2015/2016 Student Competency Record Global Logistics and Enterprise Systems I 8419 - 36 weeks ___________________________________ Student ___________________________________ School Year ___________________________________ School ___________________________________ Teacher Signature Traditional letter or numerical grades do not provide adequate documentation of student achievement in competency-based education; therefore, the Virginia Standards for CBE require a recording system to provide information about competencies achieved to employer, studentemployee, and teacher. The Student Competency Record provides a means for keeping track of student progress. Ratings are assigned by the teacher for classroom competency achievement and by the teacher-coordinator in conjunction with the training sponsor when competence is evaluated on the job. Tasks/competencies designated "Required" are considered essential statewide and are required of all students. In some courses, all tasks/competencies have been identified as required. Tasks/competencies marked "Optional" are considered optional; they and/or additional tasks/competencies may be taught at the discretion of the school division. Tasks/competencies marked with an asterisk (*) are considered sensitive, and teachers should obtain approval by the school division before teaching them. Note: Students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or an Individualized Student Alternative Education Plan (ISAEP) will be rated, using the following scale, only on the competencies identified in their IEP or ISAEP. Students will be expected to achieve a satisfactory rating (one of the three highest marks) on the Student Competency Record (SCR) rating scale on at least 80% of the required (essential) competencies in a CTE course. ...RATING SCALE... 1 - Can teach others 2 - Can perform without supervision 3 - Can perform with limited supervision 4 - Can perform with supervision 5 - Cannot perform 8419 36 weeks Global Logistics and Enterprise Systems I TASKS/COMPETENCIES Date Rating Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Personal Qualities and People Skills Required 1 Demonstrate positive work ethic. Required 2 Demonstrate integrity. Required 3 Demonstrate teamwork skills. Required 4 Demonstrate self-representation skills. Required 5 Demonstrate diversity awareness. Required 6 Demonstrate conflict-resolution skills. Required 7 Demonstrate creativity and resourcefulness. Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Professional Knowledge and Skills Required 8 Demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills. Required 9 Demonstrate effective reading and writing skills. Required 10 Demonstrate critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Required 11 Demonstrate healthy behaviors and safety skills. Required 12 Demonstrate an understanding of workplace organizations, systems, and climates. Required 13 Demonstrate lifelong-learning skills. Required 14 Demonstrate job-acquisition and advancement skills. Required 15 Demonstrate time-, task-, and resource-management skills. Required 16 Demonstrate job-specific mathematics skills. Required 17 Demonstrate customer-service skills. Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Technology Knowledge and Skills Demonstrate proficiency with technologies common to a Required 18 specific occupation. Required 19 Demonstrate information technology skills. Required 20 Demonstrate an understanding of Internet use and security issues. Required 21 Demonstrate telecommunications skills. Examining All Aspects of an Industry Required 22 Examine aspects of planning within an industry/organization. Required 23 Examine aspects of management within an industry/organization. Required 24 Examine aspects of financial responsibility within an industry/organization. Required 25 Examine technical and production skills required of workers within an industry/organization. Required 26 Examine principles of technology that underlie an industry/organization. Required 27 Examine labor issues related to an industry/organization. Required 28 Examine community issues related to an industry/organization. Required 29 Examine health, safety, and environmental issues related to an industry/organization. Addressing Elements of Student Life Required 30 Identify the purposes and goals of the student organization. Required 31 Explain the benefits and responsibilities of membership in the student organization as a student and in professional/civic organizations as an adult. Required 32 Demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities, such as meetings, programs, and projects. Required 33 Identify Internet safety issues and procedures for complying with acceptable use standards. Exploring Logistics Management Required 34 Define logistics. Required 35 Identify Career Clusters and Career Pathways related to logistics Required 36 Identify the economic impacts of logistics. Required 37 Describe the systems and total-cost approaches to logistics. Required 38 Define supply chain and marketing channels. Required 39 Describe the activities in the supply chain and logistics channel. Required 40 Describe the organizational structure for logistics. Required 41 Differentiate between the traditional and contemporary organizational designs for logistics. Required 42 Describe productivity issues in logistics. Required 43 Identify issues associated with reverse logistics. Required 44 Describe common operational measures of logistics performance. Required 45 Describe the variables affecting supply chain management implementation. Required 46 Identify potential barriers to supply chain management implementation. Required 47 Describe supply chain integration. Required 48 Identify the critical elements of managing supply chains and logistics operations. Navigating Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Required 49 Describe information technology challenges in logistics. Required 50 Describe the types of logistical information systems. Required 51 Describe the relationship between data requirements and logistics. Required 52 Describe the effects of Internet technologies on logistics. Required 53 Define management information system (MIS). Required 54 Describe computer hardware, software, networks, and the basic structure of the Internet. Required 55 Describe the components and purpose of a database application system. Required 56 Describe how MIS affects organizational strategy. Required 57 Differentiate among the five forces that determine industry structure. Required 58 Define business processes. Required 59 Describe the relationship between business processes and information systems. Required 60 Describe the virtualized computing environment. Required 61 Describe the need for information quality. Required 62 Describe the value-chain structure. Required 63 Analyze the integration of business processes. Required 64 Improve a business process, using an information system. Required 65 Describe the characteristics of fundamental collaboration processes. Required 66 Research the evolution of ERP systems. Required 67 Describe the elements of an ERP system and the major ERP software vendors. Required 68 Describe how enterprise systems support business processes. Required 69 Evaluate the challenges of ERP system implementation. Required 70 Identify the data categories in an ERP system. Required 71 Identify ERP reporting options. Required 72 Navigate the ERP system, accessing help resources as needed. Required 73 Describe business intelligence systems. Required 74 Research the effect of social media and Web 2.0 on organizations and their processes. Required 75 Perform a data-mining and analytics operation in an ERP system. Required 76 Describe the components of MIS and the business processes it manages. Required 77 Identify the characteristics and activities of the system development life cycle. Required 78 Describe cyber security. Required 79 Analyze the effectiveness of an organization’s security program. Required 80 Determine the technical safeguards for a security program. Managing Procurement Processes Describe the relationship between procurement and supply Required 81 chain management. Required 82 Describe procurement objectives. Required 83 Describe supplier development, selection, evaluation, and relationship. Required 84 Identify quality issues in procurement. Required 85 Describe global procurement. Required 86 Describe the procurement process in an ERP system, including organization and master data. Required 87 Demonstrate the procurement process in an ERP system. Required 88 Prepare procurement reports in an ERP system. Managing Fulfillment and Customer Service Processes Required 89 Describe the correlation among demand management, order management, and customer service. Required 90 Apply a demand forecasting model to a business scenario. Required 91 Identify the order cycle and its components. Required 92 Describe customer service as it pertains to logistics. Required 93 Describe the fulfillment process in an ERP system, including organization and master data. Required 94 Describe how ERP systems improve the customer relations of an organization. Required 95 Describe how e-commerce benefits from using ERP systems. Required 96 Demonstrate the fulfillment process in an ERP system. Required 97 Demonstrate integration of fulfillment with other processes. Required 98 Prepare fulfillment process reports. Managing Warehouse Processes Required 99 Classify inventory by applying a variety of methods. Required 100 Describe inventory costs and trade-offs. Required 101 Differentiate among a variety of inventory flow patterns. Required 102 Describe the types of inventory management (e.g., accuracy, accountancy, metrics, IT, compliance, preventive maintenance, obsolescence). Required 103 Identify emerging approaches to managing inventory. Required 104 Describe the role of warehousing in a logistics system. Required 105 Differentiate among public, private, contract, and multiclient warehousing. Required 106 Describe considerations when designing warehousing facilities. Required 107 Analyze operational issues in warehousing. Required 108 Identify the four goods movements of inventory management. Required 109 Describe warehouse management and its basic organizational levels. Required 110 Analyze the master data associated with warehouse management operations. Required 111 Integrate inventory and warehouse management processes with other processes. Required 112 Manage warehouse processes in an ERP system. Required 113 Prepare warehouse management process reports in an ERP system. Locally Developed Tasks/Competencies