COUNTY OF ALAMEDA REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL No. 900715 SPECIFICATIONS, TERMS & CONDITIONS for Master Cabling Contract NETWORKING/BIDDERS CONFERENCES at 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. on on April 13, 2010 April 14, 2010 At At General Services Agency Dublin Public Library 1401 Lakeside Drive The Program Room th Room 1107, 11 Floor 200 Civic Plaza Drive Oakland, CA 94612 Dublin, CA 94568 For complete information regarding this project see RFP posted at or contact the person listed below. Thank you for your interest! Contact Person: Evelyn Benzon, Contracts Specialist Phone Number: (510) 208-9622 E-mail Address: RESPONSE DUE by 2:00 p.m. on May 18, 2010 at Alameda County, GSA-Purchasing 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907 Oakland, CA 94612 1401 LAKESIDE DRIVE, SUITE 907, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612 510 208 9600 FAX 510 208 9626 I:\PURCHASING\Contracting Opportunities \Purchasing\Master Cabling\RFP_Master Cabling.doc Revision 9-22-09 COUNTY OF ALAMEDA REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL No. 900715 SPECIFICATIONS, TERMS & CONDITIONS for Master Cabling Contract TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 of 2 Page I. II. III. VI. ACRONYM AND TERM GLOSSARY ....................................................................................... 4 STATEMENT OF WORK A. Intent .................................................................................................................................... 6 B. Scope .................................................................................................................................... 6 C. Background........................................................................................................................... 8 D. Vendor qualifications ........................................................................................................... 9 E. Specific Requirements........................................................................................................ 12 F. Debarment/Suspension Policy ........................................................................................... 64 G. General Environmental Requirements ............................................................................... 64 H. Submittals/Deliverables...................................................................................................... 65 INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS I. County Contacts ................................................................................................................. 70 J. Calendar of Events ............................................................................................................. 70 K. Networking/Bidders Conference........................................................................................ 71 L. Submittal of Bids ................................................................................................................ 72 M. Response Format ................................................................................................................ 74 N. Evaluation Criteria/Selection Committee .......................................................................... 74 O. Contract Evaluation and Assessment ................................................................................. 77 P. Notice of Award ................................................................................................................. 78 Q. Bid Protest/Appeals Process .............................................................................................. 78 TERMS AND CONDITIONS R. Term/Termination/Renewal ............................................................................................... 80 S. Brand Names and Approved Equivalents .......................................................................... 80 T. Quantities ............................................................................................................................ 80 U. Pricing ................................................................................................................................. 81 V. Award ................................................................................................................................. 82 W. Method of Ordering ............................................................................................................ 82 X. Invoicing ............................................................................................................................. 83 Y. County Provisions .............................................................................................................. 83 Z. Online Contract Compliance System ................................................................................. 86 AA. Compliance Information and Records ............................................................................... 87 BB. Account Manager/Support Staff ........................................................................................ 88 CC. General Requirements ....................................................................................................... 88 COUNTY OF ALAMEDA REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL No. 900715 SPECIFICATIONS, TERMS & CONDITIONS for Master Cabling Contract TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A – Acknowledgement Exhibit B – Bid Form Exhibit B1– Cable Project Scenario Exhibit C – Insurance Requirements Exhibit D1 – Current References Exhibit D2 – Former References Exhibit E – SLEB Certification Application Package Exhibit F – Small and Local Business Subcontracting Information Exhibit G – Request for Small and Local or Emerging Preference Exhibit H – First Source Agreement Exhibit I – Exceptions, Clarifications, Amendments Exhibit J – [Intentionally Omitted] Exhibit K – Environmental Certification Exhibit L – RFP Vendor Bid List Exhibit M – Response Content and Submittals; Completeness Check List Exhibit N – Debarment and Suspension Certification Exhibit O – Alameda County Infrastructure Cabling Specifications Exhibit P – Hazardous Materials, Procedures and Controls Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract I. ACRONYM AND TERM GLOSSARY Unless otherwise noted, the terms below may be upper or lower case. Acronyms will always be uppercase. ACM ANSI ARMM ASTM ATM AWG BICSI Bid Bidder BMD Board CAD Category 3 Cable Category 5 Cable Category 5E Cable Category 6 Cable Contractor County CPC CPM CSC CSI DECS EIA EPN FCC FDDI Asbestos-Containing Material(s) American National Standards Institute a type of riser cable American Society for Testing and Materials Asynchronous Transfer Mode American Wire Gauge; U.S. standard measuring gauge for nonferrous conductors Building Industry Consulting Service International Shall mean the bidders’/Contractors’ response to this Request Shall mean the specific person or entity responding to this RFP GSA’s Building Maintenance Department Shall refer to the County of Alameda Board of Supervisors Computer Aided Design A category of performance for inside wire and cable systems, specified by FCC Part 68 and ANSI/EIA/TIA-568; used primarily for voice communications A category of performance for inside wire and cable systems specified by FCC Part 68 and ANSI/EIA/TIA-568; used for voice and data communications Category 5 cable with enhanced performance characteristics A category of performance for inside wire and cable systems specified by FCC Part 68 and ANSI/EIA/TIA-568; used primarily for data communications. When capitalized, shall refer to selected bidder that is awarded a contract When capitalized, shall refer to the County of Alameda Cable Project Contact; person to contact for access and scheduling normally in department where cabling work is done. Cable Project Manager; assigned by County to large projects and any other cabling project that affects building structural integrity. County Selection Committee Construction Specifications Institute, a membership society focusing on construction standards (see Definity Enterprise Communication Servers Electronic Industries Alliance (formerly Electronic Industries Association) Expansion Port Network Federal Communications Commission Fiber Distributed Data Interface Page 4 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract Federal Response Refers to United States Federal Government, its departments and/or agencies A fiber optic cable with a wide core that provides multiple routes for light waves to travel Fiber optic cable that allows only a single mode of light to propagate Shall mean without charge for delivery to destination and placing on board a carrier at a specified point (Free On Board) Trademark name for Systimax, a CommScope Company, Category 6 cable. County of Alameda General Services Agency Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Integrated Services Digital Network Information Technology Department Refers to California Labor Code Local Area Network Main Distribution Frame As used herein shall refers to Material Safety Data Sheets National Electric Code National Electrical Manufacturers Association Refers to California Occupational Safety and Health Administrations Office of State Health and Planning Department, State of California Optical Time Domain Relationship. A test and measurement device used to check the accuracy of fusion splices and the location of fiber optic breakers Professional Engineer Police Information Network Project Manager Project Manager Alternate Shall refer to Purchase Order(s) Shall mean bidder/Contractor response to this RFP Polyvinyl Chloride, a plastic material used for cladding telecommunications cable Registered Communications Distribution Designer Shall mean this document, which is the County of Alameda’s request for Contractors’/bidders’ proposal to provide the goods and/or services being solicited herein. Also referred herein as RFP Shall refer to bidder’s proposal or quotation submitted in reply to RFP RFP SLEB SNA State Request for Proposal Small Local Emerging Business System Network Architecture Refers to State of California, its departments and/or agencies Fiber, Multimode Fiber, Single Mode F.O.B GigaSPEED GSA IEEE ISDN ITD Labor Code LAN MDF MSDS NEC NEMA OSHA OSHPD OTDR PE PIN PM PMA PO Proposal PVC RCDD Request for Proposal Page 5 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract SYSTIMAX A structured wiring connectivity standard, maintained by CommScope, Inc. Telecommunications Grounding Busbar Telecommunications Industry Association Telecommunications Systems Bulletin GSA Technical Services Department Unshielded twisted-pair cable Value-added reseller Wide Area Network TGB TIA TSB TSD UTP VAR WAN II. STATEMENT OF WORK A. INTENT These specifications, terms, and conditions describe requirements of the County of Alameda for the installation, modification, and maintenance of telecommunications cable to meet voice and data applications. The County intends to award a three (3) year contract with option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year terms to the bidder(s) selected as the most responsive and responsible bidder(s) whose response conforms to the RFP and meets the County’s requirements. B. SCOPE The County is seeking bidders who are able to purchase, install, modify and service telecommunications cable. A full range of cable installation services is required. Services to the County will include cable infrastructure design and technology consultation. Telecommunications cable will consist primarily of inside horizontal station cable, fiber optic vertical backbone-data cable, copper voice riser cable, and distribution cable. There will be some need for outside installation and repair of copper, fiber backbone and distribution cable. This contract applies to all existing County/leased buildings and may apply to large remodel, multi-phase projects but will not apply to new buildings. The work included in these specifications including all labor, materials, tools, equipment and possible outside services (i.e. subcontractor) necessary to perform and complete each project, is the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The scope of this work includes, but is not limited to, providing the following: 1. Site survey by a Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD), or designate, to review the project site, the work environment and conditions, and to outline the scope of work; Page 6 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract 2. All horizontal station cabling between the telecommunications distribution room and the workstation outlets as required; 3. All copper and fiber optic backbone cables between telecommunications rooms for building riser systems and facilities between buildings, underground or overhead, wall fields for various telephone systems and data rack and distribution panel as required; 4. All equipment racks/cabinets, backboards, outlets, patch panels/cords, cable management and hardware in order to support the telecommunications system as required; 5. Seismic bracing of all cabinets, equipment racks and cable trays provided under this work by applicable code and by all known local governing jurisdiction; 6. All terminations, cross connects and patching of all fiber optic and copper cables as required; 7. Testing and documentation as required; 8. Preparation and submission of ‘scope of work’ documentation, samples, shop drawings, plans, testing reports, “as-built” drawings, and cabling documentation as required and described herein; 9. Fire stopping as required by code and indicated in the specifications; 10. Grounding and Bonding as required; 11. All work to be in compliance with the current applicable codes including, but not limited to, Telecommunications Industry Association / Electronic Industries Alliance (TIA/EIA) Building Telecommunications Wiring and the Alameda County Infrastructure Cabling Specifications,, Exhibit N attached, and 12. Standards to include TIA/EIA-568-B, TSB-67, TSB-72, TSB75, EIA/TIA-569, EIA/TIA-570, EIA/TIA-606, EIA/TIE-607, ANSI/NECA/BICI 568-2001, and the BICSI Telecommunications Distribution Methods. 13. The Contractor shall perform site visits according to the following conditions: a. The Contractor shall be responsible for visiting each proposed installation site prior to submission of pricing in order to determine the site compliance with the specifications and to prepare a detailed scope of work for County approval. Any assumptions made on the part of the Contractor shall be the Contractor’s responsibility. Page 7 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract C. b. Prior to commencement of work, the Contractor shall perform a detailed site survey as required to verify the working conditions and compliance with the specifications. The Contractor shall issue a written report to the County within ten (10) days of Notice To Proceed, prior to commencing work, indicating any discrepancies with the installation and the proposed scope of work. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the written report with its shop drawings, plans, cable routes and calculations as required. c. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating its work with the overall installation schedule and all other trades that may impact its work. Existing contract documents for other trades will be made available for review through the County as pertains to each project. BACKGROUND The County of Alameda Voice Communications Network serves over twelve thousand (12,000) voice extensions in an eight hundred thirteen (813) square mile area. Over two hundred (200) County Departments operate in approximately two hundred fifty (250) buildings encompassing roughly eight million (8,000,000) square feet. County facilities range from one-story buildings to complex campus environments. Although the majority of County facilities were built during the 1950’s and 1960’s, some were built in the early 1900’s. County facilities include two (2) jails, a juvenile justice complex and numerous other buildings for administrative, social services, health care, law enforcement, and court functions. The current voice network is comprised of ten (10) Definity Enterprise Communication Servers (ECS) in a Distributed Communications Network, approximately thirty (30) remote Expansion Port Network (EPN) modules and eight (8) Media Gateways. Avaya 8710 and 8720 Media Servers are also used to support our convergence into VoIP applications. Telecommunications cabling projects in a typical month require approximately three hundred (300) hours of labor and consist of: Two (2) voice projects Nine (9) data projects Three (3) combination voice/data projects Completion time for individual cable projects usually ranges between ten (10) and thirty (30) calendar days. Several cable projects can occur simultaneously. An average of ten to twenty (10-20) individual cabling projects are in progress at any given time, i.e. have been quoted, are in progress or are waiting to be scheduled. Page 8 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract The voice telecommunications cable infrastructure is comprised primarily of unshielded Category 3 twisted pair copper cable, has over twelve thousand (12,000) working lines, and supports voice stations equipment associated with: Ten (10) Definity Enterprise Communication Servers (DECS), currently Avaya Definity Generic 3R’s, G3I’s and 8710,8720 Media Servers. AT&T Centrex services to a number of locations with a combination of basic Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and DMS100 trunk lines Electronic Key Systems manufactured by Avaya Alarm Circuits The data telecommunications cable infrastructure consists of unshielded twisted pair (UTP), Category 5, 5E, 6, and fiber optic cable where cost effective. Both voice and data cabling has the SYSTIMAX Structured Connectivity Solutions 20-year Extended Product Warranty and Application Assurance Program provided by SYSTIMAX Solutions, a CommScope company. The County’s cable infrastructure is over 90% SYSTIMAX cabling. A limited amount of older cabling is present and consists of single coaxial and 25-pair cable that has been modified for voice and data use. The County supports the following cable systems in new or wholly remodeled buildings: SYSTIMAX warranty by CommScope Uniprise warranty by CommScope Berk-Tek/Panduit warranty by Panduit The County of Alameda data network consists of approximately one hundred fifty to two hundred (150-200) user Local Area Network (LAN) segments, both Ethernet and Token Ring, and over five thousand (5,000) desktop personal computers. User LAN segments are interconnected to an Enterprise Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) backbone. LAN’s are connected to the Wide Area Network (WAN) supported by the Information Technology Department (ITD). This WAN is connected via Cisco routers on SBC, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and T-1 circuits. A county owned digital microwave also provides T-1 circuits to sites where it is feasible. The mainframe System Network Architecture (SNA) includes thousands of devices in over one hundred (100) sites. The County of Alameda also hosts the Police Information Network (PIN), connecting several San Francisco Bay Area counties to State and Federal Law Enforcement databases. D. VENDOR QUALIFICATIONS 1. Contractor shall be regularly and continuously engaged in the business of providing telecommunications cabling services for at least the last five (5) years. Page 9 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract 2. Contractor shall possess all permits, licenses and professional credentials necessary to supply product and perform services as specified under this RFP. 3. Certification by cable system manufacturers, SYSTIMAX, Uniprise and/or Panduit, to install telecommunications cable and to provide warranty-service response; 4. Five years of current experience in providing telecommunications-cable services to customers, at least one of which is similar in size and complexity as that of the County. 5. At least six (6) jobs completed consisting of inside copper and fiber in a campus environment consisting of a minimum of three buildings or multi-story office building consisting of a minimum of three floors in the past five years; 6. Contractor(s) and their/its employees shall have no criminal record and shall be required to pass a background security check to work in certain locations 7. Staffing a. The Contractor shall designate in writing to the County a full-time local Project Manager (PM)/Project Manager Alternate (PMA) as the contacts for design, job coordination, additions, changes, etc., who shall be reachable at all times, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, during the performance of the work. The PM/PMA shall have full responsibility for all coordination of all projects regardless of the number of projects being performed at any one time. b. The Contractor's PM/PMA shall have full authority to represent the Contractor in making decisions and executing the work. Such PM/PMA shall be interviewed for approval by the County and will be replaced at the County’s discretion. c. The Contractor shall provide a supervisory work force sufficient to maintain the efficient and timely (according to schedule) performance of the Contractor's work. d. The Contractor shall be responsible for the actions of all workers under its employ and shall immediately and permanently remove any personnel from the job site at the written request of Alameda County. Page 10 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract e. f. 8. All crafts personnel performing the work designated herein shall be fully Contractor certified and qualified and be knowledgeable of the following: (1) Electronic Industries alliance (EIA)/Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) standard color codes and pin-outs. (2) Bonding and grounding of armored or shielded cables, equipment racks, ladder racks and other telecommunications devices and hardware. (3) Testing conductors for electrical continuity and compliance with specifications set forth in this document. (4) Installation and termination of cables on specified outlets, patching, and cross connect hardware according to SYSTIMAX specifications or when applicable, Berk-Tek/Panduit and Uniprise. (5) Installation, termination, connectorization, and testing of both single and multi-mode optical fiber cables. Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring all installers possess or are provided with the required tools to perform each activity. Installers shall be adequately trained in the use of all tools prior to beginning work. Tools must be maintained in good working order. The County reserves the right to review the tool lists and tool maintenance procedure of the Contractor. Tools deemed unserviceable by the County shall be replaced immediately. Under no circumstances are County tools or equipment to be used. Organization of Work a. The Contractor shall provide the level of staff necessary to meet all installation schedules. b. The Contractor shall maintain a complete file of shop drawings, plans and specifications and other submissions on the job site at all times. The shop drawings, plans and specifications shall be kept in a neat and orderly fashion and shall be used to red-line any changes made during construction. The shop drawings, plans and specifications shall be used in the preparation of the required “as-built” documents. These shop drawings and submissions shall be made available to the County upon request. c. All work shall remain accessible so as to permit the County to observe the work during the course of construction. Page 11 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract d. E. As required, and when directed in writing by the County, the Contractor shall, without extra charge, prior to installation, make reasonable modifications in the layout as needed to prevent conflict with work of other trades or for proper compliance with the design intent, or to meet local codes. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 1. Cable Project Management Recommendations to the County concerning cable system design, support structure requirements and products will be requested of and procurement of materials and products shall be required by the Contractor. Wherever possible, old station cable and riser cables shall be removed and disposed of as part of the new cable installation. For each cabling project, the Contractor shall: a. Contact customer within five (5) business days of job request to arrange an on- site survey; b. Provide a written quote within five (5) business days of an on-site survey; c. Fill out appropriate forms such as the Supplemental Questionnaire and Cabling Project Notification and follow cabling procedures; d. Order materials; e. Schedule the work; f. Perform the work; g. Inspect the work performed and provide test results; h. Apply for cable warranty (Note: Cable job is not considered complete until a registration for warranty has been completed and test results provided); i. Sign the Sign-Off form in proper sequence; and j. Provide a weekly status report spreadsheet to County for all jobs assigned. The successful bidder shall serve as a Prime Contractor, managing all County cable installations by performing work directly or by assigning projects to qualified subcontractors that have been approved by the County. Page 12 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract The Prime Contractor shall: k. Determine which cable jobs require certification by a Registered Professional Engineer and secure that certification. l. Maintain a performance bond for fifty percent (50%) of the total estimated annual contract amount. m. Provide all cable repair and installation services (Categories 3, 5E, and 6 ) as needed for the County of Alameda, including but not limited to, single and multimode fiber and older cable such as IBM Type 1 and 25-pair cable that has been modified for voice and data use. n. The Prime Contractor shall provide a local RCDD who will ultimately be responsible for the design and the management of cable projects. The RCDD must have sufficient experience in cabling projects to be able to lend adequate technical support to the field forces during the installation, warranty period, and during any extended warranty period or maintenance contracts. The RCDD must be available within twenty-four (24) hours of any County request. At a minimum, the RCDD must be SYSTIMAX certified since over ninety percent (90%) of the County’s existing cable is of that particular manufacturer. o. Provide the services of a Field Supervisor as an employee of the Contractor or approved and qualified subcontractors located within the County of Alameda to schedule cable projects and to oversee each job. p. Provide resumes of the RCDDs and Field Supervisor (if known), copies of applicable certifications and the date of RCDD award. q. Provide emergency cable repair service that may require a same day or next day response, at the discretion of the County. r. Provide all security measures deemed necessary to adequately protect unoccupied job sites from thefts, vandalism, etc. Expenses incurred by Contractor negligence in failing to provide security shall be borne by the Contractor. s. Provide labor during regular County work hours from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. unless overtime or weekend work is specified by the County. Contractor shall have a local or toll-free number and be available for emergencies twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Page 13 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract 2. t. The County makes the following general representations regarding hazardous materials in County-owned buildings: Ultimately, it is the Contractor’s responsibility to inspect the work area and determine if these hazardous materials and/or others are present prior to the start of work; Reference Exhibit O, Hazardous Materials, Procedures and Controls. u. Technicians shall be trained to work in confined areas and in the identification of hazardous material while performing services as required under this contract. v. Access to sources of cable materials and related products. Telecommunications Cabling System General Conditions Technical Requirements are specified in the following sections. Incorporated in Technical Requirements is Article 800, Communications Circuits, National Electric Code. Technical Requirements shall be used as a guide for telecommunications cable equipment and in the performance of telecommunications installation services. Not all sections or all parts of sections will be applicable to every cable project required by the County. Technical Requirements shall remain in effect during the term of any contract which may arise under this RFP. 3. Standard Requirements a. This section of the specifications covers the telecommunications cablingrelated work to be performed at existing and new facilities of the County of Alameda. It includes work to be performed by the Contractor, who may require the employment of one or more subcontractors. b. All articles or parts of articles of the National Electric Code, Article 800, Communications Circuit not so amended, modified or supplemented by these Technical Requirements, shall remain in full force and effect. Should any discrepancy become apparent between the National Electric Code and these Technical Requirements, the Contractor shall notify the County, in writing, and the County will interpret and decide such matters in accordance with the provisions of the National Electric Code. c. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable governmental regulations and with all known Federal, State, City, and other applicable codes and ordinances. The Contractor shall be responsible for all fees, duties, licenses, etc., which Page 14 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract may be required to perform work as part of any contract which may arise as a result of this RFP. 4. d. The Contractor shall provide all labor and materials called for in the specifications in accordance with the conditions of the contract. This includes all incidentals such as equipment, hardware, services, hoisting, scaffolding, supports, tools, supervision, consumable items, etc., necessary to provide a complete cabling system as described herein. In no case shall Contractor use County tools or equipment. e. It is the intent of these specifications to provide a complete workable telecommunications cabling system ready for the County’s use. Nevertheless, the Contractor shall be responsible for all items normally required to deliver a complete telecommunications cabling system despite not being specifically depicted in the specifications. f. Installations shall be as indicated in the applicable sections of these specifications and shall be in compliance with all applicable industry standards. Requirements and details stated in the specifications shall govern if they differ from submitted plans and shop drawings. g. The Contractor shall be responsible for the delivery of any and all requests for information, plans, shop drawings, submittals, samples and/or any other required deliverables through the County or its representative. The cost of these items shall be included in price quotes submitted to the County. Coordination of the Work a. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating any and all work with other trades either through scheduled meetings or through Alameda County. When possible, coordination with other trades shall take place prior to, and be indicated on, shop drawing submittals. b. Contractor shall transmit to other trades in a timely manner all information required for work to be provided under their respective sections. Where such needs are known in advance, Contractor shall transmit data a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the time it is needed for installation or fabrication. c. Wherever work interconnects with work of other trades, Contractor shall coordinate with other trades to ensure that all trades have the information necessary so they may properly install all the necessary connections and equipment. Page 15 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract 5. 6. d. Depending on the type of installation, a fixed sequence of operations may be required to properly install the complete systems. Contractor shall coordinate and schedule work with the County in accordance with the overall construction, furniture, telephone and data equipment installation schedule. e. The Contractor shall be expected to maintain the project schedule unless permitted in writing from the County to deviate from the schedule. Consistent failure on the part of the Contractor to keep within the project schedule can and will be considered a breach of contract. f. The Contractor, the PM/PMA or the Field Supervisor shall be expected to attend all construction meetings as requested by the County. Codes, Regulations and Standards a. All installation shall comply fully with all known city, county and state laws and ordinances, regulations and codes applicable to the installation. b. Local electrical and building codes may be more restrictive than the recommendations of this practice. Contractor shall be familiar with and follow the most restrictive codes or recommendations. c. Should any change in plans or specifications be required to comply with governmental regulations, the Contractor is to notify the County at the time of submittal. d. Generally accepted industry standards, such as the Building Industry Consulting Service (BICS) as well as manufacturer's written installation instructions, will be used for in-process quality control and as a basis for final acceptance of an installation. e. All equipment shall be equal to or exceed the minimum requirements of the NEC, NEMA, IEEE, ANSI, ASTM and Underwriters' Laboratories, as applicable. Special Conditions a. All standards, specifications, drawings and codes referred to herein shall be considered a part of these specifications. b. All local fees, permits and services of inspection authorities shall be obtained and paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall cooperate fully with local utility companies with respect to their services. Contractor Page 16 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract shall include in the price any costs to be incurred relative to the installation of the system(s) described herein. 7. 8. 9. Inspection, Tests and Guarantees a. After an installation is complete, in addition to any other required testing, and at such times as the County directs, the Contractor shall be present while the County conducts operational tests of the transport electronics connected to the cabling system. The installation shall be demonstrated to be in accordance with the requirements of these specifications. b. The Contractor shall be notified in writing of any defective items and must repair or replace such items within twenty-four (24) hours of written notice, without cost to Alameda County. c. Contractor shall provide a single written SYSTIMAX Performance Warranty (“SYSTIMAX structural cabling systems twenty (20) year extended product warranty and application assurance”) which guarantees all work against faulty and improper material and workmanship for a minimum period of twenty (20) years from date of final written acceptance by the County. Other cable manufactures such as Berk-Tek/Panduit and CommScope also apply. Within twenty-four (24) hours of written notice, Contractor shall correct any deficiencies which occur during the guarantee period at no additional cost to the County, all to the satisfaction of Alameda County. Quality Assurance a. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring all materials being provided are new and unused and bear the Underwriters' Laboratory, Inc. label. If the label is not available, the Contractor shall receive approval from the County to use the specific product. b. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring all materials are clean, free of defects and corrosion, and comply with the specifications as set forth herein. Components a. Contractor shall be responsible for providing all equipment and cable types as indicated in the specifications unless otherwise noted. b. Part numbers and product codes in these specifications are correct as of the time of writing. Manufacturers may, however, change part numbers and Page 17 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract product codes on short notice. In cases where part numbers or product codes differ from technical specifications for a particular product, Contractor shall provide products meeting the minimum technical specifications of the products in the specifications. Contractor shall notify the County of any product code and or part number changes on the material list submittal. c. 10. 11. Product Consistency: Any given item of equipment or material shall be the product of one manufacturer per each cabling project. Multiple manufacturers of any one item will not be permitted, unless specifically noted otherwise. In particular, the glass used in the construction of the fiber optic cables, pigtails and patch cords shall be made by the same manufacturer. Installation a. Contractor shall follow manufacturer’s' instructions for installing, connecting, and adjusting all equipment and cabling furnished under this work. Contractor shall maintain a copy of such instructions at the equipment location during installation and any subsequent work on the equipment. b. Contractor shall thoroughly examine the manufacturer’s specifications and report any discrepancies between them to the County. Contractor shall obtain from the County written instructions for changes necessary in the work. The Contractor may be held responsible for any discrepancies unreported at the time of pricing at the discretion of the County. c. Contractor shall install and coordinate the cabling work in cooperation with other trades installing interrelated work. All repairs or changes required in the work of the Contractor, caused by Contractor’s neglect (i.e., improper review of drawings/plans, storage of tools/materials, poor workmanship according to generally accepted industry standards, etc.) shall be made by the Contractor at no cost to the County. d. The locations of equipment and hardware as shown on drawings indicate the design intent of the project and are understood to be subject to such revision as may be found necessary or desirable in response to site conditions, etc., at the time the work is installed. Protection of Work and Property a. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of all new and existing equipment and hardware from damage due to neglect or Page 18 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract mishandling. The Contractor shall remain responsible for damages until such time as the County relinquishes the Contractor of any responsibility in writing. 12. b. The Contractor shall be responsible for the receipt, safe storage and delivery of materials and equipment to the job site. Materials and equipment subject to damage by natural elements shall be stored in a weather-tight enclosure coordinated with Alameda County. c. The Contractor shall not store or place material on floors in excess of the designed load limits as specified by the County structural engineer. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining such specifications before beginning any work. d. Active equipment shall not be installed in the telecommunications entrance facility room or the telecommunications distribution rooms until such time as other trades have completed their work in those areas. e. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage or defacement caused to the finished work of other trades and shall remedy any such damage or defacement by its forces at its own expense, as required, and as soon as possible. f. The Contractor shall perform daily clean-up of its own debris in its work area. All debris shall be placed in the containers and/or locations as directed by the County. Contractor shall leave County facilities room clean. g. The Contractor shall maintain unobstructed paths of egress out of the work area. Special Tools a. All special tools and small equipment items needed for proper operation, adjustment and maintenance of cabling and equipment installed under any contract to be entered into shall be provided by the Contractor. b. The terms "special tools" and "small equipment items" is meant to include such items as punch down tools, power/hand tools, connector assembly tools, etc. Page 19 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract 13. Sequence of Work a. The County will assign a Cable Project Manager (CPM) for all cable projects that affect structural integrity and/or code regulated life and safety issues. A departmental Cable Project Contact (CPC) shall be assigned for all other projects. b. A County department will assign a CPC/CPM if needed, prepare a purchase requisition for the necessary work and have it approved, as required, by the: (1) Department Manager; (2) GSA-Building Maintenance Department (BMD); (3) GSA-Technical Services Department (TSD) Environmental Engineering Manager; and (4) GSA-Communications Department. The end-user department will electronically (fax, modem, etc.) or verbally transmit the requisition to the Contractor. Contractor shall respond to all phone and electronic messages from County personnel within twenty-four (24) working hours of receipt. c. Contractor shall arrange a site meeting with the CPC to be scheduled within five (5) working days of receipt of requisition. The purpose of the site meeting is to: (1) Determine the scope of work; (2) Review the site; (3) Establish the work schedule and (4) Notify the Contractor of any potential hazards, such as ACM, that may exist at the site. The CPC will invite representatives from the departments involved whom he/she deems necessary. The CPC will inform GSA-BMD of the scope of work and provide information to GSA-BMD for review regarding the project. d. Contractor shall prepare a written scope of work using the itemized costs quoted in response to this Request for Proposal. The scope of work shall Page 20 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract detail the necessary specifications, material and labor to complete the job and include shop drawings, cable routes, forms, and plans, as required. e. f. (1) Timeliness of installation is important. Contractor must submit an estimate of time to complete each job. Any changes to the original time estimate must be forwarded immediately to the CPC for approval. (2) Contractor shall discuss all issues and concerns regarding power requirements and HVAC loads with GSA-BMD Facilities Manager or designee. (3) Contractor shall deliver scope of work to the CPC within five (5) working days of the site meeting. Each scope of work shall be identifiable by a Job number assigned by the Contractor. The CPC/CPM shall: (1) Obtain authorized department approval signature on the scope of work; (2) Attach the purchase requisition and related forms to the scope of work, and (3) Forward the package to the GSA-Purchasing Department. The GSA-Purchasing Department shall: (1) Verify authorized department approval signature on scope of work; (2) Log the package in as received; (3) Forward it to GSA-BMD and GSA-TSD for review and signature, and (4) Maintain a status log from the date scope of work is received through purchase order issuance. g. GSA-BMD will obtain required authorized signatures on scope of work from appropriate GSA-BMD Facility Manager, GSA-Environmental Engineering Manager, and or building landlord, and return the package to GSAPurchasing h. GSA-Purchasing shall: (1) Sign the scope of work; Page 21 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (2) Assign a purchase order number to the scope of work; (3) Transmit purchase order number electronically to Contractor as notice to proceed, and (4) Issue a hard copy confirming purchase order to the Contractor. The GSA-Purchasing Department will issue all orders and change orders for data and voice cabling projects. The Contractor shall accept purchase orders only from the Purchasing Department. i. Contractor shall accept scope of work/notice to proceed only from the GSAPurchasing Department, except for emergency repair work. In addition to GSA-Purchasing, GSA-Communications can give the Contractor work/notice to proceed for emergency repair work. j. Contractor shall immediately place all scope of work/notices to proceed into a scheduling queue. Rush orders will be noted on scope of work/notice to proceed and shall be scheduled for work to begin immediately, within three (3) workdays of receipt. All other work shall be scheduled to begin within ten (10) workdays unless another date is specified. k. Contractor shall submit a written scope of work for all change orders with labor and material costs itemized in advance of changes. Contractor shall not be entitled to compensation for any changes or additions unless change or additions have been authorized in writing by the County. Such changes or additions shall be handled in the same manner as original orders. l. The Contractor shall coordinate the work so as to keep interruptions to department operations at a minimum. m. Upon completion of a project that involves regulated life and safety issues or impacts building integrity, the Contractor shall notify the CPM who will make arrangements for an inspection in the presence of the Contractor for the purpose of determining acceptability of the completed project. n. Contractor shall invoice the County monthly for completed projects per the original scope of work and change orders. No other charges shall be accepted unless specifically agreed to by the County at the time the job is quoted. o. Invoices shall reference specific County purchase order numbers and the corresponding scope of work number issued for each project. p. Labor and materials provided shall be itemized separately on each invoice. Page 22 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract q. 14. Contractor shall provide a monthly status report of all cabling jobs in process to the County Purchasing and Communications Department. Contractor must participate in monthly meetings with County personnel regarding status of all projects. Installation Standards and Procedures a. Description The work covered by this section of the specifications includes all labor necessary to perform and complete such installation, all materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in such installation and all services, facilities, tools and equipment necessary or used to perform and complete such installation. The work of this section shall include, as required, but is not limited to, the following: b. (1) Cable trays, distribution rings within telecommunications rooms. (2) J-hooks as required outside of the telecommunications rooms. (3) Inner duct for fiber optic cable between telecom distribution rooms and wherever fiber optic cable is run in open spaces or environments. (4) Cable management devices and associated hardware. (5) Telecommunications equipment racks and or cabinets complete with all necessary installation hardware and seismic support. (6) Telecommunications copper distribution frames. (7) Telecommunications fiber optic distribution frames. Standards Except as modified by governing codes and by the contract documents, comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) Division 16, section 16740, lowvoltage electrical specifications. Page 23 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract c. Cable Runways Cable runways in the main telecommunications equipment room, the telecommunications entrance room and the telecommunications distribution rooms shall consist of metallic cable runways with a protective coating. Cable Runway Sizes: All cable runways shall be a minimum of 1½” in depth regardless of width. The widths of the runway shall be 12”, 15”, 16”, 18” or 20” as required. Should the Contractor choose to propose other sizes for ease of routing or space limitations, a proposal must be submitted for approval by the County. Cable Runway Fittings: All cable runway fittings shall be of the same manufacturer as the tray. Strut and threaded rod for support may be of a different manufacturer; however, they must be indicated through the submittal process. All clamps, splices, mounting brackets and associated hardware shall be fastened together using no less than 3/8” nuts and bolts as indicated in manufacturer’s literature. d. (1) Straight splice hardware shall be used on all corners, “Ts”, intersections and all overhead telecom room applications. (2) Spring splice plates may be incorporated into the cable runway system for end to end connections only. (3) Bonding clamps shall be provided for each individual length of runway. The runway shall be grounded with #6 AWG greeninsulated copper wire back to the nearest Telecommunications Grounding Busbar (TGB) (4) “L” brackets shall be used for support in combination with strut and threaded rod and for side wall mounting above distribution frames. (5) Stancheon support clamps and “L” brackets shall be used for support under all raised floors. (6) All other support devices shall be incorporated into submittals and shop drawings for approval prior to installation as required. Distribution Rings Page 24 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract Distribution rings shall be constructed of hard plastic and no larger than 4” in diameter. Distribution rings shall be used on the type 110 distribution frames for cross-connect wire only. e. Vertical Cable Trough for Equipment Racks Cable troughs for equipment racks shall be bolted to either side of the equipment rack and shall be sized in coordination with the racks required. f. Fiber Optic Inner Duct (1) The fiber optic innerduct in conduits and above the ceiling shall consist of 1¼” poly vinyl chloride (PVC) construction as required. Smooth wall is preferred but not required. However, Contractor shall use plenum-rated material where required. (2) The fiber optic innerduct below raised floor systems shall consist of plenum rated construction. (3) The Contractor shall provide properly sized and fitted couplings at all PVC to plenum-rated innerduct transitions. (4) Inner duct that is run in cable trays shall be identified with clearly visible fiber optic warning tags. Tags shall be placed at the point that innerduct exits a conduit into cable tray and at 10-foot intervals in an exposed area. (5) The fiber optic inner duct shall be marked with the manufacturer’s name, the product name, dimension, material designation and UL designation. All innerduct shall be secured to cable trays for support and stabilization. g. Riser Cable Support Grips Riser cable supports shall be provided on all floors throughout the riser system. The Contractor shall submit sample cable support clamps. h. J-hooks (1) Contractor shall provide seismic support according to applicable building codes and bracing for all J-hooks and cable trays installed under this work. J-hooks and cable trays shall be structurally designed to accommodate cable loads. No other support mechanism Page 25 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract will be accepted. Comply with Division 1 of the Project Specifications. Contractor shall provide seismic design calculations and seismic design drawings prepared by the Contractor’s structural engineer for coordination and approval by County prior to fabricating or installing any supports as required. In general, Contractor shall provide support only from floor slabs, beams, columns, or structural walls (such as shear walls). Contractor shall NOT use existing or new partitions to provide either vertical or lateral design support UNLESS the seismic design calculations and drawings demonstrate that the partition, either with or without reinforcement, is able to support the seismic and other loads. Any proposed reinforcement shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Contractor shall coordinate seismic design with architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, and other trades. (On new construction projects, the General Contractor’s office shall have a copy of structural plans. These should be referred to during the entire project.) i. (2) J-hooks shall consist of Cable Cat Clips manufactured by CADDY for Category 5 cable installations. (3) J-hooks shall be hung from beams using CADDY beam clamps and hardware or from #12AWG ceiling wire. Equipment Racks/Cabinets (1) 19 inch Equipment Racks: 7' X 19" bolt-down EIA-standard equipment rack, with 1¼" X ½" front and rear flange hole pattern, 12-24 threaded holes, brushed aluminum finish, and self-support base. Contractor shall break out pricing for slab-mounted or raisedfloor-mounted racks. (2) The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the power strip requirements for the equipment racks with the County. Each equipment rack shall require a minimum of (1) 20 amp, 3-wire dedicated circuit which will be provided under the Electrical work. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the hook up of the circuit to the power strip with the Electrical Contractor. (3) Vertical cable management raceway shall be placed on each end of the rack side rails. The raceway shall be single or double sided, as required, with swing gate type cable restraints. All edges shall be grommeted for cable protection. Page 26 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (4) Equipment cabinets shall be provided by the Contractor where applicable and shall be coordinated with the County for approval prior to installation. The cabinets shall require 16 AWG metallic construction, tapped 1224 adjustable mounting rails, removable side panels, quick release doors with key locks, be capable of fan and/or vent mounting and have power strips installed. j. Copper Distribution Frames All copper distribution frames shall be 110 type. k. (1) The frame shall consist of 100, 300 or 900 pair verticals and include all distribution rings as required. (2) The PBX verticals shall consist of factory pre-terminated 110 type 900 pair frames with tails as required and coordinated with the PBX Contractor. (3) All copper distribution hardware shall be consistent in color and manufacturer. Fiber Optic Distribution Frames The fiber optic distribution frames shall consist of maximum 72-port rackmounted enclosures with the following features: (1) 16 AWG all steel construction. (2) Locking, smoked plexiglass, hinged front door. (3) Appropriate number of splice trays for safe and secure storage of all splices and spare cable. (4) SC, ST, or LC six pack bulkheads. (5) Dual grounding and ample strain relief lugs. (6) Appropriate size cut-outs for cable and or innerduct entry. (7) Chip resistant powder coatings. Page 27 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract 15. Hardware Installation a. J-hooks The Contractor shall be responsible for installing all J-hooks for horizontal cable support as required. b. (1) All station cable J-hooks shall be mounted no lower than twelve (12) inches from the slab above the ceiling where accessible. (2) J-hooks for all cable runs are to be installed either parallel or perpendicular to building column lines. Deviations from this policy are permitted for short distances at the end of a cable run or where necessary to avoid obstruction. (3) All J-hooks will be installed on no more than six-inch (6”) centers. (4) Coordinate location of J-hooks with other trades to avoid conflicts and preserve accessibility. Innerduct Innerduct shall be provided for all fiber optic cable runs not internal to the telecom rooms themselves. c. (1) The innerducts shall route through the conduits, cable trays or ceiling spaces as required. (2) In the telecommunications rooms the innerduct shall be brought to the fiber optic termination/splice enclosure via the cable tray. (3) The innerduct shall be secured to the cable tray every four (4) feet along all cable tray installations. (4) All PVC innerduct shall transition to plenum rated innerduct prior to installation below raised floor. Telecom Contractor to provide suitably secure couplings for PVC to plenum transition. Equipment Racks And Cabinets Contractor shall: (1) Provide 7-foot tall, nominal 19-inch racks as required. Complete with all necessary hardware. Page 28 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract d. (2) Bolt racks and cabinets to slab (through access floor, where applicable). Provide and install seismic bracing for racks and cabinets as required by local building code. (3) Bond all equipment racks and cabinets to nearest TGB using #6 AWG green insulated wire. Riser Cable Support Grips All vertical backbone cable runs will be via the approved riser cable clamps and the vertical wire management on the plywood backboards. e. Optical Fiber Distribution Frame Contractor shall: f. g. (1) Install enclosure in the top of the fiber optic distribution cabinet or equipment rack as required. Indicate type and location on all shop drawings. (2) Install an enclosure in the top of the equipment rack of each telecom distribution room including the telecom entrance room. Indicate type and location on all shop drawings. (3) Bond the fiber optic enclosure to the equipment rack or cabinet. (4) Install innerduct all the way to all enclosures. Quantities And Locations Of Items (1) The Contractor is responsible for providing the correct quantities of all materials necessary to accommodate the volume of cable described in these specifications. (2) The location and placement of equipment racks/cabinets and distribution frames shall be as indicated on the approved shop drawings or defined in these specifications unless notified in writing by the County. Acceptance Contractor shall not install cabling until after the cable management device installations have been accepted by the County. Page 29 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract h. Record Drawings The Project record drawings shall show the types and locations of installed cable management devices, J-hooks, equipment racks, ladder racks and all supporting hardware. 16. Telecommunications Copper Cabling and Termination a. Description This section of the specifications addresses the voice and data copper backbone cables, station cables and interconnect cables required under the telecommunications contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for the labor, tools, equipment and services necessary for a complete telecommunications cable plant as required. The work of this section shall include but is not limited to the following: b. (1) Twisted pair backbone cabling systems to support voice and data distribution including cables, termination hardware, splices, and necessary installation and supporting hardware as required. (2) A complete Category 3, 5, and 6 unshielded twisted pair station cabling system with cables, termination hardware, outlets and necessary installation and supporting hardware as required. (3) The devices that make up the twisted pair data risers shall be segregated from the devices that make up the twisted pair voice risers. Standards Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, Contractor shall comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations in the TIA/EIA568-B standard. c. Metallic Cable Specifications (1) Twisted Pair Backbone Cable (Indoor): The cables consist of 24 AWG thermoplastic insulated conductors formed into binder groups of 25 pairs. Cable shall be riser rated ARMM. (a) Contractor shall develop backbone (riser) diagram for required pair counts where applicable. Page 30 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (b) Minimum performance specifications: Cables shall meet the requirements of ANSI/EIA/TIA-568-A for 100-ohm category 3 UTP Multi-pair Backbone Cable. (c) Cable construction specifications: (d) (e) (2) (i) Core wrap - Polypropylene Film. (ii) Shield - Corrugated Aluminum tape bonded to riser rated jacket. Cable jacket marking: Must be legible and shall contain the following information: (i) Manufacturer’s name (ii) Copper Conductor Gauge (iii) Pair Count (iv) UL and CSA listing (v) Manufacturer’s Trade Mark (vi) Category rating (vii) Sequential foot markings in four-foot increments Cable jacket shall be gray with black lettering. UTP Backbone Outside Plant Filled Cable: The cables consist of 24 AWG insulated conductors formed into binder groups of twenty-five (25) pairs. (a) The Contractor shall be responsible for the design, pair counts and pair count locations of all outside plant cable systems via the scope of work and shop drawing process. (b) Minimum performance specifications: The cables shall meet the DC resistance, mutual capacitance, impedance and attenuation requirements of TIA/EIA-568-A for 100-ohm category 3 UTP Multi-pair Backbone Cable. Page 31 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (c) (d) Cable construction specifications: (i) Conductor Insulation - DEPIC (ii) Filler - Flexgel non-petroleum based (iii) Core wrap - Polypropylene Film (iv) Shield - Aluminum tape bonded to riser rated jacket (v) Jacket - High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Cable jacket marking: Must be legible and shall contain the following information: (i) Sequential foot markings, in two-foot increments (ii) Cable construction , PIC Filled (iii) Conductor Insulation, DEPIC (iv) Conductor Gauge, 24 (v) Sheath Designation, ASP (vi) Pair Count (vii) Outer Protection, UM (viii) Manufacturer’s name (ix) (3) Manufacture Date (e) Cable jacket shall be black with white lettering. (f) Cable shall be Systimax, Bertek, or Uniprise AFMY cable. UTP Station Cable for voice and data: 4 unshielded twisted pairs of 24 AWG solid copper conductors. Individually insulated conductors under a common sheath. Cable must be plenum rated (CMP). (a) Contractor shall develop telecommunications floor plans for required quantities and locations. Page 32 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (b) Minimum performance specifications: Must meet requirements for Category 5E of TIA/EIA-568-B. (c) Cable jacket marking: Must be legible and shall contain the following information: (d) (4) (i) Manufacturer’s name (ii) Copper Conductor Gauge (iii) Pair Count (iv) UL and CSA listing (v) Manufacturer’s Trade Mark (vi) Category rating (vii) Sequential foot markings in four-foot increments Voice and Data station cable jacket color shall have black lettering and the color shall be approved by the County prior to installation. Cross-Connect Wire: One, two, three and/or four twisted pair, 24 AWG solid copper conductors. Individual conductors PVC jacketed. Each conductor provided with unique color code. Must be UL listed for use as cross-connect wire. (a) The first two (2) pair of the "A" (voice) cable shall be crossconnected to the riser cable in sequential order according to their station identification number as required. (b) Minimum performance specifications: (i) (5) Cross-connect wire used on "VOICE" (telephone) cross-connects must meet the impedance, attenuation and NEXT requirements for Category 3 Horizontal Cable of TIA/EIA-568-A. Data Equipment Inter-Connect Cables: The data equipment interconnect cable must meet the impedance, attenuation and NEXT requirements for Category 5, 5E, and 6 Horizontal Cable of TIA/EIA-568-B. The Contractor shall be responsible for Page 33 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract coordinating all data equipment interconnects with the County prior to installation. NOTE: d. e. The Data Equipment Inter-connect Cables for under floor applications require a plenum rating. Terminating Blocks – All Telecommunications Rooms (1) UTP cable terminating blocks: 110 type termination blocks in 100, 300 or 900 pair wall mount frames to include all mounting hardware, 4 and 5 pair connecting blocks, retainers, wire guides, designation strips, etc., as required. Must be UL listed. (2) The Contractor shall be responsible for providing the required number of blocks and termination frames for a complete installation. On new construction this portion of the work shall be detailed on the shop drawings and reviewed by the County prior to installation. (3) Minimum performance specifications: Must meet requirements for Category 5E, and 6 of TIA/EIA-568-B Modular Patch Panels (1) All RJ45 modular patch panels shall be of an approved manufacturer and shall consist of no more than 48, Category 5E and 6 ports with a TIA/EIA T-568B pin-out. (2) Minimum performance specifications: Must meet requirements for Category 5E and 6 of TIA/EIA 568-B. (3) Jacks shall be 110/factory PC board constructed or field terminated, direct connection jacks. (4) Patch panels shall be furnished with field installable labels and or icons and all field installed jacks shall be color coded as required. (5) Patch panels shall be installable on standard 19 inch equipment racks or cabinets as required. (6) Should wall mounting be required, fully opening swing racks with all associated cable management shall be required. (7) All hardware shall be UL listed and CSA certified. Page 34 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract f. Modular Voice/Data Outlets NOTE: All 8-position modular jack inserts for voice and data locations are to be pinned as per TIA/EIA T-568B. (1) (2) (3) For all voice/data outlets: Outlets shall be of an approved manufacturer and shall consist of 4 positions for termination of all 4 pair station cables except wall phone and pay phone locations. (a) Minimum performance specifications: Must meet requirements for Category 5E, and 6 of TIA/EIA-568-A. (b) Modular jacks shall be furnished with color-coded icons or jacks for identification. (c) All components shall be UL listed and CSA certified. Wall Mounted outlets/faceplates: In locations with one 4 inch square box and a single gang plaster ring: One (1), two (2), or (3) 4pair station cables shall be terminated on the following components. Color to be specified by County per cabling project. (a) A flush single gang, 4 port faceplate. (b) Three (3) Category 5, 110 type, 568B termination jacks. (c) Three (3) blanks placed in the unused ports. (d) Black on clear or black on white self-adhesive, computerized labels. Pre-approved by County. Systems furniture outlets/faceplates: In locations with system furniture mounted outlets: Three (3) 4-pair station cables shall be terminated on the following components. (a) Minimum 4 port systems furniture outlet complete with all required adapters/bezels and mounting hardware. Must fit in furniture access points. (b) Three (3) Category 5E, and 6 - 110 type, 568B termination jacks. (c) One (1) blank placed in the spare port (if required). Page 35 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (d) g. Black on clear self-adhesive, computerized labels. Preapproved by County. Splice Module Straight Splice Modules: twenty-five (25) pair straight splice module for splicing 22-28 AWG copper conductors. h. (1) Splice modules shall be constructed of plastic resins that meet UL 94 V-0 vertical flame test requirements. (2) Splice module construction specifications: (a) Self-stripping phosphor bronze contacts. (b) Wire Channels. (c) Stainless Steel Cut-off blades. (d) Test entry ports to permit access without opening or service interruption. (3) Splice module marking: Cover must have a write-on surface for pair identification. (4) Splice modules shall be AT&T 710 4000-DCO Module or equivalent. Splice Case (1) Fire retardant splice cases shall meet the following specifications: (a) Splice cases shall be Avaya 2000FR series splice closures, and 3M K&B vault closures. (b) End caps with hole configurations shall meet cable sheath diameters without fillers. All unused end-cap holes shall be plugged. (c) Bonding brackets. or L Bracket Bonding Kit. Used for grounding in fiber optic splice cases. (d) Sealant for flooded and filled cables to eliminate the leakage of the flooding/filling compound. Page 36 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (2) i. Contractor shall provide proposed splice cases and connectivity arrangement via the scope of work and shop drawing process. Wall Phone Outlets NOTE: All 8-position modular jacks are to be pinned as per TIA/EIAT568-B. For wall phone outlets: j. (1) Face plates shall be stainless steel or plastic (to be specified by County per cabling project) with two wall-phone hanging studs. (2) Face plate shall have a single 8-pin 8 position jack. (3) Wall phone jack shall be an AT&T 630B8 Com Code 104 206 701 or equivalent. Pay Phone Outlets For pay phone outlets 48-inch cable whip shall be coiled at 4-inch square box with single-gang mud ring. k. Elevator Phone Connectors For elevator phone connections in elevator machine rooms, 24-inch cable whip shall be coiled at 4-inch square box with blank cover plate. 17. Cable and Wire Installation a. General (1) The Contractor shall place all backbone cabling in accordance with these specifications, and required via County approved scope of work and/or shop drawings as required. (2) The Contractor shall install each cable as an uninterrupted conductor between the designated termination points, unless otherwise directed by the cable installation specifications. There shall be no splices installed between the cable points of origin and termination unless pre-approved by the County. Page 37 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract b. (3) Unless otherwise noted, all cables shall be routed through the building cable tray/conduit/floor duct system. Contractor to coordinate all pathway requirements with the appropriate disciplines. (4) Cable tags shall be placed as per these specifications. Tags containing a unique cable ID designator shall be placed on both ends of all cables, 6 inches from the connector and/or terminal block. Also label all backbone cables passing through telecommunications rooms. (5) Common cable runs shall be tie-wrapped to supporting devices, except in the above ceiling cable tray system. (6) At the same time cable is pulled into a conduit or floor duct a pull rope shall also be installed to facilitate future cable pulls along those pathways. (7) The Contractor shall place all station cabling in accordance with these specifications. (8) Contractor shall coordinate also with the Systems Furniture Contractor to schedule installation of telecommunications cables and outlets as required. (9) Contractor shall provide mounting plates and/or face plates for use in floor monuments and flush floor boxes. Coordinate with the Electrical Contractor regarding the exact type to use. Multi-Pair Riser Cable Contractor shall install all riser cables in accordance with these specifications as required. All riser cables shall run from the locations through the dedicated pathways and spaces identified in the Contractors scope of work and shop drawings and into their respective telecommunications rooms. All riser cables shall be "punched down" on terminating blocks. All riser cables running on cable tray within any telecommunications room shall be neatly placed and lashed to the horizontal and vertical tray with cable ties at intervals not to exceed every two feet (2’) on horizontal runs and every foot (1’) on vertical runs plus all locations where the cable changes direction. c. Multi-Pair Filled Outside Plant Cable Page 38 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract Contractor shall install filled outside plant cables in accordance with these specifications as required. Filled outside plant cables shall run as required for each individual building, through the dedicated conduits and manholes. All filled outside plant cables shall be "spliced" on 25 pair splice modules at both ends of the filled cable. Cables running on ladder racking within the building entrance facilities shall be neatly placed and lashed to the horizontal and vertical ladder racking with approved straps at intervals not to exceed every third rung plus all locations where the cable changes direction. d. Station Cables (1) From the appropriate telecommunications room, Contractor shall provide to each workstation outlet, the types and quantities of station cables as described in this section. Cables shall leave the telecommunications room via cable tray, conduit or sleeve. Where an overhead cable leaves the cable tray, County approved J-hooks shall be installed on centers not exceeding five feet (5') to support the cables to their respective "stub ups" above the finished ceiling or appropriate access point. Each cable shall be terminated except for pay phone and elevator phone locations. All cables shall be terminated on 100, 300 or 900 pair verticals. All wall, elevator and emergency phone cables shall be terminated on a miscellaneous vertical in their respective telecom room. (2) At no point shall any station cables be tie-wrapped or fastened to the cable tray. After cables have exited the cable tray they shall be tie wrapped with plenum rated tie wraps (where applicable) to the Jhooks. The tie wraps shall be cinched snug around the cable bundle enough to keep them uniform and in the hooks, but not so tight as to damage the construction or geometry of the cables themselves. The tie wrap shall be able to spin freely around the cable bundle. (3) System Furniture Work Station Cabling: (a) The installation of the workstation cables shall be coordinated with the system furniture contractor. Prior to the system furniture installation, the workstation cables shall be pulled to the access point and left coiled with enough slack to reach the eventual outlet location. After the systems furniture is installed and walls/floors are finished, the Contractor shall pull cables to the outlet locations and complete the cable installation. Page 39 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (b) (4) e. Where system furniture is used, cables shall be routed from wall and floor access points as coordinated by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide appropriate size spiral wrap or split duct for any cables exposed between the system furniture and the telecommunications cable access point. Tie wraps or flexible conduit shall not be accepted. Contractor to submit sample of spiral wrap or split duct in the color which is intended for installation. All station cables shall be installed per the TIA/EIA 568-A standards for Category 5, 5E and 6 cables and hardware. Elevator Phone Cables Contractor will install elevator phone cables to support communications to each individual elevator. These cables shall be run from each elevator’s respective elevator machine room to the nearest telecommunications room as shown on the drawings. These cables shall be treated as any other horizontal cable. Contractor will leave ten (10) feet of coiled slack in the elevator equipment room junction box for eventual termination by the elevator Contractor. f. 18. For Pay Phone Locations (1) Install pay phone cables to support communications to each individual pay phone location. These cables shall be run from each pay phone location to the nearest telecommunications distribution room. These cables shall be treated as any other horizontal cable. Leave four (4) feet of coiled slack at the pay phone location. (2) Cable shall be terminated directly to terminals within the pay phone by others. (3) Pay phone shall be provided by others. Splice Installation a. Splice Connector Installation (1) Contractor will install 25-pair splice connectors per manufactures instructions and follow manufacture’s common Practice Wire Joining 710 Splicing System. (2) Contractor will label all 25-pair splice connectors with beginning and ending pair count as well as the Binder Group number. Page 40 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract b. c. d. e. Riser Splice Closure Installation (1) Contractor will install 2000FR series cases per manufacturer’s instructions and follow AT&T Practice 633-506-210 2000 Series Closures Copper Applications Description and Installation. (2) Contractor will label all 25-pair splice connectors with beginning and ending pair count as well as the Binder Group number. Underground Splice Closure Installation (1) Contractor will install 2200UG series splice cases per manufactures instructions and follow AT&T Practice 633-500-112 2200 Series Closures Copper Applications Description and Installation. (2) Contractor will label all 25-pair splice connectors with beginning and ending pair count as well as the Binder Group number. Terminal Block Installation (1) Contractor will install 100, 300 or 900 pair wiring blocks and connector blocks with associated vertical and horizontal cable management as specified in these specifications. (2) Contractor will install pluggable splice connectors and splice cases at all locations where splices are required. Cable Terminations (1) After dressing the cable to its final location the sheath shall be removed to a point that allows the conductors to be splayed and terminated in a neat and uniform fashion. Every effort shall be made to maintain sheath integrity by removing only as much as is practical to accomplish termination. (2) Cable pair twists shall be maintained according to manufacture specifications of the point of termination for both Category 3 backbone cables and Category 5, Category 6, workstation cables. At no time shall cable pairs be untwisted or otherwise altered prior to termination. (3) Contractor shall not bend Category 5, 5E or 6 station cables to a radius of less than eight (8) times the cable diameter. Kinked cables Page 41 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract shall be corrected and tested. If they do not pass tests they shall be replaced. Cables which have had their sheath cut during installation shall be replaced. Taped cables shall not be accepted. (4) f. g. Cross-connects shall be terminated according to the twisted pair metallic cable specifications. Cross Connects and Patches (1) General: The Contractor will perform all necessary cross-connects and patches. Use cross-connect wire, and/or patch cords as necessary. Use shortest necessary patch cord lengths, and cut all cross-connect wire to length, leaving enough slack to form a "2finger loop". After completion of work, dress patch cords and crossconnect wire in cable management apparatus. Do not tie-wrap patch cords or cross connect wires into bundles. The Contractor is responsible for all final cross-connect schedules and the related “asbuilt” documentation. Provide printed copies of the cross-connect schedule to the County and Engineer on completion of the job. Also provide copies of the schedule in ASCII format on 3½" floppy disk (or other mutually acceptable media) to the County and Engineer. (2) Voice cross-connects: The Contractor shall be responsible for crossconnecting two (2) pair of the voice "A" cable to the riser and back to the main distribution frame. All cross connects shall be done in sequential order. The Contractor shall be responsible for developing the cross-connect schedules and providing the final documents to the County. The cross-connect schedules shall be required three (3) weeks prior to cut-over so as the PBX Contractor may incorporate the information into their cut-sheets or as required. (3) Data patches: The Contractor shall coordinate with the County and provide a schedule for patching the data cable to the County provided switch/router. After review of the schedules by the County, the Contractor shall provide an approved patch cable from the appropriate switch or hub port and route through the cable management system in accordance with the Category 5 termination procedures addressed in this specification. Connector Installation (1) The Contractor shall provide all cable connectors as indicated in this specification section. Page 42 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (2) h. i. The provision and termination of connectors for each cable shall be done as follows: (a) Where connector types are identified in the specifications, the Contractor shall provide the specified connectors on the specified cables. Installation of the connectors shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions. (b) All installed connectors, regardless of type, method of procurement or permanency, shall be adequately protected during and after installation. Cable Identification (1) Contractor shall provide cable labels of a type or style specified herein. Each label shall be pre-printed with the appropriate cable number as indicated. Hand written cable labels are not acceptable. (2) If, at any time during the job, the cable tag becomes illegible or removed for whatever reason, the Contractor shall immediately replace it with a duplicate pre-printed cable tag at the Contractors expense. (3) All cable tags shall be easily accessible, both physically and visually, upon completion of the job. Quantities and Placement of Items (1) Location and placement of termination blocks, splice boxes, patch panels and other distribution hardware shall be as shown on the drawings or defined herein. (2) Unless otherwise noted, quantities of blocks, racks, splice boxes and patch panels, etc. shown on the drawings are illustrative only and are meant to indicate the general configuration of the work. The Contractor is responsible for providing the correct quantities of blocks, racks, patch panels, connectors etc. necessary to terminate, cross connect and patch the volume of cable required for each individual project and in accordance with these specifications. Where less than all of the capacity of a terminal block, patch panel, etc. is used to terminate cables, the Contractor shall provide the County with the number of connecting blocks, coupling panels, couplings, etc. to completely fit out the terminal block, patch panel, etc. Page 43 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract j. Cable Testing (1) At a minimum, the Contractor shall test, as described below, all metallic and optical fiber cables installed under these specifications. Contractor shall also perform those system specific tests required by the individual system specification sections. (2) Pre-installation testing: (3) (a) Visually inspect all cables, cable reels, and shipping cartons to detect cable damage incurred during shipping and transport. Return visibly damaged items to the manufacturer. (b) Where post-manufacture test data has been provided by the manufacturer on the reel or shipping carton, submit copies to the County prior to installing cables. (c) Mark reels as tested/inspected and submit associated test results to County. (d) Do not install any cable with less than the manufacturer’s guaranteed number of serviceable conductors or fibers. Post installation testing: (a) Conduct cable testing as described below upon completion of installation. Test fully completed systems only. Piecemeal testing is not acceptable. (b) Remove all defective cables from pathways system. Do not abandon cables in place. (4) The County reserves the right to observe the conduct of any or all portions of the testing process. (5) The County further reserves the right to conduct, using Contractor equipment and labor, a random re-test of up to thirty percent (30%) of the cable plant to confirm documented test results. (6) All test results and corrective procedures are to be documented and submitted to the County within five (5) working days of test completion. Page 44 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (7) (8) (a) Prior to testing, Contractor will submit for review and approval copies of test report forms proposed for use. (b) Each test report form shall contain the following general information: date of preparation, date of test, project name, Contractor’s name, media type, make, model and serial Number of test equipment used, date of last calibration and names of test crew. (c) Paired and multi-conductor metallic cable test reports: as a minimum, shall also provide: cable number, cable type, pair or conductor count, individual pair or conductor numbers, number of cross connects and/or patches in each pair, results of each test for each pair or conductor, total number of serviceable pairs or conductors in cable. Paired and multi-conductor riser metallic cables: (a) After terminating and splicing the cables, Contractor will test all cable pairs for continuity, ground fault, proper crossconnection, shorts and crossed pairs. (b) After installing cross-connects, Contractor will perform endto-end testing of each cross-connected cable pair for continuity, ground fault, proper cross-connection, shorts and crossed pairs. (c) For multi-pair cables: For 50 pair or smaller, Contractor will replace entire cable if bad pair or conductor is found. For larger pair count cables, replace if more than 2% of pairs are bad. Recommended test equipment (obtain approval of County prior to using substitute test equipment): (a) (9) Independent Technologies - Test All 25 Paired and multi-conductor metallic workstation cables: (a) After terminating both ends of all UTP cables, but before any cross-connects are installed, Contractor will test all UTP copper station cables for near end cross-talk (NEXT) to 100 MHz, attenuation, resistance, impedance, length, wire map and capacitance measurements. All testing of Category 5 Page 45 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract cables shall be in accordance with TIA/EIA-568-A requirements for Level 2 bi-directional testing. (b) (10) Contractor will submit the following information regarding the UTP station cable testing: (a) (11) k. After installing cross-connects, Contractor will perform endto-end testing of each cross-connected cable pair for continuity, ground fault, proper cross-connection, shorts and crossed pairs. Cable number, cable type, pair or conductor count, individual pair or conductor numbers, number of cross connects and/or patches in each pair, results of each test for each pair or conductor, total number of serviceable pairs or conductors in cable. Contractor will use recommended test equipment below and obtain approval of County prior to using substitute test equipment: (a) Fluke Networks DSP-4000 or better (b) Microtest- Penta Scanner (c) Wavetek-LANTEK PRO XL (12) Recommended test equipment: Contractor will use the test equipment recommended in the individual system specification sections. Contractor will obtain approval of County prior to using substitute test equipment. (13) The Contractor shall not install cross-connects until after the station cable test results have been reviewed and approved by the County. Record Drawings The project record drawings shall show the types, locations and pair counts of installed backbone and workstation: (1) Cables (2) Terminal blocks (3) Splices Page 46 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (4) 19. Outlets Fiber Optic Cabling and Termination a. Description This section of the specifications addresses the fiber optic backbone cables, station cables and interconnect cables required under the telecommunications contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for the labor, tools, equipment and services necessary for a complete telecommunications fiber optic cable plant as specified herein. The work of this section shall include but is not limited to the following: b. (1) A complete fiber optic cabling system with cables, termination hardware, splices and necessary installation hardware as required in the specifications and per each project scope of work. (2) The Contractor shall be responsible for providing a complete fiber optic backbone distribution and riser diagram and scope of work for County approval prior to commencement of work. Standards Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, Contractor will comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations. (1) c. TIA/EIA-568-B, "Commercial Building Telecommunications Wiring Standard, ANSI/TIA/EIA 606 Administration Standard for the Telecommunications Infrastructure of Commercial Buildings, and ANSI/TIA/EIA 607 Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications. Fiber Optic Cable Specifications (1) General Fiber Optic Cable Requirements: The cable manufacturer shall guarantee the supplied cable will meet the specifications covering latest following standards and network applications: (a) IEEE 802.3 FOIRL Page 47 of 88 10 Mbps Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (2) (b) IEEE 802.3 10BaseF 10 Mbps (c) FDDI 100 Mbps (d) ATM 155 Mbps Multimode Fiber Optic Riser Cable Requirements: (a) (b) (c) Fiber Optics specifications: (i) Fiber Type - Multimode. (ii) Fiber material - Corning LNF 62.5/125 or Systimax 62.5/125. (iii) Buffer - 900 um, mechanically strippable PVC. (iv) Fiber strength - 100 kpsi minimum. (v) Color code - EIA/TIA - 598, color coding for fiber optic cables. Cable construction specifications: (i) Core - Buffered fibers shall be supported in Arimid yarn matrix. (ii) Armor - None. (iii) Jacket - UV and Sunlight resistant PVC. (iv) Cable listing - UL OFNR, CSA FT-4. Cable jacket marking: Must be legible and shall contain the following information: (i) Manufacturer’s name. (ii) Fiber size, 62.5/125 or 50-micron. (iii) Fiber Grade: Enhanced (iv) UL and CSA listing (MUST be suitable for the application). Page 48 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (3) (v) Manufacturer’s Trade Mark. (vi) Sequential foot markings, in four-foot increments. (d) Cable jacket shall be orange with black lettering. (e) Minimum performance specifications as follows: (i) Maximum attenuation: 3.2 dB/km @ 850 nm, 0.9 dB/km @ 1300 nm (ii) Minimum bandwidth: 200 MHz-km @ 850 nm, 600 MHz-km @ 1300 nm Multimode Fiber Optic Outside Plant Cable Requirements: (a) (b) Fiber Optics specifications: (i) Fiber Type - Multimode (ii) Fiber material - Corning LNF 62.5/125 or AT&T 62.5/125 (iii) Coating - 50 um, acrylate (iv) Fiber strength - 110 kpsi minimum (v) Color code - EIA/TIA - 598, color coding for fiber optic cables Cable construction specifications: (i) Core - Flooded core. (ii) Buffer tubes - Gel filled. (iii) Armor - None, full dielectric construction. (iv) Jacket - UV and Sunlight resistant MDPE. (v) Cable listing - UL OFN. Page 49 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (c) (4) Cable jacket marking: Must be legible and shall contain the following information: (i) Manufactures name (ii) Fiber size, 62.5/125 or 50-micron (iii) Fiber Grade: Enhanced (iv) UL and CSA listing (MUST be suitable for the application) (v) Manufactures Trade Mark (vi) Sequential foot markings, in two foot increments (d) Cable jacket shall be Black with White lettering (e) Minimum performance specifications as follows: (i) Maximum attenuation: 3.2 dB/km @ 850 nm, 0.9 dB/km @ 1300 nm (ii) Minimum bandwidth: 200 MHz-km @ 850 nm, 600 MHz-km @ 1300 nm Single Mode Fiber Optic Outside Plant Cable Requirements: (a) (b) Fiber Optics specifications: (i) Fiber Type - Single Mode (ii) Fiber material - Corning LNF 9.3/125 or Systimax 9.3/125 (iii) Coating - 250 um, acrylate (iv) Fiber strength - 110 kpsi minimum (v) Color code - EIA/TIA - 598, color coding for fiber optic cables Cable construction specifications: Page 50 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (c) (i) Core - Flooded core (ii) Buffer tubes - Gel filled (iii) Armor - None, full dielectric construction (iv) Jacket - UV and Sunlight resistant MDPE (v) Cable listing - UL OFN Cable jacket marking must be legible and shall contain the following information: (i) Manufactures name (ii) Fiber size, 62.5/125 or 50-micron (iii) Fiber Grade (iv) UL and CSA listing (MUST be suitable for the application) (v) Manufacturer’s Trade Mark (vi) Sequential foot markings, in two-foot increments (d) Cable jacket shall be Black with White lettering (e) Minimum performance specifications as follows: (i) d. Maximum attenuation: 0.5 dB/km @ 1310 and 0.4 dB/km 1550 Connectors and Adapters (1) Optical Fiber, Multi-mode: Ceramic tipped, bayonet mount (LC-style) connectors. Suitable for use with specified multi-mode optical fiber. Maximum insertion loss across mated pair: less than 0.8 dB. Suitable for field installation. (2) Optical Fiber, Single Mode: (a) Ceramic tipped, bayonet mount (ST/PC-style) connectors, with factory-attached "pig tail" Page 51 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (b) (c) e. Suitable for fusion splicing specified single-mode optical fiber Maximum insertion loss across mated pair: less than 0.8 dB Patch Cords Multimode Fiber Optic Patch Cords: (1) (2) (3) (4) Fiber Optics specifications: (a) Fiber Type - Multimode (b) Fiber material - Corning LNF 62.5/125 or Avaya 62.5/125 (c) Buffer - 900 um, mechanically stripable PVC (d) Fiber strength - 100 kpsi minimum (e) Duplex Cable construction specifications: (a) Duplex Zipcord - Buffered fibers shall be supported in Arimid yarn matrix (b) Cable listing - UL OFN Cable jacket marking must be legible and shall contain the following information: (a) Manufacturer’s name (b) Fiber size, 62.5/125 or 50-micron (c) Fiber Grade: Enhanced (d) UL and CSA listing (MUST be suitable for the application) (e) Manufacturer’s Trade Mark (f) Sequential foot markings, in four foot increments Cable jacket shall be orange with black lettering Page 52 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (5) f. Minimum performance specifications as follows: (a) Maximum attenuation: 3.2 dB/km @ 850 nm, 0.9 dB/km @ 1300 nm (b) Minimum Bandwidth: 200 MHz-km @ 850 nm, 600 MHzkm @ 1300 nm Splices (1) Multimode and single mode fiber optic cable splicing shall be fusion splicing. (2) Multimode and single mode flooded fiber optic cables shall be spliced to riser rated dry fiber optic cables at the building entrance points. (3) (a) Splice cases shall be Avaya, Siecor, 3M (b) Provide end caps with hole configurations to meet cable sheath diameters without fillers. (c) Provide plugs for all unused end cap holes. (d) Provide sealant for flooded and filled cables to eliminate the leakage of the flooding/filling compound. (e) Metal trays shall be used to hold all fusion splices. (f) Fiber optic cables shall be labeled at the Fusion splice tray. Single mode pre terminated fiber optic pigtails shall be spliced to riser rated and or flooded outside plant fiber optic cables as required. (a) Rack mounted splice tray enclosures shall be by the same manufacturer as the fiber optic connector panels. (b) Provide sealant for flooded and filled cables to eliminate the leakage of the flooding/filling compound. (c) Metal trays shall be used to hold all fusion splices. (d) Fiber optic cables shall be labeled at the Fusion splice tray. Page 53 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract g. Fiber Optic Distribution Frames Optical Fiber Main Distribution Frame shall be free standing, 19-inch bay, 84 inches in height, containing 72-port connector termination modules, splicing modules and patch cable storage modules. Building entrance fiber optic cables shall be segregated from building distribution fiber optic cables. h. Fiber Optic Patch Panels (1) i. Optical Fiber Patch Panels shall be: (a) Fully enclosed cable management tray type patch panel (b) Rack mountable in 19-inch relay racks as shown on drawings (c) Front and rear access (front access only for wall mounted) (d) Complete with all necessary cable clamps, couplings and connector bulkheads (2) Fiber optic cables shall be terminated in cable management trays. (3) Fiber optic patch panels shall have a plexiglass latching front panel. Labeling and connectors shall be clearly visible with front panel open or closed. (4) Fiber optic patch panels shall accept a variety of interchangeable bulkheads including ST, SC, LC, FDDI as well as attenuators. (5) Fiber optic patch panels shall provide a splice tray option. Fiber Optic Cable Installation (1) General The Contractor shall place all optical fiber backbone cabling in accordance with these specifications, and as required via the scope of work and shop drawing approval process. (2) Optical Fiber Backbone Cables Place between the optical fiber Main Distribution Frame (MDF) and the telecommunications distribution rooms as required via the scope of work and shop drawing approval process. Page 54 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (3) Optical Fiber Connector Panels Multimode optical fiber cables shall enter the fiber optic connector panels from the top rear side of the panel enclosure. The fiber optic connector panels shall be mounted in the 19-inch equipment racks. The top of the panels shall start at 72 inches above the finished floor. (4) Connector Installation Terminate both ends of each multimode fiber with an ST connector, as per manufacturer’s recommendations. After termination, mount all connectors in patch panels. (5) Cable Identification Identify all optical fiber cables in accordance with the Contractors approved submittal. (6) Patch Cables Provide duplex fiber optic patch cords as required via the scope of work and County approval process. (7) Cable Terminations Fiber Optic cables: After dressing the cable to its final destination, sheath shall be removed to a point that allows the conductors to be splayed and terminated in a neat and uniform fashion. At this point all fibers shall be terminated in strict compliance with the manufacturer’s submitted instructions. (8) Cable Testing (a) Pre-installation testing: (i) Optical fiber cables: Contractor will perform visible light continuity check on each fiber. If one end is not accessible, perform OTDR test to assure fiber continuity. Page 55 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (b) (c) Post installation testing: (i) After installation of connectors, Contractor will visually inspect each fiber end-face at 10X magnification. Refinish fibers with visible defects and/or striations in the core area. (ii) Contractor will perform end-to-end, bi-directional attenuation (loss) test for each fiber strand at 850nm and 1300nm wavelengths. Conduct tests in accordance with TIA/EIA-568-A, Method B and with test instrument manufacturer’s printed instructions. (iii) Contractor will demonstrate that measured link loss does not exceed the "worst case" allowable loss which is defined as the sum of: the connector losses (based on the number of mated connector pairs at the TIA/EIA-568-A maximum allowable loss of 1.0 dB per mated pair) and the optical fiber loss (based on length and the TIA/EIA-568-A maximum allowable loss (3.75 dB/km @ 850 nm and 1.5 dB/km @ 1300 nm. (iv) Strands whose measured attenuation fall outside the acceptable range shall be subject to further inspection and testing to determine the nature of the fault. At a minimum, an OTDR shall be used to: determine the true loss for each connector pair, the exact length of the fiber and to identify the presence of any core damage. (v) Faults related to connectorization shall be corrected, and the fiber re-tested as stated in paragraph 3.08.B.2 above, until acceptable attenuation measurements are recorded. (vi) Where defects are found to be inherent in the fiber itself: replace any cable having fewer than the manufacturer’s guaranteed number of serviceable fibers. In addition to the information required by Specification Section 16740, Contractor will submit the following information regarding the optical fiber cable testing: Page 56 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (i) (9) (10) Cable number, fiber count, individual fiber numbers, connector types, number of connectors/patches, calculated maximum link loss, length of run, measured link loss for each fiber. Contractor will use recommended test equipment and obtain approval of County prior to using substitute test equipment: (a) Optical fiber power meter and Light Source: Siecor CPM-850/1300 meter and OS-100D Light Source, or equivalent. (b) OTDR: Tektronix TFP2 Fiber Master, Laser Precision TD-2000 or equivalent with 850nm and 1300nm emitter modules and hard copy printout, or equal. (c) Optical fiber inspection scope: Cambridge Instruments 10X fiber scope or equivalent. Acceptance Upon receipt of the Contractor's documentation of cable testing, the County shall review/observe the installation and randomly request tests of the cables/wires installed. Once the testing has been completed and the County is satisfied that all work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, the County shall notify the Contractor in writing via the sign-off sheet. (11) Record Drawings The Project record drawings shall show the types, locations and counts of installed: (a) Cables (b) Splices (c) Patch panels Page 57 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract 20. Telecommunications Grounding and Bonding a. Description The work covered by this section of the Specifications includes all labor necessary to perform and complete such construction, all materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in such construction and all services, facilities, tools and equipment necessary or used to perform and complete such construction. The work of this section shall include, but is not limited to, the following: b. (1) Bond all cable tray segments and equipment racks to the ground bar in each telecommunications room as required. (2) Bond all armored cable sheaths to the ground bar in each telecommunications room as required. Grounding Conductors Ground Wire: Minimum # 6 AWG THHN. Must be UL listed. (1) (2) c. d. Cable jacket marking: Must be legible and shall contain the following information: (a) Manufactures name (b) Copper Conductor Gauge (c) UL listing Cable jacket shall be green with black lettering. Cable Connectors (Lugs) (1) Connectors for conductors #6 AWG and smaller shall be standard barrel, single hole, compression type lug. (2) Connectors for conductors larger than #6 AWG shall be long barrel, dual hole, compression type lug. Cable and Wire Installation General: Follow ANSI/TIA/EIA-607 standards. Page 58 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract e. f. g. (1) The Contractor shall provide a #6 AWG ground wire from each telecommunications equipment rack/cabinet to the nearest length of ladder rack as required. The Contractor shall be responsible for the associated grounding kits for the equipment racks/cabinets. Run ground wire on the Contractor provided cable management and pathways. (2) The Contractor shall provide one (1) #6 AWG grounding wire from the Contractor provided cable tray to the telecommunications ground bus located in the respective telecommunications room as required. (3) The Contractor shall provide a #6 AWG grounding jumper or 6" braided jumper at each cable tray junction to provide a continuous ground path from the ladder rack to the telecommunications ground bus. The jumpers shall be bolted through the cable tray side rail. On painted cable tray the paint shall be scraped off at the point of jumper connection to insure a clean contact between the jumper and the cable tray. There shall be no splices or mechanical couplers installed between the wire points of origin and termination. Connector Installation (1) The Contractor shall furnish and install all ground wire connectors as indicated herein, as required. (2) Connectors shall be crimped on to ground cables Cable Identification (1) The Contractor shall be responsible for labeling each ground wire with a typed, self adhesive marker indicating the particular equipment association and the lead number beginning with "1" in each telecommunication’s room. (2) Ground leads between sections of cable tray and to the equipment rack need not be labeled. All other ground leads shall be labeled. Quantities of Ground Wire (1) Location and placement of grounding and bonding wires and components shall be within the telecommunications rooms. Page 59 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (2) h. The Contractor is responsible for providing the correct quantities of materials to construct grounding and bonding systems that meet the intent of these specifications and the relevant codes. Cable Testing As a minimum, the Contractor shall test for continuity between the object that is being bonded to and the ground bar in the telecommunication’s room, on all Ground Cables. i. Acceptance Upon receipt of the Contractor's documentation of cable testing, the County will review/observe the installation and randomly request tests of the cables/wires installed. Once the testing has been completed and the County is satisfied that all work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, the County shall notify the Contractor in writing via the sign-off sheet. j. Record Drawings Project record drawings shall show the types and locations of installed grounding and bonding conductors. 21. Fire Stops a. Description The work covered by this section of the Specifications includes the labor necessary to perform and complete such construction, the materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in such construction and the services, facilities, tools and equipment necessary or used to perform and complete such construction. The work of this section shall include, but is not limited to, the following: (1) Fire stopping of telecommunication conduits penetrating or passing through fire rated walls and/or floors. (2) Fire stopping of telecommunication sleeves penetrating rated walls or floors. (3) Fire stopping of telecommunication cable trays penetrating rated walls. Page 60 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract b. Standards The fire stopping methods used for this project shall fully comply with their associated Underwriters' Laboratory Inc. fire stop system. The Contractor shall submit complete fire stop systems documentation for each type of fire stop system intended for this project. c. Materials Fire stop material shall be used to seal penetrations of cables, conduits, cable trays, etc. through fire-rated floors, walls and partitions. Minimum performance requirements: Must meet or exceed testing requirements of Underwriters' Laboratories Inc., applicable fire stop system. Must be installed in accordance with UL fire stop system numbers appropriate for the application and in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. d. e. Fire Stop Installation - General (1) Contractor shall provide fire-resistant materials of a type and composition necessary to restore fire ratings to all wall, floor or ceiling penetrations. All materials shall be UL classified and meet NEC and local codes. (2) All penetrations through fire rated floors and walls shall be sealed to prevent the passage of smoke, fire, toxic gas or water through the penetration either before, during or after a fire. The fire rating of the penetration seal shall be at least that of the floor or wall into which it is installed, so that the original fire rating of the floor or wall is maintained as required by Article 300-21 of the National Electric Code. Also install fire stops at any other locations indicated in the Specifications or Drawings. Fire Stop – Penetration Sealant – Conduits & Sleeves (1) No flammable material may be used to line the chase or hole in which the fire stops material is to be installed. (2) When damming materials are to be left in place after the seal is complete, all such materials shall be non-flammable. (3) The sealant shall be applied to the opening as per the manufacturer’s printed instructions. No cables may be left touching each other, Page 61 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract thereby allowing voids to form in the fire stop, unless explicitly allowed by the fire stop material manufacturer and the applicable UL fire stop system. (4) The sealant shall remain resilient and pliable to allow for the removal and/or addition of cable without the necessity of drilling holes. It shall adhere to itself perfectly to allow any and all repairs to be made with the same material. It shall allow for vibration, expansion and/or contraction of anything passing through the penetration without affecting the seal, or cracking, crumbling and spalling. (5) When sealant is injected into a penetration, the material shall completely surround all the items within the penetration and maintain pressure against the walls of the penetration as well as the pass-through items. The material shall cure within five minutes and be fire resistant at that time. No heat shall be required to further expand the material to prevent the passage of fire and smoke or water. (6) Use of the following UL listed system is recommended. Contractor shall coordinate with the County prior to any installation of fire stopping materials. (a) f. Fire Stop – Penetration Sealant – Framed Partition Openings (1) Contractor shall install fire stop materials in the framed openings through fire rated partitions per approved submitted drawings. (2) Contractor shall install the fire stop system in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and local codes. (3) Use of the following UL listed system is recommended. Contractor shall coordinate with the County prior to any installation of firestopping materials. (a) g. System No. CAJ3030 (Formerly System No.320) System No. WL4004 (Formerly System No. 520) Acceptance Upon receipt of the Contractor's documentation of fire stop installation, the County will review/observe the installation. Once the County is satisfied Page 62 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract that all work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, the County shall notify the Contractor in writing. h. Record Drawings Project record drawings shall show the types and locations of installed fire stop systems. 22. Telecommunications Cabling Schedule a. Description The work covered by this section of the Specifications includes all labor necessary to perform and complete such installation, all materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in such installation and all services, facilities, tools and equipment necessary or used to perform such installation. The work of this section shall include, but is not limited to, the following: b. (1) The preparation and use of telecommunications cabling schedules. (2) Cable placement, cross-connect and interconnect schedules shall be provided by the Contractor to indicate the details of how cables are installed, labeled, terminated and cross-connected. Cabling Schedules (1) For jobs involving 100 or more drops, the Contractor shall provide cabling schedules detailing the following information: (a) Voice: Workstation cable identification, copper riser pair cross-connect counts, telephone system port cross-connect identification and the type of voice service on each cable as required. (b) Data: Workstation cable identification, either the copper riser cross-connect pair count or the concentrator/hub port interconnect identification and the type of data service on each cable as required. (c) Fiber Optic cables: Cable strand counts and port identifiers for each individual fiber optic cable, its beginning and ending locations and the type of service on each cable as required. Page 63 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (2) F. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with the County as to the type of media on which the cabling schedules and documentation shall be provided. DEBARMENT/SUSPENSION POLICY: In order to prohibit the procurement of any goods or services ultimately funded by Federal awards from debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded parties, each bidder will be screened at the time of RFP response to ensure bidder, its principal and their named subcontractors are not debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded by the United States Government in compliance with the requirements of 7 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 3016.35, 28 CFR 66.35, 29 CFR 97.35, 34 CFR 80.35, 45 CFR 92.35 and Executive Order 12549. The County will verify bidder, its principal and their named subcontractors are not on the Federal debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded list of vendors located at; and Bidders are to complete a Debarment and Suspension Certification form, Exhibit N attached, certifying bidder, its principal and their named subcontractors are not debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded by the United States Government. G. GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS: The requirements outlined in this section apply to all product categories contained in this bid. 1. Measure D Requirements: It is the objective of the County to purchase products with the lowest overall environmental impact from manufacturing through end of life and to procure services that achieve this same objective. To meet this objective, environmental factors and product attributes are evaluated in the procurement process. The County is mandated under Measure D to divert seventy five percent (75%) of material from landfill by the year 2010 through recycling and source reduction and to encourage markets for environmentally preferable goods through its procurement process. 2. Regulatory Compliance: Manufacturers and service providers will be in compliance with all local, state, and federal environmental and worker health and safety regulations that apply to their operation. Page 64 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract 3. Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxins: In January 2002, the County passed a resolution “to encourage the reduction and where feasible, the elimination of [persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemical] (PBT) emissions…” The United States Environmental Protection Agency has established a list of twelve priority PBTs including dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, mercury and its compounds, lead and others. The most current list can be found at the EPA’s website at Additionally, PBTs are listed in the CCR in Section 66261.24. Contractors must provide products and services that allow the County to comply with the PBT Resolution and must complete the certification statement included in the Attachments. The Resolution requires that the County eliminate and reduce the procurement of products and services which contain or cause the generation and release of PBTs into the environment during their manufacture, use, or destruction/disposal. Bidders should provide products that do not contain, use, or generate PBTs. If no alternative materials are available, Bidders should notify the County in writing prior to providing such materials to the County or using these materials when providing services to the County. H. SUBMITTALS/DELIVERABLES 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing submittals for all equipment, cable, hardware etc., intended for use or installation under any contract to be entered into and its scope of work. Submittals shall include but not be limited to, schedules, catalogs, product data, shop drawings, plans, test reports and any other pertinent information for review by the County as required for each project. The cost of these items shall be included in price quotes submitted to the County. The Contractor shall: a. Refer to the National Electric Code for General Construction Specifications on all New Construction Projects for general conditions relating to submittals as required. b. In order to speed up the submittal review process and material purchasing process, the Contractor shall issue its submittals in one complete package for each project. The package shall indicate all products intended for use on any given project during the term of any contract entered into and shall be kept on file in the County offices. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all submittals with its related elements of installation. The Contractor shall be responsible for any delays due to incomplete/ rejected submittals. The Contractor shall be required to stamp the submittals indicating complete review by the PM/PMA. Any new products being Page 65 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract proposed throughout the life of any contract to be entered into shall require approval through the same process. c. 2. All samples, catalogs, drawings, specifications, pamphlets or other documents submitted for review shall be specific and clearly identified in ink. Data of a general nature will not be accepted. Shop Drawings, Cable Routes, Plans and Specifications: a. If requested by County, shop drawings or sketches shall be submitted by Contractor for specified cable projects. The drawings will be reviewed for pathways of potentially dangerous hazardous material by GSAEnvironmental Engineering Manager or designee. b. Cable projects that involve regulated life and safety issues or affect building integrity require the Contractor to provide plans and specifications that have been signed by a Professional Engineer (PE). c. Shop drawings and plans and specifications shall consist of one (1) set of reproducible and three (3) sets of blue line drawings, diagrams, schedules, and other data specially prepared for the work, as required, by the Contractor or any subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor to illustrate details of the work as required. d. Upon request by the County, shop drawings and plans and specifications shall also be prepared using Computer Aided Design (CAD) and submitted on diskette. e. Contractor shall submit shop drawings, plans and specifications and manufacturer's data for the following items in accordance with the Contract Documents Series of Specification Sections: (1) Floor plans showing point to point cabling diagrams for all cabling, indicating routing of cabling to be installed and locations of J-hooks; (2) Riser diagrams showing types, quantities, and routing of all backbone cabling; (3) Detailed plan views and elevations of telecommunication rooms showing all terminal blocks, equipment racks, cabinets, patch panels, etc, and (4) The shop drawings must show evidence of coordination with other trades. Page 66 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract 3. f. All drawings, plans and specifications shall be submitted in coordination with the overall construction schedule and field requirements to allow ample time for review and re-submittal as may be required. All submittals shall be complete and contain all required and detailed information. g. Contractor shall not reproduce contract documents or copy standard information as the basis of shop drawings. h. Contractor is responsible for furnishing proper dimensions, weight, capacities, sizes, quantity, quality, and installation details to perform efficiently the requirements and intent of any contract entered into. Acceptance of any submitted data or shop drawings shall not relieve the Contractor from the above responsibility for errors, omissions or inadequacies of any sort. i. Each shop drawing, plan and specification shall contain the date of preparation, job title, PE signature (as required) and reference to the applicable drawing and specification article. j. Individual shop drawing submittals shall be provided for each specific material, system or equipment as identified herein. Submittals provided other than in this manner will be returned without review. Construction Reports (New Construction Projects): a. On large remodel or multi-phase projects, Contractor shall prepare a weekly construction report concerning events at the site, as required, and shall submit duplicate copies to the County at weekly intervals, as required. b. Weekly report shall include, as a minimum, the following information: list of staff on the site, list of subcontractors (if any) on the site, change orders received and/or implemented, partial completions and occupancies, accidents, stoppages, delays, shortages and/or losses. c. In addition to the above, Contractor shall submit a biweekly progress report for all large remodel or multi-phase projects to the County. This progress report must include, as a minimum: (1) An estimate of the percentage of completion of work to date; (2) An estimate of the percentage of work to be completed during the next two-week period, and Page 67 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract (3) 4. A discussion of any conditions that, in the Contractor's view, might cause the work not to be completed on time. Bill of Materials: The Contractor shall be responsible for providing a complete bill of materials listing all products and materials required for a complete installation in accordance with the scope of work and the specifications. The bill of materials shall list all quantities of products and materials. The Contractor shall be responsible for any products and/or materials required and shall not hold the County responsible for any assumptions or estimates made in error on the part of the Contractor. 5. Cabling Schedule Documentation and Submission: a. If requested, the Contractor shall coordinate with the County new cable schedules and documents so as to match up with existing cable schedules and documents. The format for the documentation shall be approved by the County prior to the assembly of all types of cabling schedules and documentation. b. If requested, the Contractor shall keep careful records of how the cables and cross-connects are actually installed, and shall use such records to prepare the “as-built” cabling documentation. If requested, the Contractor shall furnish “as-built” documentation to the County, at no additional charge, both in printed form and on computer CDROM media. 6. Record Documents: a. During installation the Contractor shall keep an accurate record of all deviations between the work as shown on the Schedules, Drawings and Plans and that which is actually installed. b. Upon completion of work and acceptance by the County, Contractor shall provide reproducible “as-built” drawings and documentation as described within these Specifications. c. When required, the “as-built” drawings shall be of the complete telecommunications cabling system including, but not limited to, floor plans showing the locations and numbering of telecommunications outlets Page 68 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract and cable routing, and telecommunications equipment room details (including elevations of all walls, racks, cabinets and frames) showing the exact placement of all termination blocks, racks, patch panels, equipment, etc. Include details showing the exact type, quantities, and routes of all inter-room cabling. d. 7. 8. Submit the “as-built” telecommunications cabling schedules upon County request in three (3) printed copies and on floppy disks as / EXCEL™ / ASCII / files. Acceptance: a. Contractor shall perform all tests required by local authorities, in addition to tests specified herein. b. Contractor shall provide a minimum of two (2) technicians on-site for each major system cut-over. Technicians shall be ready with all necessary tools, test equipment, and supplies necessary to troubleshoot and correct cabling system faults. Delivery, Storage and Handling: a. Delivery of Materials: Contractor shall deliver materials in manufacturer's unopened container, fully identified with manufacturer's name, trade name, product type, serial number, quantity, size and color. b. Storage of Materials, Equipment and Fixtures: Contractor shall: c. (1) Store materials suitably sheltered from the elements, but readily accessible for inspection until installed. (2) Store all items subject to moisture damage in dry, heated spaces. (3) Provide space requirements for storage in submittals list. (4) Be responsible for coordinating and/or providing adequate storage space. Unless approved in advance by the County, set out materials for day use only. Page 69 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract III. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I. COUNTY CONTACTS GSA-Purchasing is managing the competitive process for this project on behalf of the County. All contact during the competitive process is to be through the GSA-Purchasing Department only. The evaluation phase of the competitive process shall begin upon receipt of sealed bids until a contract has been awarded. Bidders shall not contact or lobby evaluators during the evaluation process. Attempts by Bidder to contact evaluators may result in disqualification of bidder. All questions regarding these specifications, terms and conditions are to be submitted in writing, preferably via e-mail by 12:00 Noon, April 9, 2010 to: Evelyn Benzon, Contracts Specialist Alameda County, GSA-Purchasing 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907 Oakland, CA 94612 E-Mail: FAX: 510-208-9622 The GSA Contracting Opportunities website will be the official notification posting place of all Requests for Interest, Proposals, Quotes and Addenda. Go to to view current contracting opportunities. J. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Event Request Issued Written Questions Due Networking/Bidders Conference Networking/Bidders Conference Addendum Issued Response Due Evaluation Period Date/Location March 26, 2010 by 12:00 Noon on April 9, 2010 April 13, 2010 @ 10:00 a.m. at: General Services Agency 1401 Lakeside Drive Room 1107, 11th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 April 14, 2010 @ 2:00 p.m. at: Dublin Public Library The Program Room 200 Civic Plaza Drive Dublin, CA 94568 May 5, 2010 May 18, 2010 by 2:00 p.m. May 18– June 18, 2010 Page 70 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract Vendor Interviews Board Letter Issued Board Award Date Contract Start Date Week of June 21, 2010 August 20, 2010 September 14, 2010 November 21, 2010 Note: Award and start dates are approximate. It is the responsibility of each bidder to be familiar with all of the specifications, terms and conditions and the site condition. By the submission of a Bid, the Bidder certifies that if awarded a contract they will make no claim against the County based upon ignorance of conditions or misunderstanding of the specifications. K. NETWORKING/BIDDERS CONFERENCE Networking/bidders conferences’ will be held to: Provide an opportunity for small and local and emerging businesses (SLEBs) and large firms to network and develop subcontracting relationships in order to participate in the contract(s) that may result from this RFP. Provide an opportunity for bidders to ask specific questions about the project and request RFP clarification. Provide bidders an opportunity to view a site, receive documents, etc. necessary to respond to this RFP. Provide the County with an opportunity to receive feedback regarding the project and RFP. Written questions submitted prior to the networking/bidders conferences’, in accordance with the Calendar of Events, and verbal questions received at the networking/bidders conferences’, will be addressed whenever possible at the networking/bidders conferences’. All questions will be addressed and the list of attendees will be included in an RFP Addendum following the networking/bidders conference(s) in accordance with the Calendar of Events. Potential bidders are strongly encouraged, but not required, to attend a networking/bidders conference in order to further facilitate subcontracting relationships. Vendors who attend a networking/bidders conference will be added to the Vendor Bid List (see Exhibit L). Failure to participate in a networking/bidders conference will in no way relieve the Contractor from furnishing goods and/or services required in accordance with these specifications, terms and conditions. Attendance at a networking/bidders conference is strongly encouraged and recommended but is not mandatory. Page 71 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract Networking/bidders conference(s), will be held on: April 13, 2010 @ 10:00 a.m. at General Services Agency Room 1107, 11th Floor 1401 Lakeside Drive Oakland, CA 94612 Additional Information: Please allow enough time for parking at metered street parking or public parking lot and entry into secure building. L. April 14, 2010 @ 2:00 p.m. at Dublin Public Library The Program Room 200 Civic Plaza Drive Dublin, CA 94568 Additional Information: Free parking available at on-site parking lot. SUBMITTAL OF BIDS 1. All bids must be SEALED and must be received at the Office of the Purchasing Agent of Alameda County BY 2:00 p.m. on the due date specified in the Calendar of Events. NOTE: LATE AND/OR UNSEALED BIDS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. IF HAND DELIVERING BIDS PLEASE ALLOW TIME FOR METERED STREET PARKING OR PARKING IN AREA PUBLIC PARKING LOTS AND ENTRY INTO SECURE BUILDING. Bids will be received only at the address shown below, and by the time indicated in the Calendar of Events. Any bid received after said time and/or date or at a place other than the stated address cannot be considered and will be returned to the bidder unopened. All bids, whether delivered by an employee of Bidder, U.S. Postal Service, courier or package delivery service, must be received and time stamped at the stated address prior to the time designated. The Purchasing Department's timestamp shall be considered the official timepiece for the purpose of establishing the actual receipt of bids. 2. Bids are to be addressed and delivered as follows: Master Cabling Contract RFP No. 900715 Alameda County, GSA-Purchasing 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907 Oakland, CA 94612 Page 72 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract 3. Bidders are to submit an original plus five (5) copies of bids may be requested; however, they should be on a disk and enclosed with the sealed bid (never have them e-mailed to you) copies of their proposal. Original proposal is to be clearly marked and must be either loose leaf or in a 3-ring binder, not bound. 4. Bidder's name and return address must also appear on the mailing package. 5. No telegraphic, email (electronic) or facsimile bids will be considered. 6. Bidder agrees and acknowledges all RFP specifications, terms and conditions and indicates ability to perform by submission of its bid. 7. Submitted bids shall be valid for a minimum period of six (6) months. 8. All costs required for the preparation and submission of a bid shall be borne by Bidder. 9. Only one bid response will be accepted from any one person, partnership, corporation, or other entity; however, several alternatives may be included in one response. For purposes of this requirement, “partnership” shall mean, and is limited to, a legal partnership formed under one or more of the provisions of the California or other state’s Corporations Code or an equivalent statute. 10. Proprietary or Confidential Information: No part of any bid response is to be marked as confidential or proprietary. County may refuse to consider any bid response or part thereof so marked. Bid responses submitted in response to this RFP may be subject to public disclosure. County shall not be liable in any way for disclosure of any such records. Additionally, all bid responses shall become the property of County. County reserves the right to make use of any information or ideas contained in submitted bid responses. This provision is not intended to require the disclosure of records that are exempt from disclosure under the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250, et seq.) or of “trade secrets” protected by the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (Civil Code Section 3426, et seq.). 11. All other information regarding the bid responses will be held as confidential until such time as the County Selection Committee has completed their evaluation and, or if, an award has been made. Bidders will receive mailed award/non-award notification(s), which will include the name of the bidder to be awarded this project. In addition, award information will be posted on the County’s “Contracting Opportunities” website, mentioned above. Page 73 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract 12. M. N. Each bid received, with the name of the bidder, shall be entered on a record, and each record with the successful bid indicated thereon shall, after the award of the order or contract, be open to public inspection. RESPONSE FORMAT 1. Bid responses are to be straightforward, clear, concise and specific to the information requested. 2. In order for bids to be considered complete, Bidder must provide all information requested. See Exhibit M, Response Content and Submittals, Completeness Checklist. EVALUATION CRITERIA/SELECTION COMMITTEE All proposals will be evaluated by a County Selection Committee (CSC). The County Selection Committee may be composed of County staff and other parties that may have expertise or experience in cabling services. The CSC will select a contractor in accordance with the evaluation criteria set forth in this RFP. The evaluation of the proposals shall be within the sole judgment and discretion of the CSC. All contact during the evaluation phase shall be through the GSA-Purchasing Department only. Bidders shall neither contact nor lobby evaluators during the evaluation process. Attempts by Bidder to contact and/or influence members of the CSC may result in disqualification of Bidder. The CSC will evaluate each proposal meeting the qualification requirements set forth in this RFP. Bidders should bear in mind that any proposal that is unrealistic in terms of the technical or schedule commitments, or unrealistically high or low in cost, will be deemed reflective of an inherent lack of technical competence or indicative of a failure to comprehend the complexity and risk of the County’s requirements as set forth in this RFP. Bidders are advised that in the evaluation of cost it will be assumed that the unit price quoted is correct in the case of a discrepancy between the unit price and an extension. As a result of this RFP, the County intends to award a contract to the responsible bidder(s) whose response conforms to the RFP and whose bid presents the greatest value to the County, all evaluation criteria considered. The combined weight of the evaluation criteria is greater in importance than cost in determining the greatest value to the County. The goal is to award a contract to the bidder(s) that proposes the County the best quality as determined by the combined weight of the evaluation criteria. The County may award a contract of higher qualitative competence over the lowest priced response. Page 74 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract The basic information that each section should contain is specified below, these specifications should be considered as minimum requirements. Much of the material needed to present a comprehensive proposal can be placed into one of the sections listed. However, other criteria may be added to further support the evaluation process whenever such additional criteria are deemed appropriate in considering the nature of the goods and/or services being solicited. Each of the following Evaluation Criteria below will be used in ranking and determining the quality of bidders’ proposals. Proposals will be evaluated according to each Evaluation Criteria, and scored on a five-point scale. The scores for all the Evaluation Criteria will then be added according to their assigned weight (below) to arrive at a weighted score for each proposal. A proposal with a high weighted total will be deemed of higher quality than a proposal with a lesser-weighted total. The final maximum score for any project is five hundred fifty (550) points including local and small and local or emerging and local preference points. The evaluation process may include a two-stage approach, the initial evaluation of the written proposal and preliminary scoring to develop a short list of bidders that would continue to the final stage of vendor presentation and interviews and reference checks. If a short list is included in these specifications, the preliminary scoring will be the total points excluding points allocated to references and oral presentation and interviews. All bidders will be notified of the preliminary score in the most expeditious manner (by email or fax). Only the bidders meeting the short list criteria will proceed to the next stage. All other bidders will be deemed eliminated from the process. The zero to five-point scale range is defined as follows: 0 Not Acceptable 1 Poor 2 Fair 3 Average 4 Above Average / Good 5 Excellent / Exceptional Non-responsive, fails to meet RFP specification. The approach has no probability of success. If a mandatory requirement this score will result in disqualification of proposal. Below average, falls short of expectations, is substandard to that which is the average or expected norm, has a low probability of success in achieving objectives per RFP. Has a reasonable probability of success, however, some objectives may not be met. Acceptable, achieves all objectives in a reasonable fashion per RFP specification. This will be the baseline score for each item with adjustments based on interpretation of proposal by Evaluation Committee members. Very good probability of success, better than that which is average or expected as the norm. Achieves all objectives per RFP requirements and expectations. Exceeds expectations, very innovative, clearly superior to that which is average or expected as the norm. Excellent probability of success and in achieving all objectives and meeting RFP specification. Page 75 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract The Evaluation Criteria and their respective weights are as follows: Evaluation Criteria A. Weight Completeness of Response: Responses to this RFP must be complete. Responses that do not include the proposal content requirements identified within this RFP and subsequent Addenda and do not address each of the items listed below will be considered incomplete, be rated a Fail in the Evaluation Criteria and will receive no further consideration. Responses that are rated a Fail and are not considered may be picked up at the delivery location within 14 calendar days of contract award and/or the completion of the competitive process. Pass/Fail B. Financial Stability (See RFP Section Exhibit M, Section G) Pass/Fail C. Debarment and Suspension: Bidders, its principal and named subcontractors are not identified on the list of Federally debarred, suspended or other excluded parties located at Pass/Fail Technical Criteria: In each area described below, an evaluation will be made of the probability of success of, and risks associated with, the proposal response in the following areas: 1. Understanding of the project. 2. Methodology and approach, and 3. Projected staffing. 30 Points Cost: Exhibit B = 25 Points: Exhibit B-1 = 5 Points: The points for Cost will be computed by dividing the amount of the lowest responsive bid received by each bidder’s total proposed cost. While not reflected in the Cost evaluation points, an evaluation may also be made of (a) reasonableness (i.e., does the proposed pricing accurately reflect the bidder’s effort to meet requirements and objectives?); (b) realism (i.e., is the proposed cost appropriate to the nature of the products and services to be provided?), and (c) affordability. Consideration of price in terms of overall affordability may be controlling in circumstances where two or more proposals are otherwise adjudged to be equal, or when a superior proposal is at a price that the County cannot afford. 30 Points D. E. Page 76 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract F. O. Relevant Experience: Proposals will be evaluated against the RFP specifications and the questions below: - Do the individuals assigned to the project have experience on similar projects? - Are resumes complete and do they demonstrate backgrounds that would be desirable for individuals engaged in the work the project requires? - How extensive is the applicable education and experience of the personnel designated to work on the project. 20 Points G. References (Exhibit M, Section J) 15 Points H. Oral Presentation and Interview: Following evaluation of the written proposals, bidders receiving the highest scores may be invited to an oral presentation and interview. The scores at that time will not be communicated to bidders. The oral presentation by each bidder shall not exceed sixty (60) minutes in length. The oral interview will consist of standard questions asked of each of the bidders and specific questions regarding the specific proposal. The proposals may then be re-evaluated and rescored based on the oral presentation and interview. 5 Points Local Preference Five Percent (5%) Small and Local or Emerging and Local Preference Five Percent (5%) CONTRACT EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT During the initial sixty (60) day period of any contract, which may be awarded to Contractor, the CSC and/or other persons designated by the County, will meet with the Contractor to evaluate the materials and service performance and to identify any issues or potential problems. The County reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, (a) whether Contractor has complied with all terms of this RFP and (b) whether any problems or potential problems with the materials and services were evidenced which make it unlikely (even with possible modifications) that such materials and services have met the County requirements. If, as a result of such determination the County concludes that it is not satisfied with Contractor, Contractor’s performance under any awarded contract and/or Contractor’s goods and/or services as contracted for therein, the Contractor will be notified of contract termination effective forty-five (45) days following notice. Contractor shall be responsible for the removal of materials and shall return County facilities to their pre-installation state at no charge to the County. The County will have Page 77 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract the right to invite the next highest ranked bidder to enter into a contract. The County also reserves the right to re-bid this project if it is determined to be in its best interest to do so. P. NOTICE OF AWARD 1. At the conclusion of the RFP response evaluation process (“Evaluation Process”), all bidders will be notified in writing of the contract award recommendation, if any, of GSA - Purchasing. The document providing this notification is the Notice of Award. The Notice of Award will provide the following information: 2. Q. a. The name of the bidder being recommended for contract award; b. The names of all other bidders, and, c. In summary form [Bid numbers, evaluation points for each bidder] At the conclusion of the RFP process, debriefings for unsuccessful bidders will be scheduled and provided upon written request and will be restricted to discussion of the unsuccessful offeror’s bid with the Buyer. a. Under no circumstances will any discussion be conducted with regard to contract negotiations with the successful bidder, etc. b. Debriefing may include review of successful bidder’s proposal. BID PROTEST / APPEALS PROCESS GSA-Purchasing prides itself on the establishment of fair and competitive contracting procedures and the commitment made to following those procedures. The following is provided in the event that bidders wish to protest the bid process or appeal the recommendation to award a contract for this project once the Notices of Award/NonAward have been issued. 1. Any bid protest must be submitted in writing to the Deputy Director of GSA, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907, Oakland, CA 94612. The bid protest must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. of the tenth (10th) business day following the date of the Notice of Award. a. The bid protest must contain a complete statement of the basis for the protest. Page 78 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract b. The protest must include the name, address and telephone number of the person representing the protesting party. c. The party filing the protest must concurrently transmit a copy of the protest and any attached documentation to all other parties with a direct financial interest which may be adversely affected by the outcome of the protest. At a minimum, those parties listed in the Notices of Award/Non-Award shall be notified of such protest and the specific grounds therefore. d. The procedure and time limits are mandatory and are the Bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy in the event of Bid Protest. 2. Bidder’s failure to comply with these procedures shall constitute a waiver of any right to further pursue the Bid Protest, including filing a Government Code claim or legal proceedings. 3. Upon receipt of written protest/appeal Deputy Director, GSA will review and provide an opportunity to settle the protest/appeal by mutual agreement, will schedule a meeting to discuss or issue a written response to advise an appeal/protest decision within five (5) working days of review date. a. Responses will be issued and/or discussed at least five (5) days prior to Board hearing date. b. Responses will inform the bidder whether or not the recommendation to the Board is going to change. 4. The decision of the Deputy Director, GSA may be appealed to the AuditorController’s Office of Contract Compliance (OCC) located at 1221 Oak St., Rm. 249, Oakland, CA 94612, Fax: (510) 272-6502. All appeals to the AuditorController’s OCC shall be in writing and submitted within five (5) calendar days of notification of decision by the Deputy Director, GSA-Purchasing. 5. The decision of the Auditor-Controller’s OCC is the final step of the appeal process. Page 79 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract IV. TERMS AND CONDITIONS R. S. TERM / TERMINATION / RENEWAL 1. The term of the contract, which may be awarded pursuant to this RFP, will be three (3) years, with options to renew for up to two one (1) year terms. 2. The County may terminate the contract at any time without written notice upon a material breach of contract and substandard or unsatisfactory performance by the Contractor. In the event of such termination, the County reserves the right to invite the next highest ranked bidder to enter into a contract or re-bid the project if it is determined to be in its best interest to do so. 3. By mutual agreement, any contract which may be awarded pursuant to this RFP, may be extended for additional terms at agreed prices with all other terms and conditions remaining the same. BRAND NAMES AND APPROVED EQUIVALENTS 1. Any references to manufacturers, trade names, brand names and/or catalog numbers are intended to be descriptive, but not restrictive, unless otherwise stated, and are intended to indicate the quality level desired. Bidders may offer any equivalent product that meets or exceeds the specifications. Bids based on equivalent products must: a. b. T. Clearly describe the alternate offered and indicate how it differs from the product specified, and, Include complete descriptive literature and/or specifications as proof that the proposed alternate will be equal to or better than the product named in this bid. 2. The County reserves the right to be the sole judge of what is equal and acceptable and may require Bidder to provide additional information and/or samples. 3. If Bidder does not specify otherwise, it is understood that the referenced brand will be supplied. QUANTITIES Quantities listed herein are annual estimates based on past usage and are not to be construed as a commitment. No minimum or maximum is guaranteed or implied. Page 80 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract U. PRICING 1. All pricing as quoted will remain firm for the term of any contract that may be awarded as a result of this RFP. 2. Unless otherwise stated, Bidder agrees that, in the event of a price decline, the benefit of such lower price shall be extended to the County. 3. The price(s) quoted shall be the total cost the County will pay for this project including taxes and all other charges. 4. All prices quoted shall be in United States dollars and "whole cent," no cent fractions shall be used. There are no exceptions. 5. The County has the right to decline to award this contract if it is determined that proposed pricing is not competitively priced with similar sized counties or noncounty agencies within the State of California. 6. Price quotes shall include any and all payment incentives available to the County. 7. Bidders are advised that in the evaluation of cost, if applicable, it will be assumed that the unit price quoted is correct in the case of a discrepancy between the unit price and an extension. 8. Federal and State minimum wage laws apply. The County has no requirements for living wages. The County is not imposing any additional requirements regarding wages. 9. Prevailing Wages: Pursuant to Labor Code Sections 1770 et seq., Contractor shall pay to persons performing labor in and about Work provided for in Contract not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the Work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for legal holiday and overtime work in said locality, which per diem wages shall not be less than the stipulated rates contained in a schedule thereof which has been ascertained and determined by the Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations to be the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute this contract. Page 81 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract V. W. AWARD 1. Proposals will be evaluated by a committee and will be ranked in accordance with the RFP section entitled “Evaluation Criteria/Selection Committee.” 2. The committee will recommend award to the bidder who, in its opinion, has submitted the proposal that best serves the overall interests of the County and attains the highest overall point score. Award may not necessarily be made to the bidder with the lowest price. 3. The County reserves the right to reject any or all responses that materially differ from any terms contained herein or from any Exhibits attached hereto and to waive informalities and minor irregularities in responses received. 4. The County reserves the right to award to a single or multiple Contractors. 5. The County has the right to decline to award this contract or any part thereof for any reason. 6. Board approval to award a contract is required. 7. Contractor shall sign an acceptance of award letter prior to Board approval. A Standard Agreement contract must be signed following Board approval. 8. Final Standard Agreement terms and conditions will be negotiated with the selected bidder. Attached Exhibit J contains minimal Agreement boilerplate language only. 9. The RFP specifications, terms, conditions and Exhibits, RFP Addenda and Bidder’s proposal, may be incorporated into and made a part of any contract that may be awarded as a result of this RFP. METHOD OF ORDERING 1. Written Purchase Order(s) (PO) and executed Standard Agreement contract will be issued upon Board approval. 2. PO(s) and Standard Agreement(s) will be faxed, transmitted electronically or mailed and shall be the only authorization for the Contractor to provide requested services. 3. POs and payments for products and/or services will be issued only in the name of Contractor. Page 82 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract X. Y. 4. Contractor shall adapt to changes to the method of ordering procedures as required by the County during the term of the contract. 5. Change orders shall be agreed upon by Contractor and County and issued as needed in writing by County. INVOICING 1. Contractor shall invoice the requesting department, unless otherwise advised, upon satisfactory test results have been provided and it has initiated a warranty application to the proper manufacture within 5 days of completed cable project. The definition of a completed cable job is providing test results to the customer, a properly prepared sign-off form, and registration number associated with a cable manufacture warranty. 2. Payment will be made within thirty (30) days following receipt of invoice and upon complete satisfactory receipt of product and performance of services (see above). Prime Contractors shall make payment to their subcontractors thirty (30) days following receipt of invoice and upon complete receipt of product and performance of services. 3. County shall notify Contractor of any adjustments required to invoice. 4. Invoices shall contain County PO number, invoice number, remit to address and itemized products and/or services description and price as quoted and shall be accompanied by acceptable proof of delivery. 5. Contractor shall utilize standardized invoice upon request. 6. Invoices shall only be issued by the Contractor who is awarded a contract. 7. Payments will be issued to and invoices must be received from the same Contractor whose name is specified on the POs. COUNTY PROVISIONS 1. Preference for Local Products and Vendors: A five percent (5%) preference shall be granted to Alameda County products or Alameda County vendors on all sealed bids on contracts except with respect to those contracts which state law requires be granted to the lowest responsible bidder. An Alameda County vendor is a firm or dealer with fixed offices and having a street address within the County for at least six (6) months prior to the issue date of this RFP; and which holds a valid business license issued by the County or a city within the County. Alameda County products are those which are grown, mined, fabricated, manufactured, processed or produced Page 83 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract within the County. Locality must be maintained for the term of the contract. Evidence of locality shall be provided immediately upon request and at any time during the term of any contract that may be awarded to Contractor pursuant to this RFP. 2. Small and Emerging Locally Owned Business: A small business for purposes of this RFP is defined by the United States Small Business Administration as having no more than Fourteen Million Dollars ($14,000,000.00) in average annual gross receipts over the last three (3) years. An emerging business, as defined by the County is one having annual gross receipts of less than one-half (1/2) of the above amount and has been in business less than five (5) years. In order to participate herein, the small or emerging business must also satisfy the locality requirements and be certified by the County as a Small or Emerging, local business. A certification application package (consisting of Instructions, Application and Renewal Application) has been attached hereto as Exhibit E and must be completed and returned by a qualifying contractor. A locally owned business, for purposes of satisfying the locality requirements of this provision, is a firm or dealer with fixed offices and having a street address within the County for at least six (6) months prior to the issue date of this RFP; and which holds a valid business license issued by the County or a city within the County. The County is vitally interested in promoting the growth of small and emerging local businesses by means of increasing the participation of these businesses in the County’s purchase of goods and services. As a result of the County’s commitment to advance the economic opportunities of these businesses the following provisions shall apply to this RFP: a. If Bidder is certified by the County as either a small and local or an emerging and local business, the County will provide a five percent (5%) bid preference, in addition to that set forth in paragraph 1., above, for a total bid preference of ten percent (10%). However, a bid preference cannot override a State law, which requires the granting of an award to the lowest responsible bidder. b. Bidders not meeting the small or emerging local business requirements set forth above do not qualify for a bid preference and must subcontract with one or more County certified small and/or emerging local businesses for at least twenty percent (20%) of Bidder’s total bid amount in order to be considered for the contract award. Bidder, in its bid response, must submit written documentation evidencing a firm contractual commitment to meeting this minimum local participation requirement. Participation of a small and/or emerging local business must be maintained for the term of Page 84 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract any contract resulting from this RFP. Evidence of participation shall be provided immediately upon request at any time during the term of such contract. The County reserves the right to waive these small/emerging local business participation requirements in this RFP, if the additional estimated cost to the County, which may result from inclusion of these requirements, exceeds five percent (5%) of the total estimated contract amount or Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), whichever is less. The following entities are exempt from the Small and Emerging Local Business (SLEB) requirements as described above and are not required to subcontract with a SLEB. If you apply and are certified as a SLEB, you will receive a 5% SLEB bid preference: non-profit community based organizations (CBO); non-profit churches or non-profit religious organizations (NPO); public schools; and universities; and government agencies Non-profits must provide proof of their tax exempt status. These are defined as organizations that are certified by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as 501(c) 3. If additional information is needed regarding this requirement, please contact the Auditor-Controller’s Office of Contract Compliance (OCC) located at 1221 Oak St., Rm. 249, Oakland, CA 94612 at Tel: (510) 891-5500, Fax: (510) 272-6502 or via E-mail at 3. First Source Program: The First Source Program has been developed to create a public/private partnership that links CalWORKs job seekers, unemployed and under employed County residents to sustainable employment through the County’s relationships/connections with business, including contracts that have been awarded through the competitive process, and economic development activity in the County. Welfare reform policies and the new Workforce Investment Act requires that the County do a better job of connecting historically disconnected potential workers to employers. The First Source program will allow the County to create and sustain these connections. Vendors awarded contracts for goods and services in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) as a result of any subsequently issued RFP are to allow Alameda County ten (10) working days to refer potential candidates to vendor to be considered by Vendor to fill any new or vacant positions that are necessary to fulfill their contractual obligations to the County, that Vendor has available during the life of the contract before advertising to the general public. Potential candidates referred by County to Vendor will be pre-screened, qualified Page 85 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract applicants based on vendor specifications. Vendor agrees to use its best efforts to fill its employment vacancies with candidates referred by County, but the final decision of whether or not to offer employment, and the terms and conditions thereof, rest solely within the discretion of the Vendor. Bidders are required to complete, sign and submit in their bid response, the First Source Agreement that has been attached hereto as Exhibit H, whereby they agree to notify the First Source Program of job openings prior to advertising elsewhere (ten day window) in the event that they are awarded a contract as a result of this RFP. Exhibit H will be completed and signed by County upon contract award and made a part of the final contract document. If compliance with the First Source Program will interfere with Contractor’s preexisting labor agreements, recruiting practices, or will otherwise obstruct the Contractor’s ability to carry out the terms of the contract, the Contractor will provide to the County a written justification of non-compliance. If additional information is needed regarding this requirement, please contact the Auditor-Controller’s Office of Contract Compliance (OCC) located at 1221 Oak St., Rm. 249, Oakland, CA 94612 at Tel: (510) 891-5500, Fax: (510) 272-6502 or via E-mail at 4. Z. Environmentally Friendly Packaging: Alameda County is an environmentally responsible employer and seeks all practical opportunities for waste reduction and recycling. The County, therefore, encourages its contractors to reduce waste volume and toxicity by using environmentally friendly packaging material whenever possible. Options may include backhauling product packaging to the supplier for reuse or recycling, shipping in bulk or reduced packaging, using soy bean-based inks for packaging printing, using recycled product packaging or using recyclable or reusable packaging material. The County encourages all bidders and contractors for goods and services to adhere to these principles where practicable. ONLINE CONTRACT COMPLIANCE SYSTEM As part of the Alameda County General Services Agency’s commitment to assist contractors to conveniently comply with legal and contractual requirements, the County has established an online Contract Compliance System. The system was designed to help reduce contractors’ administrative costs and to provide various work-flow automation features that improve the project reporting process. The Alameda County Contract Compliance System will be implemented to monitor contract compliance for County contracts through the use of a new interactive website, Elation Systems. The prime contractor and all participating subcontractors awarded contracts as a result of this bid process for this project, are required to use the secure webPage 86 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract based system to submit SLEB Program information including, but not limited to, monthly progress payment reports and other information related to SLEB participation. The Alameda County Contract Compliance System has been designed to provide online functionality that streamlines the process, reduces paperwork and assists contractors and subcontractors in complying with the County’s SLEB Program and its reporting requirements. Utilizing the Alameda County Contract Compliance System will reduce the amount of time currently required to submit hard copy documentation regarding contract compliance information and is provided for use by County contractors and subcontractors at no cost. Procedural differences between the previous conventional reporting and the new webbased system include: Monthly progress payment status reports will be submitted via the web-based system. Paper copies will no longer be required. Contractor will be required to enter data for payments made and subcontractors will be required to enter data for payments received into the web-based system. Alameda County Contract Compliance System training and ongoing support are provided at no charge to contractors and participating sub-contractors awarded a contract as a result of this bid process for this project. Contractors having contracts with the County should schedule a representative from their office/company, along with each of their subcontractors, to attend training. Training sessions are approximately one hour and will be held periodically in a number of locations throughout Alameda County. Upon award of contract, please view the training schedule or call Elation Systems at (510) 764-1870. A special access code will be provided to contractors and subcontractors participating in any contract awarded as a result of this bid process to allow use of the System free of charge. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that they and their subcontractors are registered and trained as required to utilize the Alameda County Contract Compliance System. Please contact the Auditor-Controller’s Office of Contract Compliance (OCC) located at 1221 Oak St., Rm. 249, Oakland, CA 94612 at Tel: (510) 891-5500, Fax: (510) 2726502 or via E-mail at if you have any other questions regarding utilization of the Alameda County Contract Compliance System. AA. COMPLIANCE INFORMATION AND RECORDS As needed and upon request, for the purposes of determining compliance with the SLEB Program, the Contractor shall provide the County with access to all records and documents Page 87 of 88 Specifications, Terms & Conditions for Master Cabling Contract that relate to SLEB participation and/or certification. Proprietary information will be safeguarded. All subcontractor submittals must be through the prime contractor. BB. CC. ACCOUNT MANAGER/SUPPORT STAFF 1. Contractor shall provide a dedicated competent account manager who shall be responsible for the County of Alameda account. The account manager shall receive all orders from the County and shall be the primary contact for all issues regarding this contract including but not limited to escalation’s, scheduling, quotes, delivery of reports, and resolving billing issues. 2. Contractor shall provide adequate, competent support staff who shall be able to service this account during normal working hours, Monday through Friday. Such representatives shall be knowledgeable about the contract, products offered and able to identify and quickly resolve any issues including but not limited to order and invoicing problems. 3. Account manager shall be familiar with County requirements and standards to ensure that established standards are adhered to. 4. Contractor account manager shall keep the County Specialist informed of requests from departments as required. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Proper conduct is expected of Contractor’s personnel when on County premises. This includes adhering to no-smoking ordinances, the drug-free work place policy, not using alcoholic beverages and treating employees courteously. 2. County has the right to request removal of any Contractor employee or subcontractor who does not properly conduct himself/herself/itself or perform quality work. 3. Contractor personnel shall be easily identifiable as non-County employees (i.e. work uniforms, badges, etc.). Page 88 of 88 COUNTY OF ALAMEDA EXHIBIT A – BID ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract The County of Alameda is soliciting bids from qualified vendors to furnish its requirements per the specifications, terms and conditions contained in the above referenced RFP No. 900715. This Bid Acknowledgement must be completed, signed by a responsible officer or employee, dated and submitted with the bid response. Obligations assumed by such signature must be fulfilled. 1. Preparation of bids: (a) All prices and notations must be printed in ink or typewritten. No erasures permitted. Errors may be crossed out and corrections printed in ink or typewritten adjacent and must be initialed in ink by person signing bid. (b) Quote price as specified in RFP. No alterations or changes or any kind shall be permitted to Exhibit B, Bid Form. Responses that do not comply shall be subject to rejection in total. 2. Failure to bid: If you are not submitting a bid but want to remain on the mailing list and receive future bids, complete, sign and return this Bid Acknowledgement and state the reason you are not bidding. 3. Taxes and freight charges: (a) Unless otherwise required and specified in the RFP, the prices quoted herein do not include Sales, Use or other taxes. (b) No charge for delivery, drayage, express, parcel post packing, cartage, insurance, license fees, permits, costs of bonds, or for any other purpose, except taxes legally payable by County, will be paid by the County unless expressly included and itemized in the bid. (c) Amount paid for transportation of property to the County of Alameda is exempt from Federal Transportation Tax. An exemption certificate is not required where the shipping papers show the consignee as Alameda County, as such papers may be accepted by the carrier as proof of the exempt character of the shipment. (d) Articles sold to the County of Alameda are exempt from certain Federal excise taxes. The County will furnish an exemption certificate. 4. Award: (a) Unless otherwise specified by the bidder or the RFP gives notice of an all-or-none award, the County may accept any item or group of items of any bid. (b) Bids are subject to acceptance at any time within thirty (30) days of opening, unless otherwise specified in the RFP. (c) A valid, written purchase order mailed, or otherwise furnished, to the successful bidder within the time for acceptance specified results in a binding contract without further action by either party. The contract shall be interpreted, construed and given effect in all respects according to the laws of the State of California. 5. Patent indemnity: Vendors who do business with the County shall hold the County of Alameda, its officers, agents and employees, harmless from liability of an nature or kind, including cost and expenses, for infringement or use of any patent, copyright or other proprietary right, secret process, patented or unpatented invention, article or appliance furnished or used in connection with the contract or purchase order. 6. Samples: Samples of items, when required, shall be furnished free of expense to the County and if not destroyed by test may upon request (made when the sample is furnished), be returned at the bidder’s expense. 7. Rights and remedies of County for default: (a) In the event any item furnished by vendor in the performance of the contract or purchase order should fail to conform to the specifications therefore or to the sample submitted by vendor with its bid, the County may reject the same, and it shall thereupon become the duty of vendor to reclaim and remove the same forthwith, without expense to the County, and immediately to replace all such rejected items with others conforming to such specifications or samples; provided that should vendor fail, neglect or refuse so to do the County shall thereupon have the right purchase in the open market, in lieu thereof, a corresponding quantity of any such items and to deduct from any moneys due or that may there after come due to vendor the difference between the prices named in the contract or purchase order and the actual cost thereof to the County. In the event that vendor fails to make prompt delivery as specified for any item, the same conditions as to the rights of the County to purchase in the open market and to reimbursement set forth above shall apply, except when delivery is delayed by fire, strike, freight embargo, or Act of God or the government. (b)Cost of inspection or deliveries or offers for delivery, which do not meet specifications, will be borne by the vendor. (c) The rights and remedies of the County provided above shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under the contract. 8. Discounts: (a) Terms of less than ten (10) days for cash discount will considered as net. (b) In connection with any discount offered, time will be computed from date of complete, satisfactory delivery of the supplies, equipment or services specified in the RFP, or from date correct invoices are received by the County at the billing address specified, if the latter date is later than the date of delivery. Payment is deemed to be made, for the purpose of earning the discount, on the date of mailing the County warrant check. 9. California Government Code Section 4552: In submitting a bid to a public purchasing body, the bidder offers and agrees that if the bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2, commencing with Section 16700, of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials, or services by the bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to the bidder. 10. No guarantee or warranty: The County of Alameda makes no guarantee or warranty as to the condition, completeness or safety of any material or equipment that may be traded in on this order. THE undersigned acknowledges receipt of above referenced RFP and/or Addenda and offers and agrees to furnish the articles and/or services specified on behalf of the vendor indicated below, in accordance with the specifications, terms and conditions of this RFP and Bid Acknowledgement. Firm: Address: State/Zip What advertising source(s) made you aware of this RFP? By: _______________ ________________________________________________ Date____________ Phone_____________________ Printed Name Signed Above: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Title: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT B COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract BID FORM FOR CABLE PROJECTS Cost shall be submitted on Exhibit B as is. No alterations or changes of any kind are permitted. Bid responses that do not comply will be subject to rejection in total. The hourly labor rates and percent markup on cost of materials quoted below shall include all taxes and all other charges and is the cost the County will pay for the three (3) year term of any contract that is a result of this bid. QUOTE HOURLY LABOR RATES BELOW. Estimated Annual Hours (A) YEAR 1 Hourly Rate (B) (C)Yearly Cost (C)= A x B YEAR 2 Hourly Rate (D) Yearly Cost (E) =A x D YEAR 3 Hourly Rate (F) Yearly Cost (G) =A x F TOTAL 3 Year Labor Cost =C+E+G Quote labor rates for standard cable projects. Standard projects shall include normal contribution by RCDD and other specialized services. Regular Time Hourly Labor Rate (Mon. through Fri., 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.) Overtime Hourly Labor Rate (Monday through Friday, after 5:00 P.M.) 7,100 500 Saturday Hourly Labor Rate 24 Sunday Hourly Labor Rate 12 Quote labor rates for RCDD time that will be charged (with prior County approval) for special assignments. Regular Time Hourly Labor Rate (Mon. through Fri., 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.) Overtime Hourly Labor Rate (Monday through Friday, after 5:00 P.M.) 1420 100 Saturday Hourly Labor Rate 5 Sunday Hourly Labor Rate 3 TOTAL LABOR COST Exhibit B Page 1 of 2 Initial ____________ EXHIBIT B QUOTE PERCENT MARKUP BELOW Estimated Annual Wholesale Materials Cost (H) YEAR 1 % Markup (I) YEAR 1 Markup Cost (J) =H x I YEAR 1 Total Markup Cost (K)=H + J YEAR 2 % Markup (L) YEAR 2 Markup Cost (M) =H x L YEAR 2 Total Markup Cost (N)=H + M YEAR 3 % Markup (O) YEAR 3 Markup Cost (P) =H x O YEAR 3 Total Markup Cost (Q) = H + P TOTAL 3 Year Material Cost =K+N+Q Quote the percent MARKUP on cost of materials from Anixter, Graybar or Communications Supply Corp. (CSC) % MARKUP on cost of materials $200,000 TOTAL MATERIAL COST TOTAL SALES TAX 9.75% GRAND TOTAL (LABOR, MATERIAL AND SALES TAX COST) THE COUNTY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUEST, AND CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE, DOCUMENTATION OF MATERIALS COST FOR REVIEW OR AUDIT FOR THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT Bidder agrees that the price(s) quoted are the maximum they will charge during the term of any contract awarded. FIRM: ____________________________SIGNATURE:________________DATE:_______ PRINTED NAME: _____________________TITLE:_______________________________ Exhibit B Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT B-1 Cable Project Scenario (For Sample Quote) RFP No. 900715 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CABLE EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION Exhibit B-1 will be given a weight of 5 points per the Evaluation Criteria, E. Cost, page 76. This cable project scenario is designed to produce a theoretical quotation for providing and installing new voice and data cabling equipment. The scenario is for a remodel project consisting of all new partitions and office furniture. Floors nine (9) and eleven (11) of a twelve (12) story building have been vacated of personnel and old partitions have been removed. New partitions will be fed by existing columns or walls. There are seventy five (75) voice stations and eighty-one (81) data stations located on the two floors. Horizontal cabling must be installed in ten (10) hard offices on the 9th floor, seven (7) hard offices on the 11th floor, forty-three (43) in partitions on the 9th floor and twenty-one (21) in partitions on the 11th floor. The building is a SYSTIMAX cabled building. The voice cables will be Category 3 plenum rated (white) and the data cables will be Category 6 also plenum rated (yellow). Provide and install one 19” equipment rack with ladder assembly on 9th floor only. Use existing equipment rack and patch panel on 11th floor Tel/Data room. All cables to be supported by Jhooks attached to ceiling. Provide and install 100 pr. ARMM type copper cable from the main telephone room (MDF) on the 11th floor to the 9th floor Tel/Data room (IDF) using existing County provided conduit. Termination of the ARMM cable shall be on 110 type hardware. Provide and install one (1) 12-strands, 62.5/125 micron, multimode fiber cable in innerduct between the main Computer room on the 7th floor and the 9th floor Tel/Data room (IDF). Provide and install fiber shelf and fiber distribution shelf supporting LC duplex couplers. Existing fiber will be used for the 11th floor Tel/Data room. Provide six (6) LC/LC duplex fiber optical patch cords six (6) foot in length. Provide eighty-one (81) Category 6 patch cables ten (10) foot in length, green in color. Please review the Alameda County Specifications, Exhibit N attached, Version 2.3 for termination hardware, cable management, faceplates, rack and miscellaneous materials. ASSUMPTIONS Each outlet will consist of one (1) voice and one (1) data cable. Partitions will have 3position faceplates and other locations will have a 4-position faceplate, single gang outlet. All horizontal cable runs are through suspended ceiling and have an average length of 150 feet. There are no obstructions in the ceiling to prevent any cable route getting from the station location to the Tel/Data rooms. All new j-hooks have to be installed. Work is to be performed during normal business hours. Exhbit B-1 Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT B-1 CABLE PROJECT SCENARIO SAMPLE QUOTE RPF No. 900715 Quote the cost of the cable project scenario, Exhibit B-1, Page 1 of 2, based on your hourly rates and percent markup for materials quoted on Exhibit B, Bid Form. Cost and hourly rates quoted below shall include all taxes and all other charges and is the cost the County will pay for this project: A. Quote wholesale cost of materials plus percent markup specified on Exhibit B, Bid Form = County Cost: - Horizontal cabling Fiber Optic Backbone Cabling ARMM Copper Backbone Equipment rack, horizontal, vertical wire managers and Ladder Assembly Category 6 Patch Cords Include an Add/Delete cost for an outlet containing one (1) voice and one (1) data cable. (partitions and hard offices) Total Materials: $_________________ Sales Tax: $ ____________________ Total Materials and Sales Tax: $ ___________ B. Total Labor: _____________hours. C. Cost per Hour (from Exhibit B): $ _________ D. Total Labor Cost: $_____________________ = (B x C) E. Total Cable Project Cost including Labor and Materials: $______________ = (A+D) Exhbit B-1 Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT C COUNTY OF ALAMEDA MINIMUM INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Without limiting any other obligation or liability under this Agreement, the Contractor, at its sole cost and expense, shall secure and keep in force during the entire term of the Agreement or longer, as may be specified below, the following insurance coverage, limits and endorsements: A B C D E TYPE OF INSURANCE COVERAGES Commercial General Liability Premises Liability; Products and Completed Operations; Contractual Liability; Personal Injury and Advertising Liability Commercial or Business Automobile Liability All owned vehicles, hired or leased vehicles, non-owned, borrowed and permissive uses. Personal Automobile Liability is acceptable for individual contractors with no transportation or hauling related activities Workers’ Compensation (WC) and Employers Liability (EL) Required for all contractors with employees Professional Liability/Errors & Omissions Includes endorsements of contractual liability MINIMUM LIMITS $1,000,000 per occurrence (CSL) Bodily Injury and Property Damage $1,000,000 per occurrence (CSL) Any Auto Bodily Injury and Property Damage WC: Statutory Limits EL: $100,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 project aggregate Endorsements and Conditions: 1. ADDITIONAL INSURED: All insurance required above with the exception of Professional Liability, Personal Automobile Liability, Workers’ Compensation and Employers Liability, shall be endorsed to name as additional insured: County of Alameda, its Board of Supervisors, the individual members thereof, and all County officers, agents, employees and representatives. 2. DURATION OF COVERAGE: All required insurance shall be maintained during the entire term of the Agreement with the following exception: Insurance policies and coverage(s) written on a claims-made basis shall be maintained during the entire term of the Agreement and until 3 years following termination and acceptance of all work provided under the Agreement, with the retroactive date of said insurance (as may be applicable) concurrent with the commencement of activities pursuant to this Agreement. 3. REDUCTION OR LIMIT OF OBLIGATION: All insurance policies shall be primary insurance to any insurance available to the Indemnified Parties and Additional Insured(s). Pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, insurance effected or procured by the Contractor shall not reduce or limit Contractor’s contractual obligation to indemnify and defend the Indemnified Parties. 4. INSURER FINANCIAL RATING: Insurance shall be maintained through an insurer with a minimum A.M. Best Rating of A- or better, with deductible amounts acceptable to the County. Acceptance of Contractor’s insurance by County shall not relieve or decrease the liability of Contractor hereunder. Any deductible or self-insured retention amount or other similar obligation under the policies shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Any deductible or self-insured retention amount or other similar obligation under the policies shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 5. SUBCONTRACTORS: Contractor shall include all subcontractors as an insured (covered party) under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. 6. JOINT VENTURES: If Contractor is an association, partnership or other joint business venture, required insurance shall be provided by any one of the following methods: – Separate insurance policies issued for each individual entity, with each entity included as a “Named Insured (covered party), or at minimum named as an “Additional Insured” on the other’s policies. – Joint insurance program with the association, partnership or other joint business venture included as a “Named Insured. 7. CANCELLATION OF INSURANCE: All required insurance shall be endorsed to provide thirty (30) days advance written notice to the County of cancellation. 8. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE: Before commencing operations under this Agreement, Contractor shall provide Certificate(s) of Insurance and applicable insurance endorsements, in form and satisfactory to County, evidencing that all required insurance coverage is in effect. The County reserves the rights to require the Contractor to provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies. The require certificate(s) and endorsements must be sent to: - Department/Agency issuing the contract GSA Purchasing Dept (1401 Lakeside Dr. Ste 907, Oakland, CA 94612) - With a copy to Risk Management Unit (125 – 12th Street, 3rd Floor, Oakland, CA 94607) Certificate C-2 Page 1 of 1 Form 2001-1 (Rev. 03/15/06) EXHIBIT D-1 COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract CURRENT REFERENCES Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Contact Person: Telephone Number: E Mail: Service Provided: Dates/Type of Service: Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Contact Person: Telephone Number: E Mail: Service Provided: Dates/Type of Service: Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Contact Person: Telephone Number: E Mail: Service Provided: Dates/Type of Service: Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Contact Person: Telephone Number: E Mail: Service Provided: Dates/Type of Service: Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Contact Person: Telephone Number: E Mail: Service Provided: Dates/Type of Service: Company Name: Exhibit D Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT D-2 COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract FORMER REFERENCES Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Contact Person: Telephone Number: E Mail: Service Provided: Dates/Type of Service: Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Contact Person: Telephone Number: E Mail: Service Provided: Dates/Type of Service: Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Contact Person: Telephone Number: E Mail: Service Provided: Dates/Type of Service: Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Contact Person: Telephone Number: E Mail: Service Provided: Dates/Type of Service: Company Name: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Contact Person: Telephone Number: E Mail: Service Provided: Dates/Type of Service: Company Name: Exhibit D Page 2 of 2 Exhibit E Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Program new Certification Application RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract COUNTY OF ALAMEDA SMALL, LOCAL AND EMERGING BUSINESS PROGRAM SLEB CERTIFICATION INSTRUCTIONS 3 Easy Steps 1. Complete the application form Program Definitions Local Business: A business having a fixed office with a street address in Alameda County for a minimum period of 6 months and a valid business license issued by the County or a City within Alameda County Small Business: A business which has been certified by the County as local and meets the U.S. Business Administration (SBA) size standards for its classification. Size standards and classification codes information available at Emerging Business: A business which has been certified by the County as local and meet less than one half of the U.S. SBA size standards for its classification and has been in business less than 5 years. If you own less than 51% interest in your business, please indicate other owner(s) name(s), title(s) and percentage of ownership. List all current business and professional licenses. If you have been in business for less than three years, please provide your actual gross receipts received for the period that you have been in business. If you have not been in business for a complete tax year, please provide actual gross receipts to date. If any item on the application form is not applicable, please put “N/A” in the designated area. If additional space is needed, please attach additional sheet(s). 2. Please sign* and mail Application to: Alameda County Auditor-Controller Agency Office of Contract Compliance 1221 Oak Street, Room 249 Oakland, CA 94612 *The application form must be signed by the owner, principal partner or authorized officer of the corporation. We will contact you within 10 days to schedule a site visit upon receipt of your application. 3. On-site Visit The following items must be available for our review during the visit to your business address: Signed Federal Tax Returns showing Gross Business Receipts for the last 3 years** Business Licenses Current Identification (i.e. Driver’s License, Identification Card) Deed, Rental or Lease Agreement showing Business Address **Personal Net Worth Statement (if the business has never filed taxes) If you have questions regarding your certification, please contact: Office of Contract Compliance Tel: (510) 891-5500 Fax: 510-272-6502 or Email: Thank you for your interest in doing business with Alameda County. Exhibit E Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Program new Certification Application RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract East Bay Interagency Alliance (EBIA) COMMON APPLICATION for LOCAL CERTIFICATION Alameda County – Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority – City of Oakland – Port of Oakland Submittal Date: _____________ Check Certifying Agency below and click link to download Supplemental: Alameda County – No supplemental required Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority – Complete Supplemental B City of Oakland – Complete Supplemental C Port of Oakland – Complete Supplemental D All the above The Common Application is a sharing of information between agencies and NOT a reciprocal certification. 1) Contact Information Legal Name of Entity Contact Person (Name & Title) Street Address of Entity (No P.O. Box) City State Telephone ( ) Email Address Zip Code Fax # ( ) County Cell# ( ) Web Site 2) Company Profile Primary Service undertaken/offered: Date Entity was established (mm/dd/yr) Specialty Service undertaken/offered: Does the entity have one or more additional offices outside the city of Oakland, CA? Y N If yes, list other location(s) New Purchased existing Merger or consolidation Inherited Has this entity operated under a different name during the past five years? Method of Acquisition Type of Firm Sole Proprietorship Joint Venture Partnership Corporation Limited Liability Partnership Limited Liability Corporation Publicly traded entity Non-Profit or Church Other ____________________ Gross Receipts for the last three recent fiscal years: Please attach copies of appropriate tax returns: (e.g. Form 990, Form 1040, Form 1120, etc) Revision 3-05-09 Date Oakland office was established (mm/dd/yr) Secured concession Other (explain) Federal ID Number: Ethnicity Group of owners(s) that own greater than 50% of the business. (for tracking purposes only) African American Hispanic Asian Native American Asian Pacific /Hawaiian Multi ethnic ownership Asian Indian Multi ethnic minority ownership Caucasian Other ______________ Filipino Gender (for tracking purposes only) Male Female Year Ended________ Year Ended________ Year Ended________ Total Receipts $_____________________ Total Receipts $_____________________ Total Receipts $_____________________ Exhibit E Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Program new Certification Application RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract 2) Company Profile: (Continue) Number of Employees at the local office Permanent Full time ____ Temporary Full Time ____ Temporary Part Time ____ Seasonal Full Time ____ Seasonal Part Time ____ Permanent Part time ____ TOTAL Number of Employees at all locations. Permanent Full time ____ Permanent Part time ____ Temporary Full Time ____ Temporary Part Time ____ Seasonal Full Time ____ Seasonal Part Time ____ 3) Certifications: Name of Issuing Authority Type Number Expiration Date City / County Business Tax Certificate Internal Revenue Service (required) – If your firm is a Non-Profit, submit the Letter of Determination of Not For Profit Status. State of CA /CUCP Certification for DBE/ACDBE firm State of CA /SBA Certification for Small firm Other Certification Other Certification Other Certification 4) Professional Licenses, Permits and/or Certificates (e.g. contractor, architect, engineer, etc. – list all that apply - attach copies. List on a separate page if additional space is needed) Name of Issuing Authority Type Number Expiration Date State of CA Contractor’s License Board – Contractor’s License: State of CA Professional Service License or Permit: State of CA Service Provider License or Permit: Other: Other: 5) NAICS Codes: Please review the NAICS1 listing of work codes and indicate below your areas of expertise ranked in order of importance (begin with primary and specialty areas as indicated in the Company Profile section) NAICS Codes can be found at: & Add separate sheet for additional NAICS codes if needed. NAICS Code 6) Additional Information: Are you a Trucking Firm? Yes No A supplier? Yes No Description of Work Are you a Truck Broker? Yes No Both? Yes No 7) When submitting this application to any of the checked Certification Taskforce members, I consent to the sharing of information contained herein and declare under penalty of perjury that all statements made in the Application are true and correct: Yes No I declare, under penalty or perjury all of the foregoing statements are true and correct. Signature ________________________________________Print Name__________________________________ Date ___________ North American Industry Classification System – Revision 3-05-09 1 EXHIBIT F SMALL LOCAL EMERGING BUSINESS (SLEB) PARTNERING INFORMATION SHEET COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract In order to meet the small local emerging business (SLEB) requirements of this RFP, all bidders must complete this form as required below. Bidders not meeting the definition of a SLEB (as stated in this RFP County Provisions) are required to subcontract with a SLEB for at least twenty percent (20%) of the total estimated bid amount in order to be considered for contract award. This form must be submitted for each business that bidders will work with, as evidence of a firm contractual commitment to meeting the SLEB participation goal. (Copy this form as needed.) Bidders are encouraged to form a partnership with a SLEB that can participate directly with this contract. One of the benefits of the partnership will be economic, but this partnership will also assist the SLEB to grow and build the capacity to eventually bid as a prime on their own. Once a contract has been awarded, bidders will not be able to substitute named subcontractors without prior written approval from the Auditor-Controller, Office of Contract Compliance (OCC). County departments and the OCC will monitor the contract for compliance with the SLEB requirements. BIDDER IS A CERTIFIED SLEB (sign below) SLEB BIDDER BUSINESS NAME: _______________________________________________________________ SLEB Certification #____________________ SLEB Certification Expiration Date ____/____/____ BIDDER is NOT a certified SLEB and will subcontract ________% with the SLEB named below for the following goods/services: ______________________________________________________________________ SLEB Subcontractor Business Name: ______________________________________________________ SLEB Certification #:____________________ SLEB Certification Expiration Date: ___/___/___ SLEB Certification Status: Small Emerging Principal Name: _________________________________________________________________________ SLEB Subcontractor Principal Signature: ___________________________________________Date:___________ Bidder Signature: _____________________________________________________ Revision 3-05-09 Date: _______________ EXHIBIT G COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract REQUEST FOR BID PREFERENCE PLEASE READ AND COMPLETE THIS FORM CAREFULLY: IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST THE LOCAL BUSINESS, SMALL AND LOCAL BUSINESS, OR EMERGING AND LOCAL BUSINESS BID PREFERENCE, COMPLETE THIS FORM AND RETURN IT WITH YOUR RFP SUBMITTAL. IN ADDITION, IF APPLYING FOR A LOCAL BID PREFERENCE, SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING: Copy of a verifiable business license, issued by the County of Alameda or a City within the County; and Proof of six (6) months business residency, identifying the name of the vendor and the local address. Utility bills, deed of trusts or lease agreements, etc., are acceptable verification documents to prove residency. A five-percent (5%) local bid preference will be granted to Alameda County products or vendors except with respect to those contracts which State law requires be granted to the lowest responsible bidder. An Alameda County vendor is a firm or dealer with fixed offices and having a street address within the County for at least six (6) months prior to the date upon which a request for sealed bids or proposals is issued; and which holds a valid business license issued by the County or a city within the County. Alameda County products are those which are grown, mined, fabricated, manufactured, processed or produced within the County. In addition, a five percent (5%) small/emerging business bid preference, for a total bid preference of ten percent (10%), shall be granted (except as noted above) if the bidder is certified by the County as either a small and local or an emerging and local business. Check the appropriate boxes below (2 maximum) and provide the requested information. Request for 5% LOCAL Bid Preference (Complete 1-4, print name, title, sign and date below) 1. Company Name 2. Street Address 3. Telephone Number 4. Business License # Request for 5% SMALL Local Business Bid Preference OR Request for 5% EMERGING Local Business Bid Preference (Complete certification information below) SLEB Certification #: SLEB Certification Expiration Date The Undersigned declares that the foregoing information is true and correct: Print/Type Name: Print/Type Title: Signature: Date: Revision 3-05-09 / / EXHIBIT H COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract ALAMEDA COUNTY VENDOR FIRST SOURCE AGREEMENT VENDOR INFORMATION ALCOLINK Vendor Number (if known): 00000 SLEB Vendor Number: Full Legal Name: DBA Type of Entity: Individual Sole Proprietor Partnership Corporation Tax-Exempted Government or Trust Check the boxes that apply: Goods Only Goods & Services Rents/Leases Legal Services Rents/Leases paid to you as the agent Medical Services Non-Medical Services – Describe Other Federal Tax ID Number (required): P.O. Box/Street Address: Vendor Contact’s Name: Vendor Contact’s Telephone: Fax: Vendor Contact’s E-mail address: Please check all that apply: LOC SML I A B F H N W Local Vendor (Holds business license within Alameda County) Small Business (as defined by Small Business Administration) American Indian or Alaskan Native (>50%) Asian (>50%) Black or African American (>50%) Filipino (>50%) Hispanic or Latino (>50%) Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (>50%) White (>50%) Number of entry level positions available through the life of the contract:___________ Number of other positions available through the life of the contact:_________________ This information to be completed by County: Contract #______________________ Contract Amount: _____________________ Contract Term: _____________________ Revision 10-22-09 EXHIBIT H COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract ALAMEDA COUNTY VENDOR FIRST SOURCE AGREEMENT VENDOR INFORMATION Vendor agrees to provide Alameda County (through East Bay Works and Social Services Agency), ten (10) working days to refer to Vendor, potential candidates to be considered by Vendor to fill any new or vacant positions that are necessary to fulfill their contractual obligations to the County, that Vendor has available during the life of the contract before advertising to the general public. Vendor will also provide the County with specific job requirements for new or vacant positions. Vendor agrees to use its best efforts to fill its employment vacancies with candidates referred by County, but final decision of whether or not to offer employment, and the terms and conditions thereof, to the candidate(s) rest solely within the discretion of the Vendor. Alameda County (through East Bay Works and Social Services Agency) agrees to only refer prescreened qualified applicants, based on vendor specifications, to vendor for interviews for prospective employment by Vendor (see Incentives for Vendor Participation under Vendor/First Source Program located on the Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Website, If compliance with the First Source Program will interfere with Vendor’s pre-existing labor agreements, recruiting practices, or will otherwise obstruct Vendor’s ability to carry out the terms of the contract, Vendor will provide to the County a written justification of non-compliance in the space provided below. (Company Name) ______________________________________ _____________________ (Vendor Signature) (Date) ______________________________________ _____________________ (East Bay Works / One-Stop Representative Signature) (Date) Justification for Non-Compliance: _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Revision 10-22-09 EXHIBIT I COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract Exceptions, Clarifications, Amendments List below requests for clarifications, exceptions and amendments, if any, to the RFP and its exhibits, and submit with your bid response. The County is under no obligation to accept any exceptions and such exceptions may be a basis for bid disqualification. Item No. Reference To: Page No. Paragraph No. _________________________________ Bidder Name Description _____________________________ Bidder Signature ____________ Date EXHIBIT K COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RFP No. 900715 For Master Cabling Contract ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION The bidder certifies under penalty of perjury the following: The products we are proposing to supply are not manufactured with and do not contain, use, or generate PBTs as defined in Acronym and Term Glossary of this RFP. Our company and any product provided to the County as part of this contract, is in compliance with all local, state, and federal environmental and worker health and safety regulations that apply to their operation. The bidder shall provide the following with its response: A brief description of planned efforts to minimize the amount of packaging and shipping materials and a description of the post-consumer recycled content of those materials: Print Name/Title: _____________________________________________________________________ Company Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Signature: Date: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract EXHIBIT L RFP VENDOR BID LIST Below is the Vendor Bid List for this project consisting of vendors who have responded to RFI No. 900715, and/or been issued a copy of this RFP. This Vendor Bid List is being provided for informational purposes to assist bidders in making contact with other businesses as needed to develop local small and emerging business subcontracting relationships to meet the requirements of the Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Program (described within this RFP). For additional information regarding the SLEB Program, please visit our website at and/or contact the Auditor- Controller’s Office of Contract Compliance (OCC) located at 1221 Oak St., Rm. 249, Oakland, CA 94612 at Tel: (510) 891-5500, Fax: (510) 272-6502 or via E-mail at Potential bidders are strongly encouraged, but not required, to attend the Networking/Bidders Conferences in order to further facilitate subcontracting relationships. Vendors who attend the Networking/Bidders Conferences will be added to the Vendor Bid List. Please see the RFP sections entitled ‘Calendar of Events’ and ‘Networking/Bidders Conferences’ for additional information. The Networking/Bidders Conferences scheduled for all current projects are posted on the GSA Calendar of Events website at An RFP Addendum will be issued to all vendors on the Vendor Bid List following the Networking/Bidders Conferences and will include contact information for each vendor attendee. RFP No. 900715 - Master Cabling Contract Business Name Street Address City State Contact Name Phone Number Email AAA Solar Electric 1182 N. Knollwood Circle Anaheim CA (714) 507-8280 AEKO Consulting 1939 Harrison St. #420 Oakland CA David Ngo Gboyega Aladegbami (510) 763-2356 ARIA Technologies 102 Wright Brothers Ave. Livermore CA K.C. McColm (925) 447-7500 AT&T 2600 Camino Ramon, 1S250K San Ramon CA Heather Michels (925) 823-1570 AT&T 2150 Webster St Oakland CA Heather Michels (925) 823-1570 Cal Coast Telecom Digital Design Communications 886 Faulstich Court San Jose CA Marie Pernick (408) 275-8888 8135 Capwell Drive Oakland CA Rafael Zamora (510) 632-0605 E-3 Systems 1220 Whipple Rd Union City CA Kofi A. Tawiah (510) 487-7393 E-3 Systems Environmental Innovations 1220 Whipple Rd Union City CA Andres Carrasco (510) 487-7393 333 Hegenberger Rd. #210K Oakland CA Farshid Salamati (510)760-5286 Golden State Utility 4425 Farm Supply Dr. Ceres CA (209) 579-3400 Harris Electric 6681 Sierra Lane, Suite A Dublin CA Daniel Trevino Candace Kochendorfer (925) 560-9880 IPA Planning 446 Seventeenth St. #201 Oakland CA Ineda Adesanya (510) 839-4550 Monster IT, Inc. 37600 Central Court, Ste. 260 Newark CA Ron Hart (510) 791-2288 Netversant Solutions 47811 Warm Springs Blvd Fremont CA Steven woodcock (510)771-1224 Norcal Voice and Data 2440 Stanwell Dr Suite D Concord CA Theresan Davidson (925)692-0011 Polytron Corporation P.O. Box 30 San Martin CA Cary Vea (408) 893-4922 Team One Solutions 14729 Catalina St. San Leandro CA Paul J. Svec (510) 686-2217 TTP 393 Enterprise St., San Marcos CA Chris Meade (760) 510-1323 Verizon Business 201 Spear St., Ste 550, Rm 822 San Francisco CA Anita Battle (415) 228-1049 We'r Cabling 2157 Clinton Ave. #B Alameda CA Robert Welch (510) 521-5173 WPCS International 521 Railroad Ave. Suisun City CA Angel McDonald (916) 253-5306 Direct Line 4124 Clipper Court Fremont CA Andrea Jilesen (510) 413-9055 EXHIBIT M RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract RESPONSE CONTENT AND SUBMITTALS COMPLETENESS CHECKLIST a. Bid responses must be signed in ink and include evidence that the person or persons signing the proposal is/are authorized to execute the proposal on behalf of the bidder. b. Bidders shall provide all of the below noted Bid documentation and exhibits. Any material deviation from these requirements may be cause for rejection of the proposal, as determined in the County’s sole discretion. The content and sequence for each required Bid document/exhibit shall be as follows: CHECK LIST A. Title Page: Show RFP number and title, your company name and address, name of the contact person (for all matters regarding the RFP response), telephone number and proposal date. B. Table of Contents: Bid responses shall include a table of contents listing the individual sections of the proposal and their corresponding page numbers. Tabs should separate each of the individual sections. C. Cover Letter: Bid responses shall include a cover letter describing Bidder and include all of the following: 1) The official name of Bidder; 2) Bidder’s organizational structure (e.g. corporation, partnership, limited liability company, etc.); 3) The jurisdiction in which Bidder is organized and the date of such organization; 4) The address of Bidder’s headquarters, any local office involved in the Bid Proposal, and the address/location where the actual production of goods and/or services will be performed; 5) Bidder’s Federal Tax Identification Number; 6) The name, address, telephone, fax numbers and e-mail address of the person(s) who will serve as the contact(s) to the County, with regards to the Exhibit M Page 1 of 4 RFP response, with authorization to make representations on behalf of and to bind Bidder; 7) A representation that Bidder is in good standing in the State of California and will have all necessary licenses, permits, certifications, approvals and authorizations necessary in order to perform all of its obligations in connection with this RFP/Q. This requirement includes the necessity for some out of state companies to be registered with the State of California by the effective date of the agreement. Information regarding this requirement can be located at the Secretary of State website, 8) An acceptance of all conditions and requirements contained in this RFP. 9) Cover letter must be signed in ink by a person or persons authorized to execute the proposal on behalf of the bidder. D. Letter of Transmittal: Bid responses shall include a description of Bidder’s approach in providing its goods and/or services to the County in one or two pages stating its understanding of the work to be done and a positive commitment to perform the work as specified. E. Executive Summary: A brief synopsis of the highlights of the Proposal and overall benefits of the Proposal to the County. This synopsis should not exceed three (3) pages in length and should be easily understood. F. Bidder’s Qualifications and Experience: Provide a description of Bidder’s capabilities pertaining to this RFP. This description should not exceed five (5) pages and should include a detailed summary of Bidder’s experience relative to RFP requirements described herein, including references. G. Financial Statements. Responses are to include: H. Bidder’s most recent Dun & Bradstreet Supplier Evaluation Report. Dun & Bradstreet Supplier Qualifier Report (formerly Supplier Evaluation Report). For information on how to obtain a Supplier Evaluation Report, contact Dun & Bradstreet at 1-866-719-7158 or Key Personnel - Qualifications and Experience: Bid responses shall include a complete list of and resumes for all key personnel associated with the RFP. This list must include all key personnel who will provide services/training to County staff and all key personnel who will provide maintenance and support services. For each person on the list, the following information shall be included: (1) the person’s relationship with Bidder, including job title and years of employment with Bidder; (2) the role that the person will play Exhibit M Page 2 of 4 in connection with the RFP (3) address, telephone, fax numbers, and e-mail address; (4) the person’s educational background; (5) the person’s relevant experience, and (6) relevant awards, certificates or other achievements. This section of the bid response should include no more than two pages of information for each listed person. I. Description of the Proposed Services: Bid response shall include a description of the terms and conditions of services to be provided during the contract term including response times. The description shall contain a basis of estimate for services including its scheduled start and completion dates, the number of Bidder’s and County personnel involved, and the number of hours scheduled for such personnel. The description shall identify spare or replacement parts that will be required in performing maintenance services, the anticipated location(s) of such spare parts, and how quickly such parts shall be available for repairs. Finally, the description must: (1) specify how the services in the bid response will meet or exceed the requirements of the County; (2) explain any special resources, procedures or approaches that make the services of Bidder particularly advantageous to the County, and (3) identify any limitations or restrictions of Bidder in providing the services that the County should be aware of in evaluating its Response to this RFP. J. References, Exhibit D1 and D2: 1) Bidders are to provide a list of five (5) current and five (5) former clients on Exhibit D1 and D2, attached hereto. References must be satisfactory as deemed solely by County. References should have similar scope, volume and requirements to those outlined in these specifications, terms and conditions. 2) Reference information is to include: 3) K. Company/Agency name Contact person (name and title), contact person is to be someone directly involved with the services Complete street address Telephone number Type of business Dates of service The County may contact some or all of the references provided in order to determine Bidder’s performance record on work similar to that described in this request. The County reserves the right to contact references other than those provided in the Response and to use the information gained from them in the evaluation process. Bid Form, Exhibit B and B-1: Exhibit M Page 3 of 4 Pricing for the procurement of goods and services by the County shall include all taxes, freight and all other costs, or credits, associated with the procurement and delivery to the County of Bidder’s goods and services. Refer to section “T. PRICING” under “TERMS AND CONDITIONS”. L. Evidence of Insurance Certificates of insurance are required per the attached Exhibit C from a reputable insurer evidencing all coverages required for the term of any contract that may be awarded pursuant to this RFP. The County’s insurance requirements for Additional Insured reads, “All insurance required above with the exception… shall be endorsed to name as additional insured…”An endorsement is an amendment to a contract, such as an insurance policy, by which the original terms are changed. The insurance certificate (also known as the “Acord”) carries a disclaimer, “This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder. This certificate does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policy below.” Additional insureds listed in the description box are not a proper risk transfer. Any amendment or extension of the coverage such as an additional insured should be provided by a separate endorsement page or copy of the policy M. Other required Submittals/Exhibits not included above that are required in the bid response: Exhibit A, Acknowledgement form for the RFP and for each Addendum must be Signed and returned. Exhibit E, SLEB Certification Application Package, completed, signed, required documentation attached (applicable to a small or emerging business, located within the boundaries of Alameda County, seeking certification). Exhibit F, Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Partnering Information Sheet, must be completed and signed. Exhibit G, Request for Preference for Local Business and Small Local or Emerging Local Business, completed and signed (read Exhibit G for applicability). If applying for local preference, submit the following: Copy of a verifiable business license, issued by the County of Alameda or a City within the County, and Proof of six (6) month business residency, identifying the name of the vendor and the local address: any previous contracts with the County, utility bills, and deed of trust or lease agreement. Exhibit H, First Source Agreement, must be completed and signed (applicable to contracts over $100,000). Exhibit I, Exceptions, Clarifications and Amendments Form, must be completed and signed. Any exceptions, clarifications and amendments should also address the attached Exhibits (The County is under no obligation to accept any exceptions and such exceptions may be a basis for bid disqualification). Exhibit K, Environmental Certification. Exhibit N, Debarment and Suspension Certification. Exhibit M Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT N COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RFP No. 900715 for Master Cabling Contract DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION CERTIFICATION For Procurements Over $25,000 The bidder, under penalty of perjury, certifies that, except as noted below, bidder, its Principal, and any named and unnamed subcontractor: Is not currently under suspension, debarment, voluntary exclusion, or determination of ineligibility by any federal agency; Has not been suspended, debarred, voluntarily excluded or determined ineligible by any federal agency within the past three years; Does not have a proposed debarment pending; and Has not been indicted, convicted, or had a civil judgment rendered against it by a court of competent jurisdiction in any matter involving fraud or official misconduct within the past three years. If there are any exceptions to this certification, insert the exceptions in the following space. Exceptions will not necessarily result in denial of award, but will be considered in determining bidder responsibility. For any exception noted above, indicate below to whom it applies, initiating agency, and dates of action. Notes: Providing false information may result in criminal prosecution or administrative sanctions. The above certification is part of the Proposal. Signing this Proposal on the signature portion thereof shall also constitute signature of this Certification. BIDDER: _________________________________________________________________ PRINCIPAL: _______________________________ TITLE: ________________________ SIGNATURE: ______________________________ DATE: ________________________ Exhibit N EXHIBIT O Alameda County Infrastructure Cabling Specifications Version 2009.2 Contents Introduction General Cable Type Campus Installation Building Installation Termination Equipment List Administration Testing Exceptions Glossary Appendix 1 Introduction This document is intended to provide a guideline for uniform voice and data design across County buildings (owned and leased), one that will ease maintenance and simplify the integration of new technologies. A structured cabling system is one whose parts are matched and designed to work together; thus, according to these Specifications, installed systems will: be of a certain cable type, have a restricted topology, use defined outlets and connections, and be tested prior to acceptance. It is the intent of these Specifications to set a baseline of operational functionality and product performance that all installations must meet. This document includes product specifications, general design considerations, and installation guidelines; however, it is not intended to be complete and exhaustive by itself. Contractors must provide the necessary equipment and/or accessories for a fully functional installation that meets the intended design, whether or not expressly specified herein. Quantities of outlets, backbone routing, and installation details will be in a separate Scope of Work. 2 General 2.1 Installing Contractor The cabling contractor must be a certified installer of a County-approved structured cabling system (Systimax, Uniprise, or Certification Plus), or be able to obtain a County site license from the structured cabling vendor. They are responsible for workmanship and installation practices in full accordance with these Specifications as well as the requirements of the manufacturer’s program. A project manager will be assigned by the contractor throughout the duration of the installation. This person will coordinate the logistics of the installation and recommend any material or schedule changes that may be required. The contractor must also have an RCDDcertified individual available to insure adherence with industry best-practices. A walk-through CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 1 of 15 of the job site by that RCDD, prior to quoting on any project, will be considered essential. 2.2 Topology Station cabling throughout the County will consist of two 4-pair cables to each outlet, unless otherwise specified. The cables are to be home run to the nearest IDF, and terminated on patch panels (both voice and data). All work should be done professionally, with due diligence given to aesthetic concerns. Any unspecified materials necessary for the completion of work should be of a type and quality consistent with those identified in this document. As multiple manufacturers are allowed under these Specifications, modifications or remodels within an existing building must conform to the products already in use at that location. Accessible portions of extant cabling not being reused, or terminated and tagged for future use, must be completely removed during any remodel – not abandoned in place. Similarly, abandoned communication outlets will be covered with a blank faceplate, and not retain disconnected jacks. Systems will be considered operational only upon the County’s acceptance of a properly completed installation, per this document. 2.3 Codes and Standards The latest editions and addendums of the following industry references and their subsections will be adhered to in any installation of cabling systems within the County of Alameda. This document, state and local regulations, and all manufacturers’ instructions are included by inference. In the event of non-regulatory conflicts the County standard (this document) will take precedence, followed by the more stringent applicable standard. ANSI - TIA/EIA 568B, Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard ANSI - TIA/EIA 569A, Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces ANSI - TIA/EIA 607, Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications ANSI - TIA/EIA 758, Customer Owned Outside Plant Telecommunications Cabling Standard NFPA 70 - Article 645, National Electrical Code, Information Technology Equipment NFPA 70 - Article 800, National Electrical Code, Communications Circuits NECA/BICSI 568-2001, Installing Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling TDMM – BICSI, Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual 3 Cable Type 3.1 Backbone Vertical backbone installations should consist of riser-rated, multi-pair copper cable (x25 UTP) and laser-optimized, 50-micron multimode fiber run simultaneously. The fiber should be at least 12-strand, but 24-strand is strongly recommended for all but the smallest facilities. Campus backbone distances greater than 1500’ in length require 24-strand singlemode fiber be run alongside any copper cable. 3.2 Station All station cable must be 4-pair UTP, UL listed for plenum use. Cat3 cable should only be used CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 2 of 15 in feature-restricted locations (payphones, outdoor wall phones, etc). Cat5E cable should not be used in new construction (“greenfield” environments). The maximum acceptable total length for any individual station cable run is 295’. category 3 limited use, white category 5e/class D voice/data, blue category 6/class E voice/data, yellow augm’d cat6/class Ea multimedia, gray 3.3 Fiber Optical cable must be run in 1-1/4” innerduct tubing and have a nylon pull-rope installed. When not also run inside conduit, both fiber and innerduct must be UL-rated for plenum use, and secured every 5’ to the cable supports. Inter-building (campus) fiber must have a dry water-blocking system for the cable core and buffer tubes, and be designed for both indoor and outdoor (buried conduit) use without a transition splice at the building entrance. All fiber should be installed with LC-style duplex connectors, unless otherwise requested. 3.4 Other Wiring Vendors supplying and installing cabling for other building equipment, including but not limited to: multimedia (A/V), cable television, fire control, HVAC, overhead paging, and security systems should run their cable in such a manner as to minimize potential confusion with, or possible degradation of, phone/data service. When feasible, they should use their own cable supports and different colored wire. Under no circumstances should power supplies or building radio systems be run alongside communications cabling. 4 Campus Installation Interbuilding, or outside plant (OSP), cabling should be installed such that it can continue to effectively serve the campus decades into the future, even as facilities are modified or razed. feed buildings from maintenance holes, not structure pass-thrus splicing must be done in maintenance holes only separate from other utilities by 3” in concrete, 4” in masonry, 12” in earth install cables opposite traffic flow when using utility poles When installed in the ground, backbone cable must be run in conduit (no direct-buried installations), and all conduit, whether used or not, should contain a nylon pull-rope. Do not mix copper and fiber cabling in the same conduit, and provision at least one additional 4” conduit for future use. Whenever feasible, use long, sweeping bends instead of sharp turns for determining conduit pathways. All buried conduit must be marked by orange warning tape with a detectable backing, placed 12-18” below the surface, directly above the cable. 5 Building Installation 5.1 Method Insure the integrity of any signal that will be carried across the structured cabling system by observing practices that protect cabling from possible sources of interference or degradation: cross electrical conduits at right angles only CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 3 of 15 no splicing or intermediate patch panels are allowed no affixing to other utilities (gas, plumbing, etc) route 18” from EMF-generating devices such as light ballasts (4’ from motors) Velcro wrap all bundles below ceiling grid (and do not use staples) completely replace cable if the sheath is significantly damaged observe minimum bend radius and pulling tension standards Also of particular concern in open-ceiling environments is that structured cabling be run along defined pathways. The cabling should be run in level (horizontal) paths as much as possible. Those paths should be parallel or perpendicular to the center-line of the building, as defined by its columns and beams. Diagonal cable runs must be avoided. Cable runs must not be alongside exterior walls. 5.1.1 Conduit Backbone cable must be run in conduit and the conduit itself must be labeled at each end with the destination. For vertical runs use a minimum of two 4” conduits, plus one additional conduit for every three floors. Horizontal conduit runs should be considered for interconnecting multiple IDFs on a single floor of multi-story buildings. All conduit, whether used or not, should contain a nylon pull-rope. Do not mix copper and fiber cabling in the same conduit. Any conduit used to feed station cables must be sized not to exceed 40% fill, with a minimum ¾” diameter. It must be concealed, except when installed in equipment rooms, and all empty conduits must contain a nylon pull-cord. All outlet stub-ups/stub-outs must be reamed or finished with insulated bushings, and – except in IDFs – they should have minimal protrusion from the finished wall (<4”). In open-ceiling environments the conduit end should be coordinated with the location of cable support devices. 5.1.2 Wall Penetration Any cable penetrations of walls or floors are to be sleeved with 4” diameter metallic conduit and bushings. The ends must be flared or finished to eliminate possible cable sheath damage. Penetrations of walls or floors designed as fire barriers are also to be caulked outside and packed inside with suitable fire stop material, in compliance with state and local fire codes. 5.1.3 Cable Support Support devices must be used for station cable runs of any length. Whether cable tray, “Jhooks”, or cable slings, they must be cat6 compliant and anchored approximately 4’ apart (to insure minimal sag). They will provide at least 3” of clearance from the ceiling (for access), and will hang securely from wire hangers dedicated to only the cable support devices. The cable will not be attached to ceiling grid supports or other structures, and at no point should cables rest on acoustic ceiling panels. Whichever support device is used, it should be sized not to exceed 40% fill. 5.1.4 Raceway CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 4 of 15 It is preferred that all cabling be concealed inside walls or plenum wherever possible; any exposed run must be enclosed in raceway. The raceway must provide separation of power and communication cabling, as well as bend-radius protection. The use of utility columns (“telepower poles”) is to be avoided in County facilities. 5.2 Entrance Facility / MPOE A dedicated facility must be provided if the County is not the sole tenant in a building. It should be fed by at least three 4” conduits connecting the service provider to the building. All conduits must be run so that they slope away from the building, to prevent water intrusion. All incoming copper cable (whether provider or campus) must be routed through an entrance cable protector panel, which must be connected with an AWG #6 copper bonding conductor between the protector ground lug and the TBB. 5.3 MDF This area houses communications systems, adjuncts, and administration terminals. 5.3.1 Location The following considerations must be given to the placement of the MDF: centrally located within any building contiguous with IDF rooms for unimpeded backbone cabling not traversed by wet pipes, subject to humidity or steam infiltration connected to the computer room, if not the same space, by two 4” conduits not below the local water table, or subject to water intrusion with a door opening onto a major hallway removed from mechanical and electrical closets, to avoid EMF 5.3.2 Access The MDF must be in a dedicated room with 24-by-7 availability. It should have a push-button combination lock for entry, and a 5’ wide double doorway with no center post (to provide for the movement of large equipment). If this is a different room than the MPOE, it should be fed by multiple 4” conduits between the two. 5.3.3 Construction The MDF must be a rectangular room of full-height walls capable of containing two parallel rows of equipment racks with adequate space front and rear for technicians to maneuver. Unimpeded access to one long wall is essential for wall-mounted equipment. The recommended minimum is for a 15’ by 12’ (180 sq ft) room for 100 outlets and a 25’ by 14’ (350 sq ft) room for larger buildings. The floor will be asbestos-free, non-conducting VCT (vinyl composition tile), designed to minimize dust, and light in color to enhance illumination. It will support a static loading of 100 lbs per sq ft. The County does not specify a raised floor. CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 5 of 15 The backboard will be 3/4” fire-rated plywood, with the “C” (knot) side facing the wall. It should be painted white to enhance illumination, and the paint must not cover any fire-rating stamps. This plywood will be affixed to at least the two walls nearest the equipment racks, and mounted from 12” off the floor to 9’ high (4x8 panels). It should cover all of the space behind anticipated racks and cable runway mounting points to provide an effective surface for installation. All plywood will be fastened securely to the wall substrate, with appropriate fasteners mounted flush to the surface. The MDF should have an open ceiling (no suspended tiles), higher than the surrounding office space. It should be fitted with a minimum of one 4” cable sleeve for every 50 outlets (including anticipated growth), with bushings on the ends to protect against cable sheath damage. 5.3.4 Environmental The lighting will consist of fixtures set into the ceiling, above the height of any cable runway, which illuminate the equipment uniformly (front and rear). Exact fixture locations should be coordinated with the equipment layout, to avoid interference. Light levels should be 50 to 70 foot-candles, measured 3’ above the floor. Select fixtures should be designated as emergency lighting. There will be dedicated, 24-by-7 HVAC serving the MDF, with the sensors and controls for this equipment located within the room. The recommended operating range for the room is: 64 to 75 degrees F ambient room temperature 30 to 55 % relative humidity The operating range must take into account the heat load of all equipment expected to be installed, plus a reasonable margin for expansion. Note that any water and drainpipes within the room must be fitted with drip pans to avoid equipment damage. 5.3.5 Electrical The telephone and data equipment must be powered from dedicated circuits. These circuits will be 120v, 20a, 4-plex outlets (unless specified otherwise) separate from the feed for any lights, convenience outlets, or HVAC. They must be clearly identified by label. One such circuit must be located on the wall adjacent to an equipment rack, at +18” AFF. At least one additional dedicated circuit must be mounted onto the cable runway above the equipment racks. There should also be a minimum of two 120v duplex convenience outlets per wall. An electrical subpanel for the MDF should be in that room, and if fed by UPS should be clearly labeled as such. A single UPS to support core data and communications functions should be considered for any installation. Power backup systems will be designed to supply adequate AC power to equipment for a period of two hours. The grounding and bonding recommendations of TIA/EIA 607 (see Appendix for diagram) will be adhered to in all County buildings. All communications equipment, racks, and runways will be grounded to a busbar (TGB) in each equipment room. Every TGB will be mounted to the wall at 7’ high with insulators and stand-off brackets, and then connected to building structural CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 6 of 15 steel. The main TGB in the MPOE is also designated for outside cable protection, and must safely carry lightning and power fail currents. It should be 1/4”D x 4”H x ~18”L, and wired between the cable protectors and the approved building ground. 5.3.6 Fire Protection Extra measures should be considered for this room, when deemed cost-effective and allowed by local codes. This includes a pre-action sprinkler system, heads designed to operate at 212 degrees F or higher, and an FM-200 suppression system for larger MDFs. All pipes in the room must be dry standpipe, and the sprinkler heads should be enclosed by a wire cage. 5.4 IDF This area is designed to connect horizontal station cabling with the building backbone. 5.4.1 Location The following considerations must be given to the placement of any IDF: a minimum of one per floor (more if >10,000 sq ft) must be on the same floor as the terminations which it feeds no further than 220 feet from most distant wall vertically stacked on each floor to limit backbone complexity not traversed by wet pipes, subject to humidity or steam infiltration with a door opening onto major hallway removed from mechanical and electrical closets, to avoid EMF not for radio frequency (RF) distribution equipment 5.4.2 Access Any IDF should have a push-button, combination-lock door that is 36” wide with 180-degree swing. 5.4.3 Construction The design of an IDF will vary due to available space, but the requirement is for a minimum 10’ by 8’ (80 sq ft) rectangular room. The floor, wall, and ceiling will be as in the MDF, with the note that any exposed brick, concrete and gypsum board will be painted or sealed to minimize dust. 5.4.4 Environmental The lighting will be as in the MDF. There need not be dedicated HVAC for any IDF, as long as the ambient temperature range is consistent with the surrounding office space. To that end, the room should have a louvered door. It is recommended that a temperature-controlled exhaust fan be supplied, set at 85 degrees F. 5.4.5 Electrical CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 7 of 15 There must be a dedicated 120v, 20a, 4-plex outlet in the room. It should be located adjacent to an equipment rack, clearly labeled, and mounted +18” AFF. There should also be a minimum of two 120v duplex convenience outlets, located at 6’ intervals around the room. The room will have a TGB measuring ¼”D x 2”H x ~10”L mounted +72” AFF. This will be linked by an AWG #6 copper cable (unspliced) with green PVC jacket to the electrical service ground via the main TGB; this is the grounding backbone (TBB). Each IDF must be properly wired to the TBB for equipment grounding. The TBB is designed to interconnect busbars, and is not intended to have equipment bonding conductors spliced onto it. 5.5 Outlet Outlets should use a standard 4” square electrical box (to allow for a 6” service loop) with single-gang mud ring, although plastic outlet boxes are allowed in post-build situations. Each outlet should consist of one voice and one data cable per workstation, unless otherwise specified. They should be located where they will not be blocked by furniture; ideally, where a standard 7’ patch cord will reach the desk phone. The County specifically disallows the use of pedestal floor outlets (“monuments”). For modular furniture, outlets should be located close to the anticipated communication base feed (alongside the electrical whip). 6 Termination 6.1 Distribution Backbone cabling will terminate onto 110-block wall fields at both ends, although 66-blocks (with orange doors) are allowed for the entrance cable when a clearer designation of individual incoming lines is desired. All wall fields must be supplied with cable troughs and D-rings for proper routing of cross-connect wire. Voice and data station cabling will terminate onto patch panels mounted in equipment racks. A feeder cable must be installed between the wall field and patch panels in the MDF and each IDF to support any traditional phone sets and analog devices. This feeder will be a minimum 25-pair cable, split out -- one pair per jack on pins 4 and 5 – to a dedicated patch panel. Patch panels will be of the proper performance grade to match station cable. The County disallows use of high-density patch panels (defined as more than 24 ports in a 1-U frame, or 48 ports in a 2-U frame). Connections will be terminated carefully to maintain proper wire twist and sheathing, and then dressed for a neat appearance. Copper patch cords will be “snagless”, of the same manufacturer as the patch panels, and equivalent (or better) grade than the station cable. Patch cords and cross-connect wires are not to be tied into bundles. Any fiber connection shelves must be mounted at the top of the rack closest to the wall, to avoid accidental damage. Multimode fiber connector panels will use ivory phosphor-bronze sleeves, and singlemode fiber connector panels will use blue ceramic split sleeves. Fiber patch cords, pigtails, and cable must all be of the same grade of glass, providing the same bandwidth. CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 8 of 15 6.2 Station In-wall station outlets are to be 4-position, single gang wall plates of a color that matches the electrical (typically ivory). Modular jacks will be of the proper performance grade to match station cable, and connections will be terminated as to maintain proper wire twist and sheathing. All jacks are to be wired with full 4-pair continuity, RJ-45, in a 568B configuration. The voice jack should be ivory, and mounted in the top left position. The data jack should be orange, and mounted in the top right position. Other positions are then filled as needed, though blank inserts must be installed in the unused locations. Modular furniture must be wired using the baseboard raceway feed and proper faceplate adaptors for the system type, as the County does not allow the use of surface-mount (“biscuit” box) outlets in workspace locations. When there is exposed cable length between a modular furniture feed and the wall it is suggested to dress cables using corrugated plastic tubing. 6.3 Wireless Access Point Outlets for wireless access points in office environments should be mounted above the ceiling grid. Two cables will be terminated in a single “biscuit” box with a 10’ service loop, and hung above the grid on their own support wire. The box should not be permanently mounted to any surface. Outlets for wireless access points in hard-ceiling environments should be standard wall plates, surface-mounted – on the wall – 12” from the ceiling. Two cables will be terminated at the wall plate. 6.4 Rack Equipment racks are used to house voice and data electronics, and route cable for the proper functioning of high-performance cross-connect products (see Appendix for diagram). The following must be observed in installations: racks must be UL listed, clear-coat aluminum, 19” by 7’ run in a row parallel to the rear wall mounted 51” from that wall (for clearance when loaded) properly bolted to the flooring and cable runway spaced for proper installation of vertical managers Any co-located network cabinets must retain at least 30” of unobstructed passageway behind – even if that requires their face not be flush with the racks. Vertical and horizontal cable managers may differ in manufacturer from the rack or each other. The vertical managers must be 6” wide, with black finger-duct (and a cover door) on the front and distribution rings on the rear. They must be bolted to the racks on either side (unless at the end of a row). The horizontal managers must use black metal distribution rings, not plastic finger duct, and should be front only. The cable runway should be 12” wide and run the length of the room, in-line with the racks. A runway segment should be installed perpendicular to each patch-panel rack, to form a threeCblSpc_v2007.9 Page 9 of 15 point brace between two walls and the floor. This provides efficient cabling access to all equipment, properly supports the cables, and braces racks against earthquake damage. All fittings must be of the same manufacturer as the runway itself, and a ground strap must be installed between sections of runway. Phone system cabinets must be positioned to allow efficient overhead feeding of 25-pair “tails” to the wall field. Under no circumstances should cable be draped across the floor. 7 Equipment List 7.1 CommScope (Systimax system) 4-pr cat3 plenum cable (white), 2010 4-pr cat5e plenum cable (blue), 2061 4-pr cat6 plenum cable (yellow), 2071E 48-pt cat5e patch panel, 1100PS 48-pt cat6 patch panel, 1100GS3 cat5e jack (ivory) cat6 jack (orange) 4-pt faceplate (ivory), M14L 24-strand MM ISP optical fiber, 5301-024A-ZPAQ 24-strand SM OSP optical fiber, 5103-024A-WRBK 7.2 CommScope (Uniprise system) 4-pr cat3 plenum cable (white) 4-pr cat5e plenum cable (blue), Ultra II 4-pr cat6 plenum cable (yellow), Ultramedia 48-pt cat5e patch panel 48-pt cat6 patch panel cat5e jack (ivory) cat6 jack (orange) 4-pt faceplate (ivory) 24-strand MM ISP optical fiber, LaserCore 300 24-strand SM OSP optical fiber 7.3 Berk-Tek / Panduit (Certification Plus system) 4-pr cat3 plenum cable (white) 4-pr cat5e plenum cable (blue), LM350 4-pr cat6 plenum cable (yellow), LM1000 48-pt cat5e patch panel, DP5e 48-pt cat6 patch panel, DP6 Plus cat5e jack (ivory), Mini-ComTX5e cat6 jack (orange), Mini-ComTX6 Plus 4-pt faceplate (ivory), Mini-Com Classic 24-strand MM ISP optical fiber, Gigalite 10 24-strand SM OSP optical fiber 107078388 760041913 700210123 108208935 760062380 108232737 700206683 108168550 700009699 760004192 3504-white 5504M-blue 7504-yellow UNP510-48P UNP610-48P UNJ500-IV UNJ600-OR UNF-MFM-4P-IV P-024-DS-5L-FSUAQ R-024-LN-8W-F12BK 10032047 10032065 10032090 DP485E88TGY DP48688TGY CJ5E88TGEI CJ688TGOR CFP4EI PDP12B024-EB3010/25 PDR024AB0707-I/O(BLA) CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 10 of 15 7.4 Racking & Cable Management Panduit corrugated slit-wall tubing, black Chatsworth 19” equipment rack, clear Ortronics horizontal wire manager, black Chatsworth vertical cable mgr, black Chatsworth standard cable runway, black Hoffman 19” network cabinet, seismic-rated cabinet fans (order 2) fan connector cable vertical cable mgr (order 2) solid, fixed shelf cage nuts (order 2) CommScope 19” equipment rack Horizontal Wire Manager Vertical Cable Manager Cable Runway CLT125F-L20 CPI-46353-503 OR-60400057 CPI-30162-703 CPI-10250-712 ENC21710S A6AXFNPG ACORD2 PVCM207 P19SH810B P1032CN 760082479 UN-PCO-C2 760072785 760085647 8 Administration A labeling system will be utilized that clearly identifies each station cable. Machine-made, permanently affixed labels must be placed on each station jack and patch-panel port. They must be printed in black ink upon a white background. The labeling system should be based upon outlet, not work area, and irrelevant of the current purpose of a jack. The suggested method is for all outlets from a specific IDF to be incrementally numbered, using three digits (including leading zeroes when necessary). The individual horizontal cables at a drop are then identified by a “dot” sequence from left to right, top to bottom; thus, the bottom left jack at the 52nd outlet fed from a particular IDF would be 052.3. The actual serving IDF would be identified by a separate “IDF [room #]” label on each outlet. The purpose of such a system is to not be adversely affected by space changes, the later addition of additional cable or outlets, or the convergence of voice and data communications. horizontal cable identifiers (corresponds to ports in the IDF) CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 11 of 15 EXHIBIT O - Alameda County Infrastructure Cabling Specifications RFQ 900715 9 Testing 9.1 Method Tests must be performed using industry standard test equipment that has been UL verified to level III accuracy as defined by TIA/EIA-568-B.2-1. The tester must be properly recalibrated according to the manufacturer’s recommended schedule, and specifically check for guaranteed performance throughout the valid range of the cable. The equipment should use marginal pass indicators (to identify when the result is closer to a test limit than the tester’s margin of accuracy), and links which report a marginal pass should be re-terminated and tested again. All installed cable must be permanent-link tested prior to system cut-over and activation in accordance with the appropriate field test specifications; sample tests of only some facilities are not acceptable. For multi-pair copper backbone cabling no more than 2% of the total pairs may be defective. The contractor will immediately replace (remove and re-install) or repair, at no cost to the County, any copper, fiber, or backbone cable not meeting expected performance parameters and retest prior to final acceptance. 9.2 Verification The County may, at its discretion, have its own representatives inspect and retest a sample of the installed communications links. Any individual discrepancies must be resolved, to the County’s satisfaction, by the installing contractor (and at their own cost). If more than 2% of the sample results are confirmed to differ, in terms of pass/fail, then the installation contractor must retest all of the communications cabling at their own cost. 9.3 Documentation Test results must be provided in digital format for all installed cabling (copper, fiber, or backbone) to the County of Alameda Communications Department, prior to final acceptance. The information for all copper station cabling should be sorted in ascending numerical order (according to the labeling standard), and include the relevant test information for the type of cable. The information for each test will contain the worst pair value, the worst pair margin, the test frequency of that worst pair, and the test limit at that frequency. The electronic file for each test result must include the brand name, model, serial number, and software version of the tester used, as well as the cabling test category and date performed. As-built drawings of the complete structured cabling system should be included at this time, in either paper or digital media, at no additional cost to the County. It is the contractor’s responsibility to insure that the Communications Department has the necessary Microsoft Windows PC software to read all documentation. 9.4 Certification The contractor must successfully receive certification of the installed structured cabling system from the manufacturer before the County will accept a completed installation. The certification must provide at least a 20-year warranty directly to the County on the material and workmanship of the cabling system, including connectivity components and any backbone or other subsystems installed. The warranty must cover standards adherence, transmission performance, application assurance, and repair/replacement of faulty equipment (including necessary labor). Evidence of this certification must be presented to the County with other required documentation. CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 12 of 15 EXHIBIT O - Alameda County Infrastructure Cabling Specifications RFQ 900715 10 Exceptions Any exceptions to these Specifications must be approved in writing, in advance, by the County of Alameda Communications Department. Trade names, brand names, model numbers, etc used in this specification are for the purpose of providing a performance and quality reference, and are not intended to be exhaustive. Alternative parts must meet or exceed all performance references listed herein, the relevant industry guidelines, and comply fully with the chosen structured cabling system manufacturer’s warranty program. It is the installing contractor’s responsibility to demonstrate such equivalency. 11 Glossary As-Built Documentation that reflects actual cable routing and systems installed upon job completion. Backbone Copper and fiber that interconnects the MPOE, MDF, and IDFs within a building, as well as any outside plant facilities between buildings on a campus. Cable Tray Welded steel-wire cable conveyance with field-formable bends. D-Ring Metal wire management ring shaped like the letter “D” used for routing cable on a plywood backboard. EMF ElectroMagnetic Fields, energy generated by electronic equipment that can cause interference with voice and data transmissions. Fill The carrying capacity (in quantity of cable) of a particular cable conveyance. HVAC Environmental air units and their control assemblies. IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame, an enclosed integration point on a floor for serving data and telephony to nearby stations, also referred to as a riser closet, telecom closet, hub room, or floor distributor. Jack Receptacle for termination of station cable in a work area. MDF Main Distribution Frame, centralized location for building electronic equipment and the termination point for backbone cabling, also referred to as a phone room or equipment room. MPOE Minimum Point of Entry, building entrance for public and private network service cables. Outlet The collocated group of jacks where station cables are terminated, also referred to as the wall faceplate or a cable drop. Port Receptacle on the IDF end of a station cable. Raceway Any enclosed channel designed for routing cables. RCDD Registered Communications Distribution Designer certification from BiCSi, a technical organization for low-voltage cabling design and installation. Runway Cable conveyance shaped like a ladder and used primarily in MDF and IDFs, also referred to as ladder rack. Station An individual communications or network device. Station Cable Horizontal cabling that connects a patch panel or terminal block in the IDF to the work area outlet. TBB Telecommunications Bonding Backbone, a conductor connecting the main TGB (in the MPOE) to the TGBs in phone closets throughout the building. TGB Telecommunications Grounding Busbar, a solid copper plate pre-drilled with holes for bonding electronic equipment to building ground. UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply, on-line battery back-up power source for critical systems. UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair, standard premises cable containing one or more pairs of twisted copper wire without metallic shielding. CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 13 of 15 EXHIBIT O - Alameda County Infrastructure Cabling Specifications RFQ 900715 12 Appendix CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 14 of 15 EXHIBIT O - Alameda County Infrastructure Cabling Specifications RFQ 900715 CblSpc_v2007.9 Page 15 of 15 Exhibit P – Hazardous Materials, Procedures and Controls RFQ 900715 EXHIBIT P HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, PROCEDURES AND CONTROLS “Contractor”, as referenced herein, means the actual entity performing on-site work, whether that be the Vendor or its subcontractor. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN COUNTY BUILDINGS a. Asbestos: Many County-owned buildings contain asbestos-containing construction materials (i.e. materials that contain greater than 0.1% asbestos). Asbestos-containing construction materials (ACCM) known to be present in County-owned buildings are identified in the attached state mandated annual asbestos notifications. Any disturbance or removal of ACCM by the Contractor is prohibited. Prior to the start of work the Contractor shall review the applicable asbestos notification, inspect the work area and notify the County’s Environmental Project Manager in writing of any ACCM that may be disturbed by its work. In response to the Contractor’s notification, the County will arrange to: (1) have the material removed by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor or (2) have a licensed asbestos abatement contractor assist the Contractor by performing work activities that involve disturbing or potentially disturbing ACCM. If, during the course of work, the Contractor discovers previously unknown ACCM and/or suspect ACCM that will be impacted by the Contractor’s work, or if the Contractor changes it’s planned work such that ACCM may be disturbed, the Contractor shall immediately stop work in the affected area and send written notification to the County’s Environmental Project Manager. In response to the Contractor’s notification, the County will arrange the necessary testing, removal and/or Contractor assist. b. Lead: All paint present in County-owned facilities is assumed to contain lead. Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations when conducting work activities involving the disturbance of lead-containing paint including, but not limited to appropriate dust control and containment measures. c. Polychlorinated Biphenyl’s (PCBs): PCB-containing light ballasts may be present in Countyowned buildings. Contractor shall assume that all light ballasts, unless clearly marked “NonPCB”, contain PCBs. Contractor shall implement appropriate procedures to prevent damage to PCB-containing materials. d. Fluorescent Lights: Mercury-containing fluorescent lights are present in many County-owned buildings. Contractor shall assume all fluorescent light tubes/bulbs contain mercury and shall implement appropriate procedures to prevent breakage of fluorescent light tubes/bulbs. Page 1 of 2 Exhibit P – Hazardous Materials, Procedures and Controls RFQ 900715 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, PROCEDURES AND CONTROLS (cont.) ASBESTOS AWARENESS AND HAZARD COMMUNICATION TRAINING a. At minimum, all of Contractor’s on-site personnel are required to attend a 2-hour asbestos awareness training class on an annual basis as required by Cal-OSHA. The cost of attending the 2-hour asbestos awareness training class shall be the sole burden of the Contractor. Contractor shall provide the County’s Environmental Project Manager with proof of attendance in the form of a certificate from the training provider. b. At minimum, all of Contractor’s on-site personnel are required complete hazard communication training, and any other applicable training as required by Cal-OSHA. CONTRACTOR’S USE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY REGULATED MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS IN COUNTY BUILDINGS a. Contractor shall obtain the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) from the suppliers/manufacturers of all materials/products proposed for use in completing the work and shall submit those MSDS to the County’s Environmental Project Manager for approval prior to bringing any such material/product onto County’s property. b. Materials/products that do not contain hazardous ingredients should be used whenever possible. Products that contain asbestos or other known carcinogens will not be approved for usage unless no alternative exists. Products that contain lead will not be approved for usage unless no alternative exists. c. Workers using approved materials/products shall be familiar with the information on the corresponding MSDS, and shall be trained in their proper usage and limitations. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RELEASES AND OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL INCIDENTS In the event of a hazardous materials release or other environmental incident, Contractor shall immediately stop work, secure the work area as necessary to protect building occupants and notify the County’s Environmental Project Manager. Any project delays and/or additional costs resulting from such incidents are the Contractor’s responsibility. Page 2 of 2