MS Excel 2010 Objectives: Upon FIST 2013 completion of this topic, the students should be able to: Identify parts of the MS Excel application Create, delete, rename worksheets Create series of formulas by dragging the fill handle Work with simple formulas Create graphs of data A worksheet includes cells, gridlines, column and row headings, sheet tabs and scrolling bars. Excel rows are identified by numbers, and columns by letters. Each cell is identified by a combination of the row and column labels, e.g. B5. Formula Bar -displays the content (can be a value or formula) of the active cell. Split box - use to split a worksheet to view 2 parts of the worksheet simultaneously. o To activate it drag the splitbox onto the worksheet or click View tab/ribbon | Window group | Split o To remove: double click on the divider or click View tab/ribbon | Window group | Split once again. To modify the content of any cell, click on it and press F2 or click the Formula Bar. Press Esc to cancel the cell entry. Some useful buttons: AutoSum, Paste Function, Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, Chart Wizard, Merge and Center, Currency Style, Percentage Style, Comma Style, Decrease Decimal, Increase Decimal. 1 Fill Handle - the black square in the lower right corner of the active cell or selection. When the cursor point is on the fill handle, it will change its shape from a plus sign to a crosshair. Drag it downward or to the right and release your mouse. What's the difference between dragging the fill handle using left mouse click and right mouse click? 1. Formatting cells To format a cell or any selections press Ctrl+1 or click Home tab/ribbon | Cells group | Format or right-click the selection and choose Format Cells… Sometimes the data is automatically formatted for you like with dates. The overflow marker #### appears when the cell contains a # number, date, or time that is wider than the cell. Make the cell's column wider to fix it. 2. Series FIST 2013 Method 1: Type the first 2 numbers of the series as shown above. Highlight both numbers. Drag the fill handle to the right and release. If you drag to the left, the series will be decreasing. Method 2: Type the first number of the series. Select it. Then click Home tab/ribbon | Editing group | Fill | Series. Method 3: Type the first number and drag the Fill Handle using the right mouse button, release the mouse and then you can choose from: Copy Cells: copy everything Fill Series: produce a series of numbers incremented by 1 Fill Format: copy the colour and text styles 2 Series: produce a series where you can specify the rate of increment. 3. Equations & Functions (solve this part by doing it on the computer itself!) Question 1: Start in a new sheet and rename the sheet to account. Build the table, the revenue and expenses for the months of January to April are shown in Diagram 2. Use the steps given in Diagram 2 and the instructions given below to complete the calculation given that: Profit = Revenue Profit - Expenses and 5% tax is charged on the Use formulas to solve this question. You can type the formula directly into the cell as shown above or click the Insert Function button (labeled fx). To calculate the Profit for Feb, Mar and April select B5 and drag the Fill Handle to the right. Apply the same method when you calculate Tax. To calculate the total, type in the formula in cell F3. Select F3 and drag the Fill Handle downwards. Apply the same method when you calculate Average, Highest and Lowest. Other methods to calculate the total: Click the cell F3 and click the AutoSum button Or type the formula =b3+c3+d3+e3 To calculate average in G3 you can also use = F3 / 4 To calculate the tax in B6 you can also use = 5/100*B5 or =5%*B5 Question 2: In a new sheet in the same file draw the following table using the exact colour and border styles. Rename the sheet to bowling. Your task is to determine whether the player qualifies to FIST 2013 3 the 2nd round or not in Column F and fill in the prize for the player in column G. Read the solution under the diagram before you proceed. Diagram 3 - Bowling Start by colouring the background with light brown by clicking on the Select All Button and click Fill Color. Highlight C3:H14 fill it with gray. Merge C2:H2 and fill it with black. HINT: Use Alt + Enter to insert a new line within the same cell (for the title of the table) Merge B4:B8 and merge B9:B13 then Ctrl+1. Click Alignment to change the text orientation. To colour alternately blue-green-blue: colour Albakri's entry (d4 to g4) with blue and Alban's entry (d5 to g5) with green. Then highlight both lines (d4 to g5), drag the Fill Handle using right mouse click till Sharon's entry (G14). Release the mouse and click Fill Formatting Only. Do the rest on your own. Question 2a: Put the word No in the cell F4 if the Points are less than 125, otherwise display Yes. FIST 2013 Click on cell F4 and click the Insert Function Button or Formulas tab/ribbon | Function Library group | Insert Function. Set Category = All, Function name = IF. Click OK and set the test as shown below. We want to test the Points of the first player (which is in E4) to see whether it is <125 or not. 4 Click Ok and Excel will perform the test. Use a right click and drag the Fill Handle from E4 to E13. Release the mouse and choose Fill Without Formatting. If you use left button to drag it will copy the colour as well as the formula, which we don't want to happen. If you are an expert you can type the formula directly into cell F4 =if(e4<125,"no","yes") or =if(e4>124, "yes", "no") Stupid question: why do we want to use a formula when you can type the value yes and no manually? Answer: what if you have 100 bowlers. Do you still want to type manually? And let’s say you want to change the qualifying level to 100 points, you can easily modify the first formula and drag the Fill Handle again. Question 2b: Put the prize in column G: keychain, mug or t-shirt The function IF works this way: IF (logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false ) . But we can combine several tests by using a nested if to solve this problem: Click the cell G4 and type =if(e4>=150,"T- shirt",if(e4>100,"Mug","Keychain")) Or you can start the test from lowest value =if(e4<=100,"Keychain",if(e4<150,"Mug","Tshirt")) Question 2c: Count how many male and female contestants qualified for the 2nd round and count how many will receive a mug, a t-shirt or a keychain. To count the males: click =countif(F4:F8,"yes") on cell L5 and type An easier way is click Insert Function and choose COUNTIF. Type in the range F4:F8 or highlight F4 till F8 using your mouse and type in the criteria: yes and then Press Enter. Count the females using the same method. Question 2d: Sort the males' list according to the points from highest to lowest, and sort the females by their names A to Z FIST 2013 Highlight d4 to g8 > click Data tab/ribbon > Sort & Filter group > click Sort > Uncheck option My Data Has headers > sort by: column E, sort on: Value, order: Largest to Smallest. Highlight d9 to g13 > Data tab/ribbon > Sort & Filter group > click Sort > Uncheck option My Data Has headers > sort by: column D, sort on: Value, order: A-Z. 5 3. Referencing Cells Range Reference- refer to a range of cells e.g. B6:D7 Relative Reference - When you create a formula, references to cells or ranges are usually based on their position relative to the cell that contains the formula. For example in Diagram 2, to calculate the profit we used B5=b3-b4 which means Excel will deduct the cell which is 2 rows above b5 with the cell 1 position above b5. That's why when you drag the fill handle to the right the formula changes to c5=c3-c4 and d5=d3-d5. When you drag the fill handle sideways the letters (alphabets) will be adjusted but if you drag it up and down, the numbers in the formula will be adjusted. Is there any way that we can fix the row number and column letter? Yes! Absolute References - when you want to copy a formula without having all its references adjusted. put a dollar sign before the letter if you want to fix the column e.g. $A1 , put a dollar sign before the number if you want to fix the row e.g. A$1 or you can fix both by using $A$1 . Question 3.1 Try this out in a new sheet in the same file. Name the sheet as referencing. FIST 2013 The easiest way to type the equation is: First click on the cell C1 and type the equal sign = Then click on the cell A1 Next type in + on the cell C1 Click on the cell B1 and press enter Drag down from cell C1 until C3 Next click on cell D1 and type the equal sign = Then click on the cell A1 Next type in + on the cell D1 Then click on cell B1, press the F4 key several times. Each time you press F4, Excel toggles through the combinations: absolute column and absolute row (for example, $C$1); relative column and absolute row (C$1); absolute column and relative row ($C1); and relative column and relative row (C1) 6 Complete the following table based on the data on the table above. The first 3 are done for you. To know the equation you must activate the formula bar - click view then tick formula bar. Put the table below the one you just created In order to type the equation as requested without it being executed, start the cell with an apostrophe (‘) symbol before the = of the formula. This tells Excel not to execute anything that follows. Question 3.2 As an example of how useful the absolute reference is: Back to the Bowling diagram in Question 2, let's say that the organizer will only take around 20 bowlers from 100 contestants for the 2nd round. They need to adjust the qualification points so that the total is around that figure. To solve this problem make the following amendments to your table: FIST 2013 Another example: Click on M11 (the cell to count how many bowlers scores 150 and above). Type in the formula =COUNTIF(G$4:G$13,"T-shirt") then drag the Fill Handle from M11 downwards to M12 and M13 M12 and M13 will become =COUNTIF(G$4:G$13,"T-shirt") because of the absolute reference applied on the row numbers. All you need to do is replace the word T-shirt with Mug in M12 and Keychain in M13. Still finicky isn't it? Wait till you see this trick Name Referencing: 7 Say goodbye to absolute referencing because we can also give a name to a range of cells! Highlight G4 till G13. Click the name box and type a simple name like prize. Then modify the formula in M11 to =COUNTIF(prize,"T-shirt") Then you should know what to do ? .... Drag the fill handle from M11 to M13! 4. Inserting, Deleting, Resizing, Printing To insert row cells, rows and columns Place the cursor in the row below where you want the new row, or in the column to the left of where you want the new column Click the Insert button on the Cells group of the Home tab/ribbon Click the appropriate choice: Cell, Row, or Column To delete cells, rows and columns Place the cursor in the cell, row, or column that you want to delete Click the Delete button on the Cells group of the Home tab Click the appropriate choice: Cell, Row, or Column FIST 2013 8 Deleting removes the selected area from the worksheet, and then fills in the gap with the contents of adjacent cells, columns, or rows. Whereas Clearing erases the content of the selected area without removing the selection from the worksheet. To change the width of a column, use any of the following methods: Point to the border line of the column heading, and drag the border to the left or right Select any cell in the desired column and click the Format button on the Cells group of the Home tab/ribbon To print a range: Select the area to be printed Click the Print Area button on the Page Layout tab Click Select Print Area FIST 2013 If you don’t want to print a particular column, right click on the column header and click Hide 9 5. Graphing Before we work with Charts, there are a couple of essential steps we have to do. First, we have to tell Excel 2007 what we want to see in our chart and then were we want the chart to go. Question 5.1 Plot the Expenses against Month for the data in Diagram 2. Use the same worksheet (Accounts). FIST 2013 Step 1: Select the row that contains the names of the months from A2 till E2 Step 2: Hold down Ctrl key on the keyboard and select the row that contains the Expenses from A4 till E4 Step 3: Click the Insert Tab at the top of the Excel screen. When you do you’ll see that one of the Groups in the Insert Tab/Ribbon is Charts Step 4: For our first chart, we’ll use a Column Chart. Move your cursor over Column and an image like the one on the right will appear. 10 Step 5: Click the Column button and then Click on the 2-D Column chart indicated by the arrow on the left. Choose Clustered Column on the 2-D Column Step 6: Click inside your chart and you can see Chart Tools at the top of the Excel screen. We will used Chart Tools to modify our chart. Chart before edit FIST 2013 11 Step 7: Next we want to modify our charts. Play around with properties of each element of the graph: adjust your graph so it looks like the graph shown above. Chart Tools The Chart Tools appear on the Ribbon when you click on the chart. The tools are located on three tabs: Design, Layout, and Format. Within the Design tab you can control the chart type, layout, styles, and location. Within the Layout tab you can control inserting pictures, shapes and text boxes, labels, axes, background, and analysis. FIST 2013 12 Within the Format tab you can modify shape styles, word styles and size of the chart. Question 5.2 In the same file but in a new worksheet named waves : complete the following table and build a graph as shown on the right side using the XY scatter graph. Question 5.3 On a new worksheet named Answers, in the same file, answer the following questions. a. Give 2 methods how can you move a selection of cells A1 till C3 to a new location so A1 is in H1. b. Give 2 methods how to remove the fill colour of the cells without deleting the data. c. In diagram 2: copy A1 till I6 > click on A8 > Edit > Paste Special > Tick Transpose > OK. Describe what happens. d. In question 2b what's wrong if I type the formula =if(e4<=100,"Keychain",if(e4>100,"Mug","T-shirt")) e. Let's say the organizer of the bowling tournament wants to change the prize whereby 180 and above gets a palmtop, 150 to 179 a handphone, 100 to 149 a t-shirt and below 100 a brickgame. Give a valid formula in G1: FIST 2013 13 Question 5.4 On a new worksheet named Gantt, in the same file, produce a Gantt Chart like this. Hint: the graph that looks similar to Gantt Chart is the Stock Graph. But the problem with stock graph is you must provide it with 3 sets of variables. In this case you only have 2 variables – which are the start and end date. Just duplicate either the start or end date so that you have 3 sets of variables. i. How to set the max date to 8th of Feb and min to 1st of Feb ii. How to make the blue lines thicker? iii. Give 2 methods to print the graph so it fits nicely on an A4 paper. FIST 2013 14