Greetings Shao-Lin Travel Group, Below is the flight info for each of you, depending on the city you are departing from. Feel free to contact the respective airlines, and check on your seating, meals, input your Mileage Plus #s, etc. For most of you, who are traveling on United Airlines ( #90 ) ( #1- NorthWest / #1- Japan Airlines ), you need to contact the United International Group by calling 1.800.237.9524. The below list does not include the 3 of you, making your own arrangements and traveling on your own. Do let us know if you require any assistance. Please do email to us your flight info/plans, so our China Travel Service will have this info on-hand when we arrive in Hong Kong, in case of any delays. Check the website for each individual airline concerning restrictions of what can be taken as carryon, and what their check-in baggage restrictions are, as well. I even recommend to check with each airline within just a week or two of the TRIP, as the airlines tend to change their rules for carry-on and check-in as circumstances occur! GrandMaster The', Elder Master Sharon and I all look forward to seeing all of you soon, perhaps in Albuquerque, San Jose' , Boise or Denver, and to mention Colorado Springs in June, a few weeks prior to the TRIP on June 21st. zai jian, EM David PS: Mr. Sun Bing and Mr. Peng Hua-shan will be our National Guides once again, for our 20th Year Anniversary of our 1st Trip to China. For Boise: 1 UA 704 21JUN BOISFO 655A 734A * 2 UA 869 21JUN SFOHKG 1239P 600P+ 1 day 3 UA 858 06JUL PVGSFO 1225P 812A 4 UA6380 06JUL SFOBOI 1235P 303P Total 12 pax Full Names Boise Heminger, Kyle Michael 1. Boise Mac Lachlan, Renee Lynn 2. Boise Maxie, Aaron Roy 3. Boise Maxie, David Paul 4. Boise Maxie, Gary Roy 5. Boise Olson, Dayna Anne 6. Boise Sausman, Julie Renee 7. Boise Yanke, Nathan Daniel 8. Boise Armstrong, Marsha Dail 9. Boise Richards, Marie Lynn 10 Boise Syme, Dayton John 11. Boise Syme, Scott Alan 12 For Denver: 1 UA 869 2 UA 869 3 UA 858 4 UA858 5 UA1168 Total 32 pax DEN 21JUN DENSFO 21JUN SFOHKG 06JUL PVGSFO 06JUL SFOLAX 06JUL LAX DEN Full Names Adkins, Stefan John Alpers, Nils Peter 1. D/B Alvarado, Raymond Jade 3. D/B Boehm, Stephen Michael Carpenter, Sarah Dawn Colden Patrick James Elfstrom, Marguerite Anne Ferrill, Adam Nicolas Folland, Christopher David Gentile, David Robert Horton, Joel David Joost, Aaron 4. D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Christoph er D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B Le, Thu Thi-Anh Linz, Laura Anne Nolan, Michael Steven Norman, Colin Ashley Otto, Norah Elizabeth Ramos, Brent Kekoa 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 830A 1005A 1239P 600P+ 1 day 1225P 812A 1055A 1228P 145P 510P D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B Razzazian, Christopher Kaveh Rosenberg, Richard Evan Santana Sanjurjo, Emir M. Seitz, Scott Allen Smith, Ryan David Soard, David Nevins Soard, Sharon Elizabeth Harris Storm, Nathan Jon Ebling Suchan, Anduin Chester Troyer, Derek R D/B 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Winchester, Cody Ray D/B D/B D/B Woodcock, Brad Lee Casey, Patrick Michael Kindreich, Ryan Christopher 30. 31. 32. For PHX: 3 UA1445 21JUN PHXSFO 634A 835A 4 UA 869 21JUN SFOHKG 1239P 600P+ 1 day 5 UA 858 06JUL PVGSFO 1225P 812A 6 UA1540 06JUL SFOPHX 1218P 217P Total 11 pax Full Names PHX Bradley, Brandon Parker Densmore, Tracey Ann Drake, PHX PHX 1. 2. 3. PHX PHX PHX PHX PHX PHX PHX PHX Stuart Foster Gillespie, David Forest Kuhlman, Bryce Michael Kurschner, Alexander Reid Kurschner, Jeffrey Reid Kwong, Douglas Gerald Pauls, Jennifer Linde Schaller, Timothy Adam Corcetti, Laura Marie For PRT 3 UA372 4 UA 869 5 UA 858 6 UA562 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 21JUN PRTSFO 755A 1239P 21JUN SFOHKG 1239P 600P+ 1 day 06JUL PVGSFO 1225P 812A 06JUL SFOPRT 1248P 234P Total 1 pax Full Names PRT, OR Wieland, Joseph McKenna 1. For ALB: 1 UA6393 2 UA 869 3 UA 858 4 UA6416 21JUN ABQSFO 745A 907A 21JUN SFOHKG 1239P 600P+ 1 day 06JUL PVGSFO 1225P 812A 06JUL SFOABQ 1215P 343P Total 5 pax Full Names ALB Chavez, Christopher Raymond Nemetz, Bruce Michael Phillips, Leslie Ann ALB ALB 1. 2. 3. ALB Tamez, Abram 4. ALB Westcott, Courtney Yvonne 5. For LAX: 1 UA 930 21JUN LAXSFO 1000A 1125A 2 UA 869 21JUN SFOHKG 1239P 600P+ 1 day 3 UA 858 06JUL PVGSFO 1225P 812A 4 UA 886 06JUL SFOLAX 1210P 129P Total 3 pax Full Names LAX Leyton, Richard Lawrence Littlejohn, April Kathryn The, Sin Kwang LAX LAX 1. 2. 3. For LVS: 1 UA1525 21JUN LASSFO 2 UA 869 21JUN SFOHKG 3 UA 858 06JUL PVGSFO 4 UA1504 06JUL SFOLAS Total 8 pax Full Names LVS Belmonte, Elmer Melendez Belmonte, Sarah Akiko De Wig, David Mike Fossier, Calais Laverne GuerreroHuerta, Rogelio Alberto Huerta, Juana Ines Naval, Wesley Dominic Small, Matthew L. LVS LVS LVS LVS LVS LVS LVS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 700A 825A 1239P 600P+ 1 day 1225P 812A 1050A 1216P For JFK: 1 UA 5 21JUN JFKSFO 645A 1005A 2 UA 869 21JUN SFOHKG 1239P 600P+ 1 day 3 UA 836 06JUL PVGORD 345P 359P 4 UA 836 06JUL ORDJFK 690P 915P * Those 2 pax won't take same flight from Shanghai to USA. Total 2 pax Full Names NY (JFK) Bridgehouse, Orion Rebecca Kiernan, Zachary Daniel NY (JFK) 1. 2. For SLC: 1 UA6389 2 UA 869 3 UA 858 4 UA 548 21JUN SLCSFO 21JUN SFOHKG 06JUL PVGSFO 06JUL SFOSLC Total 1 pax Full Names SLC Long, Brian William 630A 714A 1239P 600P+ 1 day 1225P 812A 103P 350P 1. Fro SFO: 1 UA 869 21JUN SFOHKG 1239P 600P+ 1 day 2 UA 858 06JUL PVGSFO 1225P 812A Total 13 pax Full Names San Jose SFO San Jose Alvarez Jr., Antonio Carlos Boyd, Charles Eric Bruno, Carlo Gregory Diep, David 1. Diep, Katherine Ngoc-Hoa 5. San Jose San Jose San Jose 2. 3. 4. San Jose San Jose San Jose San Jose San Jose San Jose San Jose San Jose Diep, Noel Hong-Ngoc Fabrick II, Richard William Goldstein, Cynthia Lee Hobbs, William Allison Shepard III, Charles Ernest Sizemore, Scott Adam Smith, Alexander Orion Volynets, Alexandra Anatolia For SEA: 1 UA 821 2 UA 869 3 UA 858 4 UA 322 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 21JUN SEASFO 750A 959A 21JUN SFOHKG 1239P 600P+ 1 day 06JUL PVGSFO 1225P 812A 06JUL SFOSEA 1044A 1245P Total 2 pax Full Names SEA Kitt-Trier, Amber Marie Wilkes, Mary Josephine SEA 6. 1. 2. For HNL 1 NW 9 21JUN NHLNRT 1100A 155P + 1 day 2 NW 1 22JUN NRTHKG 630P 1000P 3 NW 26 06JUL PVGNRT 1000P 200P 4 NW 22 06JUL NRTHNL 855P 905A Total 1 pax Full Names Sneed, Samantha Makanamaik iani For San Jose' 1. 1 JL 1 21JUN on 22JUN) 2 JL 735 22JUN San Francisco (SFO) Tokyo (NRT) 3 JL 622 06JUL 4 JL 2 06JUL Shanghai (PVG) Tokyo (NRT) Tokyo (NRT) San Francisco (SFO) Total 1 pax Tokyo (NRT) Hong Kong (HKG) Full Names Wernicke, Jacob Charles 1. 1245P 335P (Arrive Tokyo 615P 950P 1150A 340P 530P 1045A & nbsp;