Agency Liaison Reports - American Library Association

Government Documents Roundtable of the American Library Association
Annual Meeting, June 2007
International Documents Task Force
Agency Liaison Reports
Agency Liaison reports are presented at the IDTF Meeting during each Annual and Midwinter Meeting of the
American Library Association. They are also available under IDTF Business on the IDTF web page, which is found on
the GODORT page on the American Library Association site. The Coordinator for the Agency Liaison Program is
Susan Bennett White, who welcomes your comments and suggestions. She can be contacted at
Agencies Included in this Report
Canadian Official Pub
European Union
Human Development Reports
InterAmerican Dev. Bank
LexisNexis - CIS
The Stationary Office
UNC Status of Women
UN Depository Libraries
UNHC Human Rights
UNHSP – Habitat
World Bank
On the web:
Bruce Samuelson ( from Bernan will be at the IDTF meeting for the ALA
Annual Conference in Washington, DC. He invites attendees of the conference to stop by Bernan’s
exhibit in Booth No. 1608.
New Publications
New, updated editions of the IT Information Library (ITIL) Series from The Stationery Office (UK)
have just been published and are available from Bernan.
Bernan Press is co-publishing the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). NAICS is
a volume of official industry codes used by businesses, libraries, and other establishments and
individuals to complete tax returns, grant requests, and fill out other forms and to improve analyses and
comparisons of different industries. NAICS officially replaced the U.S. Standard Industrial
Classification (SIC) system in 1997. It provides a consistent system of economic analysis across the
three NAFTA nations. NAICS also facilitates the collection, analysis, and dissemination of industrial
statistics; these statistics are used by all kinds of businesses, government policy analysts, academics and
researchers, and the general public. Published every five years, the 2007 edition of NAICS was released
in late May, and supersedes the 2002 edition.
In September 2007, two new books will be published by Bernan Press. Since a significant body of
international information is found in federal government documents, there will be considerable interest
among IDTF members in The State of Public Access to Federal Government Information, the longawaited book by Patrice McDermott, who many of us may know from her work for the American
Library Association. Patrice is currently the Director of, and she is one of the
foremost experts on federal government information issues and privacy policy concerns.
Bernan Press is also publishing a reference book entitled Beyond the Internet, written by Barbara
Chernow (who edited the Columbia Encyclopedia), which cautions against the inclination of many
students and researchers today to rely exclusively upon the Internet, and explores through interesting
anecdotes the value and unforeseen rewards of more traditional research methods.
Agency Liaison Reports—IDTF / GODORT
2007Annual Conference of the American Library Association
Page 1
Starting with Volume 78, published in February 2007, Bernan is collaborating with international trade
experts to produce enhanced editions of the WTO Dispute Settlement Decisions (DSD). Two new
editors for this series are Mark D. Nguyen and Felipe Berer who are Senior Trade Policy Advisors at
Bryan Cave LLP. They assist clients in the analysis of cross-border trade rules and trade agreements,
including the implications of U.S. bilateral and regional trade agreements and WTO rules. Mr. Berer has
also assisted in trade remedy investigations, WTO proceedings and trade policy developments in the
United States and Latin America.
Newsletter: Bernan encourages IDTF members to subscribe to Bernan’s Government Publication News,
a free monthly email newsletter that features new and forthcoming international agency publications.
Sign up online at, email at, or call toll-free at 1-800-274-4447..
Report submitted by Brett Cloyd, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007
Brett Cloyd is at the University of Iowa Libraries
Canadian Official Publications
In January 2007, the Canadian Library and Archives agency (LAC) expanded its legal deposit
which is described as “Canadian publishers are required to send two copies of all the books, pamphlets,
serial publications, microforms, maps, spoken word sound recordings, videorecordings, electronic
publications issued in physical formats (CD-ROM, CD-I, computer diskette, etc.), and one copy of
musical sound recordings, multi-media kits and on-line publications they publish, to Library and
Archives Canada,” to include maps and publications available over the internet. This was done to stay
abreast of the significant and rapid changes in publication, access, and distribution of government
The Depository Service Program (DSP) conducted a Client Satisfaction Survey in 2006 “… to assess
and obtain quantitative measurements of client satisfaction and performance…” with the program.
Overall, 79% of the respondents were satisfied with the program but identified opportunities for
improvement related to guidance in obtaining government publications outside the DSP system,
improved search capabilities on the web page, improved Customer Service response time of Customer
Service, and others. The Executive Summary is available at:
One of the outcomes of this survey was the creation of the Depository Quick Reference Guide sent to
depository libraries and available at: According to the DSP, “…the Guide provides
an overview of the Program in terms of the services we provide and the role you play in ensuring the
success of the Program.” Beyond the nuts and bolts of the depository system operations and instructions,
a brief history is especially interesting. The program began in 1927 and now has 49 full depositories
and 963 selective depositories in Canada and around the world to which it distributed more than half a
million hard copy items in 2006.
At the province and territorial level the Update 2007: Collection and Preservation of Web-Based
Provincial/Territorial Government Publications also addresses the impact of electronic creation and
distribution of materials, see: Since the 2005 report there
has been development in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Nunavut toward the collection of web-based
Government Documents Round Table in the American Library Association
International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 2
government information. Also, the LAC conducted a web crawl of provincial and territorial web sites
for approximately three months and is storing the data in a dark archive awaiting future plans for making
these accessible in some manner.
And finally, although this site does not directly offer access to official Canadian government documents,
it is related, relevant, and impressive. The government documents groups of the Canadian Library
Association are making a substantial amount of material available electronically. See: CANADIAN
Report submitted by Linda Johnson, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007 <>
Linda Johnson is at the University of New Hampshire Library
European Union
On the web
EU Washington Office:
Council of the EU:
Major changes have just come to light affecting access to European Union materials in the United
1. The Commission Delegation in Washington, D.C. has completed an agreement to move its entire
physical library collection (the most extensive on EU matters) to the University of Pittsburgh's, Archive
of European Integration (AIE). This digitization project aims to provide open access to historically
important documents and research about the EU. Phil Wilkin, an experienced EU information scholar, is
the driving force. He has been insightful enough to join forces with Barbara Sloan, an award winning
and EU acclaimed information specialist. The physical collection will remain intact and in
controlled access.
2. The Office of the EU Delegation in Washington will maintain a "Public Inquiries” section, where one
can email questions. The library function will remain, but will be dependent on electronic information
only. More information will be forthcoming as to how much help the academics and depository libraries
can expect.
Report submitted by Mary Gay Anderson, EU Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007
Mary Gay Anderson is the International Documents Librarian at Florida International University.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
On the web: (
FAO currently hosts hundreds of specialized Web sites and systems which support the Organization’s
mandate to raise levels of nutrition, improve agricultural productivity, better the lives of rural
populations and contribute to the growth of the world economy.
Government Documents Round Table in the American Library Association
International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 3
All electronic publications on the FAO website are at no-cost ( There is
a fee however for some of the print versions of these publications. Access to FAO databases and
information systems is also free; however, in the case of the statistical database FAOSTAT
( a subscription is required in order to access and display numbers in
Excel of 4000 data elements per database query.
What “4000 data per query” means is that if a database query results yields a number of data greater
than 4000, then a subscription is needed. For example, the following query will most certainly give
results of more than 4000 records (or pieces of data): production of rice from 1999 – 2006 (seven
years) for 400 countries, regions and sub-national units; whereas production of apples in the US for
2000 and 2001 will not be over 4000 data.
FAOSTAT provides access to over 3 million time-series and cross-sectional data relating to food and
agriculture. FAOSTAT contains data for 200 countries and more than 200 primary products and inputs,
just in its core.
The new national version of FAOSTAT, CountrySTAT,
is being implemented in 20 countries and three regions. It offers a two-way bridge amongst sub national,
national, regional and international statistics on food and agriculture.
Report submitted by Charles E. Malone, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007 <>
Charles Malone is the Government Information Librarian at Western Illinois University.
Human Development Reports
On the web at:
Human Development Reports series is expanding in the overall number published. This is very good news
since this are highly useful publications. HDRs are a matrix of world-wide, regional, national, and subnational reports on a broad array of social and related economic measures, in geography thickly spanning
the globe. It is issued through the United Nations Development Program offices, and is based on research
and analysis done by specialists either in or connected to the area being covered. Since its beginning with
a global report in 1990, this series has become one of the most comprehensive and reliable sources of both
data and narrative information about the population of the earth. Topics range from economic and
environmental data, to gender measures, weapons, water, education, children, poverty, and shelter. A
careful analysis is provided, and in most cases more diverse data given than can be found elsewhere.
There has been recent progress in having more back issues remain on the web in pdf format, a critical issue
since there is almost no paper distribution. So long as titles are on the web, download is free. Global
reports, and some regional, such as the annual series on the Arab world, are available for purchase from
standard publishers, such as Oxford University Press for the global issue.
A remarkable series of publications, not as well known as it should be in the broad range of libraries where
it could be utilized.
Report submitted by Susan Bennett White, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007 <>
Susan White is the United Nations Librarian at Princeton University
Government Documents Round Table in the American Library Association
International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 4
InterAmerican Development Bank – IADB
Inter-American Development Bank - IDB
On the web:
IDB continues to add interesting and valuable web products to its site.
The Opportunities for the Majority initiative has a page that links from the IDB homepage and includes
information about the Bank’s plan for improving conditions for the Latin American and Caribbean lowincome population. The plan has six priority areas: financial democracy, enterprise compact, basic
infrastructure, housing for the majority, digital connectivity, and identifying the majority. Each priority
area has its own page with links to articles, project descriptions and videos in English.
The information includes an interactive tool called “Mapping the Majority: a Socioeconomic Atlas for
Latin America and the Caribbean”. This gives you the opportunity to choose variables among five of
the priority areas. You may then choose a country and a beautiful graph is shown illustrating the data.
You may print this or download the data into Excel. A tab at the top of the tool allows you to select
either data by income groups or national data.
“Mapping Dead Capital” is also available. This is a map based on ‘extra-legal’ or informal properties
and businesses in the area which are unable to produce clear title or registry. It also represents the
majority of much of the property and businesses in the area. This is very unusual data, and the map may
be printed or a chart produced.
DataGob is the new Governance Indicators database and includes data about the rule of law, democratic
system, public management, market system and socioeconomic indicators. It is not limited to Latin
America and the Caribbean but includes countries from all over the world. It is searchable by region as
well as by country.
The Research homepage has been renamed Knowledge and Data. The search box at the top of the page
will allow searches of all the IDB publications and websites. The Statistics and Tools link on the left
gives access to all the data tools mentioned here as well as others detailed in earlier reports
Finally, one publication that should be mentioned is the Business Resource Guide, available as a pdf on
the website. It details the process of getting a contract to work on Bank projects and includes contact
information as well as explaining timelines and needed documentation.
Report submitted by Diane K. Campbell, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007 <>
Diane Campbell is at Rider University
International Labour Organization - ILO
Notes from Reliable Sources
 The ILO web page has been streamlined to a remarkable degree in the last six months. There is
now a direct link from the main page to a Publications and Research Section, and another to
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Statistics and Databases. Navigation on each of those sub- pages is clear and intuitive. A great
New Videos available are featured prominently, and cover timely labor topics.
An attractive catalog of ILO publications is available for download at:
Renouf provides a full range of ILO publications, even backfiles. Visit Renouf’s booth #2310,
at ALA in Washington to learn more about ILO publications.
 NATLEX is the ILO’s database of national labor, social security and related human rights
legislation. Provides abstracts of national legislation and regulatory publications. Both keyword
and subject searching is available. Note that entires are in only one of the three official ILO
languages – English, French or Spanish, is provided,..
 Labour Force Surveys. An online compilation from many countries of household-based survey
of work-related statistics. Useful and otherwise hard to locate.
 Extraordinary Summit of the African Union On Employment and Poverty Reduction: 2005.
(ILO web site.) Goes beyond national statistical measures to examine initiatives and problems in
the whole region.
Recent Titles of Special Note:
Wirth, Linda
Breaking through the Glass Ceiling: Women in management Geneva: ILO, 2006. ISBN 92-2110845-7, xvi, 186 pp. (Price not given.)
This update of a 1997 report examines both the gender gap and occupational segregation in
management in the public service, financial, business, and banking sectors. Supported by figures
and statistics, this title looks at the roles of education and training in enabling the advancement
of women as management. "It has current information on women in top positions in business
and politics throughout the world, as well as data on educational attainment, housework and
other factors affecting women in elite positions."
 Decent work in Asia : reporting on results 2001-2005 : report of the Director-General,
Fourteenth Asian Regional Meeting, Busan, Republic of Korea, August-September 2006
Geneva: ILO, 2006. ISBN: 978-92-2-118770-7, US$15
Reports on international, regional and national developments since 2001 inAsian countries
working to develop “Decent Work”:within their cultural context. Decent work, according to the
core definitions of ILO, includes provision for workers to have fundamental rights, employment,
social protection and social dialogue.
 Meeting the Employment Challenge: Argentina, Brazil and Mexico in the global economy.
Geneva, ILO: 2006 ISBN: 92-2-117947-8 US$55.
Examines national policy in these three countries in light of the relationship of the development
of markets and the treatment of workers in five policy areas: employment creation:
macroeconomic policy, trade liberalization, foreign direct investment, labor market regulation
and labor relations Also traces the development of the labor market in each country from 1990
to the present, both as to the number of jobs, and the level of work required in those jobs. Deals
especially with the balance between national concerns and international matters in the
development and management of the labor markets.
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 Offshoring and the Internationalization of Employment. A Challenge for a Fair Globalization?
Geneva: ILO: 2006 ISBN: 92-9014-783-0. US$22.95;
Proceedings of the third Annecy Symposium in April 2005. A study of some of the most
difficult issues for labor in an increasingly globalized world, based on an examination of hard
data on the effect of offshoring on employment and wages. Displaced workers often have no
safety nets, and yet with the rights and international labor standards of ILO, globalization can
actually improve the labor situation in an overall way in a country. Suggest new policies for a
compensation adjustment system to protect workers when offshoring occurs.
 Jansen, Marion and Eddy Lee
Trade and employment: Challenges for policy research Geneva, ILO: 2007 ISBN: 978-92-2119551-1. US$ 12.95.
Reviews existing literature to examine the relationship between trade and employment.
Examines how policies on trade, labor, and social support interact and with support or interfere
with each other..
Report submitted by Susan Bennett White, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007 <>
Susan White is at Princeton University Library
International Monetary Fund - IMF
On the web:
The April 2007 edition of the World Economic Outlook (WEO) database is now available
( The database contains selected
macroeconomic data series from the statistical appendix of the World Economic Outlook Report and
presents the IMF staff's analysis and projections of economic developments at the global level, in major
country groups and in many individual countries. The WEO is released in April and September each
year. Use this database to find data on national accounts, inflation, unemployment rates, balance of
payments, fiscal indicators, trade for countries and country groups (aggregates), and commodity prices
whose data are reported by the IMF. Data are available from 1980 to the present, and projections are
given for the next two years. For some countries, data are incomplete or unavailable for certain years.
The April 2007 edition of the Global Financial Stability Report; Market Developments and Issues is
now available online at This report
provides semiannual assessments of global financial markets and addresses emerging market financing
in a global context.
Can’t remember which IMF database contains which variables? Selected Online IMF Data Sources is a
chart posted on the IMF web site to assist users in determining the free data sources where specific data
is available ( Commodity prices, foreign direct
investment, trade, exchange rates are just a few of the variables on the chart.
New and Noteworthy. New and Noteworthy Titles from the IMF Bookstore is an excellent way to keep
up with new materials published by the IMF. The March 2007 issue is available at
The IMF also provides email notification of newly released materials by country or series – sign up at
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IMF Staff Papers - Palgrave Macmillan, in partnership with the IMF, will publish and distribute IMF
Staff Papers beginning with Volume 54, Number 1, May 2007. The editorial operation of IMF Staff
Papers will continue unchanged. All contributions will be subject to rigorous peer review and
assessment, as has always been the case. The papers will be available online in both PDF and full-text
HTML format. For more information see the new Web site for IMF Staff Papers at
You might wish to visit the IMF Bookstore while in Washington. It is at 720 19th Street, NW (corner
19th and H). Open Monday to Friday, 10 am-4:30 pm.
Report submitted by Jackie Druery, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007
Jackie Druery is at Queens University in Ontario
LexisNexis - CIS
On the web:
Visit LexisNexis Booth #3541 at ALA Annual Meeting in Washington. For more information or to
order, call 1- 800-638-8380, or email
International Agency Materials. The LexisNexis Statistical service continues to add important series
to its foreign national and international agency materials. Often, these are not available elsewhere, ad
certainly not in easily accessible electronic format. Some materials have full text available in the
LexisNexis microfiche which is the companion to the online Statistical service.
International Legal Materials. International Legal Materials – the journal published 6 times a year by
the American Society of International Law, provides the text of key treaties and other international
agreements and documents, a resource not easily found elsewhere, if at all. To find this title, drill down
in Lexis Academic as follows: First, choose Legal Research, then, under the category “International
Legal Materials”, choose Commonweath and Foreign Nations, then in the Source List choose the title
International Legal Materials. Contains the entire back file, from 1962 – volume 1, to the present. A
real treasure for treaty and other international agreement research.
Foreign National Sources. LexisNexis Academic now contains. Country Analysis: economic, business,
and political risk information on 190 countries, based on news, analysis, in-depth reports and statistics,
formerly available only to corporate customers. Microformat UPA Collections of Files on foreign
national topics provides unique access to formerly confidential or classified resources.
GODORT Reference Books - CIS Publications through LexisNexis.
 Guide to Country Information in International Governmental Organization Publications
 Guide to Official Publications of Foreign Countries, 2nd Edition
 Directory of Government Document Collections & Librarians, 8th Edition
 The Complete Guide to Citing Government Information Resources, 3rd Edition .
(With appreciation to Marina Azariah, LexisNexis, for her assistance in preparing this report.)
Report submitted by Suzanne L. Holcombe, IDTF Agency Liaison
January 4, 2007 < >
Suzanne is at Oklahoma State University.
Government Documents Round Table in the American Library Association
International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 8
Readex Publications
On the web:
Having just taken on Agency Liaison duties for Readex, I thought it might be good to review some of
the Readex offerings that may be of interest to international documents librarians. For more information
about these resources visit Readex Booth 3805 at the ALA Annual Meeting in Washington, or contact
Readex Customer Service by email at, and by phone at 1-800-243-7694.
FBIS Daily Report, 1974-1996. A complete new online collection of translated foreign broadcasts and
news providing first-hand perspectives on international politics . The Foreign Broadcast Information
Service (FBIS) Daily Report has been the United States' principal record of political and historical open
source intelligence for nearly 75 years. The original mission of the FBIS was to monitor, record,
transcribe and translate intercepted radio broadcasts from foreign governments, official news services,
and clandestine broadcasts from occupied territories. Many of these materials are first-hand reports of
events as they occurred. As such, the FBIS Daily Report constitutes a one-of-a-kind archive of
transcripts of foreign broadcasts and news that provides fascinating insight into the second half of the
20th century.
AccessUN. A comprehensive Web-based index of United Nations documents. Developed in
cooperation with the library community, AccessUN serves primarily as an ongoing Web-based index to
more than 500,000 current and archived United Nations documents and publications. AccessUN also
provides the full text or links to the full text of more than 35,000 of these documents and publications.
AccessUN benefits both researchers concerned with international economic, social, cultural and
humanitarian issues as well as Model UN participants preparing resolutions and position papers. Peace
and security, world hunger, human rights, economic development, the environment and atomic energy
are among the many topics addressed in depth by the United Nations.
British Parliamentary Papers. The definitive documents collection of Britain’s ruling body. With the
British Parliamentary Papers from Readex, students and scholars of law, history, government, foreign
studies, economics, sociology and political science can trace the development of the British Parliament,
gain insight into the Parliamentary process and examine the issues and events that affect the British
Commonwealth and the nations of the world. The British Parliamentary Papers collection consists of
four segments: A record of debates in both Houses of Parliament; Proceedings from the House of
Commons; Sessional Papers; and Parliamentary history in the 18th and 19th centuries
UNDP Project Reports. An archive that compliments current project reports online. A retrospective
collection not available online. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a UN
organization formed in 1965 with the merger of the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance and
the UN Special Fund. The stated goal of UNDP is to build more productive societies and economies in
low-income nations by helping them develop their natural resources and human capabilities. UNDP
Project Reports (1972 to 1998) enable researchers to examine the results of development projects
undertaken in these low-income nations and emerging economies. The reports of UNDP-funded projects
are executed through a variety of prestigious agencies and organizations, including ILO, World Bank,
Beginning in 1999, current UNDP Project Reports became available via the Internet directly from
UNDP. However, Readex offers a retrospective collection of UNDP Project Reports from 1972 to 1998
on microfiche. This collection is helpful to international development researchers, individuals interested
Government Documents Round Table in the American Library Association
International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 9
in international business opportunities, consultants, students and other researchers needing information
in the global areas of public policy, health, agriculture, technology, engineering, economics, education,
communications and transportation. Readex’s retrospective collection complements the current
collection online and provides unique documents that are very difficult to obtain.
United Nations Documents. Complete UN documentation from its creation to the present. Three
collections of essential UN documentation. Readex’s collections of United Nations Documents and
supporting databases are available from the founding of the United Nations to the present time. These
collections are ideal for researching international issues—from world hunger to world peace—and for
gaining an understanding of international relations as they exist today given the events, issues and trends
chronicled in retrospective portions of the collections. Readex provides United Nations Documents on
durable, space-saving microfiche in three versions:
Comprehensive Collection—contains virtually every document, including “Limited” and
“Restricted” documents, from the main UN bodies: the General Assembly, Security Council,
Economic and Social Council, Secretariat, Trusteeship Council and International Court of
Law Library Collection—features official records and working documents from five of the
six principal organs (Secretariat publications are not included). Also included are documents
from ad hoc and expert committees such as the International Law Commission and the UN
Commission on International Trade Law.
The Abridged Collection—designed for smaller libraries, it includes mastheads and official
records from the General Assembly (regular, special and emergency sessions), the Security
Council, Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council and the International Court
of Justice.
ITDF would especially like to thank Readex for pioneering the international documents workshops they
held in Chester, Vermont for over 20 years. Those workshops were beneficial in helping many
librarians learn about international documents. Readex has continued to support international
documents educational opportunities with their sponsorship of the GODORT preconference on
international documents at the ALA Annual in Washington, D.C. in June, 2007
Report submitted by Charles E. Malong, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007 <>
Charles Malone is the Government Information Librarian at Western Illinois University.
Renouf Publications.
On the web:
Gordon Grahame, president of Renouf, will be at the IDTF meeting at the ALA Annual Conference in
Washington. Gordon is available throughout the conference to meet with individual librarians and
appointments can be made by e-mail prior to the conference ( He would
also like to invite you to visit him at Renouf’s exhibit at booth #2310, which will include a selection of
new releases from the over thirty-five international organizations Renouf represents.
Government Documents Round Table in the American Library Association
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New Web Site
Renouf is pleased to announce that the company’s newly upgraded web site was launched in March
( Unlike many database driven sites, Renouf’s keyword search engine scans the
complete title descriptions not just a few keywords that have been assigned to the publication. This
feature significantly increases the chances of the users being able to locate publications within their
areas of interest. The site currently includes over 41,000 international and governmental publications
that are currently in print and it is updated on a daily basis so you will find the all latest releases.
Books and Series
ILO. Renouf is the official North American distributor for ILO publications and the following new
releases are now available through them:
Since its first edition in 1935-36, the Yearbook of Labour Statistics has established itself as the
world’s foremost statistical reference on labour questions and it provides authoritative data on
over 190 countries. The new 65th edition (978-92-2-019193-4) was released for the first time in
two volumes: Volume 1 (Time Series) continues the times series format of the previous editions
and contains 31 tables corresponding to nine labour themes. Volume 2 (Country Profiles)
introduces a new format showing the latest available statistics on each of the over 190.
Winners or Losers?: Liberalizing Public Services (978-92-2-17497-4) Some of the questions
the publication attempts to answer are: What are the Impacts on the social and economic security
of public employees in public services turned private?, What happens to employees and
“Clients” when part of a public service turns private, effectively turning into competition for the
public service?, How rapidly is the liberalization of public services taking place, in which
countries, and by what means?
Social Dialogue and Poverty reduction Strategies (978-92-2-117541-4) The reader will find this
book a useful reference in the debate on poverty reduction in general, and more specifically on
the participatory process in poverty strategies.
Other New and Noteworthy Titles
 International Travel and Health 2007 (978-92-4-158039-7) from the WHO covers all the main
health risks to travelers both during their journeys and at their destinations. This is an excellent
reference book that is suitable for both academic and public libraries.
 Amnesty International Report 2007: The State of the World’s Human Rights (978 0 86210
4214) is an annual report that documents the state of human rights in over 150 countries. This
years report also points to the crucial achievements of human rights activists around the world in
countering rights abuses and tackling impunity.
 United Nations Statistical Yearbook 50th Edition (978-92-1-061220-3) In marking with its 50th
anniversary, the Yearbook has undergone a facelift and has been printed in colour for the first
time, which has significantly improved its readability. This is an important edition for a library
who does not acquire this publication on an annual basis.
 Sixty Years of Science at UNESCO 1945-2005 (978-92-3-104005-4) offers an inside
perspective on the role the organization played in the history of international science cooperation.
 National Studies on Assessing the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-Based Industries:
Creative Industries series No. 1 (92-805-1553-5) The goal of this new series from WIPO is
provide a measurement of the true value the creative sector provides to an individual country.
This first volume presents the results of five national studies, representing the contribution of the
sector in the United States, Canada, Singapore, Latvia and Hungary.
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Economic and Social Progress in Latin America 2007 Report: Living with Debt (978-1 59782033-2) This years report focuses on how to manage sovereign debt safely and effectively. This
in-depth study highlights the recent trends towards higher levels of domestic debt and lower
external borrowing. It also includes a detailed study of the costs of sovereign defaults such as the
ones that affected some Latin American countries in recent years.
Report submitted by Brett Cloyd, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007 <>
Brett Cloyd is Reference and Government Information Librarian at the University of Iowa
The Stationery Office - TSO
This update focuses on the bookselling aspect of TSO, and concludes with a recommendation for a title
which our library recently purchased.
Wikipedia. When I suggested including something about the Wikipedia entry for TSO in this report,
Brian Tierney, who continues as TSO representative, took a look at the listing details and found
everything up to date and in order. You can find the entry with live footnote links at:
The entry is succinct and contains some extensive links, including one to an entry on Her Majesty’s
Stationery Office.
The TSO entry begins with this note:” The Stationery Office (TSO) is a private British publishing
company that was created in 1996 when the publishing arm of Her Majesty's Stationery Office was
privatised.[1] It retains the contracts for printing British legislation that are a legacy of its former state
ownership[1] and also publishes many other government documents.[2]“
The references include links to what TSO is, and who the clients and partners are. This astounding fact
is included in the main text: “It publishes more than 15,000 titles each year, making it the largest
publisher in the UK by volume.[1]
TSO Offices. TSO offices are located in UK centers of legislation and throughout the UK. One of the
titles my library purchased this year was published by TSO Scotland:
The Nature of the Cairngorms: Diversity in a Changing Environment, edited by Philip Shaw and Des
Thompson. (TSO and Scottish Natural Heritage: Edinburgh, 2006.)
It is a beautifully illustrated review of natural history for the Cairngorms area of Scotland, the location
of Britain’s largest national park. 35 authors present an up-to-date review of the area’s plants, animals,
habitats, geology and landforms. The main audience for the book is conservation professionals, but the
photography is exceptional for all readers. See OCLC 70686744 for details.
TSO Bookshop. For the TSO bookshop website, see You can register there for
alerts in fields of interest, and view advance information under “Coming Soon”.
Report submitted by Andrea Singer, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007 <>
Andrea Singer is the Foreign Documents Librarian at Indiana University Library in Bloomington
Government Documents Round Table in the American Library Association
International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 12
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
On the web:
The Commission on the Status of Women is a functional commission of the United Nations Economic
and Social Council (ECOSOC), dedicated exclusively to gender equality and advancement of women.
Its web site makes available Session Documents from its 36th Session in 1992, up through the present,
in the official UN languages.
Main Subjects Include
Governance, Peace & Security
Violence Against Women
Women, Poverty & Economics
Human Rights
Millennium Development Goals
Report submitted by Amy E. West, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007 <>
Amy West is at the University of Minnesota Library
United Nations Depository Library Program
On the web:
On March 20, 2007 the United Nations Publications Board increased the annual fees for UN depositories.
The changes for depository libraries in developed countries are as follows: Regular depositories, which
will not receive masthead documents or Official Records in print, will now pay $1,000, an increase of
Libraries that choose to receive printed masthead documents and Official Records must pay a print plus
deposit fee of $1,750 (it had been $1,400). This print plus deposit option will include the verbatim
records of Security Council meetings, which were previously available only via purchase.
These increases, the first since 1996, are very modest and take into account the concerns that IDTF
members have expressed in recent years. The announcement on the Dag Hammarskjöld Library web
site states that “the UN wishes that certain libraries maintain complete print collections and will
continue to provide printed documents to those free [depository] libraries that wish to receive them.”
It thus appears that depositories wishing to receive masthead documents and Official Records in print
will be able to do so for the foreseeable future and possibly in perpetuity.
Report submitted by David Griffiths, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007 David Griffiths is an Assistant Government Information Librarian
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Government Documents Round Table in the American Library Association
International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 13
United Nations Development Fund for Women - UNIFEM
On the web at
UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women) provides financial and technical assistance to
on a global basis to empower women and promote gender equality...UNIFEM also speaks for women’s
issues in the United Nations, and promotes fulfillment of commitments already made to
women...UNIFEM works with individual countries to assist them in creating laws and policies to
eliminate gender discrimination and promote gender equality. There is a special focus on gender issues
dealing with land and inheritance rights, decent work for women and ending violence against women.
“UNIFEM also aims to transform institutions to make them more accountable to gender equality and
women's rights, to strengthen the capacity and voice of women's rights advocates, and to change harmful
and discriminatory practices in society.”, according to
UNIFEM does not have subscription databases or serial publications
Main Subjects Include:
Governance, Peace & Security
Violence Against Women
Women, Poverty & Economics
Human Rights
Millennium Development Goals
Available on the UNIFEM Web Site
Key Documents
Video & Audio
PR Materials
Institutional Reports
Vendors Who Provide UIFEM Publications:
▪ UN Publications
▪ Kumerian Press
▪ Women, Inc.
Languages Primarily English, although French and Spanish versions are available for some materials.
New Publication Alerts UNIFEM: Recent Publications and Tools
Report submitted by Amy E. West, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007 <>
Amy West is at the University of Minnesota Library
Government Documents Round Table in the American Library Association
International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 14
United Nations Environment Program – UNEP
On the web: <>
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) established in 1972, is the voice for the
environment within the United Nations system. UNEP acts as a catalyst, advocate, educator and
facilitator to promote the wise use and sustainable development of the global environment. To
accomplish this, UNEP works with a wide range of partners, including United Nations entities,
international organizations, national governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector
and civil society.
The UNEP includes the following divisions:
 Early Warning and Assessment
 Environmental Policy Implementation
 Technology, Industry and Ecoomics
 Regional Cooperation
 Environmental Law and Conventions
 Global Environment Facility Coordination
 Communications and Public Information
Via its web site, the UNEP provides specific resources organized for government officials, scientists,
business persons, journalists, civil society, children and youth.
The Publications section of the web site includes a search engine for UNEP books. The Google search
engine searches UNEP titles in addition to other related sites. Other access points include:
▪, UNEP’s official online bookstore for its publications, so titles can be purchased online.
It has general keyword search capability, but can be searched by topic including Air Pollution,
Biodiversity, Chemicals, Climate, Desertification, Environmental Law, etc., which list UNEP
publications in each of these subject areas. Bestsellers are featured in the middle of the page, such as
Policy Directions to 2050: A Business Contribution to the Dialogues on Cooperative Action. Titles
feature a brief synopsis. Select titles are available full-text online. Publications offer both reports and
 Annual Reports (2000 forward in full-text, .pdf or .html format)
 Atlases
 Periodicals (Our Planet, vol. 16 forward available full-text online)
 Newsletters, most full-text online, including:
o Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development
o Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development News
o Great Apes Survival Project Newsletter
o Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction from Industry in Asia and the Pacific News
o Sustainable Consumption Network Newsletter
o UNEP Chemicals Newsletter
The agency web site is well-organized, although it has fewer links and materials since the last Agency
Liaison update in January of 2007.
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International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 15
Recent UNEP Publications
 Geo Yearbook 2007 provides essential, informative, and authoritative reading for anyone with a
role or an interest in our changing environment. The 2007 Year Book includes global and
regional overviews of significant developments over the past year.
 Global Outlook for Ice and Snow provides an up-to-date, concise review of the state of the
environment and the trends in ice and snow-covered regions (cryosphere) of the world.
 Vital Ozone Layer Graphics. Through high-quality graphics and concise, facts and figures, this
publication helps the reader understand the ozone layer depletion issue, the international
response under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, successes
achieved to date and upcoming challenges.
UNEP Bestsellers:
 Planet in Peril: Atlas of Current Threats to People and the Environment (2006) This atlas offers
a holistic and well-researched analysis of today’s global issues and their impact on human
population and the environment. Written by an international team of specialists, this Atlas
illustrates through text and beautifully rendered maps, graphics and diagrams the interplay
between population and the world�s ecosystems and natural resources both in the short and
long terms.
 One Planet Many People: Atlas of Our Changing Environment (2005) This title is intended for
environmental policy makers, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, academics,
teachers and citizens. This colorful and approachable atlas contains photographs, satellite images,
maps and narratives that provide insights into the many ways people around the world have
changed, and continue to change, the environment.
Since UNEP is the primary source of official international information in critical areas of the
environment, international documents librarians are well advised to keep abreast of all UNEP
publications through the various access points on the UNEP web site, and in UNEP publications..
Report submitted by Suzanne L. Holcombe, IDTF Agency Liaison
January 11, 2007
Suzanne Holcombe is at Oklahoma State University Library
United Nations Human Settlements Programme – HABITAT
On the web:
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT (UNCHS), is the United Nations
agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and
environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. Cities
are now home to half of humankind, and sustainable urbanization is one of the most pressing challenges
facing the global community in the 21st century.
The main documents outlining the mandate of the organization are the Vancouver Declaration on
Human Settlements, Habitat Agenda, Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements, the Declaration on
Cities and Other Human Settlements in the New Millennium, and Resolution 56/206.
UN-HABITAT runs two major worldwide campaigns – the Global Campaign on Urban Governance,
and the Global Campaign for Secure Tenure. Through these campaigns and by other means, the agency
focuses on a range of issues and special projects which it helps implement. This includes the Cities
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Agency Liaison Reports – Page 16
Alliance program with the World Bank and the Safer Cities Programme, also major projects in post-war
societies such as Afghanistan, Kosovo, etc.
The UNCHS web site includes a publications section that features its Publications Catalogue available in
text or .pdf format. The Catalogue is organized by the subject categories which follow, and features the
organization’s flagship publications and periodicals. Titles can be purchased online and some are in
electronic format. Periodicals are available online in full-text at no charge. Publications may also be
searched by “theme” on the web site. These categories mirror those in the Catalog for the most part.
 Information and Monitoring
 Land and Housing
 Risk and Disaster Management
 Social Inclusion
 Urban Development and Management
 Water Sanitation and Infrastructure
Other topics in the Catalog include: Environment and Economic Development and Finance.
The organization’s key publications are the Global Report on Human Settlements and the State of the
World’s Cities, both annual, and several serials:
 The Global Report on Human Settlements is the most authoritative and up-to-date assessment of
the conditions and trends in the world's cities. It is an essential tool and reference for researchers,
academics, public authorities and civil society organizations around the world. The preceding
issues of the Report have addressed such topics as An Urbanizing World, Cities in a Globalizing
World and The Challenges of Slums.
 The State of the World's Cities charts the progress and the challenges we face in this rapidly
urbanizing world. With contributions from some of the world's leading urban scholars, writers
and experts, this report carries extensive examples, illustrations and facts that are of use to
experts and non-experts alike. First published in 2001, this flagship report of UN-HABITAT
now published every two years, represents a further milestone in the efforts of the United
Nations to gather, promote, and disseminate information for policy makers and the public at
 Periodicals include Habitat Debate, Urban Governance, Urban Environment, Urban Observer
Newsletter, and Water for Cities.
The UNCHS web site is very well-organized as is its Publications Catalogue. Publications offer both
reports and statistics. As the producer of information in the area of populations in urban areas,
international documents librarians should be keep abreast of UNCHS publications, namely the Global
Report on Human Settlements and the State of the World’s Cities which vary in their focus each year.
Additional titles can be searched and purchased according to topic.
Recent publications include:
Meeting Development Goals in Small Urban Centres - Water and Sanitation in the World’s Cities 2006
This is the second UN-HABITAT global report on Water and Sanitation in the World´s Cities. This
publication looks at small urban centres which tend to be overlooked, however they are the first tier
markets and service providers for rural enterprise and development.
Report submitted by Suzanne L. Holcombe, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007
Suzanne Holcombe is at Oklahoma State University Library
Government Documents Round Table in the American Library Association
International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 17
World Bank
On the web:
World Bank representatives will be present to report on new programs and initiatives at the IDTF
meeting at ALA Annual Conference in Washington – Visit us at Booth 1325.
I. Online Resources Update
New! Global Economic Monitor – GEM ( is a “one-stop shop” portal for
access to analysis of current economic trends, economic and financial indicators, and links to related
sites. It features up-to-date analysis of global economic conditions, including a daily brief and eventdriven focus reports., including:
Regular monthly briefs with data on:
Global growth trends
High income countries
Industrial production
High-tech markets
International trade
Oil and non-oil commodity markets
Financial markets
Direct access to high-frequency datasets
Forecasts for commodity prices and main macroeconomic indicators for over 130 countries
World Bank e-Library and Print Archive is an electronic portal to the World Bank's full-text
collection of its own books, reports, and other documents. Includes 4,000 titles and working papers
published by the World Bank during the past several years and every new title, about 200 each year.
World Development Indicators Online (WDI Online), updated twice a year, includes data for over
737 development indicators and time series data from 1960 for over 200 countries and 18 country
groups. Data can be indexed, graphed, and exported in standard formats including Excel. For more, go
Global Development Finance Online (GDF Online) offers external debt and financial flow data for
the 134 countries that report public and publicly guaranteed debt to the World Bank. Time series data
include over 200 indicators from 1970. Updated annually in January. For more, go to
II. Print Resources Update
Landmark Titles:
World Development Report 2008: Agriculture and Development In October 2007 the World Bank will
publish a new edition, the 30th, of its flagship publication The World Development Report.. The 2008
edition, that carries the subtitle Agriculture and Development, seeks to assess where, when, and how
agriculture can be an effective instrument for economic development, especially development that
favors the poor. Paperback. September 2007. 320 pages. ISBN: 978-0-8213-7233-3. US$26
Hardcover. September 2007. 320 pages. ISBN: 978-0-8213-7235-7. US$50
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Agency Liaison Reports – Page 18
Doing Business 2008: Opportunities for Women In September 2007 the World Bank will publish a new
edition of the internationally acclaimed Doing Business Report, this year focusing on Opportunities for
Women to create new business in developing countries. 5th in a series of annual reports comparing
business regulations in 178 countries. September 2007. 180 pages. ISBN 978-0-8213-7231-9. US$35
New Series.
Environment and Development will focus on environmental sustainability as a fundamental element
for sustainable development. Forthcoming titles in the Series include:
 Warming up to Trade? Harnessing International Trade to Support Climate Change Objectives
November 2007. 170 pages. ISBN: 978-0-8213-7225-8. US$20
 Poverty and the Environment Understanding Linkages at the Household Level November 2007.
125 pages. ISBN: 978-0-8213-7224-1. US$18
 Strategic Environmental Assessment for Policies. An Instrument for Good Governance April
2007. 150 pages. ISBN: 978-0-8213-6762-9. US$18
 Environment and Malnutrition. Multi-sectoral Determinants of Child Health Forthcoming 2008.
135 pages. ISBN: 978-0-8213-7236-4. US$18
Moving Out of Poverty features new comparative research across more than 500 communities in 15
countries to understand how and why people move out of poverty. Builds on interdisciplinary and
contextually grounded understandings of growth and poverty reduction. The first volume on the series
will be published in June 2007 with five additional volumes forthcoming in 2007 and 2008.
Moving Out of Poverty (Volume 1) Cross-disciplinary Perspectives
Paperback. June 2007. ISBN: 978-0-8213-6991-3. US$40
Hardcover. June 2007. ISBN: 978-0-8213-7111-4. US$90
III. Orders and Contacts
Print Archive through e-Library
Libraries subscribing to the World Bank e-Library have the option of adding the e-Library Print Archive
to their subscription. This print option costs $2500 per year, including shipping and handling, and
represents an estimated 65-70% discount off of list price. This plan allows libraries to offer both print
and electronic copies of World Bank titles. Provides one copy of each of the 150-200 books published
by the World Bank during the subscription year.
Blanket Standing Order Program
The World Bank offers a flat 20% on all purchases for subscribers to the WBP blanket standing order
program. The 20% discount applies to all print purchases, not just to standing order releases. Individual
standing orders are also available for all annual and series titles.
The World Bank has a new catalog designed specifically for libraries. Print and PDF / email formats are
available. Any librarian not currently receiving it who would like to do so should e-mail
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International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 19
Contact Information
World Bank Online Resources:
Pricing information and free trials,
consortia relations, contract queries:
Triinu Tombak, Electronic Sales Manager
P: 202-473-5149
F: 202-522-2631
World Bank Publications:
Jose De Buerba, Sales Manager
World Bank Publications
1818 H Street NW
Washington DC 20433
P: 202-473-0393
F: 202-522-2631
Thanks to Triinu Tombak, World Bank Publications, for providing information for this update.
Report submitted by Jackie Druery, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007
Jackie Druery is at Queens University in Ontario
On the web:
I. General Updates
Dr Margaret Chan was appointed Director-General of WHO in November 2006.
First world report on violence against children produced by WHO, UNICEF, and the OHCHR:
RSS feeds now available from WHO with the latest news releases, information of outbreaks of
disease including avian influenza, across the world, and speeches from Director GeneralDetailed
assessment of 2006 WHO activities: The WHO in review 2006:
II. Online Resources – Include significant recent updates.
WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS) Database of latest Core Health Indicators
from key WHO sources, including World Health Statistics (2007) and The World Health Report
Global Health Atlas Standardized data and statistics for infectious diseases at country, regional,
and global levels. Includes information on demography, socioeconomic conditions, and
environmental factors. Interactive maps and reports are also included.
Public Health Mapping and GIS Map Library Fantastic resource for thematic maps produced
by the WHO and related institutions on subjects ranging from the incidence of Avian Influenza
and Leprosy to natural disasters and the July 2006 Middle East crisis. Part of the Global Health
WHO Global InfoBase Online A data warehouse that collects, stores, and displays information
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Agency Liaison Reports – Page 20
on chronic diseases and their risk factors for all WHO member states.
Reproductive Health Indicators Database This Database includes the17 key reproductive health
indicators which were selected to monitor national and global reproductive health.
WHO Mortality Database Provides causes of death, number of registered deaths, and infant deaths
estimates by country, year, sex, and age group. Most files were updated in November 2006.
III. Print resources Key Titles - Recent and forthcoming.
 Report on the global HIV/AIDS epidemic 2006. (w/CD-ROM) 2006, 629p. ISBN 9291734799.
$36. Mammoth, 10-year anniversary publication from UNAIDS includes analysis of all the
aspects of the epidemic; from the spread of HIV, to treatments, to the availability of resources. It
also provides country-by-country figures on the extent of the epidemic.
 The African regional health report: the health of the people. 2006, 196p. $27
This new report provides the most comprehensive annex of health statistics to date on the region
as well as a highly detailed analysis of key public health issues.
 Global tuberculosis control - surveillance, planning, financing. 2007, 270p. ISBN 9241563397.
$36. Bringing together information about more than 26 million TB patients, Global
Tuberculosis Control is the definitive source of information about the national and
international response to the worldwide TB epidemic.
 Putting People and Health Needs on the Map. 2007, 56p. ISBN 9241563370. $18. Highlights
some of the ways in which health mapping and GIS are being used to improve disease
surveillance, inform decision-making, and improve health care.
 World health statistics 2007, 80p. ISBN 9241563400 $36. Now in its 3rd edition, this title
collects the results of various technical programs and regional offices and provides the most
recent core health statistics for WHO Member States. A new section highlights with 10 global
health statistics for the past year and expanded set of 50 health statistics.
 Young People's Health in Context. Health Behavior in School-aged Children. 2007, 268 p.
ISBN 9289043724. $54. Presents the results of the 2001/02 HBSC survey which covered the
physical, emotional and psychological aspects of health, and the influences of the family, schools
and peers on young people aged 11, 13 and 15 years in 35 countries and regions in Europe and
North America.
Other Resources
WHO Library (WHOLIS) 30,000+ links to full text
documents and 70,000 bibliographic records; many out of print WHO publications can be
accessed in PDF here
WHO Documentation Complete documentation (1998-) of
WHO Executive Board sessions and Health Assemblies.
WHO BookShop
Report submitted by Louis Takács, IDTF Agency Liaison
June 11, 2007
Louis Takács is at Northwestern University Library
Government Documents Round Table in the American Library Association
International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 21
Appendix: Agency Liaison Program Contact Information – 5 June 2007
Mary Gay Anderson
International Documents Librarian
Government Documents
Green Library
Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199
Phone: 305-348-2416
Fax : 305-348-3408
Agency Liaison for: European Union
Brett Cloyd
Government Publications Dept
100 Main Library
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5743
Fax: 319-335-5900
Agency Liaison for: Bernan,
Mary K. Fetzer
Government Documents
Archibald S. Alexander Library
Rutgers, The State University of
New Jersey
169 College Avenue, CAC
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1163
Phone: 732 932-7129, ext. 121
Fax: 732 932-1101
Agency Liaison for: World
Tourism Organization
Angela Bonnell
Government Documents Librarian
217 Milner Library
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790
Phone: 309-438-2354
Agency Liaison for: Unesco
Diane K. Campbell
Instructor Librarian
332 Moore Library
Rider University
2083 Lawrenceville Road
Lawrenceville NJ 08648
Phone: 609-895-5729
Email :
Agency Liaison for: InterAmerican
Development Bank
James A. Church
International Documents Librarian
218 Doe Library
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: 510-643-2319
Fax: 510-643-6650
Agency Liaison for: APEC,
Chelsea Dinsmore
International Documents Librarian
Government Documents Dept
Marston Science Library
University of Florida
PO Box 117011
Gainesville FL 32611-7011
Phone: 352-273-0369
Fax: 392-3357
Agency Liaison for: Council of
Jackie Druery
Head, Learning & Research
Joseph S. Stauffer Library
Queen's University
Kingston, ON
K7L 5C4 Canada
Phone 613-533-3309
Agency Liaison for:
IMF World Bank
Chuck Eckman
Librarian’s Office
227 Evans
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: 510-642-7999
Agency Liaison for: UN Statistical
Office, World Trade
Susan J. Golding
Government Documents Librarian
Government Documents Dept.
Samuel Paley Library
Temple University
1210 W. Berks Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Phone: 215-204-3842
Fax: 215-204-5201
Agency Liaison for: UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights
David N. Griffiths
Documents Library
200-D Main Library
University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
1408 West Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: (217) 333-6696
Fax: FAX: 217-244-4358
Agency Liaison for: UN
Depository Libraries,
Government Documents Round Table in the American Library Association
International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 22
Suzanne C. Holcombe
Documents Librarian
University Library
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078-1071
Phone: 405-744-9788
Fax : (405) 744-5183
Email :
Agency Liaison for for: Lexis / CIS,
David M. Oldenkamp
International Studies Librarian
Herman B. Wells Library W-121
Indiana University
Bloomington Indiana 47405
Phone: 812-856-1746
Fax: 812-855-1649
Agency Liaison for: IOM, ITU,
Linda B. Johnson
Government Documents Dept
University of New Hampshire
18 Library Way
Durham, NH 03824-3592
Phone: 603-862-2453
Fax: 603-862-0247
Agency Liaison for Canadian
Official Publications
Anna Korhonen
Documents Librarian
110 Olin Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853-5301
Phone: 607-255-5762
Fax: 607-255-6110
Agency Liaison for: UNIDO
Charles E. Malone
Government Information Librarian
University Libraries
Western Illinois University
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455
Phone: 309- 298-2719
Fax: 309-298-2791 (FAX)
Agency Liaison for: FAO Readex
Ellen G. Schaffer
Chief Librarian, ECLAC Library
United Nations
Casilla 179-D
Santiago, Chile
Phone: (56-2) 210-2468
Fax: (56-2) 208-0252
Agency Liaison for: ECLAC
Andrea Singer
Foreign Documents Librarian and
Bibliographer for India Studies
Government Information,
Microforms & Statistical
Herman B Wells Library
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana 47405
Phone : 812-855-3726
Fax: 812-855-3460
Agency Liaison for: The Stationery
Lynne M. Stuart
Government Publications /
Maps / Law Collections
Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
3400 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
Phone : 410-516-5219
Fax: 410-516-6029
Agency Liaison for: OECD
Louis Takacs
International Documents Librarian
Government and Geographic
Information & Data Services
Northwestern University Library
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208-2300
Phone: 847-467-3679
Fax: 847-491-8306
Agency Liaison for WHO
Amy E. West
Electronic Government
Publications Librarian
Government Publications Dept
Wilson Library
309 19th Avenue South
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis MN 55455
Phone: 612-625-6368
Fax: (612) 626-9353
Agency Liaison for: INSTRAW,
Susan Bennett White
United Nations Librarian
Princeton University Library
One Washington Road
Princeton NJ 08544
Phone: 609-258-4814
Fax: 609-258-4105
Agency Liaison for: ILO and
Human Development Reports
Coordinator for Agency Liaison
Government Documents Round Table in the American Library Association
International Documents Task Force – 2007 Annual Conference – Washington DC
Agency Liaison Reports – Page 23