EAGH applied to the assembly line balancing problem Albert Corominas, Rafael Pastor IOC - Institute of Industrial and Control Engineering Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) Avda. Diagonal, 647, 11ª planta 08028 Barcelona (Spain) {albert.corominas/rafael.pastor}@upc.edu EAGH applied to the assembly line balancing problem An EAGH procedure was designed to solve the assembly line balancing problem known as SALBP-1. Given a cycle time and the tasks required to produce one unit of product, together with the times required for the different processes and the precedence relationships between them, SALBP-1 consists in assigning the tasks to the workstations in order to minimise the number of workstations. In this problem the set of feasible decisions at iteration k , Dk , consists of the decision to assign a specific task (from among those that have not yet been assigned and whose preceding tasks have already been assigned) to a workstation that is being completed or, if no additional tasks fit, to a new workstation. Six elementary greedy algorithms from the literature were programmed, as they appear in Talbot et al. (1986), corresponding to the heuristic functions h1 h( RPW j ) RPW j (Helgeson and Birnie, 1961), h2 h( NS j ) NS j (Talbot and Patterson, 1984), h3 h(t j ) t j (Moodie and Young, 1965), h4 h( NIS j ) NIS j (Tonge, 1961), h5 h( RPW j , NS j ) h6 h( NS j ,UB j , LB j ) NS j RPW j NS j UB j LB j 1 (Talbot and Patterson, 1984) and (Talbot and Patterson, 1984). The attributes a kj , corresponding to the decision j at iteration k are: RPW j , the ranked positional weight; NS j , the total number of follower tasks; t j , the task time; NIS j , the number of immediate follower tasks; and LB j and UB j , the earliest and latest stations respectively to which task j may be assigned. The proposed heuristic function, which depends on a set of twelve parameters, , and which defines the set of infinite heuristics, H , is the following: h a kj , h( RPW j , NS j , t j , NIS j , LB j , UB j , 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 3 , 4 , 4 , 5 , 5 , 6 , 6 ) 5 1 2 3 1 RPW j 2 NS j 3 t j 4 NIS j with 4 RPW j NS 5 6 j NS j 1 UB j LB j 1 , 1 , 2 , 2 ,3 , 3 , 4 , 4 ,5 , 5 , 6 , 6 . As noted above, the decision This research was supported by projects DPI2004-03472, DPI2004-05797 and DPI2007-61905 (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain, and FEDER). 1 6 corresponding to iteration k is that which fulfils jk* arg max h a kj , . jDk In order to perform the computational experiment a set, I , of 2,000 instances was randomly generated, and a subset T I of 1,000 instances was selected from it. The sets of instances T and I \ T are used as the training set and the validation set respectively. Each member of I has the following characteristics: between 50 and 150 tasks, according to a discrete, uniform law; a precedence order strength between 0.5 and 0.9, according to a continuous, uniform law; processing times for the tasks as integer values distributed uniformly between 5 and 50; and a cycle time equal to 1, 2 or 3 times the value of the time for the task with the longest processing time. Table 1 shows , which corresponds to the total number of stations for the 1,000 instances in both the training set T and the validation set I \T for each of the six heuristic functions h a kj . It also gives the number of times that a heuristic achieves the best results for the validation set total compared to the other initial heuristics Best . T 36,798 36,874 36,011 37,357 36,922 36,902 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 I \T Best 37,066 505 37,130 466 36,267 966 37,584 364 37,126 504 37,152 464 Table 1. Sum of the number of stations for the six heuristic functions From Table 1 it can be seen that h3 is the heuristic function which achieves the best results (in both sets of instances) and that on average the I \ T set of instances requires a larger number of workstations than the T set (this is only due to the randomness involved in generating set I ). Table 2 shows the results obtained when the function h a kj , is adjusted using the training instances and is then applied to the 1,000 instances comprising the validation set. As a vertex of the initial simplex in the N&M algorithm V0 , we took the values of the parameters, , h3 , which was corresponding to the best of the initial heuristics: 3 1;i 0, i 1,2,4,5,6; i 1, i 1,...,6 . However, in contrast we used several values for the length of the edges of the regular hypertetrahedron which is constructed in N&M . The sum of the number of stations for the instances in set T is given. V0 T () T () and set I \ T I \T () I \ T ( ) h3 1 35,848 36,135 h3 2 35,842 36,110 2 h3 0.5 35,840 36,091 h3 0.1 35,833 36,083 Table 2. Sum of the number of stations for the adjusted heuristic function As can be seen, the best heuristic which results from applying EAGH (with V0 h3 and 0.1), which we will name h3 _ 0.1 , represents an improvement of 184 workstations for the instances of the I \ T set, compared with the results obtained with the best of the initial heuristics, h3 . When the calculation time necessary for executing the heuristics can be considered negligible, as is the case with the heuristics proposed, it is effortless and usual apply all them and retain the best solution thus obtained. In that case, it seems necessary to present additional comparisons. If for each instance in I \ T the best result obtained by means of all the initial heuristics is considered, then the total number of stations is 36,229; the heuristic provided by EAGH achieves better results, since it needs 146 fewer workstations. If for each instance we adopt the best of the solutions obtained applying all the initial heuristics and that provided by EAGH, 36,016 stations are necessary; therefore, adding the heuristic furnished by EAGH to the set of heuristics available to solve the problem reduces the number of workstations by 213. Column ĥ h3 of Table 3 shows (separated by slashes) the number of instances in which the heuristic resulting from applying EAGH, ĥ , achieves better results than h3 for the I \ T set, the number of times h3 achieves better results than ĥ and the number of instances when the results are the same. Column Sĥh gives the number of additional stations that ĥ requires in 3 the instances when h3 achieves a better solution and the number of additional stations that h3 requires in the instances when ĥ achieves the better solution. Column MS ĥ h shows the 3 maximum number of additional stations that ĥ requires in the instances when h3 achieves the best solution and the maximum number of additional stations that h3 requires in the instances when ĥ achieves the better solution. Columns hˆ h , S and MS provide the same ini hˆ hini hˆ hini information as that provided in the previous three columns but for the case when ĥ is compared, for each instance, to the best of the six initial heuristics, hini . ĥ V0 _ ĥ h3 Sĥh h3 _1 163/62/775 62/194 1/4 142/71/787 73/167 3/4 h3 _ 2 186/64/750 64/221 1/3 162/70/768 72/191 3/3 h3 _ 0.5 203/67/730 68/244 2/4 178/71/751 74/212 3/3 h3 _ 0.1 197/61/742 61/245 1/4 175/65/760 67/213 3/4 3 Table 3. Results of comparing EAGH with MS ĥ h 3 hˆ hini Shˆ h ini MS hˆ h ini h3 and EAGH with the best initial heuristic for each instance Table 3 confirms the good results obtained with EAGH, both with regard to the number of instances in which ĥ achieves a better solution and with regard to the total number of 3 workstations saved. The greatest difference between hˆ h3 _ 0.1 and h3 when h3 achieves the best solution is just one single workstation, while in the opposite case the difference can be as many as 4 stations; the average number of additional workstations required when the heuristic fares worse than its competitor is just 1 for ĥ but 1.24 for h3 . If we analyse the results obtained for the I \ T set, we can see that in 273 instances the result of the 6 initial heuristics and of the 4 functions which result from the application of EAGH are the same. If we only consider h3 _ 0.1 , this figure increases to 283 instances. The 273 instances with the same result could be eliminated from the comparison, since analysing them confirms that they are straightforward instances, for which any reasonable heuristic obtains the same value for the objective function, which is probably optimum. The improvements achieved with EAGH, therefore, correspond to the non-trivial instances in the I \ T set and for these instances the relative decrease in the number of stations is greater than average and the contribution of EAGH more significant. The calculation time necessary to calibrate the function h a kj , , which depends on the value of , and the number of iterations of the N&M algorithm, are between 13,762 and 20,702 seconds, and between 94 and 181 iterations respectively; we have also confirmed that the calculation time (and the number of iterations) are not proportionally related to the quality of the result. Specifically, for the heuristic function h3 _ 0.1 , 100 iterations were performed in 13,850 seconds. Figure 1 shows the evolution of the values T () and I \T () for this function, compared with the number of iterations performed. As can be seen, the end conditions imposed in the programmed version of the N&M algorithm (small spread in the values of the function at its vertices and size of the hypertetrahedron) were very strict. With a very small number of iterations, and thus in a shorter calculation time, a heuristic function h a kj , could be adjusted and would provide considerable improvements: 88.20% of the total improvement in the value of T () is achieved with 3 iterations, and 100% with 71. Note that, even though T () monotonically decreases, I \T () does not (the algorithm monotonically approaches a local optimum of T () , which does not take into account the elements of I \ T ). 36.300 36.250 36.200 36.150 36.100 36.050 36.000 35.950 35.900 35.850 35.800 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 Number of iterations Set I\T Set T 4 Figure 1. Evolution of the values of the functions T () and I \ T ( ) Finally, the heuristic function obtained by means of EAGH is: h3 _ 0.1 0.00698 RPWj 0.960 0.00281 NS j1.032 1.04657 t j1.041 0.00004 NIS j1.026 1.021 RPW j 0.01219 NS j 1 1.006 NS 0.02237 j UB j LB j In the experiment described hitherto, the training set T includes 1,000 instances of the set I . It seems likely that the results provided by EAGH are sensitive to the size of the training set. To corroborate this supposition another experiment has been performed using as training sets three subsets of T made up with, respectively, its 50, 200 and 500 first instances. The resulting heuristics has been applied to the 1,000 instances of the validation set I \ T , with the same values for the length of the edges of the regular hypertetrahedron that were used in the preceding experiment. Tables 4 and 5 shows, respectively, the sum of the number of stations for the instances in set I \ T corresponding to the diverse used training set and the respective computing times required for the N&M algorithm to converge. As was expected, the computing times are, roughly, proportional to the size of the training set and the quality of the solutions improves when the size of the training set increases. 1 2 0.5 0.1 50 I \ T ( ) 36,155 36,151 36,139 36,111 200 I \ T ( ) 36,142 36,133 36,134 36,099 500 I \ T ( ) 36,138 36,120 36,126 36,098 1,0000 I \ T ( ) 36,135 36,110 36,091 36,083 Table 4. Sum of the number of stations with 50, 200, 500 and 1,000 instances in the training set 1 2 0.5 0.1 50 I \ T ( ) 772 759 647 669 200 I \ T ( ) 2,863 2,813 2,696 2,488 500 I \ T ( ) 7,392 7,875 6,902 6,980 1,000 I \ T ( ) 16,179 13,762 20,702 13,850 Table 5. Computing times, in seconds, for adjusting the parameters corresponding to the training sets including 50, 200, 500 and 1,000 instances The function h a kj , was also adjusted taking the values of the parameters that correspond to the second and third best initial heuristics h1 and h2 respectively as the vertex of the initial simplex in the N&M algorithm, and considering values of 1 and 2 for the length of the edges of the regular hypertetrahedron . The results achieved, although not of such high quality as those achieved starting with h3 as the vertex of the initial simplex, are better than those achieved with the initial heuristics (36,124; 36,149; 36,111 and 36,122 with h1 _1 , h1 _ 2 , h2 _1 and h2 _ 2 respectively). In both cases, 1 provides better solutions than 2 , and the times and number of iterations necessary for the adjustments are between 15,711 and 20,504 seconds, and between 117 and 177 iterations of N&M. 5 A short experiment has been performed to explore the conjecture stated at the end of Section 3 (i.e., that applying EAGH-1 to each instance may provide better solutions than those obtained using the values of the parameters provided by EAGH when applied to the whole training set). Every one of the 1,000 instances that constitute the validation set I \ T has been solved with the six greedy algorithms from the literature and, taking as a vertex of the initial hypertetrahedron corresponding to the best of the six heuristics, EAGH-1 has been applied, using the four already mentioned values for the length of the edges of the initial simplex. Table 6 shows the results and compares them with those obtained with EAGH-N. As can be seen, the conjecture turns out to be true for the used set of instances. 1 2 0.5 0.1 (1): EAGH-N I \ T ( ) 36,135 36,110 36,091 36,083 (2): EAGH-1 I \ T ( ) 35,913 35,894 35,928 35,920 (1) – (2) 222 216 163 163 Table 6. Sum of the number of stations obtained with EAGH-N and EAGH-1 References Helgeson WB, Birnie DP. Assembly line balancing using the ranked positional weight technique. Journal of Industrial Engineering 1961; 12; 394-398. Moodie CL, Young HH. A heuristic method of assembly line balancing for assumptions of constant or variable work element times. Journal of Industrial Engineering 1965; 16; 2329. Talbot FB, Patterson JH. An integer programming algorithm with network cuts for solving the assembly line balancing problem. Management Science 1984; 30; 85-99. Talbot FB, Patterson JH, Gehrleiv WV. A comparative evaluation of heuristic line balancing techniques. Management Science 1986; 32; 431-453. Tonge FM. A heuristic program for assembly line balancing. Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ; 1961. 6