GDLN Learning Activity Development (GLAD) Batch 3 A FORMAL METHOD APPROACH FOR RELIABLE AND HIGH QUALITY SOFTWARE Inception Report Principal investigator: Heru Suhartanto, PhD Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia Directorate of General Higher Education Ministry of National Education 2007 A. Executive summary Software is becoming one of the daily need in this computerize world. The quality of the software relies heavily on its engineering process. Some of the local software need has been developed locally. Although the software development in Indonesia is cheaper than in most other countries, those software products are unlikely to be marketed internationally due to its quality. The current state of the art of software engineering in Indonesia is quite far behind the international one. One of the current approaches that we would like to raise is the use of formal method for software engineering. The proposed learning activity is trying to bring the latest state of the art of a reliable software engineering to Indonesia academicians and software engineers. We have experience on doing research in this area, and we would also like to disseminate our research. We have conducted a three years research in this area in collaboration with Utrecht University. As one of the result of this research collaboration is a prototype tool name LinguSQL. This tool represents the state of the art in the software development of database applications. We would like to introduce the audience and prepare them to be able to use this tool to improve the quality and the reliability of the software they develop. With this improvement, we expect to bring Indonesian software product into international market. We plan to have a two day seminar preceded by one-week online independent learning and discussion on the required basic knowledge of formal method to provide the audiences with sufficient pre-knowledge to be able to understand the latest approach. Sufficient hand-out in the forms of hard-copy and in the form of e-learning material via the internet will be provided to the audiences well before the seminar to prepare them with the material in advance. B. Background information In the information era, many human tasks have been replaced by computer systems. The number of existing application programs grows very quickly. Industrial companies and other institutions often need to change their computer system as the complexity of their problem increases. The need to modernize legacy software system is primarily driven by three factors: expansion of the system’s functionality; improved maintainability offered by newer tools and techniques; and reduction of operational costs and improved reliability offered by new hardware [Tsr02]. Reliability of a program based on mathematical proof was raised since late 60's by Floyd and Hoare [Hoa69]. They introduced the assertion of simple triple which is known as Hoare triple. The triple consists of pre-condition, program statement and post-condition. It is denoted as {P} S {Q}. The triple means that if the pre-condition P holds in the beginning of S, then after the execution of S terminate the condition Q will hold. The idea has not gained popularity until the success of mathematical reliability proof on hardware with the help of computer program called theorem prover. This emerging approach is not meant to replace the software quality procedure of testing. It is meant to complement it since no matter how intensive the testing is, it would not be able to show the absence of error as Dijkstra[Dij72] said: ”... program testing can be a very effective way to show the presence of bugs, but is hopelessly inadequate for showing their absence.” One of the difficulties in doing verification for software is the readability of its specification. Before doing verification, we first need to specify the expected behavior of the program. Using common natural language has been proven not sufficient, due to its natural ambiguity. The use of a mathematical style of language provides a precise expression, but reading it will be difficult. Due to the high complexity of practical cases, it is not even visible by human eyes to render those expressions to check if they really express the expected behavior. The next step after having a formal written specification of a program, we have to define a way to verify if the implemented program complies with the defined specification. The approach to guarantee the reliability of a program is called program verification. Another approach which is trying to generate a correct program from the given specification is called program refinement. Both approaches require a mean to do reasoning. The reasoning is necessary to provide justification of the steps to refine a specification or to justify if a program complies with its specification. Since the specification is sometimes difficult to be read, the reasoning of a specification and its program can also be very delicate. It uses so many variables in which for real application would be difficult for any human to follow. The need of machine help becomes obvious, not only for efficiency but also for feasibility. Unfortunately the Indonesian Software Engineering's state of the art is still quite far from adopting this concept. The Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia has conducted a research in this area in collaboration with Utrecht University [HPA06]. We have created a prototype tool name LinguSQL[APV05] which we believe if it can be adopted well, it could increase the reliability and quality of software. This tool also won the APICTA Indonesia award for research and development category. However, to be able to use the tool, not only need training but also require additional basic courses which were not sufficiently provided in our current computer science curriculum. C. Proposed Learning Activity We propose a two day seminar to disseminate our previous research result funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology. We name the seminar: A formal method approach for reliable and high quality software The event will preceded by on-line learning of related basic materials to facilitate the participants the gaining foundation and the basic knowledge. C.1. Rationale This activity will provide the audiences sufficient motivation to keep improving their software quality by raising some of the issues and the latest findings which they are not aware of before. The activity will provide the audiences which some basic knowledge which is needed to be able to understand the latest approach on improving their software quality. One example of basic knowledge that IT professionals are lacking is mathematical logic [GS93]. The subject is usually given in the first or second year. However, when they graduate and start working, it is unlikely that they apply it well. As the result, the software is low in quality, the testing become insufficient because the test scenarios are not built based on sufficient logical thinking. We will provide several discussion sessions for the audiences to simulate how it could be applied. The audiences could freely ask the expert on the related problem they have. C.2. Objective and Strategy Our objectives are: a) Research results dissemination of RUTI-AgI project by faculty of Computer Science UI in collaboration with Utrecht Universiteit[HPA06]. In that research activity we have developed a prototype tool for reliable software engineering. We do not only want to disseminate the prototype and provide some tutorial on how to use it, but we want to provide an advanced knowledge for reliable software engineering which we have learned before especially during the research project. Our previous research result is expected to improve the reliability of the software product which can reduce (or even eliminate) the occurrence of errors (bugs) in software. We expect to improve national competitiveness of software engineering and an efficient investment of ICT through a better quality of software development. b) We would like to effectively use any possible mean to disseminate our research, in this opportunity, the GDLN network. We believe the use of internet and e-learning module could help us deliver the message throughout the nation and possibly worldwide. This is an effective method to overcome the problem of finding a suitable time and place for both the instructors and the audiences. c) We expect to meet many potential collaborator and possibly user of our prototype. This opportunity could be use to initiate collaboration which could improve the quality of the research result. This collaboration will strengthen the nation research quality rather than each academician/researcher working alone. d) We would also like to investigate the possibility to market this new methodology of reliable software development training via e-learning. This is not only reduce the time and cost for the instructor but also to the participant compare to traditional training methods. C.3. Targeted Audiences The potential audiences that will benefit and be interested to the proposed learning activity are: 1. Computer Science Lecturers. This type of audience needs to keep updating their knowledge with the state of the art. This training provides them with the latest research result which will benefit their students once they graduate and start working as IT professional. It will help the lecturer to prepare well trained graduates. 2. Software Engineering Researchers. This type of audience needs to discuss and updating their knowledge. Collaboration among researcher of similar field could improve their productivity. 3. Software Engineering Practitioners. We believe that this GDLN and INHERENT network should not only be useful for academician, but it should also be useful for long-life learning by practitioner. Specifically this activity will be the interest of the software engineering practitioner to keep improving their product quality and keep up with the latest state of the art of the practical research result in order to win the IT competition. 4. Master students and last year undergraduate students of computer science / information technology study program. This training is not intended for undergraduate student. However, an exception can be made for last year students whose their thesis supervisors also join the seminar or able to guide and help the students in understanding the material. This seminar could give them an overview of the latest trend on software engineering. Some of the prerequisite details which they have not learned or understood should be provided by their supervisors. During or before following this learning activity they should also get additional tutorial from their supervisor. About 60 – 90 participants are expected in this activity. There will be three main stations. We expect 25 participants in GDLN center in Salemba Jakarta , 20 participants in Bali, 20 participants in Riau and 25 participants spread out using the Inherent network. The participants from Jakarta are expected mostly are practitioners or last year student who are expected to try to apply the knowledge they gain in their daily activity. The discussion session will be prepared to anticipate those needs. While the participants from Riau, and Bali, are expected to be our future partners in investigating this research area. It is quite difficult to estimate the participants from inherent networks, therefore they will be sufficiently exposed to different aspects during the video conferencing and provided with the complete e-learning material for further studying on their interests. C.4. Mechanism and Design This activity is designed in a two day seminar via video conference, preceded by on-line learning of related basic materials. A week before the seminar, we will provide some multimedia e-learning material contains overview of software engineering process and quality assurance, logic and its role in software engineering and introduction to formal method in software engineering. The material will be uploaded in our Learning Management System called SCeLE. The manual to use the system and the introduction material are given to all registered participants as printed materials to anticipate some participants who are still not familiar with the internet. The participants are encouraged to start learning and discuss the material on-line using the discussion forum in the SCeLE even before the video conferencing. Local organizer of each site, is responsible on providing the environment and equipment to do the on-line discussion. Due to limited budget and time, assistants are only provided in the GDLN center (i.e. Salemba, Riau dan Bali). The assistants are responsible in helping the participant with the content material especially to help the participants who are not well prepared during the one-week on-line session or need more assistant in understanding the prerequisite knowledge. Both, assistants and local organizer are responsible to provide the required feedback and to initiate the discussion in each site. It is important to note that relying on the two day video conference period will not be sufficient for the participants even with the sufficient preliminary knowledge to absorb the research result that we want to disseminate. Self studying of the material will also be very difficult and time consuming due to the research nature of the topic which required additional motivation and guidance. The blended learning mechanism is important to effectively deliver the materials. Here, the participants are required to learn the material on-line well before the video conference. During the video conferencing they will be elaborated and guided to the specific aspect of the research result which meets their interest. Therefore the success of this activity is not only depends on the two days video conference but also depend on the participants cooperation during the preceded one week on-line. In the first day, there will be two sessions. In the first session, our experts will elaborate the subjects and expose all the related aspects which will be the interests of the participants. To prepare the participants, a session of review lecture is given in the afternoon session. After each session, there will be an on-line discussion session for knowledge sharing and question answering with the experts. To provide prove of concept, the second days will be dedicated for application demonstration and problem solving of a simplified case study. The morning session is the demonstration and the afternoon session is the problem solving exercise of a simplified case study. A slightly different than the first day, in the second day all activity can be interleaved with the on-line discussion activities and most importantly provide interactive environment on the demonstration session. The role of assistants and local organizers are becoming more important in these two sessions. In the problem solving session, the participants are first encouraged to work with a small group and then discuss their solution and finding, with the rest of the participants using the video conference. During their small group discussion, we provide the possibility to contact the available experts. The assistants and local organizer should actively initiate the small group discussion. For those groups who are not ready for group discussion, the on-line discussion forum is still open to let our experts help them preparing themselves and solve their obstacles. The detail activities are shown in the following table: Period Day 1: session 1 Day 1: session 2 Day 1: session 3 (discussion) Day 2: session 1 Activity Video conference (90’) Topic: Formal method in software engineering By: Prof. Belawati H Widjaja, Ph.D and L. Y. Stefanus, PhD Moderator: Kasiyah, MSc Video conference (90’) Topic: Technology for specifying and generating reliable data processing program By: Heru Suhartanto, PhD Moderator: Dina Chahyati, MKom Local discussion followed by online discussion and on-line quiz. (120’) Moderator: GDLN Salemba: Dina Chahyati, Mkom, and Kasiyah, Msc GDLN Riau: Ade Azurat, Skom GDLN Bali : Siti Aminah, Mkom Notes Round down of each session of video conference: Video conference (90’) Topic: Case study By: Dewi Mairiza, Mkom Moderator: Rikky Wenang, SKom Round down: 5’: informing the topic and the goal 15’: presenting the case study 20’: discussion 20’: tool demonstration 50’:discussion and Interactive demonstration 10’: wrap up and closing 5’: ice breaking 5’: informing the topic and the goal 30’: presenting the material 20’: discussion 30’: presenting the material 20’: discussion 10’: wrap up and closing The material is provided as mentioned before. This session will be the short version of the one week online period. Round down: 40’: Local discussion 60’: on-line discussion 20’: wrap up and closing Day 2: session 1 (Morning session, parallel with on-line discussion) Video conference (90’) Topic: Demo of LinguSQL By: Rikky Wenang, SKom Moderator: Dewi Mairiza, Mkom Round down: 5’: informing the topic and the goal 15’: presenting the case study 20’: discussion 20’: tool demonstration 50’: discussion and interactive demonstration 10’: wrap up and closing Day 2: session 3 (Afternoon session, parallel with on-line discussion) Problem solving (120’) Moderator: GDLN Salemba: Rikky Wenang, Skom and Dewi Mairiza, Mkom GDLN Riau: Ade Azurat, Skom GDLN Bali : Siti Aminah, Mkom Round down: 5’: ice breaking 5’: informing the topic and case study 40’: small group discussion 40’: selected group presentation 40’: local group discussion 90’: online-discussion 15’: expert/moderator comments and wrap up 5’: closing C.5. Institutional Arrangement These activities will be based in Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia. All the speakers are from Fasilkom UI, who also the member of the previous research. Dr. I.S.W.B Prasetya from Utrecht Universiteit, our partner in the research, will be one of the subject matter experts especially in material development process. The video conference will use the GDLN center in Salemba Jakarta, and GDLN nodes in Denpasar and Pekanbaru. Research assistants from Computer Science of department UI will be the moderator and become the person in charge during this e-Learning activity on the remote site. Staff of University of Udayana, UIN Riau will be the local coordinators responsible with the logistics, equipment arrangement and other local related matters. Currently, we have collaboration with the universities in distance learning program for Software Engineering and Database courses. Participants from Jabotabek, Riau, Bali and will use the GDLN facility. Other expected participants are arranged to use INHERENT nodes in ITB, UGM, UNDIP and USU. C.6. Implementation Schedule Preparation: Promotion Material design Material development : 22 Nov – 17 Dec 2007 : 26 Nov – 8 Dec 2007 : 8 – 24 December 2007 Implementation: Registration & enrolling participant to SCeLE Material available on-line since Two days video conference Report : 8 – 17 December 2007 : 25 December 2007 : 4 – 5 January 2008 : 12 January 2007 Rational: The schedule is revised due to the three weeks announcement delay. The video conference was scheduled to be a one day seminar. However, we follow the reviewer suggestion to improve the effectiveness of the delivery. Therefore we scheduled a two day seminar. The consequences in budget requested will be explained in next Section. Other important changes are the time scheduled for material design and development. The additional days in these activities are required to enhance the distance learning modes process to increase the effectiveness on this activity. Specifically, additional time is needed to give sufficient time for our instructional design consultant to review our design and evaluate our material. We also would like to allocate additional 5 days during the last phase of the material development to try out our on-line material with some of our selected students (Faculty of Computer Science UI) C.7. Budget Requested Budget allocation is presented in the following table. Remuneration is also provided for material preparation. From our experience, preparing a multimedia material for a distance learning format require additional effort which is quite time consuming. We propose transportation cost for the participants to go to the nearest GDLN center to encourage them to participate and eliminate their possible obstacle to join the activity. The assistants need to be in every station to initiate the group discussion among the participant. Remuneration No. Subject 1 Team Leader (PI) 2 Team Member 3 Assistant 4 Surveyor 5 Source Person (2 hours each) 6 Presenter (2 hours each) 7 Speaker Frequency 1 5 6 2 3 3 2 Unit cost 1,840,000 1,520,000 960,000 576,000 400,000 700,000 500,000 Sub Total: Total 1,840,000 7,600,000 5,760,000 1,152,000 1,200,000 2,100,000 1,000,000 20,652,000 Operational Cost No. Subject 1 Promotion 2 Local transportation for personnel 4 Transportation and accommodation to Bali (4 days) 5 Transportation and accommodation to Pekanbaru (4 days) Frequency 1 16 1 1 Unit cost 3,000,000 100,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 Sub Total: Total 3,000,000 1,600,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 13,600,000 Frequency 10 120 Unit cost 50,000 50,000 500,000 25,000 20,000 800,000 460,000 Sub Total: Total 500,000 6,000,000 500,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 3,200,000 460,000 15,660,000 Total Budgel (Excluding GDLN Communication Cost): 49,912,000 Consumable: Backup media and Stationary No. Subject 1 DVD Backup and recording 2 Lunch and snack during seminar 3 Stationary, paper and printer ink 4 Handout printing + CD material 5 Certificate 6 Memory upgrade laptop 7 Memory upgrade PC 120 100 4 1 C.8. Personnel Coordinator: Heru Suhartanto, PhD. Subject Matter Experts: 1. Prof. Belawati H Widjaja, Ph.D (Fasilkom UI) 2. Heru Suhartanto, Ph.D (Fasilkom UI) 3. L.Y. Stefanus, Ph.D (Fasilkom UI) 4. Dr. I.S.W.B Prasetya (Utrecht Universiteit, The Netherland) Assistants and material developers: 1. Ade Azurat, SKom (PhD Candidate) 2. Siti Aminah, MKom 3. Rikky Wenang, SKom. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Kasiyah, MSc. Dina Chahyati, MKom. Dewi Mairiza, MKom. Irfan Hilmy, SKom. Fuady Rosma Hidayat, SKom. Notes: Kasiyah, Msc., Dewi Mairiza, Mkom., and Siti Aminah, Mkom, have significant experience on delivering teaching material on-line where they also have learned on developing instructional design and apply it. Their expertise and experience are very important in this team to develop and deliver a well blended learning material. Irfan Hilmy, SKom and Fuady Rosma Hidayat, SKom are responsible as multimedia developers. They will enhance the PPT and doc materials to become multimedia self learning material. SCeLE administrator: Harry Budi Santoso, SKom Rizal Fathony Aji, SKom Support staffs: Sutriningsih Sylvia Sekar Idaman Curriculum vitae of the personnel are attached in the appendix. D. Bibliography [APV05] A. Azurat, I.S.W.B. Prasetya, T.E.J. Vos, H. Suhartanto, B. Widjaja, L.Y. Stefanus, R. Wenang, S. Aminah, and J. Bong. Towards automated verification of database scripts. In Joe Hurd, Edward Smith, and Ashish Darbari, editors, Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: Emerging Trends Proceedings, pages 159–176, 2005. Also available as Tech. Report No. PRG-RR-05-02, Oxford University Computing Laboratory. [Dij72] Edsger W. Dijkstra. The humble programmer. Commun. ACM, 15(10):859–866, 1972. Turing Award lecture. [GS93] David Gries, Fred B Scheneider A Logical Approach to Discrete Math. Springer Verlag, 1993 [Hoa69] C.A.R. Hoare. An axiomatic basis for computers programs. Commun. Ass. Comput. Mach., 12:576–583, 1969. [HPC06] Heru Suhartanto, I.S.W.B. Prasetya, Carroline D. Puspa, Ade Azurat, . Proses Verifikasi Piranti Lunak Basis Data dengan LINGU dan Theorem Prover HOL. Lembaga Penerbit FEUI, 2006. ISBN 979-142102-1 [Tsr02] The Software Revolution, Inc. Automated Transformation of Legacy Systems, 2002. URL: technology.html. [HPA06] Heru Suhartanto, I.S.W.B Prasetya, Ade Azurat, Belawati Widjaja, Jimmy Bong, LY. Stefanus, Siti Aminah. Developing Technology for Specifying and Generating Critical Data Processing Programs. Lembaga Penerbit FEUI, 2006. ISBN 979-98141-2-X E. Appendix CURRICULUM VITAE (1) Personel Data (2) Full name e-mail Place and DOB Gender Marital Status Religion Office Address Office Phone Mobile Phone Home Address : Heru Suhartanto : : Jakarta, 19-th of April 1961 : Male : Married with two children : Islam : Faculty of Computer Science, UI, Depok 16424 : +62-21-786 3419, Fax : +62-21-786 3415 : +62-812-83 46494 : Jl. Perdana No. 9, Rt 05/Rw 03, Ulujami, Jakarta 12250 Formal Education (3) 1995 – 1998, PhD in Parallel Computing, The University of Queensland, Australia 1987 – 1990, MSc in Computer Science, The University of Toronto, Canada 1981 – 1986, Sarjana Matematika, Universitas Indonesia Working Experiences 2004 -- 2008, Vice Dean for General Affair (Wakil Dekan Non Akademik), Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia 2000 -- 2004, Vice Dean for General Affair (Wakil Dekan Non Akademik), Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia 1998 – 2000, Post Doctoral Fellow, Advanced Computational Modelling Centre, The University of Queensland, 2000 – 2003, Assistant of Director, Quality of Undergraduate Education (QUE) Project, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia 2000 – 2004, Assistant Director for Financial and General Affair, Computer Science Centre (Pusilkom), Universitas Indonesia 1986 -- present, Academic Staffs, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia 2002 – 2004, General Manager for State College Student Entrance Process ( SPMB), Pusilkom UI 2002, Chairman of The International Undergraduate Preparation Committee, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia 2002 – 2004, Administration Coordinator for International Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia 2003, Manager of Data processing for Recruitment Project PCPM BI XXV - Management Committee, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indonesia 1990 – 1994, Non Degree Coordinator, Inter University Center for Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia 1989 – 1990, Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science, The University of Toronto, Canada (4) Professional Organization memberships: (5) Teaching experiences (6) Topics in Parallel Computation, Graduate Courses, 2001 – 2006, Calculus I, Undergraduate Course, 2006,2007 Compiler Techniques, Undergraduate Courses, 1991 – 1994, 1998, 2000 – 2006, Distributed Computing, Undergraduate Course, 2004, Linear Algebra, International Undergraduate Course, 2004,2005 Software Engineering, International Undergraduate Course, 2004, Foundation of Programming, International Undergraduate Course, 2003, Discrete Mathematics, International Undergraduate Course, 2002, Topics in Numerical Computation, Graduate Courses, 2000 – 2002 Operating System, Graduate Courses, 2000 -- 2001 Numerical Methods, Undergraduate Course, 1991 – 1994, Optimization, Undergraduate Course, 1992 – 1994, Combinatorial algorithms, Undergraduate Course 1992, Research Grants (7) 2006 – 2007, IEEE Member Number: 87037955 2003 – 2005, Principal Researcher, Indonesian International Joint Research Program with Universiteit Utrecht, Netherland, funded by The Ministry of Research and Technology Research Program, Republic of Indonesia, on Developing Technology for Specifying and Generating Critical Data Processing Programs, 1998 – 2000: Principal Researcher, The Developments of Numerical Methods based on parallel Iterated Multistep Runge-Kutta Formulae for solving Differential Algebraic Equations, Advanced Computational and Modelling Centre, The University of Queensland 1992: Principal Researcher, On the reduction of Jacobian evaluation in the performance of Stiff ODE solvers, Inter University Center for Computer Science Project (IUC CS), World Bank. 1993, Principal Researcher, On the implementation of Parallel Runge-Kutta methods on Transputer, IUC CS, World Bank. 1992 – 1994, Research Member, Ground Water Simulations, Schlumberger 1991, Research Member, On the solution of indefinite sparse linear system, IUC CS, Bank Dunia Publication Papers 1. Heru Suhartanto, Kajian Perangkatbantu Komputasi tersebar berbasis Message Passing, to appear on Makara Teknologi, 2007 2. Carroline D. Puspa, Heru Suhartanto, Ade Azurat, Siti Aminah, IMPLEMENTASI PROTOTYPE LINGU pada STUDI KASUS STUDENT ENTRANCE TEST, Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi, Bandung 2006. 3. Jimmy Bong & Heru Suhartanto, Penerapan Attribute Grammar dalam Penerjemahan Bahasa Spesifikasi Lingu ke Bahasa Pemrograman Java, Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi, Bandung 2006. 4. Heru Suhartanto dan Herry, Algoritma Parallel Supervised PNN Structure Determination and Implementasi Berbasis Message Passing Interface, submitted for publication on Sep 13, 2006 5. Sri Mardiyati, T. Basaruddin, H. Suhartanto, Numerical Analysis of the Electrical Potential, Journal of Fundamental Science, Vol 2, Number 1-2, 2006, page 109 - 118 6. Heru Suhartanto, Peluang meraih Hak Kekayaan Intelektual ICT: definisi,manfaat,proses, Seminar Raboan, Fasilkom UI, Sep 20, 2006 7. E. Sediyono, and H. Suhartanto, Modifikasi Algoritma Triangulasi Delaunay dan Implementasi Parallel untuk Rekonstruks Obyek, Jurnal Teknologi Industri, Vol X, Nomor 1, Januari 2006, hal 31 – 42 8. E. Sediyono, and H. Suhartanto ,Perbandingan PenggunaanDeteksi Sudut dan Deteksi Tepi untuk Rekonstruksi Obyek dengan Metoda Triangulasi Delaunay, Gematek, Vol 8, No 1, Mar 2006, hal 37 -47) 9. H. Suhartanto, Rolis Kartiko Aplikasi xWatch Parallel berbasis Message Passing, Prosiding SNIKTI 2005,hal G-40 10. M. Kartawidjaja, H. Suhartanto, T. Basaruddin , "Performance of a Parallel Technique for Solving Stiff ODEs Using a Block-diagonal Implicit Runge-Kutta Method, The IPSI BgD Transactions on Advanced Research, July 2005 Volume 1 Number 2 (ISSN 1820-4511, 11. H.Suhartanto, B. Widjaja, et al, Technology for Specifying and Generating Critical Data Processing Programs, Proceeding the 8-th International Conference on Quality in Research, 2005, page EEEA01 12. M.A. Kartawidjaja, H. Suhartanto, T. Basaruddin, PERFORMANCE OF A PARALLEL TECHNIQUE FOR SOLVING NONLINEAR SYSTEMS ARISING FROM ODES TENCON Conference Proceeding on Analog and Digital Techniques in Electrical Engineering, 2004, Bangkok, Thailand, page 40 13. H. Suhartanto and Jimmy Bong, Penerjemah Kode Numerik Fortran ke Java, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu komputer dan Teknologi Informasi V, 2004, hal 199 14. H. Suhartanto and E. Sediyono, Comparison and Implementation of Parallel Delaunay Triangulation for Object Reconstruction, Proceeding Conference on Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Esset, Selangor, Malaysia, 2004 15. H. Suhartanto and E. Sediyono, On The Parallel Performance of Taskfarm And Static Domain Decomposition Techniques for Mandelbrot Set, Asian Journal of Information Technology, June 2004 16. M.Kartawidjaja, H. Suhartanto, T. Basaruddin, Performance of Parallel Iterative Solution of Linear Sysem using GMRESS, International Conference on Computational Engineering, Serbia, 2004 17. E. Sediyono and H. Suhartanto, Parallel Implementation of Delaunay Triangulationon PVM based PC Cluster, International Conference on Computational Engineering, Serbia, 2004 18. H. Suhartanto, The Development of Parallel ODEs codes based on Multistep Runge-Kutta (MRK) method, International Conference on High Performance Asia, Gold Coast, Australia, 2003 19. H.Suhartanto, The Development of Parallel Iterated Multistep Runge-Kutta methods on Cluster of workstations, International Conference on CMMSE, Alicante, Spains, 2003 20. E. Sediyono, H, Suhartanto, Model dan Implementasi Triangulasi Delaunay Parallel berbasis PVM, Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi, IV, Salatiga, 2003 21. M.Kartawidjaja, H. Suhartanto, T. Basaruddin, Comparing Experimental and Analytical Parallel Performance Models in Solving Linear Systems, Industrial Electronics Seminar, Surabaya, 2003 22. H. Suhartanto and E. Sediyono, On The Parallel Performance of Taskfarm and Static Domain Decomposition Techniques for Mandelbrot Set, Seminar Nasional Teknik Informatika, Joggyakarta, 2003 23. H. Suhartanto and K. Burrage, NSMRK: A Parallel Implementation of Multistep Runge-Kutta Methods for Non Stiff ODEs, Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi, Vol 3, No 1, Okt 2003, ISSN 1411 - 9854 24. A. Bustamam, H. Suhartanto, T. Basaruddin, Beberapa Hasil Eksperimen dan Evaluasi Kinerja Metoda iPIMRK pada Sistem Parallel MPI-Linux, SNKK III, 2002 25. A. Bustamam, H. Suhartanto, T. Basaruddin, Implementasi Perangkat Lunak SVMRK pada Sistem Parallel MPI-Linux, Seminar Ilmiah Nasional Komputer dan Sistem Intelejen, 2002 26. A. Bustamam, H. Suhartanto, T. Basaruddin, Implementasi Metoda Iteratif Parallel Implisit Multistep Runge-Kutta pada Sistem Parallel MPI-Linux, Lokakarya Komputasi dalam Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir XIII, Batan, 2002 27. A. Bustamam, H. Suhartanto, T. Basaruddin, Hasil Evaluasi Kinerja Metoda Iteratif Parallel Implisit Multistep Runge-Kutta pada Sistem Parallel MPI-Linux, Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi, Vol 2, Okt 2002, ISSN: 1411 9854 28. H. Suhartanto and K. Burrage, Parallel Iterated Methods based on Variable stepsize Multistep Runge-Kutta Methods of Radau type, Journal of Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2000,, ISSN 1019 7168. 29. H.Suhartanto, Perkembangan Teknik dan Lingkungan Komputasi, Workshop Komputasi Numerik dan Aplikasi Industri, Batan, Jakarta, 2001 30. H. Suhartanto and K. Burrage, A Matrix-Free implementation of Multistep Runge-Kutta methods for solving DAEs/ODEs, International Conference on SCICADE 2001, Vancouver, Canada 31. H. Suhartanto and K. Burrage, Mutistep Runge-Kutta methods for solving DAEs, International Conference on SCICADE 1999, Fraser Island, Australia 32. H. Suhartanto, Parallel Iterated Techniques based on Multistep Runge-Kutta Methods of Radau Type, Ph.D Thesis, Department of Mathematics, The University of Queensland, Australia, 1998 33. K. Burrage and H. Suhartanto, Parallel Iterated Methods based on Multistep Runge-Kutta of Radau type for Stiff problems, Journal of Advances in Computational Mathematics, Vol 7, Page 59, Mar 1997, ISSN 1019 7168. 34. K. Burrage and H. Suhartanto, Parallel Iterated Methods based on Multistep Runge-Kutta of Radau type for Non Stiff problems, Journal of Advances in Computational Mathematics, Vol 7, Page 37, Mar 1997, ISSN 1019 7168. 35. H. Suhartanto, Parallel Iterated Multistep Runge-Kutta methods for solving ODEs (invited speaker), International Conference on SCICADE 1997, Grado, Italy 36. H. Suhartanto, The Effect of Jacobian Evaluation Reduction for Stiffs IVPs, Proceesing of National Symposium on Computational Methods in Applied Science, ITB, Bandung 1994 37. H. Suhartanto, Automatic Grammar Checker for Bahasa Indonesia, Seminar on The Role of Information Technology in Bahasa Indonesia, UI, Jakarta, 1994 38. H. Suhartanto, On The Performance of Parallel Runge-Kutta Methods, Workshop Komputasi Numerik dan Aplikasi Industri IV, Batan, Jakarta, 1994 39. H. Suhartanto, Decompilation from Machine Code to Source Code: A Proposal, Konferensi Komputer Nasional VIII, IPKIN, Jakarta, 1993 40. H. Suhartanto, Parallelism in the numerical solution of IVPs for ODEs, Seminar Komputasi Numerik dan Aplikasi Industri III, UGM, Jogyakarta, 1993 41. H. Suhartanto, Implementation strategies for improving the performance of ODE solver, Workshop Komputasi Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir III, Batan, Jakarta, 1993 42. W.H. Enright and H. Suhartanto, Detecting and locating a singular point in the numerical solution of IVPs for ODEs, Computing, 48, 161 – 175, 1992 43. H. Suhartanto, Estimating local error with interpolants, Seminar Komputasi Numerik dan Aplikasi Indusri I, PAU-IK-UI, Jakarta, 1991 Books 1. Heru Suhartanto, I.S.W.B. Prasetya, Ade Azurat, Belawati Widjaja, Jimmy Bong, L.Y. Stefanus, Siti Aminah, Developing Technology for Specifying and Generating Critical Data Processing Programs, ISBN 979-98141-2-X, 2006. 2. Heru Suhartanto, Adhita Amanda Zulfa, Alisa Dewanti, Chrysta Coryna Pratiwi,Dian Maya Listya, Satria Graha, Analis Desain dan Implementasi SILAKIP, 2007, ISBN 978 979 98141 –7-3, Fasilkom UI Patens/Copyrights 1. Heru Suhartanto et al, Catalog and Order Management System, dalam proses pendaftaran ke Dirjen HKI, agenda no: C00200701731 – 21 Maret 2007. 2. Heru Suhartanto et al, SIRAPAT - Sistem Manajemen Rapat, dalam proses pendaftaran ke Dirjen HKI, agenda no: C00200701730 – 21 maret 2007 3. Heru Suhartanto et al, Sistem MEREKAT LAKUNTABEL Perguruan Tinggi, dalam dalam proses pendaftaran ke Dirjen HKI, maret 2007 4. Heru Suhartanto et al, Sistem Remunerasi Dosen, dalam dalam proses pendaftaran ke Dirjen HKI, maret 2007 5. Heru Suhartanto & Jimmy, Penerjemah Lingu ke Java, Surat Pendaftaran Ciptaan No: 032109, Dirjen HKI, 21 April 2006, , ttd DJ HKI 11 Januari 2007 6. Heru Suhartanto & Ade Azurat, et,. al, LinguSQL, Surat Pendaftaran Ciptaan No: 032110 , Dirjen HKI, 21 April 2006, , ttd DJ HKI 11 Januari 2007 7. Heru Suhartanto,Model Pemroses Bahasa Pemrograman Dengan tools berbasis Java, Surat Pendaftaran Ciptaan No: 032108, Dirjen HKI, 21 April 2006, ttd DJ HKI 11 Januari 2007 8. Heru Suhartanto et al, Sistem Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (SILAKIP) ,. Surat Pendaftaran Ciptaan No: 032171, Dirjen HKI, 18 Okt 2006, , ttd DJ HKI 16 Januari 2007 9. Heru Suhartanto, Model Kompilator Berbasis Pascal, Surat Pendaftaran Ciptaan No: 029005, Dirjen HKI, 08 February 2005 10. Heru Suhartanto & Jimmy, MuPL2Java translator, Surat Pendaftaran Ciptaan No: 029004, Dirjen HKI, 08 February 2005 CURRICULUM VITAE Lim Yohanes Stefanus WORK EXPERIENCE 1992-present: Researcher and Lecturer, Faculty of Computer Sciences - University of Indonesia. I have taught the following courses: Cryptography and Information Security, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Introduction to Functional Programming, Wavelets and Their Applications, Theory of Computation, Compiling Techniques, Introduction to Computer Organization, Computer-Aided Geometric Design, Foundations of Programming. FORMAL EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Canada (1992). Master's Degree, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Canada (1988). Sarjana's Degree, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia (1984). SELECTED PUBLICATION 1. 2. 3. 4. (With R. N. Goldman) On the Linear Independence of the Bivariate Discrete Convolution Blending Functions, Australian Computer Science Communications 20 (3), pp. 231-244, 1998. (With R. N. Goldman) Blossoming Marsden's identity, Computer Aided Geometric Design 9 (2), pp. 73-84, 1992. (With R. N. Goldman) Discrete Convolution Schemes, Mathematical Methods in Computer Aided Geometric Design II, Tom Lyche and Larry L. Schumaker (eds.), Academic Press, 1992, pp. 585-596. (With K. O. Geddes) On the Risch-Norman Integration Method and Its Implementation in MAPLE, Proceedings of the ACM-SIGSAM 1989 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC '89), ACM Press, 1989, pp. 212-217. CURRICULUM VITAE AD E AZ U RAT Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia Depok, Indonesia Phone: 0062-21-786 3419 ext.3309 Email: WWW: EDUCATION 2005... 19992004 19951999 Phd Student, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia Subject: Modular and Compositional Verification for Imperative Programs and Concurrent Systems. Promotor: Prof. Belawati Wijaya, PhD. Co-Promotor: L.Y. Stefanus, PhD AiO (Assistant in Opleiding) University of Utrecht , Netherland Project subject: Verification of Distributed Systems Supervisor: Prof. Dr. S.D. Swiestra and Dr. Wishnu Prasetya Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Faculty of Camputer Science University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia Thesis subject: Information Retrieval using probabilistic inference network GPA: 3.51, Graduated Cum Laude PROJECT WORK 2000-2001 Operational semantic of UNITY, Utrecht, AiO University of Utrecht, Netherland Formalize the operational semantic of UNITY logic in hol Theorem prover Define the operational semantic of UNITY Verify and prove the soundness of the formalism Studying formalization in HOL Theorem Prover 2002-2003 xMech, Utrecht, AiO University of Utrecht, Netherland Develop a program verification tool in ML Define a programming logic for imperative programmnig Define a programming logic for distributed programmnig Provide basic interface to theorem prover HOL 2003-2004 AGMech, Utrecht, AiO University of Utrecht, Netherland Develop a compositional method to implement programing logic in Attribut Grammer system Studying Parser Combinator and Attribute Grammar Develop a compositional programming logic using algebra 2004-2005 Developing Technology for Specifying and Generating Critical Data Processing Program, Menristek NKRI, RUTI Fasilkom UI, Universitas Indonesia develop a program verification for database application supervising several students final project verification of SET case study using LinguHOL 2005 Verification and Visualization of Component Software, Dikti, Hibah-B Fasilkom UI, Universitas Indonesia · develop a program verification for component software architecture – Javabean · design the programming logic framework for component software · formalization of programming logic framework for component software in HOL · supervising several students final project · formal understanding of componetn software dependency 2006 Software composition in F-Logic, Computational Logic - Asia Link TU Dresden Germany, Prof. Uwe Assmann (6 Months) · Develop the model of invasive software composition in F-Logic · Analyse Constraint Check using F-Logic ACHIEVEMENTS AND SCHOLARSHIP 1999 IPA Falldays 1999 on Component-based Software Technology, November 8-12 1999, Dordrecht, The Netherland 2000 Scholarship, EEF Foundations school in Deduction and Theorem Proving Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh,6-16 April 2000, dollar value: USD 500 Scholarship, The LINEAR International Summer School (Linear Logic and Applications) August 30 to September 7, 2000, Azores, Portugal, USD 1000 Scholarship, IPA Springdays 2000 on UML, April 26-28 2000, Eindhoven,The Netherland Scholarship, IPA Falldays 2000 on Applied Algorithm Design, November 20-24 2000, Millingen aan de Rijn,The Netherland 2001 NATO Advanced Study Institute on Proof and System-Reliability, Martoberdorf, Germany, 24 July- 5 august 2001 IPA Spring 2001 on Security, April 18 to 20, Heeze, The Netherland IPA Basic Course on Software Technology 2001,May 28 - June 1 2001,Utrecht, The Netherland 2005 Achievement, Winner of Research and Development Category APICTA Indonesia 2005 form LinguSQL tool project (as part of RUTI-AgI team). 2006 Asia-Link, PhD Student exchange six months in TU Dresden Germany. Supervisor: Prof. S Hoelldobler. SOFTWARE PRODUCT 2002,2004 Library !Unity & compositional theory di HOL, Join work with Dr. Wishnu Prasetya, University of Utrecht, Netherland 2003 XMech- Verification tool Join Work with Dr. Wishnu Prasetya, University of Utrecht, Netherland 2004-2005 LinguSQL Join work in RUTI-Agi team, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia INTERESTS · · · Formalization Higher Order Theorem Prover Component Software · · · Program verification Programming Logic Formal method PUBLICATIONS Year Publication 2000 (1) Ade Azurat. A framework for verification of concurrent systems. In Proceedings of The 5th Indonesian Student's Scientific Meeting ISSM 2000, number ISSN : 0855-8692, pages 293-296, Paris October 2000. 2001 (1) I.S.W.B. Prasetya, A. Azurat and S.D. Swierstra. Sebuah Framework untuk Mekanisasi Multi Logika, Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi, Volume 1, Nomor 2, Oktober 2001, ICIS, Indonesia. 2002 (4) A. Azurat, I.S.W.B. Prasetya, and S.D. Swierstra, Embedding Programming Logics in HOL Theorem Prover, Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi. Volume 2, Nomer 1, Mei 2002, ICIS, Indonesia. A. Azurat and I.S.W.B. Prasetya. A survey on embedding programming logic in a theorem prover. Technical Report UU-CS-2002-007, Institute of Information and Computing Sciences Utrecht University, P.O.Box 80.089 3508 TB Utrecht The Netherlands, January 2002. A. Azurat and I.S.W.B. Prasetya. A preliminary report on xmech. Technical Report UUCS-2002-008, Institute of Information and Computing Sciences Utrecht University, P.O.Box 80.089 3508 TB Utrecht The Netherlands, January 2002. I.S.W.B. Prasetya, T.E.J. Vos, A. Azurat, S.D. Swierstra, !UNITY: A Theory of General UNITY Technical Report UUCS-2002-025, Institute of Information and Computing Sciences Utrecht University, P.O.Box 80.089 3508 TB Utrecht The Netherlands, 2002. 2003 (1) I.S.W.B. Prasetya, T.E.J. Vos, A. Azurat, and S.D. Swierstra, A UNITY-Based Framework Towards Component Based Systems, Technical Report UUCS-2003-043, Institute of Information and Computing Sciences Utrecht University, P.O.Box 80.089 3508 TB Utrecht The Netherlands, 2003. 2004 (2) I.S.W.B. Prasetya, T.E.J. Vos, A. Azurat, and S.D. Swierstra, A UNITY-Based Framework Towards Component Based Systems, OPODIS 2004, (published in LNCS 3544, pp. 52–66, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005) I. S. W. B. Prasetya, A. Azurat, and T. E. J. Vos, Building Verification Condition Generators by Compositional Extensions, Technical Report UU-CS-2004-054, Institute of Information and Computing Sciences Utrecht University, P.O.Box 80.089 3508 TB Utrecht The Netherlands, 2004. Year Publication 2005 (7) Ade Azurat, External Embedding: Sebuah Metode untuk Verifikasi Program. (Extended abstract dari publikasi di ISSM 2000). Jurnal MTI, Juni 2005 Purbojati, R.W., Prasetya, I.S.W.B., Maizir, S., Wibowo, B., & Azurat, A.. LinguSQL: A Verification and Transformation Tool for Database Application. In Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi (SNIKTI) 2005. A. Azurat dan I.S.W.B. Prasetya, Towards Reliable Component Software: Light-weight Formalism. 8th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR) 2005. Suhartanto, H., Prasetya, I.S.W.B., Widjaja, B., Stefanus, L. Y., Azurat, A., Aminah, S., & Bong, J. (2005). Technology for Specifying and Generating Critical Data Processsing Programs. In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Quality of Research 2005. Wishnu Prasetya, Ade Azurat, Tanja Vos, Arthur van Leeuwen Building Verification Condition Generators by Compositional Extensions, 3rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods - SEFM 2005, Koblenz, German 2005 (to Appear in IEEE Computer Society Press) A. Azurat, I.S.W.B. Prasetya, T.E.J. Vos, H. Suhartanto, B. Widjaja, L.Y. Stefanus, R. Wenang, S. Aminah, J. Bong, Towards Automated Verification of Database Scripts, Emerging Trends Paper TPHOLs 2005, Oxford 2005. Available as Oxford Technical Report RR-05-02, Eds. J.Hurd, E.Smith. A. Darbari. Oxford, July 2005. I.S.W.B. Prasetya, A. Azurat, T.E.J. Vos, A. van Leeuwen, H. Suhartanto, Theorem Prover Supported Logics for Small Imperative Languages, Technical Report UU-CS-2005-046, Institute of Information and Computing Sciences Utrecht University, P.O.Box 80.089 3508 TB Utrecht The Netherlands, 2005 2006 (2) I.S.W.B Prasetya, A. Azurat, T. Vos, and A.v Leeuwen. Incremental implementation of syntax driven logics. Journal of Software, 1(3):1–13, September 2006. Heru Suhartanto, I.S.W.B Prasetya, Ade Azurat, Belawati Widjaja, Jimmy Bong, LY. Stefanus, Siti Aminah.Developing Technology for Specifying and Generating Critical Data Processing Programs. Lembaga Penerbit FEUI, 2006. ISBN 979-98141-2-X 2007 (2) Ade Azurat. Checking composition constraint of invasive software composition in f-logic. WSEAS Journal Transaction on System and Control, 2(1):78–85, January 2007. Ade Azurat dan Belawati H Widjaja. Verifikasi Concurrent System dengan Model Checker SMV. Proceeding National Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology 2007. CURRICULUM VITAE SITI AMINAH Personal Information NAME SITI AMINAH ADDRESS Jl K. H. M. Usman No 69, RT 3 RW 4, Beji, Depok, 16425 BIRTH PLACE/DATE Kebumen, 21 January 1978 SEX Female TELEPHONE +62 21 7863419 ext 1226 (office) +62 21 78887305 (home) EMAIL MARITAL STATUS Married RELIGION Islam POSITION Academic Staff, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) EDUCATION Bachelor Degree (S1) in Computer Science, Fasilkom UI Graduated on August 25, 2000 Thesis: Implementation and Formal Verification of Email System using Isabelle/HOL Master Degree (S2) in Computer Science, Fasilkom UI Graduated on January 19, 2006 Thesis: Relational Data Base Modelling using B Method Academic Experience Duration Description 1997 – 2000 Teaching Assistant: Discrete Mathematics, Statistics, Decision Support System October 1999 – August 2000 Research Assistant: Construction of Real Time Control Systems using Formal Method, Fasilkom UI 2001 – now Lecturer: Discrete Mathematics, Academic Writing, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Applied Probabilities, Management Information System, Database, Foundation of Programming 2002 Team Member: Development of New Curricula for S1 Fasilkom UI February – December 2003 Team Member: Utilizing Computer for Teaching and Learning Process with Collaborative Learning and Problem Based Learning (CL-PBL) Method, part of DUE-like project at University of Indonesia March 2003 – March 2006 Research Member: Developing Technology for Specifying and Generating Critical Data Processing Program (RUTI Project, collaboration between Fasilkom UI and Institute of Information and Computing Science, Utrecht University) December 2003 – now Task Force: Competition-Based Grant “Program B”, Improving Competitiveness of Human Resource Through the Use of IT to Promote Intellectual Capability, Fasilkom UI April 2005 - now Secretary: Senat Akademik Fakultas Ilmu Komputer UI Oct – Dec 2006 PI: Content development of discrete math course, INHERENT K1 grant July 2007 – March 2008 PI: Content development of database course, GDLN content development grant batch 2 Professional Experience Duration Description July 1999 – January 2000 Project Member: Developing Information Technology Training Master Plan for PT VICO Indonesia, Pusat Ilmu Komputer UI (Pusilkom UI) February 1999 – July 1999 March 2000 – June 2000 Programmer: Computer Aided Instruction, Fasilkom UI October 2000 – Project Member: Developing National Information Trainer: Developing Web Sites for Badan Perencanaan Sistem Informasi (BAPSI) UI February 2001 November 2000 July 2001, July 2002, July 2003 September 2001 September– November 2002 November 2002, January 2003, February 2003, February 2004, July 2005 July 2003 July 2003, August 2003, October 2003 September 2003 – December 2003 August 2005 June, July 2006 August 2006 Technology Framework (NITF), Joint Project between Pusilkom UI, Telematika Indonesia and Bappenas Trainer: LAN/WAN Training for BPN Employee, Pusilkom UI Staff: Data Processing of UMPTN 2001, SPMB 2002, SPMB 2003, SPMB 2005, SPMB 2006 Workshop Trainer: Windows 2000 Server Training for PT Jasindo, Pusilkom UI Project Member: Developing Software Testing Guidelines for Information Technology Directorate of Bank Indonesia, Pusilkom UI National Workshop Trainer: Utilizing Internet Technology for Government Institution at Badan Diklat Departemen Dalam Negeri Audience: Government staffs (PEMDA) Workshop Trainer: Personal & Group Productivity Package for lecturer of UI National Workshop Trainer: Design and Implementation of Database for Government Institution at Badan Diklat Departemen Dalam Negeri Audience: Governement staffs (PEMDA) Project Member: Developing Information Technology Training Curricula for Information Technology Directorate of Bank Indonesia, Pusilkom UI National Workshop: Developing e-learning content, Fasilkom UI Roles: teaching about Learning Management System (LMS) Audience: University lecturers, software developers National Workshop Trainer: Development of Interactive Learning Material using Authorware, Pusilkom UI Roles: teaching about how to use Authorware to create eLearning material Audience: University lecturers from Depkes National Workshop: Integration of Pedagogy and Technology Aspects on Development of e-Learning Content, Fasilkom UI. Roles: designing workshop curriculum, teaching about Enriching Power Point, facilitating project group Audience: University lecturers, software developers