ERA Real Estate Marketing Presentation Script Slide #1 – Our Approach (name) and (name) I want to thank you for the opportunity to meet with you this (afternoon/evening) to discuss your real estate needs. I hope to earn your business and to get started working together! Slide #2 – Agenda Before we begin, I want to take a moment to explain how I work so you know what you can expect from me as your real estate consultant. First I would like to ask you a few questions so I can better understand your situation. We will then discuss the marketing of your house and the unique ERA® services that best fits your situation for an effective marketing plan. Next we will review the current market conditions and discuss a pricing strategy for your house based on today’s market and your needs. I will then share with you some key information why ERA (company name) is such a successful company in the (location) marketplace and I will also convey my service credentials. Hopefully at that time we will make a mutual decision to move forward and get your house on the market. How does that sound? Great let’s get started! Slide #3 – Understanding Your Situation Why are you selling? Where are you moving? When would you like to have your house sold? What is driving your deadline? What challenges do you anticipate having? (Refer to ERA AccelERAtion Effective Questioning Using the 4 C’s) (After determining the sellers’ motivation, restate to them in order to confirm your understanding is correct.) If Motivation is Time: So I will give you information and recommendations you need based on selling your house in (the timeframe they gave). Does that sound right? If Motivation is Price: So I will give you information and recommendations you need based on selling your house in (the timeframe they gave), but getting your price is the most important factor. Does that sound right? Slide #4 – Agenda - Selling Your Property – Marketing Now that I know your situation, let’s discuss the unique marketing tools ERA (company name) can offer in marketing your house. Slide #5 – Selling Your Property: Marketing – … Powered by In today’s real estate market, the exposure your house has on the internet is vital. Wouldn’t you agree? Not only will your house be on, but several websites powered by, for example… Slide #6 – Selling Your Property: Marketing - Online Listing Providers Because of the internet’s reach, ERA Real Estate has a multiple layer approach to our web strategy with a broad network of online listing providers. Your house will be positioned front and center where buyers are looking. Slide #7 – Selling Your Property: Marketing - Local Media Outlets We also have an extensive reach in local media outlets within our community. As you see, we have every corner of the internet market covered for you. Wouldn’t you agree this will create more buyers and increase the odds of selling your house for the price and timeframe you desire? Slide #8 – Selling Your Property: Marketing – Enhanced Listing Pages (If you purchase enhanced listing pages, if not please hide this slide) Not only will your house appear on (websites you have enhanced pages with), but we will also position your house so it appears earlier when a buyer searches and your house is featured more prominently with more photos so it grabs the buyers’ attention. Slide #9 – Selling Your Property: Marketing – ERA Programs In addition to the global and local internet marketing, there are exclusive ERA programs that expand your marketing exposure and the creation of buyers. Let’s take a look at how they can work for you. Slide #10 – Selling Your Property: Marketing – TXT ERA® & ERA.COM (MOBILE) You might imagine, buyers today want all the information about your house and they want it immediately. If they can’t get what they want, they move on to another house and quickly. Do you agree? ERA ( company name) has two programs that can provide the buyers with what they want, when they want it. TXT ERA® allows a buyer to simply text a number provided on your yard sign and they will receive information on your house directly back to their phone. TXT ERA® also sends me an email with their contact information allowing me to capture them as a potential buyer for your house right from the curb. Buyers can also access all the information about your house through their phone with ERA.COM (MOBILE) while they are on the go. With both of these programs buyers get what they want and we get what we want - their contact information. We can now call, text, and chat with these potential buyers immediately on their terms. Can you see how these two programs will give you a competitive advantage in the marketplace? Slide #11 - Selling Your Property: Marketing – ERA LEADROUTERTM Program Benefits We have discussed the importance of exposure on the internet as well as immediate access to the potential buyers. With ERA LEADROUTERTM, online requests from buyers are routed immediately via cell phone and email to a real estate consultant for instant follow up. This program also tracks the source of all property leads so we can evaluate our marketing plan on an ongoing basis. Do you think an immediate response to a potential buyer will dramatically increase the odds of generating a showing? Slide #12 – Selling Your Property: Marketing – Gold Star Property Another exciting program we offer at ERA (company name) to our sellers is the Gold Star Property program. This program makes your property more competitive in today’s marketplace by using a systematic approach to preparing and marketing your house as “move-in” ready for potential buyers. We have found properties with the Gold Star rating don’t just receive more attention, they also sell more quickly. Can you see how buyers would prefer a Gold Star Property? Slide #13 – Selling Your Property: Marketing – ERA Home Protection Plan We can also make your house more attractive to buyers with the ERA Home Protection Plan. This plan is a warranty for buyers that can cover many of the major components for the first year of home ownership. Buyers will be more confident in buying a house that isn’t brand new. If you agree to provide the ERA Home Protection Plan for the buyer, it can also protect you against costly repairs during the listing period and escrow. With the ERA Home Protection Plan in place, you will have a 29% better chance of selling your house and selling it 15% faster. Wouldn’t you agree the ERA Home Protection Plan will help you achieve your goals? Slide #14 – Selling Your Property: Marketing – International Collection Property qualifies for ERA International Collection (Use this slide only if the property qualifies for International Collection) ERA (company name) also has an exclusive program for elite properties called the ERA International Collection. This program is designed to position your house for the high-end buyer. When we place you house in the ERA International Collection we will enhance your web exposure through, as well as luxury listing channels,, and We position your house where the elite buyer is going to be found. Slide #15 – Selling Your Property: Marketing – Additional Marketing Opportunities Along with the expansive internet presence and the ERA exclusive tools, we also have additional marketing opportunities we will be using to expose your house to the most potential buyers out there. I am curious, of all the services we just covered, which one really caught your eye? That is a tremendous service and only available through ERA (company name). Slide #16 – Agenda - Selling Your Property: Market Conditions Now I would like to take some time to discuss the current market conditions. Knowing and understanding today’s marketplace can help you make the right decisions for you and your family. Slide #17 – Selling Your Property: Market Conditions Houses Sold This chart shows the scope of our total marketplace in the last few months with _____ houses selling. You can see it is broken down into broad price range categories. Let’s take a look at the category in your price range. Slide #18 – Average Sales Price As we know, pricing is one of the critical sales tools, and understanding the dynamics of pricing is essential to a successful sale. The average sales price will help determine a marketing strategy. Let’s take a look at where your property falls in comparison to the average sales price for the marketplace. Slide #19 – Selling Your Property: Market Conditions – Percent of Asking Price Received Another key number that is important to you is the percent of asking price received. This is the percentage of what sellers are receiving of their asking price on average, listing price verses sales price. Currently in the marketplace that number is _______%. My list price to sales price average is _____%. As you can see my number is higher than the MLS average. The benefit to you is you will net more dollars on average working with me over other agents. Would this help you achieve your goal? Slide #20 – Selling Your Property: Market Conditions – Number of Days on Market Along with price, it is also important that we discuss days on market. The shorter market time means more money in your pocket from the sale of your house. As you can see my average days on market are less than the average for other agents in our area. The benefit to you, when you increase market time, you end up decreasing sales price. How does a higher price and quicker sale sound to you? Slide #21 – Selling Your Property: Market Conditions – List-to-sell Ratio Now that we have talked about pricing and days on market, let’s discuss how sellers are actually faring in their quest to sell. We call this list-to-sale ratio. Out of the houses listed, how many of those actually sell. As we know many factors influence that number. Today in our marketplace, ____% of the houses on the market sells. On the other hand, of the houses I list, ____% sell. There is quite a difference wouldn’t you agree? These numbers we just discussed are really important in obtaining your goal. Can you see by working with me you have a greater chance of getting a higher price, a faster sell and a greater chance of selling? Slide #22 – Selling Your Property: Agenda – Pricing (name) and (name) our next step is to determine the value of your house based on today’s market conditions we have discussed. Slide #23 – Selling Your Property: Pricing – Fair Market Value This is a term you may have heard, Fair Market Value. Fair Market Value is a price that a ready, willing and able buyer is willing to pay and a seller is willing to accept. The reason it is important that we accurately project Fair Market Value is because if we end up pricing too far away from Fair Market Value, you house won’t sell. Let’s discuss how we can accurately project what Fair Market Value will be for your house. Slide #24 – Selling Your Property: Pricing – To Determine Fair Market Value Most companies use one of these tools to determine value, the competitive market analysis. At ERA we will use three methods, the competitive market analysis, pricing analysis grid and absorption rate. We feel a CMA does not factor in inventory levels which are critical to value as well as pricing strategy. The benefit to you is the comfort you have knowing we used the best methods to determine the value of your house. The fourth instrument, the home appraisal will be used by the buyer in conjunction with the bank to secure their mortgage. Since it is so important to accurately determine Fair Market Value, would it be alright if I take a moment to explain each one? Slide #25 – Selling Your Property: Pricing – Competitive Market Analysis Agents and companies have been using the Competitive Market Analysis for some time. What they look at is the recent data on houses that have sold and failed to sell. This will help understand what the market is saying about the value of your house. Slide #26 – Selling Your Property: Pricing – Pricing Analysis Grid We at ERA (company name) then take the data from the CMA and create an ERA Pricing Analysis Grid. This tool gives us a clear and compelling picture of what buyers are willing to pay in today’s market, your competition, and most importantly what failed to sell. (name) and (name) this graph shows all the results you need to make the best decision for you and your family. Where would you like to position your property in the market place – to be sold, on the market, or expired? Slide #27 – Selling Your Property: Pricing – Absorption Rate We also need to take into consideration the absorption rate. This is a critical number that helps determine the expected marketing time and calculates where to position your house in the marketplace in terms of price and condition to sell quickly. Let’s look at what the absorption rate tool tells us about the marketplace and the value of your house. Slide #28 – Selling Your Property: Pricing – Home Appraisal After we have put your house on the market and successfully secured a buyer, that buyer will most likely obtain a mortgage on the property. The mortgage company will require an appraisal where an independent 3rd party will determine the value of the property. Appraisers are more cautious today about property values, comparable sales and home condition issues. We have tools to make this challenging process smoother for our clients. We wouldn’t want the deal to fall apart at this point, would we? Slide #29/34 – ERA Broker Company/ERA Agent (name) and (name) I want to briefly demonstrate the benefits we have to offer you at ERA (company name) as well as my credentials. Slide #35 – Thank You I know we have covered a lot of information in our consultation today. We began talking about what your goals are for you and your family. Those are still the most important items on the agenda, making those happen for you in the time frame you want. I am ready to make those goals become a reality. Shall we get started?