Appendix III FishFrame 5.0 Exchange format specification VMS data Table of content TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 3 DATA FORMATS .................................................................................................................................. 3 DATA TYPES ......................................................................................................................................... 3 FILE FORMATS ...................................................................................................................................... 3 File names ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Example files ................................................................................................................................... 4 RECORD TYPES ..................................................................................................................................... 4 FIELD DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................ 5 Missing / optional values ................................................................................................................ 6 XML format consideration .............................................................................................................. 6 EXCHANGE FORMAT FOR COMMERCIAL EFFORT BASED ON MERGING OF VMS DATA AND LOGBOOK DATA. .......................................................................................................... 7 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES EFFORT STATISTICS RECORD (VE)BASED ON VMS DATA ............................... 7 SPECIESLIST RECORD (VSL) IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES BASED ON VMS AND LOGBOOK DATA ........... 8 Introduction This document describes the formats in which VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) based data can be uploaded to FishFrame. The document is in the context of not just the VMS data but also the other data types which is hold by FishFrame. Data formats Data types Following data types can be uploaded: Commercial fisheries (CF): CS = Commercial Samplings Sampling of commercial catches by observers or fishermen at sea, in the port or at the market. CL = Commercial Landing statistics CE = Commercial Effort statistics VMS data (VD): This data are compiled by merging information derived from GPS (Global Possition System), catch registration and effort registration. Trawl surveys (TS): This follows the ICES DATRAS format. FishFrame receives data uploaded to DATRAS from ICES HQ on a regular basis. COST accepts the DATRAS format for uploading of CA records. Each of these seven data types consists of data of specific record types, the record types are explained later. File formats The data can be uploaded in the following file formats: CSV = Comma Separated Values ASCII-file with the values separated by either semicolon or comma. Decimal separator should be comma when delimiter is a semicolon and a point when delimiter is a comma. This format is preferred for Human-to-Server interaction (manual upload). XML = Extendible Markup Language XML-file following the W3C-standard for exchanging data over the internet (see This format is preferred for Server-to-Server interaction (automated upload). ZIP = Zipped CSV or XML file. Only one exchange file per zip-file. File names The filename is required to indicate which data type the file contains. This is done by following the naming convention: Last two letters in the filename should be the data type i.e. CS, VD, CL or CE. The extension of the file name indicates the format of the file. Notice that zip-files should also follow the naming conventions. Files that do not follow this naming convention are not accepted by the system. It is recommended that the files follow a systematic naming convention, e.g: The name of the data file must indicate the key variables like: Country, year etc. following the rules below: Example of the file name for Sweden 1997 Q1&2 commercial samplings in a semicolon separated file: “SWE_1997_Q1_Market_CS.csv” or “BIAS_GFR_2005_HER_AB.csv”. The only required naming convention is the file extension and the last two letters that state the data type (e.g. following filenames would be accepted by the system, but might not be advisable for keeping track of own national data files: “CS.csv” or “”. Example files Example files are available for each file type. The files can be downloaded from FishFrame under “Tools -> Test files”. Select “UploadValidation”. The files where “No errors” is in the name are correct example-files. The folder also contains numerous files with all the possible kinds of errors, these files are for testing purposes and their use are described in the test documentation. Record types Each of the four data types consists of data of specific record types. CS (Commercial samplings) consists of five different record types: TR = Trip A fishing trip that has been sampled on board or a sample on a market. HH = Haul Header Detailed information about a fishing operation e.g. a haul or a net set. SL = Species List The sortings strata defined by species, catch category etc. HL = Haul Length cell Length frequency in the stratum subsample CA = Catch Aged = SMAWL (Sex-Maturity-Age-Weight-Length) Sex-Maturity-Age-Weight distribution sampled representatively from the length groups CL (Commercial Landing statistics) consists of just one record type: CL = Commercial Landing statistics CE (Commercial Effort statistics) consists of just one record type: CE = Commercial Effort statistics VD (VMS data) consists of two record types: VE = Commercial Effort statistics Total effort, total landing weight (all species) and total value (all species) by high spatial resolution (based on VMS). VSL = Species List Weight and value by species by high special resolution (based on VMS) The record types are given in a specific hierarchy and order within the data file. The required order is given below. For convenience when working with the data files it is recommended to have the records sorted by all the key variable fields. CS (Commercial samplings): The structure is nested. Special ordering is required. The records must be given trip (TR) by trip, with each trip being followed with all the records belonging to that trip. Within each trip each of the stations (HH) must be followed by the corresponding specieslists. Each species list record must be followed by the corresponding length records. The SMAWL records (CA) can be placed either after the corresponding set of lengths (HL) or at the very end of a trip. TR is a mandatory record type. It should be followed by at least one HH record. CL (Commercial Landing statistics): The structure is simple. There is only one kind of record. No ordering is required. CE (Commercial Effort statistics): The structure is simple. There is only one kind of record. No ordering is required. VD (VMS data) The structure is nested. Special ordering is required. The records must be given by each high spatial resolution effort sum (VE), with each effort sum being followed with a number of Species List records (VSL) each representing the species caught in that effort sum. Field definitions The fields follow the definitions in the tables below. Each table contains the definitions, lists the basic data checks performed when uploading the data and gives the field ordering information for CSV-files. For structure of XML-formatted files please refer to the XSD- and XML-files in Error! Reference source not found.. XSD-files contain complete definitions and the empty xml-files is given as a help in order to interpret the XSD. The columns in the tables below are: Order: The order in the CSV-line Name: A descriptive name of the field. A “*” after the name indicates that the field is a part of the key. Type: The data type. Integer = whole number, String = text string, Dec = decimal (the number after “Dec”, e.g. “4” in “Dec(4)”, describes the number of decimals). If more decimals than allowed are given, then FishFrame off the value. Req.: Required information. M = mandatory, O = optional. See text above on how to handle optional fields without values. Basic checks: The range or list of valid values. For code lists, please refer to Error! Reference source not found. for valid codes (can also be found as an online report). Comments: Additional comments and clarifications. Column description for exchange format tables below: Missing / optional values When information is missing in optional fields, then an empty zero-length string is added between the comas/semicolons, like the 3 missing information’s in: “54,,EXPO,,,”. When information is missing in optional fields, then the attributes are still added, but with a zero-length value like “”. XML format consideration (Skip this if you exchange your data in CSV format) The XML formats are defined in the XSD schemas. The XSD schemas can be downloaded from the documentation page under “Help -> Documentation” in the menu or copied from Error! Reference source not found.. They can also be used for validating the data file locally before uploading. The validation can be done in a XML editor like XML-spy or in own software. The philosophy behind the XML format in FishFrame is that the record types are elements; their defining unique properties (like country, year, sampling type, project and trip number for a commercial sampling trip) are attributes on the elements while the values are sub-elements. Exchange format for commercial effort based on merging of VMS data and logbook data. Commercial fisheries effort statistics record (VE)based on VMS data Order 1 2 3 4 5 Name Type Req. Basic checks Record type * Vessel Flag Country * String String M M Code list Year * Quarter * Month * Area* Integer Integer Integer String M M M M Code list Code list Code list Code list C-square * String M Code list Fishing activity category National * String O Code list Fishing activity category European lvl 6 * String M Code list Fishing hour Decimal numeral decimal numeral Decimal numeral Decimal numeral M 1 to 9999999999 M 1 to 9999999999 M 1 to 9999999999 M 1 to 9999999999 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 kW*fishing hour Tot weight Tot value * = The field Comments Fixed value VE ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes. The flag country of the vessel. 1900 to 3000 1 to 4. 1 to 12 Area level 3 (level 4 for Baltic, Mediterranean, Black Sea) in the data Collection regulation (EC, 2008a, 2008b). 0.05x0.05 degree, C-square reference XXXX:XXX:XXX:X Fishing activity category – National coding system. Bound to the Nantes matrix level 4 as children i.e. an alternative level 5+6. Fishing activity category – Level 6 in the Nantes matrix (SGRN 06-03) Fishing hour calculated from VMS data. Total landings of all species caught. In kg Total value of all species caught. In Euro is a key field. The references to code lists are the lists in the regular FishFrame exchange format description (ICES Cooperative Report 296, 2009) SpeciesList record (VSL) in commercial fisheries based on VMS and logbook data Order 1 2 3 4 5 Name Type Req. Basic checks Record type * Vessel Flag Country * Year * Quarter * Month * Area* String String M M Code list Integer Integer Integer String M M M M Code list Code list Code list Code list C-square * String M Code list Fishing activity category National * String O Code list Fishing activity category European lvl 6 * Species String M Code list String M Weight Integer M Value Integer O Closed list of species 1) 1 to 9999999999 1 to 9999999999 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 * = The field Comments Fixed value VSL. ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes. The flag country of the vessel. 1900 to 3000 1 to 4. 1 to 12 Area level 3 (level 4 for Baltic, Mediterranean, Black Sea) in the data Collection regulation (EC, 2008a, 2008b). 0.05x0.05 degree, C-square reference XXXX:XXX:XXX:X Fishing activity category – National coding system. Bound to the Nantes matrix level 4 as children i.e. an alternative level 5+6. Fishing activity category – Level 6 in the Nantes matrix (SGRN 06-03) see appendix I. Scientific name in Latin (genus species). Whole weight in gram. Decimals not allowed. In Euro. Decimals not allowed. is a key field. 1) Type 1 species (DCF (ref) plus a fixed number of added species (the final list to be decided on).