Vicki read our NCBC Mission Statement to open the meeting

North Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition
Minutes of the Meeting on November 17th, 2007
UNC Family Practice Center
First things first:
We extend our condolences to Vicki on her mother’s death.
22 Attending: Carroll Beckham, Vicki Carlson, Barb Carter, Sarah Davis, Karen Donelson ,
Carrie Finger, Jill Hartzog, Bethany Holloway, Karen Horner, Phyllis Kombol, Miriam Labbok,
Elaina Lee, Jennifer Newall, Susan O’Hara-Brill, Mary Overfield, Sophie Pike, Laura Sinai,
Megan Stauffer, Catherine Sullivan, Emily Taylor, Martha Tempest and Mary Rose Tully
Chairperson Vicki Carlson opened the meeting at 9:30 AM by welcoming everyone, providing
agendas, financial statements and reminding us of our goal: The mission of the North Carolina
Breastfeeding Coalition is to promote, protect and support breastfeeding through a
cooperative network of individuals, coalitions, agencies and organizations.
The minutes from the August meeting were approved.
Financial Statement for Year-End 2007: $101.38
 Congratulations to Sophie (Stokes) on her marriage. Please note her name changed to Pike.
 Thanks to all the volunteers who brought food: Laura Sinai - bagels and cream cheese,
Catherine Sullivan - fruit and vegetable trays and Susan O’Hara-Brill - nuts and seltzer.
Committee Reports: Members are reminded that we agreed to work in our respective committees
via email or telephone in order to be able to give committee reports at the next NCBC meeting.
Statewide Structure (Outreach):
 Laura Sinai, MD has been invited to present breastfeeding trainings (funded by WIC minigrants and organized by AHEC) across Regions I and III.
Elaina Lee, MD will be attending the Maternal and Child Division committee meeting at the
NC Family Practice conference in Asheville in two weeks to encourage them to put more
emphasis on breastfeeding. (They meet 3 times each year; there are 25-30 people on the
committee, but they may not always be the same people.) She asked for our input as to what
she should present to them. Suggestions included:
The breastfeeding policy statement from American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists (ACOG)
Information about legislative efforts - especially Ban the Bags
Copies of the NC Blueprint to give the committee members individually
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine printed materials, especially the protocols
Two years ago at ECU, Catherine Sullivan was involved in the development of a Family
Residency manual, she will provide a loaner copy to Elaina.
Vicki has searched 105 NC hospital websites to see if they make any mention of having
lactation consultants. She will share the results with us soon with an eye toward recruiting
more volunteers from underrepresented areas to serve on our statewide coalition.
Governance and Policy Committee:
 Mary Overfield obtained the information packet How do I create a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit
organization? from the NC Center for Nonprofits (available on-line at
 Members are encouraged to ask any of their friends who are lawyers or CPAs if they might be
willing to help walk us through this application process.
 Even though it is not essential that we achieve this status, there are times when we will want to
have it. Examples: Applying for grants from foundations, being able to give tax-deductible
receipts for donations, etc.
Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace and/or Business Awards:
 Jennifer Newall represented Friends of Midwifery at the recent Feminism and Breastfeeding
conference where she and Caroll Beckham worked together on a subcommittee focused on
strategic planning. Carroll recruited her to join the NCBC. Jennifer has worked in marketing
and is a very enthusiastic supporter of breastfeeding.
 She proposes that we educate the human resources staff in corporate North Carolina about the
importance of breastfeeding support. CA (Los Angeles & San Diego) as well as VT, MA, PA,
RI and MD already have programs granting Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace Awards for
employers and Breastfeeding-Friendly Business Awards for companies nominated by
 Possible partnering opportunities include:
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) chapters and state councils to
provide applications to the HR departments of NC employers, issue press releases and
validate applications.
Consumers: support groups, such as La Leche League and Nursing Mothers groups to
provide a venue for nominating for the Breastfeeding-Friendly Businesses Awards.
[Interesting side note: Jennifer’s husband works for McKinny and Silver (the advertising
firm that developed the US Breastfeeding Campaign for the Ad Council). Their new
building in Durham has two lactation stations to support breastfeeding in the workplace.]
Catherine reported that the Worksite Wellness Toolkit being developed by WIC’s Physical
Activity Network (PAN) – Eat Smart, Move More will include a breastfeeding component.
Recommendations from the National Business Group includes recommending visits with
lactation consultants separate from physician visits and the use of donor milk.
Catherine Sullivan explained that the NC Division of Human Services has had a program that
granted Breastfeeding-Friendly Awards, but that none had been given in several years. Some
of the work proposed by Jennifer may be already in place, but the scope of the program could
be broadened and it needs to be looked at with new eyes.
We welcome Jennifer’s enthusiasm and marketing expertise to NCBC’s work on this project.
Do you know what EBF6 means?
 Miriam has a friend who developed attention-attracting media messages on Exclusive
Breastfeeding for Six Months (EBF6). She is looking for suggestions as to good uses for them.
Ban the Bags (BtB) Report:
 Thanks to Susan and her husband who made changes to the Ban the Bags award certificate.
 We want to include the Golden Bow from UNICEF - but we have to be careful not to use the
blue background because that design is identified with the UNC Center. We can use the bow,
but need a different or no background color.
We discussed various logo possibilities and decided:
We want a new one including a mother, baby and an androgenous helper – who could
represent the father, a same sex partner, or a helping professional.
We want the race to be ambiguous.
We do not need to show a representation of a breast, per se, to convey nurturing.
 Several people volunteered to ask others to create a new NCBC logo:
Emily will ask the UNC graphic arts department.
Miriam has some logos that were proposed for the UNC Center but not used. She will get
them to Carrie to send them out to everyone for consideration.
BtB Press Release
Two different versions were presented and members were asked to vote on them.
The shorter version was selected.
BtB Definition
Park Ridge, Gaston Memorial, Forsyth, and Caldwell Hospitals may qualify. The
committee will verify their status and report back.
We need to agree on the definition of what constitutes “banning the bags”. Consensus seemed
to be that formula discharge advertising bags are not given to new mothers.
BtB Training
The training of designated leaders to bestow the awards and to work with colleagues in each of
our six areas will take place in the next few weeks via a conference phone call.
BtB Publicity
We are planning to send out a press release AFTER we have confirmed with each hospital
that they are willing to accept the award.
We are planning to present it to the maternity administrator or similar hospital official.
BtB Hospital Survey Results
Emily reported on the results of the surveys sent to the Maternity Center Directors, but they
were anonymous so we do not know which hospitals responded.
She will send the detailed data to Carrie for email distribution to each of us.
 We are planning to send out a press release AFTER we have confirmed with each hospital
that they are willing to accept the award.
 We are planning to present it to the maternity administrator or similar hospital official.
Possible leaders in each region by number:
1. Geogiana Cogburn (WIC Regional BF Coordinator), Betsy Wall, Nancy Gray
2. Carrie Finger, Debbie Gordon
3. Laura Sinai, Phyllis Kombol, Dawn Deinert
4. Mary Tully, Elaina Lee, Miriam Labbok, Susan O’Hara Brill, Cheryl Abrahams, Martha
Tempest, Bethany Holloway
5. Vicki Carlson, Pam Rock, Caroll Beckham, Marian Kuczero
6. Catherine Sullivan, Victora Brown, Jill Hartzog, Sophie Pike
Resource Guide:
 Carrie Finger has agreed to format our Resource Guide, but we need to make decisions about
what categories we want included.
 Vicki has provided several examples, so we will make those decisions at our February
meeting. The one from Los Angeles uses a code of symbols that identify each type of
practitioner and conveys a lot of information in a very small space.
 A resource listing would be free, but funds could be raised if entries are bolded when a
donation has been made. Ads could also be sold to pay for printing costs.
Art of Breastfeeding Conference Exhibit on Tuesday, October 9th, 2007:
 Thanks to Vicki for getting the tri-fold display board and creating the display itself!
 Carrie represented us and added 25 entries to our Breastfeeding Resource Guide
 A dynamic ABC speaker was Bill Johnson, a midwife who works with military families. He
wants to be involved in our coalition; however, he just had surgery and could not attend.
 Approximately 25 people signed up to receive information via email. Mary Overfield emailed
them after the conference to be sure they were notified of our meeting. Carrie will include
them on the email distribution of the minutes, so hopefully we can recruit more members.
US Breastfeeding Committee Meeting on January 26th – 28th, 2008:
 Emily Taylor’s application to present a poster session on the NCBC BtB effort was accepted!
 She will send out the outline of the poster presentation on Adapting the Ban the Bags to
Carrie to get to each of us via email.
 Vicki and Carrie will be our official representatives.
 North Carolina will be well represented: Carrie Finger and Vicki Carlson from NCBC, but we
also have Bethany Holloway and Catherine Sullivan from WIC, Miriam Labbok, Mary Tully,
and Emily Taylor from UNC, Laura Sinai for the American Academy of Pediatrics.
 New Business
NC Perinatal Association:
 Phyllis suggested that we consider partnering with the NC Perinatal Association. She just
presented 3 poster sessions at their recent conference.
 Betsy Bryant has also been active on the planning committee for the Perinatal Association.
 Next year the joint NC-SC conference will be in SC (it alternates each year).
 Laura Sinai is working with a radiologist to develop a Carolinas Medical Center hospital
policy for when breastfeeding mothers are given contrast media in order to know the
appropriate amount of time to pump and discard their milk.
 She is also working with the head of Gaston Memorial Hospital to create a policy for
breastfeeding mothers and infants who are readmitted for whatever reason.
 Miriam suggests partnering with the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine to develop these
Greenville Conference on April 24, 2008:
 Breastfeeding Trends and Issues is a day-long conference in Greenville on April 24, 2008,
sponsored by Eastern AHEC. Catherine extended an invitation for NCBC to exhibit there.
 Is there an exhibit fee? Who will represent us, obtain the display board and print handouts?
Upcoming Saturday meeting dates for 2008:
Feb 2nd
NCBC only in Raleigh
March 15th
Joint meeting with MSLCA (in Raleigh or Chapel Hill)
May 17
NCBC only (location to be determined)
July 19th
NCBC only (location to be determined)
Sept 20
NCBC only (location to be determined)
Nov 15th
Joint meeting with MSLCA (in Raleigh or Chapel Hill)
Perinatal Health Committee:
The NC Child Fatality Taskforce of the Perinatal Health Committee was requested by the NC
legislature to identify areas that must be addressed to increase the number of babies who are
breastfeeding and to help more mothers breastfeed as long as they wish. Possible strategies:
1. Promote a statewide breastfeeding support campaign to enhance public awareness of the
benefits of breastfeeding. (Seek foundation funding and/or legislative appropriations.)
2. Engage the NC Hospital Association in championing the implementation of a “Baby
Friendly Hospital Initiative” including policies and practices to promote breastfeeding and
to find ways for maternity centers to qualify less expensively.
3. Engage the Division of Child Development and the NC Partnership for Children in
championing an initiative to help assure that breastfed infants and their mothers will
receive equal access and care in child care facilities.
4. Request that the Department of Public Instruction incorporate breastfeeding information
into the K-12 school health curriculum.
5. Encourage employers to provide paid break time and a private place for breastfeeding
and/or expressing milk. Set the example by establishing such practices within state
government (through executive order or legislation).
6. Seek legislation to create a jury exemption for breastfeeding women.
7. Request that the NC Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative explore the creation of a registry
for lactation consultants, a scope of practice for such consultants, and insurance coverage
(including Medicaid) for such services post-discharge. Licensing of donor milk banks and
enhanced insurance coverage for the use of human milk in NICUs should also be explored.
Mother’s Brochure:
 Triangle Breastfeeding Alliance working with Liz Roberts, a UNC School of Public Health
intern studying with Miriam and WakeAHEC, developed a trifold brochure designed for
mothers to read prenatally. The information has gotten very good comments on content,
but many feel it is too busy in format.
 Miriam, Mary O and Jennifer agreed to redesign it and bring the draft back for comments.
Next Meeting: Saturday, February 2nd 2008. This will be in Raleigh at the Human Resources
building on Sunnybrook Road for the NCBC only (not a joint meeting with Mid South LCA) so
we will meet from 10:00 until 3:00. Please bring your lunch!
Vicki adjourned for lunch at noon.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Overfield
NCBC Vision:
Ensure that early, exclusive and continued breastfeeding will be the norm in North Carolina