Professor Lawrence Freedman Publications

Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman Professor of War Studies and Vice-Principal
Department of War Studies King’s College London
US Intelligence and the Soviet Strategic Threat (London: Macmillan, l977)(Reprinted
l986 with new foreword)
Britain and Nuclear Weapons (London: Macmillan for Royal Institute of International
Affairs, l980)
The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy (London: Macmillan for International Institute for
Strategic Studies, 1981); Second edition 1989
The Atlas of Global Strategy (London: Macmillan, l985)
The Price of Peace: Living with the Nuclear Dilemma (London: Firethorne, l986) Britain
& the Falklands War (Oxford: Basil Blackwell Inc, 1988)
Co-author, (With Edwina Moreton, Gerald Segal and John Baylis), Nuclear War and
Nuclear Peace (London: Macmillan, l983); Second edition, 1988
Co-author, (with Virginia Gamba-Stonehouse), Signals of War: The Falklands Conflict of
1982 (London: Faber and Faber, 1990)
Co-author, (with Efraim Karsh), The Gulf Conflict 1990-91, Diplomacy and War in the
New World Order, (London: Faber, 1993)
The Politics of British Defence Policy, 1979-1998 (London: Macmillans 1999)
Kennedy’s Wars (New York: OUP, 2000)
The Cold War (London: Cassels, 2001)
Deterrence (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2004)
The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, two volumes, (London:
Routledge 2005) (Vol. 1 Origins, Vol 2 War and Diplomacy)
Arms Production in the United Kingdom: Problems and Prospects (London: RIIA, July
The West and the Modernization of China (London: RIIA, May l979)
Arms Control In Europe (London: RIIA, June l98l)
Arms Control: Management or Reform (London: RIIA, Sept. 1986).
Co-author, Terrorism (London: RIIA, October 1986)
The Military Threat (Greater London Area War Risk Study, Glawars Research Reports,
Strategic Defence in the Nuclear Age (London: IISS, Autumn, 1987)
The South Atlantic Crisis of 1982: Implications for Nuclear Crisis Management,
(RAND/UCLA Center for the Study of Soviet International Behavior, May 1989)
With Martin Navias and Nicholas Wheeler, Independence in Concert: The British
Rationale for Possessing Strategic Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear History program:
Occasional Paper 5 , Center for International Studies, University of Maryland, 1989.
The Revolution in Strategic Affairs, (London: OUP for IISS, May 1998)
Editor, The Troubled Alliance: Atlantic Relations in the l980s (London: Heinemann,
Co-editor, (With Philip Bobbitt and Gregory Treverton), US Nuclear Strategy: A Reader
(London: Macmillan, 1989).
Editor, Military Power in Europe: Essays in Memory of Jonathan Alford (London:
Macmillan, 1990)
Editor, Europe Transformed, (London: Tri-service Press, 1990)
Co-editor, (with Michael Clarke) Britain in the World (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1991)
Co-editor, (with John Saunders) Population Change and European Security (London:
Brassey's, 1991).
Co-editor (with Paul Hayes and Robert O'Neill ), War, Strategy and International
Politics: Essays in Honour of Sir Michael Howard, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992)
Editor, War: A Reader, Oxford University Press, 1994
Editor, Military Intervention in Europe, Blackwells for Political Quarterly, 1994
Co-Editor (with Catherine McArdle Kelleher & Jane M.O.Sharp) The Treaty on
Conventional Armed Forces in Europe: The Politics of Post-Wall Arms Control (BadenBaden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1996).
Editor, Strategic Coercion, (Oxford University Press, 1998_.
Editor, Super terrorism, (London: Blackwells, 2002).
"The Consequences of Failure in SALT," in Beyond SALT II (Christoph Bertram, ed.), IISS
Adelphi Paper 141, Spring 1978.
"The Superpowers," and "Nuclear Proliferation" in World War III, (Shelford Bidwell, ed) 1978.
"Strategic Weapons in the 1980s," in RUSI and Brassey's Defence Yearbook 1980, Oct.
1979.(and succeeding years)
"Whose Crisis?: Britain as an International Problem," in Is Britain Dying? (Isaac Kramnick, ed.),
"Britain's Defence Policy," in Defence Policies of the Atlantic Alliance (Edwin Feeder, ed.) 1980.
"The Rationale for Medium-Sized Deterrence Forces" in Adelphi Paper 160, The Future of
Strategic Deterrence, Part 1 (Christoph Bertram, ed)
"The European Nuclear Powers: Britain and France," in Cruise Missiles: Technology, Strategy,
Politics (Richard K. Betts, ed.), Brookings 1981.
"Economic and Technical Factors in the Sino-Soviet Dispute," in China, the Soviet Union
and the West (Stuart and Tow, eds.), 1982.
"Nuclear Options for Britain," in Nuclear Deterrence (Donelo and Newman, eds.), 1982.
"The Triangle in Western Europe," in The China Factor (Segal, ed.), 1982.
"The Conventional Option," in What Hope in an Armed World (Harris, ed.), 1982.
"The Future of Arms-Control Negotiations," in Allies in a Turbulent World (Alting von
Gesau, ed.),1982.
"Arms Control: The Possibility of a Second Coming," in The Crisis in Western Security
(LawrenceHagen, ed.), 1982.
"Nuclear Arms Control," in The Nuclear Debate (Phil Williams, ed.), 1982.
"The Great Disarmament Debate," in Britannica Book of the Year, 1983. "Grande-Bretagne: La
Nouvelle contestation anti-bombe" in Pacifisme et Dissuasion (Pierre Lellouche, ed) "Nuclear
Attack: Civil Defence Aspects of Civil Defence in the Nuclear Age," in Brassey's 1983.
"Assured Detection: Needs and Dysfunctions of Verification," in Soviet Power and Western
Negotiating Behaviour, vol. 2. (Uwe Nerlich, ed.), 1983.
"The Military Dimension of Soviet Policy," in The Soviet Union in East Asia (Segal, ed.), 1983.
"War, Nuclear," Collier's Encyclopedia, 1984. "The Future of the British Strategic
Nuclear Deterrent," in The Future of British Sea Power (Till, ed.), 1984. "Strategic Arms
Control," in Armed Peace (Josephine O'Connor Home, ed.), 1984. "The Student of War
as a Servant of Peace," in Curricula-Course Development (Colin Milner, ed.),1984. "The
Small Nuclear Powers" in Ballistic Missile Defense (David Schwartz and Ashton Carter,
ed.) 1984 "Escalation and Arms Control," in Nuclear Strategy and World Security,
Pugwash 1984. "The United States Factor," in Soviet Strategy Toward Western Europe
(Moreton and Segal, eds.), 1984. 1985
"Strategic Studies," in International Relations (Smith, ed.), 1985.
"The Wilderness Years," and "The Role of Third Country Nuclear Forces" in The Nuclear
Confrontation in Europe (Boutwell, et al., eds.), 1985.
"The `Star Wars' Debate: the Western Alliance and Strategic Defence", Adelphi Paper 191 New
Technology and Western Security Policy (London: IISS, 1985)
"Nuclear Weapons and Strategy" in Studies of War and Peace (Oyvind Osterud, ed) 1986
"British Nuclear Targeting" in Strategic Nuclear Targeting (Des Ball and Jeffrey
Richelson, eds.)
"On the Tiger's Back: The Development of the Concept of Escalation", in The Logic of Nuclear
Terror (Kolkowicz, ed.) 1987
"Arms control Under Gorbachev", in National Security Issues of the USSR (Murray Feshbach,
ed.) 1987
"Britain's Nuclear Commitment to Germany", in British-German Defence Co-operation (Karl
Kaiser and John Roper, eds.) 1988
"L'avenir des forces nucleaires francaises et britannique", in Pour une Nouvelle Entente Cordiale
(Y. Boyer, P. Lellouche, and J. Roper, eds.) 1988 "Conclusion", in Geoffrey Till (ed), Britain and
Nato's Northern Flank, (London: Macmillan, 1988) "The Strategic Context", in Philip Sabin (ed.),
The Future of UK Air Power (London: Brassey's, 1988). "The Reagan Legacy", in The American
Defense Annual (Jo Kuzel, ed. Lexington Books, 1988) "The Political Context of Independent
Groups", in Peace and Security: A guide to Independent Groups and Grant Sources, Susan
Forrester, ed. (London: The Directory of Social Change, 1988)
"Introduction" to British Defence and Foreign Policy, John Young, (ed.) Macmillan Press,1989
"The Evolution and Future of Extended Deterrence", in The Strategic Changing Landscape:
Adelphi Papers 236 "The Future of NATO's Nuclear Deterrent", in NATO in the 1990s (S.
Sloan, ed.) Pergamon-Brassey's 1989
"The Future of British and French Defence Nuclear Policies", in Yves Boyer, Pierre Lellouche,
John Roper, (eds.) Franco-British Defence Co-operation (London: Routledge, 1989)
"Thatcherism and Defence" in Dennis Kavanagh and Anthony Seldon (ed), The Thatcher effect:
A Decade of Change, (OUP: 1989)
"Defense Cooperation in Political Context", in William B Taylor, Beyond Burdensharing: Future
Alliance Defense Cooperation (US Mission to NATO: April 1989).
Contribution to Gerald Segal (ed), New Directions in Strategic Studies: A Chatham House
Debate, (RIIA Discussion Papers 17, 1989)
(With Michael Dockrill), Introduction to the War Cabinet Minutes (London: HMSO, 1989)
"Nuclear Deterrence and the Alliance", in Bruce George (ed.), Jane's NATO Handbook, 19891990 (Jane's 1989)
"Arms Control at Sea", in John Pay and Geoffrey Till (eds.), East-West Relations in the 1990s:
The Naval Dimension (London: Pinter, 1990)
(With David Boren), "The Future of Short-Range Nuclear Weapons in NATO Doctrine", in
Bruce George (ed.), Jane's NATO Handbook, 1990-91 (Jane's 1990)
"War and Human Rights", in Robert Blackburn and John Taylor (eds.), Human Rights for the
1990s: Legal, Political and Ethical Issues (London: Mansell, 1991) "Henry Kissinger", in John
Baylis and John Garnett (eds.), Makers of Nuclear Strategy (London: Pinter, 1991)
"Whither nuclear strategy?" in Ken Booth (ed.), New Thinking About Strategy and Security (
London: Harper Collins Academic, 1991)
(With David Boren), "Nuclear Weapons," in Bruce George (ed.), Jane's NATO Handbook, 199192 (Jane's 1991)
'The Central Region in Nato Strategy', in Brian Holden Reid and Mickael Dewar (ed), Military
Strategy in a Changing Europe (London: Brassey's 1991)
'Strategy in the Nuclear Age', in Encyclopeadia Britannica, 1991 Edition.
"Arms Control in the Alliance: Assessing the Future", in The Allies and Arms Control
(Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992)
(With David Boren), "'Safe Havens' for Kurds in post-war Iraq", in Nigel Rodley, (ed.), To Loose
the Bands of Wickedness (London: Brassey's, 1992).
"Foreword", in Patrick Garrity and Steven Maaranen (eds.), Nuclear Weapons in the Changing
World (New York: Plenum Press, 1992).
"Europe and the Middle East", in Ami Ayalon, (ed.), Middle East Contemporary Survey
(Boulder: Westview Press, 1992).
'The "Proliferation Problem" and the New World Order', in Efraim Karsh, Martin Navias and
Philip Sabin (eds.) Non-Conventional-Weapons Proliferation in the Middle East, (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1993)
"Strategic Studies and the Problem of Power", in War, Strategy and International Politics:
"The War and the New World Order", in James Gow (ed.). Iraq, the Gulf Conflict and the World
Community, (London: Brassey's, 1993)
"Recasting European Security", in Brassey's Defense Yearbook 1993. (London: Brassey's, 1993)
"Strategic Studies Perspectives: Mindless Eclecticism or Creative Synthesis?", in Michael Clarke
(ed.), New Perspectives on Security, (London: Brassey's, 1993)
`Britain and Nuclear Weapons', in British Defence Choices for the Twenty-First Century,
Michael Clarke and Philip Sabin (eds). London: Brassey's, 1993, pp. 220-241.
Lawrence Freedman and Saki Dockrill, 'Hiroshima: A Strategy of Shock', in From Pearl Harbour
to Hiroshima: The Second World War in Asia and the Pacific, Saki Dockrill (ed.). London:
Macmillan, 1993, pp. 191-212.
"The Politics of Military Intervention within Europe", in Nicole Gnesotto (ed), War and Peace:
European Conflict Prevention, Chaillot Papers No. 11, Institute for Security Studies, Western
European Union, pp. 37-50.
'Control and Order in the New International System', in 1992-93 Yearbook of the Swedish
Institute of International Affairs. Stockholm, 1993.
Lawrence Freedman and Beatrice Heuser, 'NATO in Transformation: Toward a Pan-European
Security Mechanism?', in European Dilemmas After Maastricht, Beverly Crawford and Peter W.
Schulze (eds). Berkeley: University of California, 1993, pp. 244-262. Reprinted as Lawrence
Freedman and Beatrice Heuser, 'NATO-ja Ne Transformim:Drejt Mekanizmit Te Nje Sigurimi
Gjithevropian', Revista Ushtarake Nr. 1 (6), 1994.
`The Theory of Limited War', in Alex Danchev and Dan Keohane, International Perspectives on
the Gulf War 1990-91. London: Macmillan, 1994.
'Strategic Studies and the New Europe', Adelphi Paper 284, Jan. 1994.
'Defence Policy', in Dennis Kavanagh and Anthony Seldon (eds), The Major Effect. London:
Macmillan, 1994.
'European Security and the New World Disorder', Brassey's Defence Yearbook 1994. London:
Brassey's for CDS, 1994.
'Introduction', in Freedman (ed.), Military Intervention in European Conflicts. Oxford: Blackwell
Publishers for the Political Quarterly, 1994.
`War Studies', in Adam Kuper and Jessica Kuper (eds), The Social Science Encyclopedia Edition 2.
‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The Relationship Between Conventional and Nuclear Arms
Control’, in Lawrence Freedman, Catherine McArdle Kelleher and Jane M.O.Sharp (eds), The
Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe: The Politics of Post-Wall Arms Control
(Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1996).pp.57-77.
‘Conclusion’, in Paul Smith(ed,) Government and The Armed Forces, 1856 – 1990 (London,
1996), pub details pp.311-314.
‘How Did the Democratic Process Affect Britain’s Decision to Reoccupy the Falkland Islands?’,
in Miriam Fendius Elman(ed), Paths to Peace (Cambridge, 1997).
‘The New Great Power Politics’ in Alexei G.Arbatov, Karl Kaiser and Robert Legvold(eds),
Russia and The West: The 21 Century Security Environment (New York 1999).
‘The split-screen war: Kosovo and changing concepts of the use of force’ in Albrecht
Schnabel and Ramesh Thakur (eds), Kosovo and the Challenge of Humanitarian
Intervention: Selective Indignation, Collective Action, and International Citizenship,
(New York, 2000).
‘Victims and Victors: reflections on the Kosovo War’ in Review of International Studies
(2000) pp.335-358
“Interventionist Strategies and the Changing Use of Force” in Chester A Crocker, Fen
Osler Hampson and Pamela Aall(eds), Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of Managing
International Conflict (Washington 2001).
“Rethinking European Security”, in: Helen Wallace, ed.,Interlocking Dimensions of
European Integration. London: St. Martin’s Press, 2001, 215-230.
Conclusion: The Future of Strategic Studies. Strategy in the Contemporary World.Oxford
University Press 2002.
‘A New Kind of War,’ in Ken Booth and Tim Dunne, eds. Worlds in Collision: Terror
and the Future of Global Order. (London: Palgrave, 2002).
‘The Coming War on Terrorism’, in Lawrence Freedman (ed.), Superterrorism: Policy
responses (London; Blackwell, 2002).
‘Security’ in M. E. Hawkesworth and Maurice Kogan, ed., Encyclopaedia of
Government and Politics, (London: Routledge, 2002).
China as a global strategic actor. Does China Matter? A Reassessment. 2004. ch3, pp2136.
Can the EU develop an effective military doctrine? A European Way if War. CER., May
2004, Ch2,pp13-26.
Hiroshima- A strategy of shock. The World War Two Reader, ch3,pp65-88.2004
"Nuclear Proliferation in an Age of Detente," Current Affairs Bulletin, May 1, 1975. "Israel's
Nuclear Policy," Survival, Vol. XVII, No. 3, May/June 1975. "A Nuclear Middle East", Present
Tense II:2 (Winter 1975)
"Het kruisvluchtwapen en de Europese veiligheid", International Spectator (Feb. 1976)
"Logic Politics and Foreign Policy Processes: A Critique of the Bureaucratic Politics Model,"
International Affairs, July 1976.
"The Persistence of Technological Enthusiasm: The Technological Input into US Strategic Arms
Policy," Millennium, Autumn 1976.
"The Soviet Union and `Anti-Space Defence'" Survival, Jan/Feb 1977. "Britain and a European
Foreign Policy," World Today, May 1977. "The Balance of Terror," New Society, June 2, 1977.
"Morality and Foreign Policy", New Outlook (July/August 1977) "Towards SALT II". World
Today (November 1977)
"Britain's Foreign Policy to 1985: Britain's Contribution to NATO," International Affairs, January
1978. "European Security: The Prospect of Change," RUSI Journal, March 1978. "The Strategy
of Hiroshima," The Journal of Strategic Studies, Volume 1, Number 1, May 1978. British Foreign
Policy to 1985: Britain and the Arms Trade," International Affairs, July 1978. "British Oil: The
Myth of Independence," The World Today, August 1978. (Reprinted in Internationale Spectator)
"Balancing Acts," Millennium, Vol. 7, No. 2, Autumn 1978.
"Driving Along the Two-Way Street," Defence Attache, Sept./Oct. 1978.
"SALT and a Stable Nuclear Balance," Interstate, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1978.
"Has Strategy Reached a Dead End?" Futures, April 1979. "The Arms Trade," International
Affairs, July 1979. "SALT II and the Strategic Balance," The World Today, Aug. 1979. "Time
For a Reappraisal," Survival, Sept./Oct. 1979. "SALT and NATO," Ditchley Journal, Oct. 1979.
"Crisis Management," NATO's Fifteen Nation's, Oct./Nov. 1979.
"Requiem For Detente?" The World Today, Feb. 1980. "The Nuclear Deterrent," Navy
International, April 1980. "Conservative Foreign Policy: The First Year," Internationale
Spectator, May 1980. "Defence With a Split Mind," New Statesman, Oct. 17, 1980. "Trident:
Awaiting the Debate," Defence Attache, No. 5, 1980. "Defence Policies in the 1980s," The
Reformer, Autumn 1980. "Arms Control and the British Nuclear Deterrent," Arms Control, Vol.
1, No. 3, Dec. 1980.
"The Dilemma of Theatre Nuclear Arms Control," Survival, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 1981.
"Development and Disarmament: Piety or Policy," New Internationalist, March 1981. "The Carter
Years," Defence, Communications and Security Review, Feb. 1981. "The Neutron Bomb
Returns," The World Today, Vol. 37, No. 3, Mar. 1981. "The French and their Nuclear Policy,"
New Society, June 18, 1981. "Heeft wapenbeheersing toekomst", Internationale Spectator (June
1981) "Britain: The First Ex-Nuclear Power," International Security, Vol. 6, No. 2, Fall 1981. "A
Critique of the END Campaign," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Dec. 1981. "NATO
Myths," Foreign Policy, Winter 1981-1982. "Nuclear Proliferation," NATO's Fifteen Nations,
Dec. 1981-Jan. 1982.
"Limited War, Unlimited Protest," Orbis, Spring 1982. "The Development of the `Think Tank'",
in Report of the Tripartite Seminar held at RUSI on "Outsiders' Influence on Defence Policy -Part I," Nov. 11, 1981. RUSI Journal, 1982 "The Atlantic Crisis," International Affairs, Summer
1982. "Defence After the Falklands," Alliance, July 1982. "British Defence Policy After the
Falklands," The World Today, Vol. 38, No. 9, Sept. 1982. "The War of the Falkland Islands,
1982," Foreign Affairs, Fall 1982. "Europe and the ABM Revival," Arms Control, Vol. 3, No. 2,
Sept. 1982. "Arms Control: No Hiding Place," SAIS Review, Winter 1982-1983.
"Labour and the Bomb," The Economist, Mar. 24, 1983. "Bridgehead Revisited: The Literature of
the Falklands War," International Affairs, Summer 1983. "Negotiations on Nuclear Forces,"
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Dec. 1983. "The Small Nuclear Forces," NATO'S Sixteen
Nations, Dec. 1983- Jan. 1984.
"Nuclear Weapons in Europe: Is There an Arms Race?" Millennium, Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring 1984.
"Weapons, Doctrine and Arms Control," Washington Quarterly, Spring 1984. "Strategic
Superiority," Coexistence, July 21, 1984. "Indignation, Influence and Strategic Studies,"
International Affairs, 1984. "Economy Rules at MoD," Defence Attache, No. 4, 1984. "NATO
and the Strategic Defence Initiative" NATO and the Strategic Defence Initiative vol.29:no.6
(November 1984).
"British Nuclear Targeting," Defence Analysis, Vol. 1, No. 2., 1985. "A New Strategic
Revolution?", Space Policy, May 1985. "Britain's Nuclear Deterrent: Value For Money?",
Catalyst, Vol. 1, No. 2, Summer 1985.
"International Verification Arrangements," Space Policy, Feb. 1986. "Logistics and Mobility in
Modern Warfare", Armed Forces (February 1986) "Peace That's Grounded in a War of Words,"
Times Higher Education Supplement, May 30, 1986. "Star Wars and the Summit", Government
and Opposition (SPRING 1986) "Intelligence Operations in the Falklands", Intelligence and
National Security I:3 (September 1986) "Consent, coercion and the application of military
power", Political Geography Quarterly Supplement to vol.5: no.4 (October 1986) "Defence
Policy after the next election", Political Quarterly (Oct-Dec 1986)
"Arms Control: The Open and Hidden Agenda" European Affairs (Winter,
1988) "Managing Alliances", Foreign Policy (Summer, 1988)
"General Deterrence and the Balance of Power", Review of International Studies
(15:1989) "NATO after the summit", Bulletin of the Council for Arms Control, 45,
(August 1989) "The Politics of Conventional Arms Control", Survival (Sept/Oct
"Potential European Instability: An Historical Perspective", RUSI Journal (Summer
1990) "Arms Control: Thirty Years On", Daedalus 120:1 (Winter 1991)
"Security Studies after the Cold War", UNDIR Newsletter No. 1 (March 1991) "The Gulf war
and the new world order", Survival 33:3 (May/June 1991) "The Defence Planner in the New
World", Who's Who Magazine (Autumn 1991) "Waking Up to Reality in Post-Revolution
Europe", Peace and Security 6:3 (Autumn 1991) (With Efraim Karsh) "How Kuwait Was Won:
Strategy in the Gulf War", International Security 16:2 (Fall 1991) "'Pax Americana' -- What Does
it Mean?" in Analysis No. 8 (November 1991) "The Need for NATO: A Constitutional Alliance",
NATO's Sixteen Nations 36:7 (December 1991) "Order and Disorder in the New World", Foreign
Affairs America and the World, 71:1 (1991/92)
"Weak States and the West: Warfare has a future", The Economist, 11 September 1993, pp. 4244. (Reprinted as `Les petites guerres ont de l'avenir', Courrier International (supplement), Sept.
1993, p.39.) and in Society Vol. 32, No. 1, Nov/Dec 1994. "Nuclear Strategy and Asia", The
Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 1:1, (Summer 1993). pp. 41-60. "The Future of Air Power",
The Hawk Journal 1993, pp. 35-44. "Humanitarian War, the New United Nations and
Peacekeeping", International Affairs 69:3 (July 1993), pp. 425-427. `Lessons of the Gulf War',
Asian Affair Vol. 24, Oct. 93, pp. 273-279. 'The Professional and Political Context of Security
Studies', Arms Control Vol. 14, No. 2, Aug. 1993, pp. 198-205.
'Britain, NATO, and Europe', JFQ No. 5, Summer 1994.
'Great Powers, Vital Interests and Nuclear Weapons', Survival Vol. 36, No. 4, Winter 1994.
'Speaking on Michael Howard's Studies in War and Peace', The Times Higher Education
Supplement 9 Sept. 1994.
'The Media and Foreign Policy', Europa Archiv December 1994. 'Why the West Failed', Foreign
Policy 97, Winter 1994-95.
'Power and Insecurity in Europe', European Review Vol. 3, No. 1, 1995.
'Alliance and the British Way in Warfare', Review of International Studies, April 1995
`Vietnam and the Disillusioned Strategist’, International Affairs, Vol.72 No.1 (1996) `EvenHandedness, Guidelines and Defence Sales to Iraq’, Public Law, (Autumn 1996), The Media and
Foreign Policy’, Despatches: The Journal of the Territorial Army Pool of Information Officers,
No.6 (Spring 1996), pp.134-143. ‘To Comment or Not’, King’s College In Touch Magazine,
(Autumn 1996), pp.2-3. ‘Balancing Acts: Changing Needs and Concepts in Arms Control’,
Disarmament Diplomacy No.6 (June 1996), pp. 5-9. ‘The Grapes of Wrath and the Peace
process’, The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Vol.III No.2 (Summer/Fall 1996), pp.103-111.
‘The Use of Force’. The Journal of National Defense, Vol.24 No.3 (December 1996).
`The CIA and the Soviet Threat:: The Politicization of Estimates, 1966-1977’,Intelligence and
National Security, Vol.12: No.1 (1997).
`International Security: Changing Targets’, Foreign Policy, no. 110 (Spring 1998)
`Military Power and Political Influence,’ International Affairs, vol. 74 no. 4
(October 1998) `The Changing Forms of Military Conflict’ Survival., vol. 40 no. 4
(Winter 1998-99)
‘The future of international politics in the wake of Kosovo’, Janes Defence Weekly, 21 July 1999.
‘The split-screen war: Kosovo and changing concepts of the use of force’ in Albrecht Schnabel
and Ramesh Thakur (eds), Kosovo and the Challenge of Humanitarian Intervention: Selective
Indignation, Collective Action, and International Citizenship, (New York, 2000).
‘Grand Strategy in the Twenty-First Century,’Defence Studies, Vol 1, No 1, (Spring
2001), pp11-20.
‘Think Again: War,’ Foreign Policy, (July/August) 2003
‘The new security equation,’Conflict, Security & Development, Volume 4, Number 3,
December 2004, pp245-259.
‘Intelligence Test. War in Iraq: Selling the Threat,’ Survival: The IISS Quarterly. Volume
46 Number 2 Summer 2004.
‘Strategic Terror and Amateur Psychology’, Political Quarterly, Spring 2005
‘The Politics of Warning: Terrorism and Risk Communication,’Intelligence and National
Security, Vol.20, No.3, September 2005, pp.379 – 418
‘A Theory of Battle or a Theory of War?’ The Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 28, No.
3, 425-435 (June 2005)
‘The Transatlantic Agenda: Vision and Counter-Vision,’ Survival, vol. 47 no 4 (winter
2005-06), pp. 19-38
‘War Evolves into the Fourth Generation: A Comment on Thomas X. Hammes,’
Contemporary Security Policy, Vol.26, No.2 (August 2005), pp.1-10
"Disquiet on the Eastern Front," The Guardian, May 22, 1974. "The Nuclear Cloud Over the
Middle East," The Guardian, Nov. 27, 1974. "The Nuclear Cloud Over the Middle East," The
Guardian, Dec. 4, 1974.
"Europe Feels the Pinch of SALT," The Times, Aug. 2, 1978.
"Has Putting SALT on the Shelf Done Anyone Any Good?" The Times, Jan. 15, 1980. "Does
Civil Defence Claim Too Much?" The Times, Mar. 20, 1980. "Trident: Will it Still Work in 2020
AD?" Sunday Times, July 20, 1980. "Packing Our Own Punch," The Guardian, July 31, 1980.
"Labour's Secret Arms Race," The Guardian, Sept. 14, 1980.
"Zero is a Plus," The Sunday Times, Nov. 22, 1981.
"The Great Missile Gap -- Between Andropov and His Generals," The Times, Mar. 19, 1983.
"Britain's Deterrent Dilemma," The Times, May 9, 1983. "Short-range Steps Towards Peace,"
The Times, Oct. 21, 1983.
"NATO: Tell -- and Trust -- the People," The Times, Jan. 25, 1984.
"Could This Treaty Attack Backfire," The Times, July 24, 1985. "Summit:
why pessimism is the best policy", The Times Sept. 26, 1985 "US Ought to
Stand Firm at Geneva," Los Angeles Times, Nov. 6, 1985.
"Why Reagan's Decision to Scrap SALT 2 is a Mistake," Daily Telegraph?, May 31, 1986. "Arms
Control Surprises Ahead?", Los Angeles Times, June 26, 1986. "Can we still go along with Star
Wars?", The Times October 16, 1986
"How Moscow Might Kill SDI" The Times 28 January, 1987
"Locked in War Without End" Independent 3 February, 1987
"Twisting the Terms of A Treaty". Independent 18 February, 1987
"A Soviet Gesture of Goodwill", Independent 2 March, 1987
"A Short Range Problem" Independent 10 March, 1987
"The German Front Line" Independent 18 May, 1987
"Europe Without the Bomb" Independent 27 April, 1987
"Could NATO live with a Labour Government" Independent 27 May, 1987
"Why a Military Review is Not a Defeat" Independent 25 June, 1987
"Why This Disarmament Dawn is Unlikely to Prove False" Independent 24 July, 1987
"Even a Revolutionary Regime Must One Dy Mend Its Fences", Independent 22 July, 1987
"Conventional Wisdom" Independent 10 August, 1987
"Why the Senate Now Holds the Key to an Arms Reduction Treaty" Independent 2 September,
"A Step Towards Military Glasnost" Independent 11 September, 1987
"Disuadir en Europa" El Globo 25 September-1 October, 1987
"An Imperfect Deal Will Do" Independent 13 October, 1987
"Watershed in the cold War" Independent 22 October, 1987
"Calls to Cut American Forces in Europe May Follow the Crash" Independent 6
November, 1987
"Conflict Looms Over Canada's Submarines" Independent 20 November, 1987
"The Triumph of a Patient Negotiator (Profile: Paul Nitze, Cold War Dealmaker)"
Independent 5 December, 1987
"Arms:The Endgame STARTs Here" Independent 8 December, 1987
"The Next Nuclear Debate" Independent 3 January, 1988
"Britain's Other Nuclear Forces" Independent 21 January 1988
"Penalties of the Myopic Art of Threatmanship" Independent 24 February, 1988
"Star Wars: Reagan's Flawed Vision?" Independent 23 March, 1988
"The Stinger in the Afghan Tale" Independent 14 April, 1988
"East Wind Missiles Chill US-Saudi Relations" Independent 2 May, 1988
"Danish Qualms over a coy policy" Independent 13 May, 1988
"Building on Past False Starts" Independent 26 May, 1988
"The Numbers Game That Makes or Mars a Treaty" Independent 31 May, 1988
"Principles Were At Stake: The Falklands War Was Worth It" Independent 2 June, 1988
"Muscle-bound Military Might Can be Vulnerable" Independent 11 July, 1988
"Weighing Up Good Intentions" Independent 13 July, 1988
"The Lessons Iran and the World Have Learnt From the Gulf War" Independent 22 July,
"The Politics of Coercion" Independent 18 July, 1988
"A Nation at Odds with the World's Expectations of Greatness" Independent 7
September, 1988
"Why the Provision of Child Care is Now a Security Issue" Independent 6 October, 1988
"Israel's Brutal Choice" Independent 27 October, 1988
"Weapons of the Campaign" Independent 4 November, 1988
"Start of the Peace Offensive" Independent 18 November, 1988
"Moderator in the Minefield" Independent 2 December, 1988
"Gorbachev Forces NATO's Hand" Independent 16 December, 1988
"From Negative Peace to Positive Diplomacy" Independent 30 December, 1988
"A Poisonous Prestige" Independent 13 January, 1989
"'Mr Nyet' and the Cold War" Independent 27 January, 1989
"Moscow Enters the Numbers Game" Independent 31 January, 1989
"A Dangerous Place to Ignore" Independent 10 February, 1989
"Living on Europe's front line" Independent 24 February, 1989
"Labour's Nuclear Catch-22" Independent 10 March, 1989
"Will the Real Bush Please Stand Up" Independent 24 March, 1989
"Battling with Old Realities" Independent 7 April, 1989
"Syria's key role in the Beirut Blitz" Independent 21 April, 1989
"W. German stance contradicts deal on alliance summit" Independent 25 April, 1989
"A New Order Emerging in the Thaw" Independent 5 May, 1989
"Germany on the point of a Lance" Independent 19 May, 1989
"The Battle for Hearts and Minds" Independent 2 June, 1989
"Light on China's Darkness" Independent 16 June, 1989
"A Novel Experience for Shamir" Independent 30 June, 1989
"Nearer to France than we imagine" Independent 14 July, 1989
"The professor who popularised the study of conflict" Independent 21 July, 1989
"Learning to dance on the other foot" Independent 28 July, 1989
"The Dangers of Absolute Standards" Independent 11 August, 1989
"Opening the cage of Communism" Independent 25 August, 1989
"Rhetorical weapons in the American War on Drug Abuse" Independent 8 September,
"Arms Deals and Burned Fingers" Independent 22 September, 1989
"The Virtues of Old History" Independent 6 October, 1989
"Stand Down, Mr Shamir" Independent 20 October, 1989
"Just Two Men in a Boat" Independent 3 November, 1989
"West faces new questions of security" Independent 11 November, 1989
"Widening the Circle of Europe" Independent 17 November, 1989
"Riding Towards the Sunset" Independent 1 December, 1989
"How can the Pact survive?" Independent 15 December, 1989
"The Revolution, Part Two" Independent 29 December, 1989
"The bear goes to pieces" Independent 12 January, 1990
"Peace Dividend Postponed" Independent 26 January, 1990
"Unity's race against time" Independent 8 February, 1990
"A whole new board game" Independent 22 February, 1990
"Parade's End" New York Review of Books 29 March, 1990
"Why Japan still needs Uncle Sam" Independent 19 April, 1990
"Anchoring a united Germany" Independent 3 May, 1990
"Tangled up in arms control" Independent 17 May, 1990
"Europe under security guard" Independent 14 June, 1990
"The Russian bear backs off" Independent 28 June, 1990
"Communism under the hammer" Independent 12 July, 1990
"End of the Anglo-Saxon era" Independent 26 July, 1990
"If we fail Kuwait, we fail ourselves" Independent 7 August, 1990
"The UN's chance to corner Saddam" Independent 30 August, 1990
"Haunted by the ghost of defeat" Independent 20 September, 1990 (With Dominique
"It's Time for French-British Security Partnership" International Herald Tribune 24
September, 1990
"Germany, new frontline state" Independent 3 October, 1990
"Grandmasters in a game of flexibility" Independent 18 October, 1990
"Any you paint it, it's not Cuba" Independent 1 November, 1990
"Hawkish pose to avoid war" Independent 5 November, 1990
"A union assailed by shadows" Independent 16 November, 1990
"Amnesty or Armageddon?" Independent 14 December, 1990
"Global distortions in a crystal ball" Independent 27 December, 1990
"International vabenhandel er ramt af krisen", Berlingske Tidende 1 January, 1991
"A logic that points to war" Independent 11 January, 1991
"Baghdad stunned by science" Independent 18 January, 1991
"In search of the right conclusion" Independent 19 January, 1991
"The Arabs and Israel: why fear transcends dogma" Independent 21 January, 1991
"Allied commanders battle with the uncertainty factor" Independent 22 January, 1991
"Caught without an arrow in her quiver" Independent 23 January, 1991
"Why the allies should not rush into a land battle" Independent 24 January, 1991
"Why there should be no question of going nuclear" Independent 26 January, 1991
"There will be pain, but no despair" Independent 30 January, 1991
"Textbooks not much help in trying to make sense of Saddam's strategy" Independent 1
February, 1991
"Military give Saddam pause for thought" Independent 4 February, 1991
"The buck still stops here" Independent 15 February, 1991
"Allies advance in the psychological battle" Independent 16 February, 1991
"Beginning of the end in sight" Independent 22 February, 1991
"Saddam confronts the Father of Defeat" Independent 27 February, 1991
"A superpower victorious but not unrestrained" Independent 1 March, 1991
"Military might and the next fight" Independent 29 March, 1991
"A clear-cut case for action" Independent 12 April, 1991
"Gone, but not forgotten" Independent 30 April, 1991
"Unfinished business between suspicious partners" Independent 22 May, 1991
"Will this arms race run and run?" Independent 4 June, 1991
"When hindering a divorce hastens domestic violence" Independent 26 June, 1991
"Yugoslavia provides a lesson in the art of the possible" Independent 3 July, 1991
"Whom are we defending, and against what?" Independent 10 July, 1991
"A catastrophe we must avoid" Independent 6 August, 1991
"Virtue rises from a vicious past" Independent 19 August, 1991
"An old-fashioned coup for our times" Independent 20 August, 1991
"They tried, they failed -- and democracy seems closer" Independent 22 August, 1991
"A strategy for Moscow, courtesy of Nato" Independent 27 August, 1991
"A bloody lesson in human rights" Independent 12 September, 1991
"No farewell to the nuclear age" Independent 30 September, 1991
"Nuclear idea whose time has gone" Indpendent 13 November, 1991
"An empty gesture for Israel" Independent 3 December, 1991
"The EC's deadly double role" Independent 14 January, 1992
"Set to sail without a helmsman" Independent 5 March, 1992
"Now force is the only way" Independent 27 May, 1992
"Challenges that go beyond Maastricht" Independent 9 June, 1992
"Still Enough warheads to go round" Independent 18 June, 1992
"Logic that may sweep Israel to peace" Independent 23 June, 1992
"If this is the wrong warplane, what is the right one?" Independent 7 July, 1992
"Where Moscow's old elite struggles for survival" Independent 21 July, 1992
"Only the infantry can relieve the Balkans' pain" Independent 4 August, 1992
"A pessimistic West must hold on to what it has" Independent 11 August, 1992
"False steps that could lead to a quagmire in Bosnia" Independent 25 August, 1992
"German weakness that may undermine Maastricht" Independent 8 September, 1992
"After the arms race, the exchange-rate war" Independent 24 September, 1992
"A north-south crisis for Europe" Independent 8 October, 1992
"Navel-gazing while Europe burns" Independent 21 October, 1992
"Arms to Iraq? Business as usual" Independent 23 November, 1992
"Turning our backs is no option" Independent 7 December, 1992
"A treaty from the past" Independent 31 December, 1992
"Survival is his greatest skill" Independent 14 January, 1993
"When the sky isn't the limit" Independent 19 January, 1993
"Clinton Must Heed Europe", Newsday 12 May 1993.
"Allies stick together to contain Bosnia conflict" The Times 14 May 1993
"Monetary Storm reveals hidden weakness of the German giant", The Times 4 August
"Strike, for Sarajevo and settlement" The Times 5 August 1993
"Peace-making can be bad for your morals" The Times 11 August 1993
"Military messages decoded" The Times 19 August 1993.
"The world must help if Muslims are to survive" The Times 31 August 1993
‘Living under the shadow of the bomb’, The Times, 23 September 1993.
"Georgia's new thinker sees Moscow returning to old habits" The Times 22 September
"Western chiefs had no choice but to stand by their man" The Times 5 October 1993
"If Russia was a company, the receivers would be called in" The Times 22 October 1993
"Uncertainties of post-communist world increase the need for allied co-operation" The
Times 19 October 1993
"Nato shies away from embracing its former foes" The Times 20 October 1993.
"North Korean guile leaves Clinton out on a limb again', The Times 9 November 1993
"New missile system tracks the changes in its ancient foe" The Times, 16 November
"Reconciling the incompatible" The Times 20 November 1993
"Spring offers last chance for Balkans peace", The Times 22 November 1993
"Ukraine is the test for Russia" The Times 14 December 1993
"Nato treads risky minefield with loss of old certainties", The Times Jan 13, 1994
"Syrian initiative increases regional risks for Assad" The Times 17 January 1994 "Europe upset
by Russia's recurring empire dream" The Times 29 January 1994 "How the humilation factor
forced Nato's hand", The Times 12 February 199. "America fated to be outmanoeuvred in the
Balkans" The Times 26 February 1994 "Asia won't be bullied over trade", The Times 5 April
1994 "After the strikes, it's all up in the air" The Times 12 April 1994 "Enclave assault exposes
flaws in haven strategy", The Times 18 Apr. 1994 "Doomed regime sets store of nuclear
security", The Times 22 Apr. 1994 "US dithering angers European leaders", The Times 13 May
1994 "Men who called the shots;Eisenhower;D-Day Anniversary", The Times Jun 3,
"Burden of success fell on affable Ike", The Weekend Australian 4-5 June 1994 "N Korea
outwits the world", The Times Jun 16, 1994
"Putting the forces out of tender", The Times 21 June 1994. "Britain's Cruise Missile? "
The Times 16 July 1994 "Get tough on the sponsors of terrorism", The Times 28 July
1994. "Will Bosnian Serbs change their minds? ", The Times 15 August 1994. "The new empire
builders", The Times 31 August 1994. "Lifting embargo risks hurting Bosnians most", The Times
15 September 1994. "West has little room for manoeuvre as dictator calls the tune", The
Times Oct 11, 1994
"Europe must prepare to lead the new Nato The Bosnian crisis shows that Europeans can
no longer rely on American leadership. They will have to develop their own security
strategy, argues Lawrence Freedman. " The Guardian (pre-1997 Fulltext) Dec 4, 1994
"Comment: Russians have lost the 'knack' of brute force The Russian attack on Grozny is
a symptom of a failure to readjust to new political realities, says Lawrence Freedman. But
Europe can no longer afford the luxury of any such failure". The Guardian (pre-1997
Fulltext), Jan 8, 1995.
"After Rose, a prickly dilemma", The Times, Jan 24, 1995
"Shadowy attackers shun the spotlight of publicity", The Times, Apr 21, 1995
"Perils of raising the stakes", The Times, May 30, 1995
"A war the US can't ignore", The Times, Jun 1, 1995
"Serbs held prisoner by their hostage strategy", The Times, Jun 3, 1995
"Rapid Reaction Force must win Sarajevo access to end Bosnia drift", The Times, Jul 10,
"Will the UN lose its nerve? The Times", Jul 13, 1995
"The first casualty of war", The Times", Aug 6, 1995
"Time to inject lessons of Balkan realism into UN operational manuals", The Times, Aug
31, 1995
"Peres will continue search for accord;Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin", The Times, Nov
6, 1995
"Running up a loss in trade with a tyrant;Scott Report Special", The Times, Feb 18, 1996
"Israel Depends on Arafat", The Times, 5 March 1996
"China menaces Taiwan", The Times, Mar 7, 1996
"Peres still needs goodwill of neighbouring powers", The Times, 16 April 1996
"Israel forced on to political defensive by massacre of Lebanon refugees", The Times,
Apr 20, 1996
"Operation Grapes of Wrath could yet give peace a chance", Sunday Times, Apr 21, 1996
"Why Bibi may need Labour", The Times, Jun 14, 1996
"Taleban offers capital glimpse of stability", The Times, 30 September 1996
"Send for the Marines to humble Iraq", The Times, Feb 4, 1998
"Men who are ruined without rule", The Times, Feb 19, 1998
"Incentives for peace offer glimmer of hope in Baghdadmission", The Times, Feb 21,
"An uneasy peace for our time", The Times, Feb 24, 1998
"New balance of terror also has an upside", The Times, May 29, 1998
"Bosnia teaches Nato there can be no half-measures", The Times, Jun 9, 1998
"Nato fear of taking sides takes heat off Milosevic", The Times, Jul 2, 1998
"Britannia returns to the waves", The Times, Jul 7, 1998
"New World, New Roles :The British and French revamp their forces for the post-cold
war world", Time Magazine, July 27, 1998 VOL. 152 NO. 4
"Banning the bomb", Los Angeles Times, August 1998
"Wait for the punchline in Kosovo", The Times, Oct 12, 1998
"Don't let him off the hook now", The Times, Nov 16, 1998
"Opting for a quiet life would raise the risks in Europe", The Times, Dec 21, 1998
"Action on the ground may have to follow the bombers",The Times, Mar 25, 1999
"Alliance's long-term task as a protector",The Times, Apr 9, 1999
"Comment: The road to a diplomatic settlement with Serbia",The Independent, Apr 14,
"Is there a magic formula for peace in the Balkans? The issue remains constant - either
the refugees go home in security, or they don't",The Independent, Apr 30, 1999
"Podium - Nato's search for a `Goldilocks' war Lawrence Freedman From the E H Carr
Lecture, given at Aberystwyth by the professor of war studies at King's College, London"
The Independent, May 26, 1999
"We must send in the troops now",The Times, May 28, 1999
"Democracies are prone to do bad things for good reasons However upsetting the conduct
of this war, at a basic level it remains the right thing to do",The Independent, Jun 1, 1999
"War In The Balkans: So can we now solve the Balkan question? " The Independent, Jun
4, 1999
"Air power has yet to win a war, " The Times, Jun 5, 1999
"Russia must learn that it is no longer a great power Once again in Kosovo, the Russians
have taken a public line that they cannot back up",The Independent, Jun 18, 1999
"Why America says it now needs 'son of Star Wars' The West no longer requires a
nuclear capability, but it fears that others still do",The Independent, Aug 22, 1999
"At last, Europe is beginning to learn the lessons of this war- torn decade `Whether we
like it or not, there are trends in the United States encouraging an isolationist stance'"
The Independent, Nov 26, 1999
"It didn’t matter in the Cold War, but today the army’s equipment must work", The
Independent, 5 January 2000.
"Dangerous line of defence", Independent on Sunday, 23 January 2000.
"Beyond normal explosives", Times Literary Supplement, 4 February 2000.
"Ability to exercise sustained military force is essential",The Times, Apr 25, 2000
"A chilling peacetime", TLS –History, April 2000
"Day-to-day pressure on a UK diplomat" ,Church Times, April 2000
"Don’t just do something, stand there and reflect", Times Literary Supplement, 21 July
"Staying in the game", Times Literary Supplement, 11 August 2000.
"Real danger in a rusting superpower", Daily Mail, 15 August 2000.
"UN missions do not `creep', they change `Inadvertently, Britain has acquired a
leadership role in the defence of Freetown', " The Independent, May 13, 2000
"Any peace deal in the Middle East must include extremists on both sides", The
Independent, 16 October 2000.
"Does Deterrence Have a Future?" Arms Control Today, October 2000
"Whatever Happened to the Balance of Power? ", The World Today, January 2001
"New raids will still leave Bush's business unfinished",The Times, Feb 17, 2001
"Strands that unavoidably come together: There are deep links between economic policy
and international relations. They are too often ignored, finds Lawrence Freedman,"
Financial Times, Apr 30, 2001
"Missiles and open minds: Defensive rather than offensive systems used to be thought of
as the best way to prevent arms races, says Lawrence Freedman", Financial Times, May
9, 2001
"The cold-war years: more thrilling than JFK's love life", Sunday Times, May 27, 2001
"The possibility of peace: Few political settlements - whether in Northern Ireland or the
Middle East - preclude violence , writes Lawrence Freedman", Financial Times, Jun 29,
"Secrets and lies", Sunday Times, Jul 1, 2001
"The transformation of Nato: The prospect for an expanding alliance is not that it will
tear itself apart, but that it will become a quite different institution, writes Lawrence
Freedman", Financial Times, Aug 6, 2001
"Israel's false impressions: The idea that the Palestinian leadership planned to revert to
violence is historically unsustainable, says Lawrence Freedman", Financial Times, Sep
10, 2001
"A post-modern conflict: The nature of yesterday's attack leaves the Bush Administration
unsure about how to react, says Lawrence Freedman", Financial Times, Sep 12, 2001
"The enemy may be shadowy, but this war will follow the usual battle lines This is how
Don't underestimate the strength of military power against terrorists", The Independent,
Sep 17, 2001
"Terrorists with 'loose nukes' the worst nightmare", Irish Independent, Wednesday
September 19th 2001
"War On Terror: This time round the outcome is hard to predict", The Independent ,Oct
6, 2001
"Why our ground troops have to invade Afghanistan, The Independent Oct 10, 2001
"This is the Third World War - and the stakes are high ; `Like the First and Second World
Wars, the core confrontation is a vortex pulling other conflicts in'", The Independent, Oct
20, 2001
"The war of words: Tangible evidence of military progress is needed to win the battle for
hearts and minds, says Lawrence Freedman", Financial Times, Nov 1, 2001
"The Americans have left it too late to send in ground troops before winter", The
Independent, Nov 6, 2001
"The US must conquer its fears and let the Northern Alliance attack Kabul", The
Independent, Nov 12, 2001
"America may find itself stuck with a long-term role in Afghanistan",The Independent,
Nov 28, 2001
"This war reveals the limitations of American military strategy; `Air power works best in
conjuction with ground forces - and that means finding reliable allies'",The Independent,
Dec 18, 2001
"We won the war, but where is our strategy for a new world order? ; `Will the cry of
terrorism be used as communism was by repressive regimes to suppress dissent?'",The
Independent, Feb 15, 2002
"A future for European defence",, Apr 21, 2002
"Whitehall's take on Armageddon", The Evening Standard, 25 February 2002
"What Bush must do now Saddam is cornered", Financial Times, Nov 11, 2002
"A war against Iraq can still be averted", Financial Times, Jan 8, 2003
"America's life as the world's only superpower",Sunday Times, Feb 2, 2003
"A way for France to come back into the fold" , Financial Times, Feb 12, 2003
"Arms and the man", Sunday Times, Mar 9, 2003
"The war may take longer than we believe", Financial Times, Mar 20, 2003
"EDITORIAL & OPINION: THE IRAQ CONFLICT: Lessons from the bombing of
Baghdad, 1991 ; ANALYSIS; There is no evidence that the Allied bombardment in the
first Gulf War made any difference to Saddam's hold on power. But it did have long-term
consequences",The Independent, Mar 21, 2003
"The Iraq conflict: Analysis: Tough strategic issues must be confronted ; So far, this war
is not unique, apart from the speed of advance. But soon the coalition will have to take
risks to fight awkward enemy positions in the cities". The Independent, Mar 24, 2003
"Patience as well as power is the key to coalition victory", The Times, Mar 28, 2003
"EDITORIAL & OPINION: THE IRAQ CONFLICT: America needs a wider coalition,
however difficult ; In military terms, coalitions can be more hindrance than help. In
political terms they've much to commend them", The Independent, Mar 29, 2003
"The dictator's strategy: delay to survive", Sunday Times, Mar 30, 2003
"Saddam's guerrillas will run out of supplies", Financial Times, Mar 31, 2003
"A strong incentive to acquire nuclear weapons", Financial Times, Apr 9, 2003
"The limits of UN power in the new world order; ANALYSIS; The 2003 Iraq war
confirms that legitimising the use of force through the UN will remain the exception
rather than the rule". The Independent, Apr 16, 2003
"Do not let terrorists hijack the political process", Financial Times, May 23, 2003
"A reason for war - or for leaving well alone", Financial Times, Jul 9, 2003
"Lessons in terror", Sunday Times, Sep 21, 2003
"How will war in Iraq be judged in the future? " Financial Times, Oct 6, 2003
"Blair is more than a junior partner to Bush", Financial Times, Nov 21, 2003
"Will this new strategy in Iraq defeat the rebels? ; The problem for Saddam supporters is
that the tide of history is against them", The Independent, Dec 2, 2003
"A grubby end to the Saddam myth", Financial Times, Dec 15, 2003
"A legacy of failure in the Arab world" ,Financial Times, Jan 26, 2004
"The futility of ‘targeted killings",Financial Times, April 26, 2004
"Collateral Damage",Time Magazine, May 24, 2004
"America’s battle to regain respect", Financial Times May 31, 2004
"Intelligence test", FTmagazine, June 12, 2004
"We must guard intelligence from corruption", Financial Time, 15 July 2004
"The tough task of containing Iran", Financial Times, 15 September 2004
"Rumsfeld’s Legacy: The Iraq Syndrome?” Washington Post,9 January 2005.
"Europe must focus on more than America’s weaknesses" Financial Times, 22 February
"A failure of European diplomacy" Financial Times, LondonApr 18, 2005
"War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning. Book World", Washington Post, May 2005.
"War – Official!” History Today,June 2005.
"The unbelievable truth The Watergate cover-up shattered trust in government integrity.
But from the sinking of the Belgrano to the war in Iraq, are we now too ready to reach for
a conspiracy theory?" Financial Times, Jul 30, 2005
"The unbelievable truth",FT Magazine,July 2005
"Can dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima be justified?" BBC History Magazine,
August 2005.
"Prevention, Not Pre-emption," Die Sicherheitsstrategien Europas und der USA. Nomos
"A reversal on Iraq will not protect us", Financial Times, Aug 3, 2005
"The Uneven Logic of Peacemaking," review of Protest and Survive (E.P. Thompson and Dan
Smith, eds.) in New Society, Oct. 30, 1980.
"The Strategist's Vocation," review of Strategic Studies and Public Policy: The American
Experience (Gray) and Strategic Studies, A Critical Assessment (Gray) in Survival, July/Aug.
"So You Want to Start a War," review of Conventional Deterrence (Mearsheimer) in The New
Republic, Nov. 28, 1983.
"Storms over the South Atlantic", review of The Sinking of the Belgrano (Gavshon and Rice), in
Times Literary Supplement ) (9 March 1984)
"Son of the Fate of the Earth," review of The Abolition (Schell), in The New Republic, June 11,
"Thinking About the Thinkable," review of The Illogic of American Nuclear Strategy (Jervis), in
The New Republic, Sept. 3, 1984.
"Getting to No," review of Deadly Gambit: The Reagan Administration and the Stalemate in
Nuclear Arms Control (Talbott), in The New Republic, Oct. 15, 1984.
"Nattering Nuclear Nabobs," review of Counsels of War (Herken), in The New Republic, Apr.
22, 1985.
"Holding Back on Dangerous Play," review of Superpower Games: Applying Game Theory to
Superpower Conflict (Brams), in Nature, Nov. 14, 1985.
"Transatlantic Bargains", review of The Senate and US Troops in Europe (williams) and NATO's
Future (Sloan) in The World Today (October 1985).
"Real Shooting War," review of War and Peace News (Glasgow University Media Group), in
New Society, Nov. 1, 1985.
"The Limits of Patience," review of The Logic of Deterrence (Kenny), Nuclear Ethics (Nye), and
The Nuclear Debate: Deterrence and the Lapse of Faith (Tucker), in The New Republic, Apr. 21,
"The Disarray of Military Strategy," review of On the Meaning of Victory (Luttwak), in
Washington Post Book World, May 4, 1986.
"What are Nuclear Weapons Good For?", review of Blundering Into Disaster (McNamara), in
The New York Times Book Review, (late 1986)
Review of The Korean War (Hastings), in History Today (January, 1988)
"History Lesson", review of The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers (P. Kennedy), in New Society
(18 March, 1988)
"I Exist; Therefore I Deter", review of Nuclear Fallacy (M. Halperin) and Blundering into
Disaster (McNamara), in International Security (Summer 1988)
"The Changing Face of Battle", review of The Art of War in the Western World (Archer Jones),
in Sunday Times, August, 1988
"NATO Doctrinists Undeterred" review of Democracy and Deterrence: The History and Future of
Nuclear Strategy (P. Bobbit), in Sunday Times, 1988.
Hedley Bull on Arms Control (O'Neill and Schwartz, eds.) and The SALT Agreement: ContentApplication-Verification, for RUSI Journal Autumn, 1988
Policy versus the Law: Reinterpretation of the ABM Treaty (Garthoff), in Arms Control Today
(April, 1988)
"Less Chance of A Fight", review of The Blunted Sword: The Erosion of Military Power in
Modern World Politics (Luard), in Times Literary Supplement (15-21 July, 1988)
An Introduction to Strategic Studies: Military Technology and international Studies (Buzan), for
International Affairs Summer, 1988
"Strife on the Ocean Wave", review of The Price of Admiralty: War at Sea from Man at War to
Submarines by John Keegan Sunday Times 29 January, 1989
Review of Gottstein, SDI and Stability in Space Policy 5:4 (November 1989)
"Adventures in the Bomb Trade", review of Newhouse, War and Peace in the Nuclear Age,
Bundy, Danger and survival in The New Republic, (12 June 1989)
"View of the Victim", review of Halliday, Cold War, Third World, in New Statesman and
Society, August 1989.
"Cry Havoc", review of Calvocoressi et al, Total War, Keegan, The Second World War, Gilbert,
Second World War in Sunday Times, 3 September 1989
Review of Chayes and Doty (ed), Defending Deterrence: Managing the ABM Treaty in Nature
(16 November 1989)
"Harvests from the dead, sees in the shadows", review of Reynolds, The Politics of War, Rotberg
and Rabb, The Origin and Prevention of Major Wars, Holmes, On War and Morality, Payne, the
Conduct of War in The Times Higher Education Supplement, (1 September 1989)
Review of Rose, US Arms Control Initiatives, in Survival, (Nov/Dec 1989)
Review of Adelman, The Great Universal Embrace in The New York Times Book Review
November 19 1989
"Gone with the Whim", review of Lakoff and York, A Shield in Space, in The New Republic, 29
January 1990
Review of Campbell and MacFarlane (eds.), Gorbachev's Third World Dilemmas in Political
Studies "Myth of gradualism in security", review of Nye, Allison and Canesale, Fateful Visions:
Avoiding Nuclear Catastrophe in Futures April 1990
"At odds with the experts", review of Weinberger, Fighting for Peace: Seven critical years at the
Pentagon in The Times Literary Supplement, 25-31 May 1990 "Gunning for the third world",
review of Adams, Trading in Death in Sunday Times, 10 June 1990 "Old Contenders", review of
Nixon, In the Arena and Kruschev, Kruschev on Kruschev Review of Hitchens, Blood, Class and
Nostalgia: Anglo-American Ironies in Sunday Correspondent
"What Do They Have, and When Did We Know It?", review of Hersh, The Samson Option:
Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy in The New York Times Book Review 17
November 1991
Review of Steiner, Bernard Brodie, in Arms Control Today, (December 1991)
Review of Gallie, Understanding War in The Times Higher Education Supplement
`The Cold War and After: Prospects for Peace' by Sean Lynn-Jones (ed.), for Political Studies,
1992. Review of Isaacson, Kissinger: A Biography in The Spectator 21 November 1992 Review
of Glynn, Closing Pandora's Box in Nature 26 November 1992
Review of Schwarzkopf, It Doesn't Take a Hero in The New Republic 21 December 1992.
'The imperial temptation. The new world order and America's purpose' by Robert W. Tucker and
David Hendrickson, for International Affairs, 1993
'Sickness at the heart of government', The Times Higher, 10 Dec., 1993.
`After the Storm: the changing military balance in the Middle East' by Anthony H. Cordesman,
International Affairs, 1994 'Out of Control: Global Turmoil on the Eve of the Twenty-First
Century', by Zbigniew Brzezinski, for Survival, 1994
'War in the Hebrew Bible: A Study in the Ethics of Violence' by Susan Niditch, Manna, Spring
'Engaging the Enemy: Organization Theory and Soviet Military Innovation', by Kimberly Marten
Zisk, for The International History Review XVI, 1, Feb. 1994. 'Battle scars', The Times Higher
25 Feb. 1994. `Nuclear Proliferation and the Future of Conflict' by Martin Van Creveld, for The
International History
Review, Vol. 16, No. 3, August 1994. The Times Literary Supplement 'Cold War hindsights', The
Origins of the Cold War in Europe: International Perspectives by David
Reynolds, for The Times Literary Supplement 9 September 1994.
'The Art of Conflict Prevention' by Werner Bauwens and Luc Reychler (eds.)., for International
Affairs, January 1995.
'The Logic of Accidental Nuclear War' by Bruce Blair and 'The Limits of Safety: Organizations,
Accidents and Nuclear Weapons' by Scott Sagan, for Survival, 1995
The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate by Scott Sagan and Kenneth N Waltz, New York,
1995 in International Peacekeeping, Vol.2 No.4 (Winter 1995), pp.626-627
‘A Hazard of Modern Life’, The World Today (April 1996),
p.111. ‘Can We Ever Beat Terror?’, Manna (Autumn 1996),
ARTS & BOOKS: The story of what did not happen Lawrence Freedman welcomes fresh
information about the conflict we could have lost - but is not sure how much difference it
makes BOOK REVIEWS, The Daily Telegraph Jan 25, 1997.
‘The Gift of Time: The Case for Abolishing Nuclear Weapons by Jonathan Schell, 1998 in Los
Angeles Times/Book Review, 9 August 1998.
Sixty Years of Nuclear History: Britain’s Hidden Agenda by Fred Roberts, 1999 in Times
Literary Supplement, 24 September 1999.
"Ready to explode? Review: THE BOMB by Gerard DeGroot. " Sunday Times: 20 June
War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning. (Review :The New American Militarism)
Washington Post. 8 May 2005.
"Past Approaches to Arms Control," IISS Conference on "New Approaches to Arms Control,"
Cumberland Lodge, May 7-9, 1976.
"Parity or Petrification: Arms Control in East-West Relations," Chatham House/Ministry of
Defence Seminar on "The Implications of Current Arms Control Measures for NATO's Nuclear
Strategy," June 1978.
"The Soviet Nuclear Threat to Europe: What Has Changed?" IISS Fourth Conference on New
Approaches to Arms Control: "Long-Range Nuclear Weapons In Europe: The Choices,"
Cumberland Lodge, May 16-18, 1979.
"Regional Nuclear Forces and Central Deterrence: The Rationale for Medium-Sized Deterrence
Forces," IISS Twenty-First Annual Conference on "The Future of Strategic Deterrence," Villars,
Switzerland, Sept. 6-9, 1979.
"Britain and the European Community: What Has Gone Wrong?" Sino-European Political
Science Conference on `New Forms of International Relations: Implications and Possibilities in
Asia and Europe', Taipei, Oct. 2-5, 1979.
"Arms Control and Britain's Nuclear Weapons Policy," submitted to the Defence and Foreign
Affairs Sub-Committee of the House of Commons Expenditure Committee, Jan. 1979.
"Arms Control: On the Possibilities For a Second Coming," Millennium Conference, April 1980.
"The Role of British Forces Outside the NATO Area," Chatham House/Ministry of Defence
Seminar, July 1980.
"Theatre Nuclear Forces: The Prospects for Arms Control," RUSI Project on Arms Control in
Europe, Oct. 1980.
"Prospects for Arms Control," IISS Conference on "Strategic Nuclear Concerns in the 1980s,"
Barnett Hill, May 6-8, 1981. "The Comprehensive Test Ban," prepared with Dr. John Simpson
for the "Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues." "Battlefield Nuclear
Weapons," for Palme Commission, July 1981. Paper on Verification, with Jim Schear, for Palme
Commission, Oct. 1981. "Starting Over: The Arms Control Process and Prospects," Ditchley
Conference Report No. 9/1981. "Limited Nuclear War," with Simon Lunn, for Palme
Commission, Nov. 1981.
"The Future of Arms Control Negotiations," John F. Kennedy Institute conference on "Allies in a
Turbulent World: Will Cooperation Endure?", January 1982.
"The Falklands War: Exception or Rule?", for The British International Studies Association,
Southampton, Dec. 1982.
"A British View," for FOA Symposium on "European Security and the Atlantic Alliance," 1982.
"Strategic Superiority," PSA Conference, March 1983. "Strategic Stability", United States
Military Academy Conference on the Nuclear Debate, 1983. "Indignation, Influence and Strategic
Studies," Inaugural Lecture in the Chair of War Studies, Nov. 22, 1983.
"Escalation and Arms Control," 34th Pugwash Conference, Bjorkliden, Sweden, July 9-
15, 1984. "Scenarios and Military Planning", Major Projects Association (1984)
"Legal, Ethical and Political Problems of Doing SDI Research in Europe," Economist Conference
on "Star Wars: Europe and the SDI," Brussels, Nov. 21, 1985.
"The British Nuclear Experience: An Overview", 1st conference of the Study and Review Group,
Ebenhausen, July, 1987.
"Demographic Change and Strategic Studies", Conference on Demographic Change and
International Security, 1987
"Extended Nuclear Deterrence", IISS Conference, Brighton, September, 1988.
"The Political Impact of the Process of Arms Control and Disarmament (AC/24)", submitted to
the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, 11 May, 1988.
"European Defense Intelligence: The View Form the Allied Capitals", presented at the Defense
Intelligence College, May, 1988
"Arms Control at Sea", Greenwich Conference, Greenwich, February, 1989. Participant, "What
Enemy: Which Weapons?", "Analysis", BBC Radio Four, London, 2 February, 1989. "The
Central Front in NATO Strategy", Kings College Conference: Britain and NATO's Central
Region, July 1989. "Do Alliances Have a Future", presented at Second European session of
Advanced Defence Studies, Brussels, 26 November - 1 December 1989
"Strategic Arms Control in the Post-START Era: The Negotiating Environment", presented to
the Working Group Meeting on Strategic Arms Control in the Post-START Era, Cumberland
Lodge, UK, 19-21 February 1990
"The Middle East: Political Fallout and Future Prospects", Bilderberg Meeting: Baden-Baden, 69 June 1991.
'The Politics of Military Intervention within Europe', talk at Royal Institute for International
Affairs, 18 May 1993. 'Strategic Studies and the New Europe', paper presented at IISS
conference, Brussels, Sept. 1993. 'Presentation to Army Seminar', Army Staff College, Camberly,
19 February 1993. 'The Gulf Conflict and the British Way in Warfare', Liddell Hart Center for
Military Archives Annual Lecture, 14 January 1993.
Conference Paper, ‘The Christmas Bombing of North Vietnam’ International Conference (King's
College London, 20-21 January 1994).
'The Security Environment during the Next Decade', presented at NATO Crisis Management
Seminar, Brussels, 8 March 1994.
'External Intervention in the Yugoslav Wars', Humanitas Conference, 25-27 Feb. 1994.
'US security policy after the Cold War (including its position on multilateralism',
presented at Chatham House Conference Security Challenges for Japan and Europe, 2124 February 1994. 'Power and Insecurity in Europe: The 1994 Erasmus Lecture',
presented at Parma, 23 June 1994. 'Introduction to Group I: The future of democracy and
security in Europe', Königswinter Conference Report.
Conference Paper with John Gearson, ‘Interdependence and Independence: Nassau and the
British Nuclear Deterrent’, Commonwealth Fund Conference (University College London, 16-17
February, 1996).
‘International Relations in the Contemporary World’, 50 Anniversary of Wilton Park, 14 June
Who is the terrorist? A seminar and debate at the International Institute for Strategic
Studies, 5 May 2004. Seminar Transcript. Ashurst.pp19-26.
Military Responses. Confronting Terrorisms –The Club de Madrid Series on Democracy
and Terrorism Vol II. The International Summit on Democry, Terrosim & Security 8-11
March 2005.