowest rate for an item which is abnormally low and not acceptable to other bidders, PPT reserves the right to award that item in favor of the lowest bidder and in the event the bidder does not perform as per the contract in carrying out the work for that particular item, PPT may de-list the bidder from the rate contract and disqualify the bidder from participating in any tender of PPT for a period of six months to two years. It is therefore strongly advised that the bidder must assess the exact nature of the work, the prevailing conditions and quote a realistic offer for each individual item in a responsible manner. Such failure by any bidder may also result in forfeiture of his security deposit, if any. Also, PPT reserves the right to delete any item from the Bill of Quantity in case the rate quoted by the bidders is abnormally high or low. (b) To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids the purchaser may, at its discretion, ask the bidder for a clarification of its bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing and no change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. (c) The Purchaser reserves the right to invite all the bidders for a clarification of their technical bids jointly and may make alterations in the scope of the bid in shape of addendum in order to bring all the eligible bidders to a common platform. In such cases where there is alterations in the technical scope, all the bidders shall be given opportunity to submit supplementary price bid with respect to the item in which alterations have been made. The price quoted in the supplementary price bid shall either be added to or subtracted from the original price quoted for that particular item where alterations have been made. Both the original as well as the supplementary bid shall be evaluated jointly. 9.0 AWARD OF CONTRACT: 9.1 The contract shall be awarded in favour of the successful bidder. 9.2 First, a Letter of Intent (LoI) shall be issued intimating the successful bidder (hereinafter called the “Supplier”) to furnish the Security Deposit and fulfil other formalities like furnishing non-judicial stamp papers worth Rs. 5/- in three sheets for drawal of agreement etc. 9.3 After completion of all other formalities, the work order shall be issued. 9.4 The Supplier shall be provided with a form of Agreement along with the acceptance of his Bid for execution of the Agreement. The Agreement shall have to be signed within 15 (Fifteen) days of issue of Letter of Intent. The Board of Trustees of Paradip Port Trust is not bound to accept the financially lowest bidder as the successful bidder. Paradip Port Trust reserves the right to split the work and award in favor of two or more bidders. In case of “Rate Contract”, the work shall be awarded in favor of those bidders who have entered into “Rate Contract” with PPT and the award of work shall be in turn. As far as practicable, the bidders shall be given equal opportunities to carry out the works under the “Rate Contract”. However, PPT is not bound to award work in favor of any or all the bidders who have signed the “Rate Contract”. The work shall be awarded only when the need arises, and when awarded, approved rate of the “Rate Contract” shall apply. For deciding the panel of the Suppliers entering in to the “Rate Contract”, the total price quoted in the “ Bill of Quantity “ shall be the criterion, i.e. the Bidder whose total price quoted in the “Bill of Quantity” is the lowest shall be placed at Sl. No.1 in the panel and so on. The Supplier who enters in to the “Rate Contract” shall maintain a Register and record the details of the work orders issued in his favor under the “Rate Contract” like the Work Order No. / Date & value, date of Commencement & Completion of the Work and produce the same to the EIC on request. 9.5 9.6 9.7 10.0 INITIAL SECURITY DEPOSIT (I.S.D.): Unless otherwise specified, within 15 (Fifteen) days of receipt of Letter of Intent, the Supplier shall furnish 5 % of the total Contract price in form of Bank Guarantee drawn in favour of FA & CAO, PPT. The Security Deposit (I.S.D.) shall be retained by the Port Trust till successful completion of the contract. The Initial Security Deposit may be forfeited in the event of failure on the part of the Supplier to fulfill the contractual obligations in all respect. The I. S. D. shall be returned within 30 days after successful completion and acceptance of the work . 11.0 PERFORMANCE SECURITY DEPOSIT: Performance security deposit shall be retained from the bills of the Supplier @ 5% of the bill amount, unless otherwise specified. The performance security amount shall be released after successful completion of the warranty period. The supplier may furnish BG of equivalent amount in which case 100% payment shall be released. In case of “Rate Contract”, either a fixed Security Deposit shall be taken from the bidders who have entered into “Rate Contract” with PPT or 5 % of the bill amount shall be deducted towards Security Deposit. The mode of Security Deposit shall be specified in the special conditions of contract. In the event it is not specified, then 5 % deduction from the bill shall apply. 12.0 TECHNO-COMMERCIAL REQUIREMENTS: INFORMATION AND ELIGIBILITY All the items in the Techno-commercial information and Eligibility Requirement sheets shall be duly filled in by the bidder and submitted with all documentary evidences wherever applicable. Incomplete sheets may result in rejection of the offer. The supporting documents must be signed by the bidder. The Bidder must correctly fill up the information required in these sheets as the evaluation shall be made on the basis of the data given in these sheets along with documentary evidences and any deficiency may result in return of the price bid un-opened or rejection of the price bid. The deviation statement must be filled up by the bidder. In case the bidder accepts all the commercial as well as technical requirements as laid down in the tender document, then “NIL” statement should be mentioned in the deviation statement. 13.0 TAXES AND DUTIES: It shall be entirely the responsibility of the bidder to include all the taxes, cess, fees, stamp duties and all other statutory services like excise duties, octroi, insurance & transport of goods and other incidental charges in the “Bill of Quantity”. However, price adjustment shall be allowed only in the event of changes in the legislation during the period commencing from 15 days prior to the last date of submission of bids and up to the original date of completion of the works under the contract in all respects and only if such change has effect on the quoted price. The Supplier shall promptly notify PPT about such changes in regulation with all supporting documents and its claim statement with proper justification. Price adjustment shall not be allowed after the original date of completion. However, Price Adjustments due to changes in the regulation during the extended period shall be allowed only if the Purchaser is solely responsible for the subject extension. 14.0 SITE CONDITIONS: The bidder, at his own risk and cost, shall assess the site condition and the exact nature of the work prior to submission of bids. No additional cost on account of site conditions and nature of work shall be permissible at a later stage. 15.0 EQUIPMENT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE: Where the Contract obligations include operation and / or maintenance of any machines/equipment, it shall be the responsibility of the Supplier to engage experienced and competent operators & technicians who can diligently deliver the intended services. Engagement of incompetent workmen for such type of work shall be treated as default on the part of the Supplier and may lead to termination of contract. The Engineer Incharge shall have the right to examine/test the competency of such workmen and if found unsuitable/unacceptable for the purpose, it shall be the responsibility of the Supplier to arrange for suitable replacement within a specific period as mentioned in the notice to this effect. 16.0 SUPPLY OF GOODS: (a) Goods and Services: Where the Contract obligations include supply of goods, the goods shall mean all of the equipment, machinery and / or other materials such as design, drawing, manuals and all such documents which the Supplier is required to supply to the purchaser under the contract. The services shall mean services ancillary to the supply of the goods such as transportation and insurance, installation, commissioning, technical assistance during installation and commissioning, training and other similar obligations of the Supplier and any other incidental services covered under the contract. (b) Goods shall Confirm to Standard: The goods supplied under the contract shall conform to the standard mentioned in the technical specification. When no applicable standard is mentioned, it shall conform to the authoritative and latest standard appropriate to the goods. (c) Supplier to Indemnify against third Party Claim: The Supplier shall indemnify the purchaser against all third party claims of infringement of patent, trademark or industrial design rights arising from the use of the goods or any part thereof by the purchaser. (d) Guaranted Performance: In case of supply of goods, the bidder shall state the guaranteed performance or efficiency in response to the technical specification. Equipment / goods having performance / productivity less than that specified in the technical specification may be rejected. (e) Packing of the Goods: The Supplier shall provide such packing of the goods as is required to prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their final destination as indicated in the contract. The packing shall be sufficient to withstand, without limitation, rough handling during transit and exposure to extreme temperatures, salt and precipitation during transit and open storage. Packing case size and weights shall take into consideration, where appropriate, the remoteness of the goods, final destination and the absence of heavy handling facilities at all points in the transit. The packing, marking and the documentation within and outside the packages shall comply strictly with such special requirements as shall be expressly provided for in the contract or any subsequent instruction ordered by the purchaser pursuant to Change Order: Clause 2.0 of SECTION-III (General Conditions of Contract). (f) Delivery of the Goods: Delivery of the goods shall be made by the Supplier in accordance with the terms specified by the purchaser in the contract. The Supplier shall provide 3 sets of instruction manuals for operation and maintenance of the equipment and also 3 sets of all technical drawings and documents which shall be necessary during the operation and maintenance. (g) Insurance: The goods supplied under the contract shall be fully insured by the Supplier at his own cost against loss or damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage and delivery in the manner specified in the contract. (h) Transportation: The Supplier shall be responsible to deliver the goods at its final destination as specified in the contract. (i) Incidental Services: Incidental services shall inter-alia include the following: Performance and supervision of on-site assembly and/ or start-off of the supplied goods; Performance or supervision or maintenance and / or repair of the supplied goods for a period of time agreed by the parties, provided that this service shall not relieve the Supplier of any warranty obligations under this contract. Conduct of training for the purchaser’s personnel, at the Supplier’s plant and / or on site in assembly, start-off, operation, maintenance and/or repair of the supplied goods. (j) Prices to be Agreed in Advance: Prices charged by the Supplier for the above incidental services, if not included in the contract price for the goods, shall be agreed upon in advance by the parties and shall not exceed the prevailing rates charged to other parties by the Supplier for similar services. (k) Spare parts: The Supplier may be required to provide materials pertaining to spare parts manufactured or distributed by the Supplier. Purchaser may elect to purchase spare parts from the Supplier provided that this election shall not relieve the Supplier of any warranty obligations under the contract. In the event of termination of production of spare parts, the Supplier shall notify the purchaser about the termination sufficiently in advance to permit the purchaser to procure the needed requirements. The Supplier shall, following such termination, furnish to the purchaser, at no cost, the blue prints, drawings and specifications of the spare parts if and when requested. (l) Break-up of Price: In case of supply of goods, the Supplier shall furnish a break-up of the landing cost of the goods clearly indicating the base cost, various taxes and duties including RD cess – if any, transport, insurance and other incidental for reference & record of the purchaser. However, the total landing cost of the goods indicated in the Bill of Quantity shall be considered for financial evaluation. 17. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT: The Supplier shall be solely responsible for carrying out the works having the highest regards for the safety of workers, persons at or in the vicinity of the site, the works and the property of the third parties. The Supplier shall take all necessary precautions to protect the environment and the Supplier shall also ensure that all the statutory regulations issued by any Government bodies or any statutory bodies in connection with environment protection are complied promptly. ACCOMODATION, TRANSPORT AND MEDICAL FACILITY: The Supplier, at his own cost, shall arrange for the accommodation, transport, gate pass and medical treatment of his staff. 18. 19. PORT TRUST RULES: The Supplier shall observe all the conservancy rules relating to the Harbor and shall comply with all the working rules of Paradip Port Trust as issued from time to time. 20. BRIBES: The Supplier shall refrain from giving or offering to give to any person any bribe, gift, gratuity or commission to influence the contract in any manner. Any such attempt by the Supplier may result in termination of the Contract and/or forfeiture of the initial security deposit, if any. 21. BANK GUARENTEE: The Supplier shall ensure that the Bank Guarantee shall bear the Tender Call Notice No. as the reference number and the reference number must be used in all the correspondences related to the Bank Guarantee to avoid delay. *********************************** GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT ( GCC ) INDEX Clause No 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 Description Use of Contract Document Change Orders Sub-Contracts Responsibility of the Supplier Supplier to Pay all Taxes Supplier to Act with due diligence Supplier to Protect interst of Purchaser Supplier to follow Metric System Design to Perform intended functions Supplier to Re-perform Supplier’s Responsibility for Total Project Management Supplier to plan timely Completion Supplier to utilize Economical Concepts Supplier to co-ordinate with Govt. Agencies Care of Works Opportunity for Other Suppliers Site free from Obstruction Site Account of Materials Execution and Timely Completion Liquidated Damage Tests and Inspection Acceptance Warranty Payment Extension in Supplier’s Performance Termination for Default Resolution of Dispute Force Majeur Insurance Compliance with Statute Indemnification Deduction Variations in Conditions Variation in Price Supply of Materials & Equipment Idle Charges Personal Protective Equipment Conduct Accident Watch and Ward Engineer – in – Charge Undertaking by Supplier SECTION – III GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT(GCC) 1.0 USE OF CONTRACT DOCUMENT: The Supplier shall not, without prior consent, make use of any document except for the purpose of performing this contract. 2.0 CHANGE ORDERS: At any time during the execution of the contract, by a written notice to the Supplier, changes may be made in the general scope of contract. The Engineer Incharge (EIC), with due approval of competent authority, may make any changes in the quality and/or quantity of the work or any part thereof that may, in his opinion, be necessary and for that purpose the Engineer Incharge shall have the power to order the Supplier to do and the Supplier shall do any of the following: a) b) c) d) e) Increase or decrease or split the quantity of work included in the contract, Omit any such work, Change the character, quality or kind of any such work, Change the dimensions of any such work, Execute additional work of any kind necessary for completion of the work under the contract, and no such change shall in any way vitiate or invalidate the contract but the cost, if any, arising out of all such changes shall be taken into account in ascertaining the total amount of the contract price. Where the rate is available in the contract and the same is applicable to the additional work, in the opinion of the EIC, the cost of the additional work shall be determined as per this available rate. But, if the rate for additional work is not available in the contract, the same shall be determined by the EIC taking into account the market rate and labour cost at the site for similar works and shall be final. 3.0 SUBCONTRACTS: The Supplier shall not sub-contract all or any part of this contract without getting PPT’s approval in writing and the Supplier shall guarantee that the subSupplier, for any part of the work under this contract will comply fully with the terms and conditions of the contract. 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SUPPLIER 4.1 Supplier to Pay all Taxes: The supplier shall pay all taxes, duties , fees, levies , RD Cess and all other imposition imposed by or under any authority in India as well as abroad in respect of all services, equipment, materials, goods and all other supplies. 4.2 Supplier to act with due diligence: The supplier shall carry out the obligations under the contract with due diligence and efficiency and in conformity with sound engineering, administrative and financial practices. 4.3 Supplier to Protect the interests of Purchaser: The supplier shall act at all times so as to protect the interests of the purchaser and will take reasonable steps to keep all the expenses to a minimum consistent with sound economic and engineering practices. 4.4 Supplier to follow Metric System: The supplier shall prepare all specifications and design using the metric systems incorporating the current design criteria. 4.5 Design to perform Intended function: The supplier shall undertake that the design will be suitable to achieve the objectives of the project and will perform the intended function for which it is designed. 4.6 Supplier to re-perform: The supplier shall, at its own cost and expense , upon request of the purchaser, re-perform the services in the event of supplier’s failure to exercise the skill and care required under sound engineering, administrative and financial practices. 4.7 Supplier ‘s Responsibility for Total Project Management: The supplier’s responsibility shall, inter alia , include total project management including detailed designs , drawings, specifications, construction, supervision, testing and commissioning of the project. 4.8 Supplier to Plan Timely Completion: The supplier shall plan the construction and procurement programme properly so as to achieve economical and timely completion of the project. 4.9 Supplier to utilize economical Concepts: The supplier shall at all times utilize the most economical, effective and widely accepted engineering concepts and design standards consistent with the project objectives. 4.10 Supplier to co-ordinate with Govt. Agencies: The supplier shall consult and cooordinate with the concerned government agencies/local authorities especially relating to the construction and/or other associated works. 4.11 Supplier Responsible for Care of Works: The supplier shall take full responsibility for the care of the works and materials and plant from the commencement date until the date of issue of the taking over certificate for the whole of the works when the responsibility of the said care shall pass to the purchaser. 4.12 Opportunity to Other Suppliers: The supplier shall, in accordance with the requirements of the engineer afford all reasonable opportunities to other Suppliers/ suppliers employed by the purchaser for carrying out their work. This opportunities shall also be extended to the workmen of the purchaser or the workmen of any duly constituted authorities who may be employed in the execution on or near the site of any work not included in the contract or of any contract which the purchaser may enter into in connection with or ancillary to the works. Pursuant to the above, the supplier shall on the written request of the engineer:a) b) c) Make available to any such other supplier or to the purchaser or any such authority, any roads or ways for the maintenance of which the supplier is responsible or Permit the use of any such temporary works or supplier’s equipment on the site or Provide any other services of what so ever nature. For providing the above, if requested by the Supplier, the engineer shall determine a reasonable addition to the contract price and shall notify the supplier accordingly. 4.13 Supplier to keep site free from Obstruction: During execution of work the supplier shall keep the site reasonably free from all unnecessary obstructions and shall store or dispose any supplier’s equipment and surplus materials and clear away and remove from the site any wreckage , rubbish or temporary works no longer required for the work. 4.14 Supplier to maintain Site Account of Materials: The supplier shall maintain site account of materials clearly indicating relevant information such as description of the material, source, date of delivery at site, date of consumption at site. The supplier shall forward a copy of monthly site account of materials to the Engineer in Charge at the end of every month. On completion of the work under the contract, the Supplier shall submit to the Engineer in Charge a copy of the site account of the materials from the date of commencement to completion of the work in all respect. 5.0 EXECUTION AND TIME OF COMPLETION: 5.1 The work must be executed diligently to the full satisfaction of the Engineer Incharge, strictly observing punctuality and discipline. 5.2 The Supplier shall plan the work in consultation with the designated Engineer Incharge so that there is least interruption in operation of the Port. In case the work has to be stopped intermittently for the aforementioned reasons or any other important activity of the Port, the Supplier shall not claim idle charges. 5.3 The work shall be completed in all respects within the time schedule as mentioned in the Tender Call Notice or as specified in the LoI / Work Order. 5.4 The Supplier shall commence the work in time, ensure the progress of the work, till completion in all respects, as per the agreed schedule failing which it shall be considered as a failure on part of Supplier to the Contract. 6.0 discharge it’s obligations under LIQUIDATED DAMAGE: (L. D.) Unless otherwise specified, in case of delay in completing the work, liquidated damage shall be charged to the Supplier at the rate of 1.0% of the contract value for a delay of one week or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10 % of the contract value if the original execution period is 90 days or more. Where the original execution period is less than 90 days, liquidated damage shall be charged to the Supplier at the rate of 0.5% of the contract price for a delay of one day or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of the contract value. Where the liquidated damage amount exceeds the maximum limit, the Purchaser reserves the right to terminate the contract and forfeit the Security Deposit. The L.D. cost shall be recovered from the bills of the Supplier. Where any deduction clause is provided, the deduction on account of defaults shall be evaluated independently and recovered from the bills. 7.0 TESTS & INSPECTIONS: 7.1 Purchaser’s Right to Inspect: The Board or its representative shall have the right to inspect the work being carried out in this contract and to test the goods or services to ascertain their conformity to the specifications. The Board shall notify the Supplier, in writing, of the identity of any representative retained for this purpose. However, the Engineer Incharge shall have the right to test and inspect the work as a whole. 7.2 Supplier to Assist the Inspector: The inspections and the tests may be conducted in the premises of the Supplier during the work in progress and at the point of delivery. All reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to drawings and production date, shall be furnished to the inspectors by the Supplier. 7.3 Purchaser’s Right to Reject: If any inspected or tested goods and/or services fail to conform to the specifications, the Board may reject them, and the Supplier shall either replace them or make all necessary alterations to meet the requirements of the specifications, free of cost to the Board. 7.4 Purchaser’s Right to Reject at Site : The Board’s right to inspect, test, and where necessary, reject the goods and/or services after arrival at the site of installation, shall in no way be limited or waived by reason of the goods or services having been previously inspected, tested and passed by the Board or its representative prior to the despatch of goods. 7.5 Purchaser’s Right to Verify the Authenticity: The Board may conduct inspection to ascertain the authenticity of the technical offers made by the Supplier. In the event of any document submitted by the Supplier or any information provided by the bidder found, during the execution of the contract, to be fraudulent or forged or false, the contract may be terminated and/or the Supplier may be debarred from participating in any tender of Electrical & Mechanical Department for a period of six (6) months to two (2) years and the EMD and/or Security Deposit may be forfeited. 7.6 Nothing in this Clause 6.0 shall in any way release the Supplier of any warranty or other obligations under this contract. 8.0 ACCEPTANCE: Upon completion of work under this contract, the Board may accept the works and/or services after installation, if defects or shortcomings are not considered essential and, the Supplier agrees to make good the deficiencies in confirmation with this contract. No work shall be accepted before the Supplier clears the site of scraps, unused materials, work shed, equipment and all such materials which were used for execution of the work and not required any more at the work site. Also, the Supplier has to submit all the documents and final “as built ” drawings as per the contract agreement without which no work shall be treated as complete. 9.0 WARRANTY: 9.1 The warranty period shall be valid up to six / twelve months (6 months for repairs and 12 months for new works including supplied items) with effect from the date of acceptance of the work and/or services, unless otherwise specified in the scope of work / Special Conditions of Contract (SCC). 9.2 The Supplier shall warrant the Board that the goods and services under this contract will comply strictly with the contract, shall be first class in every particular case and, shall be free from defects. The Supplier shall further warrant the Board that all materials, equipment and the supplies furnished by him will be new and fit for their intended purposes. 9.3 The Board shall promptly notify the Supplier in writing of any claim arising under this Warranty. Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier shall promptly repair or replace the defective goods and/or services at no cost to the Board. 9.4 If the Supplier, having been notified, fails to remedy the defects in accordance with the contract, the Board may proceed to take such remedial action as may be necessary, at the Supplier’s expense. 10.0 PAYMENT TERMS: 10.1 The Supplier shall submit pre-receipted bills in duplicate as specified in the Work Order / Letter of Intent. 10.2 Completed Bill Entry Format issued by the Engineer In-charge and the warranty certificate issued by the Supplier shall be attached to the bills. 10.3 Unless otherwise specified, 95 % of the contract price shall be released for payment within 15 days of submission of bills completed in all respects and the balance 5 % of the contract price shall be released within 30 days after successful completion of the warranty period. The Supplier may submit Bank Guarantee, valid up to 30 days after the warranty period, for the balance 5 % in which case 100 % of the contract price shall be released for payment. 10.4 Payment shall be made for the actual quantity executed. 11.0 EXTENSIONS IN THE SUPPLIER’S PERFORMANCE: The Supplier may claim extension of the time limits in case of: (a) (b) Changes ordered by the Board pursuant to Cl. 2.0 of this Section; Delay in supply of any materials or services which are to be provided by the Board (Services by the Board shall be interpreted to include all approvals as well as access to the site); (c) Force Majeure; (d) Delay in performance of work caused by orders issued by Board. The Supplier shall submit the claim clearly indicating the justification for such extension and with necessary documentary evidence. 12.0 TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT: 12.1 The Board may, without any prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of default sent to the Supplier, terminate the contract in whole or in part: (i) (ii) 12.2 if the Supplier fails to execute the work within the period as specified in the contract, or any extension granted by the Board; if the Supplier fails to perform any other obligation under the contract and if the Supplier does not cure, after receipt of a notice of default, its failure within the time specified in the notice. The notice of default shall specify the nature of default as well as the time within which the default has to be cured by the Supplier. In the event of Board’s termination of the contract in whole or in part, the Board may execute the remaining work or procure goods similar to those undelivered by the Supplier, and the Supplier shall remain liable to the Board for any excess cost for such works or goods and risks, if any. 12.3 The Board will pay the Supplier, for all the items that are completed and ready for delivery, within 30 days after the Supplier’s receipt of notice of termination and, cancel the remainder and pay the Supplier an agreed amount for partially completed goods and for materials previously procured by the Supplier for the purpose of the contract, together with a reasonable allowance for overhead and profit. The payment shall be made only after all the afore-mentioned goods are supplied to and accepted by Paradip Port Trust. 12.4 In case of termination of contract for default by the Supplier, the Board may not permit the Supplier to participate in any of the tender of Port Trust for a period of six (6) months to two (2) years from the date of termination. 12.5 In case of a Rate Contract, the Supplier may be de-listed and the Rate Contract may be terminated by PPT if the performance of the Supplier is found to be unsatisfactory. 12.6 The contract may be terminated by either party on mutual agreement by giving written notice to the other, at least 30 days in advance and neither party shall have any right of any claim on the other on account of such termination. 13.0 RESOLUTION OF DISPUTE: The Board and the Supplier shall make every effort to resolve amicably, by direct informal negotiations, any disagreement or dispute arising between them in connection with the contract. However, in case of failure of negotiation, the matter shall be referred to the Chairman, PPT whose decision shall be final and binding on both the parties. Neither party shall have the right to commence Arbitration to resolve any dispute and all such disputes which could not be settled shall be subjected to the jurisdiction of Courts at Jagatsinghpur. The contract shall be governed by The Indian Contract Act, 1872. 14.0 FORCE MAJEURE: 14.1 In the event that the Supplier is delayed in performing its obligations in the contract, and such delay is caused by force majeure including war, civil resurrection, strikes (other than the strike solely by the Supplier’s men), fire, flood, epidemics, earthquakes, extremely adverse climatic conditions, such delay may be excused and the period of such delay may be added to the time of performance of the obligations without any addition to the contract price. 14.2 If a force majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Board in writing of such condition and the cause thereof, but not later than 7 days from it’s occurrence. Unless otherwise directed by the Board in writing, the Supplier shall continue to perform its obligations under the contract as far as reasonably practicable. The Supplier shall demonstrate to the Board’s satisfaction that it has used its best endeavours to avoid or overcome such causes of delay and the parties will mutually agree upon remedies to mitigate or overcome such causes of delay without having any right to any claim on account of such force majeure. 14.3 In any other situation, which is beyond the reasonable control of the Supplier in the opinion of the Engineer Incharge, and the Supplier has promptly notified the Board in writing about such situation, it may be considered as “Force Majeure” situation. 15.0 INSURANCE: 15.1 All the men/women to be deployed by the Supplier for performing the contract shall be insured against accidents/death, by the Supplier at his own cost. The Supplier shall make arrangement to take the workers inside the prohibited area at his own cost. 15.2 The Supplier shall indemnify the Board against all losses and claims in case of death or injury to any person engaged by him during the execution of the work. 16.0 COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTES, REGULATIONS: The Supplier shall comply in all respects, with all statutes and regulations as may be necessary, including clearance from State/Central Govt. authorities, labour enforcement and local authorities. The Supplier shall, at all times during the continuance of the contract, so far as it may be necessary, comply with all existing enactments including Central and State legislation as well as any by-laws of any local authorities regarding labour, particularly the Minimum wages Act, Factories Act, Workmen’s Compensation Act, Employees’ Provident Fund and Family Pension Fund Act, Employees’ State Insurance Act, Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, Payment of Wages Act, Maternity Benefit Act, National and Festival Holidays Act, Shop and Establishment Act, The Apprentice Act and keep the Employer indemnified against any loss or claim arising out of contravention of the provisions of the above said enactments by the Supplier. The price quoted by the Supplier in the Bill of Quantity shall be deemed to include all expenses whatsoever the Supplier may be required to incur for the compliance with the provisions of the above said legislation. The Supplier shall make necessary arrangements for the Employer to witness the payment made by the Supplier to his staff and labour. 17.0 INDEMNIFICATION: The Supplier shall indemnify, protect and defend at its own cost, Paradip Port Trust and its agents and employees from and against any and all actions, claims, losses or damages arising out of (a) any violation by the Supplier in course of its execution of the contract of any legal provisions or any right of third parties; (b) Supplier’s failure to exercise the skill and care required for satisfactory execution of the contract. 18.0 DEDUCTION: 18.1 Deduction of taxes at source shall be made from the bill of the Supplier in accordance with the prevailing rules of Paradip Port Trust. 18.2 While performing under the contract, the damages caused by the Supplier or his workmen to any of the Port Trust property shall be promptly made good by the Supplier at his own cost. In case the Supplier fails to repair/replace the damage, Paradip Port Trust shall have the right to take steps to make good the damages and all the cost on this account shall be recovered from the bills of the Supplier or any money due to the Supplier from this contract or any other contract or any other transaction. In determination of the damage, the opinion of the Engineer Incharge (EIC) shall be conclusive. 18.3 Any dues arising out of failure on the part of the Supplier to carry out any obligation under the contract shall be deducted from the bills of the Supplier or from any money due to the Supplier from this contract or any other contract. 18.4 In case of dispute between the Supplier and its sub-Supplier, PPT shall have the right to withhold adequate money from the dues of the Supplier till the Supplier settles the dispute with its sub-Supplier and submits documentary evidences in support of such settlement. PPT shall also have the right to make payment to the sub-Supplier directly for that part of the sub-Supplier’s claim which has been certified for payment by the Supplier but not paid. 19.0 VARIATION IN CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT : In case of any variation in Instructions to Bidders (ITB), General Conditions of Contract (GCC) and Special Conditions of Contract (SCC), the Special Conditions of Contract – if any, shall prevail. But in case of any requirement / condition specified in the Scope of Work, it shall prevail over all other conditions. In case of any variation in the tender document which was sold to the bidder and which was down loaded by the bidder from the web site, the former shall prevail. For Agreement purpose, the tender document which is sold by the Department shall be used. 20.0 VARIATION IN PRICE OFFER: There should not be any overwriting, erasure and corrections in the price offer. In case of variation between the amount quoted in words & figures, the amount quoted in words shall prevail and in case of variation between rate and amount, the quoted rate shall prevail. 21.0 SUPPLY OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: On request of the Supplier, Port Trust may supply materials and/or provide equipment to the Supplier for the work subject to availability and Supplier’s acceptance of the prevailing Port Trust conditions. On request of the Purchaser (PPT), to avoid delay, the Supplier shall supply materials / spares which are not available with PPT and not included in the scope of the Supplier and payment for such supply shall be made by PPT as per actual on the basis of documentary evidences like purchase vouchers etc. 22.0 IDLE CHARGES: All efforts shall be made for timely supply of materials and/or equipments where it is included in the scope of Paradip Port. However, the Supplier shall not be entitled to any idle charges for delay in supply of materials and/or equipment by the Port Trust. Further, in case of any delay due to stoppage of work ordered by the Port Trust to avoid interruption in other important activities of Port Trust, the Supplier shall not claim any idle charges. 23.0 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: (PPE) The Supplier shall be solely responsible, at his own cost, for the supply of required PPE to his workers and staff and he shall also ensure the use of PPE such as helmets, nose masks, hand gloves etc. by his staff at site. 24.0 CONDUCT: The Supplier, at all times during execution of the contract, shall take all measures to prevent any unlawful, riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst his staff at the site and for the preservation of peace and protection of persons and property at the work site as well as in the neighbourhood of the works. 25.0 ACCIDENT: The Supplier shall, within 24 hours of the occurrence of any accident, at or about the work site or in connection with execution of the contract, report such accidents to the Engineer Incharge giving all the details. He shall also provide additional information about the accident as requested by the EIC. 26.0 WATCH AND WARD: During the execution of the contract, it shall be the responsibility of the Supplier to arrange watch and ward of the work including the raw materials, machineries and equipment used for the work at his own cost till the contract is completed in all respects and accepted by PPT. 27.0 ENGINEER INCHARGE: (EIC) The EIC of this contract shall be as specified in the LoI / Work Order. 28.0 UNDERTAKING BY THE SUPPLIER: Having understood all the terms and conditions of the tender document and having assessed the site conditions, we hereby confirm that the price offered by us is a firm price and includes all the taxes, duties, fees, Cess etc. and all other incidental charges. Seal: Date: SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER SECTION- IV: SPECIAL CONDITION OF CONTRACT INDEX Clause no. DESCRIPTION 1. BID SUBMISSION PROCEDURE 2. DOWNLOADING BID DOCUMENT FROM THE WEBSITE 3. PRE-BID MEETING 4. DATE OF COMMENCEMENT & COMPLETION OF WORK 5. TIME IS THE ESSENCE OF THE CONTRACT 6. PURCHASER’S RIGHT TO AMEND TENDER DOCUMENT 7.0 PURCHASER’S REPRESENTATIVE 7.1 &7.2 PURCHASER’S REPRESENTATIVE’S DEFN. DUTIES AND AUTHORITY 7.3 NOMINEE OF PURCHASER’S REPRESENTATIVE 7.4 PURCHASER’ S REPRESENTATIVE AUTHORITY TO DELEGATE 7.5 INSTRUCTION’S IN WRITING 7.6 PURCHASER’S REPRESENTATIVE TO ACT IMPARTIALLY 8.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENTATION 8.1 DESIGN 8.2 CONFORMITY WITH DESIGN 8.3 SUPPLY OF DOCUMENTS BY PURCHASER 8.4 DISCREPANCIES 8.5 DESIGN AND DOCUMENTATION SUBMISSION 8.6 DIMENSIONS 8.7 AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTS 9.0 MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONS 9.1 ASSIGNMENT OF SUB-SUPPLIERS’ OBLIGATION 9.2 SITE OPERATIONS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION 9.3 INSPECTION OF SITE 9.4 ACCESS TO DATA 9.5 CASH FLOW ESTIMATE TO BE SUBMITTED 9.6 SUPPLIER’S SUPERINTENDENCE 9.7 LANGUAGE ABILITY OF SUPPLIER’S REPRESENTATIVE 9.8 SUPPLIER’S EMPLOYEES 9.9 PURCHASER’S REPRESENTATIVE AT LIBERTY TO OBJECT 9.10 LANGUAGE-ABILITY OF SUPERINTENDING STAFF 9.11 EMPLOYMENT OF LOCAL PERSONNEL 9.12 COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTES AND REGULATIONS 9.13 PATENT RIGHTS 9.14 INTERFERENCE WITH TRAFFIC AND ADJOINING PROPERTIES 9.15 WATERBORNE VESSELS OR CONSTRUCTIONAL PLANT 9.16 AVOIDANCE OF DAMAGE TO ROADS 9.17 9.18 8.19 9.20 9.21 9.22 9.23 9.24 9.25 9.26 9.27 9.28 9.29 9.30 9.31 9.32 9.33 9.34 9.35 9.36 9.37 9.38 9.39 9.40 9.41 9.42 9.43 9.44 9.45 9.46 9.47 9.48 9.49 9.50 9.51 9.52 9.53 9.54 9.55 9.56 9.57 9.58 9.59 9.60 9.61 10.0 10.1 TRANSPORT OF SUPPLIER’S EQUIPMENT OR TEMPORARY WORKS: TRANSPORT OF MATERIALS OR PLANT OPPORTUNITIES FOR OTHER SUPPLIERS: FACILITIES FOR OTHER SUPPLIER SUPPLIER TO KEEP SITE CLEAR CLEARANCE OF SITE ON COMPLETION COST OF TESTS COST OF TESTS NOT PROVIDED FOR INSPECTION AND TESTING DATES FOR INSPECTION AND TESTING REJECTION REMOVAL OF IMPROPER WORKS, MATERIALS OR PLANT SUSPENSION OF WORK PURCHASER’S REPRESENTATIVE’S DETERMINATION FOLLOWING SUSPENSION SUSPENSION LASTING MORE THAN 84 DAYS RESTRICTION ON WORKING HOURS DAY WORK NOTICE OF CLAIMS CONTEMPORARY RECORDS SUBSTANTIATION OF CLAIMS FAILURE TO COMPLY PAYMENT OF CLAIMS SUPPLIER’S EQUIPMENT, TEMPORARY WORKS AND MATERIALS, EXCLUSIVE USE FOR THE WORKS: CUSTOMS CLEARANCE RE-EXPORT OF SUPPLIER’S EQUIPMENT DEFINITION OF “NOMINATED SUB-SUPPLIERS” NOMINATED SUB-SUPPLIERS : OBJECTION TO NOMINATION PAYMENTS TO NOMINATED SUB-SUPPLIERS CERTIFICATION OF PAYMENTS TO NOMINATED SUBSUPPLIERS DEFAULT OF SUPPLIER & TERMINATION VALUATION AT DATE OF EXPULSION PAYMENT AFTER EXPULSION URGENT REMEDIAL WORK OUTBREAK OF WAR REMOVAL OF SUPPLIER’S EQUIPMENT ON TERMINATION PAYMENT IF CONTRACT TERMINATED PAYMENT IN THE EVENT OF RELEASE FROM PERFORMANCE DEFAULT OF PURCHASER DUE TO INSULVENCY BRIBES JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY DETAILS TO BE CONFIDENTIAL DRAWINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE WORKS THE APPRENTICES ACT 1961 SUPPLY OF PLANT, MATERIALS AND LABOUR GATE PASSES WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 10.2 10.3 11.0 11.1 11.2 12.0 12.1 12.2 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 24.0 25.0 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. HEALTH AND SAFETY PLANS SITE HEALTH AND SAFETY MANUAL FOR SUPPLIERS SITE FACILITIES FACILITIES SUPPLIED BY THE SUPPLIER FACILITIES SUPPLIED BY PURCHASER PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMS PROGRESS REPORTING RECEIPT OF MATERIAL AT SITE PURCHASE ORDERS PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER SUPPLIER RESTORATION OF OTHER SUPPLIER/SUPPLIERS’ WORKS EXISTING SERVICES PORT TRUST RULES PURCHASER’S SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT PROVISIONAL SUMS COMPLIANCE WITH LABOUR REGULATIONS CHANGES IN COST AND LEGISLATION PRICE ADJUSTMENT OTHER CHANGES IN COST SUBSEQUENT LEGISLATION GENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE SUPPLIER ANNUAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION OF THE MACHINE FOR 5 YEARS PAYMENT DEDUCTION ON DEFAULT FINAL INSPECTION, ACCEPTANCE & PAYMENT SUPPLY OF SPARES SUPPLY OF CONSUMABLES PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (P.P.E) CONDUCT ACCIDENT WATCH AND WARD SECTION - IV SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (SCC) 1. BID SUBMISSION PROCEDURE. 1.1 The Bidder shall enclose EMD of specified amount in specified shape, copies of documents in support of their eligibility with Eligibility Information Sheet (AppendixIII) duly filled up and Techno-Commercial Information Sheet with Deviation Statement (Appendix-II) duly filled up in the envelope No. 1. 1.2 The technical offer along with tender document signed on all the pages by the bidder except the Bill of Quantity must be enclosed in the envelope No.2. 1.3 Only the Bill of Quantity shall be enclosed in the envelope No.3. All the 3 envelopes must be enclosed and sealed in an outer envelope and submitted to the address as given in the Tender Call Notice. 1.4 On each of the envelopes the Tender Call Notice No., Name of the work and the bidder’s mailing address must be clearly written. 1.5 On the date of bid opening the bidder’s representative shall identify the documents in support of the bidder’s eligibility and deviation statement, if any. 1.6 Paradip Port Trust reserves the right to verify the original documents of the bidders as and when necessary. If the No. 1 envelope does not contain the EMD, copies of the documents in support of eligibility and deviations statement, then the No. 2 and No. 3 envelopes may be returned unopened. 1.7 In case of no deviation, it may please be noted that the bidder must submit a NIL deviation statement duly signed by the authorized signatory of the bidder. 2. DOWNLOADING BID DOCUMENT FROM THE WEBSITE : The bidders who intend to download the tender document from the website must keep track of the tender in the website at their own risk and down load any corrigendum and/or addendum or any change in the schedule or any other relevant information issued in respect of the subject tender. The Bidders who intend to participate in the tender by downloading the bid document must enclose the cost of the tender document in shape of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of FA&CAO, Paradip Port Trust, payable in any Nationalised bank at Paradip. The Demand Draft towards the cost of the tender documents shall be enclosed in the envelope No.1. 3. PRE-BID MEETING : For pre-bid meeting, the bidder must depute its authorized and responsible representative to participate in the pre-bid discussion so that any ambiguities in interpretation of the tender conditions/requirements may be clarified for smooth evaluation of the bids. The pre-bid meeting is scheduled to be held at 1530 hrs on 01.08.06 in the chamber of Superintending Engineer, IOHP, PPT. The Bidders are advised to visit the site on 01.08.06 at 1000 hrs to assess the exact nature of work. 4. DATE OF COMMENCEMENT & COMPLETION OF WORK : The date of commencement shall be treated from the date of issue of LOI and shall be completed within 20 months including Sundays & holidays from the date of issue of LOI. The work at site shall be planned and executed in such a manner that no hindrance to the operation of the plant will occur. Shutdown , if any, required for erection work, shall be planned to the minimum extent possible and it must be approved by the Port Trust in advance. The number of days for which the work shall be hampered due to non-availability of the above mentioned shut down of the plant, the same will not be counted towards the above stipulated days specified for completion of work. No other compensation will be given to the supplier for nonavailability of the shut down for final erection due to any reason. 5 TIME IS THE ESSENCE OF THE CONTRACT : Time is the essence of the contract and the supplier shall ensure that all the obligations under the contract shall have to completed within the specified time, failing which, the supplier shall be responsible for compensating any loss suffered by the purchaser due to the delay caused by non-performance by the supplier. This shall, inter alia, include the business loss to the purchaser. Unless otherwise specified, any time extension granted to the supplier shall not absolve the Supplier from the responsibility of compensating the purchaser for all kind of losses suffered by the Purchaser because of the non-performance by the supplier. 6. PURCHASER’S RIGHT TO AMEND TENDER DOCUMENT : Purchaser reserves the right to incorporate amendments to the tender document on the basis of the outcome of the joint pre-bid discussion including extension of last date of submission of bids. 7. PURCHASER’S REPRESENTATIVE 7.1 The Purchaser’s Representative is any Engineer / Officer authorized by PPT in the letter of intent (LOI) and / 0r Work Order. 7.2 Purchaser’s Representative’s Duties and Authority. (a) The Purchaser’s Representative shall carry out the duties specified in the Contract. (b) The Purchaser’s Representative may exercise the authority specified in or necessary to be implied from the Contract with the specific approval of the Purchaser. (c) Except as expressly stated in the Contract, the Purchaser’s Representative shall have no authority to relieve the Supplier of any of his obligations under the Contract. 7.3 NOMINEE OF PURCHASER’S REPRESENTATIVE The Nominee shall be appointed by and be responsible to the Purchaser’s Representative and shall carry out such duties and exercise such authority as may be delegated to him by the Purchaser’s Representative. 7.4 PURCHASER’S REPRESENTATIVE AUTHORITY TO DELEGATE The Purchaser’s Representative may from time to time delegate to the Nominee of the Purchaser’s Representative any of the duties and authorities vested in the Purchaser’s Representative and he may at any time revoke such delegation. Any such delegation or revocation shall be in writing and shall not take effect until a copy thereof has been delivered to the Purchaser and the Supplier. Any communication given by the Nominee to the Supplier in accordance with such delegation shall have the same effect as though it had been given by the Purchaser’s Representative provided that (a) (b) 7.5 any failure of the Nominee to disapprove any work, materials or plant shall not prejudice the authority of the Purchaser’s Representative to disapprove such work, materials or plant and to give instructions for the rectification thereof. if the Supplier questions any communication of the Nominee he may refer the matter to the Purchaser’s Representative who shall confirm, reverse or vary the contents of such communication. INSTRUCTIONS IN WRITING Instructions given by the Purchaser’s Representative shall be in writing provided that if for any reason the Purchaser’s Representative considers it necessary to give any such instruction orally the Supplier shall comply with such instruction. Confirmation in writing of such oral instruction given by the Purchaser’s Representative, whether before or after carrying out of the instruction shall be deemed to be an instruction within the meaning of this sub-clause. Provided further that if the Supplier, within 7 days, confirms in writing to the Purchaser’s Representative any oral instruction of the Purchaser’s Representative and such confirmation is not contradicted in writing within 7 days by the Purchaser’s Representative it shall be deemed to be an instruction of the Purchaser’s Representative. The provisions of this sub-clause shall equally apply to instructions given by the Nominee. 7.6 PURCHASER’S REPRESENTATIVE TO ACT IMPARTIALLY Whenever, in the Contract, the Purchaser’s Representative is required to exercise his discretion by : (a) (b) (c) (d) giving his decision, opinion or consent or expressing his satisfaction or approval or determining value or otherwise taking action which may affect the rights and obligations of the Purchaser or the Supplier. he shall exercise such discretion impartially within the terms of the Contract and having regard to all of the circumstances. 7.7 The Purchaser’s Representative shall obtain the specific approval of the Purchaser before taking any of the following actions : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) approving subletting of any part of the supply and services. certifying additional cost. Determining an extension of time. Issuing a variation (except in an emergency situation, as reasonably determined by the Purchaser’s Representative). fixing rates or prices. 8. DESIGN AND DOCUMENTATION 8.1 DESIGN The Supplier warrants to the Purchaser that the Supplier shall exercise proper professional skill, care and due diligence in all design work, design development and documentation to ensure that the Goods and services comply with all of the requirements of the Contract and are fit for their intended purposes. Notwithstanding that the Purchaser, the Purchaser’s Representative or their respective employees, agents or suppliers may be given copies of or approve any conceptual design, the correctness of the design, development, documentation, manufacture, fabrication, installation, erection or construction documents shall be the sole responsibility of the Supplier. 8.2 CONFORMITY WITH DESIGN When the work under the Contract includes design, the Supplier shall exercise proper professional skill, care and due diligence in the superintendence, administration, design, manufacture, fabrication, supply, transportation, installation, erection, construction, testing and commissioning of the work under the Contract so as to ensure that the works are in accordance with the contract and are fit for their intended purposes. 8.3 SUPPLY OF DOCUMENTS BY PURCHASER The Purchaser shall provide the Supplier with the documents comprising the Contract. The Purchaser shall supply to the Supplier the number of copies of such documents stated in the contract or, if no number is stated, then 2 copies. The Supplier shall not use, copy or reproduce the documents provided by the Purchaser for any purpose other than the work under the Contract. The documents supplied by the Purchaser shall remain the property of the Purchaser and shall be returned by the Supplier to the Purchaser upon the Purchaser’s Representative’s written demand. 8.4 DISCREPANCIES Immediately upon becoming aware of any significant ambiguity, error, omission in or conflict or discrepancy between any of the documents provided by the Purchaser including without limitation the Technical Specification or the Drawings, which affects the Supplier’s ability to carry out the work under the Contract in accordance with the requirements of the contract, the Supplier shall give written notice thereof to the Purchaser’s Representative. The Purchaser’s Representative shall direct the Supplier as to the interpretation to be followed. If the direction causes the Supplier to incur more or less cost than the Supplier could have reasonably anticipated at the time of tendering, the difference shall be valued under Clause 17.2 ( Valuation of Variation) of General Conditions of Contract. 8.5 DESIGN AND DOCUMENTATION SUBMISSION The Supplier shall provide the Purchaser’s Representative with the design documentation and any other documentation required by the Contract including documents to be used for manufacture, fabrication, supply, transportation, installation, erection, construction, testing and commissioning by the dates or within the periods stated in the contract or if no dates or periods are stated before proceeding with the work under the contract to which such documents and other things relate. It shall be the Supplier’s responsibility to make submissions to the Purchaser’s Representative in sufficient time to avoid delay and disruption to the work under the Contract, making due allowance for the potential for rejection and the requirement for re-design, re-documentation and re-submission by the Supplier. The Supplier shall comply with any specific requirements for submissions set out in the Contract in connection with submission of the above documentation. (a) within 14 days after receipt of the submission, the Purchaser’s Representative shall inform the Supplier whether it has any comments on the submission, or whether additional time or information is required in which to reach a decision. (b) acceptance and or approval of submission by the Purchaser’s Representative shall in no way release the supplier from any obligation under the contract or relieve the supplier from responsibility for the correctness of the submissions. the Purchaser’s Representative’s approval, review, comments or failure to approve, review or make any comments shall not relieve the Supplier from responsibility for the Supplier’s errors or omissions or from compliance with the requirements of the Contract. (c) (d) (e) if the Purchaser’s Representative rejects part or all of a submission, the Supplier shall promptly make an amended or new submission, and the contract price and the date for commissioning of goods shall all be regarded as containing adequate allowance for (i) any cost, loss, expense or damage incurred by the Supplier in making submission to the Purchaser’s Representative and (ii) any delay or disruption in or in connection with fulfilling the Purchaser’s Representative’s requirements. including without limitation for any re-design, re-documentation, or resubmission process and any delay in connection therewith. 8.6 DIMENSIONS Where any discrepancy exists between figured and scaled dimensions, the figured dimensions shall prevail. 8.7 AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTS During the execution of the work under the contract, the Supplier shall have, available at all times at the Site and other locations where the work under the contract is carried out, a complete set of documents which relate to the work under the contract carried out at each location for reference by the Purchaser’s Representative and other persons nominated in writing by the Purchaser’s Representative. 9. MISCELLANEOUS CONDITIONS 9.1 ASSIGNMENT OF SUB-SUPPLIERS’ OBLIGATIONS In the event of a Sub-Supplier having undertaken towards the Supplier in respect of the work executed, or the goods, material, plant or services supplied by such Sub-Supplier, any continuing obligation extending for a period exceeding that of the warranty period under the contract, the Supplier shall at any time, after the expiration of such period, assign to the Purchaser, at the Purchaser’s request, the benefit of such obligation for the un-expired duration thereof. 9.2 SITE OPERATIONS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION The Supplier shall take full responsibility for the adequacy, stability and safety of all Site operations and methods of construction. Provided that the Supplier shall not be responsible (except as stated hereunder or as may be otherwise agreed) for the design or specification of Permanent Works or for the design or specification of any Temporary Works not prepared by the Supplier. Where the Contract expressly provides that part of the Permanent Works shall be designed by the Supplier, he shall be fully responsible for that part of such Works notwithstanding any approval by the Purchaser’s Representative. The Supplier shall promptly notify the Purchaser and the Purchaser’s Representative of any error, omission, fault or any other defect in the design of or specifications for the works which he discovered when reviewing the contract documents or in the process of execution of the works. 9.3 Inspection of site The Supplier shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the Site and its surroundings and obtained all information available in connection therewith and to have satisfied himself (so far as is practicable having regard to considerations of cost and time) before submitting his Tender as to : (a) (b) (c) (d) 9.4 the form and nature of the site , including the sub-surface conditions. the hydrological and climatic conditions. the extent and nature of work and materials necessary for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein, and the means of access to the Site and the accommodation he may require and in general shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information, as to risks, contingencies and all other circumstances which may influence or affect his tender. Access to data Available data with the Purchaser may be inspected at The Office of Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Paradip Port Trust, Paradip. 9.5 Cash-Flow Estimate to be Submitted The Supplier shall within 28 days after the date of the Notification of Award, provide to th Purchaser’s Representative for his information a detailed cash flow estimate, in quarterly periods of all payments to which the Supplier will be entitled under the Contract and the Supplier shall subsequently supply revised cash flow estimates at quarterly intervals, if required to do so by the Purchaser’s Representative. The cash flow estimate to be submitted by the Supplier must clearly indicate the activities based on which it has been prepared. 9.6 Supplier’s Superintendence The Supplier shall provide all necessary superintendence during the execution of the Works and as long thereafter as the Purchaser’s Representative may consider necessary for the proper fulfilling of the Supplier’s obligations under the Contract. The Supplier or a competent and authorized representative approved by the Purchaser’s Representative, which approval may at any time be withdrawn, shall give his whole time to the superintendence of the Works. Such authorized representative shall receive, on behalf of the Supplier, instruction from the Purchaser’s Representative or, subject to the provisions of clause 1.4 of SCC the Nominee of the Purchaser’s Representative. If approval of the representative is withdrawn by the Purchaser’s Representative, the Supplier shall, as soon as is practicable, having regard to the requirement of replacing as hereinafter mentioned, after receiving notice of such withdrawal, remove the representative from the Works and shall not thereafter employ him again on the Works in any capacity and shall replace him by another representative approved by the Purchaser’s Representative. 9.7 Language Ability of Supplier’s Representative If the Supplier’s authorised representative is not in the opinion of the Purchaser’s Representative, fluent in English language, the Supplier shall have available on Site at all times a competent interpreter to ensure the proper transmission of instructions and information. It is strongly advised that the representative should have basic knowledge of the local language. 9.8 Supplier’s Employees The Supplier shall provide on the Site in connection with the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein (a) (b) 9.9 only such technical assistance as are skilled and experienced in their respective callings and such foremen and leading hands as are competent to give proper superintendence of the Works and such skilled, semi skilled and unskilled labour as is necessary for the proper and timely fulfilling of the Supplier’s obligations under the Contract. Purchaser’s Representative at Liberty to Object The Purchaser’s Representative shall be at liberty to object to and require the Supplier to remove forthwith from the Works any person provided by the Supplier who in the opinion of the Purchaser’s Representative, misconducts himself, or is incompetent or negligent in the proper performance of his duties or whose presence on Site is otherwise considered by the Purchaser’s Representative to be undesirable and such person shall not be again allowed upon the Works without the consent of the Purchaser’s Representative. Any person so removed from the Works shall be replaced as soon as possible. 9.10 Language-Ability of Superintending Staff A reasonable proportion of the Supplier’s superintending staff shall have a working knowledge of the English language or the Supplier shall have available on Site all times a sufficient number of competent interpreters to ensure the proper transmission of instructions and information. 9.11 Employment of Local Personnel The Supplier is encouraged to the extent practicable and reasonable to employ staff and labour from local sources within India. 9.12 Compliance with Statutes and Regulations The Supplier shall conform in all respects, including payment of fees and issue of notices to a) any National or State Statute, Ordinance or other law or any regulation or by-law of any local or other duly constituted authority in relation to the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein and b) the rules and regulations of all public bodies and companies whose property or rights are affected or may be affected in any way by the Works. and the Supplier shall keep the Purchaser indemnified against all penalties and liability of every kind for breach of any such provisions. Provided always that the Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining any planning, zoning or other similar permission required for the Works to proceed and shall indemnify the Supplier against all claims proceedings damages costs charges and expenses arising out of any violation to the above by the Purchaser. 9.13 Patent Rights The Supplier shall save harmless and indemnify the Purchaser from and against all claims and proceedings for or on account of infringement of any patent rights, design trademark or name or other protected rights in respect of any Supplier’s Equipment, materials or Plant used for or in connection with or for incorporation in the works and from and against all damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto. 9.14 Interference with Traffic and Adjoining Properties All operations necessary for the execution and completion of the works and the remedying of any defects therein shall, so far as compliance with the requirements of the contract permits, be carried on so as not to interfere unnecessarily or improperly with (a) (b) the convenience of the public, or the access to, use and occupation of public or private roads and footpaths or of properties whether in the possession of the Purchaser or of any other person. The Supplier shall save harmless and indemnify the Purchaser in respect of all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever arising out of, or in relation to, any such matters insofar as the Supplier is responsible therefor. 9.15 Waterborne Vessels or Constructional Plant If any plant (floating or otherwise) belonging to or hired by the Supplier or any Sub-Supplier or any person employed by the Supplier or by any sub-Supplier or any materials or things therein or therefrom sink (in water or unstable ground) from any cause whatsoever, it shall immediately be reported by the Supplier to the competent authorities and the Purchaser’s Representative, and Supplier shall forthwith, at his cost raise and remove any such plant, materials or things or otherwise deal with the same as the Purchaser may direct. The fact that such sunken plant, materials or things are insured or have been declared a total loss or do not represent any further value shall not absolve the Supplier from his obligations under this clause to raise and remove the same. Until such sunken plant or materials or things have been raised and removed, the Supplier shall set such buoys or markers as appropriate and display at night such lights and do all such things for the safety as may be required by the competent authorities or by the Purchaser’s Representative. In the event of the Supplier not carrying out the obligations imposed on him by this clause, the Purchaser may cause to set buoy or markers and display at night light on such plant and raise and remove the same without prejudice to the right of the Purchaser to hold the Supplier liable and all expenses and consequences thereon and incidental thereto shall be borne by the Supplier and shall be recoverable from him by the Purchaser as a debt or may be deducted by the Purchaser from any moneys due or which may become due to the Supplier. In such cases an overhead up to 20% may be added to the actual expenditure and recovered from any money due or to be come due to the Supplier. 9.16 Avoidance of Damage to Roads: The Supplier shall use every reasonable means to prevent damage to any of the roads or bridges communicating with or on the routes to the site from being damaged or injured by any traffic of the Supplier or any of his sub-Supplier and in particular, shall select routes, choose and use vehicles and restrict and distribute loads so that any such extraordinary traffic as will inevitably arise from the moving of materials, Plant, Supplier’s Equipment or Temporary Works from and to the Site shall be limited, as far as reasonably possible, and so that no unnecessary damage or injury may be occasioned to such roads and bridges. 9.17 Transport of Supplier’s Equipment or Temporary Works: Save insofar as the contract otherwise provides, the Supplier shall be responsible for and shall pay the cost of strengthening any bridges or altering or improving any road communicating with or on the routes to the site to facilitate the movement of Supplier’s Equipment or Temporary Works and the Supplier shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Purchaser against all claims for damage to any such road or bridge caused by such movement, including such claims as may be made directly against the Purchaser, and shall negotiate and pay all claims arising solely out of such damage. If it is found necessary for the Supplier to move one or more loads of heavy constructional plant and equipment, materials or pre-constructed units or parts of units of work over roads, highways, bridges on which such oversized and overweight items are not normally allowed to be moved, the Supplier shall obtain prior permission from the concerned authorities. Payments for complying with the requirements, if any, for protection of or strengthening of the roads, highways or bridges shall be made by the Supplier and such expenses shall be deemed to be included in his contract price. 9.18 Transport of Materials or Plant If, notwithstanding clause 3.18, any damage occurs to any bridge or road, communicating with or on the routes to the site arising from the transport of materials or Plant, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser’s Representative with a copy to the Purchaser, as soon as he becomes aware of such damage or as soon as he receives any claim from the authority entitled to make such claim and the Supplier shall make all efforts to promptly settle the claim and avoid any delay and the Purchaser shall not be liable for any cost. In the event the Supplier fails to settle the claim promptly, the Purchaser reserves the right to settle the claim and recover all the expenses from any money due or to become due to the Supplier. 9.19 Opportunities for Other Suppliers: The Supplier shall, in accordance with the requirement of the Purchaser’s Representative afford all reasonable opportunities for carrying out their work to (a) (b) (c) any other Supplier employed by the Purchaser and their workmen. The workmen of the Purchaser and The workmen of any duly constituted authorities who may be employed in the execution on or near the Site of any work not included in the Contract or of any contract which the Purchaser may enter into in connection with or ancillary to the Works. 9.20 Facilities for Other Supplier If, however pursuant to Clause 3.19 the Supplier shall on the written request of the Purchaser’s Representative : (a) make available to any other Supplier, or to the Purchaser or any such authority any roads or ways for the maintenance of which the Supplier is responsible or (b) permit the use of any such Temporary Works or Supplier’s Equipment on the Site or (c) provide any other service of whatsoever nature the Purchaser’s Representative shall determine an addition to the Contract Price in accordance with Clause 17 of the General Conditions of Contract ( Change Orders ) and shall notify the Supplier accordingly with a copy to the Purchaser. 9.21 Supplier to Keep Site Clear During the execution of the Works the Supplier shall keep the Site reasonably free from all unnecessary obstruction and shall store or dispose of any Supplier’s Equipment and surplus materials and clear away and remove from the Site any wreckage, rubbish or Temporary Works no longer required. 9.22 Clearance of Site on Completion Upon the issue of any Certificate of Commissioning the Supplier shall clear away and remove from that part of the Site to which such certificate relates all Supplier’s Equipment, surplus material, rubbish and Temporary Works of every kind, and leave such part of the Site and Works clean and in a workmanlike condition to the satisfaction of the Purchaser’s Representative. Provided that the Supplier shall be entitled to retain on Site, until the end of the Warranty Period, such materials. Supplier’s Equipment and Temporary Works as are required by him for the purpose of fulfilling his obligations during the Warranty Period. In the event, the supplier does not clear the site with in 30 days of issue of the commissioning certificate, the purchaser shall have the right to clear the site and deduct the cost of clearing the site with a 20% overhead added to the cost from any monies due or to become due to the Supplier. The Supplier shall have no claim whatsoever on this matter. 9.23 Cost of Tests The cost of making any test shall be borne by the Supplier if such test is (a) clearly intended by or provided for in the Contract, or (b) appropriate to ascertain the design of any finished or semi-finished work is fit for the intended purpose. 9.24 Cost of Tests not provided for If any test required by the Purchaser’s Representative which is not covered under (a) and (b) of Clause 3.23 above or if the Purchaser’s Representative requires any test to be carried out at any place other than the site or place of manufacture, fabrication or preparation of the material and plant, then the Purchaser’s Representative after due consultation with the Supplier shall determine (a) any extension of time to which the Supplier is entitled under clause 22 of the General Conditions of Contract and (b) the amount of such costs, which shall be added to the Contract Price, and shall notify the Supplier accordingly with a copy to the Purchaser. However, if the test results shows that the material or plant or workmanship is not in accordance with the Contract then the cost of such test and all other related costs shall be borne by the Supplier and the Supplier shall not be entitled to any extension of time on this account. 9.25 Inspection and Testing The Purchaser’s Representative shall be entitled, during manufacture, fabrication or preparation to inspect and test the materials and Plant to be supplied under the Contract. If materials or Plant are being manufactured, fabricated or prepared in workshops or places other than those of the Supplier, the Supplier shall obtain permission for the Purchaser’s Representative to carry out such inspection and testing in those workshops or places. Such inspection or testing shall not release the Supplier from any obligation under the Contract. 9.26 Dates for inspection and Testing The supplier shall agree with the Purchaser’s Representative on the time and place for the inspection or testing of any materials or Plant as provided in the Contract. The Purchaser’s Representative shall give the Supplier not less than 24 hours notice of his intention to carry out the inspection or to attend the tests. If the Purchaser’s Representative or his duly authorized representative does not attend on the date agreed, the Supplier may, unless otherwise instructed by the Purchaser’s Representative, proceed with the tests, which shall be deemed to have been made in the presence of the Purchaser’s Representative. The Supplier shall forthwith forward to the Purchaser’s Representative duly certified copies of the test readings. If the Purchaser’s Representative has not attended the tests, he shall accept the said readings as accurate. 9.27 Rejection If, at the time and place agreed in accordance with Clause 3.26, the materials or Plant are not ready for inspection or testing or if as a result of the inspection or testing referred to in this Clause, the Purchaser’s Representative determines that the materials or Plant are defective or otherwise not in accordance with the Contract, he may reject the materials or Plant and shall notify the Supplier thereof immediately. The notice shall state the Purchaser’s Representative’s objections with reasons. The Supplier shall then promptly make good the defect or ensure that rejected materials or Plant comply with the Contract. If the Purchaser’s Representative so requests, the tests of rejected materials or Plant shall be made or repeated under the same terms and conditions. Costs, if any, incurred by the Purchaser by the repetition of the tests shall, after due consultation with the Purchaser and the Supplier, be determined by the Purchaser’s Representative and shall be recovered from the Supplier by the Purchaser and may be deducted from any monies due or to become due to the Supplier and the Purchaser’s Representative shall notify the Supplier accordingly, with a copy to the Purchaser. 9.28 Removal of Improper Works, Materials or Plant The purchaser’s Representative shall have authority to issue instructions from time to time for 9.29 (a) The removal, from the Site, within such time or times as may be specified in the instruction, of any materials or Plant which, in the opinion of the Purchaser’s Representative, are not in accordance with the Contract. (b) the substitution of proper and suitable materials or Plant and (c) the removal and proper re-execution, notwithstanding any previous test thereof or interim payment thereof, of any work which, in respect of (i) materials, Plant or Workmanship or (ii) design by the Supplier or for which he is responsible is not, in the opinion of the Purchaser’s Representative, in accordance with the Contract. Suspension of Work The Supplier shall, on the instructions of the Purchaser’s Representative, suspend the progress of the works or any part thereof for such time and in such manner as the Purchaser’s Representative may consider necessary and shall, during such suspension, properly protect and secure the works or such part thereof so far as is necessary in the opinion of the Purchaser’s Representative. Unless such suspension is : (a) (b) (c) (d) otherwise provided for in the Contract, or necessary by reason of some default of or breach of contract by the Supplier or for which he is responsible, or necessary by reason of climatic conditions on the Site, or necessary for the proper execution of the works or for the safety of the works or any part thereof (save to the extent that such necessity arises from any act or default by the Purchaser or Purchaser’s Representative). then Clause 3.30 shall apply. 9.30 Purchaser’s Representative’s Determination Following Suspension Where, pursuant to Clause 3.29, this Clause applies, the Purchaser’s Representative shall, after due consultation with the Purchaser and the Supplier, determine. (a) (b) any extension of time to which the Supplier is entitled under Clause 22.5 of the General Conditions of Contract, and the amount, which shall be added to the Contract Price, in respect of the cost incurred by the Supplier by reason of such suspension. and shall notify the Supplier accordingly, with a copy to the Purchaser. 9.31 Suspension Lasting More than 84 Days If the progress of the works or any part thereof is suspended on the written instructions of the Purchaser’s Representative and if permission to resume work is not given by the Purchaser’s Representative within a period of 84 days from the date of suspension, then, unless such suspension is within paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) of Clause 3.29, the Supplier may give notice to the Purchaser’s Representative requiring permission, within 28 days from the receipt thereof to proceed with the works or that part thereof in regard to which progress is suspended. If, within the said time, such permission is not granted, the Supplier may, but is not bound to, elect to treat the suspension, where it affects part only of the works as an omission of such part under Clause 3.29 by giving a further notice to the Purchaser’s Representative to that effect, or, where it affects the whole of the works, treat the suspension as an event of default by the Purchaser and terminate his employment under the Contract in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract. 9.32 Restriction on Working Hours Subject to any provision to the contrary contained in the Contract, none of the works shall, save as hereinafter provided, be carried on during the night or on locally recognized days of rest without the consent of the Purchaser’s Representative, except when work is unavoidable or absolutely necessary for the saving of life or property or for the safety of the works, in which case the Supplier shall immediately advise the Purchaser’s Representative provided that the provisions of this clause shall not be applicable in the case of any work which it is customary to carry out by multiple shifts. 9.33 Unless otherwise provided in the contract, the Supplier shall have the option to work continuously day and night on 3 shifts basis and on locally recognized holidays or days of rest (except national holidays). Day work Only where provision exists in the Price Schedule / Bill of Quantity, the Purchaser’s Representative may, if in his opinion it is necessary or desirable, issue an instruction that any varied work shall be executed on a day work basis. The Supplier shall then be paid for such varied work under the terms set out in the Price Schedule / Bill of Quantity. If any provision is available under “ Contingency Head “ in the Bill of Quantity, it may also be used for meeting the day work expenses, provided approval to this effect has been obtained from the Purchaser’s Representative. The Supplier shall furnish to the Purchaser’s Representative such receipts or other vouchers as may be necessary to prove the amounts paid and before ordering materials, shall submit to the Purchaser’s Representative quotations for the same for his approval. In respect of such of the works executed on a day work basis, the Supplier shall, during the continuance of such work, deliver each day to the Purchaser’s Representative an exact list in duplicate of the names, occupation and time of all workmen employed on such work and a statement, also in duplicate, showing the description and quantity of all materials and Supplier’s Equipment used thereon or therefore. Representative and returned to the Supplier. At the end of each month the Supplier shall deliver to the Purchaser’s Representative a priced statement of the labour, materials and Supplier’s Equipment used and the Supplier shall not be entitled to any payment unless such list and statements have been fully and punctually rendered. Provided always that if the Purchaser’s Representative considers that for any reason the sending of such lists or statements by the Supplier, in accordance with the foregoing provision, was impracticable he shall nevertheless be entitled to authorize payment for such work, either as day work, on being satisfied as to the time employed and the labour, materials and Supplier’s Equipment used on such work, or at such value therefor as shall, in his opinion, be fair and reasonable. 9.34 Notice of Claims Notwithstanding any other provision of the Contract, if the Supplier intends to claim any additional payment pursuant to any Clause of these Conditions or otherwise, he shall give notice of his intention to the Purchaser’s Representative, with a copy to the Purchaser, within 28 days after the event giving rise to the claim has first arisen. The notice must give the particulars of the event and justification for the intended claim. 9.35 Contemporary Records Upon the “happening of the event referred to in Clause 3.34, the Supplier shall keep such contemporary records as may reasonably be necessary to support any claim he may subsequently wish to make. Without necessarily admitting the Purchaser’s liability, the Purchaser’s Representative shall, on receipt of a notice under Clause 3.34, inspect such contemporary records and may instruct the Supplier to keep any further contemporary records as are reasonable and may be material to the claim of which notice has been given. The Supplier shall permit the Purchaser’s Representative to inspect all records kept pursuant to this Clause and shall supply him with copies thereof as and when the Purchaser’s Representative so instructs. 9.36 Substantiation of Claims Within 28 days or such other reasonable time, as may be agreed by the Purchaser’s Representative, of giving notice under Clause 3.34, the Supplier shall send to the Purchaser’s Representative an account giving detailed particulars of the amount claimed and the grounds upon which the claim is based. Where the event giving rise to the claim has a continuing effect, such account shall be considered to be an interim account and the Supplier shall, at such intervals as the Purchaser’s Representative may reasonably require, send further interim accounts giving the accumulated amount of the claim and any further grounds upon which it is based. In cases where interim accounts are sent to the Purchaser’s Representative, the Supplier shall send a final account within 28 days of the end of the effects resulting from the event. The Supplier shall, if required by the Purchaser’s Representative , forward copies, to the Purchaser, of all accounts sent to the Purchaser’s Representative pursuant to this Clause. 9.37 Failure to Comply: If the Supplier fails to comply with any of the provisions of Clauses – 3.34, 3.35 & 3.36 in respect of any claim which he seeks to make, his entitlement to payment in respect thereof shall not exceed such amount as the Purchaser or any arbitrator / arbitrators or any court of law appointed pursuant to Clause 27 ( Resolution of Dispute ) of the General Conditions of Contract assessing the claim considers to be fair, based on the contemporary records. 9.38 Payment of Claims The Purchaser’s Representative, after verification of the claims made by the Supplier pursuant to Clause-3.36 may determine the claim amount due to the Supplier provided that the Supplier has supplied sufficient particulars to enable the Purchaser’s Representative to determine the amount due. If such particulars are insufficient to substantiate the whole of the claim, the Supplier shall be entitled to payment in respect of such part of the claim as such particulars may substantiate to the satisfaction of the Purchaser’s Representative. The Purchaser’s Representative shall notify the Supplier of any determination made under this Sub-Clause, with a copy to the Purchaser. 9.39 Supplier’s Equipment, temporary Works and Materials, Exclusive Use for the Works: All Supplier’s Equipment, temporary Works and materials provided by the Supplier shall, when brought on to the Site, be deemed to be exclusively intended for the execution of the Works and the Supplier shall not remove the same or any part thereof, except for the purpose of moving it from one part of the Site to another, without the consent of the Purchaser’s Representative. Provided that consent shall not be required for vehicles engaged in transporting any staff, labour, Supplier’s Equipment, temporary Works, Plant and materials to or from the Site. 9.40 Customs Clearance The Purchaser will use his best endeavors in assisting the Supplier, where required, in obtaining clearance through the Customs of Supplier’s Equipment, materials and other things required for the Works and all the cost shall have to be borne by the Supplier. 9.41 Re-export of Supplier’s Equipment In respect of any Supplier’s Equipment which the Supplier has imported for the purposes of the Works, the Purchaser will use his best endeavors to assist the Supplier, where required, in procuring any necessary Government consent to the Re-export of such Supplier’s Equipment by the Supplier upon the removal thereof pursuant to the terms of the Contract. The reexport cost as well as all incidental expenses shall have to be borne by the Supplier. 9.42 Definition of “Nominated Sub-Suppliers” All specialists, merchants, tradesmen and others, engaged by the Supplier and approved by the Purchaser, who are executing any work or supplying any goods, materials, Plant or services under this contract shall be treated as “ NominatedSub Supplier”. 9.43 Nominated Sub-Suppliers : Objection to Nomination The Supplier shall not be required by the Purchaser’s Representative or the Purchaser or be deemed to be under any obligation, to employ any nominated Sub-Supplier against whom the Supplier may raise reasonable objection, or who declines to enter into a subcontract with the Supplier . 9.44 Payments to Nominated Sub-Suppliers For all Work executed or goods, materials, Plant or services supplied by any nominated Sub-Supplier, the Supplier shall make payment to the sub-supplier. In case of any dispute between the Supplier and it’s Sub-Supplier, the Purchaser reserves the right to make payment to the Sub-Supplier directly for that part of the claims for which the bills of the sub-supplier have been certified for payment by the Supplier and recover the same from any money due or to become due to the Supplier. In all other cases of sub-suppliers claim, the Supplier shall make all efforts to settle the claim with in a reasonable period as determined by the Purchaser’s Representative failing which the Purchaser reserves the right to with hold adequate amount from any money due or to become due to the Supplier till the Supplier settles the dispute and submits documentary evidence to this effect. 9.45 Certification of Payments to Nominated Sub-Suppliers. Before issuing, under Clause 15 of the General Conditions of Contract, any certificate, which includes any payment in respect of work done or goods, materials, plant or services supplied by any nominated Sub-Supplier, the Purchaser’s Representative shall be entitled to demand from the Supplier reasonable proof that all payments, less retentions, included in previous certificates in respect of the work or goods, materials, Plant or services of such nominated Sub-Supplier have been paid or discharged by the Supplier. If the Supplier fails to supply such proof then, unless the Supplier (a) satisfies the Purchaser’s Representative in writing that he has reasonable cause for withholding or, refusing to make payments, and (b) produces to the Purchaser’s Representative reasonable proof that he has so informed such nominated Sub-Supplier in writing. the Purchaser shall be entitled to pay to such nominated Sub-Supplier direct, upon the certificate of the Purchaser’s Representative, all payments, less retentions, provided for in the nominated subcontract, which the Supplier has failed to make to such nominated Sub-Supplier and to deduct by way of set-off the amount so paid by the Purchaser from any sums due or to become due from the Purchaser to the Supplier. Provided that, where the Purchaser’s Representative has certified and the Purchaser has paid direct as aforesaid, the Purchaser’s Representative shall, in issuing any further certificate in favour of the Supplier, deduct from the amount thereof the amount so paid, direct as aforesaid, but shall not withhold or delay the issue of the certificate itself when due to be issued under the terms of the contract. 9.46 Default of Supplier and Termination: Should the Supplier, default under any of the Clauses of the Contract then the Purchaser may after giving 14 days’ notice to the Supplier, enter upon the Site and the works and terminate the employment of the Supplier without thereby releasing the Supplier from any of his obligations or liabilities under the Contract, or affecting the rights and authorities conferred on the Purchaser or the Purchaser’s Representative by the contract, and may himself complete the works or may employ any other Supplier to complete the works. The Purchaser or such other Supplier may use for such completion so much of the Supplier’s Equipment, Temporary works and materials as he or they may think proper. 9.47 Valuation at Date of Expulsion: The Purchaser’s Representative shall, as soon as may be practicable after any such entry and expulsion by the Purchaser, fix and determine ex-party, or after reference to the parties or after such investigation or enquiries as he may think fit to make or institute, and shall certify (a) (b) 9.48 what amount (if any) had, at the time of such entry and expulsion, been reasonably earned by or would reasonably accrue to the Supplier in respect of work then actually done by him under the contract, and the value of any of the said unused or partially used materials, any Suppliers’ Equipment and any Temporary works. Payment after Expulsion If the Purchaser shall enter and expel the Supplier under Clause 3.48, he shall not be liable to pay to the Supplier any further amount (including damages) in respect of the Contract until the expiration of the warranty period and thereafter until the costs of execution, completion and remedying of any defects, damages for delay in completion (if any) and all other expenses incurred by the Purchaser have been ascertained and the amount thereof certified, by the Purchaser’s Representative. The Supplier shall then be entitled to receive only such sum (if any) as the Purchaser’s Representative may certify would have been payable to him upon due completion by him after deducting the said amount. If such amount exceeds the sum which would have been payable to the Supplier on due completion by him, then the Supplier shall, upon demand, pay to the Purchaser the amount of such excess and it shall be deemed a debt due by the Supplier to the Purchaser and shall be recoverable accordingly. 9.49 Urgent Remedial Work If, by reason of any accident, or failure, or other event occurring to in, or in connection with the works, or any, part thereof, either during the execution of the works, or during the warranty period, any remedial or other work is, in the opinion of the Purchaser’s Representative, urgently necessary for the safety of the works and the Supplier is unable or unwilling at once to do such work, the Purchaser shall be entitled to employ and pay other persons to carry out such work as the Purchaser’s Representative may consider necessary. If the work or repair so done by the Purchaser is work which, in the opinion of the Purchaser’s Representative, the Supplier was liable to do at his own cost under the contract, then all costs consequent thereon or incidental thereto shall, after due consultation with the Purchaser and the Supplier, be determined by the Purchaser’s Representative and shall be recoverable from the Supplier by the Purchaser and may be deducted by the Purchaser from any monies due or to become due to the Supplier and the Purchaser’s Representative shall notify the Supplier accordingly with a copy to the Purchaser. Provided that the Purchaser’s Representative shall as soon after the occurrence of any such emergency as may be reasonable, practicable, notify the Supplier thereof. 9.50 Outbreak of War If, during the currency of the Contract, there is an outbreak of war, whether war is declared or not in any part of the world which, whether financially or otherwise, materially affects the execution of the works, the Supplier shall, unless and until the contract is terminated under the provisions of this clause, continue to use his best endeavors to complete the execution of the works. Provided that the Purchaser shall be entitled, at any time after such outbreak of war, to terminate the Contract by, giving notice to the Supplier and, upon such notice being given, the contract shall, except as to the rights of the parties under this clause and to the operation of clause 27 ( Resolution of Disputes ) of the General Conditions of Contract, terminate, but without prejudice to the rights of either party in respect of any antecedent breach thereof. 9.51 Removal of Supplier’s Equipment on Termination If the contract is terminated under the provisions of Clause 3.50 of the Special Conditions of Contract the Supplier shall, with all reasonable dispatch, remove from the site all Supplier’s Equipment and shall give similar facilities to his SubSuppliers to do so. 9.52 Payment if Contract Terminated If the contract is terminated in accordance with sub-clause 3.50, the Supplier shall be paid by the Purchaser, insofar as such amounts or items have not already been covered by payments on account made to the Supplier, for all work executed prior to the date of termination at the rates and prices provided in the Contract and in addition. (a) The amounts payable in respect of any preliminary items referred to in the Bill of Quantities, so far as the work or service comprised therein has been carried out or performed, and a proper proportion of any such items which have been partially carried out or performed. (b) The cost of materials, Plant or goods, reasonably, ordered for the works which have been delivered to the Supplier or of which the Supplier is legally liable to accept delivery of such materials, plant or goods becoming the property of the Purchaser upon such payments being made by him.’ (c) A sum being the amount of any, expenditure reasonably incurred by the Supplier in the expectation of completing the whole of the works insofar as such expenditure has not been covered by any other payments referred to in this sub-clause. (d) Such proportion of the cost, as may be reasonable, taking into account payments made or to be made for work executed, of removal of Supplier’s Equipment under Clause 3.51 of the Special Conditions of Contract and, if required by the Supplier, return thereof to the Supplier’s main plant yard in his country of registration or to other destination at no greater cost. (e) The reasonable cost of repatriation of all the Supplier’s staff and workmen employed on or in connection with the works at the time of such termination. Provided that against any payment due from the Purchaser under this SubClause, the Purchaser shall be entitled to be credited with any outstanding balances due from the Supplier for advances in respect of Supplier’s Equipment, materials and Plant and any other sums which, at the date of termination, were recoverable by the Purchaser from the Supplier under the terms of the contract. Any sums payable under this sub-clauses shall, after due consultation with the Purchaser and the Supplier, be determined by the Purchaser’s Representative who shall notify the Supplier accordingly, with a copy to the Purchaser. 9.53 Payment in the Event of Release from Performance: If any circumstance outside the control of both parties arises after the issue of the Notification of Award which renders it impossible or unlawful for either party to fulfill his contractual obligations or under the law governing the contract the parties are released from further performance, then the sum payable by the Purchaser to the Supplier in respect of the work executed shall be the same as that which, would have been payable under Clauses 3.50 to 3.52 if the contract had been terminated under the provisions of clauses 3.50 to 3.52. 9.54 Default of Purchaser Due to insolvency In the event of purchaser becoming bankrupt or, being a company, going into liquidation, other than the purpose of a scheme of reconstruction or amalgamation, the Supplier shall be entitled to terminate his employment under the contract by giving notice to the Purchaser, with a copy to the Purchaser’s Representative. Such termination shall take effect 14 days after the giving of the notice. 9.55 Bribes If the Supplier, or any of his Sub-Supplier, agents or servants gives or offers to give to any person any bribe, gift, gratuity or commission as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do any action in relation to the contract or any other contract with the Purchaser, or for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the contract or to any other contract with the Purchaser, then the Purchaser may enter upon the Site and the Works and expel the Supplier and the provisions of Clause 23 ( Termination for Default ) of the General Conditions of Contract hereof shall apply as of such entry and expulsion had been made pursuant to that clause. 9.56 Joint and Several Liability If the Supplier is a joint venture of two or more persons, all such persons shall be jointly and severally bound to the Purchaser for the fulfillment of the terms of the contract and the lead partner, as nominated and agreed with the Purchaser during the Pre-qualification process, shall act as a leader with authority to bind the joint venture. The composition or the constitution of the joint venture shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Purchaser. 9.57 Details to be Confidential The Supplier shall treat the details of the contract as private and confidential, save insofar as may be necessary for the purposes thereof, and shall not publish or disclose the same or any particulars thereof in any trade or technical paper or elsewhere without the previous consent in writing of the Purchaser or the Purchaser’s Representative. If any dispute arises as to the necessity of any publication or disclosure for the purpose of the contract the same shall be referred to the decision of the Purchaser whose award shall be final. 9.58 Drawings and Photographs of the Works The Supplier shall not disclose details of drawings furnished to him and works on which he is engaged without the prior approval of the Purchaser’s Representative in writing. No photograph of the works or any part thereof or plant employed thereon shall be taken or permitted by the Supplier to be taken by any of his employees or any employees of his Sub-Suppliers without the prior approval of the Purchaser’s Representative in writing and no such photographs shall be published or otherwise circulated without the approval of the Purchaser’s Representative in writing. 9.59 The Apprentices Act 1961 The Supplier shall duly comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act 1961 (III of 1961) the rules made thereunder and the orders that may be issued from time to time under the said Act and the said Rules and on his failure or neglect to do so he shall be subject to all liabilities and penalties provided by the said Act and said Rules. 9.60 Supply of Plant, Materials and Labour Except where otherwise specified, the Supplier shall at his own expense supply and provide all the Constructional Plant, Temporary Works, materials both for temporary and permanent works, labour (including the supervision thereof), transport to or from the Site and in and about the works and all other things of every kind required for the complete construction and maintenance of the works. 9.61 Gate Passes For entry/exit within the Port area the Supplier shall arrange at his own cost for the issue of gate passes as required for the work for labour and materials. 10.0 WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY 10.1 General Requirements 10.1.1 Responsibility The Supplier shall be solely responsible for carrying out the works having the highest regard for the safety of workers, persons at or in the vicinity of the Site, the Works and the property of third parties. 10.1.2 Design Where the Works include design/detail work to be undertaken by the Supplier, statutory requirements for health and safety shall be incorporated into the design/detail and subsequently to the Works. When statutory requirements do not adequately cover particular areas of work then international health and safety requirements normally applied to such work shall prevail. 10.1.3 Work on Site For the Supplier to comply with its obligations under Clause 4.1.1 above the Supplier shall be required to undertake the following as a minimum Active promotion of safety among employees. Hold regular safety meetings with employees (tool box meetings) Supplier’s management to be involved in overall Site safety meetings which shall be attended by all Suppliers/suppliers on Site. Carry out regular safety audits of the work Site and correct/rectify areas identified as unsafe or that may cause a health risk to the Supplier’s employees or others. Provision and maintenance of all necessary safety equipment for employees e.g. safety hats, safety footwear, eye protection etc. Employment of personnel with either a positive prior safety performance record or who are capable of meeting the safety goals set for the Supplier/Site. Training of Supplier’s personnel for particular/difficult erection or construction sequence or process. Carry out inductions of Supplier’s workforce covering particular site rules, regulations and safety requirements prior to commencement of work on Site. Enforce safety rules and statutory regulations. Carry out assessment of work methods for operation involving specific hazards. Ensure all equipment being used by the Supplier is appropriate to the task and can operate in a safe manner. Conducts investigations into and provide written reports for all lost time injury accidents and/or incidents which may have caused a lost time injury. Provide statistics for the number of personnel employed, hours worked and the number of minor, medical treatment, lost time injuries etc. Provide list of hazardous substance brought to the Site and ensure storage/use in accordance with the material safety data sheet (MSDS). Provide the Purchaser’s Representative with a copy of all safety data sheets. Ensure Supplier’s visitors to the work Site comply with specific safety inductions prior to being allowed access to the Site. Provision of adequate first aid equipment and facilities to cover minor injuries sustained at the work Site. Implementation of a danger/out of service tag (lockout) system for work on live equipment/machinery. Specify accountability for safety within the Supplier’s Site Organisation structure. Implement fire safety requirements to the work Site by provision of adequate fire extinguishers etc. And storage of flammable/dangerous substances in accordance with statutory rules and regulations. Complying with legislation on health and safety as applied to carry out work in India. Provision of adequate security to ensure compliance with the above requirements. Housekeeping of the Site to promote hazard removal, proper storage, tidiness and cleanliness. Ensure clean up of Site at the end of the Contract. Carryout/implement all safety/health instruction and/or procedures issued by the Purchaser’s Representative. For the purpose of this Sub-Clause the word employees shall include the Supplier’s Sub-Suppliers and their employees. 10.2 Health and safety Plan The Supplier shall develop, implement and administer a Health and safety Plan specific to the Services performed on the Site. The plan shall be in writing and shall be submitted to the Purchaser’s Representative prior to the commencement of the services on the Site. 10.3 Site Health and Safety manual for Suppliers The Supplier shall comply with the requirements of Site Health and safety manual for contractors which forms part of Section IV Special Conditions of Contract and is included in the contract documents as volume-III. The Health and safety plan produced by Supplier in accordance with Sub-Clause 10.2 above shall embody the requirements of this manual. 11.0 SITE FACILITIES 11.1 Facilities Supplied by the Supplier The Supplier shall supply all services, amenities, temporary structures including security fencing and storage compounds, machinery, buildings and construction equipment necessary for the proper execution of the Services at Site except for the items specified in Sub-Clause 5.2 below, which will be provided by the Purchaser. 11.2 Facilities Supplied by the Purchaser The Purchaser will make available to the Supplier the following services on chargeable basis as per the prevailing terms and conditions of Paradip Port Trust: (a) Supply of land for Supplier’s site establishment and laydown areas: The Purchaser will make available to the Supplier a prepared hardstand area for the reclaimer and an undeveloped area for the Supplier to locate its Site facilities and to use as a lay down and erection area. The Supplier shall restrict its Site facilities to the nominated area and not use any other area on the Site without written approval of the Purchaser. Applicable Rents in force at present: (i)Outside Customs Barrier Rs.75.00 per 200m2 per month (ii)Inside Customs Barrier (open)Rs.200.00 per 200m2 per month (b) Construction Water The Purchaser will provide a reasonable quantity of construction water at one point adjacent to the Supplier’s work area. Any further reticulation to the Supplier’s individual facilities shall be the Supplier’s responsibility and cost. The Supplier shall be required to pay for water usage at the following rates. (i) (ii) (c) Rs.12.00 per MT, where a meter is fixed for 12 mm ferrule connection. Rs.1800.00 per month, if a ferrule connection is provided. Electric Power The Purchaser will provide electric power at one point adjacent to the Supplier’s work area on production of a clearance from the Electrical inspectorate, Govt. of Orissa. Any further reticulation to the supplier’s individual facilities shall be the Supplier’s responsibility and cost. Up to 100 kVA Power will be provided at 400V 3 phase 50 cycles. The monthly charges shall be demand charges at Rs.90.00 per kVA of the demand plus energy charges at RS.1.65 per unit. Monthly minimum charges shall be calculated on a demand of 80% of the contract demand and of units calculated on a power factor of 0.9 and a load factor of 20% of the contract demand. The contract demand can only be increased once and reduced once by the Supplier during the contract period. The Supplier shall also pay towards the cost of the development of the power supply into the Supplier’s premises at actual cost. Two months consumption charges shall be collected in advance as a security deposit. No interest shall be paid on this deposit. The Purchaser does not guarantee the continuity of supply. In the event of a power failure the Supplier shall be required to make its own arrangement for the provision of electric power. 12.0 PROGRAMMING 12.1 Programmes 12.1.1 General The Supplier shall prepare and submit in it’s technical bid the following programmes ( 2 sets ) clearly indicating the activities so as to complete the contractual obligations in all respect. (a) Critical path Network (henceforth called “the network) (b) Time Scaled Bar Chart (henceforth called “the bar chart”) 12.1.2 Programme Activities Each activity shall be – a continuous item of work. measurable. The list of activities given in the Bid Document is preliminary only. After award of the Contract the activity list will be reviewed by the Purchaser’s Representative and the Supplier and extended to allow for the proper management and programming of the Contract. 12.1.3 Critical Path Network (“Network”) The Supplier shall prepare and submit to the Purchaser’s Representative a critical path, network. The network shall clearly indicate the logic and sequence of activities necessary to complete the Works and shall include but not be limited to the following : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) The duration of each activity. Early start, late start, early finish, late finish of each activity. The critical path. Precedence relationships between activities. Date of the issue of the Notification of Award. Dates of submission of documents requiring review to the Purchaser’s Representative. (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) Statutory approval dates. Date of commencement of the Services on the Site. Date for completion of the Contract separable portions of the Contract. Manufacture and delivery durations for the Goods. Dates by which Purchaser supplied items, if any, are required by the Supplier. Activity duration shall be in multiples of one week, allowing for public holidays or other non-working days. 12.1.4 Time Scaled Bar Chart (“Bar Chart”) The Supplier shall, after Letter of Intent, prepare and submit to the Purchaser’s Representative a time scaled bar chart and a critical path network for acceptance after which the Work Order will be issued. These programmes, after acceptance by the Purchaser’s Representative, shall be used for monitoring the progress of the works. (a) Activities The activities included in the bar chart shall be the same as those in the network Each activity shall have a separate bar on the bar chart. Each activity shall be allocated a percentage of the total Contract Price by the Supplier. (b) Durations Each activity shall be represented by a continuous bar. The length of the bar shall represent the activity duration and start and finish dates shall be the latest start and latest finish dates as determined by the network. (c) Critical Path Activities which lie on the critical path as determined by the network shall be clearly identified. (d) Off-Site and On-Site activities Off-Site and on-Site activities shall be clearly defined and segregated on the Bar chart. (e) Calendar The bar chart heading shall show the year, the month and the Contract week number. The bar chart shall commence on the Date of the Notification of Award. 12.1.5 Programme Submission The Supplier shall submit both the network and the bar chart within 28 days of the Date of the Notification of Award 12.1.6 Programme Revisions The Supplier shall revise the programmes when either of the following events occur : the issue of a contract change Order/variation which affects the programmes, or a change in method of working adopted by the Supplier which affects the programmes. If the event causes a change to the critical path, the Supplier shall submit the revised programmes to the Purchaser’s Representative within seven (7) days of the event occurring. If however, the critical path is not changed by the event, the Supplier shall submit the revised programmes by the end of the month in which the event occurs or within seven (7) days of the event occurring, whichever is the longer period. The revised programmes shall clearly indicate the following the reason for the revision. The difference between the revised programmes and the previously approved programmes and The revision number of the revised programmes. The Purchaser’s Representative’s written acceptance of any revised programmes shall be required prior to the revised programmes being used to replace the previously accepted programmes. The revised programmes shall be prepared at the cost and expense of the Supplier. 12.1.7 Supplementary Programmes The Purchaser’s Representative may direct the Supplier at any time to produce supplementary programmes to highlight a particular aspect of the works. 12.2 Progress Reporting 12.2.1 Progress Monitoring Actual progress will be monitored monthly and shall be derived from the Supplier’s monthly statement of the measured progress of each activity. The Supplier shall indicate the percentage completion of each activity in successive monthly statements. 12.2.2 Progress Report The Supplier shall provide a written progress report with his monthly statement. The report shall summarize progress and problems encountered during the preceding month and shall include detailed comments with respect to the following: i. activities or items of work commenced and/or completed during the month. ii. activities or items of work scheduled for commencement and/or completion during the month but not commenced or completed with reasons for the delay, intended remedial action and likely effect on the overall programme. iii. status of procurement items. iv. problems or anticipated problems. In the event of any slippage, the Supplier shall clearly indicate the reason for such slippage, the efforts initiated to make good the slippage and submit written report to this effect to the Purchaser’s Representative. a 12.2.3 Photographic/ Video Record of Progress of the Works The Supplier shall provide with the monthly progress report, or at such other periods directed by the Purchaser’s Representative, four (4) sets of professionally executed colour photographs showing the progress of the works to date. The number of photographs shall be 112 mm x 67 mm (or nearest equivalent) and shall be presented in a sturdy album. The negatives shall be separately packed and delivered with the album. During the course of the contract the Supplier shall maintain a video record of the progress of the services on Site from initial site establishment to demobilization after the issue of the Certificate of Commissioning. All the main construction activities shall be captured on the video which shall be a minimum of 3 hours duration and shall be recorded on new first quality video tape in the VHS format. The completed tape shall be handed over to the Purchaser’s Representative after the issue of the certificate of commissioning of goods. The Purchaser’s representative may at any time and from time to time view the video tape during the course of the contract. 13.0 RECEIPT OF MATERIALS ON SITE The Supplier shall maintain detailed records of all materials and equipment received on the Site and into the Suppliers store and shall make such records available to the Purchaser’s Representative at the Purchaser’s Representative’s request. However, the Supplier shall submit a statement of materials at site every month to the Purchaser’s Representative clearly indicating the description of the material, it’s origin, date of receipt at the site, date of use at the site etc. 14.0 PURCHASE ORDERS The Supplier shall submit to the Purchaser’s Representative unpriced copies of all Purchase Orders issued for the supply of materials or equipment to be used in the works. The Purchase Order shall be submitted within 28 days of the Purchase Order being awarded. 15.0 PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT The Supplier shall take all responsible steps to minimize the destruction of flora and pollution of the environment caused by the performance of the Services on Site. The Supplier shall observe all directions issued by the Purchaser’s Representative from time to time on the subject. The Supplier shall ensure that its employees and Sub-Suppliers are made aware of all such directions. The Supplier shall perform the Services on Site in an environmentally responsible manner and shall minimize damage to the areas in which the Services are performed. Equipment movements shall be restricted to those areas essential for performing the Works. The Supplier shall provide suitable facilities to prevent the introduction from the Supplier’s work area of any substance or material into any well, stream, river, lake, ocean or other watercourse which may pollute the water or be deleterious to fish and other wildlife. The Supplier shall comply with statutory regulations issued by the Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forest and any other Governmental bodies having jurisdiction over the Site and with the Purchaser’s Representative’s direction with respect to the discharge into the atmosphere of smoke, dust or other contaminants or the creation of undue noise. The Supplier shall preserve and protect all cultivated and planted areas and vegetation such as trees, plants, shrubs etc on or adjacent to the Site which do not interfere with the performance of the Contract. The Site drainage system shall not be used to dispose of waste materials other than those for which it was designed. The Supplier shall immediately notify the Purchaser’s Representative of any spillage of oil, grease or other hazardous substance. The Purchaser’s Representative shall advise the Supplier of the required method of disposal. The Supplier shall dispose of all pollutants and clean up any spillage at its own cost and to the satisfaction of the Purchaser’s Representative. 16.0 CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER SUPPLIERS During the progress of the Services on Site work may be progressing on other Contracts in locations that directly affect this Contract. The Supplier shall make due allowance for access by other Suppliers/Suppliers for the delivery and storage of their materials and the execution of their work, and shall properly connect and co-ordinate his work with the work of other Suppliers under the overall control of the Purchaser’s Representative. If any part of the Supplier’s work depends for proper execution upon results of the work of another contract, the Supplier shall inspect and promptly report to the Purchaser’s Representative any defect in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution of Supplier’s work. Failure to inspect and report shall constitute an acceptance of the other Supplier’s work as fit and proper for the reception of his work except for defects which may develop in the other Supplier’s work after the execution of the Supplier’s work carried out under this Contract. The Supplier shall carry out the services in such a manner as to minimize inconvenience to other Suppliers on the Site. 17.0 RESTORATION OF OTHER SUPPLIER’S/SUPPLIER’S WORKS Where during the course of performing the Services, the Supplier disturbs or damages the completed or semi-completed work of another Supplier it shall be the Supplier’s responsibility to return the work to the original state. This requirement shall apply irrespective of whether the disturbance or damage is accidental or is necessitated by the normal course of work. Where existing earthworks or road formation are disturbed and existing protective coating or paintwork are damaged, these shall be restored by the Supplier to the standards specified in the Contract or, where not specified, in accordance with a specification issued by the Purchaser’s Representative. The cost of all restoration work shall be borne and paid by the Supplier with out any liability to the Purchaser. 18.0 EXISTING SERVICES Prior to commencement of the Services on Site, the supplier shall satisfy himself as to the location and/or depth of all utility mains and customer services and shall guard and protect the services from damage during the Contract. Any damage to existing services, whether or not shown on drawings, shall be repaired without delay by the Supplier, to the satisfaction of the Purchaser’s Representative and at the Supplier’s cost. 19.0 PORT TRUST RULES The Supplier shall observe the conservancy rules relating to the Harbour and shall comply with the working rules and regulations of the Port Trust as issued from time to time. 20.0 PURCHASER SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT The Purchaser shall provide the track line for traveling of the reclaimer, access to the site, power and water at the site as per the provision of the contract with in 3 weeks of receipt of requisition from the Supplier. 21.0 PROVISIONAL SUMS Provisional sum shall mean a contingency provision, if provided in the Bill of Quantity, to meet unforeseen expenses during the continuance of the contract. Such provisions, where available in the Bill of Quantity may be utilized for the supply of goods or services on the instruction of the purchaser’s representative. The amount so spent for the supplier’s goods or services shall be due to the supplier as per the actual supported by sufficient documentary evidences acceptable to the purchaser’s representative. 22.0 COMPLIANCE WITH LABOUR REGULATIONS The Supplier and all the Suppliers’ Sub-Suppliers shall abide by the laws and regulations governing labour on the site. 23.0 CHANGES IN COST AND LEGISLATION 23.1 Price Adjustment Prices and rates charged by the Supplier for Goods delivered and Services performed under the Contract shall not vary from the prices and rates quoted by the Supplier in its Bid unless otherwise specified. No price adjustment shall be allowed except for variation in taxes, duties, cess etc. arising out of changes in regulation pursuant to Clause No.23.3 of SCC. However, for Operation and Maintenance price adjustment shall be allowed as per the formula given below: Pr = P0 (0.20 + 0.80 L1/L0) where Pr = Revised Price after price adjustment. P0 = Original Price quoted for the 1st year. L0 = Consumer price Index Number for Industrial Workers at Bhubaneswar issued by Govt. of India, Ministry of Labor as on the base date, that is the last date of submission of Bid. L1 = Consumer price Index Number for Industrial Workers at Bhubaneswar issued by Govt. of India, Ministry of Labor as on the 1 st day of the 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year and so on. For Example, for the 1st year Pr = P0 (0.20 + 0.80 L1/L0) where L1 will be the consumer price index Number for industrial workers on the 1st day of 1st year of O&M and L0 will be the consumer price index for industrial workers on the base date. The price adjustment shall be made once in a year. L0 shall not vary during the period of O&M Contract. 23.2 Other Changes in Cost Unless specifically provided in this contract, the contract sum shall be deemed to include amounts to cover the contingency of all other rise or fall of cost. 23.3 Subsequent Legislation: If, between 28 days prior to the latest date for submission of the tender and the original date of completion of the work, there is any change in taxes, duties and cess arising out of changes to any National or State statute, Ordinance, Decree or other law or any regulation or bye-law of any local or any duly constituted authority and such changes cause additional or reduced cost to the Supplier in the execution of the contract, such additional or reduced cost shall, after due consultation with the Supplier and the Purchaser, be determined by the Purchaser’s representative and such cost shall be added to or subtracted from the Contract Price. Changes in Legislation occurring after the original date of completion of the work shall not be considered. 24.0 GENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE SUPPLIER: 24.1 The supplier shall pay all taxes, duties , fees, levies , RD Cess and all other imposition imposed by or under any authority in India as well as abroad in respect of all services, equipment, materials, goods and all other supplies. 24.2 The supplier shall carry out the obligations under the contract with due diligence and efficiency and in conformity with sound engineering, administrative and financial practices. 24.3 The supplier shall act at all times so as to protect the interests of the purchaser and will take reasonable steps to keep all the expenses to a minimum consistent with sound economic and engineering practices. 24.4 The supplier shall prepare all specifications and design using the metric systems incorporating the current design criteria. 24.5 The supplier shall undertake that the design will be suitable to achieve the objectives of the project and will perform the function for which it is designed. 24.6 The supplier shall, at its own cost and expense , upon request of the purchaser, reperform the services in the event of supplier’s failure to exercise the skill and care required under sound engineering, administrative and financial practices. 24.7 The supplier’s responsibility shall, inter alia , include total project management including detailed designs , drawings, specifications, construction, supervision, testing and commissioning of the project. 24.8 The supplier shall plan the construction and procurement programme properly so as to achieve economical and early completion of the project. 24.9 The supplier shall at all times utilize the most economical, effective and widely accepted engineering concepts and design standards consistent with the project objectives. 24.10 The supplier shall consult and co-operate with the concerned government agencies/local authorities especially relating to the construction and/or other associated works. 24.11 The supplier shall take full responsibility for the care of the works and materials and plant from the commencement date until the date of issue of the taking over certificate for the whole of the works when the responsibility of the said care shall pass to the purchaser. 24.12 The supplier shall, in accordance with the requirements of the engineer afford all reasonable opportunities to other Suppliers/ suppliers employed by the purchaser for carrying out their work. This opportunities shall also be extended to the workmen of the purchaser or the workmen of any duly constituted authorities who may be employed in the execution on or near the site of any work not included in the contract or of any contract which the purchaser may enter into in connection with or ancillary to the works. Pursuant to the above, the supplier shall on the written request of the engineer:a) b) c) Make available to any such other supplier or to the purchaser or any such authority, any roads or ways for the maintenance of which the supplier is responsible or Permit the use of any such temporary works or supplier’s equipment on the site or Provide any other services of what so ever nature. For providing the above, if requested by the Supplier, the engineer shall determine a reasonable addition to the contract price and shall notify the supplier accordingly. 24.13 During execution of work the supplier shall keep the site reasonably free from all unnecessary obstructions and shall store or dispose any supplier’s equipment and surplus materials and clear away and remove from the site any wreckage , rubbish or temporary works no longer required for the work. 24.14 The supplier shall maintain site account of materials clearly indicating relevant information such as description of the material, source, date of delivery at site, date of consumption at site. The supplier shall forward a copy of monthly site account of materials to the Engineer in Charge at the end of every month. On completion of the work under the contract, the Supplier shall submit to the Engineer in Charge a copy of the site account of the materials from the date of commencement to completion of the work in all respect. 25.0 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE (O&M) 25.01 Period of O&M Contract : The period of Operation Maintenance shall be 5 years from the date of acceptance of the machine by PPT including the warranty period. Paradip Port reserves the right to vary the period of the O&M Contract giving 60 days notice to the Supplier. 25.02 Notice for Operation : The machine shall be used for reclaiming as per the requisition made by PPT. The operation in-charge shall serve 4 hrs. notice to the Supplier to keep the machine ready for operation and the Supplier shall ensure that the machine is positioned and ready for operation by the end of 4hrs. notice. A register shall be maintained by the Supplier to record all the operational parameters date wise such as : 4 hrs. Notice received at _______ hrs. Machine positioned and on stand-by at ______ hrs. Operation commenced on Plot No. ______ at ______ hrs. Operation Completed at _____ hrs. and so on. The register may also record other important data such as load, important temperatures, pressures, levels etc. and other vital data observed during the operation. 25.03 Efficient Operation : The Supplier must ensure that the machine is operated in the most efficient manner without sacrificing any safety aspect and giving due regards to the health of the machine as well as personnel. 25.04 Experienced Staff : The Supplier must engage trained and experienced staff for O7M of the machine. 25.05 Watch & Ward During the O&M contract watch and ward and house keeping shall be the responsibility of the Supplier at his own cost. 25.06 Maintenance Plan : The Supplier shall prepare a maintenance plan acceptable to PPT and ensure timely maintenance of the machine as per the plan. A monthly report is to be submitted by the Supplier on maintenance of the machine. In case of any failure by the Supplier to carryout the maintenance as per the schedule, it shall be treated as a default and may attract a deduction from the Bills of the Supplier up to 10% of the monthly bill. While deciding on the schedule maintenance plan, the manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed. However, the schedule may be amended later, if necessary and in consultation with the Engineer-in-charge with a view to make it more appropriate to meet the site needs. 25.07 Spare Parts & Consumables : All the spare parts shall be supplied by PPT whereas all the consumables such as cleaning materials etc. shall be supplied by the Supplier without any additional cost to PPT. However, during the warranty period, if any spare is required to be used on the machine, then the Supplier shall have to bear the cost. 25.08 Co-ordination with Operation in-Charge : The Supplier shall ensure that the machine is operated in close co-ordination with the IOHP operation in-charge. In case of any maintenance, planning shall have to be done by the Supplier in advance and in consultation with the operation in-charge so as to make the best use of the idle period. 25.09 Written Clearance : Where the maintenance period is expected to exceed 4 hrs., the Supplier must obtain written clearance, in a format acceptable to PPT, from the operation incharge clearly indicating the nature of maintenance intended to be undertaken, expected time of commencement and completion. 25.10 Advance Notice for Spares : The Supplier shall keep PPT informed of the spares requirement well in advance so as to avoid long machine down time. 25.11 Supplier to Provide Spares on request : In the event, the spares/materials required is not available with PPT and the requirement is urgent, PPT may request the Supplier in writing to arrange for the same and the Supplier shall arrange to supply the spare/materials for which the expenses shall be borne by PPT as per actual on submission of documentary evidences. The Supplier shall ensure that the spare parts so procured by him are genuine and either from the maker or from their authorized agents. 25.12 Supplier to Provide Consumables : The Supplier shall provide all consumables necessary for house keeping, routine checking and maintenance such as cotton rags, cleaning agents, hose pipes, general tools and tackles. 25.13 PPT to Supply Spares, Steel : Paradip Port shall supply all the spares, steel materials, hard wares such as nuts and bolts, Paints etc. 25.14 Maintenance of Records : The Supplier shall maintain the following records : a) Operation Register/Log Book b) Scheduled maintenance Register/Log Book c) Break Down Maintenance Register/Log Book d) Site Inspection Register. e) Site Materials Accout Register. The format of the above Log Books shall be as per the requirement of the Engineer-in-charge. 25.15 Monthly Reports ; The Supplier shall submit the following monthly reports in a format acceptable to PPT along with the Bills a) Extract of Operation, b) Extract of Scheduled maintenance, c) Extract of Break Down maintenance d) Inspection Report on House keeping e) Spares Consumption Report. Without these reports Bills shall not be released for payment. 25.16 Periodic Inspection : The Supplier shall have to arrange for periodic inspection of specialized equipment such as control and automation system, hydraulic system etc. once in a 6 month by the manufacturer’s experts to assess the health of the systems and make suitable recommendations to maintain the reliability of the system. The cost of such inspections to be conducted by the experts shall have to be borne by the Supplier without any additional financial liability to the Purchaser. A copy of the inspection report shall be forwarded by the Supplier to the Engineer-incharge. 25.17 Improvement Plans : During the course of the O&M Contract, the Supplier may suggest improvement plans to make the machine more reliable and efficient and PPT shall examine such plans and if such plans are acceptable to PPT, PPT reserves the right to implement the plan either by engaging the Supplier or any other agency. In such cases, the Supplier shall extend all co-operation to PPT for implementation of any modification plan with least interruption to the site activities. In case the Supplier is entrusted with the modification work, the Supplier shall have to carry out the work without discontinuing the on-going O&M Contractual obligations in any manner. 25.18 Operation Modes : The machine shall be manned for O&M on 3 shift basis a day and 365 days a year. The machine shall be used for reclaiming as per the requirement of the operation-in-charge. The Supplier shall not be entitled to any additional payment on account of working on 3 shift basis and 365 days a year. 25.19 In the event of any break down maintenance, the Supplier shall put in it’s best effort to promptly attend the break down and bring the machine to an operating condition as early as possible . If necessary, the Supplier shall arrange and deploy more manpower to reduce the break down period. Also, if the Services of any expert are required, the Supplier shall arrange the same in the most expeditious manner at his own cost. After each Break Down, a joint inspection shall be conducted to assess the cause of the failure. In the event the joint inspection report established that the failure is due to negligence on the part of the Supplier, all the costs of repair including the cost of materials, spares and the services shall be borne by the Supplier. In all other cases PPT shall borne the expenses. When the machine is under break down, the Supplier’s workmen shall be deployed for carrying out repairs of the machine. In case the break down repair is being done by PPT or some other Supplier, the Supplier’s workmen shall assist in the repair, if so required by the EIC. 25.20 Warranty : The Supplier shall ensure that the O7M of the machine is carried out with due diligence, skill and care following sound engineering, financial and administrative practices. The Supplier shall ensure that the obligations under the O&M contract are carried out as per the terms and conditions of this contract. After commissioning and testing of the machine, the machine shall be taken over by the Purchaser and again handed over to the Supplier for O&M. the relevant conditions of this contract shall also apply during the O&M period. 25.21 CORE PERSONNEL: The Supplier shall indicate the names of the core personnel who would be in charge of the O&M. the over all in-charge nominated by the Supplier shall coordinate with PPT in all matters related to O&M as well as the warranty obligations during the 1st year. The Supplier shall have to deploy at least 1 Mechanical Engineer and 1 Electrical & Automation Engineer is to be submitted to the Purchaser for acceptance. The Engineers so deployed must have adequate experience in their respective fields preferably in any Bulk Material Handling Plant. Besides Engineers, the Supplier shall deploy adequate experienced work men such as operators, electricians etc. so as to discharge all the obligations under the contract efficiently. 25.22 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The Supplier shall observe all applicable regulations regarding safety on the machine. 25.23 Authority for Access No persons other than Supplier’s Personnel shall be allowed on the machine except with the consent of PPT. The employees of the Supplier must possess proper identity card having their photographs. 25.24 COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTES, REGULATIONS : In performing the work, the Supplier shall comply in all respect with all Applicable Laws of any duly constituted authority in the country. The Supplier shall keep PPT indemnified against all penalties and liability of every kind for breach of laws relating to compliance with environmental, health, safety, and similar laws. 26.0 PAYMENT 26.1 The total contract price for payment purpose under this clause shall not include the price quoted for operation and maintenance of the machine. Payment for operation and maintenance of the machine shall be made on monthly basis on successful completion of the operation and maintenance for the preceding month. Payment of the contract price shall be made in the following manner. (a) 26.2 (a) 10% of the total Contract Price as an interest free advance payment after the execution of the Form of Agreement by the parties the provision of the required performance security, and the provision of an unconditional bank guarantee in a form and by a bank acceptable to the Purchaser in amounts and currencies equal to the advance payment. Invoice. GOODS 50% of the Price quoted for the Goods shall be paid, after: for Imported Goods: receipt of the following documents by the bank. Full set of original negotiable clean on-board bills of lading drawn or endorsed to the order of the Purchaser and marked “freight pre paid”. Copy of insurance certificate for 110% of the invoice value, showing claims payable at the destination covering Institute Cargo Clauses (A), Institute War Clauses (Cargo) and Institute Strikes Clauses (Cargo). Inspection Certificate issued by the Purchaser’s Representative, if any. Manufacturer’s warranty certificate, if applicable. Certificate of Origin issued by Chamber of Commerce. Packing List. Invoice showing the total CIF value of the goods delivered. Supplier’s certificate that the amounts in the invoice are correct in terms of the Contract and that all terms and conditions of the Contract have been complied with. for Domestic Goods Receipt by the bank of the following documents. Railway or transport receipt. Insurance certificate. Manufacturer’s/supplier’s guarantee certificate. Inspection certificate issued by the Purchaser’s Representative, if any. Packing list Certificate of Origin issued by Chamber of Commerce. Invoice showing the total CIF value of the goods delivered. Supplier’s certificate that the amounts in the invoice are correct in terms of the Contract and that all terms and conditions of the Contract have been complied with. (b) 30% of the price quoted for the goods shall be paid on installation & erection of the goods on the machine. (c) 20% of the price quoted for the goods shall be paid on satisfactory final testing & commissioning of the goods. 26.3 DESIGN, DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 26.4 40% of the price quoted in the BOQ for drawing & documents shall be paid on submission of drawings certified as “good for construction” of the machine. 20 % of the price quoted in the BOQ for drawing & documents shall be paid on submission of “Construction Drawings” of the machine up to Slewing deck level. 20 % of the price quoted in the BOQ for drawing & documents shall be paid on submission of “Construction Drawings” of the machine complete with the upper structure, operator’s cabin etc. 20 % of the price quoted in the BOQ for drawing & documents shall be paid on submission of “As Built Drawings” , all manuals and documents as per the contract. INSTALLATION & ERRECTION – ELECTRICAL: (i) 40 % of the price quoted in the BOQ for installation &erection Electrical shall be paid on successfully completion of installation & erection of all Electrical Equipments except cabling. (ii) 40% of the price quoted in the BOQ for installation & erectionElectrical shall be paid on successfully completion of cabling of all the equipment as per the approved drawings. (iii) 20% of the price quoted in the BOQ for installation & erection Electrical shall be paid on successfully completion of final testing & commissioning of the machine. 26.5 INSTALLATION & ERRECTION – MECHANICAL: (i) (ii) (iii) 26.6 40 % of the price quoted in the BOQ for installation & erection - Mechanical shall be paid on successfully completion of installation & erection of all Mechanical Jobs up to the lower frame. Lower frame means up to the landing platform of slew bearing. 40% of the price quoted in the BOQ for installation & erection Mechanical shall be paid on successfully completion of installation & erection of the superstructure/ upper frame i.e inclusive of all the mechanical erection jobs. 20% of the price quoted in the BOQ for installation & erection Mechanical shall be paid on successfully completion of final testing & commissioning of the machine. TESTING & COMMISSIONING: 80% of the price quoted in the BOQ for Testing and Commissioning shall be paid on successful completion of “ NO LOAD TESTS “ as per the terms and conditions of the Contract. 20% of the price quoted in the BOQ for Testing and Commissioning shall be paid on successful completion of “ LOAD TESTS “ as per the terms and conditions of the Contract. 26.7 INITIAL SPARES 50% of the price quoted for the initial spares shall be paid on dispatch of the documents and further 30% shall be released after the spares are delivered at Paradip Port Trust and 20 % shall be released on acceptance of the Spares. 26.8 In case of staggered procurement of goods and initial spares, the shall also be staggered in the same manner but the schedule as this clause shall apply. 26.9 payment mentioned in Prior to final payment, the Supplier shall submit an irrevocable Bank Guarantee of 10% of the total contract value ( excluding the price quoted for Operation & Maintenance ) towards Warranty Obligations under the contract. 26.10 Recovery of Advance Payment: The advance payment made to the Supplier shall be adjusted @10% of each Invoice till the full amount is recovered. The Supplier may adjust the Bank Guarantee accordingly under intimation to the Purchaser’s Representative. SUMMARY OF PAYMENT CLAUSE: 26 Stage Amount Remarks On signing of 10% of Total Contract Amount O&M price offered in the agreement etc. against a B.G. of equivalent BOQ not to be included amount. in the total contract price GOODS On despatch of 50% of the cost of the goods In case of procurement documents of the quoted in the BOQ. in phase, payment shall goods. also be made in phases. On erection & 30% of the cost of goods quoted In case of erection & installation of the in the BOQ. installation in phase goods . payment shall also be made in phases. On final testing& 20% of the cost of goods quoted In case of testing & commissioning of in the BOQ . commissioning in the goods . phase, payment shall also be made in phases. DESIGN, DRWINGS & DOCUMENTS:: Drawing & Document on submission of drawings “good for construction” of the machine. On submission of construction drawings up to slew deck level including slew bearing landing platform On submission of balance construction drawings for completion of the work On submission of “As built” drawings of the machine , manuals and documents. 40% of the cost of drawings & Drawing must be good document . for manufacturer . 20% of the cost of drawings and To be supplied timely in documents line with the work progress. 20% of the cost of drawings and To be supplied timely in documents line with the work progress. 20% of the cost of drawings & Complying clause no: documents . 6.7, volume-2, page no:38 Installation & erection ( Electrical ) On successful 40% of the cost of installation & completion of all erection- Electrical electrical equipment except cabling On successful completion of cabling of all the equipment as per the approved drawings. On successful completion of final testing & commissioning 40% of the cost of installation & erection – Electrical. 20% of the price quoted for installation & erection - Electrical Installation & Erection _ Mechanical On successful 40% of the cost of installation & completion of all erection- Mechanical mechanical jobs up to the lower frame On successful 40% of the cost of installation & completion of all erection – Mechanical the balance mechanical jobs. On successful 20% of the price quoted for completion of final installation & erection testing & Mechanical commissioning Testing & commissioning On successful completion of testing & commissioning of the machine on NO LOAD. On successful completion of final testing & commissioning of the machine ON LOAD. INITIAL SPARES On dispatched of the documents of initial spares On delivery of initial spares at site . On Acceptance 80% of the price quoted for testing & commissioning of the machine. 20% of the price quoted for testing & commissioning of the machine. 50% of the price quoted for initial spares . 30% of the price quoted for initial spares 20% of the price quoted for initial spares 27. DEDUCTION ON DEFAULT The Supplier shall ensure that the machine is available on demand all the time. Failure on the part of the Supplier to meet the demand at 95% and above shall attract a deduction on account of underperformance. The availability shall be calculated as under : Availability of Plant a= Total demand raised b= Demand met % of availability = a – b X 100 a Non-availability of the machine due to the following shall not be considered. i) Non-availability of power supply from the PPT supply source. ii) Force maejure. iii). Any other cause which is beyond the reasonable control of the Supplier for which the Supplier has promptly notified Port Trust with sufficient justification acceptable to the Engineer-in-charge designated by PPT. In case of disagreement in determining whether the cause is beyond the reasonable control of the Supplier or not, the decision of the CE&ME, PPT shall be final and binding. a) Deduction for under availability. The availability of the machines should be normally 100% of the demand. However, there shall be a grace zone up to 95%. Availability below 95% shall attract a penalty as mentioned under : Equipment Availability 95% and above 90% and above 85% and above 80% and above 75% and above 70% and above Deductions from the monthly bill Nil 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% Availability below 70% shall be treated as failure by the Supplier to fulfill the contractual obligation and action will be initiated against the Suppliers as per the terms and conditions of the contract. b. Deduction on Poor Maintenance. If the maintenance works carried out by the Supplier is not up to satisfaction of Engineer in charge in any month , deduction upto 10% will be recovered from corresponding monthly bill. c. Deduction due to poor cleanliness/house keeping. The machines is to be kept in a reasonable cleaned condition. In case the level of cleanliness and house keeping is not up to satisfaction of a joint Committee comprising of one officer from IOHP, one officer nominated by CE&ME and one Supplier’s representative, the Supplier shall initiate immediate steps to undertake cleaning work failing which the Supplier shall be liable for a penalty of Rs.10,000/- only for 1st violation, and Rs.20,000/- for 2nd violation, the Supplier shall be liable to be debarred from the execution of contract. The level of cleanliness and house keeping is to be checked at least once in every month. In the event the Supplier is found to be negligent in house keeping it may result in termination of the O&M Contract pursuant to Clause No. 12 of GCC (Termination for Default). 28. FINAL INSPECTION, ACCEPTANCE AND PAYMENT. The Supplier shall, three months prior to the expiration of the Contract Period, notify the Employer in writing to take-over the machine. The Purchaser shall make a final inspection within 45 days of receiving such Notice from the Supplier and take over the machine on expiry of the O&M Contract. Normal wear & tear shall be acceptable to the Purchaser. In case of any defect or abnormality observed during inspection the same shall be made good by the Supplier at his own cost with a reasonable period failing which the final payment shall be withheld. Upon receipt of the certificate of final acceptance, the Supplier will make application to PPT for final payment within 30 days. PPT shall make payment to the Supplier within 30 days after receiving the final payment application, complete in all respect. 29. Supply of Spares etc. All the mechanical & electrical spares, steel materials, all type of lubricants ,hardware & electrical power etc. required for operation, routine maintenance & breakdown maintenance are to be supplied by the department. 30. Supply of Consumables : Consumables like cleaning agent, Fasteners, Tools and plants, Special tools like hydraulic jacks, torque wrench, welding machine, chain pulling, heavy duty pullers, lifting and pulling tackles, testing equipment, scaffolding, welding electrodes, industrial gas, high pressure hose for DA & Oxygen, cutting set with regulator, welding cable, holder, screen, scrapping & cleaning hand tools, cotton waste/rags etc. required for operation and maintenance shall be arranged by the Supplier. However, mobile equipment and cranes will be supplied by the department at free of cost depending on availability. 31. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: (PPE) The Supplier shall be solely responsible for the supply of required PPE to his workers and staff and he shall also ensure the use of PPE such as helmets, nose masks, hand gloves etc. by his staff at site. 32. CONDUCT: The Supplier, at all times during execution of the contract, shall take all measures to prevent any unlawful, riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst his staff at the site and for the preservation of peace and protection of persons and property at the work site as well as in the neighborhood of the works. 33. ACCIDENT: The Supplier shall, within 24 hours of the occurrence of any accident, at or about the work site or in connection with execution of the contract, report such accidents to the Engineer-In-charge giving all the details. He shall also provide additional information about the accident as requested by the EIC. 34. WATCH AND WARD: During the execution of the contract, it shall be the responsibility of the Supplier to arrange watch and ward of the work including the raw materials, machineries and equipment used for the work at his own cost till the contract is completed in all respects and accepted by PPT. SECTION-V SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTS. 1. TECHNICAL INFORMATION 2. SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1. TECHNICAL INFORMATION A) Characteristics of materials to be handled : Material Iron Ore B) C) Approx. Size Bulk Density Lumps– 10-200 mm Fines – Up to10 mm Stack-Pile Details : i) Shape ii) Length iii) Base Width iv) Height 1800-2250 kg./ : : : : Angle of Repose 38 degree Trapezoidal 900 mtr. 36.5 mtr. 12 mtr.(11 Mtr above the rail level & 1 Mtr below the rail level ) Existing Yard Conveyor Details : Track gauge : 6706 MM(22 Ft) Track rail size : 52 Kg. rail Belt type : Steel Cord Belt Belt Width : 1200 mm Troughing Angle : 45 degree Belt Speed : 200 mtrs./min. Rated Capacity : 3000 MTPH Deck height : 1070 mm. [ Height of top of middle roller of troughing idler set from bottom of rail] GENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION: A. i) ii) iii) iv) : : : 3200 MT/Hr. (Guaranteed) 36 mtrs. 800 mtr. v) vi) Reclaiming Boom Length Maximum Travel Maximum wind velocity a) Service Condition b) Storm Condition Maximum wheel load Counter weight : : : : vii) viii) ix) Power supply Total machine weight Total power demand : : : 72 km./hr. 200 km./hr. 20 tonne of Cast iron block each not Exceeding 6 ton. 3.3kV, 3 PH, 50 Hz, AC. To be filled up by the bidder To be filled up by the bidder : : Cell-less Electro-mechanical drive. Mechanical Requirement B. Bucket Wheel : i) Type ii) Drive C. iii) Gear reducer : iv) Motor : v) Brake : vi) Bucket wheel pillow block : Boom Conveyor. i) Belt Width : ii) iii) Troughing Angle Take up : : iv) v) vi) Drive Gear reducer Motor : : : v) Brake : Planetary with hollow output sleeve. TEFC Squirrel cage induction motor Electro hydraulic thruster operated drum type. Preferably split type. 1200 mm, provision to use 1400 mm, if required in future. 45 degree. Hydraulic type with adjusting length 1.5 mtr. Electro-mechanical drive Bevel helical / helical type. TEFC Squirrel cage induction motor Electro hydraulic thruster operated drum type. N.B: Transmission of power shall be through gear coupling both on high speed and low speed side of the gear reducer. There shall be also an alternative arrangement for incorporation of fluid coupling, if required. D. Luffing Hydraulic System : Minimum /Maximum inclination of boom to horizontal : E. Electrically driven hydraulic Power pack. To be filled up by the bidder Boom luff cylinder Type/Designation : No of cylinder : Piston rod : Piston rods shall be hard Chromed to 60 Micron, induction Hardened medium carbon steel Or stainless steel. Power pack pump type : Variable displacement pump shall be of axial piston type or fixed displacement pumps shall be of gear type. : Left to designer to meet guaranteed capacity of the machine 360 degree As per design to meet guaranteed capacity along with speed control speed. Boom Slewing i) Arrangement and bearing type ii) Slewing range iii) Slewing Speed : : Clevis mounted heavy duty Repairable construction type. Twin F. G. H. iv) v) No of Drives Drive : : vi) vii) Gear reducer Motor : : vii) Brake : Long Travel i) Travel Speed : ii) Wheels : iii) Drive : iv) Gear reducer : v) Motor : vii) Brake : Power Cable Reeling Drum Voltage Motor Drum : : : Three Electro-mechanical Drive with VVVF type speed control. Planetory/Heliworm reducer. TEFC Squirrel cage induction motor suitable for VVVF drive. Electro Hydraulic Thruster Operated disc type/ Electro magnetic operated disc brake. 20 mtr./min. (max) (variable speed) Approximate ground clearance 300mm above rail level. Electro Mechanical drive with VVVF type speed control. Bevel helical / Helical with individual lubrication type. (Geared Motors can be used) TEFC Squirrel cage induction motor suitable for VVVF drive. Electro Hydraulic Thruster Operated disc type/ Electro Magnetic operated disc brake 415 V, 3 ph, 50 Hz Stall torque type Barrel type to accommodate entire trailing cable. Central Lubrication System. The Central lubrication for the machine consists of 4 separate system. a. Under carriage lubrication system b. Superstructure lubrication system. c. Conveyor lubrication system. Each system is constructed from the following elements: a. Lubricating oil pump with a lubricant vessel, powered by a built-in electric engine with capacity control of each output b. Pipes and flexible conduits c. connections d. Required lubricating points. e. Distributor with visual operation monitoring (tappet) Electrical Requirement: 1. The machine is fed from a land mounted 3.3 KV Junction Box located at midpoint of travel through 3.3 KV flexible trailing cable and onboard barrel type CRD for reeling and unreeling of the trailing cable while the machine is traveling. The CRD feeds 3.3 KV Power to on machine 3.3 KV switch gear (VCB) located inside the onboard E house and in turn to the Dry cast Resin (AN) transformer with Class F insulation. The transformer shall be located outside the E house but provided with suitable enclosure with proper ventilations. The transformer steps down the 3.3 K.V. power to 415V +/- 10% and the L.T. power is fed to the MCC located inside the electric house. NB: PPT will provide 3.3 KV supply at midpoint of the long travel from a 3.3KV supply Junction Box. 2. 3.3 KV Switch gear shall be vacuum circuit Breaker panel. 3. All the motors required for running of the machine as well as allied auxiliary is fed from MCC through a combination of Armored and flexible cables. 4. MCC Panel (Non drawn out type) Sl. Description No. 1 Incomer 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Type of Type of Type of overload switch gear Starter protection MCCB With shunt trip and E/F module Conveyor MCCB DOL With Microprocessor based Motor protection relay Bucket Wheel MCCB DOL With Microprocessor based Motor protection relay Boom Luffing MCCB DOL Bi-metallic thermal type overload relay with single phasing preventor. Long Travel MCCB VVVF Bi-metallic thermal Control type overload relay with single phasing preventor. Slewing MCCB VVVF Bi-metallic thermal Control type overload relay with single phasing preventor. Other drives like MCCB DOL Bi-metallic thermal DSS, Centralized type overload relay lubrication system with single phasing etc. preventor Lighting transformer SFU Welding sockets SFU Control transformer MCCB( For incoming and outgoing both) 5. 6. Voltage and power supply conditions: Low voltage supply Voltage(V) Voltage fluctuations % Frequency Frequency fluctuations Phases Neutral : : : : : : Auxiliary voltages Control (V) Lighting (V) Solenoid valves (V) Electronic equipment (V) Control voltages Digital I/O(V) Signal lamp (V)/Field devices : : : : : : : : 415V +/10% 50 Hz +/4% 3 Earthed through earth shoe on both side rails. 230 +/- 10% 230 V, 48V DC 230 V 48V DC 48V DC(PLC) 48V DC 48V DC 48V DC : : : : IP 65 IP 54 IP 65 IP 65 Degree of protection: All outdoor panels All indoor panels All field devices All Motors 7. Operation of the machine is achieved by a PLC system having a Central processing Unit located inside the electric house and a remote I/O panel located inside the operator’s cabin connected by a RIO Link cable for communication. PLC system is considered to be Non-redundant. 8. The machine is controlled by an operator control desk having joysticks and push buttons and HMI. 9. Hardware signal exchange between the reclaimer machine and the Central Control room of the Plant is achieved through a control trailing cable and control CRD to the land mounted control Junction Box. The land mounted control Junction Box shall be supplied by PPT. 10. Operational and safety limits of the drives and their motions are cut off by a no. of limit switches located strategically all over the machine. 11. Long travel and slew drives of the machine are controlled through variable voltage variable frequency( VVVF) converters located inside the Electric house for wide range of speed control. 12. Communication within the machine and with Central control station is achieved via telephone and wireless system. 13. Belt weigher : Electronic type 2. SCHEDULE OF SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Contents Schedule I Organization Chart Schedule II SubSuppliers Schedule III Tender Programme Schedule IV Work Method Statements Schedule V Technical Data Sheets Schedule I : 1. Organization Chart and Key Personnel. The Supplier shall provide an organization chart or charts depicting the proposed organization for - Project Management Engineering Site Construction The charts shall clearly depict the reporting relationship between the personnel within each discipline and also the overall relationship of engineering, project management and site construction within the corporate structure. 2. Names of the proposed personnel in the first 3 levels of the organization charts shall be included against the respective title in the charts and Bio-data (Curriculum Vitae) of each of the nominated personnel to be attached. The Biodata to include as a minimum: Name: Summary of Qualifications Present Occupations Names and Contact Phone Numbers. In the event the Supplier makes any change in the top 3 levels, the same shall be promptly informed to the Purchaser’s Representative and suitable replacement, acceptable to the Purchaser, must be posted. Schedule II : Element of Work * SubSuppliers. Approximate Value Name and Address of SubSupplier Statement of Similar Works previously Executed Include the Owners name for whom the works were executed and the name of the Consultant, if any. Schedule III : Tender Programme Bidders shall provide a tender programme in the form of a time scaled bar chart clearly indicating the sequence and duration of the main activities required to complete the Works within the required time schedule. The programme shall be accompanied by detailed explanation of how the Bidder intends to manage and control the programme to ensure that time and quality requirements are met. The activities covered by the programme and explanation shall include but not be limited to Design Fabrication Delivery Erection Commissioning Schedule IV : Work Method Statements Construction Bidder shall provide its proposed methodology for the construction work with particular emphasis on the following: Sequence of erection of the machine. Handling and carnage. Temporary bracing. Co-ordination with Related and other Contracts, if any. Schedule V : Technical Data Sheets 1.0 GENERAL a) The Bidder shall complete the Data Sheets in this Schedule to the fullest extent applicable to the equipment being offered. Where the space allowed in the schedule does not permit a comprehensive response the Bidder shall insert additional sheets which shall be cross referenced to the specific question in the Schedule. b) This shall be used to technically evaluate the bid and to assess its compliance with the Specification. To the extent that the Data Sheets supplied do not adequately describe the equipment offered the Bidder shall submit additional sheets, brochures, drawings, sketches etc. to fully describe the technical attributes of the equipment offered. c) Failure to complete this schedule as required may render the bid nonresponsive. 2.0 DRAWINGS Drawings showing the following arrangements and details and certified by the Supplier as “ good for construction “ shall be submitted by the Supplier to the Purchaser’s representative with in 30 days of issue of Letter of Intent (LOI) :- ( 3 sets ) - General arrangement - elevations - General arrangement - sections - Driven and non-driven bogie and wheel arrangement - Boom luffing arrangement - Slew assembly arrangement - Bucket wheel arrangement - Bucket wheel drive arrangement - Circular chute and support structure arrangement - Access Platforms, walkways, stairs including location of lifting equipment. - Arrangement of transfer points, showing chutes, deflector plates, liners, scrapers, access and inspection doors, skirts, seals, etc. - Outline drawings and data for all major items of electrical plant and components offered. - Typical drawing of each proposed drive assembly. - Arrangement of fire protection equipment. - Single line diagram of power distribution. - Switchboard, operator’s control cabin and control desk layout drawings. 3.0 Surge hopper and feeder arrangement WHEEL LOAD DATA Wheels Total No. of wheels - East Rails No._________________________ - West Rails No._______________ ________ Number of wheels per corner main gantry No._______________________ Wheel Diameter mm_______________________ Bogie spacing mm_______________________ Wheel Loads Main Gantry (Maximum) Vertical Unit Load per wheel t ----------------------------------------------------------------------t ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Load per corner 4.0 Restricted Storm Stationery Travel Tie Down --------------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT DATA 4.1.1 GENERAL Manufacturer _________________ Designer _________________ Total Machine Operating Weight _________________ Guaranteed Reclaiming Capacity _________________ (3200TPH minimum) Design Reclaiming Capacity _________________ Total Installed Power _________________ Slew Angle Limits if any ______________deg. Boom Length (Centre of rotation to centre of boom Conveyor head pulley) ________________m Boom inclination (Max/Min) ______________deg. Can the machine service stockpile profile of 12m at guaranteed capacity YES / NO 4.1.2 MASS OF ASSEMBLIES Weight of structurals ________________ t Counterweight mass ________________ t Electrical Installations ________________ t Bucket-wheel Assembly ________________ t Total machine weight ________________ t 4.1.3 POWER REQUIREMENTS Maximum Power Demand at Design Reclaiming Rate _______________kW Power factor at Maximum Demand _________________ Power factor and Power Demand at no load _________________ Total installed power capacity of Machine drive _________________ 4.1.4 BOOM CONVEYOR. Power Demand _______________kW Installed Power _______________kW Capacity (Normal/Design) _______________ t/h Centres _______________ m Lift (Max) _______________ m Speed _______________ m/sec Max/Min Inclination _______________ deg Take up : Type _______________ Total Travel _______________ Drive Pulley Diameter _______________mm Type of lagging/thickness _______________mm Shaft diameter _______________mm Bearing Designation _______________ Housing Designation _______________ Mass (incl. Shaft and bearing housings) _______________ Manufacturer Non-Drive Pulleys Diameter ______________mm Type of lagging/thickness ______________ mm Shaft Diameter ______________ mm Bearing designation _______________ Housing designation _______________ Mass (incl. Of shaft and bearing housings) ______________kg Manufacturer _______________ Snub Pulley Diameter ______________mm Type of lagging/thickness ______________ mm Shaft Diameter ______________ mm Bearing designation _______________ Housing designation _______________ Manufacturer _______________ Mass ______________kg Coupling Low Speed Type _______________ Manufacturer _______________ Gear Reducer Type _______________ Mounting (foot, shaft, other) _______________ Ratio _______________ Mass ______________kg Manufacturer _______________ Motor Manufacturer _______________ Rated Power _______________kW Type _______________ Synchronous Speed _______________ Brake Type _______________ Torque rating _______________Nm Diameter of disc _______________mm Manufacturer _______________ Fluid Coupling Type/Designation _______________ Size _______________ Manufacturer _______________ Mass _______________ Coupling – High Speed Type/Designation _______________ Manufacturer _______________ Coupling – Low Speed Type/Designation _______________ Manufacturer _______________ Belt Scrapers Type _______________ Quantity _______________ Manufacturer _______________ 4.1.5 BOOM SLEWING. Slew Assembly (Bearing) Type _______________ Diameter (PCD of elements) _______________mm No. and type of rolling elements _______________ Manufacturer _______________ Expected life _______________ Jacking points of slew assembly No. of jacking points/pads _______________ Qty. of hydraulic jacks supplied _______________ Hydr. Jack capacity _______________ Hydr. Jack weight closed/raised _______________mm Slew Drive Power Demand ______________kW/RPM Installed Power ______________kW/RPM Number of slew drives/pinions _______________ Gear Reducer Type Type/Designation _______________ Ratio _______________ Manufacturer _______________ Mass _______________ Brake Designation and type _______________ Manufacturer _______________ Machine Overload Protection Coupling Type/Designation _______________ Manufacturer _______________ Boom Slewing Drive : Hydraulic drive for the Boom slewing shall be preferred. Provide details of the drive system. 4.1.6 BOOM LUFFING Minimum/Maximum inclination of boom to horizontal _________________deg Time to luff from minimum to maximum inclination________________secs Acceleration ________________m/sec2 Deceleration ________________m/sec2 Power Demand ________________kW Installed Power ________________kW Boom Luff Cylinder Type/Designation ______________ No. of Cylinders ______________ Bore/Rod Diameter ______________mm Stroke ______________mm Operating pressure ______________Mpa Safety factor (yield) ______________ Mass _______________kg Manufacturer _______________ Power Pack Pump displacement _______________1/rev. Pump type _______________ Rated pressure _______________Mpa Tank capacity _______________Litre Manufacture _______________ Oil used _______________ 4.1.7 LONG TRAVEL EQUIPMENT Power Demand / Speed ______________kW/RPM Installed Power/Speed ______________kW/RPM Long travel speed range ________________m/sec Number of drives and driving wheels ________________ Axle Assemblies Load Vertical/horizontal per wheel ________________kN Tread diameter (wheel) ______________mm Bearing designation _______________ Bearing housing type _______________ Coupling Low Speed (if required) Type _______________ Manufacturer _______________ Speed Reducers Type _______________ Mounting (Foot, shaft, other) _______________ Reduction ratio _______________ Mass _______________ Manufacturer _______________ Brakes Type _______________ Diameter of disc _______________ Manufacturer _______________ Coupling – High Speed Type _______________ Manufacturer _______________ Jacking Points for Portal/Equaliser/Bogie/Wheel No. Jacking Points _______________ Qty. of hydraulic jacks supplied _______________ Hydraulic Jack capacity ______________kN Hydraulic jack height closed/raised ______________mm Trailer No. of wheels _______________ Tread diameter _______________m Bearing designation _______________ Bearing Housing Type ________________ Long Travel Buffers Buffer Type ________________ Manufacturer ________________ 4.1.8 TRAILING CABLES AND REELERS. Power Cable Size and type ________________ Manufacturer ________________ No. of Cores ________________ Power core size ________________ Earth core size ________________ Screen size ________________ Overall Diameter of cables ________________ Power Cable Reeler Drum diameter _______________mm Reducer Designation ________________ Reducer ratio ________________ Reeling drive type ________________ Motor type ________________ Rated motor power/speed ______________kW/RPM Power Slip ring type/designation ________________ Manufacturer(Reeler) ________________ Control Cable Reeler Drum Diameter ________________mm Reducer designation ________________ Reducer ratio ________________ Reeling drive type ________________ Tension control method ________________ Motor type ________________ Rated motor power/speed ______________kW/RPM Power Slip ring type/designation ________________ Manufacturer(Reeler) ________________ 4.1.9 SERVICES. Lubricants (List of all oils and Lubricants) Function ________________ Manufacturer and Availability in India ________________ Type of Lubricant ________________ Painting Paint Manufacturer/s ________________ Service Hoists No. of units ________________ Locations and Capacities ________________ Power or Hand Operated ________________ 4.1.10 SWITCHBOARD. _______________Voltage Enclosure Manufacturer _______________ Busbar current rating _______________A Fault withstand rating _______________kA 3.3KV VCB manufacturer _______________ type/rating _______________A MCCB Manufacturer _______________ - type/rating ________________A Sub-circuit breakers -manufacturer _______________ - type/rating ________________A MCC Manufacturer ________________ Motor contactor type and model ________________ Motor protection relay ________________ Make ________________ Rating ________________ Overload Relay with single phasing prevention _________________ Make ________________ Rating ________________ 4.1.11 VARIABLE SPEED DRIVES. Travel Manufacturer _____________________ Type _____________________ Rating _____________________ Motor Power rating ___________________kW/RPM Degree of protection _____________________ Duty type(S number) _____________________ Slew Manufacturer _____________________ Type _____________________ Rating _____________________ Motor Power Rating ___________________Kw/RPM Torque nominal – max ____________________Nm Speed at range ____________________rpm Degree of protection ____________________ Duty type (S number) ____________________ 4.1.12 PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLERS. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. Memory size _____________________ No. of I/O blocks _____________________ No of spare I/O blocks _____________________ No. of Digital outputs _____________________ No. of Digital inputs _____________________ No. of Analogue inputs _____________________ No. of Analogue outputs _____________________ Specification _____________________ Minimum processing capabilities _____________________ Minimum memory requirements _____________________ Expected maximum operating temp of PC Assy. Expected maximum operating temp of I/O Blocks Constant voltage transformer rating _____________________ 4.1.13 FIELD CONTROL DEVICES. A list of all field control devices including transducers and devices are to be provided with the following data: Purpose Expected position on Machine Manufacturer Rating / Configuration Quantity 4.1.14 LUMINAIRES The contractor shall provide the name of the manufacturer and catalogue number of each luminaire, including emergency lighting and number of such shall be stated. 4.1.15 SWITCHROOM ENCLOSURE. Air Conditioner Cooling Capacity __________________kW Design working pressure in switch room ___________________ Design working temperature in switchroom ___________________0C Pressuring Filter Fan Manufacturer _____________________ Model Number _____________________ Rating _____________________ 4.1.16 LIGHTING LEVELS. Boom conveyor discharge ___________________lux Boom conveyor loading ___________________lux Switchrooms ___________________lux Walkways ___________________lux Stairways ___________________lux 4.1.17 MOTORS. A list of motors completed Motor Data Sheets For each motor shall be supplied. See item 4.1.18 TRANSFORMERS. For each power transformer a filled in Transformer Data Sheet shall be supplied. See item 4.1.19 CURRENT TRANSFORMERS. The following shall be supplied for all Current transformers : - Manufacturer/Make - Class - Ratio 4.1.20 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER. A list of all voltage transformers and the following Information for each shall be supplied : - Manufacturer/Make - Class - Ratio 4.1.21 MANUALS AND TRAINING. Confirmation of the following will be as specified: - Testing Manuals - Commissioning Manuals - Maintenance Manuals - Operating Manuals - As Built Drawings - Personal Training Operations & Maintenance 4.1.22 MOTOR DATA SHEET. The following shall be provided for each 3-phase electric motor: - Application and quantity - kW rating and frame size - Locked rotor torque - Breakdown torque - Pull-up torque - Speed-torque curve determined by type testing of machine - Speed-Current curve for machine - Permissible stall time with full voltage applied to terminals - Temperature of stator and rotor conductors at the still time - Full Load Current - Rotor moment of inertia Type and arrangement of stator windings. - Type and construction of rotor cage - Place of manufacture - Full load speed - No of permissible starts per day - Duty - Degree of protection - Insulation / Class 4.1.23 TRANSFORMER DATA SHEET 4.1.24 EQUIPMENT ITEM 1. Type of Transformer _________________ 2. Number of units supplied : _________________ 3. Rated Power : _________________ kVA 4. Applicable Standards transformer complies with : _________________ 5. Frequency : _________________ Hz 6. Insulation Type : _________________ 7. IP Rating of Transformer enclosure : _________________ 8. 9. Rated Voltages a) Primary Winding : _________________ V b) Secondary Winding : _________________ V System Highest Voltages _________________ V a) Primary Winding : _________________ V b) Secondary Winding : _________________ V 10. Tappings Required : 11. Method of Earthing 12. _________________ V a) Primary Winding : _________________ b) Secondary Winding : _________________ Fault level primary Fault level Secondary : 13. % Impedance __________________ 14. Class of Insulation __________________ with temp rise above ambient temp.(450C) 4.1.25 BUCKETWHEEL Power Demand _______________ kW Installed Power _______________ kW/RPM Type (cell-less) _______________ Diameter over buckets _______________ m Number of buckets _______________ Bucket width _______________ mm Bucket volume _______________ m3 Rotational Speed _______________ RPM Rotational speed _______ buckets/minute Peripheral cutting speed _______________ m/sec Shaft diameter _______________ mm Shaft/body connection type _______________ Mass of BW assembly (no chute & drive) _______________ t Material of buckets _______________ Replaceable wear cutters _______________ Gear Reducer – BW Type _________________ Power rating mechanical/thermal _________________ kw Ratio _________________ Cooling (Air/self) _________________ Lubrication (splash/forced) _________________ Breather Type _________________ Connection to Bucket wheel shaft _________________ Mass _________________ kg Manufacturer _________________ Auxiliary Drive Motor Power/Soeed ______________kW/RPM Time for one BW Rotation _________________ sec Drive Arrangement _________________ Fluid Coupling – BW Type/Designation _________________ Stalling Torque _________________ % Nominal slip at demand Power _________________ % Manufacturer _________________ Mass _________________ kg Load Cell – MW 1. Type _________________ Capacity _________________ kN Manufacturer _________________ Model Materials to be used _________________ Scale _________________ Machine motions modelled _________________ Slewing _______________ Yes/No Luffing _______________ Yes/No 2. Initial Spares : The list of Initial Spares will be finalized in the Pre Bid Meeting. The list of initial spare, special tools etc. offered by the Supplier must be enclosed in the Technical Bid. 5.0 TECHNO-COMMERCIAL INFORMATION SHEET: APPENDIX - II The Supplier must fill up the techno-commercial sheet and enclose the same in the technical bid. The bidder must enclose copies of documents in support of the information provided in this sheet. This sheet shall be used for technical evaluation and failure to provide correct information in this sheet may result in rejection of the bid. The deviation statement must be prepared carefully as the items not appearing in the deviation statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the bidder. The bidder must ensure that the representative attending the pre-bid meeting / post-bid meeting is conversant with the technical as well as commercial requirements of the Tender Document and also conversant with the Technocommercial offer proposed / submitted by the bidder so that various points could be clarified promptly to save delay. SECTION-VI BILL OF QUANTITY FORMAT Sl Items Amount 01 Total Cost of Goods – Domestic 02 Total Cost of Goods – Imported 03 Design, Drawing & Documents 04 Installation & Erection - Electrical 05 Installation & Erection - Mechanical 06 Testing & Commissioning 07 Total Cost of Initial Spares 08 Operation and maintenance @ Rs.__________ per month x 12 months TOTAL: Rs. (In words rupees --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) Having gone through the terms and conditions and understood the requirements of the contract, we confirm that the above offered price includes all the taxes and duties and all other incidentals and is a firm price. Signature of the Bidder APPENDIX-I BILL ENTRY FORMAT FOR E & M WORKS (Vide F. C. no. 1534/FA dt. 09/06/03 & approval no. 2442/DCM dt. 17/06/03) 1. Name of the work 2. Name of the Agency 3. Work Order No. : 4. Head of Account : Capital / Revenue 5. Chargeable Head :___/___/___ 6. Date of commencement : 7. Date of completion : Sl. No. : : Description of works / materials as per Bill of Quantity (BOQ) Unit Qty. as per BOQ Qty. Executed Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.) (Using this format submit the information in separate sheets.) Additional items, if any. Accepted the above entries. Signature of the EIC Signature of the Supplier Certified that the Supplier has discharged all the obligations under the contract satisfactorily. Remarks, if any, of EIC: C/s by Executive Engineer Bill No.: ______________ Gross Value of the Work: Less Recoveries: a. b. c. Total Recoveries Net amount payable: Signature of the Engineer Incharge Date: _________________ Rs. __________________ Rs. ______________ Rs. ______________ Rs. ______________7 (-) Rs. _______________ Rs. ______________ Passed for Rs.______________ (Rupees ________________________________) Under Revenue / Capital Code No. _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ . Signature of the D.D.O. APPENDIX-II TECHNO-COMMERCIAL INFORMATION 1. Name of the Bidder 2. Present address with : Telephone No. and name of the contact person 3. Whether you accept all the terms and conditions of the contract : Yes / No (If no, indicate the details with reasons, if any. The Deviation Statement must be filled up in the following format.) DEVIATION STATEMENT Ref No./ Clause No. 4. : PPT’s Requirement Bidder ‘s Offer Technical details of Supply items viz. Make, Model, Capacity etc. (enclose brochures, test certificates, if any) SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER APPENDIX - III ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION (To be filled up and enclosed with the Technical Bid ) 1. SIMILAR EXPERIENCE: Name of Work the work Order no. 2. Work Order value Commencement Completion Date Date Completion Certificate no. FINANCIAL CAPABILITY: (Average Annual Turn Over) Financial Year: Financial Year: Financial Year: Rs.: Rs.: Rs.: Enclose copy of profit/loss statement certified by any Chartered Accountant. 3. OTHER ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS, IF ANY, AS PER THE TCN: We hereby confirm that copies of supporting documents for above are attached to this sheet for reference. ( Total nos. of pages including this sheet - ________ ). Originals shall be presented for verification on the date of opening of technical bid. SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Originals Verified on Date: ______________ Remarks, if any: ______________ _______________ ________________ _______________ Signature of Tender Committee Members Representatives APPENDIX-IV BANK GUARANTEE FORMAT FOR BID SECURITY (EMD) WHEREAS _______________________________________(herein after called “the Bidder”) has/have submitted his/their bid dated _______________ for ____________________________________ (hereinafter called the “the Bid”). KNOWN ALL MEN by these presents that we _______________________ _____________ of ___________________________________ having our registered office at __________________________________________ (hereinafter called “the Bank”) are bound onto Paradip Port Trust (hereinafter called the purchaser) in the sum of Rs. _________ (Rupees ________________________________) only, for which payment will and truly to be made to the said purchaser, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns, by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the Bank this ________________ day of _______ 20______. THE CONDITIONS of obligation are : (Applicable for EMD only) 1. If the Bidder withdraws its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form, after bid opening or 2. If the Bidder submits fraudulent documents and / or wrong information in support of it’s eligibility / qualification or 3. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the purchaser during the period of bid validity, a) fails or refuses to execute the contract form, when requested , or b) fails to sign the Agreement and/or fails to submit the required performance security deposit and/or does not agree to carry out the work as per the work order, in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers (Section – II of the Tender Document). We undertake to pay to the purchaser the above amount, according to and upon receipt of their first written demand, without the purchaser having to substantiate their demand, provided that in their demand the purchaser will note that the amount claimed by them is due to them owing to the occurrence of any one or all of the above-stated conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. THIS GUARANTEE will remain in force up to and including Dt. _______and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than such date. Ref No. (TCN No. to be inserted ) (Name of the Bank) By ______________ Title Authorized Representative (Signature of witness) Name & Address of witness: APPENDIX-V BANK GUARANTEE FORMAT FOR INITIAL SECURITY DEPOSIT (ISD) To : The Paradip Port Trust Paradip Port – 754 142 ORISSA, INDIA. WHEREAS ____________________________________ (Name of Supplier) hereinafter called “the Supplier” has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No __________ dated __________ 20 ___ to supply (Description of Goods and Services) hereinafter called “the Contract”. AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Supplier shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with the Supplier’s performance obligations during the execution in accordance with the Contract AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Supplier a Guarantee : THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the Supplier, up to a total of ___________________________ (Amount of the Guarantee in Words and Figures) and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the Supplier to be in default under the Contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of Rs.__________ (Amount of Guarantee) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein. This guarantee is valid until the __________________ dayof ___________ 20__ (Ref:- TCN No: _______________________ ) The above reference must be used for all correspondences on this Bank Guarantee. Date: Authorised Signature of the Bank Name & Address: APPENDIX-VI BANK GUARANTEE FORMAT FOR WARRANTY PERFORMANCE DEPOSIT To The FA & CAO, Paradip Port Trust, Paradip Port – 754142. WHEREAS (Name of Supplier) _____________________________________ herein after called “the Supplier”, has undertaken to perform in pursuance of Contract No. ___________________________ dated _____________________, (hereinafter called the “CONTRACT”) AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the Contract that the Supplier shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee from a nationalized Bank having its branch at Paradip Port for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with the Supplier’s warranty performance obligations in accordance with the Contract; AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Supplier a Guarantee; THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are the Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the Supplier, up to a total of (Amount of the Guarantee in Words and Figures) and we undertake to pay you Rs. _________________________________________________________________ _ upon your first written demand declaring the Supplier to be in default under the Contract, and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums as specified by you within the limit of (Amount of Guarantee ) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein. This guarantee is valid until _________ day of _______________, 20___. Ref No. (TCN No. to be inserted ) Date: ___________________ Address: By (Title) Authorized Representative APPENDIX-VII BANK GUARANTEE FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT. To : The Paradip Port Trust Paradip Port – 754 142. ORISSA, INDIA. Subject : Contract) ___________________________________ (Name of the Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions of Contract Clause 16(a) and (b) (“Advance Payment”) of the above mentioned Contract, _______________________________ (Name and address of Supplier) (hereinafter called “the Supplier”) shall deposit with The Paradip Port Trust a bank guarantee to guarantee his proper and faithful performance under the said Clause of the Contract in an amount of ________________________________ (Amount of Guarantee in Words and Figures). We, the ______________________________ (Bank) as instructed by the Supplier, agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligator and not as Surety merely, the payment to The Paradip Port Trust on his first demand without whatsoever right of objection on our part and without his first claim to the Supplier, in the amount not exceeding ________________________ (Amount of Guarantee in Words and Figures). We further agree that no change or addition to or any modification of the terms of the Contract to be performed thereunder or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between The Paradip Port Trust and the Supplier, shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification. This guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment under the Contract until The Paradip Port Trust receives full repayment of the same amount from the Supplier. (Ref:- TCN No: _______________________ ) The above reference must be used for all correspondences on this Bank Guarantee. Yours truly, Signature and Seal _____________________ Name of Bank/ Date: _____________________________ APPENDIX- VIII CORPORATE PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE (Name of the Firm), having their Head Office at ……………………, hereinafter called as “the Supplier” do hereby offer guarantee to Paradip Port Trust, Paradip herein called the purchaser as specified in the Purchase/Work Order Nos……………….. for satisfactory performance for a period of ___years from the date of acceptance subject to the following conditions in addition to the clauses/conditions mentioned in the above purchase/work order and subsequent revision. 1. The Guarantors obligation under this guarantee shall be to repair all defects with material and labor free of charge during the guarantee period of ___ years. “Defects” during the guarantee period shall mean as under: a) b) c) 2.The guarantee shall commence on the date of acceptance of the goods and services as specified in the contract agreement. 3. The defects shall be rectified by appropriate as deemed necessary so as to meet the specifications and/or instructions of the Engineer – in – Charge so that the repair work shall not show any defects as defined above within guarantee period. 4. The guarantor shall rectify the defects within four weeks from the date of receipt of the notice from the owner giving brief details of the nature of the defects, unless otherwise specified. 5. If the guarantor fails to perform his obligation as per this guarantee, PPT reserves the right to rectify the defects by another agency at guarantors risk and cost. 6.The guarantor shall have no liability under this guarantee for the following: a) Damage caused by physical abuse, fire, explosion, accident. 7. Force Majeur: The Guarantor(s) obligations are automatically waived and void to the extent that it becomes unreasonably difficult or impossible to carry out the claims procedure or repair as a consequence of strikes, war, invasion, acts of terrorists or foreign enemies, hostilities( whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or power, confiscation or nationalization or requisition or destruction of damage to property by or under the order of any Government or Authority and to the extent that loss or damage is directly or indirectly caused by such circumstances. Corporate Seal: Date: Authorised Signatory APPENDIX-IX PROFORMA CERTIFICATE FOR COMMISSIONING OF GOODS. PROFORMA OF CERTIFICATE FOR ISSUE BY THE PURCHASER AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMMISSIONING OF GOODS. No.__________________ Date_________________ M/s ______________________________ Subject : Certificate of Commissioning of Goods. This is to certify that the Goods as detailed below has/have been received in good condition along with all the standard and special accessories (subject to remarks in Para No.2) and a set of spares in accordance with the Contract/Specifications. The same has been installed and commissioned. (a) Contract No. ________________ dated _____________________ (b) Description of the Goods _________________________________ Plant Nos.__________________________________________________ Quantity ______________________________________________ Bill of Lading _______________ dated ___________(for import contract) Name of the vessel/transporter ____________________________ R/R No. _______________________ dated _________________ Name of the consignee __________________________________ Date of commissioning and proving test _____________________ Details of accessories /spares not yet supplied and recoveries to be made on that account. Sl. No. Description Amount to be Recovered The commissioning tests has been done to our entire satisfaction and operators have been trained to operate the plant. The Supplier has fulfilled his contractual obligations satisfactorily. OR The Supplier has failed to fulfill his contractual obligations with regard to the following. (a) (b) (c) (d) The amount of recovery on account of non-supply of accessories and spares is given under Para No.2. The amount of recovery on account of failure of the Supplier to meet his contractual obligations is as indicated in endorsement of the letter. Signature : _________________________ Name : _________________________ Designation with Stamp : ________________ APPENDIX - X LETTER OF INTENT FORMAT No.: ___________________ Date: ____________ To Sub: ( Name of the Work.) Dear Sirs, With reference to your above offer and subsequent correspondences on the subject, we are pleased to inform you that your offer has been accepted by the competent authority and you are hereby requested to initiate actions to commence the work at the earliest as per the terms and conditions of the contract. The Engineer In-charge for this work shall be Mr. ________________. Agreed Schedule date of commencement of the work is ____________ and Schedule date of completion of the work is ________________. You are requested to sign the Agreement and fulfill other formalities as per the tender conditions. Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Controlling Officer) **************************** WORK ORDER FORMAT W. O. No.: ___________________ Date: ____________ To Sub : ( Name of the Work ) Ref : Letter of Intent dtd. ________________ . Dear Sirs, We are pleased to inform you that your offer for the above work has been approved by the competent authority and you are requested to execute the work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract and complete the work / services to the full satisfaction of the Engineer Incharge (EIC) within the stipulated time period. Agreed date of commencement & completion of the Work/Services: ______________________________ . Total Contract Amount : Rs. ________________ Payment: Warranty: On satisfactory completion of the work, the bills along with all the required documents in triplicate shall be submitted to the EIC for certification and other processing for the payment within thirty (30) days of submission of bills in full shape. The warranty period for this work shall be ________ from the date of acceptance of the work / services. Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Controlling Officer) PARADIP PORT TRUST VOLUME - II [ SECTION-VII ] TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DESIGN, FABRICATION, SUPPLY, ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING OF RECLAIMER OF CAPACITY 3200 TPH SECTION VI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Contents SCOPE OF WORK GENERAL WORK INCLUDED WORK NOT INCLUDED PURCHASER SUPPLY RELATED AND OTHER CONTRACTS SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS INTRODUCTION CONTROL PHILOSOPHY OPERATIONS EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS GENERAL RECLAIMERS CONFIGURATION PORTAL GANTRY SUPERSTRUCTURE SLEW ASSEMBLY BUCKET WHEEL RECLAIMER OPERATION 3.3 PORTAL AND TRAVEL ASSEMBLY FOR ALL MACHINES 3.3.1 LOAD DISTRIBUTION AND MOVEMENT COMPENSATION 3.3.2 LINKAGE POINTS 3.3.3 BOGIE ASSEMBLIES 3.3.4 TRAVEL DRIVES 3.3.5 BUFFERS AND END STOPS 3.4 SLEW ASSEMBLIES 3.4.1 GENERAL 3.4.2 SLEW BEARING 3.4.3 STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS 3.4.4 INSTALLATION 3.4.5 CALCULATIONS AND MANUALS 3.4.6 SLEW DRIVES 3.5 3.6 LUFF ASSEMBLES BOOM CONVEYORS 3.6.1 GENERAL 3.6.2 CONVEYOR DRIVES 3.6.3 BELT TENSIONING 3.6.4 BELT WEIGHTERS 3.6.5 BELT CLEANING 3.6.6 CONVEYOR DISCHARGE AND RECEIVAL CHUTES 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 OPERATORS CONTROL CABIN STORM TIE DOWN MAINTENANCE ACCESS FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 4.0 CODES, STANDARDS AND STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE 5.1 5.2 5.3 GENERAL SUBCONTRACTS QUALITY SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION 5.3.1 GENERAL 5.3.2 QUALITY PLAN 5.3.3 ITPs 5.3.4 RECORDS QUALITY AUDITS INDEPENDENT INSPECTION/QUALITY ASSURANCE SERVICES INSPECTION VISITS BY PURCHASER PROOF ENGINEER 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS 6.1 GENERAL 6.2 DRAWING PRACTICE DRAWING TITLES, SHEETS AND NUMBERS SUBMISSION OF DRAWINGS AND DATA REVIEW OF DRAWINGS AND DATA CERTIFIED DRAWINGS FINAL DRAWINGS REQUIREMENTS FOR CALCULATIONS DESIGN CRITERIA 7.1 GENERAL CLIMATIC CONDITIONS PROHIBITED MATERAILS DESIGN CRITERIA – STRUCTURAL 7.4.1 DESIGN STANDARDS DESIGN LOADINGS WIND LOADS FLOOR AND WALKWAY LOADS MACHINERY FLOOR LOADS EFFECTS OF ELASITC DEFORMATION OF SUPPORTS AS MACHINE TRAVELS EARTHQUAKE LOADS LOADS NOT SPECIFIED LOAD COMBINATIONS ALLOWABLE STRESSES FATIGUE WHEEL AND RAIL TRACK TOLERANCES STABILITY AND SAFETY CONSIDERATION FOR DETAILING SLENDERNESS RATIOS 7.5 7.6 7.7 DEPTH TO SPAN RATIOS MINIMUM THICKNESS MATERIALS ACCESS STRUCTURES CONNECTIONS RESIDUAL STRESSES DUPLICATION OF OPERATORS CABIN SUPPORT DESIGN CRITERIA – MECHANICAL IRON ORE PROPERTIES NOISE VIBRATION DESIGN CRITERIA – ELECTRICAL DESIGN CRITERIA – CONTROL SYSTEMS HARDWARE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS CABINET ARRANGEMENT STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS 8.1 INTRODUCTION STANDARDS WORKSHOP DRAWINGS STEEL STEEL WORK FABRICATION 8.5.1 GENERAL CUTTING AND HOLING WELDING WELDING CONSUMABLES WELDING PROCEDURES WELDING SUPERVISOR WELDING OPERATORS INSPECTION AND TESTING STRESS RELIEVING MILLING, MACHINING AND LINE BORING 8.6 FABRICATION TOLERANCES GENERAL PLATE PANELS FABRICATED BOX SECTIONS ALIGNMENT OF WELDED SPLICES MILLED SURFACES OF BOLTED SPLICES AND BRACKET FITTINGS 8.7 HANDRAILS 8.8 FLOOR PLATE AND GRATING STAIRWAYS AND LADDERS FABRICATION OF ALUMINIUM 8.10.1 MATERIAL CUTTING WELDING INSPECTION MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS 9.1 9.2 STANDARDS GEAR REDUCERS GENERAL DESIGN FOR STANDARDIZATION REDUCER TYPE MOUNTINGS AND ASSEMBLY TYPE DESIGN DUTY DESIGN STANDARDS THERMAL CAPACITY SPEED REDUCER RATING COUPLING DESIGN REQUIREMENTS OVERHUNG LOAD NOISE CASINGS LUBRICATION BEARINGS SEALS HEAT CONTROL PROTECTIVE COATINGS TESTING DRAWINGS 9.3 MECHANICAL COUPLINGS 9.3.1 GENERAL 9.3.2 COUPLING TYPES 9.3.3 BRAKE DRUM/DISC CONNECTION 9.3.4 SERVICE FACTOR 9.3.5 BALANCING 9.3.6 DESCRIPTION 9.4 FLUID COUPLINGS GENERAL COUPLING TYPE STARTING TORQUE STALLED TORQUE SLIP STARTING FREQUENCY CAPACITY TO VARY THE OUTPUT THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION SEALS BALANCING OIL TYPE AND LEVEL DESCRIPTION 9.5 BRAKES BRAKE ARRANGEMENT BRAKE CONSTRUCTION FAIL SAFE ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION 9.6 DRIVE BASES GENERAL DESGIN CRITERIA DESCRIPTION 9.7 BEARINGS GENERAL BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS PLAIN BEARINGS SPHERICAL PLAIN BEARINGS BEARING HOUSINGS SEALS LUBRICATION BLANKING PLATE INSTALLATION 9.8 CONVEYOR IDLERS GENERAL CONCENTRICITY BALANCING MOUNTING FRAME RETURN IDLER BRACKETS BARREL END BEARING HOUSING BEARINGS SHAFT SEALS PROTECTIVE COATINGS IDLER TYPES 9.9 CONVEYOR PULLEYS GENERAL DUTY RATIONALISATION OF PULLEYS DESIGN CRITERIA MATERIALS OF MANUFACTURE PULLEY SHELL END DISCS WELDING WELD PREPARATION WELD PROCEDURE HEAT TREATMENT SHELL MACHINING PULLEY LAGGING SHAFT LOCKING ASSEMBLY BEARIANGS ECCENTRICITY CHECT BALANCING INSPECTION AND TESTING 9.10 CONVEYOR BELTING 9.11 GENERAL MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS TOLERANCES SURFACE FINISH FASTENINGS FLANGED CONNECTIONS SHAFTING KEYS AND KEYWAYS CASTINGS PACKERS AND SHIMS ATTACHMENTS LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT CHUTES, LINERS, IMPACT PLATES AND SKIRTS SCRAPERS AND PLOUGHS SAFETY GUARDS SAFETY AND IDENTIFICATION SIGNS 9.12 HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS GENERAL HYDRAULIC PUMPS HYDRAULIC DRIVE MOTORS HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS VALVES VALVE PANELS POWER PACKS OIL TANKS ACCUMULATORS FILTERS PRESSURE GAUGES OIL COOLERS PIPES, HOSES AND FITTINGS ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CONTROLS SURFACE TREATMENT EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION INSPECTION AND TESTING PACKING FOR TRANSPORT ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 10.1 GENERAL SWITCHGEAR 3.3KV SWITCHGEAR HARMONIC GENERATION VOLTAGE DIPS AND HARMONICS VOLTAGE LEVEL UTILISATION ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT POWER SUPPLY ELECTRICAL CONTROL VOLTAGES EQUIPMENT RATINGS CABLE REELER SLIP RING ASSEMBLIES TRAILING CABLES CABLING EARTHING EARTH SHOES GENERAL POWER LIGHTING EMERGENCY LIGHTING COMMUNICATIONS LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR AND CONTROL ASSEMBLIES MOTORS HARDWIRED INTERLOCKS CONTROL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OPERATOR INTERFACE FIELD DEVICES SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS CONTROL SYSTEM SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION & MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM TESTING ERECTION AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 12.1 GENERAL ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEELWORK BOLTING TRIAL ASSEMBLY ERECTION TOLERANCES EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS GENERAL STANDARDS COATING SYSTEMS ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS MATERIALS SURFACE PREPARATION ABRASIVE BLAST CLEANING CARE OF ABRASIVE BLAST CLEANED SURFACES APPLICATION OF COATINGS – GENERAL APPLICATION OF PRIME COATING TO STEELWORK TESTING OF INORGANIC ZINC SILICATE PRIMER APPLICATION OF INTERMEDIATE COATING TO STEEL WORK TESTING OF INTERMEDIATE COATING APPLICATION OF FINISH COATING TO STEELWORK APPLICATIONS OF COATINGS TO INTERNAL SURFACES OF SEALED AND BOX SECTIONS 13.16 SURFACE PREPARATION AND APPLICATION OF COATINGS TO MOTORS, GEAR REDUCERS, AND OTHER PROPRIETARY EQUIPMENT 13.17 SURFACE PREPARATION AND APPLICATION OF COATINGS TO ALUMINIUM FABRICATIONS AND EQUIPMENT HOT DIP GALVANISHING COLOUR SCHEME FOR PROTECTIVE COATINGS TO STEELWORK 13.20 SCHEDULE OF PROTECTION 13.21 PROTECTIVE COATING COLOUR SCHEDULE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS 14.1 GENERAL MANUAL DETAILS SUBMISSION OF MANUALS ADDENDA MANUAL CONSTRUCTION CONTENT TESTING COMMISSIONING AND ACCEPTANCE 15.1 GENERAL PRE-COMMISSIONING NO LOAD COMMISSIONING LOAD COMMISSIONING ACCEPTANCE COMMISSIONING SPARES TRAINING SPARES TOOLS AND MAINTENANCE EQUIPEMENT A. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS : 1.1 LOCATION OF THE PORT The Port of Paradip is situated on the east coast of India; in the State of Orissa. It is located 210 nautical miles south of Kolkata Port and 250 nautical miles North of Vishakhapatnam. Latitude & Longitude of Paradip Port is as follows : Latitude Longitude 1.2 : : 200 15’ 55.44” N 860 40’ 34.62” E TOPOGRAPHY The Paradip Port serves a vast hinterland, which is rich in mineral, industrial and agricultural resources and connected through network of roads, railways & water ways. The Port is connected by state high way with Cuttack (96 kms.) and the State capital Bhubaneswar (125 kms.) and is also linked to the National High Way (NH-5) through an extension subsequently declared as NH-5A. An express high way of 142 kms. was constructed from Daitary Mines directly to Paradip Port in 1966, running across NH-5, for movement of iron ores by trucks. Indian Railways serve the Port through a direct broad gauge link to Cuttack, the commercial hub of the State of Orissa. The Taladanda Canal, starting from the Mahanadi river near Cuttack is extended up to Paradip, providing inland navigational facilities for the Port. The confluence of Mahanadi River lies about 7.5 kms. North of the Port and the river is also navigable during good part of the year. The present Estate of Paradip Port stretches over an area south of Atharbanki Creek measuring about 5995 acres. Out of this area, about 850 acres of land area has been earmarked for residential complex, commercial buildings and institutional utilization. The dock area is surrounded by a boundary wall and covers about 1500 acres. The rest of the area has been kept reserved for development of storage facilities and development of Port based industries. The water area of the harbour including the stretches covered by the North and South break waters, the approach channel, the turning circle and a two dock arm is about 248 acres. There are provisions for enlargement of the dock area for future expansion. 1.3 OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA. Oceanographic data, such as tidal conditions, waves, currents, littoral drift etc. are very important factor for any Port development. Details of those data are as follows : 1.3.1 TIDAL CONDITIONS. The tides at Paradip are semi-diurnal in character. The tidal height with respect to the Port chart datum is presented in table-3(a) Table 3 (a) : Tidal Heights with respect to Chart Datum Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Description Height w.r.t. Chart Datum +3.50 m +3.25 m +0.40 m +2.58 m +0.71 m +2.02 m +1.32 m Highest High water Highest High Water (Design) Lowest Low Water Mean High Water Springs Mean Low Water Springs Mean High Water Neaps Mean Low Water Springs The Port survey Chart Datum is established at 1.54 m below Indian Mean Sea Level. 1.3.2 WAVES. Following table gives the average frequency distribution of wave heights with their directions at Paradip coast : Table 3(b) : Average Frequency Distribution of Wave Heights with their Directions at Paradip. Month March April May June July Wave Heights i) 0.6 m to 1.2 m ii) 1.2 m to 1.8 m iii) 1.8 m to 2.4 m iv) 2.4 m to 3.1 m i) 0.6 m to 1.2 m ii) 1.2 m to 1.8 m iii) 1.8 m to 2.4 m iv) 2.4 m to 3.1 m i) 0.6 m to 1.2 m ii) 1.2 m to 1.8 m iii) 1.8 m to 2.4 m iv) 2.4 m to 3.1 m 52.68 41.94 5.38 20.00 32.22 47.78 55.90 32.26 11.84 - i) 0.6 m to 1.2 m ii) 1.2 m to 1.8 m iii) 1.8 m to 2.4 m iv) 2.4 m to 3.1 m i) 0.6 m to 1.2 m ii) 1.2 m to 1.8 m iii) 1.8 m to 2.4 m 3.34 40.00 47.77 8.89 1.13 25.86 44.86 Directions SSE S SSW SW SE SSE S SW SE SSE S SSW SW SE SSE S 2.15 53.76 9.67 34.42 25.54 5.57 60.01 8.88 7.53 4.31 60.01 10.76 28.87 46.67 12.21 41.12 SE SSE S 4.52 4.51 43.70 iv) 2.4 m to 3.1 m v) 3.1 m to 3.7 m vi) above 3.7 m i) 0.6 m to 1.2 m ii) 1.2 m to 1.8 m iii) 1.8 m to 2.4 m iv) 2.4 m to 3.1 m v) 3.1 m to 3.7 m vi) above 3.7 m i) 0.6 m to 1.2 m ii) 1.2 m to 1.8 m iii) 1.8 m to 2.4 m iv) 2.4 m to 3.1 m i) 0.6 m to 1.2 m ii) 1.2 m to 1.8 m iii) 1.8 m to 2.4 m 19.12 4.52 4.51 26.97 30.34 20.22 13.49 5.61 3.37 44.78 33.74 9.64 10.84 78.88 20.00 1.12 SSW SW 11.29 35.98 S SW 92.14 7.86 SE SSE S 16.86 3.62 79.52 SE SSE S 35.55 5.55 58.90 i) 0.6 m to 1.2 m ii) 1.2 m to 1.8 m iii) 1.8 m to 2.4 m iv) 2.4 m to 3.1 m v) 3.1 m to 3.7 m vi) above 3.7 m i) 0.6 m to 1.2 m ii) 1.2 m to 1.8 m 63.34 24.43 5.56 1.11 5.55 92.47 7.53 E ESE SE SSE S SW E ESE SE SSE S 6.67 4.45 37.77 3.34 45.54 2.23 6.45 8.60 59.14 13.89 11.83 Jan i) 0.6 m to 1.2 m ii) 1.2 m to 1.8 m 88.87 11.13 E ESE SE SSE S 15.54 16.67 41.11 10.00 16.68 Feb i) 0.6 m to 1.2 m ii) 1.2 m to 1.8 m 88.00 12.00 E ESE SE SSE 29.34 13.33 34.67 22.66 August Sept. Oct. Nov Dec It is observed from the above table that for most of the time the significant wave heights are between 1.2m to 2.4m, while on some occasions particularly during the south-west monsoon season it may exceed 2.4m. The period between December to February is considered to be a very calm period. The CWPRS, Pune made wave hindcasting studies from synoptic weather charts, which confirmed the occurrence of a maximum significant wave height of 18’ (5.5m) during 1971 storm. During other seasons the normal wave height seldom exceeds 9.5’ (2.7m). The CWPRS hindcasting study compared well with the observed data from ships. The wave periods are varying between 5 to 10 seconds and most of the observations are in the range of 5 to 7 seconds. 1.3.3 CURRENTS. From navigational point of view the study of surface currents is important. The flood and ebb currents during spring tides are of the order of 0.6knots (1.2m per second) and during the neap tides 0.45 knots (0.9m per second). Maximum currents reported did not exceed 1.2 knots (2.2m per second). 1.3.4 LITTORAL DRIFT. There is a net established annual littoral drift of the order of 1.5 million tones from south to north. This drift is intercepted by the south breakwater and the navigable entrance channel. In order to maintain adequate depths of the entrance channel and to avoid the littoral drift settling in the entrance channel a sand trap has been built on the south side of breakwater. 1.4 METEROLOGICAL DATA Meterological data, such as records of wind, cyclonic storms, depressions, rainfall, temperature, relative humidity, visibility etc. are recorded regularly at the observatory at Paradip and at regional meterological centre at Bhubaneswar. 1.4.1 WIND. The wind direction and their speed can be divided into three main periods i.e. winter months (January to February), south-west monsoon months (March to September) and north-east monsoon months (October to December). The monthly variations of wind as experienced are detailed below : Table 3(c) : Monthwise Wind Description at Paradip Month (s) Wind Description January & In the morning hours, the predominant approach directions February of wind are between north and north-east and on 75% of the time wind blows from these directions. In the evening hours, wind approach direction changes and blow between east and south-west direction. The wind speed during any time normally does not exceed Beaufort scale 4 (20 to 29 kms/hr.) March The predominant approach direction of wind in the morning hours is between south and south-west and for 83% of the time speed is within Beaufort Scale 3 (12 to 19 kms/hr.) and speed from any direction does not exceed normally Beaufort Scale 4. Whereas in the evening hours the wind mainly from south and south-west and for 30% of the time it is in the Beaufort Scale 4 and sometimes reaches higher velocities. April & The wind speed both in the morning and evening and May reaches Beaufort Scale 6 (40 to 50 kms/hr), though most of the time the wind speed is within Beaufort Scale 4. The predominant direction of approach is between south and south-west. June & The approach direction of wind during this period in the July morning and in the evening hours mainly varies between south and west. The speed most of the time remains below Beaufort Scale 5 (30 to 39 kms/hr.) but sometimes reaches higher velocities in the evening hours. August & The approach direction of wind during this period is between September south and north-west. About 17% of the time, the wind speed remain above Beaufort Scale 4. Sometimes it reaches Beaufort Scale 6 & above. October, During north-east monsoon period, the approach November November direction of the wind in the morning hours remains between & north-east and north-west. The wind speed, however, does December not exceed the Beaufort Scale 5. In the evening hours, the direction of the wind is mainly from south-east and north-east and normally remains within Beaufort Scale 5. 1.4.2 STORMS & CYCLONES. Paradip Port is in the cyclone passage region and disturbances occur during the depressions in the Bay of Bengal. Cyclones of 1971 & 1982 and Super-cyclone of 1999 caused enormous damages to the life and property with wind speed of 185 kmph, 167 kmph and 259 kmph respectively. The Indian Meteorological Department has installed several stations along the east coast of India with cyclone warning radar facilities. Radar having range of 300 to 400 km and advance information on occurrence of storms and depressions are made available to the Port authorities. Such Radar facilities exist at the Meteorological stations at Kolkata, Paradip, Vishkhapatnam, Machillipatnam, Karaikal and at Chennai along east coast. The frequency of occurrence of depressions and storms in Paradip area are presented in table below : Table 3 (d) Frequency of Occurrence of Depression/ Storms at Paradip Month January February March April May June July Depressions Storms 1 8 55 94 2 8 16 23 Severe Storms 3 17 5 8 Total 6 33 81 125 August September October November December Total 120 110 44 7 4 443 18 18 25 20 3 133 3 16 22 16 10 100 141 144 91 43 17 681 1.4.3 RAINFALL. The annual average rain fall at Paradip is 1426.98 mm per year, which is distributed amongst 3 main sub-periods of winter (January & February) 48.62mm, during south-west monsoon months (March to September) 1209.04mm and during the north-east monsoon months (October to December) 169.32 mm. The variation of average rain fall is indicated in the table below : Table 3(e) : Monthly Mean of Maximum & Minimum Temperature Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Average rain fall (in mm) 10.0 – 12.0 36.0 – 40.0 48.0 – 50.0 38.0 – 42.0 42.0 – 44.0 235.0 – 245.0 268.0 – 276.0 308.0 – 316.0 245.0 – 255.0 116.0 – 120.0 12.0 – 14.0 36.0 – 40.0 Maximum rain fall (in mm) 27.7 76.7 177.4 67.2 139.9 451.6 577.9 362.4 331.4 331.4 41.1 134.2 Minimum rain fall (in mm) 0.0 6.1 15.0 16.0 4.2 81.6 135.3 235.8 15.3 15.3 0.0 0.0 1.4.4 TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY. The mean values of maximum and minimum temperature are given in the following table. The relative humidity in the mornings is 90% or above throughout the year while the minimum during the evening hours is 60% during south-west monsoon season and 55% during the currency of northeast monsoon and winter months. Table 3(f) : Monthly Mean of Maximum & Minimum Temperature at Paradip. Month(s) January February March April May June July August September October November December Mean of Maximum temperature (in degree Centigrade) 29.52 30.44 31.38 33.94 35.82 34.52 35.96 33.20 34.14 33.94 32.42 28.68 Mean of Minimum temperature (in degree Centigrade) 13.30 15.54 19.12 20.96 22.54 22.44 22.50 21.26 24.88 22.00 17.66 13.62 1.4.5 VISIBILITY . Visibility data are recorded at Paradip observatory daily at 0830 Hrs. and at 1730 Hrs. and records are available since 1975. Normally lowest range of visibility occurs at sunrise or at sunset and as the times of recording at Paradip observatory are fixed lowest values are not available. Records are maintained in coded form (WNO code 4377) as approved by World Meteorological Organization. The approved code is given in the following table. On analyzing the records maintained by I.M.D. for a particular year (1985 ) 87% of the readings were in scale 96, 6% in scale 95 and 7% in scale 97. For other years, it was comparable. Only one reading over the years was in scale 92. From these records, it may be stated that during day light hours between 0830 hrs and 1730 hrs visibility at Paradip does not present and problem for navigation. Table 3(g) : Visibility Data Specification as per World Meteorological Organization. Code Visibility 90 Less than 50 m. 91 50 m to 200 m 92 200m to 500m 93 500 m to 1000 m 94 1000 m to 2000 m 95 2000 m to 4000 m 96 4000 m to 10000 m 97 10000 m to 20000 m 98 20000 m to 50000 m 99 Above 50000 m 1.5 GEOTECHNICAL DATA. Paradip Port is situated within the close proximity of Mahanadi delta. Therefore, generally, soil comprises of alternate alluvial layers of silts and sea sand. This is confirmed by the Sub-soil explorations carried out by various agencies at Paradip Port. Geo-technical investigation at the proposed site for deep draught iron ore berth is yet to be carried out. The nearest location at which the information is available is West Quay area. Geo-technical investigations in this area were carried out in 1997. 1.6 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION Environmental conditions at Paradip are satisfactory. The main polluting factors at the Port are dusts generated from thermal coal and iron ore. The direction of wind, at Paradip, being predominantly from south-west to north-east, the residential areas are not directly affected and areas along the direction of wind is very thinly populated. By adopting suitable dust control measures, satisfactory conditions can be created to control the dust pollution within satisfactory limits. B. SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 GENERAL This Contract shall be for all necessary engineering, design, management and co-ordination, supply of all drawings, manuals and documents, supply of materials, provision of any temporary structures and supply of all plant and labour for the fabrication, delivery, erection, inspection, training of personnel, testing and commissioning of the following:An electric powered, rail mounted, traveling, slewing and luffing Reclaimer hereinafter referred to as “the machine” for the Iron Ore Handling Plant, Paradip Port Trust. The machine shall be complete including structures, mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, trailing cables and cable reelers, cabling, controls, dust and noise suppression systems, access platforms, walkways and stairs, wash down water system and fire fighting equipment, plus all other ancillary equipment necessary for Reclaimer. 1.2 WORK INCLUDED The work included under this Contract shall be described in this Scope of Work and specification. The Supplier shall supply all items necessary for complete and operational machine including but not limited to: Contract documentation, drawings, calculations, data, information including testing, commissioning and acceptance, operating and maintenance manuals in accordance with Clause 6.0(Drawing, design & Documentation), Clause 15.0 (Testing, Commissioning and Acceptance) and the Documentation Schedule. All approvals and licences required by any authority having regulatory powers to control the design, manufacture, erection and operation of the machine within the State of Orissa in India. Management co-ordination and planning for all aspects of the work including but not limited to occupational health and safety quality programming, cost control, design, manufacture, delivery to site , site management , erection, testing and commissioning and training. Ground mounted strikers or flags for the machine mounted electrical devices such as travel limit switches or over-travel limit switches. Ground and machine mounted buffer and end stop equipment. Ground and machine mounted storm tie down equipment Independent 3rd Party Auditor, National/International, to audit design, manufacture, erection, installation, commissioning and testing. Inspection during manufacture, fabrication, shop assembly and packing for transport by an independent international/National inspection agency. All temporary structures, rigging and equipment required for erection. All equipment and labour for setting out , survey and checking of dimensions and tolerances. All consumable materials required for inspection and testing. First fill of all lubricants, flushing oils and hydraulic fluids. Materials, fabrication, pre-assembly, surface treatment in accordance with the Approved for Construction drawings and Contract documents. Delivery to site and storage of equipment in accordance with the Contract documents. All plant, labour , equipment and consumables necessary for the safe and complete site erection of the machines. Operations and maintenance training of Paradip Port Trust personnel. An IP65 rated field termination panel including cable turn over devices and all terminations required to terminate the power, communication and control cables at the machine termination point located at the center of travel of the machines. A 3.3 kv power cable suitable for mounting on a cable reeler to supply power from the termination panels to the mobile machine. A multi-core control cable suitable for mounting on a cable reeler with sufficient cores to cater for the on-board controls and statutory interlocks from the termination panels to the machine. Termination of machine trailing cables at the central termination panels. On-board power transformers required to transform a supply voltage of 3.3 kv to 415 v On-board switchrooms to enable safe switching of all on-board equipment supplies and to provide suitable graded protection for all components within the mobile machine. All motors switches, encoders and detectors to enable correct and safe operation of the mobile machine All on-board lighting for the mobile machine including operation lighting to illuminate the stockpile reclaim surface. Installation of PLC equipment in cubicles on the machine complete with all inputs and outputs required to monitor and control all switches, motor currents , electrical loads, machine positions and other inputs and outputs necessary for the correct operation of the machine. Installation of a screen based operator interface, mounted in the control desk of the machine. The additional programming units, if any, shall be suitable for connection to the PLC and be completed with all operating software, carrying case, connection leads and consumables for one years operation. Design , implement, install and commission the Control System software for the PLC and Operator Interface equipment to provide for safe and correct operation of the machines, including interfaces to the fixed plant control system. Assemble and test the complete machine control system in conjunction with Iron Ore Handling Plant Control System, Functional Specification and Software Specification detailing suppliers hardware and software interfacing and submit to the Purchaser for approval prior to commencement of system software development. The software shall have to be developed by the Supplier based on an approved logic. 1.3 Installation, commissioning and testing of all supplied equipment including all associated costs. Consumable spares for 2 years operation. All necessary equipment to ensure earthing of the machine. WORK NOT INCLUDED Work not included under the Contract are: Supply and installation of footings and foundations for ground mounted end stops storm tie down equipment and cable termination panels. 1.4 Supply and installation of trailing cable trays and support brackets. Supply and installation of stockpile earthworks including ballasted long travel rail tracks hard standing areas and road works. 3.3 kv supply to the central termination panels PURCHASER SUPPLY In addition to the materials and equipment specified as being supplied by the Purchaser elsewhere in the Contract the Purchaser shall supply the following: 1.5 Iron ore and ships as required for commissioning in accordance with the approved testing and commissioning programme. No guarantee, however can be made on train and ship scheduling Maintenance and operations personnel to be involved with training and load commissioning. Training facilities comprising a training room, desks, chairs, overhead projector and whiteboards for use by the Supplier’s training personnel when conducting training courses for the Purchaser’s personnel. RELATED AND OTHER CONTRACTS During the progress of this Contract, the supplier should coordinate with the Port officials so that the normal loading operation or running of conveyor is not affected. It should not cause any stoppage or hindrance to other agencies in the site also. The Supplier shall make due allowance for access by other Suppliers for the delivery and storage of their materials and the execution of their work, and shall properly connect and co-ordinate his work so that normal operation of Iron Ore Handling Plant does not suffer The Supplier shall carry out his work in such manners to minimise inconvenience to Port operation and to the other agencies on the site. 2.0 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 2.1 INTRODUCTION The Reclaimer is to be installed on the rail of 3B conveyor circuit of IOHP to reclaim the Iron ore which can be further conveyed to the vessel. The major components of the Iron Ore Handling Plant are as follows: Twin rotary wagon tippler. Two yard conveyors having three rows of stack yards. One Reclaimer and a Reclaimer on 3A yard conveyor and one stacker with one Reclaimer in Conveyor 3B stream. The Stacker will be replaced by a Reclaimer shortly. One surge bin with nominal capacity of 300 tonnes to ensure minimum interruption to the shiploading process due to hatch changing or vessel trimming. Two shiploaders operating on a single shipping conveyor. A process flow diagram for the plant is shown in the Drawings. I O H P FLOW DIAGRAM SURGE BIN JN HOUSE 2B 2A RC – 1 1700 TPH ST+RC – 2 2500 TPH ST 1500 TPH RC ST+RC – 3 2500 TPH ST 2500 TPH RC ST – 4 2500 TPH SL OLD 2500 TPH SL NEW 3200 TPH BELT – 1200 MM, 3.3 M/SEC, 2500 TPH CONV 4 CONV 3A CONV 3B CONV 6 OLD SL RC -1 IOB ST+RC-2 NEW SL ST + RC-3 ST-4 JN HOUSE 149 150 WAGON TIPPLERS SHIP SHIP 2.2 CONTROL PHILOSOPHY The Reclaimer shall be manned and locally controlled from an on board operators cabin. The machine shall be equipped with its own PLC which will perform the control functions for the correct and safe operation in conjunction with commands and modes initiated by the onboard operator. In the event that the operator attempts to perform an illegal operation, the PLC control system shall activate an audio-visual alarm and prevent the execution of that operation . Supply and installation of mounting cubicle, installation of PLC equipment, wiring, supply and installation and cabling of field equipment and programming, testing and commissioning of the PLC shall be the responsibility of the Supplier. The machines shall be capable of being operated in: Interlock Mode (Operation mode). De-interlock Mode (to be used during Maintenance manoeuvers repositioning and emergency). Selection of Interlock/De-interlock mode should be by means of a key operated switch in the Operators Cabin. Safety features shall, inter alia, include the following: a) Lubrication failure in slew bearing should not allow the slew drive to function. b) Bucket Wheel drive gear box lubrication failure must stop Reclaimer wheel Operation. c) Important Bearings must be provided with temperature sensors and in case of temperature exceeding a set limit there must be an audio visual alarm and if the temperature rises further up to a trip limit the trip function must get activated. d) Temperature sensors must have local as well as remote indicators fitted in the Operator’s cabin at a strategic location. e) Screen Washer must be provided on the Operator’s window and the operating controls for the screen washer must be provided at a convenient point inside the cabin. 2.3 RECLAIMING. For reclaiming operation, the motorized rotating bucket wheel with eight buckets is used to cut into the pile and collect the ore. The complete bucket wheel frame, including the drive, is attached to the end of the boom. The bucket wheel is of cell-less type. The material is discharged from the bucket wheel at the top position and are guided by the lowered bucket wheel chute onto the boom conveyor which carries the material towards the slew center. On reaching the end of the conveyor the material falls through the central transfer chute onto the yard conveyor. The reclaiming operation is done bench wise starting with the top layer at one end of the pile. It is generally performed with to & fro slew motions at a constant height along with a small advance of the machine by long travel after each slew operation. After the desired terrace length has been reclaimed, the machine is moved backward, the boom luffed down by the height of one slice and the next terrace reclaimed. The slewing speed is varied through a VVVF drive to maintain the desired reclaiming rate using the belt weigher rate indicator for guidance. The other pile is also reclaimed in a similar fashion. 3.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS 3.1 GENERAL The major components of the machines, including the portal gantry slew bases and equalizer beams shall be of closed box sections. The pivoting superstructure including the main boom counterweight boom and masts shall be linked together to be self supporting The machines and equipment shall be designed to:Facilitate inspection, cleaning, adjustment, repairs and maintenance Prevent ingress of dust, grit , water or other contaminants. Eliminate potential corrosion due to accumulated material at steelwork connections and penetration of moisture into ‘hollow’ sections and in between steelwork components. Avoid flat level surfaces beneath boom conveyors and elsewherewhich would permit material build up. 3.2 CONFIGURATION The Reclaimer shall be traveling, slewing and luffing type machine. The Reclaimer shall be designed to operate on ballasted track rails of gauge width 22 ft or 6.706 mtr. A Reclaimer shall comprise of a main portal gantry supporting a slewing superstructure with a pivoted conveyor boom and bucket wheel , masts and counterweight boom. The Reclaimer shall be equipped with a self leveling operator’s cabin in accordance with the requirement of Clause 3.7 of this section. 3.3 PORTAL GANTRY The portal gantry shall provide rigid and robust structural support to evenly distribute the loads and ensure equalized corner loading and minimize distortion. The gantry should be a three point four corner fully equalized support system. Out of three points one point should be at the centre line of the yard conveyor. The portal gantry shall also incorporate the long travel drive assemblies. Provision should be provided in the portal gantry to support the base of the central chute. The central chute shall be designed to receive ore from the boom conveyor for all book operating positions without iron ore spillage. The discharge chute shall be designed to provide central loading onto the yard reclaim conveyor without spillage. 3.4 SUPERSTRUCTURE The superstructure shall consist of the conveyor boom, pantograph, masts, counterweight boom and base frame. The superstructure shall be completely stable and self supporting structure with the base frame seated on the slewing assembly. The boom structures shall be designed to avoid material build-up on structural members particularly arising from the return belt of the boom conveyor. The conveyor boom shall be designed as a built up girder or as an open truss and shall include walkways on both sides of the boom conveyor Rolled steel sections are the member type to be used for trusses. Truss joints shall be of welded construction, detailed so as to avoid ore build up. The boom conveyor return belt and idlers shall be located above the walkways and be accessible for replacement from the walkway. The boom conveyor shall direct ore from the bucket wheel to the central circular chute. The conveyor and its equipment shall be in accordance with the requirements of Clause 3.10. A belt weigher shall be installed on the boom conveyor to ensure that the specified reclaim rate is maintained. The weigher shall compensate for boom inclination and have an accuracy of 2 percent or better Calibration equipment for the weigher shall also be provided. The bucketwheel shall transfer ore to the boom conveyor without spillage and/or overflow Material carry over from the buckets shall not build up on the boom structure but be directed back onto the stockpile. The jack pads to be provided on the portal gantry and superstructure must be located on easily accessible region and sufficiently strengthened to avoid buckling during hydraulic jack application. 3.5 SLEW ASSEMBLY Slewing shall be accomplished with a slew ring bearing and gear drive designed as a properly mounted and rigid robust assembly. The slewing mechanism shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of Clause 3.8. Safety devices shall be provided to prevent excessively large lateral forces which may arise when slewing against stockpile slopes or any fixed structure or surface. The sufficient gap must be provided between superstructure and portal gantry to accommodate standard hydraulic jacks instead of low height jack for easy access to carryout maintenance works. 3.6 BUCKETWHEEL The bucket wheel shall be of cell-less design with a cutting diameter suitable for three bench reclaiming operations in the 12m high stockpiles at the specified capacities and also capable of reclaiming from 1m down below the rail level. The bucket wheel body shall be of welded steel construction properly stiffened for the required duty and configured to form a rigid support for the buckets. There shall be no pockets for material accumulation and all hollow parts shall be completely sealed to prevent the ingress of moisture or other contaminants. The wheel shall be designed to withstand the maximum drive output torque . Spoked wheels are not acceptable. The assembled bucket wheel shall have a “run out” (axial and radial) which should be within a permissible unit. Limits must be specified. The bucket wheel shall be connected to the drive shaft by a “shrink disc” or similar coupling. The drive shaft shall be a forging and shall be ultrasonically tested before machining to certify that it is free from flaws. All parts of the bucket wheel subject to wear shall be adequately protected with replaceable liners. Access shall be provided to all parts for ease of maintenance and removal of all components for replacement. The buckets shall be designed with good emptying characteristics to handle the specified ore which may be sticky and non free flowing. The bucket cutting clearance angles and internal corner radii shall be designed to prevent material hang-up in the bucket The cutting edges shall be of abrasive resistant steel along with the hard faced bucket teeth. The buckets shall be attached to the bucket wheel body by means of pins or similar connections to permit convenient removal and replacement. Those parts of the bucket attachments subject to wear shall be suitably protected. The bucket wheel drive shall be provided with a quick response, reliable ultimate torque limiting protection device. This may be accomplished with the a fluid coupling. The fluid coupling, if used shall be of constant fill type which shall limit the transmitted torque to 180 percent of the motor full load torque. The bucketwheel drive assembly shall be fully assembled on a single base frame. The drive shall be shaft mounted onto the bucketwheel shaft and also supported by a single self aligning torque reaction mounting designed to cater for all tensile and compressive loads and prevent excessive movement. The drive arrangement shall be designed to provide proper alignment under all operating conditions. The bucketwheel shaft and drive assembly shall be arranged to provide as large a free cutting angle as possible. The bucket wheel shaft material shall comply to Indian /International standards with (EN24) Graded material with the following properties:Ultimate Tensile Strength 850 Mpa minimum 1000 Mpa maximum Yield Stress 650 Mpa minimum Elongation 13% minimum Charpy V-Norch Impact Energy 50 J minimum at 10 deg C Brinell Hardness 248 – 302 HB Certificates for Chemical analysis Certification, Heat treatment temperature chart and Mechanical tests for tensile and Charpy impact properties shall be produced. Ultrasonic testing shall be to Indian/International standard with acceptance for “No indications” Magnetic Particle tests shall be carried out with “no visible defects”. Access for inspection maintenance and replacement of all components of the bucketwheel drive shall be provided. The bucketwheel drive shall be designed for ten equally spaced starts per hour and two consecutive starts. An automatic lubrication system shall be provided for all principal points on the bucketwheel and bucketwheel drive assembly. 3.7 PORTAL AND TRAVEL ASSEMBLIES FOR RECLAIMER 3.7.1 LOAD DISTRIBUTION AND MOVEMENT COMPENSATION The design of the linkages and equalizer beam arrangements which transfer all forces to the bogies and subsequently to the rails shall also compensate for variations in rail spacing straightness and level as specified . The elastic deformation of the portal shall not generate additional forces acting perpendicular to the rails. 3.7.2 LINKAGE POINTS The linkage points of the various structural and mechanical components shall utilize spherical plain bearings where feasible. Links shall incorporate a configuration such that in the event of a bearing failure the maximum “drop” should be limited to 25mm. 3.7.3 BOGIE ASSEMBLY The bogie assembly shall provide for replacement of a complete axle assembly consisting of wheels, shaft and bearings , including housings, at any point along the rail tracks using not more than two manually activated hydraulic jacks and a 5 tonne mobile crane. The drop height of the bogie frame in case of wheel or shaft failure shall be 25mm or less All bogie assemblies shall be designed for equal distribution of lateral and vertical forces and to compensate for rail level and spacing variation The bogie assemblies shall incorporate a configuration such that optimum alignment at commissioning and realignment as a consequence of minor wear can be carried out without “on site” machining. Bogies shall incorporate alignment aids that will allow simple measurement of alignment. The wheels shall be cylindrical and shall be designed to comply with the Indian/International standards . Reclaimer wheel shafts shall incorporate one double flanged wheel with a face profile suitable for R-52 Kg/m IU grade stockpile rails The wheels shall be double flanged with a face profile suitable for the 52 kg/m rail . The machined surfaces of the wheels shall be tested by magnetic particle methods to Indian/International standard Wheels exhibiting surface cracking shall be rejected. The drive shaft shall be extended through the bearing housing and be suitable for a shaft mounted gear reducer. 3.7.4 TRAVEL DRIVES Long travel drives shall be designed to achieve the specified traverse speeds in the most adverse combination of load condition and gradient. The drive speeds shall be infinitely variable from 100% of the nominal speed of 20 m/sec and capable of smooth reversal through zero speed and smooth starting from standstill and stopping down to standstill. The lowest steady state speed shall be not higher than 15% of rated speed. The drives shall be equipped with acceleration and deceleration ramp controllers which shall be adjustable between 3 and 10 seconds and shall start and finish in a parabola like transition. The drive shall consist of a gear reducer motor and brake mounted on a common base frame . The drive shall be shaft mounted onto the driven wheel shaft and be fitted with a suitable coupling and reaction mounting attached to the bogie frame. The brakes shall be designed as holding brakes and not to be used during travel reverse and applied at standstill below 5% travel speed for a stop under controlled operating conditions. A typical drive shall consist of combinations of individual motors each driving a bogie mounted on two wheels via gear reducer of suitable rating. Long travel drive shall be located on the rails. All motors shall share load under all operating conditions Long travel drives shall be fully interchangeable . 3.7.5 BUFFERS AND END STOPS All machines shall be fitted with energy absorbing buffers to engage with ground or wharf mounted end stops and to stop the travel motion at the ends of the rail tracks. The buffers shall be designed to decelerate the machine from maximum travel speed without the application of brakes. Buffers shall be of the hydraulic type. The buffers shall extend fully again on reversal of the machine after impact. 3.8 SLEW ASSEMBLIES 3.8.1 GENERAL The slew assembly shall be designed for a life equivalent to reclaim over a nominal period of 30 years. The Supplier shall unconditionally guarantee the “Slew Assembly” for a period of two years and shall provide expectancy calculations covering all aspects of the slew assembly The installations tolerances and under casting procedures shall be in accordance with the manufactures recommendations. 3.8.2 SLEW RING BEARING The slew ring bearing shall be in accordance with the design criteria and be suitable for the machine manufacturers design and specified operating conditions. The slew ring bearings for the Reclaimer should be Three race roller bearing such as Rothe Erde large diameter anti-friction bearings or approved equivalent For this type of bearing the diameter of the slew assembly shall be selected to ensure continuous “compression” of all the load carrying elements despite the overturning moments created by reclaiming operations and the wind forces. For this type of Bearing uplift restraint hooks must be provided. If grease lubrication is employed, excess lubricant shall be discharged into a collector ring which should be located at the accessible side of the bearing for easy cleaning. The seals and sealing arrangement shall be designed to prevent grease escaping at the other side. 3.8.3 STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENT The slew base sitting on and the portal supporting the slew assembly shall be designed sufficiently stiff to eliminate any undue elastic deformation that will be detrimental to the function and life expectancy of the slew assembly. The structural design shall include consideration of and provision for jacking of the superstructure for slew bearing replacement. The slew base shall be sufficiently rigid to accommodate the jacking loads without any elastic deformations. 3.8.4 INSTALLATION The slew assembly shall be installed in such a way that it conforms to the slew bearing manufacturer’s specification in the fully ballasted but otherwise stable machine. Jacks and jacking points shall be provided to lift the rotating superstructure for bearing replacement and for the measurement of concentricity and flatness of the contact elements. The supplier shall carry out , record and present these measurements to the Purchaser for review. 3.8.5 CALCULATIONS AND MANNUALS The bearing life and all other relevant calculations relating to the slew assemblies shall be supplied for the machine during the design stage. Other data such as bearing manufacture number, serial number etc. must be submitted to the Purchaser for future reference. The calculations, if possible, may include the following: Finite Element Analyses (FEA) of the structural components “joined” by the slew bearing . The analysis shall model the forces acting on the rolling elements and deflections of the structures and bearing elements for the following load conditions or changes from one load condition to another in slew positions spaced at not more than 30 degree intervals over the operating slew range. The “Zero” reference datum shall be the no “bearing load” installation condition (first or changeout):- Working condition form no load to all operating luff positions. - Change out of bearing , utilizing installed number of jacking points and subsequent removal of jacking points and loading or bearing Maximum non-operating load in actual slew load position only Gearing calculation if applicable. Bearing life calculation for all working loads and slew cycles relevant to the particular application under consideration, including any additional forces acting on the rolling elements due to the elastic deformation of associated components as determined from the FEA above. These calculations shall be endorsed by the slew bearing manufacturer. Bolt connection calculations for operating and maximum nonoperating conditions The manufacturer’s quality control activities shall include the testing of all roller and/or ball races of the bearing for cracks or imperfections using magnetic particle testing in accordance with AS 1171or equivalent Indian Standard. The test certificates shall be submitted for approval by the Purchaser prior to the dispatch of the bearing. In addition to the requirements of Clause 15.0 (Testing, Commissioning and Acceptance) the operating and maintenance manuals shall contain:- Certified drawing of bearing Calculations Gear tolerances and proposed mating gear (Pinion) modifications if applicable Assembly and disassembly instructions for each bearing Installation drawings Drawing(s) of bearing seating rings if applicable Illustrated description of installation procedure Number, position and size of jacks required Flatness tolerances of bearing seat prior to installation of bearing Undercasting (grouting) procedure and materials if applicable Circularity and flatness tolerance of installed (bolted down) bearing Permissible elastic deformations (in operation) Permissible bearing wear including methods and intervals of measurement Grade and tightening methods or torques of bearing holding bolts including tolerances and recommended retorquing intervals Position of bearing “soft spots” and their required placement relative to stationary and rotating parts of the machine Proposed backlash and alignment tolerances for gearing if applicable Grease types and recommended greasing intervals for the labyrinth seals, bearing and gears as applicable 3.8.6 SLEW DRIVES The machines shall have a minimum of three slew drives. The drives shall be designed such that any two of the drives will be capable of successful operation in the most adverse conditions of tilt due to variations in rail track level. The slew drives shall be infinitely variable from -100% to +100% of nominal speed capable of smooth reversal through zero speed and smooth starting from standstill and stopping down to standstill. The slew drives shall be fitted with acceleration and deceleration ramp controllers adjustable between 3 and 10 seconds and which start and finish with parabola like transitions. The slew drive arrangement shall include limit switches and a resolver to give sufficient positional accuracy to properly stop at the required positions, such as storm tie down Each slew drive components assembly shall comprise the following Electric motor Safety coupling (motor to gear reducer) This shall be a mechanical , non-slip type accurate torque limiting coupling with a proximity switch to indicate engage conditions. The coupling should remain in the disengaged position until mechanically reset. If the safety coupling is not of the flexible type then a separate flexible coupling shall be installed. Brake and brake disc This shall be a fail-safe magnetic disc brake with a limit switch to detect the de-energised or brake “on” condition. The brake disc shall be mounted at the gear reducer side of the coupling Gear reducer Bevel, planetary helical or worm reducer fitted with a lip seal on the vertical output shaft Pinion and shaft assembly The pinion shall be removable without removal of the slew gear reducer. Involute splines instead of keyways shall be used to connect the reducer output shaft and drive pinion The pinion, shaft or complete drive assembly including motor shall be mounted in such a way that backlash and the axis of the pinion can be adjusted for even flank contact or wear at any time during the life of the machine The gear ring and pinions shall be fully enclosed to prevent the ingress of dust, moisture and other contaminants. 3.9 LUFFING ASSEMBLIES The luffing equipment shall be designed to raise, lower and hold the boom under all operating and non-operating conditions. The luffing motion shall be fitted with ramped acceleration and deceleration at times of 3 second or longer. The luffing control shall automatically reverse the luffing motion for a pre-determined time upon sensing contact of the bucket wheel, boom or counterweight with the stockpile or any other obstructions. The luffing control for the Reclaimer shall be capable of following both the longitudinal and transverse slope of the stockpile base during automatic and semi-automatic operation. All joints that swivel or rotate during luffing shall be fitted with maintenance free spherical plain bearings. The hydraulic cylinder shall be tested at 200% of the design pressure. The cylinder stroke shall be cushioned at both ends for a length equal to a minimum of three times the normal stopping distance. Pilot operated check valves and direct operating safety pressure relief valves shall be mounted on each cylinder port. The valves shall be of the leak free design. Pressure transducer(s) shall be installed for overload detection The hydraulic controls shall provide for even deceleration in the event of power loss or emergency stop during luffing or broken hydraulic lines. The cylinder shall be installed to operate in positions with suitable inclination to the horizontal and shall utilize trunnion mounting or suitable clevice mounts with spherical bearings. The cylinder shall not be subjected to other than axial external forces and shall adjust itself to all directions. The cylinder shall be located in an area free of spillage and if possible above the boom conveyor. Adequate maintenance access shall be provided to each end of the cylinder and provision shall be made to remove the cylinder for repair / replacement. The procedures for hydraulic cylinder renewal shall be given with details like tool placement, support arrangement, measurements before and after renewal etc. 3.10 3.10.1 BOOM CONVEYORS GENERAL The boom conveyors shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of IS 11592 The boom conveyors on each machine shall be provided with walkways on both sides. The return idlers of the boom conveyors shall be located above walkways level and be accessible for replacement from the walkways. A minimum clearance of 150 mm on both sides of the boom conveyor belt shall be provided to allow belt wander without damage to belt or structures. The boom conveyors shall be fitted with protection devices which shall include but not be limited to: Belt drift switches Underspeed detector Blocked chute switch Take-up travel limit switch 3.10.2 CONVEYOR DRIVES The conveyor drives shall be designed for torque arm mounting and shall comprise an electric motor, flexible coupling with brake disc, a bevel-helical gear reducer and fail-safe disc brake mounted on a common drive base of boxed design with appropriate torque arm connections. The boom conveyor shall have sufficient power to pull out under a bogged feed chute at maximum inclination angle. The motor shall be fitted with a delayed fill fluid coupling which shall limit the transmitted start-up torque to 200% of the nominal demand torque of the fully loaded belt in the most adverse boom position. Forced oil lubrication or air cooling of the reducer shall be an integral part of the reducer. No separate electrically driven pump or fan shall be employed. Water cooling is not acceptable 3.10.3 BELT TENSIONING The allowance for take-up travel shall be 45% higher than recommended by the belting manufacturer. The belt shall be tensioned by means of hydraulic cylinders. The hydraulic cylinder shall be readily accessible for inspection and adjustment. Exposed piston rod shall be protected by “Denso” tape or approved equivalent. The hydraulic pump, cylinder and the pressure gauge shall be permanently fixed in the working position. The guage shall indicate the force in kN (kilo Newton) and shall be marked for the correct tension 3.10.4 BELT WEIGHERS A digital electronic scale of proven industrial design shall be supplied and installed on the boom conveyor of the Reclaimer. The belt weigher shall be of the multiple-idler type with temperature compensated strain gauge load cells. The belt weigher shall provide the following as a minimum. Feed rate in tph to be displayed in the operator’s cabin on a dedicated digital display to be incorporated into the operators control desk. Totaliser to be displaced in the operator’s cabin on a dedicated digital display to be incorporated into the operators control desk. Both signals shall be interfaced with the PLC system The feed rate signal shall also be used to ensure even stacking rate or to control the reclaiming rate to ensure even feed on to the reclaim yard conveyor. The belt weigher shall be capable of indicating feed rates from 1000 tph to 4000 tph and shall be capable of withstanding a minimum overload of 25% of the maximum scale reading The belt weigher shall compensate for boom inclination and shall be accurate to within 2% for the range of feed rates. 3.10.5 BELT CLEANING Belt cleaning devices shall be installed on the carry side of the belt at the discharge pulleys of the boom conveyors. The belt cleaners shall be in accordance with clause 9.11.12 These belt cleaning devices shall limit the ore carry over to less than 5 kg/hour A self adjusting Vee-plough scrapper including a fixed hood shall be installed on the return belt in front of all pulleys where material could enter between the belt and pulley. The suspension linkage shall be designed to minimize lifting forces due to friction between the belt and the cleaning blade to maintain stable, non-vibrating operation . End stops shall be provided to restrict the plough movements to safe wear limits. The belt cleaners shall be easily accessible for inspection, adjustment and wearing parts replacement. 3.10.6 CONVEYOR DISCHARGE AND RECEIVAL CHUTES The chutes shall be designed in accordance with Clause 9.11.11 The receival chutes of the Reclaimer shall be designed to achieve central loading of ore onto the boom conveyors in all positions of slew and luff The boom conveyor of the Reclaimers shall discharge into the centre of the receiving circular chute. In both the cases this may be achieved by use of a wear resistant impact or deflection plate. 3.11 OPERATOR’S CONTROL CABIN The control cabins shall be of agronomic, modern design with ample glassed area for optimum visibility of the working area. The cabins shall be manufactured from metal framing clad with sheeting and be appropriately stiffened, heat and noise insulated and dust sealed. They shall also be fitted with a cable access floor and a sun protection roof. The windows shall be of approved type tinted safety glass. The front windows shall be equipped with a heavy duty window wiper and washer system. Safe access to the control cabin shall be provided over the full range of luffing angles. The access door shall be hinged type double door with hydraulic closures, self closing and fitted with an approved type of security lock. A suitably sized (minimum 1.5 Tonne capacity) industrial air conditioner unit and wall fan shall be fitted. Access ways around the control cabins shall be at least 600 mm wide Equipment installed inside the operators cabin shall include but not be limited to the following Swivelling height and back adjustable operators chair incorporating joysticks switches and push buttons Light fittings with dimmers A minimum of four 240 Volt General Purpose Outlets(GPO) Fold down jump seat on the back wall to allow for an instructor Operators console and monitoring interface as specified 3.12 STORM TIE DOWN Each machine shall be provided with ground mounted equipment which shall be used to secure the machine during cyclone conditions. The equipment shall comprise. A “tie down fork” to secure the boom near the boom head Ground or wharf mounted frames which can be attached by pins in the machine travel bogies to secure the machine against movement in the long travel direction The tie-down form shall also provide for access during boom anchorage and access while undertaking boom maintenance such as replacing the luffing cylinder. The tie down procedure shall not require the use of cranes external lifting equipment, specialized tools or devices and shall be capable of being implemented by one person without assistance from others. 3.13 MAINTENANCE ACCESS Safe and direct access shall be provided to all drives, auxiliaries electrical equipment including limit switches and junction boxes, lubricating points and all other areas of the structure where switches , indicators or pivots of any type are installed. Ready access shall also be available between parts of the machine which move relative to one another. All walkways and stairways shall be 750mm clear width unless otherwise specified. Platforms, walkways , stairs, ladders and handrails shall comply with the requirements of Indian/International standard. All structural steel surfaces intended for access shall be treated with a proprietary approved non-slip surface. All other surfaces intended for pedestrian access shall consist of hot dip galvanized welded flat bar grating unless otherwise specified. Angular pattern floor plate shall not be used except in front of electrical cubicles or over structural members where spillage can be trapped by grating Stairways shall be of uniform slope and stair treads shall be hot dip galvanized grating with floor plate nosings. Hand railings shall preferably be of proprietary tubular design with all joints seal welded. 3.14 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPEMENT The Supplier shall provide the machine with fire protection equipment including but not limited to the following: Smoke and thermal type fire detectors shall be installed in the switch room and shall be connected to the PLC for alarming. A Xenon flash lamp or approved equivalent and siren warning system shall be installed above the operator’s cabin. A fire water pipe work system which shall be installed on the machine and include hydrants hoses and hose reels located to provide coverage of all operating areas. The system shall also include a 50m hose reel connection that can be accessed at ground level to manually couple to the nearest 65 NB hydrant connection. The hydrant connection shall be compatible with Indian Standards. The pipe work system shall be galvanized and painted in accordance with this Specification. Portable 5.5 kg dry chemical fire extinguishers shall be provided in the operator’s cabin at the entrance in the electrical switchroom and adjacent to all major electrical drives and oil filled equipment on the machine. 4.0 CODES, STANDARDS AND STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS The system of units known as the System International(S.I) shall be adopted and used in accordance with ISO 1000. The work shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the latest revision of the applicable ISO, India and International Codes. Other similar, equivalent and recognized standards may be used if specifically approved by the Purchaser. The Supplier shall demonstrate the equivalence of any other Standards or Codes proposed to be used. It shall be the Supplier’s responsibility to ensure that all statutory requirements necessary for the safe operation of the mobile machine will be adhered to and incorporated into the design. Where conflict exists between this specification and other requirements the most stringent requirement shall be satisfied. 5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE 5.1 GENERAL The Supplier quality system shall comply with ISO 9001 or equivalent. The Supplier shall maintain effective control of the quality of the Works, provide test facilities and conduct all tests and examinations necessary to demonstrate conformance of the Works to the requirements of the Contract. The Supplier shall be responsible for the provision of objective evidence that the Supplier’s controls and inspections are effective in maintaining the quality requirements of the Contract for this purpose objective evidence means any statement of fact, either quantitative or qualitative observations relating to the quality of the Works based on measurement or tests which can be verified. 5.2 SUB-CONTRACTS The quality assurance requirements of the Contract shall also apply to all sub contracts. 5.3 QUALITY SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION 5.3.1 GENERAL The following documents shall be provided to permit audit and surveillance of the Suppliers quality system during the execution of the Contract. a) Quality Plan b) Inspection and Test Plans (hereinafter referred to as ITPs) c) Records 5.3.2 QUALITY PLAN The Supplier shall submit its Quality Plan to the Purchaser within 28 days of Award of the Contract. The Quality Plan shall demonstrate the Supplier’s commitment to quality and shall include the following minimum elements: A policy statement identifying the specific quality system implemented for the Contract. The Supplier’s proposed management for the Contract showing specific management responsibilities including the management and responsibility for quality. An outline of procedures for reviewing updating and controlling the Quality Plan and referenced documents. A description of the steps in the Scope of Work and Specification and the means that the Supplier shall adopt to ensure the steps are controlled. Methods of control of a step include: a document, procedure, schedule , qualified person or process etc. Reference to technical or quality features peculiar to the Contract. Method of control of sub-contract work. Details of special processes and control procedures. Details of design verification activities to be performed to control the design. Details of records to be maintained. 5.3.3 INSPECTION AND TEST PLANS (ITPs) The Supplier shall submit ITPs to the Purchaser at least 28 days prior to the programmed date for the commencement of work covered by each plan. As a minimum ITPs shall contain the following: Identifications of tests/inspections against specific requirements of the Contract. Hold points and witness points where specified in the Contract. The Identification of records to be maintained Details of test equipment to be used. The Purchaser shall review the ITPs insert hold points and witness points as required and return them to the Supplier within 14 days of receiving the plans. For the purposes of this Clause, the following definitions apply Hold Points: Means a position in the production and inspection cycle beyond which work shall not proceed without mandatory verification and acceptance by the Purchaser or his representative. Witness Points: Means a position in the production and inspection cycle where the option of attendance for the purposes of verification and acceptance may be exercised by the Purchaser or his representative. The Supplier shall give the Purchaser and his authorized representative a minimum of 7 working days of a forthcoming hold or witness point. Proceeding past a hold point without the written approval of the Purchaser shall constitute a non-conformance. 5.3.4 RECORDS The Supplier shall establish and maintain a system of records which shall provide objective evidence that the requirements of the Contract have been satisfied. The Supplier shall provide such records to the Purchaser as required. Records shall be maintained by the Supplier until expiry of the Defects Liability Period (Warranty Period) at which time all records shall be submitted to the Purchaser. 5.4 QUALITY AUDITS At any time and from time to time during the Contract, after giving the Supplier a minimum of 5 working days notice the Purchaser may arrange an audit of the Supplier’s Quality System. The Supplier shall provide the necessary access to documentation and processes and such other assistance as may be required in order to assess the Supplier’s Quality System. 5.5 INDEPENDENT INSPECTION / QUALITY ASSURANCE SERVICES The Supplier shall employ an independent international inspection agency experience in the inspection of machines of this type to perform the inspection and quality assurance surveillance on behalf of the Purchaser. The scope of work for the independent inspection agency will be determined by the Purchaser after award. 5.6 INSPECTION VISITS BY PURCHASER The Supplier shall make his manufacturing facilities and those of its sub Suppliers available for an inspection visit by the Purchaser during the course of the Contract. 5.7 PROOF ENGINEER - ( DELETED ) The Supplier shall engage an independent Proof Engineer to review for compliance with the design criteria, regulations, codes and standards specified in the Contract. All costs associated with the engagement of the Proof Engineer shall be borne by the Supplier The selection of the Proof Engineer shall be subject to approval by the Purchaser. The Supplier shall co-operate readily and fully with the Proof Engineer to expedite completion of the Proof Engineer’s functions. Copies of correspondence including the attachments for calculation etc. between the Supplier and the Proof Engineer shall be forwarded to the Purchaser for information. After award of the Contract the following actions shall take place. The Supplier shall submit the following information to the Proof Engineer for his preliminary review. Tender submission and correspondence. The range and individual values of any changes in the load assumptions that may be proposed. The Supplier’s preliminary stability analyses. The Supplier’s general arrangement drawings. Any changes to the manufacturing methods proposed by the Supplier. Where necessary the Proof Engineer shall request for revision of the foregoing in order to comply with the requirements of the Contract and this shall be implemented by the Supplier . Progressively during the validity of the contract Engineer shall the Proof Review arrangement and detail drawings of structures and other main load carrying members that could effect the strength and stability of the machines (e.g travel gear, main frames , equalizers) Such drawings should show joint details Review calculations and computer analyses for structural and other main load carrying parts. Specifically review calculations for the structural rigidity in relation to the slewing bearing for each machine type. The Supplier shall not commence manufacture of any part of the machine until completion of the review and approval in writing on the part concerned by the Proof Engineer. Erection shall be in accordance with the Contract and shall not commence until the Proof Engineer has written that he is satisfied that the selected drawings and calculations comply with the design criteria regulations, codes and standards that are specified in the Contract Structures and other parts reviewed by the Proof Engineer should have passed the inspections that are included in the Contract. On completion of erection, the Proof Engineer shall review the results of weighing of the machines and confirm agreement with any necessary strength and stability adjustments including ballasting proposed by the Supplier. The Proof Engineer shall define the following on the completed machine. Items that are to be corrected before the machine goes into service. Items that are to be corrected within one year of being put into service. The Proof Engineer’s final approval shall be provided within one year of putting the machine into service during which the following actions shall be taken. Review with the Purchaser and Supplier any modifications that need to be made to drawings so that the Proof Engineer may give final approval. Obtain confirmation from the Purchaser and the Supplier that the review above has been completed. The Proof Engineer shall compile an opinion report in accordance with the documentation Schedule. The report shall be in the English language, and for each machine, include the load assumptions for the machine, as built, detailing the checks carried out by the Proof Engineer and carrying a statement to the effect that the Proof Engineer has no objection a structural grounds to the machine being allowed to operate. 6.0 DRAWING AND DESIGN DOCUMENTATION 6.1 GENERAL The requirements for drawings prepared by the Supplier shall be rigidly controlled as set out hereunder to maintain a workable drawing register and to ensure that a complete and consistent set of up to date drawings exists during and at the completion of the project. Any points requiring clarification shall be directed to the purchaser. The Supplier shall be responsible for arranging for the courier delivery of all drawings calculations and documents to and return from the Purchaser. All costs for this courier service shall be paid for by the Supplier. 6.2 DRAWING PRACTICE Drawings prepared by the Supplier shall include sufficient detail to allow checking against the specified requirements. The specifications of the material used is to be mentioned in the drawings. Most of the times the detailed dimensional drawings with materials specification of the purchased items like gear boxes, wheel, pulley etc. are not provided. Special care must be taken to supply the drawings of the purchased items to the full satisfaction of the Purchaser. It shall be the responsibility of the Supplier to obtain necessary drawings and documents in accordance with the tender requirements from it’s sub-suppliers on whom the Supplier has placed purchase orders for procurement of components / equipment to be installed on the Reclaimer. The Supplier is advised to clarify the same before placing purchase orders for bought out items like Gear Boxe, Motor, Coupling, Bearing etc. 6.3 DRAWING TITLES, SHEETS AND NUNBERS All drawings shall be prepared on A3, B1 or A1 size format. In general, drawing sheets of A3 size shall be used for electrical circuit and wiring diagrams, drawing sheets of B1 and A1 size shall be used for manually drafted drawings, drawing sheets of A1 size shall be used for layout and arrangement drawings and for most CAD produced drawings (except electrical). The Supplier shall use on all Supplier prepared drawings and in all official communications a numbering system. The title block of every drawing and material list shall contain a title which clearly defines the purpose of the document and its application to the facility. The drawing title shall be of the following format. Title Block Heading Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 detail, RECLAIMER FOR PARADIP PORT MACHINE DESCRIPTION COMPONENT OF MACHINE DETAILS TYPE OF DRAWING (e.g. arrangement, section etc.) 6.4 SUBMISSION OF DRAWINGS AND DATA Before any part of the work is commenced, the Supplier shall submit all drawings and data for approval in accordance with the requirements of the documentation and approved programme. Drawings prepared by the Supplier shall include sufficient detail to allow the final assembly and installation to be checked against the specified requirements. The drawings shall be accompanied by all the required design data, calculations and technical information and a letter of transmittal which shall list the titles, drawing No. and revisions of all drawings submitted. All fabrication drawings for steelwork shall have weld details in accordance with the requirement of relevant Indian Standards”. Welding symbols on workshop drawings shall include a reference to the relevant welding procedure sheet for the type of weld shown. The Supplier shall submit detailed welding procedures concurrent with workshop drawings. The first issue or original issue of each drawing or set of calculations shall be designated Revision A. The Supplier shall not submit drawings or calculations that have not been checked first by himself and endorsed as such. The Supplier shall mark the drawings and / or calculations as “ Good for Construction “. 6.5 REVIEW OF DRAWINGS AND DATA All drawings submitted will be reviewed by the Purchaser and either commence or a marked-up copy of each drawing will be returned to the Supplier. Such review however, shall not relieve the Supplier of his responsibility for design and dimensional accuracy or other contractual obligations under the contract. All drawings shall be submitted in time for review by the Purchaser before commencing manufacture. Any design, manufacture or installation undertaken before a review shall be at the Supplier’s risk. 6.6 CERTIFIED DRAWINGS Upon receipt of the Purchaser review, the Supplier shall mark the original “APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION”, mark-up the revision and identify the revision to “0” on the drawing. These originals shall thereafter be referred to as “Certified Drawings”. Only Certified Drawings shall be used for manufacture/construction. The Supplier shall supply to the Purchaser. Copies of all certified drawings no later than 5 (Five) working days after receiving approval to the use of drawings. Subsequently each time a certified drawing is revised the revision no. shall be incremented (i.e. 1,2,3 etc.). The revision and reason shall be identified on the drawing. 6.7 FINAL DRAWINGS Prior to Practical Completion of the Contract, the Supplier shall mark the certified drawings “AS BUILT” increment the revision number and identify the revision on the drawing. The Supplier shall supply the Purchaser with one (1) set of current original drawings and a set of microfilm reproductions of the drawings. The drawings and microfilm shall show sufficient detail to enable operation, maintenance, inspection and repairs to be carried out on the equipment. All drawings upon receipt will become the property of the Purchaser. In the event that the Supplier fails to prepare and submit the relevant drawings or should the information thereon be in the opinion of the Purchaser, inadequate for its purpose, the Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other rights he may have under the contract deduct from payments due to the Supplier the cost of having the said drawings prepared by others and may charge an overhead up to 20%. If required by the Documentation Schedule and where drawings are prepared on a computer based CAD system, the Supplier shall provide an electronic file copy on CD of each drawing and files shall be either AutoCAD release 12 or higher in dwg. format or dxt format for AutoCAD. 6.8 REQUIREMENTS FOR CALCULATIONS Calculations shall be neat and legible in English using ISO units with a summary of assumptions and conclusions and an explanation of all symbols and computer printouts. All calculations shall be prefaced with the following information : A table of contents sectionalizing the calculations and covering individual main items for easy reference. A complete list of all associated drawings. A list of texts and references used. Computer printouts supplied shall include a summary sheet of the results details of any software system used and any other necessary explanations. Where computer based analysis or design is utilized, evidence of “bench marking” of the results of standard problems shall be referenced as part of the design calculation. All calculations shall be prepared by Engineers with qualifications and experience suitable for the work performed. 7.0 DESIGN CRITERIA 7.1. GENERAL The machines shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents with special emphasis placed on safety, efficiency and reliability. The machines shall be designed to operate on a continuous basis, 24 hours per day on an average of 345 days per year and have a design life of 30 years. All materials and equipment supplied shall be suitable for sustained operation in a marine industrial environment and shall take into account especially the effects of corrosion due to salt spray and an atmosphere containing fine iron ore dust and seasonal torrential rain. 7.2 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS The plant and equipment shall be designed for the prevailing weather conditions for the Paradip Port Region. 7.3 PROHIBITED MATERIALS Use of the following chemicals or materials is prohibited :- Poly Chlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Asbestos Radioactive Materials Known Carcinogenic Substances 7.4 DESIGN CRITERIA – STRUCTURAL 7.4.1 DESIGN STANDARDS The structural design of the machines shall conform to the latest applicable standards and code. It shall be the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that all statutory requirements necessary for the safe operation of the mobile machine will be adhered to and incorporated into the design. 7.4.2 DESIGN LOADINGS The design loads for the respective machines shall be classified into Main Loads Additional Loads and Special Loads according to ISO 5049/1 Load terminology. The Main Loads shall comprise the following : Dead Loads Useful Loads Incrustation or Material Build-up Normal digging and lateral resistance Forces of the Conveying Elements for useful Loads Permanent Dynamic Effects Loads due to inclination of the Reclaimer Boom Loads on Floors, Walkways, Platforms, Stairs and Railings Effect of ground settlements and elastic deformation of supports as the machine passes. Normal digging and lateral resistance. The Additional Loads shall comprise the following : Wind Loads Normal Operation Resistance to friction and travel Horizontal and lateral forces during travel (including Rail track misalignment) Temperature loads Abnormal digging and lateral resistance Non-permanent dynamic effects Wind loads for restricted travel Effect of rolling movement of the machine. The Special Loads shall comprise the following : Clogging of chutes Resting of boom end or bucket wheel Blocking of traveling devices Lateral collision of boom or wheel with Stockpiles Cyclone wind loads Buffer effects Earthquake loads Failure of safety devices 7.4.3 WIND LOADS Wind pressures and loads shall be calculated in accordance with the relevant standards using the following values: Normal Operating wind velocity : 22 m/sec at all levels Restricted travel wind velocity : 33 m/sec at all (permitting travel to the storm tie down position Cyclone Wind velocity : 69 m/sec. levels 7.4.4 FLOOR AND WALKWAY LOADS All floors, walkways access platforms and stairways shall be designed for a uniform live load of 5 kPa for local flooring and steel member design. 7.4.5 MACHINERY FLOOR LOADS All machinery floor shall be designed for following loads : Machinery dead load plus a uniform live load of 5 kPa for local flooring and steel member design. Any beam shall be designed for a concentrated load of 10 tonnes placed at mid span. 7.4.6 EFFECTS OF ELASTIC DEFORMATION OF SUPPORTS AS MACHINE TRAVELS The machine shall be designed for the effect of elastic deformation of supports under operating weights equivalent to a maximum deformation of 15 mm while traveling. 7.4.7 EARTHQUAKE LOAD Earthquake effects shall be calculated in accordance with Indian Standard IS 1893. Notwithstanding the requirements of this standard, the machines shall be designed for a minimum horizontal & vertical ground acceleration of 0.05g (0.49 m/sec/sec). 7.4.8 LOADS NOT SPECIFIED All loads not specified above shall be in accordance with ISO 5049/1. Consideration shall be given to construction loading as part of the design process. 7.4.9 LOAD COMBINATIONS The loads shall be combined in a manner to produce the maximum stress on a particular structural member. The load combinations shall be in accordance with ISO 5049/1. 7.4.10 ALLOWABLE STRESSES The allowable stresses for structural steel shall be calculated as follows (refer ISO 5049/1 Table 4) For Load Combination I For Load Combination II For Load Combination III Stress Factor Stress Factor Stress Factor 1.5 1.33 1.2 Structural codes often incorporate a variable factor of safety (ranging from 1.5 to 1.67) hence formulae for calculating structural capacities may need to be modified accordingly. 7.4.11 FATIGUE Fatigue design shall ensure a 30-year life based on calculated loading spectra for handling. 7.4.12 WHEEL AND RAIL TRACK TOLERANCES Vertical wheel loads along runway - 140 KN. Wheel loads may be increased by 10% for restricted travel in wind velocities up to 30 m/ sec. Transverse wheel loads along runway - 20 KN. Vertical wheel loads at cyclone tie down - 180 KN. Transverse wheel loads at cyclone tie down - 25 KN. The number of wheels and the wheel diameter shall be based on the final loading as determined from the required local conditions. The number of wheels shall not produce moments or stresses on rails or ballasted track greater than produced from the loads shown above. The existing track can take a wheel load of 20T (maximum ). The spacing of the wheels shall not be less than 1.5 times the wheel diameter. Normal inclination due to ground settlement should be considered for the Reclaimer’s designs. 7.4.13 STABILITY AND SAFETY The machines shall be stable in all operating, restricted travel and storm tie down conditions. The superstructure consisting of boom conveyor, counterweight boom masts, pantograph or connecting structural elements shall comprise a completely stable self supporting structure seated on the gantry. The Reclaimer shall be designed with the following minimum stability factors against overturning. Load Combination (ISO 5049/1) I II III Stability Factor 1.5 1.3 1.2 The machine design shall ensure stability for all conditions including when the boom rests on the ground, stockpiles or vessel through faulty operation or by failure of the luffing motion or any other circumstances. Drifting safety shall be designed in accordance with ISO 5049/1. 7.4.14 CONSIDERATIONS FOR DETAILING Structural design and detailing shall be such as to produce a structure of modern appearance without any pockets that will hold dust or water. The design shall minimize welded or other connections that can produce stress concentrations. For individual member designs, rolled shapes or heavy duty tubular sections will be preferred and a lattice type fabrication will not be acceptable. Any build-up sections of angles or channels shall be spaced to enable easy inspection and maintenance of all surfaces. Sections shall not be connected to form battened or starred struts Back to back angle sections shall not be permitted. Irrespective of load carrying requirements all welds shall be continuous and form fully sealed joints. The ends of tubular or other hollow sections shall be completely sealed. The structures shall be designed so as to easily facilitate maintenance and painting. All non-hermetically sealed sections shall be accessible for inspection. Cope holes shall be minimized. Any detail deemed to require cope holes for assembly shall be shown on the shop drawings for approval prior to fabrication. In general cope holes where permitted, shall be left open and The cope hole shall be at least 50 mm diameter. For fillet welded details the fillet weld shall be returned through the cope hole to meet the filet weld on the other side of the plate. For complete penetration weld details care must be taken to ensure acceptable weld profiles inside the cope hole. The cope hole shall be dressed to the same finish as for plate edges. Stresses in heavily loaded gussets such as luffing attachment points on tubular members shall be calculated by Finite Analysis Methods . 7.4.15 SLENDERNESS RATIOS The slenderness ratio for axially loaded members shall not exceed the following :Tension members 250 Main Compression members (columns, frames, Principal diagonals and struts for trusses) 100 Secondary compression members (diagonals and braces) 200 Built-up compression members : The ratio for members consisting of individual shapes or bars connected together with intermittent plates or bars shall be calculated for the members at the minimum cross section and the unconnected free length of the individual component. The ratio in this case shall not exceed 50 for the individual member. The ratio for the member as a whole shall be as stated previously. 7.4.16 DEPTH TO SPAN RATIOS Unless otherwise proved by detailed calculation and specifically approved, the depth to span ratios for bending members shall be limited to the following values :Conveyor decks and walkways 1:25 Floor beams 1:20 Floor beams for drives less than 300 KW 1:15 greater than 300 KW 1:12 Trusses vertical Horizontal 1:15 1:30 Enclosure girts Roof Purlins 1:50 1:30 7.4.17 MINIMUM THICKNESS The minimum thickness of all steels shall be as follows :Webs of rolled shapes Welded built-up sections Gusset plates Pattern floor plate (measured through Plate body without pattern) Other closure plates Hollow Sections 6 mm 8 mm 10mm 8 mm 3 mm 4 mm 7.4.18 MATERIALS Steels with the yield strength in the range 250-350 Mpa shall be used for structural components. Structural steel shall comply with the brittle fracture requirements of AS 4100 or relevant Indian Standards for a basic design temperature of 10 degrees C. 7.4.19 ACCESS STRUCTURES The design and manner of support for all floorings, platforms, walkways and stairs shall be such that deflection, sway or vibration is restricted to no more than span/360 for simply supported spans, or span/180 for cantilever spans. These deflections shall apply to the design loading conditions. 7.4.20 CONNECTIONS All connections shall withstand forces of a minimum of 50% of the member capacity or 1.1 times the applied load, whichever is greater. Shop connections shall be welded, unless otherwise approved. Major field connections shall be either Field welded Bolted, with mating bearing surfaces milled or machined with adequate tolerances to ensure contact is maintained, joints shall be designed as pre-tensioned by means of high strength bolts or alloy steel pre-stressing bars. Field welded connections shall not be used where there is any likelihood of distortion induced by welding causing misalignment of bearings and machined surfaces. Secondary field connections shall be designed as bolted. Secondary connections are defined as connections for conveyor deck platforms, walkways, stairs purlins and girts. Bolted connections shall incorporate a minimum of two bolts for angles and four bolts for structures, tees, universal columns, beams and channels over 150 mm deep. Where pinned connections are employed in main joints internal lubrication patterns and lubrication points shall be provided. Where bushings are used in pinned connections, bushings shall have internal lubrication patterns and shall be provided with the necessary wall thickness to prevent elastic and thermal distortion under load. Thin walled bushings are not acceptable. As a minimum standard, structural bushings shall be manganese bronze, press fitted into suitable housings for pin connections. Special spherical bearings for heavy duty application and ease of alignment may be employed for boom connections or other similar applications. Provision shall be made for the ready lubrication of all such bearings. “Purpose designed low friction and lubricated for life” type bearings shall be employed for pantograph mechanisms or any bearings difficult to access. In such cases bearings shall have a design factor of at least twice the normal safe working load, the design shall employ normal factors of safety based on this increased design working load. Notwithstanding that the bearings are lubricated for life, lubrication points shall be provided. 7.4.21 RESIDUAL STRESSES The effect of residual stresses in steel weldments shall be taken into account in the design. In particular, consideration shall be given to stress relieving or other heat treatment of heavy weldments in order to improve fatigue and fracture performance. 7.4.22 DUPLICATION OF OPERATORS CABIN SUPPORT Where an operator’s cabin is on a boom and the cabin or boom is supported by a strap or stay system, two totally independent strap or stay systems shall be provided, each one capable of supporting the cabin and boom. Such double strap or stay systems shall be designed so that the load can be equalized between straps or stays. For the situation where strap or stay fails, the required safety factor for the remaining independent system shall be met during the course of failure of the other strap or stay, taking into account any dynamic loading that may result from failure of the one strap or stay and consequent rotation and bottoming of any equalizing arrangement on the remaining system. Strap or stay anchorages and areas of the structures to which they are attached, as well as connecting pins shall satisfy the same minimum safety factor requirements. The machine shall be designed so that in the event of failure of a double strap or stay system, the machine will remain stable and the main structural members will not be overstressed by virtue of the remaining independent support carrying the full load. 7.5 DESIGN CRITERIA – MECHANICAL 7.5.1 IRON ORE PROPERTIES The Reclaimer shall be designed to handle the range of iron ore lumpy, calibrated, fines which will be received from the mining through rail / road. Some physical material characteristics of the Iron Ore are : Bulk Density Size 7.5.2 NOISE 1800 - 2200 kg./m3 -200mm, calibrated, fines Noise levels emanating from the machines shall be limited in accordance with all relevant standards and regulations. The noise emitted by an individual item of equipment shall not exceed 85 dB(A) when measured at a distance of 1 metre from the item of equipment in accordance with relevant standards or approved equivalent standard. Noise levels at any location on the machine shall not exceed 85 dB(A) for all operating conditions. Noise levels within electrical switchrooms and operator cabins shall not exceed 60 dB(A). 7.5.3 VIBRATION Vibration levels of the machines and their equipment shall be limited in accordance with BS 6472 (Pt. I & II) or any relevant standards. The multiplying factor given below shall be used in conjunction with BS 6472, Pt.II to define the acceptable magnitude of vibration levels for various locations on the structures and equipment. Location Control Cabin MCC Rooms Equipment Maintenance Areas General Access 7.6 Multiplying factor 10 30 40 40 DESIGN CRITERIA - ELECTRICAL The environment in which the mobile machines will be operating will be extreme in terms of temperature, humidity, corrosion and dust. Ambient temperature for the design and manufacture of the cubiciles and equipment shall be taken as 450 C. Particular attention shall be given to the mounting of the switchboards and control equipment to ensure that it is not subjected to vibration and other environmental influences. Physical access to all equipment shall be possible without requiring the removal of other equipment and shall be in accordance with the local Indian regulations for access clearance. The switchboard and control equipment housings which shall be located in the on-board switch room shall be manufactured to IP54. All electrical equipment external to the switch room shall have an enclosure rating on IP 65. Normal voltage levels as follows shall be utilized for all on-board electrical equipment. Fixed speed motors (< 200 kW) Variable speed AC motors Fractional kW motors not suitable for 3 Phase operation Motor starter Contactor 415V,+/-10% , 3 Phase, 50Hz , I 10% 415V,+/-10%,3Phase VVVF 230V,+/-10%,1 Phase, 50Hz 230V,+/-10%,1 Phase, 50Hz Motor Starter, Control and safety circuit, 48VDC,negative earthed Control voltage including programmable, 48V DC, negative earthed Logic controller inputs and outputs Welding/splicing outlets General Purpose Outlets (GPO) Lighting circuits 7.7 415V,+/-10%,3 Phase, 4 wire, 50Hz,100A 240V,,+/-10%Phase, 50Hz 240V,+/-10%,1Phase, 50Hz DESIGN CRITERIA – CONTROL SYSTEMS 7.7.1 HARDWARE The PLC equipment (controller, I/O cards, communication equipment and associated mounting hardware) except for remote I/O shall be within a cubicle inside the on-board switch room. All PLC equipment cubicles shall be sized to ensure that the internal air temperature does not exceed 550 C with the internal equipment operating at design conditions. The PLC’s shall be of rugged modular construction designed for reliable and fail safe operation in a location where electro-magnetic noise caused by high voltage switching devices and high humidity are prevalent. The PLC equipment, shall use high capacity I/O racks, with at least two spare module slot per I/O rack and one power supply per rack. The Supplier shall supply a complete hardware specification for their system. This shall contain a complete list of all hardware to be supplied. Each field device shall be cross-referenced to its PLC I/O/ point. Appropriate rated power supplies and circuit breakers shall be provided for powering the PLC equipment and all PLC I/O circuits with individual fuse protection in connectors with LED indication. Each I/O card shall have a separate circuit breaker to protect it. For the design of the control system all digital I/O shall be 48V DC, negatively earthed and all analog I/O shall be 4-20 mA signals. The Supplier shall specify the amount of I/O to be provided with each PLC. The specified requirement shall be sufficient to allow all field device signals associated with a machine to be individually interfaced to the PLC. A spare I/O capacity of 25% shall remain at the completion of commissioning. 7.7.2 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS The PLC application software and interfacing shall be designed to include as many “fail safe” features as possible to ensure the safety of men and equipment during normal and abnormal circumstances. 7.7.3 CABINET ARRANGEMENT Control cubicles and other enclosures housing electrical control equipment shall be designed to group devices according to voltage, control function and I/O module and shall be suitable for operation in a corrosive atmosphere as could be reasonably expected at a seaport. Layouts of all electrical equipment within the control cubicles shall be approved by the Purchaser. All analog input/output wiring shall be screened twisted pair flexible multistrand copper conductor. The individual screens on each twisted pair shall be carried through to the PLC card, but be terminated to earth at the terminal strip end only. Cable entry to control cubicles shall be from below floor level through gland plates rising to terminal blocks and termination points within the cubicles. Cables shall be installed in a neat and organized manner. All control and power wiring within electrical equipment enclosures shall be installed on the horizontal and vertical in a neat and organized manner. Wiring on the diagonal will not be acceptable. Control and power wiring to electrical equipment installed on movable panels and doors shall be neatly loomed and secured with insulated clips of fixings to facilitate future wiring additions. Control and power wiring on fixed panels within electrical equipment enclosures shall be installed in covered PVC ducting (maximum 50% occupancy). All PVC ducting shall be slotted type and designed for maximum through ventilation. Separation between ducts and terminal strips shall be a minimum of 45 mm. A minimum of 40% spare terminal blocks shall remain for future use after commissioning. Relays, terminal strips and markings and all other control devices, must be completely accessible for maintenance and not be obstructed by cabling or ducting. All labeling shall be in accordance with nomenclature used on the endorsed electrical drawings. Labeling shall be secured with screws and be of sufficient height (3 mm minimum) to be easily read. 8.0 STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS 8.1 INTRODUCTION This clause covers structural requirements for the supply and fabrication of all structural steelwork and aluminum. This clause applies to the supply, storage, connections and associated fastenings and all miscellaneous attachments including handrails, floor plate and floor grating. 8.2 STANDARDS All relevant standards applied for all materials and workmanship shall be specified by the Supplier as per Indian & International standard. 8.3 WORKSHOP DRAWINGS All workshop drawings for steelwork shall have welds and non destructive testing detailed in accordance with the requirement of clause 6. Welding symbols on Workshop Drawings shall include a reference to the relevant welding procedure sheet for the type of weld shown. Detailed welding procedures, certificates and samples shall be submitted concurrently with workshop Drawings. 8.4 STEEL All materials shall be new, free from loose rust, pitting, flaws, cracks and any other defects and shall have a smooth uniform finish. All steel plates, flats and rolled sections in the work shall be in accordance with relevant Indian Standards. The actual grade adopted shall be noted on the Workshop Drawings. Mill Certificate, heat numbers etc. shall be supplied for all steel used in the works, cross reference to the item numbers to be cut from the materials, prior to the commencement of cutting or fabricating. All steel plate greater than 30 mm in thickness shall be ultrasonically tested by the steel supplier in accordance with AS1710 quality steel classification calss A or any relevant standards. The manufacturer shall supply records of test results in accordance with relevant standards. These results shall be submitted with the relevant mill sheets. 8.5 STEEL WORK FABRICATION 8.5.1 GENERAL Fabrication of all steelwork shall conform to the requirement of AS 4100 or equivalent Indian Standards and all other relevant standards. A detailed fabrication programme shall also be provided. The programme shall be based upon the tender programme. All measurements shall be made by a steel tape related to a standard tape which has been certified correct. The tape and steel to be measured shall be at the same temperature and precautions shall be taken to tension the tape in accordance with the methods taken to calibrate the tape. Where individual members of fabricated assemblies are required to be cambered, the amount will be specified on the Drawings and the means of achieving the correct camber shall be agreed prior to fabrication of the member or assemblies concerned. Additional splices to members (other than those shown on the Drawings) shall generally not be allowed. The minimum length of a splice joint should not be less than 6 times the depth of the section or 1000 mm. Welded splices in compound members shall be staggered and the component plates and sections spliced before compounding. Critical field splices and joints shall be mated in the shop on completion of fabrication to ensure satisfactory fit when installed. All members shall be fabricated true to shape and size, without distortion complete with all necessary temporary brackets, straps, gussets, cleats, fixings and the like necessary for erection and assembly of the steelwork. Suitable jigs and supports shall be used to accurately fabricate steelwork to the dimensions shown on the Drawings. Welding sequences shall be planned and adjusted where necessary to control distortion and achieve dimensional accuracy. Methods for correcting distortion or damage shall be submitted in writing for review before any remedial work is commenced. Welding procedures and orientation of cutting of steel plates relative to the direction of rolling shall be designed to minimize the risk of lamellar tearing. Temporary erection cleats and the like will be permitted, subject to approval, but on completion they shall be removed and the structure made good. The final appearance, soundness of the structure and quality of the paint coatings shall be as if no such erection cleats, etc. have been attached. Notwithstanding the above, all major assemblies of machinery that can be de-mounted for maintenance or replacement, shall be fitted with permanent lifting eyes, jacking points, etc. Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, hollow section members shall be provided with 6 mm plates welded all around at the open ends to exclude the entrance of moisture. Cope holes shall be minimized. Any detail deemed to require cope holes for assembly shall be shown on the shop drawings for approval prior to fabrication. In general cope holes shall be left open subject to approval and : The cope hole shall be at least 50 mm diameter. In fillet welded details the fillet weld shall be returned through the cope hole to meet the fillet weld on the other side of the plate. In full penetration weld details care must be taken to ensure acceptable weld profiles inside the cope hole. The cope hole shall be dressed to the same surface finish as for plate edges. The fabrication programme shall be arranged to ensure close cooperation between the surface treatment and protective coating SubSupplier and the fabricator. In particular, sufficient time must be allowed for protective coatings to cure before transportation. On completion, all fabricated steelwork shall be handled and stored so as to prevent damage or corrosion. 8.5.2 CUTTING AND HOLING All structural steel components shall be neatly and accurately machine flame cut sheared or sawn in accordance with AS4100 or relevant Indian Standards. Flame cutting by free-hand will not be permitted without prior approval. Structural steel hollow sections shall be profiled to fit the shape of the members to which they are to be welded. Where slotted holes are shown or specified they shall be accurately shapped with sides smooth, straight, parallel and circular at the ends. Holes for base plates or bearing plates shall be drilled. Holes shall be cleaned cut without torn or ragged edges and free from burrs. Flame cutting of holes shall not be permitted. 8.5.3 WELDING All welding shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1554.1 or relevant Indian standards. The nominal tensile strength of weld metal (Fuw) shall be designated on the Workshop Drawings For the preparation of welding : All material(s) shall be properly prepared in a workmanlike manner by machining, grinding, profiling, gas cutting or grouping and the finished surface shall be of an even contour and free from oxide, scale or slag. Surfaces to be incorporated in a weld shall not have a surface roughness greater than Class 3 as defined in WTIA Technical Note 5. The preparation and set up of all butt welds shall be subject to inspection as part of the QA plan prior to the commencement of welding. Run-on/run-off tabs shall be required for butt welds. Run-on and run-off tabs shall be removed and the surface ground flush. In assembly, all parts shall be accurately positioned and held in the required alignment with special attention directed to abutting plates of unequal thickness. Due allowance should be made for the warpage and shrinkage of welded parts, and where necessary, the work shall be held in frames or jigs to ensure that the completed work will be dimensionally acceptable. Oil, paint, rust or any other foreign matter shall be removed by the use of wire brush or other suitable means such as flame cleaning or grit blasting. Welding shall not proceed on wet surfaces, and such surfaces shall be dried before welding is commenced. Unless the welding operator and the work are properly protected welding shall not be carried out when rain is falling or under strong wind conditions. Preheating of welded joints shall be carried out in conformity with AS/NZS 1554.1 or relevant standards requirement. All welds shall be continuous around the perimeter of the parts being joined to provide a sealed joint. All tubular and boxed members shall be hermetically closed by seal welding for complete corrosion protection. 8.5.4 WELDING CONSUMABLES All welding consumables to be used in the works shall be restricted to those which conform to the relevant Indian Standards and this Specification and shall be of such quality to ensure sound welds. 8.5.5 WELDING PROCEDURES Welding procedures shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 1554 or equivalent Indian Standards. Where possible, pre-qualified welding preparations shall be used. Special care shall be exercised to ensure that slag inclusions are not present between weld beads. Each weld bead must be free from slag and brushed bright with a wire brush before succeeding runs are applied. All welds shall have good fusion with the parent metal. The reverse side of complete penetration butt welds shall be gouged back to sound metal by gas or arc gouging, machining, or grinding. When necessary to machine grind in lieu of gas or arc gouging. “Dye penetrant” testing shall be carried out to ensure all defects are removed. Increases in design throat thickness and exemption from back gouging for welds made with fully automatic welding processes shall only be allowable if the extent of NDT on the joint considered is increased to 100% UST or 100% RT. All backing strips to welds to be left in place after welding shall be made continuous by butt welding. Backing strips, where not in fully sealed spaces, shall be continuously seal welded in position after completion of the main welds. Special care shall be taken with the application of weld sequence procedures, in order to minimize distortion and residual stresses. Procedures should allow maximum freedom of movement of the parts being welded so as to reduce distortion. Preheating and/or post heating may be necessary under certain conditions. Where welding is carried out during night hours, or in such positions that natural light is impaired the adjacent area shall be adequately illuminated to allow close inspection of each weld pass for cleanliness before proceeding with the next pass. Tack welds shall be made with the same type of electrode that is used for depositing the root pass, unless the tack weld is to be removed prior to welding. Welding procedures for tack welds shall be required. 8.5.6 WELDING SUPERVISOR All welding shall be carried out under the supervision of an experienced person who has had suitable training and practical experience in the execution of both machine and hand welding in accordance with relevant standards. 8.5.7 WELDING OPERATORS Welders shall pass a proficiency test, prior to the commencement of production welding or at any stage during the progress of the work. Should an operator consistently deposit welds which are below the required standard any defective weldment shall be removed and if necessary the operator replaced with another who will provide the required standard. 8.5.8 INSPECTION AND TESTING Inspection of fabricated steelwork shall be undertaken in accordance with the quality assurance programme. Any inspection of items shall not prevent the ultimate rejection of any work or material in which defects have been found at any time prior to the completion of the contract . Non-destructive testing shall be carried out as appropriate to ensure the sufficiency of all welding procedures and finished welds. Surface examination (including visual, dye penetration or magnetic particle testing) Ultrasonic Examination Radiographic Examination Testing shall be in accordance with relevant standards as appropriate and shall be carried out by an approved independent organisation. Minimum levels of inspection of the weld categories shall be as specified :Item Location & Type of Welds Method of NDT Boom & Tower above Slewing Bearing Butt Welded Splices in Plates and Members Visual Level of NDT 100%1100% Radiography or Ultrasonic 100% Visual 100% Ultrasonic 30% Other Welds Base below slewing Bearing Plate Butt Welded Splices Other Welds Visual 100% 100% Ultrasonic 30% Visual 60% Ultrasonic 10% 3030 10% General Fatigue Sensitive Welds General Fillet Welds Visual 100% Radiography or Ultrasonic 100% Visual 60% (NDT - Non Destructive Test) Note that the specified levels of inspection are in addition to 100% visual scanning. Acceptable levels of imperfections shall be in accordance with AS / NZS 1554 or any relevant standards. Hot rolled sections and plate having welded connections on the rolled face, which imposes a tension component normal to the face, shall be inspected by ultrasonic techniques and no unacceptable lamination or part of such lamination will be permitted within an area extending 3 plate thicknesses beyond the weld boundaries. Acceptance standards for laminations or lamellar tearing defects in weldments shall be as for lack or fusion, incomplete penetration, slag or other inclusions. All faulty welds shall be removed, replaced and retested to the specification requirements. In any group of steel work tested, if 10% or more of those tested of each of weld types prove defective, all welds of the defective type in that group which have already been completed shall be 100% tested and if any of these welds prove defective, they shall be removed and replaced and retested. 8.5.9 STRESS RELEIVING Weldments subject to high level of residual stress shall be stress relieved as required by the design. Stress relieving shall be carried out under controlled furnace conditions. A certificate shall be provided stating temperatures, time and other conditions of the heat treatment. Stress relieving shall typically be carried out as follows : Stand the weldment on end in a furnace with temperatures not exceeding 3000C when loaded. Heat the furnace to 6500C at a rate not exceeding 2200C per hour. Hold at 6500C for one (1) hour for each 25 mm of member thickness. Cool in a closed furnace at a rate of 1.50 C + 10% per minute. 8.5.10 MILLING, MACHINING AND LINE BORING All milling, machining and line boring operations shall be carried out after fabrication and stress relieving. Abutting ends of bolted splices shall be end milled to obtain plane square ends to the tolerance permitted in Section 8.6. Milling shall only be performed after all welding has been completed on adjacent items to be joined. Bearing surfaces on base plates or bracket fittings for sheaves, rams, bogies and chutes pivots shall be milled and mating surfaces on flanges shall be machined to achieve the fitment tolerance specified in Section 8.6. Pivot points for boom, bogies, equalizer beams etc. shall be line bored in one operation to ensure correct fit up and alignment. 8.6 FABRICATION TOLERANCE All steelwork shall be supplied and fabricated to tolerance such that it is possible to achieve the specified erection tolerance. 8.6.1 GENERAL Structural members consisting primarily of a single rolled section shall, after fabrication, unless otherwise specified, conform to the appropriate tolerance allowed by AS 3679 and as prescribed in clause 14.4 of AS 4100 or any relevant standards. Built-up structural members shall conform to the tolerance allowed for universal beams except for specific requirements as set out in this Specification. Completed members shall be free from twist, bends and open joints. The above tolerance, whilst applying to individual members or units shall not be allowed to or be interpreted in any way to permit a cumulative error over the whole or part of any structure. The tolerance below shall not result in a cumulative error over the whole or any part of the structure. 8.6.2 PLATE PANELS For the purposes of this Specification a plate panel is defined as an area of plate bounded by stiffeners (whether located on one face or not) or by other stiff parts of a section. A stiffened panel is defined as an area of stiffened plate bounded by diaphragms webs and flanges each capable of preventing out of plane distortion of the panel edges. Tolerance for plate panels and stiffened plate panels shall be in accordance with BS 5400. During inspection plate panels shall be supported on surface representing their intended fabricated shape or at their boundaries in manner similar to that in the completed structure. There shall be no other restraint or external load on any part of a panel during the inspection. 8.6.3 FABRICATED BOX SECTION The following tolerance shall apply to fabricated box sections. Lateral Bow (1) (2) Lateral Kink Hog or Sag if gradual 10 mm over length if localized 5 mm over affected length 6 mm over length of girder (1) (2) 6 mm over length of girder if localized 3 mm over affected area Depth of Section + 3 mm Width Section + 3 mm Twist (1) (2) + 3 mm over flange width from horizontal + 3 mm over depth of web from vertical Box sections shall be supported at their ends on level supports. Long boxes capable of significant deflection under self weight may also be supported at an intermediate position beneath an internal diaphragm in-such a way as to eliminate deflection without inducing twist. 8.6.4 ALIGNMENT OF WELDED SPLICES Abutting plates at welded splices or butt joints are to align within the tolerances set out in relevant standards. 8.6.5 MILLED SURFACES OF BOLTED SPLICES AND BRACKET FITTINGS Over at least 60% of the total area that is common to both items to be joined, the clearance between the surfaces shall not exceed 0.25 mm. Over the remainder of the total area that is common to both items to be joined the clearance between the surfaces shall not exceed 0.5 mm. The maximum deviation of plane of splice from specified plane shall be plus 10 minutes, minus 30 minutes. The maximum misalignment shall be 2 mm. 8.7 HANDRAILS Handrails shall be installed in the locations as shown on the drawings. Handrail systems shall preferably be a proprietary tubular type. All stanchions, handrails, knee rails, kick-plates and other components of the handrail system including fasteners shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with Clause 13. Handrails shall be installed in accordance with the Manufacturer’s recommendations and so as to minimize the requirement for on-site welding. Kick-plates shall be bolted and not welded to stanchions Welds used to splice handrails and knee rails shall be ground smooth to bright metal and coated with two liberal coats of an approved coldgalvanised paint. 8.8. FLOOR PLATE AND GRATING Floor plate shall be fabricated and installed in panels as shown on the drawings. The floor plate shall have a non-slip surface provided by a raised angular pattern rolled onto the top surface of the plate. The pattern shall consist of regular bi-directional raised ridges approximately 20 mm by 5 mm by 1.5 mm high at approximately 22.5 mm centers. The thickness of plate nominated of the drawings shall be exclusive of the pattern thickness. Floor plate shall be continuously welded to floor beams so as to provide a flat uniform surface. The top surface at butting edges of adjacent plat shall not misalign by more than 2 mm. Continuous seal welding of floor plate shall be carried out and intermittent welding shall not be accepted. For the purposes of protective coating, floor plate shall be deemed to be structural steelwork. Floor grating shall be welded flat bar type with 32 mm x 5 mm serrated load bars. Gratings shall be provided with banding bars to all cut edges of grating panels and at notches and penetrations. Banding bars shall be of the same section as the load bars and fully welded to each load bar. Grating panels shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with Clause 13 after fabrication has been completed. Grating shall be secured in place at each corner and at not greater than 600 mm centers using approved bolted clip type fasteners consisting of a double saddle, 8 mm round head screw and clamping bracket. Grating shall not be welded in place. 8.9 STAIR-WAYS AND LADDERS Stair treads shall be welded flat bar type grating with serrated grating panels, bolted end plates and floor plate nosing and shall match the profile of the floor grating. For the purposes of protective coating, stair stringers and other steelwork and ladders complete with safety cages shall be deemed to be structural steelwork. 8.10 FABRICATION OF ALUMINIUM 8.10.1 MATERIAL Aluminium alloys shall be in accordance with AS1664, AS1734 & AS 1866 or any relevant standards. The following materials shall be used in the works. External Sheeting External Sheeting temper Floor Plate Extrusions 5083 alloy 5086 alloy H321 temper H32 or H34 5251 alloy 6061 alloy H34 temper T6 temper Fabrication shall be in accordance with AS1664 & AS1665 or any relevant standards. 8.10.2 CUTTING Material may be cut by shearing mechanical sawing or plasma arc methods. On no account shall oxygen cutting be used. Cut edges shall be smooth and free of notches, excessive burrs or ragged edges. 8.10.3 WELDING Welding shall be by Metal Inert Gas (M.I.G.) or Tungsten Inert Gas (T.I.G) methods in accordance with relevant standards. All welders employed on the works shall be suitably qualified and experienced and evidence of qualification shall be submitted. 8.10.4 INSPECTION Permissible levels of imperfection shall be in accordance with relevant standards. Weld defects during inspection shall be repaired in accordance with the relevant standards. 9.0 MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS. 9.1 STANDARDS. All materials and workmanship shall comply with the requirements of Clause 4.0. Relevant Indian/International standard codes must be mentioned by the supplier of machine as specified below:Methods for Ultrasonic Testing of Ferritic Steel Forgings Methods for Magnetic Particle Testing of Ferromagnetic Products and Components. SAA Unfired Pressure Vessels Code. Hot Dipped Galvanized Coating on Threaded Fasteners. Acoustics – Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources. Acoustics – Hearing Conservation. Conveyor Belting – Textile Reinforced. Conveyor Belting of Elastomeric and Steel Cord Construction. Methods of testing conveyor and Elevator Belting. Bourdon Tube Pressure and Vaccum Gauges. Design of Rotating Steel Shafts. SAA Crane Code. Carbon Steels and Carbon Manganese Steels – Hot Rolled Bars and Semi Finished Products. Wrought Alloy Steels, Standard and Hardenability (H) Series. Circular and Non-circular Carbon Steel Tubes for Mechanical and General Engineering Purposes. Short Pitch Transmission Precision Roller Chains and Chain Wheels. Code of Practice for Preparation and Pretreatment of Metal Surfaces Prior to Protective Coating. Limits and Fits for Engineering (Metric Units) Wire Rope Slings. Method of Test Elastomers. Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids. Conveyors – Design, Construction, installation and Operation – Safety Requirements. Iron Castings – Grey Cast Iron. Iron Castings – Spheroidal or Nodular Graphite Cast Iron. Solid Bearing Housings Dimensions and Tolerances. Steel Castings. Surface Roughness Comparison Specimens. Surface Texture. Gears – Spur and helical – Guide to Specification and Rating. Gears – Spur and Helical – Guide to Specification and Rating. Vibration and Shock – Balance Quality of Rotating Rigid Bodies. Metric Keys and Keyways. Standard for Spur, Helical, Herringbone and Bevel enclosed Drives. Fundamental Rating Factors and calculation Methods for Involute Spur and Helical Gear Teeth. Rating for Pitting Resistance and Bearing Strength of Generated Straight Bevel, Zerol Bevel and Spiral Bevel Gear Teeth. Fabric Belt Testing. Specification for Pulleys for Belt Conveyors. Specification for idlers and idler sets for belt Conveyors. Glossary for Conveyors Terms and Definitions. Code of Practice for Selection and Design of Belt Conveyors. 9.2 GEAR REDUCERS. 9.2.1 GENERAL. The list of vendors is placed at Annexure – 1 to this Section – VI. The Purchaser recommends that the vendor list be followed by the Supplier for procurement of important equipment / component which shall be installed on the machine. However, if the Supplier intends to deviate from the vendor list at Annexure – 1, the Supplier shall have to obtain the approval of the Purchaser for procurement of important equipment from other manufacturers not mentioned in the vendor list. The vendor list at Annexure – 1 is applicable to all bought-out items. All equipment supplied shall be of approved manufacture unless otherwise specified. The equipment shall be the Supplier’s normal design suitable for the duty specified. Replacement gears, bearings and seals shall be readily available in India. 9.2.2 DESIGN FOR STANDARDISATION. Reducers selection shall be standardized in such a way that it will be available from open market and from reputed gearbox manufacturer. Reducers shall be capable of being driven in either direction at the rated capacity without reduction of the specified design life. Reducers of the same rating and reduction ratio, but used for left hand or right hand drive output, shall be interchangeable for either application. 9.2.3 REDUCER TYPE. Speed reducers shall be the split type helical, bevel helical or planetary gear type. 9.2.4 MOUNTING AND ASSEMBLY TYPE. Drive assemblies shall comprise motor, high speed coupling, disc / drum type brake, speed reducer incorporating a geared output coupling, guards, sub-base and torque arm. 9.2.5 DESIGN DUTY All components of speed reducers shall be designed for continuous duty at maximum demand power with capacity to stop and start under fully loaded conditions. The speed reducer shall also be designed to allow back driving through the reducer to the motor. 9.2.6 DESIGN STANDARDS. Speed reducers shall be designed in accordance with current International/Indian Standards. Bearings shall be selected in accordance with Indian/International Standard. 9.2.7 THERMAL CAPACITY. The thermal rating for reducer operation shall be based on the lubricating oil bulk (or sump) temperature not exceeding 80 0 C for 450 C ambient shade air temperature. 9.2.8 SPEED REDUCER RATING. Speed reducer rating shall be based on Indian/International Standards and design should be such that it will operate in adverse conditions without failure. In addition to the requirements stated in paragraph 2.1 of AGMA 6010 – E88, all gearing shall be capable of safely withstanding not less than the full peak torque of the drive motor applied twice in direct succession. The reducer shall be capable of not less than 10 starts per hour under full load. When the braking torque is applied to the high speed shaft and the braking torque exceeds the starting torque, then the braking torque shall be considered in the selection of the speed reducer. 9.2.9 COUPLING DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. The flexible couplings shall be designed to transmit 3 X motor full load torque or 1.5 X maximum brake torque (whichever is greater) multiplied by the actual gear reduction ratio as a minimum. 9.2.10 OVERHUNG LOAD. Overhung loads generated by flywheels and/or brakes and/or fluid couplings shall not exceed the speed reducer manufacturer’s recommendation. If excessive overhung load can be induced, these items shall be mounted between pedestal bearings with flexible coupling used between both the motor shaft and the reducer input shaft. 9.2.11 NOISE. Noise level of the speed reducer, running at the design conditions at site, shall be within the permissible micropascals limits as per the Indian/International standards. 9.2.12 CASINGS. Unless otherwise specified, reducer casings shall be manufactured from fabricated steel. When the reducer casings are specified or offered as all welded steel construction, the welding shall be oil-tight and the housing stress relieved after welding, and prior to any machining. Reducer casings shall be provided with easily removable inspection covers to allow the reducer internals to be viewed without disturbing the drive. Reducer casings shall be provided with lifting lugs. Provision shall be made in the casing design for horizontal alignment of the reducer in longitudinal and transverse direction, as well as vertical adjustment. Mounting areas for attachment of vibration monitoring transducers shall be provided adjacent to all bearings. The vibration transducers may be either fixed or temporary magnet mounted type. A drilled and tapped connection shall be provided for installation of a temperature transducer in oil well which shall be covered with oil. The hole shall be plugged. 9.2.13 LUBRICATION. Adequate means of lubrication for all gears and bearings shall be maintained at all operating positions of the reducers. Splash lubrication using mineral oil is preferred. Where pumped lubrication is unavoidable, the pump suction shall remain submerged in the lubricant for all operating positions of the reducer. A pressure gauge and an adjustable oil flow switch shall be fitted to the delivery line from the pump. Reducers shall be provided with an integral filler/breather/ level/temperature and drain plug. The drain plug will comprise a 75 mm square hollow section steel tube body within which is assembled. A UCC filler/breather cap or equivalent. A UCC sight glass or equivalent along with oil dipstic arrangement. A 32mm BSP drain plug. The assembly will be supported by and located adjacent to the reducer. Connection to the speed reducer shall be by means of : A breather hose from the top of the tube body to the top of the reducer. A connection pipe and union from the bottom of the tube body to the bottom of the reducer. The reducer identification plate shall specify the required oil type and quantity. Magnetic inserts shall be fitted to the drain plugs. Oil sampling points shall be fitted in a suitable location to allow sampling when operating. 9.2.14 BEARINGS. Bearings shall be of standard type and size readily available in India. Bearing selection and life shall be suitable for sustain operation in most adverse condition. 9.2.15 SEALS All reducer shaft seals shall be of the “labyrinth and double lip neoprene” type with provision to purge with grease. TACONITE type seals or modified TACONITE type with non contact lip seals are preferred or approved equivalents. All the seal details must be submitted along with the drawings for acceptance and approval. 9.2.16 HEAT CONTROL. It is preferred that reducers be rated with sufficient thermal capacity so as high speed shaft fan cooling will not be required. If fan cooling is used, then the fan impeller shall be of the split type to facilitate replacement without removal of the couplings and/or disturbing the alignment of any component in the drive. 9.2.17 PROTECTIVE COATINGS. Unmachined external surfaces of the speed reducer shall be painted in accordance with Clause 13.0. Machined surfaces shall be suitably protected from rusting during transport and storage with an easily removable coating. Threads on casing locating dowels shall be covered with a thread antisieze solution (Kopr-Kote or equivalent) prior to installing the nut. 9.2.18 TESTING. SHOP TEST The speed reducer shall be test run in the factory prior to delivery. Notification of factory testing is required in accordance with clause 5.0. A report on the test shall be submitted in accordance with the Documentation Schedule. The speed reducer shall be subjected to no-load test when installed in the drive assembly comprising all drive components : Motor High speed coupling Fluid coupling, if applicable Brake, if applicable. Reducer The test will include a full frequency vibration-analysis using magnetic mounted accelerometers. Test duration shall be not less that four(4) hours. The test report shall provide the following minimum information: Test duration Ambient conditions Final temperature of the casing Final oil temperature Noise level recorded Background noise level Backlash Vibration signature Any pertinent observations. 9.2.19 DRAWINGS. In addition to other specified requirements certified dimensional drawings of the reducer shall be submitted. The drawings shall show the following information : Total mass (without oil) Oil type, viscosity grade quantity Mechanical power rating Thermal power rating Reduction ratio Fully dimensioned outline drawing including mounting dimensions and loads and shaft dimensions with tolerances. Limits of permissible angular and parallel misalignment between shaft pairs. Expected life in hours for the weakest item of assembly. Maximum eccentric load on the input shaft within the unit rating. Internal details of the reducer (cross-sectional dimensional drawings). Material list – The list shall show all the items of the equipment. Commercially available items such as bearings and seals shall have SKF or other common part numbers. 9.3 MECHANICAL COUPLINGS. 9.3.1 GENERAL Mechanical couplings are used for connection of speed reducers to driving motors and driven equipment. The high speed flexible couplings are required to compensate for radial and angular misalignment between motor and speed reducers, as well as to dampen torque fluctuations and possible torsional vibration. Low speed flexible couplings often are required to compensate for angular and radial misalignment. Rigid high speed couplings (with flange) are required to couple electric motors to fluid couplings. 9.3.2 COUPLING TYPES. For general application, couplings fitted to the high speed shafts of speed reducers shall be of Flender “N-Eupex Type A” type or approved equivalent with flexible coupling blocks replaceable without disturbing the reducer or driver alignment. The coupling shall not be manufactured from grey cast iron. Couplings fitted to the low speed shafts of foot mounted drive unit shall be of double engagement David Brown “Gearflex” type, or approved equivalent. 9.3.3 BRAKE DISC CONNECTION. Where a brake drum or a brake disc is to be fitted to the high speed coupling assembly, it shall be fitted to the reducer side of the coupling. 9.3.4 SERVICE FACTOR. Couplings shall be selected to allow for the expected shock load and misalignment. The minimum service factor shall be 3 X full load motor torque corrected for speed 1 X stalled motor torque corrected for speed The coupling torque rating shall exceed the required braking torque of the driven equipment. 9.3.5 BALANCING. Couplings operating above 500 balanced. Low speed couplings balancing shall be in accordance The balance quality grade shall application. rpm speed shall be dynamically shall be statically balanced. The with Indian/International standards. be selected to suit the particular 9.3.6 DESCRIPTION. SEALS Where couplings are fitted with seals these shall be suitable for operation in highly abrasive dust laden atmosphere. The seals shall be suitable for high pressure water washdown. LUBRICATION. “Gearflex” type couplings shall be provided with grease nipples to allow grease to be pumped into the internals of the couplings. Each coupling shall have two removable hydraulic type grease nipples set at 1800. The grease can be pumped in on one side while the other grease nipple may be removed to allow grease to exit the coupling thus ensuring that the coupling is full of new grease. SHAFT ATTACHMENT. Coupling bore shall be machined, concentric with the coupling body. Couplings shall be attached to their shafts using a light interference fit equal to H7 p6 as defined in Indian/International standards and a rectangular parallel key in accordance with Indian/International standards. High Speed Coupling – Drive Half The drive half of the high speed coupling shall be bored and keyed to size and to the tolerance specified above. High Speed Coupling – Driven Half The driven half of the high speed coupling shall be bored and keyed to size and to the tolerances specified to suit the speed reducer manufacturer’s recommendations. When specified, it shall incorporate brake discs. Low Speed Coupling – Drive Half The driving half of the low speed coupling shall be machined as specified to suit dimensions of the output shaft of the speed reducer. Low Speed Coupling – Driven Half The driven half of the low speed coupling shall be supplied by the coupling manufacturer with an unbored hub. It shall be finish bored by the manufacturer of the driven equipment. PROTECTIVE COATING. All machined surfaces of the couplings shall be coated with an easily removable protective material to prevent rust and damage during shipment and storage. External surfaces of the couplings shall be painted in accordance with Indian/International Standards. TESTING The coupling shall be tested during the no-load test of the drive assembly. Load testing of the coupling shall be carried out during the commissioning of the drive assembly. 9.4 FLUID COUPLINGS. 9.4.1 GENERAL A fluid coupling shall be used to transmit torque from a standard squirrel cage electric motor started DOL to a speed reducer. Under normal operating conditions and with the requisite number of starts per hour, the oil temperature shall not exceed 90 0 C under all ambient temperatures. External oil cooling shall not be provided. 9.4.2 COUPLING TYPE The fluid coupling shall be capable of bi-directional rotation. Couplings with delay fill chamber may be used where close control of acceleration is required. Couplings shall be capable of being back-driven (i.e. through the gearbox) for extended periods. 9.4.3 STARTING TORQUE The coupling and its associated motor drive system shall give a smooth and progressive build-up of torque during acceleration. The maximum torque transmitted during the acceleration period shall not exceed 150% of the driven equipment full load running torque. During acceleration of the motor the torque-speed curve of the coupling shall at no stage intersect the torque speed curve of the motor before peak motor torque has developed at worst case with low supply voltage. A graphical chart showing TVsN curve of F.C. with respect to TVsN curve of selected motor rating must be produced along with supply coupling. 9.4.4 STALLED TORQUE In the event of the conveyor stalling, the maximum torque transmitted to the drive pulley shall not exceed two hundred per cent (200%) of the motor full load torque. 9.4.5 SLIP When running at full load conditions with the specified oil level, the coupling slip shall not exceed 3%. 9.4.6 STARTING FREQUENCY Fluid couplings shall be selected so that they will be capable of starting the fully loaded conveyor twice in direct succession plus as many evenly spaced starts per hour as would be applicable to the anticipated duty, but not less than a total of 10 starts/hour without the fluid temperature exceeding the manufacturer’s recommended maximum temperature. For the above selection condition, it shall be assumed that the coupling has been running at full load and has attained its operating temperature. Ambient temperature of 45 0C shall be used for this calculation. 9.4.7 CAPACITY TO VARY THE OUTPUT. The coupling shall have the capability of limiting the output torque between 250% and 150% of the design full load torque by varying only the oil filling in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Such oil filling torque setting shall be reliable predetermined and consistent. The couplings shall exhibit inherent output torque limitation of the same order during both acceleration and running conditions for any given oil filling within the above range. 9.4.8 THERMAL OVRLOAD PROTECTION Each coupling shall be fitted with two temperature dependent protective devices. Thermal control element shall trip a base-mounted limit switch which will be wired to stop the drive. A springloaded pin retained by a fusible disc, to be released at a set temperature, may be used for the tripping device. 9.4.9 Operation of this device shall not cause loss of oil from the coupling. Fusible plug designed to melt at a temperature 20 0C above the setting of the thermal control element. SEALS External bearing seals shall be suitable for operating in a highly abrasive dust laden atmosphere and shall withstand high pressure water wash. 9.4.10 BALANCING. The coupling shall be dynamically balanced by the manufacturer. 9.4.11 OIL TYPE AND LEVEL. The fluid coupling shall be filled to the required level with oil in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification for the duty. A permanent label stating the oil type and level shall be fixed to the fluid coupling casing. 9.4.12 DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT. COUPLING ARRANGEMENT – GENERAL The input shaft of the fluid coupling shall incorporate a flexible coupling. The coupling assembly shall be designed to allow removal of the fluid coupling without displacement of either the motor or the gearbox. PROTECTIVE COATING. All exposed machined surfaces of the coupling shall be protected with an easily removable coating to prevent corrosion or damage during shipment and storage. External surfaces of the coupling shall be painted in accordance with clause 13.0. TESTING. The fluid coupling shall be tested during the no-load test run of the drive assembly and during the commissioning of the drive unit. 9.5 BRAKES. 9.5.1 BRAKE ARRANGEMENT. Braking arrangement for various systems is already defined in Appendix – 1 Section – V , Schedule of Requirements in Volume – 1. 9.5.2 BRAKE CONSTRUCTION. The brake shall be of heavy duty construction fabricated from corrosion-resistant components. 9.5.3 FAIL SAFE. The brake shall be fail safe on loss of power. 9.5.4 ADJUSTMENT. The brake shall have adjustment to allow progressive application of braking torque. 9.5.5 DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT. GENERAL Braking equipment shall be designed to operate in a highly abrasive dust laden atmosphere. Application of brake shall be progressive such as to achieve gradual stopping without jerking. Electromagnetic or electrohydraulic release mechanisms must be used. Brakes shall be self-compensating for wear. Brake callipers shall be selected to accommodate the float in the disc / drum supporting shaft without detriment to the brake, shaft bearing or related gear. Provision shall be made to enable the brakes to be released manually. BRAKE DISC / BRAKE DRUM: The brake disc / drum shall be replaceable and self-ventilating. The diameter and thickness of the disk/drum shall be adequate to absorb mechanical and thermal loads. The disc material shall be compatible with the brake pads. It shall be selected for long wear life and thermal stability. STRESS RELIEVING The brake discs shall be stress relieved before machining. MACHINING. Brake discs shall be machined to 3.2 micrometre Centre Line Average (CLA) all over before final machining and balancing. The machining shall be performed on the braking surfaces, bore, boss faces and any mounting surfaces. The braking surface of the discs shall be machined to 1.6 micrometer CLA. The discs braking surfaces shall be parallel to within 0.05mm. BALANCING AND ECCENTRICITY. The permissible residual imbalance of brake discs shall be within the permissible as per Indian/International standards. Balancing may be achieved by drilling. The axial and radial run out of discs and drums shall not exceed values stated below. Run out Brake Disc Tolerance – mm. Total Indicator Reading Axial Radial Workshop Mounted Workshop Mounted 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.3 MOUNTING. Where specified, brake discs shall be mounted on, or integral with, a high speed coupling. Otherwise, the brake discs shall be attached to the speed reducer input shaft using a light interference fit equal to H7 p6 as per Indian standards. If brake disc dia exceeds 400 mm, the brake assembly shall be mounted between pedestral bearings using a flexible coupling between both the motor shaft and the speed reducer input shaft. The pedestral bearings shall be grease lubricated and selected such as to allow for continuous operation under no-load conditions with occasional brake torque being applied. Preferred bearings are spherical roller type. When a disc brake less than 400 mm diameter with a single calliper is used, the speed reducer input shaft and bearing shall be checked for the maximum possible radial force produced by the brake calliper. If the speed reducer cannot accommodate this force, the brake shall be mounted in the same fashion as for large diameter disc brakes, i.e. between pedestal bearings. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. Electrical equipment shall be sealed to IP65. Electromagnetic or electro-hydraulic thruster release brakes shall be designed to operate on a solidly earthed 415V 50 Hz power supply. Power packs for hydraulic brakes shall operate on the same supply. BRAKE LINING AND/OR BRAKE PADS. Brake lining and brake pad material shall be selected for long life. The material shall not contain asbestos. LIMIT SWITCHES. The brake shall be fitted with a limit switch to indicate “brake off” position. PROTECTIVE COATINGS. All braking surfaces and machined bores shall be protected prior to transport and extended warehouse storage with an easily removable coating. Unmachined surfaces shall be painted in accordance with Clause 13.0. TESTING. The operation of the brake shall be tested during workshop no-load test of the drive assembly. The operation of the brake shall be tested on site during no-load and lod commissioning to ensure compliance with the Specification. DRIVE BASES. GENERAL. The drive base shall be designed to provide support and mountings for the following drive unit equipment. Electric motor Couplings as applicable. Brake as applicable. Limit switches as applicable. Guard Speed reducer For shaft mounted drive units the base shall be fitted with a flexible bush for connection to the torque arm. DESIGN CRITERIA. The drive base shall be designed for the motor, gearbox and torque arm reactions. The reactions shall be calculated for the torque generated during starting, operation and braking of the drive system. The reactions generated by the stalled motor shall be included in the calculations. The design of the drive base shall also be checked for 3 X full load motor torque and reactions due to the belt tensions at the drive pulley. Design loads shall include the lifting load generated when a fully assembled drive unit is lifted by a sling attached to the lifting lugs provided. The drive base shall be rigid so that the maximum deflection does not exceed 50% of the recommended coupling alignment tolerances at the worst combination of static and dynamic loads. For shaft-mounted drives, the drive and position of the torque arm shall be arranged to minimise load on the gearbox output shaft due to reaction torque and overhanging mass of the drive. As identical drives may be used in different applications, the torque arm reaction may be in tension or compression. The rigidly foot-mounted drives shall be designed to transmit drive loads to the supports. DESCRIPTION. GENERAL The drive base shall be fabricated from rolled steel plates and sections. Welding shall be in accordance with Indian/International standards. Weld category shall be selected to suit the loading condition and level of stress in accordance with International/Indian standards. The base shall be fully welded with continuous fillet welds to preclude corrosion. It shall be stress relieved before mounting surfaces are machined. CONSTRUCTION. Construction of the base shall be such that dead pockets which may collect water or spilled material are not formed, and all equipment is accessible. Holding down bolts shall be used for mounting of equipment. There shall be access provided for assembly and dismounting purposes to the bolt head and nuts. There shall be no sharp corners or protrusions. Horizontal adjusting screws (2 at each corner, with lock nuts) shall be provided for aligning the equipment in longitudinal and transverse direction. Means shall be provided for jacking the gearbox during assembly. RIGID FOOT-MOUNTED DRIVE BASE. The rigid foot-mounted drive base shall be designed to suit the actual installation on steel supports. Bases mounted on structural steelwork shall be bolted using high strength bolts. Provision shall be made for a 6 mm packing space beneath the drive base. SHAFT-MOUNTED DRIVE BASE. The shaft-mounted drive base shall be fitted with a flexible bush for torque arm connection. The flexible bush shall be designed to accommodate drive movement and shock loads. TORQUE ARM AND BASE MOUNTING BRACKET. The torque arm shall provide a flexible connection between the drive base and support structure and shall be designed to transmit all loads generated by the drive. The torque arms shall be fitted with clevises and pins for connection with the flexible bushes. The base mounting brackets shall include a flexible bush and shall be designed for connection of the torque arm to structural supports as specified. LIFTING LUGS. Lifting lugs shall be provided. The lugs shall be designed for lifting of the fully assembled drive unit including motor and speed reducer and shall be located such that the lifting slings do not contact installed equipment. MACHINE PADS. The drive base shall be provided with mounting pads at all holding down bolt locations for motor reducer plummer blocks and brakes. Pads shall protrude a minimum of 40 mm outside the feet of the motors and reducer for leveling and alignment of equipment. The mounting surfaces shall be accurately machined for uniform seating of equipment. Machined pads shall be flat and parallel with a maximum vertical linear tolerance of + 0.25 mm. The maximum angular misalignment of pads in the same or parallel place shall be 10 minutes of arc. ASSEMBLY. Mechanical equipment shall be assembled and aligned on the base strictly in accordance with the drive component manufacturer’s recommendations. SURFACE PROTECTION. The drive base shall be inspected during fabrication to check quality of welding. On completion of fabrication the drive shall be inspected for the following : Dimensional accuracy. Machining flatness and parallelism. Weld size Paint quality. DRAWINGS. In addition to other specified requirements a fully dimensioned drawing of each drive base shall be supplied. The drawing shall show Overall dimensions. Installation dimensions. Machining. List of major components. Full details of the flexible bush. Size and location of lifting lugs. Size of drip tray. Paint finish. Total mass of the frame. Description of stress relieving. Details of the torque arm and base bracket where applicable. DESIGN CALCULATIONS. A set of design calculations for each drive base shall be provided. The calculations shall show. Working stress and maximum deflection for the normal operating conditions. Maximum stress for the overload conditions. Design of welds. 9.7 BEARINGS. 9.7.1 GENERAL. Bearing types and sizes commonly available in India are preferred SKF, FAG bearings shall be supplied. 9.7.2 BALL AND ROLLER BEARINGS. Ball and roller bearings shall be of the self-aligning ball or spherical roller types. Self aligning spherical roller bearings shall be used for belt conveyor pulleys. All bearings shall be mounted on adaptor sleeves. All bearings shall be selected in accordance with A2729 or any equivalent Indian/International standards for L10 life as listed below under full load conditions using reliability material and lubrication factors a1, a2 and a3 equal to unity Slew Bearing Slew Drives and Pinions Bucket Wheel & Drive Conveyor Pulleys Long Travel Assembly Long Travel Speed Reducer Conveyor Idlers Conveyor Speed Reducer All other - refer to clause 3.6 100,000 hrs. 100,000 hrs 50,000 hrs 50,000 hrs 25,000 hrs 50,000 hrs 50,000 hrs 50,000 hrs 9.7.3 PLAIN BEARINGS. Plain bearings shall only be used where other alternatives are not possible. Plain bearings in swivel or pivoting application which, generally, cannot be greased due to high contact pressure shall utilise bearing materials with self-lubricating characteristics. At structural steel/steel linkage points the projected bearing pressures shall be less than 100 MPa for ‘Static’ links. 70 MPa for ‘Minor Oscillation’ links. 9.7.4 SPHERICAL PLAIN BEARINGS. For applications with no or rare reversals of load direction the ‘Maintenance Free = PTFE/Steel’ type shall be selected. In other applications, the Steel/Steel type shall be selected and provision for lubrication provided. 9.7.5 BEARING HOUSINGS. Bearing housings shall be selected from the following metric types. Shaft Diameter Housing Type SKF, FAG Up to 140 mm SNA 500 – 2 bolts SAFM 500 – 4 bolts SD 3100 – 4 bolts CSD 3100 – 4 bolts 150 mm to 300 mm 320 mm to 450 mm If no suitable housing is available in the above list written approval shall be obtained to use alternate housings. Bearing housing dimensions shall be in accordance with Indian/ International standard. Housings for special purpose machines such as long travel drives of Reclaimers may be to the special purpose machine manufacturer’s standard. For general application, housings shall be manufactured from high grade cast iron in accordance with Indian/International standard. Where specified spheroidal graphite cast iron to Indian/International standard or cast steel to Indian/International standard housings shall be used. The base of the housings and the ends of the mounting foot shall be machined parallel to the bore. The top part of the mounting foot shall be spot-faced to allow for a standard plain washer to be used under the head of the mounting bolts.Lifting lugs shall be provided on housings of 150 mm diameter and greater.Elongated holes shall be provided for mounting bolts with the following minimum adjustment. For shafts up to and including 140 mm diameter +3 mm. For shafts above 150 mm diameter +5 mm Tapped holes and standard grease nipples shall be provided for bearing regreasing and for purging of labyrinth seals. A flat machined surface shall be prepared on a vertical side of the housing normal to radial direction from the axis of the bearing. The spot faced surface shall be approximately 30 mm in diameter machined to 1.6 m. This surface shall be used for fitting of a vibration transducer. For bucket wheel pillow block, the pillow block should be split type with split spherical roller bearing. 9.7.6 SEALS. Bearings shall be provided with seals which shall effectively exclude all dirt, foreign matter, water due to rain or high pressure water hosing and prevent loss of bearing lubricant. Bearings less than 25 mm ID may be ‘sealed for life’. Replaceable wear sleeves or plates shall be provided for contact type seals. Spherical plain bearings with a bore diameter of 100 mm and larger and other spherical joints shall be provided with a taconite type seal. Housings shall be fitted with grease purged labyrinth seals combined with wiping lip, seals (Taconite or equivalent). 9.7.7 LUBRICATION. Bearings shall be packed on assembly with grease in accordance with the bearing manufacturer’s recommendation. 9.7.8 BLANKING PLATE. Shaft without external attachments may terminate within the housing. In this case, a steel blanking plate shall be fitted to seal the open end of the housing. 9.7.9 INSTALLATION. GENERAL. Bearings shall be installed strictly in accordance with the bearing manufacturer’s recommendations. MOUNTING. Bearings shall be mounted on specially designed and fabricated frames and not directly on structural members. The frame shall have stiffeners adjacent to mounting bolts to prevent local deformation. The frames shall be fitted with machined mounting pads and blocks with adjusting bolts. Shear blocks shall be welded at both ends of the bearing housings after alignment. Drive pulley bearing housings shall be installed with a minimum of 6 mm removable shims. Installation shall be in accordance with bearing manufacturer’s recommendations. ARRANGEMENT OF BEARINGS. Each pair of bearings on one shaft shall have one fixed and one floating bearing. The floating clearance shall be approximately equal on either side of the bearings with housing installed on correct centres. The fixed bearing housing shall be clearly marked ‘FIXED’ by metal stamping. The fixed bearings shall be installed on the drive side of the shafts. SETTING UP. Housings shall be set square to the shaft. The radial gap measured between the labyrinth seals at two diametrically opposed points shall not vary by more than 0.5 mm. Setting of diametrical clearance for bearings with adaptor sleeve to be checked before running of bearings. PROTECTIVE COATING. Machined surfaces shall be protected for storage and transport with an easily removable coating. Unmachined, external surfaces of the housing shall be painted in accordance with Clause 13.0. INSPECTION. Bearings shall be inspected in the workshop and on-site. An inspection report shall be provided which shall state : Radial clearance – before and after fitting. Bearing center. Type of grease used. 9.8 9.8.1 CONVEYOR IDLERS. GENERAL. Idlers shall be selected to comply with the duty requirements for the conveyors nominated in addition the design load shall include 25% allowance for overload and shock conditions. Idlers shall be supplied in accordance with the requirements of IS 8589. Multiple roll idler sets shall be comprised of equal length rolls. All rolls for each idler set shall be equally rated and be interchangeable. Standard deep groove ball anti-friction bearings, which are greased for life and sealed against the ingress of dust and water shall be used. Bearings shall be grease-packed using a grease specially selected for the duty and the temperature conditions. Sodium based greases are not acceptable. All idlers shall be of heavy duty construction, free from vibration under all conditions of load and belt speed. Idler rolls shall be mounted so that they are firmly and positively located in the bracket but can be removed without use of tools. All surfaces which could come into contact with the belt as a result of belt mistracking or dislodged rolls shall be made as smooth as possible. Load calculation shall be based on the following data : Maximum specified belt carrying capacity. Maximum specified material density and lump size. Maximum nominated idler spacing. Belt speed. Idler troughing angle. Specified belt mass. Idler offset in a set of three idlers; deviation of a middle idler from the line joining the two outer idlers - + 12mm. Drop height at conveyor transfers. Idler rolls shall be designed and manufactured such that the failure rate over a two (2) year period shall not exceed 1% at the nominated design duty. 9.8.2 CONCENTRICITY. Idler rolls run-out shall not exceed 0.5 mm TIR (Total Indicator Reading) for steel rolls and 1.0mm TIR for rubber disc rolls. The run-out for the weighing idlers shall be in accordance with the weigher manufacturers recommendations. If not specified, it shall not exceed 0.13 mm total indicator reading. 9.8.3 BALANCING. Total imbalance of idler rolls shall not exceed 0.028 Nm torque. Weigh idler rolls imbalance shall not exceed 0.004 Nm torque or as specified by the Weigher Manufacturer. Idler rolls manufactured to these tolerances, but still generating undue vibrations shall not be acceptable. 9.8.4 MOUNTING FRAME. The troughing rollers and Vee return rolls each shall be supported by a one piece fabricated steel frame. The main cross-member shall be an inverted steel angle or steel tube of suitable size. Frame deflection under full load condition shall be limited to 1/300 of the frame holddown bolt centres. Due allowance shall be made for torsional load induced by siezed rolls. The frame shall be fabricated so that there are no dead pockets where water can be retained. All hollow section members shall be fully sealed. The frame shall be designed to prevent accumulation of spillage between the frame and rolls. The rolls support brackets shall be designed not to damage the belt in the event of a roller being dislodged. Diagonal braces shall be fitted between the cross-member and outer brackets where required. The return roller support brackets on tubular cross members shall be set below the top of the tube. This arrangement is designed to protect the belt in the event that a roll is dislodged. In this case, the belt runs on top of the tube rather than on support brackets. Unless otherwise specified, two mounting holes shall be provided on each frame for 16 mm diameter bolts. These holes shall be slotted to allow 16 mm lateral adjustment. Longitudinal axis of all rolls shall be parallel within 0” 15’ and rolls shafts shall be in alignment within +1 mm. All idler mounting brackets shall be machined to fit closely to the idler shaft ends such that no audible rattle can be detected during operation. 9.8.5 RETURN IDLER BRACKETS. The brackets shall be fabricated from rolled steel angle or tube. There shall be two slotted holes in each bracket for 16 mm diameter bolts. The slots shall provide 16 mm lateral adjustment. 9.8.6 BARREL. Idler rolls shall be fabricated from new E.R.W. tubing to Indian/International standards. The rolls barrels shall be free from surface defects and internal weld fins. Roll ends shall have a minimum corner radius of 3 mm over 90. The thickness of barrels for carry and Vee return rolls shall be not less than 3.2 mm. The minimum thickness of barrels for flat rolls returns shall be 6 mm. All idlers shall have a length tolerance of +1.5 mm and a diameter tolerance of +1mm. 9.8.7 END BEARING HOUSING. End bearing housings shall be of pressed steel, fully welded to roll shells and shall be designed to withstand stress reversal. All welds shall be full penetration, smooth and free of imperfections. 9.8.8 BEARINGS. All rollers shall be fitted with standard deep groove ball anti-friction bearings. 9.8.9 SHAFT. All shafts shall be stationary and manufactured from CS 1020 bright drawn bar or equivalent. Shafts shall be machined. The shaft tolerances shall be in accordance with the bearing manufacturer’s recommendations. Shaft design shall be in accordance with Indian/International Standards. Shaft deflection at the bearing shall not exceed 8 minutes under the specified load. 9.8.10 SEALS. Idler bearing housings shall be equipped with efficient sealing arrangements to protect the bearings from entry of rain water, high pressure water wash down dust and foreign matter and minimise the escape of lubricant into the interior of the rollers or out through the bearing seals. The seals shall be designed for minimal rolling resistance. Metallic multi-labyrinth seal assembly shall be installed on the outside of the bearing. There shall be an external neoprene seal on the outside of the multi-labyrinth seal. An additional seal shall be installed to prevent escape of grease to inside of the roller. Seal details must be provided. 9.8.11 PROTECTIVE COATINGS. Steel frames shall be hot dip galvanized and then painted in accordance with Clause 13.0. Idler roll ends shall be painted with the manufacturer’s standard paint system. 9.8.12 IDLER TYPES. GENERAL. Idler roll diameter shall be selected to suit the nominated duty and to provide minimum rolling resistance. Same diameter rolls shall be used on all idlers for the given belt width. The idler outside diameter shall be not less than 152.4 mm. TROUGHING IDLERS – FRAME MOUNTED. Troughing idlers shall incorporate three equal roll idlers. Troughing idlers shall be spaced to give the nominated bearing life when operating at design speed and full load. If necessary a closer pitch shall be used to limit the belt sag between idlers to 2% of the idler pitch or to suit the specific requirements of convex curves. Irrespective of the above, the maximum idler pitch for all boom conveyors shall be 1000 mm. Extra care shall be taken regarding the length of the transition from flat pulleys to troughing section to ensure that no distortion of the belt occurs due to increased tensions at the belt edges. Similar care shall be taken in the positioning of idlers on convex curves in order to ensure that no distortion of the belt occurs due to increased belt edge tension. Idler spacing on convex curves shall be selected to ensure bearing loading is not increased to a level which will reduce the life below 50,000 hrs. RETURN IDLERS Return idlers shall be of the single roll flat type for boom conveyors using fabric belts. Return idlers shall be spaced at a maximum of 2.0 metre centres, except on a convex curve where the spacing shall be determined on bearing life considerations. Return idlers should be located adjacent to stringer supports, and not at mid-span where stringer vibration may initiate belt flap. IMPACT IDLERS Retractable impact idlers shall be installed at all loading and transfer points. Their design shall allow removal and replacement of the rolls from the side. Impact idlers shall be fitted with rubber discs 45 0 wing angle idlers shall be used. The rubber discs shall be abrasion resistant vulcanized rubber. Idlers shall be fitted with retaining plates. The maximum spacing of impact idlers shall be 300 mm. TRANSITION IDLERS. Transition idlers shall comprise rigid mounted, three (3) roll idler sets having idlers interchangeable with those of the standard troughing idler sets and with wing idlers adjustable in the range from 5 0 – 250 . The wing idlers supporting member shall be provided with slotted holes to facilitate field adjustment to suit the belt profile. WEIGH QUALITY IDLERS. Weigh quality idler sets shall consist of suitably balanced and machined three (3) roll idler sets mounted on a purpose-built base to suit the belt weigher as specified. The idlers shall conform to the requirements of the belt weigher manufacturer. TRAINING IDLERS. The training idlers, rolls and frames shall be interchangeable with standard idlers. Training idlers shall be pivot-mounted of positive action type. The frame shall be designed to prevent material build-up on the frame or lumps or product becoming wedged between the moving and stationary parts of the frame. Side rolls shall be 75 mm dia X 150 mm long and fitted with ball bearings. Bearing housing and sealing arrangement shall be of the same standard as used for the main idlers. The pivoted frame shall be supported on a heavy duty sealed bearing. SUSPENDED IDLERS BRACKET. Each suspended idler set shall be supplied complete with two mounting brackets. The brackets shall be designed for bolting to stringers and shall provide 16 mm lateral adjustment to idlers. TESTING AND INSPECTION. Random testing shall be an integral part of the quality control, including a written report on the results. Additional testing by destructive, ultrasonic and/or x-ray methods may be required. 9.9 BOOM CONVEYOR PULLEY. 9.9.1 GENERAL. Pulleys shall generally be in accordance with IS 8531. All pulleys shall be constructed of a cylindrical steel shell welded to steel or cast steel end discs. The pulley shall be mounted on shafts with suitable locking assemblies. Drive pulleys shall support shaft mounted drive assemblies. It will be acceptable to mount hollow shaft drives less than 75kW directly on the drive pulleys. The drives greater than 75kW shall be mounted on the pulley shaft with flanged coupling with shrink disc. Commonly available pulleys of standard manufacture are preferred. Pulleys shall not include intermediate discs or stud shafts. 9.9.2 DUTY. Pulleys shall be designed for continuous operation in conditions specified. 9.9.3 RATIONALISATION OF PULLEYS: Pulley dimensions shall be rationalized so that for any given belt width there is not more than three different pulleys, including a drive pulley. Shaft and bearings shall be selected for the worst loaded pulleys in a group of pulleys of the same diameter i.e. there shall be the same bearings at identical bearing centres within one pulley size. 9.9.4 DESIGN CRITERIA. All pulleys shall be designed for the following conditions with due regard for the angle of wrap of belt on the pulley. Fatigue Basis The pulleys and shaft shall be designed for an infinite fatigue life based on the endurance limit of the material used, when subjected to the running tensions at design capacity. Shafts shall be designed as per Indian/International Standards. Strength Basis Pulleys and shafts shall be designed to safely withstand the maximum force that can be imposed during acceleration, braking or stalled motor conditions. The design shall include loads imposed by shaft mounted drives, couplings or brakes. Deflection Basis Pulley shaft and shell assembly shall be designed as an integral unit. The maximum slope resulting from deflection shall not exceed 0.0015 radians at the locking element. This slope shall be calculated when the pulley is subjected to the maximum forces imposed during acceleration, braking and motor stalled conditions. 9.9.5 MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURE The pulley shell and end discs shall be fabricated from structural steel plates in accordance with Indian/International Standards. All steel plates shall be ultrasonically tested for cracks, porosity and delamination prior to use. Ultrasonic testing shall be carried out in accordance with Indian/International Standards. All test results shall be submitted. 9.9.6 PULLEY SHELL. Shell plates shall be pre-set to template prior to rolling, allowing sufficient “over set” or “under set” to ensure a true, circular profile. The shells shall be straight with both ends sqaure. “Barreling” shall not exceed 3 mm or 0.15% of shell length or diameter, whichever is the lesser. The nominal shell length shall be have a tolerance of +0 mm to –6 mm. Maximum stress shall not exceed 55 Mpa. 9.9.7 END DISCS End discs shall be symmetrically located about the pulley centreline within +1 mm. Thickness of the end disc shall be at least equal to the width of the locking assembly. Maximum stress shall not exceed 50 Mpa. 9.9.8 WELDING. All welding shall be in accordance to Indian/International Standards. Welding may be carried out by automatic submerged arc. Semiautomatic or manual welding. If manual, low hydrogen electrodes shall be used. 9.9.9 WELD PREPARATION. Weld preparation shall be by machine, oxy-profiling or machining. The finished preparation shall be free of deep serrations or toolmarks. End disc surfaces shall be free of annular grooves or toolmarks. Machined preparations shall be free of sulphur bearing cutting oils. The outer edges of the end discs shall be tapered to the weld size to avoid stress raisers. 9.9.10 WELD PROCEDURE. The shell seam weld shall be a full strength butt weld. The shell to end disc weld shall be a full penetration compound weld type, consisting of a single bevel butt or single butt weld plus an internal fillet. Backing rings or locating lugs shall not be used. Both welds are subject to reversing dynamic loads. The welding procedure must therefore, be precise and correct for this application. It is intended that the pulley will have a practically infinite life. Full details of the weld preparation and welding procedures shall be submitted for approval prior to commencement of the work. Approval of the procedure shall not relieve any responsibility for the performance of the pulley in accordance with the specification. Where locking assembly back plates are required, they shall be set up true and concentric, then continuously welded to the end disc with a 6 mm fillet weld. Welds shall be subjected to 100% ultrasonic inspection. 9.9.11 HEAT TREATMENT. The pulley end discs and shell assembly shall be stress relieved after welding and before machining. The stress relief treatment shall conform to the recommendations of Indian/International Standards and shall include the requirements for dimensional stability. Stress relieving shall be carried out under controlled furnace conditions. A certificate shall be provided stating temperatures, time and other conditions of the heat treatment. 9.9.12 SHELL MACHINING. Pulleys shall be machined on the cylindrical belt face, shell edges and locking element boss faces and journals. Deep scores and tool marks shall not be permitted. The stress relieved pulley shell shall be machined so that the pulley face is concentric with the shaft within 0.75 mm total movement on the dial indicator. Shell thickness variation shall not exceed –0 mm + 2.5 mm. The thickness of the finished pulley shell shall be certified by ultrasonic testing. 9.9.13 PULLEY LAGGING. Lagging must be of grooved rubber lagging shall be factory fitted to all drive pulleys. All other pulleys in contact with the carrying side of the belt also be rubber lagged. Rubber lagging shall be factory vulcanised to the pulleys, have a minimum thickness of 12mm, and be grade m general purpose natural rubber with a minimum tensile strength of 24 MPa and a minimum elongation at break of 450%. The durometer ‘Shore A’ hardness of the rubber shall be 60 + 5. Lagging shall be applied in full conformance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The lagging shall be capable of developing the required co-efficient of friction, and transmitting the required driving forces under all conditions of operation. Prior to application of lagging, the cylindrical surface of shell shall be abrasive blast clean. Care should be exercised to protect hubs during abrasive cleaning. The surface shall then be cleaned with an approved solvent. Drive pulleys shall have diamond grooves of “u” shape geometry 8 mm wide X 6 mm deep on 40 mm normal pitch. Lagging shall be bonded directly to the pulley face using the hot vulcanizing process. 9.9.14 SHAFT. Drive shafts shall be machined from grade Indian/International Standards steel in accordance with Indian/International Standards. All other pulley shafts shall be machined from grade K 1045 steel in accordance with Indian/International Standards. Certificates shall be supplied for all steel used on pulley shafts. All shafts shall be ultrasonically tested and test certificates submitted. Pulley shafts shall be designed and machined such that stress concentration is avoided. Stress concentration induced by locking element shall be considered in shaft design. If possible, changes in shaft diameter shall be made using large radii so that stress raising factor K at the shaft step is kept below 1.5. The minimal requirements for machining are stated below. Concentricity as measured at any point between bearing centres 0.5 mm Surface finish on bearings and seals 1.6 m Surface finish on locking element 1.6 m Surface finish on coupling attachment 1.6 m Surface finish step radii 1.6 m Surface finish elsewhere 3.2 m TIR* CLA** CLA CLA CLA** CLA** * ** TIR – total indicator reading CLA – centreline average value The shaft at each non drive pulley shall be drilled and tapped M20 X 40 mm deep at both ends. The tapping shall be concentric and square to the shaft axis. Shaft extensions for speed response devices may be screwed onto this tapped hole. 9.9.15 LOCKING ASSEMBLY. Approved locking assembly system shall be used to connect the shaft and pulley drum. The locking assembly shall be installed in accordance with the locking assembly manufacturer’s recommendations. The torque used to tighten locking screws shall be recorded on the pulley name plate. The torque capacity at shaft locking units used on drive shafts shall be 3 times motor full load torque for the drive side and 1.5 times motor full load torque for non-drive side. Locking elements shall be sized such that the transmitted rotating bending moment does not exceed 35% of the rated torque transmission capacity or the maximum bending moment guaranteed by the locking device manufacturer. 9.9.16 BEARINGS. Pulleys shall be assembled complete with bearings and bearing housings. The bearings shall be fitted within +1.5 mm of dimensioned centres and the drive side bearing shall be within +1.0 mm of the distance from the shaft end. The pulley shall be fitted equidistant from the bearing. Pulley bearing housings shall be of spheroidal graphite cast iron to Indian/International Standards. 9.9.17 ECCENTRICITY CHECK. The final pulley assembly shall be checked for eccentricity. The face of the pulley shall be concentric with the shaft to within 0.8 mm of the periphery. 9.9.18 BALANCING The pulley and shaft assembly shall be balanced to run at belt speeds up to 6 metres per second without noticeable vibration. The assembly shall be statistically balanced so that when rotated and stopped at random, the torque required to commence rotation shall not exceed 2.7 N m. Balancing masses shall be equally distributed to each end of the pulley and their total mass shall not exceed 1% of the pulley mass. The balancing masses shall be attached so that: They do not project outside of pulley rim; They do not form corrosion pockets; Attachment does not induce stress concentration; 9.9.19 INSPECTION & TESTING Pulleys shall be subjected to inspection and testing as described in his specification: Shell material and finished thickness Welding Shaft material Machining Balancing Lagging Dimensional check Visual inspection Stress relieving certificate Ultrasonic tests Ultrasonic tests and weld size Ultrasonic test Dial indicator reading Static balance Rubber adhesion test A detailed inspection and testing report shall be submitted. 9.10 CONVEYOR BELTING. The required length of 5 ply, 1200 mm width N-N belt (20 mm thickness) shall be supplied by purchaser which are to be used in boom conveyor belting purposes. 9.11 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. SI metric units shall be used on all drawings and calculations. All machine components shall be designed to operated in a dust-laden atmosphere. All machine components shall be suitable for highpressure wash down. & No material containing asbestos shall be incorporated into the works. 9.11.1 TOLERANCES. Equipment shall be manufactured to the tolerances shown on the drawings. On non toleranced dimensions for fabrication, tolerances stated in Indian/International Standard shall apply. 9.11.2 SURFACE FINISH. All machine surface finish designations shall be clearly noted on all workshop drawings in accordance with Indian/International Standards Part The Centre Line Average (CLA) method in accordance with AS 2536 shall be used. Surface roughness shall be expressed in microns. Machining to a specific CLA value shall be verified against a roughness comparator in accordance with Indian/International Standards. Where the finish of machined surfaces is not specified, it shall be rough machined to CLA value of 3.2. 9.11.3 FASTENINGS. All threaded fasteners shall have metric threads and shall comply with Indian/International Standards. For normal static applications, bolts shall be provided with nuts and lockwashers, however, where bolted connections are subject to abnormal vibrations, locking nuts shall be used. All bolts, screws, etc., which are assembled up to blind holes shall be treated with a thread locking compound prior to assembly. Seating for bolt heads and nuts on unmachined surfaces of machine part shall be spot faced. Tapered washers shall be used with tapered sections. Clearances for fitted bolts are to be in accordance with the relevant Indian/International Standards. Special bolts and screws shall be marked to identify the tensile properties of the material from which they are manufactured. All bolts and nuts shall be hot-dipped galvanized in accordance to Indian/International Standards. Two full threads shall protude through a nut when the nut has been tightened to recommended torque. In the case of the use of locknuts sufficient thread shall be available to allow two full threads to protude after both nuts are torqued up. 9.11.4 FLANGED CONNECTIONS. All rubber to rubber, rubber to epoxy and rubber to metal mating flanges shall be coated with Colloidal Graphite at final assembly. 9.11.5 SHAFTING. Shafts shall be designed in accordance with Indian/International Standards. Forged shafts shall prior to machining, be ultrasonically tested in accordance with Indian/International Standards. The ultrasonic testwork shall be performed by an authorized testing laboratory as approved by the Purchaser. In addition, magnetic particle test shall be carried out in accordance with relevant standards after final machining. There shall be no visible defects. Test certificates to be submitted. 9.11.6 KEYS AND KEYWAYS. All keys and keyways shall be in accordance with Indian/International Standards. The grade of key material shall be clearly shown on all drawings. 9.11.7 CASTINGS. Castings shall be free from blow holes, gas pockets and sand inclusions. They shall be certified for metallurgical verification. Castings shall be fitted, cleaned and finished as specified on the drawings. All castings shall be clearly identified by raised lettering as follows. Equipment no. Part no. Drawing no. Material Patterns and core boxes shall be made from first quality and well seasoned pattern making timber, constructed to permit repetitive use. All jointing shall be by screwing and not nailing. All patterns shall be clearly marked with metal stamps showing mark and drawing number. 9.11.8 PACKERS AND SHIMS. All packers used in the levelling of equipment or its component parts shall be made up to the required thickness with a flat surface free of indents or burrs. Uncoated new materials only shall be used for packing. All shims shall be cut from first class shimming material, free from indents and burrs and shall give the same bearing area as if no shims were used. Edges shall not protude from mating surfaces and any holes shall be de-burred. Not more than 3 shims shall be used at any one support point and any shim 3mm thick or more shall be of gauge or machined plate. 9.11.9 ATTACHMENTS. Lifting lugs, alignment pads and all similar temporary attachments shall be of the same material as the parent metal. 9.11.10 LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT. LUBRICANT SPECIFICATION. All oils and lubricants shall be selected from materials manufactured and readily available in India. LUBRICANT NIPPLES AND LINES. All grease nipples shall be 10 mm button head “Tecalemat” Standard Hydraulic type or approved equivalent. All fittings and pressure lines to metering valves shall be stainless steel. For applications requiring flexibility, double braided rubber hose shall be used. All lubricant pressure lines and distribution lines shall be suitably routed to avoid potential pinch points. All lines shall be supported at hose connections near bends and at intervals not exceeding 40 times tube OD. All lubricant lines shall be suitably sized for pressure drop. AUTOMATIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS. A centralized automatic lubrication system shall be provided for all points requiring lubrication at regular intervals. The lubrication chart should show the duration of intervals for various systems. Automatic lubrication systems shall be of approved manufacturers. The outlets per measuring valve block assembly should be limited to 8. Lubrication systems may be combined as applicable. Pumps and grease reservoirs shall be located at easy access points with provision for the replacement of grease to the reservoir from ground level. Reservoirs shall contain a quantity of grease to sustain operation for a minimum period of 200 hours and shall be fitted with a grease level switch for low level interlock and alarm. Automatic distribution systems shall consist of an electric operated pump and metering devices, individual hoses shall be used to distribute lubricant from the central location. All lubricating oil pumps, filters, coolers and other such equipment shall be fitted with well sloped drip trays. All lubricant drain points shall be located a minimum of 250 mm above floor level. CENTRALIZED MANUAL LUBRICATION SYSTEMS. Lubrication points which are not serviced by an automatic distribution system shall be equipped for centralized manual lubrication. All lubricant points shall be easily accessible from walkways and platforms. Small bore steel tubing shall be used if required to bring the lubrication point to an accessible location. High pressure braided hose shall be used where necessary to accommodate movement. Where there are two or more lubrication points on an item of equipment, then individual hoses shall be used to distribute the lubricant from a central location. Where there are ten (10) or more individual lubrication points at one location, a lever operated centralized lubrication system shall be used. Where there are less than ten (10) lubrication nipples at one location, individual nipples shall be used, mounted on a central manifold block. Each manual grease point and line shall be identified with permanent markings or labels. LUBRICATION SYSTEM DRAWINGS. The lubrication system drawing shall be presented as a lubrication flow diagram and piping arrangement drawing and shall specify the quantity and type of lubricant and the lubrication interval required for each point. For automatic distribution systems, the drawing shall also indicate the frequency and period of electric motor operation, list of all components. TESTING OF SYSTEMS. All lines shall be filled with lubricant and hydrostatically tested at 2 X operating working pressure without leakage. 9.11.11 CHUTES, LINERS, IMPACT PLATES AND SKIRTS. CONSTRUCTION. Chutes shall be fabricated from structural steel plate as per Indian/International Standards. The minimum plate thickness shall be 8 mm with adequate stiffening. The minimum valley angle should suit to iron ore. The troughability of boom conveyor & yard conveyor is 450. Particular care shall be exercised to design the chute and supports such that access to belt scrapers is not obstructed and the inspection of scrapers is possible even during the normal conveyor operation. Chutes shall be such that the material is directed in the direction of the outgoing belt with centre of mass of the flow on the centre line of the outgoing belt. The direction and the speed of material as it lands on the outgoing belt should match as closely as possible the outgoing belt direction and speed. Where this cannot be achieved, the angle between the velocity of material at impact and the outgoing belt should not exceed 450. The design shall be such that sideways forces are not imparted on the outgoing belt. All transfer heights shall be kept to a minimum and the chutes shall be designed to minimize blockages during handling iron ore fines especially in rainy season. The impact face of the chute shall be at least 1000 mm from the face of the pulley. Chutes and hoods shall prevent ingress of dust during operation. Rubber stripped curtain shall be fitted to the inlet of the hood above the incoming belt. Head chutes internal width shall be at least 100 mm wider than the pulley face width. Head chutes shall have provisions for at least one “chute full probe”. The probe location shall be carefully selected to be outside of the normal ore flow and to be actuated only by blockages. The probe shall be located as low as practical and access shall be provided for inspection. Head chutes shall have provision for dust suppression sprays. Head chutes and circular chutes shall be provided with water pipe lines for on line sprinkling system to prevent blocking of chutes by iron ore especially during rainy season. WEAR RESISTANT LININGS. All areas in chutes subject to direct impact by the iron ore stream shall be fitted with rubber liners of appropriate thickness. All other surfaces of chutes subject to wear by ore flow shall be lined with 16 mm thick wear, abrasion resistant non-stick liners. The side skirts shall commence at not less than 150 mm after the first troughing idler in the direction of belt travel after the tail pulley. CHUTE ACCESS. Access doors shall be provided at the pulley discharge level and just above the skirting. The doors shall be hinged and fitted with a rubber seal and a locking handle. Minimum size of the access opening shall be 600 mm high and 400 mm wide. Access doors shall be also provided for removal of components installed inside of the chute such as scrapers, liners and other electrical and mechanical devices. Inspection openings shall be provided on both sides of the chute for checking and adjustment of belt scrapers. These openings shall be arranged to allow for direct view of the blade tips. The openings shall be covered with rubber flaps attached to the chute with 2 studs. The openings shall be accessible during normal operation. SKIRTS. Skirts shall be provided on all transfer points. Skirt width at the feed point shall not exceed two thirds of the belt width. The skirt plates shall be extended at least 3 m from the feed point in direction of belt travel and if possible, by 0.5 m behind the feed point to avoid spillage. The gap between the skirt and the belt shall be tapered opening in the direction of belt travel. Skirts shall be lined with durable and replaceable liners. The side skirts shall commence at not less than 150 mm after the first troughing idler in the direction of belt travel after the tail pulley & the skirts shall be sealed against the belt by rubber strips clamped to the bottom edge of the skirt plate. The forward or exit end shall be fitted with rubber strips cut to conform to load profile on the belt. Skirt plates shall be fabricated from steel plate adequately stiffened and supported. A suitable adjustable and full length supported clamp type rubber or synthetic sealing strip of approved make shall be inserted between the skirt and the belt to prevent spillage. Conveyor belting shall not be used for this purpose. Skirts shall be mounted independently of the upper chute. Skirt clamps shall preferably be a proprietary quick release type. SHEDDER PLATES. Shedder plates shall be installed between the carry and return belt sides of the belt at the following locations. Conveyor transfers. Above horizontal take up’s Above drive pulleys, if pulleys are installed below the carry belt. Any other location where material can drop onto the return belt. The shedder plates shall be formed such that when installed they shall form an angle of 450. 9.11.12 SCRAPERS AND PLOUGHS. HEAD CHUTE SCRAPERS. Belt cleaners are required at boom conveyor head pulleys / tail pulleys shall be furnished with cleaners as conditions dictate. All cleaners shall be adjustable and be suitable for the easy replacement of wearing parts. The head pulley belt cleaners shall be selected from either the approved make with primary and secondary cleaners located strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Scrapings shall be directed into the conveyor head chute. RETURN BELT PLOUGH. Return belt ploughs shall be installed on the top of the return belt in front of each pulley which receives belting on the bottom of the pulley. The belting shall be flat in the area of plough installation. There shall be at least 150 mm clearance in plan view between stringers and belt at the plough location to allow for exit of the scraped material from the belt. Ploughs shall be located in areas where fines can be cleaned from under the belt. The permissible chain sag shall be clearly marked on the case. The chain cases shall be fitted with an oil drain, oil filter point and an oil level dip-stick. 9.11.13 SAFETY GUARDS. Guards shall be designed to prevent injury to persons and shall be provided at every dangerous part of equipment normally accessible to personnel. They shall be designed to form part of the equipment and shall not in themselves create hazards. Guards shall be provided to prevent accidental contact by persons or parts of clothing being caught in equipment. All guards shall comply fully with the requirements of the relevant statutory authority or where no such statutory regulations exist, in accordance with AS 1755. All sheet metal guards shall be aluminium. All guards shall be painted safety yellow. Lifting handles or lugs shall be provided where required for the safe re removal or opening of guards. The tops of coupling guards and brake guards shall be readily removable by hand by one person without the use of tools. It shall be possible to inspect brakes for adjustment, lining wear, etc. without prior removal of brake guards being necessary. Nameplates, warning signs or other data affixed to drive components shall not be obliterated or covered by parts of the guards. Where removal of the guard is infrequent for inspection or maintenance purposes, it shall be fixed in position so that it cannot readily be removed without the use of tools. Fixed guards shall be provided where the equipment can be serviced without the removal of the guards. Removable guards or removable inserts to fixed guards shall be installed where normal maintenance, “V” belt tension, inspection or cleaning is carried out. These shall be installed in a manner acceptable to the relevant Statutory Authorities and shall be clearly labelled “DANGER – ISOLATE DRIVE BEFORE REMOVING GUARD”. Design and Construction of guards, personnel reach dimensions and acceptable distances between guards and danger points shall be as defined by relevant standards or statutory requirements. Where required for inspection or maintenance purposes, hinged inspection doors may be provided in the guard, hinged in such a way that there will not be a tendency for the door to be left in the open position. Guards shall provide for tachometer access to rotating shafts. Guards with any dimensions in excess of 1800 mm shall be easily assembled in component parts that do not exceed 60 kg mass. All component parts of the guard shall interlock together to form a rigid and safe assembly. Guards on conveyors shall be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with AS 1755. Conveyors – Design, Construction, Installation and Operation – Safety Requirements. Solid sheet metal guards shall be provided for all fluid couplings which are provided with fusible plugs. A catch tray having a capacity of at least 125% of the maximum fluid capacity of the coupling shall be provided on the opposite side to the fusible plug. Other sheet metal guards shall be provided with at least one mesh panel at the upper part of the guard to allow ventilation and inspection of the guarded components. Location of this panel shall not allow water drip or splash to enter the guard. Vee belt guards shall have solid edges and mesh sides to ensure Vee belt ventilation. 9.11.14 SAFETY AND IDENTIFICATION SIGNS. Safety and identification signs shall be placed on all equipment, conveyors and work areas. All signs shall be painted on 2.5 mm minimum thickness brass or stainless steel sheet. Identification signs shall be black lettering (minimum of 50 mm high) on a white background. Each item of equipment shall be clearly identified with a minimum of two signs. All equipment and work areas shall have signs for : Hearing protection. Warning that equipment may start without notice. High voltage. Eye protection. Other safety signs as required. 9.12 HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS. 9.12.1 GENERAL. Hydraulic systems shall be designed to operate in a highly abrasive dust-laden atmosphere. All equipment shall be suitable for highpressure wash down. The equipment shall be of standard design selected to meet the specified operating conditions with special emphasis on safety, efficiency, reliability and maintainability. Components (eg. Pumps, valves, pipe fittings, instrumentation, bearings and the like) shall be manufactured or readily available in India. Hydraulic components shall be arranged so that servicing can be done safely and conveniently. maintenance and In order to ensure long life of equipment, it would be preferred to keep the working pressure below 300 bar . The design of hydraulic systems shall provide for smooth movement of hydraulic activators (pumps, motors, cylinders), free from sudden stop and start effects and be capable of either continuous or stop/start operation. The circuit shall be designed to prevent uncontrolled movement of hydraulic actuators at any time. Maximum use of hydraulic manifolds with subplate-mounted valves shall be made to minimize the use of hydraulic pipe/hose runs. Hydraulic manifolds and connections between the individual items of equipment within a unit shall be shop assembled. Air bleeds shall be provided at all points where the system shall need to be bled. Hydraulic circuits shall be designed and manufactured to minimize surge pressures. Components shall be designed to withstand such surge pressures. Hydraulic circuits containing accumulators shall be designed for safe operation and maintenance. The design shall make provision for isolation of the accumulators and release of stored energy. Careful attention shall be given to circuit design to the possibility of pressure intensification across hydraulic cylinders. Where this is considered a possibility, means shall be provided to prevent this from occurring, during operation or maintenance. Equipment shall be air cooled unless otherwise approved. Fluid temperature shall not exceed 600C at the pump inlet or 700C elsewhere in the circuit. The system capacity shall be sufficient to maintain hydraulic oil temperature within the hydraulic oil manufacturer’s recommended range at continuous full load while operating at maximum ambient temperature. 9.12.2 HYDRAULIC PUMPS. All variable displacement pumps shall be of the axial piston type and fixed displacement pumps shall be of the gear type. All pump bearings shall be of the anti-friction type and pump speeds shall not exceed 1500 rpm. Pressure relief valves shall be incorporated in the body of the pump or shall be manifold mounted on the pump. Relief valves shall be capable of passing the full pump capacity at a pressure not exceeding 15% of the set working pressure. Each pump assembly comprising a foot mounted electric motor, flexible coupling and pump on a common base frame shall be mounted on vibration dampeners. 9.12.3 HYDRAULIC DRIVE MOTORS. Hydraulic Drive Motors shall be either of the axial piston or rotary vane type. They shall be balanced and have a high efficiency over the full specified speed range. 9.12.4 HYDRAULIC CYLINDERS. Hydraulic cylinders shall be fitted with progressive cushions at both ends, preferably with stepped spear cushions. Hydraulic cylinders shall be of heavy duty repairable construction. Piston rods shall be hard chromed to 60 mic, induction hardened medium carbon steel or stainless steel. The piston and gland shall be fitted with non-metallic bearings. The cylinder shall be fitted with high efficiency, low friction seals and a heavy duty non-split wiper seal. Cylinders shall show no stick-slip effect. The cylinder shall be provided with flexible covers to protect the rod from dust and water when extended. Cylinder mountings shall utilize spherical plain bearings which shall be protected by Taconite type seals where the pin diameter is greater than 100 mm. The minimum pressure rating shall be 25% above the specified working pressure of the system. The rating shall be based on a factor of safety of 4.1 on the Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) of the material at the weakest section. Material stress calculations shall be supplied when requested. Cylinders shall be proof tested to 1.5 times the rated maximum pressure. No external leakage shall be permitted during the test. After completion of testing, cylinders shall be filled with standard mineral base hydraulic oil except where butyl or ethylene propylene seals are used, in which case tests shall be with phosphate-ester oil. No stress from the fixing points or from the pipes must be allowed to cause distortion or misalignment of the cylinder or its components. Cylinders and actuators shall generally be connected to associated pipework by flexible hoses. Cylinders low pressure sides shall be individually connected to the tank. Cylinders and actuators shall be accessible for servicing, cushion adjustment, bleeding and fitting connections. Cylinder mountings shall be designed and manufactured to ensure that the unit cannot vibrate or work loose during operation. Items, such as clevis ends screwed on to cylinder rods, shall have provision for positive locking. 9.12.5 VALVES. Valves in any part of the hydraulic system shall be suitable for heavy duty service and shall have a minimum working rated pressure. Relief valves shall be incorporated into the body of pumps. Relief and control valves shall be manifold mounted with a minimum number of external pipe connections. Air bleed points shall be readily accessible. Valves which might be damaged by exposure to dirt, dust or environment shall be adequately protected. Pressure relief valves shall be adjustable to suit system working pressure. Relief valves shall be sized to pass full pump capacity at 115% of set working pressure. Relief valves shall be of the direct acting type. Safety valves shall be provided in the hydraulic circuits which include accumulators. These valves shall be tested in the manufacturer’s factory. The valves shall be set at the factory and their compatibility with the hydraulic fluid to be used, checked. The valve setting shall be then sealed so that they cannot be set to higher pressures. These valves are normally fitted to the hydraulic accumulators. They shall be self operating. The pressure setting of the valve shall not exceed 110% of the operational pressure of the accumulator. The accumulator safety valves should not be designed to operate during the normal operation of the hydraulic system. The pressure should therefore be set sufficiently far above the permissible excess pressure of the hydraulic system. The valves shall be designed with an allowance for full pump flow. All valve spools shall be pressure balanced. It shall not be possible to inadvertently cause spool movement by pressurization of the tank line. Manually adjusted relief, unloading or pressure control valves shall have pressure gauges in order to facilitate the required setting adjustment and checking. Ball type valves shall be used for shut off applications. Control valves shall be internally drained. Internal leakage drain connections shall be separately piped to the reservoir or to a common manifold provided for that sole function. Unloading valves shall have an inherent relief characteristic to ensure protection in the event of the pilot line failing to provide a pressure signal. Solenoid operated directional valves shall have indicator lights on the valve terminal box. Pilot operated directional control valves shall allow for manual operation of the pilot spool. Directional control spool valves shall be mounted horizontally and on the top or on the side of panels or manifolds. Spool valves shall not be mounted upside down or vertically. 9.12.6 VALVE PANELS. Layout of valves and other components on valve panels shall be generous to ensure good access to all control and pipe connections. Valve panels shall not be attached to the reservoir to prevent congestion in this area and render maintenance difficult. It shall be possible to remove individual pipe runs from valve panels without disturbing others. All pipe work nuts shall be accessible with standard spanners. Valve panels shall be of rigid design. They shall have a suitable trough on both sides to retain small leaks and spillage from the subplate mounted valves. The trough shall be fitted with a plugged drain. Piping between the pumps and valve panel, interconnecting piping between the valves and the piping from the valves to the supply manifold, shall be in steel tubing and steel fittings. 9.12.7 POWER PACKS. The power pack shall be designed for continuous 24 hour per day operation. Each hydraulic power unit shall be designed as a self contained pack complete on a fabricated steel frame with 300 mm support legs and provided with conveniently located connections for external services such as electric power and compressed air (if required). Power packs shall be fully enclosed with removable hinged doors on at least two sides of the power pack, ventilation, including easily replaceable and washable air filters shall be provided. Forced ventilation should be avoided. Fluorescent lighting shall be provided inside the power pack and any electrical enclosures. Equipment shall be laid out in a logical manner with due regard to access for maintenance and equipment removal. The power pack shall include the following. Hydraulic oil tank. Pumps and motors mounted on a common baseplate and arranged for easy access for maintenance. Control valves mounted on manifold or valve panel. Interconnecting stainless steel tubes and stainless steel tubes and stainless steel fittings. Fans and heat exchangers, if required. Accumulators, if required. 150 mm deep drip tray. This sump shall incorporate a sloping bottom plate. The sump shall be fitted with a drain valve and hose adaptor. Lifting lugs. Sun roof. Control panel on which local start and stop controls shall be mounted, together with indicating alarm instruments. Instruction panel showing the hydraulic circuit and operating instructions. The hydraulic circuit diagram shall include operational pressure settings for pressure switches, relief valves and circuit flow rates. The panel shall have a smooth, durable, heat and oil-resistant plastic surface. The panel shall be screwed or riveted in position. Interconnecting wiring, flexible, oil resistant and properly labelled. Return filters. Prior to assembly all components shall be checked for soundness of welds, joints, etc. After assembly the complete power unit shall be flushed with an approved cleansing solvent to remove all foreign materials and other debris from manufacturing. The unit shall then be tested for pressure tightness of all hydraulic circuits and components. Details of the procedures to be adopted in cleaning and testing of the equipment shall be as per Quality Control Plan. 9.12.8 OIL TANKS. The oil tank shall be of robust construction to AS 1692. The tank bottom shall be sloped to the drain side. The tank top shall be designed to drain freely and to avoid accumulation of oil or extraneous spillage. The tank shall be an integral part of the power pack, and shall be positioned so the pump suction is flooded at all times. The pump suction shall incorporate an isolating ball valve and limit switch. Bolted and gasketed access panels shall be provided in the top of the tank for inspection and cleaning. Internal surfaces shall be blast and leak tested prior to surface treatment. Equipment supplied with the tank shall include, but not be limited to, the following items : Internal baffles. Low oil level float switch. Oil temperature gauge. High oil temperature switch. Magnetic drain plug or suspended magnet. Oil level sight gauge showing maximum and minimum levels. Drain fitted with ball valve and hose adaptor minimum 25mm diameter. Fill point with quick connect coupling and filter. Oil sampling test points. Oil tanks shall have a minimum capacity of at least three times the flow rate per minute of the pump, plus any demand from cylinders or accumulators. Tanks shall be completely sealed and fitted with air filter (10 micrometer)/breathers (35kPa) Magnetic plugs supplied shall be readily accessible and positioned to prevent collected particles re-entering the tank on removal of the plugs. The required service, the frequency and method of removal of the plugs shall be clearly indicated adjacent to the magnetic plugs. 9.12.9 ACCUMULATORS. Nitrogen charged diaphragm type accumulators shall be used. All materials used in the accumulator manufacture shall be compatible with the hydraulic oil specified. Pressure rating of the accumulator shall not be less than 200 bar. Accumulators shall be supported so as not to impose any load on connecting pipework. The design and manufacture of accumulators shall be in accordance with Indian/International Standards, and approval certificates shall be submitted. Pressure relief facilities shall be provided. Accumulators shall be stamped with their serial number, pressure rating and test record details. All necessary regulators, gauges, valves, fittings and flexible pipes to enable the testing and recharging of accumulators from standard nitrogen bottles shall be provided. Accumulators shall be sized to have a volume of 50% in excess of the theoretical design working volume. 9,12.10 FILTERS. A full flow filtration system shall be provided for the hydraulic oil. Filter elements shall be of the renewable catridge type and shall be provided with easy access for cleaning and catridge replacement. Filter elements shall be a minimum of 10 microns. Filters shall be fitted with visual indication in case of blocked condition. Removable drip trays and isolation valves shall be provided where necessary to prevent oil loss during filter replacement. A high pressure filter shall be provided on the main pump discharge line. A low pressure filter shall be provided on all return lines to the tank and shall be mounted external to the tank to enable ready access. Filter ratings shall be at least twice the system flow, taking into consideration the resistance to flow caused by cold oil and contamination. All filter systems shall be designed and located to minimize the entry of foreign material into the hydraulic system during service or inspection. If an oil cooler is required, the return line filter shall be placed before the cooler. Duplex filters shall be provided on systems which require uninterrupted operation. Filters shall be provided for all fill points to ensure that contaminated oil cannot be added to the system. 9.12.11 PRESSURE GAUGES. Gauges shall conform in all details to Indian/International Standards. Pressure gauges shall indicate system pressure in the main pressure lines and the boost pressure lines, where a boost pump is installed. Gauge cases shall be of corrosion resistant materials and of moisture and fume proof construction. The dials shall have white faces with black figures and pointers. Gauges shall have provision to reset the pointers. Gauges shall be 150 mm diameter, oil filled type and shall be calibrated in bar and psr as appropriate. The operating pressure range shall be clearly marked on or adjacent to the gauge. Gauges shall be protected against severe pulsation by coil type snubbers, except for vaccum or compound gauges. Gauges shall be mounted vertically and they shall be fitted with a push to read gauge valve. Manual isolation ball type valves shall be fitted on the pressure side of the push to read gauge valve. Gauges shall be clearly visible from the valve panel. Tapping points shall be provided in drain and return lines for temporary connection of pressure gauges during commissioning. 9.12.12 OIL COOLERS. Air blast oil coolers shall be provided to keep the oil temperature within the limit specified for an ambient temperature of 450C. Oil coolers shall be installed on the return pipework and a bypass valve and isolating valves shall be fitted. The cooler shall be mounted outside the hydraulic power unit, and shall include sun, dust and safety covers. An easily accessible and cleanable insect screen shall be installed at the suction side of the cooler. Oil coolers with fans shall be supplied complete with motor, thermostats, switches and power supply junction box. 9.12.13 PIPES, HOSES AND FITTINGS. HYDRAULIC PIPING. The term piping shall include all pipe and tubing. Cross-sectional area of all piping shall be sufficient to prevent cavitation, undue temperature rise and to minimize turbulence . Pump suction pressure shall not exceed – 10 bar. Fluid velocity in suction lines shall not exceed 1.25 m/s. Fluid velocity in pressure lines shall normally not exceed 5 m/s. Calculations for pressure losses shall be based on an ambient against hydraulic shock. The strength of the piping shall be adequate to withstand the maximum rate of surge pressure rise and the maximum surge peak pressure at the frequency developed by the cycling of the equipment operation. Only stainless steel seamless tubing shall be used. Pipe connections shall be designed sized and located to ensure correct operation of actuators remotely piloted controls and similar fluid operated devices. Mountings and clamps shall be rigid to eliminate vibration and chattering where this may be detrimental to operation. Piping runs shall be as direct as possible with a minimum number of bends. They shall, however, be neat and functional both from a design aspect and maintenance requirement. Allowance shall be made for expansion and contraction of lines as required. The piping shall be designed for a pressure equal to the pressure relief valve setting multiplied by a safety factor of 2. All tubes shall be clamped to supporting steel at spacings not exceeding 50 times OD for straight lines and at each side of a bend. Air vents for bleeding shall be provided in suitable readily accessible locations. The bleeding sequence shall be recommended in the startup instructions. Piping should be bent in preference to elbows, the minimum radius of the bend being 2.5 to 3 times the outside diameter of the tube for carbon steel and 3.5 times the outside diameter for stainless steel. There shall be no reduction in cross section of the piping at the bend. Piping runs shall be placed such that they do not collect spillage or interfere with adjustment repairs or replacement of controls or units. All connections shall be readily accessible for maintenance. Each piping run shall be integral and continuous between components. Couplings shall only be used where necessary for long pipe run lengths. Piping runs shall be removable without dismantling equipment components. All pipe fittings, oil passages, cored holes or drill holes shall be free of burrs or foreign matter which might cause damage to any hydraulic unit, or contaminate the hydraulic oil. Piping shall not be cut by oxyacetylene torch or similar method. After fabrication, all pipe work and fittings shall be mechanically cleaned and then pickled in accordance with Indian/International Standards. The pickling process shall include degreasing, desclaing, neutralizing and finally drying with an appropriate anti-rust solution. Immediately before charging the system, all pipes, tubes and fittings shall be thoroughly flushed with a suitable decontaminating solution. FLEXIBLE HOSES. Flexible hoses shall be provided between piping runs, hydraulic motors, cylinders, etc. The hoses shall be designed for working pressure not to exceed 25% of the burst pressure. Flexible hose, tubing or pipe shall be to the following general requirements. Fittings shall be either swaged or re-useable. The material of the hose bore shall be compatible with the hydraulic oil specified. All hoses shall be assembled and mounted in accordance with the hose manufacturer’s recommendations i.e. bend radii shall always be greater than the manufacturer’s nominated minimum, there shall be no chafing, twisting and hoses shall only flex in one plane. Vertical terminations are preferred. Horizontal connections are acceptable only if flexible lines are adequately supported. All fittings shall be of steel suitably protected against corrosion and shall have a factor of safety of 4:1 based on yield strength calculations. JIC fitting shall be preferred. Hose lengths for similar installations shall be the same wherever possible, to keep spares requirements to a minimum. Hose lengths from tip to tip of fittings shall be selected from the following range 300mm, 500mm, 600mm, 900mm, 1000mm, 1250mm, 2000mm, 2500mm, 3000mm, 5000mm. The pipes shall be terminated to ensure correct hose installation for these hose increments. Each hose shall have at least one straight female (swivel) hose end. No hose shall have two elbows or other such ends. No adverse restriction on flow or high pressure drop conditions shall be tolerated from hoses or hose fittings. Hoses shall have armour protection such as wire braid, when exposed to possible damage. Preferred hoses for all installations are SAE 100R2. Duffield D900 or Stratoflex 4252 shall be used for phosphate-ester systems. High pressure systems shall utilize SAE 100 R10 or SAE 100 R11 and the preferred hose is Duffield D400 or D1200. PIPE CLAMPS. Piping shall be adequately supported to minimize vibration or movement. PIPE FITTINGS. Fittings with tapered threads will not be accepted. 9.12.14 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. All electrical equipment shall comply with the requirements of Clause 10.0. The manufacturer shall install all electrical wiring between the various items of equipment which are mounted on the power pack unit and in the control cabinet. Power and control electrics shall terminate in an electrical cabinet on the power pack. The cabinet shall be sealed to IP 65 standard. The electrical system shall have provision for local control of the power pack for maintenance purposes and remote control for normal operation. There shall be three terminals for each solenoid (one spare for looping if required). All items of electrical equipment shall be selected from the list of the preferred equipment. 9.12.15 CONTROLS. GENERAL. Over-pressure protection shall be provided on the discharge side of all pumps. Adjustments on pressure control units shall be accessible during all operational conditions. All pressure and volume controls shall be constructed so that they are not adjustable outside their normal safe working ranges. All pressure controls shall be marked to indicate minimum and maximum operating pressures. Adjustable valves shall be arranged so that the adjustment can be locked or sealed. Controls shall be located and protected to protect inadvertent operation. Controls shall be protected from damage by moving equipment or falling objects. Controls shall not be placed in high heat areas, detrimental or corrosive atmosphere unless adequately protected. On vertical or inclined cylinders, means shall be provided to prevent rapid drop when hydraulic power is shut off. Complete locking of cylinders shall be provided if slow movement would result in danger or damage. Where there is more than one hydraulically or manually controlled device on any industrial equipment and where possible damage may be caused by the failure of any one device to function properly, the circuits shall be arranged with protective interlocks. When practicable these interlocks shall interrupt all operations, provided such interruptions shall not constitute a hazard to personnel or cause damage to the equipment or work in process. Electrically controlled hydraulic devices shall be applied in such a manner that in the event of electrical circuit failure there will be no damage to the equipment or danger of injury to personnel. Circuits having two or more cylinders shall be designed to ensure that all units operate in proper relationship, regardless of load variations. Sequence control by pressure switches alone shall not be used to determine sequence of operations, except where the function of the operation demands the use of such devices. Sequence shall be primarily governed by mechanically actuated limit switches, hydraulic valves or other position sensing devices. Plunger type controls shall be drained to reservoir or vented to prevent malfunction. Hydraulic pumps shall stop automatically under the following conditions. Loss of oil pressure. Excessive oil pressure. Operation of the EMERGENCY STOP. Excessive oil temperature. Low oil level. Oil coolers shall start automatically on high oil temperature. The following devices shall be provided at each power pack and should be clearly visible and where applicable, easily operated with the power pack cover in position : Indicators: Excessive oil temperature Low oil level Clogged filter indication An oil level indicator An oil temperature indicator An emergency stop push button. The electrical system shall have provision for local control of the power pack for maintenance purposes and remote control of hydraulic devices for normal service. PRESSURE SWITCHES. Pressure switches shall be provided to limit the system pressure and where necessary to ensure adequate boost pressure. Pressure switches shall be of rugged construction suitable for industrial environments. Pressure switches shall have seals and relevant components compatible with the hydraulic oil specified. A gauge tapping. 3/8 inch BSP shall be located near the pressure switch to enable settings to be tested. The external drain hole shall never be plugged. The external drain line shall flow direct to tank, shall not be connected to other return lines and shall be sized to ensure that back pressure cannot affect switch settings. The back pressure can also cause teflon diaphragms to fail. The minimum size of line shall be 6 mm bore and the length shall not exceed 3m. 9.12.16 SURFACE TREATMENT. Power packs, hydraulic components and hydraulic piping shall be surface treated and colour coded, as specified. 9.12.17 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION. ‘Traffolyte’ nameplates, or approved equivalent, with black lettering on a white background shall be used to identify all components and specify settings within the power packs and system. These shall include relief valve settings, accumulator charging pressure, oil type, direction of rotation, direction of flow, gauge identification and bleeding procedure. Lettering shall be a minimum height of 8 mm. Nameplates shall be screwed or riveted in position adjacent to the component. Adhesive nameplates or lables shall not be used. 9.12.18 INSPECTION AND TESTING. The hydraulic equipment shall be completely assembled and shop tested prior to transport. All testing will be witnessed. Shop running tests shall be carried out by connecting the power pack to the hydraulic equipment with a piping run equivalent to the installed condition or an equivalent hydraulic test load. The hydraulic systems shall be given a complete functional check after fully bleeding the hydraulic system. The systems shall be inspected for leaks. All bearings, motors, pumps and other moving parts shall be monitored for abnormal vibration, noise or free play, excessive temperatures or inconsistent operation. The hydraulic equipment shall be pressure tested to the relief valve setting during which all seals and joints shall be checked for leaks. The test pressure shall be applied for a minimum of 3 minutes after the system has reached operating temperature. Any leakage shall be a cause for rejection with subsequent correction and re-testing to follow. After operating temperature has been reached, the hydraulic drive system shall be tested by running for a continuous period of not less than 4 hours. During this test the system shall be subjected to maximum rated flow and working pressure for a number of operating cycles as nominated. Instruments shall be provided to measure the hydraulic oil temperature during the test 0 temperature in the tank shall be recorded at 15 minute intervals for the first 2 hours and 30 minutes intervals thereafter. Oil temperatures shall not exceed 700C. After testing and before packing the power pack and other hydraulic components shall be drained of hydraulic fluid and flushed with an approved corrosion inhibitor. All openings, reservoir fillers and external pipe connections shall be plugged or capped to effectively prevent entry of moisture or other contaminants. 9.12.19 PACKING FOR TRANSPORT. After testing of the hydraulic equipment, the system shall be drained of all oil. The filters shall be removed and inspected. Re-usable filter elements shall be cleaned. Throw away filter elements shall be replaced with new elements. Power packs shall be shipped as fully assembled units. It shall be ensured that all components are correctly aligned and fixed in position, all exposed connections are suitably sealed and protected. All items shall be prepared for transport in accordance with the specified requirements of technical specification. 10.0 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS. 10.1 GENERAL Power supply to the Reclaimer shall be taken at 3.3 kV from a termination point at the mid-point of the machines travel A 3.3kV reeling cable shall feed power from this mid-point to an on-board cable reeler. The power derives from an impedance earthed 3.3kV system with earth fault current limited to 400 Amps. A 3.3kV cable from the reeler shall feed a 3.3kV vacuum circuit breaker for the on-board dry cast resin 3.3kV/415V transformer. The on-board 3.3kV/ 415V transformer shall comply with the requirements of the relevant IEC Standard. The point of common coupling shall be the cable reeler 3.3kV termination point, where the actual fault level is nominally 50MVA. The power supply limits at the point of common coupling shall be :Voltage variation + 10% Frequency variation + 4% Using the above figures the voltage variation at the motor terminals shall not vary more than 10%. 10.2 SWITCHGEAR. The 3.3kV and 415V circuits shall be controlled from physically separated panels. The switchgear and control gear cubicles shall be naturally ventilated and located within a switch room enclosure and shall comply with the requirements of relevant Standard Specification. Devices with high levels of heat dissipation such as power transformers and motor resistor cubicles shall be mounted outside the switch room enclosure and be equipped with sunshields. 10.3 3.3kV SWITCHGEAR. An on-board 3.3kV vacuum circuit breaker shall be provided to control and protect power supply to the on-board dry cast resin 3.3kV/415V transformer. If the unit is installed outdoors, it shall be enclosed in an IP 65 rated enclosure. 10.4 HARMONIC GENERATION. The mobile machines shall comply with the requirements relevant I.S. to minimise disturbances in mains supply networks by limitation of harmonics caused by industrial equipment. 10.5 VOLTAGE DIPS AND HARMONICS. The maximum voltage change at the 3.3kV busbar under motor starting conditions, shall not exceed 10%. Voltage transients on board the Machines shall not cause gas discharge lighting to extinguish nor decrease lamp life. It shall be assumed that lamps extinguish at 85% of nominal supply. 10.6 VOLTAGE LEVEL UTILISATION. Voltage levels on distribution busbars on the machine during both steady state conditions and transient conditions (such as motor starting) shall not affect the normal operation of other devices connected to those busbars. 10.7 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT POWER SUPPLY. Electronic based equipment such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC’s). Visual Display Units and Computer type equipment shall be fed from a constant voltage transformer. 10.8 ELECTRICAL CONTROL VOLTAGES. The relay, control logic and indication voltage shall be 48V DC with 5% maximum ripple. The supply shall be derived from a voltage regulated rectifier and shall be designed such that the output voltage cannot exceed 60V DC under fault conditions. A common supply shall be used for both the PLC and Motor Control Centre control circuits. 10.9 EQUIPMENT RATINGS. All equipment shall be rated in accordance specified. with the fault levels As evidence that the equipment proposed and installed complies with this requirement, the supplier shall provide :- Certified Test Certificates of a Registered Authority for all proprietary components not specified in the approved list of proprietary items but connected to the busbar system. Calculations substantiating the location of busbar supports or certified Test Certificates of a Registered Authority stating the busbar system offered has withstood the MVA specified fault level. 10.10 CABLE REELER/SLIP RING ASSEMBLIES (POWER CRD & CONTROL CRD). Each reeler shall be fitted with a slip ring assembly mounted at the apposite end of the reeler from the drive mechanism. Slip ring enclosures shall be vermin proof and have IP65 degree of protection. All cores within the cables shall be terminated at insulated slip rings including :- The earth in the power cable and The cable earth and common signal earth for any individually screened cores in the control cable. The power cable slip rings shall be suitably segregated, with phase barriers, if necessary to prevent any chance of a phase to phase short circuit. The slip ring assemblies shall have different inspection openings to allow maintenance checks to be carried out. All access doors into slip ring chambers shall be provided with a wire reinforced glass insert for inspection and shall be locked by a Castell key. 10.11 TRAILING CABLES. Copper cored communication cables shall be supplied to provide enough cores to satisfy the on-board requirements for telephone and control system communication functions as well as the statutory required hardwired interlocks. The conductors in the power cable shall be copper and the voltage drop in the incoming cables shall not exceed 2% of the nominal voltage under full load conditions. The conductor insulation will be EPR ( Type IE 3 to IS 6380/ 84 ) and sheath insulation will be black HD HOFRCSP ( Type SE 4 to IS – 6380/ 84 ) The cores supplied for the control functions will be screened stranded copper conductors. The power cable core insulation shall be colour coded, that is :- Power conductor insulation to be red, yellow and blue according to the phase. Semi conductive elastomer insulated Earth conductor insulation to be black. Earth core should be black. 10.12 CABLING. All power cables shall have aluminium conductors unless otherwise approved. All cabling shall be mechanically protected throughout its length either by enclosing in metal conduits and/or cable tray, or by utilising steel wired armoured cables. All cable trays shall be heavy duty marine graded aluminium. 10.13 EARTHING. All pin joints and bearing joints shall have a flexible copper earthing strap across the joint. The flexible copper earthing strap shall be bolted to welded flanges on either side of the joint and the complete installation shall be equipotentially bonded. 10.14 EARTH SHOES. The Reclaimer shall have two earthing shoes connected on two of the support legs on opposite sides of the machine and they shall be positively held to the travel rails. These rails shall be bonded to the plant main earth grid. The earthing shoe shall be softer than the rail. 10.15 GENERAL POWER. Two 100 Amp. 415V, 3 phase welding outlets shall be provided on the machine one adjacent to the central chute and one in the vicinity of the end of the boom. A suitable number of 10 Amp 240 V AC earth leakage protected dual socket outlets shall be provided such that no point at the same floor level is more than 10 m (cable route) away from an outlet. A minimum of two 240 V AC dual sockets shall be installed in both the lectrical switchroom and in the control room. Both the welding outlets and the general power outlets shall suit standard Indian plugs. 10.16 LIGHTING. High pressure sodium flood lights shall be supplied and installed to provide a minimum lighting level of 100 lux over all stairways and walkways and a lighting level of 30 lux over all machine working areas such as discharge points and stockpile reclaim surface and bucket wheel. The light fittings illuminating the machine operating surfaces shall be readily accessible for adjustment, cleaning and lamp replacement. The machines shall be equipped with fluorescent lighting for access, operation and maintenance with a minimum lighting level of 70 lux. Lighting in the mobile machine switchrooms shall be a minimum of 150 lux. Lighting levels in the mobile machine control room will be a minimum of 200 lux while the control desk will be a minimum of 300 lux/ Lighting in the machine control rooms shall be capable of being dimmed with no obvious flicker apparent to the operator. Emergency lighting bulkhead fittings shall be supplied to ensure a safe exit in the case of power failure. All fittings shall be weatherproof and able to withstand direct hosing. Access walkways clearances shall not be less than 2.5 metres from all overhead structures. 10.17 EMERGENCY LIGHTING. Fittings shall be of weather and dustproof construction and consist of cast aluminimum body with polycarbonate diffuser, 1 X 13 W fluorescent tube, integral transistorized control gear, charger and 24 V battery in case of power supply failure. The battery shall be able to supply power to the fluorescent tube for a minimum of 1.5 hours. Perofrmance, construction and location shall also be in accordance with an equivalent standard to Indian Standard Emergency evacuation lighting in buildings – Design and installation”. 10.18 COMMUNICATIONS. The Supplier shall allow sufficient space of no less than 1 m 3 within the mobile machine control room for the installation of radio equipment and antenna by others. 10.19 LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR AND CONTROL ASSEMBLIES. Low voltage switchgear and control assemblies shall comply with relevant Indian Standards. Circuits shall be protected by circuit breakers and not combination switch fuse switch units. Due to the potential for flexing of the switchroom enclosure on mobile equipment, withdrawable functional units shall not be used. The assemblies shall comply with the following requirements. Motors 55kW and above shall be protected by a suitable microprocessor based motor protection relay & bi-metallic thermal over load protection as backup. 10.20 MOTORS. All motors shall be 415 V, 3 phase. All motors larger than 50kW shall be equipped with anti-condensation heaters. Motors greater than 50kW and below 200kW shall have inter winding thermistors which shall be connected to the control circuit. Each motor shall have local station i.e. a local start/ lock-off-stop station which will act directly on the control circuit. The main drive motors shall have not and lug terminations. Camlock terminals will not be accepted. All motor connections must be clearly stamped to show the connections and the markings must relate to the drawings. AC motors shall be in accordance with relevant Indian Standards and shall be as a minimum. Squirrel cage, totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) with an IP 55 minimum enclosure. Of cast iron construction 4 pole unless approved otherwise. Ball and roller bearing mounted unless otherwise approved. For variable speed AC motors, the motors shall be rated with due regard for reducer cooling effects at the lowest value of specified steady state speed. All motors and drives shall be sized such that the required torque produced by each drive does not exceed 100% of the rated drive torque for longer than 10 seconds. 10.21 HARDWIRED INTERLOCKS. The following hardwired interlocks shall be provided as a minimum. Emergency stop push buttons ( lockable type ) Pull wire switches (balance type) Ripped belt detection. The hardwired interlocks shall be wired directly into the conveyor control circuit and where activated shall isolate the power supply to the conveyor by electromechanical means. 11.0 CONTROL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : 11.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The machine shall be locally controlled via an operator control desk located within the machine with all operator controls being implemented via the PLC. PLC control equipment in the switchroom shall be mounted in cubicles with removable gland plates and front access, full height hinged doors. Hinged doors shall have clear windows over input/output racks, processor and auxiliary equipment locations to allow inspection of all status indicators with cubicle doors closed. Hinged doors will also be secured by means of an interlocked three point roller type latching system with key lockable chrome plated ‘l’ shaped door handles. In preparation for painting the cubicle shall be cleaned of all burrs and sharp edges shall be rounded. The cubicle surface shall be painted in accordance with the paint manufactures recommended procedures. The colour of the finish coat will be made available to the Supplier when the Contract is awarded. All chips and scratches to the paint finish incurred during transit and installation shall be made good. All control wiring shall be PVC insulated 660V range, with copper conductors manufactured in accordance with IEC 502. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum size of all fixed and flexible wiring shall be 2.5 mm Sq. (with the exception of electronic wiring). The wiring shall be colour coded depending upon the voltage level the wire carries in accordance with the following scheme. Multi phase and single phase AC power, control and indication : 220V to 440V 50V to 219V 24V to 49 V up to 23V Brown Orange Grey Violet DC power, control and indication Negative-all Voltage Black Positive – 48V and above 24V to 47V Red White Up to 23V Pink The Supplier shall follow an approved set of standard instructions which relate to noise-free wiring practices. These shall apply to all wiring cubicles and to interconnection cabling. Tenderers shall indicate special cable requirement, if applicable. The Supplier shall be required to ensure, during factory testing of the control system, that electrical noise generated within the control cubicles shall not create any problems during operation. Where PVC insulated conductors are laid or secured to steel supports, they shall be covered over their entire length with an insulating material (i.e. Split PVC sleeving). Where wiring is to pass through cut outs in panelling, the hole shall be suitably bushed to the satisfaction of the Project Supervisor. All control wiring shall be identified at each end of the conductor with an approved type slip-on cable marking ferrule in accordance with the approved drawings. Stick on type ferrules are not acceptable. Cable markers shall be installed such that they may be read from the front of the cubicle. All wiring shall be terminated at panel mounted devices and at terminal blocks by means of pre-insulated crimp lip blade type lugs. The lugs shall be crimped using the manufacturer’s tools specifically designed for the lugs. Solder connections will not be accepted unless the design of the device permits no other and is approved by the Project Supervisor in writing. All methods of termination and wiring must be approved by the Purchaser before manufacture commences. All electrical equipment mounted on or within equipment enclosures shall be readily identified in the English language in accordance with the relevant standard and this specification. The Supplier shall supply complete wiring diagrams for the PLC cubicles. These shall show the cubicles layout and the electrical connections. The numbering of wires and the naming of items shall correspond to wire numbers and item labels in the cubicle. Each sheet shall detail the I/O on a single PLC I/O card. Each field device shall be labelled uniquely. The label shall also identify the type of device. Every wire number shall be shown with PLC I/O numbers. The cable and core numbers shall be shown. These shall be cross-referenced to a cable schedule showing cable number, source and destination, route, distance covered, core numbers, PLC I/O point and the name of the field device. The wire numbering system described herein shall only apply to I/O cubicles that are supplied with I/O wired to terminal strips. On the cubicle side of the terminal strip the wires shall be marked with wire numbers which shall bear the same number as the program location number of the I/O device. This number shall include leading zeroes where these form a part of the program location number. On the external wiring side the general plant wire number system shall apply. The general plant wire number system shall also apply where incoming cables are terminated directly at the I/O racks. All control cables tray shall be vertical, as far as possible to avoid build up. Supply include complete PLC systems. 11.2 OPERATOR INTERFACE The operator interface for the mobile machine control desk will utilize a HMI directly mounted on to the panel with fully shield industrial key-board and mouse. In addition to this control desk must be provided with push bottoms and joy stocks for operator control of the machine . The operator interface screens for the mobile machine control desks will utilise a HM1 directly mounted on to the panel with fully shielded industrial key board and mouse. In addition to this control desk must be provided with push buttons and joy sticks for operator control of the machine. 11.3 FIELD DEVICES Field devices shall not be series connected in the field. All inputs shall be connected directly to individual PLC terminals. Each Statutory device shall be individually monitored by the PLC. Field control and protection devices shall include, but not be limited to, the following : Local Start/Lock-Off Stop (LOS) station mounted adjacent to each electric drive. The LOS button shall be mushroomed headed with key locking. General coverage LOS, located adjacent to machine bogies and each point of access to the machine and accessible from the ground and located in both the control cabin and in the Electrical Switch Room. Emergency stop lanyard and associated pull wire switch, (PWS) along each accessible section of each conveyor and adjacent to travel drives. Underspeed detection equipment of each conveyor. Belt drift detection equipment on each side of each conveyor at both head and tail ends. Proximity switches shall be used for conveyor underspeed protection. Limit switches shall be used for belt drift. Wobble lever operated limit switch for belt rip detection. A mercury tilt switch for blocked chute detection on each feed chute. Limit switches with back-up switches shall operate before device travel limits re exceeded to prevent movement beyond the zone of normal operation. The back-up switches shall be full current type arranged to directly disconnect power to travel drive motors. Audible alarms / sirens to operate before the starting of any long travel, luffing slewing or conveying shall be provided. Tilt switches for the detection of stockpile surface to protect equipment. Ultrasonic level devices to detect stockpile height. Every brake shall be fitted with a brake test push button and limit switch. The limit switch shall be actuated in the brake fully released position. Limit switches shall prevent operation of the driven equipment if the brake does not release. The brake test push button shall be installed in view of the brake to allow maintenance personnel to confirm the correct brake operation. Limit switches shall be used to determine: Luff angle ExtremeTravel position (multi-tum type is required) Slewing Angle Proximity switches shall be installed and arranged so as to recalibrate the travel position encoder in at least two separate positions equidistant along the length of the stockpile. 11.4 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS All application software including equipment operating system software provided by the Supplier under this contract shall remain the property of the Purchaser and the Purchaser shall hold the copyright for the software. Developed software for the control system shall be divided into functional blocks with each functional block performing 1% only. This will ensure that the programme is simpler to trouble shoot and assist in familiarization. 11.5 CONTROL MANAGEMENT. SYSTEM SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION & A full and comprehensive “functional specification” and “software specification” shall be developed to be used as the basis for the production of the control system software. The machine control system shall be supplied complete with all the software necessary to operate the machine. The Supplier shall be fully documented in accordance with the requirements set out below and shall be subject to a review and approval procedure. The software shall be developed in a number of stages – each stage being approved before the next stage can commence. Stage 1 Provision of detailed Functional and Software Specifications covering the machines control systems. This may involve adding detail and/or sections to the Functional and Software Specifications included in Appendix 4J & 4K respectively. These specifications will include the following information as a minimum : System configuration diagrams. High level representation of sequence logic in flow diagram form. High level representation of analog regulatory loops in functional block diagram form. Standard PLC ladder logic blocks. PLC I/O lists Data to be communicated to/from machines and fixed plant. The information will describe how the Reclaimer will be controlled for each operating mode and situation. This will also be used to implement and manage the programming function. Approval of these Specifications must be obtained before proceeding to Stage 2. Stage 2 Coding of PLC logic and descriptive annotation of code. Development and configuration of Operator Interface Software. Stage 3 Through testing of all control system hardware and software. This is to be done before the equipment is installed in the machine. The testing is to be witnessed and approved by the Purchaser. Stage 4 Provision of a Control System Manual. The manual will describe the control system in detail in relevant language for supervisors, electricians and operators. The Control System Manual shall provide a comprehensive system description for use by maintenance and operating staff. It shall include the following :Functional Specification Software specification High level representation of logic and control loops. System configuration. Description as how all the logic modules fit together. Full description of data communications with remote equipment. Full and final code and I/O listings including annotated software for complex or non-standard code. A comprehensive operating manual describing machine set-up and operation in all modes. After commissioning of the PLC code and Operator Interface System, all redundant code shall be removed. The copyright for the PLC and Operator Interface Software shall be vested with the Purchaser at the completion of the project. The vestment of copyright shall be confirmed in writing by the Supplier at the completion of the project. 11.6 CONTROL SYSTEM TESTING The equipment may be subject to examination at any time during manufacture and testing prior to shipping. The Test Plan shall include test items for Factory Acceptance Testing (off line tests) and associated acceptance criteria including a detailed software testing and acceptance program. It shall also include on line commissioning procedures and appropriate commissioning acceptance criteria. The Control System shall be completely shop assembled, loaded with the developed system software and tested before shipping to site. Tests may be witnessed by the Purchaser. The Supplier shall provide a minimum of seven (7) days notice before any FAT testing commences. A test report is required regardless of witnessing of the tests. A final inspection certificate must be signed before any equipment is despatched from the factory. Such a certificate shall not constitute a Certificate of Acceptance. All PLC components to be supplied shall be assembled and installed in panels for workshop testing. The entire PLC hardware shall be energized continuously for a minimum period of five days during the FAT period. Testing of inputs shall consist of applying voltage (or current) to all input terminals at the marshalling terminal, checking the operation of indicators or individual cards and also checking input address status on a program panel to confirm correct rack/card addressing. Testing of outputs shall consist of forcing on (or setting) the individual outputs and checking the output voltage (or current) at a load resistor on the output terminals at the marshalling cubicle. Testing of communications, both PLC-to-PLC and PLC-toOperator Interface shall also be undertaken. Communication testing shall consist of testing of physical connections followed by data transfer and function testing of the full system. The system shall be tested at 25% greater than the data loading expected under normal site operation. All software developed for the project shall be tested during the FAT to ensure that correct equipment starting, stopping, sequencing and fault and fault recovery operation is performed. The results of all tests shall be recorded. Any equipment to software which does not satisfy the tests 100% shall be rejected or the test rewritten. If a test is to be repeated for any reason both the original test results and the repeated test results shall be recorded and the reason why the original test failed stated. Upon completion, the equipment shall be inspected and tested in accordance with the Commissioning Procedure, to demonstrate compliance with the Contract Documents. Each inspection or test shall be properly documented by the Supplier who shall then produce a written report of the inspection and/or tests, within two weeks following the inspection or test. The Supplier shall submit to the Purchaser within 2 weeks of the completion of commissioning a final Commissioning Report including test results and data sheets. The Supplier shall fully comply with directives from Statutory Authorities requiring tests or inspection at any stage of the commissioning. 12.0 ERECTION AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 12.1 GENERAL Particular attention shall be given by the Supplier to the sequence of erection of structures and the installation of mechanical equipment. A detailed erection programme shall be provided in the form of a bar chart and explanation to fully describe how the Supplier intends to manage and control the erection and installation to ensure that timing and quality is met. The programme shall be submitted prior to the commencement of erection activities in accordance with the Documentation Schedule and shall be subjected to review and approval by the Purchaser. The programme shall include : Sequence of erection. Handling and carnage Details of temporary bracing and guying. Controls in place for early detection of poor quality or time performance. 12.2 ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEELWORK All work shall be carried out in accordance with relevant standards, statutory Regulations and accepted good practice and good workmanship. Planning of erection procedure including the provision of all necessary guying and/or temporary bracing shall be carried out to ensure the safety and trueness of the structure under all conditions of wind and erection loads occurring during the construction period. Upon completion of work all temporary bracing and its connections shall be removed, holes plugged and the steelwork including the protective coating specified, made good. During erection, the use of sledge hammers to drive or hammer beams, or other steelwork will not be allowed. Drift pins may be used only to bring together several parts, and these pins shall not be used in such manner as to distort or damage the metal. Lift drifting necessary to draw holes together will be permitted, but drifting to match unfair holes is not acceptance. Holes that are badly punched or drilled shall be reamed out to accept a bolt of larger diameter if approved. Otherwise the holes shall be reamed out, plug welded, tested and redrilled to the sizes shown on the Drawings. No holding or cutting of steelwork, other than as shown on the drawings, shall be done without prior written approval. The use of a gas cutting torch in the field for correcting errors shall not be permitted. All brackets, fittings and splices shall be accurately aligned before bolting or stressing and shall be checked after bolting or stressing. 12.3 BOLTING. All bolts of 20mm diameter or greater shall be high strength bolts Grade 8.8 in accordance with relevant standards. All other bolts shall be grade 4.6 conforming to relevant standards unless noted otherwise on the drawings. The length of each bolt shall be such that the threaded portion will project through the nut for at least two complete threads. All bolts, nuts and washers shall be hot-dip galvanised. The nuts shall run “finger free” on the bolts after galvanising of both. A manual torque wrench shall be provided by the supplier on site to allow checking of bolt tightness. Loading indicating washers shall not be permitted. Bolts in bearing shall be of such a length that no threaded portion shall be within the thickness of the parts jointed, however, for the design of bolts in bearing, at least one washer shall be placed under the bolt thread or nut, whichever ids to be rotated. Taper washers shall be used where the part under the bolt head or nut is not perpendicular to the centerline of the bolt. Nuts or bolts subject to severe vibration and vertical bolts in tension shall be locked in position by an approved method. 12.4 TRIAL ASSEMBLY. The Supplier shall trial assemble all critical interfaces and connections. These shall include the following: Portal gantries. Boom seats and slew bearings. Conveyor boom. Counterweight boom. Bucketwheel. Mast sections and hinges. 12.5 ERECTION TOLERANCE . Notwithstanding any fabrication tolerance allowed by this specification, the steelwork shall be erected so as to conform to the appropriate tolerance allowed by ISS. Stainless steel shims and packers shall be supplied to undertake any other adjustments and corrective measures necessary to ensure that the finished position of the steelwork is within the required tolerance of the position shown or inferred on the Drawings. 12.6 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION. All equipment shall be prepared, installed, aligned, set, lubricated and tested in accordance with this specification and the equipment manufacturers recommendations. 12.7 COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION . After completion of erection and installation, all oil lubricated equipment shall be drained, flushed and refilled in accordance with the equipment manufacturer’s recommendations. Grease lubricated bearings and seals shall be inspected for cleanliness and seal condition. All air shall be bled from lubricant lines and seals provided with a purging facility shall be purged. Any leaked fluid or lubricant shall be removed, and stained and damaged paint work repaired. The machines shall be in a clean, safe and tidy condition after erection. All temporary staging and platforms shall be removed and any construction debris and rubbish accumulated during erection cleared away. 13.0 SURFACE TREATMENT AND PROTECTIVE COATING. 13.1 GENERAL. All parts of the machines shall be surface treated during manufacture to ensure their protection from the effects of moisture during storage, transportation, erection and service. The works of surface preparation and the application of protective coatings and the inspection thereof shall be carried out in accordance with this specification, the coating manufacturers written technical literature and if necessary under the guidance of a technical representative of the coating manufacturer. Prior to the application of any coating to any part of the steelwork, witnessed procedure tests of surface preparation and application of protective coatings shall be carried out. These test shall be carried out using test pieces which provide a similar degree of difficulty as the actual work. When completed and approved as acceptable procedures, these test pieces shall be retained as reference pieces and shall be stored in a safe and clean environment until the actual work that they represent has been completed and accepted. The procedure relevant to each stage shall be deemed to be approved and applicable for all similar operations. Work subsequently found to be carried out in an operation which has not been approved shall be rejected or improved to comply with this specification at no additional cost. 13.2 STANDARDS. Materials and workmanship shall comply with all relevant Indian Standards and any relevant statutory Authority Requirement. 13.3 COATING SYSTEM. The name of the materials stated in the materials specification are to be regarded as those which designate the minimum acceptable type, quality and performance. Mixed system shall not be acceptable. All coats used in a coating system shall be done using one brand and brands shall not be inter-mixed at any stage. If coatings are supplied in a mixed system, the steel thus coated shall be re-blasted and re-coated in accordance with this specification. 13.4 ALTERNATIVE COATING SYSTEM. Acceptance of any alternative coating system is subject to approval in writing. Experimental coatings or coating procedure or techniques are not acceptable. Any alternative coating system must be documented in full and have a proven service life of at least that expected from the specified coating system. The service to be offered during coating operations by the alternative coating manufacturer, in particular the practical experience of the technical representative nominated to be responsible for the project, should be stated in addition to the guarantees of his ready availability to fulfil the various services as they become necessary under this specification. Notwithstanding any approvals which may be given for alternative coating systems or brands in connection with this clause, such alternative coatings shall comply in all other respects with this specification. In addition, no extra payment will be made if, after receiving the letter of acceptance, the alternative coating is found to be unacceptable, and the approved system is then adopted. 13.5 MATERIALS. All materials used in a coating system shall be deemed to carry the manufacturer’s assurance of compatibility in the coating sequence as specified. All coating materials and thinners, if approved, shall be brought to the site of the coating application in unopened containers as supplied by the manufacturer. Before commencing application of any coating, the manufacturer’s certificates for each consignment of material delivered shall be checked and the following data verified for compliance with the requirements of this specification: Description of Material Vendor’s Reference Number Batch Number Quantity in Batch Date of Manufacture Manufacturer’s stated Expiry date. Mixing, thinning and application instructions as nominated by the coating manufacturer and/or herein specified, shall be absolutely adhered to, and no other addition to the mixed coating shall be used. Where necessary, the addition of thinners to any coating shall be as recommended by the manufacturer and shall only be of the type and quantity recommended. The Manufacturer’s serialised batch reference number shall confirm the age of all coating materials to be six months or less. All materials, after delivery to the shop or site, must be stored in a cool dry place in accordance with the requirements of relevant standards Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code and any other relevant Statutory Authority requirements. 13.6 SURFACE PREPARATION. All steelwork, except for those items specifically designated to be hot dip galvanised, shall be prepared and painted as herein specified. All steel surfaces to be coated showing traces of oil, grease or other contaminates shall be thoroughly cleaned with an approved solvent, preferably with an approved emulsifying degreasing agent and washed with clean water before commencement of coating application. All steel surfaces to be coated shall dry abrasive blast cleaned in accordance with I.S.S and clause 2 1/2 minimum (near white metal) finish. 13.7 ABRASIVE BLAST CLEANING. Abrasive blast cleaning shall be carried out by grit blasting using compressed air nozzles. Metallic abrasive shall be capable of passing a 1.18 mm AS sieve, and shall be sharp, hard and free from dust. For all steelwork the blast cleaned surface shall have a profile of not less than 25u or greater than 50u as measured by a probe type surface profile gauge, or as established by the use of a compactor gauge. Only dry blast cleaning techniques shall be employed. Silica, flint or ilmenite abrasives are not permitted. The types and sizes of abrasives, and the equipment and procedure, for each kind of work shall be such that the required standard of cleaning can be achieved on any surface and that the required standard of profile can be guaranteed on sample surfaces originally smooth and unpitted. Preliminary tests shall be carried out to establish a suitable technique as described in the previous paragraph for such kind of work. Provided this technique is adhered to with satisfactory results on smooth unpitted steel, it will be accepted that the required profile amplitude has been achieved throughout. Attention is drawn to the difficulties of cleaning steel which is badly rusted and pitted, and desirability of avoiding the use of such steel. Approved sets of reference plates may be used for the routine estimation of surface roughness. The compressed air supply used for blast cleaning shall be free of water and oil. Adequate separators and traps shall be provided and these shall be kept clean and emptied of water and oil. The design of the compressed air system used for air blasting should be such that all available technology be used to eliminate moisture, oil and other contaminants associated with high pressure compressed air. The use of refrigerated air driers is highly recommended and all filtration systems shall be inspected and approved prior to the commencement of any surface preparation work. In no case shall compressed air with a temperature in excess of 1150 C be allowed. Air pressure at the blast nozzle must not be less than 690 Kpa, and shall be regularly checked with a pressure gauge. Blasting operators shall at all times wear recognised safety clothes and helmets. Helmets shall be ventilated with clean cool air through an approved filter and regulator capable of removing impurities and odours from the air supply. Blast cleaning shall not be conducted when the steel surface is less than 50C above the dew point or when the relative humidity of the surrounding air is greater than 80%. A psychrometer to determine the relative humidity shall be checked and recorded before the commencement of all blasting operations and at other times as deemed necessary. Blast cleaning shall be permitted only during the daylight hours except that rough blasting will normally be allowed during the night if the surfaces cleaned during the night shift are reblasted to the specified standard in daylight. Maximum speed and most effective cleaning is obtained by systematic, even blasting. Manual work should be blocked out in square and each square blasted evenly until complete. When blasting is carried out in the open, e.g. on site repair of protective coating after site welding, it shall not be performed in areas close to painting operations or where spent blast media may impinge on soft or freshly painted surfaces. All welded areas and appurtenances shall be given special attention for removal of welding flux, particularly confined areas. Welding spatter, slivers, and all surface defects including cracks, surface laminations and deep pitting, likely to be detrimental to the protective coating system, exposed before or after abrasive blast cleaning operations, shall be removed by grinding, if required and if necessary, and the affected area reblasted. All fins at saw cuts, burrs and sharp edges shall similarly be removed. Immediately after blasting operations are completed, the steel surface shall be brushed down with fibre bristles or blown down with clean dry air, giving particular attention to corners, intersections and horizontal area where settlement of dust would be most likely to occur. If the methods do not satisfactorily remove all dust from the surface vaccum cleaning of the steel, shall be carried out. 13.8 CARE OF ABRASIVE BLAST CLEANED SURFACES Abrasive blast cleaned surfaces showing scale, sharp gouges, surface shall, laminations or other surfaces defects which only become apparent after blast cleaning, shall be repaired by chipping or grinding before the prime coat is applied. The surface under the defect thus removed shall be cleaned to a class 2.1/2 minimum finish and where necessary further blast cleaning shall take place to ensure compliance with the specification. Blast cleaned surfaces shall be kept free of any contamination and shall not be touched by bare hands, and to this end, operators shall wear clean gloves. Any areas inadvertently touched or handled shall be reblasted immediately. The application of the prime coat to abrasive blasted surfaces shall commence within four hours of the blasing, and shall be completed on that day, and before the surface temperature of the steel is less than 50 above the dew point. Generally, surfaces that are blast cleaned mid-morning, prior to the midday break shall be primed prior to that break, and similarly, surfaces blast cleaned in the afternoon shall be primed prior to cessation of that days work. Any work blast cleaned and left overnight uncoated, or any surface which shows any trace of discolouration from any cause shall be reblasted before the prime coat is applied. For steel work abrasive cleaned in or near the open, any wetting from rain during or after cleaning but before prime coating shall result in the whole segment of steelwork affected being re-blasted. 13.9 APPLICATIONS FOR COATINGS – GENERAL . The provisions of this clause shall apply to the application of all protective coatings in the workshop. Under no circumstances shall coatings be applied over moisture on the surface of the metal or previous coating. Effective controls shall be established to preclude blasting, priming or top coating operations in unsuitable weather. Work shall NOT be performed in the following circumstances : If the surface is wet or likely to become wet after blasting or before prime coating or top coating. On surfaces where condensation is likely to form, i.e. when the surface temperature of the steel is less than 50 C above the dew point of the surrounding air, When the relative humidity of the surrounding air is greater than 80% When the wet bulb temperature in the immediate vicinity shows a difference of 7% or less from the dry bulb temperature (standard wet and dry bulb thermometer) When the extremes of surface metal temperature exceed 35 0C or are lower than 100C. Occasional spot proof tests to gauge physically the coating thickness may be taken using a Tooke Gauge to cut into small section of coating. Two tests may be carried out for each section coated, the test piece being taken from the same area as the test for adhesion. If the tests indicate that such areas do not comply with the Specification, no additional costs will be allowed for any necessary repairs and /or recoating. All repairs to the coating to enable it to comply with the specification shall only be carried out using techniques, materials and procedures which have been approved in writing. After application of each section of coating, carried out in a continuous operation, it shall be checked for adhesion to the steel and/or intercoat adhesion. Adhesion tests shall be carried out for each section of the work and shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of B.I.S. ‘Method of test for paint and related products’. Paint thickness in this Specification, unless noted otherwise refers to minimum dry film thickness. No coat shall anywhere exceed the specified minimum thickness by more than 50%. Where thickness exceed this limit, written proposals for the removal of the excess and the reinstatement of the coating in accordance with this Specification shall be submitted and no further work performed on that section of work until approval of those proposals is given in writing. Where proof coating thickness tests and adhesion tests are made and reveal that the coating complies with the specification, the test area shall be repaired as herein specified for local scratch damage to each of the relevant coatings. No coating shall be applied until blast cleaned surface or the previous coating has been inspected and approved. 13.10 APPLICATION OF PRIME COATING TO STEEL WORK. All structural steelwork, except as specified otherwise shall receive a complete prime coat in the workshop. Bolt holes shall be coated completely through the thickness of the material. After the steel surfaces have received the surface preparation specified herein, and approval to proceed has been given in writing, the steel surfaces shall be coated with the prime coat within the time limits specified above. The prime coating shall be applied to all steelwork. Prime coating shall be a two component liquid/slurry, moisture curing zinc rich ethyl silicate coating. The coating shall be applied by conventional air atomised spray equipment to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 75 um in one or more coats, using parallel passes at a constant distance from the surface, overlaping each previous pass by 50%. The two part primer shall be mixed using mechanical equipment in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Immediately following mixing coating material shall be transferred to an agitated pressure pot and the coating kept in continuous motion such that the pigment is kept in suspension until application is complete. shall be Coating material that has been mixed for longer than 6 hours rejected. The applied coating shall be smooth and uniform without runs, beads, pinholes or other imperfections. Areas of coating that exhibit defects of a sudden or local nature of insufficient film build, shall be blast cleaned and then recoated in accordance with this Specification. Areas which exhibit insufficient film build ofany overall nature may be sprayed with further coats to achieve the minimum specified dry film thickness, provided that the surface is clean, dry and free from foreign matter and that the adequacy of the existing profile to achieve proper adhesion, is established on a test area. Areas exhibiting low film thickness which after inspection are considered inadequate for the adhesion of a further coat of primer shall be ship blasted and the coating reapplied in accordance with this Specification. Areas which sustain local damage or scratching in the shop shall be blast cleaned and recoated as follows : Before top coating : Damaged areas shall be blast cleaned to Class 2.1/2 minimum as specified herein and a further coat of primer applied in accordance with this specification. After top coating : Damaged area shall be blast cleaned to Class 2.1/2 minimum as herein specified, taking care to feather back top coat only at the edge of the reblasted area, to allow new primer applied in accordance with this Specification. Top coat shall not be reinstated until a minimum of 48 hours after application of repair primer. Extreme care shall be taken during repair operations to avoid overblast damage to areas of sound coating. Any area damaged by overblasting shall result in those areas being blasted back to the substrate and recoated in accordance with this specification. In the case of a localised scratch or minor area of damage, repair may be affected by feathering back top coats by sanding and applying a further coat of primer by spray or brush, making sure that the primer does not over coat of primer by spray or brush, making sure that the primer does not overcoat surrounding topcoats. Top coat shall not be reinstated until a minimum of 48 hours after application of repair primer. 13.11 TESTING OF INORGANIC ZINC SILICATE PRIMER. Ethyl silicate zinc primed surfaces shall be tested during curing and prior to top coating. Curing time shall be as recommended by the coating manufacturer but not less than 48 hours. Where the relative humidity during the curing period has not exceed 70%, curing time will be extended. Duration of extension will be determined by prevailing weather conditions at the time the coating is applied. Coating shall be tested for dry film thickness, hardness and metallic zinc content as well as being visually scanned for other defects such as mud cracking etc. Tests shall be performed in accordance with the relevant section. 13.12 APPLICATION OF INTERMEDIATE COATING TO STEELWORK. All steelwork which has been prime coated shall have an intermediate coating applied in the workshop prior to delivery to site. Intermediate coating shall be a two component high solids high build polyamide curd recoatable coating containing micaceous iron oxide pigment. Before the specific intermediate coating is applied the entire surface coated with the prime coat shall be checked for contamination by dust, foreign matter or other contaminants. The intermediate coating shall only be applied to thoroughly cleaned surfaces. Any contamination of the surface shall be entirely removed prior to application of the intermediate coating, by a thorough washing with clean water, or other method which has been approved in writing, depending on the degree of contamination. The intermediate coating shall be mixed in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Any coating material which has been mixed for longer than two hours shall be discarded. The coating may be applied by airless or conventional air atomising spray equipment to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 100 um (175 um total thickness). As this coating is to be applied over an ethyl silicate zinc primer attention is drawn to the necessity to apply a tack coating initially to effectively seal the prime coating pores with further passes to achieve the nominated minimum dry film thickness. Reduction of the material after induction to produce a tack coating consistency shall be in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. The finished surface shall be smooth and uniform without runs, sags, beads, pinholes, curtaining, bubbles or other imperfections. Any such defect that occurs shall be removed by sanding the defective coating, and the surface shall be removed by sanding the defective coating, and the surface recoated in those areas with the same material. Areas which sustain damage or scratching shall be reinstated in accordance with the requirements of this specification. Intermediate coating damage shall be repaired by feathering back loose or damaged coating to a sound edge. Where the primer has been exposed but not damaged, recoating shall consist of a further application of intermediate coating in accordance with this specification. Where the metal substrate has been exposed and depending on the size of the area damaged, the damaged area shall be abrasive blast cleaned or disc sanded to bright metal and prime and finish coats applied in accordance with the Specification. Notwithstanding the above provisions, the primer repair coating shall be original primer. If the area to be repaired is of substantial nature rather than a local scratch, the proposed repair procedure shall be apprved in writing and shall be such that the adjacent intermediate coating is :washed “ off a margin of undamaged primer to avoid sandwiching of repair prime coat between intermediate coats. 13.13 TESTING OF INTERMEDIATE COATING. After intermediate coating has been applied, it shall be checked for dry film thickness with an approved electronic film testing gauge. The procedure to be adopted for determining the average film thickness of the coating or combined coating shall be to take ten readings at random for each 10 square metres of coated area and calculated a mathematical average. All coatings shall be at least be of the thickness specified. The thickness of the coating under test will be determined as the difference between the combined average thickness of all coatings as determined above and the combined average thickness of the undercoating previously determined for each particular 10 square metres under test. Notwithstanding the above, not more than one reading in each group of 10 readings of dry film thickness shall be more than 10% below the specified minimum dry film thickness for a particular coating. If five or more reading sin each group of 10 readings of dry film thickness do not comply with Specification, then theara will be rejected. Any proposal detailing methodology to be adopted for recoating or overcoating the rejected area to enable it to comply with the specification shall be approved in writing before any repair work is carried out. Repair procedure shall be tested on a sample area first and no repair work shall proceed until the test area is inspected and accepted and approval is given in writing. 13.14 APPLICATION OF FINISH COATING TO STEELWORK. All steel work which has been prime and intermediate coated shall have a finish coating applied. Finish coating shall be a two component high build polyamide cured recoatable epoxy coating. Before the finish coating is applied the entire surface coated with the intermediate coating shall be checked for contamination by dust, foreign matter or other contaminants. The finish coating shall only be applied to thoroughly clean surfaces. Any contamination of the surface shall be entirely removed prior to application of the finish coating by through washing with clean water, or other method which has been approved in writing depending on the degree of contamination. The finish coating shall be mixed in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Any coating material which has been mixed for longer than hours, even if still liquid, shall be discarded. The coating may be applied by airless or conventional air atmising spray equipment to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 100 um (275 um total thickness). The finished surface shall be smooth and uniform without runs, sags, beads, pinholes, curtaining, bubbles or other imperfections. Any such defect that occurs shall be removed by sanding the defctive coating, and the surface recoated in those areas with the same material. Areas which sustain damage or scratching shall be reinstated as directed. Finish coating damages shall be repaired by feathering back loose or damaged coating to a sound edge. Where the intermediate coating has been exposed but not damaged, recoating shall consist of a further application of finish coating in accordance with this Specification. Where the metal subtrate has been exposed, and depending on the size of the area damaged, the damaged area shall be abrasive blast cleaned or disc sanded to bright metal and prime, intermediate and finish coatings applied in accordance with this Specification. Notwithstanding the above provisions, the primer repair coating shall be original primer. If the area to be repaired is of a substantial mature rather than a local scratch, the proposed repair procedure shall be approved in writing and shall be such that the adjacent finish and intermediate coatings are “washed” off a margin of undamaged prime and intermediate coatings to avoid sandwiching of repair prime coating and intermediate coating between sound intermediate or finish coats. 13.15 APPLICATION OF COATINGS TO INTERNAL SURFACES OF SEALED AND BOX SECTIONS. Internal Surfaces – No Access The internal surfaces of sealed steel sections, e.g. box beams and columns, which shall have no future access shall be abrasive blast cleaned as previously specified for steelwork and have a pre-weld prime coating applied only. Primer shall be a moisture cured two part inorganic ethyl silicate zinc coating applied by conventional air atomising spray equipment to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 60 um. Application of this coating shall be carried out as previously specified for steelwork. Internal Surfaces – Limited Access The internal surfaces of sealed steel section which shall have limited future access, i.e. bolted access covers with gasket seals or covers which are seal welded in place, shall be abrasive blast cleaned and have a prime coating applied as previously specified for steel work. Primer shall be a self curing two pack inorganic zinc silicate coating applied by conventional air atomising spray equipment to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 75 um. Coating may be initially applied as a pre-weld prime coating, in order to reduce abrasive blasting and associated cleaning internally, however, coating shall be bought up to specified standard after fabrication is completed particularly at weld out areas where damage will be most severe. Internal Surfaces – Unlimited Access The internal surfaces of steel sections which will have unlimited future access, i.e. access ways, control rooms, electric switch rooms etc. shall be abrasive blast cleaned and coated as previously specified for steel worl. Colour schemes will be detailed in the schedule contained herein. Testing of Coatings to Internal Surfaces Coatings applied to internal surfaces of steelwork shall be measured and tested as previously specified for steelwork except that the pre-weld primer shall be inspected and tested prior to fabrication and welding. 13.16 SURFACE PREPARATION AND APPLICATION OF COATING TO MOTORS, GEAR REDUCERS, AND OTHER PROPRIETARY EQUIPMENT. Previously unpainted areas Preparation : All equipment, gear reducer, associated motors and couplings, etc. which have not previously been painted shall be cleaned and if necessary degreased as herein specified for steel work. After cleaning articles shall be whip blasted to provide sufficient surface profile. Any sharpedges fins or other defects of a sudden or local nature shall be ground smooth or made good in an approved manner. Only dry blast cleaning techniques shall be used and all precautions, controls on weather conditions and care of article after blasting shall be observed as herein specified for steel work. Extreme care shall be exercised when whip blasting around seals, glands etc. and any machined face where fit-up to adjacent components is required. In these instances areas shall be suitably masked and/or protected against before blasting commence. Application of Prime Coating After articles have been blasted, inspected and approved, they shall be prime coated with a two pack non-reactive high build polyamide cured epoxy coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 125 um. Coating may be applied using conventional air atomising or airless spray equipment where airless equipment is to be used set up shall consist of the following : Nozzle Pressure : Spray Tip Orifice 15 Mpa : 0.46mm Any coating material that has been mixed for longer than 6 hours shall be rejected. Coating shall be smooth and uniform without runs, beads, pinholes or other imperfections. Any areas which exhibits defects of a sudden or local nature or insufficient film build shall be blast cleaned and precoated in accordance with this specification. Areas which exhibit insufficient film build of an overall nature may be sprayed with a further coat to achieve the minimum specified dry film thickness provided that the surface is clean and dry and that the adequacy of the existing surface profile to achieve proper adhesion by the overcoat is established on a test area. If the surface profile is inadequate for adhesion of further coats the article shall be whip blasted and the coating reapplied in accordance with this specification. Testing Primer Primed surfaces shall be tested after curing and prior to top coating. Curing shall be as recommended by the manufacturer but not less than two days. Coating shall be tested for dry film thickness and adhesion as well as visually scanned for other defects. Tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of AS 1580. Application of Finish Coatings All articles which have been primed shall be intermediate and finish coatings applied prior to installation. Intermediate and finish coatings shall be previously specified for steelwork. Application and testing of intermediate and finish coatings shall be as previously specified for steelwork. Previously Painted Articles All equipment, gear reducers, associated motors and couplings etc. which have been previously been supplied coated in manufacturer’s finish shall be cleaned and overcoated as herein specified. Prior to application of coatings all articles shall be cleaned of all dust, grease, oil and other surface contaminants by washing with an approved solvent, preferably an emulsifying agent and then rinsed thoroughly with clean water. Application of Barrier Coating After previously painted articles have been cleaned and inspected they shall be coated with a quick drying high build anticorrosive barrier primer to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 50um. Coating may be applied using conventional air atomising or airless spray equipment. Where airless equipment is to be used set up shall consists of the following : Nozzle Pressure Spray Tip Orifice : : 15Mpa 0.43 – 0.53 mm Coating shall be allowed to cure for a minimum of 24 hours prior to the application of finish coatings. Application of Finish Coatings All articles which have been primed with barrier coatings shall have intermediate and finish coatings applied prior to installation. Intermediate and finish coatings shall be as previously specified for steelwork. Application and testing of intermediate and finish coatings shall be as previously specified for steelwork. 13.17 SURFACE PREPARATION AND APPLICATION OF COATINGS TO ALLUMINIUM FABRICATIONS AND EQUIPMENT. Preparation All aluminium fabrications, castings etc. shall be cleaned and if necessary degreased using an approved emulsifying degreasing agent and washed with clean water before commencement of work. After cleaning articles shall be given a light whip blast to remove surface oxides and to provide sufficient surface profile for adhesion of prime coating. Any sharp edge, fins or other defects of a sudden or local nature shall be ground smooth or made good in an approved manner. Only dry blast cleaning techniques using inert blast media shall be used and all precautions, controls on weather conditions and care of articles after blast cleaning shall be observed as previously specified for steelwork. Extreme care shall be exercised when whip blasting around seals, fitted joints etc and any machined face where fit up to adjacent components is required. In these instances areas shall be suitably protected against damage before blasting commence. Application Of Prime Coating After articles have been blasted cleaned, inspected and approved, they shall be prime coated with a two component non reactive high build polyamide cured epoxy coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 75um. Coating may be applied using conventional air atomising or airless spray equipment. Where airless equipment is to be used set up shall consist of the following :Nozzle Pressure – 15 Mpa Spray Tip Orifice – 0.46 mm Any coating material that has been mixed for longer than 5 hours shall be rejected. Coating shall be smooth and uniform without runs, beads, pinholes or other imperfections. Any areas of coating which exhibit defects of a sudden or local nature or insufficient film build shall be blast cleaned and recoated in accordance with this specification. Areas which exhibit insufficient film build of an overall nature may be sprayed with a further coat to achieve the minimum specified dry film thickness provided that the surface is clean and dry and that the adequacy of the overcoat is established on a test area. If the surface profile is inadequate for adhesion of further coats the article shall be whip blasted and the coatings reapplied in accordance with this specification. Testing of Primer Primed surfaces shall be tested after curing and prior to overcoating. Curing shall be as recommended by the manufacturer but not less than 24 hous. Coating shall be tested for dry film thickness and adhesion as well as visually scanned for other defects. Tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirement of relevant standards. Application of Finish Coatings All articles which have been prime coated shall have intermediate and finish coatings applied prior to installation. Intermediate and finish coatings shall be as previously specified for steelwork. Application and testing of intermediate and finish coatings shall be as previously specified for steelwork. 13.18 HOT DIP GALVANISING . All steelwork items specifically designated to be hot dip galvanised, shall be prepared and coated as herein specified. All steelwork items to be galvanised showing traces of oil, grease or other contaminant shall be be galvanised shall be dry abrasive blast cleaned in accordance with – Part 4, thoroughly cleaned with an approved solvent, preferably with an approved emulsifying degreasing agent and washed with clean water before commencement of work. All sharp edges and corners shall be ground to a minimum radius of 2.0 mm and all sharp irregularities, burrs, surface scale, slag and spatter on welds, whether apparent before or after blast cleaning, shall be removed before the commencement of coating application. All steelwork items to Class 22 (near white metal) finish. After cleaning steelwork items shall be not dip galvanised in accordance with the requirement of AS 1650 Hot-Dipped Galvanised Coatings on Ferrous Articles. A minimum coating mass of 600g./m 2 shall be achieved on all articles. It is not necessary to achieve specified coating deposit on the inside of hollow section members. After galvanising surfaces of all articles shall be smooth and uniform with no defects, surplus zinc deposits, or other residues. Testing of Galvanised Coatings Coating shall be visually inspected for defects and tested for coating mass and adhesion in accordance with the procedures set out in AS 1650. The maximum area of defects shall not exceed 0.1% of the surface area coated or 250 cm2 whichever is lesser. Individual defects shall not exceed 40 cm2 . Repair of Galvanised Coatings Any damage to galvanised coatings from handling, welding, etc. shall be repaired by abrasive whip blasting the damaged area and applying an approved cold galvanising compound. Finishing Coating on Galvanised Articles After inspection and testing galvanised articles which have been designated to be top coated e.g. handrails, safety guards, etc. shall be finished coated as herein specified. Articles to be top coated shall be cleaned of any contaminants and if necessary washed with an approved emulsifying degreased agent. After cleaning articles shall be given a light whip blast to remove surface oxides and to provide sufficient surface profile (should have uniform grey colour) for adhesion of prime coating. Any sharp edges, fins or other defects of a sudden or local nature be sanded smooth or made good in an approved manner. Only dry blasted cleaning techniques using inert blast media shall be used and all precautions, controls on weather conditions and care of articles after blast cleaning shall be observed as previously specified for steelwork. 13.19 COLOURS SCHEME FOR PROTECTIVE COTINGS TO STEELWORK. Prime Coatings : As supplied by the Manufacturer grey matt finish Intermediate Coatings : Grey micaceous iron oxide. Finish Coatings : As detailed in the protective coatings colour schedule. 13.20 SCHEDULE OF PROTECTION . System Location Description A All steelwork 1. Abrasive blast clean to class 2 ½ except as minimum in accordance with specified relevant standards to roughness otherwise. profile specified. 2. Apply two component, liquid/slurry, moisture curing zinc rich ethyl silicate coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 75um. (Sigma Silicate MC) 3. Apply a two component, recoatable high solids, high build, polyamide cured, epoxy MIO, intermediate coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 100um (175 um total thickness), in two coats, one tack coat and one build coat. (Sigma SC Miocoat) Apply a two component high build polyamide cured recoatable coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 100 um (275um total thickness). (Sigma Silicate CM) B Internal Surfaces 1. Abrasive blast clean class 2 ½ of sealed and box minimum in accordance with sections no relevant standards to roughness access. profile specified. 2. Apply two component, liquid/slurry, moisture curing zinc rich ethyl/silicate coating (sigma silicate CM) prior to fit up and welding to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 60 um. C Internal Surfaces 1. Abrasive blast clean class 2 ½ of sealed & box minimum in accordance with sections limited relevant standards to roughness access profile specified. 2. Apply two component liquid/slurry, moisture curing zinc ethyl silicate coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 75 um.(sigma silicate MC) D Internal 1. Prepare prime, intermediate, surfaces of and finish coat as detailed above for steelwork system A. unlimited access E. Previously uncoated proprietary articles. F Aluminium fabrications articles castrings, etc. 1. Abrasive blast clean class 2 ½ minimum in accordance with relevant standards taking care to avoid damage to machined surfaces, seal etc. 2. Apply a two pack non-reactive high build polyamide cured epoxy coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 125um. 3. Apply two component, recoatable high solids, high build, polyamide cured, epoxy MIO, intermediate coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 100um (225 um total thickness), in two coats, one tack coat and one build coat.(sigma SC Miocoat). 4. Apply a two component high build polyamide cured recoatable coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 100 um (325 um total thickness). Sigma silicate CM. 1. Light abrasive whip blast clean to remove oxides and provide or sufficient dey for adhesion of prime coating (should achieve a uniform grey colour) 2. Apply a two pack non reactive high build polyamide cured epoxy coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 75 um. 3. Apply two component, recoatable high solids, high build, polyamide cured, epoxy MIO, intermediate coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 100um (175 um total thickness), in two coats, one tack coat and one build coat.(sigma SC Miocoat). 4. Apply a two component high build polyamide cured recoatable coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 100 um (275 um total thickness). Sigma silicate CM. G G (a) Galvanising Abrasive blast clean to class 2 ½ fabricated articles, minimum in accordance with etc. relevant standards. Hot Dip galvanise in accordance with AS 1650 (b) Galvanised Light abrasive whip blast clean to articles specified achieve a uniform grey colour to to be top or colour provide sufficient key for adhesion coated e.g. of prime coating. handrails or safety Apply a two pack non reactive high guards build polyamide cured epoxy coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 75 um. Apply two component, recoatable high solids, high build, polyamide cured, epoxy MIO, intermediate coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 100um (175 um total thickness), in two coats, one tack coat and one build coat.(sigma SC Miocoat). Apply a two component high build polyamide cured recoatable coating to achieve a minimum dry film thickness of 100 um (275 um total thickness). Sigma silicate CM. 13.21 PROTECTIVE COATING COLOUR SCHEDULE. The colour schedule below is preliminary only and is subject to final approval by the Purchaser. ITEM COLOUR Structural steel work, equipment, Grey Blue etc. Handrails Golden Yellow Equipment, excluding guards Primrose Yellow Equipment Guards Light orange Electric Motors Bright Blue Underside of floors, interior White surfaces of wall cladding PIPELINES : Fresh Water (Potable) Middle Blue Process water (from pond) Emerald Green BS 381C COLOUR No. 692 No. 356 No. 310 No. 557 - No. 109 - Fire Fighting Systems Compressed Air Hydraulic oil Signal Red Artic Blue Brown No. 537 B25 TBA 14.0 OPERATIONS AND INSTALLATION MANUALS. 14.1 GENERAL. This clause sets out requirements for manuals covering the installation, operation, maintenance and commissioning of machine, equipment and plant supplied under the contract. 14.2 MANUAL DETAIL. Manuals shall be sufficiently comprehensive to enable personnel to operate and maintain the equipment in an efficient and workmanlike manner. Manuals shall include descriptive information with figure relating to individual mechanical, electrical and instrumentation items of equipment provided to assist personnel in becoming familiar with the equipment and its operation. Manuals shall include clear and concise instructions so as to allow proper and safe installation, commissioning, operation, correct maintenance and compliance with the warranty. Such information shall relate specifically to the equipment supplied. Any information which does not pertain to the equipment supplied shall be removed or deleted. Maintenance instructions shall be in sufficient detail both in technical write up as well as dimensional sketches to enable overhaul and replacement of all parts. Manuals shall be prepare in an electronic form and shall be supplied both as hard copies and on magnetic media as specified herein. 14.3 SUBMISSION OF MANUALS. Draft copies of all manuals shall be submitted for review and approval. A copy of this draft will be returned with appropriate comments within ten(10) working days after receipt. These comments shall be incorporated into a revised draft manual, copies of which shall be resubmitted (if so instructed) for a second review. Any second or subsequent reviews will be within five (5) working days of resubmission. At such time when the comments confirm that the manual is acceptable a final manual shall be prepared and submitted. 14.4 ADDENDA. Should it become necessary to modify, or add to, the final manual at some later stage, e.g. to include “As-Built” information, copies of the addenda shall be issued for inclusion within the existing manuals. Such copies shall be clearly marked for inclusion in final manuals. If the addenda modify the existing manuals extensively, instructions will be given to reissue the amended manuals completely. 14.5 MANUAL CONSTRUCTION. The document(s) shall be A4 size, bound in 4-ring hard cover binders to a standard and colour agreed. Binders shall not be filled to more than eighty percent (80%) capacity (including final manuals).Separate volumes shall be used as instructed for different equipment types or separate components in the machine. The spine of each binder shall be marked with an appropriate volume description as agreed. All units shall be SI units. All information shall be in English. All data sheets for proprietary equipment plant shall be clearly reproduced, readable and shall indicate the appropriate information pertinent to the installation and future procurement. The title and document number (which will be issued) shall be displayed on the front cover and spine of the document to enable the manual to be included in the document register. A4 divider strips or pages shall be used to clearly separate distinct logical sections of the contents of the manual. All documentation and manuals shall also be supplied in the form of either. CDs or High Density Tape Cartridges – 120 M byte removable tape cartridge. 14.6 CONTENT. The document(s) shall contain the following – as a minimum : Contents listing for the entire manual plus individual volume detailed contents pages. Equipment specification including a complete system description. Functional description of its operation. Isolation Procedures for all forms of energy (electrical, kinetic, potential, hydraulic compressed gases, etc.) that could present a hazard or risk of injury. Material Safety Data Sheets. Safe Working Procedures. Erection, assembly, installation, precommissioning and commissioning instructions. Operating instructions. Maintenance schedule and instructions, including disassembly/assembly procedures. Lubrication schedule, including details of lubricant types, initial fill quantities and intervals, intervals and units of measure (e.g. hours or tonnes carried). Tabulation of all consumables, excluding lubricants (e.g. fuel type and quantity, electrical components, chemicals, etc.) Performance Specification (including commissioning data). Certified test sheets for all tests specified in the Contract. Drawings (reduced to A3 or A4 sze) shall include, but not be limited to : General arrangements. Component Parts Flow diagrams P & Ids Electrical single line diagrams. Circuit diagrams Cabling, wiring and termination diagrams. Listing of all parts including proprietary catalogue numbers and names. All parts shall be referred to by INDIAN standard description and coding. Software listing, if appropriate, and details of all software. Trouble shooting guide. Recommended settings and calibration details of any protection or control device. A copy of all approvals, licensing and compliance donation related to the equipment to be provided. Recommended consumables and spare parts lists (with current pricing and delivery period) for : 12 months of normal operation and maintenance. Insurance against breakdown. 15.0 TESTING COMISSIONING AND ACCEPTANCE 15.1 GENERAL All iron ore required for testing of the machines will be provided by the Purchaser. The Supplier shall be required to liaise closely with the Purchaser’s staff during the commissioning period to ensure that long delays do not eventuate. The Supplier shall prepare and submit for approval a detailed commissioning and test plan in accordance with the Documentation Schedule. The Supplier shall perform the commissioning activities in accordance with the commissioning programme as mutual agreed between the supplier and the Purchasers. The commissioning shall be conducted in four distinct phases. # # # # Pre-commissioning No load commissioning Load commissioning Acceptance tests The Supplier fully complied with the requirements all statutory authorities requiring tests or inspections at any stage of commissioning, including all statutory requirements for the commissioning of Electrical installation. 15.2 PRE-COMMISSINOING. Upon completion of the machine the supplier shall carry out a static and dimensional inspection to establish that all parts of the machine are complete and dimensionally correct and in accordance with the contact documents and the machine is ready for pre-commissioning. The supplier shall take all actions necessary to ensure that there are no loose parts, tools or any other foreign materials on the equipments or in any position that could cause damage to any plant or personnel. The PLC for the machine shall be pre-commissioned off-site in accordance with the approved testing plan. All electrical equipments shall be tested to ensure that it is in a shape and operable condition. Test shall be carried out on the main switchboards after installation and prior to connection of out going and incoming circuits. Tripping devices insulation and protection equipment shall be tested at this time. Correct phasing and direction of rotation of all motors shall be checked prior to operation of mechanical equipments. Tests for earth resistance shall be carried out for the complete earthing system of the machine. All hydraulic piping and equipments shall be checked for leaks and loose connections and brackets. All mechanical components shall be checked for correct assembly and alignment. All equipments requiring lubrication shall be checked for the adequacy and correct type of lubrication. Calibration of all sensing and measuring equipment. All motors shall be un-coupled and run for eight hours continuously as a heat test. The motors shall be re-coupled and the drive alignment rechecked. 15.4 NO LOAD COMMISSIONING. When the work as specified has been completed and made ready to function as designed and to checking and testing of electrical equipments after installation has been completed the machine shall be run and tested by the supplier under no-load conditions. No-load tests are intended to demonstrate that all components will function successfully separately and as components of an integrated machine in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. During no-load commissioning of the machine the yard conveyor shall also be put into no-load operation by the purchaser. The supplier shall be responsible to ensure that the no load commissioning is carried out in accordance with the agreed Commissioning Programme. Additional test may be required by the purchasers representative as a part of the testing programme. As a minimum requirement the no load tests listed below shall be successfully completed for the machine. The bucket wheel shall be tested for continuous operation for three hours without reclaiming and with ten starts per hour The slewing motion shall be tested for continuous operation for one hour simulating the required operations. The backlash shall be measured and recorded for all slew drives at the upper and lower part of the gear tooth. The luffing motion shall be tested for continuous operation for three hours. Reclaiming shall be demonstrated in semi automatic mode for a period of three hours. 15.5 The traverse drives shall be tested in coordination with the slew & luffing motions to simulate reclaiming operations. Empty conveyor shall be operated & tested for belt troughability and training for a total period of twelve hours including a minimum four hours continuous running. During these test the conveyor shall be tested for ten equal spaced starts per hour and two consecutive starts .These shall be concurrent with slew , luff and travel motions. All safety , protection and alarming indicating devices including but not limited to speed switches , blocked chute indication, thermal protective devices, high wind protection, positional limit switches, annunciators, alarm horns, lights etc. In addition the supplier shall successfully demonstrate the integrity and correct operation of the control signals to & from the machine to the point of termination. Testing of the fire detection & protection equipment Testing of the lighting system Measuring & recording of all motor current. LOAD COMMISSIONING. Load commissioning test shall demonstrate that the machine can be successfully operated continuously at the design capacity and in the various operational modes for periods of eight hours and in complete accordance with the contract documents and the operating instructions. The following time period and the tonnages shall not be taken onto account for calculating the average stacking , reclaiming or direct ship loading Stand-by periods Non operating periods due to machine external requirements or faults. Material on belt and in buckets and time for starting sequence including period of machine positioning if required after actuation of belt misalignment switches. Tonnage and time to recover from the immediate stop instruction say from a yard conveyor interlock. Times to reposition the machine after “standby or stop periods” Tonnage & times for lower operating rate test periods. Times for minor adjustments or programming if these required a stoppage of operations. Times to move the machine to another area of the stock pile. As a minimum requirement the tests described below shall be successfully completed for the machine. Additional tests may be required by the purchasers representative as part of the testing progamme. The Reclaimer traverse , slew & luff motions shall be tested for the required reclaiming operations at the sustained output capacities. The drive shall also be tested with the intermittent and repetitious starts, stops and speed variations on a continuous basis for three hours for reclaiming and stacking mode each. Motor currents shall also be measured and recorded. The boom conveyor shall be operated at various flow rates up to the design capacity stacking/loading for a continuous period of eight hours and tested for the following: 15.6 Central loading at the receiving chute Belt training Spillage of material Proper operation of belt cleaning equipment. Braking of fully loaded conveyor with the boom in the maximum inclined and down position or hoist position. Starting of fully loaded conveyor with the boom in the maximum inclined or down position or hoist position Accuracy and continuity of boom conveyor belt wire Central loading on to the yard conveyor All safety, control, protection and alarm indicating devices shall be tested including conveyor interlocks. Motor currents Monitoring of noise & vibration levels for compliance with the specification. ACCEPTANCE TEST. Acceptance Test shall be demonstrate that the machine can be successfully operated continuously at the design capacity and in the various operational modes for sustained periods in complete accordance with the contract documents and the operating instructions. As a minimum requirement the acceptance tests described below shall be successfully completed for each machine. Additional tests may be required by the purchasers representative as part of the testing programme and prior to the issue of the certificate of the commissioning. The acceptance test for the machine shall be conducted for a total reclaim of 200,000 tonnes. During the tests the supplier shall demonstrate that the machine can provide the specified range of effective reclaim capacities for all reclaim modes. 15.7 COMMISSIONING SPARES It should be noted that commissioning will carried out on site at Paradip Port in the State of Orissa in India. As a result suitable quantities of spare parts shall be made available by the Supplier to ensure that no commissioning time is lost while waiting for replacement parts. 16.0 TRAINING The supplier shall make available experience machine operators for the formal training of operating & maintenance personnel . The training shall be sufficiently comprehensive to enable the nominated persons to operate & maintain the equipment in a safe , efficient & workman like manner. Training in the maintenance of equipment shall include routine maintenance level, brake down maintenance level & other levels as required. The instruction shall be fully qualified & conversion with the installations and with the details contained within the approved operating & maintenance instructions. The supplier shall train selected personnel in the techniques & requirements to train future personnel. All training methods shall have a contained consistent with the operating & maintenance instructions provided by the supplier. All necessary training aids such as Videos, models, hydraulic simulators etc shall be provided & retained by the purchaser for future training. Training manuals and guides shall be submitted for approval in accordance with the documentation schedule. The supplier shall make the site & his personnel available during the erection & commissioning of the machine to allow the purchasers operations & maintenance staff to become familiar with the machine & the installed equipment. The supplier shall allow for a minimum period of 12 weeks for operating & maintenance personnel for the machine during the erection & commissioning of the machine. 17.0 SPARES The Supplier shall provide initial spares list as enclosed by the Purchaser in the Tender Document. Annexure – 2 to this Section – VI. 18.0 TOOLS & MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT A Complete set of specialized tools, implements and instruments required to satisfactorily maintain or service the machine and their equipment shall be provided for the machine. The tool shall be new & of first class quality SECTION – VII ANNEXURE – 1 A. MECHANICAL SL No Item Make 1 Helical / Bevel helical gear box ELECON / FLENDER / SHANTI / GREAVES 2 Planetary gearbox DROSTNER / FLENDER / ITALIAN BRIVENI 3 Fluid coupling VOITH / PREMBRIL 4 Flange coupling STUWEE / ELECON / PRECISION / GBM 5 Gear coupling FENNER / ELECON / HIGH CLIFF / CONCORD / RATHI(LOV EJOY) 6 Pin bush coupling FENNER / ELECON / LOVE JOY 7 Slip clutch couplinig FLENDER / MARK-AEC 8 Disc brake STROMAG / BUBENZER / SVENDBORG 9 E.H. Thruster brake STROMAG / TECHNOCRATS / STROMKRAFT / BUBENZER 10 D.C.E.M Brake 11 Ball bearing/ Roller Bearing BUBNZER / STROMAG / ELECTROMAG / TECHNOCRAFTS / STROMKRAFT SKF / FAG 12 13 Slew bearing Hydraulic Cylinder 14 Hydraulic Power pack ROTHE ERDE REXROTH / VICKERS / HUNGER INTERNATIONAL REXROTH / VICKERS 15 Taper disc coupling RINGFEEDER 16 Rail clamps BENGAL TECHNOCRAFTS 17 Lubrication system (Motorized) PRAKASH / AFM 18 Conveyor pulleys/ Idlers ELECON / TRF / KALI 19 External scraper HOESCH / TECHNOFAB / SCROPIO 20 Modular skirt & skirt rubber /Rubber Liner TEGA / THEJO / TECHNOFAB / KAVERI 21 Manganese liner TISCO / SAIL 22 Belt scale POWER BUILD 23 Motorized liner actuator 24 25 Dust suppression system Air conditioning system 26 Bearing Housing HEINLEHMANN / INDIANA / ACTUATOR INDIA EAGLE AGRO INDUSTRIES / HARLEY / TPS CARRIER / BLUESTAR / VIDEOCON / VOLTAS MCROCH / SKF / FAG B. ELECTRICALS SL.NO I T E M M A K E HT Switchgear & Accessories 1. 2. : ABB / SIEMENS / JYOTI 3. 4. HT VCB Panel CT and PT (Panel mounted type) Cast resin - Up to 11 KV HT Busduct HT HRC Fuses : : : 5. HT Insulators and Bushings : PRAGATI / KAPPA / JYOTI ECC / STARDRIVE / C&S ALSTOM / SIEMENS / C&S/ FUSEGEAR IND. LTD/ ENGLISH ELECTRIC WSI /BHEL / JSI / MODERN HT Transformers & Accessories 1. HT/0.433 KV Cast Resin : KEC / ALSTOM / VOLTAMP Medium Voltage Switchgear and control gear: 1. L.T Air Circuit Breaker Distr: GE POWER / L&T / SIEMENS / ABB ibution Board(including circuit / CROMPTON. breaker) 2. L.T. Busduct : STARDRIVE / ECC / C&S 3. MCC (Non-Drawout) : L&T / SIEMENS/GE POWER/ TECHNOCRATS / HINDUSTAN CONTROL. 4. MCC(Non-drawout for rating below: SIEMENS / TECHNOCRATS / C&S and including 1000 A)/PDB/LDB/ / L&T. pushbutton station 2. Motors: LT AC Motor (General purpose) : SIEMENS / CGL / KEC Drives and control equipment Converter duty cast resin transformer: HOLEC / ALSTOM / VOLTAMP (HT kV) VVVF drive : SIEMENS / ABB / ROCKWELL 3. UPS : EMERSON / HI-REL. 4. Isolator : SIEMENS / L&T / ALSTOM / ABB 5. / Moulded Case Circuit Breaker/MPCB: 1. 1. L&T / SIEMENS / ABB / CROMPTON ANDRE YULE SL.NO I T E M M A K E 6. 7. 8. HRC Fuse AC Power Contractor Bimetallic Relay : : : SIEMENS / L&T / ABB SIEMENS / L&T / ABB / SCHNEIDER. SIEMENS / L&T / ABB / SCHNEIDER 9. Single Phase Preventer : L&T / MINILEC / SIEMENS. 10. Resistor : SIEMENS/PEFO / ELECTROMAG / FRANKLEIN 11. Semiconductor Fuse 12. Thyristor : : 2. Control Desks and Control Devices: Control Desk/Panel/Local Control : Box. Control Switch : 3. Push-button 1. : ALSTOM / SIEMENS / FERRAZ SIEMENS / HIND / RECTIFIER / USHA SIEMENS / L&T / ABB / PYROTECH / TECHNOCRATS SIEMENS / KAYCEE / ALSTOM / L&T / TELE-MECHANIQUE SIEMENS / BCH / L&T / TELEMECHANIQUE 4. Limit Switch : TECHNOCRATS 5. Change Over Switch/Selector Switch 6. Timer /Time Delay Relay : SIEMENS / JAY BALAJI / / JAYASHREE : C&S / KAYCEE / SIEMENS / BCH / L&T. BCH / L&T / SIEMENS 7. JAYASHREE / AG SYSTEMS / JAI BALAJI 8. 9. Emergency Switch/Belt Sway Switch : /Pull Cord Switch/Belt Slip Switch Control Contractor /Relay : Master Controller : 10. Control Transformer 11. 13. Voltage/Power/Current/Frequency/ Energy Transducers Indicating lamp (including cluster : LED type) Hooter/Buzzer/Bell : 14. Solid State Annunciator 12. : : SIEMENS / L&T / SCHNEIDER GESSMANN / STROMKRAFT / ELECTROMAG / TELEMECHANIQUE. INDCOIL / SIEMENS / AEP / UNIVERSAL MAGNETICS / INDUSREE : ABB / AEP / SIEMENS / ALSTOM BINAY / SIEMENS GETCO / KHERAJ / EDISON / KAKKU APLAB / L&T / PROCON / CONTROL AND DYNAMICS / MINILEC / ELECMECH Sl. NO. 15. CONTROL 16. ITEM MAKE Non-contact proximity Limit Switch JSI/AG SYSTEM / ROCK WELL / TELEMECHANIQUE/ NIVO Zero Speed Switch JAYSHREE / TELEMECHANIQUE Electrical Measuring and Testing Equipment. Electrical Measuring Instruments. 1. 2. 3. Ammeter / Voltmeter / Wattmeter / Var- meter Watt- hour Meter Electronic Meter AEP /IMP / MECO /RISHAB. ALSTOM / IMP / AEP ENERCON / PML / SEMS / SIEMENS. Lighting and Power Wiring Equipment and Accessories. 1. Dry type Lighting 2. 3. 4. Lighting Fitting Switch Socket Outlet MCB 5. 6. 7. Fuse Switch Unit Single- Core Flexible Wire Lighting and Power panels TRANS INDIA / INDCOIL / AEP / KAPPA/ UNIVERSAL MAGNETIC . PHILIPS / BAJAJ / CGL / GE CGL / B & C / BCH MDS / STANDARD / SIEMENS / HAVEELLS / L & T / FGE POWER. SIEMENS / L&T / GE POWER. KDK / FINOLEX / GRANDLAY MDS / HAVEELLS / TECHNOCRAFTS Cables and Cabling Accessories 1. XLPE Cable 2. PVC Cable and Silicon Rubber/ HR / Butile Rubber Cable Cable Termination Kit Cable Reeling Drum Cable Lugs 3. 4. 5. FORT GLOSTER / UNIVERSAL / CCI NICCO / INDUSTRIAL . FORT GLOSTER / UNIVERSAL / CCI / FINOLEX / NICCO / INDUSTRIAL RAYCHEM / CCI / DENSON ELECTRO ZAVOD / TECHNOCRAFTS CONNECTWELL / PHOENIX / DOWELLS Miscellaneous 1. 2. 3. AMARRAJA 4. 5. 6. PLC Diode Battery ROCK WELL / SIEMENS / ABB USHA RECTIFIER / BHEL / ROTENSHAN CHLORIDE (EXIDE) / AMCO / Battery Charger Battery ( SMF ) Braking Resistance Panel CALDYNE EXIDE / YASAKA RESITEC / NERKHADE / FRANKLEIN. General Instrument 1. Ultrasonic Level Gauge TOSHBRO ( MILTRONICS) / ENDRESSHAUSER / CHEMTROL (VEGA) / NIVO CONTROLS / JAYASHREE / NIVO CONTROL. 2. Electric Actuator AUMA / IL ( BERNARD) / LIMITORQUE / ROTORK / MARSH / PREPEC. 3. Pneumatic Actuator VIRGO / KEY STONE / L& T Instrument Cables and Accessories 1. CABLES / Screened Cables, Control DELSTON/ FINOLEX / SPECIAL Cables & Compensating Cables ELKAY – TELELINKS / CORDS / TOSHNIWAL / UDEY Process Control Computer System 1. Computer Systems –PCs / COMPAQ / IBM / HP / DELL Workstation / Servers 2. Computer Peripherals – Printers HP / EPSON / TVS / LIPI / SAMSUNG / Scanners / Plotters Cables – Fibre Optics / Co-axial / LUCENT / as per ITS Recommended Vendors UTP/ Intercom System 1. Loudspeaker Intercommunication PHILIPS/ MOTWANE /BOSCH System 3. Communication Cables DELTON / HCL / RPG / USHA BELTRON / SPECIAL CABLES / FINOLEX. INITIAL SPARES FOR RECLAIMER (3000 TPH) MECHANICAL Sl.NO ITEM Quantity 01. 2 Sets. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Long travel drive unit complete, comprising of gear box, motor, brake & coupling ( One for L.H.S. & other for R.H.S. drive). Slew drive unit complete, comprising of motor, gearbox, couplings, brake & drive pinion. Boom conveyor drive unit complete, comprising of G.B, motor & couplings. . Bucket wheel drive unit complete, comprising of motor, gear box, couplings & gear pump unit. Buckets, ready for use. Luffing drive unit comprising of motor, pump & couplings. Long travel drives bogie unit complete assembly. Long travel non-drive bogie unit complete assembly. Boom conveyor drive pulley with pillow blocks. P.C.R.D. Spares a) 11. All chains and sprockets, master links, rollers b) Main drive gear box. c) Layering gear box d) Slip-ring assembly with carbon brush Consumables spares such as ‘O’ rings, gaskets, oil seals , packing , fusible plugs, various valves & high pressure hoses with pressure gauges for luffing system & other hydraulic system for 2 years trouble –free for operation. ELECTRICAL Sl. NO 01 ITEM Automation spares Spares cards for PLC panel like input card (D/A) , Out put card (D/A), Processor , power supply card and etc. 1 Sets 1 Sets. 1 Sets. 3 Nos. 1 Set. 2 Sets. 1 Sets. 1 Sets 1 Lot 1 No. 1 No. 1 Set 1 Lot. Quantity 1 Set 02 Spares cards for V-V-V-F panel like control card, interface card, power supply card etc. 1 Set 03 Spare cards & cables for communication system if there any remote or local type. 1 Set 04 Spare special semiconductor fuses. 1 Lot 01 Power Circuit Spares Spare, contactors for all the drives. 1 Lot 03 Spare, kit & coil for all the power contactors. Spare overload relays for all the drives. 1 Lot 1 Lot 04 Spare MCCB’s for all the drives & incomer. 1 Lot 01 Control Circuit Spares Spare control ACM Relays for all the drives. 02 02 NOTE: 1. 2. Spare control auxiliaries like MCBs, push bottoms , indication lamps , control fuses , metering instruments etc for all control panels. 1 Lot 1 Lot The above list is indicative only. Wherever it is in “ Set “ or “ Lot “, the items covered in the set/lot must be mentioned by the Supplier. PARADIP PORT TRUST VOLUME - III [ SECTION-VIII ] SITE HEALTH AND SAFETY MANUAL FOR CONTRACTORS DESIGN, FABRICATION, SUPPLY, ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING OF RECLAIMER OF CAPACITY 3200 TPH CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 PURPOSE, SCOPE, RESPONSIBILITIES AND OBJECTIVE 1.1 1.2 1.3 Purpose Scope Responsibilities 1.3.1 General Responsibilities 1.3.2 Safe Work Practices 1.3.3 Counseling and Discipline 1.3.4 Training 1.3.5 Divisional/State Managers 1.3.6 Project Managers 1.3.7 Supervisors/Foremen 1.3.8 Employee Responsibilities 1.4 1.5 Objective Accident Prevention Planning PROCEDURES 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 Safety Legislation Health & Safety Plan Site Safety Establishment Site Access 2.4.1 Restricted Access 2.4.2 Construction Access 2.4.3 Site Lighting Public Protection Employee Protection Hygiene Housekeeping Health Assessment Hazardous Material Certificate of Competency Plant, Equipment, Machinery Subcontractors Safety Promotion Safety Induction Programme 2.15.1 Site Specific Induction 2.15.2 General Safety Induction/Training 2.15.3 Specific Task Safety Induction 2.15.4 Supervisor’s Safety Induction Safety Training Safety Meetings 2.17.1 Meetings – General 2.17.2 Toolbox Meetings 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 3.0 Site Safety Audits Disciplinary Action/ Termination Health & Safety Rules/Procedures First Aid Emergency Procedures Fire Prevention Fire Control Fire Extinguishers Notification of Accidents 2.26.1 Statutory Notification 2.26.2 Internal Notification 2.26.3 Conduct at Scene of Accident 2.26.4 Notification Concerning Major Accident/Injury 2.26.5 Media Policy Accident And Injury Procedure 2.27.1 Minor Injury 2.27.2 Possible Serious Injury Accident/Incident Investigation 2.28.1 General 2.28.2 Action 2.28.3 Major Accidents Rehabilitation 2.29.1 General 2.29.2 Contact with Employee 2.29.3 Contact with Treating Doctor Management Reports EQUIPMENT/TOOLS 3.1 Equipment Safety – General 3.1.1 Hand and Power Tools 3.1.2 Electrical Equipment 3.1.3 Oxy-Acetylene, Welding, Cutting and Heating Equipment 3.1.4 Explosive Power Tools 3.1.5 Explosives 3.1.6 Compressed air 3.1.7 Radiation 3.1.8 UV Radiation and Heat Stress 3.1.9 Plant Safety 3.1.10 Other Equipment 3.2 Welding and Cutting 3.2.1 Fumes and Lack of Oxygen 3.2.2 Gas Welding/Cutting 3.2.3 Arc Welding 3.2.4 General Safety Requirements for Welding and Cutting Operations 3.3 Site Electrical Equipment 3.3.1 Electrical Equipment and Installations 3.3.2 Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment 3.4 Materials Handling And Safe Lifting 4.0 HAZARD APPRAISAL CHECK LIST 5.0 TRAFFIC 6.0 DANGER AND OUT OF SERVICE TAGS 7.0 SECURITY EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Box) Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 - Typical Work Methods and Procedures First Aid Facilities and Requisites Workplace Injury and Disease Recording Form Accident/Incident Investigation Report Notes on How to Organise and Run Site Safety (Tool Meetings Agenda for a Tool Box Meeting Minutes of Site Safety (Tool Box) Meetings Daily Inspection Checklist Note Reference to positions in this Manual eg Director, Project Manager, Foreman etc. refer to Contractors personnel holding similar levels of authority regardless of their title. Reference to Client is to the Engineer’s Representative of Paradip Port Trust or Paradip Port Trust as applicable. PURPOSE, SCOPE, RESPONSIBILITIES AND OBJECTIVE 1.0 Purpose To establish and maintain a base system for the project to ensure : (a) (b) (c) 1.1 A safe and healthy environment is maintained on each contractor’s worksite; All contractor’s personnel receive adequate safety training. Injuries and accidents are promptly treated and reported. Scope This manual applies to all activities undertaken on the Paradip Port Project site, including: (a) Site establishment and inspection; (b) Safety meetings; (c) Personnel protection and accident prevention; (d) Accident investigation and reporting; (e) First aid requirements; (f) Personnel training; (g) Contractor’s management and client reporting 1.2 Responsibilities The Health and Safety Plan (HSP) prepared by Contractors for contract work on the Paradip Port Project shall include the requirements of this Manual as a minimum. Where Contractors have health and safety procedures/regulations which exceed the requirements of this Manual, the Contractor should not lower his normal standard to comply with this Manual. 1.3.1 General Responsibility The Contractor’s Health and Safety Plan is to clearly define levels of responsibility and accountability for safety at management, supervisory and employee levels and list the duties, responsibilities and authority of the safety representative. All employees have a responsibility to take all reasonable precautions to protect the work, workmen and the public from accident or damage. The Contractor will comply with the Client’s safety requirements, all applicable laws and regulations and conform with the various industry codes, standards and recommended practices. Project Managers will also be responsible to ensure that all their subcontractors adhere to the same requirements and standards. The Contractor’s Safety Officer will make periodic reviews to ensure compliance with the above requirement, and will report any unsatisfactory situation observed for immediate remedial action. Project Managers must inform their employees that they (the employees) have definite responsibilities for their own safety and for the safety of fellow employees, and that they are required to observe and follow all established site safety rules and safe work practices, and must comply with all work directives for the tasks assigned, Project Managers will direct all their employees that they (the employees) will be required to report to work at all times in a fit and proper condition to perform their job in a safe, competent manner. 1.3.2 Safe Work Practices Specific safe work practices and procedures covering all of the Contractor’s various work operations must be developed by the Contractor. Where applicable, the contractor may elect to use the practices and procedures set down in this Manual which are the minimum acceptable standard for the topics covered. Note : Safe Work Practices are defined as “ An agreed, set sequence of operations, using guards, safety devices and protective equipment, so as to complete a job safely and without danger to health”. They can be classified broadly into three types: (a) (b) (c) Simple systems covering use of safety equipment; Formal procedures for carrying out work processes (e.g. entry into confined spaces); Special applications (e.g. Tagout/Lockout systems). 1.3.3 Counseling and Discipline Project Managers are responsible for monitoring the safety performance of their employees, they are also responsible for discipline. Where an employee is seen to be disregarding established safe work methods or rules, the supervisor should counsel the employee with a view to improving the employees knowledge and attitude toward his own safety and the safety of fellow employees. Counseling on its own is often all that is needed to correct a performace problem, however in some instances a written warning may be called for or even dismissal. This type of action must be carried out in accordance with the Contractor’s Industrial Relations procedures. If an employee behaves in a manner which intentionally endangers or is likely to affect the health or safety of others, or is likely to cause serious damage to property, then that employee must be suspended from duty pending an immediate investigation by his supervisor into the matter. Similarly, action will be taken in the event of Consuming or being in possession of intoxicating liquor, drugs or betelnut at work; Being unfit for work due to the influence of drink or drugs; Fighting with or assaulting a person or persons; Additionally, action may be taken against an employee for failure to observe rules and regulations contained in other statutory regulations. It is the responsibility of each supervisor to ensure that their employees are made aware of and comply with the Client, Contractor and statutory regulations at all times. 1.3.4 Training Project Managers are required to provide adequate training for all employees in the application of safe work practices and procedures. Supervisors and Foremen will be expected to provide safety training in their sections and give individual instruction as needed to new workers, and to those found working contrary to project standards. It is important that each employee also be instructed about hazards associated with the work site, and in particular those hazards unique to his job. 1.3.5 Divisional / State Managers. The Divisional/State Managers The Divisional/State Managers are responsible for the administration and implementation of the Contractor’s Safety programme for all operations under their control. The responsibility of the Division/State Managers include :(a) (b) (c) Directing and maintaining the Company Safety programme for the Projects under his control. Functioning as a representative of the Contractor when necessary in matters concerning safety. Appointing of the person responsible for safety for the various projects under his control. (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) Promote total job safety by employees, subcontractors and all persons on projects under his control. In conjunction with the Safety Officer and as appropriate establish Project Specific Safety Procedures in line with any additional Client Requirements. Liaise with the Safety Officer in the development of accident prevention methods, procedures and programs. Monitor that all new employees are given induction and safety orientation instruction. Promote and maintain a high standard of feedback on safety and loss control to all relevant personnel. Advise the Chief Executive and Safety Officer as soon as possible of any serious accident or incident. In conjunction with the Safety Officer, review serious accident investigations to determine causes, and future corrective action. Ensure that accident records and statistical data required by the Safety Officer, Client and Government Authorities is being provided. Ensure that Project Staff make hazard analysis of planned operations. Ensure that the required reports and safety data are submitted to the Safety Officer in accordance with procedural requirements. 1.3.6 Project Managers The focal point of the safety programme is the Project Manager. He will appoint the Project Safety Officer, who will ensure that on a day basis the safety programme is implemented and ensuring the effective accident prevention planning occurs. Project Manager will prepare the HSP and be responsible for ensuring that safe working methods and practices are implemented and ensuring the effective accident prevention planning occurs. Project Manager will prepare the HSP and be responsible for ensuring that safe working methods and practices are implemented to those employees under their control and to ensure that sufficient plant and equipment is made available and properly operated and maintained to facilitate proper access and enable any operation to be carried out safely. The responsibilities of the Project Manager/Project Safety Officer include : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) Giving due consideration to all safety factors during preplanning prior to the commencement of any new work on site. Ensure that all Construction Procedures/Method Statements incorporate appropriate safety requirements and that the methods are safe and practical. Evaluate these procedures and other work methods during the course of the work and modify if appropriate to ensure safe and practical implementation. Prepare the HSP and thereafter comply with the HSP, Client requirements and other applicable laws and regulations and ensure that copies of all applicable Health and Safety Regulations are available on site. Function as a representative of the Contractor when necessary in all matters concerning safety. Ensure that all new employees are given induction, safety orientation instructions and the necessary training. Promote total job safety by employees, subcontractors and all persons in the job vicinity. Make his position in the safety programme clear to supervisory personnel, union representative and employees and stress the importance top management attaches to safety. Ensure that appropriate medical and first aid equipment is available and that appropriate qualified personnel are available to administer first aid and medical attention. Ensure that appropriate fire fighting equipment is available in good working condition and that established emergency procedures are in place in the event of fire or other emergency. Provide and enforce the use of all necessary personal protective equipment. Provide properly guarded and maintained tools, machinery and equipment and ensure operators are trained and operate the same in a safe manner. Ensure that proper safe access and lighting is provided with all necessary barricades and signs around excavations, openings and hazardous areas. Ensure good housekeeping conditions are maintained. Ensure that fire hazards are eliminated. Ensure at any time that work, or partly completed work, is not left in an unsafe condition. Acquaint themselves on the competency of site personnel to carry out their duties. Advise employees regarding the hazards of their jobs and instruct them on how to do their work safely. Correct unsafe work habits of employees as soon as they are observed. (s) (t) (u) (v) (w) (x) (y) (z) (aa) (ab) (ac) (ad) (ae) (af) (ag) Ensure that periodic tool-box meetings are held with all wages employees and attend as appropriate. Ensure that all subcontractors are advised of their obligations under applicable legislation, codes of practice, the HSP and all conditions set out in the contractual documents. Obtain the name of the subcontractors representative responsible for safety on the project. Ensure that subcontractors meet their obligations under applicable legislation and those set out in the contractual documents and in accordance with HSP. Eliminate unsafe conditions under their control and promptly report those they cannot eliminate to the party or parties who created the unsafe conditions and to the Divisional/State Managers and Safety Officer. Participate in consultations with the Clients Safety Representatives and act on any recommendations or observations made by the Client. Participate in consultations with appointed Trade Union Representatives concerning safety. Participate in safety hazard spotting walkabouts on a weekly basis in conjunction with the Client. By means of a Project monthly checklist evaluate his projects compliance with the HSP and take corrective action on any deficiencies found. This evaluation is to be made each month during on-site construction. Maintain necessary registers and accident records and promptly file report as required by the HSP. Submit reports and safety data to the Safety Officer in accordance with procedural requirements. Promptly investigate any accident which causes injury or damage to property. Complete the Accident Investigation Report and forward copies to the Divisional/State Managers, the Safety Officer and Client. Advise the Safety Officer and the Divisional/State Manager as soon as possible of any serious accident or incident. Review all supervisors accident investigations reports for completeness and if necessary, make supplementary investigations to determine causes and action necessary to prevent recurrence. Take note of and implement recommendations proposed by the Safety Officer, insurance company, Clients representatives,or other sources. Ensure that the necessary support is given to the injured worker and his family to enable an early return to work. 1.3.7 Supervisors and Foremen A Supervisor or Foreman must consider that his employees look upon him as the direct representative of management, and, therefore interpret his attitude towards safety as that of management. Supervisors and Foremen must accept the responsibility for accidents occurring in the area under their supervision. The Foremen’s and Supervisor’s responsibilities as they relate to safety and loss control include :(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) Set a good example by following safety practices in all activities. Conduct job hazard analysis of operations in his area so that he has a thorough knowledge of the hazards involved and the precautions necessary to guard against them. Make a daily physical inspection of his area of responsibility to assure that safe working conditions are being maintained. Ensure that proper personal protective equipment is issued and is used when necessary. Explain the hazards inherent in his area of responsibility to all employees under his jurisdiction, especially new employees. Provide continual supervision of his employees, so that they do their work in accordance with safe working practices. Maintain good house keeping conditions. Eliminate fire hazards. Insist on proper use of tools, machinery and equipment to avoid breakdown and accidents and ensure that they are maintained in good working condition. Promptly isolate any tools, machinery or equipment not suitable for safe operation, either for repair or disposal. Provide proper/safe access and ensure that all accesses are maintained in a proper and safe condition and that all necessary barricades and signs are maintained around excavations, openings and hazardous areas. Provide and ensure adequate lighting is maintained. Make sure that physical and mechanical hazards are promptly corrected. If corrective action is not within his authority, report the condition to his Supervisor or the Project Manager/Project Safety Officer. Be familiar with the emergency procedures developed for the project so that he can provide the leadership required to cope with serious injuries, fires, excavations, etc. Hold regular tools box safety meetings with the wages employees under his control. (p) (q) (r) All injuries, no matter how slight, occurring in his area shall be reported promptly for first aid. A record shall be kept of such injuries. The Foreman must investigate all accidents and incidents which occur in his area. He shall prepare an accident investigation report in conjunction with the Project Manager/Safety Officer on all cases involving doctor care, accidents which result in property damage, and first aid cases which result in a reduction in the injured person’s work capability and/or in the event of recurrence, might have serious consequences. Carry out a weekly Safety Inspection of his area of responsibility and file a Daily Inspection Checklist – Exhibit-8. 1.3.8 Employee Responsibilities The Contractor has a responsibility to provide and maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable, healthy and safe working environments and work practices. Employees have a responsibility in the course of performing their work to: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) take reasonable care for their own safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Co-operate in the fulfillment of the obligations placed upon the employer. Comply with instructions given for their own health and safety and those of others and with health and safety procedures; Use safety devices and protective equipment and not render them inoperative; Report forthwith to their immediate supervisor any situation which they have reason to believe could present a hazard; Report any accident or injury to health which arises in the course of or in connection with their work; Assist new employees in the proper work procedures and to recognise job hazards. Not remove or interfere with anything that has been provided in the interest of health and safety in the workplace. Not engage in any of the prescribed occupations as listed unless the relevant certificates or permits are held. 1.4 Objective In complying with the requirements of this Manual the Contractor’s objective is to complete his work in the Paradip Port Coal Handling Project without accident or incident by ensuring the following : (a) Promotion of safe work practices and safety consciousness among all project personnel and sub-contractors. (b) Defining all areas of responsibility. (c) Providing adequate and correct equipment along with protective safety gear and ensure its correct use. (d) That every employee on this project is informed and trained to perform his job in a productive safe manner through a proper induction course, effective job instruction and adequate supervision. (e) Implementing an accident prevention programme. (f) Adhering to the requirements and recommendations of the Statutory Legislation, the HSP and the Client. 1.5 Accident Prevention Planning To assist in the planning of accident prevention the following guideline is provided. Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Ensure an adequate Health and Safety Plan is developed. Carry out the Health and Safety Plan Manage accident prevention programme Ensure the safety plan is communicated to all on site Set a personal example in safe working and stimulate interest by the subcontractor’s foremen and operatives in their responsibilities Review all construction methods and procedures during their development and after their establishment, for safe working and inherent hazards that may develop with their implementation Frequency Initially Responsibility Project Manager Continuous All Weekly Continuous Project Manager & Project Safety Officer Foreman and Project Safety Officer All Continuous All Continuous 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Liaise with and seek advice from management, client and appropriate Government bodies as required. Comply with all safety requirements of client and relevant Government regulations. Ensure that all aspects of prevention are adequately discussed at safety meetings and project meetings. Ensure the presence of a safety officer or suitable stand-in at all times. Conduct Hazard Appraisals of the site, giving written notice of all findings and items inspected to the foreman or supervisor in charge of the area, with a duplicate copy to the Project Manager Ensure the recommendations of Hazard Appraisals are carried out as soon as possible and within the timetable set. Carry out Hazard Appraisals recommendations within the timetable set. Maintain and up-to-date list on site of personal particulars on all staff and employees Liaise with and seek advice from he Project Safety Officer regarding sectional safety requirements Advise Foreman and employees on protective equipment and devices designed to prevent injury Co-ordinate fire control and prevention activities Ensure that checks are established and carried out regularly on the stability of all structures Maintain a Safety Information Board Continuous Project Safety Officer Continuous Project Safety Officer Weekly Project Manager and Project Safety Officer Project Manager Weekly Project safety Officer and Foreman Continuous Foreman Continuous Foreman Continuous Project Safety Officer Continuous Foreman Continuous Project Safety Officer Continuous Project Safety Officer Continuous Project Safety Officer & Foreman Continuous Project Safety Officer 20 22 Update displays of safety Fortnightly posters Maintain a current list of Continuous emergency numbers at each telephone Set aside areas of storage of Continuous materials, scraps, etc. clearly marked and set access paths, roadways, platforms, ladders etc. and maintain high level of good “housekeeping”. 2.0 PROCEDURES 21 2.1 Project Safety Officer Project Safety Officer All Safety Legislation The Safety Officer shall monitor safety legislation developments and advise Division/State Managers of changes as appropriate. The Division/State Managers shall ensure that Project Managers maintain a current copy of the relevant Legislation in the Project Offices. The Project Manager shall ensure that the provisions of the relevant state legislation are complied with on site and ensure that his subordinate supervisory staff are familiar with “Duty of Care” requirements of the relevant legislation and at Common Law. 2.2 Health and Safety Plan A Health and Safety Plan (HSP) shall be prepared by the Project Manager, in conjunction with the Safety Officer, and approved by the Division/State Manager prior to the start of work on site or when required by the contract documentation. The HSP shall incorporate requirements of this Manual together with the specific requirements of the contract specification. The HSP shall include relevant work methods and procedures such as :(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) form work and false work trenching and excavation lasers demolition work material handling rigging & crane work mechanical & electrical safeguards (h) (i) (j) hoisting appliances scaffolding temporary power Refer Exhibit 1 for a list/description of Typical Work Methods and Procedures for particularly hazardous work procedures refer to Section 2.20 The HSP shall make specific reference to :- identification of risk areas proposals for design solutions to risk areas action plans to address risk areas The HSP shall be reviewed at Safety Meetings during the course of the Project in order to ensure that it remains relevant and up-to-date. The Division/State Manager shall arrange for the HSP to be audited on a regular basis at periods not exceeding six(6) months. 2.3 Site Safety Establishment At the commencement of the Project, the Project Manager shall arrange for the following activities :(a) Establish a list of telephone numbers for contacting emergency services and organizations. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) nearest doctor nearest ambulance nearest police nearest fire brigade nearest office of the Division of Accident Prevention (or equivalent) Discuss and emphasize the HSP and procedures with all subcontractors prior to their commencement on site. Ensure that a HSP is developed and approved for the Project prior to starting on site Establish Safety Induction Training Programme and Facilities Establish Site Safety meeting day and time. Position the Contractor safety performance record board adjacent to the main entrance of the site. Where required, appoint a qualified Health & safety Officer and clarify his duties and procedures. (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) 2.4 Display the site safety rules at each entrance to the site or as appropriate. Exhibit mandatory safety signs at each entrance and at strategic locations around the site. Ensure sufficient forms are available on site for reporting and notification in accordance with procedures in the HSP and Government Legislation. Establish the First Aid attendance location and stock with necessary requisites. Provide a Register of Certificate Holders containing the names of all First Aid Attendants and other persons holding certificates of competency for prescribed occupations. Site Access 2.4.1 Restricted Access Access to the Site will be restricted to authorized personnel. All Site Visitors will be directed to the Site Office, by way of signs and barriers, where a register book will be signed at the time of entry and again at the time of exit from the site. Site Visitors will be given an evacuation plan and escorted to the point of destination. Visitors are to be accompanied at all times by Contractor’s personnel who have received safety training on the site. If the contractor requires visitors to go about their business/ activities on site unescorted, then the visitor must undergo induction and basic safety training. Visitors will be refused entry to the site should they not have the necessary protective clothing and equipment. All children will be refused entry to the site or removed by the Contractor if they appear on the worksite. 2.4.2 Construction Access At all times throughout the Project, safe and protected means of access will be provided for personnel. The selection and use of access walkways, stairs, platforms, hoists and ladders shall comply with the relevant safety code. Access for emergency evacuation of personnel shall be shown in the HSP. 2.4.3 Site Lighting The Contractor will provide lighting to work areas where Contractor employees are required to work. Task lighting shall be provided by the relevant subcontractor and shall remain in place until the task is complete. The minimum illumination shall be stipulated for each type of activity. All bulbs and tubes will be provided with guards to prevent damage to lights. 2.5 Public Protection The public shall be protected from the normal dangers associated with a construction site. The methods adopted by the Project Manager to safeguard the public are to be detailed in the HSP and may include :- 2.6 Perimeter fencing or hording Warning lights and other lighting Restrictive or no access signs Gantry walkways Safety signs Employee Protection Personal safety equipment is to be supplied to every employee by the employer whilst the work being performed by the employee could be injurious to his health and safety. Types of safety equipment may include :- Safety helmets Eye protection Respiratory protective equipment Hearing protection Life jacket and rescue equipment Safety footwear Hand protection Safety belts and harnesses Safety boots/shoes and safety helmets shall be worn by all employees at all times on site. Other types of protective equipment will be given to the worker as the need arises. All employees of the Contractor will be provided with a safety helmet, safety shoes, safety goggles and ear plugs and will be required to acknowledge receipt of same. All safety clothing and equipment shall be supplied in good working condition. Personal protective clothing should be cleaned and sterilized before re-issue. To ensure their own safety employees must. Wear protective clothing or apparel where required to do so. Wear safety shoes, safety helmet, safety glasses and other safety items where indicated/required. Keep work site and work areas tidy. Use ear and hand protection where hazards exists; be alert to operating plant/equipment and observe warning signs; Use correct tools and safety apparel for the job; Maintain personal hygiene eg. Wash before meals. When employees see a potential hazard or unsafe practice they must do something about it. Tactfully alert a fellow worker when engaged in unsafe practices; Share what they know and help others achieve safe working practices; Report potentially dangerous situation or practices; Barricade, signpost or remove hazard where practical. A clean workplace is a safer workplace, so employees have have a responsibility to keep their workplace and amenities areas clean, And; Remove rubbish progressively; Stack and store materials; Keep walkway stairs and access ways clear; No open fires or burning of combustible materials; De-nail timber progressively; Keep toilets and wash rooms clean and hygiene; Wash with soap, prior to eating. Jewellry, hair and clothing can cause serious personal injury if it catches on something. So, employees must be aware of : Loose hair, clothing and neck ties. Make sure they are contained appropriate to the work environment or removed. It is advisable not to wear rings, bracelets, watches, chains (leg/neck) on the job. 2.7 Hygiene The Contractor and each Subcontractor will be responsible for the cleanliness of their respective site accommodation. Food scraps are to be deposited into receptacles provided and disposed of daily. All eating areas are to be cleaned daily. The ablutions and cold water fountains shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected daily. Toilet and washing facilities will be provided in accordance with the relevant regulation and shown in the HSP. 2.8 Housekeeping High risk areas such as stairs and areas giving access to working areas shall be cleared regularly. The cleaning of specific work areas will be the responsibility of the employer or supervisor of workers performing that specific task. These work areas are to be cleaned at the end of each day with the rubbish being deposited into the rubbish receptacles provided. Rubbish will be removed from the site as necessary and disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the Client. 2.9 Health Assessment Employees shall undergo a medical review of either completing a hand written questionnaire or undergoing a medical examination. The reports generated shall be examined by the Employment Officer and Supervisors to assess the physical condition of the prospective employee so that they can be assigned to a suitable job in which their disability, if any, will not affect their personal efficiency, safety and health and also will not affect the safety of others. 2.10 Hazardous Materials Before any product of a hazardous nature is brought on to the project site a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is to be supplied to the Safety Officer. The Safety Officer will maintain a register of MSDS of all hazardous substances being used on the Project and shall monitor their use on a daily basis. Products requiring MSDS include, but are not limited to :(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) Paints and other surface coatings including mastics, varnishes and solvents. Glues, adhesives and joining compounds (eg. Silicone, sealants and encapsulants) Cleaning agents, disinfectants and deodorisers – industrial and personal. Particle boards Cement and refractory products Pesticides and herbicides Pipe gaskets, seals, insulation ropes Welding fluxes/rods Gases – inert and toxic Chemical anchors Motor fuels, engine oils and lubricants Radioactive material Insulation material-heat and acoustic (eg. Fibrous blankets/batts, boards, wool, dry powders for wet spraying) When a hazardous substance is first supplied to the workplace, the Contractor shall advise all employees of the requirements with respect to storing and handling the hazardous substance. 2.11 Certificate of Competency Only persons with the necessary Certificate will be engaged in the following occupations :- Crane chaser Demolisher Explosive Powered Tool Operator Plant Operator Scaffolder Crane Operator Dogman Machinery Operator Rigger Welder Persons learning these occupations are required to take out a learners permit and are required to be supervised by a person who is the holder of the relevant Certificate of Competency. The Safety Officer shall maintain a Register of Certificate Holders containing the names of all employees (including subcontractors) performing work which requires a Certificate of Competency. The Safety Officer will perform spot checks of persons performing restricted occupations, checking names against the Register of names supplied. 2.12 Plant, Equipment, Machinery In order to facilitate the safe movement of personnel and materials about the project site, various types of plant and equipment (eg. Cranes, hoists, etc.) shall be used. Before erection of all plant, it will be completely overhauled and checked by an inspector or by persons having accreditation. A Certificate of Registration is to be provided to the Project Manager prior to any classified plant being used on the project. All listing attachments, lift boxes, lift cradles, etc. will have its design registered before being used on the project. All crane operators shall make daily entries into the crane log book which is to be signed off weekly by the crane operator and Project Manager. The log book is to remain in the crane cabin. All hoists shall include a log book which must provide full details of all inspections and maintenance, giving details of who carried out the inspections and on what dates. All electrical equipment shall be inspected and tagged by a certified electrician at 6 monthly intervals and recorded. All mobile machinery eg. Excavators, trucks etc. shall be inspected prior to being used on the site. If the equipment is inappropriate for the task, is not in good working order or is unsafe to operate it shall not be used. 2.13 Subcontractors The evaluation and selection of Subcontractors shall include an assessment of their ability to perform work safely on site. Subcontractors with good safety track records should be given preference to those whose performance is questionable. Documented evidence of the Subcontractor’s safety performance is to be submitted and reviewed prior to award of the subcontract. The Subcontract Agreement shall include a list of site safety instructions and in particular shall bind the Subcontractor to the requirements of the HSP. A safety plan is required from Subcontractors, outlining the methods to be adopted to safely perform their tasks. The plan shall be submitted to the Project Manager for review prior to the Subcontractor commencing work on site. The Project Manager shall obtain written confirmation from all Subcontractors engaged on the site that they have given adequate safety induction for their specific discipline to all new employees. Furthermore, an assurance is required that all future employees will receive adequate specific safety induction prior to commencement on site. 2.14 Safety Promotion The Project Manager with the aid of the Safety Officer will assess the best methods to be adopted to promote and publicize safety on each individual site. Suggested methods include :- Training sessions Brochures and pamphlets Safety Newsletter Recognition Awards Management Example Films and Videos Posters and Notice Boards Accident Targets or Objectives Suggestion Schemes On-the-Job safety Programme One of the most effective safety monitors is for management to create the perception among the work force that high standards of safety are demanded and that anything less is unacceptable. The HSP shall list the methods to be adopted for this project. 2.15 Safety Induction Programme The Project Manager shall ensure that the following Safety Induction Programmes are implemented. 2.15.1 Site Specific Induction All personnel are to b briefed on the Contractors HSP prior to commencement of work on site. The purpose of this meeting is to instil into personnel the work ethic of “working safely” and their responsibilities towards their workmates. All employees on site shall receive further induction which includes :(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Introduction of Site Management personnel and relationship/ responsibility to the Client. Location of first aid facilities on site. Names of first aid attendants Accident emergency procedures The importance of complying with the HSP and what to do in the event of an accident. Introduction of Safety Officer/Representatives, outlining their responsibilities and authority on site. Evacuation procedures (if applicable): (h) Location Hoists Ramps Orientation including : (i) Introduction to the project Project facilities Local customs, traditions and laws Conditions of employment Site rules Instruction that each employee is required to : i) Recognise and accept responsibility for his or her own safety and the safety of others ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) and also for preventing any damage or loss to port trust property or otherwise and to act in a safe manner at all times. Follow all established safety procedures and participate actively in improving existing procedures and in formulating new procedures. Follow all regulations designed to increase safe working practices and conditions. Failure to observe regulations can be grounds for instant dismissal. Report without delay all accidents, whether to himself or herself or to plant, and to complete the employee’s portion of any report form Wear and use at all times the protective clothing and personal protective equipment provided as and where conditions dictate Report immediately any unsafe conditions or potentially unsafe conditions so that they may be remedied. Use machinery, equipment, tools, etc. only for their designed purpose. Adhere to all requirements specified in work permits and attached certificates. Familiarize himself/herself thoroughly with the safe working codes, practices and procedures and adhere to them at all times. Adhere to safe driving rules with respect to speed, dust, road conditions, vehicle maintenance, radio use and water supply. Work in such a manner as to prevent environmental pollution. 2.15.2 General Safety Induction/Training All employees shall be issued with a Safety Handbook and attend training on basic safety. The Safety Induction should cover as a minimum the following topics. Safety policy Statutory Regulations First aid facilities Personal hygiene Tagout/Lockout procedures Fire prevention Safety meetings General safety rules Accident/Incident reporting Emergency procedures Housekeeping Confined space procedure Personal protective equipment On completion of the induction programmes all persons present will be required to complete the induction record card (attached to the handbook) which will be filed on site. The employee will also be given a card which is to be signed by the inducting officer as well as the employee as evidence of his induction. 2.15.3 Specific Task safety Induction Job-Specific Inductions The objective of the job-specific induction is to ensure that the employee has the ability to perform his job in a safe manner and to ensure that he has a full understanding of any potential hazards associated with his work or work environment. The job-specific induction should be conducted by the new employees’ supervisor, as he will have an intimate knowledge of the work and work practices that the employee will be involved in. The job-specific induction is a very important part of the overall orientation / induction programme. Apart from the specific job instructions received, it is here that the groundwork is laid for the future relationship between the employee and his boss. 2.15.4 Supervisor’s Safety Induction Management Safety Induction is to be provided to all supervisory staff prior to their commencing work on a project. Where possible, the Safety Officer will conduct this training and in all other situations it will be conducted by the Area Manager. The induction will include the requirements of the Contractor’s operation to ensure management staff on site have the necessary skills and knowledge to allow the work under the contract to be carried out safely, efficiently and competently and in accordance with the HSP. This training will include, but not be limited to the following :- (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) 2.16 Explanation and supervision of safe work practices of employees under their control. Review of the HSP including detailed review of the Safety Policy, the Supervisors responsibilities and the employees responsibilities. Provision of effective communication between management and the work force. Interpretation of occupational health and safety legislation and work instructions. Complying with the Site Health and Safety Manual for Contractors prepared by the Client. Induction of new and transferred employees. How to organize and run Induction Courses and Safety Tool Box Meetings. Continual instruction of all (i.e. old and new) employees when the necessity arises. Ongoing monitoring of work practices to detect and correct any dangerous acts and conditions in the workplace. Reporting and correct investigation of all accidents, including those not involving personal or property damage. Basic concepts and theories of accident prevention. Cost effectiveness of safety planning. Carrying out workplace safety inspection/audits. Training covered by 2.15.1, 2.15.2 and 2.15.3 above. Safety Training All managers and supervisors shall ensure that all employees under their control receive training in basic safety techniques using Classroom and/or on-the-job instruction. Such training is to include, but not be limited to :- Personal protective equipment Scaffolding/access/ladders Aerial work platforms Boatswains chairs Light duty suspended stage Barricades Barriers around excavations Roadway working Portable powered tools and equipment Mobile plant Cranes Gas cylinders Welding protection Housekeeping Perimeter guarding Hazardous materials Trenching and excavations Electrical safety Rigging and crane safety Fire fighting equipment Other items The Safety and/or Personnel Officer shall maintain a register to record the training courses given to all staff. On the job training will include continuous supervision by foremen of personnel during the works to ensure correct working methods are used. A rescue team shall be trained on site with a nominated vehicle and driver for ambulance purposes. Several of the Contractor’s staff and wages employees are to be holders of First Aid Certificates. 2.17 Safety Meetings 2.17.1 Meetings – General Safety meetings attended by representatives of the employees will be scheduled and conducted by the Safety Officer. The meeting shall be conducted at intervals not exceeding two(2) weeks and conform to the following agenda items :- Introductions Attendance Apologies Minutes of previous meeting Review of injuries, accidents and dangerous occurrences General business Date of next meeting Closure In addition to this meeting, the Contractor will be required to attend a Project Site Safety Meeting involving all Contractors held by the Client’s Construction Manager on a monthly basis. 2.17.2 Toolbox Meeting A programme of regular safety meetings shall be implemented and regular “toolbox” meetings shall be held with each crew, conducted by each supervisor and reported to the Safety Officer. Exhibit 5, 6 and 7 provides a guideline for “toolbox” meetings. 2.18 Site safety Audits Regular site inspections shall be conducted to identify and rectify dangerous situations. Inspection Methods include (a) Informal Supervisor “walk around” This inspection should be carried out every day during the course of normal supervision and should detect at least the most obvious of hazards. The supervisor shall endeavour to attend to the corrective action personally and immediately. (b) Systematic (or formal) Management Inspections (i) Daily Inspection The Safety Officer shall carry out a daily inspection of the work place to discover any unsafe or unsatisfactory conditions. The daily report – see Exhibit 8 – shall be completed and issued to the Project Manager who shall implement necessary corrective action. (ii) Weekly Inspection A full site audit shall be performed once each week by the Audit Team and a Report issued to the Project Manager. The Audit shall include - Project safety Officer General Foreman or Foremen A Client Representative During inspection, the Audit Team should consider questions such as 2.19 What could fail ? What are people doing ? What might people do ? Disciplinary Action/Termination Refer to Section 1.3.3. If poor safety performance persists, the employee shall be interviewed and then given notice summarizing the particulars of the issue and necessary corrective measures. The relevant union delegate shall also be advised of the current situation and enforcement procedure contemplated. Failure to effect an improvement after issue of this notice may lead to stand down or dismissed and the union delegate shall be informed. 2.20 Health and safety Rules/ Procedures Particularly, hazardous work procedures shall be documented with the employee receiving verbal as well as written instructions on how to successfully and safely complete the task. The types of tasks which would require a written job procedure/rule may include :(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Working with flammable liquids, chemicals, epoxy resins, etc. Removal of contaminated materials Work in confined spaces Working about live electrical installations Use of explosives Dismantling equipment Difficult or hazardous construction activity Any other activity that will place personnel other Contractor’s personnel or the public at risk. Safety rules/procedures shall be clearly presented and follow the following format :- Purpose Scope Responsibilities Procedure - References The following considerations should be made when designing safety rules/ procedures. Objective What is the purpose of having the safety rules ? What is being protected, etc. ? Explicit The rule must not be open to opinion or ambiguous in its meaning. It must be exact. Measurable The rule must be measurable in that those enforcing the rule can see clearly whether it is being obeyed or not. Operator Input Employees should be told of the risk and asked for their opinion as to how the risk can be controlled. Enforcement Once a rule is approved it should always be enforced. Revision & Approval Application 2.21 Safety rules should be approved by the Project Manager and periodically reviewed to ensure they are still applicable. Safety rules must be used consistently and be uniformly applied across the various sections or the operations. First Aid A facility for the administering of first aid is to be provided and located in a readily accessible position. First Aid facilities and requisites shall be provided in accordance with Exhibit 2 “First Aid Facilities and Requisites” The HSP shall identify the location of First Aid Facilities and the name of the First Aid Attendant. A First Aid Attendant with current qualifications shall be available during working hours to attend to an injured person. This person must be immunized against Hepatitis B virus and must wear disposable surgical gloves when treating an injury. All accidents and incidents requiring First Aid Treatment should be recorded by the First Aid Attendant immediately after treatment. Note : The recording of this information is essential irrespective of how minor the treatment provided. The First Aid Treatment Record shall be produced at site safety meetings where all accidents occurring in the preceding weeks will be analysed with the view of preventing recurrence. 2.22 Emergency Procedures Documentary emergency procedures shall be provided for :- Accident and Injury Fire (a) In the event of an accident/injury emergency the following should occur :- Secure any dangerous situation that prevails at the scene of the accident. Arrange to call an ambulance and ensure that a clear report is given as to the : - - type of accident location of accident number of casualties Ensure that the injured receive, prompt medical attention. Do not move patient unless he is in danger. If Competent :- - (b) determine if the patient is breathing and has a pulse. commence cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as necessary Ensure that the accident is fully documented. Do not change location of objects at scene of accident. In the event of a fire emergency the following should occur :- Raise an immediate alarm in the local area by shouting “fire, fire” and direct attention to the area concerned. - - - - - - - - - Check all employees to ensure no one is trapped. Get and use the right type of fire extinguisher in the correct way. Remember that fire extinguishers are the first line of defence. Simultaneously, size up the risk and if the fire appears to be beyond the scope of the equipment or vital plant is involved, send for additional support. If other men are in the area, get one of them to raise the alarm by following emergency procedures. Have other men get more of the right type of extinguishers as back up. If a single employee is in attendance, and the fire gets beyond the scope of his equipment, leave trying to fight the fire and raise the alarm by radio or phone. Evacuation paths and congregation points are to be shown on sketches which shall be given to all personnel at the induction session and be displayed at each main work area. First Aid procedure is to be given to every Subcontractor and explained to every worker at induction, a copy of which is to be displayed in every crib room. Emergency services such as police, fire brigade, ambulance shall be contacted and informed of access to the Project in case of emergencies. An evacuation stretcher which can be safely slung to a crane shall be stored at the First Aid Room. Cranes and/or hoists shall be made available should the need arise to evacuate an injured person. The HSP shall include specific emergency procedures and details. Whilst workers are present on the site, the site office will remain open so as to provide ready access to phones in the case of emergency. 2.23 Fire Prevention. Project Manager is responsible for establishing practices and procedures for the prevention of fire and to fully instruct employees in these safety practices. Such practices should include (but are not limited to) the following. - - - - - - 2.24 Don’t allow rubbish to accumulate. Work areas must be kept clean and proper rubbish bins or containers provided. Good housekeeping is the first principle of fire prevention. Smoking, open flames, welding, acetylene and oxygen cutting or fires are not permitted within eight meters of fuel storage tanks, fuelling areas, LPG gas storage tanks, battery charging areas or in any area or building designated as a “No Smoking” area. “No Smoking” signs must be posted in hazardous areas, and they shall be observed by all persons. Solvents must not be used near an open flame or other ignition source or in an atmosphere that can elevate the temperature of the solvent above its flashpoint. Particular care must be taken to remove any combustible materials, suitable precautions shall be taken to ensure that sparks, slag or hot metal will not ignite such material. Where required a hot work permit shall be obtained prior to commencing welding or cutting work. Spills of flammable liquids and excess grease must be cleaned up immediately. Combustible material such as sawdust must not be used for catching oil drips or for mopping up as this leads to additional fire hazards including the risk of spontaneous combustion. Materials such as oily waste or rags, which are subject to spontaneous combustion must be placed on covered metal containers until disposed of properly. Oxygen cylinders must not be stored near oil or grease. Fire Control In the event that a fire breaks out on the project site, the area supervisor must take immediate control of the situation and take all necessary actions to ensure the safety of employees and the protection of plant and equipment. Most fires have small beginnings and the best time to stop a fire is when it is small. This can be done by making certain that employees are given basic instructions on what to do in the event of a fire and, that they all : Know how to give the alarm Know where fire extinguishers are located Know how to use each type of extinguisher Know what type of extinguisher to use on a particular type of fire, and Know where fire hoses are located and how to use them. 2.25 Know the telephone no. of the CISF Fire Station. Fire Extinguishers Portable hand held extinguishers must be conspicuously located along normal paths of travel so that they are quickly accessible for immediate use. Fire extinguisher locations are to be marked with appropriate identification signs. Interference, misuse or horse-play involving this emergency equipment will be treated as a serious offence and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Employees are to be instructed in the use of fire extinguishers and any other fire fighting equipment located in the project area. Employees are to be instructed to report all fires immediately and notify their supervisor if they have discharged or know of fire extinguishers in need of servicing. 2.26 Notification of Accidents. 2.26.1 Statutory Notification Where required by legislation the appropriate Government Department shall be notified within 4 hours after the occurrence of an accident causing loss of life, serious body injury, a work related illness or dangerous occurrence. Note : Serious bodily injury is defined as an injury that causes death or disables a person to the extent that as a consequence of that injury he is subject to a period of admission to hospital as an in-patient. 2.26.2 Internal Notification Immediately following an accident the Project Manager and/or the Safety Officer shall investigate the cause of the accident. Where possible the Project Manager shall take immediate corrective action to prevent recurrence of the accident. 2.26.3 Conduct at Scene of Accident Where loss of life or serious bodily injury occurs, the accident scene is to be left untouched until such times as permission is granted by a Government inspector or safety officer of Paradip Port or if an inspector is not available, a member of the Police Force, except where such movement is necessary to save life or relieve suffering or to prevent danger to property or injury to persons. 2.26.4 Notification Concerning Major Accident/Injury As soon as possible after the occurrence of an accident causing loss of life, serious bodily injury or causing serious disruption to the area about the site, the Project Manager/ Supervisor shall notify: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Ambulance Service (injury only) Division/State Manager Appropriate Government Department Safety Officer Police (if death) Client’s Representative The relative of the worker died or injured. 2.26.5 Media Policy After a major accident, it is usual for the media to arrive at the site to cover the story. The site is to be closed to all personnel, giving access only to Emergency Services, Police, Government officials and the Client. The Project Manager or his representative should advise the Media representatives that a Senior Representative may supply details and information at a later date. No other comments should be made by any site personnel since statements made may be used against those involved in future Common Law Cases. 2.27 Accident & Injury Procedure The Project Manager or his nominee shall promptly investigate all accidents to determine the real cause(s) and to initiate corrective action. For all injury or disease sustained on the site the “Workplace Injury and Disease Recording Form” – Exhibit 3 – is to be completed. 2.27.1 Minor Injury In case of minor injury, the following procedure shall be followed:- (a) (b) (c) Treat the injury at the First Aid Facility. If necessary, obtain help from one of the First Aid attendants. Report the injury to the Supervisor. 2.27.2 Possible Serious Injury If a person has sustained possible serious injury, the following action shall be taken :(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 2.28 A First Aid Attendant shall be contacted immediately. In case of a serious injury, the patient should not be moved other than to make him/her comfortable, to prevent further injury and choking. If it appears that an ambulance is needed, the Supervisor shall dispatch someone to inform the office. The Safety Officer in conjunction with the Project Manager will take control of the situation. Those required will remain with a First Aid Attendant to assist as directed. All other personnel shall vacate the area as directed by the Supervisor. The Supervisor will direct a responsible person to go to the closest site entrance to lead the ambulance to the exact location of the accident. The Supervisor will prepare a report of his observations and involvement with the incident. Commence the accident investigation immediately. Ensure that the injured person has been removed from the site. Accident/Incident Investigation 2.28.1 General The benefits of a thorough investigation into the cause of accidents/incidents include :(a) (b) (c) (d) Prevent the recurrence of the same or similar type of accident/incident. Reduction in damages to stock and equipment. Improved morale by corrective action. Reduction in lost time, delays and business interruption. An accident/incident is an unexpected variation from normal processes of construction work or other activities resulting in the potential (incident), or actual (accident), damage to plant or equipment or the environment, injury or illness to the Contractors’ or Subcontractors’ employees or any other person. Accident/incident investigation is the systematic observation analysis and evaluation of events that have injured people and/or damaged property. The three stages to an accident/incident investigation are:- Observation Study of all factual evidence to gain a full description. Analysis Study of the description to identify related factors. Evaluation Study of the related factors to determine how these may be controlled. Investigation must be kept objective, factual and free from any attempt to assign blame. Accident/incident prevention must be directed towards the control of any difficulties found. A useful strategy is to consider these under the following headings. Behaviour of Individuals (persons) Design of Plant and equipment (machine) Working environment existing at the (environment) time Not all accidents/incidents result in injury, and therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between :- Non-injury accidents Injury accidents It is important that the belief that “Each accident/incident has a cause” is not down graded to the erroneous belief that each accident/incident has only one “Cause”. Most accidents/incidents occur as the culmination of a number of related factors. Hence, the investigation should consider these factors under the headings of Person, Machine and Equipment and Environment. Without these factors, the sequence of events culminating in injury or damage cannot progress. 2.28.2 Action The Accident/Incident Investigation Report – Exhibit 4 – is to be completed for all accidents involving lost time injuries on the site or incidents which could have resulted in a lost time injury. The investigation should be initiated promptly before the scene changes, information is lost, removed or destroyed and persons forget. The investigator shall visit the scene of an accident/incident. It is not possible to gain a complete feeling for the situation without being present to observe. Observance will also prompt questions as your mind adjusts to the circumstances. Photographs are very useful in recording the scene for future analysis. Remember you may be familiar with the area / activity, but it may not be as you remember on this occasion. The investigator should interview the injured person and co-workers to get the background. If possible, take statements from witnesses. This may require considerable tact as co-workers or bystanders may not want to become involved. It is most important to accurately record statements which can be a valuable check against inconsistencies. Remember investigations must be carried out in an objective manner and be based on facts – not opinion or workplace gossip. There is always the possibility of getting incorrect information from persons who rightly or wrongly, have the feeling of responsibility of guilt. 2.28.3 Major Accidents A more comprehensive report needs to be compiled for accidents where loss of life or serious bodily injury is involved and/or resulting in possible breach of duty of both Legislation and at Common Law. Detailed signed witness statements need to be obtained along with a detailed description of the accident scene. Photographs are very useful to record the latter. The investigator should seek information relating to the following questions. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) What time did the accident occur ? What was the injured person doing immediately prior to the accident ? Was any other person working with or nearby the injured person ? What type of clothing was the injured person wearing (boots, eye protection, safety helmet, etc.) ? What equipment was he using ? From what equipment or on what surface was he working? What were the weather conditions (rain, windy, etc.) ? What instructions had been issued to the injured person prior to the accident and by whom ? Who was the first person at the accident scene ? Who administered First Aid ? What remedial action had been taken, or is contemplated to prevent recurrence ? On completion of the report, it is to be forwarded to the Safety Officer for analysis and filing. 2.29 Rehabilitation 2.29.1 General If an accident causes injury or illness, the objective is to restore the person to maximum function and complete health as soon as possible. The Contractor is to be committed to ensuring injured workers take up normal duties at their earliest convenience with the appropriate medical agreement. 2.29.2 Contact with Employee While contact should be maintained with any worker absent from work, it is critical that contact is maintained with employees if :(a) (b) (c) The injury is serious. Medical Certification is initially for three(3) or more weeks off and has been issued by the treating Doctor in full knowledge of the range of assistance available from the employer. Time lost exceeds three weeks. The purpose of such contact is to ensure that appropriate support is provided particularly with claim processing and that the injured worker is reassured that job opportunities remain and that opportunities for selected duties are known to them. Such contact should be the responsibility of the Project Manager either by phone or in person and on a regular basis. 2.29.3 Contact with Treating Doctor Where injured workers are absent from work it is important that the Project Manager maintains direct contact with the treating Doctor. Such contact ensures transfer of correct information regarding : (a) (b) (c) (d) 2.30 Potential job modification. Opportunities for selected duties including graduated work return. Actual or potential loss of function which necessitates early rehabilitation referral. Remaining job opportunities. Management Reports Safety data shall be collected on Site by the Project Manager and forwarded at the end of each month to the Divisional / State Manager or his nominated Safety Officer for analysis and evaluation. The collection of data should include the following :(a) (b) (c) First Aid Treatment Record. Personnel accident and injury report. Record all injuries for which first aid and/or medical treatment was administered. Project Safety Statistics. In addition, the following data is to be sent monthly to the Client’s Representative on site. Average number of employees on site; Hours worked – periodic and progressive; Minor injuries (MI) – periodic, progressive, periodic frequency rate, progressive frequency rate; Medical Treatment Injuries (MTI) – same as MI; Lost Time Injuries (LTI) – same as MI; Serious Injuries/Accidents – fatalities, permanent partial disability, permanent total disability, journey injuries this month, journey injuries days lost this month; Number of Incidents; Number of disease cases. The data is to be presented in tabular and graphical form updated month by month on the one form. An example of the form is available from the Client. 3.0 EQUIPMENTS / TOOLS 3.1 Equipment Safety – General The nature of the project is such that extensive use of tools and equipment will be required. The serviceability and methods of use of these tools and equipment can have a direct impact on the safety of project employees. 3.1.1 Hand and Power Tools Hand held power tools such as scabbles, chisels, grinders, etc. must be checked regularly and not operated in a condition or manner that would cause injury to the operator or others. And : Where defective, repaired by competent trades person; Only operated with guarding in place. Used in conjunction with personal protective equipment/clothing; Only be used with consumables that are suited to the tool and application (eg. Correct size and type of grinding disc); Hand tools that are used for striking or fastening such as hammers, picks, axes, files and screwdrivers must be checked regularly. And : Where defects are present they must not be used; Where risk of falling be secured by wrist strap or lanyard; Used in conjunction with personal protective equipment/clothing. 3.1.2 Electrical Equipment. Careless use of defective electrical equipment is potentially lethal. The following must be observed :- Be installed and repaired by certified and qualified persons; Electrical leads kept off the ground and on stands; Double adaptors and piggy back fitting are not permitted; Must not be used, if damaged; Use earth leakage devices where required; Must be covered during inclement weather; Report and remove from service all faulty electrical equipment and power tools. 3.1.3 Oxy-Acetylene, Welding, Cutting and Heating Equipment This type of equipment should only be handled trained and competent operators. by The following must be observed :- User must wear protective clothing and apparel; Cylinders must be secured in an upright position; Flash back arresters must be fitted; Combustible material removed from areas; Permit/procedures must be observed in high risk work areas eg. Process plants, high fire risk areas; Regularly check all fittings, gauges, hose etc. and replace if worn/faulty. 3.1.4 Explosive Power Tools These tools use an explosive charge and are potentially lethal. They must Only be used by certified and qualified persons; Only be used by operators using safety goggles and hearing protection; NEVER be left in a loaded condition; Be inspected on a regular basis; Locked away when not in use; Have warning signs displayed in area of use. 3.1.5 Explosives Strict legislative controls govern the transportation and use of these products. storage, They must: Only be used, stored and transported by certified and qualified persons and in accordance with legislative requirements; Have warning signs displayed in areas of use; Be strictly controlled on to and off the work site; 3.1.6 Compressed Air Compressed air has the potential to cause serious injury. The following must be observed when using compressed air or air powered tools :- Before use ensure hoses are correctly connected and are not crimped, tied or damaged; NOT to be used to blow dust/dirt from clothes; Flow control valves should be fitted on supply lines; Hoses should be protected from damage and clear of walkways, doorways, etc. Horseplay with compressed air or air tools will not be tolerated; 3.1.7 Radiation Radiation can originate from radioactive substances and irradiating apparatus. This equipment is used for the examination of welds. In high doses, it is a hazard and can damage health. The equipment must :- Only be used by certified and qualified persons; Have warning sign displayed in areas of use; Be strictly controlled on to and off the work site; 3.1.8 UV Radiation and Heat Stress Sufficient shade and water will be available at all work locations. Supervisors and Foreman will be briefed on the symptoms and treatment of heat stress. 3.1.9 Plant Safety Vehicles and other equipment may be moved or used only by persons who have an appropriate permit, licence or certificate issued by a recognized authority. Operator responsibilities are :- Look for overhead restrictions, such as power lines, etc.; Look for trenches and pits; Be aware of poor or unstable surfaces or roadways; Be alert to other workers, machinery and vehicles; Ensure that during repair or maintenance that wheels, hoppers, bins, etc. are checked to prevent rolling, collapsing or trapping operators or others; Ensure that all permits and procedures are obtained prior to transportation of any load; Ensure that vehicles and plant are operated in accordance with prevailing climatic and environmental conditions; Following damage to property or equipment :- Report all such matters to the workplace manager; Ensure that damage does not constitute an unsafe situation, if so take action to ensure the safety of employees and public. For cranes and lifting gear :- All cranes, hoists, lifting gear etc. must be checked prior to use; Loads must be correctly slung by competent persons; Warning signs must be displayed, where required; Crane operators and dogmen/crane chaser must establish a means of effective communication; All clearances of powerlines etc. must be checked prior to operations; Operations must ensure that persons do not stand under slung loads. 3.1.10 Other Equipment Other equipment eg. Ladders, scaffolding, props, etc. is to be in accordance with statutory requirements or, where non-exist, in accordance with industry standards and such requirements are to be detailed in the HSP. 3.2 Welding and Cutting 3.2.1 Fumes and Lack of Oxygen All welding and cutting operations produce fumes. Adequate ventilation at all times is essential. When working in confined spaces, extra precautions are required. When welding, toxic fume hazards may arise in some cases, and extra precautions will often be needed. These hazards are caused by :- Welding/cutting coated (primed or plated) base metal or alloys containing toxic elements; Radiated heat forming noxious gases; Flame heating heavy sections forming nitrogen dioxide which has a “safe” ceiling concentration of 5 ppm; Flame processes burning atmospheric oxygen and adding large quantities of asphyxiating gas to the atmosphere; Gas shielded processes adding inert gases to the atmosphere and displacing oxygen, which can also lead to asphyxia in confined spaces. Specialist advice should be sought when dealing with such hazards. 3.2.2 Gas Welding/Cutting The gases commonly used are oxygen and acetylene. It is not uncommon for minor “explosions” to occur during welding or cutting. Some are more frightening than harmful, but some can lead to very dangerous conditions. There are three general groups of the hazards that can arise. Snapout can occur during use when :- Both regulators are at incorrect pressure; The torch nozzle is obstructed; The nozzle is held too close to the work. Corrective Action Close both torch valves, oxygen first; Check regulator setting; Check cylinder pressures; Check nozzles; Relight; Ensure adequate gas flow. Back fire can occur on lighting up when :- Regulators are not set to correct pressure; Light is applied before the flow of gas mixture is properly established. Corrective Action Close both torch valves, oxygen first; Check cylinder pressures; Check and adjust regulator settings; Cool torch and check nozzle orifice for obstruction; Relight. Flash back is the most dangerous hazard. It is caused by mixed gases in the hose(s). Usually this mixing of gases occurs when the hoses have been disconnected from regulators or torches, or when a new hose is being used for the first time. Sometimes this is due to loose connections. Usually one of the hoses will have burst and possibly ignited. Preventive Action The use of “flashback arresters” is strongly recommended; Ensure that all connections are tight; Ensure that cylinder valves are open and torch valves closed; Set regulators to the required pressures; Purge each hose separately and consecutively. Open torch valve and allow gas to flow for sufficient time to ensure that only pure gas remains in the hoses; Close the valve for each gas as the exercise is completed (This exercise should be carried out only in the open, or in extremely well ventilated areas) Corrective Action Close both torch valves; Close both cylinder valves; Extinguish hose if alight; Remove acetylene regulator, if the “bull nose” is sooty, there may be a dangerous condition; If the “bull nose” is clean, replace regulator, repair hose(s), or obtain new ones; Re-assemble equipment and hoses; continue to work. 3.2.3 Arc Welding Fires can be started by sparks, hot slag, etc. at a distance from the point of welding or cutting. Remove flammable materials from the vicinity of, and below the operations, or use protective sheeting as appropriate. Take particular care when penetrating spaces, etc. and that the “blind” side is safe. Electric arcs radiate both infra-red (IR) and ultra-violet (UV) as well as light rays. Ultra-Violet and Infra-red is invisible, but can be hazardous in a number of ways, even when reflected. UV decomposes some chlorinated hydrocarbon degreasing agents and may form the poison gas phosgene, even at a distance from the arc. Degreased items must be thoroughly dried before welding and such chemicals must not be used anywhere near welding operations. (IR, UV) causes, a painful but temporary form of conjunctivitis, even if exposure is very short. This condition is easily avoided by the use of suitable eye protection. UV can also affect the skin like a bad sunburn. Mains voltage supplies to electric welding sets and auxiliary equipment can cause shock and burns and may be fatal. Welding voltages can also be dangerous. All electrical welding equipment should be checked by a competent electrician before use. Safe low voltage devices should be used for arc-welding in particularly hazardous situations. Preparation and repairing of welds usually involve grinding and chipping. Eye protection must be provided and worn for these operations. Protection must also be worn when de-slagging welds. With some types of weld, hot slag can fly off because of contraction as the metal cools, so eye protection should also be used if it is necessary to inspect a weld before it is cold. 3.2.4 General Safety Requirements for Welding and Cutting Operations Depending on the size, nature and location of the work, and the proximity of other welders, employees must wear personal protective equipment. This may include any of the following :- Welding goggles Face shield Flameproof gauntlet gloves Safety boots and spats Leather skull cap Hearing protection Adequate work clothes Respiratory protection Everyone in the vicinity of arc welding operations should wear some degree of eye protection to protect from “arc burn”. During electric welding operations the arc should be shielded whenever possible to protect the eyes of other persons in the vicinity. Only qualified personnel shall be allowed to use any type of welding or cutting equipment. All welding and cutting shall be done as far way from any fire hazard as possible. Oxygen and acetylene hoses must be kept clear of welding/cutting area, slag can burn through hoses. Fire extinguishing equipment shall be immediately available where welding or cutting is being done. A fire watcher must be used on each welding operation where :- Combustible material is within 35 feet of the welding of cutting operation; Highly combustible material is more than 35 feet from welding or cutting operations but subject to falling sparks. A fire watcher must have “first aid fire” training and wear protective equipment. Any material that has been cleaned with degreasing agents must be completely dry before cutting or welding. A sign or other warning should be provided to warn others of hot metal surfaces. When working in any confined space where ventilation might not be adequate or where there is a possibility of poisonous gas being present, a welder shall wear adequate respiratory protection and a lifeline, with an attendant outside observing at all times. When arc welding is to be suspended for any period of time, such as during lunch or overnight, all electrodes must be removed from the holder and the holders carefully located so that accidental contact cannot occur. The welding machine must be disconnected from the power source. 3.3 Site Electrical Equipment 3.3.1 Electrical Equipment and Installations All portable electrical equipment including lamps should be approved and carefully examined before use on the site. 3.3.2 Inspection & Maintenance of Electrical Equipment (a) (b) General All apparatus, systems and installations, including cables, conduits and the like should be maintained in good condition. To ensure this, they should be regularly inspected. Correct functional operation does not necessarily imply compliance with the required standards of safety. Inspections and Checks All equipment, systems and installations should be inspected when first installed. Following any repair, adjustment or modification those parts of the installation which have been disturbed should be checked. If there is at any time a change in the area classification or in the characteristics of the flammable material handled, a check should be made to ensure that all equipment is of the correct group and temperature class and continues to comply with the requirements for the revised area classification. (c) 3.4 Insulation Testing Insulation testing should be carried out only when no flammable gas mixture is present. Material Handling and Safe Lifting Many serious, painful and long lasting injuries occur while moving material, equipment, etc. However, if we observe some basic rules we can prevent injuries. Check the lift first; If load is too heavy, get help; Where possible, use mechanical equipment; When lifting, face load, keep back straight and lift with legs not back; NEVER twist when lifting; When lifting overhead DO NOT over reach. Lift to a platform, reposition then lift further; When group lifting nominate someone to “direct” then lift and ensure the area is clear of obstructions. 4.0 HAZARD APPRAISAL CHECKLIST Hazard appraisal is to be monitored continuously and reported as necessary. Hazards may be identified by any employee during normal work or as part of scheduled audits or supervisor “walk around”. Seven steps to resolving a Hazard. STEP 1 : STEP 2 : STEP 3 : STEP 4 : STEP 5 : STEP 6 : STEP 7 : 5.0 Hazard noticed by employee(s) Employee(s) to rectify if qualified or competent to do so. If it is not possible to take immediate action to rectify the situation, an appropriate barricade, notice or similar means of warning to others shall be provided and the Project Manager/Safety Officer notified. The Project Manager/Safety Officer shall take immediate action to remove the hazard. If there is no resolution achieved by action under Step 3, the Project Manager/ Safety Officer must advise the Divisional/State Manager without delay. The Managers and where appropriate, work group representative shall attempt to resolve the matter by consultation. If no resolution has been achieved after discussion the Managers may request an independent Safety Officer to assist in the resolution of the hazard. For issues involving more than one designated contractor the Client Representative will nominate a responsible officer to assist in the resolution of the hazard. TRAFFIC Safe conditions for the passage of vehicular traffic through or around the worksite shall be provided as required. This shall include (as required): The installation of prescribed traffic control devices; Minimal delays to the passage of traffic; The detour of traffic away from the Works or the construction of sidetracks; The control of dust. Entry of vehicles to site shall be restricted to : Vehicles and mobile equipment authorised by the Client; Business vehicles and mobile equipment periodically required to enter on site so that work required by the contract may be efficiently carried out; Drivers shall be fully and currently licensed and/or certified as required by the appropriate Statutory Authority to drive the type of vehicle or equipment which they are operating. Vehicles and mobile equipment are not to travel over works completed by the Contractor or others without written authorization from the Client. 6.0 DANGER AND OUT OF SERVICE TAGS When the project site reaches a stage where services including power and water are being activated a Danger tag and Out of Service Tag System or isolation tag procedure shall be introduced. The purpose of the Danger Tag is to give personal protection to an employee when working on equipment. The purpose of the Out of Service Tag is to prevent use of unsafe and inoperable equipment and prevent damage to plant and equipment. To ensure compatibility across the different contracts on the project site the Client shall review all such systems and changes that are required to ensure a similar approach is being used shall be made by the Contractor. 7.0 SECURITY No overall security will be provided by the Client. Contractors are to establish their own security to ensure the requirements of this Manual are achieved and for protection of their own property and the Works. Details of the Contractor’s security are to be included in the HSP. EXHIBITS EXHIBIT 1 TYPICAL WORK METHODS AND PROCEDURES 1. Electrical Safeguards All electrical equipment shall be maintained in good condition, being inspected, repaired and tagged by a certified electrician at six monthly intervals. Double adaptors and piggy back plugs are not to be used in any power outlet. Only double insulated electrical power tools will be permitted to be used on the project. Electrical equipment which is damaged or with guards missing will not be used. Electrical leads are to be raised off the ground or floor and secured at a height of not less than 2 metres. A core balance earth leakage devise is to be installed to all electrical switchboards and tested prior to use daily by the relevant Foreman. Scaffolding constructed with metal members shall not be set up within 4.5 metres of overhead electrical lines until the electric line has been insulated against an electrical discharge. An electrical line which crosses any road or way or other means of access to the site shall be provided with a flagged Catenary wire at a height of 1.5 metres less than the height of the electrical line. 2. Mechanical Safeguards As soon as practical, the following safety precautions shall be taken :(a) Lift Wells Mesh screening will be placed and secured to the front of all lift well openings. The screening will completely enclose the opening. (b) Floor Penetrations All floor penetrations will have 50 X 50 mm X 4 mm wire mesh cast into the opening. When services pass through the penetration, only that portion of the mesh will be cut out to suit the particular service. (c) External Edge Protection Edge protection to the floors, stairs and platforms will be provided with a guard rail and mid rail the height of which will be between 900 mm and 1100 mm. (d) Protruding Reinforcing Steel Vertical bars will be guarded by metal capping whilst horizontal bars will be guarded by plastic caps. Materials Handling All major lifts will be performed by crane with all auxiliary materials being transported and moved by the hoist and or trolleys, etc. To aid the movement of materials by trolleys, as much material as possible will be containerised, modularised or bundles strapped. Obviously a great deal of manual handling is still required to be performed by workers, and to this end, correct manual handling training sessions will be conducted at the induction training session and at regular intervals throughout the course of construction. Formwork and Falsework Engineering drawings and computations are to be on site prior to the erection of any formwork. Formwork and falsework shall comply at all times with the requirements of the Standards. The stripping of the formwork is to be carried out in a systematic manner, with materials stacked so as not to create an obstruction. Drop stripping is not to be performed under any circumstances. Workers engaged in the erection and dismantling of formwork and falsework will be protected by external scaffolding which will be meshed externally. The scaffolding is to be constructed so that no materials will pass through the scaffold or between the scaffold and the building. All wall, column and core forms are to be provided with approved lifting eyes. Shear wall forms are to be provided with working platforms complete with external meshing 50 mm X 25 mm X 3.15 mm wire mesh. Safe access is to be provided on to all working platforms, with the lowest platform arranged so as to prevent materials passing between the building and the platforms. Lasers. Lasers stronger than Class 3A will not be permitted on the project. A qualified Laser Safety Officer shall be appointed by the supervisor/subcontractor using lasers, other than a Class I laser. The identity of this person is to be notified to the Project Manager. Scaffolding (a) Construction All scaffolding above 4.5 metres high, of a modular type, will be erected by certified scaffolders. Before leaving the scaffold, the scaffolder will ensure that it is left in a manner which is safe for persons to work upon. Should this not be possible, it is to be sign posted warning persons of its incomplete state. (b) Access At all times safe access is to be provided to all working platforms within the scaffolding. (c) Edge Protection On all working platforms above 2.4 metres a guard rail, mid rail and toe board is to be provided. Provided that the mid rail and toe board may be replaced with wire mesh of the size of 50 mm X 25 mm X 3.15 mm dia. Wires. FIRST AID FACILITIES AND REQUISITES Standard of Facility For sites engaging up to 100 persons the following is required :A dust-proof cabinet in a readily accessible position clearly marked “FIRST AID” with the name of the First Aid Attendant clearly printed on the cabinet. For sites where the number of persons engaged exceeds 100, a casualty room is to be provided and shall :(a) (b) (c) (d) have a floor area of not less than 11 square metres; be located in a conveniently accessible position; have adequate ventilation and lighting; Contain : A basin type washing point with reticulated clean water; A stainless steel sink with reticulated hot and cold water; A work bench or dressing trolley; A cupboard for storage of enamel bowls and linen; A dust-proof cupboard for storage of first aid requisites and appliances; Facilities for boiling water; A couch, a pillow, 3 blankets and a hot water bottle; A portable stretcher; 2 upright chairs, an armchair, a small table and moveable screen; refuse receptacle. First Aid Requisites The following first aid requisites shall be provided and maintained on all sites :Item Quantities No of persons employed Sterile Combine Pressure Dressing Pads – Small 1-25 26-100 Sterile Combine Pressure Dressing Pads – Large Gauze Squares, sterile 7.5 cm X 7.5 cm pkts of 5 Burn Dressings, sterile non-stick – Small Burn Dressings, sterile non-stick – Large Eye Pads, sterile pkts of 5 Eye wash solution (single use packs) Bandages, elastic crepe, 5 cm Bandages, elastic crepe, 7.5 cm Triangular Bandages Elastic Dressing Strips, pkts of 50 Adhesive strapping tape, 2.5 cm x 5 metre rolls Antiseptic Solution (minimum 200 mls) Scissors, stainless steel Splinter Forceps Drinking Vessel Kidney Tray, Stainless steel Safety pins, assorted pkts Paracetamol tablets, pkts 10 First aid pamphlet, current Sterile disposable needles (not to be re-used) 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 4 6 6 1 1 6 3 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 6 6 12 2 6 1 1 EXHIBIT 3 WORKPLACE INJURY AND DISEASE RECORDING FORM This form is to be completed and retained by the employer to provide Workplace Injury and Disease Record Information. A copy is to be provided to the Client Representative. PERSONAL DETAILS OF Surname (Block Letters) ____________________________ THE INJURED WORKER Given Names (Block Letters) _________________________ Sex : M/F Date of Birth ______________________ BASIS OF EMPLOYMENT Starting time * 0800-1730 hours * 0600-1700 hours * 1900-0700 hours * Other, State:____________________ Shift Arrangement * Fixed, standard or flexible hours * Rotating shift * 8 hours or less * more than 8 hours (excluding overtime) JOB DETAILS Description of occupation of job title :_________________ Main tasks performed : _____________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Training Provided * Induction Training * Task specific training * Both of the above * Neither of the above DETAILS OF THE INJURY Date injury occurred _________ Time injury occurred ____ OR DISEASE (24 hour clock format) Nature of Injury or disease _________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Bodily location of injury or disease ____________________ ________________________________________________ Description of occurrence of injury or disease In which part of the workplace did the injury or disease exposure occur ? (eg. Machine shop, freezer room, mine) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ What was the worker doing at the time ? (eg. Driving a fork lift truck, lifting bags of cement, typing) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ DETAILS OF THE INJURY What happened unexpectedly? OR DISEASE Cont’d Include the name of any particular chemical, product, process or equipment involved (eg. Brakes failed on fork lift truck, slipped on wet floor, scaffolding collapsed, arm started hurting while typing on a word processor) _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ How exactly was the injury or disease sustained ? Include the name of any chemical, product, process or equipment involved. (eg. Hit head on cabin of fork lift truck, lacerated knee when landing on ground, arm hurt after long period of typing) _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ LOST TIME INJURY/ (Additional questions to be answered for cases which result DISEASE in a fatality or permanent disability or where there was time lost from work of one or more days/shifts. These questions should be completed as soon as possible after the injury or disease is reported). Employee’s preferred language ______________________ Type of Employment * Full-time permanent * Full-time casual * Part-time permanent * Part-time casual Type of Employee Wage/Salary earner * Trainee * Casual * Apprentice (Note most employees * Other will fall into this category) Worker’s experience in task being carried out when injury or disease occurred Years ________________ Months ______________ Proportion of shift worked * 25% or less * 26% - 50% * 51% - 75% * 76% - 100% * Overtime OUTCOME DISEASE OF INJURY/ (The following questions are about information that is not available at the time of the injury or disease. These questions should be answered as soon as the information becomes available. For some occurrences, such as where there was no time lost, some of these questions will not be relevant.) Rehabilitation * Required Date commencement of Rehabilitation programme ____________ * Not required ACCIDENT/INCIDENT INVESTIGATION REPORT This form is to be completed and retained by the employer to provide the basis for accident analysis directed towards injury prevention. A copy is to be provided to the Client Representative. Initiator To 1. EMPLOYER DETAILS To To To Manager Employer ____________________ Policy No.___________ Postal Address ___________________ Post Code _______ Business/Industry _________________________________ Number of Employees ______________ Job No._________ Surname (Block Letters) ____________________________ Given Names (Block Letters) _________________________ Address _________________________________________ Date of Birth _____________________________________ Surname (Block Letters) ____________________________ Given Names (Block Letters) _________________________ Address__________________________________________ Date of Birth _____________________________________ 2. WORKER’S DETAILS What was the worker doing immediately before the accident ? ______________________________________ What went wrong or what broke down ? _______________ _______________________________________________ Describe how the injury was caused __________________ ________________________________________________ Name of Doctor or Hospital : IN or OUT patient _________ ________________________________________________ 3. ACCIDENT DETAILS 4. TIME ACCIDENT Time of Accident ________ AM/PM Date of Accident ____ Time worker ceased work ___AM/PM Date ceased work ___ Time first reported? ______AM/PM To whom _________ OF Location of accident _______________________________ Position _________________________________________ 5. INJURY DETAILS Part of body injured _______________________________ Nature of Injury _____________ Severity ______________ Has worker suffered similar injury ? ___________________ What work was worker doing when injured ?____________ ________________________________________________ How long has worker performed such work? ___________ Name of person in charge and position ________________ ________________________________________________ Has the person completed report ? Yes___ No ____ 6. OTHER DETAILS 1. PREVENTATIVE ACTION 2. SUPERVISOR 3. SAFETY OFFICER’S COMMENTS 4. MANAGER’S COMMENTS 5. MANAGEMENT’S INSTRUCTIONS Are there any witnesses? Yes___ No ____ Has the injured worker resumed work? Yes___ No ____ If no, are there any alternative duties the worker can perform ? _______________________________________ Is this is recurrent injury?___________________________ Was there a definable occurrence causing recurrence? ____ Has a Workers Compensation Claim been rejected? ______ Has at least one shift a day been lost from work? ________ Were other workers effected by the occurrence? ________ Changes to Induction/Ongoing Training ? Equipment/Machinery Modification ? Change to Work Procedures ? Change to Work Environment ? Job Re-design ? Yes ___ No ____ Yes ___ No ____ Yes ___ No ____ Yes ___ No ___ Yes ___ No ____ Time and Date investigation commenced _____ AM/PM ______ Time and Date injury was reported __________ AM/PM ______ Were you advised of the accident before the worker left site ? Yes/No Comments _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ What action has been taken, or recommended, to prevent a recurrence. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Signed _______________ _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Signed _______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Signed ______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Signed _____________ EXHIBIT 5 NOTES ON HOW TO ORGANIZE AND RUN SITE SAFETY (TOOL BOX) MEETINGS Why Give Tool Box Talks We are responsible for the lives and well being of people working for us – they have individual responsibility too. It is a basic never ending part of our job. We cannot bypass this part of our job but we can certainly lessen the burden by sharing it with the employees. The best way to accomplish this is to have regular, effective, stimulating, well remembered tool box talks. By giving good tool box talks, we communicate, educate and motivate. We lead our whole team toward the site safety goals. The better our safety talks are, the better we will be doing our job in the eyes of our boss and our men. Safety messages from above can get filtered, changed, etc. by the time they reach the target audience. In a tool box talk we are talking direct to the target audience. HOWEVER, MOST IMPORTANT IS THAT SUPERVISORS AND FOREMEN MAKE A DAILY SAFETY CONTACT WITH ALL THEIR EMPLOYEES AS INDIVIDUALS AND TOOL BOX MEETINGS MUST NOT BE SEEN AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR SUCH CONTACTS. Better Tool Box Talks Some principles of communication :- Communication is what we do to give and to get understanding about a particular topic. Appeals to the gut (emotion) are communicated more readily than appeals to reason – relate idea to their personal interest, their families, their health. Repeat the message often and in different ways, especially with a strong summary at the end. Keep it simple – often written material is complex. It often has to be get the detail. Learn its meaning and say in your own words. Say it in your own words (gut to gut), this is much more powerful than reading off a page. You must read over material and make summary notes, do not memorise – hand out detail. When talking with own words address the audience face to face making eye contact. Use visual aids where possible. A learner tends to remember : 10% of what he reads 20% of what he hears 30% of what he sees 50% of what he sees & hears 80% of what he sees, hears and does himself. See show and tell safety talk tips, Exhibit 6. Don’t try to cover too much, in one or two main ideas, aim for a communication bull’s eye. Keep a file of information, objects, pictures, posters, damaged safety equipment for your tool box talk – over time one can have a very powerful “Library”. In closing your talk, answer the question the listeners always have. Tell them what you want them to do for special action. Give a prescription on how to do it. Organizing Tool Box Talks The Supervisor or Foreman must give it. Prepare in advance so it is natural. Have visual aids where appropriate, i.e. samples or broken tools, safety goggles, painted hats, wood with nails, metal parts etc. Have an assistant if possible Supervisor - 4. Safety Officer Safety Delegate Stick to one or two topics with one of them being the main one. 10 minutes on tool box talk proper, never read it off directly – have key notes, if required. 10 minutes on going over last weeks action items and reviewing this weeks action items from the floor. Action items shall be posted in smoko huts. Lastly summarize key points of topic again. Specific additional topics may be advised by the Project Manager, Safety Officer or Client. These shall be current but picked sufficiently ahead to give foremen time to prepare. Practice ahead of time. This is definitely the most important safety meeting on site – without a doubt – treat it that way. Minutes of Tool Box Meetings Minutes of Tool Box are to be recorded on the Report Form Exhibit 7. EXHIBIT 6 AGENDA FOR A TOOL BOX MEETING The following items are to be discussed on a regular basis at Tool Box Meetings. The frequency and content of these regular items will be determined by the Project Manager and/or Safety Officer. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Items of general safety importance to the Total Work Site (generally as advised by the Project Manager or Safety Officer). Items of safety interest to the particular group (generally from the Supervisor’s / Foreman’s own walk around or from Safety Talk Tips – See Section 2) Review differing items of the HSP each fortnight. Employees responsibilities. Frequently reiterate : 1.6 1.7 Personnel search and no matches, lighters. No smoking regulations. Permit and Certificates regulations. Clothing requirements. Personnel protective equipment regulations. Quote any instances where employees have not complied. Review employees understanding of isolation tag procedures and permit systems – have sample tags available. Discuss use of hazardous materials on the work site. Show-and-tell Safety Talk Tips. In general examples or instances of unsafe work practices or bad housekeeping around respective groups work areas shall be addressed, with physical examples being exhibited were possible. Otherwise, examples of show-and-tell safety talk tips can be as follows. (a) Protection is the name of the game, whether it’s a fence around your yard or a guard around a machine. Both serve useful purpose. Use a piece of security screen mesh as a point of discussion on the value of guarding. Just as the security mesh can protect your home from intruders, so the various machine guards around the work place can protect you from serious injury. Ask the men to report any that are being bypassed or removed or any dangerous situation which should be guarded but is not You may be surprised at the knowledgeable answers you get. (b) Quote recent examples of people in plaster casts. Ask your men how come people have to wear this sort of thing. If any of them has worn a cast, have him tell some of the ways it was inconvenient, uncomfortable, restraining or disadvantageous. Discuss accidents involving slips, trips, falls and broken bones. Have the men identify hazards in their workplace that could cause such accidents and ways to eliminate them. (c) Put your fingers in a loaded rat trap ? Not likely! Pull back the spring on the trap and after your fingers are in a safe position, let it fly. You’ll certainly get everyone’s attention when it slams shut. But more important, you can equate the rat trap with the very real dangerous hand traps in the area. The point : think of every unsafe position for your hands as a possible rat trap and watch your fingers; they have to last a lifetime. Make a survey of your area, pointing out all potential hand traps. (d) A few spools empty of thread strung along a rubber band make an excellent model of the human spinal column. This “model” can be used to illustrate the danger of moving an injured person, when the spinal column should not be flexed. When the spools at either end are lifted, the row will bend in the middle, simulating the flexing of the spinal column. Moving an injured person with a broken back could sever the vital spinal cord. Similarly, the spools can be used to illustrate how little supporting strength the flexible backbone has, when “lifting”, unless it is an almost vertical position. (e) Exhibit two grinding wheels, a new one and a broken one. Have dialogue about the proper way to check, install, use and maintain this type of wheel. Review the deadly hazard of exploding wheels and the need for consistent and correct use of guards, protective equipment and work procedure. (f) The heart pumps a full five quart of blood every 60 seconds. The loss of one quart, a scant two pints, creates a very serious medical problem. The danger of severe and rapid bleeding can be dramatized by using a carton of water, coloured red with vegetable dye. Pour the contents of the carton into a clear quart milk bottle while pointing out that the loss of this much blood is life-threatening. After you have made your point, show your listeners how to stop severe bleeding with direct pressure on the wound. (g) Obtain spare emergency or lock-out tag and bring it to your meeting. Explain the system of emergency tags used in your company. Make certain that each man knows what he should do if he finds one on a valve or a switch. Explain any special procedures or precautions that should be followed. (h) A hammer with a cracked handle, a chisel with a mushroomed head, or any similar defective tool used in your work is an excellent visual contact for talk on hand-tool safety. Bring the tools to the meeting and pass them around. Explain the different kinds of injuries that could occur because of their poor condition. If an accident has already occurred, feel free to discuss it, especially if one of your crew was injured. Tell the men what to do when one of their hand tools becomes damaged. (i) Bring a dart or two and a small target. Ask for volunteer to stand in front of the target while you throw a dart. When the guys tell you, you are crazy, you can tell them you are no crazier than the guys you have seen standing, without eye protection, in front of the grinders, chippers, or whatever other machinery you have. After all, a chip can blind as easily as a dart. Discuss aspects of eye safety with the men. (j) Display an electric tool or appliance with a frayed or cut cord. Explain that this kind of defect can kill, and must be reported. A man touching this cord could be electrocuted, especially if he were touching metal piping or standing in water. Tools should be carefully checked by each man before they are used. (k) Safety glasses that have saved someone’s sight tell a compelling story, especially if that “someone” works for you or works in your business. Bring the safety glasses to the meeting and tell the facts about the accident. Let everyone see the impact they absorbed. Those with vivid imaginations can guess what the result would have been if the eye, instead of the glass had been hit. (l) Ask your men, without looking, to tell the location of the fire extinguishers, and if they can which kind of fire each of the extinguishers will fight. You may be amazed to find that almost no one can answer the questions. Take this opportunity to take everyone on a “Cook’s tour”. Stop at each of the area extinguishers and explain to each of the men how it operates and what kind of fires it can put out. (m) Use a stepladder. A stool and a wooden crate as aids for a discussion of “steps to ladder safety”. Emphasize that no job is urgent enough to risk breaking your neck by climbing up on furniture or equipment. Step up to safety by proper use of the right kind of ladder. Avoid standing on top steps of step ladder. Check ground on which ladder is placed. Extension Ladders - (n) always secured watch overhead powerlines always, in case of timber ladders, have them facing the right way ie. Tension wire at back. Always tie off. Check ground support. Somewhere around the work area there may be an old piece of lumber with a big fat rusty nail sticking through it. Bring it to your meeting. Show it to your men and tell them where you found it. The danger is that the puncture inflicted by this nail may be filled with millions of tetanus germs. Without proper cleaning, medical treatment and possibly a tetanus shot, the wound could become infected with deadly lock-jaw the possible result. Remind your kind crew to remove these nails or to bend them over. Proper safety shoes with study soles are another precaution. EXHIBIT 7 MINUTES OF SITE SAFETY (TOOL BOX) MEETING HELD ON (Date) AT (Location) PRESENT : Contractor’s Supervisor/Foreman:________________________________ Contractor’s Project Manager/ Safety Officer :________________________________ Client :________________________________ Representative The following Contractor’s Employees : Items Reviewed and Discussed : (write “NR” if not reviewed or discussed) 1. Review of Action Items from Last Meeting. 2. Items of General Safety Importance to the Total Work Site. 3. Items of Safety Interest to this Group (eg. Hazards or safety conditions applicable to this group’s work area). 4. Review of Work Procedures 5. Review of Following items from HSP 6. Employees Responsibilities 7. Reminder Items Tick as appropriate which item is reviewed and discussed. Personal protective equipment Housekeeping Electrical Equipment condition Gas bottle safety Special Client Requirements eg. No Smoking Regulations Permit and Certificate Regulations 8. Hazardous Materials on Work Site. 9. Show-and-Tell Safety Talk Tips. 10. Safety Hand Outs. 11. Other items. 12. List of Specific Action Items Signature of __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Supervisor/Foreman_________________________ dated EXHIBIT 8 DAILY INSPECTION CHECKLIST CONTRACT __________________________________________________ WORK AREA COVERED _______________________________________________ DATE INSPECTED __________________________________________________ NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES IN AREA ______________________________________ NUMBER OF LOWER TIER SUB-CONTRACTS IN AREA ______________________ Items to be ticked off if found in a safe and proper condition. (Items not applicable to be marked N.A.) Any hazardous or unsafe condition to be reported. Inspection to be carried out to conform compliance to HSP. Personal Protective Equipment Scaffolding/Access/Ladders Aerial Work Platforms Boatswains Chairs Light Duty Suspended Stage Barricades Barriers Around Excavations Roadway Working Portable Powered Tools & Equipment Mobile Plant Cranes Gas Cylinders Welding Protection Housekeeping Fire Fighting Equipment Other Items _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Additional Remarks, Hazardous or Unsafe Acts/Conditions Seen _________ ______________________________________________________________ Action Taken on Unsafe Acts/Conditions _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____ Signed_______________ Date ________________