PROPOSAL - NEW COURSE If you will be requesting a General Education Core designation for this course, you must submit a separate request for Gen Ed designation to the Gen Ed Committee after the course has been approved by C&I. COURSE Name and number of the new course: HMGT- 244 Managing the Housekeeping Operation Short title for student schedules and transcripts: Limit to 30 characters Is this a special topics course? All special courses must have 900 numbers. Why is this course needed? If appropriate, include student population, expected enrollment, effects this course will have on other courses/programs, etc. How do you expect this course to transfer to the UM System schools? Please select your choice(s) X [by typing an X in the box(es)]. List any Pre-requisites SUBMISSION Credit Hour Information 106757723 Housekeeping Operation No This course will prepare the student for a career in the Lodging Industry within Housekeeping department. As a General Education Core Requirement As an Elective Not expected to transfer None 2 credit course This course requires 25 hours of classroom or direct faculty instruction plus a minimum of 50 hours of out-of-class student work to include 15 hours of assigned reading, 15 hours of writing, 10 hours of studying, 10 hours of assigned projects, per 15-week semester. Date of this proposal: November 22, 2011 Submitted by: J. Fisher Division(s): Business and Computer Systems 11/18/11 vr 1 COURSE CONTINUED Degree Audit Please select the course type or types [by typing an X in the box(es)]. x x CCOMP CARTS CGENED CHIST CHUMA CINTD CLITE CMATH CSOBE CSCIE CSLAB EARSC EBUSI EENGL EARTS EHUMA EMATH EORAL ESCIE ESOSC OTHER: Composition Core Arts Core Gen Ed Core History Core Humanities Core Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues Core Literature Core Math Core Social and Behavioral Science Core Science Core, (used for 3-credit science courses) Science Core, (used for 4 credit science courses with lab) Arts & Sciences Elective Business Elective English Elective Arts Elective Humanities Elective Math Elective Oral Communications Elective Science Elective Social Science Elective Hospitality Management Elective APPROVAL Electronic signature from the division chair(s): Comments from division chair(s): 106757723 11/18/11 vr 2 COURSE OUTLINE HMGT-244 Managing the Housekeeping Operation 2 Credits HOWARD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Description This course assists students with the development of practical applications of housekeeping operation including the planning, organizing, staffing, and control techniques required to assure quality service. The course examines appropriate personal and professional practices, career opportunities, and organizational structures within a housekeeping department. Prerequisites: HMGT-101 and HMGT-242. (2 hours weekly) Overall Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Develop a plan to execute the tasks and responsibilities appropriate to various housekeeping positions and describe inter/intra departmental relationships. 2. Identify safe and efficient cleaning procedures (i.e. handling blood borne pathogens) for various housekeeping tasks that incorporate OSHA standards and requirements. 3. Explain the use of performance and productivity standards to identify, plan, and organize cleaning responsibilities. 4. Generate forecasts and calculate staffing requirements. 5. Compare and contrast functions of various equipment used in the housekeeping department. 6. Identify the housekeeping department’s role in facility renovation. 7. Establish linen and uniform controls. 8. Compare and contrast linen outsourcing and on-premise laundry facilities. 9. Utilize current software and computer programs to develop housekeeping assignments (e.g. Word, Excel, Property Management System (PMS)). 10. Evaluate the techniques for recruiting, selecting, training, scheduling, and motivating employees. 11. Plan the budgeting and recordkeeping activities of a housekeeping department. 12. Analyze financial statements (identify issues and problems, gather relevant information, and identify trends and present results). 13. Gather information about a housekeeping operation and document sources appropriately. 14. Evaluate methods of inventory controls – ordering, forecasting, etc. 15. Describe the bidding process in relation to housekeeping operations. 16. Identify social and economic trends (e.g. recycling) impacting housekeeping operations. Major Topics I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. The Role of Housekeeping in Hospitality Operations Planning and Organizing the Housekeeping Department Housekeeping Human Resources Issues Managing Inventories Safety and Security Guestroom Cleaning Public Areas and Other Types of Cleaning 106757723 11/18/11 vr 3 VIII. Ceilings, Walls, Furniture, and Fixtures IX. Beds, Linens, and Uniforms X. Carpets and Floors Course Requirements Grading/exams: Grading procedures will be determined by the individual faculty member but will include the following: exams, class projects, and written papers, including case study analysis. Other Course Information The course will include: field trips to a variety of hotel sites to acquaint students with the housekeeping operations. This course is a Business and Hospitality Management elective. 106757723 11/18/11 vr 4