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FRENCH III / 201 (4 credits)
Fall 2006
F 201-01 : M. W. F : 11:00-11:50 AM Chapel Basement 16
F 201-11 : M. W. F : 01:00-01:50 PM Chapel Basement 16
Professeur : (Mme/Dr.) Anne Larsen
Martha Miller Center 222 / ext. 7961/
Office hours: MW 2:00-2:50 AM, F 10:00-10:30 AM
and by appointment
TA (Assistante) : Mlle Fiona Eraud
French House: 395-6560 (Columbia and 14th St.)
Hours posted outside office at Martha Miller Center 209
and by appointment
Class Web Site: French III (user name: frenchconn, password: crepes)
Welcome to French III!
The Majority of you are here because you have been placed into French III or because
you took French II at Hope. Most of you have had 3 to 4 years of High School French,
some having had their last French class their senior year in high school and some their
junior year. Some of you are better at speaking and understanding French, while others
do better at writing and reading French.
This class is designed for all of you. It is a video-based course whose PRIMARY
aim is to help you develop listening and speaking skills through video viewing and
intensive work in group/pair interaction. By the end of the semester, most of you
should be feeling comfortable at hearing French, understanding it, and speaking it at an
intermediate level. This does not mean fluency, for that you will need to study and live in
a French-speaking country for at least a term.
We’ll be viewing each week a filmed-on-location feuilleton or serial in which
we’ll meet the above characters, Pascal, Julie, and Benoît, and many of their friends.
We will hear and see them at home, at work, at play, and we’ll get involved with
issues in their lives like finding an apartment mate, getting hired for a job, or just getting
along with each other.
We’ll also review basic grammatical structures found in the dialogues and we’ll
practice a lot of spoken, ordinary, every-day French.
While the main emphasis of the class is on spoken French, there are 3 other
ways in which each person in this class will get to improve his/her French this term.
Each will:
* Improve written and grammatical accuracy through grammar review, practice of
mechanical exercises, and some writing,
* Build passive (words we recognize) and active (words we know how to use)
vocabulary through reading and discussion,
* Challenge her/himself to think, analyze, and question in order to give informed and
intelligent opinions, a skill needed in other classes and in every-day living.
You’ll find your comprehension improving dramatically if you:
 Are diligent in taking class notes. You should routinely fill, before and during a
class, a page of your personal notebook with:
 Sentences you hear and want to be able to repeat;
 words you want to look up later in the dictionary;
 verbs you need to check for correct conjugations;
 grammar outlines from each of the chapters of your main textbook and Supplement;
 all examples written on the board/overhead projector;
 questions your instructor asks the class; questions you want to ask.
 Faithfully do the preps both before and after viewing the video;
 Make flash cards for new vocabulary (this is a great way to learn new vocab)
  Seek opportunities in conversation/drill with Fiona and me to express yourself
 Work often with Fiona and if you're having difficulty, GET HELP EARLY!
I have prepared the syllabus with the understanding that a course can benefit from
experimentation and change. There is room for change during the semester and you will
have the opportunity to offer anonymous evaluations to make the course more creative
and more responsive to your needs and your progress.
Nitty Gritty
Your prof. for this course is me, Anne Larsen. You can call me Prof./Dr. Larsen or
Ms./Mrs. Larsen, or Prof Anne, or simply Madame.... The BEST WAY TO REACH ME
is by email: My address on campus, office number and home number
are at the start of this syllabus. My office hours too. FEEL FREE TO MAKE AN
We have a wonderful student teaching assistant—Fiona Eraud. She’s a native
French student from Nantes (Nantes has one of the six Hope centers in France for French
studies). Fiona will teach your "drill" class (actually a conversation class).
Her role is to assist with the conversational aspects of our main textbook. She
will post her 6 "office hours" a week on her office door (MMC 209). She can help you
with assignments (exception: compositions), pronunciation, and preparation for exams.
She is dynamic, very generous and caring, approachable and kind. You can turn to her for
all kinds of support, for ideas, for a shoulder to lean on when you are frustrated with me
or the course! She is going to be an important player in this course, so get to know her.
Her email address is:
Be sure to consult her regularly this term. She can really help you.
The conversation/drill class is an integral part of the course. You’ll be graded
on your oral participation and interaction in class (speaking, offering points, and asking
questions). So take advantage of this neat opportunity to speak with a native French
Co-curricular activities are part of your final grade. They are not extra
activities. You get to choose two from the French program offered during the semester. (5
pts. Extra for any third choice from the French program).
1. You don't have to understand every word. Use what you do understand of the
reading to "fill in" what you don't understand:
-SKIM a new reading (quick read-through of the passage to get a general sense: who?
what? when? where?)
-SCAN for different bits of information (for ex., circle all the adjectives that tell you
something about the character)
-GUESS from the context (figure out the meaning of one unknown word in a sentence
where you already know the other words; guessing from the context means not jumping
to the glossary or dictionary, but waiting until the context develops)
-FOCUS on the verb endings: knowing whether the passage is narrating in past, future, or
present time will immediately establish a frame of reference for you
-USING THE DICTIONARY: identify the part of speech you are looking for (verb,
noun, adjective, etc.?); define the verb (is it an infinitive, a conjugated verb, a reflexive
verb?); always keep in mind the context.
2. Form an opinion about what you understand.
What do you like about the poem or the story? What don't you like? Jot down
your impressions for discussion. Don't be afraid to express yourself. There is no one
correct answer. You will not be graded on your opinions, but on the clarity of your
General suggestions
1. Set personal goals for yourself.
What do you hope to achieve in this class? How do you want to improve? Set
small goals as well as larger ones. Check your goal list often so that you can see the
progress that you are making.
2. Daily work is best to achieve results.
You should plan on spending about 2 hours for each hour in class. This does
not mean that you have to sit for 2 hrs straight in front of your books. Some students do
fine by breaking up their study time.
3. Read carefully my comments on your tests and compositions.
However, if you want comments on your progress, you need to see me. I am available all
term during office hours and by appointment. So don't hesitate to come see me about any
questions and concerns you have. I am here to help you!
* * *
3 examens or unit tests…………………………. 150 pts
(No make-ups)
Final written exam…………………………….
(No make-ups)
100 pts
5 vocabulary with- or- without grammar quizzes…. 80 pts
(no make-ups; lowest score dropped)
3 oral interviews……………………………
2 compositions……………………………….
40 pts
Conversation/Drill Class……………………….
attendance/participation grade:
-12 sessions (5 pts each)
-Grading by the native assistant over 5 pts.
60 pts
See attendance policy for the course.
Co-curricular participation: choice of two activities…..
(A third activity will earn you +5 extra points)
20 pts
End-of-term portfolio……………………….………+5 extra points
(Includes the 3 rewritten compositions and the 3 corrected unit tests )
TOTAL POINTS……………………………………………600 points
(Total number of possible extra points.....................................10 pts)
Grading Scale: A: 100-94; A-: 93-90; B+: 89-87; B: 86-84; B-: 83-80; C+: 7977; C: 76-74; C-: 73-70; D+: 69-67; D: 66-64; D-: 63-60.
Class attendance and homework influence your grade to this extent:
-- You are expected to prepare all your assigned work prior to class,
5 pts will be deducted each time you are not prepared.
-- you are allowed 2 absences from main classes, except on days with quizzes
and exams; no absences are allowed from drill classes.
-- after 2 absences, if you are to miss a main class or a drill class, you need to
contact me ASAP to find out whether the absence is excused or unexcused.
For the absence to be excused, you need to provide me with a note from a doctor,
or a professor or a coach; for some problem other than illness, you need to
contact me in advance of the class you are to miss (by phone call or e-mail).
You can only make up the drill class by attending another section. You will
receive only a partial credit of 3 pts (you must let the native assistant know
beforehand of your absence. Not doing so will mean a loss of 5 pts for the
-- 2 unexcused absences will result in your final grade for the course being
lowered by one full letter grade (i.e. A to A-, B+ to B, etc.), even if all your work
is turned in and is perfect; 4 unexcused absences will mean an automatic C, and 6
unexcused absences a D for the course.
-3 late arrivals (walking in more than 10 minutes late) will count as an absence
and will result each time in receiving only half credit for the assignment (should
one be due).
-No work can be made up. I will collect all assignments at the beginning of class.
-If you miss class, it’s your responsibility to obtain materials if any are handed out
that day.
5 pts.
4 pts
A student receiving a 5 comes to class prepared; contributes readily to the conversation
but doesn't dominate it; makes thoughtful contributions that advance the discussion;
shows interest in and respect for others' views; participates actively in small groups.
A student receiving a 4 comes to class prepared and makes thoughtful comments when
called upon; contributes occasionally without prompting; shows interest in and respect
for others' views; participates actively in small groups. A 4 score may also be appropriate
to an active participant whose contributions are less developed or cogent than those of a 5
but still advance the conversation.
A student receiving an 3 comes to class prepared, but does not voluntarily contribute to
discussions and gives only minimal answers when called upon. Nevertheless these
students show interest in the discussion, listen attentively, and take notes. Students in this
category may be shy or introverted. The instructor may choose to give such students a 3
if they participate fully in small group discussions or if they make progress in
2-1 pts
0 pts
overcoming shyness as the course progresses.
A student receiving a 2 or 1 participates in discussion, but in a problematic way. Such
students may talk too much, make rambling or tangential contributions, continually
interrupt the instructor with digressive questions, bluff their way when unprepared, or
otherwise dominate discussions, not acknowledging cues of annoyance from instructor or
Students in this range often seem on the margins of the class and may have a negative
effect on the participation of others. Students receiving a 0 often don't participate because
they haven't read the material or done the homework. Students receiving a 0 may be
actually disruptive, radiating negative energy via hostile or bored body language, or be
overtly rude.
(Adapted from John C. Bean and Dean Paterson, "Grading Classroom Participation," in Changing the Way
We Grade Student Performance. Jossey Bass 1998 page 36)
Advice from Former French 201 Students (Spring 2006)
What did you find beneficial about this course?
“It helped me to solidify things that I already learned”
“I really liked the textbook and the integrated video”
“The supplement book helped a lot. I referred to that book for information more than I
referred to the Reflets book”
What advice would you give to a friend who is planning on taking the course?
“Be prepared to spend a lot of time outside of class on homework”
“Don’t fall behind, study hard, work with the native assistant and the prof for
pronunciation and general questions”
“There’s a lot of homework, but it is also very beneficial to the class”
Advice from Prof. Larsen. Decide to enjoy the work. Then it’s not ‘work.’ Relax and
have a good time. And come and see me! I’m here to help.
 Capelle and Gidon, Reflets 1, and the CD
 3-ring binder
 Recommended: The Collins-Robert French Dictionary
or Harper’s Modern-College French and English Dictionary
All class preps or devoirs are to be done before class, for the date indicated.
 Assignments include learning the new vocab words for each video episode,
reading the dialogue and listening to it on your CD, outlining in your
notebook the grammar of each episode, doing the exercises, and preparing
for all quizzes and exams. Be prepared to turn in homework when asked.
 We will not cover in class every grammatical exercise assigned because much of
it is a review of the basics. You will review on your own these elements of
grammar that need not take up valuable class time.
 This class will typically require 5 to 6 hours outside of class –plan on it!
SUP: Supplement (course packet)
REF: Reflets
CWS: Class Web Site (user name: frenchconn; password: crepes)
PREMIERE SEMAINE (Pas de cours de conversation/ no drill cette semaine)
Me 30
Introduction au cours, présentations.
Lecture (reading) et signature du syllabus (sign course contract)
DOSSIER 1, Episode 1 (REF, p. 14-15)
1). Ecoutez le dialogue sur CD (listen to the dialogue on your CD)
2). Apprenez le vocabulaire SUP p.2 (flash card !)
3). Révisez (review of basic grammar) : REF p.17- 18 + exercices 1-5,7 ;
SUP : p.32, 34, 40 (highlight what’s new to you; we will review these
pages again later in the course), p. 40a: ex. 1
SUP p. 41c
Episode 1, Cahier d’exercices at end of SUP (answers on CWS)
Commencez votre composition # 1
Quiz # 1 (Vocab. // Grammaire)
Cours de Conversation # 1 (apportez toujours votre livre Reflets et votre cahier
d’exercices (SUP) dans le cours de Julie).
Me 6
Episode 2. Ecoutez plusieurs fois le CD (REF p. 22-23)
1). Vocab. SUP p.3-4
2). Grammaire : REF p.25 article définis/indéfinis, ex. 1, 2 p.25 ; avoir, les
adjectifs. possessifs : ex. 9 p.26
3). SUP : p.37-39a
Last day to enroll for credit/last day to drop courses.
1). Exercices: Episode 2, Cahier, end of SUP (answers on CWS)
2). Lisez p. 28 de Reflets
3). Rendez la Composition # 1
L 11
DOSSIER 2, Episode 3 Ecoutez plusieurs fois le CD (REF, p. 30-31)
1). Vocab. SUP p.5-6
2). Grammaire : REF p. 33-34 : le présent, l’impératif, qui est-ce ?.
+ SUP p.41-42
3). Exercices : Episode 3, Cahier, end of SUP (answers on CWS)
Cours de Conversation # 2
Lisez REF p. 36 ex. 3, et 37, ex. 3
Me 13
Episode 4 Ecoutez plusieurs fois le CD (REF : 38-39)
1). Quiz # 2 (Vocab et Grammaire des Episodes 2 et 3)
2). Vocab de l’Episode 4, SUP p.7-8
3). Grammaire : p. 41-42 : le pluriel, quel, ne pas, les adjectifs : ex. 1, 5
+ SUP p.43-44, p. 46 ex. 6
4). Exercices : Episode 4, Cahier, end of SUP (answers on CWS)
V 15
Lisez REF p. 44 ex. 1-2
Etape culturelle 1
L 18
Révisions / jeux
Cours de Conversation # 3
Me 20
Contrôle # 1
J 21
V 22
Examen Oral
Examen Oral (pas de classe)
L 25
DOSSIER 3, Episode 5 Ecoutez plusieurs fois le CD + répondez aux
Questions sur CWS)
1). Vocab : Episode 5, SUP p.9-10
2). Grammaire p. 49-50 : faire, jouer, contractions, aller, lire, dire.Ex. 4, 5,
p. 49, ex 6 p.50 + SUP p. 50-52
Cours de Conversation # 4
Me 27
1). Lisez REF p. 52 ex. 2, 4
2). Révisez le vocabulaire p. 53
3). Exercices : Episode 5, Cahier end of SUP (answers on CWS)
Episode 6. Ecoutez plusieurs fois le CD + Q sur CWS
1). Vocab de l’épisode 6, SUP p. 11-12
2). Grammaire p. 57-58 : venir, prépositions et noms de lieux, le féminin,
finir, sortir, partir, ex. 3 p.57, 7 p. 58 + SUP p.47-49
1). Exercices : Episode 6, Cahier (réponses sur CWS)
2). Quiz # 3 (Vocabulaire et Grammaire des Episodes 4, 5 et 6)
Cours de Conversation # 5
Me 4
DOSSIER 4. Episode 7 Ecoutez plusieurs fois le CD
1). Vocab. Episode 7, SUP. p 13-14
2). Grammaire p. 65-66 : il y a, l’heure, si + présent, mettre et prendre,
ex : 3, 4 p. 65
1). Exercices : Episode 7, Cahier SUP (reponses sur CWS)
2). Etape culturelle 2
 Petites Vacances d’Automne 
M 11
1). Episode 8 Ecoutez plusieurs fois le CD + Q sur CWS
2). Vocab. Episode 8, SUP p.15-16
3). Grammaire p. 73 : le passé composé, les adverbes de fréquence, ex. 2-3
+ SUP p. 53
4). Quiz # 4 (Vocabulaire, grammaire de l’épisode 7)
Pas de Cours de Conversation cette semaine
V 13
1). SUP : p. 53b, ex. 1, 2 ; p. 54, p. 53, ex. III, IV
2). Exercices : Episode 8, Cahier et CWS
2). Commencez la Composition # 2
(More to come !)
L 16
DOSSIER 5, Episode 9 Ecoutez plusieurs fois le CD + Q sur CWS
1). Vocabulaire Episode 9, SUP p. 17-18
2). Grammaire p. 81-82 ex. 2, 3 p.81
+ SUP p. 54-55, p. 55b ex. I, II, p. 55c ex. 1, p. 55d ex. 8
Cours de Conversation # 6
L’Imparfait. SUP p. 58a ex. 1, 3, p. 58b ex. 4, 6, p. 58c ex. 117
Me 18
Episode 10 Ecoutez plusieurs fois le CD + Q sur CWS
1). Vocabulaire Episode 10, SUP p. 19-20
2). Grammaire p. 89 ex. 3, + SUP p.61 le futur
V 20
1). Exercices : Episode 10, Cahier et CWS
2). Quiz # 5 (Vocabulaire et Grammaire des Episodes 8,9 et 10)
3). Révisions pour le contrôle # 2
L 23
Contrôle # 2
Rendez la composition 2 aujourd’hui ou vendredi 27
Cours de Conversation # 7
Me 25
Chicago : Art Institute
J 26
V 27
Examen Oral
Examen Oral (pas de classe)
L 30
DOSSIER 6, Episode 11 Ecoutez plusieurs fois le CD + Q sur CWS
1). Vocabulaire Episode 11, SUP. p. 21-22
2). Grammaire p 97-98. Vouloir, pouvoir, les pronoms personnels
compléments d’objet direct (le, la, les), l’accord du participe passé ; Ex 1
p. 97, 8 p.98 + SUP p. 62-63, p. 67a
Cours de Conversation # 8
Me 1
1). Exercices : Episode 11, Cahier et CWS
Etape culturelle 3
Episode 12 Ecoutez plusieurs fois le CD + Q sur CWS
1). Vocabulaire Episode 12, SUP.p. 23-24
2). Grammaire p.105-106. Pronoms personnels compléments d’objet
indirect (lui, leur) ; Ex 1, 2,5, 6 p.105 + SUP p.64-67
Cours de Conversation # 9
Me 8
1). Exercices : Episode 12, Cahier et CWS
V 11
DOSSIER 7, Episode 13 Ecoutez plusieurs fois le CD
1) Vocabulaire Episode 13, SUP.p. 25-26
2). Grammaire p113-114. Boire, pronom en, articles partitifs ; Ex 1p.113 +
SUP p. 68
L 13
1). SUP p. 68c, d, e
2). Révisions pour le Contrôle # 3
Cours de Conversation # 10
Me 15
Révisions pour le Contrôle 3
V 17
Episode 14. Ecoutez plusieurs fois le CD
1) Vocabulaire Episode 14, SUP. p. 27-28
2). Grammaire p 121-122. Ex 5, 6 p. 122
L 20
Contrôle 3
Pas de Cours de Conversation cette semaine
Me 22
Etape culturelle 4
 Happy Thanksgiving !! 
L 27
Semaine poésie : Jacques Prévert
1). Lire la biographie de Prévert SUP
2). Lire les poèmes SUP:
- Le cancre
- Chanson des escargots
- L’accent grave
- Familiale
3). Chercher dans un dictionnaire les mots inconnus.
4). Répondre aux questions
Me 29
1). Lire les poèmes SUP:
- Page d’écriture
- Déjeuner du matin
- Le message
- Pour faire le portrait d’un oiseau
2). Répondre aux questions sur 2 poèmes
3). Choisir un poème et le reformuler avec vos propres mots.
4). Choisir parmi tous ces poèmes celui que vous réciterez pour l’examen
oral et l’apprendre par cœur.
Cours de Conversation # 11
Révisions pour l’examen final
Dernier jour de cours 
1) Révisions pour l’examen final
Cours de Conversation # 12
Me 6
J 7