3 The Model-View-ControlLER (MVC) Paradigm for USER

Building Collaborative Virtual Spaces with Distributed
Software Components and Locally Rendered Objects
Víctor S. Theoktisto
USB, Universidad Simón Bolivar
Caracas, Venezuela
This article describes several distributed frameworks for building collaborative virtual environments, and their
advantages as teaching tools. The frameworks create and manage interactive virtual universes using an
implementation of CORBA distributed object services in C++ and Java, having global state and a local client
renderer for either Java3D (DJ3D) or OpenGL (PDVOL-Vision). Virtual spaces are built as common scene
graphs called State Universes, visible to all session clients. State Universes can be saved, restored, and restarted.
Clients may subscribe and leave without affecting in real time object behavior. Persistent objects are inserted and
manipulated in the shared space, while object integrity and coherence are achieved by broadcasting structural
and behavioral state changes to all nodes. Multiple renderings may be done locally at each node, varying the
camera position and/or the render model. Simultaneous interaction among nodes (“users”) is seen and rendered
by all clients in real time, allowing collaboration among actors for building scenes and adding new objects. The
framework has been successfully applied in scientific visualizations, stereoscopic views, collaborative assembly
and network games.
Distributed Rendering, Software Components, Virtual Spaces, CORBA, OpenGL, Java3D
The explosive growth in computer graphics techniques
and applications has raised the bar on the scope and
quantity of topics that can be timely taught at the
undergraduate level, needing sophisticated tools for
modeling, imaging and rendering that require increasing
performance improvements in graphics hardware. Many
schools do not have the expensive equipment and
applications needed for serious graphics work, and have
to share them with competing disciplines in their own
campuses. There exists a need for standards-based
distributed platform, harnessing spare computing power
to reduce problem-solving complexity, where
practitioners and apprentices can meet, share knowledge
and develop together.
1.1 Distributed Virtual Environments
Distributed virtual environments are “meeting points”,
allowing several users to collaborate within the realm of
a virtual world to achieve a common goal. Inhabitants of
virtual worlds must be aware not only of their local
surroundings and actions but of other inhabitants
presence and interactions [Raposo2001]. Since users are
working at geographically separated locations, they
should interact in the same environment, so collaboration
and shared visualization is a common feature of all
distributed virtual environments [Saar1999].
The usual approach for distributed applications is the
Client/Server model (there is also the P2P or Peer-to-Peer
model). One or more servers create local objects and
receive access requests on those objects from remote
clients. Some mechanisms must be in place, such as
object location in the network, remote communications,
and information exchange. Several standards for
distributed objects (Java RMI, CORBA, DCOM) have
been incorporated in distributed applications for
visualization and collaboration [Elvins1996], [Bajaj1999]
and [Saar1999]. The VR-Lab distributed environment for
educational purposes is described in [Fellner1999]. All
these implementations are object based and have their
own particular data flow on TCP/IP networks.
The Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA) was created by the Object Management Group
[OMG1999] with the objective of promoting an objectoriented perspective in distributed communications. This
is accomplished by specifying a common standard for the
development of distributed applications, relying on the
reusability, portability, and interoperability of objects in
heterogeneous environments. CORBA describes a threetier specification for dividing functionality in
Presentation, Business Logic and Data Storage layers.
The CORBA bus defines the components’ structure and
manner of interaction (Fig. 1), allowing low-level
communications as synchronized remote procedure calls
(RPCs). CORBA also allows asynchronous interaction.
Clients can continue working after issuing requests
without having to wait for an immediate result. Classes
can be implemented in several languages, executed on
different operating systems and platforms, and dispersed
through out a heterogeneous network.
which each object is factorized and separated into Model
(behavior), View (rendering) and Controller (interaction)
related classes.
The architecture allows the creation of simple objects
with transactional, secure, locked or persistent attributes.
These objects are able to interrelate and find themselves
within the bus. CORBA specifies an extensive service set
for object creation, disposal, name access, storage and
retrieval, and how to define relations among them
Table 1. The MVC applied to Distributed VR
In a distributed system, it is desirable to have these
classes physically apart, but in constant communication
[Beaudouin2000], [Wood1997].
Figure 1. The CORBA Bus Architecture
2.1 CORBA Main Advantages
 Separation between interface and implementation. All
CORBA components are specified by the Interface
Definition Language (IDL), a purely declarative
language that is implementation independent, with
bindings for C++, Java and others languages.
 Localization Independence. The kernel of the
implementation is the Object Request Broker (ORB), a
naming service that locates objects transparently. It
routes objects petitions across the network.
 Vendor Interoperability and Systems Integration. The
Internet Inter-Operability Protocol (IIOP) specifies
how to change the messages from General Inter-ORB
Protocol (GIOP) in TCP/IP networks with SSL,
making the Internet a giant, secure ORB.
The 2.3 standard [OMG1999] defines the Portable Object
Adapter (POA), which manages creation, registry,
destruction, reference handling, and activation of objects.
A definable set of policies specifies each POA’s behavior
on its associated objects, which may include policies for
threading, life cycle, identity, activation, retention,
persistence, request processing and others.
There is a constant fight for efficiency improvement in
all graphics environments, driven by the quest for real
time “visual realism”. Complex scenes are difficult or
impossible to render in real time because they have many
detailed objects in them. Each object must have its state
sampled at certain time intervals, which may involve
lengthy calculations and interactions with other objects.
Finally, resulting state changes must be translated into
visual renderings, requiring further computation. Each
object may be considered as a class triad using the
Model-View-Controller paradigm (MVC, Table 1), in
Figure 2. MVC Objects in Distributed VR Environments.
Object states are calculated at the distributed state
universe (US), interaction (C) is handled at the local Java
VM level, and graphics operations are delegated to the
chosen graphics environment (UV). Each component
then is running in the best environment possible (Fig. 2),
with CORBA coordinating communication flow.
Practitioners and educators have several options open if
they decide on using distributed virtual environments for
CG teaching, most of them free, or open source. All
server activity is hidden by CORBA.
4.1 DiVE
One option is downloading a free VRML visualization
package such as DiVE [Frecon1998], with client and
server binaries for almost all current CG platforms.
Sadly, it is neither OpenGL nor CORBA compliant.
4.2 Pure OpenGL
A distributed approach is fraught with incompatibilities
of the “Pure OpenGL” rendering option at local clients,
since makefiles must be tweaked to account for platform
diversity and available compilers. Compliance with
OpenGL itself and its varied user interface libraries is
also a concern.
4.3 Java3D
An homogeneous distributed platform for graphics
development is achieved by using some CORBA ORB
with the Java IDL binding for communications, the
Java3D scene graph description with rendering at the
local level [Brown1999], and Java Spaces and Servlets
providing the necessary storage and computations.
Fig. 5. GL4Java example.
Fig. 4. DJ3D object placement example.
However, although Java allows for greater user
interaction, Java3D has not been implemented for all
platforms. We have developed DJ3D [DJ3D2001], a
distributed environment based on CORBA, Java3D and
the MVC paradigm. In the previous image (Fig. 4), each
object exhibits simple behaviors while being manipulated
by remote users. The user interface Client part was
developed in Java Swing. All interactions are sent to the
distributed software component hosting the State
Universe, and then broadcasted back to each local Visual
Universe as changes to be rendered in Java3D. Other
generated examples with DJ3D include a rotating solar
system simulation and network chess.
4.4 GL4Java (Java + OpenGL)
GL4Java is an open source library that implements a
subset of the OpenGL specification within Java. It maps
Java methods to their corresponding OpenGL calls using
the Java Native Interface glue (JNI). A Java AWT canvas
object is used as the graphics viewport (Fig. 5). GL4Java
scenes are call-by-call equivalents of an OpenGL
programs. Being implemented in Java, it can be linked to
some Java compliant ORB by the Java IDL, and thus
render remote GL4Java objects.
4.5 Java-to-OpenGL JNI Bridge
Instead of translating every OpenGL call to Java, a better
approach is to keep all rendering in OpenGL (with C o
C++ bindings) and use the JNI bridge for message
passing. Drawing is done on top of a Java AWT canvas
object with its own User Interface widgets, but it is
OpenGL who does the representation and drawing. The
advantage is that a lot of OpenGL code can be imported
straight away, taking some care when factoring all user
interaction in the Java part of the interface.
The following figures are snapshots of the PDVol-Vision
developed by us at USB for a local oil company. This
application is the front-end visualization software
component of a huge reservoir simulation application.
Fig. 6. Geometric Rendering of an Oil Resevoir
Distributed software components access large databases
over high-speed networks and create remote objects
representing reservoir properties. It is implemented also
following the MVC user interface paradigm. Figure 6
shows a geometric view of a reservoir object, while
Figure 7 shows a volumetric rendering of a complex
protein. Both share the same Java interface for object and
environmental manipulation.
5.3 Distributed Rendering
Course participants may divide a scene in zones and
render each one at a different workstation. Each partial
render is then delivered as a pixel map and sent to
another object (a visual monitor), which collects maps
and places them appropriately as a partial texture. Since
each render may have been done with different
parameters, it is possible to render parts of the scene at
different color depths, render models and with special
Fig. 7. Volumetric Rendering of a Protein
The front-end application can be used to render standard
volumetric and geometric datasets. A similar
nonproprietary version is being developed at the moment.
There are several classroom approaches that can be
applied under the distributed framework, regardless of
the local rendering approach used. All of them start from
simple distributed state universes, which are shared by all
visual clients.
5.1 Object Modeling and Composition
Course participants model and place static objects into a
scene. Each object has the dual behavior-representation
nature. Complex visual detail and behavior is
progressively added to objects, such as hierarchy, surface
detail. Environmental parameters control the scene
through a very simple user interface (in Java). By
opening several views on the same workstation, each
with its own camera model, location and rendering
model, it is very easy to visualize different concepts and
algorithms. User interaction is implemented at the Java
front end. One premier example was a collaborative
effort in building a shared structure made of virtual
LEGOs, created locally at each client and placed in the
distributed scene.
5.2 Animation and Object Interaction
Course participants model behavior and animation
among objects, including collision detection. All
manipulate objects and observe the effect on the scene,
from their own particular point of view. When any object
goes through a state change, all objects reflect that
change on the visualization are immediately and
continuously updated to the global CORBA environment,
where it is picked up by all shared scenes. User
interaction is passed thru form the Java AWT canvas to
the State Universe and reflected back. A typical use is
free navigation with particle systems, such as network
5.4 Scripting, Recording and State recovery
Since all state and behavior reside in the State Universe,
universes can be saved and restored at will. A simple
script can be devised specifying state changes in some
scheduled time, which can be replayed for a “live,
repeatable performance”. All state changes are logged, so
they can be recorded as time dependent transformation
sequence that may be replayed later as programmed
The independence provided by the CORBA three-tier
architecture, combined with the ubiquitous Java platform,
and choosing Java3D or OpenGL as the 3D standard of
choice greatly reduce the issue of platform
incompatibility, allowing for scalability and efficiency.
Since Java objects can communicate with other objects,
avoids the bottlenecks of a client-server approach. Given
that the State Universe does no rendering at all, it can
keep track of more objects and behaviors. Each local
Visual Universe does not compute behavior, so it can
render more objects at higher frame rates, thus enhancing
the perceived graphic performance. Synchronization
among clients is maintained by a common clock in the
State Universe. Collaboration and user direct
manipulation cause a negligible performance penalty,
since the parametric state changes form very small
packets, and only when a multitude of clients are
interacting is that potential network slowdowns may
occur. However, this would be in excess of the usual
classroom size.
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