Structural Engineer PhD Qualifying Exam Regulations

NCTU Civil Engineering Department –Structural
Engineer PhD Qualifying Exam Regulations
Approval in team affairs meeting on Feb. 27, 2001
Revision in team affairs meeting on Oct. 22, 2002
Revision in team affairs meeting on Feb. 19, 2003
Revision in team affairs meeting on Sep. 16, 2003
Revision in team affairs meeting on Mar. 15, 2010
PhD Students of Structural Engineer of NCTU Civil Engineering Department
(CE) should obey “NCTU Civil Engineering Department PhD Students
Graduate Regulations” and take responding examinations for their certificates.
The qualifying exam is divided into two parts: written examination and
dissertation examination. The dissertation examination is held by the
procedure of oral defense and can only be applied after passing the written
Examinees have to pass the written examination within 2 years and the
dissertation examination within 3 years after enrollment, otherwise will be
withdrawn out of the school. Suspension of schooling is not taken into
At least one written examination should be held within 1 year after enrollment.
Suspension of schooling is not taken into account.
Written and dissertation examination is not applicable to examinee who is in
suspension of schooling.
Examinee should choose 4 of 10 courses below for written examination and
admitted by their advisors:
(1) Advanced Mechanics of Materials
(2) Advanced Structural Analysis
(3) Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structures
(4) Advanced Steel Structures
(5) Advanced Concrete
(6) Advanced Mechanics of Concrete
(7) Elasticity
(8) Finite Element Methods
(9) Structural Dynamics
(10) Computer AIDED in Civil Engineering
4 courses should be chosen for the written examination at the first time. Each
exam of courses takes 1.5 hours to finish. Examinee who’s score of the
course is at top 30% in the class can pass the course without further
examination. Examinees are allowed to choose different courses in their
further attempts of written examination if their fail to pass it.
The dissertation committee is organized by 5 or more members
recommended by the advisor of the examinee.
This document is put into effect after approval or revision granted in team
affairs meetings of NCTUCE.
Note: In article 7 of this document, “… Examinee who’s score of the course is at
top 30% in the class can pass the course without further examination.” while the
percentage here should be calculated by rounding.