Michael Steinman - UCSF Geriatrics - University of California, San

Date updated: December 2008
Michael A. Steinman, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine in Residence, Step 3
Division of Geriatrics, Dept. of Medicine
UCSF School of Medicine
Staff Physician
San Francisco VA Medical Center
Work Address:
Division of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine
San Francisco VA Medical Center, Box 181-G
4150 Clement St.
San Francisco, CA 94121
Tel: (415) 221-4810 x3677
Fax: (415) 750-6641
Email: mike.steinman@ucsf.edu
Education and Post-Graduate Training
2002 - 2003
Geriatrics Clinical Fellow, San Francisco VA Medical Center and University of California,
San Francisco
2000 – 2002
Research Fellow, VA National Quality Scholars Fellowship Program, San Francisco VA
Medical Center and University of California, San Francisco
2000 – 2001
Advanced Training in Clinical Research / ORACLE Training Programs. Coursework in
epidemiology, health services research, decision analysis, outcomes research, clinical
trials design, medical informatics, molecular epidemiology, medical writing, biostatistics,
research ethics, and statistical programming. University of California, San Francisco
1997 – 2000
Internal Medicine / Primary Care Residency, University of California, San Francisco
Graduate Summer Session in Epidemiology, University of Michigan School of Public
1992 – 1997
Harvard Medical School – M.D.
University of Grenoble, France – Coursework in Political Science
1987 – 1991
Brown University – B.A. in Political Science
Additional Training
Measurement in Clinical Research (Epi 225), UCSF Dept. of Epidemiology and
Biostatistics, San Francisco, Sept. - Dec. 2005.
Statistical Methods for Longitudinal and Repeated Measures Data, UCSF Dept. of
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, San Francisco, Sept. - Nov. 2001.
Seminars in Health Services Research Methods: Using Federal and State Databases,
Washington DC, November 5-7, 2001.
Honors and Awards
Top research mentor award, Medical Student Training in Aging Research (MSTAR)
program, University of California, San Francisco
2002 -- 2003
Top research article in J Gen Intern Med by number of web site accesses in 2002; fifthmost cited recent article in J Gen Intern Med (Steinman MA et al, Medication restriction
due to cost in seniors without prescription coverage: a national survey, cited in J Gen
Intern Med 2002; 17: 952-55 and J Gen Intern Med 2003; 18: 1062-65).
Mack Lipkin, Sr. Award for Outstanding Scientific Presentation. "Changing use of
outpatient antibiotics in the United States: 1991-1999." Society of General Internal
Medicine 2002 Annual Meeting.
Merck / American Geriatrics Society New Investigator Award. "Broad-spectrum antibiotic
use among elderly outpatients: results from a national sample." American Geriatrics
Society 2002 Annual Meeting.
Henry Asbury Christian Award for Notable Scholarship in Studies or Research, Harvard
Medical School. ”Etiology and empiric treatment of acid-fast bacillus (AFB) smearnegative pulmonary disease in Botswana: background review and discussion of the
BOTUSA research protocol”
Recognition for Outstanding Commitment to the Community, Brown University
Samuel C. Lamport Prize for International Understanding, Brown University
Magna Cum Laude, Brown University
Phi Beta Kappa, Brown University
Grant Support
Society of General Internal Medicine. “SGIM Research Dataset Compendium”
development contract. 1/2009 – 12/2009 (pending)
Paul B. Beeson Career Development Award in Aging K23 AG030999-01A1 (PI),
cosponsored with American Federation for Aging Research. “Guideline Adherence in
Elders With Multiple Comorbidities”. 9/30/08 – 9/01/13. (75% effort)
VA Investigator Initiated Research (IIR) Award 06-080-02 (PI). “Guideline adherence in
elders with heart failure and multiple comorbidities.” (Oct 2007 – Sept 2011). 37.5%
effort (no salary support)
VA Investigator Initiated Research (IIR) Award 06-062 (Co-I). “Inappropriate medications
for seniors: should VA adopt HEDIS measures?” (Aug 2007 – July 2010). (no salary
VA HSR&D Career Development Transition Award (PI) (June 2007 – June 2009). 75%
effort → 37.5% effort.
Oregon A.G. Special Grant (Pfizer Settlement Fund) (Co-I; PI Lisa Bero, PhD). “Design,
evaluation, and implementation of a marketing of medicines curriculum for health
professionals.” 9/06 – 1/09. (As needed effort.)
VA HSR&D Research Career Development Award 01-013 (PI). "Understanding and
improving antibiotic prescribing in VA." (June 2004 – June 2007) 75% effort.
Mentored Research Experience
2002 – 2003
Clinical Geriatrics Fellowship, San Francisco VA Medical Center and University of
California, San Francisco
2000 – 2002
VA National Quality Scholars Program, San Francisco VA Medical Center and University
of California, San Francisco
1995 – 1996
Paul Dudley White International Research Fellow, BOTUSA TB Project, Centers for
Disease Control, Gaborone, Botswana
NIH Research Fellow, Mind/Body Medical Institute, New England Deaconess Hospital,
Research Intern, Division of Health Policy, Rhode Island Department of Public Health,
Research Technician, Oncology Laboratory (Principal Investigator Glenn Bubley, MD),
Beth Israel Hospital, Boston
Clinical Experience
2004 – present Staff physician, San Francisco VA Medical Center
2002 – 2003
Geriatrics Fellow, University of California, San Francisco and San Francisco VA Medical
Center. Rotations and longitudinal experience in outpatient geriatric primary care,
inpatient consults, nursing home care, home care, community-based primary care,
comprehensive day health center care, palliative care, memory disorders and geriatric
neurology, geriatric psychiatry, rehabilitation medicine, and medical directorship.
2000 – present Medical staff, San Francisco VA Medical Center, CA. Inpatient ward attending, general
medicine and geriatrics clinic, and part-time emergency department physician
Part-time medical staff, San Mateo County Hospital, San Mateo, CA
1997 – 2000
Primary Care Internal Medicine Resident, University of California, San Francisco.
Rotations in inpatient general medicine, cardiology, intensive care, oncology, liver
transplant, pulmonary medicine, infectious diseases, emergency department. Rotations
in outpatient university-based general medicine clinic, community health clinic,
subspecialty clinics in gynecology, dermatology, rheumatology, orthopedics, urgent care,
behavioral medicine, tuberculosis, psychiatry, asthma / immunology, pulmonary
medicine, neurology, and nephrology.
Trainees Mentored in Research
Daniella Zipkin, MD. Fellow (6/2003 - 1/2005)
 Research mentor for: Zipkin DA, Steinman MA. Interactions between pharmaceutical
representatives and doctors in training: a thematic review. J Gen Intern Med 2005; 20: 777786.
Jonathan Shaw, Michael Hochman, Paul Hyman. Medical students (1/2006 - 12/2006)
Research mentor for: Hyman PL, Hochman ME, Shaw JG, Steinman MA. Attitudes of preclinical and clinical medical students toward interactions with the pharmaceutical industry.
Acad Med 2007; 82: 94-99.
Elizabeth Kwo, BA. Medical student (7/2006 - present)
 Research mentor for Medical Student Training in Aging Research (MSTAR) program: Kwo
EC, Kamat P, Steinman MA. Physician use of brand vs. generic drug names from 1993 to
2004. Annals of Pharmacotherapy (publication pending).
William Gordon, BA Medical student (6/2008 - present)
 Research mentor for Medical Student Training in Aging Research (MSTAR) program: “Do
simplified models for predicting cardiovascular risk alter cholesterol management?”
Manuscript in preparation. Won Best Poster award at Bay Area Clinical Research
Symposium, October 2008
Brie Williams, MD. Junior faculty (3/2008 - present)
 Research mentor for Williams BA et al. Medication Prescribing Practices for Geriatric
Prisoners in a Large State Prison System. (Manuscript under review)
Kirby Lee, PharmD. Junior faculty (2008 - present)
 Research mentor and master’s thesis advisor for UCSF KL2 “roadmap” career development
Publications Under Review
Gordon WJ, Polansky JM, Boscardin WJ, Fung K, Steinman MA. Coronary risk assessment by pointbased vs. equation-based Framingham models: significant implications for clinical care (Submission
Steinman MA, Boscardin CK, Aguayo L, Baron RB. Commercial influence and learner-perceived bias
in continuing medical education. (Under review)
Steinman MA, Yang KY, Byron SC, Maselli JH, Gonzales R. Variation in Outpatient Antibiotic
Prescribing in the United States: A New Measure of Health Plan Quality. (Under review).
Steinman MA, Goldstein MK. A new method for performance measurement in hypertension. (Under
Williams BA, Baillargeon J, Lindquist K, Walter LC, Covinsky KE, Whitson HE, Murray O, Steinman
MA. Medication Prescribing Practices for Geriatric Prisoners in a Large State Prison System. (Under
Steinman MA, Rosenthal GE, Landefeld CS, Bertenthal D, Kaboli PJ. Are Drugs-to-Avoid Criteria an
Accurate Diagnostic Tool for Problem Prescribing? (Under review)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Kwo EC, Kamat P, Steinman MA. Physician use of brand vs. generic drug names from 1993 to 2004.
Annals of Pharmacotherapy (in press)
Ranji SR, Steinman MA, Shojania KG, Lewis RN, Gonzales R. Interventions to improve unnecessary
antibiotic prescribing: a systematic review and quantitative analysis. Med Care 2008; 46: 847-62.
O'hare AM, Choi AI, Bertenthal D, Bacchetti P, Garg AX, Kaufman JS, Walter LC, Mehta KM,
Steinman MA, Allon M, McClellan WM, Landefeld CS. Age affects outcomes in chronic kidney
disease. J Am Soc Nephrol 2007; 18:2758-65
Steinman MA, Harper GM, Chren MM, Landefeld CS, Bero LA. Characteristics and impact of drug
detailing for gabapentin. PloS Medicine 2007; 4: e134Steinman MA, Chren MM, Landefeld CS. What’s in a name? Use of brand vs. generic drug names in
United States outpatient practice. J Gen Intern Med 2007; 22: 645-648.
Steinman MA, Maaravi Y, Walter LC, Hammerman-Rozenberg R, Stessman J. The evolution of
medication use in Jerusalem elders: Results from the Jerusalem Longitudinal Study. Drugs Aging
2007; 24: 133-145.
Steinman MA, Rosenthal GE, Landefeld CS, Bertenthal D, Sen S, Kaboli PJ. Conflicts and
concordance between measures of medication prescribing quality. Med Care 2007; 45: 95-99.
Hyman PL, Hochman ME, Shaw JG, Steinman MA. Attitudes of pre-clinical and clinical medical
students toward interactions with the pharmaceutical industry. Acad Med 2007; 82: 94-99.
Steinman MA, Landefeld CS, Rosenthal GE, Bertenthal D, Sen S, Kaboli PJ. Polypharmacy and
prescribing quailty in elders. J Amer Geriatr Soc 2006; 54: 1516-1523.
Steinman MA, Bero LA, Chren MM, Landefeld CS. The promotion of gabapentin: an analysis of
internal industry documents. Ann Intern Med 2006; 145: 284-293.
Steinman MA, Ranji SR, Shojania KG, Gonzales R. Improving antibiotic selection: a systematic
review and quantitative analysis of quality improvement strategies. Med Care 2006; 44: 617-628.
O’Hare AM, Bertenthal D, Covinsky KE, Landefeld, CS, Sen S, Mehta K, Steinman MA, Borzecki A,
Walter LC. The association of chronic kidney disease with mortality is attenuated in the elderly. J Am
Soc Nephrol 2006; 17: 846-853
Steinman MA, McQuaid KR, Covinsky KE. Age and rising rates of cyclooxgenase-2 inhibitor use:
results from a national survey. J Gen Intern Med 2006; 21: 245-250
Ranji SR, Steinman MA, Shojania KG, Gonzales R, Sundaram V, Lewis R, Arnold S. Antibiotic
Prescribing Behavior. Vol. 4 of Shojania KG, McDonald KM, Wachter RM, Owens DK, editors.
Closing The Quality Gap: A Critical Analysis of Quality Improvement Strategies. AHRQ Technical
Review 9 (Prepared by the Stanford University – UCSF Evidence-based Practice Center under
Contract No. 290-02-0017). AHRQ Publication No. 04(06)-0051-4. Rockville, MD: Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality. January 2006. Available on line at
Jha AK, Perlin JB, Steinman MA, Peabody JW, Ayanian JZ. Gender differences in quality of care in
the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System. J Gen Intern Med 2005; 20: 762-765.
Zipkin DA, Steinman MA. Interactions between pharmaceutical representatives and doctors in
training: a thematic review. J Gen Intern Med 2005; 20: 777-786.
Linder JA, Huang ES, Steinman MA, Gonzales R, Stafford RS. Fluoroquinolone prescribing in the
United States, 1995 – 2002. Am J Med 2005; 118: 259-68.
Steinman MA, Fischer MA, Shlipak MG, Bosworth HB, Oddone EZ, Hoffman BB, Goldstein MK.
Clinician awareness of adherence to hypertension guidelines. Am J Med 2004; 117: 747-54.
Steinman MA, Sauaia A, Maselli JH, Houck PM, Gonzales R. Office evaluation and treatment of
elderly patients with acute bronchitis. J Amer Geriatr Soc 2004; 52: 875-79.
Steinman MA, Gonzales R, Linder JA, Landefeld CS. Changing use of antibiotics in communitybased outpatient practice: 1991-1999. Ann Intern Med 2003; 138: 525-533.
Steinman MA, Landefeld CS, Gonzales R. Predictors of broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing for
acute respiratory tract infections in adult primary care. JAMA 2003; 289: 719-725.
Steinman MA, Sands LP, Covinsky KE. Medication restriction due to cost in seniors without
prescription coverage: a national survey. J Gen Intern Med 2001; 16: 793-99.
Steinman MA, Shlipak MG, McPhee SJ. Of principles and pens: attitudes and practices of medicine
housestaff toward pharmaceutical industry promotions. Am J Med 2001; 110: 551-57.
Lockman S, Sheppard JD, Braden CR, Mwasekaga MJ, Woodley CL, Kenyon TA, Binkin NJ,
Steinman M, Montsho F, Kesupile-Reed M, Hirschfeldt C, Notha M, Moeti T, Tappero JW. Molecular
and conventional epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Botswana: a population-based
prospective study of 301 pulmonary tuberculosis patients. J Clin Microbiol 2001: 39: 1042-47..
Steinman MA, Steinman TI. Clarithromycin-associated visual hallucinations in a patient with chronic
renal failure on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Am J Kidney Dis 1996; 27: 143-46.
Editorials and Reviews
Landefeld CS, Steinman MA. The Neurontin legacy: discovery of how marketing can manufacture
misinformation and manipulate physicians. N Engl J Med 2009; 360: 103-6
Steinman MA. Polypharmacy and the balance of medication benefits and harms [invited editorial].
Am J Geriatr Pharmacotherapy 2007: 5: 314-16.
Steinman MA, Baron RB. Rebuttal - is continuing medical education a drug promotion tool [invited
editorial]. Can Fam Phys 2007; 53: 1877-79.
Steinman MA, Baron RB. Is continuing medical education a drug promotion tool – Yes [invited
editorial]. Can Fam Phys 2007; 53: 1650-3.
Steinman MA. Drugs-to-avoid criteria and the quality of prescribing [invited editorial]. Brown
University Geriatric Psychopharmacology Update 2007; 11: 4.
Steinman KJ, Steinman MA, Steinman TI. Disease management programs in the geriatric setting:
practical considerations. Dis Mgmt Health Outcomes 2003; 11: 363-74
Steinman MA, Landefeld CS. Finding the target: getting started with quality of care and health
services research. Qual Mgmt Health Care 2002; 10: 19-24.
Steinman MA. Gifts to physicians in the consumer marketing era [invited editorial]. JAMA 2000; 284:
Steinman TI, Steinman MA. Management of chronic renal failure. Contemp Intern Med 1997; 9: 2228.
Friedman R, Steinman M, Benson H. The relaxation response: Physiological effects and medical
applications. In: Haruki Y (ed). Comparative and Psychological Studies on Meditation. Tokyo,
Waseda U. Press, 1993.
Letters to the Editor
Steinman MA. Response to ‘Number of medical conditions and quality of care’ – In reply [letter] N
Engl J Med 2007; 357: 1350-1.
Steinman MA, Bero LA, Chren MM, Landefeld CS. Response to ’The promotion of gabapentin: an
analysis of internal industry documents’ – In reply [letter] Ann Intern Med 2007; 146: 313-4..
Steinman MA, Landefeld CS, Rosenthal GE, Bertenthal D, Sen S, Kaboli PJ. Response to
’Polypharmacy and prescribing quailty in elders’ – In reply [letter]. J Amer Geriatr Soc 2007; 55: 8034
Zipkin DA, Steinman MA. Response to ‘Interactions between pharmaceutical representatives and
doctors in training: a thematic review’ – In reply [letter]. J Gen Intern Med 2006; 21: 103
Steinman MA, Landefeld CS, Gonzales R. Predictors of broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing for
acute respiratory tract infections in adult primary care [letter]. JAMA 2003; 289: 2797-98.
Steinman MA, Covinsky KE. Donepezil for nursing home patients with dementia: a reinterpretation of
the evidence [letter]. J Am Geriatr Soc 2003; 1: 132.
Steinman MA. When is it cost-effective to change the behavior of health professionals? [letter] JAMA
2002; 287: 1648.
Abstracts and Presentations
Gordon WJ, Polansky JM, Boscardin WJ, Fung K, Steinman MA. Do simplified models for predicting
cardiovascular risk alter cholesterol management?
 Awarded “best poster” award at the Bay Area Clinical Research Symposium, October 2008.
Steinman MA, Yang K, Byron S, Maselli J, Gonzales R. Antibiotic utilization among health plans n
the United States: implications for quality, cost, and public health.
 Presented as a poster abstract at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, April
Steinman MA, Goldstein MK. New methods for performance measurement in hypertension: results
from an expert panel.
 Presented as an oral abstract at the VA Health Services Research Annual Meeting, February
2008, and as a poster abstract at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting and
the American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, April and May 2008.
Steinman MA, Rosenthal GE, Landefeld CS, Bertenthal D, Kaboli PJ. Are drugs-to-avoid criteira an
accurate diagnostic tool for problem prescribing?
 Presented as an oral abstract at the American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, May 2007 and
as a poster abstract at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, April 2007.
Steinman MA, Maaravi Y, Walter LC, Hammerman-Rozenberg R, Stessman J. The evolution of
medication use in Israeli elders: results from the Jerusalem Longitudinal Study.
 Presented as a poster abstract at the American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, May 2006. J
Amer Geriatr Soc 2006; 54 supp 1: S126.
Steinman MA, Harper GM, Chren MM, Landefeld CS, Bero LA. Characteristics and impact of drug
detailing for gabapentin.
 Presented as a poster abstract at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, April
2006. J Gen Intern Med 2006; 21 S4:
Steinman MA, Landefeld CS, Rosenthal GE, Bertenthal D, Sen S, Kaboli PJ. Polypharmacy and
prescribing quality in elders.
Presented as an oral abstract at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, April
2006, and as an oral abstract at the VA HSR&D National Meeting, February 2006. J Gen Intern
Med 2006; 21 S4:
Steinman MA, Kaboli PJ, Landefeld CS, Rosenthal G. Measures of drug prescribing quality
frequently disagree. J Gen Intern Med 2005; 20 supp 1: 203.
 Presented as a poster abstract at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, May
Steinman MA, McQuaid KR, Covinsky KE. National patterns of COX-2 inhibitor use.
 Presented as a poster abstract at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, May
2005. J Gen Intern Med 2005; 20 supp 1: 204.
Chan AS, Steinman MA, Fischer MA, Shlipak MG, Bosworth HB, Oddone EZ, Martins SB, Hoffman
BB, Goldstein MA. Will physicians support a decision support system for hypertension management
 Presented as a poster abstract at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, May
Chan AS, Steinman MA, Fischer MA, Shlipak MG, Bosworth HB, Oddone EZ, Martins SB, Hoffman
BB, Goldstein MA. Clinician experience with the ATHENA DSS hypertension management system:
facilitators and barriers to guideline compliance.
 Presented as a poster abstract at the American Heart Association 2 nd Scientific Conference on
Compliance in Healthcare and Research, May 2004.
Steinman MA, Fischer MA, Shlipak MG, Bosworth HB, Oddone EZ, Goldstein MK. Are clinicians
aware of their adherence to hypertension guidelines? J Gen Intern Med 2003; 18 supp 1: 297.
 Presented as a poster abstract at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, May
2003 and as an oral abstract at the Bay Area Health Care Quality and Outcomes First Annual
Meeting, May 2003.
Steinman MA, Sauaia A, Maselli JH, Houck P, Gonzales R. Processes and outcomes of care in
elderly patients with acute bronchitis. J Amer Geriatrics Soc 2003; 51 supp 1:S210-S211 and J Gen
Intern Med 2003; 18 supp 1: 296.
 Presented in the presidential poster session at the American Geriatrics Society National Meeting,
May 2003 (pending) and as a poster abstract at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual
Meeting, May 2003 .
Steinman MA, Gonzales R, Linder JA, Landefeld CS. Changing use of outpatient antibiotics in the
United States: 1991-1999. J Gen Intern Med 2002, 17: 119.
 Presented as a plenary oral abstract at the Society of General Internal Medicine California
Regional Meeting, March 2002, and as an oral abstract at the Society of General Internal
Medicine National Meeting, May 2002
Steinman MA, Gonzales R, Landefeld CS. Broad-spectrum antibiotic use in adults with acute
respiratory infections. J Gen Intern Med 2002, 17: 212.
 Presented as a poster abstract at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, May
Steinman MA, Gonzales R, Landefeld CS. Broad-spectrum antibiotic use among elderly outpatients:
results from a national sample. J Amer Geriatr Soc 2002; 50: S110.
 Presented as a poster abstract at the American Geriatrics Society National Meeting, May 2002.
Steinman MA, Sands LP, Covinsky KE. Medication restriction due to cost in seniors without
prescription coverage: a national survey. J Gen Intern Med 2001, 16 Supp 1: 176 and J Amer Geriatr
Soc 2001, 49: S8.
 Presented as a plenary oral abstract at the Northern California Epidemiology Network Annual
Conference, February 2001, and as oral abstracts at the Society of General Internal Medicine
Annual Meeting, May 2001 and the American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting, May 2001.
Steinman MA, Shlipak MG, McPhee SJ. Of principles and pens: attitudes and practices of medicine
housestaff toward pharmaceutical industry promotions. J Gen Intern Med 2000; 15 Supp 1: 45.
 Presented as an oral abstract at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, May
Tan E, Steinman MA. “Improving the care of behavioral problems in the institutionalized elderly.”
 Presented as a poster abstract at the VA National Quality Scholars Annual Meeting, August 2000
Tappero JW, Lockman S, Steinman MA, et al. Characterization of acid-fast bacillus (AFB) smearnegative pulmonary disease in Botswana. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 155: A557.
Tappero JW, Steinman MA, Rumisha DW. Characterization of acid-fast bacillus (AFB) smearnegative pulmonary disease in Botswana. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis (formerly Tuber Lung Dis) 1996; 77
Supp 2: 68.
Academic Activities
2000 – present Ad hoc reviewer for:
Accountability in Research (2004)
American Journal of Bioethics (2003)
American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy (2006, 2007 X 3, 2008)
American Journal of Managed Care (2004, 2008)
American Journal of Medicine (2004, 2005)
Annals of Internal Medicine (2008)
Archives of General Psychiatry (2008)
Archives of Internal Medicine (2003, 2005, 2006)
Biomed Central Infectious Diseases (2006, 2007)
Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) (2002, 2006)
o cited for excellent quality of review
Drugs and Aging (2002, 2004, 2008)
Implementation Science (2006)
Internal Medicine Journal (2006)
International Journal for Quality in Health Care (2004)
JAMA (2004, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2006)
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007)
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (2005)
Journal of General Internal Medicine (2002, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2005, 2007, 2008,
Lancet (2007)
Medical Decision Making (2008)
Social Science Medicine (2007)
Western Journal of Medicine (2000)
2008 - present Research Space Committee, San Francisco VA Medical Center
Invited panelist, American Board of Internal Medicine, Setting standards for Hypertension
and Diabetes Practice Improvement Modules. Philadelphia, September 2008
2008 - present Site director, Medical Student Training in Aging Research (MSTAR) Program, University
of California, San Francisco
Invited presenter, Institute of Medicine Committee on Conflicts of Interest in Medical
Education, Research, and Practice. “Conflict of Interest in Graduate and Undergraduate
Medical Education.” Washington DC, January 2008
2007 - present Chair, Subcommittee on Publicly Available Data Resources; and Member, Research
Committee, Society of General Internal Medicine
Advisor, National Center for Quality Assurance, to validate HEDIS Antibiotic Utilization
Guest academic editor, PLoS Medicine
2007 - present Chair, Polypharmacy Special Interest Group, American Geriatrics Society Annual
Report Expert Reviewer, DeCIDE report on off-label prescribing, Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality / Oregon Health Sciences University
Abstract Reviewer, International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology Annual Meeting,
Quebec City
Member, Subcommittee on Professionalism, Clinical Practice Committee, Society of
General Internal Medicine
Invited presenter, VHA Ethics Task Force on Compensated Relationships, Washington
DC, October 2006
2006 - 2008
Clinical Research Subcommittee, Research and Development Committee, San Francisco
VA Medical Center
Co-founder, Drug Industry Document Archive, UCSF Library and Center for Knowledge
Clinical Research Committee, San Francisco VA Medical Center
Abstract Reviewer, International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology Annual Meeting,
Lisbon Portugal
Abstract Reviewer, Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, Los Angeles
Abstract Reviewer, VA HSR&D 2006 Annual Meeting, Washington DC
2005 - present Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 21 Pharmacy Benefits Management
Workgroup - Northern California, Nevada, and Hawaii region
2004 - 2005
Invited consultant, National expert panel to develop Adult Antibiotic HEDIS Performance
Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 21 Pharmacy Benefits Management Group
Development Task Force, San Francisco, CA.
2002 - 2003
San Francisco VA Medical Center Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, San
Francisco, CA
 Medication Use Subcommittee
UCSF Medical Center Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, San Francisco, CA
 Industry Relations Subcommittee, 2001-2002
Abstract Reviewer (Health Services Research), American Geriatrics Society 2002 Annual
Meeting, Washington DC
Root Cause Analysis committee member, San Francisco VA Medical Center, San
Francisco, CA.
Co-chair, Abstract Selection Committee, Society of General Internal Medicine California
Regional Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Junior editor, chapters on HIV, Heart Disease, Mycotic Infections, in: Tierney LM,
McPhee SJ, Papadakis MA. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment (2002 edition).
Appleton & Lange, publication pending
1993 – 1994
Consultant, Nutrition and Preventive Medicine Curriculum Committee, Harvard Medical
Educational Presentations
Dermatology Grand Rounds, UCSF. “The pharmaceutical industry, medical education,
and research.” San Francisco, November 2008
Featured speaker, San Francisco VAMC Research Week. “A fistful of pills: how many
drugs is too many?” San Francisco, May 2008
Medicine Grand Rounds, Alameda County Medical Center / Highland Hospital.
“Pharmaceutical industry influence on research and medical education: Overt science or
covert marketing?” Oakland , April 2008
Dean’s Lecture, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. “Pharmaceutical Industry
Influence on Medical Education.” Nashville, March 2008
Panelist and speaker, VA Career Development Award Program Annual Meeting.
“Guideline adherence in elders with heart failure and multiple comorbidities.” Baltimore,
February 2008
Panelist and speaker, Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting - Presidential
Symposium: Cross-Cutting International Issues in Medication-Related Problems in the
Elderly. “Measurement and improvement of suboptimal prescribing in older veterans.”
San Francisco, November 2007.
Invited speaker, Special Symposium on Evidence Based Prescribing and the
Pharmaceutical Industry. “Pharmaceutical marketing” Chicago, October 2007.
Invited speaker, California Society of Addiction Medicine Annual Meeting. “The
promotion of gabapentin.” Los Angeles, October 2007
Keynote speaker, Primary Care Medicine – Principles and Practice CME Course (UCSF).
“Bias in clinical trials: How to spot it. What to do about it.” San Francisco, October 2007.
Invited speaker, International AIDS Society – USA Core Faculty Retreat. “The promotion
of gabapentin: an inside view of pharmaceutical marketing.” Scottsdale, AZ, October
Symposium panel speaker and discussant, International Society of
Pharmacoepidemiology Annual Meeting. “Characterizing and comparing measures of
prescribinq quality in older adults” Quebec City, Canada, August 2007
Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital Oakland. “Pharmaceutical industry influence on
research and medical education: Overt science or covert marketing?” Oakland , July
Workshop presenter, Society of General Internal Medicine annual meeting. “To
Prescribe or Discontinue: What is Quality Pharmacotherapy for Older Adults? " Toronto,
April 2007
Medicine Grand Rounds, Alta Bates Summit Medical Center. “Marketing of Drugs
Through Medical Education and Research: The Case of Gabapentin " Oakland , April
Pediatrics Grand Rounds, San Francisco General Hospital. “Marketing of Drugs Through
Medical Education and Research" San Francisco , March 2007
Medicine Grand Rounds, San Francisco General Hospital. “The Hidden Side of Drug
Promotion: Lessons from the Marketing of Gabapentin" San Francisco , January 2007
Medicine Grand Rounds, UCSF. “Marketing of Drugs Through Medical Education and
Research: The Case of Gabapentin" San Francisco , November 2006
Medicine Grand Rounds, Sutter Medical Center Santa Rosa . “Drug Industry Marketing
Through Education and Research" San Francisco , November 2006
Symposium organizer and panel discussant, “Pharmaceutical Industry Involvement in
Medical Student and Residency Education – Current Practices and Future Solutions”,
UCSF School of Medicine, October 2006
GME Grand Rounds, UCSF. "Impact of the Pharmaceutical Industry on Graduate
Medical Education and Medical Practice." San Francisco, October 2006
Geriatrics Grand Rounds, UCSF. "Prescribing for Elders with Multiple Comorbidities –
How Much is Too Much? How Much is Too Little?" San Francisco, September 2006
Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, San Francisco VA Medical Center. "Prescribing
for Elders – Approaches to High-Quality Care." San Francisco, November 2005
Faculty speaker, VISN 21 Geriatrics and Extended Care Regional Meeting. “Prescribing
Quality Measurement in Elders.” San Francisco, CA, October 2005
Invited Discussant, 3rd annual Bay Area Health Care Quality and Outcomes Conference.
Woodside, CA, May 2005
Faculty speaker, SFVAMC Research Week. “The use and overuse of powerful
antibiotics.” San Francisco VA Medical Center. March 2005
Featured speaker, Medpin 2nd Annual Conference. "Pharmaceutical Industry Marketing:
Effects on Patients and Physicians." Los Angeles, May 2003.
Guest lecturer, Understanding Changing Times course, City College of San Francisco.
"Everything You Wanted to Know About Pharmaceutical Marketing But Were Afraid to
Ask" San Francisco, April 2003
Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, San Francisco VA Medical Center. "Don't
Believe Everything You Read: Conflict of Interest and the Medical Literature." San
Francisco, June 2002
Keynote speaker, George R. Dunlop Annual Ethics Symposium, University of
Massachusetts Medical School. "Of Principles and Pens: The Dilemma of
Pharmaceutical Marketing." Worcester, MA, May 2002.
Workshop presenter, Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting. "A
Curriculum on Physician-Pharmaceutical Industry Interactions." Atlanta, May 2002.
Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, Alta Bates Hospital. “Gifts to Physicians from
the Pharmaceutical Industry.” Berkeley, January 2001
Guest Moderator, Alta Bates Hospital Ethics Committee. Berkeley, January 2001
Grand Rounds, Memory Clinic, University of California, San Francisco. “Gifts to
Physicians from the Pharmaceutical Industry.” San Francisco, March 2001
Grand Rounds, Division of General Internal Medicine, University of California, San
Francisco. “Physicians and the Drug Industry.” San Francisco, May 2000
Harvard Medical School Alumni Day Symposium: “A Tale of Two Diseases:
Tuberculosis and Coronary Artery Disease.” Boston, June 1997
Local Presentations
Invited Speaker, Aging and Palliative Care Interest Group. “Promises and Pitfalls of
Medication Prescribing for Elders” UCSF School of Medicine, December 2008
Invited Speaker, UCSF Introduction to Health Policy Course. “Pharmaceutical Industry
Marketing.” UCSF School of Medicine, November 2008
Lecturer, Geriatrics Fellows Teaching Conference, San Francisco VA Medical Center.
“Polypharmacy and Prescribing Quality” November 2008
Guest lecturer, UCSF Hospitalist Conference. "Minimizing Medication Problems in Older
Adults.” University of California, San Francisco, February 2008
Guest lecturer, Health Policy for Pharmacists course (CP 123). "Drug Industry Marketing
and Promotion." University of California, San Francisco School of Pharmacy, February
Lecturer, Geriatrics Fellows Teaching Conference, San Francisco VA Medical Center.
“Polypharmacy and Prescribing Quality” November 2007
Invited Speaker, UCSF Introduction to Health Policy Course. “Pharmaceutical Industry
Marketing.” UCSF School of Medicine, October 2007
Lecturer, Geriatrics Fellows Teaching Conference, San Francisco VA Medical Center.
“Polypharmacy” April 2007
Lecturer, Housestaff Noon Conference, San Francisco VA Medical Center Dept. of
Medicine. “Research, Medical Education, and the Healthcare Industry.” March 2007
Oncology Fellows Teaching Conference. “Research Ethics.” University of California,
San Francisco School of Pharmacy, March 2007
Guest lecturer, Health Policy for Pharmacists course (CP 123). "Drug Industry Marketing
and Promotion." University of California, San Francisco School of Pharmacy, February
Guest lecturer, Introduction to Health Policy course (FCP 170.01C). “Marketing of Drugs”
University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine. Nov. 2006
Invited Consultant, Executive Advisory Committee on Industry Involvement, Langely
Porter Psychiatric Institute. San Francisco, October 2006 (pending)
Guest lecturer, Housestaff Noon Conference, Children’s Hospital Oakland. "Mechanisms
of Drug Marketing: Lessons from the Gabapentin Case" Oakland, October 2006
Reynolds Geriatrics Training Program, UCSF. "Approaches of Pharmaceutical Care in
Elders with Complex Medical Problems" San Francisco, October 2006
Advance Practice Nurses Rounds, San Francisco VA Medical Center. "Polypharmacy
and Prescribing for Elders" San Francisco, September 2006
Guest lecturer, Health Policy for Pharmacists course (CP 123). "Drug Industry Marketing
and Promotion." University of California, San Francisco School of Pharmacy, February
Guest lecturer, Introduction to Health Policy course (FCP 170.01C). “Drug Industry
Marketing” University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine. Nov. 2005
Guest lecturer, UCSF-UC Berkeley Joint Medical Program. “How the Pharmaceutical
Industry Influences Physicians.” University of California, Berkeley. October 2005
Invited Speaker, community meeting of the California Physicians Alliance. “How the
Pharmaceutical Industry Influences Physicians.” University of California, Berkeley.
September 2005
Guest lecturer, geriatrics fellows core curriculum. “Polypharmacy and Prescribing Quality
in Elders.” San Francisco VA Medical Center. August 2005
Guest lecturer, CODA course. “Industry and evidence: The thinking intern’s guide to
research and publication.” University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine.
April 2005
Guest lecturer, Bioethics and Society course (Medicine 170.01B) “Ethical issues for
medical education and the pharmaceutical industry”. University of California, San
Francisco School of Medicine. March 2005
PRIME program core curriculum, Department of Medicine, San Francisco VA Medical
Center. “Research Conflicts and the Pharmaceutical Industry.” February, April 2005
Housestaff teaching conference, Department of Medicine, University of California, San
Francisco. “Physicians and the Pharmaceutical Industry.” Fall 2004
Social Activism in Medicine course (Medicine 170.01C). "Challenging Norms in the
Medical Profession." University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, March
Guest speaker, Association of Gerontological Nurse Specialists Annual Meeting. “Health
Care Professionals and the Pharmaceutical Industry.” San Francisco, September 2002
Ethics Brown Bag Lecture, San Francisco VA Medical Center. “Health Care
Professionals and the Pharmaceutical Industry.” April 2002
Housestaff teaching conference, Department of Medicine, San Francisco General
Hospital. “Physicians and the Pharmaceutical Industry.” April 2002
Housestaff teaching conference, Department of Medicine, University of California, San
Francisco. “Physicians and the Pharmaceutical Industry.” April 2002
Geriatrics Research Conference, San Francisco VA Medical Center. “Federal and State
Databases for Health Services Research.” San Francisco, November 2001
Student Health Professionals for Social Responsibility Meeting. "Gifts to Health Care
Professionals from the Pharmaceutical Industry." University of California, San Francisco,
May 2001
2001 - 2003
Health Policy for Pharmacists course (CP 123). "Pharmaceutical Marketing." University of
California, San Francisco School of Pharmacy, March 2001, 2002, 2003
Resident teaching conference, Department of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital.
“Gifts to Physicians from the Pharmaceutical Industry.” January 2001
Resident teaching conference, Department of Pediatrics, San Francisco General
Hospital. “Gifts to Physicians from the Pharmaceutical Industry.” January 2001
2000 - 2001
Resident teaching conference, Department of Medicine, University of California, San
Francisco. “Gifts to Physicians from the Pharmaceutical Industry.” June 2000, January
Resident teaching conference, Department of Medicine, San Francisco VA Medical
Center. “Gifts to Physicians from the Pharmaceutical Industry.” December 2000
Staff teaching conference, Positive Health Program, San Francisco General Hospital.
“Gifts to Physicians from the Pharmaceutical Industry.” October 2000
Staff teaching conference, HIV Clinic, University of California, San Francisco. “Gifts to
Physicians from the Pharmaceutical Industry.” September 2000
Teaching Experience
Section Leader, Epidemiology course, University of California, San Francisco School of
Medicine, Oct – Dec 2008.
Section Leader, Epidemiology course, University of California, San Francisco School of
Medicine, Oct – Dec 2007.
Section Leader, MS III Intersession, University of California, San Francisco School of
Medicine, April 2007.
Section Leader, Epidemiology / Evidence-Based Medicine course, University of
California, San Francisco School of Medicine, Oct – Dec 2006.
Section Leader, Epidemiology / Biostatistics mini-course, University of California, San
Francisco School of Medicine, Nov. 2005.
Section Leader, MS III Intersession, University of California, San Francisco School of
Medicine, June 2005.
2002, 2004
Teacher, Introduction to Patient Oriented Research Course: Cohort Studies. Division of
Geriatrics, San Francisco VA Medical Center, July 2002, 2004.
Section Leader, “Health Systems / Quality of Care Intersession,” University of California,
San Francisco School of Medicine, December 2002
2001 - 2003
Preceptor, MSTP Preceptorship (Medicine 160.04), Oct 2001 - 2003
2001 - 2003
Section Leader, “Evidence-Based Medicine Intersession,” University of California, San
Francisco School of Medicine, March 2001 – 2003
Teaching Assistant, “Health Policy for Pharmacists,” University of California, San
Francisco School of Pharmacy, January – March 2001
Section Leader, “Responsibilities of Medical Practice,” University of California, San
Francisco School of Medicine. “Responding to patients’ requests for suicide assistance;”
“Ethical dilemmas for students / learning on patients;” “Disclosing mistakes.” June 2000
2000 – present Preceptor, Medical Student Homeless Clinic, University of California, San Francisco
Preceptor, Introduction to Clinical Medicine Course, University of California, San
1998 – 2000
Preceptor, Medical Student Evening Clinic, University of California, San Francisco
1996 – 1997
Preceptor, Introduction to Clinical Medicine Course, Harvard Medical School
Additional Experience
Board Member, New Israel Fund – New Generations, San Francisco
2004 - present Board Member, No Free Lunch
2003 - 2004
Fellow, Dorot Fellowship in Israel, Jerusalem, July 2003- June 2004
2002 – 2003
Expert witness (unpaid), United States of America ex. rel David Franklin vs. Parke-Davis,
Division of Warner-Lambert Company and Pfizer, Inc.
Medical Director, Automated External Defibrillator Program, Congregation Beth Sholom,
San Francisco
Visiting physician, Centro Regional de Salud - Jiquilisco and group physician, American
Jewish World Service community service trip, Usulutan, El Salvador
Editor, UCSF Division of General Internal Medicine “Clinic Survival Guide”
Clinic work and Spanish language training, Guatemala
1993 – 1994
Officer, Bioethics Committee, American Medical Students Association
1993 – 1994
Coordinator, Ethics Journal Club, Harvard Medical School
1993 – 1994
Non-Voting Member, Institutional Review Board, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
1992 - 1993
Health Educator, Boston Outreach / Health of the City, Cambridge After-School Centers
and Boston English High School
Brown University alumni interviewer
1991 – 1992
Teacher and Health Curriculum Developer, Phanat Nikhom Refugee Camp, Thailand
Teaching Assistant, Summer Biology Courses, Brown University
English as a Second Language Tutor, Rhode Island Lao Temple, Smith Hill Center, and
Middle Schools, Rhode Island
Professional Memberships
2005 - present Member, International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology
2003 - present Member, American Geriatrics Society
1999 - present Member, Society of General Internal Medicine (Associate Member 1999-2003)
1998 - present Member, American College of Physicians (Associate Member 1998-2001)
Other Affiliations
2004 -
Core Faculty, HSR&D Research Enhancement Award Program, San Francisco VA
Medical Center
2008 -
Adjunct Associate Faculty Member, Stanford University Center for Health Policy / Center
for Primary Care and Outcomes Research
Licensure and Certification
Certificate of Added Qualification in Geriatrics
2000 - present Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine
1998 - present CA License A066940, DEA License BS 9011533
Other Interests
Interests in Biomedical Ethics, International Travel, Music, Hiking, Athletics