Test Reports released by the Institute since inception Sl No Name of machine Nature of test Report No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tractor Paulson Buffalow-285 Spark Arrester Harkaranti Thresher Warta Tractor Binder ZOO5 (WTS) HMT-Zeter-2511 of 35 HP (Prototype Model) Power Thresher HMC Delux Power thresher Rajaeev Cotton Planter ( Bullock drawn) Prototype Model Cotton Delinter (Hand operated) Prototype HMT-2511 Rice Special Tractor User’s report on Rustom Mini Tractor Delinter (Batch type) Thresher Sherpur Orbit Disc. Seed Drill’Hira’ Agril. Disc’610mm’ Agril. Disc’560mm’ Tractor HMT-9259 Agril. Disc. 610mm’ C.F. Pump ‘62x50’ Sl.No.F38360 C.F. Pump ‘100x75’ Potato Harvester GDR Make User’s Report-Vicon Combine Pusa Reaper Krishi Disc 24” Dia Sl>K-839 C.F. Pump De-type ‘100x100’ Sl.71916 C.F. Pump De-type ‘100x100’ Sl.71916 C.F. Pump MP 2 Horizontal ‘75x75’ SL.71931 C.F.Pump DE-Type 75x75’ Sl. 71918 C.F. Pump BMPI Horizontal ‘125x125’ Sl.72252 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential T-1/1 C-1/2 Th-1/3 BN-1/4 T-2/5 Month & year of release August 74 July 76 May 77 May 77 June 77 Commercial Commercial Confidential TH-2/6 TH-3/7 Imp-1/8 June 77 July 77 Sept. 77 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Commercial Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Imp-2/9 T-3/10 US-T-1/11 Imp-3/12 TH-4/13 C-2/14 Imp-4/15 C-3/16 c-4/17 T-4/18 C-5/19 CP-1/20 CP-2/21 Imp-5/22 US Imp-1/23 Imp-6/24 C-6/25 CP-3/26 CP-4/27 CP-5/28 Oct.77 Feb.78 March 78 March 79 March 79 March 79 March 79 August 79 August 79 August 79 Sept. 79 June 80 Jan 80 Jan. 80 Jan 80 June 80 July 80 July 80 July 80 August 80 Confidential Confidential CP-6/29. CP-7/30 August 80 August. 80 C.,F. Pump BMPI Horizontal ‘100x75’ Sl. 72247 C.F.Pump BMPI Horizontal 100x75’ Sl. 71943 C.F. Pump, ‘100x100’ Sl. 79/E-38926 C.F. Pump Rattan Monobuilt 165x65 Sl, BNF 32-2076 C.F. Pump Rattan Monobuilt 100x100 Sl, BQF 32-2076 C.F. Pump Rattan Monobuilt 100x75 Sl,4 RNF 32-2076 C.F. Pump Lubi 62x50 C.F. Pump Agricultural 75x65 Thresher Pusda 40 C.F. Pump Aruna 80x65 Lubi Monoblock, C.F. Pump 62x50 Lubi Monoblock, C.F.Pump 62x50 Lubi Monoblock, C.F.Pump 75x62 Lubi Monoblock C.F.Pump 75x62 Unibuilt Monoblock C.F. Pump 40x40 Confidential. CP-8/31 August. 80 Confidential CP-9/32 August. 80 Confidential Confidential CP-10/33 CP-11/34 August. 80 Nov. 80 Confidential CP-12/35 Nov. 80 Confidential CP-13/36 Nov. 80 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential CP-14/37 CP-15/38 TH-5/39 CP-16/40 CP-17/41 CP-18/42 CP-19/43 CP-20/44 CP-21/45 Nov. 80 Nov. 80 Nov. 80 Dec. 80 Dec. 80 Dec. 80 Dec. 80 Dec. 80 Dec. 80 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 42 43. 44. 45. 1 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. Harvest C.F.Pump Harvest C.F.Pump 100x100 Shriram C.F.Pump 80x80 Monoblock comprising motor of 7.5KV 3 phase 1500 rpm Upkar Mini Tractor Monoblock comprising motor 65x50mm Monoblock comprising motor 80x80 C.F. Pump type kirloskar 125x125 Hand operated compression sprayer Compression sprayer cap-14 Hand operated compression sprayer knapsack) Centrifugal Pump Horizontal 200x150mm Foot sprayer NoPS7A Foot sprayer No.PS7A Poower Trak Tractor KRS Machine Pvt. Ltd. User’s Survey Vicon combine Harvester Knapsack sprayer(Hand Operated) Report on Demonstration of kirloskar Tractor. Indented cylinder type grader, SFCI,. New Delhi. Foot sprayer, ISI, Chd. Hand compression sprayer. Aril. Disc. 620mm Agril Disc. 610mm C.F.Pump shriram size 80x65 C.F.Pump 80x65mm C.F.Pump 80x65mm C.F. Pump size 80x65mm C.F.Pump size 80x65mm C.F.Pump size 100x100mm C.F.Pump (Horizontal) C.F.Pump size 125x125mm C.F.Pump size 80x80mm C.F.Pump (Horizontal) 60x50mm C.F.Pump 75x75mm C.F.Pump size 80x65 S.N.8656 C.F.Pump 100x100mm S.No.82910200 C.F.Pump size 65x62mm S.No.1810 Hand operated compression sprayer code NolB/PKS/ASPEE C.F.Pump (Horizontal) 62x62mm S.No.G19615 C.F.Pump (Horizontal) 65x50mm S.No. 26425 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential CP-22/46 CP-23/47 CP-24/48 CP-25/49 Jan. 81 Jan. 81 Jan. 81 Jan. 81 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential T-5/50 CP-26/51 CP-27/52 CP-28/53 S-1/54 S-2/55 S-3/56 CP-29/57 S-4/58 S-5/59 T-6/60 US-Imp-2/61 S-6/62 T-7/63 Imp-7/64 Feb. 81 April 81 April 81 April 81 July 81 July 81 Jjuly 81 Sept 81 Nov. 81 Nov. 81 Nov. 81 Nov. 81 Dec. 81 Feb. 82 March 82 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential S-7/65 S-8/66 C-7/67 C-8/68 CP-30/69 CP-31/70 CP-32/71 CP-33/72 CP-34/73 CP-35/74 CP-36/75 CP-37/76 CP-38/77 CP-39/78 CP-40/79 CP-41/80 CP-42/81 CP-43/82 S-8/83 March. 82 March. 82 March 82 March 82. May 82 June 82 June 82 June 82. June 82. July 82 July 82 July 82. August. 82 Aug. 82 Aug. 82 Sept 82 Sept. 82 Sept. 82 Sept. 82 Confidential CP-44/84 Oct. 82 Confidential CP-45/85 Oct. 82 M.B.Plough-cum Rotavator (PFZ235) for official use Hand operated compression sprayer code No.T/PS/GEW/820308/L-0822143/1 Forage Harvester for official use. Orient Delux Hand potary Duster code No.B/PSE/ASPEE 820802/03/047416-L Foot Sprayer Batch NO.H-23 S.No.231 Agricart M/s Vltas Ltd. Bombay. C. F.Pump size 75x75 S.No.551 C.F.Pump size 100x75mm S.No.F 251 Horizontal C.F.Pump 100x75mm Hand operated continuous Knapsack sprayer code Indented cylinder SFCI, New Delhi. Confidential Imp-8/86 Oct. 82 Confidential S-10/87 Oct. 82 Confidential Confidential Imp-9/88 D-1/89 Oct. 82. Nov. 82 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential S-11/90 Imp-10/91 CP-46/92 CP-47/93 CP-48/94 S-12/95 Nov.82 Nov. 82 Nov. 82 Nov. 82. Dec. 82. Dec. 82. Confidential Imp-11/96 Feb 83. 2 97. 98. 99. 100 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. C.F.Pump size 75x75mm S.No.770. C.F.Pump size 80x65mm S.No.820004 Single Row-seed-cum-Fertilizer Drill (B>D),HAU Hand operated continuous knapsack sprayer, B.NO.12/J C.F.Pump size 100x75mm S.No. G-19609 C.F.Pump size 100x75mm S.No.G-19608 C.F.Pump 100x75mm S.No.64506 User’s Report on safety Aspects of Farm Machinery. C.F.Pump 100x100mm S.No.600553 C.F.Pump size 80x65mm S.No.AE 11/C Rocker sprayer Bo.No.53/C Hand operated rotary duster shoulder mounted type batch No.49/N Potato Digger Elevator Model 2609/0-2/KEP 2 Stirrup pump batch No.45/N Indented cylinder II SFCI, New Delhi. C.F.Pump 3x1/2 S-12 S.No.821153 Hand operated continuous knapsack sprayer, Made Padgiwar Hand operated continuous knapsack sprayer, Made ASPEE Hand operated Rocker sprayer Make ASPEE Batch No.1/C C.F.Pump 80x65mm S.No.A-8591 Confidential Confidential Confidential CP-49/97 CP-50/98 Imp-12/99 Feb. 83 Feb. 83 Feb. 83 Confidential S-13/100 Feb. 83 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential CP-51/101 CP-52/102 CP-53/103 U.S.Imp-3/104. Feb 83. Feb. 83 Feb. 83 April 83 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential CP-54/105 CP-55/106 D-14/107 D-2/108 April.83 April 83. April 83. April,83 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Imp-13/109 S-15/110 Imp.-14/111 CP-56/112 S-16/113 April 83 April 83. May, 83 May 83 June 83 Confidential S-17/114 June 83. Confidential S-18/115 June 83. Confidential CP-57/116 August. 83 C.F.Pump size 80x65mm S.No.8365001 User’s Report on Feeding Devices of Power Thresher Rocker sprayer B.No.15/A Hand operated stirrup pump B.No.14/E Confidential Confidential CP-58/117 US/Imp-4/118 August. 83. Sept. 83 Confidential Confidential S-19/119 S-2-/120 Sept./ 83. Sept. 83 Hand operated Rotary Duster shoulder mounted type Plow cart model prototype Hand operated rotary duster shoulder mounted type Make ASPEE C.F.Pump size 800x65mm S.No.A8690 Hand operated continuous sprayer Batch No.50/5 Shriram C.F.Pump S.No.830188 size 100x100mm Horizontal C.F.Pump S.No.0783101 size 80x65mm Horizontal C.F.Pump A0683136 size 80x65mm Wilson Engine C.F.Pump 100x100mm Eicher Goodearth, Delhi Harrow Shaft (Square) size 28.2x29.6mm CSF,Hisar Hand operated continuous knapsack sprayer B.No.27,G,ISI,Bombay Four row semi-mounted Potato planter. Foot sprayer B.No.24/F ISI,Bombay Rocker sprayer Batch No.15/FC,ISI,Bombay Hand compression sprayer B.No.17/D ISI,Bombay Hand operated sprayer Confidential D-3/121 Sept 83. Confidential Confidential T-8/122 D-4/123 Dec. 83 Dec. 83 Confidential Confidential CP-59/124 S-21/125 Dec. 83 Dec. 83 Confidential CP-60/126 Jan. 84 Confidential CP-61/127 Jan. 84 Confidential CP-62/128 Jan. 84 Confidential CP-63/129 Jan. 84 Confidential C-9/130 Jan. 84 Confidential S-22/131 Feb. 84 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Imp-15/132 S-23/133 S-24/134 S-25/135 March. 84 April 84 April 84. May, 84 Confidential S-26/136 May, 84 3 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168. 169. 170. 171. 172 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. B.No.1319183,ISI,Bombay Hand compression sprayer B.NO.423.S.No.50/9ISI,Bombay Dipco Dumper,M/s Sigil India pvt. Ltd. Continuous sprayer B.No.31E ISI,Bombay Standard combine Harvester M/s Stand Engg. Wroks Handiaya Disc one way plow Director, CSBF,Hsr. Orient Hand Rotary Duster B.NO.22/E ISI,Bombay Hand Rotary Duster B.No.48/A, ISI,Bombay Confidential S-27/137 May. 84 Confidential Confidential Confidential T-9/138 S-28/139 Com-1/140 August. 84 August. 84 Oct. 84 Confidential Confidential C-10/141 D-5/142 Oct. 84 Nov. 84 Confidential D-16/143 Nov. 84 Continuous sprayer Bo.No.52/C ISI,Bombay Foot operated sprayer B.No.43/E ISI, Bombay Hand operated sprayer B.No.12/E ISI,Bombay Hand operated compression sprayer (Brass)B.No.43/E ISI,Bombay Reversible Shovel, Make Popular for Govt use. Reversible shovel, make Local for Govt. use. Hand operated knapsack sprayer B.No.43/E ISI,Bombay Kartar Combine Harvester M/sKartar Engg. Works Bhadson Fuel Filter, Make:MICO for Govt use. Fuel Filter, Make:HMT for Govt. use Fuel Filter, Make Shiva for Govt. use Fuel Filter Make Elofic for Govt. use Fuel Filter, Make Winner for Govt. use Hand operated continuous knapsack sprayer B.No.41/G Stirrup pump, Batch No.1P Hand operated comp knapsack sprayer B.No.39/A Plow cart M/S Bhandari Balweerchand Pratapchand Memorial Research foundation, bombay Survey report on Krishi aujar mela(19-22 Sept 1984) Hand operated comp knapsack sprayer,ASPEE Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential D-129/144 S-30/145 S-31/146 S-32/147 Nov. 84 Dec. 84 Feb. 85 March,85 Confidential Confidential Confidential C-11/148 C-12/149 S-33/150 March 85 March. 85 March 85 Confidential Comb-2/151 March 85 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential C-13/152 C-14/153 C-15/154 C-16/155 C-17/156 S-34/157 March 85 March 85 March 85 March, 85 April 85 June 85 Confidential Confidential S-35/158 S-36/159 June 85 June 85. Commercial T-10/160 July 85 Confidential US IMP-5/161 Sept 85 Confidential S-37/162 Sept 85 Hand operated comp sprayer, ASPEE Hand rotary duster, ISI Bombay Hand rotary duster, ISI Bombay Hand rotary duster, ISI Bombay Foot sprayer, ISI Bombay Horizontal C.F.Pump size 80x65mm, ISI, Patna Mist-O-Matic Seed Treater HSDC Ind.Chandigarh Horizontal C.F.Pump size 80x65mm ISI, Patna C.F.Pump size 80x65mm ISI, Patna Hand Rotary Duster ISI,Bombay Hand operated compression sprayer ISI Bombay Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential S-38/163 D-7/164 D-8/165 D-9/166 S-39/167 CP-64/168 Sept 85 Oct 85 Oct 85 Nov. 85 Nov.85 Nov. 85 Confidential Imp-16/169 Dec. 85 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential CP-65/170 CP-66/171 D-10/172 S-40/173 Jan. 86 Jan, 86 Jan. 86 Jan. 86 Matharu Combine (Tractor operated) M/s Matharu Engg. Works. Ferozepur Stirrup Pump ISI, Bombay C.F.Pump ISI Patna Hand Rotary Duster ISI,Bombay Commercial Comb-3/174 Jan 86 Confidential Confidential Confidential S-41/175 CP-67/176 D-11/177 March 86 March 86 March 86 4 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194 195 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210 211. 212. 213. 214. 215 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. Hand operated compression sprayer ISI,Bombay Hand operated comp knapsack sprayer ISI, Bombay Rocker sprayer ISI Bombay Rocker sprayer ISI Bombay Foot sprayer ISI Bombay Stirrup Pump ISI Bombay Foot sprayer ISI, Bombay Sack cleaning machine M/s Hallmarks Machine Co. Agra. Hand operated comp sprayer ISI Bombay Hand Rotary Duster ISI,Bombay Foot sprayer ISI, Bombay Rocker sprayer ISI Bombay Hand operated knapsack sprayer ISI Bombay Hand operated stirrup pump ISI, Bombay Power sprayer Engine operated 2 piston type fitted with petrol engine. American Spring & Pressing works Ltd. Bombay Power sprayer Engine operated 3 piston type fitted with petrol engine. American Spring * Pressing works Ltd. Bombay Hand Rotary Duster ISI Bombay Hand compression sprayer ISI Bombay Foot sprayer ISI Bombay Rocker sprayer ISI Bombay C.F.Pump ISI Patna C.F.Pump ISI Patna Confidential S-42/178 March 86 Confidential S-43/179 March 86 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Commercial S-44/180 S-45/181 S-46/182 S-47/183 S-48/184 Imp-17/185 March 86 March 86 April 86 June 86 July 86 July 86 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential S-49/186 D-12/187 S-50/188 S-51/189 S-52/190 S-53/191 PS-1/192 Sept. 86 Sept. 86 Sept 86 Sept 86 Oct 86 Oct 86 Oct 86 Confidential PS-2/193 Oct 86 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential D-13/194 S-54/195 S-55/196 S-56/197 CP-68/198 CP-69/199 Nov. 86 Nov. 86 Nov. 86 Dec 86 Dec. 86 Dec. 86 Hand operated Rocker sprayer ISI Patna Power sprayer fitted with petrol engine American Spring * Pressing works Ltd. Bombay Foot sprayer ISI Bombay Hand operated Rocker sprayer ISI Bombay Hand Rotary Duster ISI, Bombay Confidential Confidential S-57/200 PS-3/201 Dec. 86 Jan 87 Confidential Confidential Confidential S-58/202 S-59/203 D-14/204 Jan 87 Feb 87 Feb 87 Maryuma Power sprayer M/s Punjab Agro Ind, Chandigarh. Hand operated cont. knapsack sprayer ISI, Bombay Stirrup Pump sprayer ISI Bombay Stirrup Pump sprayer ISI, Bombay Hand operated comp. Knapsack sprayer Hand operated cont. knapsack sprayer. Hand operated sprayer ISI Bombay Continuous knapsack sprayer ISI Bombay Stirrup pump sprayer ISI Bombay Rocker sprayer ISI Bombay Hand Rotary Duster ISI Bombay Rocker sprayer ISI Bombay Foot sprayer ISI Bombay Hand Cont. knapsack sprayer ISI Bombay C.F.Pump ISI Patna C.F.Pump ISI Patna. Foot sprayer ISI Bombay Hand operated comp knapsack sprayer ISI Bombay Confidential PS-4/205 March 87 Confidential S-60/206 March 87 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential S-61/207 S-62/208 S-63/209 S-64/210 S-65/211 S-66/212 S-67/213 S-68/214 D-15/215 S-69/216 S-70/217 S-71/218 CP-70/219 CP-71/220 S-72/221 S-73/222 April 87 April 87 May 87 May 87 June 87 June 87 June 87 July 87 July 87 July 87 Aug. 87 Aug. 87 Sept 87 Sept 87 Oct 87 Nov. 87 5 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. Hand operated stirrup pump sprayer ISI Bombay Tubular Hand Maize Sheller M/s GAIC Ahmedabad., Sickle, M/s GAIC Ahmedabad., Hand Rotary Duster ISI Bombay Hand Rotary Duster, ISI Bombay Foot sprayer ISI, Bombay Khurpi, M/s GAIC Ahmedabad., Hand compression knapsack sprayer ISI Bombay Stirrup sprayer ISI Bombay Hand Rotary Duster Bis Bombay Hand operated comp knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Stirrup Pump BIS Bombay Rocker sprayer BIS Bombay Hand Rake (Light) M/s GAIC Ahmedabad., Hand Rake (Medium)), M/s GAIC Ahmedabad., Hand Rake(Heavy), M/s GAIC Ahmedabad., Confidential S-74/223 Dec. 87 Commercial Imp-18/224 Dec. 87 Commercial Confidential Confidential Confidential Commercial Confidential Imp-19/225 D-16/226 D-17/227 S-75/228 Imp-20/229. S-76/230 Dec. 87 Jan 88 Jan, 88 Feb 88 Feb. 88 March 88 Confidential Confidential Confidential S-77/231 D-18/232 S-78/233 March. 88 April 88 April 88 Confidential Confidential Commercial Commercial S-79/234 S-30/235 Imp-20/236 Imp-21/237 April 88 April 88 May 88 May 88 Commercial Imp-22/238 May 88 Sugarcane Harvesting Knife, M/s GAIC Ahmedabad., Hand Hoe, M/s GAIC Ahmedabad., Hand operated Cont sprayer, BIS Bombay Rotary Weeder, M/s GAIC Ahmedabad., Fertilizer Injector, M/s GAIC Ahmedabad., Rocker sprayer BIS Bombay Hand operated Rotary Duster (Shoulder mounted) BIS Bombay Nafed Seed-cum-Fertilizer Drill, M/s Nafed Krishi Udyog, Bhiwadi Hand operated cont. sprayer BIS Bombay Foot sprayer BIS Bombay Hand operated continuous sprayer BIS Bombay Hand operated Rotary Duster, BIS Bombay Foot sprayer BIS Bombay Hand compression knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Hand operated knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Stirrup pump sprayer BIS Bombay Commercial Imp-23/239 May 88 Commerrcial Confidential Commercial Commercial Confidential Confidential Imp-24/240 S-81/241 Imp-25/242 Imp-26/243 S-82/244 D-19/245 May 88 June 88 June 88 June 88 July 88 July 88 Confidential Imp-27/246 July 88 Confidential Confidential Confidential S-83/247 S-84/248 S-85/249 Aug 88 Aug. 88 Sept. 88 Confidential Confidential Confidential D-20/250 S-86/251 S-87/252 Sept.88 Sept. 88 Sept. 88 Confidential Confidential S-88/253 S-89/254 Sept. 88 Sept. 88 Groundnut Decorticator GAIC Ahmedabad Rocker sprayer BIS Bombay Foot sprayer BIS Bombay Hand operated comp knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Hand Rotary Duster BIS Bombay Hand operated continuous knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Hand operated stirrup BIS Bombay Horizontal C.F.Pump (belt driven) 100x80mm BIS Bombay Hand operated knapsack sprayer BIS Ahmedabad Hand compression knapsack sprayer BIS Ahmedabad Rocker sprayer BIS Ahmedabad. Commercial Confidential Confidential Confidential Imp-28/255 S-90/256 S-91/257 S-92/258 Sept. 88 Oct. 88 Oct. 88 Oct. 88 Confidential Confidential S-93/259 S-93/260 Oct. 88 Nov. 88 Confidential Confidential S-94/261 CP-72/262 Dec. 88 Jan. 89 Confidential S-95/263 Feb.89 Confidential S-96/264 Feb. 89 Confidential S-97/265 Feb. 89 6 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302 303. 304. 305. 306. Horizontal C.F.Pump (belt driven) 100x100mm BIS Kanpur Horizontal C.F.Pump (Belt driven) 80x80mm BIS Kanpur Confidential CP-73/266 Feb. 89 Confidential CP-74/267 March 89 Horizontal C.F.Pump (belt driven) 80x65mm BIS, Kanpur Horizontal C.F.Pump (belt driven) 100x80mm BIS Kanpur Foot sprayer BIS Bombay Hand Rotary Duster (shoulder mounted) BIS Bombay Fag Filter (fuel)M/s Fag filter & rubber industries Ltd. Fatehabad(Hsr) Mico Diesel Fuel Filter HMT Pinjore Fuel filter HMT (Diesel) HMT, Pinjore Elofic diesel ofuel filter HMT Pinjore Hand compression knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Hand Rotary duster BIS Bombay Horizontal C.F. Pump (belt driven) BIS Kanpur Rocker sprayer BIS Bombay Foot sprayer BIS Bombay Spark Arrester, Agri. Engg. Deptt. Lucknow(UP) Horizontal CF Pump 100x100mm BIS Kanpur C.F.Pump 80x65mm C.F.Pump 80x80mm BIS Kanpur Rocker sprayer BIS Bombay Horizontal CF Pump 80x65mm Horizontal CF Pump 100x100mm BIS Kanpur Hand Rotary duster BIS Bombay Horizontal CF Pump 80x80mm BIS Kanpur Foot sprayer BIS Bombay Horizontal CF Pump 80x65mm BIS Kanpur Hand operated continuous knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Horizontal C.F.Pump 100x80mm BIS Kanpur Hand operated compression sprayer BIS Bombay Horizontal C.F.Pump 80x80mm BIS Kanpur Confidential CP-75/268 March 89 Confidential S-76/269 March 89 Confidential Confidential S-98/270 D-22/271 March 89 April 89 Confidential C-18/272 April 89 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential C-19/273 C-20/274 C-21/275 C-99/276 April 89 April 89 April 89 May 89 Confidential Confidential D-23/277 CP-77/278 May 89 May 89 Confidential Confidential Confidential S-100/279 S-101/280 C-22/281 June 89 June 89 June 89 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential CP-78/282 CP-79/283 CP-80/284 S-102/285 CP-81/286 CP-82/287 D-24/288 CP-83/289 S-103/290 CP-84/291 S-104/292 July 89 July 89 July 89 August 89 August 89 August. 89 Sept. 89 Sept 89 Oct. 89 Oct. 89 Oct. 89 Confidential Confidential CP-85/293 S-105/294 Nov. 89 Nov. 89 Confidential CP-86/295 Dec. 89 Hand operated continuous sprayer BIS Bombay Horizontal C.F.Pump 80x65mm BIS Kanpur Confidential S-106/296 Dec. 89 Confidential CP-87/297 Jan. 90 Horizontal C.F.Pump 100x100mm BIS Kanpur Horizontal C.F.Pump (belt driven) 100x100mm, BIS Kanpur Hand operated cont. knapsack BIS Bombay Horizontal C.F.Pump 100x100mm BIS Kanpur Horizontal C.F.Pump 80x65mm BIS Kanpur RPS Injector-cum-USG Dispenser AERC, Pune. Hand operated knapsack BIS Ahemdabad. Confidential Confidential CP-88/298 CP-89/299 Jan. 90 Jan. 90 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential S-107/300 CP-90/301 CP-91/302 Imp-29/303 Feb. 90. Feb. 90 Feb. 90 Feb. 90 Confidential S-108/304 March. 90 Hand operated knapsack sprayer Vasant Brass Works, Rajkot. Hand operated knapsack BIS Ahmedabad. Confidential S-109/305 March 90 Confidential S-110/306 March 90 7 307. 308 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. Horizontal CF Pump 100x100mm BIS Kanpur Horizontal CF Pump 100x100mm BIS Kanpur Hand operated Rotary duster BIS Bombay Horizontal C.F.Pump 100x100mm BIS Kanpur Hand operated Rotary duster BIS Bombay Foot sprayer BIS Bombay Rocker sprayer BIS Bombay Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential CP-92/307 CP-93/308 D-25/309 CP-94/310 D-26/311 S-111/312 S-112/313 March 90 March 90 March 90 March 90 April 90 April 90 April 90 314. Hand sickle (GAIC) U.P.Coop Fed. Ltd.Meerut. Commercial Imp-30/314 May 90 315. Hand sickle (CBAP) U.P.Coop Fed. Ltd.Meerut. Hand sickle (CBAP), U.P.Coop Fed. Ltd.Meerut. Hand sickle (GAIC) U.P.Coop Fed. Ltd Ghaziabad. Hand sickle (GAIC), U.P.Coop Fed. Ltd.Meerut. Hand sickle (GAIC), U.P.Coop Fed. Ltd.Meerut. Hand sickle (GAIC), U.P.Coop Fed. Ltd.Meerut. Hand operated knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Hand operated knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Hand operated knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Horizontal C.F.Pump 100x100mm BIS Kanpur Horizontal C.F.Pump 100x100, BIS Kanpur Horizontal C.F.Pump 80x65mm BIS Kanpur Horizontal C.F.Pump 125x125mm BIS Kanpur Hand operated knapsack sprayer BIS Pune Foot sprayer BIS Bombay Hand operated stirrup pump BIS Bombay Hand operated cont. knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Han Rotary Duster BIS Bombay Foot sprayer BIS Bombay Hand operated cont. sprayer Fertilizer Broadcaster Bharat Agro Ind. Khanna(pb) Manually operated Digging Hoe, Gujrat Agro Ind. Corp. Ahmedabad. Hand operated garden Rake M/s Gujrat Agro Ind. Corp. Ahmedabad. Hand operated Grubber, M/s Gujrat Agro Ind. Corp. Ahmedabad. Rocker sprayer, M/s American Springs Bombay, BIS Bombay Garden Rake (Heavy) H>P>Agro Ind. Shimla Garden Rake (Light), M/s Gujrat Agro Ind. Corp. Ahmedabad. Garden Rake, 8-Finger, M/s Gujrat Agro Ind. Corp. Ahmedabad. Garden Rake, 8-finger, M/s Gujrat Agro Ind. Corp. Ahmedabad. Manually operated Rectangular Hoe Fork, M/s Gujrat Agro Ind. Corp. Ahmedabad. Manually operated Betal Hoe Fork, M/s Gujrat Agro Ind. Corp. Ahmedabad. Manually operated gerden Single Cultivator., Commercial Imp-31/315 May 90 Commercial Imp-32/316 May 90 Commercial Imp-33/317 May 90 Commercial Imp-34/318 May 90 Commercial Imp-35/319 May 90 Commercial Imp-36/320 May 90. Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential S-113/321 S-114/322 S-115/323 CP-95/324 CP-96/325 CP-97/326 CP-98/327 S-116/328 S-117/329 S-118/330 S-119/331 June 90 June 90 June 90 July 90 July 90 July 90 July 90 Aug. 90 Aug. 90 Aug. 90 Sept. 90 Confidential Confidential Confidential Commercial D-27/332 S-120/333 S-121/334 Imp-37/335 Oct. 90 Nov. 90 Dec. 90 Dec. 90 Commercial Imp-38/336 Dec. 90 Commercial Imp-39/337 Dec. 90 Commercial Imp-40/338 Jan. 91 Confidential S-122/339 Jan. 91 Commercial Commercial Imp-41/340 Imp-42/341 Jan. 91 Jan. 91 Commercial Imp-43/342 Jan. 91 Commercial Imp-44/343 Jan.91 Commercial Imp-45/344 Feb. 91 Commercial Imp-46/345 Feb. 91 Confidential Imp-47/346 Feb. 91 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323 324. 325 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 8 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385 M/s Gujrat Agro Ind. Corp. Ahmedabad. Manually operated digging Hoe, M/s Gujrat Agro Ind. Corp. Ahmedabad. Manually operated Garden Hoe (Swall), M/s Gujrat Agro Ind. Corp. Ahmedabad. Manually operated Garden Hoe (Med.) H.P.Agro Shimla Tractor drawn combine Harvester Bohodey470,Bhodey Agro Ltd. Sunam Hand operated compression knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Sansar Straw Reaper Sansar Ind. Corp Nabha. Horizontal C.F.Pump BIS Kanpur Electric Motor, 5.5KW BIS Chandigarh. Electric Motor, 3.7KW BIS Chandigarh. Sickle M.P.Agro Ind. Bhopal Crop Reaper-cum-Bush cutter M/s Stitchwall,Noida. Horizontal C.F.Pump BIS Kanpur Levelling Blade, U.P.Agro Ind. Lucknow Hand operated winnowing Fan ,U.P.Agro Ind.lUcknow Confidential Imp-48/347 Feb. 91 Confidential Imp-49/348 March, 91 Confidential Imp-50/349 March 91 Confidential Comb-4/350 March 91 Confidential S-123/351 April 91 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Imp-51/352 CP-99/353 EM-1/354 EM-2/355 Imp-52/356 Imp-53/357 April 91 April 91 May 91 May 91 June 91 June 91 Confidential Confidential Confidential CP-100/358 Imp-54/359 Imp-55/360 July 91 Oct. 91 Oct. 91 Castor Decorticator GAIC Ahmedabad. Tubular Hand Haize Sheller U.P.Agro. Ind. Bhopal Power sprayer U.P.Agro. Ind. Shimla. Hand operated cont. knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Power Thresher, U.P.Agro Ind. Lucknow Power sprayer, U.P.Agro Ind. Lucknow Khurpi (small size) (Govt. use)Satya Narayan, Hissar. Khurpi (Medium)(--do--),Satya Narain, Hisar. Khurpi (Medium) (-do-), Iswar Chand, Hisar. Khurpi (big size) (-do-) Ishwar Chand, Hisar. Horizontal CF Pump Wilson BIS Kanpur Confidential Confidential Imp-56/361 Imp-57/362 Nov. 91 Nov. 91 Confidential Confidential PS-5/363 S-124/364 Nov. 91 Dec. 91 Confidential Confidential Confidential Imp-58/365 PS-6/366 Imp-59/367 Dec. 91 Dec. 91 Jan 92 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Imp-60/368 Imp-61/369 Imp-62/370 CP-101/371 Jan 92. Jan. 92 Jan. 92 Feb. 92 Horizontal CF Pump Vidhata BIS Kanpur Digging Hoe, M/s Singla Store, Mandi Road, Hissar. Digging Hoe, M/s Singla Store, Mandi Road, Hissar. Digging Hoe, M/s Singla Store, Mandi Road, Hissar. Tractor mounted Ridger UP Agro Ind. Lucknow. Tractor Drawn Harrow UP Agro Ind. Lucknow Tractor mounted cultivator UP Agro Ind. Lucknow Spade M/s Singla Store, Mandi Road, Hissar. Spade, M/s Singla Store, Mandi Road, Hissar. Fog Generating Machine Vanaz Engg. Pune. Seed Drill (9-Furrow openers) UP Agro Ind. Lucknow. Diesel fuel filter A-1 Aggarwal Auto Ind. Sirsa. Monoblock pump set 65x65, BIS N. Delhi. V.K.Combine Harvester V.K.Agro Ind. Sunam Confidential Confidential CP-102/372 Imp-64/373 Feb 92 Feb. 92 Confidential Imp-65/374 Feb. 92 Confidential Imp-66/375 Feb. 92 Commercial Imp-65/376 Feb. 92 Commercial Commercial Imp-67/377 Imp-68/378 Feb. 92 Feb., 92 Confidential Confidential Confidential Commercial Imp-69/379 Imp-70/380 PS-7/381 Imp-71/382 Feb. 92 Feb. 92 March 92 March 92 Confidential C-23/383 March 92 Confidential Commercial CPM-1/384 Comb-5/385 March 92 April 92 9 386. 387. 388 389. 390 391 392. 393. 394. 395 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404 405. 406 407 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419 420 421 422 423 424 Standard Combine C-412 Standard Combines Handiaya Sickle, Singla Machy Store, Hisar. Sickle, Singla Machy Store, Hisar. Monoset pump 125x125mm BIS Chandigarh. Rocker Sprayer BIS Patna Fertilizer Broad caster Prikh Agro Equip. Ahmedabad. Hand operated cont. knapsack sprayer BIS Delhi Groundnut Decorticater M.P.Agro Bhopal Saggu-630 Tractor drawn combine harvester, Saggu Engg. Works, Sunam Hand operated cont knapsack sprayer R.K.Enterprises, Delhi. Foot sprayer R.K.Enterprises Delhi Hand compression sprayer R.K.Enterprises, Delhi. Chaff cutter fly wheel locking pin IIT, Delhi Chaff cutter Warming roller IIT Delhi. Standard straw combine Standard combine Handiaya(pb) Chaff cutter fron safety guard, IIT, Delhi Chaff cutter gear cover IIT, Delhi Fertilizer Broad caster Bharat Agri. Works, Aligarh. Knapsack sprayer HAIC, Chandigarh Sugarcane Hand Detrasher ISRI, Lucknow Manually operated groundnut and caster decorticator GAIC Ahmedabad. Sugarcane hand stripper ISRI, Lucknow Knapsack sprayer HAIC,Chandigarh. I.C.Engine Tikoria Motors Sonepat. Hand operated cont. knapsack sprayer Haryana Agro Ind. Chandigarh. Feed safety chute IIT, New Delhi Hand operated cont. knapsack sprayer Haryana Agro Ind. Chandigarh. Hand operated cont knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Diesel fuel filter 0.5 lit cap. Jaico Exports, Jalandhar Diesel Fuel Filter 0.5 lit. cap. Jaico Exports, Jalandhar. Hand operated cont. Knapsack sprayer BIS Bombay Pneumatic Power sprayer BIS Bombay Balkar Combine B-525, Guru Nanak Engg. Works Handiaya Sugarbeet Detopper, IISR Lucknow Primery fuel filter (1Litre),M/S Jaico Exports,Jalandhar Secondary fuel filter (1Litre),M/S Jaico Exports,Jalandhar Hand operated paddy mat scrapper, Govt. Agril. Workshop, Chinhut (Lucknow) Balkar Straw combine, M/s Gurunanak Engg Works , Handiaya Multipurpose Wheel Hand Hoe, UP Govt. Deptt. Of Agriculture, Lucknow Commercial Comb-6/386 April 92 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Imp-72/387 Imp-73/388 CPM-2/389 S-125/390 Imp-74/391 Apri. 92 April 92 May 92 May 92 July 92. Confidential S-126/392 Sept. 92 Commercial Commercial Imp-75/393 Comb-7/394 Nov. 92 Jan 93 Confidential S-127/395 Jan 93 Confidential Confidential S-128/396 S-129/397 Jan 93 Jan 93 Confidential Confidential Commercial C-24/398 C-25/399 Imp-76/400 Jan. 93 Jan 93 Jan. 93 Confidential Confidential Commercial C-26/401 C-27/402 Imp-77/403 Jan. 93 Jan. 93 Jan. 93 Confidential Commercial Commercial S-130/404 Imp-78/405 Imp-79/406 Jan. 93 Feb. 93 Feb. 93 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Imp-80/407 S-131/408 E-1/409 S-132/410 March 93 March 93 March 93 April 93 Confidential Confidential C-28/411 S-133/412 June 93 July 93 Confidential S-134/413 Aug 93 Confidential C-29/414 Aug. 93 Confidential C-30/415 Aug. 93 Confidential S-135/416 Sept. 93 Confidential Commercial PS-8/417 Comb-8/418 Sept. 93 Sept. 93 Commercial Confidential Imp – 81/419 C-31/420 Nov.93 Nov 93 Confidential C-32/421 Nov 93 Commercial Imp-82/422 Jan 94 Commercial Imp- 83/423 Feb 94 Commercial Imp- 84/424 Feb 94 10 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459. Manually operated paddy weeder, UP Govt. Deptt. Of Agriculture, Lucknow Kisan Cart, Shyam Auto Ind. Mathura Bullock drawn seed drill, Prototype Development & Training Centre, Kashipur Hand operated winnowing fan, UP Govt, Jaunpur Crust breaker cum weed mulcher, IISR Lucknow Hand operated Knapsack Sprayer (16 Lit), BIS Ahmedabad Hand operated Knapsack Cont Sprayer (10 Lit), BIS Ahmedabad Manually Operated paddy thresher, UP Govt. Deptt. Of Agriculture, Lucknow Levelling Karaha (animal drawn), UP Govt. Deptt. Of Agriculture, Lucknow Hand operated Knapsack Sprayer, BIS Delhi Hand operated Knapsack Cont Sprayer, BIS Delhi Blade Harrow (incomplete)UP Govt. Deptt. Of Agriculture, Lucknow Safe feeding chute for thresher (Govt use) Pocker sprayer721, BIS Delhi Knapsack Sprayer, BIS Faridabad 3 Tyne Cultivator (Deoria), UP Govt. Deptt. Of Agriculture, Lucknow 3 Tyne Cultivator (Jaunpur type), UP Govt. Deptt. Of Agriculture, Lucknow Power operated pneumatic sprayer cum duster, BIS New Delhi Monoset pump, 100x80, BIS Chandigarh Commercial Imp- 85/425 Feb 94 Commercial Commercial Imp- 86/426 Imp- 87/427 March 94 March 94 Commercial Imp- 88/428 March 94 Commercial Imp- 89/429 March 94 Confidential S-136/430 May 94 Confidential S-137/431 May 94 Commercial Imp – 90/432 June 94 Confidential Imp-91/433 June 94 Confidential Confidential S-138/434 S-139/435 June 94 June 94 Commercial Imp – 92/436 June 94 Confidential Confidential Confidential Commercial C-33/437 S-140/438 S-141/439 Imp-93/440 June 94 July 94 July 94 July 94 Commercial Imp-94/441 July 94 Confidential PS-9/442 August 94 Confidential CPM-3/443 August 94 Hand operated Knapsack Cont Sprayer, BIS Faridabad Monoset pump, 100x80, BIS Chandigarh Hand rotary duster (Hymatic), BIS New Delhi Hand rotary duster (Sigma), BIS New Chandigarh Hand operated Compression sprayer, (9lit), BIS Delhi Manually operated fertilizer broadcaster Hand operated Knapsack sprayer,), BIS New Delhi Foot sprayer, BIS New Delhi Horizontal Cont. Monoset pump 100x80, BIS Chandigarh Disc harrow (Animal drawn), Govt. Agril Workshop, Jaunpur Singh Patela, Govt. Agril Workshop, Jaunpur Double barrel paddy thresher Potato digger (Animal Drawn), UP Govt. Deptt. Of Agriculture, Lucknow Bullock drawn dora, UP Govt. Deptt. Of Agriculture, Lucknow Manually operated paddy transplanter,Govt Agril Workshop,Chinut (UP) Animal drawn 8 disc. Harrow UP Agro Ind. Corpn. Lucknow Confidential S-142/444 August 94 Confidential Confidential Confidential CPM-4/445 D-28/446 D-29/447 August 94 Sept 94 Sept 94 Confidential S-143/448 Sept. 94 Commercial Confidential Imp-95/449 S-144/450 Sept 94 Oct. 94 Confidential Confidential S-145/451 CPM-5/452 Oct. 94 Oct 94 Commercial IMP-96/453 Nov 94 Confidential Confidential Commercial Imp-97/454 Imp-98/455 Imp-99/456 Nov 94 Dec 94 Jan 95 Commercial Imp-100/457 Feb 95 Commercial Imp-101/458 March 95 Commercial Imp-102/459 March 95 11 460. 461 462 463. 464. 465 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473 474 475 476 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494 495 496. 497. 498 Animal drawn 6 disc. Harrow UP Agro. Ind. Ltd. Lucknow 3 tyne cultivator (Animal drawn) UP Agro Ind. Corpn, Lucknow Sunflower Power Thresher UP Agro Ind. Corpn Ltd. Lucknow Diesel Fuel Filter 0.5 lit. Auto & Ind. Filters. Shastri Nagar, Delhi. Hand operated paddy thresher , UP Agro. Ind. Ltd. Lucknow Bullock drawn soil turning plough, UP Agro. Ind. Ltd. Lucknow Groundnut decorticator CIAE, Bhopal Foot sprayer-0441, BIS Ghaziabad. Foot sprayer E-186, BIS DD-I Delhi Continuous knapsack sprayer BIS Chaziabad. Hand operated rotary duster (Belly mounted) BIS Ahmedabad. Hand operated rotary duster (Shoulder mounted) BIS Ahmedabad. Manually operated Foot sprayer, BIS Lucknow Hand compression sprayer BIS, New Delhi. Commercial Imp-103/460 March 95 Commercial Imp-104/461 March 95 Commercial Imp-105/462 March 95 Commercial C-34/463 March 95 Commercial Imp-106/464 March 95 Commercial IMP-107/465 April 95 Commercial Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential IMP-108/466 S-146/467 S-147/468 S-148/469 D-29/470 July 95 July 95 Aug. 95 Aug. 95 Aug. 95 Confidential D-30/471 Aug. 95 Confidential Confidential S-149/472 S-150/473 Sept. 95 Sept. 95 Manually operated Rocker sprayer BIS, New Delhi. Hand compression sprayer BIS N. Delhi Hand operated cont. knapsack, BIS, New Delhi. Hand operated cont. knapsack BIS Delhi Hand operated cont. knapsack sprayer BIS Lucknow Agril. Tillage plain concave disc. BIS Chandigarh. Manually operated stirrup type sprayer BIS Lucknow Stirrup type sprayer BIS New Delhi Naveen sickle CIAE, Bhopal Hand sickle CIAE, Bhopal Bullock drawn 5 tyne cultivator UP Agro Ind. Corpn Ltd. Lucknow Oil Filter for HMT Tractor Auto & Ind. Filters Shastri Nagar Delhi. Hand operated knapsack sprayer BIS Sahibabad Foot sprayer C-235, BIS New Delhi. C.F.Pump65x50mm BIS Sahibabad. C.F.Pump 65x50mm C.F.Pump 65x50mm BIS Sahibabad C.F.Pump 65x50mm BIS Sahibabad C.F.Pump 100x80mm Belt driven Bullock drawn seed drill prototype Dev. Centre Okhla Delhi Soil Turning plough (Bullock driven ) UP Agro Ind. Lucknow Oil Filter for Swaraj Tractor, Delhi. Chaff Cutter Blade M/s Aggarwal Engineers. Manual knapsack sprayer United phosphorus ltd. Bombay Eicher tractor (field performance Balwan Singh Jhandli Khurd Hsr. Confidential S-151/474 Sept. 95 Confidential Confidential S-152/475 S-153/476 Sept. 95 Sept. 95 Confidential Confidential S-154/477 S-155/478 Oct. 95 Oct. 95 Confidential C-35/479 Oct. 95 Confidential S-156/480 Nov. 95 Confidential Confidential Confidential Commercial S-157/481 Imp-109/482 Imp-110/483 Imp-111/484 Nov. 95 Nov. 95 Nov. 95 Dec. 95 Commercial C-36/485 Dec. 95 Confidential S-158/486 Dec. 95 Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential Confidential S-159/487 CP-103/488 CP-104/489 CP-105/490 CP-106/491 CP-107/492 Imp-112/493 Dec. 95 Jan 96 Jan. 96 Jan. 96 Feb. 96 March 96 March 96 Confidential Imp-113/494 March 96 Commercial Confidential Confidential C-37/495 C-38/496 S-160/497 March 96 March 96 July 96 Confidential US/T-6/498 July 96 12 499. Eicher Tractor (field performance) Nathu Ram Jhandli Khurd Hsr. 3 type hand weeder crubber CIAE Bhopal Peg type Rotary Weeder CIAE, Bhopal Standard straw combine Chaff cutter blade for power thresher M/s Aggarwal engg. Sirsa. B.D. seed drill (3 row) PDTC Okhla Portable engine GK-200 BIS Liucknow Hand Maize sheller CIAE, Bhopal Mannually operated paddy transplanter UPAgro Ind. Corpn Ltd. Lucknow Foot sprayer Raj Ware Housing Coop Jaipur Horizontal centrifugal pump 100x100mm BIS sahibabad. Confidential US/T-7/499 July 96 Confidential Confidential Commercial Commercial Imp-114/500 Imp-115/501 Imp-116/502 C-39/503 Aug 96. Aug. 96 Sept 96 Oct. 96 Commercial Confidential Confidential Commercial Imp-117/504 E-2/505 Imp-118/506 Imp-119/507 Nov. 96 Dec. 96 Feb. 97 March 97 Confidential Confidential S-161/508 CP-108/509 March 97 March 97 Horizzontal centrifugal pump 100x100mm BIS Sahibabad Tractor operated standard combine Standard combines Handiya Power wheat thresher UP Agro Ind. Corpn Lucknow. Power Maize sheller UP Agro Ind. Coopn. Lucknow Shri Ram Honda Engine BIS, Lucknow Horizontal CF Pump 100x100mm BIS Sahibabad Horizontal CF Pump 80x65mm BIS Sahibabad. Pneumatic power sprayer BIS Bombay Cont. knapsack sprayer BIS Bhopal Confidential CP-109/510 March 97 Commercial Comb-9/511 March 97 Commercial Imp-120/512 March 97 Commercial Imp-121/513 March 97 Confidential Confidential E-3/514 CP-110/515 June 97 June 97 Confidential CP-111/516 July 97 Confidential Confidential PS-10/517 S-162/518 August. 97 Nov. 97 519. Disc. Harrow(Animal drawn) MAIDC Bombay Commercial Imp-122/519 Nov. 97 520. 3 tyne cultivator MAIDC Bombay Commercial Imp-123/520 Nov. 97 521. Wheel hand hoe MAIDC Bombay Commercial Imp-124/521 Nov. 97 522. Levelling Karaha MAIDC Bombay Commercial Imp-125/522 Dec. 97 523. Ridger (Animal drawn) MAIDC Bombay Commercial Imp-126/523 Dec. 97 524. Commercial Imp-127/524 Dec. 97 Commercial Imp-128/525 Dec. 97 Commercial Imp-129/526 Dec. 97 527. Band Former (Manually optd.) MAIDC, Bombay Chaff cutter (Manually optd.) MAIDC Mumbai Furrow Plough (Animal drawn)MAIDC Mumbai Ralli Engine (Petrol) BIS Mumbai Confidential E-4/527 Jan. 98 528. Three tyne cultivator MAIDC Mumbai Commercial Imp-130/528. Jan. 98 529. 530. Bullock drawn MB plough MAIDC Mumbai Bullock drawn MB Plough (Ajit) MAIDC Mumbai Multipurpose implement (BD) MAIDC, Mumbai Battery operated Hyd. Sprayer Tandulwakar Agro Tools Pvt. Ltd. Nanded Commercial Commercial Imp-131/529 Imp-132/530 Jan. 98 Jan. 98 Commercial Imp-133/531 Jan.98 Confidential PS-11/532 Jan.98 500. 501. 502. 503 504. 505. 506 507 508 509. 510 511. 512. 513 514. 515 516. 517. 518. 525. 526. 531. 532. 13 533. Pedal operated paddy thresher MAIDC, Mumbai Commercial Imp-134/533 Feb.98 534. Konkan Plough (BD) MAIDC, Mumbai Commercial Imp-135/534 Feb.98 535. Stationary Diesel Engine (Massey) BIS Bhaziabad. Confidential E-5/535 March 98 536. Lombardini Engine 5.4HP Govt. Use. Confidential E-6/536 March 98 537. 538. 3 Coulter seed drill (Rohani) MAIDC Mumbai 3 Coulter seed drill (Ashwani)MAIDC Mumbai Commercial Commercial Imp-136/537 Imp-137/538 March 98 March 98 539. Cotton stalk puller MAIDC Mumbai Commercial Imp-138/539 March 98 540. Rotary weeder (Manual) MAIDC Mumbai Commercial Imp-139/540 March 98 541. Maize sheller (Manual) MAIDC Mumbai Commercial Imp-140/541 March 98 542. Mounted Disc. Harrow (10 Disc.) UP Agro Lucknow Commercial Imp-141/542 March 98 543. Mounted Disc Harrow(12 Disc.) UP Agro Lucknow Commercial Imp-142/543 March 98 544. Tractor Hindustan 804 S.I. President District Consumer Court, Sirsa. Confidential UST-8/544 April 98 545. Tractor Eicher 242 N.C. President District consumer Court Hisar. Amar Power thresher (Hadamba) Amar Engineering works Ludhiana. Confidential UST-9/545 April 98 Confidential Imp-143/546 April 98 Horizontal CF Pump 80x65mm BIS Sahibabad. Horizontal CF Pump 100x100mm BIS Sahibabad. Confidential CP-112/547 May 98 Confidential CP-113/548 May 98 549. Diesel Engine (Naveen) BIS Ghaziabad. Confidential E-7/549 June 98 550. Eicher Tractor 241 NC Consumer Court Sirsa Confidential UST-10/550 June 98 551. C.F.Pump 100x100mm BIS Ghaziabad Confidential CP-114/551 June 98 552. C.F.Pump 100x100mm belt driven BIS Ghaziabad. Farm track tractor consumer court Sirsa. Confidential CP-115/552 July 98 Confidential UST-11/553 July 98 Confidential CP-116/554 July 98 Confidential CP-117/555 July 98 556. CF Pump 100x80mm belt driven BIS Ghaziabad CP Pump 100x80mm belt driven BIS Ghaziabad. Diesel Engine (Massey BIS Ghaziabad Confidential E-8/556 Aug 98 557. Cont. knapsack sprayer (Neptune) BIS Bhopal Confidential S-163/557 Aug. 98 558. Power sprayer (Preksha) BIS Pune Confidential PS-11/558 Aug. 98 546. 547. 548. 553. 554. 555. 14 559. Naveen Cont. Knapsack sprayer BIS Ghaziabad. Naptune knapsack cont. sprayer BIS Bhopal Mahindra B-275 DI Distt. consumer Court Sirsa Dasmesh Tractor Operated straw reaper, Malerkotla Vishwakarma Tractor operated straw reaper Dirban (pb) Manually operated Gr. Nut Decorticator M.AIDC Mumbai Naveen Foot Sprayer, BIS, Ghaziabad(UP) Knapsack Sprayer ( Outside piston) BIS, Bhopal Naveen Rocker Sprayer BIS, Ghaziabad “U” Type Dora( Harrow Blade) 12” , MAIDC, Mumbai Confidential S-164/559 Sept. 98 Confidential Confidential S-165/560 UST-12/561 Oct. 98 Oct. 98 Confidential Imp-144/562 Nov. 98 Confidential Imp-145/563 Nov. 98 Confidential Imp-146/564 Dec. 98 Confidential Confidential S-166/565 S-167/566 January,1999 Feb 1999 Confidential Commercial S-168/567 Imp-147/568 Feb 1999 Feb 1999 Dasmesh –913 Tractor Operated Combine Harvester, M/S Dasmesh Agril. Works, Raikot Road, Malerkotla(Pb) Paddy Transplanter, MAIDC, Mumbai Power operated Groundnut Decorticator (Paras), MAIDC, Mumbai Commercial Comb-10/569 March,1999 Commercial Commercial Imp-148/570 Imp-149/571 March,1999 March,1999 572 Groundnut Decorticator(Manually operated) MAIDC, Mumbai Commercial Imp-150/572 March,1999 573 Groundnut Digger (BD), MAIDC, Mumbai Commercial Imp-151/573 March,1999 574 “U” Type Wakhar Blade (Bullock Drawn) MAIDC, Mumbai KU Dawara Set (6”,9”,12”) MAIDC, Mumbai Commercial Imp-152/574 March,1999 Commercial Imp-153/575 March,1999 576 “Jyoti” Bullock drawn seed drill, Prototype Development Trg. Centre, New Delhi Commercial Imp-154/576 March,199 577 Eicher 241 Tractor, District Consumer Forum, Hisar Continuous Knapsack Sprayer (Neptune) Confidential UST-13/577 April,1999 Confidential S-169/578 April,1999 Commercial Comb-11/579 April,1999 580 Tractor Operated Combine Harvester KS-513 TD Continuous Knapsack Sprayer (Neptune) Confidential S-170/580 April,1999 581 Bund Former (Tractor Operated) Commercial Imp-155/581 May,1999 582 Horizontal Centrifugal Pump( Belt driven) 100x80mm, BIS, Kanpur Confidential CP-118/582 May,1999 583 Horizontal Centrifugal Pump( Bharat Shakti), BIS, Kanpur Shriram Honda GK-200 Engine Shriram Honda GK-300 Engine Confidential CP-119/583 May,1999 Confidential Confidential E-9/584 E-10/585 June,1999 June,1999 560. 561. 562. 563. 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 575 578 579 584 585 15 586 Horizontal Centrifugal Pump (Vidhata), BIS, Kanpur Horizontal Centrifugal Pump (Air Marshal), BIS, Kanpur Horizontal Centrifugal Pump ( Kaushal) 80x65mm, BIS, Kanpur Horizontal Centrifugal Pump (Atul Shakti) 80x65mm , BIS, Kanpur Horizontal Centrifugal Pump (National) 80x65mm, BIS, Kanpur Horizontal Centrifugal Pump (National), 100x100mm, BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine (Harvest) BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine(Bharat) BIS, Kanpur 4 Bullock Plow 51”, MAIDC, Mumbai 4 Bullock Plow 39”, MAIDC, Mumbai Stationary Diesel Engine (Sagar Shakti) BIS, Chandigarh 6 Bullock Plow 39” ,MAIDC, Mumbai Jaswant Straw Reaper(Tractor drawn) Dasmesh 841 Straw Reaper (Tractor drawn) KSA 756 DB Straw Reaper ( Tractor drawn) Horizontal Centrifugal Pump (Shriram) 100x100mm, BIS,Kanpur Horizontal Centrifugal Pump (Gangajal) 80x80mm, BIS, Kanpur Horizontal Centrifugal Pump (Swaraj) 80x65mm, BIS, Kanpur Horizontal Centrifugal Pump (Shriram) 100x100mm, BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine (5.9 kW), BIS, Sahibabad(UP) Stationary Diesel Engine (5.9 kW), BIS, Sahibabad (UP) Stationary Diesel Engine (4.8kW) , BIS Sahibabad(UP) Stationary Diesel Engine (4.8kW), BIS, Sahibabad(UP) HCF Pump, Shriram(80x65mm), Direct coupled, BIS, Kanpur HCF Pump, Bharat(80x65mm), Direct coupled, BIS, Kanpur Confidential CP-120/586 June,1999 Confidential CP-121/587 June,1999 Confidential CP-122/588 July,1999 Confidential CP-123/589 July,1999 Confidential CP-124/590 July,1999 Confidential CP-125/591 July,1999 Confidential E-11/592 August,1999 Confidential E-12/593 August,1999 Commercial Commercial Confidential Imp-156/594 Imp-157/595 E-13/596 September,1999 September,1999 September,1999 Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Confidential Imp-158/597 Imp-159/598 Imp-160/599 Imp-161/600 CP-126/601 September,1999 September,1999 October,1999 October,1999 November,1999 Confidential CP-127/602 November,1999 Confidential CP-128/603 November,1999 Confidential CP-129/604 November,1999 Confidential E-21/626 May,2000 Confidential E-22/627 May,2000 Confidential E-23/628 May, 2000 Confidential E-24/629 May, 2000 Confidential CP-140/630 May, 2000 Confidential CP-141/631 May, 2000 HCF Pump, Bharat(80x65mm), Direct coupled, BIS, Kanpur HCF Pump, Bharat(100x100mm), Direct coupled, BIS, Kanpur HCF Pump, BSA(80x65mm), Direct coupled, BIS, Kanpur HCF Pump, Kaushal(80x65mm), Direct coupled, BIS, Kanpur Confidential CP-142/632 June, 2000 Confidential CP-143/633 June, 2000 Confidential CP-144/634 June,2000 Confidential CP-145/635 June,2000 636 Birla Yamah Bye 100 K Engine , BIS, Ghaziabad Confidential E-25/636 June,2000 637 Vardaan Power Reaper , M/S Field Worthy Equipments, Ahmedabad Commercial Imp-163/637 June,2000 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 16 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 Stationary Diesel Engine (Bharat), BIS, Kanpur Zero Till Seed cum fertilizer drill (National) Stationary Diesel Engine (7.36 Kw) BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine ( 4.8 Kw) BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine ( 5.9 Kw) BIS, Sahibabad Zero Till-seed cum fertilizer Drill, M/S Kamla Engg. Works, Ismailabad Zero Till-seed cum fertilizer drill ( U.P. Agro) HCF Pump (80x65mm), BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine 5.9 kW, ( CROWN), BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine 5.9 kW (SATYA), BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine 6.5 kW (NATIONAL), BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine, 5.9 kW (SUPER POWER), BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine, 5.9 kW (SUPER MASTER), BIS, Chandigarh Stationary Diesel Engine, 5.5 kW (HIMALAYA), BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine, 5.5 kW (ONKAR), BIS, Chandigarh BIRLA YAMAH 150 K Engine (Type Test), BIS, Ghaziabad FOOT SPRAYER( NAVEEN), BIS, Ghaziabad Hand Operated Continuous Knapsack Sprayer, BIS, Ghaziabad Power operated Pneumatic Sprayer cum duster, BIS, Pune HCF Pump (Bharat Shakti), 100x100mm, BIS, Kanpur HCF Pump (Himalaya), 100x100mm, BIS, Kanpur HCF Pump (Swaraj), 80x65mm, BIS, Kanpur HCF Pump, (Harvest) 80x65mm BIS, Kanpur HCF Pump( Air Marshal) ,80x65mm BIS, Kanpur HCF Pump (Singhal), 80x65mm, BIS, Kanpur HCF Pump (Shriram), 80x80mm, BIS, Kanpur HCF Pump (Shriram,) 100x80mm, BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine (4.8 kW) ( Wilson)BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine ( 5.5 kW) ( COBOTA),BIS, Kanpur Stationary Diesel Engine ( 7.36 kW), (BRIGHT),BIS,Kanpur Confidential E-26/638 June,2000 Commercial Imp-164/639 June,2000 Confidential E-27/640 July,2000 Confidential E-28/641 July,2000 Confidential E-29/642 July,2000 Commercial Imp-165/643 July,2000 Commercial Imp-166/644 July,2000 Confidential Confidential CP-146/645 E-30/646 August,2000 August,2000 Confidential E-31/647 August,2000 Confidential E-32/648 August,2000 Confidential E-33/649 August,2000 Confidential E-34/650 August,2000 Confidential E-35/651 August,2000 Confidential E-36/652 August,2000 Confidential E-37/653 August,2000 Confidential S-172/654 Sept.,2000 Confidential S-173/655 Sept., 2000 Confidential PS-17/656 Nov.2000 Confidential CP-147/657 Nov.2000 Confidential CP-148/658 Nov. 2000 Confidential CP-149/659 Nov.2000 Confidential CP-150/660 Nov.2000 Confidential CP-151/661 Nov.2000 Confidential CP-152/662 Nov.2000 Confidential CP-153/663 Nov.2000 Confidential CP-154/664 Nov.2000 Confidential E-38/665 Dec.,2000 Confidential E-39/666 Dec.2000 Confidential E-40/667 Dec.2000 17 668 669 670 671. 672. 673. 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 Stationary Diesel Engine ( 5.9 kW), (KISAN SATHI), BIS, Kanpur Horizontal Centrifugal Pump, 75x65mm (Venus) BIS, Sahibabad Horizontal Centrifugal Pump, 75x65mm , BIS, Sahibabad Honda 6K 200 Engine (type test) BIS Chennai Users Survey on MF 245 Tractors Distt. Consumers Disputes Redressal Forum, Sirsa. Honda GK-200 Engine (Performance Test) BIS, Lucknow Hand opoerated knapsack Sprayer,BIS Pune Bhodey 1070 Self propelled Combine Harvester. K.S.9300 Self propelled Combine Harvester. Hira 985 Self propelled combine Harvester. HCF Pump,(80X65mm) BIS Kanpur HCF Pump (75X65mm) BIS,Ghaziabad Honda GK 200 Spark ignition engine(Performance Test), BIS Lucknow. Honda GK-300L Spark Ignition engine (Type Test) BIS Lucknow. Power operated Sunflower Thresher, MAIDC, Mumbai. Hand opoerated knapsack Sprayer,BIS Pune Stationary Diesel Engine(Prakash),BIS Chandigary Stationary Diesel Engine (Singhal) BIS,Kanpur Vishal 408 Supreme Combine Harvester. Sansar 930 Combine Harvester Eicher 241 NC Tractor, District cnsumer Disputes Redressal Forum, Sirsa. Hand opoerated knapsack Sprayer,BIS Bhopal Hand opoerated knapsack Sprayer,BIS Bhopal Power opoerated Pneumatic Sprayer cum duster,BIS Pune Greaves M.K./212 Spark Ignition Engine (performance test) Standard 390 Tractor Powered Combine harvester PREET 49 Straw reaper Bullock drawn multitool bar Hand operated Knapsack Sprayer (Piston type), BIS Bhopal Constant Speed Diesel Engine, BIS Kanpur Mahindra B275DI(TU) Tractor, District Consumer Disputes Redressal Formu ,Hissar Small size spark ignition engine, Kisan 76, BIS, Chandigarh Confidential E-41/668 Dec.2000 Confidential CP-155/669 Dec.2000 Confidential CP-156/670 Dec.2000 Confidential E-42/671 Jan,2001 Confidential UST-16/672 Jan,2001 Confidential E-43/673 Jan,2001 Confidential S-174/674 May,2001 Commercial Comb-12/675 May,2001 Commercial Comb-13/676 May,2001 Commercial Confidential Confidential Confidential Comb-14/677 CP-157/678 CP-158/679 E-44/680 May,2001 May,2001 May,2001 May,2001 Confidential E-45/681 May,2001 Commercial TH-6/682 May,2001 Confidential S-174/674 May,2001 Confidential Confidential E-47/684 E-48/685 May,2001 May,2001 Commercial Commercial Comb-15/686 Comb-16/687 May,2001 May,2001 May,2001 Confidential UST-17/688 Confidential S-175/689 July 2001 Confidential S-176/690 July 2001 Confidential PS –18/691 July 2001 Confidential E – 49/692 July 2001 Commercial Comb-17/693 July 2001 Commercial Commercial IMP -167/694 IMP -168/695 July 2001 July 2001 Confidential S-177/696 Aug.2001 Confidential E-50/697 Sept.2001 Confidential UST-!*/698 Sept.2001 Confidential E-51/699 Sept.2001 18 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 Gurunanak 985, Combine Harvester HCF Pump100X100 mm(Jindal) Bida Yamah Bye 180K Engine Sansar-990 Straw Reaper Constant Speed Diesel Engine BIS,Chandigarh Constant Speed Diesel Engine, BIS Chd.,MDCH-11/AK/2K1020/FS/01 Received in 5 the month of Nov.,2001 Spark Ignition Engine BIS , Chennel, MDM-I/SDS/20010718/02/FS Received in the month of Nov.,2001 Osaw Strip Till Seed cum Fertilizer Drill NM/s. Oriental Service appratus workshop, Ambala Cantt Hindustan 804 Tractor, District Consumer Disputes Redressal Frum, Sirsa Spark Ignition Engine Honda 300 BIS, Lucknow Constant Speed Diesel Engine, BIS,Chandigarh. Greaves Spark Ignition Engine BIS,Chandigarh Honda GK300L Spark Ignition Engine BIS, Lucknow Guru crop reaper, Gurunanak Inds. Salea Corporatio, Mansa Gurunanak straw reaper, Gurunanak Agro Industries, Patiala Road, Nabha Small spark ignition engine, BIS, Pune Power operated pneumatic sprayer cum duster(paras) BIS Pune Constant Speed Diesel Engine, Bharti, BIS, Chandigarh Malkit 997 harvester, Patiala road Nabha Gurunanak 785 self combine, Patiala road, Nabha SWARAJ 724 FE Tractor, Disrict Consumer dispute Redressal Forum, Hisar Commercial Comb.-18/700 Sept.2001 Confidential Confidential Commercial CP-159/701 E-52/702 Imp-169/703 Oct.2001 Oct.2001 Oct.2001 Confidential E-53/704 Nov.,2001 Confidential E-54/705 Nov.,2001 Confidential E-55/706 Nov.,2001 Commercial Imp-170/707 Nov.,2001 Confidential UST-19/708 Dec.,2001 Confidential E-56/709 Dec.,2001 Confidential E-57/710 Jan.,2002 Confidential E-58/711 Jan.,2002 Confidential E-59/712 Jan.,2002 Commercial Imp-171/713 Jan.,2002 -do- Imp-172/714 Confidential Imp-E-60/715 Feb., 2002 -do- PS-!9/716 -do- -do- E-61/717 Commercial Comb-19/718 March, 2002 -do- Comb-20/719 March, 2002 Confidential UST-20/720 March, 2002 Feb., 2002 -do- 19 March, 2002 721 Pedal operated paddy thresher, Pallavi Engg. Works, Alibagh, Maharashtra Commercial Imp-173/721 20 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. 727. 728 729. 730. 731. 732. 733. 734. 735. 736. 737. 738. 739. 740. 741. 742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. Paddy Winnowing Fan ( Manually Operated ) Jadhao Agro Ind., Maharastra Cotton Stalk puller R.M. Industries, Amravati Spark Ignition Engine GK-100 BIS, Lucknow Stationary Diesel Engine GMDCH-2/YKS/20907/FS/01 Spark Ignition Engine Birla Yamah BIS, Chandigarh Contant speed diesel Engine CH-2/SPG/2001/01/23/01/FS BIS, Chandigarh Spark Ignition Engine (Crompton Greaves) BIS, Chennai Knapsack Sprayer 16 Lit. Namdeo Umaji Industrial Co., Pune Centrifugal Pump 100x100 belt drawen S.No.109184 GZO/TDG/20010926/01/FS BIS, Ghaziabad Power Operated Chaff Cutter with single phase 1 hp motor M/s Dandekar Brothers, Sangli Power Operated Chaff Cutter with 3 phase 3 hp electric motor M/s Ranjeet Industries, Ahmednagar Power Operated Chaff Cutter (2 hp electric motor operated) M/s Sai Agro Industries, Ahmednagar Hand Operated Chaff Cutter M/s jadhao Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd., Amravati Diesel Engine MDCH-2/DKS/2000124/03/FS Diesel Engine CH-2/SKG/20020424/01/FS Knapsack Sprayer 16 lit. Cap., Bloom Ind. Plastics Pvt. Ltd., Worli, Mumbai Paras Pneumatic Sprayer cum duster BIS, Pune Knapsack Sprayer (Neptune ) BIS, Bhopal Insect Trap Fine trap (I) 6, Sawarkar Market, Yawatmal (M.S.) Sukhdev s-330 Straw Reaper Sukhdev Agro Industries., Patiala Dasmesh 616 Rotavator Dasmesh Mechanical Work., Amargarh Neptune Knapsack Sprayer Neptune Packaging Pvt. Ltd., Indore Rajarh-832 Straw Reaper Rajarh Agro Industries, Mullanpur Dhaka, Ludhiana (Punjab) Off Set tractor Mounted disc Harrow Honda GK-200 Spark Ignition Engine, BIS, Chennai Constant Speed Diesels Commericial Imp-174/722 April,2002 --do-- Imp-175/723 --do-- Conf. E-62/724 --do-- --do-- E-63/725 --do-- --do-- E-64/726 --do-- --do-- E-65/727 --do-- --do-- E-66/728 May, 2002 Conf. S-178/729 June, 2002 --do-- CP-160/730 June, 2002 Comm.. Imp-176/731 --do-- Comm. Imp.-177/732 June, 2002 --do-- Imp-178/733 --do-- --do-- Imp.179/734 --do-- Conf. E-67/735 July, 2002 --do-- E-68/736 --do-- --do-- S-179/737 --do-- --do-- PS-20/738 Sept., 2002 Conf. S-180/739 Sept., 2002 Conf. C-39/740 Sept., 2002 Comm. Imp-180/741 Oct., 2002 --do-- Imp-181/742 --do-- Conf. S-181/743 --do-- Comm. Imp-182/744 --do-- Comm. Conf. Imp-183/745 E-69/746 Nove., 2002 --do-- Conf. E-70/747 --do-- 21 748. 749. 750. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759 760 761 762. 763. 764. 765. 766. 767. 768. 769. 770. EngineMDCH2/DKS/20021010.01/FS BIS, Chandigarh Spark Ignition Engine , Crompton Greaves, BIS, Chennai Knapsack Sprayer (AMRUT), Krishna Valley Agro )P) Ltd., Kupwara, Sangli Centrifugal Pump 100 x 100 mm (Belt Driven) BIS, Lucknow Spark Ignition Engine Kissan 76 BIS, Chandigarh Spark Ignition Engine High Power HP-53 BIS, Pune Spark Ignition Engine Power Mobile-PS BIS, Chennai Gill-2001 Combine Harvester Tractor mounted power sprayer (Kanak) Kanak Agri. Tech. Bhosari (Pune ) Bullock drawn seed drill (Jyoti) NSIC Ltd (Tech. Series ), New Delhi Reversible MB plough, Surya agro Industries, Hadapsar (Pune) Combine G-800 Tractor Operated Combine Harvester Gahir Industries, Sunam (Pb) Eicher-241 NC Tractor District Consumer Redressal Forum, Bhiwani (Haryana ) Shiv Shakti Zero Till seed cum fertilizer drill Shiv Shakti Agri Imp., New Karnal Road, Kaithal (Hry) Agri. Engg. Works Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill Agril. Engg. Works, Lal Kothi, Kaithal (Haryana ) Hanuman Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill Hanuman Krishi Udyog, Karnal Road, Assandh (Haryana ) Aggarwal Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill Aggarwal Agril. Works, Karnal Road, Assandh ( Haryana ) Jindal Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill Jindal Engg. Works, New Karnal Road, Kaithal ( Haryana ) Pammy Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill, Bir Singh & Sons, Chandigarh Road, Samarala (Pb) Bharat Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill, Bharat Industries, G.T. Road, Namaste Chowk, Karnal (Haryana) Modern Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill M/s Modern Agro Engg. Works, Sham Nagar, G.T. Road, Karnal ( Haryana ) Kalsi Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill M/s Kalsi Udyog, Shahabad Markanda (Haryana ) Zandu Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill M/s Zandu Steel Works, Manav Chowk, Ambala (Haryana ) Avtar Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill Conf. E-71/748 Dec.,2002 Conf. S-182/749 Dec., 2002 Conf. CP-161/750 Dec.,2002 Conf. E-72/751 Jan., 2003 Conf. E-73/752 Jan., 2003 Conf. E-74/753 Jan., 2003 Comm. Conf. Comb-21/754 PS-21/755 March, 2003 --do-- Comm. Imp.-184/756 --do-- Comm. Imp-185/757 --do-- Comm. Comb.22/758 April,2003 Conf. USI-20/759 May, 2003 Comm. Imp-186/760 June, 2003 Comm. Imp-187/761 -- do -- Comm. Imp-188/762 -- do -- Comm. Imp-189/763 -- do -- Comm. Imp-190/764 -- do -- Comm. Imp-191/765 -- do -- Comm. Imp-192/766 -- do -- Comm. Imp-193/767 -- do -- Comm. Imp-194/768 -- do -- Comm. Imp-195/769 -- do -- Comm. Imp-196/770 July, 2003 22 771. 772. 773. 774. 775. 776. 777. 778. 779. 780. 781. 782. 783. 784. 785. 786. 787. 788. 789. 790. M/s Avtar Singh & Sons, Bus Stand Road, Ahmedgarh Zandu Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill M/s Zandu Engineers, Manav Chowk, Ambala City ( Haryana ) Allied Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill M/s Allied Trading Co., Railway Road, Ambala City ( Haryana ) Guru Nanak Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill M/s Guru Nanak Krishi Udyog, Kaithal Road, Pehowa ( Haryana ) Jai Sons Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill M/s Jai Singh Dalip Singh, Chandigarh Road, Samrala (Pb) Darshan Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill M/s Darshan Singh & Sons, Sham Nagar, Karnal ( Haryana ) Saraswati Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill M/s Saraswati Krishi Udyog, Karnal (Haryana) P.K. Power Knapsack Sprayer Peekay Farm Equipt.(India) Pvt. Ltd., Industrial Area, New Delhi Comm. Imp-197/771 -- do -- Comm. Imp-198/772 -- do -- Comm. Imp-199/773 -- do -- Comm. Imp-200/774 -- do -- Comm. Imp-201/775 -- do -- Comm. Imp-202/776 -- do -- Conf. PS-22/777 -- do -- Knapsack Sprayer (16 lit.) DI MARTINO Italy, Nutri Ahar Speciality Products(India) Pvt. Ltd., Pune Knapsack Sprayer 12 Lit. DI MARTINO, Nutri Ahar Speciality Products(India) Pvt. Ltd., Pune Preet -849 Self Propelled Combine Harvester, Preet Tractor Ltd., Nabha (Pb) Preet-989 Self Propelled Combine Harvester, Preet Tractor Ltd., Nabha (Pb) Dasmesh Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill Dasmesh Mechanical Works, Main Road, Amargarh, Distt. Sangrur (Pb ) Chetak Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill M/s Ashoka Foundary & Engg. Works, G.T. Road, Shahabad Markanda, Distt. Kurukshetra ( Haryana ) Super Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill M/s Super Agricultural Industries, Near Bus Stand, G.T. Road, Karnal ( Haryana ) Kisan Zero till seed cum Fertilizer Drill M/s Kisan Engineering Works, G.T. Road, Shahabad Markanda, Distt. Kurukshetra (Haryana ) Spark Ignition Engine (Sachdeva ) 90 kW BIS, Ghaziabad 6 Disc Bullock Drawn Harrow, Kalra Agro Industries, Ambala ( Haryana ) 8 Disc Bullock Drawn Harrow, Kalra Agro Industries, Ambala ( Haryana ) Birar Equipments, Plot B-21, Street-4, Nashik Ind. Coop., Estate, Satpur, Nashik Osaw Rotavator, Oriental Science Apparatus Conf. S-183/778 July, 2003 Conf. S-181/779 -- do -- Comm. Comb.-23/780 Aug.,2003 Comm. Comb.-24/781 Aug.,2003 Comm. Imp-203/782 -- do -- Comm. Imp-204/783 -- do -- Comm. Imp-205/784 -- do -- Comm. Imp-206/785 -- do -- Conf. E-75/786 Oct., 2003 Comm. Imp-207/787 -- do -- Comm. Imp-208/788 Oct., 2003 Comm. PS-23/789 -- do -- Comm. Imp-209/790 Nov., 2003 23 791. 792. 793. 794. 795. 796. 797. 798. 799. 800. 801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. Workshop, Ambala ( Haryana ) Feeding ChuteLimra Industries, Roorkee Bye Pass, Rana Chowk, Muzaffar Nagar Duster, DI MARTINO, Nutri Ahar Speciality Products(I) Pvt. Ltd., Pune Bharat Straw Reaper, Paramveer Engineers & Manufacturers, Moga ( Pb ) Panesar Straw Reaper, Panesar Agro Industries, Handya (Pb) Rajendra Straw Reaper, Ranendra Agro Ind., Patiala Road, Sangrur (Pb) H.S. Straw Reaper, Harnam Singh & Sons, Main Road, Kupp Kalan ( Pb ) Amar Straw Reaper, Balkar Agro Works, Handiaya (Pb) DB-755 Straw Reaper, Malkit Singh & Sons, Dhuri (Pb ) Janta Straw Reaper, Janta Agro Implements, New Karnal Road, Kaithal (Hry. ) A.S. Shaktiman Straw Reaper, M/s Shaktiman Agro Industries, Bouran Gate, Nabha ( Pb ) Zamidara Straw Reaper, M/s Zamidara Agro & Allied Industries, Sirhind Road, Nabha ( Pb) Conf. C-40/791 -- do -- Conf. D-31/792 -- do -- Comm. Imp-210/793 -- do -- Comm. Imp-211/794 -- do -- Comm. Imp-212/795 Dec., 2003 Comm. Imp-213/796 -- do -- Comm. Imp-214/797 -- do -- Comm. Imp-215/798 -- do -- Comm. Imp-216/799 -- do -- Comm. Imp-217/800 Jan., 2004 Comm. Imp-218/801 -- do -- Gill Wheat Straw Reaper, M/s Gill Agril. Implements Pvt. Ltd., Malout (Pb ) Tractor operated Combine Dasmesh-912 M/s. Dasmesh Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd., Raikot Road, Malerkotla (Pb.) Manually Operated Fertilizer Broadcaster SHIVA M/s Khanna Krishi Udyog, Khanna ( Pb ) Paras Power Sprayer cum Duster, BIS, Pune Spark Ignition Engine, GK-300 ( Honda ) BIS, Lucknow Spark Ignition Engine GK-200 ( Honda ) BIS, Chennai Comm. Imp-219/802 Jan., 2004 Comm. Comb-25/803 Feb., 2004 Comm. Imp-220/804 -- do -- Conf. Conf. PS-21/805 E-76/806 March, 2003 -- do -- Conf. E-77/807 -- do -- Diwane, Jyoti HTP, Power Operated hydraulic sprayer M/s Diwane Agro Industries, Pune (M.S) Kisan-76, Naturally aspirated spark ignition petrol engine M/s Indo German Agricultural Sprayer and Pressing Works, Ludhiana (Pb.) Birla Yamah Bye-180K, Naturally aspirated spark ignition engine M/s Birla Yamah Ltd., Dehradun(U.P) Super Shakti Stationary Diesel Engine M/s Azad Engineering Works, Bhatinda (Pb) Rajson Stationary Diesel Engine M/s Raj Steel Industries, Simlapuri, Confidential PS-25/808 April, 2004 -- do – E-78/809 -- do -- -- do -- E-79/810 -- do -- -- do -- E-80/811 -- do -- -- do -- E-81/812 -- do -- 24 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 821. 822. 823. 824. 825. 826. 827. 828. 829. 830. 831. 832. Ludhiana (Pb) Gangajal Centrifugal Pump M/s Gangajal Alloys Pvt. Ltd., Agra (U.P) Super Master Diesel Engine MDCH-2/PR/20030703/01/FS BIS, Chandigarh HP (ASPEE) Super Ignition Engine, S.No.0348707 BIS, Pune Cutter bar blade M/s Agro Fabs Ltd., Ludhiana (Pb) Knife Guard M/s Agro Fabs Ltd., Ludhiana (Pb) Bajaj Tempo Balwan 450Tractor District Consumer forum, Hisar Villiers C-12 HSPP Engine (No. 38687 HO3) BIS, Chennai H.P. 35 Engine B.I.S., Pune office Villiers C-12 HSPP Engine (No. V28883502) B.I.S. Chennai Greaves MK-25 Engine B.I.S. Chennai Feeding Chute of Dasmesh Thresher M/s. Dasmesh Agro. Industries Bhatinda (Pb) Tractor drawn trailed Disc Harrow (A.E.W.) M/s. Agricultural Engineering Works, Kaithan (Haryana) Super Master Diesel Engine MDCH-2/RKT/20040310/02/FS B.I.S. Chandigarh Amar Rotary Tiller M/s. Amar Agril. Implement Works, Gill Road, Ludhiana (Pb.) Manku Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. J.S. Industries, Samana (Pb) Darshan zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Dev Agro Industries, Nabha (Pb) Panesar zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Panesar Agril. Industries, Malerkotla Road, Amargarh (Pb) Nazar zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Nazar Singh & Sons Nabha (Pb.) Lali zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Dasmesh Agro works, Patiala Road, Moonak (Pb.) Golden Punjab zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Punjab Engg. Works , V.P.O.-Talwandi -- do -- CP-162/813 -- do -- -- do -- E-82/814 May, 2004 -- do -- E-83/815 May,2004 -- do -- C-41/816 June, 2004 -- do -- C-42/817 -- do -- --do-- UST-22/818 July, 2004 --do-- E-84/819 --do-- --do-- E-85/820 --do-- --do-- E-86/821 --do-- --do-- E-87/822 --do-- Confidential C-43/823 July, 2004 Commercial IMP-221/824 --do-- Confidential E-88/825 August, 04 Commercial IMP-222/826 --do-- --do-- IMP-223/827 Sept., 2004 --do-- IMP-224/828 Sept., 2004 --do-- IMP-225/829 Sept., 2004 --do-- IMP-226/830 Sept., 2004 --do-- IMP-227/831 Sept., 2004 --do-- IMP-228/832 Sept., 2004 25 833. 834. 835. 836. 837. 838. 839. 840. 841. 842. 843. 844. 845. 846. 847. 848. 849. 850. 851. Bhai, Ferozpur (Pb.) Bharat zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Jiwan Agril. Implements Workshop Patiala (Pb.) Satgur zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Satgur Agro Industries,Nabha (Pb) Poonar zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Patiala Discs Corporation, Rajpura (Pb.) Hardev zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Joginder Singh Narang Singh, Ahmedgarh (Pb.) Narwal Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Narwal Agro Engg. Works, Kurukshetra Shankar Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Shankar Krishi Udyog, Assandh Gurdev Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Gurdev Agro Engineers, Bhawanigarh Green field Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Nabha Agro Works, Nabha Saggu Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Sagggu Agro Industries Sunam Pal Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Pal agro Industries, Tohana Rajendra Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Rajendra Agro Industries, Sangrur Poonar Rotavator M/s. Patiala Discs Corporation, Rajpura (Punjab) Poonar-652 Straw Reaper M/s. Patiala Discs Corporation Rajpura (Punjab) Pal-751 Straw Reaper M/s Pal Agro Industries, Chandigarh Road, Tohana(Haryna) S-51 Straw Reaper M/s. Saggu Agro Industries, College Road, Sunam (Pb.) Guru Nanak-851 Straw Reaper M/s. Guru Nanak Agro Industries, Kahoria Road, Dirba, Distt-Sangrur (Pb.) Hira 785 Self Propelled Combine M/s. Hira Agro Industries, Nabha, Distt.-Patiala(Pb.) Villiers Vijay C-31 HSPP Spark Ignition Engine, BIS Chennai. Hind-999 Self Propelled Combine Harvester M/s. Hind Agro Industries --do-- IMP-229/833 Sept., 2004 --do-- IMP-230/834 Sept., 2004 --do-- IMP-231/835 Sept., 2004 --do-- IMP-232/836 Sept., 2004 --do-- IMP-233/837 Oct., 2004 --do-- IMP-234/838 Oct., 2004 --do-- IMP-235/839 Oct., 2004 --do-- IMP-236/840 Oct., 2004 Commercial IMP-237/841 Oct., 2004 --do-- IMP-238/842 Oct., 2004 --do-- IMP-239/843 Oct., 2004 --do-- IMP-240/844 Nov., 2004 --do-- IMP-241/845 Nov., 2004 --do-- IMP-242/846 --do-- Commercial IMP-243/847 Dec., 2004 --do-- IMP-244/848 --do-- --do-- Comb. -26/849 --do-- Confidential E-89/850 --do-- Commercial Comb. – 27/851 January 2005 26 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. 858. 859. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869. 870. 871. 872. 873. 874. Nabha, Distt.- Patiala (Pb.) A.S. Shaktiman-930 Self Propelled Combine Harvester M/s. Shaktiman Agro Industries, Nabha-147201(Pb.) Roop-887 Self Propelled Combine harvester M/s. Roop Mechnical Works, Nabha-147201 Sunstar-678 Self propelled Combine harvester M/s. Sunstar Agro Industries, Barnala Road, Sirsa-125055(Haryana) Dasmesh-7100 Self propelled Combine harvester M/s. Dasmesh Agricultural Industries, Raikot Road, Malerkotla148023(Pb.) Dashmesh-751 Straw reaper M/s. Dashmesh Agro Industries Dirba Mandi, Sangrur (Pb.) Jagdeep, JAW-742 Straw reaper M/s. Jagdeep Agriculture works, Dirba Mandi, Sangrur (Pb.) Dhiman Straw reaper M/s. Dhiman Agriculture works Dirba Mandi, Sangrur(Pb.) New Vishwakarma NVD-851 Straw reaper M/s. New Vishwakarma Agro Industries, Dirba Mandi, Sangrur (Pb.) Feeding System of Harnam Thresher M/s. Harnam Singh & Sons Kupkalan, Sangrur (Pb.) LT John Deere 5301 Thresher District Consumer Forum, Sirsa HMT-3502 Diesel Engine BIS Chandigarh HMT-2502 Diesel Engine BIS Chandigarh HMT 2502 Diesel Engine BIS Chandigarh Hand operated cont. Knapsack Sprayer M/s. Foggers India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai Hand operated comp. Knapsack Sprayer M/s. Foggers India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai Multipurpose Allen Cultivator (BD) Iadhao Agro Industries MIDC Amravati Vishal-435 Self Propelled Combine Harvester M/s. Manku Agro Tech. Pvt. Ltd.,Samana(Pb.) Stationary Diesel Engine Power Master, BIS Chandigarh. Vishal 368 Self propelled Combine harvester M/s. Manku Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. Samana (Pb.) Matharu M-72 Rotavator M/s. Matharu Enterprises, Faridkot (Pb.) Stationary Diesel Engine Power Stone, BIS Chandigarh Spark Ignition Engine Honda G.K. 200, S. No. A0405312, BIS Lucknow Spark Ignition Engine Honda G.T. 200, S. No. B0403867, BIS Chennai Commercial Comb.- 28/852 February,05 Commercial Comb.- 29/853 February, 05 Commercial Comb.- 30/854 February, 05 Commercial Comb. -31/855 February, 05 Commercial Imp-245/856 March, 05 Commercial Imp-246/857 March, 05 Commercial Imp-247/858 March, 05 Commercial Imp-248/859 March, 05 Conf. C-44/860 April, 2005 Conf. UST- 23/861 April, 2005 --do-- E-90/862 --do-- --do-- E-91/863 --do-- --do-- E-92/864 May 2005 --do-- S-185/865 --do-- --do-- S-186/866 --do-- ---do-- IMP-249/867 --do-- Commercial Comb.-32/868 June 2005 Confidential E-93/869 June 2005 Commercial Comb. 33/870 July 2005 -do- IMP-250/871 July 2005 Confidential E-94/872 August 2005 -do- E-95/873 August 2005 -do- E-96/874 August 2005 27 875. Joginder Singh, Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill, M/s. Mani Agricultural Works, Moonak (Pb) Dilnaz; zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. S.K. Industries, Tohana road, Simbalwala Tohana (Haryana) Spark Ignition Engine HP 35, 0.9 kW, S.No. 0589892, BIS Pune Spark Ignition Engine Villiers Vijay, C-12 HSPP, 1.1kW, S. No. V57901L04, BIS Chennai Spark Ignition Engine Villiers, 1.1 Kw, S. No. – 174G05, BIS Chennai Adarsh Knapsack Sprayer Manufactured by Adarsh Plant Protect Ltd. 604 G.I.D.C. Viththal Udyognagar Distt.-Anand (Gujarat)-38812 Alap Knapsack Sprayer Manufactured by Almighty Agro Products 17, Bhaktinagar Station Plot Rajkot (Gujarat)-360002 Rudra 16 Knapsack Sprayer Manufactured by Ecotech Sprayers and Farm equipment Pvt. Ltd. 1832, Phase-IV, Road – L/26, G.I.D.C., Wadhvan City, Distt.-Surendranagar (Gujarat) – 363035 Commercial Imp-251/875 August 2005 -do- Imp-252/876 August 2005 Confidential E-97/877 September, 2005 Confidential E-98/878 September, 2005 Confidential E-99/879 September, 2005 Confidential S-187/880 September, 2005 Confidential S-188/881 September, 2005 Confidential S-189/882 September, 2005 883. Aspee Knapsack Sprayer Manufactured by Aspee Agro equipment Pvt. Ltd. Post Box No. – 17603, Aspee House, B.J. Patel Road, Malad (West) Mumbai-400064 Confidential S-190/883 September, 2005 884. Kishan-76 Knapsack Sprayer Manufactured by Indo German Agril. Sprayers and pressing works, Post box No.125, near Chand cinema, G.T.road, Ludhiana-141008 Aspee Knapsack Sprayer Manufactured by Navyug krishi Sadhan Pvt. Ltd., Post box no.17663, Aspee house B.J. Patel road, Malad(west) Mumbai-400064 HYMATIC Knapsack Sprayer Manufactured by Hymatic Agro equipment Pvt. Ltd., A-64, Sector-2, Noida, Distt. Gautambuth Nagar201301 (UP) Noor Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill M/s. Khasla Agriculture Industries, Chandigsrh road, Tohana (Haryana) Field King Rotavator 1.5m M/s. Beri Udyog Pvt. Ltd., Karnal-Haryana Spark Ignition Engine HP 35, 0.9 kW, S.No. 0589872, BIS Pune Jindal Rotavator 1.75m M/s. Jindal Engineering Works, KaithalHaryana ‘Saraswai’ Rotavator 1.75m M/s. Saraswati Krishi Udyog, Karnal road, Confidential S-191/884 October, 2005 Confidential S-192/885 October, 2005 Confidential S-193/886 October, 2005 Commercial Imp-253/887 October, 2005 -do- IMP-254/888 October 2005 Confidential E-100/889 October, 2005 -do- IMP-255/890 October 2005 Commercial IMP-256/891 November, 2005 876. 877. 878. 879. 880. 881. 882. 885. 886. 887. 888. 889. 890. 891. 28 892. 893. 894. 895. 896. 897. 898. Assandh (Haryana) ‘Sita Ram’ Rotavator 1.6 m M/s. Sita Ram Industries Sayan, Distt.-Surat (Gujrat) ‘Neptune’ Hand operated Knapsack Sprayer manufactured by M/s. Neptune Packing Pvt. Ltd. 78-Hankinagar, Navlakhah Indore (MP) ‘Paras’ Hand operated Knapsack Sprayer manufactured by M/s. Preksha Industries, Plot No.-78/79, Industrial Estate Nagar, Pune road, Ahmednagar (MS) BCS 622 Crop Reaper cum Binder Manufactured by M/s. BCS India Pvt. Ltd., LUdhiana (Pb.) Knapsack Sprayer ‘ASPEE MAJESTIC’ V-2007 manufactured by M/s. navyug Krishi Sadhan Pvt. Ltd, Aspee House, patel road, Malad (W), Mumbai Fertilizer Broadcaster manufactured by M/s. Bhartiya Krishi Laghu Udyog, Uttam Nagar, Khanna (Ludhiana) Rotavator Blade manufactured by M/s. G. S. Auto Industries, Yamunanagar (Haryana) --do-- IMP-257/892 --do-- Confidential S-194/893 --do-- --do-- S195/894 --do-- Commercial IMP-258/895 December, 2005 Confidential S-196/896 January, 2006 Commercial IMP-259/897 --do-- Confidential C-45/898 February, 2006 899. Shixia SX-16 Knapsack Sprayer M/s. Global Trading Co., Pune-37 Commercial S-197/899 February, 2006 900. Self Priming water pump with four stroke LPG/ Kerisene run SI engine 196 CC M/s. Surya Gases Pvt. Ltd., Mandideep Distt. Raisen (MP) Confidential CP-163/900 March, 2006 901. Knapsack Sprayer Power Operated ‘Uni Blast’ with TL-26I Mitsubishi Japan Engine manufactured by M/s. Aspee Agro Equip. Pvt. Ltd., Aspee House, B.J. Patel Road, Malad, Mumbai Knapsack Sprayer Power Operated ‘Uni Blast’ with TL-26I Mitsubishi Japan Engine manufactured by M/s. Aspee Agro Equip. Pvt. Ltd., Aspee House, B.J. Patel Road, Malad, Mumbai Knapsack Sprayer Power Operated ‘Uni Blast’ with TL-26I Mitsubishi Japan Engine, Manufactured by M/s. Aspee Agro Equip. Pvt. Ltd., Aspee House, B.J. Patel Road, Malad, Mumbai TRACTAMOUNT MIST BLOWER M/s. Aspee Agro Equip. Pvt. Ltd., Aspee House, B.J. Patel Road, Malad, Mumbai Knapsack Sprayer Battery Operated Shixia SX-18 M/s. Global Trading Co., Pune-37 ‘Kranti Rotavator’ Confidential PS-26/901 March, 2006 Confidential PS-27/902 March, 2006 Confidential PS-28/903 March, 2006 Confidential PS-29/904 March, 2006 Commercial S-198/905 --do-- Commercial IMP-260/906 --do-- 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 29 907. 908. 909. 910. 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. 916. 917. 918. 919. 920. 921. 922. 923. 924. M/s. Kranti Agro Engg. Co., C-1/B-237/1, GIDC, Aji Vasahat, Rajkot (Gujarat) Surya Self Priming water Pump with 4 stroke L.P.G./Kerosene run SI Engine 163 cc M/s Surya Gases Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 180 A, Industrial Area, Mandi deep Distt.-Raisen (MP) Captain CD 1000 Reaper M/s. Asha Exim Pvt. Ltd. Rajkot (Gujarat) MS.-985 Self Propelled Combine Harvester M/s. M.S. Agro Industries Nabha(Pb.) Feeding chute of National thresher M/s. National Engg. Co, Visnagar, Distt. Mahesana, (Gujarat) Feeding chute of Bajaj Super Jet thresher M/s. Bajaj Engg. Co., Unjha, Distt. Mahesana ( Gujarat) Feeding chute of Vishwas Super jet thresher M/s. Pratiman Engg. Unjha, Distt. Mahesana (Gujarat) Feeding chute of Balaji Super jet thresher M/s. Balaji Engg., Unjha, Distt. Mahesana ( Gujarat) Feeding chute of Vikas Super jet thresher M/s. Vikas Agril. Ind., Unjha, Distt. Mahesana ( Gujarat) Feeding chute of Bharat Super thresher M/s. Bharat Agril. Enterprise, Naroda, Ahmedabad (Gujarat) Feeding chute of Lakshmi thresher M/s. Lakshmi Agro. Industries, Nandasan Distt. Mahesana, (Gujarat) Feeding chute of Narmada thresher M/s. Narmada Agro Ind., Visnagar, Distt. Mahesana, (Gujarat) Feeding chute of Shaktiman thresher M/s. Shaktiman Agril. Ind., Visnagar, Distt. Mahesana, (Gujarat) Feeding chute of Ganesh thresher M/s. Ganesh Agro. Ind. Kalol, Distt. Gandhinagar, (Gujarat) Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill ‘Punni’ M/s. Vishwakarma Engg. Works, Tohana, Distt.- Fatehabad(Hr.) Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill ‘ Arjun’ M/s. Arjun Industries Railway Road, Kurukshetra (Hr.) Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill ‘ Piara’ M/s. Piara Singh & Sons 12, Vijay Nagar, Karnal (Hr.) Zero till see cum fertilizer drill ‘ Janta’ M/s. Janta Agricultural Implements, New Karnal Road, Kaithal (Hr.) Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill ‘Krishna’ M/s. Jai Shree Krishna Steel Industries, Kharodi Road, Cheeka, Distt.- Kaithal (Hr.) Conf. CP-164/907 April, 2006 Comm. IMP-261/908 April, 2006 Comm. Comb.34/909 May, 2006 Conf. C-46/910 May, 2006 Conf. C-47/911 May, 2006 Conf. C-48/912 May, 2006 Conf. C-49/913 May, 2006 Conf. C-50/914 May, 2006 Conf. C-51/915 June, 2006 Conf. C-52/916 June, 2006 Conf. C-53/917 June, 2006 Conf. C-54/918 June, 2006 Conf. C-55/919 June, 2006 Comm. IMP-262/920 July, 2006 Comm. IMP-263/921 July, 2006 Comm. IMP-264/922 July, 2006 Comm. IMP-265/923 July, 2006 Comm. IMP-266/924 July, 2006 30 925. 926. 927. 928. 929. 930. 931. 932. 933. 934. 935. 936. 937. 938. 939. 940. 941. 942. 943. 944. 945. Feeding System of Jashoda paddy thresher M/s. Jashoda Agro. Works, Kandhrotio kuo, Sojitra, Distt. Anand (Gujarat) Feeding chute of Kisan thresher M/s. Kisan Agro Ind., Himmatnagar, Distt. Sabarkantha, (Gujarat) VIVEK-1 Finger Millet and Barn, Yard Millet Thresher Vivekanand Research Institute of Hill Agriculture (ICAR) Almora (Uttaranchal) Feeding chute of Super thresher M/s. Supertech Agro Ind., Kathwarda, GIDC Estate, Ahmadabad Feeding chute of VishwasSuper jet thresher M/s. Vishwas Agril. Works, Unjha, Distt. Mahesana ( Gujarat) Rekha 708 Knapsack power sprayer Rekha Agriplus Ltd., Vijaywada Rajson Diesel Engine BIS, Chandigarh Power Master Diesel Engine BIS, Chandigarh Feeding chute of ‘NATIONAL’ thresher M/s. New National Steel Industries, Bhagta Bhai Ka, Distt. Bhatinda (Pb.) Power Operated Chaff Cutter M/s. Chintamani Engineers, Kolhapur (MS.) Conf. C-56/925 Aug., 2006 Conf. C-57/926 Aug., 2006 Comm. IMP-267/927 Sept.,2006 Conf. C-58/928 Sept.,2006 Conf. C-59/929 Sept.,2006 Conf. PS-30/930 Oct.,2006 Conf. E-101/931 Oct.,2006 Conf. E-102/932 Oct.,2006- Conf. C-60/933 Nov.,2006 Comm. Imp-268/934 Dec., 2006 Super Master Diesel Engine, BIS, Chandigarh Rajson Diesel Engine, BIS Chandigarh. PK-10 Knapsack power sprayer Peekay farm Equipment Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi Feeding Chute ‘Tyagi’ Wheat thresher Uttaranchal Agro Industries, Rudrapur Road, Via-Kichha V. Kishanpur, Distt.- U.S. Nagar (Uttaranchal) Feeding Chute ‘Ravindra’ Wheat Thresher, Ravindra Agricultural Industries, Industrial Estate, Rudrapur, U. S. Nagar-263153 Feeding chute Jai Gurudev Wheat Thresher Jai Gurudev Industries, Industrial Estate, Rudrapur, U.S. Nagar-263153 ‘Kohli’ Feeding chute Wheat thresher Kohli Agricultural Equipment, Civil lines, Rudrapur, US Nagar-263153 Feeding Chute Vikas Multicrop Thresher M/s. Vikas Industries, Khurai, Distt.- Sagar (Madhya Pradesh) Feeding Chute ‘Gobind’ Thresher M/s. Gobind Industries, Dashahara Bagh, Barabanki – 225001 (U.P.) ‘KAMLA’ Rotavator M/s. Kamla Engineering Works, Ismailabad, Kurukshetra Conf. Conf. Conf. E-103/935 E-104/936 PS-31/937 Dec., 2006 Dec., 2006 Dec., 2006 Conf. C-61/938 Dec., 2006 Conf. C-62/939 Dec., 2006 Conf. C-63/940 Jan., 2007 Conf. C-64/941 Jan., 2007 Conf. C-65/942 Jan., 2007 Conf. C-66/943 Jan., 2007 Comm. Imp.-269/944 February, 2007 ‘ZANDU’ Rotravator M/s. Zandu steel Works, Hisar road, Comm. Imp.-270/945 February, 2007 31 946. 947. 948. 949. 950. 951. 952. 953. 954. 955. 956. 957. 958. 959. 960. 961. 962. Manav chowk, Ambala City ‘ ‘KISSAN’ Rotavator M/s. Kissan Engineering Works, G.T.road, Shahabad Markanda ‘AEW’Rotavator M/s. Amit Engineering Works, Lal Kothi, Amergarh colony, Kaithal (Haryana) ‘AGGARWAL’ Rotavator M/s. Aggarwal Agri. Works, Jind road, Assandh, Kaithal ‘SUNRAJ’Rotavator M/s. N.S. Agro, G.T. road, Umri chowk, Kurukshetra ‘AZAD’ Rotavator M/s. Azad Engineering Works, Jhansa road, Thanesher, Kurukshetra ‘ Dasmesh A-69’ Rotavator M/s. Dasmesh Mechnical Workss, Main road, Amargarh Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) ‘ Dasmesh A-78’ Rotavator M/s. Dasmesh Mechnical Workss, Main road, Amargarh Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) Manually operated Fertilizer broadcaster Preksha Industries, Plot no. 35 to 40 Industrial estate, Nagar-pune Road, Ahmednagar-414111 (MS) HAU Ridger Seeder Deptt. Of Farm Power & Machinery, HAU, Hisar Power Operated pneumatic Sprayer cum duster M/s Preksha Industies, Industrial Estate, Nagar-Pune Road, Ahmednagar (M.S.) ‘Bhim’ Rotavator M/s. Bhagwan Engineering Works, Raikot road, Malerkotla (Pb.) ‘KISCO’ Rotavator M/s. K.U.Pumps & Implements, Kalsi complex, Shahabad Markanda ( Haryana) ‘GURU NANAK’ Rotavator M/s. Guru Nanak Krishi Udyog, Kaithal road, main chowk, Pehowa ‘Agro King’ Rotavator M/s. Punjab Agro Industries, Sham Nagar, Namastey chowk, G.T.road, Karnal (Haryana) ‘ Farm King’ Rotavator M/s. Indo Farm Implements, Near Namastey chowk, Vijay Nagar, Karnal (Hryana ‘Harnam’ Rotavator M/s. Harnam Singh and Sons, Village Kupkalan, Teh. Malerkotla Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) ‘KRANTI’ Multicrop Seed cum fertilizer drill Bullock drawn M/S. Kranti Agro Engineering Co., C-1/B-237/1, G.I.D.C., Aji Vasahat, Rajkot Comm. Imp.-271/946 February, 2007 Comm. Imp.-272/947 February, 2007 Comm. Imp.-273/948 February, 2007 Comm. Imp.-274/949 February, 2007 Comm. Imp.-275/950 February, 2007 Comm. Imp.-276/951 February, 2007 Comm. Imp.-277/952 March, 2007 Comm. Imp.-278/953 March, 2007 Comm. Imp.279/954 April,2007 Conf. PS-32/955 April,2007 Comm. Imp.280/956 April,2007 Comm. Imp.281/957 April,2007 Comm. Imp.282/958 May, 2007 Comm. Imp.283/959 May, 2007 Comm. Imp.284/960 May, 2007 Comm. Imp.285/961 May, 2007 Comm. Imp.286/962 May, 2007 32 963. 964. 965. 966. 967. 968. 969. 970. 971. 972. 973. 974. 975. 976. 977. 978. 979. 980. 981. 982. (Gujrat) ‘KISCO’ Potato Digger M/s. kalsi Industries,G.T.road, Shahabad, Markanda ‘KRANTI’ Multicrop Seed cum fertilizer drill Tr. Drawn M/S. Kranti Agro Engineering Co., C-1/B237/1, G.I.D.C., Aji Vasahat, Rajkot (Gujrat) Diesel Engine 7.4 Kw ‘Super Master’S.No. MDCH 2/RLISK/ 20070427/FS-01, BIS, Chandigarh Comm. Imp.287/963 May, 2007 Comm. Imp.288/964 June, 2007 Conf. E-105/965 June,2007 Diesel Engine 5.9 Kw S.No. MDCH 2/ RLISK/ 20070427/ FS-01, BIS, Chandigarh Sonalika 9614 Self propelled Combine Harvester, M/s. Sonalika Agro. Ind.Corpn. Hoshiarpur Gobind Rotavator Gobind Industries, Dashahra bagh, Barabanki225001 (UP) Oil filter for swaraj tractor M/s. Purofil Auto (India) Ltd., 386 F.I.E. Patparganj Industrial Estate, Delhi Diesel Engine Alamgir 3.7kw, S.NO. 548 NRO/ MDCH-2/ RITES/ISK /20060825/FS/01, BIS,Chandigarh Diesel Engine Prakash 5.9kw, MDCH-2/BRBS /20060608/ FS01 BIS, Chandigarh Diesel Engine Opex 5.9kw, MDCH2/RPS/061206/01/FS, BIS, Chandigarh Conf. E-106/966 June,2007 Comm. Comb.35/967 June, 2007 Comm. IMP-289/968 July, 2007 Conf. C-67/969 July, 2007 Conf. E-107/970 July, 2007 Conf. E-108/971 July, 2007 Conf. E -109/972 Aug., 2007 ‘KISSAN’ Potato Digger M/s. Kissan Engineering Works, G.T.road, Shahabad, Markanda ‘NARWAL’ Potato Digger M/s. Narwal Agro & Engineering Works, G.T.road, Shahabad Markanda Rotavator ‘ TIGER’ M/s. Ganesh Agro Equipment, Mehsana, (Gujrat) Sawraj Self propelled Combine Harvester M/s. Punjab Tr. Ltd., Mohali Diesel Engine Prakash 3.7 kw S.No. 06110129 HDCH-2/RITES/AKS/ 20061123 /FS BIS, Chandugarh Diesel Engine Power Master S.No. 207002, 7.4 kw, BIS, Chandugarh Feeding chute of thresher Jayant Iron Industries, Jasdan (Guj.) Feeding chute of thresher Makwel Industries, Unjha (Guj.) Knapsack Sprayer ‘JATCO KJ-16’ Indo German Agril. Sprayer & Pressing Works, Near Chand Cinema, Ludhiana Diesel Engine ‘Rajson’ S.No. 06112042 MDCH-2/RLISK/ 20061206 /FS/01 BIS, Chandugarh Comm. IMP-290/973 Aug., 2007 Comm. IMP-291/974 Aug., 2007 Comm. IMP-292/975 Aug., 2007 Comm. Comb.36/976 Sept., 2007 Conf. E-110/977 Sept.,2007 Conf. E-111/978 Sept.,2007 Conf. C-68/979 Sept., 2007 Conf C-69/980 Sept., 2007 Conf. S-199/981 Oct., 2007 Conf. E-112/982 Oct., 2007 33 983. 984. 985. 986. 987. 988. 989. 990. 991. 992. 993. 994. 995. 996. 997. 998. 999. 1000. 1001. 1002. Feeding chute of thresher M/s. Martiaen Engg. Works, Unjha (Guj.) Feeding chute of thresher M/s. Umiya Agro Industries, Visnagar (Guj.) Feeding chute of thresher M/s.Gujrat Engg.Unjha (Guj.) Rotary Tillers 5.5 HP M/s. Perfect-Tech Enterprises, Noida (UP) Rotavator M/s. Sant Shri Asha Ram Ji Udyog, Sonipat (Haryana) Nyashika Spark Engine 1.5HP/ 1.1 KW M/s. Nyashika Engineering, Plot No.5, Balaji Avenue, Alapakkam, Valasaravakkam, Chennai Feeding Chute of multicrop thresher M/s. Narmada Agro. Industries, Visnagar (Guj.) Feeding Chute of multicrop thresher M/s. Maruti Agro Engg. Visnagar (Guj.) Spark Engine S. No. 0509545 MDCHII/DKS/20051109/01/FS BIS, Chandugarh Spark Engine ‘L-35’ S. No. 0701033/ MDCH-II/ RLIK/20070219/FS-01 BIS, Chandugarh Feeding Chute of Multi crop thresher “Gautam” M/s. New Umiya Agril. Works, Near weigh bridge Himatnagar, road, NH-8, Gandhi Nagar (Guj.) Feeding Chute of Multi crop thresher “Hindustan” M/s. Hindustan Agro Ind., Idar Road, sardh Dhanda, Himatnagar (Guj.) Power Sprayer ‘Victor’ M/s. Chandak Agro Equipments, Hanumangarh (Raj.) Agriculture Power sprayer M/s. A.V.Agritech India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi Tractor Operated Power Sprayer M/s. Pal Agro. Industries, Tohana Feeding chute of Paddy thresher M/s. Punjab Agriculture Ind., Rampuraful (Pb.) Rotavator Blade “BHODEY” M/s. Bhodey Industries ®, Vill. Laut, PO Allonall, Teh. Nabha Distt. Patiala, ‘AV Agritech’ Spark Ignition Engine M/s. AV Agritech Agro. Machinery Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi Feeding chute of thresher M/s. Punjab Agri. Imp. Pvt. Ltd., Saharanpur (UP) Feeding chute of conveyer type thresher M/s. Punjab Agri. Imp. Pvt. Ltd., Saharanpur (UP) Conf. C-70/983 Oct., 2007 Conf. C-71/984 Oct., 2007 Conf. C-72/ 985 Oct., 2007 Conf. Imp-293/986 Nov., 2007 Comm. Imp-294/987 Nov., 2007 Conf. E-113/988 Nov., 2007 Conf. C-73/989 Nov., 2007 Conf. C-74/990 Nov., 2007 Conf. E-114/991 Dec.,2007 Conf. E-115/992 Dec.,2007 Conf. C-75/993 Dec, 2007 Conf. C-76/994 Dec, 2007 Conf. PS-33/995 Jan., 2008 Conf. PS-34/996 Jan., 2008 Conf. PS-35/997 Jan., 2008 Conf. C-77/998 Jan., 2008 Conf. C-78/999 Jan, 2008 Conf. E-116/1000 Feb., 2008 Conf. C-79/1001 Feb., 2008 Conf. C-80/1002 Feb. 2008 34 1003. 1004. 1005. 1006. 1007. 1008. 1009. 1010. 1011. 1012. 1013. 1014. 1015. 1016. Feeding chute of thresher M/s. Kalsi Industries, S. Markanda Distt. Kurukshtra (Hr.) HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGUAL PUMP ‘AV AGRITECH’ ( 75 X 75 mm ) DIRECT COUPLED WITH 197 CC SPARK IGNITION ENGINE M/s. AV Agritech Agro Machinery Pvt. Ltd., Plot No. 351/1, Opp. Golak Dham, Main road, Bijwasan, New Delhi-110061 Rotavator ‘KRISHI KING’ M/s. Punjab Agro Sales (India), Karnal (Haryana) Rotavator ‘CROP KING’ M/s. Pratap Iron Work (Regd.), Near Namastey Chowk, Karnal Tr. Drawn cultivator ‘GOBIND’ M/s. Gobind Industries, Dashahrabagh, Baribanki (UP) Oil Filter ‘Purofil’ M/s. Purofil Auto (India) Pvt. Ltd., Patparganj Estate, Delhi FEEDING SYSTEM (PRABHAT GROUNDNUT THRESHER) M/s. Prabhat Iron works, Atkot Road, Gita Nagar Jasdan, Distt.- Rajkot (Gujarat)-360050 Conf. C-81/1003 Feb. 2008 Conf. CP-165/1004 Feb., 2008 Comm. IMP-295/1005 March, 08 Comm. IMP-296/1006 March, 08 Comm. IMP-297/1007 March, 08 Conf. C-82/1008 March, 08 Conf. C-83/1009 April, 08 FEEDING SYSTEM (GEETA GROUNDNUT THRESHER) M/s. Geeta Industries, Near S.T. Depo, Jasdan, Distt.- Rajkot (Gujarat)-360050 FEEDING SYSTEM (SHREEJI GROUNDNUT THRESHER) M/s. Shreeji Industries,G.I.D.C., Plot No.-25, Atkot Road, Jasdan, Distt.- Rajkot (Gujarat) FEEDING SYSTEM (JAYANT GROUNDNUT THRESHER) M/s. Jayant Engineering Works, Atkot Road, Opp.- New Bus stand,Jasdan, Distt.- Rajkot FEEDING SYSTEM ( YOGI GROUNDNUT THRESHER) M/s. Yogi Industries, Atkot Road, Opposite- New Bus Stand, Jasdan, Distt.- Rajkot-360050 (Gujarat) FEEDING SYSTEM (GAUTAM GROUND NUT THRESHER) M/s. New Umiya Agriculture works, Shiholi Moti, Near Way Bridge, N.H.-8, Himmatnagar Road, Dist.Gandhinagar-382355 (Gujarat) FEEDING SYSTEM (SHREE KISAN GROUNDNUT THRESHER) M/s. Shree Kisan Industries,Atkot Road, Opposite G.T. Dept, Jasdan, Distt.- Rajkot (Gujarat)-370050 FEEDING SYSTEM (AVTAR MULTICROP THRESHER) M/s. Avtar Singh & Sons Near- Railway Crossing, Bus Stand Road, Ahmedgarh, Dist.- Sangrur(Punjab) Conf. C-84/1010 April, 08 Conf. C-85/1011 April, 08 Conf. C-86/1012 April, 08 Conf. C-87/1013 April,08 Conf. C-88/1014 May, 08 Conf. C-89/1015 May, 08 Conf. C-90/1016 May, 08 35 1017. FEEDING SYSTEM MULTICROP THRESHER (KANHAIYA LAL) M/s. Shree Kanhaiya Lal Ramratan Krishi Yantra Laghu Udyog, NH-11, Jaipur Sikar Dabari, Jaipur-303704 (Rajasthan) Conf. C-91/1017 May,08 1018 FEEDING SYSTEM MULTICROP THRESHER (SARASWATI) M/s. Saraswati Krish Udyog, Karnal Road, Assandh. Distt. Karnal- 132039 (Haryana) Zero Till Seed cum Fertilizer drill machine ‘GUCCI’ M/s Plant Care, 225, Maheshpur Industrial Estate, Lahartara, Varanasi -22106 Tractor Drawn Trailed Type Harrow 7x7 ‘Tayagi’ M/s Uttranchal Agro Industes, Vill. Kishanpur, US Nagar (Uttranchal) Tractor Operated Patato Digger Shaker ‘New Narwal’ M/s New Narwal Agricultural Implement, Rama Mkt. Sahabad Markanda, Tractor Drawn Disck Harrow 6x 6 ‘Gobind’ M/s Gobind Industries, Barabanki (UP) Manually Operated Winnowing Fan ‘Gobind’ M/s Gobind Industries, Barabanki (UP) Conf. C-92/1018 May, 08 Comm. IMP-298/1019 June, 08 Comm. IMP-299/1020 June, 08 Comm. IMP-300/1021 June, 08 Comm. IMP-301/1022 June, 08 Comm. IMP-302/1023 June, 08 Straw Reaper ‘Jagatjit’ M/s. Saron Mechanical Works, Bhikhi road, Cheema, (Pb.) Straw Reaper M/s. Jindal Engg. Works, New Karnal road, kaithal (Hr.) Straw Reaper M/s. North Agro Industries, Sangur road, Dirba (Pb.) Straw reaper M/s. Indian Mechanical Works, Barara, Distt. Ambala (Haryana) Straw reaper ‘Puni’ M/s.Vishavkarma Engineering Works, Govt. Colla\ege road, Tohana-125120 (Hr.) Straw reaper M/s. Jai Shri Krishna,Steel Industries, Kharandi road, Cheeka-136034 (Hr.) Tractor drawn trailed type disc harrow Jai Gurudev Industries, C-19,20, Industrial Estate, Rudrapur, U.S. Nagar-263153 Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill Jai Gurudev Industries, C-19,20, Industrial Estate, Rudrapur, U.S. Nagar-263153 Tractor offset mounted disc harrow 8x8 Ravindra Agril. Industries, Ind. Estate, Rudrapur, U.S. Nagar-263153 Tractor drawn trailed type disc harrow 7 x7 M/s. Kohli AgriI. Implements, Udham Singh Nagar (Uttaranchal) Tractor drawn Potato planter Gobind Industries, Dashahra bagh, Comm. IMP-303/1024 July, 08 Comm. IMP- 304/1025 July, 08 Comm. IMP-305/1026 July, 08 Comm. IMP-306/1027 July, 08 Comm. IMP-307/1028 July, 08 Comm. IMP-308/1029 July, 08 Comm. IMP-309/1030 July, 08 Comm. IMP-310/1031 July, 08 Comm. IMP-311/1032 July, 08 Comm. IMP-312/1033 July, 08 Comm. IMP-313/1034 July, 08 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029. 1030. 1031. 1032. 1033. 1034. 36 1035. 1036. 1037. 1038. 1039. 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 Barabanki-225001 (UP) BCS Forage harvester BCS India (P) Ltd., Mann garh, Kohara, Ludhiana Reversible Plough M/s. Sitaram Industries, P.O.Sayan, Teh. Olpad, Distt. Surat (Guj.) Cultivator 9 Tyne M/s. Sitaram Industries, P.O.Sayan, Teh. Olpad, Distt. Surat (Guj.) Rotavator 5’ width M/s. Maruti Engineering Works, P.O.Sayan, Teh. Olpad, Distt. Surat (Guj.) Rotavator 6’ width M/s. Maruti Engineering Works, P.O.Sayan, Teh. Olpad, Distt. Surat (Guj.) Cultivator 9 Tyne M/s. Bajrang Iron Works, Kamrej Char Rasta, Distt. Surat (Guj.) Rotavator 5 feet width M/s. Bajrang Iron Works, Kamrej Char Rasta, Distt. Surat (Guj.) Rotavator 4’ width M/s.Jay Bajrang Industries, Kamrej Char Rasta, Distt. Surat (Guj.) Reversible Plough M/s.Jay Bajrang Industries, Kamrej Char Rasta, Distt. Surat (Guj.) Rotavator 5’ width M/s. Ambika Engineering Works, Kamrej Char Rasta, Distt. Surat (Guj.) Reversible Plough M/s. Ambika Engineering Works, Kamrej Char Rasta, Distt. Surat (Guj.) Cultivator 9 Tyne M/s. Ambika Iron Works, Kamrej Char Rasta, Distt. Surat (Guj.) Rotavator 4’ width M/s. Ambika Iron Works, Kamrej Char Rasta, Distt. Surat (Guj. Straw Reaper M/s. Gurudev Mechnical Works, Talwandi Bhai (Pb.) Rotavator Blade M/s. North Agro Industries,Sanour road, Dirba Tr. Operated Hydraulic Sprayer M/s. sadhu Agro Ind. Fatehbad (Hr.) Straw Reaper M/s. Avtar kalsi Agro Works, Talwandi Bhai (Pb.) Straw Reaper M/s. Aggarawal Agriculture Works, Jind road, Asandh (Hr.) Straw Reaper M/s. Jaggi Agriculture Works, Vill. Kaboolpur, Distt. Patiala (Pb.) Straw Reaper M/s. Saraswati krishi Udyog, Karnal road, Assandh (Hr.) Comm. IMP-314/1035 July, 08 Comm. IMP-315/1036 August, 08 Comm. IMP-316/1037 August, 08 Comm. IMP-317/1038 August, 08 Comm. IMP-318/1039 August, 08 Comm. IMP-319/1040 August, 08 Comm. IMP-320/1041 August, 08 Comm. IMP-321/1042 August, 08 Comm IMP-322/1043 August,08 Comm IMP-323/1044 August,08 Comm IMP-324/1045 August,08 Comm IMP-325/1046 August,08 Comm IMP-326/1047 August,08 Comm IMP-327/1048 August,08 Comm C-93/1049 August,08 Comm. PS-36/1050 August,08 Comm IMP-328/1051 August,08 Comm IMP-329/1052 August,08 Comm IMP-330/1053 August,08 Comm IMP-331/1054 August,08 37 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 ROLLER CONVEYOR TYPE FEEDING CHUTE (VIRDI HARDAMBA THRESHER) M/s. Barwala Engineering Agro works Hansi road, Barwala, Dist.- Hisar ROLLER CONVEYOR TYPE FEEDING CHUTE (11D4J PUNNI THRESHER) M/s. Vishavkarma Engineering Works College Road, Tohana-125120, Dist.- Fetehabad (Haryana) ROLLER CONVEYOR TYPE FEEDING CHUTE (11D4JEF PUNNI THRESHER) M/s. Vishavkarma Engineering Works, College Road, Tohana-125120, Dist.- Fetehabad (Haryana) ROLLER CONVEYOR TYPE FEEDING CHUTE (JANAK THRESHER) M/s. Punjab Agriculture repairing works Chandigarh Road, Tohana, Dist.- Fatehabad Conf. C-94/1055 Sept., 08 Conf. C-95/1056 Sept., 08 Conf. C-96/1057 Sept., 08 Conf. C-97/1058 Sept., 08 ROLLER CONVEYOR TYPE FEEDING CHUTE (G. S. THRESHER) M/s. G. S. Agriculture works Conf. C-98/1059 Sept., 08 Conf. C-99/1060 Sept., 08 Conf. C-100/1061 Sept., 08 Conf. C-101/1062 Sept., 08 Conf. C-102/1063 Sept., 08 Conf. C-103/1064 Sept., 08 Comm. IMP-332/1065 Sept., 08 Comm. IMP-333/1066 Sept., 08 Conf. C-104/1067 Sept., 08 Comm. IMP-334/1068 Sept.08 Bhuna Road, Tohana, Dist.- Fatehabad (Hr.) ROLLER CONVEYOR TYPE FEEDING CHUTE(PRINCE THRESHER) M/s. Vishwakarma Engineering Works Bhuna Road, Uklana-125113, Distt.Hisar(Hr.) ROLLER CONVEYOR TYPE FEEDING CHUTE (TAJ THRESHER) M/s. Taj Engineering works, Daulatpur Road, Near Panchayat Ghar, Uklana, Distt.- Hisar (Haryana) FEEDING CHUTE ( GURBAZ MULTICROP THRESHER) M/s Gurbaz Agriculture works Village- Dhantonda, PO- Chalila, SurhindPatiala Road, Dist.- Fatehgarh Sahib (Pb) FEEDING CHUTE ( UPKAR MULTICROP THRESHER) M/s. Upkar Agro Industries, Defence road, Danewala, Near Reliance Petrol pump Malout, Dist.- Muktsar (Punjab) FEEDING CHUTE ( UPAHAR MULTICROP THRESHER) M/s. Upahar Agri. Implements Defence Road, Focal point, Vill.- Rasulpur, PO. Bhai Ka Kera, Dist.- Muktsar-152115 (Pb) ‘Ravindra’ Zero till seed drill M/s. ravindra Agril. Industries, Ind, Estate, Rudarpur, US nagar Tr. Operated seed drill ‘Vikas’ M/s. Vikas Industries, Khimlasa road, Khurai, Distt. Sagar (MP) Diesel Filter M/s. Purofil Auto( India) Pvt. Ltd., 386, F.I.E., Patparganj Industrial estate, Delhi Tr. Drawn seed cum fertilizer drill ‘Khedut’ 38 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 M/s. Khedut Agro Engg. Plot No. 6, Servey No. 111, Rajkot (Guj.) Rotavator Blade M/s. Pyara Singh & Sons, Sangrur road, Dhuri (Pb.) Feeding Chute of thresher M/s. Joginder Singh Narang Singh Opp. Bus Stand, Ahmedgsrh (Pb.) Feeding Chute of thresher M/s. Kattri Engg. Works, Sangrur road, Sunam (Pb.) ‘ROOP RAI-930’ Self Propelled Combine Harvester, M/s. Roop rai Agro Industries, Patiala road, Nabha (Pb.) Tr Operated Power Sprayer ‘ Paras’ M/s. Chayal Engg. Works, Bhuna road, Uklana (Haryana) Rotavator ‘SHAHZAD’ M/s Sahzad Engg. Works, Jhansa Road, Kurukshetra (HR) ‘SYAN-998’ Self Propelled Combine HarvesterM/s. Syan Agro Industry, Nabha (Pb.) Tr. Operated Power Sprayer ‘BK & Brothers’ M/s. B. K. & Brothers Agril Works, GT road, Dabwali, Distt. Sirsa (Hr.) Feeding chute of feed roller conveyor type thresher M/s. Upkar Agro Ind., Dhanewala, Malout (Pb.) Feeding chute of ‘Jainson’ Multicrops simple type thresher M/s. Jainson Agro Industries, Difence road, Dhanewala, Malout (Pb.) Hand Operated Cont. Knapsack Sprayer M/s. Thomas Industries, Pune (MS) Rotavator Blade ‘Universal’ M/s. Bharat Engg. Co., Sham Nagar, Karnal (Hr.) Feeding chute of multicrop thresher M/s. Indian Mechanical Works, Barara, Distt. Ambala (Hr.) Feeding chute of multicrop thresher M/s. Arjan Industries, Railway road, Kurukshtra (Hr.) Tr. Operated Power sprayer M/s. Punjab Agril. Works, Opp. Power house, Sirsa (Pb.) Tr. Operated Power sprayer M/s. North Agro Industries, Dirba (Pb.) Feeding chute of multicrop thresher M/s. Zandu Engineers, Hisar road, Ambala city Tr. Operated Potato Planter ‘Kissan’ M/s. Kissan Engg. Works, G.T. road, Shahabad, Markanda Tr. Operated Potato Planter ‘Zandu’ M/s Zandu Steel Works, Hisar Road, Manav chowk, Abala City (Hr.) Conf. C-105/1069 Sept.08 Conf. C-106/1070 Oct. 2008 Conf. C-107/1071 Oct. 2008 Comm. Comb.37/1072 Oct. 2008 Conf. PS-37/1073 Oct. 2008 Comm. IMP-335/1074 Oct.2008 Comm. Comb. 38/1076 Nov. 2008 Conf. PS-38/1077 Nov.2008 Conf. C-108/1078 Nov. 2008 Conf. C-109/1079 Nov. 2008 Conf. S-200/1080 Nov. 2008 Conf. C-110/1081 Nov. 2008 Conf. C-111/1082 Dec., 08 Conf. C-112/1083 Dec., 08 Conf. PS-39/1084 Dec., 08 Conf. PS-40/1085 Dec., 08 Conf. C-113/1086 Dec., 08 Comm. IMP-336/1087 April,09 Comm. IMP-337/1088 April,09 39 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 Tr. Operated Potato Planter ‘Narwal’ M/s Narwal Agro. Engg. Works, G.T. road, Shahabad, Markanda Tr. Operated Potato Planter ‘Kamla’ M/s Kamla Engg. Works, Ismailabad, Kurukshetra Tr. Operated Potato Planter ‘Chetak’ M/s Ashoka Foundry Engg. Works, G.T. road, Shahabad, Markanda Tr. Operated Potato Planter ‘Kisco’ M/s. Kalsi Industries, G.T. road, Shahabad, Markanda Tr. Operated Potato Planter ‘New Nerwal’ M/s. New Nerwal Agro. & Engg. Works, G.T. road, Shahabad, Markanda Seed Bed Planter ‘Kissan’ M/s. Kissan Engg. Works, G.T. road, Shahabad, Markanda (Hr.) Self Propelled combine Harvester ‘Malkit-897’ M/s. Malkit Agro. Industries, Nabha Straw Reaper ‘Dhiman-713’ M/s Dhiman Agri. Works, Balbehra Distt. Patiala Rotavator ‘SL-120’ M/s. Sonalika Agro. Industries, Hoshyarpur (Pb.) Rotavator ‘SL-200’ M/s. Sonalika Agro. Industries, Hoshyarpur (Pb.) Comm. IMP-338/1089 April,09 Comm. IMP-339/1090 April,09 Comm. IMP-340/1091 April,09 Comm. IMP-341/1092 April,09 Comm. IMP-342/1093 April,09 Comm. IMP-343/1094 April,09 Comm. Comb-39/1095 April,09 Comm. IMP-344/1096 April,09 Comm. IMP-345/1097 April,09 Comm. IMP-346/1098 April,09 Straw Reaper ‘Gurbaj’ M/s. Gurbaj Agril Works, Dhotonda Distt. Patiala (Pb.) Self Propelled combine Harvester ‘New Hira985’, M/s Ram Chand & Sons, Nabha (Pb.) Straw Reaper ‘Amrit’ M/s Jaswant Agril Works, Sunam Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) Rotavator ‘friends-469’ M/s Friends Agro. Ind., Patiala road, Malerkola (Pb.) Rotavator ‘Sukhraj’ M/s. Sukhraj Engg. Works. Faridkot (Pb.) Rotavator ‘Preet-145’ M/s. Preet Agro. Ind., Patiala road, Nabha (Pb.) Rotavator ‘Hardev’ M/s. Joginder Singh Norang Singh, Ahmedgarth (Pb.) Rotavator ‘Amrit’ M/s Jaswant Agril. Works, Sunam, Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) Rotavator ‘Jas Prakash’ M/s Jas Prakash Agro. Ind., Nabha (Pb.) Rotavator ‘Mukesh’ M/s. Mukesh Engg. & Welding Works, Jundla (Hr.) Rotavator ‘Vishwakarma-749’ Comm. IMP-347/1099 April,09 Comm. Comb-40/1100 April,09 Comm. IMP-348/1101 April,09 Comm. IMP-349/1102 April,09 Comm. IMP-350/1103 April,09 Comm. IMP-351/1104 April,09 Comm. IMP-352/1105 April,09 Comm. IMP-353/1106 April,09 Comm. IMP-354/1107 April,09 Comm. IMP-355/1108 April,09 Comm. IMP-356/1109 April,09 40 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 M/s. Vishwakarma Agro. Works, Rakhera, Distt. Patiala (Pb.) Rotavator ‘Shankar’ M/s. Shankar Krishi Udyog, Karnal (Hr.) Rotavator ‘Samart’ M/s. S.S. Agro Tech., Sangrur Road, Patiala (Pb.) Rotavator ‘Zimidara-748’ M/s. Zimidarar Agro & Allied ind., Sirhind road, Baran, Dist. Patiala Rotavator ‘Verma’ M/s. Verma Engg. & welding works, Plot No. 2625, Karnal Rotavator ‘1.5m Gear type’ M/s. Osaw udyog, Vill. Manglai, P.O., Khudha kalan, Distt. Ambala (Hr.) Comm. IMP-357/1110 April,09 Comm. IMP-358/1111 May,09 Comm. IMP-359/1112 May,09 Comm. IMP-360/1113 May,09 Comm. IMP-361/1114 May,09 Rotavator ‘1.75m Gear type’ M/s. Osaw udyog, Vill. Manglai, P.O., Khudha kalan, Distt. Ambala (Hr.) Rotavator ‘1.5m Chain type’ M/s. Osaw udyog, Vill. Manglai, P.O., Khudha kalan, Distt. Ambala (Hr.) Self propelled Combine Harvester ‘ NS-929’ M/s. N. S. Agro Works, (Nabha) Multicrop Thresher M/s. Rajdhani Agro ind., Nodi, Darwaja Road, Tah.-Kapadwanj (Gujarat) Comm. IMP-362/1115 May,09 Comm. IMP-363/1116 May,09 Comm. Comb-41/1117 May,09 Conf. C-114/1118 May, 09 Multicrop Thresher M/s. Kranti Agro Co, C-1-B-331/1, GIDC, Rajkot (Gujarat) Multicrop Thresher M/s. Best Engg. Works, Pani ki Tanki, ILAL Talaw, Distt. Sabarkanth (Gj.) Multicrop Thresher M/s. Khedut Ind., GIDC Road, opp. Panika Tunka, Jasdan Distt. Rajkot (Gujarat) Multicrop Thresher M/s. Bhatt Brothers, GIDC. Estate, B/s Trumac Engg. Co., Lambha Post- Narval - Ahmedabad (Gujarat) Multicrop Thresher M/s. Vagheshvari Agril. Works, Near RTO Check Post, Radha CumpartDEESA (Gujarat) Multicrop Thresher M/s. Vijay Laxmi Agri; Works, Chiloda- Gandhinagar (Gujarat) Self propelled Combine Harvester ‘ Kartar’ M/s. Kartar Agro Ind., Bhodson (Pb.) Self propelled Combine Harvester ‘ Harmeet985’ M/s. Harmeet Agril works, Nabha Self propelled Combine Harvester ‘Punjab930’ M/s. Punjab Agro. Emplement,Nabha Conf. C-115/1119 May, 09 Conf. C-116/1120 May, 09 Conf. C-117/1121 May, 09 Conf. C-118/1122 May, 09 Conf. C-119/1123 May, 09 Conf. C-120/1124 May, 09 Comm. Comb-42/1125 May,09 Comm. Comb-43/1126 May,09 Comm. Comb-44/1127 May,09 41 1128 ‘Battery operated power sprayer’ M/s. Premier Crop Production Eqpt. Ltd., Gurgaon (Hr.) Comm. PS-41/1128 June,09 1129 ‘Power operated sprayer ATV-150 TR/PS/SK Boom sprayer’ M/s. Premier Crop Production Eqpt. Ltd., Gurgaon (Hr.) ‘Power operated sprayer ATV-370 TR/PS/SK Boom sprayer’ M/s. Premier Crop Production Eqpt. Ltd., Gurgaon (Hr.) ‘Tractor Operated Power Sprayer- VED AGRO.’ M/s. Ved Agro Industries, Fatehbad (Hr.) ‘Tractor Operated Power Sprayer- DILNAZ AND GURNAZ’ M/s. S.K.Industries, Tohana Road, Village Simbalwal, Fatehabad (Hr.) ‘Tractor Operated Power Sprayer-Taj’ M/s. Taj Engg. Works, Uklana (Haryana) ‘Tractor Operated Power Sprayer-NEW PUNJAB’ M/s. New Punjab Agril. Works, Near Govt. High School, Shahapur Begu125050 Distt. Sirsa (Hr.) ‘Tractor Operated Power Sprayer-PRINCE’ M/s. Vishwakarma Engg. Works, Uklana ‘Tractor Operated Power Sprayer-THATHI’ M/s. Thathi Agril Emp., Uklana (Hr.) Rotavator ‘Universal’ M/s. Bharat Engg. Company, Karnal (Hr.) Rotavator ‘New Jaggi’ M/s Jaggi Agriculture Works, Distt., Patila (Pb.) Rotavator ‘North India-849’ M/s North Agro Industries, Dirba (Pb.) Rotavator ‘Modern’ M/s. Modern Agro Engg. Works, Karnal Rotavator ‘Sona’ M/s. S. P. Industries, Karnal (Hr.) Perfect Tech. Rotary wecder –MB-50H’ M/s. Perfect-Tech Enterprises, Noida Rotavator ‘ Maharaja’ M/s Dirba Agro Industries, Patra road, 29Dirba (Pb.) Rotavator ‘ Bharat’ M/s. Bharat Engg. Industries,Karnal (Hr.) Engine Operated Power Sprayer-Eagle Impex 22B2 with Honda Engine’ M/s. Eagle Impex, New Delhi Engine Operated Power Sprayer-Eagle Impex 22B2 with GK200 -Tigmax Engine’ M/s. Eagle Impex, New Delhi Comm. PS-42/1129 June,09 Comm. PS-43/1130 June,09 Comm. PS-44/1131 June,09 Comm. PS-45/1132 June,09 Comm. PS-46/1133 June,09 Comm. PS-47/1134 June,09 Comm. PS-48/1135 June,09 Comm. PS-49/1136 June,09 Comm. Imp-364/1137 June,09 Comm. Imp-365/1138 June,09 Comm. Imp-366/1139 June,09 Comm. Imp-367/1140 June,09 Comm. Imp-368/1141 June,09 Comm. Imp-369/1142 June,09 Comm. Imp-370/1143 June,09 Comm. Imp-371/1144 June,09 Comm. PS-50/1145 June,09 Comm. PS-51/1146 June,09 Straw Reaper ‘Avtar’ M/s Avtar Singh and sons, Near Railway Crassing, Bus Stand Road, Ahmedgarh, Distt. Sangrur (Pb) Wheat straw reaper ‘ Friends-613’ Comm. Imp-372/1147 Aug., 09 Comm. Imp-373/1148 Aug, 09 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 42 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 M/s Friends Agro Industries, Patiala Raod Malerkotla Distt. Patiala (Pb.) Wheat straw reaper ‘Vishwakarma-349’ M/s Vishwakarma Agriculture Works, Nabha-Patiala Road, Rakhrea Distt. Patiala (Pb) Wheat straw reaper ‘Virdi’ M/s. Virdi Tuble Boring Co., Near Octroe Post, Sangrur Road, Pataran (Pb.) Tractor operated power sprayer ‘khalsa’ M/s. Khalsa Agril. Ind, Chandigarh Road, Tohana (Hr.) Straw reaper ‘North India-1049’ M/s. North India Agro. Ltd., Sangrur Road, Dirba Mandi, Distt. Sangrur-148035 (Pb.) Straw reaper ‘Hanraj-756’ M/s. Hansraj Agro Ind., Salarpur Road,Kurukshetra-136118 (Hr.) Straw reaper ‘Amrik-525’ M/s. Amrik Agril. Ind., Amritsar Road, Delux wali gali Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur-143505 (Pb.) Straw reaper ‘Navdeep-2009’ M/s. G.R.D. Ind., Amargarh -148022, Distt. Sangrur(Pb.) Straw reaper ‘North India-949’ M/s. Dirba Agro. Pvt. Ltd., Sangrur Road, Dirba Mandi-148035, Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) Straw reaper ‘Bhai Behlo-756’ M/s. Bhai Behlo Agril. Works., Vill. Phaphre Bhaike-151502, Mansa(Pb.) Straw reaper ‘K Rama-108’ M/s. Kaasa Ram Combine pvt. Ltd., Pehowa Road, Devigarh, Patiala Power Spryar “NEW VISHWAKARAMA” M/s. New Vishwakarama Agri. Works, G.T.Road, Fatehabad-125050 Multicrop Thresher M/s. Shree Vyankateshwara Industries, Plot No. 94, Chikhali Industrial Area, Kalmana Market Road,. Distt.Nagpur Multicrop Thresher M/s. Shree Vyankateshwara Industries, Plot No. 94, Chikhali Industrial Area, Kalmana Market Road,. Distt.Nagpur Multicrop Thresher M/s. Shree Vyankateshwara Industries, Plot No. 94, Chikhali Industrial Area, Kalmana Market Road,. Distt.Nagpur Multicrop Thresher M/s. Shree Vyankateshwara Industries, Comm. Imp-374/1149 Aug., 09 Comm.. Imp- 375/1150 Aug., 09 Comm. PS-52/1151 Aug., 09 Comm.. Imp-376/1152 Aug., 09 Comm. Imp-377/1153 Aug., 09 Comm.. Imp-378/1154 Aug., 09 Comm. Imp-379/1155 Aug., 09 Comm. Imp-380/1156 Aug., 09 Comm. Imp-381/1157 Aug.., 09 Comm,. Imp-382/1158 Aug., 09 Comm. PS-53/1159 Sept.-09 Comm. C-121/1160 Sept.-09 Comm. C-122/1161 Sept.-09 Comm. C-123/1162 Sept.-09 Comm. C-124/1163 Sept.-09 43 Plot No. 94, Chikhali Industrial Area, Kalmana Market Road,. Distt.Nagpur 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 Combine Harvester “Claas Crop Tiger-60” M/s. Claas India (P) ltd, 15/3, Matura Road,Faridabad Hand Operated Knapsack Sprayer”Delta” M/s. Padgilwar Agro Industries, 192- Wardhman Nagar, Nagpur-440008 Battery Operated Knapsack Sprayer M/s. Padgilwar Agro Industries, Nagpur Tractor Operated Power Sprayer M/s. Malout Agri. Works, Fetehabad Road, Sardul Kanchia,Ratia Distt. Fetehabad (Hr.) Tractor Operated Power Sprayer “Malwa” M/s. Malwa Agril. Reparing Works, Chandigarh Road,Tohana, Distt. Fetehabad(Hr.) Tractor Operated Power Sprayer”Khanderwal” M/s. Khandelerwal Agro. Industries, Bye Pass Road, Uchana Mandi, Distt. Jind (Hr.) Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill”Tyagi” M/s. Uttaranchal Agro Industries, Rudrapur Road, V. Kishanpur, Via-Kichha Distt.-U.S. Nagar, Uttaranchal Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill”Gobind” M/s. Gobind Industries, Dashahra bagh, Haidergarh Road, Barabanki-225001 (UP) Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill”Kohli” M/s. Kohli Agril. Equipment, Rudrapur, U.S.Nagar (Uttranchal) Rotavator”Shakti” M/s. Shakti Engg. Works, NH. No. 8, At. T.P.O., Umbhel Tah. Kamraj, Distt. Surat (Guj.) Rotavator “Hira” M/s. New Gurudev Mech. Works , Near Bus-Stand, Zira-Falk Road,Talwandi Bhai, Distt. Ferozpur(Punjab) Potato Planter Comm. Comb-45/1164 Sept.-09 S-201/1165 Sept.-09 Comm. S-202/1166 Sept.-09 Comm. PS-54/1167 Oct.-09 Comn PS-55/1168 Oct.-09 Comm. PS-56/1169 Oct.-09 Comm. Imp-383/1170 Oct.-09 Comm. Imp-384/1171 Oct.-09 Comm. Imp-385/1172 Oct.-09 Comm. Imp-386/1173 Oct.-09 Comm. Imp-387/1174 Oct.-09 Comm. Imp-388/1175 Oct.-09 Comm. M/s. Jassa Singh & Co., Gehri Mandi, Near Jandiala Railway Station, ,Distt. Amritsar (Pb.) 1176 Potato Planter M/s ASD Agro Industries’ Chandigarh Road, Banur (Pb.) Comm. Imp-389/1176 Oct.-09 1177 Potato Planter “Thind Mechanical Works” M/s. Thind Mechanical Works, Comm. Imp-390/1177 Oct.-09 44 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 VPO. Wadala Jahal,Distt. Amritsar(Pb.) Combine- JHANDEANA-4512 M/s. Ratan Agro Ind. C-68 to 69, Focal Point, Moga-142001 Engine Operated Power, PSB-22BN M/s. Navyug Krishi Sadan Pvt., P.O.Box No. 7602, B.J.Pater Road,Malad (W)Mumbai-400064 (M.S.) Engine Operated Power, PSB-36CVA M/s. Navyug Krishi Sadan Pvt., PO. Box. No. 7602, B.J.Patel Road, Malad (W) Mumbai-400064 (M.S.) Rotavator”BALUJA” M/s. Baluja Indistries, Railway Road, Safidon’Distt. Jind Rotavator”DHIMAN” M/s. Dhiman Agro. Works, Patiala Road, Balbehra Rotavator”GRD-714” M/s. G.R.D. Industries, Malerkotla Road, Amargarh Straw Reaper”SHAKTIMAN” M/s. Vishwakarma Agri. Works, Moga Barnala Road,Himmatpura, Distt. Moga Zero till seed drill cum fertilizer ‘Taj’ M/s. Taj Engg. Works, Daulatpur Road,Uklana Distt. Hisar (Haryana) Straw Reaper”DHAMMU” M/s. Dhammu Agro industries, Sangrur Road,Dirba Mandi, Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) Rotavator”SAGGU” M/s. Saggu Agro Ind., College Road,Sunam, Distt. Sangrur148028 Rotavator”VIRDI” M/s. Virdi Tubewell Boring Comp. Sangrur Road,Patran(Pb.) B.T.Cottan M/s. New Vishwakarma Agri. Works. Fatehabad Tractor Operated Power Sprayer”Amar” M/s. Amar Agro Industries, Bhuna Road,Fatehabad Rotavator ‘ Hunjan’ Comm Comb-46/1178 Jan-10 Comm PS-57/1179 Jan-10 Comm PS-58/1180 Jan-10 Comm Imp-391/1181 Jan-10 Comm Imp-392/1182 Jan-10 Comm Imp-393/1183 Jan-10 Comm Imp-394/1184 Jan-10 Comm Imp-395/1185 Jan-10 Comm Imp-396/1186 Jan-10 Comm Imp-397/1187 Jan-10 Comm Imp-398/1188 Jan-10 Comm Imp-399/1189 Jan-10 Comm PS-59/1190 Jan-10 Comm. Imp-400/1191 Jan. 10 Comm. Imp-401/1192 Feb.-10 Comm. Imp-402/1193 Feb.-10 M/s Hunjan Agro Industries, Vill. Kupkalan, Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) 1192 1193 Rotavator ‘ GURBAZ’ M/s Gurbaz Agri. Works, Vill Dhatounda, Near Jakjwali, Sirhind Rotavator ‘ FILD KING’ M/s. Beri Udyog Pvt. Ltd.,HS11 DC Sector-3 45 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 Karnal B.T. Cottan Seed cum Fertilizer M/s. Sadhu Agro Ind. G.T.Road, Fatehabad Straw Reaper”G.S.AGRO” M/s. G.S.Agro Industries, Patiala Road,Rakhra(Pb) Battery Operated Knapsack Sprayer ”Adarsh ANM-516” M/s. Adarsh Plant Protect Ltd., 604 GIDC, Vitthal Udyog Nagar Hand Operated Knapsack Sprayer Agrimate-AM-505E” M/s. Ratnagiri Impex Pvt. Ltd. Annapurna House No. 1/1G 7th Cross New Guddadhahali, Maysore Road,Banglor Hand Operated Knapsack Sprayer “Agrimate-16 Ltr. M/s. Ratnagiri Impex Pvt. Ltd. Banglor Hand Operated Knapsack Sprayer”Crystal” M/s. Crystal Power Knapsack sprayer, G.I.-17, G.T.Karna; Road, Industrial Area, Azadpur, New Delhi Battery Operated Knapsack Sprayer”TULIP-16 LTR” M/s Foggers Ind. Pvt. Ltd., 303, Owner Industrial Estate, Gabriel Road, Mahim (W),(Bombay) Hand Operated Knapsack Sprayer”Haritha Hi Tech” M/s. Ganpati Engg. Comp. D.No. 9-5-25, Opp. Saraswati Picture palace, Guntur-522001 (AP) Tractor Operated Knapsack Sprayer”Ajit” Comm. Imp-403/1194 Feb.-10 Comm. Imp-404/1195 Feb.-10 Comm. S-203/1196 Feb.-10 Comm. S-204/1197 Feb.-10 Comm. S-205/1198 Feb.-10 Comm. S-206/1199 Feb.-10 Comm. S-207/1200 Feb.-10 Comm. S-208/1201 Feb.-10 Comm. PS-60/1202 Feb.-10 Comm. PS-61/1203 Feb.-10 Comm. PS-62/1204 Feb.-10 Comm. Comb-47/1205 Feb.-10 Comm. Imp-405/1206 Feb.-10 M/s. Ajit Agro. Industries, Railway Road, Near Punjab National Bank, Tohana-125120, Distt. Fatehabad 1203 1204 1205 1206 Tractor Operated Hydrolic Sprayer”Haryana Sprayer” M/s. Haryana Agri. Works, G.T.Road, Dariyapur, Distt. Sirsa Engine Operated Knapsack Sprayer”Stichwell Qualitex Sprayer’ (SQPS-300) M/s. Stichwell Qualitcy Pvt. Ltd., G-58, Sector-6, Noida Combine Harvester”K.S.Agro(Green Gold)” M/s. K.S.Agrotech, Raikot Road, Malerkotla, Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) Straw Reaper”NEW BHARAT” 46 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 M/s. New Bharat Agro Ind., Phehwa Road, Bhunheri, Distt. Patiala147001 Straw Reaper”KALSI” M/s. Gurunanak Agro Ind. Bhunheri, Distt. Patiala Rotavator” Indian Mech. Works” M/s. Indian Mech. Works. Ambala Rotavator”Mehar-642” M/s Mehar Agri. Works, Barnala Raikot Road, Wazid Ke Kalan, Barnala Rotavator”ASD-685” M/s A.S.D. Agro Industries, Opp. Khadi Gram Bhandar, Bannur Tractor Operated Power Sprayer “Bharat Sprayer” M/s Bharat Agro Industries, By Pass Road, Near Bajrang Dharm Kanta, Uchana Mandi, Distt. Jind Rotavator”Upahar Agriculture” M/s Uphar Agro Implements, Defence Road, Focal Point, Plot No.5,Rasulpur Khera,Distt. Mukutsar152115 Rotavator”Lalli” M/s. Dasmesh Agro Works, Patiala Road, Moonak, Distt. Sangrur148033 Rotavator”Field Bull Model RT-1270” Comm. Imp-406/1207 Feb.-10 Comm. Imp-407/1208 Feb.-10 Comm. Imp-408/1209 Feb.-10 Comm. Imp-409/1210 Feb.-10 Comm. PS- 63/1211 Feb.-10 Comm. Imp-410/1212 Feb.-10 Comm Imp-411/1213 March 2010 Comm Imp-412/1214 March 2010 Straw Reaper’SAMRAT’ M/s. S.S. Agro Tech., Patiala Combine “Preet-7049” M/s. Preet Agro. Industries Pvt. Ltd.; Patiala road, Nabha -147201, Comm. Imp-413/1215 March-2010 Comm Comb.-48/1216 March-2010 Roatavator”Gurdip-642” M/s Guru Nanak Engg. Works, Talwandi Bhai -142050, Ferozpur Rotavator”NEW VISHWAKARMA-851” M/s New Vishwakarma Agro Industries, Sangrur Road, Dirba (Pb.) Rotavator”BHIM-4880” M/s Bhagwan Engg. Works, Raikot Road, Malerkotla, (Pb.) Rotavator”BHIM-3660” M/s Bhagwan Engg. Works, Raikot Road, Malerkotla, (Pb.) Rotavator”Raja” M/s. Avtar Kalsi Agro works, Moga Link Road, Talwandi Bhai (Punjab) Rice Transplanter “Kubota-NSPU 68C” Self Propelled-Ride On” M/s. Kubota Agril. Mech. India Pvt. Ltd., Comm Imp-414/1217 April-10 Comm Imp-415/1218 April-10 Comm Imp-416/1219 April-10 Comm Imp-417/1220 April-10 Comm Imp-418/1221 April-10 Comm Imp419/1222 April-10 M/s. Sangil Engg. Enterprises (P) Ltd., B-82, Industrial Focal Point, Mohali-160055 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 47 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 Level 2 altius, Olympia Tech. Park, No.1 SIDCO Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai (T.N.) Combine Harvester “Kubota DC-68 G (Track Type) M/s. Kubota Agril. Mech. India Pvt. Ltd., Level 2 altius, Olympia Tech. Park, No.1 SIDCO Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai (T.N.) Self propelled Combine Harvester ‘ Vishal248 Dolphine’(Track type) M/s Vishal Agril. Works, Bhawanigarh Rod, Samana Rice Transplanter “Kubota-NSP-4W” Self Propelled-Walking Type” M/s. Kubota Agril. Mech. India Pvt. Ltd., Level 2 altius, Olympia Tech. Park, No.1 SIDCO Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai (T.N.) Wheat Straw Reaper” Jai Baba Vishvkarma” M/s. Jai Baba Vishvkarma, Sangrur Road, Dirba, Distt. Sangrur 148035(Pb.) Rotavator” Jai Baba Vishvkarma-743” M/s. Jai Baba Vishvkarma, Sangrur Road, Dirba, Distt. Sangrur 148035(Pb.) Rotavator”KISAN” M/s Hindustan agro Industrial Corpn. 13-A Industrial Estate, Hoshiarpur (Pb) Rotavator”G.S.-239” M/s.G.S.Agro Ind., Patiala road, Rakhra (Pb.) Rotavator”Manku-426” M/s Menku Rep. & Agri. Works, Barnala Road, Pakho Kanchian, Distt. Barnala Rotavator”Amrik A-69” M/s. Amrik Agri. Industries, Amritsar Road, Deluxe Wali Gali, Batala (Bp.) Rotavator”Thind-642” M/s. Thind Mechanical Works, Vill. Wadala Johal, Distt. Amritsar-143113 Rotavator”Rajindra” M/s Rajendra Agro Industries, 5th Mile Stone, Patiala Road, Sangrur, Rotavator”Model-642 Raja” M/s. Jassa Singh & Co., Gehri Mandi, Near Jandiala Railway Station, ,Distt. Amritsar (Pb.) Rotavator”H.S.G.-34” M/s H.S.G. Engg. Bus Stand, Benra, Distt. Sanfrur (Pb.) Rotavator”Filed Masster-642” M/s Piara Singh & sons, Vijay Nagar , Near Namestey Chowk, G.T.Road, Karnal Rotavator”North India-749” M/s. North Agro Ind., Sangrur Road, Dirba, Distt. SAngrur-148035 Comm Comb-49/1223 April-10 Comm Comb-50/1224 April-10 Comm Imp-420/1225 April-10 Comm Imp-421/1226 April-10- Comm Imp-422/1227 April-10 Comm Imp-423/1228 April-10 Comm Imp424/1229 April-10 Comm Imp-425/1230 May-10 Comm Imp-426/1231 -do- Comm Imp-427/1232 -do- Comm Imp-428/1233 -do- Comm Imp-429/1234 -do- Comm Imp—430/1235 -do- Comm Imp-431/1236 -do- Comm Imp-432/1237 -do- 48 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 Straw Reaper M/s. H. S. Agril. Ind., Malarkola Road, VPO. Sandaur, Distt. Sangrur-148020 Tractor Operated Power Sprayer”Saraswati Sprayer” M/s. Sarswati Krishi Udyog, Karnal Road, Assandh, Distt. Karnal Self Propelled Combine Harvester- NV-951 M/s. New Vishwakarma Agro Ind., Sangrur Road, Dirba Mandi-148035 (Pb.) Self Propelled Combine Dhiman-930 M/s.Dhiman Agril Works,Balbehra (Pb.) Self Propelled Combine Harvester-726 M/s. Dasmesh mechanical Works, Raikot road,Malerkotla Comm Imp-433/1238 May-10 Comm PS-64/1239 -do- Comm Comb-51/1240 -do-- Comb-52/1241 May-10 Comm Comb-53/1242 -do- Tractor Operated Power Sprayer “H.K.U.Sprayer” Comm PS-65/1243 -do- Comm C-125/1244 June-10 Comm Imp-434/1245 June-10 Comm Imp-435/1246 June-10 Comm Imp-436/1247 June-10 Comm Imp—437/1248 June-10 Comm Imp-438/1249 June-10 Comm Imp-439/1250 June-10 Comm Imp-440/1251 June-10 Comm Imp—441/1252 June-10 Comm PS-66/1253 June-10 Comm PS-67/1254 June-10 Comm Imp-442/1255 June-10 Comm Imp—443/1256 June-10 M/s. Haryana Krishi Udyog, G.T.Road, Hansi, Distt. Hisar Oil Filter”Fowler” M/s. John Fowler (I) Pvt.Ltd., E-31, UPSIDC, Industrial Area, Selakui, Dehradun Rotavator”Model 2036-Multi Speed” M/s. Bharat Eng. Co., Sham Nagar, G.T.Road, Karnal-132001 Rotavator”Model-2042-Multi Speed” M/s. Bharat Eng. Co., Sham Nagar, G.T.Road, Karnal-132001 Rotavator”Model-1036” M/s. Bharat Eng. Co., Sham Nagar, G.T.Road, Karnal-132001 Rotavator “Model-1048” M/s. Bharat Eng. Co., Sham Nagar, G.T.Road, Karnal-132001 Rotavator”Model 2048-Multi Speed” M/s. Bharat Eng. Co., Sham Nagar, G.T.Road, Karnal-132001 Rice Transplanter “Kubota-NSD- 8” Self Propelled-Ride On” M/s. Kubota Agril. Mech. India Pvt. Ltd., Level 2 altius, Olympia Tech. Park, No.1 SIDCO Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai (T.N.) Rotavator “Shakti Veer” M/s. Veer Agri. Works, Aligarh Road, Khair Rotavator”Kalsi” M/s Guru Nanak Agro Works, Vill. Bhunerheri, Dsitt. Patiala (Punjab) Tr. Op. Power Sprayer”Rupal” M/s. Rupal Repairing Works, VPO. Rori, Distt. Sirsa Tr. Op. Power Sprayer”Khushi” M/s Khushi Agro. Industries, Tohana Road, Rampura Ganota Rotavator”Bhoday B-537” M/s Bhodey Agro Industries, Mehlan Chowk, Sunam, (Pb.) Rotavator”P-1104” Comm 49 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 M/s. Pal Agro. Prodect, Sangrur Road, Sunam Combine “VISHAVKARMA-841” M/s. Vishavkarma Agro. Industries, Kadial Road, Dirba Mandi (Pb.) Combine “NORTH-749” M/s. North Agro. Industries, Sangrur Road, Dirba Mandi (Pb.) Rotavator “Model MRT-4” M/s. Maruti Engg. Works, 31/32, Royal Estate, Delad, Tal Olpad, PO. Sayan, Distt. Surat-394130 (Gujrat) Rotavator “JRT-4” M/s. Bajrang Iron Works, Shade No. 6, Navgam Udhyog Nagar, N.H. No.8, Kamrej Char Rasta, Distt. Surat-384185 Rotavator “JRT-6” M/s. Bajrang Iron Works, Shade No. 6, Navgam Udhyog Nagar, N.H. No.8, Kamrej Char Rasta, Distt. Surat-384185 Rotavator”Model ART-6” M/s.Ambica Engg. Works, No.8, Opp. Agro Petrol Pump, Kamrej Char Rasta, Distt. Surat-384185 Rotavator”Model ART-3.6” M/s.Ambica Engg. Works, No.8, Opp. Agro Petrol Pump, Kamrej Char Rasta, Distt. Surat-384185 Zero Till Cum Seed Drill”ZIMIDARA” M/s.Zimidara Agro & Alid Ltd, Baran,Patiala ‘Battery operated power sprayer’ M/s. American Spring & Pressing Pvt. Ltd. PO. Box No. 7602, Aspee House, B.J.Patel Marg Malad (W), Mumbai B.T.Cotton Seed Cum Fertilizer Planter “ KHAALSA “ M/s. Khalsa Agril Industries, Chandigarh Road, Tohana B.T.Cotton” Dilnaz & Gurnaz-555” M/s. S.K.Industries, Tohana Road, Simbarwala, Fatehabad Zero Till Cum Seed Drill ”THETHI” M/s. Thethi Agri. Imp. Bhuna Road, Uklana Mandi Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill ”SUPER SASHNI” M/s. Super Agriculture Corporation, Opp. Bharat Petrol Pump, Agra Road, Sasni, Hathras-204216 Post Hole Digger”FARMKING SKR-020” M/s. Kanhaiyalal Ramratan Krishi Yantra Laghu Odyog, N.H. 11, Bus Stand, Rampura Dabri, Jaipur-303704 Combine Hdarvester”GURDEEP-527” M/s. Gurdeep Engg. Works, Village. Chaswal, Distt. Patiala Comm Comb-54/1257 July-10 Comm Comb-55/1258 July-10 Comm Imp-444/1259 July-10 Comm Imp-445/1260 July-10 Comm Imp-446/1261 July-10 Comm Imp-447/1262 July-10 Comm Imp-448/1263 July-10 Comm Imp-449/1264 July-10 Commz S-209/1265 July-10 Comm Imp-450/1266 July-10 Comm Imp—451/1267 July-10 Comm Imp-452/1268 July-10 Comm Imp-453/1269 July-10 Comm Imp-454/1270 July-10 Comm Comb-56/1271 August-10 50 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 Tr. Op. Power Sprayer”MANINDER” Comm M/s. Maninder Agri. Imp. Bhuna Road, Fatehabad Tr. Op. Power Sprayer”VISHAVKARMAComm 622” M/s. Vishavkarma Agro Industries, Kadial Road, Dirba Mandi , Distt. Sangrur Tr. Op. Power Sprayer”GOYAL Sprayer” Comm M/s. Goyal Machinery Store, G.T.Road, Fatehbad Tr. Op. Power Sprayer”CHANN Sprayer” Comm M/s. Chann Agri. Works, G.T.Road, Fatehbad Tr. Op. Power Sprayer”SHREE BALAJI” Comm M/s. Shree Balaji Agri. Works, Nathu Shree Chopta. Distt. Sirsa Tr. Op. Power Sprayer”V.D.IMPEX” Comm M/s. V.D. Impex, New Market,Hanuman Garh Town (Raj.) Rotavator “A.S.S.” Comm M/s. A.S.S. Foundry & Agri. Works, Near Police Station, Jandiala Guru, Distt. Amritsar Comm Rotavator”VEWW-5” M/s. Verma Engg. & Welding Works, Plot No. 262, Sector-3, Near HSIIDC, Karnal (Haryana) Comm Rotavator”VEWW-7” M/s. Verma Engg. & Welding Works, Plot No. 262, Sector-3, Near HSIIDC, Karnal (Haryana) Comm Rotavator”NOOR-378” M/s. Khalsa Agri. Industries, Chandigarh Road, Tohana B.T.Cottan Seed Cum Fertilizer Planter Comm ”PUNJAB” M/s. Punjab Agri. Works, Opposite Power House, Ding Road, Distt. Sirsa-125055 (Haryana) Universal Trailed Offset Disc Harrow (7X7) Comm M/s Bharat Engg. Comp., Shyam Nagar, G.T.Road, Karnal-132001 Universal Mounted Offset Disc Harrow Comm (7X7) M/s Bharat Engg. Comp., Shyam Nagar, G.T.Road, Karnal-132001 Disc Plough “FARM KING (SKR-002-4)” Comm M/s. Kanhaiya Lal Ramratan Krishi Laghu Udyod, N.H. 11, Bus Stand, Rampura Dabri, Jaipur-303704 (Rajasthan) Disc Harrow”FARM KING(SKR-008)” Comm M/s. Kanhaiya Lal Ramratan Krishi Laghu Udyod, N.H. 11, Bus Stand, Rampura Dabri, Jaipur-303704 (Rajasthan) Zero Till Cum Seed Drill”JOGINDRA” Comm M/s. Jogindra Agro. Ind., Kaithal Road, Pehowa Zero Till Cum Seed Drill”PRINCE” Comm M/s.Vishavkarma Engg. Works, Bhuna Road, Uklana Mandi-125113(Haryana) PS-68/1272 August-10 PS-69/1273 August-10 PS-70/1274 August-10 PS-71/1275 August-10 PS-72/1276 August-10 PS-73/1277 August-10 Imp-455/1278 August-10 Imp-456/1279 August-10 Imp-457/1280 August-10 Imp-458/1281 August-10 Imp-459/1282 August-10 Imp-460/1283 August-10 Imp-461/1284 August-10 Imp-462/1285 September-10 Imp-463/1286 September-10 Imp-464/1287 September-10 Imp-465/1288 September-10 51 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 Zero Till Cum Seed Drill”VIRDI” M/s. Barwala Engg. Agro Industries, Hansi Road, Uklana (Haryana) Zero Till Cum Seed Drill”PARAS” M/s. Choyal Agro. Ind., Bhuna Road, Ukalana (Haryana) Tractor Operated Sprayer Pump “PUNJAB-001” M/s. Punjab Agri. Works, Ding Road, Distt. Sirsa-125055 (Haryana) Cultivator M/s. Bharat Engg. Company, G.T.Road, Karnal Comm Imp-466/1289 September-10 Comm Imp-467/1290 September-10 Comm PS-74/1291 September-10 Comm Imp-468/1292 September-10 Cultivator M/s. Bharat Engg. Company, G.T.Road, Karnal Oil Filter”Fowler JFS-15048” M/s. John Fowler (I) Pvt. Ltd., E-31, UPSIDC, Industrial Area, Selakui, Dehradun Oil Filter”Fowler JFS-15102” M/s. John Fowler (I) Pvt. Ltd., E-31, UPSIDC, Industrial Area, Selakui, Dehradun Oil Filter”Fowler JFS-15013” M/s. John Fowler (I) Pvt. Ltd., E-31, UPSIDC, Industrial Area, Selakui, Dehradun Oil Filter”Fowler JFS-15012” M/s. John Fowler (I) Pvt. Ltd., E-31, UPSIDC, Industrial Area, Selakui, Dehradun Zero Till Cum Seed Drill”SONALIKA” M/s. Sonalika Agro. Industries, Hoshiarpur (Pb.) Harrow”AZAD 8X8” M/s. Azad Engg. Works, Jhansa Rod, Thanesar, Kurushetra Comm Imp-469/1293 September-10 Comm C-126/1294 September-10 Comm C-127/1295 September-10 Comm C-128/1296 September-10 Comm C-129/1297 September-10 Zero Till Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill “NORTH INDIA-749” M/s. North Agro. Industries, Dirba Mandi, Distt. Sangrur Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill “Kanhaiya Lal Ramrattan Farm king SKR016-A” M/s. Kanhaiyalal Ramratan Krishi Yantra Laghu Odyog, N.H. 11, Bus Stand, Rampura Dabri, Jaipur-303704 Rotavator”Aditya-2000” M/s. Balkar Agro Tech. Opp. Y.S. School, Bathinda Road, Handiaya Distt. Barnala-148107 Rotavator”Amar-5500” M/s. Balkar Agro Tech. Opp. Y.S. School, Bathinda Road, Handiaya Comm Imp-470/1298 September-10 Comm Imp-471/1299 Oct.-10 Comm Imp-472/1300 Nov.-10 Comm Imp-473/1301 Nov.-10 Comm Imp-474/1302 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-475/1303 Dec.-10 52 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 Distt. Barnala-148107 Rotavator”Balkar-6500” M/s. Guru Nanak Agri. Engg. Works, Bathinda Road, Handiaya Distt. Barnala-148107 Rotavator”Prakash PR-35” M/s. Nav Bharat Indutries, B-25, Foundry Nagar, Agra-282006 Rotavator “VAW-607 M/s. Vishwakarma Agri. Works, Barnala Road, Pakho Kanchina, Distt. Barnala Rotavator”MAW-608” M/s. Manku Agri. Works, Barnala Road, Pakho Kanchian, Barnala Rotavator “Guru Nanak-6 Feet” M/s. Guru Nanak Agro Industries, Koharia Road, Dirba Mandi Straw Reaper”Khushi-722” M/s. Khushi Agro. Industries, Tohana Road, Rampura Ganota, Teh. Moonak Straw Reaper “J.P.” M/s. Jas Parkash Agro Ind., Opp. Grain Market, Nabha Straw Reaper”Lalli” M/s. Dasmesh Agro. Works., Patiala Road, Moonak Straw Reaper”Ajit” M/s. Ajit Agro. Industries, Railway Road, Near Punjab National Bank, Tohana-125120, Distt. Fatehabad Straw Reaper”Hardev” M/s. Joginder Singh Narnag Singh, Opp. Bus Stand Ahemdgarh, Distt. Sangrur Straw Reaper”Vishavkarma” M/s.Vishwakarma Agri. Works. Barnala Road, Pakho Kanchian, Distt. Barnala Rotavator”Panesar-7 Feet” M/s Panesar Agri. Industreis, Malerkotla Road, Amargarh, Distt. Sangrur Rotavator”Dhiman-6Feet” M/s. Dhiman Agril. Works, Patra Road, Dirba Mandi(Pb.) Rotavator”Prabhu-4Feet” M/s. Prabhu Agro Industreis, A/P Bodwad, Taluka Bhusawal, Distt. Jalgoan Rotavator”Dharatiputra-4 Feet” M/s. Kumar Agro Ind., C/O. Kisan Agro Agency, Survey 20, Plot No. 21, Vavdi, Gondal Road, N.H. 8-B, Service Road, Near Perfect Tata Motors, Rajkot-360002 Rotavator “Dharatiputra- 7 Flange” M/s. Kumar Agro Ind., C/O. Kisan Agro Agency, Survey 20, Plot No. 21, Vavdi, Gondal Road, N.H. 8-B, Service Road, Near Perfect Tata Motors, Rajkot-360002 Comm Imp-476/1304 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-477/1305 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-478/1306 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-479/1307 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-480/1308 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-481/1309 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-482/1310 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-483/1311 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-484/1312 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-485/1313 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-486/1314 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-487/1315 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-488/1316 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-489/1317 Dec.-10 Comm Imp-490/1318 January-2011 Comm Imp-491/1319 January-2011 53 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334. 1335. 1336 1337 1338 Rotavator”GRTC-17542” M/s. Osaw Udyog, Vill. Manglai, PO. Khudda Kalan, Jagadhari Road, Distt. Ambala-1340004 Rotavator”GRTC-20048” M/s. Osaw Udyog, Vill. Manglai, PO. Khudda Kalan, Jagadhari Road, Distt. Ambala-1340004 Rotavator”Ajit-7 Feet M/s. Ajit Agro Ind., Railway Road, Near Punjab National Bank, Tohana-125120, Distt. Fatehabad Rotavator”Vishal-576” M/s. Vishal Agri. Works, Bhawanigarh Road, Samana-147101 Potato Planter “ASS” M/s. ASS Foundry & Agri. Works, G.T.Road, Jandial Guru, Distt. Amritsar Potato Digger “Shaker-ASD” M/s ASD Agro Ind. Chandigarh Road, Banur, Distt. Patiala Comm Imp-492/1320 January-2011 Comm Imp-493/1321 January-2011 Comm Imp-494/1322 January-2011 Comm Imp-495/1323 January-2011 Comm Imp-496/1324 January-2011 Comm Imp-497/1325 January-2011 Potato Digger Shaker (SASANI) M/s.Super Agri. Corpn. Bharat Petrol Pump,Agra Hathras(UP) Comm Imp-498/1326 January-2011 Comm Imp-499/1327 January-2011 Comm Imp-500/1328 January-2011 Comm Imp-501/1329 January-2011 Comm Imp-502/1330 January-2011 Comm Imp-503/1331 January-2011 Comm Imp-504/1332 January-2011 Comm Imp-505/1333 January-2011 Comm Imp-506/1334 Feb-2011 Comm Imp-507/1335 Feb.-2011 Road, Straw Reaper”AVTAR” M/s. Avtar Mech. Works, Railway Road,Talwandi Bhai-142050 (Pb.) Paddy Harrow”KAMBOJ 7X7” M/s. Kamboj Krishi Udyog, Kaithal Road, Pehowa-136128 Paddy Harrow”JOGINRA 7X7” M/s. Jogindra Agro Ind, Kaithal Road, .Pehowa-136128 Straw Reaper”DHANJU-1857” M/s. B.R. Dhanju Engg. Works, Market Thatha Sahib, Teh. Zira, Distt. Ferozpur Straw Reaper”MEHAR-756” M/s.Mehar Agri. Works, Barnala Raikot Road, Wajidke Kalan Barnala-148101 (Pb.) Paddy Harrow 8X8 M/s. Guru nanak Krishi Udyog, Kaithal Road, Main Chowk,Pehowa-136128 Straw Reaper M/s. Jassa Singh & Co., Amritsar Paddy Rice Transplanter M/s. Greaves Cotton Ltd., New Delhi Harrow M/s. Baluja Ind. Safidon STRAW REAPER “JAI SHREE-822” M/s. Jai ShreeVishwakarma Agri. Industries, Dirba Mandi STRAW REAPER “VISHAVKARMA-741” M/s. Vishwakarma Agri. Industries,Dirba mandi. ROTAVATOR “NORTH INDIA-749” Comm Imp-508/1336 April-2011 Comm Imp-509/1337 April-2011 Comm Imp-510/1338 April-2011 54 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 M/s. North Agro Ind., Sangrur Road, Dirba Mandi REAPER “SARDAR” M/s. Roop Agri. Works, Link Road, Near Nirankari Bhawan, Mansa Comm Imp-511/1339 April-2011 Combine-Manpreet-765 M/s. Manpreet Agro. Industries, Rohti Pull, Nabha, Distt. Patiala (Pb.) Zero till Seed Cum fertilizer drill ”Commander-011 Tyne” M/s. Jassa Singh & Sons, Gehri Mandi, Jandiala, Amritsar Zero till Seed Cum fertilizer drill”Kamboj” M/s. Kamboj Mechanical Works, Ramdas, Distt. Amritsar Zero till Seed Cum fertilizer drill”Sonalika” M/s. Sonalika Agro. Industreis Corpn., 6-Industrial Estate, Jlandhar Road, Hosiarpur Comm Comb-57/1340 May-2011 Pal-977 Self Propelled Combine Harvester M/s. Pardeep Agro. Industries, Vill. Assarpur, Seel Road, PO. Jogipur Near Sannaur-147001, Distt. Patiala (Pb. Self Propelled Combine “Bakhsish-930, M/s. Gill Agri. Works, Patiala Road, Ghagga (Pb.) Self Propelled Combine Harvester” Jagdeep-842,” M/s.Jagdeep Agri.Works, Kadial Road, Dirba Mandi , Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) Self Propelled Combine Harvester” K.Rama-1008,” M/s.K.Rama Comb. Pvt. Ltd., SCO 114, FF, Urban Estate, Phase-II, Patiala-147001 Self Propelled Combine Harvester” Preet949-I,” M/s Preet Agro. Ind. Pvt. Ltd., P.O. Box 29, Patiala Road, Nabha-147201 Distt. Patiala (Pb.) “Vikas” Zero Till M/s. Vikas Industries, Sagar (M.P.) “Vikas” Cultivator M/s. Vikas Industries, Sagar (M.P.) Rotry Power Weeder “Pubert MB 25H” M/s. Perfect-Tech Enterprises, L-434, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-110076 Power Spryaer-Cum-Mist Blower “Haritha” M/s. Sri Ganpathi Engg. Company, D. No. 9-05-25, Raipet, Guntur-522001 (a.P.) Engine Operated Power Knapsack Spryaer-YC-82AS M/s. Swarna AgriTech Consultants Engg. Consultant Engg., Plot No. 96, Kamalapuri Colony, Phase-1, D. No. 8-3-833/96, Comm Imp-512/1341 May-2011 Comm Imp-513/1342 May-2011 Comm Imp-514/1343 May-2011 Comm Comb-58/1344 June-2011 Comm Comb-59/1345 June-2011 Comm Comb-60/1346 June-2011 Comm Comb-61/1347 June-2011 Comm Comb-62/1348 June-2011 Comm Imp-515/1349 June-2011 Comm Imp-516/1350 June-2011 Comm Imp-517/1351 July-2011 Comm PS_75/1352 July-2011 Comm PS-76/1353 July-2011 55 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 Srinagar Colony Extension, Hydrabad500073 Engine Operated Power Knapsack Spryaer-YC-268 M” M/s. Swarna AgriTech Consultants Engg. Consultant Engg., Plot No. 96, Kamalapuri Colony, Phase-1, D. No. 8-3-833/96, Srinagar Colony Extension, Hydrabad500073 Engine Operated Power Knapsack Spryaer-“F-708”” M/s. Swarna AgriTech Consultants Engg. Consultant Engg., Plot No. 96, Kamalapuri Colony, Phase-1, D. No. 8-3-833/96, Srinagar Colony Extension, Hydrabad500073 Comm PS-77/1354 July-2011 Comm PS-78/1355 July-2011 Power Operated Mist Blower Cum Duster “Stihl-SR 420” M/s. Andrew Stihl Pvt. Ltd, Gut No. 53/01, Pune Nasik Highway, Near Vijali Logistics, Kuruli, Taluka-Khed, Distt. Pune-410501 Maize Thresher “Kisan” M/s. Hindustan Agro. Corporation, Hoshiayarpur Comm PS-79/1356 July-2011 Comm Imp-518/1357 July-2011 Tractor Powered Combine Harvester” Samrat-530” M/s. S.S. Agro. Tech. Devigarh Road, Patiala Zero Till Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill-11Rows “MMS” M/s. Malout Agri. Works, Sardul Kanchia, Fatehabad Road, Ratia Tractor Operated Power Spryaer”Vishavkarma” M/s. Vishavkarma Agri.Works, Sirsa Road, Sardulgarh Comm Comb-63/1358 August-11 Comm Imp-519/1359 Augus-11t Comm PS-80/1360 August-11 Zero Till Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill11Rows”ASS” M/s. A.S.S. Foundry & Agri. Works, Near Police Station, Jandiala Guru, Distt. Amritsar Zero Till Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill-11Rows ”NEW BHARAT” M/s. New Bharat Agro. Industries, Chandigarh Road. Near Railway Pull, Tohana BCS 4WD Reaper Binder M/s. BCS India Pvt. Ltd., Vill. Mangarh, Kohara Machiwara Road, P.O. Kohara, Ludhiayana-141112 Tractor Operated Power Spryaer”VISHAL” M/s. Vishal Gram Udyog Mandal, G.T.Road, Hansi STRAW REAPER”ANAND” M/s. Anand Engg. Works, Vill Kaku Wala, Distt. Firozpur Comm Imp-520/1361 August-11- Comm Imp-521/1362 August-11 Comm Imp—522/1363 August-11 Comm PS-81/1364 September-2011 Comm Imp-523/1365 September 2011 56 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 Track Type Combine Harvester ”NEW HIRA GAJRAJ-685” M/s. Ram Chand & Sons, Vill. Galwatti, Patiala Road, Nabha-147201, Patiala STRAW REAPER”B.S.-761” M/s. B.S. Agri. Works, Opp. Civil Hospital, Mudki Road, Bagha Purana Distt. Moga (Pb.) STRAW REAPER”JANTA-981” M/s. Janta Agro. Allied Mech. Works, Bhuneheri-147001, Distt. Patiala (Pb.) STRAW REAPER”HUNJAN-2009” M/s. Hunjan Agro. Industries, Malerkotla Road, Opp. Petrol Pump, Kupkakan, Distt. Sangrur-148019 (Pb.) Comm Comb-64/1366 September 2011 Comm Imp-524/1367 September 2011 Comm Imp-525/1368 September 2011 Comm Imp-526/1369 September 2011 STRAW REAPER”MOGA-2009” M/s. Moga Agri. Works, Budhlada Road, Ratia, Distt. Fatehabad (Haryana) STRAW REAPER”SOHAL(DELUXE)-2009” M/s. Sohal Agro. Industries, Dhanaula Mandi, Sangrur Road, Distt. Barnala-148105 STRAW REAPER”MALWA-2009” M/s.Malwa Agro. Industries, Vill. Danewala, Opp. Govt. Primary School, Dhabbawali Road, Malout, Distt. Mukatsar (Pb.) Tractor Operated Sprayer Pump”ZIMIDARA” M/s. Zimidara Agri. Works, Village Sardulgarh Kanchiyan, Fatehabad Road, Teh.Ratia-125051 Tractor Operated Sprayer Pump”VIJETA” M/s. Vijeta Agro. Industries, Chandigarh Road, Tohana-125120 ROTAVATOR “PARMINDER”{ M/s.Dev Agri. Engg. Works, Patiala Road, Nabha-147201, Distt. Patiala ROTAVATOR”SOKHI-6” M/s. Sokhi Agriculture Works, Patiala Road, Moonak-148023 Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) ROTAVATOR”GURDEV-642” M/s. Gurdev Agro. Engg., Sangrur Road, Bhawanigarh-148026 Distt. Sangrur STRAW REAPER”DILNAZ & GURNAZ999” M/s. S.K. Industry, Village Simbal Wala, Teh. Tohana Distt. Fatehabad ROTARY POWER WEEDER”BCS-MC720” M/s.BCS India Pvt. Ltd., Village. Mangarh. PO. Kohara, Machiwara Road, Distt. Ludhiana (Pb.) Comm Imp-527/1370 September 2011 Comm Imp-528/1371 September 2011 Comm Imp-529/1372 September 2011 Comm PS-82/1373 September 2011 Comm PS-83/1374 September 2011 Comm Imp-530/1375 October-11 July-11 Comm Imp-531/1376 October-11 July-11 Comm Imp-532/1377 October-11 July-11 Comm Imp-533/1378 October-11 August-11 Comm Imp-534/1379 October-11 March-11 57 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 ROTARY POWER WEEDER”BCS-MC730” M/s.BCS India Pvt. Ltd., Village. Mangarh. PO. Kohara, Machiwara Road, Distt. Ludhiana (Pb.) ROTAVATOR “S-642 g.t.” M/s. Satwant Agro. Engg., Sangrur Road, Bhawanigarh, Dsitt. Sangrur WHEAT STRAW REAPER’PAL-077” M/s. Pardeep Agro. Industries, Vill. Assarpur, Seel Road, PO. Jogipur Near Sannaur-147001, Distt. Patiala (Pb.) WHEAT STRAW REAPER “GN-61” M/s. Guru Nanak Industries Pvt. Ltd., Patiala Road, Opp. New Grain Market, Rajpura-140401 (Pb.) Tractor Operated Power Sprayer” The Kissan” M/s. The Kissan Agriculture Works, Tosham Road, Hansi, Distt. Hisar Tractor Operated Power Sprayer” Bharat” M/s. Bharat Industries, Bus Stand Road, Hansi, Distt. Hisar Tractor Operated Power Sprayer” Moga,MRW” M/s. Moga Repairing Works, Tohana Road, Ratia-125051, Distt. Fatehabad RAOTAVATOR “SFRC-175” M/s.Sardar Sucha Singh & Sons, Opp. Kotwali, Delhi Road, hapur-245101 (U.P.) Rotary Inter Cultivator Cum Power Weeder “WEIMA-500AM” M/s. Rekha Agriplas Limited, D.No. 30-22-77, Kanakadurga Talkies Road, Seetarampuram, Vijaywada-5200002 (AP) ROTORY POWER WEEDER ”Garuda Mini Weeder 3 pt 600” M/s. Premier Power Equipmensts & Products Pvt. Ltd., 37/1 C, Palladam Road, Pappampatti Coimbatire-641016 HAND OPERATED CONT. KNAPSACK SPRAYER ‘KK-16 L’ M/s. Kisan Kraft Machine Tools Pvt. Ltd., 32/5 C, Vill. Dasemarahalli, P.O. Hebbel, Banglore-560024 ROTAVATOR “JD-642” M/s. J.D.Agro Industries, Sangrur Road, Dhuri, Distt. Sangrur148024 WHEAT STRAW REAPER ’DST-56” M/s. Dasmesh Mechanical Works, Nabha-Melairkotla Road, Amargarh- Comm Imp-535/1380 October-11 March-11 Comm Imp-536/1381 Nov.2011 Comm Imp-537/1382 Nov.2011 Comm Imp-538/1383 Nov.2011 Comm PS-84/1384 Nov.2011 Comm PS-85/1385 Nov.2011 Comm PS-86/1386 Nov.2011 Comm Imp-539/1387 Nov.2011 Comm Imp-540/1388 December-11 Comm Imp-541/1389 December-11 Comm S-210/1390 December-11 Comm Imp-542/1391 December-11 Comm Imp-543/1392 December-11 58 1393 148022 Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) DIESEL FUEL FILTER”FOWLER JFE 47019 E” Confidential C-130/1393 Incomplete December-11 Confidential C-131/1394 Incomplete December-11 Confidential C-132/1395 Incomplete December-11 Comm Imp-544/1396 December-11 Comm Imp-545/1397 February-12 Comm Imp-546/1398 February-12 Comm Imp-547/1399 February-12 Comm PS-87/1400 February-12 Confidential (Incomplete) Imp-548/1401 February-12 Comm PS-88/1402 March-12 Comm PS-89/1403 March-12 M/s. John Fowler (I) Pvt. Ltd., E-31, UPSIIDC, Industrial Area, Selakui, Dehradun-248197 1394 DIESEL FUEL FILTER”FOWLER JFE 47061” M/s. John Fowler (I) Pvt. Ltd., E-31, UPSIIDC, Industrial Area, Selakui, Dehradun-248197 1395 DIESEL FUEL FILTER”FOWLER JFE 27039” M/s. John Fowler (I) Pvt. Ltd., E-31, UPSIIDC, Industrial Area, Selakui, Dehradun-248197 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 SEED DRESSING DRUM’KVSS’ M/s. Krishi Vikas Sahakari Samiti Ltd., 9-10, 3rd Floor, Aggarisain Tower, Central Spine, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur-302012 WHEAT STRAW REAPER ”VISHAVKARMA-741” M/s. Vishavkarma Agro. Industries, Kadial Road, Dirba-148035 Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) ROTAVATOR”VISHAVKARMA-741” M/s. Vishavkarma Agro. Industries, Kadial Road, Dirba-148035 Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) ROTAVATOR”JAGDEEP-742” M/s. Jagdeep Agro. Industries, Kadial Road, Dirba-148035 Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) TRACTOR OPERATED POWER SPRAYER “VIRDI” M/s. Barwala Engg. Agro. Industries, Hansi Road, Barwala, Distt. Hisar WHEAT STRAW REAPER”MRW GOLDEN-2009” M/s. Moga Repairing Works, Tohana Road, Ratia-125051 TRACTOR OPERATED POWER SPRAYER M/s. Moga Agri. Works, Budhlada Road, Ratia TRACTOR OPERATED POWER SPRAYER M/s. Nandha Agri. Works, Tohana Road, Ratia TRACTOR OPERATED POWER SPRAYER M/s. Sewa Ram Agri. Works, G.T.Road, Bhuna More, Fatehabad Distt. Fatehabad (Haryana) ROTARY POWER WEEDER”KK-CRT550D” M/s. Kisan Kraft Machine Tools Pvt. Ltd., 32/5-C, Dasarahalli Main Road, H.A.Farm, P.O. Hebbal, Bangalore-560024 ROTARY POWER WEEDER”KK-SRT- Comm March-12 PS-90/1404 Comm Imp-549/1405 March-12 Comm Imp-550/1406 March-12 59 1407 1408 1409 910D” M/s. Kisan Kraft Machine Tools Pvt. Ltd., 32/5-C, Dasarahalli Main Road, H.A.Farm, P.O. Hebbal, Bangalore-560024 ROTARY TILLER”MH-195” M/s.Ratnagiri Impex Pvt. Ltd, No.1/1G, New Guddadahalli, 7 th Cross, Mysore Road, Bangalore-560026 ROTARY TILLER “ASPEE-RT-5 B” M/s. American Spring & Pressing Works Pvt. Ltd., ASPEE House, B.J.Patel Road, P.O.Box No. 7602, Malad (W), Mumbai-64 POWER OPERATED BRUSH CUTTER “GREAVES-GSC-G-530” Comm Imp-551/1407 March-12 Comm Imp-552/1408 March-12 Comm Imp-553/1409 March-12 Imp-554/1410 March-12 M/s. Greaves Cotton Ltd, Petrol Engine Unit, F 62 & 63, Sipcot, Industrial Complex, Gunindipondi-601201 (Tamilnadu) 1410 TRACTOR OPERATED POST HOLE DIGGER “KISCO” M/s. Kalsi Industries, G.T.Road, Sahabad Markanda Distt. Kurushetra-136135 1411 Power Weeder ST-75A M/s. American Spring & Pressing Works Pvt.Ltd. Malad (Mumbai) Comm. IMP-555/1411 April,12 1412 Battery Operated Knapsack Sprayer “Macop Electra-e” M/s. Macop Graphic Corporation, X/1719, Satnam Road, Rajgarh, Delhi110031 Comm. S-211/1412 April,12 1413 Engine Kirloskar-6 R 1080 TA1 BS-III M/s Gen Powers, Authorised Sales & Service Dealer B—1,2,3, Buddhadal Shopping Comples, Lower mall, Opp. Modi College, Distt. Patiala-147101 RICE TRANSPLANTER“CLAAS (PADDY PANTHER-14)”(SELF PROPELLEDWALKING TYPE) M/s. Claas India Pvt. Ltd., Morinda By-Pass, NH-95, Village Marauli Kalan, Morinda-140101 Distt. Ropar (Pb.) TRACTOR DRAWN ROUND BALER “REDLANDS-SBA 330” M/s. Redlands Ashlyn Motors PLC, Redland House, Karikkath Lane, M.G.Road, Trissure-680001 (Kerala) Battery operated Knapsack Sprayer”Govind Agrimax-Electro Max GBC-16-C-I” M/s GRL International Ltd., 418-422, Creative Industrial Estate, N.M.Joshi Marg, Lower Parla, Mumbai Hand operated Knapsack Sprayer”Sathi GMS 16-BA”M/s GRL International Ltd., Comm. E-117/1413 May-12 Comm. Imp-556/1414 May-12 Comm. Imp-557/1415 May-12 Comm. S-211/1416 August-12 Comm. S-212/1417 August-12 1414 1415 1416 1417 Comm 60 418-422, Creative Industrial Estate, N.M.Joshi Marg, Lower Parla, Mumbai 1418 Self Propelled combine Harvester”DASMESH-6100” Comm. Comb-65/1418 August-12 Comm. Comb-66/1419 August-12 Comm. Comb-67/1420 August-12 M/s. Dasmesh Mech. Works Pvt. Ltd., Raikot Road, Malerkotla-148023 1419 Self Propelled combine Harvester”DAW931” M/s. Dasmesh Agri. Works, Amloh Road, Chehal, 1420 Self Propelled combine Harvester”RAMGARHIA-8500” M/s. Ramgarhia Engg. Works, Nabha Road, Bhadson, 1421 Self Propelled combine Harvester“Gurdial- Comm. Comb-68/1421 August-12 1422 651” M/s. New Gurdail Agro. Industries Pvt. Ltd, Near Rohti Pul, Patiala Road, Nabha Self Propelled combine Harvester “New Matharu-5100” M/s. Matharu Agro. Tech. Zira Road, Satiyawala, Firozpur-152002 Comm. Comb-69/1422 August-12 Comm. Comb-70/1423 August-12 Comm. Comb-71/1424 August-12 Comm. Comb-72/1425 August-12 Comm. Comb-73/1426 August-12 Comm. Comb-74/1427 August-12 Comm. Comb-75/1428 August-12 Comm. Comb-76/1429 August-12 1423 Tractor Operated Combine Harvester”AMRIT-795” M/s. Jaswant Agri. Works, Sangrur Road, Sunam-148028, Distt. Sangrur 1424 Self Propelled combine Harvester”GNI961” M/s. Guru Nanak Ind. Pvt. Ltd., Patialt Road, Opp New Grain Market,Rajpura Town-140401 1425 Self Propelled combine Harvester (TRACK TYPE) “TSC-513 Classic” M/s. Standard Corpn. India Ltd., (Combine Division) Handiaya Chowk, Barnala-148101 1426 Tractor Operated Combine Harvester “Farmline TDC-3900” M/s. Farmline Agri. Equipment, Chaunda Road.Amargarh Distt. Sangrur-148022 1427 Self Propelled combine Harvester “Farmline MAXX-4900”M/s. Farmline Agri. Equipment, Chaunda Road.Amargarh Distt. Sangrur-148022 1428 Self Propelled combine Harvester“Gurbaaz-652” M/s. Patiala Discs Cropn., Patiala By Pass Road, Near RTTC, Village Neelpur, Rajpura-140401 1429 Tractor Operated Combine Harvester “New Hira-516” M/s. Ram Chand & Sons, Patiala Road, Nabha-147201 Distt. Patiala 61 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 Baler-“Markeant-55” M/s. Class India Pvt. Ltd, Faridabad HAPPY SEEDER”SATWANT-9 ROWS” M/s. Satwant Agri Engg, Bhawanigarh HAPPY SEEDER”KAMBOJ-11 ROWS” M/s. Kamboj Mech.Works, Ramdas HAPPY SEEDER”VIRDI-10 ROWS” M/s. Virdi Agro Tech. Patran HAPPY SEEDER”NOOR-10 ROWS” M/s. Khalsa Agri. Industries, Tohana ENGINE OPRATED POWER KANPSACK SPRAYER”ASM-779”! M/s. Navyug Krishi Sadan Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai TRAVELLER IRRIGATOR”IRRILAND SILVER 75/250-G” M/s. Automat India Pvt. Ltd, Delhi Comm. Imp-558/1430 August-12 Comm. Imp-559/1431 August-12 Comm. Imp-560/1432 August-12 Comm. Imp-561/1433 August-12 Comm. Imp-562/1434 August-12 Comm. PS-91/1435 August-12 Comm. Imp-563/1436 August-12 Self Propelled combine Harvester”DASMESH-726-SW (VARIANT)” Comm. Comb-77/1437 August-12 Imp-564/1438 October-12 Comm. Imp-565/1439 October-12 Comm. Imp-566/1440 October-12 Comm. Imp-567/1441 October-12 Comm. S-213/1442 October-12 Comm. Imp-568/1443 October-12 October-12 M/s. Dasmesh Mech. Works Pvt. Ltd., Raikot Road, Malerkotla-148023 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 B.T.Cotton Seed Cum Fertilizer Planter’Prince’ M/s. Vishvakarma Engineering Works, Bhuna Road, Uklana Mandi-125113 Distt. Hisar (HYN) B.T.Cotton Seed Cum Fertilizer Planter’Taj’ M/s. Taj Engineering Works, Near Railway Gate, Daulatpur Road, Uklana Mandi-125113, Distt. Hisar (HYN) B.T.Cotton Seed Cum Fertilizer Planter ’Thethi’ M/s. Thethi Agri. Implements, Uklana Mandi-125113, Distt. Fathebad (HYN) B.T.Cotton Seed Cum Fertilizer Planter ’New Punjab’ M/s. New Punjab Agri. Works, Near Govt. High School, Shahpur Begu-125050, Distt Sirsa (HYN) HAND OPERATED KNAPSACK SPRAYER ‘STIHL SG-20, M/s. Andreas Stihl Ltd, Gut No. 53/01, Pune Nasik Highway, Near Vijay Logistics Kuruli, Tal Khed, Distt. Pune-415501 B.T.Cotton Seed Cum Fertilizer Planter ’Ajit’ M/s. Ajit Agro Industries, Comm. 62 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 Railway Road, Near PNB Bank, Tohana-125120, Distt. Fathebad Power Operated Brush Cutter ‘ Honda UMK-435 T M/s.Honda Siel Power Products Ltd, Plot No, 5, Sector 41 (Kasna), Greater Noida, Industrial Development Area, Gautam Bhud Nagar-201310 (U.P.) B.T.Cotton Seed Cum Fertilizer Planter ’Paras’ M/s. Choyal Agro Industries, Bhuna Road, Uklana-125113, Distt. Fathebad (HYN) B.T.Cotton Seed Cum Fertilizer Planter ’Malwa’ M/s. Malwa Agriculture Repairing Works, Chandigarh Road, Tohana-125120 Distt. Hisar (HYN) Bettry Operated Knapsack Sprayer’H-805’’ M/s. Hymatic Agro Equipment Pvt. Ltd., A-64, Sector-2, Noida (U.P) Self Propelled Combine Harvester “KALSI-999” M/s. Kalsi Engg. Works (Regd), Nabha, Distt. Patiala Rotavator “Dilnaz & Gurnaz-999” M/s. S.K.Industries, Tohana Road, Vill. Simbalwala-125001 Distt.Fatehabad (Haryana) Rotavator “GOBIND-7’ ” M/s. Gobind Agri. Works, Deviwala Road, Kothkapura-151204 Distt. Faridkot (Pb.) Rotavator “BHAI-BELHO-7’ ” M/s. Bhai Belho Agri. Works, Vill. Phaphre Bhaike, Distt. Mansa-151505 (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE ”KRANTI-756 XH” M/s. K. S. Agro Tech Pvt. Ltd., Raikot Road, Malerkotla-148023 Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE ”AZAD-771” M/s. Azad Metals Pvt. Ltd., Narwana Road, Patran-147105 Distt. Patiala (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE ”GOBIND-756 DB” M/s. Gobind Agri. Works, Deviwala Road, Kothkapura-151204 Distt. Faridkot (Pb.) B.T. Cotton Seed Cum Fertilizer Planter “KHANDERWAL (KAI)” M/s. Khanderwal Agro Industries, By Pass Road, Uchana Mandi-126115 Distt. Jind (Haryana) B.T. Cotton Seed Cum Fertilizer Planter “BHARAT” Conf. Imp-569/1444 (Confidential) October-12 Comm. Imp-570/1445 October-12 Comm. Imp-571/1446 October-12 Comm S-214/1447 October-12 Comm Comb-78/1448 Dece.12 Comm Imp-572/1449 Dece.12 Comm Imp-573/1450 Dece.12 Comm Imp-574/1451 Dece.12 Comm Imp-575/1452 Dece.12 Comm Imp-576/1453 Dece.12 Comm Imp-577/1454 Dece.12 Comm Imp-578/1455 Dece.12 Comm Imp-579/1456 Dece.12 63 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 M/s. Bharat Agro Industries, By Pass Road, Uchana-126115 Distt. Jind (Haryana) STRAW REAPER COMBINE “MANKU-744” M/s. New Manku Agri. Works, Barnala Road, Pakhokanchan, Disstt. Barnala-148103 (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE “MANKU-571” M/s. Manku Agro. Tech., Barnala Road, Pakhokanchan, Disstt. Barnala-148103 (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE “ANAND-761” M/s. Gurunanak Agri. Works Corporation, Near Bus Stand, K.K.P. Road, Bagha puran, Distt. Moga (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE “JALLAY-856” M/s. Jallay Agri. Works, Kauhiram Road, Dirba Mandi Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE “SHIV SHAKTI” M/s. Shiv Shakti Agri. Implements, New Karnal Road, Amargarh Gamri, Kaithal-136027 Rotavator “SUPER-5’ ” M/s. Supertech Agro Industries, Road No. 6, Plot No. 118,119,120 Opp. Odhav Octroi Naka Kathwada, GIDC Estate, Distt. Ahmedabad-382430 Rotavator “BALWANT-748 ” M/s. Balwant Agri. Works, Patiala Road, Sunam Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) Tractor Operated Power Sprayer “ANURAG-274” M/s. Rar Agro Industries, Uklana-Bhuna Road, Vill. Saniyana, Distt. Fatehabad (Haryana) Hand Operated Knapsack Sprayer “INTER-16 GREEN” M/s. Namdeo Umaji Industrial Company, 1205/4 Alankar, 1 st Floor, Opp. Sambha Ji Park, Shivaji Nagar, Pune-410501 STRAW REAPER COMBINE “NEW BHARAT-330” M/s. . Bharat Agro Industries, Near Arai Majra, Sanaur Road, Patiala Distt. Patiala-147001 (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE “LAND POWER” M/s. Land Power Agro Tech Pvt. Ltd., G.T.Road, Bughipura Chowk, Moga-142001 (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE “KAMBOJ-862” M/s. Kamboj Mech Works, Comm Imp-580/1457 Dece.12 Comm Imp-581/1458 Dece.12 Comm Imp-582/1459 Dece.12 Comm Imp-583/1460 Dece.12 Comm Imp-584/1461 Dece.12 Comm Imp-585/1462 Dece.12 Comm Imp-5861463 Dece.12 Comm PS-92/1464 Dece.12 Comm S-215/1465 Dece.12 Comm Imp-587/1466 Dece.12 Comm Imp-588/1467 Dece.12 Comm Imp-589/1468 Dece.12 64 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 VPO. Ramdas-143603 Distt. Amritsar (Pb.) Rotavator “AEW-786” M/s. Anil Engg. Agri. Works, Near Power House, Jagadhari Road, Bilaspur, Yamunanagar-135102 (HYN) STRAW REAPER COMBINE “HIRA-567” M/s. Hira Combines (P) Ltd, Cantt. Road, Nabha Distt. Patiala (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE “HI-CLASS-723” M/s. K. R. Agriculture Works, Near Stamdard Chowk, Handiaya Road, Barnala-148101 STRAW REAPER COMBINE “MANKU-939” M/s. Manku Mech. & Agri. Works, Near Petrol Pump, Barnala Road, Pakhokanchan, Disstt. Barnala-148108 (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE “SHAKTIVEER-956” M/s. Veer Machinery Works Pvt. Ltd., Gonda Road, Khair-202138 Distt. Aligarh (U.P.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE “HINDUSTAN-772” M/s. Hindustan Agri. Works, Sampla Road, Kharkhoda-131402 Distt. Sonepat (Haryana) STRAW REAPER COMBINE”RAMGARHIA-850” M/s. Ramgarhia Engg. Works, Nabha Road, Bhadson-147202 Distt. Patiala (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE”AS-667” M/s. A.S. Agro Industries, VPO. Mandaur-147001 Distt. Patiala (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE”SURINDERA-731” M/s. Surindera Agro. Industries, Cantt. Road, Nabha-147201 Distt. Patiala (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE”HARVINDERA” M/s. New Sohal Agro Industries, Barnala Road, Vill. Badrukhan-148001 Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE”VIRDI” M/s. Virdi Agro Tech., Sangrur Road, Patran-147105 Distt. Patiala (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE”GURDIAL651” M/s. New Gurdial Agro Industries, Patiala Road. Nabha-147201 Distt. Patiala (Pb.) Comm Imp-590/1469 Dece.12 Comm Imp-591/1470 Dece.12 Comm Imp-5921471 Dece.12 Comm Imp-593/1472 Dece.12 Comm Imp-594/1473 Dece.12 Comm Imp-595/1474 Dece.12 Comm Imp-596/1475 January-13 Comm Imp-597/1476 January-13 Comm Imp-598/1477 January-13 Comm Imp-599/1478 January-13 Comm Imp-600/1479 January-13 January-13 Comm Imp-601/1480 January-13 January-13 65 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 STRAW REAPER COMBINE”J.S.Dhanju56” M/s. J.S.& Brothers, Market Tathasahib, Teh. Zira Distt. Ferizpur (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE”NEW HIRA556” M/s.Ramchand & Sons., Patiala Road, Nabha-147201 Distt. Patiala (Pb.) Rotavator”VISHWAKARMA-7’ ” M/s. Vishwakarma Agro Industries, S.U.C. Collage Road, Sunam-148023 Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) Hand Operated Knapsack Sprayer”MAJOR” M/s. Jai maa Industries (Regd.) 1st Mile Stone, Near Ganesh Colony, Hisar Road, Bhuna-125011 Distt. Fatehabad (Haryana) ROTAVATOR”SFRM-G-200” M/s. S. Suchcha Singh & Sons, Opp. Kotwali, Delhi Road, Hapur-245101 (U.P.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE”MANKU608” M/s. Manku Agri. Works, Barnala Road, Pakhokanchina, Distt. Barnala-148108 (Pb.) STRAW REAPER COMBINE”SATWANT525” M/s. Satwant Agro. Engg., Sangrur Road, Bhawanigarh-148026 Distt. Sangrur (Pb.) Comm Imp-602/1481 January-13 Comm Imp-603/1482 January-13 January-13 Comm Imp-604/1483 January-13 Comm S-216/1484 January-13 Comm Imp-605/1485 January-13 January-13 Comm Imp-606/1486 January-13 January-13 Comm Imp-607/1487 January-13 January-13 66