CSE Self-Study: Computer Engineering ABET SELF-STUDY QUESTIONNAIRE Computer Engineering College of Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2011–2012 Review Cycle ENGINEERING ACCREDITATION COMMISSION ABET, Inc. 111 Market Place, Suite 1050 Baltimore, MD 21202-4012 Phone: 410-347-7000 Fax: 410-625-2238 Email: eac@abet.org Website: http://www.abet.org March 7, 2016 CSE Self-Study: Computer Engineering March 7, 2016 Table of Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3 Requirements and Preparation ............................................................................................ 3 Preparing a Self-Study Report for a Joint Commission Review............................. 4 Supplemental Materials ...................................................................................................... 4 Submission and Distribution of Self-Study Report ............................................................ 4 Confidentiality .................................................................................................................... 5 Template ............................................................................................................................. 5 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ....................................................................... 7 CRITERION 1. STUDENTS ............................................................................... 11 CRITERION 2. PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES ......................... 17 CRITERION 3. STUDENT OUTCOMES .......................................................... 25 CRITERION 4. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT ........................................... 27 CRITERION 5. CURRICULUM......................................................................... 40 CRITERION 6. FACULTY .................................................................................. 55 CRITERION 7. FACILITIES .............................................................................. 70 CRITERION 8. INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT .................................................. 82 PROGRAM CRITERIA ....................................................................................... 86 Appendix A – Course Syllabi ............................................................................... 89 Appendix B – Faculty Vitae ................................................................................. 90 Appendix C – Equipment...................................................................................... 91 Appendix D – Institutional Summary ................................................................... 92 Signature Attesting to Compliance ................................................................................... 96 Introduction The Self-Study Report is expected to be a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the strengths and limitations of the program being submitted for review. The Self-Study Report will provide information critical to a thorough on-site review of the program. Therefore, the Report will address the extent to which the program meets applicable ABET Criteria and policies. In so doing, it is necessary that the Report address all methods of instructional delivery used for the program, all possible paths that students may take to completion of the degree, and all remote offerings available to students in the program. Each Commission of ABET provides a Self-Study Questionnaire to assist the program in completing the Self-Study Report. Requirements and Preparation The program name used on the cover of the Self-Study Report must be identical to that used in the institutional publications, on the ABET Request for Evaluation (RFE), and on the transcripts of graduates. This will insure that the program is correctly identified in ABET records and that graduates can be correctly identified as graduating from an accredited program. Normally, each program requires a Self-Study Report. While the Questionnaire focuses primarily on accreditation criteria, it also includes questions related to certain sections of the ABET Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual (APPM). While it is important that the overall structure in the Questionnaire be retained, it is not necessary to preserve notes or pages of instructions about preparing the Self-Study Report. A program may use terminology different from that used in the Questionnaire. If different terminology is used, it is important that the Self-Study Report provide notes of explanation to clearly link the terminology in the Report to terminology used in the Questionnaire. Tables in the Questionnaire may be modified in format to more clearly present the information for the program. When this is done, it is suggested that a brief explanatory footnote be included about why the table was modified. Rows may be added to or deleted from tables to better accommodate program information. The educational unit is the administrative unit having academic responsibility for the program(s) being reviewed by a given Commission of ABET. For example, if a single program is being reviewed, the educational unit may be the department. If more than one 3 program is being reviewed, the educational unit is the administrative unit responsible for the collective group of programs being reviewed by that Commission. Preparing a Self-Study Report for a Joint Commission Review A joint commission review occurs when a single program is reviewed for accreditation by more than one Commission of ABET. The program must meet all applicable Criteria and policies for every commission involved. The following Criteria are interpreted and applied similarly by all Commissions and the Self-Study Report for a joint review of a given program does not require separate responses for each Commission. Criterion 1: Students Criterion 2: Program Educational Objectives Criterion 4: Continuous Improvement Criterion 7: Facilities Criterion 8: Institutional Support The following Criteria differ for each of the four Commissions and the Self-Study Report for a joint review of a given program will require Commission-specific responses. Criterion 3: Student Outcomes Criterion 5: Curriculum Criterion 6: Faculty Supplemental Materials The following materials are to be supplied in addition to the Self-Study Report: The general institution catalog covering course details and other institutional information applicable at the time of the review. Promotional brochures or literature describing program offerings of the institution. Official transcripts of recent graduates. The team chair will request a specific sampling of transcripts for each program and will provide a timeframe in which they should be provided to program evaluators. Each transcript is to be accompanied by the program requirements for the graduate and accompanied by worksheets that the program uses to show how the graduate has fulfilled program requirements. Submission and Distribution of Self-Study Report To ABET Headquarters by July 1 of the calendar year of the review: o Submit one Self-Study Report including all appendices for each program o Submit one set of the supplemental materials (minus the transcripts) to: 4 Engineering Accreditation Commission ABET, Inc. 111 Market Place, Suite 1050 Baltimore, MD 21202-4012 NOTE: The Self-Study Report and Supplemental Material may be submitted on paper or pdf read-only files on CD, DVD, or data stick. Each Self-Study Report and Supplement Material must be selfcontained in the medium submitted and must not include “hot” links. The submission cannot be a combination of hard copy and electronic file. No email submission permitted. To Team Chair by July 1 of the calendar year of the review: o Submit one Self-Study Report including all appendices for each program o Submit one set of the supplemental material, and o Submit the requested transcripts for each program. NOTE: Please confirm the submission method and address preference with the team chair prior to submission. The team chair will provide instructions and addresses for the institution to provide the Self-Study Report and Supplemental Material directly to each program evaluator and approved observer. When new or updated material becomes available between the submission of the SelfStudy Report and the date of the on-site review, the program should provide it to the team members as far in advance as possible or upon the team’s arrival for the on-site review. All such materials should also be sent to ABET Headquarters. Confidentiality All information supplied is for the confidential use of ABET and its authorized agents. It will not be disclosed without authorization of the institution concerned, except for summary data not identifiable to a specific institution or documents in the public domain. Template The template for the Self-Study Report begins on the next page. 5 ABET Self-Study Report for Computer Engineering at University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE July 1, 2011 CONFIDENTIAL The information supplied in this Self-Study Report is for the confidential use of ABET and its authorized agents, and will not be disclosed without authorization of the institution concerned, except for summary data not identifiable to a specific institution. 6 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 0.1 Contact Information Stephen D. Scott, Associate Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 256 Avery Hall, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0115. Phone: 402-472-6994. Email: sscott@cse.unl.edu 0.2 Program History Degree program: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Year implemented: The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering program first appeared in the Undergraduate Bulletin in the 1991–1992 academic year. Date of last general review: November 6–9, 2005 Major program changes since last general review: Recent major program changes include expanding the set of CS 1 courses from CSCE 155 to CSCE 155A (formerly 155, in Java), CSCE 155E (CS 1 with systems engineering focus, in C), CSCE 155N (CS 1 with engineering and science focus, in Matlab and Fortran), and CSCE 155T (CS 1 with informatics focus, in Perl). Another major change is the addition of the following courses as requirements: CSCE 236 (Introduction to Embedded Systems), CSCE 335 (Digital Logic Design), CSCE 361 (Software Engineering) and CSCE 462 (Communication Networks). CSCE 488 (Computer Engineering Professional Development) was increased from one credit hour to two, and CSCE 430 (Computer Architecture) was removed as a degree requirement. We also removed the following Electrical Engineering courses as requirements: ELEC 121 (Introduction to Electrical Engineering 1), ELEC 361/307 (Advanced Electronics & Circuits/Lab), ELEC 370 (Digital Logic Design), and ELEC 475 (Digital Systems Design). ELEC 305 (Probability Theory) replaced STAT 380. Further, the lab ELEC 233 was renumbered to ELEC 235 and the lab ELEC 234 was renumbered to ELEC 236. The labs’ contents were unchanged. Science requirements changed slightly: Now, students do not need PHYS 222, which is the lab for PHYS 212 (Electricity). Further, students can now substitute PHYS 213/233 (Relatively and Quantum Mechanics/Lab) for CHEM 109 and its lab. Students now must take both JGEN 200 and 300 (Technical Writing I and II) rather than choosing just one. ENGR 010 (Freshman Engineering Seminar) and ENGR 400 (Professional Ethics) are no longer required. Another significant change includes the required distribution of technical elective courses. In 2005–2006, students were required to select their four technical electives (12 credit hours) distributed over at least three of the following five areas: system-level architecture, software systems, design implementation, communication and distributed systems, and computer engineering applications. In the 2011 bulletin, students may choose as their technical 7 electives any five courses (15 credit hours) from a list of approved courses, with no regard for area classification. However, if a student elects to concentrate these courses in a single area, then that student will be recognized as having a focus in that area. Outside of the CSE Department, UNL changed the general education requirements, moving from the Essential Studies/Integrative Studies model to the Achievement-Centered Education (ACE) model. 0.3 Options 0.3.1 Focus Areas A Computer Engineering major has the option of declaring a Focus in one of the areas listed below. Students who, in addition to completing all computer engineering required courses, receive a grade of C or better in each of the five technical elective courses from one declared focus area below, will receive a notice from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering stating that they received the degree bachelor of science in computer engineering with a Focus in their chosen area. The Focus areas are: Embedded Systems and Robotics: CSCE 430, CSCE 436, CSCE 438, ELEC 416, MECH 453. VLSI Design: CSCE 430, ELEC 417, ELEC 421, CSCE 434 or ELEC 470, CSCE 475 or ELEC 416. Students choosing this focus area must take PHYS 213/PHYS 223 as science requirement. Signal Processing: ELEC 462, ELEC 463, ELEC 465, and two of the following three courses: CSCE 472, CSCE 473, ELEC 464. High-Performance Computing: CSCE 430, CSCE 432, CSCE 437, CSCE 455, CSCE 435 or CSCE 456. A Focus is in addition to required core courses. Thus no required course can be applied to a Focus. Customized Focus Areas also are possible. The department chair, in consultation with relevant faculty members and the undergraduate adviser, may approve a customized Focus Area proposed by a student. Some offerings of CSCE 496 Special Topics may be substituted in an appropriate area. In addition, up to three hours of CSCE 498 Computer Problems (undergraduate research) or three hours of CSCE 491 (internships) can be used in any focus area, pending approval from an academic adviser. 0.3.2 Raikes School Computer Engineering students in the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management substitute a set of equivalent honors courses for some of the core CSCE courses. Specifically, RAIK 183H substitutes for CSCE 155, RAIK 184H substitutes for CSCE 156, RAIK 284H substitutes for CSCE 230/230L, RAIK 283H substitutes for CSCE 235 and CSCE 310, RAIK 383H substitutes for CSCE 361, RAIK 381H and 382H substitutes for CSCE 488, and RAIK 402H substitutes for CSCE 489. Further, RAIK 301H, 302H, and 401H (Design Studio) count as technical electives, RAIK 182H and 282H count towards some Achievement-Centered General Education (ACE) requirements, and RAIK 287H, 288H, 187H, and 188H count towards the technical writing requirements, substituting 8 for JGEN 200 and 300. Also, students must take either CSCE 378: Human-Computer Interaction or CSCE 376H (planned number): Artificial Intelligence Applications, both of which count as a technical elective. Computer Engineering students who are not in the Raikes School may, if invited to take the Raikes Design Studio sequence, substitute RAIK 402H for CSCE 489, so long as the project is approved by a committee of CSE faculty. These students must still take CSCE 488. These students may also substitute RAIK 401H for a technical elective. Students double majoring in Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering may substitute ELEC 494 and 495 (EE Senior Design) for CSCE 488 and 489. 0.4 Organizational Structure The Computer Engineering program is administered through the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). The Department of Electrical Engineering delivers certain core courses of the Computer Engineering program, and is consulted on curricular changes, but all final decisions on curricular matters reside with CSE. CSE is in the College of Engineering and in the College of Arts & Sciences, but the Computer Engineering program lies exclusively in the College of Engineering, and all curricular changes that are exclusive to that program are reviewed only by that college. Curricular changes that affect both the Computer Engineering and Computer Science programs (e.g., changes to courses) are reviewed by both colleges. Both the College of Engineering and the College of Arts & Sciences are administered by the Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs (SVCAA), who answers to the UNL Chancellor. UNL is one of four campuses in the University of Nebraska system, along with the University of Nebraska at Omaha, the University of Nebraska at Kearney, and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. These four campuses are managed by Central Administration, which is headed by the University of Nebraska’s President. The Board of Regents governs the university system. It consists of eight voting members, each elected to six-year terms. 0.5 Program Delivery Modes All CSCE courses are delivered in the traditional lecture/laboratory format, during days and evenings Monday through Friday. Exceptions include CSCE 101 (not required for the Computer Engineering degree), which is delivered both as traditional lecture/laboratory and on the web, and CSCE 251 (required for the Computer Engineering degree), which is exclusively web-based. 0.6 Program Locations Lincoln, NE 0.7 Deficiencies, Weaknesses or Concerns from Previous Evaluation(s) and the Actions Taken to Address Them In the 2005 general review, ABET CAC listed one concern: 9 Criterion 1: Students. The advising process currently in place provides opportunities for confusion and the possibility that students do not complete the curriculum as defined. Completion of prerequisite courses is not verified by the institution's enrollment process and there is only a single faculty member charged with advising the CSE students. This results in long queues at the beginning of each semester to see the advisor, which is aggravated by the juggling of schedules when prerequisite courses are identified that have not been completed. Faculty give proficiency tests to students since they cannot be sure all have completed the prerequisites and some students have had to drop courses as late as several weeks into the semester. Regarding prerequisite checking, CSE now has a system in place in which at the start of each semester, a representative from the department requests from Registration and Records a list of students enrolled in each of the following core courses: CSCE 156, 230, 230L, 235, 310, 322, 340, 351, 361, 430, 462, 486, 487, 488, and 489. CSE then requests the academic record of each student in course X, comparing that record against X's CSCE prerequisites. If a student has not received a passing grade in one of X's prerequisites, the instructor of X is notified and will counsel the student on the best choice of action. In addition, students in each version of CSCE 155 (155A, 155E, 155N, 155T) take the CSE placement test during the first week of classes. Students who score high on this test are counseled to determine if they should instead take CSCE 156. Students who score low are counseled to determine if they should instead start with CSCE 101. Computer Engineering majors in the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management substitute certain Raikes courses for core courses in the Computer Engineering program (see “Options” in the background section as well as Section 5). Prerequisite checking in these courses is unnecessary since the Raikes program carefully monitors its students and controls who is allowed to register in their courses. Regarding advising issues, while advising duties still mostly reside with the Chief Undergraduate Advisor, multiple backup advisors now fill in during peak times, including New Student Enrollment each summer. Further, CSE takes into careful consideration the Chief Undergraduate Advisor's workload when making teaching assignments, in attempts to maximize his available time for advising. This includes teaching reductions, when practicable. 0.8 Joint Accreditation The Computer Engineering program seeks accreditation only from EAC. The Computer Science program, also in CSE, seeks accreditation from CAC. 10 GENERAL CRITERIA CRITERION 1. STUDENTS 1.1 Student Admissions All incoming freshman to UNL's College of Engineering must satisfy the following requirements, which are also described at http://admissions.unl.edu/requirements/freshman.aspx: Four units of English, all of which must include intensive reading and writing experiences. Four units of Mathematics, including algebra, algebra II, a full unit of geometry, and pre-calculus and trigonometry. Three units of Social Sciences, including one unit drawn from American and/or world history; one additional unit drawn from history, American government and/or geography; and a third unit drawn from any social science discipline. Three units of Natural Sciences, including chemistry and physics, and at least one more from biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences. One unit must include laboratory instruction. Two units of Foreign Language, both in the same language. (Students who are unable to take two years of foreign language in high school may still qualify for admission.) Have an ACT composite score of 24 or higher, or an SAT combined score of 1110 or higher. Prospective students apply to UNL Admissions, indicating their preferred college. UNL Admissions is the first to review the application, to confirm whether UNL admission requirements are met. When approved, the application is then forwarded to the CoE Dean’s office, which reviews that CoE requirements are met. CoE makes the final decision on admission; the departments are not involved. Prospective students are encouraged to visit the campus, which is coordinated by UNL Admissions. Visiting students are given an opportunity to talk with the Chief Undergraduate Advisor and tour departmental facilities. The University also sponsors “Red Letter Days” during which various activities inform high school students about university programs. The formal advising and monitoring process begins with New Student Enrollment (NSE), which is handled by the College of Engineering. The college uses its own information plus materials updated annually by the CSE Department Chief Undergraduate Advisor. The University and College evaluate high school transcripts and make admission decisions. When in doubt about technical courses, the CSE Department Chief Undergraduate Advisor evaluates the course in question. 11 1.2 Evaluating Student Performance The primary tools for evaluating student performance are course grades. The university uses a standard A+ through F grading scale, with A+=4.00, A = 4.00, A– = 3.67, B+ = 3.33, B = 3.00, B– = 2.67, …, and F = 0. A Pass/No-Pass option is available for the 12 credit hours of Achievement-Centered General Education (ACE) courses in Areas 5 (Humanities/History), 6 (Social Sciences), 7 (Fine Arts), and 9 (Human Diversity). However, all other courses counted toward the degree must be graded. Individual grades and the cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) are used for a variety of purposes, including formal admission to the Computer Engineering degree program, assignment to restricted status or academic probation, triggering advising actions, and during the “Senior Check” process. Regarding prerequisite checking, CSE now has a system in place in which at the start of each semester, a representative from the department requests from Registration and Records a list of students enrolled in each of the following core courses: CSCE 156, 230, 230L, 235, 310, 322, 340, 351, 361, 430, 462, 486, 487, 488, and 489. CSE then requests the academic record of each student in course X, comparing that record against X's CSCE prerequisites. If a student has not received a passing grade in one of X's prerequisites, the instructor of X is notified and will counsel the student on the best choice of action. In addition, students in each version of CSCE 155 (155A, 155E, 155N, 155T) take the CSE placement test during the first week of classes. Students who score high on this test are counseled to determine if they should instead take CSCE 156. Students who score low are counseled to determine if they should instead start with CSCE 101. Computer Engineering majors in the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management substitute certain Raikes courses for core courses in the Computer Engineering program (see “Options” in the background section as well as Section 5). Prerequisite checking in these courses is unnecessary since the Raikes program carefully monitors its students and controls who is allowed to register in their courses. 1.3 Transfer Students and Transfer Courses UNL Admissions collects all transcripts from the transfer applicant and files them in UNL’s Webnow system, which allows access to all authorized personnel. UNL Admissions maintains a database of mappings from non-UNL courses to UNL courses, which facilitates automatic processing of transcripts. Courses not in the database are analyzed by the relevant program’s Chief Transfer Advisor (in CSE, this is the same as the Chief Undergraduate Advisor), who then approves a Transfer Course Equivalency form (Appendix E-1), with copies sent to the Registrar, the Office of the Dean, and the specific student’s advisor. Transfer credits for required courses are allowed only if the appropriate department confirms that the transfer course is equivalent to a course at UNL. For courses in the CSE Department and the EE Department, the Chief Undergraduate Advisor scrutinizes the content of the transfer course with the aid of a professor directly involved in teaching the relevant UNL course. They review the course syllabus, textbook, and other materials used in the course 12 proposed for transfer credit. Transfer credit for a CSE or EE course is allowed only if there is substantial duplication of the equivalent UNL course. The College of Engineering does not accept courses for transfer in which a D grade was received. However, grades of D from the University Of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK), Lincoln (UNL), and Omaha (UNO) may be transferred to fulfill requirements. Students are strongly encouraged to repeat those courses. In general, transfer courses from other universities do not count as part of the UNL GPA. Credits can be transferred, but grades are not. In addition, of the final 36 hours applied to the degree, only 6 may be transfer credits. 1.4 Advising and Career Guidance The CSE Department’s Chief Undergraduate Advisor, assisted by the Undergraduate Advising Committee (UAC), has primary responsibility for monitoring and advising. This section describes the mechanisms and procedures for monitoring and advising, beginning with pre-enrollment advising and proceeding in a roughly chronological manner through the Senior Check. 1.4.1 Intercampus Registration The University of Nebraska attempts to facilitate student access to the total educational opportunities of a multi-campus university. A student enrolled at UNL, UNMC, UNO, or UNK may register as a visiting student on another campus within the University of Nebraska system via Intercampus Registration. The CSE Department maintains a list of equivalent courses with the corresponding departments at our sister institutions, the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO), the University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK), and the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). The Intercampus Registration Program allows grades from UNO, UNK, and UNMC to be applied to the UNL GPA under specified restrictions. Intercampus Registration allows a student to register for courses at any of the four campuses and count the grades received toward the home campus GPA. To qualify, a student must first fill out an Intercampus Registration Form, which verifies eligibility to continue study on the home campus. The student also must satisfy the course prerequisites of the host campus. The home campus is responsible for maintaining the academic record of all course work of an intercampus student. Student transcripts identify the campus where the credit was earned and include the credit hours and grade for each course taken within the system. All grades received for courses taken within the system are used in computing a student’s GPA. 1.4.2 Formal Admission to the Degree Program In the College of Engineering (CoE), freshmen may declare an intended major, but formal admission to a degree program requires a formal application for admission to that program. This application typically is submitted midway through the sophomore year. A copy of the form for formal admission is included in Appendix E-2. In the CSE Department, the Chief 13 Undergraduate Advisor does this for the students. The Chief Undergraduate Advisor identifies students who have taken at least 43 total hours, including at least 12 at UNL and who have not yet been formally admitted. Of those students who also meet the other formal admission requirements, the Chief Undergraduate Advisor submits the form on their behalf to the CSE Chair for approval, and then on to CoE Dean. Those who have least 43 total hours, including at least 12 at UNL, but do not meet the other criteria are reviewed carefully by the Chief Undergraduate Advisor, and counseled if they are at risk of not progressing towards the degree. The CSE Department imposes the following admission requirements, which are also described at http://cse.unl.edu/ugrad/resources/ce_requirements.php. 1) Have accumulated 43 university credit hours (including transfer credits), including at least 12 hours at UNL, 2) Have submitted an Application for Admission to the Computer Engineering Program, 3) Have satisfied all College of Engineering requirements for admission, 4) Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5, and 5) Have a term GPA of at least 2.5 for the latest term completed at UNL, 6) Have completed with a grade of “C+” or better, all core courses listed below (or their equivalents for transfer students). Testing out of a course via a placement test is equivalent to earning a “C+” or better. If a course was taken more than once, then the highest grade on the student’s transcript applies. CSCE 155 (any variety) Introduction to Computer Science I, CSCE 156: Introduction to Computer Science II, CSCE 230: Computer Organization, CSCE 230L: Computer Organization Laboratory, CSCE 235: Introduction to Discrete Structures, ELEC 215: Electronics and Circuits I, ELEC 235: Introductory Electrical Laboratory I, MATH 106: Analytic Geometry and Calculus I, MATH 107: Analytic Geometry and Calculus II, MATH 208: Analytic Geometry and Calculus III, and PHYS 211: General Physics I, PHYS 212: General Physics II. In the event that a student’s application for admission is denied, that student may file a written appeal letter with the Chief Undergraduate Advisor, requesting reconsideration and/or waiver of requirements. The appeal letter should include specific statements explaining why this case is unique, and providing details of the mitigating circumstances that would justify reconsideration and/or a waiver. The appeal is reviewed and voted upon by the entire Undergraduate Advising Committee. If the committee reaches a tie vote and cannot resolve the impasse, then the CSE Department Chair makes the final decision. An individual student may submit only one application per academic semester. Also, only one appeal may be filed per application. 14 1.4.3 Career Advising CSE staff and the Chief Undergraduate Advisor regularly forward announcements of jobs and internships to students. These announcements come directly from local and regional employers as well as from UNL Career Services. In one-on-one meetings and via email, students are repeatedly encouraged to attend career fairs. The Chief Undergraduate Advisor also attends these career fairs, and passes important information on to students. Finally, students are repeatedly advised by the Chief Undergraduate Advisor, CSE staff and CSE faculty to do internships (with or without academic credit). Finally, the CoE Dean’s office also distributes to students information on internships and co-ops. 1.5 Work in Lieu of Courses Advanced Placement credit is handled by UNL Admissions. The courses are treated as transfer courses. Up to 3 credit hours of CSCE 491 can count as a technical elective. This requires coordination with a CSE faculty member. Students can take 12 hours of ENGR 250 in one semester for a co-op to maintain full-time status. ENGR 250 does not count towards the BS in Computer Engineering. If a student, after taking the CSE placement test, is counseled to take CSCE 156 without first taking CSCE 155 and gets a “C” grade or above on the first attempt only, then the student gets retroactive credit for CSCE 155 (see the paperwork in Appendix E-3). UNL also offers credit by examination. To receive credit by examination, the student first applies to take an exam in lieu of the course (see the application form in Appendix E-4). If the application is approved by the department chair, then the student takes a faculty-written exam. If the student passes the exam, then the student gets credit for the course without taking it. 1.6 Graduation Requirements Degree name: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Requirements: The computer engineering degree requires 126 hours of course work. There is a set of required core courses in computer science and engineering (41 credit hours), electrical engineering (17 credit hours), mathematics (20 credit hours), physics and chemistry (12–13 credit hours), and other general education requirements (18 credit hours). In addition, students select 3 credit hours of open elective and 15 credit hours of technical electives. Senior checks: The chief procedure for ensuring graduating seniors meet all degree requirements is the “Senior Check” process, which provides timely verification and enforcement in meeting the graduation requirements. Every student must complete and sign a Senior Check Form sometime during the senior year, typically after they have registered for their final semester’s courses (e.g., in November for students who plan to graduate in spring semester). This check establishes a contract with the student that satisfactory completion of a 15 specified set of courses will result in the degree. This form lists all the required courses and has space for all the technical electives. A sample copy of this Senior Check form appears in Appendix E-5. The completed form goes through four levels of checks, beginning when the student verifies it with the Chief Undergraduate Advisor. 1. Once the Senior Check form is completed with the student’s entire program course list and signed by the student, it is given to the Chief Undergraduate Advisor, who checks it for accuracy and verifies that it meets all the requirements for graduation. 2. After any necessary corrections are made, the form is sent to the CSE Department Chair to verify that the student has met all program requirements. If it is unsatisfactory, a letter is sent to the student, with a copy to the Chief Undergraduate Advisor, detailing what needs to be done in order to meet all the requirements. 3. The form is sent to the Dean’s office for double-checking by the Associate Dean for Students. If found to be incorrect, it is returned to the CSE Department Chair for correction. Once the Senior Check is approved, any proposed changes in the student’s program of study must be entered on a Substitution form, which goes through the same channels for approval. 4. The approved Senior Check and any approved Substitution forms are sent to the Project Assistant in the Office of Registration and Records, to verify that all courses listed have been taken by the time of graduation. Upon application for the degree, the senior check is verified once again against the current record. Any discrepancies are made known to the student and the advisor. This system of checks and rechecks is a formal, documented procedure to assure that all students meet all Department, College, and University requirements. 1.7 Transcripts of Recent Graduates Transcripts of recent graduates will be supplied when requested by the team chair. 16 CRITERION 2. PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES 2.1 Mission Statement The Role of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, chartered by the Legislature in 1869, is that part of the University of Nebraska system which serves as both the land-grant and the comprehensive public University for the State of Nebraska. Those responsible for its origins recognized the value of combining the breadth of a comprehensive University with the professional and outreach orientation of the land-grant University, thus establishing a campus which has evolved to become the flagship campus of the University of Nebraska. UNL works cooperatively with the other three campuses and Central Administration to provide for its student body and all Nebraskans the widest array of disciplines, areas of expertise, and specialized facilities of any institution within the state. Through its three primary missions of teaching, research, and service, UNL is the state's primary intellectual center, providing leadership throughout the state through quality education and the generation of new knowledge. UNL's graduates and its faculty and staff are major contributors to the economic and cultural development of the state. UNL attracts a high percentage of the most academically talented Nebraskans, and the graduates of the University form a significant portion of the business, cultural, and professional resources of the State. The quality of primary, secondary, and other post-secondary educational programs in the state depends in part on the resources of UNL for curricular development, teacher training, professional advancement, and enrichment activities involving the University's faculty, museums, galleries, libraries, and other facilities. UNL provides for the people of the state unique opportunities to fulfill their highest ambitions and aspirations, thereby helping the state retain its most talented youth, attract talented young people from elsewhere, and address the educational needs of the nontraditional learner. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has been recognized by the Legislature as the primary research and doctoral degree granting institution in the state for fields outside the health professions. Through its service and outreach efforts, the University extends its educational responsibilities directly to the people of Nebraska on a state-wide basis. Many of UNL's teaching, research and service activities have an international dimension in order to provide its students and the state a significant global perspective. The Missions of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln The role of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as the primary intellectual and cultural resource for the State is fulfilled through the three missions of the University: teaching, research, and service. UNL pursues its missions through the Colleges of Architecture, Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Engineering, Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, Education and Human Sciences, Journalism and Mass Communications, Law, the university-wide Graduate Studies, and the Institute of Agriculture and Natural 17 Resources which includes the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, the Agricultural Research Division, the Cooperative Extension Division, and the Conservation and Survey Division. Special units with distinct missions include the University Libraries, Extended Education and Outreach, International Affairs, the Lied Center for Performing Arts, the Bureau of Business Research, the Nebraska Educational Television System, the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, the University of Nebraska State Museum, the University Press, the Water Center, the Nebraska Forest Service, the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, and Intercollegiate Athletics. To capitalize on the breadth of programs and the multidisciplinary resources available at UNL, a number of Centers exist to marshal faculty from a variety of disciplines to focus teaching and research on specific societal issues and to provide technical assistance for business and industry in order to enhance their ability to compete in world markets. Additionally, interdisciplinary programs promote integration of new perspectives and insights into the instructional research and service activities. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln promotes respect for and understanding of cultural diversity in all aspects of society. It strives for a culturally diverse student body, faculty, and staff reflecting the multicultural nature of Nebraska and the nation. UNL brings international and multicultural dimensions to its programs through the involvement of its faculty in international activities, a student body that includes students from throughout the world, exchange agreements with other universities abroad involving both students and faculty, and the incorporation of international components in a variety of courses and curricula. Teaching, research, and service take on a distinctive character at the University of NebraskaLincoln because of its status as a comprehensive land-grant university. These traits provide opportunities for the integration of multiple disciplines permitting students more complete and sophisticated programs of study. Its land-grant tradition ensures a commitment to the special character of the State and its people. The faculty is responsible for the curricular content of the various programs, and pursues new knowledge and truths within a structure that assures academic freedom in its intellectual endeavors. The curricula are designed to foster critical thinking, the re-examination of accepted truths, a respect for different perspectives including an appreciation of the multiethnic character of the nation, and a curiosity that leads to life-long learning. Additionally, an environment exists whereby students can develop aesthetic values and human relationships including tolerance for differing viewpoints. Teaching The people of Nebraska created UNL to provide its citizens with the highest quality of post secondary education. Therefore, a fundamental mission of the University of NebraskaLincoln is teaching. The distinctiveness of the teaching mission at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln lies in its range of undergraduate majors, the character and quality of the faculty, and the extracurricular environment. The University provides students with a wide choice of courses and career options, which often expands the scope of their dreams and ambitions. The size and diversity of the University permits students to mature and to develop 18 their own sense of self-confidence and individual responsibility. The coursework is enriched by a faculty that is engaged in active research and creative activity and whose frame of reference is the national and international community of scholars. Having created the first graduate college west of the Mississippi River, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has historically recognized graduate education to be a central and unique component of its mission. Thus, UNL has primary responsibility in the State for graduate education, especially at the doctoral and professional levels. UNL is unique in possessing the scope of programs necessary for multidisciplinary instruction at the graduate level, a faculty involved in research necessary to support graduate education, and the libraries, laboratories, computer facilities, museums, galleries, and other ancillary resources required for graduate instruction. Research Basic and applied research and creative activity represent a major component of UNL's mission, a component that is recognized in Nebraska legislative statutes, and in its status as a land-grant research university. The quest for new knowledge is an essential part of a research university; it helps define and attract the type of faculty necessary to provide a university education; it distinguishes the quality of the undergraduate students' classroom experience; and it is the necessary component of graduate instruction. As part of its research mission, UNL is dedicated to the pursuit of an active research agenda producing both direct and indirect benefits to the State. The special importance of agriculture, environment, and natural resources is addressed in its research priorities. In addition, UNL conducts a high level of research and creative activities that address in specific ways the issues and problems that confront Nebraska. Through their research and creative activities, faculty at UNL interact with colleagues around the world and are part of the network of knowledge and information that so influences our society. As a consequence, the University serves as the gateway through which Nebraska participates in and shares the gains from technological and cultural developments. Service The land-grant tradition creates for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln a special statewide responsibility to serve the needs of Nebraska and its citizens. In addition, many of its service aspects extend to regional, national, and international clientele. Special units such as Extended Education and Outreach, and the Cooperative Extension Division have specific responsibilities to bring the teaching and research resources of the University to a wider clientele. Through Cooperative Extension's partnership with federal, state, and county agencies, UNL has an outreach program in each county in the state. Moreover, all units of the University have a service and outreach mission. To help accomplish this mission, UNL delivers educational services through diverse ways including telecommunications methods and as a participant in the development of regional educational centers especially in those areas where it has statewide responsibilities. The University recognizes its obligation to extend the resources of the University beyond the campus and throughout the State. Serving the needs of Nebraska requires more than responding to the felt needs of the time. UNL must 19 be visionary in its planning and must help the citizens of the state prepare for the future as well as deal with the present. Approved by the Board of Regents May 10, 1991. College names modified February 2004; updated August 2005 to reflect changes in units and unit names. 20 2.2 Program Educational Objectives The Computer Engineering baccalaureate degree program at the University of NebraskaLincoln is designed to prepare graduates for professional practice in commerce, industry, and government and for post-graduate education to enter careers in research and academia. The focus of the program is integrated hardware/software system design. Increasingly, diverse systems, products, and processes depend on computers for design, control, data acquisition and other functions. The computer engineer is the one person with the range of expertise to view a computer-based system as a complete, integrated system and to make the necessary global design decisions. To prepare our graduates to take their place in this environment, and consistent with this focus, the following educational objectives have been established for the Computer Engineering baccalaureate program. (Parenthesized text indicates which Student Outcomes implement each objective.) These objectives are available on-line at http://cse.unl.edu/ugrad 1. A graduate must be able to view computer systems as an integrated continuum of technologies and to engage in integrated system-level design. Therefore, the program educates students in mathematical foundations (Outcome 1.a), programming and software design (Outcome 2.a), system components and design (Outcome 2.b), digital logic and technologies (Outcome 2.c), application of theory (Outcome 3.a), experimentation (Outcome 3.b), design tools and techniques (Outcome 3.c), and documentation and maintenance (Outcome 3.d). 2. A graduate must be able to work with professionals in related fields over the spectrum of system design. Therefore, the program educates students in natural sciences (Outcome 1.b), electricity/electronics (Outcome 1.c), and programming and software design (Outcome 2.a). 3. A graduate must be able to quickly adapt to new work environments, assimilate new information, and solve new problems. Therefore, the program educates students in application of theory (Outcome 3.a), experimentation (Outcome 3.b), design tools and techniques (Outcome 3.c), documentation and maintenance (Outcome 3.d), and technical communications (Outcome 4). 4. A graduate must have the background and perspective necessary to pursue post-graduate education. Therefore, the program educates students in application of theory (Outcome 3.a), experimentation (Outcome 3.b), and life-long learning/professional development (Outcome 5.d). 5. A graduate must work in conformance with societal needs and expectations. 21 Therefore, the program educates students in liberal arts (Outcome 5.a) and ethical/social issues (Outcome 5.b). 6. A graduate must be integrated into the world of practicing professionals for collaborations, mutual support, and representing the profession to government and society. Therefore, the program educates students in teamwork (Outcome 5.c) and life-long learning/professional development (Outcome 5.d), plus students are provided multiple opportunities for involvement in organizations such as ACM, UPE, IEEE; undergraduate research; and service to the department and community. 2.3 Consistency of the Program Educational Objectives with the Mission of the Institution The CSE Department embraces its unique role in the land-grant mission of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). The Department shares in UNL’s three missions of teaching, research, and service; mirrors its comprehensiveness in spanning both computer science and computer engineering and in offering BS, MS, and PhD degrees; focuses its commitment to the pursuit of new, basic and applied knowledge; and contributes to the dissemination of knowledge throughout the state and beyond. In the baccalaureate degree programs, our mission is to educate our graduates with the skill, knowledge, creativity, and vision to be nationally competitive for professional practice in the commercial, industrial, and governmental sectors and for post-graduate education, leading to careers in research and academia. In our Computer Engineering program, this mission manifests itself in the Program Educational Objectives, asking our students to not only achieve mastery of the fundamentals of their field, but also to obtain exposure to interdisciplinary work, social and ethical issues, critical thinking, and life-long learning, all of which are explicitly listed in UNL’s mission statement. 2.4 Program Constituencies The Computer Engineering program serves three main constituencies: students, industry/government, and academia. 2.4.1 Students Our primary constituents are our programs’ students, including current and prospective students. As a state-funded institution, we have a special duty to residents of Nebraska. It is our duty to ensure that our graduates are nationally competitive for rewarding and productive careers in the computer engineering profession and are prepared to be responsible, educated citizens of society. Achievement of our Program Educational Objectives by our students gives them the necessary background in computer engineering and related fields to prepare them for fulfilling careers and to make them educated citizens. Current students and alumni voice their opinions related to our program via several means, including non-voting student representatives to faculty meetings and committees, course evaluations, senior exit surveys, alumni surveys, and the Student Advisory Panel (see Section 4.1). 2.4.2 Industry/Government As the primary employers of our graduates, commercial, industrial and governmental entities have a major stake in the quality and content of our program. It is our duty to serve this constituency at both the national level and the local level. Our Program Educational 22 Objectives give our students’ employers the confidence that their employees have mastered the fundamentals of the field and that they possess the ability to learn new technologies and methodologies as they become available. Employers can also count on our students to work in an ethical manner, to understand societal needs and expectations, and to work well in teams and be proficient in communication. The CSE Department’s Industry Advisory Panel (IAP), recruiters, and corporate and government partners are the primary means for soliciting input from this constituency. These groups play an important role in representing external constituents (including commercial, governmental, and other organizations) in CSE’s assessment and planning (see Section 4.1). 2.4.3 Academia The baccalaureate degree is the foundation for post-graduate education. The CSE Department is therefore mindful of its duty to provide graduates with the background, skills, and perspective to pursue a career in research and education. By achieving our Program Educational Objectives, our students are prepared in terms of background, adaptability, and communications skills to pursue an advanced degree. The CSE Department Graduate Committee gives input on our undergraduate programs regarding the required knowledge base and abilities of our graduates. Also contributing input on our undergraduate programs are the faculty supervisors (at UNL and elsewhere) of our alumni who are pursuing graduate degrees. 2.5 Process for Revision of the Program Educational Objectives Program Educational Objectives are assessed periodically using the Student Advisory Panel, Industry Advisory Panel, Alumni and Supervisors Objectives Survey, and ad hoc assessments. These assessment methods are described in more detail in Section 4.1. In short, current students provide their input on Program Educational Objectives primarily via the Student Advisory Panel, former students via the Alumni and Supervisors Objectives Survey, industry/government via the Industry Advisory Panel and the Alumni and Supervisors Objectives Survey, and academia via the Alumni and Supervisors Objectives Survey. Copies of these surveys will be made available at the time of the visit. The results, conclusions, and recommendations of all assessment activities of Program Objectives will be summarized in a triennial Objectives Assessment Report. Every second iteration of this cycle will coincide with the submission of the ABET Self-Study. The report will be submitted to the faculty, who are welcome to raise any issues they wish to the faculty as a whole or to Department administration. After release, the CSE Chair, CSE Vice Chair, CSE Chief Undergraduate Advisor, and the CSE Curriculum Chair will meet to discuss any action items for the department to address. Work to address these items is done by the appropriate committee (e.g. the CSE Curriculum Committee if it is a curriculum issue, the CSE Assessment Committee if it is an assessment issue). Further, the release of results from individual assessment instruments enables CSE faculty and administration to rapidly recognize and respond to issues that are revealed out of the triennial formal cycle of objectives assessment. 23 Since the previous general review, the Program Educational Objectives for the Computer Engineering program were found by the CSE Assessment Committee and CSE Curriculum Committee to require changes to be more detailed, to better parallel the objectives of the Computer Science program, and to contain explicit mapping to the Student Outcomes that implement them. Further, consultation with IAP representatives and other industry representatives, as well as discussions with graduating students and ad hoc assessments by the Chief Undergraduate Advisor revealed that many Computer Engineering majors were getting jobs as software developers. Thus, programming and software design, documentation and maintenance, and design tools and techniques were added as concepts to some Objectives. Further, consultation with the Graduate Committee revealed to us that our students needed formal exposure to application of theory and experimentation. Thus these elements were also added to our Objectives. These changes were made in Spring 2011. 24 CRITERION 3. STUDENT OUTCOMES 3.1 Student Outcomes These outcomes are available on-line at http://cse.unl.edu/ugrad 1. Graduates will demonstrate mastery of the mathematical foundations and familiarity with the scientific foundations of Computer Engineering. These include: a. Mathematical Foundations: Mastery of discrete mathematics, differential and integral calculus, differential equations, probability/statistics, linear algebra, and numerical analysis; b. Natural Sciences: Familiarity with the fundamentals of classical and modern physics, including electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic theory, optics, and solid-state semiconductor physics; and c. Electricity/Electronics: Familiarity with electrical circuits, electronic circuits, and solidstate electronic devices. 2. Graduates will demonstrate a depth of knowledge in topics critical to system-level design, including both hardware and software design and hardware/software tradeoffs. These include: a. Programming and Software Design: Mastery of computer programming, including data structures and algorithms using representative programming languages; and b. Systems Components and Design: Mastery of the topics necessary to design combined hardware/software systems, including computer organization and architecture, systems level programming, operating system kernels, communication networks, and the interdependencies among these topics. c. Digital Logic and Technologies: Mastery of digital logic design, including logic families and contemporary digital technology; 3. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to envision, analyze, design, and implement maintainable, practicable, integrated hardware/software solutions within realistic constraints to advanced computer engineering problems, which involves: a. Application of Theory: Application of theoretical knowledge, b. Experimentation: Design and execution of experiments with analysis and interpretation of data, c. Design Tools and Techniques: Use of current design tools and techniques, and d. Documentation and Maintenance: Generation of documentation and means for system maintenance. 4. Graduates will demonstrate proficiency at communicating their technical knowledge and accomplishments in both written and oral forms to a range of audiences and in styles consistent with industry norms. 25 5. Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of contemporary social, political, cultural, organizational and ethical issues and the implications for a computer engineer over his/her professional lifetime. These include: a. Liberal Arts: A broad education in the humanities, fine arts, and social sciences; b. Ethical/Social Issues: A focused education of the range of ethical, legal, environmental, security, and safety issues relevant to computer engineering; c. Teamwork: The ability to work with others, including interdisciplinary teams; and d. Life-Long Learning/Professional Development: An understanding of the importance of and opportunities to engage in life-long learning and professional development, as demonstrated through involvement in professional organizations, extra-curricular and elective activities. 3.2 Relationship of Student Outcomes to Program Educational Objectives Table 3-1 summarizes the relationships between the Student Outcomes, the Program Educational Objectives, ABET EAC Criteria, and the courses in the curriculum. Text on Raikes remapping! Table 3-1: Relationships between Outcomes, Objectives, ABET Criteria, and Curriculum. Student Outcome Program Educational Objective(s) ABET EAC Criteria 5.a, Program Criterion 1 5.a 5.b 5.b 5.b 5.b 3.a, 3.e 3.b, 3.e 3.e, 3.k 3.c, 3.e, 5.b 1.a 1.b 1.c 2.a 2.b 2.c 3.a 3.b 3.c 1 2 2 1, 2 1 1 1, 3, 4 1, 3, 4 1, 3 3.d 1, 3 4. 3 5.a 5.b 5.c 5 5 6 3.g 3.h, 3.j, 5.c 3.f 3.d 5.d 4, 6 3.i Courses and Activities Contributing to the Outcome MATH 106, 107, 208, 221, 314; ELEC 304, 305; CSCE 235, 340 PHYS 211, 212; PHYS 213/223 or CHEM 109 PHYS 212; ELEC 215/235, 216/236, 316 CSCE 155, 156, 310, 361 CSCE 230/230L, 236, 351, 462 CSCE 230/230L, 335 CSCE 488, 489 PHYS 213/223 or CHEM 109; CSCE 310, 488; CSCE 230L, 236, 335, 361, 488, 489 CSCE 155, 156, 361, 488, 489 CSCE 230, 361, 488, 489; JGEN 200, 300 Humanities and Social Sciences Requirements (12 hrs) CSCE 230, 361, 488 CSCE 230L, 361, 488, 489 CSCE 488, CSE departmental research colloquiums, Undergraduate research experiences through UNL’s UCARE (Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences) program, ACM/IEEE membership, Annual ACM Programming Contests, and research competitions. 26 CRITERION 4. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT The CSE Department’s Systematic Program Assessment and Revision (SPAR) process defines the steps for Defining the constituencies, objectives and outcomes of our Computer Engineering and Computer Science baccalaureate degree programs, Assessing various indicators of the quality of the program offered, relative to the needs of our constituencies, Evaluating the results produced by the assessment process in order to identify strengths, as well as problem areas in need of improvement, Feeding back the results of evaluation to the appropriate personnel so that appropriate program revisions may be identified and implemented, and Reviewing the effectiveness of the SPAR process itself, to ensure that it is serving its purposes. The SPAR program was formally adopted by the CSE Department faculty in the spring 1999 semester, with most of the SPAR activities predating the formal adoption and the later revisions made in Spring 2005 and Spring 2011. While full implementation began in the 1999–2000 academic year, it has not been without disruption due to changes in faculty, changes in Department leadership, changes in facilities, and necessary shifts in administrative focus to respond to a changing budget climate. Nevertheless, the main structure and principles of the SPAR program have remained intact and have guided the Department through all these changes. The SPAR process consists of two separate and concurrent SPAR cycles (loops). As implemented in this program, the two loops illustrated in Figure 4-1 have the following properties: The left-hand loop represents a three-year cycle focusing on assessment and revision of the high-level Program Educational Objectives. The goal of this loop is to determine whether the objectives are relevant, appropriate, and serve the needs of our constituencies, as well as to determine how well the current objectives are being achieved. The right-hand loop represents a two-year cycle of activities focusing on assessment and revision of the Student Outcomes and Curriculum to improve the manner in which the program achieves the Program Educational Objectives. 27 Figure 4-1: Two loop assessment process Several distinct and diverse assessment instruments are used to assess and evaluate Program Objectives, Program Outcomes, and the curriculum. There are three classes of reports to be filed: 1. Reports on the results of individual assessment instruments. Each of the reports is described in Section 4.1. 2. A biennial Outcomes Assessment Report, which is a combination of assessment reports submitted to the Deans of the Colleges of Engineering and Arts & Sciences. This report is prepared by the CSE Department Vice Chair, and addresses how well the program meets the Student Outcomes. 3. A triennial Objectives Assessment Report, which every other cycle will be embedded in the ABET Self-Study. This report is prepared by the CSE Department Vice Chair, and addresses how well the Program Educational Objectives are being met and how well these objectives serve the needs of our constituencies. Table 4-1 contains a listing of all reports, along with the responsible parties and deadlines. This table also indicates whether a particular report is relevant to the assessment of 28 objectives, outcomes, or both. Since some assessment methodologies are used to assess both Program Educational Objectives and Student Outcomes, we present them all together. Table 4-1: Assessment Report Responsibilities and Deadlines Outcomes Objectives Relevant Sections Progress Assessment Test (PAT) Report (embedded in Outcomes Assessment Report) Exit Surveys Summary (standalone reports and summarized in the Outcomes Assessment Report) Student Advisory Panel Summary (standalone informal summaries to faculty; main reports embedded in Outcomes Assessment and Objectives Assessment Reports) Industry Advisory Panel Summary (embedded in Outcomes Assessment and Objectives Assessment Reports) Alumni and Supervisors Objectives Survey Summary (embedded in Objectives Assessment Report) Ad hoc assessments 4.1.1 X Vice Chair 4.1.2 X Vice Chair 4.1.3 X X Vice Chair Semi-Annual Data Collection, Biennial/Triennial Reports 4.1.4 X X Chair Biennial/Triennial X Vice Chair Triennial 4.1.6 X X Misc Misc ABET Review Team Report N/A X X ABET Sexennial Outcomes Assessment Report (Union of assessment reports sent to Deans of both colleges) Objectives Assessment Report 4.2 X Vice Chair Biennial Vice Chair Triennial Report Title 4.1.5 4.3 X Originator Frequency Semi-Annual Data Collection, Biennial Report Semi-annual 4.1 Individual Assessment Reports 4.1.1 Progress Assessment Tests (PATs) Progress Assessment Tests (PATs) are given at the end of selected CSCE courses. Each PAT assesses how well students learned the material of that course. PATs are intended to assess how well core CSCE courses are delivering their content, and to identify weaknesses and omissions in the sequence of topics across the entire curriculum. The PATs assess both learning and retention of core material. The PATs that assess learning shall be administered in each relevant course at the end of the semester. The PATs that assess retention shall be administered during the senior design sequence, throughout the semester. In both cases, on-line delivery is used for the test(s). 29 Each PAT must affect students’ grades, either as participation-based or directly by each student’s score on the test. How each PAT affects grades is at the discretion of the instructor. PATs that assess learning are required in the following courses: CSCE 155 (all variants), 156, 230, 235, and 310, and RAIK 183H, 184H, 283H, and 284H. There is a single PAT for each such course. PATs that assess retention are required in the following courses: CSCE 486 and 488, and RAIK 402H. Students in each of these courses take a series of PATs, covering the sequence of tests from each core course. All PATs are delivered on-line, in multiple-choice format to facilitate automatic grading. Each test consists of approximately 30 questions, each expected to require at most one minute. The CSE Vice Chair oversees the development and administration of the PATs, as well as the compilation of the results. These results are presented in the biennial Outcomes Assessment Report. Copies of PATs will be made available at the time of the visit. 4.1.2 Exit Surveys The CSE Department’s Exit Surveys solicit feedback from students regarding their experiences and opinions of the CSE Department, including: Job search experiences, employment status, placement satisfaction, and future plans; The relevance of the curriculum, student outcomes, and extra-curricular activities, and preparation for the workplace and life-long professional practice; Program-specific issues, including the quality of instruction, teaching assistants, facilities, advising and administration. At the end of their final semester in our undergraduate program, each graduating student is requested to sit for a personal interview with a staff representative of the CSE Department. At the interview, the student is asked questions on his or her opinion on various facets of the program (including how well the student achieved the outcomes), how well we prepare graduates for graduate education and industrial work, our curricula, the quality of our teaching assistants, faculty, and advisors, and their participation in non-academic programs such as ACM. After all interviews are complete in that semester, the CSE Department Vice Chair takes the anonymized results from the staff member and prepares a summary report. This report is made available to the faculty electronically. The results are also summarized in the biennial Outcomes Assessment Report. Copies of the exit survey will be made available at the time of the visit. 4.1.3 Student Advisory Panel (SAP) The Student Advisory Panel (SAP) is the primary means for soliciting undergraduate input on all elements related to our undergraduate programs. The SAP normally meets once or 30 twice per academic year. Attendance to all SAP meetings is open to all undergraduate students from both Computer Science and Computer Engineering, but CSE Department administration also recruits students in a targeted way to maximize diversity across gender, year in school, major, and membership/non-membership in the Raikes Program. At each SAP meeting, attendees are provided with copies of the CSE Department’s Program Educational Objectives and Student Outcomes for both the Computer Science and Computer Engineering programs. The students are then asked for feedback on (1) the validity and relevance of the Student Outcomes, (2) how well the Student Outcomes achieve the Program Educational Objectives, (3) how well the curriculum achieves the Student Outcomes, and (4) recommendations for improving the Student Outcomes. Further, general feedback on any facet of either program is solicited from the attendees. Representatives from the CSE Department include department staff, advisors, faculty, and administration. At each meeting, notes are taken, and these notes are used by the Vice Chair for assessment of objectives and outcomes. Outcomes assessments are reported in the biennial Outcomes Assessment Report. Objectives assessments are reported in the triennial Objectives Assessment Report. In addition, both the outcomes assessments and objectives assessments are briefly summarized to the faculty after each panel meeting. 4.1.4 Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) The Industry Advisory Panel (IAP), recruiters, and corporate and government partners are the primary means for soliciting input from the employers of our alumni. Formal membership in the IAP is by invitation. The CSE Department Chair consults with the faculty to develop a list of invited participants. The IAP includes members from both large and small organizations, and members from both inside and outside Nebraska. The IAP formally meets triennially with goals to help assess the CSE Department’s teaching, research, and service programs. The IAP, recruiters, and corporate partners serve as a sounding board in the Department’s planning processes, and provide a front-line perspective on industrial applications of computer science and engineering. At each formal meeting, IAP members are briefed on the state of the CSE Department, tour the departmental facilities, receive special briefings related to the meeting foci, engage in discussions, offer advice, describe their own work and organization, and have informal interactions with faculty and students. In addition to the formal panel, each year the CSE Department Chair meets with recruiters that hire our graduates and engineers that work with them once they are hired. The Chair asks how prepared our graduates are, and how they are performing. The Chair also asks for suggestions they might have in how we might better prepare our graduates for their particular needs. The Chair also reviews proposed changes to our curriculum to get their feedback. Rather than submitting a report for each informal meeting, the CSE Department Chair forwards critiques of our program and recommended program changes to the Curriculum Chair and other relevant department administrators. Every two years, the CSE Department Chair submits to the CSE Department Vice Chair a summary statement of the formal and 31 informal feedback from the IAP and other constituent representatives. As it pertains to outcomes assessment, this statement is included in the biennial Outcomes Assessment Report. As it pertains to Objectives assessment, it is reported in the triennial Objectives Assessment Report. 4.1.5 Alumni and Supervisors Objectives Survey To assess the relevance and achievement of our Program Educational Objectives, a link to an annual survey is sent to alumni (both currently in graduate school and in industry/government) of our programs. This brief survey asks each alumnus/alumna what year he or she graduated from the Department, and from which program. Based on the answer to this question, the graduate is then shown a list of that program’s educational objectives, and is asked to rate how well he or she has achieved each one since graduation. The survey closes with an opportunity to provide comments, which can include an assessment of the relevance of the Program Educational Objectives. In the email to each alumnus/alumna, there is also a link to a similar survey intended to be completed by the graduate’s academic or industry supervisor. The former student is asked to forward this link to the appropriate person. After the surveys close each year, the CSE Department Vice Chair will email a brief summary to the faculty. Three years’ worth of data will be compiled and summarized by the CSE Department Vice Chair in the triennial Objectives Assessment Report. Copies of these surveys will be made available at the time of the visit. 4.1.6 Ad Hoc Assessments In order to be maximally responsive to the needs of our constituencies, often CSE Department faculty, staff, advisors, and administrators engage in brief ad hoc assessments of aspects of the programs. E.g., the Chief Undergraduate Advisor performs regular tracking of enrollment patterns in CSE courses. These numbers influence the frequency of offering of courses and the quantity of faculty and teaching assistant resources allocated to them. Another example of ad hoc assessment is the CSE Department’s feedback form, with which students can give anonymous feedback to Department administrators on any aspect of the Department. Similarly, the CSE Department Chair forwards to the Curriculum Chair critiques of our program and recommended program changes received from informal meetings with recruiters and other industrial or government constituents. 4.2 Outcomes Assessment Report The results, conclusions, and recommendations of all assessment activities of Program Outcomes will be summarized in a biennial Outcomes Assessment Report. This report is a combination of the one submitted to the Dean of the College of Engineering and the one submitted to the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences. The report will be submitted to the faculty, who are welcome to raise any issues they wish to the faculty as a whole or to Department administration. After release, the CSE Chair, CSE Vice Chair, CSE Chief 32 Undergraduate Advisor, and the CSE Curriculum Chair will meet to discuss any action items for the department to address. 4.3 Objectives Assessment Report The results, conclusions, and recommendations of all assessment activities of Program Objectives will be summarized in a triennial Objectives Assessment Report. Every second iteration of this cycle will coincide with the submission of the ABET Self-Study. The report will be submitted to the faculty, who are welcome to raise any issues they wish to the faculty as a whole or to Department administration. After release, the CSE Chair, CSE Vice Chair, CSE Chief Undergraduate Advisor, and the CSE Curriculum Chair will meet to discuss any action items for the department to address. 4.4 Use of Assessment Results After the release of each biennial Outcomes Assessment Report and each triennial Objectives Assessment Report, the CSE Chair, CSE Vice Chair, CSE Chief Undergraduate Advisor, and the CSE Curriculum Chair will meet to discuss any action items for the department to address. Work to address these items is done by the appropriate committee (e.g. the CSE Curriculum Committee if it is a curriculum issue, the CSE Assessment Committee if it is an assessment issue). Further, the release of results from individual assessment instruments enables CSE faculty and administration to rapidly recognize and respond to issues that are revealed out of the biennial and triennial formal cycles of outcomes and objectives assessment. 4.4.1 Use of Results for Updating Program Educational Objectives Student Advisory Panel (SAP) In the SAP meetings of the 2010–2011 academic year, students were shown the educational objectives for each program. The consensus in the Spring 2011 panels was that the objectives were appropriate, and no one said anything about students not being able to achieve them. A similar consensus was reached in the Fall 2010 panel, save for comments on teamwork. Specifically, students did not feel that they were taught how to work in teams. Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) The last formal meeting of an Industry Advisory Panel to address CSE Educational Objectives convened on October 16, 2009. As is customary, the panel was given an overview of the CSE department and CE and CS programs, tours of facilities, and specific topics of student recruitment, retention and placement were addressed. The panel was impressed with 100% job placement of seniors, which has been consistent throughout the Great Recession, and with the fact that approximately 67% of all CSE students complete internships before graduating. CSE students are highly sought as potential employees due to their strong educational foundation and applied experiences. IAP recommended restructuring CSCE 155 and 156 to improve retention and possibly recruitment from other majors by putting in place concepts being evaluated through the CSE Renaissance Computing Initiative. They supported a plan to make all of the CSCE 150 33 courses CS1 courses that prepare students for CS2. These changes changed the educational objectives of the CS1 and CS2 courses, with some CS1 educational objectives moving to CS2. We are in the process of effectuating these changes, and AY 2011-12 the first full year in which the CS1 and CS2 course changes are in place. Continuous monitoring and adjustment of educational objectives and outcomes will be required. Alumni and Supervisors Objectives Survey On May 11, 2011, CSE worked with the UNL alumni association to forward an email to program alumni asking them and their (academic and work) supervisors to fill out a brief on-line survey on how well our Program Educational Objectives are met by alumni of both our programs. From May 11 through May 31, we received fifty responses from our graduates (Computer Science and Computer Engineering combined) and seven responses from their supervisors. In each alumni survey, participants were asked when they graduated and from what program. Based on their answer to the latter question, they were then directed to a page listing that program’s current Program Educational Objectives, and were asked how well they feel that they currently meet each objective. Possible responses included “Very Well”, “Well”, “Adequately”, “Poorly”, and “N/A”. The supervisor surveys are similar, except that supervisors are asked how many alumni they supervise, from which program (Computer Science/Computer Engineering/Don’t Know). Based on their answer, they go to the objectives of the appropriate program (if “Don’t Know” is selected, then they are directed to the CS objectives) and are asked how well overall their supervisees meet them. Alumni Nineteen Computer Engineering alumni responded to the alumni survey, with years of graduation ranging from 1983 through 2010. Two had graduated between 2006 and 2008 (a 3–5 year window since graduation). Every “Very Well” response was 4 points, “Well” was 3, “Adequately” was 2, and “Poorly” was 1. “N/A” responses were not averaged. Below, for each objective, we report the average scores for all responses and for those between 2006 and 2008. 1. The ability to view computer systems as an integrated continuum of technologies and to engage in integrated system-level design. Full: 3.41, 3–5 years: 4 2. The ability to work with professionals in related fields over the spectrum of system design. Full: 3.5, 3–5 years: 4 3. The ability to quickly adapt to new work environments, assimilate new information, and solve new problems. Full: 3.68, 3–5 years: 3.5 4. The background and perspective necessary to pursue post-graduate education. Full: 3.53, 3–5 years: 3.5 5. The ability to work in conformance with societal needs and expectations. Full: 3.21, 3–5 years: 4 34 6. Integration into the world of practicing professionals for collaborations, mutual support, and representing the profession to government and society. Full: 3.21, 3–5 years: 4 Comments: I marked Computer Engineering instead of Computer Science as my degree was from the College of Engineering and Technology. I know that there was not the same Computer Engineering degree as there is today. But I consider myself a computer engineer and not a pure computer scientist. I work in the aerospace industry writing real-time and embedded control software for rockets and ballistic missiles. The advance operating systems course, CS451, prepared me for work in this arena. In addition, the core courses from assembly to algorithms as 3 as the technical electives in the CSE and EE departments have provided me the background information that I have used through out my career. Would have greatly benefitted from more of a software engineering lifecycle approach. I feel that I have met these points in my career through working, not through my degree program. The question should be structured as 'how has your degree program prepared you to achieve the following points...' The program needs things to be more applicable for Software Engineering. Not as a scientific discipline, but as a practice in the profession. So many people know how to code, or theoretically understand how a good software system works. Very few people can do both. Supervisors There were seven responses to the supervisor survey. Two said that they supervise Computer Engineering alumni, four Computer Science, and one “Don’t Know”. Thus there were two responses to the Computer Engineering supervisor survey, and five to the Computer Science supervisor survey. Because some supervisors supervise multiple alumni, we do not filter results by year of graduation. 1. The ability to view computer systems as an integrated continuum of technologies and to engage in integrated system-level design. 4 2. The ability to work with professionals in related fields over the spectrum of system design. 3.5 3. The ability to quickly adapt to new work environments, assimilate new information, and solve new problems. 3.5 4. The background and perspective necessary to pursue post-graduate education. 4 5. The ability to work in conformance with societal needs and expectations. 4 35 6. Integration into the world of practicing professionals for collaborations, mutual support, and representing the profession to government and society. 3 Conclusions Since all scores (both for overall and the 3–5 year window) are above “Well”, we consider all Program Educational Objectives as being met well. These results will be used as a baseline for comparison in future years. From the comments, we see that most refer to software engineering principles. Since we have already updated our Program Educational Objectives, Student Outcomes, and curriculum to address this issue, we consider no action necessary at this time. Ad Hoc Assessments From 2009–2010, the CSE Chair met with the following people (and usually with others from their company as well): Byron Blunk, Microsoft (Redmond, WA) Tracy Thelen, Cerner Software (Kansas City, MO) Raedawn Ruffner, Garmin (Kansas City, MO) Renae Feikema, Sandhills Publishing (Lincoln, NE) Tom Duden, Data Design (Lincoln, NE) Sid Dhingra, Oracle (Reston, VA) David Hemsath, IBM (Austin, TX) Jared Pehrson, IBM (Rochester, MN) Kevin Prine, Tradebot (Kansas City, MO) Most of the above people are repeats from prior years, since they are our primary contact person for that company. The Chair traveled to Garmin, Cerner, and Design Data. He met with representatives from Garmin, Microsoft, Cerner, Sandhills, IBM, and Tradebot when they were at the UNL Career Fair. He met with the other representatives in meetings throughout the year. The primary feedback was that they really like the students we graduate, and they would all hire more, if we graduated more. For each of the past 3 years, 100% of our graduates seeking jobs were employed before graduation. All companies supported our efforts to recruit more students and our Renaissance Computing Initiative. Some wanted technologyspecific courses that would reduce their training costs. This is a common request from industry, but it is not something we will generally do. For example, Cerner wanted us to integrate more health-care specific technology into our curriculum. That, however, would limit employment opportunities for our graduates. Instead, we focus on a strong foundation based on fundamentals and the ability to learn new concepts, languages, and tools. All employers agreed that we succeed in doing that. Further, informal consultation with IAP representatives and other industry representatives, as well as discussions with graduating students, revealed that many Computer Engineering majors were often getting jobs as software developers. Thus, programming and software design and documentation and maintenance were added as concepts to some Program Educational Objectives. Another relevant ad hoc assessment result is the observation that the CSE Chief Undergraduate Advisor made on what kinds of jobs our Computer Engineering graduates 36 were engaging in. Specifically, he noted that a majority were working in software instead of hardware. Thus we added software as an explicit component of our Program Educational Objectives. 4.4.2 Use of Results for Updating Student Outcomes Progress Assessment Tests Past three semesters have had us updating content and policies of tests and gathering baseline data. Will briefly summarize results here. Mention that in May meeting, we agreed to discuss in August. Exit Surveys Since Spring 2011 was the first semester with our new Student Outcomes, so we only have one semester’s worth of data on graduating students assessing their achievement of these outcomes. The survey indicates that the only Student Outcomes for which some students disagreed that they achieved were 2.c (Mastery of digital logic design) at 8%, 3.a (Application of theoretical knowledge) at 8%, 3.c (Use of design tools and techniques) at 23%, 5.a (Broad education in the humanities) at 8%, and 5.b (Focused education in ethical, legal, environmental and security issues) at 15%. The most glaring of these is use of design tools and techniques. Taken with the respondents’ comments, this seems to relate with the oft-raised complaint that our program is not teaching the same technologies that are used in industry. In a meeting on May 26, 2011 with the CSE Department Chair, CSE Department Vice Chair, CSE Curriculum Chair, and CSE Chief Undergraduate Advisor, it was decided that a quick way to respond to this is to remind students in CSCE 488/489 that they can and should use the Senior Design course sequence as an opportunity to learn some of these technologies on their own, building on the foundation that our program provides for them. Related to this issue, we have already started broadening the scope of projects in CSCE 488/489, requiring the use of new technologies such as mobile devices and sensor networks. Other issues raised in the Exit Surveys that occur regularly include timeliness and accuracy of grading by GTAs, how well GTAs communicate, and how well GTAs coordinate with faculty. In the May 26 meeting, it was decided that a new instructor hire for Fall 2011 will work with GTAs and faculty to train them to better coordinate and to help GTAs work on grading and communication issues. Student Advisory Panel In the SAP meetings of the 2010–2011 academic year, students were shown the Student Outcomes for each program. The consensus in the Spring 2011 panels was that the outcomes were appropriate, and no one said anything about students not being able to achieve them. A similar consensus was reached in the Fall 2010 panel, save for comments on teamwork. Specifically, students did not feel that they were taught how to work in teams. Other selected issues raised in the Student Advisory Panel meetings include: (1) is MATH 314 (Linear Algebra) relevant to our majors?; (2) is it appropriate to allow students to substitute Raikes Design Studio courses for technical electives?; and (3) is the on-line 37 version of CSCE 251 being taught well? In a meeting on May 26, 2011 with the CSE Department Chair, CSE Department Vice Chair, CSE Curriculum Chair, and CSE Chief Undergraduate Advisor, these items and others were discussed. For (1), we agreed to contact the Math Department to see if a less theoretical course (e.g. “Applied Linear Algebra”) is feasible for our (and perhaps other) majors. We decided that (2) had already been addressed in a faculty vote in Spring 2011 (taking effect in Fall 2012) to limit the number of hours of Raikes Design Studio that can apply as technical electives. For (3) we agreed to examine the evaluations of CSCE 251 and consider possible improvements, revisiting this issue later after the course has been offered on-line for a longer time. In earlier Student Advisory Panel meetings, students asked if we could somehow mandate that they fill out course evaluations at the end of each semester. At subsequent faculty meetings, this was discussed. The conclusion was that the on-line nature of the evaluations makes participation difficult to mandate, but students can be incentivized by offering the entire class bonus points that are scaled by the fraction of the class that fills out the evaluations. This strategy has since been successfully used in some courses. Industry Advisory Panel Section summarizes our most recent results in consulting the Industry Advisory Panel. Our students’ employers’ satisfaction with the performance of our graduates implies that they are achieving the outcomes of our program. Further, the recognition that our Computer Engineering majors require more background in software development prompted us to add “Documentation and Maintenance” as Student Outcome 3.d. Ad Hoc Assessments Section summarizes our most recent results from ad hoc assessments. Our students’ employers’ satisfaction with the performance of our graduates implies that they are achieving the outcomes of our program. The primary feedback was that they really like the students we graduate, and they would all hire more, if we graduated more. For each of the past 3 years, 100% of our graduates seeking jobs were employed before graduation. An ad hoc survey done by the College of Engineering showed that Computer Engineering majors felt that Computer Networking was an important topic, but that they were not getting sufficient exposure to it. This prompted discussion in the CSE Curriculum Committee and CSE Faculty, leading to the addition of communication networks as part of Student Outcome 2.b and the addition of CSCE 462: Communication Networks as a required course in the Computer Engineering program. 4.5 Continuous Improvement Section 4.4 summarized changes to Program Educational Objectives, Student Outcomes, curriculum, and departmental procedures in response to assessment results. Due to recent significant changes to objectives, outcomes, and curriculum, no major changes are currently planned. However, we plan to investigate alternatives to MATH 314 and look into how CSCE 251 is taught on-line, per the discussion of Section As we acquire new data 38 from the Progress Assessment Tests and the Alumni and Supervisors Objectives Survey, we will be able to make more precise assessments based on these data. 4.6 Additional Information Copies of all assessment materials discussed in Section 4 will be made available at the time of the visit. 39 CRITERION 5. CURRICULUM 5.1 Plan of Study Table 5-1a (at the end of this chapter) presents a sample 4-year schedule, semester by semester, for students who are not in the Raikes School, to attain the BS in Computer Engineering. Table 5-1b (also at the end of this chapter) presents the same schedule for students in the Raikes School, substituting RAIK courses for CSCE where appropriate. Enrollment figures are not presented for ACE and general electives since so many courses count as these electives. As described in “Options” under the Background section (Section 0.3), students may concentrate their technical electives in specific areas to achieve a Focus in that area. Further, non-Raikes students may substitute RAIK 402H for CSCE 489 and use RAIK 401H as a technical elective. 5.2 Alignment with Program Educational Objectives Table 5-2 summarizes how the curriculum aligns with the Program Educational Objectives. This information is also embedded in Table 3-1. Text on Raikes mapping Table 5-2: Alignment of Curriculum with Program Educational Objectives Program Educational Objective 1 2 3 4 5 6 Courses and Activities Aligned with Objective MATH 106, 107, 208, 221, 314; ELEC 304, 305; CSCE 155, 156, 230/230L, 235, 236, 310, 335, 340, 351, 361, 462, 488, 489; PHYS 213/223 or CHEM 109 PHYS 211, 212; PHYS 213/223 or CHEM 109; ELEC 215/235, 216/236, 316; CSCE 155, 156, 310, 361 CSCE 155, 156, 230/230L, 236, 310, 335, 361, 488, 489; PHYS 213/223 or CHEM 109; JGEN 200, 300 PHYS 213/223 or CHEM 109; CSCE 310, 488, 489; CSE departmental research colloquiums, Undergraduate research experiences through UNL’s UCARE (Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences) program, ACM/IEEE membership, Annual ACM Programming Contests, and research competitions. CSCE 230, 361, 488; Humanities and Social Sciences Requirements (12 hrs) CSCE 230L, 361, 488, 489; CSE departmental research colloquiums, Undergraduate research experiences through UNL’s UCARE (Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences) program, ACM/IEEE membership, Annual ACM Programming Contests, and research competitions. 40 5.3 Support of Attainment of Student Outcomes Table 5-3 summarizes how the curriculum supports the attainment of Student Outcomes. This information is also embedded in Table 3-1. Text on Raikes mapping Table 5-3: Curriculum Support of Student Outcomes Student Outcome 1.a 1.b 1.c 2.a 2.b 2.c 3.a 3.b 3.c 3.d 4 5.a 5.b 5.c 5.d Courses and Activities Contributing to the Outcome MATH 106, 107, 208, 221, 314; ELEC 304, 305; CSCE 235, 340 PHYS 211, 212; PHYS 213/223 or CHEM 109 PHYS 212; ELEC 215/235, 216/236, 316 CSCE 155, 156, 310, 361 CSCE 230/230L, 236, 351, 462 CSCE 230/230L, 335 CSCE 488, 489 PHYS 213/223 or CHEM 109; CSCE 310, 488; CSCE 230L, 236, 335, 361, 488, 489 CSCE 155, 156, 361, 488, 489 CSCE 230, 361, 488, 489; JGEN 200, 300 Humanities and Social Sciences Requirements (12 hrs) CSCE 230, 361, 488 CSCE 230L, 361, 488, 489 CSCE 488, CSE departmental research colloquiums, Undergraduate research experiences through UNL’s UCARE (Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences) program, ACM/IEEE membership, Annual ACM Programming Contests, and research competitions. 5.4 Prerequisite Structure Figures 5-1 and 5-2 describe the prerequisite structure of courses for the Computer Engineering program. Figure 1 describes the prerequisites for CSCE and MATH courses, and Figure 2 does the same for ELEC courses. Computer Engineering majors in the Raikes School follow a similar prerequisite structure, substituting RAIK 183H for CSCE 155, RAIK 184H for CSCE 156, RAIK 283H for a combination of CSCE 235 and 310 (so RAIK 184H is a prerequisite for RAIK 283H, and RAIK 283H serves as a prerequisite for most 400-level CSCE courses, just like CSCE 310 does in Figure 5-1), RAIK 284H for CSCE 230/230L, and RAIK 383H for CSCE 361. The Design Studio sequence begins with RAIK 301H, which has prerequisites RAIK 282H (a business course) and RAIK 284H. Students in the Raikes School move through in a regimented fashion, ensuring that all prerequisites are met. Computer Engineering majors who are not in the Raikes School are allowed to take the Design Studio sequence by invitation. 41 Figure 5-1: Prerequisite structure for CSCE and MATH courses. 42 Figure 5-2: Prerequisite structure for ELEC courses. 5.5 Specific Requirements 5.5.1 Math and Basic Sciences Computer Engineering majors are required to take 26 credit hours of Mathematics, including 14 credit hours of integral and differential calculus, 3 credit hours of differential equations, 3 credit hours of linear algebra and matrix theory, 3 credit hours of probability theory, and 3 credit hours of discrete mathematics. Students also must have at least 8 credit hours of physics (classical mechanics followed by electricity and magnetism), as well as either 4 credit hours of general chemistry with its lab or 5 credit hours of relativistic physics and quantum mechanics and its lab. Thus, Computer Engineering majors end up with at least 38 credit hours of math and basic sciences. (In the Raikes version of Table 5-1b, the 3 credit hours of CSCE 235 are spread out between RAIK 184H and 283H.) 5.5.2 Engineering Topics Each Computer Engineering major takes 38 credit hours of required computer engineering/computer science courses (not counting CSCE 235: Discrete Structures), 14 credit hours of required Electrical Engineering courses (not counting ELEC 305: Probability Theory), and 15 credit hours of technical electives from Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering. This yields a total of 67 credit hours (63 for Raikes since CSCE 488 is replaced 43 by RAIK 381 and RAIK 382, CSCE 155 is replaced by RAIK 183H, and 3 credit hours of RAIK 184H and 283H are in Mathematics) in engineering topics. 5.5.3 General Education A new general education program based on student learning outcomes was adopted at UNL in December 2007 and implemented in Fall 2009. The innovative program, AchievementCentered Education (ACE), reflects what faculty believes 21st century graduates of this institution ought to know. All UNL graduates must have learning experiences that meet all 10 Student Learning Objectives (SLO). The Computer Engineering program follows those guidelines and requires a total of 12 credit hours of humanities and social sciences under the ACE designation for degree completion. All other ACE requirements are met within the major. Specific guidelines can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin. Briefly, the ACE areas are as follows (adapted from http://ace.unl.edu/). Develop intellectual and practical skills, including proficiency in written, oral, and visual communication; inquiry techniques; critical and creative thinking; quantitative applications; information assessment; teamwork; and problemsolving. ACE 1. Write texts, in various forms, with an identified purpose, that respond to specific audience needs, incorporate research or existing knowledge, and use applicable documentation and appropriate conventions of format and structure. ACE 2. Demonstrate communication competence in one or more of the following ways: (a) by making oral presentations with supporting materials, (b) by leading and participating in problem-solving teams, (c) by employing a repertoire of communication skills for developing and maintaining professional and personal relationships, or (d) by creating and interpreting visual information. ACE 3. Use mathematical, computational, statistical, or formal reasoning (including reasoning based on principles of logic) to solve problems, draw inferences, and determine reasonableness. Build knowledge of diverse peoples and cultures and of the natural and physical world through the study of mathematics, sciences and technologies, histories, humanities, arts, social sciences, and human diversity. ACE 4. Use scientific methods and knowledge of the natural and physical world to address problems through inquiry, interpretation, analysis, and the making of inferences from data, to determine whether conclusions or solutions are reasonable. ACE 5. Use knowledge, historical perspectives, analysis, interpretation, critical evaluation, and the standards of evidence appropriate to the humanities to address problems and issues. 44 ACE 6. Use knowledge, theories, methods, and historical perspectives appropriate to the social sciences to understand and evaluate human behavior. ACE 7. Use knowledge, theories, or methods appropriate to the arts to understand their context and significance. Exercise individual and social responsibilities through the study of ethical principles and reasoning, application of civic knowledge, interaction with diverse cultures, and engagement with global issues. ACE 8. Explain ethical principles, civics, and stewardship, and their importance to society. ACE 9. Exhibit global awareness or knowledge of human diversity through analysis of an issue. Integrate these abilities and capacities, adapting them to new settings, questions, and responsibilities. ACE 10. Generate a creative or scholarly product that requires broad knowledge, appropriate technical proficiency, information collection, synthesis, interpretation, presentation, and reflection. 5.5.4 Other A total of 126 credit hours is required for the Computer Engineering degree. To reach this total, Computer Engineering majors who are not double-majors in Electrical Engineering and who are not in the Raikes School need one 3-credit hour open elective. Students in the Raikes School take multiple courses in the "Other" category as Raikes-specific courses. Finally, all Computer Engineering majors take ENGR 020: Sophomore Engineering Seminar. 5.5.5 Program Criteria Section 9 (Program Criteria) details how the curriculum meets the Program Criteria for the Computer Engineering degree. 5.6 Design Experience Hardware and software design experiences begin early in the curriculum and grow in scope and complexity as the courses become more advanced. Lower-level courses lay the foundations of mathematics, the sciences, design theory, problem-solving techniques, and documentation methods. Several required and elective upper-level courses build on this foundation, providing hands-on design experiences that take into account the constraints that professional designers encounter in real life. The sequence of design experiences culminates in the capstone design two-course sequence CSCE 488/489. 45 5.6.1 Software Design Experience In the area of software design, several required courses emphasize the structure and style of a program and its component routines in the context of top-down design methodology, objectoriented programming, and testing. These courses include CSCE 155 (any variety): Introduction to Computer Science I, CSCE 156: Introduction to Computer Science II, CSCE 310: Data Structures & Algorithms, CSCE 361: Software Engineering, and CSCE 351: Operating System Kernels. In these preparatory courses, students learn the essential fundamentals in software problem solving, data abstraction and algorithms, software design and testing, and architectural and systems programming issues involved in system-level design. In CSCE 155 and CSCE 156, students use Java to do programming assignments involving fundamental problem solving skills, algorithmic design, object oriented programming and debugging, documentation, maintenance, and basic data structures. Both courses have substantial laboratory components, which give students significant exposure to and hands-on experiences with basic software design. In CSCE 351, students use assembly languages, OS (e.g., Linux and Windows) primitives and system calls to do assignments that design and implement operating system kernels. These OS kernels cover fundamental OS concepts such as user space management, concurrency management, processes and threads control, I/O management, hardware and software interfacing. Students implement their design in real systems or simulated environment. In CSCE 361, students learn techniques in specifying, designing, implementation, testing, and maintaining software systems. A closely related course, although not required, is CSCE 451: Operating Systems Principles, a technical elective. In this course, students use Unix primitives to do assignments on concurrent processing and inter-processor communication. Algorithmic correctness and deadlock avoidance are tricky issues in concurrent processes that must be dealt with in doing these assignments. Assignments deal with processor scheduling and memory management. Students implement their designs in a simulated operating system. Each assignment requires modifying or adding less than 100 lines of code. The real challenge lies in determining how to modify the existing 5,000 lines of code, which they did not write, such that their changes do not affect the correctness of the rest of the system. These assignments are done in teams to help students experience the problems of communication and coordination they would encounter as professionals. A variety of other meaningful software design experiences, representing the breadth of the field, are available in the following elective courses: CSCE 322: Programming Language Concepts, CSCE 378: Human-Computer Interaction, CSCE 425: Compiler Construction, CSCE 436: Advanced Embedded Systems, CSCE 438: Sensor Networks, CSCE 456: Parallel Programming, CSCE 472: Digital Image Processing, CSCE 473: Computer Vision, and CSCE 475: Multiagent Systems. Common themes running through these courses include iterative refinement through design, test, and evaluate to meet the design objectives; consideration of reliability and human factors issues; making informed decisions about the choice of design and alternatives based on principles learned in the class; implementing solutions on off-the-shelf systems; testing solutions in real-life scenarios; and striking a 46 balance among competing demands of elegance, ease of programming, ease of access, cost of storage, and cost of access. 5.6.2 Hardware Design Experience Several courses involve hardware design and require students to design circuits, logic, and systems of increasing complexity. These courses include CSCE 230L: Computer Organization Lab, CSCE 335: Digital Logic Design, ELEC 215/235: Electronics & Circuits I/Lab, ELEC 216/234: Electronics & Circuits II/Lab, and ELEC 316: Electronics & Circuits III. One of the first meaningful hardware design experiences for students occurs in CSCE 230L: Computer Organization Laboratory. In this lab course, students conduct experiments involving the following three essential aspects of computer hardware design: (1) Arithmetic and Logic Level Implementation: Basic logic design of combinational and sequential logic, schematic capture, implementation of a control-datapath design using the register-transferlevel (RTL) notation; (2) Assembler Language Programming: assembling, loading, & linking in one assembler language, with simplified applications involving flow of control, arrays, loops, procedure calls, parameter passing, and floating point arithmetic; and (3) Introduction to teamwork and written & oral communication, in the context of the design, implementation, and verification of a single-cycle RISC processor realizing a substantial subset of the instruction set. The hardware design experience is further reinforced in the following required courses: ELEC 215/235: Electronics & Circuits I/Lab, ELEC 216/236: Electronics & Circuits II/Lab, ELEC 316: Electronics & Circuits III, and CSCE 335: Digital Logic Design. Together, these courses cover topics such as (1) Combinational and sequential logic circuits, (2) programmable logic devices, (3) CAD tools, (4) introduction to electrical engineering circuit theory, (5) Kirchhoff's laws and circuit analysis theorems, (6) fundamentals of semiconductor theory and their application to p-n junction devices, (7) frequency response of filters and amplifiers, (8) basic power amplifier types, and (9) advanced operational amplifier circuits. 5.6.3 Integrated Design Experience CSCE 236: Embedded Systems prepares students for industrial practice through hands-on experience in designing integrated computer systems. A typical Computer Engineering major takes this course in the sophomore year. The focus of this course is on building simple embedded systems by applying basic hardware and software concepts of microprocessors and interfacing with other hardware components. Students learn these concepts in CSCE 230: Computer Organization, the prerequisite of this course. The application component of this course also requires students to customize existing real-time operating systems and develop software components and applications to run on their systems. The curriculum culminates in CSCE 488/489: Computer Engineering Professional Development/Computer Engineering Senior Design Project, which provides a significant design experience. This two-course sequence must be taken in two consecutive semesters, during which students work on a detailed senior design project. For this project, students are organized into teams to undertake a substantial design project supervised by the instructor. 47 All teams undertake a broadly defined design problem containing aspects of both software and hardware design. To ensure that the student has achieved a sufficient level of background knowledge, the prerequisites to the course are JGEN 300: Technical Communication II, CSCE 236: Embedded Systems, and CSCE 351: Operating Systems Kernels. CSCE 488/489 projects are of sufficient complexity as to require team members to partition and coordinate their efforts for successful completion. Each team is treated as a separate company, which is in competition with the other teams (companies). The instructor plays the role of Project Manager. As such, s/he is not directly involved in the design or implementation of the project. Rather, his/her role is purely managerial and advisory. Other faculty members may be asked to play the roles of customer representatives at one or more points during the semester. Written technical reports and oral presentations are essential parts of this course. In the first semester (CSCE 488), students are exposed to professional design, development, and presentation principles. The project teams are formed and a broad project topic is determined by each team. A sufficiently complex part of the overall project is completed as a mini-project at the end of this first course. CSCE 488 emphasizes the discussion of industry standards: including availability, applicability, and accessibility; ethical and legal issues of intellectual property, including patents and copyrights; benefits of membership in professional societies (IEEE, and/or ACM); and opportunities for post-graduate and continuing education. Students perform individual and team work on topics including technical research, technical presentation, written and oral critique of technical work, and professional ethics. The design project topics are determined and a mini-project is performed. In the second semester (CSCE 489), students continue to work on the senior design project in more depth. Team progress is monitored by the Project Manager through weekly meetings and milestones. Each team must produce three written reports during the semester, in a writing style consistent with IEEE journals. Each written report is accompanied by an oral presentation in which all team members must participate. The reports and presentations can include videos that illustrate the design experience, and describe the product and demonstrations. 1. The first report is a Project Proposal, presented to the Project Manager (instructor) and the rest of the class. In this proposal, the team must show a clear understanding of the problem, perform a literature search to list related products and their shortcomings, describe their general approach, discuss specific design issues and solution options, and describe the projected end product. 2. The second report is a Progress Report, also presented to the project manager, the Customer Representatives, and the rest of the class. It describes progress to date, options selected, deviations from the original proposal, and plans for completing and testing the project. 3. The third report is a Final Proposal presented to the Project Manager, the Customer Representatives, and the rest of the class. This report details the design, testing, cost, and performance of the project. A demonstration normally also is required. 5.7 Cooperative Experience 48 Students can take 12 hours of ENGR 250 in one semester for a co-op to maintain full-time status. ENGR 250 does not count towards the BS in Computer Engineering. Up to 3 credit hours of CSCE 491 can count as a technical elective. This requires coordination with a CSE faculty member. The technical elective credit helps satisfy the Program Criterion requiring breadth and depth across the range of topics implied by the program’s title. 5.8 Course Materials At their visit in Fall 2011, review teams will have access to the following materials, collected over the previous 1–2 years of offerings of each course: textbooks, syllabi and other course handouts, samples of student work (at the A, B, and C levels, when available) on homework, quizzes, exams, project reports, etc., and videos of student presentations in CSCE 489. With sufficient advance notice, other types of materials might be made available upon request by the review team chair. 5.9 Course Syllabi Appendix A gives specifications or syllabi for all required courses and most support courses. Add explanatory text, if needed. 49 Table 5-1a Curriculum for Students not in Raikes School Computer Engineering Course (Department, Number, Title) List all courses in the program by term starting with first term of first year and ending with the last term of the final year. Year 1, Semester 1 CSCE 155 (A, E, N, or T): Computer Science I Lab MATH 106: Analytic Geometry and Calculus I Recitation CHEM 109: General Chemistry I Lab Recitation ACE Elective 5 Year 1, Semester 2 CSCE 156: Computer Science II Lab CSCE 235: Introduction to Discrete Structures Recitation CSCE 251: UNIX Programming Environment MATH 107: Analytic Geometry and Calculus II Recitation PHYS 211: General Physics I Recitation Year 2, Semester 1 Indicate Whether Course is Required, Elective or a Selected Elective by an R, an E or an SE.2 R R R R R R R SE R R R R R R R R R Curricular Area (Credit Hours) Math & Basic Sciences Engineering Topics Check if Contains Significant General Design (√) Education 3 (√) 5 4 3 4 (√) 3 1( ) 5 4 Other Average Last Two Terms Section the Course was Enrollment Offered: for the Last Year and, Two Terms the Semester, or Course was Quarter Offered1 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 56 21 108 25 166 21 37 Various Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 52 25 52 35 69 79 22 128 28 50 3 (√) CSCE 230: Computer Organization Recitation CSCE 230L: Computer Organization Laboratory MATH 208: Analytic Geometry and Calculus III PHYS 212: General Physics II Recitation ELEC 215: Electronics and Circuits I ELEC 235: Introductory Electrical Laboratory I ENGR 020: Sophomore Engineering Seminar Year 2, Semester 2 CSCE 236: Embedded Systems R R R R R R R R R R 3 (√) CSCE 310: Data Structures and Algorithms Recitation MATH 221: Differential Equations ELEC 216: Electronics and Circuits II ELEC 236: Introductory Electrical Laboratory II JGEN 200: Technical Communication I Year 3, Semester 1 CSCE 351: Operating System Kernels R R R R R R 3 (√) R 3 (√) CSCE 361: Software Engineering ELEC 304: Signals and Systems I ELEC 316: Electronics and Circuits III ACE 6 Elective Open Elective Year 3, Semester 2 CSCE 335: Digital Logic Design CSCE 462: Communication Networks MATH 314: Applied Linear Algebra ELEC 305: Probability Theory and Introduction to Random Processes ELEC 361: Advanced Electronics and Circuits R R R SE E 3 (√) 3( ) 3 (√) R R R R R 3 (√) 3( ) 1 (√) 4 4 3 (√) 1 (√) 0 3 3 (√) 1 (√) 3 3 3 3 3 3 (√) Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Spr 10, Fall 10 32 32 15 34 112 26 50 27 77 Spr 12 (planned) Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 N/A Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 58 38 31 29 Various Various Fall 10, Spr 11 Spr 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Spr 10, Spr 11 23 32 32 29 36 51 29 29 33 38 21 20 Year 4, Semester 1 CSCE 340: Numerical Analysis I 3( ) CSCE/ELEC Technical Elective CSCE 488: Computer Engineering Professional Development JGEN 300: Technical Communication II ACE 7 Elective Year 4, Semester 2 CSCE 489: Computer Engineering Senior Design Project CSCE/ELEC Technical Elective CSCE/ELEC Technical Elective CSCE/ELEC Technical Elective ACE 9 Elective Technical Elective Courses (Hours Not Totaled Below) CSCE 322: Programming Language Concepts SE R R SE 3( ) 2 (√) R SE SE SE SE 3 (√) 3( ) 3( ) 3( ) SE 3( ) CSCE 378: Human-Computer Interaction CSCE 399H: Honors Thesis RAIK 401H: RAIK Design Studio III SE SE SE 3( ) 3 (√) 3 (√) RAIK 402H: RAIK Design Studio IV CSCE 410: Information Retrieval Systems CSCE 413: Database Systems SE SE SE 3 (√) 3( ) 3( ) CSCE 421: Foundations of Constraint Processing CSCE 425: Compiler Construction SE SE 3( ) 3 (√) CSCE 430: Computer Architecture CSCE 432: High-Performance Processor Architectures SE SE 3 (√) 3 (√) CSCE 434: VLSI Design SE 3 (√) 3 3 Fall 09, Fall 10 See Below Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 See Below 6 16 Various 3 Fall 10, Spr 11 See Below See Below See Below Fall 10, Spr 11 6 See Below See Below See Below Various Fall 09, Fall 10 Spr 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 09, Fall 10 Spr 10, Spr 11 Spr 06, Spr 08 Fall 08, Sum 11 Spr 09, Spr 11 Fall 07, Fall 09 Spr 10, Spr 11 Fall 07, Fall 09 Fall 07, Fall 10 43 52 21 26 2 22 23 7 13 15 17 26 8 10 CSCE 435: Cluster and Grid Computing SE 3 (√) CSCE 436: Advanced Embedded Systems CSCE 437: File and Storage Systems CSCE 438: Sensor Networks SE SE SE 3 (√) 3 (√) 3 (√) CSCE 451: Operating Systems Principles CSCE 455: Distributed Operating Systems CSCE 456: Parallel Programming SE SE SE 3( ) 3( ) 3 (√) CSCE 457: Systems Administration SE 3( ) CSCE 464: Internet Programming CSCE 467: Software Quality CSCE 470: Computer Graphics CSCE 471: Introduction to Bioinformatics CSCE 472: Digital Image Processing SE SE SE SE SE 3( 3( 3( 3( 3( CSCE 473: Computer Vision CSCE 474: Introduction to Data Mining SE SE 3( ) 3( ) CSCE 475: Multiagent Systems SE 3( ) CSCE 476: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence CSCE 477: Cryptography and Computer Security SE SE 3( ) 3( ) CSCE 478: Introduction to Machine Learning SE 3( ) CSCE 479: Introduction to Neural Networks CSCE 491: Internship in Computing Practice CSCE 496: Special Topics (Various Courses) CSCE 498: Computer Problems SE SE SE SE 3( ) 3 (√) 3( ) 3( ) ) ) ) ) ) Fall 06, Fall 09 Spr 10, Spr 11 Fall 03 Fall 09, Fall 10 Spr 09, Spr 10 Fall 08, Spr 11 Fall 08, Fall 10 Fall 08, Fall 10 Spr 07, Spr 08 Not Offered Spr 07, Spr 08 Spr 08, Spr 11 Fall 08, Fall 09 Spr 08, Spr 11 Fall 05, Fall 07 Fall 07, Fall 09 Spr 09, Spr 10 Sum 10, Sum 11 Fall 08, Fall 10 Not Offered Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 53 21 15 14 15 28 14 19 18 14 N/A 9 8 12 24 18 16 13 8 22 N/A 6 Various 1 ELEC 416: Materials and Devices for Computer Memory, Logic, and Display ELEC 417: Semiconductor Fundamentals II ELEC 421: Principles of Semiconductor Materials and Devices I SE 3( ) Fall 01, Spr 03 14 SE SE 3( ) 3( ) 6 14 ELEC 462: Communication Systems SE 3( ) ELEC 463: Digital Signal Processing SE 3( ) ELEC 464: Digital Communication Systems ELEC 465: Introduction to Data Compression ELEC 470: Digital and Analog VLSI Design ELEC 475: Digital Systems MECH 453: Robotics: Kinematics and Design SE SE SE SE SE 3( ) 3( ) 3 (√) 3 (√) 3 (√) Spr 10, Spr 11 Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 09, Fall 10 Spr 10, Spr 11 Spr 09, Spr 11 Spr 10, Spr 11 Spr 10, Spr 11 Fall 08, Spr 10 TOTALS-ABET BASIC-LEVEL REQUIREMENTS OVERALL TOTAL CREDIT HOURS FOR THE DEGREE PERCENT OF TOTAL Total must satisfy either Minimum Semester Credit Hours credit hours or Minimum Percentage percentage 38 67 18 3 30% 53% 12% 5% 32 Hours 48 Hours 25% 37.5 % 1. For courses that include multiple elements (lecture, laboratory, recitation, etc.), indicate the average enrollment in each element. 2. Required courses are required of all students in the program, elective courses are optional for students, and selected electives are courses where students must take one or more courses from a specified group. Instructional materials and student work verifying compliance with ABET criteria for the categories indicated above will be required during the campus visit. 54 18 23 13 12 16 28 29 Table 5-1b Curriculum for Students in the Raikes School Computer Engineering Course (Department, Number, Title) List all courses in the program by term starting with first term of first year and ending with the last term of the final year. Indicate Whether Course is Required, Elective or a Selected Elective by an R, an E or an SE.2 Curricular Area (Credit Hours) Math & Basic Sciences Engineering Topics Check if Contains Significant General Design (√) Education Other Average Last Two Terms Section the Course was Enrollment Offered: for the Last Year and, Two Terms the Semester, or Course was Quarter Offered1 Year 1, Semester 1 RAIK 181H: Honors: Foundations of Business I R 3 MATH 106: Analytic Geometry and Calculus I Recitation RAIK 183H: Honors: Computer Problem Solving Essentials R R R RAIK 185H: Honors: Foundations of Leadership I R RAIK 187H: Honors: Introductory Communication Seminar I R 1 Honors 189H: University Honors Seminar (ACE Elective 5, 7, or 9) SE 3 Year 1, Semester 2 RAIK 182H: Honors: Foundations of Business II RAIK 184H: Honors: Software Development Essentials RAIK 186H: Honors: Foundations of Leadership II RAIK 188H: Honors: Introductory Communication Seminar II CSCE 251: UNIX Programming Environment MATH 107: Analytic Geometry and Calculus II R R R R R R 5 4 (√) 1 3 2 2 (√) 1 2 1( ) 5 Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 09, Fall 10 Spr 10, Spr 11 Spr 10, Spr 11 Spr 10, Spr 11 Spr 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 55 35 108 25 35 35 35 Various 33 33 33 33 69 79 Recitation Year 1, Summer PHYS 211: General Physics I Recitation ACE Elective 5, 7, or 9 Year 2, Semester 1 RAIK 281H: Honors: Business Systems and Operations I R R R SE 22 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 128 28 Various Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Spr 10, Fall 10 31 34 112 26 77 Spr 10, Spr 11 Spr 10, Spr 11 Spr 10, Spr 11 Spr 10, Spr 11 Spr 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 30 23 30 30 30 33 3 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 32 Various 3 Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 09, Fall 4 3 R RAIK 283H: Honors: Foundations of Computer Science R RAIK 285H: Honors: Applications of Leadership I R RAIK 287H: Honors: Applied Communication Seminar I R MATH 208: Analytic Geometry and Calculus III PHYS 212: General Physics II Recitation ENGR 020: Sophomore Engineering Seminar Year 2, Semester 2 RAIK 282H: Honors: Business Systems and Operations II RAIK 284H: Honors: Foundations of Computer Systems RAIK 286H: Honors: Applications of Leadership II RAIK 288H: Honors: Applied Communication Seminar II RAIK 383H: Honors: Fundamentals of Software Engineering MATH 221: Differential Equations Year 2, Summer MATH 314: Applied Linear Algebra ACE Elective 5, 7, or 9 Year 3, Semester 1 RAIK 301H: Honors: RAIK Design Studio I R R R R RAIK 381H: Honors: Advanced Topics in Business I Fall 10, Spr 11 R R R R R R R SE R R 3 1 2 (√) 1 1 4 4 0 3 4 (√) 0 2 3 (√) 3 3 3 (√) 56 31 31 31 26 26 CSCE 351: Operating System Kernels R 3 (√) ELEC 215: Electronics and Circuits I ELEC 235: Introductory Electrical Laboratory I CSCE/ELEC Technical Elective R R SE 3 (√) 1 (√) 3( ) Year 3, Semester 2 RAIK 302H: Honors: RAIK Design Studio II ELEC 216: Electronics and Circuits II ELEC 236: Introductory Electrical Laboratory II CSCE 236: Embedded Systems R R R R 3 (√) 3 (√) 1 (√) 3 (√) CSCE 378H: Honors: Human-Computer Interaction OR CSCE 376H (planned number): Artificial Intelligence and Applications R 3( ) CHEM 109: General Chemistry I Lab Recitation Year 4, Semester 1 CSCE 340: Numerical Analysis I R R R RAIK 401H: Honors: RAIK Design Studio III R 3 (√) CSCE 335: Digital Logic Design ELEC 304: Signals and Systems I RAIK 382H: Honors: Advanced Topics in Business II R R R 3 (√) 3( ) Year 4, Semester 2 RAIK 402H: Honors: RAIK Design Studio IV MRKT 341H: Honors: Marketing CSCE 462: Communication Networks RR R R 33(√(√) ) 10 Fall 09, Fall 58 10 Fall 10, Spr 11 50 Fall 10, Spr 11 27 See Table 5-1a See Table 51a Spr 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Spr 12 (planned) Spr 10, Spr 11 OR Fall 08, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 4 3( ) 3 3 3( ) 26 38 21 N/A 26 OR 12 166 21 37 Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 09, Fall 10 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 09, Fall 10 21 Fall Spr10, 10,Spr Spr11 11 Spr 10, Spr 11 Spr 10, Spr 11 6 24 30 32 57 22 23 31 22 ELEC 305: Probability Theory and Introduction to Random Processes ELEC 316: Electronics and Circuits III TOTALS-ABET BASIC-LEVEL REQUIREMENTS OVERALL TOTAL CREDIT HOURS FOR THE DEGREE PERCENT OF TOTAL Total must satisfy either Minimum Semester Credit Hours credit hours or Minimum Percentage percentage R R 3 Fall 10, Spr 11 Fall 10, Spr 11 3 (√) 38 63 27 12 27% 45% 19% 9% 32 Hours 48 Hours 25% 37.5 % For courses that include multiple elements (lecture, laboratory, recitation, etc.), indicate the average enrollment in each element. 3. Required courses are required of all students in the program, elective courses are optional for students, and selected electives are courses where students must take one or more courses from a specified group. Instructional materials and student work verifying compliance with ABET criteria for the categories indicated above will be required during the campus visit. 58 29 29 CRITERION 6. FACULTY 6.1 Faculty Qualifications As detailed in Table 6-1, the faculty quality and commitment to undergraduate education is a major strength of the computer engineering program. Consistent with UNL’s mission as a land-grant, research university, the CSE and EE Departments are engaged in undergraduate and graduate education, research, and service outreach. The faculty regards undergraduate education as the centerpiece of this mission. The faculty’s strong commitment to the undergraduate program is evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of the core courses, from the introductory level to advanced classes, are taught by tenure-line faculty. The CSE Department faculty cover computer science theory and algorithms; software design, programming, and testing; computer organization and architecture; operating systems; computer communications, networking, and distributed systems; computer applications; and system-level design. The CSE faculty is broadly competent in these areas, so that almost every faculty member can teach almost every required course. Faculty members have individual interests that make them especially qualified in specific areas. Computer science theory and algorithms — Choueiry, Cohen, Deogun, Dwyer, Riedesel, Scott, and Variyam Software design, programming, and testing — Cohen, Dwyer, Elbaum, Goddard, Rothermel, and Sarma Operating systems — Daniel, Goddard, Lu, Samal, and Srisa-An Computer communications, networking, and distributed systems — Detweiler, Goddard, Jiang, Lu, Ramamurthy, Vuran, and Xu System-level design and implementation — Detweiler, Jiang, Lu, Seth, and Srisa-An Computer organization and architecture — Jiang, Riedesel, Seth, and Srisa-An Computer applications —Choueiry, Reichenbach, Revesz, Samal, Scott, Sincovec, Soh, and Swanson For the computer engineering baccalaureate program, the EE Department faculty cover electrical engineering theory and design including electrical and electronic circuits, signals and systems; semiconductor devices and waves; digital electronics and systems; and communications systems and signal processing. The EE faculty is broadly competent in these areas and every faculty can teach all the required courses in the program. Areas of faculty special expertise are listed below. Electrical and electronic circuits — Boye and Balkir Signals and systems —Asgarpoor and Varner Semiconductor devices and waves — Bahar, Ianno, Lu, Snyder, Soukup, Williams, and Woollam Digital electronics and systems — Nelson and Vakilzadian Communications systems and signal processing — Hoffman, Perez, Sayood, and Varner Many faculty members have backgrounds that include working in industry, working with industry, and/or starting their own companies. A majority of the CSE faculty have worked in government and/or industry. Some of the organizations working with CSE faculty are the Applied Information Management (AIM) Institute, Dell, The Gallup Organization, Microsoft, Intel, Garner Industries, Boeing, Northrup Grumman, Valmont Industries, Tradebot Ventures, Cerner, Nebraska Global,VM Innovations, Nanonation, Sprint, City of Lincoln, General Dynamics, Honeywell, Internet Nebraska, GC Images, JD Edwards, Kawasaki, the Lincoln Public Schools, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications, Apple Computer, Altera, Raytheon, Sandhills Publishing, Flextel S.p.A., Design Data, Union Pacific, and Zoex. The cooperative education program (http://www.nuengr.unl.edu/cet/students/Parents/career.html) and internship program (http://www.unl.edu/careers/seic/) at UNL afford students opportunities to work in an industry setting during their education. 6.2 Faculty Workload Table 6-2 details the workload for all full-time and part-time faculty who taught for CSE in the 2010–2011 academic year. The standard teaching load for tenured and tenure-track faculty is 3 courses per year, at 15% total effort per course (the 15% per course figure includes graduate advising; non-tenure-line faculty who do not advise students use 10% per course). This load can be adjusted for many reasons, including new faculty start-up, course buyouts, and additional service commitments. 6.3 Faculty Size The CSE Department summary includes currently 23 tenure-line faculty (eleven full professors, eight associate professors, and four assistant professors, with a 24th member joining the tenure-line faculty in the fall of 2011, one Assistant Professor of Practice, one full-time lecturer, two part-time lecturers, and one research faculty who has occasional parttime teaching assignments. The EE Department summary includes nineteen tenure-line faculty in the EE Department (ten full professors, eight associate professors, and one assistant professor) and three non-tenure-line faculty. The CSE faculty has authority over both of its undergraduate programs. Changes to Program Educational Objectives, Student Outcomes, and curriculum are researched, discussed, and voted on in faculty committees, and then the recommendations are brought to the entire CSE faculty for final departmental approval. The CSE Department Chief Undergraduate Advisor is a faculty member with primary responsibility for the execution of all advising plans and policies. The Chief Undergraduate Advisor is usually the first point of contact for Computer Engineering students needing advice or assistance. The Chief Undergraduate Advisor serves as the advisor for many students and assists other faculty in advising students on academic rules and requirements. For non-academic problems, the University provides counseling and psychological services at the University Health Center. The faculty and staff are involved with and interact with students in various activities outside classes. Faculty advise students on career options, graduate school options, and courses to take. In addition, the CSE Student Resource Center (SRC) (http://www.cse.unl.edu/src/index.shtml) provides UNL Computer Science and Computer Engineering students with a collection of resources and activities to help them to be successful as students. The Center helps assimilate new students to college life and encourages new and existing students to continue their study of Computer Science and Computer Engineering. The Center also provides intern and career information to help students successfully launch their professional careers. The Student Resource Center provides a casual environment for the SRC Staff to interact with students. SRC staff are trained to understand the pressures facing students and to provide technical support to students, assist with course work and assignments, offer encouragement, advice and a sympathetic ear, and provide support to students by sharing their enthusiasm for science and technology. The structure of the Resource Center is intended to be flexible to allow it to evolve based on the needs of the students and the availability of the staff. Faculty members sponsor organized student activities at UNL, including student chapters of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (http://acm.unl.edu/), Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (http://www.engr.unl.edu/~ieee/), Association of Women in Computing (AWC) (http://www.awc.unl.edu/), Society of Women Engineers (SWE) (http://swe.unl.edu/). There is also a UNL student chapter of the engineering honor society, Tau Beta Pi (http://www.engr.unl.edu/~tbp). The ACM student chapter is active, including helping the CSE Department to host the largest satellite site of the ACM North Central Regional Programming Contest on an annual basis and playing an important role in the success of this annual event. It also helps organize the annual UNL CSE Day for high-school students from all over the State of Nebraska. In addition, it hosts a variety of social events for students, faculty and staff. CSE faculty frequently work with undergraduate students in research, often in the Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences (UCARE) program (http://www.unl.edu/ucare/), which pays a stipend to students for working with faculty on original research projects. 6.4 Professional Development There are a number of organized professional development resources for faculty. The CSE Department and EE Department offer colloquia, featuring innovative researchers and educators (http://cse.unl.edu/colloquium/). There also are campus-wide colloquia, including a speaker series focusing on math and science education, sponsored by the UNL Center for Science, Mathematics, and Computer Education (http://www.unl.edu/scimath/) and the Mathematics, Science, and Computing Education area-of-excellence project funded by the College of Arts and Sciences. The UNL faculty development leave policy provides faculty with a valuable opportunity for paid leave to undertake activities that enrich their teaching and/or research (http://ascweb.unl.edu/dean/resources/fellowship_policy.html). The leave is for one year at half salary or one-half year at full salary. Six full years of service must elapse between development leaves. The UNL Office of Research provides grant writing courses and other support. 6.5 Authority and Responsibility of Faculty The CSE Assessment Committee (made up of CSE faculty) makes recommendations to the CSE faculty regarding changes to program objectives, outcomes, and assessment practices. Such changes are formally adopted by the CSE Department by way of a faculty vote. The CSE Curriculum Committee (made up of CSE faculty) coordinates with the EE Department and makes recommendations to the faculty regarding curricular changes. Such changes are approved at the department level by way of a faculty vote, after which they are forwarded to staff in the College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s Office. This person reviews the changes and forwards them to the College of Engineering’s Dean’s Office. The College of Engineering’s Curriculum Committee then votes on the changes, and if approved, reveals them to the College of Engineering faculty. The faculty then have ten days to object to the approved change. If no objection is raised, then the change is approved and goes to the College of Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee for a vote. When approved by this committee, the changes are forwarded to the University Curriculum Committee. Finally, UCC-approved curriculum changes go to University Publications for inclusion in the Undergraduate Bulletin. At this step, only editorial changes are made. Disapproval of curricular changes at any level result in the return of said changes to the department for revision and reapproval at the department level. A curriculum action’s progress through the system can be tracked on-line using UNL’s CREQ system. Table 6-1. Faculty Qualifications Computer Engineering Govt./Ind. Practice Teaching This Institution Professional Registration/ Certification Chandra, Usha PhD, CS, 1986 I NTT FT 2 19 3 none M M M Choueiry, Berthe PhD, CS, 1994 ASC T FT 13 25 12 none H H L Cohen, Myra PhD, CS, 2004 ASC T FT 8 13 7 none H H L Conger, Kirk MS, CS, 1987 I NTT PT 24 4 4 none none none M Costello, Don MS, Math, 1959 I NTT PT 17 31 31 none H M H Cottingham, Ian MS, CS, 2009 I NTT PT 11 3 8 none M H H Daniel, Charles MS, CS, 1995 I NTT PT 11.5 15 15 none L none none Detweiler, Carrick PhD, EECS, 2010 AST TT FT 0 2 2 none H H M Deogun, Jitender PhD, IE, 1979 P T FT 3 31 31 none M H none Dwyer, Matthew PhD, CS, 1995 P T FT 6 16 7 none H H M Consulting/summer work in industry Professional Development H, M, or L Professional Organizations Rank 1 Faculty Name Highest Degree Earned- Field and Year T, TT, NTT 4 FT or PT Level of Activity Type of Academic Appointment2 Years of Experience Elbaum, Sebastian PhD, CS, 1999 P T FT 0 12 12 none M H M Goddard, Steve PhD, CS, 1998 P T FT 13 13 13 none H H M Holt, Jodi BS, Psych, 1996 I NTT PT 0 4 4 none none H none Jiang, Hong PhD, CS, 1991 P T FT 0.5 20 20 none M H H Lu, Ying PhD, CS, 2005 ASC T FT 0 6 6 none H H M Ramamurthy, Byrav PhD, CS, 1998 P T FT .25 13 13 none H H M Ramsay, Steve (Faculty in English Dept; taught CSCE 155T as CSCE 196 in Spring 2011) Reichenbach, Stephen PhD, English, 2003 ASC T PT 0 9 5 none M H M PhD, CS, 1989 P T FT 17 29 21 none H H H Revesz, Peter PhD, CS, 1991 P T FT 0 19 19 none H H none Riedesel, Chuck PhD, CS, 1996 AST NTT FT 0 26 16 none M L L Rothermel, Gregg PhD, CS, 1996 P T FT 5 16 7 none H H M Samal, Ashok PhD, CS, 1988 P T FT 1 23 23 none M H none Sarma, Anita PhD, CS, 2008 AST TT FT 0 2 2 none H H M Scott, Stephen PhD, CS, 1998 ASC T FT 0 13 13 none L H none Seth, Sharad PhD, EE, 1970 P T FT 1 41 39 none M H M Sincovec, Richard PhD, Math, 1968 P T FT 15 35 11 none M L M Soh, Leen-Kiat PhD, EE, 1998 ASC T FT 0 13 10 none H H M Srisa-an, Witawas PhD, CS, 2002 ASC T FT 2 12 9 none M H H Suing, Jeremy MS, CS, 2002 I NTT FT 8 6 6 none L M M Swanson, David I NTT PT 3 16 13 none none H M Variyam, Vinod PhD, Chemistry, 1995 PhD, CS, 1999 ASC T FT 1 12 10 none none H M Vuran, Mehmet Can PhD, ECE, 2007 AST TT FT 0 4 4 none H H M Xu, Lisong PhD, CS, 2002 ASC T FT 0 9 7 none M H M Instructions: Complete table for each member of the faculty in the program. Add additional rows or use additional sheets if necessary. Updated information is to be provided at the time of the visit. 1. Code: P = Professor ASC = Associate Professor AST = Assistant Professor I = Instructor A = Adjunct O = Other 2. Code: TT = Tenure Track T = Tenured NTT = Non Tenure Track 3. The level of activity, high, medium or low, should reflect an average over the year prior to the visit plus the two previous years. 4. At the institution Table 6-2. Faculty Workload Summary Computer Engineering Program Activity Distribution3 Faculty Member (name) Chandra, Usha PT or FT1 FT Classes Taught (Course No./Credit Hrs.) Term and Year2 CSCE 155N (3 cr.), Fall 2010 Other Teaching Research or Scholarship % of Time Devoted to the Program5 60% 0% 40% 100% 45% 45% 10% 100% 30% 60% 10% 100% 4 CSCE 155N (3 cr.), Spring 2011 CSCE 156 (4 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 156 (4 cr.), Spring 2011 Choueiry, Berthe FT CSCE 235 (3cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 235 (3cr.) Spring 2011 CSCE 421/821 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 Cohen, Myra FT CSCE 361 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 361 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 Conger, Kirk PT CSCE 155E (3 cr.), Fall 2010 10% 0% 90% 10% Costello, Don PT CSCE 477/877 (3 cr.), Summer 2010 100% 0% 0% 100% Cottingham, Ian PT RAIK 383H (3 cr.), Spring 2011 10% 0% 90% 10% Detweiler, Carrick FT CSCE 990 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 30% 60% 10% 100% CSCE 436/836 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 Deogun, Jitender FT CSCE 496/896 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 60% 30% 10% 100% 30% 60% 10% 100% 15% 75% 10% 100% CSCE 923 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 155 N (3 cr.) Spring 2011 CSCE 423/823 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 Dwyer, Matthew FT CSCE 486 (2 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 487 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 Elbaum, Sebastian Goddard, Steve FT CSCE 322 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 Holt, Jodi PT CSCE 155T (3 cr.), Fall 2010 10% 0% 90% 100% Jiang, Hong FT CSCE 489 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 45% 45% 10% 100% 60% 30% 10% 100% 45% 45% 10% 100% FT 100% CSCE 930 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 430/830 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 Lu, Ying FT CSCE 310 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 351, (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 455/855 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 CSCE 496/896 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 Ramamurthy, Byrav FT CSCE 155N (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 953 (3 cr.), Fall 2010, CSCE 310 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 CSCE 488 (2 cr.), Spring 2011 Ramsay, Steve FT CSCE 196 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 60% 30% 10% 10% Reichenbach, Stephen FT CSCE 101 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 45% 45% 10% 100% Sab. Lve 100% 70% (Advising) 100% Sab. Lve 100% CSCE 487 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 486 (2 cr.), Spring 2011 Revesz, Peter FT Riedesel, Chuck FT Rothermel, Gregg FT Samal, Ashok FT CSCE 155E (3 cr.), Fall, 2010; CSCE 155E, (3 cr.), Spring 2011 CSCE 230 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 CSCE 155A (155) (4 cr.), Fall 2010 (2 sections) 30% 0% 45% 45% 10% 100% 30% 60% 10% 100% 30% 35% 35% 100% 45% 45% 10% 100% 45% 45% 10% 100% 45% 45% 10% 100% CSCE 473/873 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 Sarma, Anita FT CSCE 990 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 378 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 Scott, Stephen FT CSCE 478/878 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 471/871 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 Seth, Sharad FT CSCE 434/834 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 990 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 CSCE 489 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 Sincovec, Richard FT Soh, Leen-Kiat FT CSCE 340/840, (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 155N (3 cr.), Spring 2011 (2 sections) RAIK 155 (4 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 390 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 CSCE 990 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 Srisa-an, Witawas FT RAIK 284H (4 cr.), Spring 2011 15% 85% Sab. Lve (fall 2010) 100% Suing, Jeremy FT RAIK 301H (3 cr.), Fall 2010 75% 0% 25% 100% RAIK 401H (3 cr.), Fall 2010 RAIK 302H (3 cr.), Spring 2011 RAIK 402H (3 cr.), Spring 2011 CSCE 155A, (4 cr.), Spring 2011 Swanson, David PT CSCE 456/856, (3 cr.), Fall 2010 15% 0% 85% 100% Variyan, Vinod FT RAIK 283H, (3 cr.), Fall 2010 45% 45% 10% 100% 30% 60% 10% 100% 45% 45% 10% 100% CSCE 101 (3 cr.), Spring 2011 CSCE 990 (3 cr.), Sprint 2011 Vuran, Mehmet Can FT Xu, Lisong FT CSCE 230, (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 438/838, (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 428/828 (3 cr.), Fall 2010 CSCE 462/862, (3 cr.), Spring 2011 RAIK 184H (4 cr.), Spring 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FT = Full Time Faculty or PT = Part Time Faculty, at the institution For the academic year for which the self-study is being prepared. Program activity distribution should be in percent of effort in the program and should total 100%. Indicate sabbatical leave, etc., under "Other." Out of the total time employed at the institution. CRITERION 7. FACILITIES 7.1 Offices, Classrooms and Laboratories 7.1.1 Auditoriums The largest CSE courses are taught in Avery 115, an auditorium with the capacity for 148 students in upholstered seats with flip-up writing surfaces. The auditorium, like all other classrooms in Avery Hall, contains state-of-the-art multimedia instructional equipment. In Avery 115 there are two high-definition LCD projectors, which can be connected to a laptop or an in-class computer that provides access to the Internet, an active directory-based course material depository, and a USB drive. There is also a VCR/DVD combo allowing the display of VHS or DVD-recorded materials, an amplified sound system, and a document-capturing camera allowing hand-writing and documents to be displayed on the screens. A sophisticated yet easy-to-use touch panel that allows easy transitions among the different devices controls all the equipment. The auditorium is shared with the Mathematics Department. 7.1.2 Computing Classrooms The CSE Department maintains two instructional computer labs, one in Avery 20 and one in Avery 21. Each lab contains thirty PCs and occupies approximately 675 square feet of space. A ceiling-mounted projector allows for either the instructor station or a laptop to be used for on-screen demonstrations. The current generation of lab computers are quad core Intel i5 3.2GHz x86 systems with, 4GB of memory, 320GB hard drives, 21-inch LCD displays, and connected to a 100Mb network. A dual boot environment allows students to use either Windows 7 or SuSE 11.1. Third party software installed under windows includes packages such as Microsoft Office, MATLAB, OpenOffice, and MySQL clients for general-purpose use. Visual Studio, NetBeans, CodeBlocks, Eclipse, jEdit, and Jgrasp software development environments; PCSpim, and Altera Quartus II circuit design and simulation software. In Linux students have access to a full complement of Unix public domain software. Third party software installed under SuSE Linux includes Allegro Common Lisp and Synopsys. Scott Engineering Center (SEC) houses two classrooms, each equipped with twenty Windows workstations. The classrooms are equipped with a teaching station, multimedia projector, and document projector. SEC N16 is currently equipped with 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo systems with 2GB RAM, 160 GB hard drives and 19-inch LCD displays. SEC N15 is equipped with 3.16 GHz Core 2 Duo systems with 4GB RAM, 320 GB hard drives and 20inch LCD displays. Software available on these computers include Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, Abaqus, Pspice, Maxwell, Pipe2010, Altium Designer, Visual Studio, MATLAB, LabVIEW, Multisim, Bently MicroStation, SolidWorks, Pro/Engineer, On Screen Takeoff, and Primavera. When these classrooms are not in use by a class, they are available for general use. 7.1.3 Classrooms The CSE Department schedules many of its smaller-enrollment courses in various rooms in Avery Hall, with seating capacities ranging from 30 up to 88. CSE courses scheduled in these rooms have access to the same set of multimedia equipment as described in Section 7.1.1 for the auditorium (minus one LCD projector). CSE Department courses can also be scheduled into nearby rooms when necessary, including standard classrooms in CBA and Hamilton Hall. In addition, the CSE Department has three conference rooms, Avery 256C, 352 and 347, that are available for special events, such as the senior design project presentations and team discussions. Each aforementioned conference room in Avery is equipped with either a projector or a large LCD panel and laptop hookups. Avery 347 is also equipped with document-capturing camera allowing paper documents to be displayed on the screens. Classrooms utilized by the EE Department include Rooms 105 and 106 in Othmer Hall, Rooms N129, 323 and 310 in the Walter Scott Engineering Center and Rooms W130, W131, W183, W196 and W213 in Nebraska Hall. The aforementioned classroom utilized by EE are equipped with a computer system, VCR/DVD and a overhead projector which can also be connected to a laptop. 7.1.4 Distance Education Facilities The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has licensed and deployed Adobe Connect as a service called UNLConnect. Adobe Connect provides a feature-rich flash-based web communication system for faculty, staff, and students. It supports streaming audio and video, software simulations, and multi-point video conferencing for online meetings, presentations and seminars. UNLconnect is designed such that faculty can easily setup and conduct their own online meetings. To ensure success of UNLConnect, should faculty need assistance in conducing an online meeting, the faculty can request a UNLConnect staff member be on hand to assist with the online meeting. Various conference rooms in Avery hall and the Schorr center are equipped with computers, echo canceling microphones and video cameras to facilitate small group meeting, presentations, and seminars. In addition UNL also maintains a few traditional distance-learning classrooms, which allows classrooms from UNL, and other campuses to be interconnected through video conferencing allowing students from other campuses to enroll in select UNL classes and vice versa. 7.1.5 Offices The CSE Department has sufficient space to achieve all Student Outcomes. The CSE Department occupies part of Avery Hall and all of the Schorr Center. In Avery Hall, there are 25 offices designated for faculty (tenure/tenure-track, lecturers, visiting scholars, emeritus professors, etc.), 15 offices/work spaces occupied by 58 graduate students and 16 undergraduate students, and 10 offices for staff (office administrative and system administrative). In the Schorr Center, there are 11 offices designated for faculty, 12 work spaces/labs occupied by 47 graduate students and 4 undergraduates, 3 offices for postdocs/programmers, and 12 offices for administrative staff (office administrative and system administrative). Faculty are generally responsible for the purchase and upgrade of equipment in their offices and in their graduate students’ offices from either startup funds or grant funds. The vast majority of faculty have two computing devices at their disposal, either a Windows, Macintosh, or Linux workstation or a laptop. If a faculty member, instructor, or GTA is unable to procure their own equipment, the department provides the person with at least a Windows workstation similar to the system in the general-purpose student computing laboratory and in most cases a laptop as well. When new versions of the operating systems are released, faculty are informed if their workstation or laptop is not suited to run the newer version of the operating system. As such, in general most of the faculty computers are either running Windows 7, MacOS 10.6 or SuSE Linux 11.3. Some faculty choose to have personal printers in their offices. For faculty who do not have a personal printer, the department provides a high capacity black-and-white printers within close proximity to faculty offices; one on each floor with faculty offices in Avery and Schorr. The CSE Department also provides color printers, dedicated for faculty use, one each in Avery and Schorr. 7.2 Computing Resources Students in the Computer Engineering program use many diverse computing systems. The facilities include servers, supercomputers (large clusters), workstations, PCs, and specialized electronic equipment, in a distributed environment, inter-connected by high-speed networking. Students are expected to be aware of and adhere to ethical practices in using the computing facilities. Before being issued accounts, students read and agree to the Guidelines for the Use of Computing Resources at UNL (http://www.unl.edu/unlpub/special/compuse/guidelines.shtml). 7.2.1 Networking UNL is connected to the Internet via 3 ISPs (Windstream, Unite, and TimeWarner) and I2 Commodity Peering Service (CPS). The aggregate Internet connection bandwidth is 3Gbps. There are plans to upgrade the aggregate bandwidth to 4.6Gbps this year. UNL's connection to Internet2 is still through GPN but now it is via dark fiber & DWDM. UNL has 10Gbps connection to GPN and GPN has 2–10Gbps connections to Internet2. GPN and the CIC OmniPop in Chicago are connected with a 10Gbps connection as a mutual backup path to Internet2. The UNL campus network backbone utilizes 10Gb Ethernet. Various buildings on the UNL campus network are segmented to isolate network traffic and avoid congestion. The campus supports DHCP network roaming. Within the buildings most relevant to the computerengineering program — Avery Hall, Nebraska Hall, and the Scott Engineering Center — most systems are inter-connected via Ethernet switches, with most servers connected via 1000Mb/100Mb ports and most workstations and PCs connected via 100Mb ports. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has developed an extensive wireless network on both campuses. Avery Hall, where the Computer Science & Engineering department is now housed, was recently renovated and reopened in the summer of 2004. UNL’s wireless network consists of 802.11A, 802.11G and 802.11N devices, which operate at raw data rates of 54 Mb/sec and 300 Mb/sec, respectively. Students can access this network from their personal computers or PDA’s free of charge using their MyUNL account. This network is available from the majority of buildings as well as outside green spaces on campus. 7.2.2 Central User Accounts and Support All students who are CSCE majors and non-majors who are taking CSCE classes are granted a single username and password. Through an in-house synchronization system, this login and password grants the user access to all our Windows, Linux and Solaris workstations and logon servers. The Computer Science & Engineering Department utilizes a 3.6 TB central file server for all users’ home directories. Incorporated with the single login system described above, users get a single home directory regardless of platform or system the user logins into. The Computer Science & Engineering Department maintains its own Student Resource Center, which is staffed by undergraduate students who help other undergraduate students with course work and technical issues. This 600 square foot room has a workstation for the student staff and other workstations for students to use while being assisted. The center is open from 9:00AM to 7:00PM Monday through Friday. Technical assistance can also be obtained during normal business hours in the Systems Administration office in Avery Room 27 or via email at manager@cse.unl.edu. 7.2.3 Servers General Use Logon Servers A variety of different logon servers are available for students with CSCE accounts. These servers are remotely accessible 24/7 thru the Internet using various clients. CSE – Our Central Linux login server. A 32-core AMD system with 64GB of memory. This system is a Sun Microsystems SunFire x4600 and is used as a unix software development environment, student email server, student MySQL server, and student web server CSCE – is both the department’s glassfish server and also doubles as a redundant Linux login server for students. Crow – Solaris-based logon server. An 8 core Sparc system with 8GB of memory. This system is used for users who need a Solaris environment. CSNT-TS is a Windows 2008-R2 terminal server available to users from on and off campus. This server is also used by Unix users to access a Windows desktop and Windows applications. The system is an 8 core 2.83 GHz Intel Xeon server with 16 GB of memory. Support and Development Servers A variety of other servers are available for students and faculty for various support and development purposes. Cse-mail - departmental mail server, supporting POP, IMAP, and SMTP with SSL and TLS authentication. Cse-fs1 – departmental file server with 3.6GB storage on a Gateway array. Cse-smb1 – Samba server which re-exports NFS home directories to windows clients. Cse-print – departmental print server. CSCE – departmental glassfish (Java servlet) server and redundant login server. Cse-sunray – Supports the SunRay thin clients, which present server-hosted virtual desktops for Windows and Unix users. SunRay clients are used by graduate teaching assistants and clients are also made available in various student laboratories. CSNT, CSNT2, cse-redirect, cse-srv2 – Windows Active Directory domain controllers for login, print, profile and VPN services. Ponca – Administrative MySQL and web server. VLSI Design Server The VLSI Design Server is dedicated to VLSI design instruction and projects. The system supports Cadence for the design, layout, and simulation of logic circuits of any size. The system is used, in particular, for CSCE 434/834: VLSI Design, CSCE 897: Masters Project, and CSCE 899: Masters Thesis. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (Virtual Machine) Server Oracle's Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is used to provide virtual machines (VMs) to users. VDI is able to clone and recycle VMs almost instantly. Virtual Machines are being utilized in the classroom by professors who need to provide students with a computing environment that can be freely modified. Since VMs can be replicated or cloned easily, students are able to modify the virtual environments at will, without the risk of timeconsuming system re-installs if something breaks. VMs are used for Network and Data Security (CSCE 496) and Scheduling Theory (CSCE 925), and Introduction to Operating Systems (CSCE 451) The VMs can be accessed from virtually anywhere by students using client software which is available for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Solaris. Supercomputing Resources Holland Computing Center (HCC) has two primary locations interconnected by 10 Gbps fiber optic networking. The 1800 sq. ft. HCC machine room at the Peter Kiewit Institute (PKI) in Omaha can provide up to 500 kVA in UPS and genset protected power, and 160 ton cooling. Networking to Internet2 is in place at 10 Gbps. A 2200 sq. ft. second machine room in the Schorr Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) can currently provide up to 60 ton cooling with up to 400 kVA of power, and is already connected at 10 Gbps to Internet2. HCC’s resources at UNL have evolved to include three distinct offerings: PrairieFire, Red and Merritt. PrairieFire, a linux cluster, is dedicated to general campus usage, with 400 compute cores interconnected by low-latency infiniband networking. The largest machine on the Lincoln campus is Red, with over 2300 cores interconnected by less expensive, but also higherlatency, gigabit Ethernet. More importantly, Red serves up over 800 TB of storage using HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System), an open source version of the file system Google uses. Red is integrated with the Open Science Grid (OSG), and serves as a major site for storage and analysis in the international high energy physics project known as CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid). Finally, Merritt, an Altix 3700 from SGI with 512 GB of shared memory (RAM), has proven valuable for certain memory intensive applications, even though its 64 cpu are considerably less than what is available from Red or PrairieFire. In late May of 2009 the University was given Firefly, a 1151 node, primarily dual-core Opteron cluster which became by far the largest resource in the University system. It is connected by Cisco SDR Infiniband and supports 150 TB of Panasas storage. Capable of 21.5 TFlops, it is located at PKI. These resources are detailed further below. HCC at UNL: PrairieFire 16 2-socket, single core systems o 2 Opteron 248 (2.2GHz/64 bit) per node o 4 GB PC2700 RAM per node o 20 GB (or larger) HDD per node 16 2-socket, dual core systems o 2 Opteron 275 (2.2GHz/64 bit) – 4 cores – per node o 4 GB PC3200 RAM per node o 80 GB HDD per node 48 2-socket, quad-core systems o 2 Opteron 2354 (2.2GHz/64 bit) – 8 cores – per node o 16 GB DDR2 (667) RAM per node 3 8-socket, dual core systems o 8 Opteron 870 (2.0GHz/64 bit) – 16 cores – per node o 32 GB PC3200 RAM per node o 2.3-3.3 TB RAID storage per node 24 TB shared (NFS) storage o 1 TB SCSI RAID (XFS over NFS) o 6 TB SATA RAID (ReiserFS over NFS) o 17 TB SATA RAID (ZFS over NFS) Flextronics Infiniband (SDR) and Gigabit Ethernet (Foundry RX16) interconnects. Merritt 64 1.3 GHz Itanium processors (Altix 3700) 512 GB RAM (shared memory) 20 TB Fiber-channel RAID CRAY-LINK hypercube intereconnect Red (USCMS Tier-2 resource, available opportunistically via the Open Science Grid) 60 Opteron 275 (2.2GHz/64 bit) (4 core per node) 53 Opteron 2216 (2.4GHz/64 bit) (4 core per node) 78 2-socket, quad-core systems o 2 Opteron 2354 (2.2GHz/64 bit) – 8 cores – per node o 16 GB DDR2 (667) RAM per node 800 TB HDFS storage Gigabit Ethernet: Foundry RX16 core switch. Condor Nodes Bugeater o 16 64-bit (primarily 2.2 GHz Opteron) nodes o gigabit ethernet Access Grid Nodes 2 locations on campus Network Capacity gigE on campus, 10 gigE possible 10 Gb/s to Abilene (Internet2) off-campus Dynamic Circuit Network (DCN) available for quality assurance HCC at PKI Resources: FireFly 1152 PowerEdge SC1435 systems o 8 GB RAM, 80 GB storage per node o 872 nodes with 2 (2.8 GHz dual core Opteron 2220) – 4 cores – per nodes o 280 nodes with 2(2.2 GHz quad core Opteron 2354) – 8 cores – per node o 800 MB/sec Infiniband interconnect o 150 TB Panasas storage Gigabit Ethernet: Force10 e1200 and 10 S50V switches to cover 1152 nodes Infiniband: 2 Cisco 7024 core switches, providing 2:1 blocking out to the nodes via 39 leaf switches Panasas storage (150 TB – gigabit Ethernet connected) 7.2.4 Laboratories In addition to the laboratories described in this section, three classroom computer laboratories, one in Avery 20, one in Avery 21, and one in Walter Scott 10N, all equipped with individual PC workstations, are available for general-purpose access when not being used for instruction (see Section 7.1.2 for a description of these facilities). CSE General-Purpose Computing Laboratory A general-purpose computer lab is available exclusively to Computer Science & Engineering students. This facility, located in Avery Room 15, is approximately 1000 square feet and contains thirty-four (34) workstations similar to those found in the instructional labs, as well as four (4) SunRay terminals. The software configuration on these systems is identical to the systems in the above-described instructional computing facilities. The room is locked at all times, and is accessible to Computer Science & Engineering students via their student identification card, which contains a proximity chip. The facility also contains a Hewlett Packard LaserJet 9050dn laser printer, which prints up to 50 pages per minute. This printer duplexes and staples all jobs by default in order to save paper and reduce clutter. Each student is allotted 150 pages per CSCE class they are registered for each semester as part of their lab fees; additional pages can be purchased and charged to their student account. Circuit Analysis Laboratory The Circuit Analysis Laboratory in Walter Scott 323 is used for the majority of Electrical Engineering labs, including ELEC 231 (EE Lab), ELEC 235 (Intro Electrical Lab I), ELEC 236 (Intro Electrical Lab II), ELEC 307 (EE Lab I), ELEC 317 (EE Lab II). It is used both for supervised instruction and labwork, and assignments completed outside of scheduled class time by individuals, who gain access through a keypad security system. It has sixteen workbench stations intended to serve two students each. Every station includes: Tektronix TDS2012 color digital oscilloscope, Fluke 45 Multimeter, Fluke 37 Multimeter, LG-1301 Function Generator, Kepco MPS620 Triple Output Power Supply, Intronix LogicPort USB Logic Analyzer, Heathkit Logic trainer, and a Windows 7 PC equipped with LabView, Altium Designer, Matlab, and other engineering applications. Additional equipment includes a networked printer, impedance analyzers, and a digital semiconductor curve tracer. Computer Engineering Laboratory The CSCE Computer Engineering Laboratory in Schorr 117 is available to Computer Engineering majors for their work in a variety of courses, including CSCE 436: Embedded Systems, CSCE 488/489: Senior Design, and other design-oriented courses. It is a highly customizable environment with workbenches for students to work on a variety of different types of projects. The lab has several netbooks, computers, breadboards, circuit building kits and autonomous robot building kits. The computers are equipped with programmable FPGA circuit boards and design tools to create, lay out, and simulate their designs and then use these systems to download their designs to the FPGA chips. The Schorr Center is open during normal business hours, and available 24/7 to students who have been granted card access. General Purpose Engineering Computer Laboratory The general purpose Engineering Computer Laboratory is located in Nebraska hall W219. The laboratory is currently equipped with 3GHz Core 2 Duo systems with 4GB Ram, 250 GB hard drives, 17-inch LCD displays, and run windows 7. Software available on these systems include Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, Abaqus, Pspice, Maxwell, Pipe2010, Altium Designer, Visual Studio, MATLAB, LabVIEW, Multisim, Bently MicroStation, Solidworks, Pro/Engineer, On Screen Takeoff, and Primavera. The lab is available during regular building hours and with card access after building hours. EE Senior Design Laboratory This EE Senior Design Laboratory in Walter Scott 310 is used by ELEC 494 and ELEC 495 students to design, build and test senior projects. It has six workbenches, equipped with: Tektronix TDS2012 color digital oscilloscope, Fluke 45 Multimeter, Fluke 37 Multimeter, B&K Precision 4040A Function Generator, Kepco MPS620 Triple Output Power Supply. Additional equipment includes high-current power supplies, component testers, and device programmers. Storage lockers for personal tools and materials are supplied. Students access the lab on their own time by means of a digital keypad lock. Digital Signal Processing Laboratory The Digital Signal Processing Laboratory is used for ELEC 463/863. Eight stations include a TMS320-based DSP development board, a Tektronix 2225 analog oscilloscope, LFG-1300 function generator, and Windows 7 PCs with Matlab, DSP development software, and other relevant applications. Embedded Computing Laboratory The Embedded Computing Laboratory in Water Scott 320 hosts the Communications Lab (ELEC 462), Embedded Computing Lab (ELEC 222), Analog Integrated Circuits Lab (ELEC 469), and LabView development lab (ELEC 460/860). It has three sets of workstations. The Communications hardware includes Emona TIMS modular communications hardware, Agilent 4395A Spectrum/Network Analyzer, Agilent 33120 Arbitrary Waveform Generator, Agilent 54624A Digital Oscilloscope, and Windows 7 PCs with GPIB communications. The Analog Circuits lab uses ten Sun workstations to run Mentor Graphics design software. The Embedded Computing and Labview labs share 8 stations with Tektronix TDS220 digital oscilloscopes, LFG-1300 function generators, Altera DE FPGA development systems, National Instruments USB-6221 DAQs, and Windows 7 PCs hosting LabView and other development software. Current embedded instruction is based on Arduino processing boards purchased by students. Shared color and monochrome laser printers serve the lab. Students access the lab on their own time by means of a digital keypad lock. Other On-Campus Computing Facilities The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Information Services maintains fourteen different computer labs throughout UNL’s two campuses. One machine in almost every one of these labs has Photoshop. Some labs have SAS, SPSS, Final Cut Studio, the Adobe Creative Suite, and other specialty applications installed. All lab computers have Microsoft Office installed. In addition to those, Information Services has 53 remote user stations available in various buildings for students to check email and access the Internet. A total of 134 computers are available for students to check out for a period of 24 hours or longer in some cases. 100 notebooks with wireless access are available for checkout from the Nebraska Union on City Campus and another 34 notebooks are available in Henzlik Hall on City Campus. 30 notebooks are available from the Nebraska East Campus Union. A technical support help desk is available to all students, staff, and faculty. The Information Services Computer Help Center can be reached by phone at 402-472-3970 or toll free at 866472-3970 as well as in person at the 501 Building on City Campus. The Help Center is open from 7:30AM to 11:30PM, seven days per week. 7.3 Guidance 7.3.1 Student Resource Center The CSE Student Resource Center is intended to provide UNL Computer Science and Computer Engineering majors who are new to the program with a set of resources that will help them assimilate to college life and encourage them to continue their study of Computer Science and Computer Engineering. The Center provides a casual environment where the Staff can: Provide technical support to students, including password resetting, Assist with course work and assignments, Offer encouragement, advice and a sympathetic ear, Provide support to students by sharing their enthusiasm for science and technology. The structure of the Resource Center is intended to be flexible to allow it to evolve based on the needs of the students and the availability of the staff. 7.3.2 System FAQs On the CSE website, there are many resources available to students on the use of department computing resources: http://cse.unl.edu/ugrad/resources/index.shtml. These include information on the Student Code of Conduct, FAQs on how to complete various tasks on CSE’s systems, and on-line resources for checking account status, print quota, and disk quota. More detailed support questions can be submitted via email to manager@cse.unl.edu. Students can seek additional support in-person from our support staff by walking into their offices in Avery 27. 7.4 Maintenance and Upgrading of Facilities The department implemented a fee structure to all Computer Engineering courses in 2006. This fee structure has allowed for a predictable upgrade cycle for all computing equipment used in support of instruction. In general all computing equipment are upgraded on a three to four year cycle or as deemed necessary. Critical servers are purchased with extended support for the expected life span of the equipment. Classroom and laboratory computers are purchased with three-year on-site support. Support and subscription renewal contracts are also maintained on all key pieces of software. 7.5 Library Services The UNL Libraries supports the teaching, research, and service activities of the faculty, staff, and students of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The UNL Libraries system serves this discipline from eight locations (http://www.unl.edu/libr/libs/). The main library, Love Library (http://www.unl.edu/libr/libs/love/), contains resources for computer science, humanities, and social sciences elective courses in the computer-engineering curriculum. The Engineering Library (http://www.unl.edu/libr/libs/engr/ ) in Nebraska Hall holds many resources related to engineering and technology. The Mathematics Library (http://www.unl.edu/libr/libs/math/) in Avery Hall contains research materials in the fields of mathematics, statistics, and computer science. The Architecture Library, Geology Library, and Music Library all contain resource materials utilized by the computer science and engineering discipline. The C.Y. Thompson Library, located on the UNL East Campus, holds resources related to agriculture and natural resources. Students and faculty have access to many online resources, including bibliographic databases, full-text journal articles, and electronic books. For example, Computer Science Index, Inspec, Compendex and Web of Science are bibliographic databases which support research in the computer science and engineering fields. Springer Link and Knovel are electronic book collections supporting science and engineering. In addition, UNL students have free access to most of the IEEE, and ACM online publications, including important journals and conference proceedings. The library’s online resources also provide access to most professional and technical journals by other major publishers. Students and faculty also have inter-library loan borrowing privileges, as well as access to UNL Libraries' microforms and Special Collections. 7.6 Overall Comments on Facilities The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is its own Code Authority. UNL Facilities Management and Planning provides a complete program of construction inspection, by certified inspectors, as required by the State Building Act. In addition, the Nebraska State Fire Marshal's office conducts Fire and Life Safety inspections before and after occupancy of the building. The State Elevator Inspector and the State Electrical Inspector must also complete their inspections as required by State law. The UNL Building Official coordinates and verifies all of these inspections to determine overall building safety before allowing occupancy. Regular monitoring and maintenance checks are performed on building systems and equipment by UNL Facilities Management over the lifetime of the facility. In addition, annual safety audits are conducted by Environmental Health and Safety on all classrooms, offices, conference rooms, laboratories and shops. A wide array of safety checks are conducted during these audits to ensure that all safety guidelines are being meet. Guidelines applicable to our programs are published in the following documents. Safety Audit Guidelines for Offices, Conference Rooms and Similar Locations: http://ehs.unl.edu/sop/s-SAG_offices_confrooms_similar_loc.pdf Disposal of office items: http://ehs.unl.edu/sop/s-ofcwaste.pdf Safety Audit Guidelines for Shops: http://ehs.unl.edu/sop/s-SAG_shops.pdf On May 12, 2011, Yoko Smith of UNL’s Environmental Health & Safety office inspected offices and labs in Avery Hall. On May 18, she submitted the following report to Dr. Steve Goddard, CSE Chair. The single safety issue reported has since been addressed. Dr. Goddard, A safety and compliance survey of Avery Hall was recently conducted and the finding in rooms designated to your department is below. Rooms visited: 13, 13A, 15, 20, 21, 27, 27A, 27B, 27C, 27D, 27E, 28A, 28B, 28C, 28D, 28E, 28F, 28G, 103, 103A, 103B, 103C, 103D, 103E, 103F, 104, 104A, 104C, 104D, 104E, 104F, 122, 122A, 122B, 122C, 122D, 122E, 122F, 123, 123A, 123B, 123C, 123D, 123E, 123F, 256.1, 256.2, 256C, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 347, 352, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368 The following safety issues were found and need to be addressed as soon as reasonably possible. In room 27A, air duster cans are used to clean computers and components. Those cans cannot be disposed into regular garbage even when they are empty. There was no aerosol can collection can available. EHS will contact the department and provide the collection can. If you have any questions, please contact me at 472-6512 or ysmith2@unl.edu. Thank you, Yoko T. Smith, CHMM Safety Specialist Environmental, Health and Safety Department University of Nebraska at Lincoln (402)472-6512 ysmith2@unl.edu CRITERION 8. INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT 8.1 Leadership The Department Chair is the chief administrator. Since its inception, the Department typically has had a chair recruited for that role rather than rotating the position among the faculty, as is the policy in some departments. The Department has a Vice-Chair appointed to assist in the performance of specific administrative duties. Most recently, the Vice-Chair, Stephen Scott, was tasked with responsibilities for the ABET accreditation visit along with assessment and course scheduling. The Department maintains three standing committees related to this program: Curriculum Committee, Undergraduate Advising Committee, and Academic Integrity and Grading Appeals Committee. The Department Bylaws define the minimum size and composition of these committees, though their actual size usually exceeds the minimum. These three committees, working with the Department Chair and the CSE Faculty, are critical to ensuring quality and continuity of the program. The Curriculum Committee consists of at least four faculty members appointed by the Department Chair. This committee makes recommendations to the faculty on matters concerning the curriculum of the program. This includes periodically reviewing the curriculum, recommending changes to the curriculum in response to reviews and feedback from assessment reports, surveys, the IAP, the SAP, and PATs. The faculty then vote on recommended changes before they are implemented. The Undergraduate Advising Committee consists of at least two faculty members appointed by the Department Chair, with the Chief Advisor serving as the chair of the committee. This committee supervises the undergraduate advising for the department and makes advising recommendations to the faculty. In its current form, the Undergraduate Advising Committee provides the majority of direct undergraduate advising and reports possible curricular issues to the Curriculum Committee for further investigation and evaluation. The Academic Integrity and Grading Appeals Committee consists of at least two faculty members and one student representative. This committee handles matters of academic integrity and reviews all grade appeals. All changes to the program originate in one of these committees. Once a committee approves a recommended change, it is forwarded to the Curriculum Committee if necessary for its approval, and then to the CSE Faculty. All changes to the program must gain a majority of votes by the CSE Faculty before being implemented. 8.2 Program Budget and Financial Support Increasing program enrollments combined with decreasing state budgets to UNL have resulted in a reduction in non-essential courses being offered and increased lecture section sizes. Nonetheless, in comparison with departments in other universities, the CSE Department has fared relatively well. There is strong commitment from the institution, though temporary funds have been critical to bridge gaps between needs and recurring budgeted funds. The funding area that has been stressed the greatest has been Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs). The program has seen a decrease of seven GTAs from 24 in AY 2006-2007 to 17 in AY 2010-2011, with recurring budget for less than 16 GTAs each year. To compensate, the CSE Department has increased its reliance on undergraduate students to assist with grading and, in some cases, changed the way courses are delivered, so that we can handle the increased number of students and decreased GTA support. So far, all indications are that this level of funding and compensation tactics taken by the CSE Department has been adequate for students in the program to attain the desired student outcomes. The following subsections provide more details of the budget. 8.2.1 Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty Size The CSE Department has 24 tenured/tenure-track faculty members. The College of Arts & Sciences provides (recurring) state funding for 19.9 FTE positions, and the College of Engineering provides (recurring) state funding for 4.1 FTE positions. The CSE Department does not distinguish faculty or their duties based on tenure home. In fact, many faculty members that teach traditional CE courses have tenure homes in the College of Arts & Sciences. With approximately 380 undergraduate majors (CS and CE) currently in the program, this yields a student to faculty ratio of approximately 16. 8.2.2 Lecturer Budget The Department also receives (recurring) state funding, from the College of Arts & Sciences, for 1.0 FTE Assistant Professor of Practice and 0.66 FTE for a Lecturer. The College of Engineering provides (recurring) funds from course fees to support 1.0 FTE Lecturer. The College of Arts & Sciences has provided approximately $34,000 in temporary instruction funds, on average, for the past three years. These funds have been used primarily to supplement the GTA budget. Both colleges have provided salary replacement funds to hire temporary lectures when a CSE faculty member has taken a leave that results in a reduced FTE appointment. 8.2.3 Graduate Teaching Assistants Budget The College of Arts & Sciences currently provides recurring funding for approximately 16 GTAs each year. Based on current course offerings and manner of delivery, the actual need is 20 GTAs per year. Temporary funds have been used to hire undergraduate teaching assistants and one or two GTAs on a semester-to-semester basis. In an ideal budget scenario, we would have recurring funding for at least 24 GTAs year. 8.2.4 System Administration Staff Support The CSE Department has four full-time system administrators and one student assistant, which is sufficient to meet program needs. The system administration group supports over 1200 students (majors and non majors) and 100 faculty and staff. They support approximately 50 servers, over 300 workstations, 70 wireless devices, 30 printers, and a 45 node compute cluster. CSE Department servers consist of Solaris 9, 10, and 11 servers, SuSE 10 and 11 servers and Windows 2003 and 2008 servers. Workstations consist primarily of Windows (7 and XP) with a growing number of Macintosh computers. The laptops are about 50% PCs and about 50% Macintosh laptops. They support a wide array of services, applications, and various in-house developed software projects, which are primarily Web based applications with database back-ends. The aforementioned users, equipment, operating systems, services, applications, and software are currently housed in Avery Hall and Schorr Center and all maintained by four full-time staff and one student assistant. The College of Arts & Sciences provides approximately $110,000 of recurring support. The College of Engineering and systems administration fees paid by research grants provide approximately $122,000 of recurring support through course fees. 8.2.5 Office Administrative Staff Support The CSE Department has seven full-time administrative and secretarial staff, who, along with student assistants, support the undergraduate programs, graduate programs, business operations, and other activities. One secretarial line is provided by the CoE, three lines are provided by CAS (College of Arts and Sciences), two lines are supported through Program of Excellence (PoE) funds from the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and one line is supported through research activity. This level of support is sufficient for the academic program, though increased research activity in recent years has resulted in a need for additional research grant support. 8.2.6 Operating Budget The operating budget for the CSE Department has not changed in over 15 years. The College of Arts & Sciences provides $43,300 and the College of Engineering provides $29,642. This budget covers telecommunications and data port charges for most years. Other sources of revenue are used (e.g., PoE) to cover other operating costs. 8.2.7 Equipment and infrastructure Budget The CSE Department receives occasional funds from the College of Arts & Sciences for major equipment or infrastructure upgrades. Engineering course fees and CSE course fees provide $58,000 to $69,000 of recurring funds for equipment and infrastructure (e.g., replacing lab computers every three years, or course equipment and supplies). 8.2.8 Student Resource Center The CSE Student Resource Center is funded from NU Foundation funds and College of Engineering course fees. 8.3 Staffing The CSE Department has four full-time system administrators and a student assistant, who, with student assistants, maintain all of the CSE Department’s research and educational computing facilities. The facilities, described in Section 7, are very diverse and support complex and sophisticated software. All system administration positions are supported by combined resources from the Colleges and Department research grants. System administrators are encouraged to maintain and enhance their technical skills throughout the year. In particular, when resources are available, they are encouraged to attend training workshops and/or conferences. The staff also cross-train to be sure that adequate support is maintained, even when someone is on vacation or leaves the group. The system administration group is also frequently asked to develop new tools to assist the office staff or faculty, which provides new and different challenges for those interested in pursuing such activities. The CSE Department has seven full-time administrative and secretarial staff, who, along with student assistants, support the undergraduate programs, graduate programs, business operations, and other activities. One secretarial line is provided by the CoE, three lines are provided by CAS (College of Arts and Sciences), two lines are supported through Program of Excellence funds from the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and one line is supported through research activity. The administrative support staff is encouraged to attend UNL training sessions on new tools and processes when appropriate. Duties of the staff are also rotated on occasion to ensure cross-training. 8.4 Faculty Hiring and Retention All faculty hires are done in accordance with UNL policy. When the Dean approves a faculty position, a search committee is formed, and a national search is launched, with print and electronic ads in nationally circulated publications. All candidates must submit a CV, Research Statement, Teaching Statement, and a list of references. A candidate list is formed from the application pool, reference letters requested, and then phone interviews are conducted with the top 10-15 candidates. A short list of 4-6 candidates that did well in the phone interviews is invited to campus for two-day interviews. The candidate meets with Deans in the College of Engineering and the College of Arts & Sciences, as well as other administrators on campus. The candidate also meets individually with the CSE Faculty and gives a talk. After all short-list candidates have interviewed on campus, the CSE Faculty meet and decide which if any of the candidates they would like to hire. The Department Chair then negotiates with the top candidate to hire that person. Retention of current qualified faculty is an on-going process. It begins with an open-door policy by the Department Chair. All faculty are encouraged to visit to discuss issues that arise, especially before they become a crisis. Faculty Achievements are publicized via email to UNL administrators and CSE Faculty and Web positing. Each spring, The CSE Department holds an Awards Ceremony to recognized the achievements of faculty and students. At that time, Outstanding Teaching is recognized at the departmental level. Highly qualified faculty members that excel in the classroom are nominated for College Teaching Awards, and nearly one-third of the CSE Faculty have received such awards. Outstanding research is recognized by a course reduction in the faculty member’s teaching load, if so desired, so that that faculty member can concentrate even more on their research. Faculty are also encouraged to regularly teach a graduate-level or undergraduate/graduate-level course in their research area, which helps build their research program. Finally, when necessary, the Department Chair makes preemptive retention package offers when the situation is warranted. 8.5 Support of Faculty Professional Development There are a number of organized professional development resources for faculty. The CSE Department and EE Department offer colloquia, featuring innovative researchers and educators (http://cse.unl.edu/colloquium/). There also are campus-wide colloquia, including a speaker series focusing on math and science education, sponsored by the UNL Center for Science, Mathematics, and Computer Education (http://www.unl.edu/scimath/) and the Mathematics, Science, and Computing Education area-of-excellence project funded by the College of Arts and Sciences. The UNL faculty development leave policy provides faculty with a valuable opportunity for paid leave to undertake activities that enrich their teaching and/or research (http://ascweb.unl.edu/dean/resources/fellowship_policy.html). The leave is for one year at half salary or one-half year at full salary. Six full years of service must elapse between development leaves. The UNL Office of Research provides grant writing courses and other support. Faculty are also encouraged to maintain a robust, funded, research program and to present their research in top-tier conferences. 9 PROGRAM CRITERIA The structure of the curriculum must provide both breadth and depth across the range of engineering topics implied by the title of the program. The Computer Engineering degree program covers the breadth and depth of topics relevant to the degree. This is accomplished by combining the strengths and resources of existing programs in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. As shown in Table 9-1, the curriculum covers traditional computer science topics (algorithms, data structures, software development, and programming), traditional electrical engineering topics (electronics and hardware), and topics in hardware/software integration. The integration of hardware and software in design and operation is presented throughout the curriculum and culminates in a five-credit, two-course capstone sequence: CSCE 488/489. The program achieves depth by requiring 15 credit hours of study in specified technical electives. These electives must be selected from a list of eligible advanced courses from Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. Further, a Computer Engineering major has the option of declaring a Focus in one of multiple areas, simply by concentrating his or her technical electives in that area. Details on the Focus option are in the Background section under “Options”. The Computer Engineering program draws on faculty expertise in both the CSE and EE Departments to provide comprehensive coverage of relevant topics. Faculty expertise lies in the computer science topics computer theory and algorithms, software engineering, programming, and hardware/software integration. EE faculty expertise includes electronics and hardware. Table 9-1: Computer Engineering Topics, Breadth of Coverage Software and Programming Electronics and Hardware Hardware/Software Integration CSCE 155(A,E,N,T): Intro. to Comp. Sci. I CSCE 156: Intro. to Comp. Sci. II CSCE 235: Discrete Structures CSCE 335: Digital Logic Design CSCE 310: Data Struct. & Algo. CSCE 340: Numerical Analysis ELEC 304: Signals & Systems ELEC 316: Elec. & Ckts III CSCE 230: Computer Organization CSCE 230L: Computer Org. Lab. CSCE 236: Intro. to Embedded Systems CSCE 351: O.S. Kernels CSCE 488: Computer Engineering Professional Development CSCE 489: Senior Design Project CSCE 462: Communication Networks CSCE 361: Software Engineering ELEC 215/235: Elec &. Ckts I/Lab ELEC 216/236: Elec.& Ckts II/Lab The curriculum must include probability and statistics, including applications appropriate to the program name; mathematics through differential and integral calculus; sciences (defined as biological, chemical, or physical science); and engineering topics (including computing science) necessary to analyze and design complex electrical and electronic devices, software, and systems containing hardware and software components. The program provides the basic mathematical and scientific foundations by requiring 29 credit hours of mathematics (including differential and integral calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, probability and statistics, discrete mathematics, and numerical analysis), and either 13 credit hours of physics or 8 credit hours of physics plus 4 credit hours of chemistry. Mathematics and science are used extensively in required courses, for example in algorithm analysis (e.g., CSCE 310: Algorithms and Data Structures), circuit analysis (e.g., ELEC 215, 216, and 316: Electronic & Circuits I, II, III and ELEC 361: Signals and Systems), digital logic design (e.g., CSCE 335: Digital Logic Design), and systems analysis (e.g., CSCE 351 Operating System Kernels). Probability and statistics concepts are applied to engineering problems in many classes, including CSCE 230 Computer Organization (e.g., yield equations, performance metrics, and cache hit-ratios), CSCE 310 Data Structures and Algorithms (e.g., algorithm performance), ELEC 316 Electronics & Circuits III (e.g., particle distributions and quantum mechanics), and CSCE 351 Operating System Kernels (e.g., page fault analysis and queuing models). CSCE340 Numerical Analysis I provides valuable perspectives on mathematical computing. The curriculum for programs containing the modifier "computer" in the title must include discrete mathematics. The program satisfies the program-specific Discrete Mathematics requirement CSCE 235: Introduction to Discrete Structures. The concepts of discrete mathematics and structures are applied in later courses such as CSCE 310: Data Structures and Algorithms. For students in the Raikes School, discrete math concepts are taught and applied in RAIK 283H: Honors: Foundations of Computer Science. APPENDICES Appendix A – Course Syllabi Please use the following format for the course syllabi (2 pages maximum in Times New Roman 12 point font) 1. Course number and name 2. Credits and contact hours 3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name 4. Text book, title, author, and year a. other supplemental materials 5. Specific course information a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description) b. prerequisites or co-requisites c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in the program 6. Specific goals for the course a. specific outcomes of instruction, ex. The student will be able to explain the significance of current research about a particular topic. b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other outcomes are addressed by the course. 7. Brief list of topics to be covered Appendix B – Faculty Vitae Please use the following format for the faculty vitae (2 pages maximum in Times New Roman 12 point type) 1. Name 2. Education – degree, discipline, institution, year 3. Academic experience – institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate), when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time 4. Non-academic experience – company or entity, title, brief description of position, when (ex. 1993-1999), full time or part time 5. Certifications or professional registrations 6. Current membership in professional organizations 7. Honors and awards 8. Service activities (within and outside of the institution) 9. Briefly list the most important publications and presentations from the past five years – title, co-authors if any, where published and/or presented, date of publication or presentation 10. Briefly list the most recent professional development activities Appendix C – Equipment A summary of computing equipment used in support of instruction in the CSE Department is in the following table. Make Model Role Quantity Sun Microsystems V210 Server 4 Sun Microsystems V240 Server 1 Sun Microsystems T2000 Server 2 Sun Microsystems X4150/X4140 Server 6 Sun Microsystems X4500 Storage Array 1 Sun Microsystems X4600 Server 1 Apple Xserve Server 1 Dell Power Edge 2650 Server 2 Dell Power Edge 2950 Serer 2 Gateway E842R Storage Array 1 Sun Microsystems SunRay Thin Clients GTA and Lab Clients 48 Intel 3.2 GHz Core 2 Duo x86 systems Lab workstations 123 Apple Laptops Various Faculty use 12 Apple Desktops Various Student/Faculty use 21 Intel Laptops Various Faculty use 11 Intel Desktops Various Faculty use 9 HP LaserJet 9050 Student/Faculty use 2 HP Color LaserJet 5550 Student/Faculty use 2 Appendix D – Institutional Summary Programs are requested to provide the following information. 1. The Institution a. Name and address of the institution University of Nebraska-Lincoln 201 Canfield Administration Building Lincoln, NE 68588-0419 b. Name and title of the chief executive officer of the institution Dr. Harvey Perlman, Chancellor c. Name and title of the person submitting the self-study report. Dr. Stephen D. Scott, Associate Professor and Vice Chair d. Name the organizations by which the institution is now accredited and the dates of the initial and most recent accreditation evaluations. North Central Association of Colleges and Schools 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400; Chicago IL 60602-2504; Phone: (312) 263-0456 Initial Date: 1913; Most Recent Date: 2007 2. Type of Control The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is a Public Institution (a state and land-grant university). 3. Educational Unit The Computer Engineering program is managed by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, which resides in both the College of Arts & Sciences and the College of Engineering, the latter of which has administrative authority over the Computer Engineering program. The College of Engineering is a college unit that reports directly to the Office of Academic Affairs. The chain of command is as follows: Dr. Steve Goddard, Olsson Professor and Chair, Computer Science and Engineering Dr. Timothy Wei, Dean, College of Engineering Dr. Ellen Weissinger, Senior Vice Chancellor, Office of Academic Affairs Dr. Harvey Perlman, Chancellor 4. Academic Support Units (Lincoln Campus) Department of Mathematics, Dr. John Meakin, Milton Mohr Professor and Department Chair Department of Chemistry, Dr. James M. Takacs, Charles Bessey Professor and Department Chair Department of Physics, Dr. Dan Claes, Professor and Department Chair 5. Non-academic Support Units Holland Computing Center, Dr. David R. Swanson, Director and Research Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Library, Dr. Joan R. Giesecke, Dean of Libraries 6. Credit Unit One semester hour of credit represents one class hour (50 minutes) or three laboratory hours (150 minutes) per week. One academic year represents 30 weeks of classes, exclusive of final examinations. 7. Tables Table D-1. Program Enrollment and Degree Data and Table D-2. Personnel are presented on the following pages. Table D-1. Program Enrollment and Degree Data Total Undergrad Total Grad Computer Engineering—Lincoln 160 107 2 4 6 24 0 30 0 141 4 86 4 - 13 8 9 20 25 30 120 88 - 17 18 7 0 0 1 3 4 3 FT 37 30 25 31 123 94 - 20 19 6 PT FT PT 0 51 1 0 24 1 0 21 2 6 47 5 6 143 9 2 101 5 - 32 18 17 Academic Year Current Year AY2011 1 AY2010 2 AY 2009 3 AY2008 4 AY2007 Enrollment Year 2nd 3rd 4th 33 37 33 FT 1st 57 PT 0 1 1 FT PT 61 2 26 2 FT 45 PT 5th Degrees Awarded Associates - Bachelors 21 Masters 4+ Doctorates 0+ Give official fall term enrollment figures (head count) for the current and preceding four academic years and undergraduate and graduate degrees conferred during each of those years. The "current" year means the academic year preceding the fall visit. FT--full time PT--part time Table D-2. Personnel Computer Engineering—Lincoln Year1: 2010 HEAD COUNT FT FTE2 PT Administrative3 Faculty (tenure-track) Other Faculty (excluding student Assistants) Student Teaching Assistants Student Research Assistants Technicians/Specialists Office/Clerical Employees Others4 Report data for the program being evaluated. 1 Data on this table should be for the fall term immediately preceding the visit. Updated tables for the fall term when the ABET team is visiting are to be prepared and presented to the team when they arrive. 2 For student teaching assistants, 1 FTE equals 20 hours per week of work (or service). For undergraduate and graduate students, 1 FTE equals 15 semester credit-hours (or 24 quarter credit-hours) per term of institutional course work, meaning all courses — science, humanities and social sciences, etc. For faculty members, 1 FTE equals what your institution defines as a full-time load. 3 Persons holding joint administrative/faculty positions or other combined assignments should be allocated to each category according to the fraction of the appointment assigned to that category. 4 Specify any other category considered appropriate, or leave blank. Appendix E – Forms E-1 Transfer Course Equivalency Form E-2 Application for Admission to Engineering College E-3 Retroactive Credit for CSCE 155 E-3 Retroactive Credit for CSCE 155 (cont’d) E-4 Credit by Examination Form APPLICATION FOR _____________________ CREDIT BY EXAMINATION____________________ OFFICE OF REGISTRATION AND RECORDS STEP 1: COURSE EXAMINATION Complete a separate application for each course to be examined COURSE TO BE EXAMINED: Department Course Number STEP 2: STUDENT INFORMATION This address will be used to notify you of the results of the examination. Student Identification Number Last Name Middle First Residence Hall/Building # Room Street Apt. # City ( State Email Address (required) STEP 4: PERMISSION Secure the written permission from the Undergraduate Advising Office, CBA 138 STEP 5: FEE PAYMENT Visit the Cashier at 121 Canfield Adm. Bldg., to make your fee payment before the examination is to be given. STEP 6: INSTRUCTOR VERIFICATION Return this completed form to the instructor in CBA 247, at least one week prior to the exam date Zip ) Phone STEP 3: ENROLLMENT VERIFICATION Verify your Current enrollment and the course to be examined at Registration and Records, 107 Canfield Adm. Bldg Credit Hours Student’s College PRINT CLEARLY FOR RECORDS USE ONLY FOR UNDERGRADUATE ADVISING USE ONLY FOR CASHIER’S USE ONLY ______Examination passed ________Examination not passed. Instructor’s Signature Date Department Address Phone INSTRUCTOR: Return this form to the Admissions Office, Alexander Building, 0417 E-5 Senior Check Form E-5 Senior Check Form (cont’d) Signature Attesting to Compliance By signing below, I attest to the following: That _______________________ (Name of the program(s)) has conducted an honest assessment of compliance and has provided a complete and accurate disclosure of timely information regarding compliance with ABET’s Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs to include the General Criteria and any applicable Program Criteria, and the ABET Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual. ________________________________ Dean’s Name (As indicated on the RFE) ________________________________ Signature _______________________ Date