教 案 首 页 授课时间 2008 年 课程名称 诊断学 年级 06 口本 专业、层次 临床医疗 授课方式 大班课 学时 1.5 教授 教员 孟红旗 专业技术职务 电话 授课题目(章、节) 发热 基本教材 1、 诊断学,第七版,北京:人民卫生出版社. 参考书目 3、 王鸿利主编,实验诊断学,第一版,北京:人民卫生出版社. 教学目的与要求 一、了解发热的概况。 二、掌握发热的机理、病因和分类。 三、掌握发热的临床表现及伴随症状。 四、掌握发热临床常见的几种热型和问诊要点。 大体内容与时间安排,教学方法 内容:1.体温的正常范围和发热的定义 2.发热的发生机制、病因分类 3.发热的分度和临床表现 4.常见热型:稽留热、弛张热、间歇热、波状热、回归热、不规则热的临床 意义 5.发热的伴随症状和问诊要点 教学时数:1.5 学时 教学方法:多媒体幻灯 教学重点、难点: 发热的机理、病因和分类 发热的临床表现及伴随症状 学员学习方法 大课授课 教 基 案 续 页 本 内 容 Fever Definition The core body temperature is kept constant (36.3-37.2o). Under normal circumstances, it is tightly regulated, with circadian variations over a range that usually does not exceed 1oC and a mean value of 37oC (the normal “set point”). Fever is defined as an elevation of core body temperature above the normal range. The rectal temperature is usually 辅助手段 时间分配 利用多媒体 幻灯授课 0.5oC greater than a simultaneous oral temperature, and more accurately reflects the body’s core temperature. Axillary temperatures are repeatedly 0.50C below oral temperatures, but they have repeatedly been shown to be unreliable. It is important to realize that fever is not equivalent to an elevated core temperature but to an elevated set-point, for example, from 370C to 390C. Hyperthermia is a term for fever due to a disturbance of thermal regulatory control: excessive heat production(e.g., with vigorous exercise or as a reaction to some anesthetics), decreased dissipation (e.g., with dehydration), or loss of regulation (e.g., due to injury to the hypothalmic regulatory center). It is characterized by an unchanged setting-point. During episodes of fever, the thermoregulatory set-point is shifted such that the same thermoregulatory mechanisms are used to maintain an abnormally elevated temperature. Metabolic reactions proceed more rapidly at an elevated temperature. Therefore, the passive warming effect of a febrile state leads to accelerated energy production in the form of heat: for each temperature increment of 0.6oC, the basal metabolic rate increases by approximately 10%. This increase may at times be quite significant from a nutritional point of view. Pathophysiology Core body temperature is determined by two opposing processes, each of which is regulated by the central nervous system. On the one hand, energy in the form of heat is generated by living tissues (‘thermogenesis’). Energy may be passively absorbed from the environment, chiefly through the emission of infrared radiation and through transfer of energy to the surrounding medium. Regulation of body temperature is under the control of the preoptic area of the anterior hypothalamus. This area acts exactly like a thermostat, continuously balancing heat production and heat loss. It is constantly receiving input from both central receptors, which monitor the temperature of blood perfusing the brain, and peripheral receptors, which monitor skin temperature. Heat production is controlled in several ways. The basal metabolic rate is under the direct control of the hypothalamus, and can be varied depending on demand for heat production. One way this is done is by varying the level of circulating thyroxine, which increases cellular metabolism. The fastest and most sensitive way to increase heat production is by increasing muscle sensitivity (shivering when cold or the shaking chill of a fever). The principle method of heat loss is by varying the volume of blood flowing to the skin’s surface. Blood flow to the fingertips can vary more than 100-fold over different environmental temperatures. The exocrine sweating cools the body by vaporization (conversion of a liquid to a vapor). In febrile patient, because of an elevated set point, the processes of heat conservation (vasoconstriction) and heat production (shivering and increased metabolic activity) continue until the temperature of the blood bathing the hypothalamic neurons matches the new thermostat setting. Once that point is reached, the hypothalamus maintains the temperature at the febrile level by the same mechanisms of heat balance that are operative in the afebrile state. When the hypothalamic set point is again reset downward (due to either a reduction in the concentration of pyrogens or the use of antipyretic), the processes of heat loss through vasodialtion and sweating are initiated. Loss of heat by sweating and vasodilation continues until the blood temperature at the hypothalamic level matches the lower setting. Elevation of body temperature depends primarily on sympathetic outflow and leads to shivering thermogenesis and dermal vasoconstriction, whereas cooling mechanism (sweating and dermal vasodilation) involve a mixture of sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways. Certain neutotropic drugs can disrupt the hypothalamic thermosensory mechanism--- or blunt the hypothalamic response--- and thus may interfere with the development of fever. The hypothalamic thermostat has an inherent set-point of about 37oC. Temperatures are lowest around 4 a.m. and then gradually increase until they peak between 6 and 10 p.m. The reason for this circadian rhythm is unclear, but, unlike other circadian rhythms, such as cortisol secretion, it is not reversed in shift workers who are up at night and sleep during the day. Most fevers follow this pattern, being higher in the evening and lower in the morning. Other physiologic parameters that affect body temperature are exercise, the menstrual cycle, and the environmental temperature. Strenuous exercise can significantly elevate temperature. There is a rapid fall to normal, usually over 30 minutes after cessation of activity. At ovulation there is a 0.5oC increase in temperature that persists until just before the next menses. Exogenous pyrogen Hypothalamic dysregulation and fever are triggered by proteins released from cells of the immune system and the nervous system. This communication between the immune system and the nervous system is perhaps is the most thoroughly studied ‘neuroimmunoendocrine’ link. Any substances that cause fever are called pyrogens and may be either exogenous or endogenous. Exogenous pyrogens are from outside the host, whereas endogenous pyrogens are produced by the host, generally in response to stimuli usually triggered by infection or inflammation. The majority of exogenous pyrogens are microorganisms, their products, or toxins. The best characterized exogenous pyrogen is the heterogeneous group of molecules common to all gram-negative bacteria referred to as endotoxin (lipopolysaccaride. LPS). Gram-positive organisms also produce potent exogenous pyrogens. These include lipoteichoic acid, peptidoglycan and various exotoxins and enterotoxins. Other exogenous pyrogens include complement products, steroid horme metablites, antigen – antibody complex with complement. Most of them are of high molecule weight, could not penetrate blood-brain barrier, act directly at the central nerve system. In general, exogenous pyrogens act primarily by inducing the formation of endogenous pyrogens by stimulation of host’s cells, generally monocytes and macrophages. Endogenous pyrogen In response to invasive stimuli, including components of various microorganisms (e.g., lipoteichoic acid, lipopolysaccharids, and other constituents collectively termed ‘exogenous pyrogen’) or certain chemical agents (e.g.; amphotericin and perhaps other drugs), cells of immune system (principally macrophages and, to a lesser extent, lymphocytes) produce proteins that behave as “endogenous pyrogens’. These proteins are designated ‘monokines’ and lymphokines’, respectively, and are often denoted under the more general heading of ‘cytokines’. The major pyrogenic cytokines appear to be IL-1β, IL-1α, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF α ), tumor necrosis factor β (TNF β , lymphotoxin), interon α, and interleukin 6 (IL-6). During the past decade, several of cytokines active in the pathogenesis of fever have been isolated, and their structures have been determined by molecular cloning. Although mononuclear phagocytes are the principal source of pyrogentic cytokines, the same proteins may through autonomous production and secretion. Pyrogenic cytokines are presumed to bind receptors present on vascular endothelial cells that lie within the hypothalamus. They act to reset the hypothalamic thermoregulatory center by resenting increased prostaglandin causes an elevated cyclic adenosine monophosphate level, resulting an elevation in core body temperature. Different antigenic stimuli result in the production of different endogenous pyrogens. Bacteria and their products of metabolism typically provoke release of IL-1; viral proteins stim t to that elicited by endotoxin, it is probable that combined production of several cytokines is sufficient to explain most fevers. ulate IFN. Although no single cytokine is capable of provoking fever of a magnitude equivalen Two types of pyrogen: exogenous pyrogen and endogenous pyrogen 1. Exogenous pyrogen: various microorganisms (such as endotoxin), mostly are polysaccharides, can cause muscle contraction and rigor. 2. Endogenous: polymorphonuclear myelocytes and monocytes, activated by exogenous pyrogen, synthesize cytokines, which cause liberation of PGE from hypothalamus. The PGE is believed to reset the hypothalamic thermoregulatory center by prompting an elevation in core body temperature. Etiology and classification 1. Infective fever: After infection, metabolites from organism or pyrogen from WBC cause fever. It is the most common cause of fever. Bacteria pyrogen are the common causes of infective fever. 2. Non-infective fever: 1). Absorption of necrotic substances: injury; ischemic necrosis; cell necrosis 2). Allergy The penicillin-based antibiotics are the most common cause. 3). Endocrine and metabolic disturbances: hyperthyroidism and dehydration 4). Decreased elimination of heat from skin: heat failure 5). Dysfunction of central heat regulation: a: Physical, as heat stroke; b: chemical , as barbiturate poisoning; c: Mechanical, as cerebral hemorrhage. 6). Dysfunction of vegetative nervous system; as the cases of sympathetic overactivity. Clinical manifestations: 1. The grade of fever Low grade fever: Moderate fever: High fever: Hyperthermia fever: 2. 37.3~38oC 38~39oC 39.1~41oC over 41oC The clinical course and character of fever The clinical courses of fever are consisted of the following three steps 1). Onset of fever a: Sudden onset: fever rises within few hours, as pneumonia, up to 39~40oC b: Gradual onset: fever rises gradually for few days, as typhoid 2). Persistence of fever: may be a: continued: The body temperature is constantly kept at 39oC~40oC for several days or several weeks. The circadian variation is less 1oC. Such as pneumonia, typhoid fever b: remittent The body temperature is usually above 39oC, with circadian variation great than 2oC. Such as rheumatic fever, tuberculosis, septicaemia, septic inflammation c: intermittent: The temperature reaches the peak with sudden arising, which lasts only about few hours, it subsides to the normal range with lysis lasts for several days. As seen in malaria, acute pyelonephritis. d: recurrent: The body temperature rises to peak (over 39oC) abrubtly, lasting for several days, and than decreases to the normal with suddenness. High fever and fever free interval interchangeable for several times. Seen in Hodgkin’s disease. e: undulant: The body temperature arise gradually over 39oC, it goes down to the normal range gradually few days later, and this pattern are repeated for several times. Seen in Brucellosis. f: irregular type: as seen in tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, bronchopneumonia Intermittent fevers are seen in many conditions and are therefore of little help in discriminating between various disorders. Intermittent fever may also occur when a continuous fever is interrupted with antipyretics or cooling measures; such inventions must be taken into account in analysis of a temperature curve. 3). Subsidence of fever: may be subside by crisis or lysis Although fever patterns tend to be non-specific, they may sometimes provide diagnostic clues. Such as the alternate-day fever in established Plasmodium vivax infections, the sustained fever in untreated Salmonella typhi infections and other continuous bacteremias, and the relapsing (Pel-Ebstein) fever in Hodgkin’s disease and other lymphomas. Associated symptoms 1. Chills or rigor: as in septicemia and any acute infections 2. Congestion of conjunctiva: as in hemorrhagic fever 3. Herpes simplex: caused by herpes virus, frequently seen in cases of lobar pneumonia 4. Bleeding tendency: in severe infection as hepatitis and blood dyscrasia as leukemia 5. Lymphadenopathy: in cases of lymphoma, of metastasis of cancer 6. Enlargement of liver and spleen: in cases of hepatitis, leukemia 7. Arthralgia: in gout, rheumtic disease 8. Rash: drug rash, measles 9. Coma: in barbiturate poisoning, cerebral hemorrhage Diagnostic points Important points in the history include: 1. Other symptoms besides fever (eg, vomiting, dysuria, cough, joing pain) 2. Duration and magnitude of fever 3. Close contacts with similar illness 4. Occupational, travel, or recreational exposure 5. History of diseases associated with immunocompromise, diabetes, chronic renal failure, blood dyscrasia, alcohol or drug abuse, chronic lung disease, and cardiac valve disease 6. Current medication, particularly antibiotics and antipyretics 7. Alleties. Acute fever of less than two weeks are most of infectious origin, with an inflammatory focus. Thus, either history or physical examination would show some suggestive points about the cause of fever. Fever of unexplained origin It is defined in adults as an illness lasting more than 3 weeks with temperatures greater than 38.30C in which a diagnosis ahs not been made despite a good hospital or office evaluation. With careful further evaluation a diagnosis can be made in 70% to 90% of the cases. 教 案 末 页 Summary Fever: elevation of set point 小 Heat production/conservation: shivering dermal vasoconstriction Heat loss: Pyrogen: sweating exogenous or endogenous endotoxin (LPS) 结 dermal vasodilation pyrogenic cytokines PGEs Etiology: cAMP Set-point infective or noninfective Fever types: remittent fever, intermittent fever, undulant fever, recurrent fever, irregular fever 复 习 思 考 题 及 作 业 题 1. 发热常见的病因有那些? 2. 什么是弛张热? 常见于哪些疾病? 3. 叙述发热的伴随症状对疾病诊断的意义。